Evaluation and Management of Sunburn: Roshni PR, Remya Reghu, Meenu Vijayan and Parvati Krishnan
Evaluation and Management of Sunburn: Roshni PR, Remya Reghu, Meenu Vijayan and Parvati Krishnan
Evaluation and Management of Sunburn: Roshni PR, Remya Reghu, Meenu Vijayan and Parvati Krishnan
ISSN: 22312781
IJRPC 2014, 4(2), 342-345 Roshini et al. ISSN: 22312781
IJRPC 2014, 4(2), 342-345 Roshini et al. ISSN: 22312781
ananti-inflammatory paste out of aspirin. Simply your sunburn. You can find low-dose, over-the-
crush up a few pills into a powder that's as fine counter tubes at your local drug store or
as you can manage, then add water, a few supermarket. Look for hydrocortisone or
drops at a time, until it turns into a goopy paste. something similar. Do not use cortisone cream
Apply to the affected areas. on young children. Ask your pharmacist for
advice if you have any doubts or concerns about
COOLING RELIEF using this cream.
Have a cool bath or a very gentle
shower. Bath: Set the water to a cool KEEPING HYDRATED
temperature that's just below lukewarm Drink plenty of water. Sunburn can be
(that is, not teeth-chattering cold), and dehydrating, so it's important to counterbalance
relax for 10 to 20 minutes. The this by drinking a lot of water while you recover.
temperature will ease the pain, and the Aim for 8 glasses containing 8 ounces/236ml of
water will stop your skin from becoming water each day (or even a little bit more).
as irritated. Repeat as often as you
Shower: Again, keep the temperature Protect sunburned skin if you're going outside.
just below lukewarm and also use a very Ideally, you should hang out in the shade or
gentle flow or just a sprinkling of water. wear clothing over affected areas if you're going
If it thunders out, your skin will hurt. back out into the sunshine. If you can't avoid
Avoid using soap, bath oils, or other exposing your skin, though, apply a thin layer of
detergents as you bathe or shower. Any aloe vera on the burn, then put SPF 45
such products will irritate your skin and sunscreen on top to prevent further damage.
possibly make the effects of the sunburn Apply unscented moisturizer to your skin as it
feel even worse. starts to heal over. When you no longer have
If you have blisters forming on your skin, open blisters, or the redness of the sunburn has
take a bath instead of showering. The subsided a bit, treat your damaged skin to some
pressure from the shower might pop TLC. Liberally apply a creamy, unscented
your blisters. moisturizer to sunburned areas over the next
When you get out, don't rub your skin few days or weeks to prevent peeling and
dry with a towel. Instead, let yourself air irritation.
dry, or pat the towel over your skin in
small, gentle movements. BLISTER TREATMENT
Apply cold compressions to your skin. If you're Treat blisters. If your sunburn is serious, you
not in a situation where you can bathe, or you'd might notice blisters beginning to form. Here's
just prefer not to, you can instead apply cold, what to do about it:
wet compressions to your skin. Dampen a Most blisters don't merit popping.
washcloth or other piece of fabric with cold Popping them prematurely can be
water, and lay it over the affected area for 20 to painful, as well as possibly leading to
30 minutes. Re-wet it as often as you need to. infection and scarring. They shouldn't
hang around for more than a few days,
TOPICAL APPLICATIONS FOR RELIEF so resolve to grit your teeth and deal
Apply aloe vera to burned skin. You can buy with it in the meantime.
gels or lotions that contain aloe vera at most However, if you do have a large blister
stores, or you can cut a chunk off the plant itself that needs to be drained, pop it
if you have one available.Using the pads of your hygienically. Sterilize a needle with
fingers, gently apply the aloe to your rubbing alcohol and water, and make a
sunburn.Don't "rub it in" all the way, like you small hole at the edge of the blister.
might with a regular lotion. Leave it a bit goopy After you've drained all the fluid, pat the
and moist on top of the burn, as this helps area dry with clean gauze. If you feel
prevent the skin from drying out and becoming queasy or unsure about doing this, see
more irritated.Reapply as often as necessary. your doctor.
Treat inflammation with cortisone cream. Wash your hands with soap and water
Cortisone creams contain a small dose of before touching blisters. Again, this is to
steroids that can work to reduce inflammation to prevent infection.
IJRPC 2014, 4(2), 342-345 Roshini et al. ISSN: 22312781