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Name of the Subject

Physiology for Engineers Clinical Instrumentation Real Time Signal Processing Advanced Digital Image Processing Elective-I Seminar TOTAL

Lecture 04 04 04 04 04 20

Practical / Field Work / Assignment/ Tutorials

Duration of Exam in hours 03 03 03 03 03 -

Marks for
I.A. 50 50 50 50 50 50 300 External Marks 100 100 100 100 100 500 Total Marks 150 150 150 150 150 50 800

2# 2# 2* 2* 2 3


ELECTIVE I 12LBI151 Linear Algebra and Applications 12LBI152 ARM Embedded System Design 12LBI153 Biomaterials & Artificial Organs 12LBI154 Optical Coherence Tomography


Teaching hours/week

Marks for
Duration of Exam in hours 03 03 03 03 03 15 I.A Extern al Marks 100 100 100 100 100 500 Total Marks

Subject Code

Name of the Subject

Neural Networks & Fuzzy logic in medicine Medical Imaging Techniques & Systems Advanced Biomedical Signal Processing Speech Signal Processing Elective-II **Project phase-I (6 weeks duration)


Practical / Field Work / Assignment/ Tutorials

12LBI21 12LBI22 12LBI23 12LBI24 12LBI25X

04 04 04 04 04 -

2# 2# 2* 2*
2 3 13

50 50 50 50 50 50 300

150 150 150 150 150 50 800


Seminar TOTAL


ELECTIVE II 12LBI251 Theory & Design of Biomedical Instruments 12LBI252 Virtual Bio-Instrumentation 12LBI253 Biosensors 12LBI254 Bioinformatics and Applications

** Between the II Semester and III Semester after availing a vocation of 2 weeks.



Name of the Subject

Bio-MEMS & Nanotechnology Elective-III Elective-IV Project Phase-II Evaluation of Project Phase-I TOTAL

No. of Hrs./Week Field Work / Lecture Assignment / Tutorials

04 04 04 12 02 02 -

Duration of Exam in hours 03 03 03 -

Marks for
I.A 50 50 50 50 200 External Marks 100 100 100 300 Total Marks

12LBI31 12LBI32X 12LBI33X 12LBI34

150 150 150 50 500

03 07 ELECTIVE IV 12LBI331 12LBI332 12LBI333 12LBI334 12LBI335


ELECTIVE III 12LBI321 12LBI322 12LBI323 12LBI324 12LBI325 Biostatistics Biomechanics Wavelets in Biomedical Engineering Hilbert-Huang Transforms and Engineering Applications Modelling and Simulation in Biomedical Engineering

Computers in Tomography Lasers in Medicine Pattern Recognition Ergonomics Advanced Tissue Engineering

$ 3 Days Course work and 3 days for Project work


1 2 3

Marks for Duration of Exam in Hours 3 3 I.A 50 50 Exam 100 +100 Total Marks 50 50 200

Course Code 12LBI41 12LBI42 12LBI43

Name of the Subject

Evaluation of Project Phase II Evaluation of Project Phase III Project work evaluation and Viva-voce Total

Lecture -

Practical / Field Work


100 200 300 Grand Total ( I to IV Sem): 2400

Note: Project work shall be continuously evaluated for phase I, phase II and after completion of the project.

Note: * Lab Classes for any two core subjects are compulsory (practical will be evaluated for 20 marks and internal assessment for 30 marks. Lab journals should be maintained). # For the remaining two core subjects, it can be field work, assignment, tutorials. 1) Project Phase I : 6 weeks duration shall be carried out between II and III Semesters. Candidates in consultation with the guides shall carryout literature survey / visit to Industries to finalise the topic of dissertation. Evaluation of the same shall be taken up during beginning of III Semester. Total Marks shall be 50. Colleges have to send the synopsis after Phase I. 2) Project Phase II : 16 weeks duration. 3 days for project work in a week during III Semester. Evaluation shall be taken during the first two weeks of the IV Semester. Total Marks shall be 50. 3) Project Phase III : 24 weeks duration in IV Semester. Evaluation shall be taken up during the middle of IV Semester. Total Marks shall be 50. At the end of the Semester Project Work Evaluation and Viva-Voce Examinations shall be conducted. Total Marks shall be 50 + 50 + 100 = 200 (50 marks for guide, 50 marks for external and 100 for viva-voce). Marks of Evaluation of Project: The Marks of Project Phase I shall be sent to the University along with III Semester I.A. Marks of other subjects. The I.A. Marks of Project Phase II & III shall be sent to the University along with Project Work report at the end of the Semester. 4) During the final viva, students have to submit all the reports. 5) The Project Valuation and Viva-Voce will be conducted by a committee consisting of the following: a) Head of the Department (Chairman) b) Guide c) Two Examiners appointed by the university. (out of two external examiners at least one should be present).

PHYSIOLOGY FOR ENGINEERS Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI11 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

General Physiology: Cell, Cell junctions, Transport through cell membrane, Homeostasis, Acid base balance. Respiratory System & Environmental Physiology: Physiological anatomy of respiratory tract, Pulmonary circulation, Mechanics of respiration, Pulmonary function tests, Ventilation, Exchange of respiratory gases, Transport of respiratory gases, Regulation of respiration, Artificial respiration. Renal Physiology : Kidney, Nephron, Juxtaglomerular apparatus, Renal circulation, Urine formation, Concentration of urine, Acidification of urine, Renal function tests, Renal disorders, Micturition, Uro flow studies, Dialysis. Cardiovascular System : Introduction to cardiovascular system, Properties of cardiac muscle, Cardiac cycle, Heart sounds, Cardiac murmurs, Electrocardiogram, Vector, Arrhythmia, Cardiac output, Regulation of heart rate, Hemodynamics, Arterial blood pressure, Hemorrhage. GIS : GIS, Functions of stomach, pancreas, liver, intestine, function tests: endoscopies.

Nervous System : Introduction to nervous system, Neuron, Classification of nerve fibers, Properties of nerve fibers, Degeneration & regeneration of nerve fibers, Neuroglia, Receptors, Synapse, Neurotransmitters, Reflex activity, Physiology of pain, Hypothalamus, Electroencephalogram, Physiology of sleep, Epilepsy, cerebrospinal fluid, Autonomic nervous system and ANS tests. Evoked potentials. Cerebral circulation and tests. Muscle Physiology : Classification of muscles, Structure of skeletal muscles, Properties of skeletal muscles, Changes during muscular contraction, Neuromuscular junction, Electromyogram & disorders of skeletal muscles. Types of joint- Fibrous, Cartilaginous, Synovial, characteristics of synovial joints, shoulder joint, elbow joint, radioulnar joint, wrist joint, joints of hands and fingers, Hip joint, Knee joint, ankle joint, joints of foot and toes. Physiology of Eye and Ear : Structure of the Eye, Visual process, Field of vision, Visual pathway, Pupillary reflexes, Colour vision, Errors of refraction. ERG and EOG. Structure of ear, Auditory defects. TEXTBOOK: 1. Essentials of Medical Physiology K Sembulingam & Prema Sembulingam (Jaypee Publications, 2004)

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Concise Medical Physiology Sujit K. Chaudhuri, 5th Edition, New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd.

CLINICAL INSTRUMENTATION Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI12 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Bioelectric Signals and Electrodes : Sources of biomedical signals, basic medical instrumentation system, PC based medical instruments, General constraints in design of medical instrumentation systems, origin of bioelectric signals, Electrocardiogram (ECG), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyogram (EMG), Electrooculogram (EOG), Electroretinogram (ERG), Recording Electrodes Electrode-tissue interface, polarization, skin contact impedance, motion artifacts, Silver-Silver Chloride electrodes, Electrodes for ECG, Electrodes for EEG, Electrodes of EMG, Electrical conductivity of electrode jellies and creams, microelectrodes. Biomedical Recording Systems & Recorders : Electrocardiograph-block diagram, ECG leads, effects of artifacts, multi-channel, ECG machine, Vectorcardiograph, Phonocardiograph-origin of heart sounds, microphones and amplifiers for PCG, Electroencephalograph- block diagram, computerized analysis of EEG, Electromyograph, biofeedback instrumentation. Patient & Foetal Monitoring Systems: Cardiac monitor, bedside patient monitoring system, measurement of heart rate-average and instantaneous heart rate meters, measurement of pulse rate, Blood pressure measurement: Direct method, indirect method-automatic pressure measurement using Korotkoffs method, differential auscultatory technique, oscillometric method, ultrasonic Doppler shift method, arrhythmia monitor, exercise stress testing-treadmill test & bicycle test, ambulatory monitoring-data recording, replay and analysis, Fetal monitoring-Abdominal fetal ECG, fetal phonocardiogram, FHR measurement from ultrasound. Oximeters, Blood Flow & Cardiac Output Measurement : Oximetry- In-vitro & in-vivo, ear oximetry, pulse oximetry, skin reflectance oximeters, intravascular oximeter. Electromagnetic blood flowmeter- principle, square wave electromagnetic flowmeter, Doppler shift ultrasonic flowmeter, flow measurement by Doppler imaging, NMR & Laser Doppler flowmeter, Cardiac output measurement- Indicator & dye dilution technique, impedance method, ultrasound method. Respiratory Diagnostic & Therapeutic Instruments : Pulmonary function measurement measurementsrespiratory volumes & capacities, compliance & related pressures, dynamic respiratory parameters, basic spirometer, ultrasonic spirometer, pneumotacometer- Fleish & turbine type, measurement of volume-flow volume curve, nitrogen washout technique. Pacemakers & Defibrillator: Need for cardiac pacemaker, external pacemaker, implantable pacemakers-types, ventricular synchronous demand pacemaker, programmable pacemaker, power sources for implantable pacemakers. Need for defibrillator, DC defibrillator, automatic external defibrillator, implantable defibrillators Advanced Diagnostic & Therapeutic Instruments : Principle of surgical diathermy & surgical diathermy machine, Electrodiagnosis-Electrotherapy-functional block diagram and working, interferential current therapy. Artificial kidney-Principle and haemodialysis machine. Lithotriptors- principle, modern lithotriptor-block diagram and working. Anesthesia-Need for anesthesia, delivery of anesthesia, anesthesia machine. Infusion pumps-principle and programmable volumetric infusion pump. Principle of endoscopy and laproscopy.

TEXTBOOK : 1. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation R.S.Khandpur, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement Leslie Cromwell, Fred J Weibell and Erich A. Pfeiffer, Prentice-Hall India Pvt. Ltd. Biomedical Transducers and Instruments Tatsuo Togawa, Toshiyo Tamura and P. Ake Oberg, CRC Press, 1997. Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology Joseph J. Carr and John M. Brown, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001.

REAL TIME SIGNAL PROCESSING Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI13 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Review of Basics : Convolution, Correlation, Transforms - Fourier, Z, DFT, and FFT, FIR filter design using window method. Real Time Transforms : Discrete Cosine Transform, Walsh Transform, Hadamard Transform and Wavelet Transform. Multirate Signal Processing : Concepts of multirate signal processing, Software implementation of sampling rate converters decimators and interpolators, Sample rate conversion using polyphase filter structure. Adaptive Digital Filters : Concepts of Adaptive filtering, Wiener filter theory, LMS adaptive algorithm, Recursive least square algorithm, Applications Adaptive filtering of Ocular artifacts from human EEG and Fetal monitoring. Digital Signal Processors : Fixed point and Floating point digital signal processors, Architecture of TMS C54XX processor, Addressing modes, Implementation of DSP algorithms: Convolution, correlation, FIR filter, IIR filter, Decimation and Interpolation techniques, FFT processing, Adaptive filtering (LMS algorithm). Laboratory Experiments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Sampling theorem verification Linear convolution and circular convolution Auto correlation and cross correlation Linear convolution using FFT Linear correlation using FFT Spectrum using FFT Design & test FIR filter using windowing method(hamming window high pass and low pass) Design & test FIR filter using windowing method(kaiser window high pass and low pass) Design and test Butterworth first order and second order low pass filter Design and test Butterworth first order and second order High pass filter Design and test chebyshev first order and second order low pass filter Design and test chebyshev first order and second order High pass filter.

TEXTBOOKS: Modern Digital Signal Processing, Roberto Cristi, Thomson Publishing. Digital Signal Processing, Emmanuel C Ifeachor and Barrie W Jervis, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education 2004. 3. Real time digital signal processing: Fundamentals, Algorithms and implementation using TMS processor , V.Udayashankara, PHI, New Delhi, 2010. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. Digital Signal Processing, Avtar Singh and S Srinivasan, Thomson Publishing 2004, Singapore Optimum Signal Processing, S J Orfanides, Second edition, McGraw Hill, 1989. Digital Signal Processors, B Venkataramani and M Bhaskar, TMH, New Delhi 2002 1. 2.

ADVANCED DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI14 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Fundamentals: Introduction, Fundamental steps in DIP, A simple image formation model, representing digital images, Spatial & Gray level resolution, Basic relationship between pixels. Image Enhancement: Point operations, Spatial averaging, Median filtering, Spatial low pass, high pass and band pass filtering, Histogram equalization, Transform operations.

Image Compression: Huffman coding, DFT, DCT, Wavelet coding & JPEG standard. Image segmentation: Detection of discontinuities, Edge linking and Boundary detection by local processing & global processing using Hough transform, Region based segmentation. Image Representation and Description: Representation Chain codes, polygonal approximations, signatures, boundary segments, skeletons, Boundary descriptors Some simple descriptors, Shape numbers, Fourier descriptors, statistical moments, Regional descriptors Some simple descriptors, topological descriptors, texture. Color Image Processing: Color fundamentals, Color models, Pseudo color image processing, Basics of full color image processing, Color transformations- Formulation, complements, histogram processing, Color image smoothing and sharpening, Color image segmentation Morphological Image Processing : Basic concepts of set theory, Logical operations involving binary images, Dilation and erosion, Opening and closing, The hit-or-miss transformation, Basic morphological algorithms. Motion Analysis : Introduction, Optical flow Optical flow computation, Global and local optical flow estimation, optical flow computation approaches, optical flow in motion analysis.

LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: The following list of experiments (assignments) to be performed on an image. (Using MATLAB / C Language) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Display (reading) of an image. Image Enhancement. Image Compression. Image Segmentation. Image Representation & Description. Color Image Processing. Morphological Image Processing. Motion Analysis.

TEXTBOOKS: 1. 2. 3. Digital Image Processing Rafael C. Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods, Second Edition. Pearson Education Inc. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing Anil K. Jain. Prentice Hall of India. Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac & Roger Boyle, 2nd Edition.

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. Digital Image Processing Rafael C. Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods, First Edition. Pearson Education Inc. Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis Description, Examples & Codes by Michael Seul, Lawrence OGorman, Michel J.Sammon, Cambridge University Press. Biomedical Imaging visualization and analysis Richard A Robb, John wiley & sons, Inc. publication.

LINEAR ALGEBRA & APPLICATIONS Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI151 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Linear Equations: System of linear equations, Row reduction and echelon forms, Vector equations, Matrix equations, Solution sets of linear systems; Applications of Linear systems, matrix operations; inverse of a matrix, Matrix factorization, Applications to computer graphics. Vector Spaces: Vector spaces and subspaces; Linearly independent sets; bases, coordinate systems, dimension of a vector space; Rank, Change of basis Applications to difference equations. Linear Transformations: Linear transformations; eigen vectors and eigen values, characteristic equation, diagonalization, eigen vectors and linear transformation, Complex eigen values, Applications to differential equations. Orthogonality and Least Squares: Inner products, length and orthogonality, orthogonal sets, orthogonal projections; Gram-Schmidt process; QR-factorization; least-squares problems; Inner products spaces, Application to linear models, Application of inner product spaces.


Symmetric Matrices and Quadratic Forms: Digitalization of symmetric matrices; quadratic forms; constrained optimization; singular value decomposition, Application to image processing and statistics

TEXTBOOK: David C. Lay, "Linear Algebra and its Applications", 3rd Edition, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt. Ltd, 2005. REFERENCES: 1. 1. 2. Gilbert Strang, "Linear Algebra and its Applications", 4thEdition, Thomson Learning Asia, 2007. Bernard Kolman and David R. Hill, "Introductory Linear Algebra with Applications," Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt. Ltd, 7th edition, 2003.

ARM EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI152 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Introduction to embedded systems, Processor and memory organization. ARM embedded system, ARM processor fundamentals. Introduction to ARM instruction set, Introduction to thumb instruction set Writing and optimizing ARM assembly code, Optimized primitives Introduction to DSP on the ARM, FIR filters, IIR filters, DFT Exception and interrupt handling, Embedded operating systems Advanced DSP and SIMD support in ARMv6, System and multiprocessor support additions to ARMv6 implementations, Future technologies beyond ARMv6. TEXTBOOKS: 1. 2. ARM system developers guide, Andrew N Sloss, Dominic Symes and Chris wright, Elsevier, Morgan Kaufman publishers, 2008. Embedded Systems, Rajkamal, Tata Mcgraw-Hill publishers, 2008

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. Embedded system design, Frank vahid/Tony givargis, John wiley &sons, 2003. Embedded/Real time systems, Real-Time systems, Dr.K.V.K.K Prasad, Dreamtech press, 2004. Embedded Linux system design and development, P Raghavan, Amol lad, Sriram Neellakandan, Auerbach publications 2006.


BIO-MATERIALS & ARTIFICIAL ORGANS Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI153 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Introduction: Introduction to biomaterials, uses of biomaterials, biomaterials in organs & body systems, materials for use in the body, performance of biomaterials Metallic Biomaterials : Introduction, Stainless steel, Cobalt-Chromium alloy, Titanium alloys, TitaniumNickel alloys, Dental metals, Corrosion of metallic implants, Manufacturing of implants, Ceramic Biomaterials: Introduction, nonabsorbable/relatively bioinert bioceramics, biodegradable/resorbable ceramics, bioreactive ceramics, deterioration of ceramics, bioceramic manufacturing techniques Polymeric Biomaterials: Introduction, polymerization and basic structure, polymers used as biomaterials, sterilization, surface modifications to for improving biocompatibility. Composite Biomaterials : Structure, bounds on properties, anisotropy of composites, particulate composites, fibrous composites, porous materials, biocompatibility Biodegradable Polymeric Biomaterials : Introduction, Glycolide based biodegradable homopolymers polyesters, non-glycolide linear aliphatic polyesters, aliphatic and aromatic polycarbonates, biodegradation properties of synthetic biodegradable polymers, Tissue Derived Biomaterials: Structure and properties of collagen and collagen-rich tissues, biotechnology of collagen, design of resorbable collagen-based medical implant, tissue engineering for tissue and organ regeneration Hard Tissue Replacements : Bone repair and joint implants-long bone repair and joint replacements, dental implants- effects of material selection, effects of surface properties, surface chemistry. Preservation Techniques for Biomaterials : Phase behavior, nonfreezing storage-hypothermic, freeze-thaw technology, freeze-drying, vitrification. Artificial Organs: Introduction, Substitutive medicine, outlook for organ replacement, design consideration, evaluation process. Artificial Heart and Circulatory Assist Devices : Engineering design, Engg design of artificial heart and circulatory assist devices, blood interfacing implants introduction, total artificial hearts & ventricular assist devices, vascular prostheses, Non-blood interfacing implants for soft tissues- sutures and allied augmentation devices, percutaneous and skin implants, maxillofacial implants, eye and ear implants, space filling implants and fluid transfer implants. Cardiac Valve Prostheses Mechanical valves, tissue valves, current types of prostheses, tissue versus mechanical, engineering concerns and hemodynamic assessment of prosthetic heart valves, implications for thrombus deposition, durability, current trends in valve design, vascular grafts-history, synthetic grafts, regional patency, thrombosis, neointimal hyperplasia, graft infections. Artificial Kidney: Kidney disease, renal failure, renal transplantation, changes in the body fluids in renal disease, artificial kidney, dialyzers, membranes for haemodialysis, haemodialysis machine, portable kidney machine, peritoneal dialysis equipment-therapy format, fluid and solute removal, peritoneal membrane physiology and transport properties.


Artificial Blood : Artificial oxygen carriers, flurocarbons, hemoglobin for oxygen carrying plasma expanders, hemoglobin based artificial blood. Artificial Lungs: Cardiopulmonary bypass (heart-lung machine)-principle, block diagram and working, artificial lung versus natural lung. Tracheal replacement devices, laryngeal replacement devices, artificial esophagus Liver Functions : Hepatic failure, liver support systems, general replacement of liver functions. Artificial Pancreas : Structure and functions of pancreas, endocrine pancreas and insulin secretion, diabetes, insulin, insulin therapy, insulin administration systems. Artificial Skin : Vital functions of skin, current treatment of massive skin loss, design principles for permanent skin replacement. TEXTBOOKS : 1. 2. 3. Biomedical Engineering Handbook Volume1 (2nd Edition), J.D.Bronzino (CRC Press / IEEE Press, 2000). Biomedical Engineering Handbook Volume 2 (2nd Edition), J.D.Bronzino (CRC Press / IEEE Press, 2000) Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation (2nd Edition) R.S.Khandpur (Tata McGraw Hill, 2003)

OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI154 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Optical sources, optical delay scanning, system integration and signal/image processing. Speckle reduction techniques, Doppler optical coherence microscopy. Spectral radar, optical coherence tomography (OCT) in Fourier domain, OCT for high density data storage, OCT for study of polymer components, OCT in larygngology, urology, gynecology, Gastrointestinal applications, cardiology, cardiology, study of eye. TEXTBOOKS: 1. 2. 3. Brett E Bouma & G J Tearney, Hand book of Optical Coherence Tomography, Marcel Dekker Inc, 2002. Brezinski, Mark E, Optical Coherence Tomography: Principles and Applications, Academic Press, Incorporated, 2005. Optical Coherence Tomography and Coheren, European Conference on Biomedical Optics, Wolfgang Drexler(Editor), Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Techniques


II SEMESTER NEURAL NETWORKS & FUZZY LOGIC IN MEDICINE Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI21 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Learning and Soft Computing : Examples, basic tools of soft computing, basic mathematics of soft computing, learning and statistical approaches to regression and classification. Single Layer Networks : Perception, adaptive linear neuron (Adaline) and the LMS algorithm. Multilayer Perception : Error back propagation algorithm, generalized delta rule, practical aspects of error back propagation algorithm. Radial Basis Function Networks : ill posed problems and regularization technique, stabilizers and basis functions, generalized radial basis function networks. Fuzzy Logic Systems : Basics of fuzzy logic theory, mathematical similarities between neural networks and fuzzy logic models, fuzzy additive models. Support Vector Machines : Risk minimization principles and the concept of uniform convergence, VC dimension, structural risk minimization, support vector machine algorithms. Case Studies : Neural network based adaptive control, computer graphics. TEXTBOOKS: 1. 2. 3. Vojislav Kecman, Learning and soft computing, Pearson Education (Asia) Pte. Ltd.2004. S.Haykin, Neural networks: A Comprehensive Foundation Pearson Education (Asia) Pte. Ltd/Prentice Hall of India, 2003. M.T.Hagan, H.B.Demuth and M. Beale, Neural Network Design, Thomson Learning, 2002.

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. Bart Kosko, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems prentice Hall of India, 2005 George J. Klir and Bo yaun, Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Logic:Theory and Application, Prentice Hall of India, 2001

MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNIQUES & SYSTEMS Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI22 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Introduction: Basic imaging principle, Physical signals, Imaging modalities-Projection radiography, Computed Tomography, Nuclear medicine, Ultrasound imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging. X-Ray : Interaction between X-Rays and matter, Intensity of an X-Ray, Attenuation, X-Ray Generation and Generators, Beam Restrictors and Grids, Intensifying screens, fluorescent screens and Image intensifiers, X-Ray detectors, Conventional X-Ray radiography, Fluoroscopy, Angiography, Digital radiography, Dynamic spatial reconstructor, Electron beam CT, X-Ray image characteristics, Biological effects of ionizing radiation.


Computed Tomography : Conventional tomography, Computed tomography principle, Generations of CT machines First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth & Seventh, Projection function, Reconstruction algorithms Back Projection Method, 2D Fourier Transform Method, Filtered Back Projection Method, Iteration Method, Parallel Beam Reconstruction, Fan Beam Reconstruction, Helical CT Reconstruction. Ultrasound : Acoustic propagation, Attenuation, Absorption and Scattering, Ultrasonic transducers, Transducer Arrays, A mode, B mode, M mode scanners, Tissue characterization, Color Doppler flow imaging, Echocardiography Radio Nuclide Imaging: Interaction of nuclear particles and matter, Nuclear sources, Radionuclide generators, Nuclear radiation detectors, Rectilinear scanner, scintillation camera, SPECT, PET. Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Angular momentum, Magnetic dipole moment, Magnetization, Larmor frequency, Rotating frame of reference, Free induction decay, Relaxation times, Pulse sequences, Generation and Detection of NMR Imager. Slice selection, Frequency encoding, Phase encoding, Spin-Echo imaging, Gradient-Echo imaging, Imaging safety, Biological effects of magnetic field, Introduction to Functional MRI. TEXTBOOKS: 1. 2. Principles of Medical Imaging, K Kirk Shung, Michael B Smith & Benjamim M W Tsui, Academic Press inc. Medical Imaging Signals and Systems, Jerry L Prince & Jonathan M Links, Pearson Prentice Hall.

REFERENCE BOOK: 1. 2. 3. 4. Hand Book Of Biomedical Instrumentation, R S Khandpur, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, Second Edition. Basics of MRI, Ray H Hashemi & William G Bradley Jr, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Diagnostic Ultrasound Principles & Instruments, 5th Edition, Frederick W Kremkau. 2D Echocardiography, Jay N Schapira, Williams & Wilkins.

ADVANCED BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI23 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Introduction : General measurement and diagnostic system, classification of signals, introduction to biomedical signals, Biomedical signal acquisition and processing, Difficulties in signal acquisition. Random Processing : Introduction, Elements of probability Theory, Random signal characterization, correlation analysis, The Gaussian process. ECG: ECG signal origin, ECG parameters-QRS detection different techniques, ST segment analysis, Arrhythmia, Arrhythmia analysis, Arrhythmia monitoring system. ECG Data Reduction : Direct data compression Techniques: Turning Point, AZTEC, Cortes, FAN, Transformation Compression Techniques : Karhunen-Loeve Transform, Other data compression Techniques: DPCM, Huffman coding, Data compression Techniques comparison. Finite Time Averaging : Introduction, finite time estimation of mean value, estimation of variance, correlation, synchronous averaging. Removal of random noise in ECG, Estimation of visual or auditory ERPs (Event Related Potentials) using synchronous averaging technique, event detection and epoch analysis of EEG in multiple channels using correlation analysis.


Frequency Domain Analysis : Introduction, Spectral analysis, linear filtering, cepstral analysis and homomorphic filtering. Removal of high frequency noise (power line interference), motion artifacts (low frequency) and power line interference in ECG, Time Series Analysis : Introduction, AR models, MA models, ARMA models. Spectral modeling and analysis of PCG signals. Spectral Estimation : Introduction, Black tukey method, The peridogram, Pisarenkos Harmonic decomposition, Prony method, Maximum likelihood method- Capsons spectral estimation, Evaluation of prosthetic heart valves using PSD techniques. Adaptive Filtering : Introduction, General structure of adaptive filters, LMS adaptive filter, adaptive noise cancellation, improved adaptive filtering, Cancellation of 60 Hz interference in ECG, cancellation of ECG from EMG signal, Cancellation of maternal ECG in fetal ECG. EEG : EEG signal characteristics, Sleep EEG classification and epilepsy. Laboratory Experiments: 1) Display of static and moving ECG. 2) Down sampling & up-sampling of ECG signal. 3) Detection of QRS complex and heart rate measurement. 4) Auto-correlation and cross correlation of ECG signals. 5) DCT and IDCT of ECG signal. 6) Computation of Convolution and Correlation Sequences. 7) Signal Averaging to improve the SNR. 8) PSD estimation for ECG, EEG and EMG. 9) Design of 50 Hz notch filter for ECG signal and display PSD. 10) Design of IIR filters for ECG(LPF, HPF, BP). 11) Design of FIR filters for ECG.(LPF, HPF, BP). 12) Data Compression Techniques: AZTEC, TP, FAN algorithms.

TEXTBOOKS: 1. 2. Biomedical Signal Processing Time and Frequency Domains Analysis (Volume I), Arnon Cohen, CRC press. Biomedical Signal Analysis case study approach, Rangaraj M Rangayyan, John Wiley publications.

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. Biomedical Signal Processing Principles and Techniques D.C.Reddy, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, Willis J. Tompkins, PHI.


SPEECH SIGNAL PROCESSING Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI24 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Digital Models for Speech Signals : Process of Speech Production, Acoustic phonetics, Digital models for Speech signals. Time Domain Models for Speech Processing: Time dependent processing of speech, Short time Energy and average magnitude, Short time average zero crossing rate, Speech vs. silence discrimination using energy and zero crossing, Pitch period estimation using parallel processing approach, Short time autocorrelation function, Short time average magnitude difference function, Pitch period estimation using autocorrelation function. Short Time Fourier Analysis : Introduction, Definitions and properties, Fourier transform interpretation, Linear filtering interpretation, Sampling rates of X(ejw) in time and frequency, Filter bank summation method of short time synthesis, Cepstrum analysis and applications, Spectrographic displays. Digital Representations of the Speech Waveform : Sampling speech signals, Review of the statistical model for speech, Instantaneous quantization, Adaptive quantization, General theory of differential quantization, Delta modulation, Differential PCM, Comparison of systems. Linear Predictive Coding of Speech: Basic principles of linear predictive analysis, Solution of LPC equations, Prediction error signal, Frequency domain interpretation, Applications of LPC parameters. Speech Synthesis : Principles of Speech synthesis, Synthesis based on waveform coding, Synthesis based on analysis synthesis method, Synthesis based on speech production mechanism, Synthesis by rule, Text to speech conversion. Speech Recognition : Principles of Speech recognition, Speech period detection, Spectral distance measures, Structure of word recognition systems, Dynamic time warping (DTW), Word recognition using phoneme units. Theory and implementation of HMM Speech Processor : Introduction to Voice synthesis digital ICs, SP0256B and SP0256-AL2 Speech synthesis processor, TSP 5220C Voice synthesis chip from Texas Instruments. Laboratory Experiments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To conduct a suitable experiment to determine the Pitch (time domain) and formant frequencies Examine effect of window shape and duration on energy, autocorrelation or speech spectrogram. Write and test a suitable code for cepstrally smoothed spectrum from speech signal To conduct a suitable experiment to determine LPC using autocorrelation and covariance method To develop a suitable program for analyzing voiced/ unvoiced detector. To develop a program to test beginning and endpoint of a detector. Write and test a suitable code for formant analyzer. Design and execute a program to perform Waveform coder- e.g. ADM, ADPCM etc. Design and execute a program to perform Transform LPC parameters to alternate parameter sets and show statistical properties. 10.Write and test a suitable code for Compare LPC, FFT, and Cepstrally smoothed spectra.


TEXTBOOKS: 1. 2. 3. Digital Processing of Speech Signals, L R Rabiner and R W Schafer, Pearson Education 2004. Digital Speech Processing, Synthesis and Recognition, Sadoaki Furui, Second Edition, Mercel Dekker 2002. Designing with speech processing chips, Ricardo Jimenez, Academic press, INC 1991.

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. Introduction to Data Compression, Khalid Sayood, Third Edition, Elsevier Publications. Digital Speech, A M Kondoz, Second Edition, Wiley Publications

THEORY & DESIGN OF BIO-MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI251 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Analytical methods, Passive Transducers Piezoelectric Transducer Ultrasonic instruments, Electrodynamic & Magnetostrictive transducers Force balance transducers, Fiber optic transducers Signal processing Circuitry & Microprocessors Biotelemetry Frequency discriminators & Phase locked loops

TEXTBOOK: 1. Walter Welkowitz and others, Biomedical Instruments- Theory and Design Academic Press 1992,II edition

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. R.S, C. Cobbold, Transducers for biomedical measurements: Principle and practice, John Wiley 1974 Tatsno Togawa, Toshiyo Tarnura, P.Akeoberg Biomedical transducers and Instruments CRC press 1997


VIRTUAL BIO-INSTRUMENTATION Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI252 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Basic Concepts: Data Acquisition (DAQ) basics, Lab VIEW Basics, Bio Bench basics. Biopotentials: Typical Laboratory Workstation, Lab Layout and Design, Generic Instrumentation/ Data Acquisition Issues. Electroneurology: Physiological basics, Experiment set up, Di section, Nerve chamber preparation, generic VI Development, Experiment descriptions, Trouble shooting the nerve recording. Neuromuscular Electrophysiology (Electromyography): Physiological basis, Experiment set up, Experiment descriptions, Trouble shooting the nerve Muscle Preparation. Cardiac Electrophysiology (Electrocardiology) : Physiological basis, Experiment descriptions. Cardiopulmonary Dynamics :Typical Laboratory Workstation, Generic Instrumentation/Data Acquisition Issues. Pulmonary Function : Physiological Basis, Experiment setup, Pulmonary DAQ system operation. Lung Tissue Viscoelastance :Experiment setup, Experiment Description. Cardiovascular Hemodynamics : Physiological Basis, Canine Cardiovascular, pressure measurements. A Cardiovascular Pressure Dimension Analysis System :System setup, Data Acquisition and Analysis, Clinical Significance. Medical Device Development Applications :The Endotester A Virtual Instrument Based Quality control and Technology, Assessment System for surgical Video Systems : Introduction, Materials and Methods, Endoscope Tests, Results, Discussion. FluidSense Innovative IV Pump Testing : Introduction, The test System, Training Emulator. Healthcare Information management Systems : Medical Informatics : Defining medical informatics, Computers in medicine, Electronic Medical record, Computerized physician order entry, Decision support. Information Retrieval, Medical Imaging, Patient Monitoring, Medical Education, Medical Simulation. Managing Disparate Information :ActiveX, ActiveX Data Objects(ADO), Dynamic Link Libraries, Database Connectivity, Integrated Dashboards. Note : Supporting experiments to be carried out whereever necessary. TEXTBOOK: 1. Virtual Bio-Instrumentation Biomedical, Clinical, and Healthcare Applications in Lab VIEW. ,by JON B. OLANSEN and ERIC ROSOW, Prentice Hall Publication, 2002.


BIOSENSORS Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI253 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Introduction : What are Biosensors? Advantages and limitations, various components of biosensors, the growing of biosensor. The biosensor family, the biomolecule ingredients, proteins, enzymes complexes, enzymes kinetics, the proteins of the immune systems.

Transducers in Biosensors : Various types of transducers; principles and applications - Calorimetric, optical, potentiometric / amperometric conductrometric/resistormetric, piezoelectric, semiconductor, impedimetric, mechanical and molecular electronics based transducers. Chemiluminescences - based biosensors. Application and Uses of Biosensors: Biosensors in clinical chemistry, medicine and health care, biosensors for veterinary, agriculture and food. Biosensors for personal diabetes management, application of biosensors to environmental samples. Biochips and their application to genomics. Semiconductor Electrodes : Measurement of H +, Ion selective interfaces, Ion selective electrodes, semiconductor electrodes, MIS structures, semiconductor solution interface, FET, chemical sensitive FETA (CHEMFETA), suspended gate field effect transistor, selectivity via pattern recognition, Ion selective FET (ISFET), reference FET, CHEMFET, assessment of CHEMFETS. Amperometric Assay Techniques : Analysis of charge transfer, volumetric techniques, potential step techniques, non steady state measurement, and applications of charge transfer measurement of the oxygen electrode. Source of error Depletion of sample, non-Faradic current error, selectivity interference from other electro active species, Amperometric electrodes for estimation of Ion concentration, macromolecules system, Redox enzymes, modified electrodes, mediated electron transfer, microelectrode fabrication and application. Photometric Assay Techniques : Energy transition, ultraviolet and visible absorption spectra, fluorescence and phosphorescence, infra Red transitions, light scattering, Raman scattering, applications of ultraviolet visible spectra, indicator linked bioassay, irrational spectroscopy, the optical transducer, wave guides in sensors, device construction, PH optical probes, light scattering analysis. Optical Biosensors & Other Techniques: Indicator labeled bioassay, chemiluminescence, bioluminescence, surface plasma resonance, piezoelectric based sensors and surface acoustic waves. TEXTBOOKS: 1. 2. Biosensors Elizabeth A. H Hall - Open University press, Milton Keynes. Commercial Biosensors Graham Ramsay, John Wiley and son, INC. (1998).

REFERENCES: 1. 2. Biosensors edited by AEG CASS OIRL press, Oxford University. Transducers and Instrumentation, Murthy D V S. Prentice Hall, 1995


.BIOINFORMATICS AND APPLICATIONS Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI254 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

The Central Dogma : Watsons definition, information flow, from data to knowledge, Convergence, the organization of DNA, the organization of Proteins. XML (Bio XML) for Bioinformatics : Introduction, Differences between HTML and XML, fundamentals of XML, fundamentals of XML namespaces. Introduction to DTDs, Document type Declarations, Declaring elements, declaring attributes, working with entities XML Schemas, Essential Concepts, working with simple types, working with complex types, Basic namespaces issues. Perl (Bioperl) for Bioinformatics : Representing sequence data, program to store a DNA sequence, concatenating DNA fragments, Transcription, Calculating the reverse complement in Perl, Proteins, files, reading proteins in files, Arrays, Flow control, finding motifs, counting Nucleotides, exploding strings into arrays, operating on strings, writing to files, subroutines and bugs. Databases : Flat file, Relational, object oriented databases, object Relational and Hypertext, Data life cycle, Database Technology, Database Architecture, Database Management Systems and Interfaces. Sequence Alignment Algorithms : Biological motivations of sequence analysis, the models for sequence analysis and their biological motivation, global alignment, local alignment, End free-space alignment and gap penalty, Sequence Analysis tools and techniques. Phylogenetic Analysis : Introduction, methods of Phylogenetic analysis, distance methods, the neighborJoining (NJ) method, The Fitch/ Margoliash method, character-based methods, Other methods, Tree evaluation and problems in phylogenetic analysis. Clustering, Protein structure visualization and Protein structure prediction. LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: Implementation of the following concepts using programming languages: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Sequence Alignment. Database Development. Sequence Searching. Genes prediction. 3D Protein structure visualization.

TEXTBOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Bioinformatics Methods and Applications, S.C.Rastogi, N. Mendiratta, CBS publications, 2004 Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics James D. Tisdall, OReilly media, first edition, 2001 Bioinformatics Computing Bryan Bergeron, M.D, Pearson education, 2003 XML for Bioinformatics CERAMI, ERBS

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. Bioinformatics D.R. Westhead, J.H. Parish, Viva books private limited Bioinformatics AttWood, pearson education,2004


BIO MEMS AND NANO TECHNOLOGY Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI31 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Overview and working of MEMS & Microsystems, Micro sensors, Micro actuators, Microsystems design and fabrication Scaling laws in Miniaturization, Materials for MEMS and Microsystems, Micro manufacturing, LIGA process, Microsystems Design, CAD packages for Microsystems Introduction to BioMEMS, Microactuators and drug delivery, Emerging BioMEMS technology, Introduction to Nanotechnology, Nano Technology in Biology & Medicine, Nano fabrication towards Biomedical applications. TEXTBOOKS : 1. Tai Ran Hsu, MEMS and Microsystems, Design & Manufacture, TMH2002. 2. Mohammed had-el-hak, MEMS Introduction & Fundamentals, CRC Press. 3. Harisingh Nalwa, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, American Scientific Publishers. REFERENCE BOOKS : 1. Sergey Edward Lyshevski, Nano & MEMS, CRC press 2. Nadim Maluf, An Introduction to MEMS Engineering, Artech House Publishing. 3. Taun-Vo-Dish, Nanotechnology in Biology & Medicine methods, devices & Applications, CRC

BIOSTATISTICS Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI321 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Introduction to Biostatistics : Introduction, Some basic concepts, Measurement and Measurement Scales, Simple random sample, Computers and biostatistical analysis. Descriptive Statistics: Introduction, ordered array, grouped data-frequency distribution, descriptive statistics measure of central tendency, measure of dispersion, measure of central tendency computed from grouped data, variance and standard deviation-grouped data. Basic Probability Concepts : Introduction, two views of probability objective and subjective, elementary properties of probability, calculating the probability of an event. Probability Distributions : Introduction, probability distribution of discrete variables, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, continuous probability distributions, normal distribution and applications. Sampling Distribution : Introduction, sampling distribution, distribution of the sample mean, distribution of the difference between two samples means, distribution of the sample proportion, distribution of the difference between two sample proportions.


Estimation : Introduction, confidence interval for population mean, t-distribution, confidence interval for difference between two population means, population proportion and difference between two population proportions, determination of sample size for estimating means, estimating proportions, confidence interval for the variance of normally distributed population and ratio of the variances of two normally distributed populations. Hypothesis Testing : Introduction, hypothesis testing single population mean, difference between two population means, paired comparisons, hypothesis testing-single population proportion, difference between two population proportions, single population variance, ratio of two population variances. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Introduction, completely randomized design, randomized complete block design, repeated measures design, factorial experiment. Linear Regression and Correlation: Introduction, regression model, sample regression equation, evaluating the regression equation, using the regression equation, correlation model, correlation coefficient.

Multiple Regression and Chi-Square Distribution : Multiple linear regression model, obtaining multiple regression equation, evaluating multiple regression equation, using the multiple regression equation, multiple correlation model, mathematical properties of Chi-square distribution, tests of goodness of fit, tests of independence, tests of homogeneity, nonparametric regression analysis. TEXTBOOK: 1. Biostatistics-A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences Wayne W. Daniel, John Wiley & Sons Publication, 6th Edition. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Principles of Biostatistics, Marcello Pagano and Kimberlee Gauvreu, Thomson Learning Publication, 2006. 2. Introduction to Biostatistics by Ronald N Forthofer and Eun Sul Lee, Academic Press 3. Basic Biostatistics and its Applications Animesh K. Dutta (2006)

BIOMECHANICS Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI322 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Biomechanics Applications to Joint Structure and Function : Introduction to Kinematics; Displacement in space; Force vectors and gravity; Linear forces and concurrent forces; Kinetics of rotary and translatory forces; Classes of levers; Close chain force analysis. Constitutive Equations : Equations for Stress and Strain; Non-viscous fluids; Newtonian viscous fluids; Elastic solids; Visco-elasticity and its applications in biology. Joint Structure and Function: Properties of connective tissues; Human Joint design; Joint Function and changes in disease. Integrated Functions : Kinetics and Kinematics of Poistures; Static and Dynamic Poistures; Analysis of Standing, Sitting and Lying Poistures. Gait: Gait cycle and joint motion; Ground reaction forces; Trunk and upper extremity motion; internal and external forces, moments and conventions; Gait measurements and analysis.


Force Platform and Kinematic Analysis: Design of force platforms, Integrating force and Kinematic data; linked segment, free-body analysis. Rheology of Blood: Blood flow in heart, Lung, Arteries and Veins. Finite Element Analysis in Biomechanics: Model creation, Solution, Validation of results and applications of FEA. TEXTBOOKS 1. Joint Structure and Function, A Comprehensive Analysis, Pamela K. Levangie and Cynthia C. Norkin, JAYPEE Publications, Fourth Edition, 2006. 2. Biomechanics; Mechanical Properties of Living Tissues,Y. C. Fung Springer Verlag, 1985. 3. Biomechanics, Structures and Systems, A. A. Biewener, Sports Publication 4. Biomechanics of Human Motion, T. McClurg, Anderson.

WAVELETS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI323 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Wavelet Transforms: Overview of WT, fundamentals-FT, STFT, resolution, Multi resolution analysis-CWT, DWT WAVELETS IN MEDICAL IMAGING AND TOMOGRAPHY Applications of wavelet shrinkage to tomography Wavelet denoising of functional MRI data Statistical analysis of image differences by wavelet decomposition Feature extraction in digital mammography Adapted wavelet techniques for encoding MRI diagnosis of coronary artery disease using wavelet based neural networks. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Tutorial on Wavelets, part I-IV, RobiPolikar (WWW.Rohen 2. Wavelets in medicine and biology Akram Aldroubi and Michael Unser. CRC press.

HILBERT-HUANG TRANSFORM & ITS BIO-MEDICAL APPLICATIONS Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI324 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Introduction to Signals and Systems: Linear Signals and Non-Linear Signals, Stationary and Non-Stationary Systems and their mathematical representations & characteristics with examples. Local & global frequencies. Review of Fourier methods such as FFT, DFT and STFT, wavelet Transforms and Hilbert Transform, their advantages and limitations. Review of Non-Stationary data processing methods: The spectrogram, the wavelet analysis, the wigner-ville distribution, Principal Component Analysis. Hilbert Huang Transform (HHT): Introduction, Instantaneous frequency, Intrinsic mode functions (IMF), Empirical mode decomposition method (the sifting process). The stoppage criteria of the sifting process, illustrative examples, the Hilbert spectral analysis. Recent developments: Normalized Hilbert transform, confidence limit, statistical significance of IMFs.


Mathematical Problem related to the HHT: Adaptive Data-analysis methodology, Non-linear system identification, the predictive problem for non-stationary processes(the end effects of EMD), Spline problems, optimization problem(the best IMF selection and Uniqueness and mode mixing) Empirical Mode Decomposition(EMD): Basics of EMD, Analysis of EMD, EMD Algorithm, Flow Chart, Properties of EMD. Brief Discussion on variations of EMD, Recent developments in EMD. HHT SIFTING: Introduction, objectives of HHT sifting, Restrictions on amplitude and phase functions, endpoint analysis, Huangs sifting algorithm. Bio-medical applications of HHT: Classification of Heart Sounds using EMD2, Removal of Baseline wander in ECG using EMD, Hand tremor detection using HHT, EMD based Respiratory Signal Analysis, Speech Signal processing using EMD. Instantaneous Frequency Estimate of Non stationary Phonocardiograph Signals Using Hilbert Spectrum. TEXTBOOKS: 1. Hilbert-Huang Transform and its applications by Norden E. Huang, & Samuel S.Shen, 1st Ed, World Scientific, 2005. 2. The Hilbert-Huang Transform In Engineering by Norden E. Huang and Nii O. Attoh-okine, 1st Ed, CRC Press-2005. REFERENCES BOOKS 1. Instantaneous Frequency Estimate of Non stationary Phonocardiograph Signals Using Hilbert Spectrum by L. Sun 1 , M. Shen 1 , F. H. Y. Chan 2 , P. J. Beadle Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE, Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, Shanghai, China, September 1-4, 2005.

MODELLING AND SIMULATION IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI325 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Chapter- I Modeling continuous time signals as sums of sine waves Introduction, analysis of circadian rhythm, orthogonal functions, sinusoidal basis functions, the Fourier series, the frequency response and non-sinusoidal periodic inputs, Parsevals relation for periodic signals, CTFT, relationship of Fourier transform to frequency response, properties of the Fourier transform, the generalized Fourier transform, examples Fourier transform calculations, Parsevals relation for nonperiodic signals, filtering, output response via the Fourier transform Chapter-II Modeling signals as sums of discrete-time sine waves Introduction, introductory example, the discrete-time Fourier series, Fourier transform of discrete-time signals, Parsevals relation for DT nonperiodic signals, output of an LSI system, relation of DFS and DTFT, windowing, sampling, DFT, biomedical applications Chapter-III Modeling stochastic signals as filtered white noise Introduction, EEG analysis, random processes, mean and auto correlation function of random process, stationarity and ergodicity, general linear processes, Yule-Walker equations, Autoregressive(AR) processes, Moving Average (MA) processes, Autoregressive - Moving Average (ARMA) processes, harmonic processes, biomedical examples Chapter-IV Non linear models of signals Introduction, non linear signals and systems, Poincare sections and return maps, chaos, measures of non linear signals and systems, characteristic multipliers and Lyapunov exponents, estimating the dimension of real data, tests of null hypotheses based on surrogate data, biomedical applications


Chapter-V Modeling biomedical systems Problem statement, illustration of the problem, point processes, parametric system modeling, autoregressive or all-pole modeling, pole-zero modeling, electromechanical models of signal generation, applications

TEXT BOOKS: 1. Eugene N Bruce, Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modeling John Wiley & Sons, Inc, reprint 2009 (Chapters I-IV) 2. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, Biomedical Signal Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, reprint 2000 (Chapter- V)

COMPUTERS IN TOMOGRAPHY Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI331 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Introduction to principles of tomography and applications. Basic concepts and a few applications of tomography. Fundamentals of integral transforms and special functions. Linearity, Hankels function and its properties. Fundamental of signal processing: Continuous and discrete signal processing, 1-D functions, Linear operations, Fourier representation, DFT, sampling image processing, point sources, delta functions, Linear shift invariant operations, Fourier analysis. Properties of Fourier transforms, 2D Finite Fourier transform. Tomography Imaging: Line integrals and projections, Radon Transform and properties, Fourier slice theorem, basic idea about reconstruction algorithms for parallel projections, back projection, filtered back projection techniques. Computer Implementation of Re-Construction Algorithms: Implementation of filtered back projection for parallel beam, fan beam projections. Study of merits and demerits of different beam geometries. Algebraic reconstruction techniques, Fourier reconstruction techniques. 3D Image Reconstruction: Helical or spiral scan trajectory for 3D images, cone beam projections on circular and spiral trajectory for 3D reconstructions. Noise in CT Reconstructed Images: Sources of noise in CT images, discrete and continuous cases, system artifacts, noise in specific application of CT. Image reconstruction with incomplete and noisy data. Application Areas of CT: Introduction to X-ray tomography. Emission computer tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, ultra sonic computed tomography.

TEXT BOOKS: 1. Avinash C. Kak and Malcolm Slaney, Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging, IEEE Press, 1988. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Willi. A. Kalender, Computer Tomography; Fundamentals, System Technology, Image Quality, Applications, Wiley-VCH, 2nd Edition, 2006. 2. Steward C. Bushong, Computed Tomography, Mc GrawHill Medical, 1st Edition, 2004. 3. Herman G.T., Image Reconstruction From Projections, implementation and applications, Topics in Applied Physics, Vol 32, Springer-Verlag, 1979. 4. Barret H.H. and Swindel W., Radiological Imaging, Vol II, Academic Press, 1981.


LASERS IN MEDICINE Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI332 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Basics of Lasers: Lasers principle, laser materials, pump sources, major types of lasers, medical lasers, measuring laser power, focusing laser energy, basics of fiber optics, optical materials, the future of medical laser and fiber optics. Optical and Thermal Response of Tissue to Laser Radiation: Introduction, The optical response of tissue, thermal response. Dosimetry and Thermal Monitoring: Introduction, Optical dosimetry, thermal dosimetry, radiologic imaging methods. Tissue Diagnostics using Laser: Introduction, light interaction with tissue, spectroscopic diagnostics of malignant tumor, spectroscopic diagnostics of atherosclerotic plaque, light scattering and tissue Tran illumination. Physics of UV Laser Ablation: Decomposition of UV radiation in organic materials, target decomposition, ablation plume, repetition irradiation. Therapeutic and Diagnostic Application of Laser in Ophthalmology: Transmission and absorptive properties of ocular tissues, photo thermal laser application, photo disruptive laser application photochemical laser application, diagnostic laser. Cardiovascular Application in Lasers: Angioplasty, Transmyocardial laser, revascularization, other surgical application of laser in cardiology. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Raymond W. Waynant (Editor), Lasers in Medicine, CRC press, Jan 2002.

REFERENCE: 1. 2. Julian D.C. Jones Collin E. Webb (Editor), Handbook of Laser Technology and Applications. Carr Ruth and Others, Medical Lasers.

PATTERN RECOGNITION Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI333 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

1 .Introduction: Machine perception, an example; Pattern Recognition System; The Design Cycle, Learning and Adaptation. 2.Probability:Introduction to probability, conditional probability, Random Variables, The Binomial and Poisson distribution, Joint Distribution and Density, Moments of Random Variables, Estimation of Parameters from Samples, (8hrs)


3. Bayesian Decision Theory: Minimum Error Rate Classification, Classifiers, Discriminant functions, and decision surfaces; the normal density; Discriminant functions for the normal density. 4. Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian Parameter Estimation: Introduction, Maximum-likelihood estimation; Bayesian Estimation; Bayesian parameter estimation: Gaussian Case, general theory; Hidden Markov Models. 5. Processing of waveforms and Images: Introduction, Gray Level Scaling Transformations, Equalization, Geometric Image Scaling and Interpolation, Smoothing Transformations, Edge Detections, Line Detection And Template Matching. 6 Clustering: Introduction, Hierarchical clustering, Partitional clustering. 7. Introduction to Biometric Recognition: Biometric Methodologies: Finger Prints; Hand Geometry; Facial Recognition; Iris Scanning; Retina Scanning;

TEXT BOOKS: 1) Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G.Stork: Pattern Classification, 2nd Edition, Wiley-Interscience, 2001. 2) Earl Gose, Richard Johnsonbaugh, Steve Jost: Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Pearson Education, 2007. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. K. Jain, R. Bolle, S. Pankanti: Biometrics: Personal Identification in Networked Society, Kluwer Academic, 1999.

ERGONOMICS Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI334 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Introduction: Principles, Scope and Application of Ergonomics Anthropometry: Basic definitions, Body dimensions and importance Musculo Skeletal Disorders: Muscular energy, Dynamic and static effort, postures, Types of disorders their courses and remedies, fatigue, Boredom. Workstation Design: Design of furniture and lighting computer and office workstations, Operations theatre equipments and their arrangement, Dental chair, Wheel chair.

Environmental Factors: Effects of noise and vibration on the human body, Remedies- Measurements of vibration and noise levels, effect of temperature and humidity on human body. TEXTBOOKS: 1. Grandjaen, Fitting the task to Man, Taylor Pub, 1982 2. Sanders, Human factors in Engg. & Design, MGH, 1993 3. D.Majumdar and W.Selvamurthy, Advances in Ergonomics, occupational Health and Safety, New Age international Ltd.


ADVANCED TISSUE ENGINEERING Subject Code No of Lecture Hrs/Week Total No.of Lecture Hours : : : 12LBI335 04 52 IA Marks Exam hours Exam Marks : : : 50 03 100

Introduction, structural and organization of tissues: Epithelial, connective; vascularity and angiogenesis, basic wound healing, cell migration, current scope of development and use in therapeutic and in-vitro testing. Cell culture- Different cell types, progenitor cells and cell differentiations, different kind of matrix, cell-cell interaction. Aspect of cell culture: cell expansion, cell transfer, cell storage and cell characterization, Bioreactors; Molecular biology aspect- Cell signaling molecules, growth factors, hormone and growth factor signaling, growth factor delivery in tissue engineering, cell attachment: differential cell adhesion, receptorligand binding, and Cell surface markers. Scaffold and transplant- Engineering biomaterials, Degradable materials, porosity, mechanical strength, 3-D architecture and cell incorporation. Engineering tissues for replacing bone, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, skin and liver. Basic transplant immunology, stems cells; Case study and regulatory issues-cell transplantation for liver, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, neural, visceral tissue engineering. Ethical, FDA and regulatory issues. TEXTBOOKS: 1. Bernhard Palsson, Sangeeta Bhatia ,Tissue Engineering, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2003 2. Robert. P.Lanza, Robert Langer & William L. Chick, Principles of tissue engineering, Academic press,1997 3. Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, R. Ian Freshney, Culture of Cells for Tissue Engineering, WIS, 2006 REFERENCES BOOKS: 1. B. Palsson, J.A. Hubbell, R.Plonsey & J.D. Bronzino, Tissue Engineering, CRC- Taylor & Francis 2. Joseph D., Bronzino The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, CRC; 3rd edition , 2006



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