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Digital Laboratory

NAME: Melynda Martha A. ( 160534611696 )

Mohammad Fiky ( 160534611601 )

M. Reja Pratama ( 160534611631 )

PRODI: S1 PendidikanTeknikElektroOff C


Observation reports of group 4

(Digital lab of Electrical Engineering )

1. Place : Digital lab of Electrical Engineering University of Malang

2. Time : Wednesday , 26th October 2016

Questihyon of observation :
1. What is the laboran name’s ?
2. Who is the leader of the laboratory ?
3. What kind of activity are using the laboratory ?
4. What kind of program study that use the laboratory ?
5. What kind of instrument in the laboratory ?
6. What was the relation between the instrument and the laboratory ?
7. What kind of KBK ( kurikulum berbasis kompetensi ) the related in the laboratory
8. What kind research doing by senior in the laboratory ? if there are research
mention minimal 3 research about input,process,and output ?

Answer about question of observation :

1. Ira Kumalasari , S.Pd

2. Dr. Eng siti sundari S.T, M.T
3. Learning Activities of Digital Lab is: Digital and microprocessor,Digital
System,Audio-Video Workshop SMK,Digital Electronics,Audio Video ,electrical
4. S1 Electrical engineering education , S1 Informatics engineering education, S1
informatics Engineering, D3 Electronics
5. Oscilloscope GOS-622 G, Function Generator GFG 8216A, Frequency Counter GFC-
8010 H,Digital IT Tester, Power Supply,LCR Meter,Trainer Module (Industrial
instruments,Digital Further, Audio Video,Thesis subjects digital, Digital thesis
advanced courses
6. Colour television receiver trainer to teach course audio video in digital laboratory
7. KBK related in the digital lab ( digital electronics )
- Examine the concept of the gate logic basic AND , OR , NOT , XOR and a
combination of her
- examine the system of algebraic numbers , boolean , and karnough graph
- Planned a series of arithmetical half adder , full adder , half substractor , full
substractor , as well as addition and the reduction complement
- Planned series encoder , decoder and multiplexer
- Planned series of flip-flop : RS, D, JK , pulse clock as well as timing flip-flop
- Planned a series of the register : register buffer , registers slide , three state
registers , serial load shift registers , parallel load shift registers as well as the
universal shift registers .
- Planned series sekuential
- Planned series multivibrator : astable and monostable vibrator
- Analyzed series counter : asinkron , sinkron , up-down , self- stipping , the
counter as the divider frequency , ripple , as well as the ring counter
- Planned a series of digital for the the purposes instrumentation and control


- Analyze the number system.

- Analyzing the basic logic gate circuit: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, and combinations thereof.
- Analyzing the digital circuit optimization techniques: Boolean algebra, De Morgan and
- Solve the problem of addition and subtraction complement and complement one second.
- Analyze the arithmetic circuit: half adder, full adder, half substractor, full substractor.
- Analyze the circuit encoder, decoder, and multiplexer.
- Analyzing the flip-flop: RS, D, JK, the clock pulse, and the timing flip-flop.
- Comparing the use of registers: buffer registers, shift registers, three state register,
load serial shift register, parallel load shift registers, as well as universal shift register.
- Comparing multivibrator: astable and monostable vibrator.
- Comparing the use of counter: asynchronous, synchronous, up-down, self-stipping, counter
a frequency divider, ripple, as well as the ring counter.
- Designing DAC: basic, conversion method, and a DAC conversion.
- Designing ADC: basic, conversion method, and the ADC conversion.
- Examining memory: terminology, basic concepts, RAM, and ROM.
- Examining the microprocessor: the terminology and concepts of digital circuits ALU.
- Examining the microcontroller: terminology mikrokomputasi digital system.

8. A. digital electronics lab trainer

Digital electronics is one of the compulsory subject for students with programming
skills especially S1 Electrical Engineering Education at the State electronic circuits. But the
fact is based on the student questionnaire data , digital electronics lab today is still a lot of
shortcomings , because
1. Trainer used up a lot of time on the practical implementation of having to plug an unplug
all components back in time practicum
2. Flow circuit is less clear on the previous trainer not accompained by a circuit image
3. The potential to cause new problems because of the removal and installation of all
components during the practicum .
By looking at the reality , needs to be designed instructional media trainer digital
electronics that does not take much time during practicum , help students during practicum by
addimg a circuit images on trainer who just need to remove and install the connecting cable .
this research was conducted with the purpose of :
1. Develop a learning media planning module containing jobsheet on the subject of
digital electronics
2. Develop a plan of instructional media trainer on the subject of digital electronics
3. Produce a learning media module containing jobsheet of digital electronics
4. Produce a learning media trainer digital electronics that can be used in digital
electronics course
5. Testing a medium of learning modules containing jobsheet on the subject of digital

Trainer development model that has been modiefied to adapt the model of the model
development Sugiyono,(2008:298) and ADDIE (Benny,2009:125).The model development
process is not serially , but in each process there are always revisions that aim for perfection
trainer mode .Pengembangan model consists of 13 stages,namely : ( 1 ) requirements analysis
; ( 2 ) The design of the product design ; ( 3 ) Validate design product design ; ( 4 )
Development of the product ; ( 5 ) Validation of design and materials ; ( 6 ) Revision
materials design ; (7 ) Preparetion of products ; ( 8 ) small group trials ; ( 9 ) Revision
products ; ( 10 ) Field trial ( large group ) ; ( 11 ) Revision of the product ; ( 12 ) The final
product ; ( 13 ) Evalution

Based on the results.the percentage obtained from obtained from each subject ; ( 1 ) in
media experts, to the print module of 96,25 %, and 92,54 % of trainers ; ( 2 ) in the matter
experts, obtained a percentage of 90,3 % ; ( 3 ) In small groups,obtain percentage of 91 % ; (
3 ) In a large group,obtain percentage of 82 % . It can be conculed that the development of
digital electronics trainer (PTE 434) For S1 Student of electrical engineering education at the
state university of malang feasible to be used as a instructional media

B. Colour TV Trainer Teaching Module For Lesson in Prodi Audio Video Electronics

Audio video is one of the subjects contained in SMK majoring in Electronics . on this
subject there is a subject on televison. The use of televison so much ,almost all places like
home , or in public places such as stations and restaurant in the village and in the city there is
a television .The number of television users ,it is not uncommon occurrence of damage to the
televison and the public . Especially among the middle and lower tend to repair rather than
buy. On the subject of audio video , one of which discusses television and ways to improve.
Based on the results of interviews and questionnaire results perseptions of
student,during this practicum conducted using a series of live television so that students can
know but in terms of understanding are less and less effective in the learning process.In
addition ,condition in vocational trainers to be less supportive of the practice of teaching
materials due to ( 1 ) lack of manuals for trainers usage instructions , ( 2 ) the unavailability
of trainers televison with simulated damage and switch to voltage test point , ( 3 ) system
module television receivers ,and ( 4 ) absence of LKS ( Student Worksheet ) to train
students to think more confident in teaching and learning activities .This can be overcome
by creating ready-made teaching materials in accordance with the syllabus and the time
required covering three domains of education cognitive ,pyscohomotor and affective . This
study was conducted with the goal of :

1. The production of TV trainer ,teaching modules and jobsheet useful for teacher and
students in accordance with the characteristisc of learners
2. Facilitate the learning of student in improving the system color television receivers

Instructional materials development model is a model that has been modified from Brog &
Gall development model (Borg & Gall,2001)adapted to the conditions of field
experience.The steps of media studies teaching materials used are as follows :
( 1 ) needs analysis,
( 2 ) media planning ,
( 3 ) product development ,
( 4 ) Validation ,
( 5 ) the trial perseora with ,
( 6 ) revisions ,
( 7 ) small group trials ,
( 8 ) revised ,
( 9 ) the final products and reports .The data was collected using inteterview techniques
,observation,and deployment questionnaire
Based on the test results,the percentage obtained from each subject try the following ;
( 1 ) In media experts , there are 3 assessement is assessement of the product ( trainer )
,teaching modules and jobsheet ,Assesment trainer obtained the percentage of 94,00 % .
Assessements of teaching modules obtained percentage of 89,17 %,and 90,00 %, of
assessments jobsheet,
( 2 ) in the matter experts ,obtained a percentage of 90,00 % ,

( 3 ) In small groups ,the percentage of 81,30 % is obtained .It can be conculed that the
development of color TV trainer as teaching material at Prodi subject Audio Video
Electronics in SMK Is feasible to be used as teaching materials
C. Oscillator Trainer Development on The Industrial Instrumentation Workshop ourse
(PTEL-660) in Departement of Electrical Engginering of Engginering Falculty of Malang
State University
Oscillator is one sub-section topics of industrial instrumentation subject (PTEL 659) and
industrial instrumentation worklab subject (PTEL 660) that taught to student of bachelor
degree of electrical engginering education. In fact, based on the data questionnaire interviews
from lectures that industrial instrumentation workshop subject (PTEL 660) is not all
competenies written by catalog have executed. Because lab module is not available and
limited particulary for topics signal generation (oscillator). Hence, in the practicum still use
the project board, that is still less effective wheen seen by effectiveness of time. So it takes
oscillator trainer for practicum.
The purpose of this is a research development is :
1. To design oscillator triner
2. To implement design of oscillator trainer on industrial instrumentation worklab
subject (PTEL 660) in the elctrical engginering departement of FT UM
3. To know the feasibiity test of oscillator trainer on industrial instrumentation worklab
(PTEL 660) in the eletrical engginering departement of FT UM.

Author us Sugiyono development model (2011 ; 298) for ths research development The
modek has been adapted by object of research. The steps are :

1. Potential and problem

2. Data colection
3. Design the product
4. Validation of design
5. Revision of design
6. Sall test group
7. Revision of product
8. Large test group
9. Final product

Data retrieval from validation in this development are the questionnaire. The taking of
validation data in this development is using quistioner. Quistioner that is used contains of
three kinds data based on respondent, for expert of media, expert o topics, and learners.

The result of product experiment that conduct on the three group respondent group is :

1. Expert of media said that this product is valid and proper to be used with percentage
as many 94,59%
2. Expert of topics said that is product is valid and proper to be used with percentage as
many 97,22%
3. Learners in electrical engginering education of the CD class batch 01 said that this
product is valid and proper to be used with percentage as many 94,29% for small group test
and 93,84% for large group test.
Therefore, instructional media that is developing has filled the criteria of valid and proper to
used in learning.


Digital laboratory is one of the laboratories under the auspices of the Department of
Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang. This laboratory
specializes in the field of basic digital electronics. The laboran of Digital Laboratorium is Ira
Kumalasari , S.Pd and the leader of digital laboratory is Dr. Eng siti sundari S.T, M.T , and
the digital laboratory G4is housed in the building of Faculty of Engineering 2nd floor room
205. This laboratory has a capacity of about 30 s.d. 45 students. With the size of the room is
quite spacious and equipped with air circulation make students and professors comfortable
activity. The main function Digital laboratory for practice activities on the theory that such
obtained in the theory lectures.

Picture 1. Activity in digital laboratory

As for the practical activities undertaken in the course include: digital and
microprocessors, digital systems, audio-video workshop smk, digital electronics, audio video,
and electrical workshop. Besides being used for practicum, digital lab is also used for final
project / thesis, simulation, training, discussions and related research. kind of program study
that use the laboratory are S1 Electrical engineering h education , S1 Informatics engineering
education, S1 informatics Engineering, D3 Electronics . kind of instrument in the laboratory
are Oscilloscope GOS-622 G, Function Generator GFG 8216A, Frequency Counter GFC-
8010 H,Digital IT Tester, Power Supply,LCR Meter,Trainer Module (Industrial
instruments,Digital Further, Audio Video,Thesis subjects digital, Digital thesis advanced
courses .
Picture 2 . instrument osciloscope and function generator

Picture 3. Trainer in digital laboratory

And then relation between the instrument and the laboratory , example Colour
television receiver trainer to teach course audio video in digital laboratory . And then , about
KBK in digital laboratory is :
- Examine the concept of the gate logic basic AND , OR , NOT , XOR and a
combination of her
- examine the system of algebraic numbers , boolean , and karnough graph
- Planned a series of arithmetical half adder , full adder , half substractor , full
substractor , as well as addition and the reduction complement
- Planned series encoder , decoder and multiplexer
- Planned series of flip-flop : RS, D, JK , pulse clock as well as timing flip-flop
- Planned a series of the register : register buffer , registers slide , three state registers ,
serial load shift registers , parallel load shift registers as well as the universal shift registers .
- Planned series sekuential
- Planned series multivibrator : astable and monostable vibrator
- Analyzed series counter : asinkron , sinkron , up-down , self- stipping , the counter as
the divider frequency , ripple , as well as the ring counter
- Planned a series of digital for the the purposes instrumentation and control

- Analyze the number system.

- Analyzing the basic logic gate circuit: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, and combinations thereof.
- Analyzing the digital circuit optimization techniques: Boolean algebra, De Morgan and
- Solve the problem of addition and subtraction complement and complement one second.
- Analyze the arithmetic circuit: half adder, full adder, half substractor, full substractor.
- Analyze the circuit encoder, decoder, and multiplexer.
- Analyzing the flip-flop: RS, D, JK, the clock pulse, and the timing flip-flop.
- Comparing the use of registers: buffer registers, shift registers, three state register,
load serial shift register, parallel load shift registers, as well as universal shift register.
- Comparing multivibrator: astable and monostable vibrator.
- Comparing the use of counter: asynchronous, synchronous, up-down, self-stipping, counter
a frequency divider, ripple, as well as the ring counter.
- Designing DAC: basic, conversion method, and a DAC conversion.
- Designing ADC: basic, conversion method, and the ADC conversion.
- Examining memory: terminology, basic concepts, RAM, and ROM.
- Examining the microprocessor: the terminology and concepts of digital circuits ALU.
- Examining the microcontroller: terminology mikrokomputasi digital system.

digital laboratory to support learning and practicum has a research conducted by a

senior. of a wide range of research that has been done one of them is :

A. digital electronics lab trainer

Digital electronics is one of the compulsory subject for students with programming skills
especially S1 Electrical Engineering Education at the State electronic circuits. But the fact is
based on the student questionnaire data , digital electronics lab today is still a lot of
shortcomings , because
1. Trainer used up a lot of time on the practical implementation of having to plug an
unplug all components back in time practicum
2. Flow circuit is less clear on the previous trainer not accompained by a circuit image

3. The potential to cause new problems because of the removal and installation of all
components during the practicum .

By looking at the reality , needs to be designed instructional media trainer digital electronics
that does not take much time during practicum , help students during practicum by addimg a
circuit images on trainer who just need to remove and install the connecting cable . this
research was conducted with the purpose of :
1. Develop a learning media planning module containing jobsheet on the subject of
digital electronics
2. Develop a plan of instructional media trainer on the subject of digital electronics
3. Produce a learning media module containing jobsheet of digital electronics

4. Produce a learning media trainer digital electronics that can be used in digital
electronics course

5. Testing a medium of learning modules containing jobsheet on the subject of digital


Trainer development model that has been modiefied to adapt the model of the model
development Sugiyono,(2008:298) and ADDIE (Benny,2009:125).The model development
process is not serially , but in each process there are always revisions that aim for perfection
trainer mode .Pengembangan model consists of 13 stages,namely : ( 1 ) requirements analysis
; ( 2 ) The design of the product design ; ( 3 ) Validate design product design ; ( 4 )
Development of the product ; ( 5 ) Validation of design and materials ; ( 6 ) Revision
materials design ; (7 ) Preparetion of products ; ( 8 ) small group trials ; ( 9 ) Revision
products ; ( 10 ) Field trial ( large group ) ; ( 11 ) Revision of the product ; ( 12 ) The final
product ; ( 13 ) Evalution

Based on the results.the percentage obtained from obtained from each subject ; ( 1 ) in
media experts, to the print module of 96,25 %, and 92,54 % of trainers ; ( 2 ) in the matter
experts, obtained a percentage of 90,3 % ; ( 3 ) In small groups,obtain percentage of 91 % ; (
3 ) In a large group,obtain percentage of 82 % . It can be conculed that the development of
digital electronics trainer (PTE 434) For S1 Student of electrical engineering education at the
state university of malang feasible to be used as a instructional media

Picture 4. Digital electrics trainer

B. Colour TV Trainer Teaching Module For Lesson in Prodi Audio Video Electronics

Audio video is one of the subjects contained in SMK majoring in Electronics . on this
subject there is a subject on televison. The use of televison so much ,almost all places like
home , or in public places such as stations and restaurant in the village and in the city there is
a television .The number of television users ,it is not uncommon occurrence of damage to the
televison and the public . Especially among the middle and lower tend to repair rather than
buy. On the subject of audio video , one of which discusses television and ways to improve.
Based on the results of interviews and questionnaire results perseptions of
student,during this practicum conducted using a series of live television so that students can
know but in terms of understanding are less and less effective in the learning process.In
2addition ,condition in vocational trainers to be less supportive of the practice of teaching
materials due to ( 1 ) lack of manuals for trainers usage instructions , ( 2 ) the unavailability
of trainers televison with simulated damage and switch to voltage test point , ( 3 ) system
module television receivers ,and ( 4 ) absence of LKS ( Student Worksheet ) to train
students to think more confident in teaching and learning activities .This can be overcome
by creating ready-made teaching materials in accordance with the syllabus and the time
required covering three domains of education cognitive ,pyscohomotor and affective . This
study was conducted with the goal of :

1. The production of TV trainer ,teaching modules and jobsheet useful for teacher and
students in accordance with the characteristisc of learners
2. Facilitate the learning of student in improving the system color television receivers

Instructional materials development model is a model that has been modified from
Brog & Gall development model (Borg & Gall,2001)adapted to the conditions of field
experience.The steps of media studies teaching materials used are as follows :
( 1 ) needs analysis,
( 2 ) media planning ,
( 3 ) product development ,
( 4 ) Validation ,
( 5 ) the trial perseora with ,
( 6 ) revisions ,
( 7 ) small group trials ,
( 8 ) revised ,
( 9 ) the final products and reports .The data was collected using inteterview techniques
,observation,and deployment questionnaire

Based on the test results,the percentage obtained from each subject try the following ;
( 1 ) In media experts , there are 3 assessement is assessement of the product ( trainer )
,teaching modules and jobsheet ,Assesment trainer obtained the percentage of 94,00 % .
Assessements of teaching modules obtained percentage of 89,17 %,and 90,00 %, of
assessments jobsheet,
( 2 ) in the matter experts ,obtained a percentage of 90,00 % ,
( 3 ) In small groups ,the percentage of 81,30 % is obtained .It can be conculed that the
development of color TV trainer as teaching material at Prodi subject Audio Video
Electronics in SMK Is feasible to be used as teaching materials
Picture 5. Colour TV Trainer
C. Oscillator Trainer Development on The Industrial Instrumentation Workshop ourse
(PTEL-660) in Departement of Electrical Engginering of Engginering Falculty of Malang
State University

Oscillator is one sub-section topics of industrial instrumentation subject (PTEL 659)

and industrial instrumentation worklab subject (PTEL 660) that taught to student of bachelor
degree of electrical engginering education. In fact, based on the data questionnaire interviews
from lectures that industrial instrumentation workshop subject (PTEL 660) is not all
competenies written by catalog have executed. Because lab module is not available and
limited particulary for topics signal generation (oscillator). Hence, in the practicum still use
the project board, that is still less effective wheen seen by effectiveness of time. So it takes
oscillator trainer for practicum.

The purpose of this is a research development is :

1. To design oscillator triner
2. To implement design of oscillator trainer on industrial instrumentation worklab
subject (PTEL 660) in the elctrical engginering departement of FT UM
3. To know the feasibiity test of oscillator trainer on industrial instrumentation worklab
(PTEL 660) in the eletrical engginering departement of FT UM.
Author us Sugiyono development model (2011 ; 298) for ths research development The
modek has been adapted by object of research. The steps are :

1. Potential and problem

2. Data colection
3. Design the product
4. Validation of design
5. Revision of design
6. Sall test group
7. Revision of product
8. Large test group
9. Final product

Data retrieval from validation in this development are the questionnaire. The taking of
validation data in this development is using quistioner. Quistioner that is used contains of
three kinds data based on respondent, for expert of media, expert o topics, and learners.

The result of product experiment that conduct on the three group respondent group is :

1. Expert of media said that this product is valid and proper to be used with percentage
as many 94,59%
2. Expert of topics said that is product is valid and proper to be used with percentage as
many 97,22%
3. Learners in electrical engginering education of the CD class batch 01 said that this
product is valid and proper to be used with percentage as many 94,29% for small group test
and 93,84% for large group test.

Therefore, instructional media that is developing has filled the criteria of valid and proper to
used in learning.

Picture 6 . Oscillator trainer

digital laboratory is a laboratory used for lectures (theory and practical) majoring in
electrical engineering. This laboratory is used for learning weak currents (Digital). digital
laboratory for use by the first semester of courses S1 Electrical engineering education,
engineering education Informatics S1, S1 Informatics Engineering, D3 Electronics. In this lab
there are many tools and trainer tool to support the activities of lecturing and research at this
lab there are also a lot of research that has been done one of them:

- Digital electronics lab trainer

-Colour TV Trainer Teaching Module For Lesson in Prodi Audio Video Electronics

-Oscillator Trainer Development on The Industrial Instrumentation Workshop ourse (PTEL-

660) in the Department of Electrical Engginering of Engginering Falculty of Malang State

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