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Physical Description and Personality

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1. AGE How old are you? 2. GENERAL ASPECT / BEAUTY 3. HEIGHT How tall are you? 4.


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: What do you look like? Young A teenager / an adult I AM..... middle-aged In my thirties, in my forties.... old around 25 Ugly Handsome (M) I AM...... Beautiful (F) (Not) very good-looking (M/F) Pretty (female/child) Attractive Cute Sexy I AM ...... tall of medium height short about 160 cm tall FAT Plump Chubby Overweight Obese

THIN thin I AM ...... of average build fat muscular well-built Dark skin Olive skin I HAVE...... Fair skin Rosy Pale Oval round MY FACE IS....... square long thin I HAVE(NT) GOT.... Fit Slim Skinny Underweight


I AM ......

suntanned Olive-skinned


MY FACE IS..... wrinkled covered with... freckles moles pimples scars I (DONT) WEAR..... glasses

a beard a moustache a goatee a short/ long fringe Big black

7. EYES What colour eyes have you got? 8. EYELASHES

I HAVE....

Size Colour

small green

brown blue greenish brown

I have got beautiful big green eyes


short Lengh Long

9. EYEBROWS shoulder length wavy brown grey straight blonde white

Thin short spiky red



I HAVE.. Texture Curly 10. HAIR What colour hair have you got? What is your hair like? Colour Black fair

I have got beautiful long straight brown hair


Im bald With long/short sideboards / sideburns With central /left/right parting With dreadlocks I wear my hair in a bun / a ponytail / plaits / pigtails / bunches big small Big long small pointed hooked flattened

11. NOSE 12. EARS

I HAVE A ..... I HAVE.....


13. LIPS

I HAVE.....




DESCRIBING CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY Affectionate Aggressive Ambitious Boring Bossy

['feknt] ['gresv] [m'bs]


[m:n] ['m:d]

Moody Naive

[na':v] ['n:t] [':gnazd] ['atg]

['b:r] ['bs] ['t:m] ['tfl]


Organised Outgoing Patient Pleasant Polite Proud Quiet

Charming Cheerful Clever

['pent] ['pleznt]


Competitive [km'pettv] Dishonest


[p'lat] [prad] ['kwat] [r'labl] [r'spnsbl]

Disorganised [ds':gnazd] Easy-going Extrovert

[:z'g] ['ekstrv:t]


Responsible Rude

Faithful ['fefl] Friendly Funny


Self-confident Selfish Sensible Sensitive Shy Silly

[a] ['sl] ['self]


['fn] ['denrs] ['h:d-w:k]


['sensbl] ['senstv]

Hard-working Honest

Imaginative [mantv] Impatient [mpent] Impolite [mplt] Independent [ndpendnt] Insecure [nskj(r)] Insensitive [nsenstv] Intelligent [ntelnt] Intolerant
[n'tlrnt] [r'spnsbl]

Sociable Spoilt


[splt] ['stbn]

Stubborn Stupid

['stj:pd] ['t:ktv]

Talkative Tidy

['tad] ['tlrnt] [nm'bs]


Irresponsible Jealous Kind Lazy

Unambitious Unfriendly


[n'frendl] [n'mdntv]

[kand] ['lez] [m'npjltv]

Unimaginative Unhappy Unkind

[n'hp] [n'kand]


Unreliable Unpleasant Unselfish

[nr'labl] [n'pleznt]



Untidy [n'tad]


DEFINITIONS 1. showing feelings of liking or love 2. behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person 3. having a strong wish to be successful, powerful or rich 4. not interesting or exciting 5. describes someone who is always telling people what to do 6. pleasant and attractive 7. happy and positive 8. having or showing the ability to learn and understand things quickly and easily 9. wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people 10. not honest 11. badly planned and without order 12. relaxed and not easily upset or worried 13. a happy person who enjoys being with other people 14. loyal 15. behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone 16. humorous; causing laughter 17. willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or expected 18. always doing a lot of work 19. telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat or lie 20. good at producing ideas or things that are unusual, clever or showing skill in inventing 21. easily annoyed by someone's mistakes or because you have to wait 22. rude 23. not influenced or controlled in any way by other people, events or things 24. Insecure people have little confidence and are uncertain about their own abilities and about whether other people really like them 25. not feeling or showing sympathy for other people's feelings, or refusing to give importance to something 26. showing intelligence, or able to learn and understand things easily 27. disapproving of or refusing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own 28. not thinking carefully enough or not worrying about what might result from actions taken 29. unhappy and angry because someone has something or someone you want, or because you think they might take something or
someone that you love away from you

30. generous, helpful and thinking about other people's feelings 31. not willing to work or use any effort 32. describes someone who tries to control people to their advantage 33. not willing to give or share things, especially money 34. If someone is moody, they are often unfriendly because they feel angry or unhappy 35. too willing to believe that someone is telling the truth, that people's intentions in general are good, or that life is simple and fair. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
People are often naive because they are young and/or have not had much experience of life When children are naughty, or their behaviour is naughty, they behave badly or do not do what they are told to do describes someone who is able to plan things carefully and keep things tidy friendly and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others having patience enjoyable, attractive, friendly, or easy to like behaving in a way that is socially correct and shows understanding of and care for other people's feelings feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you or people connected with you have done or got something good A quiet person is one who does not talk much someone that is reliable can be trusted or believed because they work or behave well in the way you expect to have control and authority over something or someone and the duty of taking care of it or them

46. not polite; offensive or embarrassing 47. behaving calmly because you have no doubts about your ability or knowledge 48. Someone who is selfish only thinks of their own advantage 49. based on or acting on good judgment and practical ideas or understanding 50. easily upset by the things people say or do, or causing people to be upset, embarrassed or angry. 51. nervous and uncomfortable with other people 52. showing little thought or judgment 53. describes someone who likes to meet and spend time with other people 54. badly behaved because you are always given what you want or allowed to do what you want 55. determined not to change your ideas, plans, etc, although other people want you to 56. silly or not intelligent 57. A talkative person talks a lot. 58. liking to keep things in the correct place and arranged in a good order 59. allowing people to do what they want especially when you do not agree with it 60. not having a strong wish to be successful, powerful or rich 61. not friendly 62. not new, original or clever; not showing any imagination 63. sad 64. slightly cruel 65. not able to be trusted or depended on 66. not enjoyable or pleasant 67. Someone who is unselfish thinks about what is good for other people, not just about their own advantage. 68. not wanting to be with other people 69. not wanting to be with other people



My name is Maria. I am 22 years old and I am a doctor. I am from Spain and I live in Albacete with my family. My mother is called Monica and she is a teacher. My father is called Carlos and he is an engineer. I have got one brother and one sister. My brother is Luis and he is 25. He works as a dentist. My sister is 17 years old and she is studying design. I have got a lot of friends. But my best friend is Sara. She is from France and she lives in Lyons. She has got a big family her dad, her mum, her grandmother and her two brothers. They also have a pet a parrot called Jimmy. She is a hairdresser. She is 22 too and she is very attractive. She is quite tall and slim. She has beautiful green big eyes and long curly red hair. Her face is covered with freckles. She also has got a long fringe and wears glasses. She often wears her hair in pigtails. I am talkative, sociable, self-confident and quite active. However, Sara is really shy, quiet and a bit lazy. But we are both organised, responsible and polite. Although we have

different characters, we really get on well. Moreover, Our hobbies and interests are quite similar. We both play basketball in a team and we also love painting and reading novels. As we can only meet in summer, we are really close and we chat every day . I really like her because she is fantastic and whatever problem I have she is always ready, willing and able to help me. I am looking forward to seeing her again next summer.

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