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Writing 2 Summer Term (100%)

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Learning Objectives:
By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
- Learn words, phrases, structures used to describe people
- Learn the way how to describe people
- Describe someone as suggested
I. Read the descriptions. Then underline the adjectives used to describe people in the
1. He is quite old. He had thick white hair and a bushy moustache. His face was very wrinkled
and he had a very high forehead. His eyebrows were quite dark. He looked a very kind, soft
and artistic person.
2. He was in early forties. He had a squarest face with a small mouth and very even, white teeth,
his hair was short and dark. He looked a very strong determined person.
3. She was probable in her twenties when they took this picture. Her hair was short and curly
and she looked very beautiful! She has bright, wide eyes and soft, smooth skin. She looked a
very calm, sophisticated person.
4. It is hard to say how old she was when she took this picture. She had a roundish face with
double chin, lots of very curly black hair, bright smiling eyes and a very friendly smile. She
looked a very cheerful, pleasant person.
5. Loose, wavy brown hair hung down to her waist at the back – she had a fringe over her
forehead that almost hid her pale blue eyes. The nose – not her best feature – was long but
not ugly. She had a regular set of white teeth and was full lipped. Her round face often looked
rather sallow in complexion; she wasn’t very tall or slim, and she walked with slightly –
rounded shoulders. When I knew her, she must have been in her early thirties, about thirty
five even – and she even had one or two tell –tale wrinkles round the mouth.
6. I first met him at a small party and he was dressed in a rather ill-fitting suit with patches on
the elbows; underneath there was an open-necked striped shirt. After that I don’t think I ever
saw him in a suit again. He mostly wore casual clothes – faded jeans, T – shirt and open
7. She had the irritating habit of biting her nails but apart from that she was always welcoming
and positive, once you knew her well. If you didn’t, you might have thought her a bit
standoffish, but she wasn’t really.
8. People often thought of him as looking irritable but that was probably to do with his
somewhat pink complexion and his bloodshot eyes. He flapped his hands quite a bit and
rarely looked relaxed or calm. However, his face changed dramatically when he smiled
perhaps it was more of a boyish grin than a smile and it altered one’s view of him

II. Read the following descriptions and match them to four continuations of them. Write your
answer below.
1. She was a small, thin girl with long fair hair, a round face and large round, blue eyes, which
gave her a perpetually surprised expression. Her upturned nose and freckles make her look

much younger than she actually was. She was always casually dressed, in faded jeans and a
tee – shirt.
2. She was a slim young woman of medium height, with wavy, shoulder length blonde hair. She
had an oval face with a pale complexion, a small, straight nose, firm chin and decided mouth.
Elegantly dressed in a tailored suit, she looked determined and efficient.
3. He was a tall, thin man with receding black hair, bushy eyebrows and a walrus moustache
which gave him a fierce expression. He was untidily dressed in an old jacket and cord
4. He was a trim, energetic young man with dark, curly hair, brown eyes and a thin moustache.
He was neatly dressed in a suit and tie.

a. She walked briskly and with a sense of purpose. When she entered a room,
people would stop talking and turn to look at her. She was never late, never
forgot a birthday or missed an appointment.
b. He had a rather abrupt manner, and would fire questions at you impatiently and
often without waiting for an answer. He was rather absent-minded, was always
forgetting people’s names, leaving his umbrella on trains, or losing his wallet.
c. She was always cheerful and smiling, and had a habit of giggling at the most
unexpected things and at the most unexpected times. She saw life as a joke and
people as curiosities.
d. He was extremely well –mannered and very punctual. He always used to write
down his appointments in a little leather diary, and kept his desk very tidy. He
drank a little, never too much and never smoked.

1…………………/ 2………………/3………………………/4……………………….

III. Read the description. Then answer the questions

Of all my relatives, I like my aunt Emily the best. She is my mother’s younger sister. She has
never married and lives alone in a small village near Bath. She is in her late fifties, but she is quite
young in spirit. She has a fair complexion, thick brown hair which she wears in a bun and dark
brown eyes. She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first thing you notice is her smile. Her
face is a little wrinkled now, but I think she is still rather attractive. She is the sort of person you
can always want to see if you have a problem. She likes reading and gardening, and she still goes
for long walks over the hills. She is a very active person. Either she is making something, or
mending something, or doing something to entertain herself. She is extremely generous, but not very
tolerant with people who do not agree with her. I hope I am as content as she is when I am at her

1. The text consists of factual description and personal opinion. Go through the test and find what is
factual description, and what is personal opinion.

Factual description Personal opinion

2. Read the text again and answer the following questions:

 What does she look like?
 What is she like?
 What does she like doing?
 What is the writer’s opinion?

III. Language notes

1. Match the first column with the second column and the third column to find out what you
have to write to describe a person.

Part 1 Conclusion Say who you want to describe and


Part 2 Introduction Sum up your feelings or opinions

about this person
Part 3 Character Age, face, figure,, body and gait,
typical clothes . . .
Part 4 Physical facts and Facial and bodily expressions, likes
description and dislikes, habits, emotional,
intellectual and moral attributes

2. Vocabulary Aids
Age: young, middle-aged, elderly, old, teenager, in one’s early/ mid/ late twenties, in 20s, 30s, 40s

Height: tall, short, tallish, shortish, of medium/ average height, of below average.

Build: thin, slim, skinny, slender, well-built, muscular, athletic, powerful, medium-built, plum, fat,
overweight, obese, stocky, broad-shouldered, stout, of medium build, of average build, a good/
lovely/ well-proportioned figure, frail, stocky, plump, fat, skinny.
Texture/Appearance: wavy, curly, straight, spiky, stiff, buzzed, shaved, parted, neatly-combed,
tamed, straight, long, short, a short – haired girl, cropped, wear in a bun, pony-tail, lank, frizzy,
untidy, neat,
Hair Styles: braids, ponytail, pigtails, bun, twist, bob, ringlets, flip, bangs, buzz, with plaits, a fringe,
layered, feathered, chopped, gelled, spiked, slicked down
Lots of hair: thick, full, lustrous, bushy, coarse, wiry (stiff)
Little hair: thin, scraggly, fine, baby-fine, wispy, limp, flat, balding, bald, bald spot, receding
Treated hair: dyed, bleached, highlighted, weaved
Hair colors: black, brunette, brown, chestnut-brown, honey-blond, blond, golden-blond, ash-blond,
auburn, red, strawberry-blond, gray, silver, white, salt-and-pepper, ginger, mousy,
Face: thin, long, round, angular, square, triangular, heart-shaped, high cheekbones, high forehead,
an oval face, a round/ chubby/ baby/ thin/ fresh/ spotty face, a long thin face with narrow/ thin/ full
lips and high cheekbones, a round face with a little turned up nose and chubby pink cheeks, a pretty
face with small regular features and a pointed/ cleft/ double chin.
Nose: a long/ straight/ turned up/ broken / snub/ flat/ hooked/ broad nose.

Eyes: blue, grey, brown, pale-green, dark, small, large, dull, bloodshot, sparkling, twinkling,
flashing, brilliant, bright, inquisitive, piercing, mesmerizing, sad, sorrowful, tear-filled, gentle,
sympathetic, warm, compassionate, expressive, twinkling, lively, dancing, laughing,
dreamy eyes, piggy eyes, calm/ shifty/ worried eyes, a black-eyed boy/ wide-eyed boy/
- Eye Shape and Size: Large, small, almond-shaped, round, slanted, squinty, crinkly
Eyebrows/ eyelashes: long, thick, brushy, thin,

Mouth and lips: thin lips, full lips, pouting lips, pursed lips (puckered up, like when someone is
Laugh, smile, beam, grin, frown, grimace, scowl

Complexion: pale, rosy, sallow, ruddy in complexion, dark, oriental, olive-skinned, fair
complexion, pasty, clear/ greasy skin, spotless, silky, smooth, creamy, baby-soft, glowing, paper-
thin or translucent (as with a very old person); rough, callused, dry

Dress: well/ smartly/ sloppily/ casually dressed, scruffy, casual, conservative, elegant, fashionable.

Distinguishing features: with glasses, with freckles, with dimples, with lines, with spots, with
wrinkles, a (faint) scar, mole, a beauty spot, birthmark

Speech: stutter, stammer, deep voice, squeaky voice

Character: self-assured, self-reliant, confident, determined, ambitious, reliable, calm, brainy, witty,
sensible, adventurous, committed, honest, polite, friendly, jolly, lively, amusing, humorous, have a
sense of humor, cheerful, easy-going, out-going, sociable, carefree, tolerant, gentle, helpful, kind,
kind-hearted, good-mannered/ tempered, imaginative, quiet, thoughtful, moody, sophisticated,
affectionate, passionate, sentimental, home-loving, aggressive, irritable, hot-tempered, cruel,
insensitive, arrogant, unsociable, mean, selfish, extravagant, dishonest, impatient, nervous, shy,
reserved, suspicious, strict, stern, serious, unfriendly, talkative, silly, thick, unintelligent, dull.

Facial expressions: smiling, frown, grin, grimace, scowl, laughing, pout, sulk.

3. Language study
 The way people dress
They dress shabbily = they wear shabby clothes
They dress in great style
He was dressed in a cotton shirt = he was wearing a cotton shirt
He dressed as a woman
He dresses like a prince.
He was casually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.
 Personal opinion

He looks like a businessman/ he looks
He seems to be………..
He behaves as if…………
To hear him talk, you would
To look at him, one would never

My first impression of her was that she

was …………….
The first thing you notice is
Another characteristic is
I like/ dislike the way he………………
What I like best / dislike most about him

 Character and habits:
She (is) always ……………./ she has the habit of……………
 Age
She must have been in her early thirties/ in her mid forties/ in her late-forties
He is at the age of 50 She is a woman of forty.
A woman, aged forty A forty- year - old woman
She is short with a pale complexion
 Appropriate expressions and transitional signals
The only thing is that……………..
If he has a fault, it is that………………
However, no one is perfect and he is……………..
First of all/ another point is that / what is worse, . . . (negative to negative)
What is more/ Moreover/ In addition . . . (positive to positive)
 Instead of using VERY before adjectives all the time we can use really, quite,
rather, a little, a bit, pretty, slightly, extremely, absolutely
 Adjective order
Size Shape Condition Age Colour Origin Material Purpose
good, bad, big, little, long, broken, old, red, Italian, silver, basket ball,
beautiful, enormous short, cracked, young, black . French, silk, hat,
ugly, ... squar fresh . . . antiqu .. English wooden touring . ..
smart . . . e... e... ... ...

Rearrange adjective order in the following sentences

1. It is a plastic, round, old ball →

2. He is wearing a cotton, Italian, long, expensive, brown jacket →

3. A black, old, dirty cat is wandering the streets →

4. A shiny Italian new sport car was parted opposite my house. →

5. It stated to rain so I opened a red and yellow enormous umbrella. →

6. She is a Brazilian slim beautiful supermodel. →

7. All the girls fell in love with new American handsome teacher. →

8. He sat behind a wooden big brown desk. →

IV. Samples

1. The person who I would like to describe is my father, Richard. He is 41 and he is a driver.
He has short, light hair and green eyes. He is 180 cm tall. He works very hard but all the time
he smiles and he is happy. He is intelligent and he has many plans for the future. He cares for
our future. For example he wants to build a house. He always believes that everything will be
fine. He loves watching TV, music and food. He likes computer and he can use the internet. He
hates when people are envious and jealous. I love my father because he is a person who I can
always rely on. He always tries to help me and I mustn’t be afraid of nothing when I am with
him. He cares for our family and he is a very good person.

2. In our daily activities we often get in touch with the others and from these relations we meet
some people whose interests, characteristics and behaviors are similar to ours and we choose
them as our friends.

To me, one of my best friends is Nam. Nam is only over eighteen but he is well- developed; so
he is thought to be twenty or more. He has black hair, a broad forehead, a straight nose and
bright eyes. He is very good-looking. He has a kind heart and is easy to get on with everybody.
We have been friends for a very long time. The deeper our mutual understanding becomes the
more we feel closely attached to each other. “Birds of a feather flock together”, Nam and I are
keen on learning. We are the best pupils in our class. Nam is always at the top. He is good at
every subject, but he never shows pride in his abilities and always tries to learn harder.

Nam’s family is not rich enough. His parents are retired workers. Realizing the hardships of his
parents, although he is absorbed in his study, he often spends most of his spare time doing
useful things to help his parents in their old age. He gets up early in the morning to have
enough time to deliver newspapers to subscribers before going to school. After school in the
afternoon, he repairs bicycles and motorbikes. Therefore the money he gets from his manual
job is sufficient for his school fees and for his parents’ presents. I like Nam very much because
of his honesty and straight forwardness. He is always ready to help his weak friends in their
study; as a result, lots of friends, thanks to his whole-hearted help, have become good ones.

In my relation with Nam, I have got precious experience: thirst for learning, patience to
overcome difficulties, helpfulness and filial piety.

3. I would like to tell you about a man I talk about with my friends.
He is generous and kind with everyone. He always likes to help someone, and doesn't expect
anything in return.
He is in charge of a private charity association in his home town which helps many families. It
assists with habitat, education for poor children, and health.
He is my relative, and is living far away from my home town. Whenever I see him I like to sit
with him and have a talk. He is the kind of person you admire, the way he talks, and the topics
he discusses. He makes you feel comfortable and never talks about nonsense topics.
Sometimes, if I have a problem, I like him to share with me and advise me what to do to solve
that problem. He always tells me to be honest with myself and respect others' opinions.
My cousin, Christopher, is the son of my father’s brother. He’s three years younger than me
and we did not know each other very well as children because he and his family lived on the
other side of the country at that time. Since then, he’s married and moved closet so we meet
quite often and I’ve got to know him much better.
There is nothing very remarkable about Chris’s appearance. He is of average height and
medium build, and he has got curly, mousy hair and a fair complexion. As he is quite short –
sighted like me, he wears glasses. The clothes he likes are mostly casual; jeans or shorts and a
tee-shirt. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in a suit!
He is a very active person who loves the outdoor life. He is extremely practical and ha can
build or repair almost anything, no matter how complicated it is. Another characteristic he has
is that he’s very outgoing. If you go to a show with him and members of the audience are
invited onto the stage, Chris will be the fist to volunteer. The thing I appreciate most about him,
however, is his sense of humor. If I am depressed, he can always cheer me up with a joke or a
funny story. They say you can choose your friends but not your relations. In Chris’s case, I feel
I am very lucky because he is not only my cousin but also one of my best friends.

Read part of description and choose appropritate title.

A. Face and body B. Clothes C. Character and habits

1. ……………………………
Loose, wavy brown hair hung down to her waist at the back - she had a fringe over her
forehead that almost hid her pale blue eyes. The nose - not her best feature - was long but not
ugly. She had a regular set of white teeth and a full-lipped.
Her round face often looked rather sallow in complexion; she wasn’t very tall or slim, and
she walked with slight-rounded shoulders.
When I knew her she must have been in her early thirties, about thirty-five even - and she
even had one or two tell-tale wrinkles round the mouth.
2. ……………………………
I first met him at a small party and he was dressed in a rather ill-fitting suit with patched on the
elbows; underneath there was an open-necked striped shirt. After that I don’t think I ever saw
him in a suit again. He mostly wore casual clothes-jaded jeans, T-shirts, and open sandals.
3. …………………………….
People often thought of him as looking irritable but that was probably to do with his somewhat
pink complexion and his bloodshot eyes. He flapped his hands quite a bit and rarely looked
relaxed or calm.
However, his face changed dramatically when he smiled, perhaps it was more of a boyish grin
than a smile, and it altered one’s view of him immediately.
4. ……………………………
She had the irritating habit of biting her nails but part from that she was always welcoming and
positive, once you knew her well. If you didn’t, you might have thought her a bit standoffish,
but she wasn’t really. Actually, she wasn’t all that bright and often appeared intensely puzzled
by life.

General Physical Description
a. Put these words into the blanks
fingers/ broad/ jaw/ brown/ faced/ wavy/ set/ blue/ legs
The round – ………………… man went through the door on his short, stumpy ……………
His long …………. hair was an extraordinary ready - …………….. color. His eyes were rather
deep - ………….. and light -……………… How square and set his …………. was! How

…………….. his shoulders! Only his long, delicate, restless ……………….. modified this
impression of determination.
b. Find suitable words to put in the spaces in this passage.
The police are looking for a …………….. haired girl with grey – green ……………… Her
…………….and ………………. are …………… her hair. She is rather pale in
……………….: the face is ………………. She is very ……………, almost thin, and about 5
foot 3 inches tall. She has thin ………….. and a snub………………….
1. She is pretty. She has an oval face.
2. He has wrinkles. They make him look older.
3. She is a beautiful woman. She wears designer clothes.
4. She has long hair. She wears her hair in poly tail.
5. He has a big garden. He grows vegetables in the garden.
6. She is kind- hearted. She is cooperative.
7. He was an old man. He has grey hair. He had a long beard. He wore dark, horn-rimmed
glasses. He looked very serious.
8. She was a slim, blonde woman. She had blue eyes. She walked upright. She carried her head
high. She appeared taller than she was.

9. Ann’s father was a plump gentleman. He looked kindly, he was old, he had a walrus
moustache. He wore a tweed jacket. It smelt of tobacco. He used to get up early before
anyone else. He used to smoke a pipe in the garden before breakfast.
10. Jean Buchan was thin. She always looked anxious. She had grey hair. It was tied in a bun.
She was always in a hurry. She spoke in short sentences. She did everything at top speed.
11. Just seeing him makes you feel happy. He was always laughing. He had a smile and a joke
for everyone. His eyes were blue and twinkling. His face was wrinkled. He had leathery
skin. He wore faded blue dungarees. He would whistle as he walked down the lane. He
would stop to talk to everyone he met.
Describe these people in 3 or 4 sentences.

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Introduction: my friend – Lucy
Body: - Physical appearance: - short, brown-eyed, blank –browed
- Pale face, visible freckles, big brown eyes, long eyelashes,
- Amazing smile
- Personal characteristics – tidy (dress – ironed), a sincere friend, no secrets
- Together: read books, go to the library, prepare homework
- Come after classes, talks about school, adventures.
- Most interesting thing: new books
- Not avoid work: clean up the room after school
Conclusion: - her sensitivity, kindness and spiritual purity.

PRACTICE 6 : Write a description of about 120 words to describe either your most farvourit person or
your least favourite one.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of the unit , students will be able to:
- Learn words, phrases, structures used to describe places
- Learn the way how to describe places
- Describe some places as suggested
Each writer has his own ways of describing places. The writer used spatial order to organize
their ideas
We can describe places from left to right, right to left, near to far, far to near, outside to
inside, inside to outside, top to bottom, or bottom to top.
1. Description of a town/ holiday resort in your country
 General introduction: Why should visitor come to your town/ resort?
Where is it situated?
 A general description of the town: population? Surrounding attractions? . . .
 Why is the town particularly worth visiting? It is famous for its buildings/
landscapes/ people . . .
 What can visitors do in the evening? What sort of restaurants/ clubs/
entertainments can they find?
 Conclusion: write a few lines encouraging tourists to come to visit your town/
2. Description of a favourite place or a least favourite place.
 A physical description of the place
 Reasons liking or disliking the place
 Final comments.
3. Description of a house or flat
 Fact and physical description
 A description of some of the rooms
 Your impressions and opinions
1. Read the sample and label the paragraph with the correct headings.
A. Comments/recommendation B. Nightlife
C. Things to see and do D. Name, location, reason for choosing
E. shopping

An Ideal Seaside Resort
1. ...........................
Brighton is a large town on the south-east coast of England. Located only an hour from
London, it is a charming seaside resort and the perfect destination for a peaceful weekend.
2. .............................
Brighton has serveral tourist attractions which are worth visiting. Among these is the Royal
Pavillion, a beautiful Indian-style palace which was built in the early nineteenth century.
Brighton’s most famous attraction is the lively Palace Pier, with its fantastic funfair and
amusement arcades. Both young and old can have fun while admiring the spectacular view of
Brighton’s seafront.

3. ..............................
There are plenty of places to go shopping in Brighton. The town center has a large modern
shopping center. There are also narrow lanes full of lovely antique shops that are always
bustling with tourists.
4. ............................
The nightlife in Brighton is exciting. There are a lot of music and dance clubs which are
extremely popular with younger people. The area is also well-known for its fashionable
restaurants, which offer a variety of international cuisines.
5. ..............................
Brighton is a town that has something to offer everyone. Whether you want to spend your time
shopping and seeing the sights, or simply relaxing and enjoying the fresh sea air. Brighton is
the ideal choice for a few days a way from the city.
2. Match the heading with the parts of the description

I’ve visited many interesting cities in my life but I think my

a. Introduction (sets the favourite must be Sydney in Australia. I’ve been lucky enough
scene) to go there several times and it’s certainly a place I would be
happy to live in.
b. Location
c. Special attractions
Sydney’s biggest advantage is its superb setting on one of the
d. Atmosphere most beautiful harbours in the world. The views of the harbor
e. Amenities (interesting bridge and the Opera House are magnificent and you find that
you are never very far from water wherever you go. Then, a
things) short drive away you have beaches like the famous Bondi beach
f. Conclusion (people, and national parks where you can walk for miles without
summing up) meeting anyone except, perhaps, the odd kangaroo.

It’s a very relaxed and cosmopolitan city and there’s plenty to

see and do. Even if you can’t afford the price of a opera ticket,
you can visit some of the museums and art galleries or wander
round Darling Harbour or Paddington Market completely free.
And when you are hungry, there are hundreds of restaurants, at
all prices, serving every possible type of cuisine form
Australian to my favourite, Mongolian!

So, with its wonderful setting and all its other attractions,
Sydney takes a lot of beating, in my view. But in the end, it’s the
people who make a city and Sydney-siders ( as they are called)
are some of the friendliest and most welcoming people I know.


- Only ten minutes from where I live …../ Very close to…./In the
town center…./ On the south coast of…./Opposite…/Next to…/
Near…./is situated/in the center/heart/ middle of,…/in the
north/south/east/west of…./to the left/right of…/at the top of......
Location - is situated, located, found, surrounded by, enclose, surround,
cover, extend, run, flow . ..
- here, there, everywhere, inside, outside, southwards, eastwards...
- over, beyond, in, at, by, near, next to, opposite, above, below,
ahead, in front
- There is/ are
- There has / have (always/ never) been
- It has been/ stood there for / since You can find/ discover
Comparative & - The best…./the most popular…/ the most interesting…not as as…
- This is one of the most…… sights in America
Giving reasons - What I like about ….is……
- The main reason I like ……. is…..

Adjectives l/ancient/narrow/breathtaking/bare/
Nouns Architecture/design/history/facilities/buildings/viewpoint/stone
Lots of nightlife/spectacular views/go sightseeeing/shopping/hiking/visit
Activities museums/art galleries/takes lots of photos/go to concerts,
theater/exhibitions/do business/horse-riding/relax on wonderful beach/get
on the tourist bus/ go for a boat ride on the lake
Recommendation - This is a place every tourist should see…
- I would recommend a visit to…..
- If you are looking for a ……., don’t miss…
- The area around….. has got (a) beautiful
Useful phrases &
expressions - People can enjoy….
- This beautiful temple/building was built….
- If you stand outside…. you will notice…
- If you are in good shape, you can climb…
- The most interesting point of the city is……
- There is something spectacular views of the ….
- If you visit my town you must go to…..
*Useful Structures

1. You can express positive impressions of a place by:

a. using a variety of adjectives such as: awe-inspiring , breathtaking, delightful, elaborate, eye
catching, exquisite , majestic, outstanding, overwhelming, picturesque, quaint, spellbinding,
superb, tranquil, etc.
e.g. The castle, standing at the top of the mountain overlooking the city, is awe-inspiring.
b using a variety of present or past participles from such verbs as: amaze, astonish, astound,
impress, inspire, overwhelm, refresh, stimulate, etc.
e.g. I was/felt astounded at how beautiful Florida is in winter. ...
the astonishing image of children pushing rickshaws.
c using a variety of nouns in expressions such as:
to my amazement/astonishment/delight/surprise/etc
e.g. To my delight, the place had kept its character.
2. You can express negative impressions of a place by:
a using a variety of adjectives such as: barren, bleak, derelict, dilapidated, disreputable,
inhospitable, neglected, squalid, etc.
e.g. The building was in a dilapidated state,

b using a variety of present or past participles from such verbs as: depress, disappoint, dismay,
terrify, shock, etc
e.g. The disappointing view of the unsightly housing.
c using a variety of nouns in expressions such as: to my disappointment/surprise/etc
e.g. To my disappointment, the once-tranquil village had turned into a crowded tourist resort.
d. using a variety of sentences such as :
- The first thing one notices about the house is its overgrown garden.
- The reason that the area is so depressing is that there are so many derelict buildings.
- The filthy, congested streets confirmed my initial impression that it was an unpleasant
- Undoubtedly, the thing/feature that will disappoint any visitor is the lack of facilities.

3. Explaining Impressions:
- Paris makes an immediate/enduring/lasting impression on all who visit it, since it is such
a glamorous city.
- What strikes/impresses/delights visitors about the resort most is its unique surroundings.
- The most noticeable/outstanding feature of the palace is its golden dome. A huge statue of
a lion is the first thing one notices upon entering the temple.
- One cannot help but be impressed/moved/struck by the natural beauty of the region.
- Without doubt, the most impressive thing about San Francisco is the Golden Gate Bridge.
- The thing which makes the strongest/most enduring impression is the hospitality of the
- I was immediately struck by the staggering number of huge skyscrapers.
- One particularly marvels/wonders at the variety of attractions offered.

4. Vocabulary and Grammar

a. The use of descriptive vocabulary (e.g. exquisite, exclusive, towering, etc) a variety of
linking words and structures as well as narrative techniques will make your writing more
b. Present tenses are normally used when describing a place for a tourist brochure or a
magazine article.
c. Past tenses are normally used when describing a visit to a place/building.
d. First and second conditionals (will/would) can be used when you describe your ideal
city/house, etc.
e. Note that when we give factual information about a place or building this is normally given
using Present tenses, (e.g. I flew to Madrid last Monday. Madrid is situated in the central point
of the Iberian peninsula with a population of about 3,000,000.)
f. Location verbs and prepositions
There are a number of verbs used to describe the location and/or surroundings of a place. These
may explain position (e.g. the old house is situated next to/is surrounded by..) ; they may also
give some suggestion of movement (e.g. the road leads up to/winds past...) and/or action (e.g.
the statue towers above/stands at the top of...). These verbs are naturally used with prepositions
and prepositional/adverbial phrases (e.g. leads up to, winds past, stands at the top of , etc).

g. Participles & relative clauses
-Short sentences with the same subject may be joined with participles (~ing ~ed) or relative
pronouns (who/which/whose).
The cottage stands at the top of a cliff. It faces out to sea.
 The cottage, which stands at the top of a cliff, faces out to sea.
 The cottage, standing at the top of a cliff, faces out to sea.
The farmhouse was built in 1850. It is surrounded by fields.
The farmhouse, [which was] built in 1850 is surrounded by fields.

- The participial clause is often put at the beginning of the sentence:

Standing at the top of a cliff, the cottage faces out to sea.
Built in 1850, the farmhouse is surrounded by fields.

i. Vocabulary for describing places

 type of place: capital city, cathedral city / town , university city / town, port, coastal
town industrial town, cosmopolitan city, historic city, seaside town, agricultural town/
suburb/ country village, mountain village, fishing village, touristy area
 location and geographical position: in the north / south / east / west of… in the centre of
on the coast by the sea on the river (name) on / near lake (name) in a valley at the mouth
of the river (name) on a plain in the mountains near a forest / desert
 surrounding area: rural/ urban /flat/ hilly /mountainous /fertile /dry .
 buildings or places of interest: church/ cathedral /monument/ palace /square /museum
/opera house theatre/ town hall/ parliament buildings /national art gallery/ university /old
city / quarter port market stadium
 other adjectives
(i) alive/ amazing/ beautiful/ bright /calm /colourful /creepy /crowded deserted different
dry/ enchanted/ fresh/ hot/ incredible/ interesting/ magnificent /modern
(ii) mysterious, natural, noisy, perfect/ pleasant, quiet, remarkable, shiny, silent, stormy,
strange, terrific, ugly, unique, unusual, warm, wild, windy
(iii) tranquil/ peaceful /traditional/ tropical /harmonious/ fresh /sensational romantic
magical /fairytale-like / mystical
I.Rewrite the sentences using the words in bold without changing the meaning.
1. When visiting Paris, one particularly marvels at the incredible architecture of the Pompidou
( help)

2.What impressed me most about the entire building was the lavishly-decorated reception hall.
( strongest)
3. The first thing that one notices about the city is that there are so many well-preserved
medieval buildings. ( noticeable)

4. Undoubtedly the thing that will impress you most about Sydney is the amazing Opera
House .
( doubt)
5. What strikes visitors to Mykonos most is the perfect combination of glamour and tradition.
( immediate)

II. Link the sentences below starting each sentence with the correct form of the words
1. The castle dominates the skyline. It is built of local stone.

2. The museum was opened in 1939. It is visited by thousands of people every day.

3. The temple is surrounded by trees. It is difficult to see from a distance.

4. Greater London covers 610 square miles. It is the largest city in Britain.

5. The monument was erected in 1919. It is a memorial to those who died in World War I.

III. Fill in the gaps with words from the list below: Use the words only once.

stretch out, is set in, winds through, nestles at, is perched on, curves around,
sprawl out, is located in, slopes down to

The small house, which (1) ................................................. the centre of town, is packed
with antiques. The narrow country lane (2)................................................ the wooded valley.
The steep hillside (3)..................................................................... the seashore. The hotel
(4).................................................... the towering Welsh mountains. The river
(5).............................................................. the base of the mountain. The plains
(6)......................................................................... in every direction. The cabin
(7)................................ precariously (8)................................. a cliff top. The suburbs

(9)................................................................. into the countryside. A tiny village
(10)............................................... the foot of the high mountain.

IV. Write a description of the last place you visited on holiday.

 Remember to check your description before you hand it in: spelling, grammar,
vocabulary, punctuation, structure, modifiers, linkers …
 Paragraph 1: Describe the place( what was it like? How was it different from you home
town / country
 Paragraph 2: add extra information ( weather, food, people, . . .)
 Paragraph 3: conclusion (what did you like most/ least? Would you like to go back?)

One of the world’s most famous landmarks is the Eiffel Tower, which was designed and built
by Alexandre G. Eiffel in 1889. It is located in the centre of Paris and has become a major
tourist attraction, with thousands of tourists visiting it every day.

What makes the Eiffel Tower so special is its design and height. Being 300 metres high, its
impressive Tower is one of the tallest landmarks in Paris and can be seen from a great distance.
Of course, most people prefer to visit and admire it up close.

There are three levels on the Eiffel Tower. By taking a lift or climbing hundreds of stairs, you
can visit the restaurant on the first level and have a delicious French meal. The other two levels
each have an observation deck, where you can enjoy spectacular views of Paris.

However, the Eiffel Tower is not only a tourist attraction. The department of meteorology has a
weather station and an antenna on the top. This makes it even taller.
Without a doubt, the Eiffel Tower is an impressive and unforgettable sight. It is truly worth


My room at home has to serve two purposes: it is a bedroom but also a study. It is not very
large, but I like it because it has a large window opposite the door, and my desk is on the right
near the window, so I do not need to use the table lamp during the day. I have a writing desk
that folds down so I can do my homework comfortably. I keep my pencils in the top part of the
desk, and it has three drawers, where I keep all my notebooks. There is a table lamp on top of
the desk, and some bookshelves on the wall, for all my schoolbooks. I have decorated the room
by sticking some posters on the wall above my bed.
On the other side of the room, opposite by bed, is the wardrobe. It has two sections, and is
convenient because it is built into the wall, and so it does not take up much space. I keep my
jackets and trousers in one section, and the other section consists of little drawers for shirts and
socks and underwear. At the bottom, there is a big drawer, where I keep sweaters.


Singapore is an island city of about 3 million people. It's a beautiful city with lots of parks and
open spaces. It's also a very clean city. Most of the people live in high-rise flats in different
parts of the island. The business district is very modern, with lots of tall new office buildings.
Singapore also has some nice older sections. In Chinatown there are rows of old shop houses.
The government buildings in Singapore are very beautiful and date from the colonial days.

Singapore is famous for its shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping centers. Most
of goods are duty free. Singapore's restaurants sell Chinese, Indian, Malay and European food
and the prize are quite reasonable.


I often travel many places but Hue is the city I like best. Although Hue is a fairly small city but
it offers much to amuse summer visitors. They can go boating along the Huong river. They can
go swimming on it. Lots of people go hunting for weeks that grow along the road sides.
Campers will find lovely campgrounds that are clean. There are several nice hotels along the
Huong river such as Huong Giang hotel, Century hotel, Thon Vy hotel... Tourists can browse
through a number of interesting shops in town such as antique stores.' One fun activity is
shopping at the Dong Ba market where local folks sell products very famous. Hue has a lot of
places to eat. from a cheap place to expensive restaurants. Some of these restaurants offer good
food. The stores to visit are the shops that sell items for souvenir on Le Loi street. Hue has
many famous scenes such : Citadel, Thien Mu Pagoda, Thien An Hill, Thuan An Beach and
especially the tombs: Khai Dinh, Tu Due, Minh Mang ... As you can see, Hue offers a lot to go
in the summer. If you want to give your family an interesting visit try visiting Hue city.


New York is the largest city in the United States, More than seven million people live there.
New York has very tall buildings like the World Trade Center and Empire State building. It is
the biggest port in the world.

Thousands of ships come to the port of New York each year. It has Mary's one of the biggest
stores in the world. New York also has the largest lady in the world the statue of Liberty.
New York is a very cosmopolitan city. People from many countries come to live in New York
three quarters or 75 percent of the people in New York city come from five groups. The other
quarter of 15 percent comes from all over the world.
New York city is the centre for culture in the Unites States. It has the finest museums and best
art galleries in the country. If you want to see a play, there are many theaters you can go to on
Broadway. The street called Broadway is the center of theater in the United States. People call
New York city the 11 Big Apple". Jazz musicians in the 1920s gave New York this name.
When a musician says he is going to the Big Apple it means he is the best today.


Over the bridge and across the River Svislock is the most beautiful square in the city -Victory
Square. This square is, as it was, the logical continuation of the exhibits in the Great Patriotic
War History Museum. In the centre of the square is a 38 metre monument to Victory, put up to
mark. The victory and immortalize the memory of the soldiers of the Soviet Army and the
Byelorussia partisans who give their lives for the liberation of the Motherland. The monument
was designed by Geogi Zaborsky and Vladimir Korol and decorated with bronze bas-reliefs by
the Byelor Russian sculptors .. .Victory Square is circular with the obelisk in the centre and
flower bed round the circumference. On the northern side is bounded bv two arched apartment


Tourists come to Ha Tien with the hope to see back the magic land in the South Vietnam where
has many heroic historic places, imperial tombs, ancient pagodas and blue sky and endless
mountains and seas.

Ha Tien town was set up 300 years ago. Its closely to Mac family. A trench film making group
once put their steps everywhere in HaTien to make a film called “I amant” (love) in 1995.

One can't hope calling Thach Dong (stone grotto), Chong stone, Phu Tu stone (father and son
stone). Hong pagoda from 15 beauty spots. Thach dong is a piece of green stone emerged from
land. Cars can be accessible to the gate of this 48 meters high grotto. By sea, one can reach to
Hai Tac groups of inlets of every shape including 16 islets, of which the sea depth is 4 meters.
It is an ideal place for holiday and bathing. The largest islet Hon Doc, together with other tree
covered islets holds a calm sea of 9 kilometers 2 wide.
At the foot of Hon Doc is a white sand beach running towards the sea pond where the wind is
whispering with the palm leaves.


No visitor to Britain should go home without spending some time in Stratford -upon-Avon.
Situated in the heart of English, it is a town rich both in history and in culture. Stratford is a
busy market town with a population of twenty three thousand and contains many streets and
buildings unchanged since medieval times. It is surrounded by some of the prettiest countryside
in England and it's an ideal base for those wishing to visit such places of interest as Sarwick
Castle or the beautiful modem cathedral in Coventry. Without doubt Stratford is best known as
the town where the play writer William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was born and die. Here you
can visit his birth place , and other buildings associated with his family. These houses are all
splendid examples of Tudor architecture and there are many other fine historic buildings well
worth visiting in the town.
Visitors to Stratford will find no lack of evening entertainment There are restaurants to suit all
tastes and in the evening the Royal Shakespeare Theatre offers and exciting and varied
repertoire, giving you the chance to see some of the best actors in the country on stage. There
are also poetry readings, music recitals and many other entertainments available. Choose a
holiday in Stratford and you will never forget the experience!

Learning Objectives:
By the end of the unit , students will be able to:
- Understand what an article is
- Learn words, phrases, structures used to write articles
- Learn the way how to write articles
- Write some articles as suggested

A. What is an Article?
An/is / a / piece/ about/ subject/ article / a/ magazine/ newspaper/ writing/ particular/ of / in
/ or


C.Features of an Article
A good article should have:
1. A title
2. An introductory paragraph
3. One or two central paragraphs
4. A final paragraph / a conclusion
D. Useful language
You may find it helpful to note down a few fixed expressions to use in your article.
 Involving the reader
- Are you thinking of ( getting married in the near future)?
- I’m sure you’ll agree ( it was a great idea).
 Developing your points
- Let’s start with (why it is so important to take plenty of exercise)
- Another advantage ( of using a computer) is that………….
- On top of that, …………………..
 Giving your own opinion
- I think that / In my opinion ( traditional celebrations are very important)
- It seems to me that ( people are much more aware of the importance of a good diet
- I agree up to a point that ....
 Giving others’ opinion
- These days, many people say that ....
- Nowadays, we often hear people say that .....
- In the last few years it has become fashionable to say that ....

- The question of whether (very young children should be taught a foreign language)
is one which is often discussed these days.
- There are several arguments which can be made in favour of the statement.
- Opponents of this view argue that ....
- Another argument which is often put forward is that ...
- In support of this view it may be said that .....
- On the other hand, it can also be argued that ...
- It is often suggested that ....
- Another argument against (teaching very young children a foreign language) is that

G. Type of Article
- informal to neutral
* It depends on what magazine it is for (ex : young people magazine : more informal,
business/travel magazine : more neutral)
* Do not use formal expressions (ex : Besides, moreover, likewise.. /I would like to give an
opposite idea..)

H. Basic advice
- Be interesting and catch the reader’s attention.( think of an interesting title)
- Finish your article by summarizing your main point and giving your opinion or expressing
your feelings
- Do not just copy sentence from the task.
- Try to involve your reader by using informal language or questions (ex : Once Carnival
starts, the whole town goes crazy! What can we say about the carnival at Olinda?)
- Don’t forget to express your opinion (ex : I love the giant street dolls.)
- Start a new paragraph when you change topic.

I.Read the following advertisement in a young people’s magazine. Then answer the following

The young people of today are likely to live longer

and be healthier than any other generation.

Why do you think that is?

Write us an article answering this question. The best article

will be published next month.

1. Who will be reading your article?

a. older people b. doctors c. younger people

2. What style would be most suitable?
a. very formal b. neutral c. informal

3. Read the first and last paragraphs of one student’s article below. Then choose the best
title from this list and write it above the first paragraph.




Why do the older generation complain that we, young people eat the wrong food, take
no exercise, and don’t look after our bodies? In fact nothing could be further from the truth.


Better education, more nourishing food, more intensive and varied exercise, medical
advances – no wonder we’re going to be the healthiest generation ever!

4 . The last paragraph above summarizes what the writer has discussed in the previous
paragraph. The writer gives four reasons why young people are healthy. Write them here.
a ……………………………
b. ……………………………
c. …………………………..
d. ………………………….
Why do these four things make people healthy? Discuss your ideas and make notes.
Example: a. Better education: learn how body works in Biology lessons – can help us avoid
b. More nourishing food: ……………………………………………………....
c. More intensive and varied exercise: …………………………………………
d. Medical advances:……………………………………………………………

J. Read the sample


Why do the older generation complain that we, young people eat the wrong food, take no
exercise, and don’t look after our bodies? In fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The most important difference between us and the older generation is education. There is so
much information about what is healthy and what is not that it’s easy to know what you
should and shouldn’t eat. My parents certainly didn’t learn about this at school as my
generation all have.

As well as that, food now is produced to a much higher standard than it used to be. Farming
is more efficient and restaurants are cleaner. Most towns also have a gym where it is possible
to exercise in many different ways. Finally, there have been more advances in medical
technology in our lifetime than at any time in history, which means that we will live longer
than any generation before us.

Better education, more nourishing food, more intensive and varied exercise, medical advances
– no wonder we’re going to be the healthiest generation ever!

K. Read this model.

A strange way to enjoy yourself

(1) Have you ever seen a smile on the face of a long distance runner? Running 10
kilometers or more certainly doesn’t sound much fun, but this sport is a powerful addiction
and once you’ve started, you’ll find it difficult to give it up.
(2) So what is the attraction of running? For me, whether I’m working or studying, there is
no better way of getting rid of stress. I can think my problems through and at the end of the
race I have the answers. And simply completing a half or full marathon increases my
confidence and makes me feel on top of the world.
(3) If you’re thinking of taking it up yourself, don’t try to do too much at the beginning. You
should set yourself realistic targets and always do warm- up exercises before you run. Also,
make use you buy a good pair of running shoes to protect your knees and back from injury.
(4) And don’t be put off by the expressions on the faces of the runners they’re enjoying
every minute, and so will you!

2.Match each of these summaries to a paragraph in the article.

a. Benefits of the sport and reasons for liking it.
b. Closing comment.
c. What the sport is and what is special about it.
d. Advice to people who want to do this sport.
3.Who is the article written for (the target reader)?

The people who want to do this sport

4.Is it written in a more formal or informal style? Find examples of the following:
a. Contractions:
b. Informal linking words:
c. Direct questions
d. Phrasal verbs
5.Match each of the features 1 – 3 with its purpose a – c
1. The title a. to involve( to make somebody take part in) the
2. Direct questions b. to encourage the reader to take up the sport
3. The final sentence c. to attract the reader’s attention.

Writing an Article
Look at this question.
You have been asked to write an article for a student newspaper on the following topic:
Has television improved in your country over the last ten years?
Write your article, saying what most people think and giving your own point of view.

To answer this question well, you need to plan your article carefully, like this:
 underline key words in the instructions.
 Think of arguments for and against.

 Write a plan. A good plan for this question might look like this:

Introduction: question as a statement; two points of view

Paragraph 1: describe a situation – more channels than before.
Paragraph 2: more choice; entertainment mainly
Paragraph 3: not educational; fewer documentaries; fewer cultural programmes
Conclusion: what most people think; what I think.
Then write your article and check it carefully.
You have been asked by the editor of your school magazine to write an article on the following topic:
Today's television
"A load of old rubbish" or
"More choice than ever before"?
Is today's television still good value for money?
Write your article for the magazine (around 140-190 words).

You have just seen the following advertisement


 What is your favourite sport?
 Why do you like it?
 What advice would you give to someone who
wants to take it up?

We are looking for short articles answering these

questions and we will publish some of the best articles
next month.

Write your article for International Sports Weekly magazine. You should write 120 – 180
- put a title
- introduce the sport you like
- state the reason you like it
- give advice to the people who want to take it up
- give conclusion


You see this announcement in an international travel magazine.


Have you found the perfect holiday destination? If so,

write us an article:
- describing the place
- saying why it is special for you

We will publish the best article next month.

Write your article.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of the unit , students will be able to:
- Understand what a report is
- Learn words, phrases, structures used to write a report
- Learn the way how to write a report
- Write a report

*A report is a written account of an event, especially one that is published or broadcast.
* Make sure that you divide the report into sections. If possible, use headings for each section.
* The report should begin with a short introduction giving the background to it (the reason why
it is being written) and with a conclusion/ recommendation
1. Read the following instructions

What would you recommend the manager should do?

You have a part time job in a restaurant. The manager wants to make the restaurant more
popular with families and has asked you to carry out a survey among people of various ages
and write a report.

Write your report in 120 – 180 words summarizing the findings of your survey and making
one or two recommendations of your own.

2. Read the model answer and give each section a heading. There is one extra heading which
you do not need to use.
A. What their children want to eat D. Most popular dishes
B. Further recommendations E. Parents’ views on food.
C. Introduction F. Facilities

3. Who is the target reader and what style has the writer used?

The aim of this report is to show what different family members expect from a restaurant.
The report is based on a survey of 50 people aged between 8 and 45.
2. …………………….
Several younger parents agreed that a family restaurant should have nappy changing
facilities. Many of those under 16, on the other hand, felt that a non-smoking area was an
important feature.
3. ……………………..
Most parents expected to see a wide range of dishes on the menu, catering for all ages and
tastes. Understandably, price is a significant factor and 80 per cent of those interviewed said
they preferred restaurants which offered cheaper children’s portions.
Not surprisingly, over 90 per cent of those under 12 wanted chips with everything whereas a
large number of teenagers thought that a visit to a restaurant was an ideal opportunity to try
new dishes.
5. …………………………….
As a result of the survey, I would recommend that the restaurant should offer reduced prices
for large families. I also suggest extending the menu to include meals which are suitable for
young children.

4. Find examples of:

a. words and expressions used with countable and uncountable nouns
e.g. Several younger parents
b.Reported speech
Which verbs are used to introduce the reported speech?
c. making recommendations
Which two verbs are used?
5. Find words or phrases which are used to:
a. introduce the report e.g. I was asked to write a report on ………..
b. contrast ideas e.g. However,
c. comment on the findings e.g. Interestingly,

1.. Read the following instructions
As part of your towns’ cultural exchange program, a group of foreign students will be
visiting your area for two weeks. You have been asked to write a report for the group
leader about regional and/ or national dishes. You should give information about what
the students can expect to eat in your area and comment of the popularity of the different
dishes with young people.

2. Before you do the task consider this possible plan.

Introduction: Explain the purpose of your report and how you obtained
the information contained in it.
Most popular dishes: Briefly describe at least two dishes and mention how
popular they are with young people. Give reasons if
Least popular dishes: Give examples and say why they are not popular
Recommendation: Recommend your favourite regional and/ or national food.

Look at the
- Way of cooking food: bake, boil, fry, grill, heat, poach, roast, sauté, stew, toast.
- Adjectives for food: bitter, bland, creamy, crunchy, greasy, heavy, hot, rich, salty,
savoury, sickly, sour, spicy, stodgy, sweet, tasteless, tasty.
3. Who are the target reader? What style will you use for the report?
Now you are ready to write your report in 120 – 180 words.
Pay attention to planning and structuring your report.
A report includes the introduction, main body, recommendation.
Before writing
You have to make your writing plan. Spend around 5 minutes to make your plan which consists
of an introduction, main body and recommendation.
Choose a fact so that the person who reads it will get the information about report.

- Don’t begin and end your report with Dear Sir/Madam, like a letter.
- Do say how you collected the information

Main body
- Do use headings because this makes it easier for the reader to find the main information.

- Do include two or three points under each heading. Make sure all your points fit with the
- Do use a range of specific vocabulary or set phrases (e.g. some thought this was a good idea…
/other students said they preferred…)
- Don’t use lots of adjectives and dramatic language as you do in a story. A report gives factual
- Don’t include irrelevant details or description.

- Do use formal language
- Do express opinions impersonally. Don’t express recommendations or opinions until the
- Check your tense forms, the spelling, singular/plurals


You have to make sure that your language is formal.
1. Introduction
- This report is intended to show / discuss / outline …
- The aim / purpose of this report is to …
- In this report I will………………

2. Reporting results/ findings

- Most people seem to feel that...
- Several people said/told me/suggested/thought that…
- It appears that the majority of …
- The only problem is that … .
- Most …(students seem) … .
- Not surprisingly, …
- According to …
3. Presenting a list
- They gave/suggested the following reasons:
- They made the following points: 1… 2 …
- I would suggest the following: … might like to consider the following:
- The following are highly recommended: 1….. or 2. ……….
4. Suggesting additional ideas

- Another option would be to …

- I would also suggest …

- Another point to consider is hat …
- Alternatively…. Moreover. / Furthermore.
- Apart from this / In addition to this
5. Making recommendations/ Conclusion
- I would therefore recommend (that we expand the library/installing a new coffee machine)
- It would seem that (banning mobile phones) is the best idea.
- I would strongly / highly recommend …
- My first / second recommendation would be to ..
- It would be (highly) advisable to …
- If my recommendations are followed, then...
- The best solution / ideas would seem to be...
The director of the place where you study English wants to set up a new common room for
students to use when they are not in class. You have been asked to write a report saying which
room in the school should be chosen for the common room, made comfortable and attractive.
Write your report in 120 – 180 words.

This report is to…………………………………………………………………………………
Most students seem to feel that the best place ………………………………………………
A large majority said that there should be ……………………………………………………
There could also be …………………………………………......................................................
Additional facilities

In my view, it would be best …………………………………………………………………
The student Services Manager at your college has asked you to write a report on your country/
city’s dishes, their popularity among teenagers and give your recommendation.
You must answer this question.
Your college has been asked to accept a group of 50 students from another country for two
weeks. You have been asked by your principal to find out what the advantages and
disadvantages would be of accepting this group.  Is it a good idea? 
Write your report to the principal in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style on the separate
answer sheet.

Report on Proposed Visit by 50 Overseas Students

The purpose of this report is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of accepting a large
group of students from overseas for two weeks. I have discussed the issue with all the senior
members of college staff.  
All those I interviewed believe that for students this would be an exciting opportunity to
explore a foreign culture, both in the classroom and socially. Overall, they thought the visit
would be stimulating for the college at a quiet time of the year.
Some members of staff are concerned that:
1. There would be insufficient seating in the library at bus times;
2. The visitors might be more interested in enjoying themselves than studying;
3. The restaurant queue would be very slow at lunchtime. 
Conclusion and recommendation

Clearly, the group might cause some practical difficulties but on the whole everyone thought
that the visit should be seen as an opportunity not to be missed.

2. Write a report suggesting improvements to classes at Today School.

The aim of this report is to compare different ideas to make classes in Today School more
enjoyable for students while learning at the same time. A large number of students were
interviewed to find out differing opinions. 
Classroom Activities
Some of the students suggested using more videos and songs during the classes and some
even mentioned that parties with alcohol would be a good idea. A few of them gave
reasons why they preferred these activities:
 Pop music and films are  interesting and topical
 Alcohol makes people relax and talk more.
Outside  Class
The majority of students mentioned that homework should be reduced drastically whereas
others expressed a preference for doing excursions in English, giving the following
 Too much homework makes students stressed.
 Excursions are a fun way of putting into practice what is learnt.
Some of the ideas have benefits, however, suggestions to allow alcohol and reduce
homework should be immediately discarded. On the other hand, it is felt the majority of
students would take advantage of more pop videos and excursions and so these suggestions
are recommendable.
This report looks at some of my country’s national dishes and their popularity among young
people. It is based on a survey of 90 people aged between 14 and 19.
Most popular dishes
Fish and chips is perhaps the best known food in my country. Interestingly, only half of
those interviewed said that it was their favourite dish. However, almost everyone agreed
that it was the tastiest fast food available. Nearly 40 % felt the best traditional food was
roast beef served with Yorkshire pudding, a mixture of flour, eggs and milk, which is baked
in the oven. Not surprisingly, desserts are popular with most young people. Trifle was
mentioned several times for its rich combination of cream, custard, jelly and fruit.
Least popular dishes
A large majority said that steak and kidney pudding was their least favourite food. Although
they like steak, the kidney makes the overall flavour too strong. They said the same of liver,
which is fried with onions and mushrooms.
I recommend your students try a full roast beef dinner. Pubs usually serve this, together
with a range of other traditional dishes.

This is a report about the main dishes in my area, especially for young people. The report is
based on a survey of 100 people aged between 12 and 20 who live in Asturias and is
referred about regional dishes.

The most popular and important dishes are always based on natural food. Although a large
number of young people - almost 80 %- declare they like fast food in some situations,
everybody prefers absolutely their own regional food based on vegetables, beans, meat,
pork and, on the others hand, sea fruits.

The people of our survey, either boys or girls, give the best qualification to the “fabada”,
the most known dish of the Asturias kitchen; it is made with a especial beans – “fabes” –
and pork products such as ham, bacon, blood pudding. Other variations with “fabes” are too
expensive for young people, as for instance, partridges or shellfishes.

The most popular pudding is rice pudding very famous in Asturias. Young people like it
very much.

In the end, there is a lot of natural food dished for young people in Asturias, though some of
them are expensive, you’ll get a burger as in any part of the world.


The aim of this report is to look at the means of transport in Vitoria and to put forward
suggestions on how to improve it.

Travelling around Vitoria is relatively easy as there are many, well-connected bus routes.
However, the majority of people complain that the buses are never on time and they
are always overcrowded. The tram, on the other hand, is a fast and reliable way to travel, and it
is usually punctual. Unfortunately, many passengers have protested about the price of the
tickets saying that they are too expensive

I would recommend that bus lanes be introduced, allowing buses to circulate without any
problems and reducing delays. Another option would be to buy new buses, so that more buses
and therefore, seats are available. Regarding the trams, I suggest reducing the fares and offering
discounts to students, the unemployed and OAPS.

To sum up, my recommendation is to invest more money in the bus service to make it more
efficient and comfortable and I would also lower the price of the tram tickets so that using it
would be cheaper.


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