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Your Only Hope: Adult Bible Class 6

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Adult Bible Class 6


Your Only Hope

Purpose: To instruct the hearers as to who their only hope is. Introduction In our previous studies we have seen that your greatest problem is sin and that Jesus is the only remedy. Acts 4:12 (READ). But who is Jesus? To answer that question, let us consider 1) The birth of Jesus 2) The death of Jesus 3) The resurrection of Jesus 4) The second coming of Jesus. 1. THE BIRTH OF JESUS Listen to what angel said to Joseph in Mt 1:18-23 (READ). Note that the fact that Jesus was to be born through a woman indicates that He shares in our humanity. He is truly and fully a man. And the bible elsewhere emphasizes this. Moreover, the fact that He had no biological father for He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit also indicates that He is not just like any other human being. He is entirely unique. Note: vs 18 found with child by the Holy Spirit ; vs 20 for that which has been conceive in her is of the Holy Spirit . But not only is Jesus a true human being, not only is He a unique human being, but He also is Himself God vs 23 and they shall call His name Immanuel, which translated means God with us. And name in Hebrew is more than just a designation. But it reveals something of the identity of the one who bears it. And what will this person do? vs 21 and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins . Or listen to the prologue of Johns gospel in John 1:1,14 (READ). Note what John here says about the Word in John 1:1. First he says that before the 1st things ever came into being, the Word already was. This points us to the eternal existence of the Word. He did not have a beginning.

Secondly he says that before the 1 st things ever came into being, the Word was already with God. This points us to the eternal fellowship that the Word enjoyed with God. Thirdly John says that before the 1 st things ever came into being, the Word was already God the Supreme Being. This points us to the eternal deity of the Word. But what happened to the Word? John 1:14 (READ). To become flesh here means to become a true human being ( Rom 3:20). And this is what happened to the Word in history. This does not mean that the Word cease to be God when he became flesh. But the implication of the language is that the Word became what He never once was without ceasing to be what He has eternally been God. Ills: When a husband becomes a father! This is the significance of the birth of Jesus. He who was from all eternity God became a true human being, without ceasing to be what He has always been God. And what is the significance of this? This shows us the fitness of Christ as Savoir. He is truly and fully God able and mighty to save. And He is also truly and fully man able to sympathize with our weaknesses. Heb 2:17-18 (READ) Warfield: Jesus is not a humanized God, nor a deified man, but He is the Godman. And we must never lose sight of Jesus humanity because of His Godhood; nor are we to lose sight of His Godhood because of His humanity . Trans: But then that leads us to II. THE DEATH OF JESUS Jesus death was not an unfortunate event in his life. For the Bible clearly teaches that He came in order to die. John 10:14-18 (READ) Mt 26:50-54 (READ) -legion is 6,000 men so 12 legions is 72,000 angelic beings

Thus a large section of the gospel accounts focuses on the death of Christ. And what is the significance of Jesus death? Why did Jesus have to die? Primarily, in order to provide a just basis for forgiveness. The OT rituals were intended to teach one major lesson, which is that without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness - Heb 9:22 without the shedding of blood there is not forgiveness . And this is because God is just and holy. The Lord Jesus came in order to fulfill what those OT rituals intended to teach. Heb 10:1-14 (READ) Mt 26:27-29 (READ Context: the institution of the Lords Supper which will become the pictorial commemoration by the church of the meaning of Christs death). It is on the basis of Christs death that sinners will receive forgiveness of sins. Trans: But that leads us to III. THE RESURRECTION AND EXULTATION OF JESUS The Jesus, who died on Calvary and was later buried, was raised back to life on the third day the Lords day. All four gospel accounts put emphasises on this. And this event is of tremendous important that note what Paul says about it in 1Cor 15:14,17 (READ If you remove the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus then you completely destroy Christianity). And what is the significance of Jesus resurrection? It was formally at the time that He, as God-man, began His mediatorial role. Let us just look at a few texts. Acts 5:30-31 (READ) - Peter preaching Acts 13:32-39 (READ) - Paul preaching Eph 1:20-23 (READ) Heb 9:24; Heb 7:23-25 (READ) Rev 1:17-18 (READ) And what is the significance of this? This shows us how privileged we are in this point of history. Although many of Gods people under the OC enjoyed some retroactive blessings of the NC, they did not enjoy all of them yet because they lived before Christs resurrection and exultation.

Trans: But that leads us finally to IV. THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS Although Jesus spiritual presence is with us to the end of the ages, and yet His physical presence is in heaven. However, on the last day, He will return again in power and in glory according to His promise. The Scripture is clear on this. Acts 1:9-11 (READ). 2 Pet 3:3-13 (READ). And here is a true believers hope.


This Jesus is the Only Savoir of sinners. He is God who became a true human being without ceasing to be what has always been. He is the One who came purposely to die in order to provide a just basis for forgiveness. He is the One who was raised back to life and now is doing His mediatorial role as God-man in heaven. He is the One who will come again in order to complete everything He promised to do. And He is your only hope. Apart from Him, you have no hope at all of being saved.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Many today deny the historicity of the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Do you think it really matters whether or not the birth, death, resurrection of Jesus really happened in time and history? Why? If God really believe these historical events took place, what implications should it have in the way to live? How would you describe your relationship with Jesus? (Lord and Savior).

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