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Adult Bible Class 4

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Adult Bible Class 4 Title:

What God is Like in Relation to You

Purpose: To instruct the hearers of the biblical balance and tension of Gods graciousness and justice. Introduction In our previous studies, we have already considered 1) What God is in Relation to You 2) What God requires of You. Now we move to consider - What God is Like in Relation to You. Two texts of Scriptures capture the biblical balance and tension. Rom 11:22 (READ) the key here is the word and. We are not dwell on His kindness but not His severity, nor on His severity and not His kindness. We have to behold both for both are part of Gods revealed character. Ex 33:18, Ex 34:5-8 (READ) This is the closest a man could get to a personal introduction by God Himself. And note that there are two clusters of Gods character traits that He particularly revealed to Moses, which are in apparent tension. On the one hand, God is exceedingly gracious. On the other hand, He is severely just and holy. Trans: Well let us look at the first I. THE LORD GOD IS EXCEEDINGLY GRACIOUS Note the language Ex 34:6-7a (READ). compassionate God is easily move to pity for those in misery. gracious God readily comes to the aid to those who are needy slow to anger lit. long of breath Gods first reaction is not to judge or punish but to be patient and to forbear with those who provoke Him to anger and abounding in lovingkindness and truth God continues to bestow His blessings even to those who are not deserving and even ill-deserving. who keeps lovingkindness for thousands Gods graciousness is not just limited to a few. who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin God is One who is ready to forgive ready to cancel our debts we incur because of sin

This is what God is in relation to you. And we see this graciousness of God even with His dealings with His people under the Old Covenant. If you were to read the rebelliousness of Israel under the OC, how they tested, how they provoked, how they pained God, you would be amazed how God graciously forbears with them. And when God came in judgment, and they would again seek God, then God again would graciously forgive them. We also see this even in the way God is dealing with the world in general. For what do we see in this world? Sin and wickedness. And what we see in television is just a very small part of what actually happens in secret. But the Lord continues to be gracious. He still causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. And He still continually gives us His bounty, satisfying our hearts with food and gladness. If not for Gods graciousness, this world would have been long destroyed. Trans: However, that is just one aspect of Gods character, there is another aspect we must also consider or we will not be accurate in our understanding of what God is like II. THE LORD GOD IS SEVERLY JUST AND HOLY Look at the language - Ex 34:7b (READ) By the guilty here God is referring to the obstinate and unrepentant guilty those who continue to abuse Gods kindness by continually rebelling against Him. God will by no means leave the guilty unpunished . He will punish them and punish them severely. In fact, Gods punishment could even spill over to their children and grandchildren, to the third and fourth generation, by giving them over to the lust of their own hearts that they might reap the just consequences of their own sins. There are many examples of this severity of God in the Bible.

The Universal Flood (Gen 7:17-23) The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 19:24-25) The Death of all those who left Egypt 40 years and above except for Joshua and Caleb ( Num 32:11-13) But why will God by no means leave the guilty unpunished ? Because He is just and holy. Hab 1:13 (READ). Sin is so contrary to His holy nature that God violently reacts when faced with it. Ills: rotten food. Ps 5:4-6 (READ). So although He will not immediately judge and punish those who are guilty, and yet He will meet out the full punishing that His justice demands towards unrepentant and unforgiven sinners on the last day. Rom 2:4-6 (READ) Conclusion Therefore, you are to behold both the kindness and severity of God. You cannot just embrace the one and reject the other. You have to embrace both for that is what God really is.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: How are you to respond to Gods kindness? (Learn to appreciate. Count your blessings. Thank God for them.) How are you to respond to Gods severity? (Learn to fear God. Submit to His judgments. Plead for His mercy.)

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