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John Titor's Story

Was he a brilliant fraud, or an ordinary soldier from 2036? Someone using the assumed name
of John Titor and claiming to be a soldier on a mission from 2036 presented a considerable amount of information on the Web beginning around November 2000 about his mission and time travel machine, his perspective on our society, how our society is going wrong, and how society as we know it will end in a very short but massive global nuclear war in 2015. He's gone now, back to 2036 he said he was going in his last posting on March 24, 2001, and the threads he left across the Web in his five months with us have been slowly evaporating since then. As time passes and interest in Titor's story grows, new "Titor" material and imposters emerge, and self-styled debunkers may go so far as to claim the story's already been proven a hoax (although so far there's never been any such actual proof offered). There are some good reasons to not believe everything you read, and good reasons to keep your mind open about Mr. Titor's story are more and more often appearing in the daily news. Russia is sabre-rattling again in response to perceived American aggressions; tens of thousands of nuclear weapons still stand ready to launch on warning; police powers, illegal detentions, and concentration camps are growing like a cancer on the Constitution. Even the mad cow disease epidemic he predicted has already begun rearing its ugly head in America as well as around the world. Mr. Titor's words sound more prophetic every day. Sure, sure, a time traveler. Why should anyone believe such a cockamamie story? The answer is you shouldn't, at least not yet. Keep a healthy skepticism. But keep an open mind too because there is a strong thread of internal

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supporting evidence in the form of some fairly detailed photographic documentation and good physical theory about his time travel machine, its design and theory of operation apparently originated with Titor, and most important of all Mr. Titor made a very specific prediction about the near future that should soon prove him to be either a fraud or not: America will soon be engaged in civil war with itself; a civil war that we'll see the beginnings of during 2004 and 2005, escalating until it is indisputable by 2008 ("a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over") and "will consume everyone in the US by 2012" (no vague Nostradamus ramblings or Biblebaloney in this stark prediction). Such a scenario seemed sufficiently preposterous at the time this site came online (begun May 2003) that if it does come true, a reasonable person ought to consider that Mr. Titor was probably a genuine time traveler, and that the rest of his story is probably true too. One purpose of this website has been to document Mr. Titor's prediction about civil war in America well in advance (beginning in May 2003) so that after 2004 or 2005 if there actually have been a series of armed conflicts between the U.S. government and its citizens, escalating as Mr. Titor described ("a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse"), there won't be any question for new visitors or even previous visitors with less than perfect memories that this specific prediction was not fabricated after the fact. Formally copyrighted evidence has been created and presented here before 2004 as proof of that prediction. In the light of that evidence nobody can legitimately claim it was all made up afterward; the sole purpose of copyrighting that document was to nip that potential distraction in the bud. We don't know yet if Mr. Titor was a fraud or telling the truth, but we ought to be pretty sure one way or the other sometime in 2005 and have absolute certainty by 2008 at the very latest. If it turns out he was telling the truth, we'll know to get ready for 2015. That would give us a few more years of regular meals and clean sheets and showers and medical care and clean air and water to enjoy, before we blast all those things away in a horrific day of "megadeath for the kiddies" as Dr. M. Goldman has so eloquently put it. Billions of people will die rather horrible deaths if John Titor was telling us the truth, and

any of us could be among them. Another purpose of this website is to capture, analyze, and organize the information about John Titor still available, in one place for ease of reference. If he's a fraud this will have been a waste of time, but if he proves to be real then the knowledge he left may save many lives if people heed his warnings and plan appropriately (get well away from cities and from other nuclear targets by 2015, and be prepared). Escaping initial blast and fire effects would give you a fighting chance to live through the subsequent radioactive fallout, famines, and disease epidemics at least, and there is just the barest outside chance that by having a foreknowledge of events, we could change our own future and avoid a catastrophic nuclear end to today's civilization. By 2036 he says, society and a new government have begun to recover in America, but the destruction and residual radiation are still having major detrimental effects. We are regarded as the generation "that had it all, but threw it away". Although Mr. Titor said we had the power to change our future because the multi-worlds theory is true, he also said we probably won't. At first he seemed to feel that people of our time are so wrapped up in themselves and their petty concerns over status and material possessions that we just don't have the attention span to care about the future, but as time went by he began to realize more and more that there actually are plenty of people alive now who care about the kind of world they'll be leaving to their children. I never communicated personally with John Titor, but I am one of those people, and I do not want the future he described to become ours. Another purpose of this website is therefore to attempt to change our worldline for the better, especially if Titor turns out to have been genuine. But even if he was a fraud, I still don't want to see my country turn into a police state, and I am determined to be a part of preventing that from happening. In a world so full of scammers, the odds are John Titor was a fraud playing mind games, and there are certainly plenty of frauds on the Internet. In this case I'm holding on to cautious skepticism while retaining an open mind to a story that seems so internally consistent and offers several indicators of genuineness, including a specific and dramatic prediction of civil war very soon as proof. He

pushed no agenda, had nothing to sell, and apparently wasn't concerned if people believed what he said because he didn't expect to be believed in the first place. In the post below he said his motive was "For most of my adult life, I have read about, wondered and debated about this time. I value this opportunity to share experiences". posted at 02-15-2001 11:45 AM My Posts Edit IP: Logged John Titor Member Registered: Jan 2001 Posts: 78 My Motive: Ive been in your time a bit longer than I had expected. My next opportunity to go home comes in the spring. For most of my adult life, I have read about, wondered and debated about this time. I value this opportunity to share experiences. If you absolutely believed I was a time traveler, with no skepticism whatsoever, then we would be unable to communicate. The focus of our attention would then always be on the machine. The experiences, opinions and reasons you do things are just as valid as mine and just as different. I hope to return home with a better understanding of why you think and believe the way you do. Although I do understand the reasons for asking, I wont gain from any communication with you by spouting physics formulas and pop culture predictions. Please do not assume I am purposely avoiding questions. I am human, I get tired, and I forget things. Please, just remind me if I missed a question and I will get to it. I think that if I was a time traveler from a postnuclear 2036, I too would have a certain interest in learning about the culture that brought on the worst mass destruction and lingering misery in my history. Mr. Titor was clearly interested in people's reactions to what he had to say, and he did say some very interesting things about the direction our country is going, in particular its transformation into a police state and how that sets the stage for civil war. If he was a fraud he went to a fair amount of trouble to build a model of his time machine. Some of the pages from the purported technical manual

for the unit are very technical and would be very time consuming to construct. Most difficult for a scammer to create (one would think) would be a plausible theory and fairly detailed schematics describing how his time machne works. [ Apparently Mr. Titor's government-issue "Time Distortion Gravity Displacement Unit" uses two spinning and charged microsingularities (mini black holes) massing around 200 pounds each to distort gravity around them; by distorting gravity the singularities also distort time, and time can then be moved through. It's a plausible theory, it's consistent with current black hole theory, and the timing of development he describes is reasonably consistent with the expected development of mini black holes when the Large Hadron Collider at CERN comes online in 2007. If John Titor is a fraud, he is one very smart fraud. ] Still a healthy skepticism is in order until the proof is offered in 2004 or 2005 (or if you're really a hardcore skeptic, wait until 2008) as to whether or not civil war in America has become a reality, a prediction that seemed totally preposterous in 2000 when John first began discussing it, and only slightly less preposperous by 2003. Civil war in America? Get real! But things do seem to be becoming more and more uneasy in this country, so who knows? Either way it goes, whether John Titor was genuine or a fraud, we'll know the truth soon enough. If it turns out he was genuine you can use that knowledge to save your ass and maybe, just maybe, society's collective ass too.

2005 All rights reserved Email

John Titor's Story

John Titor's Time Machine

How would you introduce yourself if you were a time traveler? John Titor began with his mission and machine, straight up. At first you think "sure, sure" but then a close look at the design suggests it just might be possible if the things some physicists believe about the relationships between time and gravity in the vicinity of singularities are true.
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posted June 21, 2001 19:38 at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------John Titor Member Registered: Jan 2001 Posts: 78 Greetings. I am a time traveler from the year 2036. I am on my way home after getting an IBM 5100 computer system from the year 1975. My "time" machine is a stationary mass, temporal displacement unit manufactured by General Electric. The unit is powered by two, top-spin, dual-positive singularities that produce a standard, off-set Tipler sinusoid. I will be happy to post pictures of the unit.

John provided several graphic images to corroborate his statements, which are reproduced below. Most are from Note 2/20/04: Due to heavy traffic to this page, increasing bandwidth costs have compelled me to trim and shrink most of the graphics, but they have not been otherwise modified and they can be found elsewhere if you really want to see the originals. If there is sufficient demand

(email me) I'll make them available to you at a nominal cost to help cover my bandwidth charges. While none of the individual images is so compelling as to establish Titor's veracity beyond a doubt, together they do make a compelling argument that the possibility should be considered. Otherwise he went to an awful lot of trouble to pull off a hoax (which remains a possibility) but for what purpose? There was never any request for money or even belief, and the guy is gone now. Some of these images would be easier to fake than others; the photographs would have required building a model. The technical drawings took somebody a long time to make. Above all there's the time travel nuts and bolts that Titor presents in the context of a theory that actually makes sense. That's the most amazing part about the story to me, good theory having testable linchpins that nobody ever conceived before (Tipler came close but his design was so impractical as to be impossible). Because many physicists fully expect microsingularities to be created at CERN soon, you'd think the idea of using the things to create a time machine would have been floated before. It's possible the idea may have been passed around via beers and napkins for a long time but never published, like the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) was before Reagan announced it like it was his own idea. If the idea had already occurred to some people but was supposed to be secret (i.e. Manhattan Project), maybe the real reason for Titor's story was to bring it into the sunshine. Whatever the case may be (we may never know) there's no denying Titor was the first to publicly put forth this almost fully-formed theory, and that puts him at least as high or higher than Tipler on the genius scale if he's a fraud, or else it means he's a smart, well-trained soldier if he's genuine. Fig. 1: Scan from the technical manual. Some of the other graphics more fully refer to the device as a General Electric Army Model C204 Gravity Distortion Time Displacement Unit.

Fig. 2: Scan from the technical manual. Looks like it might be a scan from a photocopy of a printed photograph, which would reproduce pretty terribly like this.

Fig. 3: Scan from the technical manual. This should be compared with Fig. 4 below, which is presumably a scan from a different page, which has some slight differences. They each show a diagram of the field shapes and time vectors produced by the unit during operation.

Fig. 4: Scan from the technical manual. Notice the three event horizon labels at the bottom are mislabelled 11, 12, and 13, where in the page above they are labelled 10, 11, 12 and correspond to the legend. Note that this graphic includes the dimensions of 6 (vertical safe distance 6 meters), 7 (mass offset 5 meters), 8 (rear mass distribution 8 meters), and 9 (forward mass distribution 11 meters).

Interpretation of Fig. 4 legend above 1 Dual singularities in kerr field 2 Output of negative time field 3 Output of null time field 4 Output of positive time field 5 X-ray venting zone 6 Vertical safe distance (6 meters) 7 Mass offset (5 meters) 8 Rear mass dist. (8 meters) 9 Forward mass dist. (11 meters) 10 Negative time event horizon 11 Null time event horizon 12 Positive time event horizon

Fig. 5: Scan from the technical manual. Unfortunately some of the legend is unreadable. Below the graphic I have recreated what I believe the text to read.

Interpretation of Fig. 5 legend above 1 Singularity drive housing 2 Singularity magnetic field coil 3 Magnetic field generator/regulator 4 Electron mass injector manifold 5 Electron regulator 6 Electron (generator?) 7 Singularity (status sensor?) 8 Singularity cooling housing 9 Singularity cooling pump 10 Singularity cooling supply 11 Gravity sensor unit 12 Battery supply

posted 01-29-2001 01:37 PM at

John Titor Member Registered: Jan 2001 Posts: 78 Although the documents posted were printed from a computer printer, is it really that hard to believe that manual typing is just a bit more common in thirty years? After the war, many things like manual printing machines, bicycles, sailboats and hand tools were valued a great deal. I have noticed more people in California are installing wood burning stoves. I realize my claims are a bit ridiculous but my intent is not really to be believed. However, if I had an opportunity to talk to a time traveler, I might ask questions like: How exactly does the singularity sensor measure the expansion of the inner event horizon or why does the reality of multiple worlds support the religious dogma that there are no good or bad people just good and bad desicions or what were the political motivations that changed the U.S. Constitution?

Fig. 6: Scan from the technical manual. Shows layout of major external components and defines the Main and Steering singularities. Notice they are located fore and aft of the time distortion field, which direction is delineated by the prominent black and yellow tape (here black and white).

posted 14 October 2000 at TimeTravel_0 : As it turns out... TimeTravel_0 : If you encounter a black hole that is spinning and has an electrified field, you will not be killed passing through its massive gravitational fiuelds. TimeTravel_0 : regreting asking yet> Yareisa : no TimeTravel_0 : Ok wyrmkin_37 : no Yareisa : I'm hooked TimeTravel_0 : In about a year... G : is this the omeg point theory? G : omega? TimeTravel_0 : CERN will discover some very odd things as a result of their high energy experiments. TimeTravel_0 : in about a year. TimeTravel_0 : from your point of view. wyrmkin_37 : cern? TimeTravel_0 : in Geneva. Yareisa : particle accelerator wyrmkin_37 : oh TimeTravel_0 : They will accidently create microsingularities. G : makes things go round and hit each other... TimeTravel_0 : Which will evaporate very quickly.

TimeTravel_0 : and create a massive ammount of X-ray and Gamma rays. TimeTravel_0 : It will puzzle them for a while. TimeTravel_0 : Until they figure out how to add and elcrtical charge and capture these strange odd and massive particles in a magnetic field. wyrmkin_37 : they shoot electrons at the speed of light.......see what they bust up into TimeTravel_0 : Yes. G : still with you... wyrmkin_37 : quarks TimeTravel_0 : If you bombard a singularity with electrons... TimeTravel_0 : you can alter the size of its event horizon. TimeTravel_0 : and thus its gravitational field. TimeTravel_0 : By overlapping these fileds from two singularities... TimeTravel_0 : you can travel forward and backward through time. TimeTravel_0 : Its actuallyu quyite simple. wyrmkin_37 : i follow now TimeTravel_0 : Thats noit the hard part. G : didn't tipler say there was no event horizon? TimeTravel_0 : No..he said it was possible to approach a massive gravitationl field from certain angles and not get squished. G : oh, sorry wyrmkin_37 : lol TimeTravel_0 : Actually...Im not really a physisit. G : but you know all about this stuff... is that why you were picked? TimeTravel_0 : I specialize in 20th century history and my grandfather builds computers. wyrmkin_37 : what base? TimeTravel_0 : drive a car and know how to change the oil don;t you? TimeTravel_0 : I am based in Tampa Fl. G : actually, only just.. LOL wyrmkin_37 : chas, afb TimeTravel_0 : McDill wyrmkin_37 : kewl G : sorry? G : in english? wyrmkin_37 : zoomies Yareisa : thats english?! G : you airforce wyrm? wyrmkin_37 : yes

G : your not working on a time machine are you? G : come here for guidance... wyrmkin_37 : no just came in for chat TimeTravel_0 : Altering gravity is not the hard part. G : LOL Yareisa : go on... TimeTravel_0 : Detecting gravity is the hard part. TimeTravel_0 : I will tell you a littlke story. TimeTravel_0 : When time travel was invented. TimeTravel_0 : They built prototypes that would go back in time for a split second and then return. TimeTravel_0 : They had sensors and cameras on them. TimeTravel_0 : ...and they never returned. G : and forwards as well? how about a single jump forwards? TimeTravel_0 : It was later discovered that the machines were ending up about 15 miles away and 3000 fett in the air. TimeTravel_0 : feet G : doh! TimeTravel_0 : The Earth was rotating away from them. wyrmkin_37 : synchroniaztion please TimeTravel_0 : A system had to be invented that would "hold" the machine to the Earth. TimeTravel_0 : Its called VGL. TimeTravel_0 : Its based on very sensative clocks and gravity sensors. TimeTravel_0 : It stops the time distortion machine if radical changes in gravity are detected. wyrmkin_37 : mechanical or electronic clocks TimeTravel_0 : You wouldn't want to end up inside a mountain or under water...would you? TimeTravel_0 : Cesium. wyrmkin_37 : oh G : isn't all this classified? surely your suppoed to keep it secret whilst in the past? TimeTravel_0 : LOL!!! TimeTravel_0 : I know you think Im nuts...come on. TimeTravel_0 : Who would believe me? G : just asking? TimeTravel_0 : It my best defense. wyrmkin_37 : isnt celsium a higher class of quartz? dont know G : but we don't have long to find out if you are or not TimeTravel_0 : you know how big a hole 2 sigularites make when their magnetic filed colpases? G : won't be long before CERN (?) make the discovery TimeTravel_0 : Thats right. G : no

TimeTravel_0 : Welll....either do I. But I don;t want to know. posted 01-29-2001 01:37 PM at John Titor Member Registered: Jan 2001 Posts: 78 By using two microsingularites in close proximity to each other, it is possible to create, manipulate and alter the Kerr fields to create a Tipler gravity sinusoid. This field can be adjusted, rotated and moved in order to simulate the movement of mass through a donut-shaped singularity and into an alternate world line. Thus, safe time travel.

Fig. 7: Detailed device schematic, presumably another scan from the technical manual but that is uncertain. Unfortunately the legend is missing for all the numbered labels, or we could go a lot farther in analyzing the circuitry.

Fig. 8: Appears to be a scan of a black and white photo of the device. Not from however, but from Pamela.

Fig. 9: Photo of the unit in the car (Corvette). The device appears to have been moved to the passenger's side. If it weighs 500 pounds as John said, moving it would be some feat.

Fig. 10: Bent laser light. Description purportedly from John. This is a picture taken in the fall of 2035 during my training. It shows my instructor beaming a handheld laser outside the vehicle during operation. The beam is being bent by the gravitational field produced outside the vehicle by the distortion unit. The beam is visible through smoke that is coming from his cigar. Fig. 11: Photo of the unit in a vehicle. This appears to not be a Corvette, John mentioned somewhere that he swapped the Corvette for a truck. That looks like a shotgun in the front center.

Fig. 12: A second photo of the unit in the truck. Paint colors match, the padded cushion in the foreground appears to be the same as in Fig. 11, and there is the same white box to the left of the unit in both photos.

Fig. 13: Third photo of the unit in the truck. The several objects in the foreground appear to have not been moved, but the light is different as if this photo were taken at a different time of day than Fig 12. There is a red glow reflecting off the instruction label which could possibly be an indicator lamp. Could the unit be turned on? Possibly it's in some kind of testing or maintenance mode or maybe it's reflecting light from outside the vehicle. The glow appears to be coming from a button labelled 'emergency disconnect' (#5) in Fig. 6. But it could also be coming from the 'emergency view screen' (#4) shown in Fig. 6 if that is perhaps a red LED display.

Fig. 14: John's unit insignia. Supposedly the design is based on the field patterns of the time distortion device, reminiscent of Figs 3 and 4 above. It's probably unwise to try to infer too much from it since it's just a logo design.

Unknown original URL, still searching for original text, this comes from a compilation that was downloaded from which was posted there by Rick Donaldson, an Anomalies Network Moderator who provided a link to it at on September 25, 2001 14:28 pamela Member posted 05 November 2000 03:29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Questions for timetravel_0 with permission to post. Pamela: by the way can you tell me what it feels like to time travel? when you are in the process of doing it what does it feel like and what do you see and hear. you made mention that you had to get use to the fields. Do you see a bright flash of light?

Timetravel_0: Interesting first question. The unit has a ramp up time after the destination coordinates are fed into the computers. An audible alarm and a small light start a short countdown at which point you should be secured in a seat. The gravity field generated by the unit overtakes you very quickly. You feel a tug toward the unit similar to rising quickly in an elevator and it continues to rise based on the power setting the unit is working under. At 100% power, the constant pull of gravity can be as high as 2 Gs or more depending on how close you are to the unit. There are no serious side effects but I try to avoid eating before a flight. No bright flash of light is seen. Outside, the vehicle appears to accelerate as the light is bent around it. We have to wear sunglasses or close our eyes as this happens due to a short burst of ultraviolet radiation. Personally I think it looks like your driving under a rainbow. After that, it appears to fade to black and remains totally black until the unit is turned off. We are advised to keep the windows closed as a great deal of heat builds up outside the car. The gravity field also traps a small air pocket around the car that acts as your only O2 supply unless you bring compressed air with you. This pocket will only last for a short period and a carbon sensor tells us when it's too dangerous. The C204 unit is accurate from 50 to 60 years a jump and travels at about 10 years an hour at 100% power. You do hear a slight hum as the unit operates and when the power changes or the unit turns off. There is a great deal of electrical crackling noise from static electricity.

John Titor's Story

Copyright Proof of Significant John Titor Predictions

Today is September 4, 2005

Version 1.0 May 19, 2003 by Karl Simanonok

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TITLE: JOHN TITOR VALIDITY TEST BASED ON PREDICTION OF CIVIL WAR BY 2004-2005 PURPOSE: This document outlines five of the more significant predictions made by a person calling himself John Titor who claimed to be a military time traveler from 2036. ("Titor" is believed to be shorthand for Time Traveler and not his real last name). These predictions are compiled here and formally copyrighted as proof of their existence at this time so that they may be used to either give credence to, or invalidate, predictions 1 through 4 based on whether or not prediction 5 (civil war in America) comes true. PREDICTIONS: 1. Primary interest and concern surrounds Mr. Titor's prediction of a global nuclear war in 2015 that will destroy most of the major cities in the United States and many around the world, kill a large fraction of the world's population, and leave the environment contaminated with massive amounts of long-lived radionuclides. By 2036 when civilization has begun to regroup, we of today will be known as the generation that had it all, but threw it away. 2. Microsingularities (mini black holes) will be created soon at a particle collider, and physicists will eventually learn how to build time machines using two of them at a time. It is already expected by some physicists that particle energies will be high enough to create microsingularities at CERN's Large Hadron Collider when it begins operation in 2007, but Mr. Titor did not say exactly where and when they would be discovered. The Titor-specific part of this prediction is that microsingularities can and will be used to build time-travel machines. 3. The multiple-worlds theory is true, and there somehow exists an infinity of universes where somewhere each choice possible gets actualized, as new "worldlines" constantly spin off from one another. Similar wordlines may be thought of as


alternate realities in which details may vary slightly if one is not too far from another, but some worldlines may diverge drastically apart. Apparently as Mr. Titor's time machine operates it navigates through these alternate realities, and time travelers try to stay as close to possible to their original worldline, the success of their efforts being measured in percent divergence from their original worldline. We are just a few percent divergence away from Mr. Titor's original worldline, he says. According to Mr. Titor, while he believes we are headed for and will experience the same major disasters he knows from his history, we still have the power to alter our reality as we choose: we do have free will. Because there are an infinity of universes where all different choices are played out anyway, it therefore wouldn't harm anything if we did take steps to intelligently modify our future, and that is also why Mr. Titor felt he could do no harm by slightly modifying this reality by revealing himself here. He mentioned some small divergences he's noticed, such as books not written and sports events won by other teams, which he says is normal for divergence of a few percent, and that some divergence is inevitable (he can never return to the exact same worldline he left in 2036, but he can come very close). 4. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) will be epidemic by 2036 and it is spread by eating the meat of animals infected with related diseases such as BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy, better known as Mad Cow Disease). CJD is a horrible and fatal brain-deteriorating disease for which there is no treatment or cure, presently believed to be caused by a prion (an abnormal isoform of a host-encoded protein, with no RNA or DNA). Mr. Titor expressed astonishment that people are so careless about the food they routinely ingest; apparently CJD has a latent period of 10 to 30 years, which means (if Mr. Titor was not a fraud) that many people are probably unwittingly contracting the disease today who will become victims of the CJD epidemic. We're ignorant meat eaters. 5. Civil war in the United States will begin in 2004 or 2005, as the result of increasingly oppressive

police state tactics like warrantless searches and other violations of American civil liberties. It will become common for people to have their doors kicked in and homes violently invaded by police looking for evildoers. The Gestapo-style oppression of innocents by an increasingly oppressive and murderous government will be worst in the cities, so many people will seek refuge in the countryside, but police will soon enough seek them out there too. Civil war will emerge as a more or less continuous series of military sieges and confrontations resembling the Ruby Ridge and Waco police massacres of 1992 and 1993, and it will begin by 2004 or perhaps 2005 (it might not be obvious in the beginning what's actually happening). As time goes on the civil war will become more and more a continuous conflict between paranoid government forces headquartered in the cities, against perceived or imagined threats in the rural civilian population. The American government will wage war against its own citizens, winning most of the battles, but the battling will drag on for years. In the nuclear war of 2015 our cities will be primary targets, so the civil war will end then in favor of the rurals when the government and its domestic armies are destroyed. In this way the nuclear war will be regarded by the survivors as a good thing. SIGNIFICANCE: At the time of John Titor's telling of his story via the Web and IRC (internet relay chat) in 2000 and 2001, and even by the time of this document's copyright in 2003, the prospect of civil war in America seems an outlandish prediction. Surely it is so farfetched that only a genuine time traveler or very good fortune teller could forsee it at this time. If a civil war in America does validate prediction 5, a reasonable person ought to consider that Mr. Titor was not a fraud and that nuclear war is very likely to occur in 2015. In that case it will remain possible (though still not probable) to prevent nuclear war, but only if we are able to face the evidence and respond appropriately so that things can be turned around from their present course. It's remotely possible that the hard cold proof provided by this document may sufficiently alter our worldline to prevent nuclear calamity, but it's more likely that only a modest number of

individuals will take heed of an early warning even in the face of its validation. Denial can allow people to believe in whatever they want to believe in, and people who do not become aware of John Titor's story until after civil war has begun may quite rationally tend to disbelieve that this information existed much sooner and not fabricated after the fact, unless they have some proof of it. The purpose of these predictions being copyrighted is to therefore provide one way to irrefutably prove that they did exist before the predicted civil war in America: anyone can go to the Copyright Office and see for themselves. Prediction 3 about multiple worlds is important to us for two reasons: first that we need not be concerned about trying to prevent calamity if we can (there would be no harm in changing our worldline for the better), and secondly that some of the details about what Mr. Titor has said could be off slightly because of divergence between his worldline and our own. For example it might be that nuclear war on our worldline won't occur until 2016 even though Mr. Titor was quite exact about 2015. Or let's say if divergence between worldlines delayed the predicted 2004-2005 civil war until 2006 or 2007 we would certainly have to question the accuracy of the 2015 date, and some might question if any of Mr. Titor's information could be genuine if civil war is delayed a year or two on our worldline. But he said it will grow gradually and won't totally affect everbody until 2008, so maybe it will take that long to convince some that the situation has grown irreversibly horrible. But we can expect to see things happening soon that fit the criteria of civil war if you consider one siege or another like Waco going on pretty frequently, that's what he said, and that it will only get worse and worse until it is completely indisputable to everyone by 2008. By then the conflict supposedly grows into a real war, and afterward it continues mercilessly until 2015. I think it is important to analyze Mr. Titor's information more in terms of significant trends and events rather than splitting hairs over minutae as we evaluate what Mr. Titor had to say to us because it's the big things that really matter and divergence would be expected to change the timing or other characteristics of small things, but is less likely to affect big things. It's the big things we care about anyway. Fuller documentation and discussion about John Titor is

a work in progress on the Web at PROOF: Submitted for copyright registration on 5/20/03 to: Library of Congress Copyright Office 101 Independence Avenue, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20559-6000 Documentation for this copyright is at on.cfm.

John Titor's Story

Frequently Asked Questions

Titor was often deliberately cryptic, guarded, and private. He intimated that his family's safety and continuing liberty after his departure were major concerns to him, and predicting a police state is consistent with such cautions. He apparently wanted to be open but not so open that he'd be in the public eye, and it seems he succeeded. It means however that some things are not as crystal clear as we might like them to be, and we sometimes have to read between the lines a little bit in search of fuller understanding. Lack of crystal clarity opens the door to possible misinterpretation, which must be guarded against by mindfully keeping open to change while simultaneously maintaining a healthy skepticism.

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These are some of the questions I've asked or been asked, followed by some answers which represent my

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own opinion and logic. They are not intended to be authoritative, and may in fact be wrong, but for now they work for me. Keep in mind that the truth or falsehood of John Titor's story does not rest upon whether we all understand and agree upon minutae but on whether or not the gist of his story is true: imminent civil war beginning soon, escalating and dragging on until 2015, when nuclear war ends the civil war in favor of the rurals and kills about half the world's population.

If Titor's mission was to retrieve an IBM 5100 from 1975, why was he here and posting on the Web in 2000? From The Time Traveler IRC Logs 14 October 2000 at TimeTravel_0 : Im here because of a promise to my grandfather in 1975. What was his promise? He doesn't say exactly. We do know his grandfather was one of the people who worked on the computer John was tasked with returning to 2036, and it is likely that his grandfather was able to perform the 'tweaks' it needed for fullest use in 2036 (which exact 'tweaks' aren't known however). At several points Titor alludes to the Y2K non-problem (which he would have known from his history), so perhaps his grandfather became interested in the topic and determined to find a way to fix it. TOTAL SPECULATION: The 'tweak' his grandfather did to the computer may have been to allow the conversion of dates from 32-bit (I think that's right?) to 64- or 128-bit resolution which would allow for NEW AND BETTER CODE TO BE OUTPUT by the translation of one compiled language into another. I'm unsure if the 5100 computer could make source code too, but you'd think it ought to be able to if it's capable of translating between languages, and if it could translate to Basic, that is source code of one type at least because it's uncompiled code that is evaluated at runtime.

Why did Titor need to get an antique IBM 5100 (or in some places, a 5110), when he said they have much more powerful computers in 2036 than we even have today? Why can't they just rewrite the code they need, on their more powerful machines? From The Time Traveler IRC Logs 14 October 2000 at

TimeTravel_0 : I was sent back to 1975 to get a computer. TimeTravel_0 : Its an IBM model 5110. TimeTravel_0 : My grandfather worked on it. G : because...? TimeTravel_0 : Thats why I was sent. TimeTravel_0 : We need it in 2036 to recode UNIX which dies in 2038. G : who needed a 5110? and why? G : lost me there. don't enough about computers TimeTravel_0 : the 5110 is able to read the old IBM mainframe code. TimeTravel_0 : Its the first protable computer produced by IBM. TimeTravel_0 : Actually its about the size of a small table. TimeTravel_0 : We need on in 2036. Note: here Titor references a 5110, not the 5100 like he does elsewhere. What's the difference? Is this a crack in his story, or did he just get mixed up late one night?

At 06:22 PM 12/6/03, Lee Kambarian wrote: Hi, A few kids on a forum i moderate asked me to look into this "John Titor" thing. Having my Masters in Quantum Mechanics from UCLA, I guess they felt I was qualified to debunk or proove said information within this, and other sites on this subject.

My fisrt question of interest pertains to the photo that purportedly shows a beam of light from a laser being bent by the gravitational influence from one of the micro-singularities. I noticed however, that while the beam is supposedly being bent, nothing else in the picture is begin effected by the anomoly. Why? I personally do not believe this but I am gathering notes that a technically incorrect or that could be better.. .how should I say this... more accurately dispensed. Thank you and be well, Lee Kambarian- Owner, Hello Lee, I'll try to answer your question as best I can, but realize I am not the author of the John Titor material, I don't even know for sure if the story's true or not, and the best I can do is try to convey my mental picture of how his machine might work. Have you ever seen any large wind tunnels like the types that NASA operates at Ames Research Center? There are two basic styles: in one type, air comes in one end and goes out the other, the tunnel is linear and open on both ends. Those are used for high-volume, relatively low flow rates. The other type is a closed loop in which the operating gas is pumped around and recirculated; in those the gas velocities can easily go supersonic but of course the volume flow is less. Imagine if you will a closed loop type in which the return air cycle has been modified so that instead of looping around off to one side of the working part of the wind tunnel, the return air flows back through a plenum which completely surrounds the working area of the wind tunnel on all sides. In this way you'd have something like a long donut of air moving one direction in the center and the opposite direction in the plenum surrounding the central portion. It's not a very

practical design for a wind tunnel but it's somewhat how I imagine the distorted flow of time around a vehicle containing a Titor-style device, as shown by Figures 3 and 4 at cfm. The 'vertical safe distance' shown as #6 on those diagrams might encompass a volume of fairly uniform and linear gravity/time distortion so that any occupants would not be pulled apart by tidal forces (or maybe it's not so even and the tidal forces are not all that great; you don't get pulled apart by 2g fields in other situations). That 'vertical safe distance' of 6 meters (or 3 meters off the centerline in all axial directions) would be the 'hole in the extended donut' of my hypothetical wind tunnel, the working area in which laminar flow was reasonably uniform and useful. Outside that central area the flow of time, like the flow of return gas in my hypothetical wind tunnel (though no plenum need separate time flows) goes in the opposite direction and would be represented in the Figures 3 and 4 as the #2 isoline, the output of the 'negative time field'. I have a hard time wrapping my brain around those diagrams sometimes but I think those representations are deliberately cut off for visualization purposes by the egg-shaped outer border, but that they actually would wrap around and meet each other again if the whole field effects were drawn out. Sort of like iron filings can be used to visualize the strongest field lines at the poles of a bar magnet without usually wrapping all the way around to show the full outer extent of the magnetic fields. If you can imagine two bar magnets interacting to produce distorted field lines that would in some places be more linear than at other places, imagine something like that going on with two microsingularities having interacting field effects to produce a region of more or less linear time distortion inside the 'vertical safe distance'. In the Figure 10 photo of the laser light bending, I interpret the effect shown as the laser output being linear where it traverses the linear portion of the time distortion field inside the vehicle (the

inner portion of the 'donut' constituting probably the major portion but not quite all of the 'vertical safe distance') and then bending backward and downward as it encounters the reverse-flowing gravity/time gradient outside the vehicle. It does not appear to me that the light is bending inside the vehicle at all, nor is there any evidence of distortion of the vehicle's door. If the vertical safe distance has a radius of three meters and the laser pen is held more or less in the center of the vehicle about half that distance from the vehicle's door, then we would be looking at the bending of gravity/time as the light outside the vehicle approaches and then meets the edge of the 'vertical safe distance' (which edge is probably not a hard plane but a somewhat fuzzy volume where effects range from potentially hazardous to lethal). Titor said that the g-field experienced during operation of the unit was about 2 g's, if I remember correctly. That is certainly tolerable physiologically for extended periods. He also said that the purpose of having a second singularity was to 'steer' the vehicle (see #2, the 'steering singularity' in Figure 6) by keeping it on the earth's surface while traversing time, because otherwise the vehicle could wind up in space somewhere far from the earth if it stayed where it was in space while traveling back in time. The exact vector of time distortion desired would therefore be dependent upon the position of the earth where the vehicle was being operated, relative to the orbital motion of the earth around the Sun and the movement of the Sun in the galaxy, maybe even the motion of the galaxy through the cosmos, though some of those movements would be expected to remain essentially constant. So the direction of the laser beam in the photo shown, which is initially linear and then bends backward and down, would (in my opinion) not necessarily always have a downward component at a constant angle like the one shown but might vary in its downward angle or even go upward in some circumstances. Any angle off the fore-aft line of the vehicle might

therefore represent the effect of the 'steering singularity' needed to keep the vehicle on earth's surface while traversing time. It is also possible that a time traversal results in an increased apparent force of gravity because that force gets compressed into a smaller time span, and this might actually limit the rate at which time may be moved through (I think John Titor said his rate was about ten years per hour). The resultant angle of an output laser as shown in Figure 10 may therefore also be influenced in part by an apparently intensified (to the observer riding inside the vehicle) g-field of the earth, although I doubt that 2 g's could have any visible effect; it is probably almost all due to the effect of the steering singularity. Think of it as the return flow of the high-pressure gas in my hypothetical donut wind tunnel's plenum not being exactly parallel to the motion of the opposite laminar flow in the center portion. That's how I view it, anyway. Yes that photo could have been easily faked in Photoshop, without a doubt. The technical drawings and other photographs could also have been faked, some more easily than others. But it seems to me that it has to be pretty damn hard to fake a working design for a time machine. Nobody else has ever come up with such a potentially practical design except for Tipler proposing massive cylinders weighing millions or billions of solar masses spinning in space at billions or trillions of rpm, with a high-performance spaceship to approach them at certain angles. This design is something unique and worth considering, especially since many physicists fully expect to see microsingularites being produced at CERN's Large Hadron Collider when it comes online in 2007. Regards, Karl S.

At 07:51 AM 3/4/04 Owen Lynn (lynn0p @ wrote:

If you read his posts carefully, he mentions in 2000/2001 that CERN is going to make some discoveries in about a year. Well, it has been over 3 years, and the most I've heard from CERN is that they're probably going to have the LHC up and running by 2007, but nobody to date has discovered any blackholes in any particle accelerators. This plus all the copyrights associated with this "John Titor Foundation", lead me to believe the whole thing is a hoax, albeit a clever one. My Reply: The year when Titor said microsingularities will get created is certainly a discrepancy, no doubt about that. Several possibilities exist: 1) Microsingularities may indeed be getting created in very rare events at some accelerators but people haven't figured out what they are yet because they are so rare. 2) Microsingularities may be getting created already but it'e entirely possible they're being kept secret for any of a variety of reasons. 3) Titor's history may have been vague enough that he wasn't exactly certain when they first got made, or he thought he was certain but his history was wrong. This kind of thing happens all the time actually. 4) It's a cheap shot but 'divergence' between worldlines might explain the discrepancy. If so that puts his other dates on very shaky footing. This topic was among the first things I researched when I first learned of Titor's story. I emailed CERN's public relations department to ask them when the LHC would come online and they told me 2007. If Titor was a fraud he certainly could have just as easily determined that 2007 date as I did, and you'd think he would have gone to the trouble to do so given all the time and energy it would have taken to create all

the documents and photos and a model of the time machine, etc. So in that way this apparent discrepancy seems much more likely to arise from our missing a key piece of information rather than it being a clear invalidation of Titor's story.

What do you think about the "John Titor Foundation"? In my opinion the John Titor Foundation is simply one or more opportunists trying to capitalize on Titor's popularity for short-term financial gain (see Imposters and Frauds). Their low-quality output so far supports that opinion but I am concerned that they may be trying to co-opt the story in order to discredit it entirely. Just because there are obviously other hoaxsters trying to ride the coattails of John Titor's story doesn't mean that Titor himself was a fraud. He did come up with a plausible design for a time travel machine, and whether he simply relayed the information about it to us or invented the thing himself, there's no denying that it originated with Titor as far as we are concerned and that it is a masterful conception far beyond the range of ordinary hoaxsters like the John Titor Foundation.

How could anyone go through a black hole? In order to have created the time machine, they would have had to test it first, and NO scientist, NO government, NO LIVING BEING would ever allow testing to be done concerning going through man-made black holes, or even natural ones. Black holes don't send things back in time, they destroy them...they rip apart every individual atom and particle; they destroy matter. In Titor's description of the development of a time machine, he said the researchers didn't realize at first that they had to take the earth's motion through space into account, so the robotic prototypes they built for testing purposes would disappear and not return as expected. Eventually they realized that their prototype time machines were reappearing miles away and several

thousand feet in the air, and that a second 'steering singularity' was needed to keep the devices in place on the surface of the earth while also moving in time. So the first tests were accomplished robotically until (presumably) enough confidence was gained to start using human volunteers. Titor didn't describe the human testing part of the process so we don't know if there were any fatalities or 'lost' time travelers, but those would certainly be possibilities. However, as described by Titor the devices don't work by actually sending anyone INTO a black hole, instead the microsingularities are used to create a local distortion of gravity and time that enables time travel. If you look at the field diagrams (Figs. 3 and 4) on the time machine page you'll see that the field effects extend well outside the microsingularities, and the 'vertical safe distance' includes the region enclosing a vehicle containing the time machine.

The universe, in all of it's random chaos, is perfect and matter what you believe, but especially if you believe in One Almighty God....therefore, nature, the universe, God, whatever, would not allow there to be a loophole in which a person could prevent their own's not a matter of law...we could brainwash a person and make them completely incapable of committing a crime, especially murder, but once they are in the past, there is the possibility that he could cause the death of his mother, or grandfather, or any number of people that would assist in his being born. Titor specificaly addressed this issue, it is called the 'grandfather paradox': if you went back in time and caused the death of your grandfather, then you would never be born, thus never able to take the trip back to cause the death of your grandfather. This idea is an old one based on the supposition that there is only one worldline that one might be able to move back and forth along. But Titor said the multiple universe theory is true, that there are an infinity of possible universes in

which everything possible happens somewhere, and by going back in time you alter the worldline you land in, thus spinning off an entirely new universe. Therefore any changes you make in the new universe you're in do not affect any of the other possible universes, in particular your original worldline is not affected, so the 'grandfather paradox' is a fallacy based on misunderstanding the true nature of reality.

There is no sign of a civil war yet, let alone the type Titor described. True, there is no civil war yet. But why would you expect to see it happening before Titor said it would begin? We are seeing however what appears to many people (not just those who know about Titor) the early development of a police state, particularly in some of the worst provisions of the Patriot Act.

If Titor he were trusted enough to travel into the past, wouldn't he be knowledgable enough to know the exact date of the Civil War, not just "2004 or 2005"? Titor mentioned at different times both those years, 2004 and 2005, as being the time when civil war would begin. I also was not clear on this issue at the time of writing the Copyright Proof, which contains that uncertainty. However, later I did read where Titor was asked to resolve that discrepancy. He said he had made a mistake and hit the wrong key, that he meant 2004, specifically the end of the year around election time. He also indicated that it would begin slowly and gradually escalate, that it would take a few years for it to be perfectly obvious to everyone that's what was occurring. If Titor was right, we can presumably expect a great deal of debate toward the end of 2004 and into 2005 and even 2006 as to whether the events of the day really reflect the development of a police state and civil war.

If Titor was contacting people from the past,

telling them he's from the future, and giving information about the future, wouldn't that break laws that would definitely be in place if time travel were possible? Titor explained that because the multiple universe theory is true, nothing he did in our worldline could affect his own, and that he was not constrained from telling people about himself. He did say however that if he committed murder on our worldline and admitted to it upon his return, that he would be appropriately held accountable.

If Titor was from only 34 years in the future, surely he'd be alive by now, if only a baby. Wouldn't we be able to find a John Titor, and see if his grandfather worked with IBM?. Nobody assumes that "Titor" was his real last name, and it may have simply been shorthand for "time traveler". Titor said that while he was here on our worldline he was living with his parents and his young self, born in 1998. Titor also indicated that he wished to protect his family from exposure after he was gone, so it is very unlikely that he would have used his real last name. Also for this reason of protection it is also very unlikely that his parents would expose themselves now after his departure, thus the "John Titor Foundation" which makes the claim of being affiliated with Titor's mother is almost certainly fraudulent; see Imposters and Frauds.

Why would they need an antique IBM 5100 computer in 2036? Couldn't they just reprogram anything they needed to? After all, they should have much better computers by then. Titor's primary mission was to return to 1975 to retrieve an IBM 5100. He said he was chosen for the mission because his grandfather was on its IBM development team. His grandfather was able to 'tweak' one to make it more useful in 2036, but Titor didn't specifically say what the 'tweak' was.

Since the reason Titor claimed to need it in the first place was because of the 2038 timeout error (which is known about today, and true, your PC will not work right after that time), chances are good that the 'tweak' involved fixing this problem. Since the primary usefulness of the 5100 which other computers apparently don't share is its ability to translate between programming languages, the most likely 'tweak' would be to increase the address space of the date functionality so that existing code could be retranslated by the machine into functioning code that will continue to process dates after 2038. People don't always realize that many programs can be millions of lines long in their source code, and then when that source code is compiled into machine code that actually runs on a computer the compiled code can't be worked on easily at all, it can be nearly impossible to do so. So let's say in the future there's some complex antique code running Hoover Dam (just for example, if it doesn't get destroyed), or a major electrical grid, or NORAD, that the people of 2036 need and want to keep functioning, and further assume the source code has been lost. They could put together a team of hundreds of their most intelligent people, teach them an obsolete computer language, and get them all programming like mad for several years to try to duplicate the original code -- and then pray that it all works without some bug causing a disaster -or else they use one of the time machines they've recently developed to go back to 1975 and retrieve a 5100, have it 'tweaked' to solve the timeout error, and use it to regenerate functioning code that will solve their problem. Seems a nobrainer to me in a society in which every available person is needed to help keep society afloat.

Why did Titor say he had to go back to 1975 first to get back home to 2036? The first time he apparently went straight there from 2036, contacted his grandfather, and obtained the 5100 computer with its 'tweaks'. For

reasons that he said were personal and involved a promise to his grandfather, he traveled forward to our time in 2000. Speculation about Titor's reasons include the possibilities that he may have made a deal of some sort with his grandfather to win his cooperation, such as reporting back to him what actually happened with the Y2K problem. There has been some speculation that the Y2K problem never did materialize as a significant event because of some change that Titor's grandfather may have made in our worldline after Titor did return to him. It is also possible that Titor's grandfather wanted him to come to our time to warn his children (Titor's mother or father) about the impending catastrophes of civil war and nuclear war, so that they would have time to prepare and save themselves. These are only possibilities and neither may be right, they are just speculative examples. However, Titor explained that it was then necessary for him to return to 1975 on his way back to 2036 in order to minimize the 'divergence' between worldlines, basically so that he could return home to a place that actually felt like home. Even though he said he could never return to the exact same worldline he left (and he indicated that time travelers like himself were psychologically screened for that), by retracing his steps it was possible to keep divergence so minor that it would be negligible. If he had simply gone forward from our time to 2036 he might have both violated his promise to his grandfather and gone home to a world that was noticeably different than the one he left.

John Titor's Story

A Brief Analysis of the Possible National Security Implications of the John Titor Material
DISCLAIMER This document was written as a "worst-case" analysis of the possible reaction of elements within the National Security Agency or other Men-In-Black governmental organizations, by a person who shall remain anonymous. In certain respects this document assumes the John Titor time traveling story to be authentic, and in other respects assumes it to be a hoax. It should not be taken seriously as the position of any governmental agency, but there remains the possibility that certain reactionary parties could view the John Titor story as described below. The value of this document could well be the reader's recognition of the fact that armed resistance against the military and police forces of the United States government would be futile, since according to Titor the rurals will never win the conflict except by default after nuclear war with billions of casualties worldwide. If the Titor story is true, far smarter is nonviolent protest against those who would create an American police state, to "wake up" Americans to bring about needed changes, thereby changing our worldline for the better. Even if the Titor time travel event was real, our worldline does not have to be Titor's worldline. Titor himself said free will is the governing factor that makes worldlines diverge. Please see A Way Out for more details. Introduction The idea of time travel has captured the imagination of writers and filmmakers for generations, and has become a household word as much as any science fiction concept. Many popular books and movies are still today being spawned based on the idea of time travel. In recent years the idea of time travel being actually possible has been supported by interesting theories developed by well numerous known physicists in the world today. The theoretical physics and

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conditions required to allow time travel into the past or future have enough foundation and basis to prompt even the conservative scientists to consider it remotely possible, even if highly unlikely. In recent years, the advent of a slew of highly popular science fiction movies built around the idea of time travel have made the concept something every child can understand. In Scientific American, Cassandra Kelly (Oct 99) stated Perhaps the biggest surprise of the work of the past decade is that it is not obvious that the laws of physics forbid time travel, and in the same issue, John L. Friedman of the physics department at the University of Wisconsin said There are solutions to the equations of general relativity in which particles can travel in paths that take them back to earlier times. A recent surprise is that one can circumvent the grandfather paradox. As a result of both common popularization of the idea of time travel and some physicists considering it possible, the idea of time travel is not so far fetched as it used to be, and it has joined the mythos of UFOs and extraterrestrials as an idea that is believed possible by a large percentage of the public. The consequence of this, as occurred in the UFO field, is the opportunity to exploit this interest and belief by con artist charlatans and new age cults. Since the advent of the public internet in 1995 and long before the tragic events of 9/11/2001 there has been a massive rash of conspiracy theories and cults focusing on the idea that somehow almost any terrorist event was engineered not by foreigners but by power crazy elements within our own country and government. These notions have galvanized further the radicalization of beliefs amongst many parties, groups, sects and cults in the US. Numerous approaches have been devised by anti-government parties in militia or cult settings to inculcate doubt amongst the American populace as to the trustworthiness of the federal government. It is assumed on a de facto basis that the so-called John Titor time travel hoax of 2000 and early 2001 is a hoax. However, this hoax has been designed to be

very difficult to debunk in objective terms, precisely for the lack of any objective material evidence being offerred. The John Titor time travel hoax was developed by a fairly smart individual or group wishing to use the very popular time travel mythos as a means to provide deadly warnings about a future civil war in the US in the coming years, along similar lines to fears about runaway federal power, so called New World Order, and so forth. Given the gullibility of many Americans to believe whatever they are told, especially if it conforms to their pre-existing negative expectations about the future, the John Titor time traveler story has the potential to become an additional rallying point for anti-government radical movements. This is very much the same as prophecies of Nostradamus, the Fatima prophecies, and other predictive sources such as remote viewing or new age channeling where descriptions of our doom coming in the future are used to reinforce negative beliefs of radical anti-US government groups. Since 9/11 however the stakes have changed. The US is at war against international terrorism on a scale as never before. The fervor of anti-government elements has not subsided but has taken a lower profile as the US responds to securing the country through the establishment of new laws that permit the investigation and interception of terrorist activities in the US. Many people fear the federal government will use the new laws (Patriot Act) established to better fight international terrorism to fight domestic home grown terrorism by radical militia, environmentalists, animal rights activists, religious cults and so forth. In this environment of increasing distrust and fear of potential abuses by US federal government, combined with the war on international terrorism, the definition of patriotism and loyalty to our country is becoming a war of clichs. The so called Patriot movement is a point in case. What is considered patriotic nowadays varies wildly depending on who you ask, and has become eroded to the point where there are two diametrically opposed notions gaining more and more momentum. What is defined as terrorism or terrorist acts is feared to be

undergoing a similar erosion. Basic Assumptions for Purposes of Argument This analysis assumes the reader is already familiar with the entirety of the supposed John Titor time traveler associated material, including all his known text posts and uploaded pictures, which can be found or referenced on several websites, including,,, and elsewhere The following also assumes the reader is willing, for purposes of argument, to consider ad hoc the idea of multiple worlds theory, and the idea of different worldlines and a multiverse and that free will is a crucial part of cause and effect that makes one worldline different from another. The multiple worlds notion can be found in well known physics theory by John Wheeler, for example. Parties who already have for themselves successfully dismissed the Titor story as a hoax may read this analysis as yet another attempt to provide legitimacy to the urban legend. As such, it is possible this analysis should not become public information because it may add fuel to the fire amongst existing or potential radical elements in our society. However in the interest of helping people understanding the serious gravity and possible consequences of their choice to believe in the John Titor story as a bona fide real time travel contact event, this is being uploaded to various sites. Averting the John Titor US Civil War Threat The Titor material in terms of the time travel physics technology aspects cannot be evaluated conclusively. There may exist strong pro and counter-argument around the plausibility of the time travel physics, but for lack of the average persons ability to understand and appreciate and be swayed by those arguments, the Titor story could still continue to develop momentum in a sociological context. This momentum could materially undermine our national and homeland security by providing radical domestic elements in our nation reasons to prepare and even engage in violent

action to attempt to overthrow the government of the United States, a mission that is identical to that of the avowed goals of international terrorist networks, now generally known as Al Qaida. For implication analysis purposes here, lets assume for a spell that the Titor time travel technology and contact event was NOT a hoax. In this seat-of-the-pants hypothetical analysis, it is allowed that Titor was a legitimate time travel contact event into our worldline. However it is NOT to be allowed that the Titor coming civil war prediction will become real in our worldline. It is posed that the negative prediction aspect of the Titor material must be repudiated and countered even if the time travel event actually did occur. John Titor himself stated that he allowed for the possibility we might NOT have a US civil war in our future, however he thought it was very probable there would be a civil war in the United States, and that it was unlikely we could do anything to stop it from developing. We can hypothetically assume the Time-like travel event really did occur, BUT the Titor civil war prediction will NOT happen for our worldline for ANY of the following reasons: 1. Titor may have already sufficiently influenced our worldline with regards to Y2K warning he gave to his grandfather in 1975 thereby causing the Y2K crash NOT to happen in OUR worldline like it did in HIS worldline. If this indeed occurred as he appeared to intimate, then the degree of rural-versus-urban political polarization conditions in the US were not at the same extreme that it was for the Titor worldline future. This still assumes 9/11 would happen in both worldlines, and the only major difference is infrastructure breakdowns due to Y2K never happened in our worldline. 2. We may have the opportunity to alter the future of our own worldline so that the Titor civil war prediction is moot. Anyone who reads and believes the Titor material has a responsibility to act to avert that future prediction from occurring. That action must take the form of participating in defusing the possible polarization that Titor speaks about. There are many

ways to do this. 9/11, PA1 & 2 and VA alone do not assure a Titor civil war future. Neither does further attacks by international terrorist in the US. 3. Titor himself on several occasions said that there was a good 2.5 percent deviation in our worldline relative to his own worldline origin. That is a difference that is large enough to keep expanding on, especially if we act responsibly and legally and with civility to influence both the government and the alienated factions of US citizens to find common ground that defuses any growing polarization. We can stop more Waco like events from occurring, and we can lessen the probability of serious domestic rural vs, federal conflict. Titor said he felt there was a chance that we might not have his worldlines civil war future but he thought it was not probable we would avoid it. That tells me that we have been given the opportunity to respond with our free will to avert that negative prediction. To give up and believe we cannot change the Titor endgame is tantamount to relinquishing our free will, and saying we cannot make a difference. The Titor material in this way takes away peoples freedom as much if not more than any indiscretions of the PA1, PA2 or VA that may be passed. We are in a time where because we are at war with international terrorism we must be willing to make some sacrifices. Maybe PA1 and PA2 and VA will hurt the foundations of freedom in the republic in the interim, but that we can trust in the conscience of Americans and the elected government to roll back this loss of freedoms as the war on terrorism is slowly won over the long term. If that takes a generation, it could still be worth it in the scope of the whole history and future of the USA. It is asserted we must pull in our stomachs, and be loyal to our government, even with all its inherent problems, and trust the American political process, the courts, the congress, and the executive branch to eventually course-correct away from any domestic abuses of these acts over time. The Dangers of Believing and Acting on the Titor Civil War Predictions The Titor material only underscores the importance of

people evangelizing the need for national unity, and evangelizing the need for highly alienated citizens in America to not become labeled terrorists or terrorist sympathizers themselves. Anyone who believes in the Titor material, and more importantly, the Titor predictions for US civil war in our future, is by definition possibly aiding and abetting the interests of international terrorists who wish to bring our nation down. If people start to plan for that future on the side of the anti-government types, that in my mind may well engage in material conspiracy against the national security of the United States. This alone is sufficient cause to do everything humanly possible to debunk and foil the Titor material from becoming influential amongst already anti-government predisposed US citizens. This alone is sufficient cause to do everything to avert and defuse the Titor predictions from coming true in our worldline future if there indeed is any probability they could occur. Many argue that we are heading in the direction of the horrific Titor civil war future, and use (a) planned discoveries by CERN regarding creating microscopic black holes (making time travel more possible in accord to the Titor time travel machine descriptions and his posted explanations), and (b) the advent of 9/11 and (c) the Patriot Act and (d) its expected enhancements, and (e) conspiracy theories about 9/11 being an inside job by rogue US government elements, as supposed evidence that we are on a direct collision course for the Titor predicted coming ten year US civil war from 2004 to 2014. From this collection of so-called evidence some people are ready to become radicalized and prepare to change their lives into being survivalists living an anti-government rural lifestyle. One feature of the Titor story that helps this radicalized conclusion is Titors statements that the rural antigovernment factions won the coming civil war against the so called American Federal Empire with the help of the Russians who will nuke the US cities in 2015. I assert that alienated citizens in the USA (survivalists, radical militia, religious cults, violent environmentalists,

etc) could use the Titor material as a rallying point to expand their anti-government views and activities, and that this is extremely dangerous to our country and its national security. It undermines the goals of the department of Homeland security. In time, with the lack of adequate debunking, and continued popularization of the story, the Titor material could develop Turner Diaries type mythical status, and provide a rallying point for anti-US government beliefs and violent activism. On this basis the Titor material and story must be stopped from gaining legitimacy. The moment people give up and want to prepare for the Titor US civil war prediction, they have, by definition, joined the ranks of domestic terrorists. People do not have to join radical anti-government militia or violent environmentalists such as the ELF (Environmental Liberation Front), or end of world religious cults for this label to be applied to them. All they have to do is start preparing for some prospective civil war in the US, and they have become, by definition, the enemy of the United States, as much as International terrorists already are. The best thing you can do for your children is to protect them from the Titor future by exercising your free will to help defuse the power of the Titor predictions and story. You are playing with fire when you start to prepare for such a negative future scenario. You become the enemy of the US Government by definition. Probable Counter Intelligence Response Scenarios Assume, for a moment, that some leaders of our national intelligence infrastructure along with some esteemed top secret clearance scientists came to the frightening conclusion that the Titor time travel incursion into our worldline actually occurred. They also conclude that the Titor predictions might help ignite and assure the Titor negative future occurring for us more than if the Titor material never happened, precisely because his predictions help fortify negative beliefs about the government and about the future and about our inability to change things.

What would these very concerned authorities do about it? I would suggest courses of action to limit if not reverse the damage this time travel incursion event may have on our worldline free will are in order. I would set up a domestic operational mitigation response using a two pronged approach coming from supposedly different quarters, seemingly unrelated and independent of each other: Operational Prong 1: (Directed to all those who are undecided about the Titor material): Doing the best to prove the whole Titor Time Travel event and materials is a sophisticated hoax, by: a. Debunking the supposed physics (and philosophy) of time travel as put forth by Titor, including debunking the machine and manual pictures as a sophisticated agitprop info packet. Get several top esteemed publicly known physicists to provide powerful counterarguments (even if faked counter-arguments). Prove that everything Titor said was already known and any dedicated hoaxer with anti-government leanings could have assembled this material and played a time traveler from the future. b. Debunking the Titor mission to retrieve an IBM 5100 c. Debunking the Titor character, the lack of slang, the lack of specific dated predictions, the lack of answering questions that were legitimate, the lack of any hard evidence left behind, the lack of any in-person witnesses. Identify inconsistencies, contradictions, similarity to writer novella standard form, and anything else that can impeach its face value supposed veracity. Operational Prong 2: (Directed to all those who believe the Titor Time Travel events occurred): Doing the best to prove that we can change the worldline future away from the prospective predicted

negative future of US civil war, by: a. Debunking the idea that our future will be the Titor future by emphasizing human free will, natural divergence of worldliness, the ability of the few to influence the many, using aspects about our having free will and the idea of the multiverse in the Titor material to help inoculate our worldline from creating or allowing that future to evolve. b. Promoting the philosophy of national loyalty being more required than ever given we are in a time of war with international terrorism. Make it very clear that anyone who believes the Titor material is in effect a dupe of sophisticated agitation propaganda devised by anti-government elements or even international terrorist elements. From the international Al Qaida terrorists point of view the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and so being anti-government in any extreme right now is helping Al Qaida hurt the US. c. Covertly identify, profile, track, infiltrate and if necessary entrap any party or group who become powerful Titor negative future prediction advocates for their possible role in becoming sympathizers to international terrorists, seditious or anti-government activity or anti-government conspiracy that could aid and abet international terrorism against the US. These measures could increase the chances to defuse the anti-US activities that certain people may engage that would knowingly or even unwittingly threaten our homeland security. Preliminary Conclusions It is submitted that the Titor Material is one more source of agitation propaganda that can potentially undermine patriotism and loyalty to the US Government, and fuel anti-government sentiments of pre-existing radicals that would believe in the Titor story. Whether the Titor time travel contact event was real or a hoax that is difficult to disprove, the results can be the same anti-government activism that could become violent in nature is supported by the Titor

coming US civil war predictions. Due to the Titor prediction that the rural side wins the civil conflict against the so-called American Federal Empire (AFE) due to help from a Russian nuclear strike on major cities in the US, some believers automatically assume in order to survive, they should leave the cities and learn to survive independent of social infrastructures, and that they should even take up arms to defend themselves against the AFE. In essence, they join the anti-government groups or parties or so called developing forces in a material conspiracy to eventually overthrow the US Government. They become, by definition domestic terrorists, and sympathizers with the goals of international terrorism as conducted by Al Qaida, whether they like it or not. It is suggested that a viable course of action to defuse and dilute the potency of the Titor Material is to engage in earnest and effective debunking of any advocates of the Titor predictions of US civil war. It is also suggested that people be warned of the grave danger of believing in the Titor US civil war predictions. To achieve these goals, both overt and covert counter intelligence action may be called for. International terrorism may help embolden domestic terrorism. It is the duty of the philosophical, religious, scientific and intelligence communities to carefully act to stop the Titor Material prediction of coming civil war in the US in its tracks in any way possible. The consequences of not doing so could in effect, however subtle, encourage the birth of yet another antigovernment radical movement in the US, not to mention reinforce existing radicals in their beliefs and willingness to engage in violent domestic terrorism activity.


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