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The Montauk Project was purportedly a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero and/or

Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Lon g Island. It was claimed by a small number of conspiracy theorists to be secretl y developing a powerful psychological war weapon. The Project is widely regarded by mainstream sources as fictional. The Legend of the Project The Montauk Project is believed by small numbers of people to be an extension or continuation of the controversial Philadelphia Experiment, which supposedly too k place October 28, 1943. According to the legend, sometime in the 1950s, surviving researchers from Proje ct Rainbow began to discuss the project with an eye to continuing the research i nto technical aspects of manipulating the electromagnetic bottle that had been u sed to make the USS Eldridge invisible, and the reasons and possible military ap plications of the psychological effects of a magnetic field. The legend goes on to say that a report was supposedly prepared and presented to Congress, and was soundly rejected as far too dangerous. So a proposal was made directly to the Department of Defense promising a powerful new weapon that coul d drive an enemy insane, inducing the symptoms of schizophrenia at the touch of a button. Without congressional approval, the project would have to be top secre t and secretly funded. The Department of Defense approved. Funding supposedly ca me from a cache of US$10 billion in Nazi gold recovered from a train found by U. S. soldiers in a train tunnel in France. The train was blown up and all the sold iers involved were killed. When those funds ran out, additional funding was secu red from ITT and Krupp AG in Germany. Work began at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, New York under the name Phoenix Project, but it was soon realized that the project required a large radar dish, and installing one at Brookhaven would compromise the security of t he project. Luckily, the U.S. Air Force had a decommissioned base at Montauk, Ne w York, not far from Brookhaven, which had a complete SAGE radar installation. T he site was large and remote (Montauk was not yet a tourist attraction) and wate r access would allow equipment to be moved in and out undetected. Equipment was moved to Camp Hero at the Montauk base in the late 1960s, and inst alled in an underground bunker beneath the base. According to conspiracy theoris ts, to mask the nature of the project the site was closed in 1969 and donated as a wildlife refuge/park, with the provision that everything underground would re main the property of the Air Force (although, in reality, the base remained in o peration until the 1980s). The park has never been opened to the public, under t he excuse of environmental contamination. Various conspiracy theorists claim that experiments began in earnest in the earl y 1980s. They claim that during this time one, some or all of the following occu rred at the site. No evidence has ever been provided that any of the following i s true: The facility was expanded to as many as twelve levels and several hundred worker s. Some reports have the facility extending under the town of Montauk itself. Homeless people and orphans were abducted and subjected to huge amounts of elect romagnetic radiation to test mind control technology and remote brain programmin g. Few survived. People had their psychic abilities enhanced to the point where they could materi alize objects out of thin air. Stewart Swerdlow claims to have been involved in the Montauk Project, and as a result, he says, his "psionic" faculties were boos ted, but at the cost of emotional instability, post-traumatic stress disorder, a nd other issues. An alien supposedly designed a chair, which an individual could

sit in to boost his mental and precipatory powers. A prototype duplicate was gi ven to England and put in a facility on the Thames River. Experiments were conducted in teleportation. A "porthole (portal?) in time" was created which allowed researchers to travel a nywhere in time or space. This was developed into a stable "Time Tunnel." Underg round tunnels with abandoned cultural archives were explored on Mars using this technique. Contact was made with alien extraterrestrials through the Time Tunnel and techno logy was exchanged with them which enhanced the project. This allowed broader ac cess to "hyperspace". Mind control experiments were conducted and runaway and kidnapped boys were abdu cted and brought out to the base where they underwent excruciating periods of bo th physical and mental torture in order to break their minds, then their minds w ere re-programmed. Many were supposedly killed during the process and buried on the site. Others were released with programming as mind-slaves with alternate pe rsonalities to be sleeper cells who could be activated to perform missions. On or about on August 12, 1983 the time travel project at Camp Hero interlocked in hyperspace with the original Rainbow Project back in 1943. The USS Eldridge w as drawn into hyperspace and trapped there. Two men, Al Bielek and Duncan Camero n both claim to have leaped from the deck of the Eldridge while it was in hypers pace and ended up after a period of severe disorientation at Camp Hero in the ye ar 1983. Here they claim to have met John von Neumann, a famous physicist and ma thematician, even though he was known to have died in 1957. Von Neumann had supp osedly worked on the original Philadelphia Experiment, but the U.S. Navy denies this. Flying saucers were observing the Philadelphia Experiment in 1943 and and got su cked into a time warp and was transported to one of the underground tunnels in M ontauk and got stuck there. The aliens demanded a large quartz crystal to help g et their ship's engines started to be able to leave. The time machine was used t o obtain one from another planet. Nikola Tesla, whose death was faked in a Conspiracy, was the chief director of o perations at the base. Mass psychological experiments, such as the use of enormo us subliminal messages projects and the creation of a "Men in Black" corps to co nfuse and frighten the public, were invented there. Professional wrestler Rob Van Dam claims to have accidentally stumbled upon the area while driving to an arena. During one hour's time, he went into the time tu nnel and claimed to have met Nikola Tesla, who told him that he was "...going to return in 2007 to end it all". The site was opened to the public on September 18, 2002 as Camp Hero State Park. The radar tower has been placed on the State and National Register of Historic Places. There are plans for a museum and interpretive center; focusing on World War II and Cold War era history. Despite rumors, no traces of secret underground facilities have been found; alth ough on the grounds of Camp Hero there is a hill with concrete sealed doors.

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