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Notice of Status and Rights For Police

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Date Issued: ________________ Issued to: ____________________________ NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE. NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE IS NOTICE TO AGENT. See attached, if available, a copy of: 1. NOTICE OF PRIVATE STATUS, DECLARATION OF NATIONALITY, DECLARATION OF PEACEFUL INTENT AND EXPLICIT RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. Certified copies may be obtained from the Morgan County, West Virginia County Clerks Office located at 77 Fairfax Street, Room 102, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia filed in Book 245, page 302. 2. Definitions, legal/case citations. 3. TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 - DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW I respectfully request that you read this Notice, and attached documents if available, carefully in order to avoid any misunderstandings. As of the public posting and recordation of this document with the Morgan County, West Virginia County Clerks Office with certified copies mailed to the West Virginia Secretary of State, the Secretary of State of the United States, my private status and nationality, American National, is public record. I am not to be presumed to be a U.S citizen or legal fiction. As an American National, something I take great pride in, I claim and lawfully reserve my protected Natural Rights rather than the privileges and immunities of a 14th Amendment U.S. citizen. Instead of the limited liability of a 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, I conduct my affairs privately with full responsibility and liability for my actions. I am at Peace with you personally and the agency/municipality/county/state you represent. I am not at war with any living man/woman, nor any corporation, government, or any other legal fiction entity. I am not a belligerent. I am not a so-called patriot or participant in any group including any militia movements or Sovereign Citizen movements. I am non-combatant and most certainly not a potential domestic terrorist nor a so-called paper terrorist. I am not in rebellion. I am a man of and in Peace. I simply choose to live and conduct my affairs in Honor within the superior Original Jurisdiction in accordance with Law, not within statutory jurisdiction associated with corporate-commercial statutes, codes, regulations, etc., likewise associated with color of law legal fictions and applicable only to other fictions. Clearly, I am not a fiction, but a living man. An essential aspect enjoyed by a fully responsible, self-governing, American National, and one of the innumerable Natural Rights I have explicitly reserved, is the Right to travel freely upon the public roadways without any necessity of licensing or registration with any government entity. And, while I 1 of 3

may choose to utilize insurance coverage with the use of my private property automobile, I do so voluntarily and not as a requirement of any government entity since such requirements do not apply to non-U.S. citizens, non-fictions, those not employed as officers, agents, or employees of government, and those not engaged in commercial activities on public roadways. Self-governance and self-responsibility require me to personally assume full liability for any damage or harm to any living man/woman or their property while traveling in my private automobile. The responsibility of a private American National, exercising his/her Natural Rights and freedom fully, requires responsibility. As you must be aware, many, if not most at this point, are simply incapable of comprehending the nature of full responsibility and liability for their actions and behavior. I am not in that category. While I do usually choose to carry some form of identification, I am not required to open my private papers and/or documents to anyone for inspection without a signed warrant issued upon probable cause based upon a signed affidavit by a witness, that I am committing, have committed, or am imminently preparing to commit a crime a violation of Law. State codes, regulations, rules, etc., are not laws but are of a corporate commercial nature and do not apply to a non-U.S. citizen American National of noncommercial, non-corporate legal fiction nature. Please note: This does not mean that I am free to ignore local public safety issues such as failing to stop at red traffic signals or stop signs, speeding beyond posted safe limits, traveling while intoxicated, controlling my automobile in a reckless manner, etc. Self-responsibility requires that I respect issues of public safety. Being free of state licensing and registration requirements does not free a fully responsible, self-governing man/woman to endanger others. It may be noted that in forty years, I have never been involved in an accident involving another automobile or caused damage or injury to another living man/woman or property. I adhere to the accepted Rules of the Road at all times since it is a matter of responsible behavior. In the unlikely event that I may inadvertently act outside the Rules of the Road, I would certainly receive a warning or citation in regard to the matter graciously and settle the issue in Honor, licensing and registration issues notwithstanding, since acting in Dishonor is repugnant to the concepts of Law and Liberty, and to me personally. Because I am a private living man, and not a legal fiction, corporation, or Trust, in full possession of my Natural Rights, I have no duty or obligation to interact with any fiction, legal or otherwise, such as a corporation or de facto government or the officers, agents, or employees thereof. While I am open to friendly discussion in regard to my private status with anyone in their private capacity, I am not able to interact except in rare voluntary circumstances with anyone in their official capacity as agents, officers, or employees of any legal fiction corporation and/or government, including enforcement personnel. At the same time, I recognize, respect, and appreciate the responsibility and inherent dangerous nature of the job of those serving in your capacity of enforcement officers in dealing with those unable or unwilling to act in a responsible, peaceful, and lawful manner. If I am not observed in the commission of a crime against a living man/woman or property while traveling which will never occur, I do not expect to be unnecessarily stopped for questioning or any other intrusion into my private affairs. Such an arrest of my travel, without probable cause, would be a violation of my explicitly reserved Rights. This would constitute a Federal crime under 18 USC 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law. Although, if you or any employees, officers, agents, etc., of your agency ever wish to have a friendly, peaceful discussion in their private capacity in regard to the responsibilities of being an American National conducting ones affairs in private capacity, who is at peace with, but not subject to, corporate/legal fictions such as de facto governments, all are welcome to 2 of 3

call or, preferably, email me anytime. I would welcome such communication. I may also be contacted by postal mail at the mailing location below. My contact phone number is: XXX-XXX-XXXX (voice or text is fine) Email Address: Mailing Location: Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx c/o Street Address near City/Town West Virginia Without the United States Non-Domestic Mail Zip Code Exempt This Notice is issued as a courtesy so as to avoid any unnecessary confusion on the part of enforcement personnel or interruptions in my occasional travels in your area. The IDENTIFICATION PLATE affixed to my private automobile is placed as a courtesy, as well as for my own purpose in identifying my private property. The identification plate is not intended to deceive or mimic a state-issued REGISTRATION LICENSE plate required for motor vehicles in commercial use. It is displayed as a courtesy and for my convenience. It is my hope that you will keep this Notice on file and convey the essential elements herein to any personnel under your supervision, as you feel necessary, and/or enter any elements you deem essential into any database you may make use of, since I may travel in your area and wish to avoid any unnecessary confusion or misunderstandings. If you have any questions or concerns, or just wish to know more about my private, non-U.S. citizen, American National status, please do not hesitate to contact me. With respect and kindest regards, and; Without Prejudice pursuant UCC 1-308,

Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Sui juris American National Beneficiary of Trust: [XX-XXXXXXXX]

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