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Structure of Atom MAster Explanation PRESS4

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Introduction: It was Albert Einsteins goal to unify Gravity and Electromagnetism or Light just as James Maxwell did with

Electricity and Magnetism to form Electromagnetism. Unfortunately, he died without accomplishing his goal. Since then, many scientists worldwide have taken up his quest to unify Gravity and Electromagnetism but so far without success. The answer to Einsteins pursuit is found here in this article aside from many other solutions to numerous scientific mysteries. In this article, you will learn and see many evidences of how the scientific universal formula YHWH solved mysteries of science from the current conflict between laws of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity to evidence of the existence of Parallel Universes supported by the discovery of 2 new Periodic Tables with 10 Periods, 5 Blocks, 50 Groups and 218 Elements where one Table is co-dominant POSITRON-NEUTRON (Virtual Particles) and other, co-dominant PROTON-NEUTRON (Real Particles), identity of DARK ENERGY and DARK MATTER to name a few. Each of the symbols or letters in the universal formula YHWH represent major scientific discoveries that revolutionized science. The first symbol or letter Y represents the 3 rd letter of the Greek alphabet Gamma (lower case) y with a numerical value 3 and identifies the quanta of Light or energy called Photons or Planck Constant. The Photons material particles are 3 vibrating filament of energies or Reduced Plank Constant or Dirac Constant called Wave Strings with a negative electrical charged, Particle Strings with a positive magnetic charged and Wavicle Strings with both electrical and magnetic or neutral charges. It is the natural combinations of these 3 Strings at their dominant ends (head and not their tail) that created 3 (6) types of Light Photons or packet of energies or Planck Constant with identical properties depending on the dominant String. It is the combination of 2 Light Photons at their dominant ends that created our next major scientific discoveries called Hadrons or H. The second symbol or letter H represents the 7 th letter of the Greek alphabet Eta H with a numerical value 8 and identifies 2 types of QUARKS called Baryons and Mesons. These 2 types of Quarks are collectively called Hadrons and individual Quarks are glued together by 8 Gluons. When 2 Light Photons attached or connected at one of their recessive ends (tail end) , they formed our next major scientific discoveries called Weak Force particles. The third symbol or letter W r epresents the 24 th and last letter of the Greek alphabet Omega (lower case) w with a numerical value of 800 and identifies 2 types of LEPTONS called Weak Force and Wang (which is also called color-glass condensate and discovered by LHC, 2012) particle. These 2 type of LEPTONS are collectively called Weak Force. When Weak Force carriers W-, W+ and Z0 individually combined with Weak Force material particles of Electrons and Neutrinos, they formed our last major scientific discoveries called HIGGS Bosons and HIGGS particles, the material particle and force carrier of the HIGGS FIELDS. The last symbol or letter H represent the HIGGS FIELD-HIGGS PARTICLE and HIGGS BOSON created from a combinations of Photons (H Planck Constant) the building material of 10 HIGGS FIELD, 5 HIGGS Particle and 8 HIGGS Bosons. The above universal formula unified the Laws of Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics which are discussed in details in these pictorial symbols or letters of YHWH. Lets begin with PHOTONS or Y.

1. PHOTON (Y): A Packet of Energies Made of 3 Vibrating Strings. The existence of Strings as a constituent of matter was first proposed in a mathematical formula suggested by physicists Gabriele Veneziano, Leonard Susskind and their colleagues. But the existence of these Strings as 3 types of vibrating filaments of energies were initially deduced from Nobel Prize recipient , Dr. Richard Feynman's 3 point stick subatomic particles behavior and interaction diagrams. Unbeknownst to Dr. Feynman, his mathematical subatomic particles interaction expressed in stick figures were interactions governed by 3 distinct types of Strings. The specific identity of each of the 3 types of Strings was further confirmed by studying Michael Faraday, and James Maxwells discovery of Electricity, Magnetism and Electromagnetism. We noted from their discoveries that Electricity flows in a specific direction (direct current) which is opposite the flow of the magnetic current. The Electric current or Electricity flows counter clockwise and Magnetic or Magnetism flows clockwise. When both phenomena were combined by James Maxwells to form Electromagnetic, the negative charged appears to be at the north or top end and the positive charged appears to be at the bottom or south end of an electromagnetic field. This demonstrated what was already observed by Faraday and his colleagues that Electricity and Magnetism were separate phenomena based on the direction of their movement or flow. Also noted from the discovery that Electromagnetic and Light were the same phenomena and a separate entity from Electricity and Magnetism which are two different types of Light from Electromagnetic . What was behind the behavior of atoms that created each of these LIGHT phenomena of Electricity, Magnetism, and Electromagnetism? The discovery of Electron structure and properties by the following scientist such as Ernest Rutherford, Henry-Mosley, James Frank, Gustav Hertz, Neils Bohr, and Louis de Broglie to name a few showed that an Electron is a Particle, Wave and Wave-Particle (Wavicle for short). Further examination of six flavors of Electrons; Electron and Electron Neutrino (Wavicle), Muon and Muon Neutrino (Wave), Tau and Tau Neutrino (Particle) again confirmed the 3 distinct types of particles. The Double Slit Experiment confirmed that Electrons was a wave and a particle or a Wavicle for short which is different from its other form of Muon (Wave) and Tau (Particle). The discovery of Photons by the following scientists; Max Planck and Albert Einstein that further James Maxwells work on Light or Electromagnetic confirmed another property of subatomic particles as Particle aside from Wave, and Wavicle. Einsteins work on Photoelectric confirmed this conclusion. Its Max Plancks work and Einstein's that demonstrated or provided more evidence to the existence of 3 Strings being components of Photons. The packet of energies or Quanta which was later named Photon is made of 3 (6) vibrating filament of energies called Strings with each a Reduced Planck Constant or Dirac Constant of 1.054 571 726 (47) x10-34. The energy value of a Photon or Planck Constant of 6.626 009 57(29) x 10-34.

The 3 types of Strings are 6 types of Reduced Electric, Magnetic and Neutral Planck Constant created the building material of our Universe called Light Photons (Y) or Planck Constant. The 3 separate types of Strings or filaments of vibrating energies are; 1. Wavicle (----) is represented by color BLUE and is both Negative and Positive charged or Neutral String with four charged variables. 2. Particle (----) is represented by color GREEN and is positive charged String. 3. Wave (---) represented by color RED and is negative charged String These 3 charged vibrating filaments of energies or Strings preestablished ALL behaviors and properties of subatomic particles. They naturally attached or connected to each other based on their electrical (-) and magnetic charges (+) or both. These connection are seen in matters throughout the Universe. ALL Energy-matter are either -, + , both, (-+ , 0 or +-, 0) or neutral (0) charged.
The properties of Electricity, Magnetism and Electromagnetism are dictated by these 3 Strings. In other words, ALL laws at the Quantum Level are pre-established by these 3 Strings applies to the Cosmo or Relativity Level. There are NO contradiction or conflicts between the Quantum Mechanics and Relativity world as both are governed by identical laws as you will soon see. The contradictions or conflicts are due to incorrect or incomplete understanding of Electricity (-), Magnetism (+) and Electromagnetism (-+ or +-). Lets start with the Wave String (-) which creates the properties of Electric Light Photon(-), the material particle of Electricity(-). The Wave String is completely Negative charged on both level; Top (1) and Bottom(2). The direction of this Strings vibration is currently called RIGHT SPIN or TOP FIELDS or NORTH Field or spin COUNTER CLOCKWISE. This vibration of Wave Strings creates the true field of Electricity. There are NO positive charged in an Electric Field. If there are positive charged, then its NOT an Electric Field but an Electromagnetic Field. The pure Electric Field or Electricity is ONLY Negative charged and vibrate or SPIN Right as it is only formed from Electric Light Photons where the Wave String is dominant!

The Wave Strings reduced Electric or negative Planck Constant value is -1.054571 726(47) X 10-34 J. s. The Planck Constant or Photons value is 6.626 009 57(29) x 10-34 J. s. which is a packet of 3 energy strings called Quanta. As noted earlier that Quanta or Photon is a composition of 3 types of energies Strings called Wave or Electric negative charged String, Magnetic or Particle positive charged String and Electromagnetic or Wavicle neutral charged String.

The Particle Strings reduced Magnetic or positive Planck Constant value is +1.054571 726(47) X 10-34 J. s as it is a component of Photon or Planck Constant.

The Particle String is completely Positive charged on both levels, Top (1)and Bottom (2). The direction of its String vibration is currently called LEFT SPIN or BOTTOM FIELDS or SOUTH Field or spin CLOCKWISE. This vibration of Particle Strings create the true field of the Magnetic Field. There are NO Negative charged in a Magnetic Field. If there are Negative charged, then its NOT an Magnetic Field but an Electromagnetic Field. The Pure Magnetic Field is ONLY Positive charged as it is formed from positive charged dominant Magnetic Light Photon ONLY. The Electromagnetic Strings reduced neutral Planck Constant value is just +-1.054571 726(47) X 10-34 J. s as it is a component of Photon or Planck Constant.

The Wavicle String is both Positive and Negative charged at the Top and Bottom level. The direction of its String vibration are currently called LEFT and RIGHT SPIN or TOP and BOTTOM FIELDS or NORTH and SOUTH Fields or NO Spin at all. This String is currently also identified as NEUTRAL charged but its NOT NEUTRAL as it intrinsically have BOTH charges. The vibration of Magnetic and Electric charges create the true Electromagnetic Field. There are NO just Negative charged or Electric Field and just Positive charged or Magnetic Field in Electromagnetic. The pure Electromagnetic contains BOTH the Electric and Magnetic Field or is regular LIGHT . But by combining each of the above 3 Strings above based on their natural electrical and magnetic charges , PHOTONS are created!

The Wave String (Negative-)

The Particle String (Positive+)

The Wavicle String or (Neutral o, -+ or +-, 0)

When 2 types of reduced Planck Constant of Electric String (-), and Magnetic String (+) are connected to the reduce Planck Constant of Electromagnetic String (-+, or +-) which is the dominant String, an Electromagnetic Light Photon (Y) or Planck Cosntant is created. It is so appropriate by the scientific communities to label Photons by Greek Gamma letter Y as this is the pictorial presentation of what it looks like when 3 Strings combined the leg or hand part of the symbol Y is the dominant String which dictates the direction or flow of energy and the other two represent recessive Strings. The Electromagnetic Light Photon (Y) is the material particle of 4 types of Electromagnetism or regular Light. The Electric and Magnetic charges for each String naturally connects to both charges of the Electromagnetic String as illustrated in Figure 5. This is the ONLY Photon that has 4 unique properties. In one Electromagnetic Light Photon (-+), the Electric charged is dominant and Magnetic is recessive or this same Photon is neutral (0) as both charges cancelled each other out. In another Electromagnetic Light Photon (+-) , the Magnetic charged is dominant and Electric is recessive or this same Photon is neutral (0) as both charges cancelled each other out. This unique property of Light or Electromagnetic creates 4 (-+, 0:+-,0) individual types of Light or Electromagnetic fields that are different from pure Electric Light (-) and pure Magnetic Light (+). The two recessive Electric and Magnetic Light Photons are always connected to Electromagnetic Light and responsible for Co-dominants, and Supersymmetry properties observed or existed in every ACTUAL or VIRTUAL energy-matter.

The Wave String (Negative -)

The Wavicle String [(Neutral +- or -+, 0]

The Particle String (Positive +)

When the Wave String and Wavicle String are connected to the dominant Magnetic String in this combination, a Magnetic Light Photon or Particle Light Photon is created as illustrated in Figure 6. The Magnetic Light Photon is the material particle of Magnetism or Magnetic Field which is pure positive charged field. The Electric (-) and Electromagnetic (-+ or +-) charges of each String naturally connects to the positive charges of the Magnetic String. The Magnetic String is dominant as it dictate the flow or direction of energy. Therefore, this Light Photon is a Magnetic Light Photons. When the Magnetic Light Photons combines with either the Electric Light Photon or Electromagnetic Light Photon at their dominant ends, it creates QUARKS. When combined at their recessive ends, it creates LEPTONS or Weak Force particles.

The Wavicle String [(Neutral 0, -+ or +-]

The Particle String (Positive +)

The Electric String (Negative -)

When Electromagnetic String and Magnetic String combined with the dominant Electric String, it formed the Electric Light Photon or Wave Light Photon as illustrated in Figure 7. The Electric Light Photon is the material particle of Electricity or the Electric Field . The Electromagnetic (+-) and Magnetic (+) charges naturally connects to with the Electric String. When the Electric Light Photons combines with either the Magnetic Light Photon or Electromagnetic Light Photon at their dominant ends, it creates QUARKS. When combined at their recessive ends, it creates LEPTONS or Weak Force particles. By naturally combining and recombining the 3 types of Strings based on their electrical and magnetic charges, there is a maximum number of combinations. The illustrated Electric Light Photon (Figure 7), Magnetic Light Photon (Figure 6) and Electromagnetic Light Photons (Figure 5) are the maximum number of quanta of energies. As noted earlier that the existence of each type of Light Photons were confirmed and identified with the discovery of Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetism by Michael Faraday, James Maxwell and others. The behavior and properties of energies or quanta responsible for each phenomena can be easily identified as Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Light Photon. Also, the discovery of Electrons further confirmed the above descriptions and identities of 3 types of Light Photons. In Figure 8 are illustrations when Light Photons of the same type or opposite charges are combined to demonstrates their natural attraction, neutral or repel reaction.

The Particle Photon

The Particle Photon

The Wave Photon

The Wave Photon

The Wavicle Photon

The Wavicle Photon

The Particle Photon

The Wave Photon

The Wavicle Photon

The Wave Photon

The Wavicle Photon

The Particle Photon

In Figure 8, it illustrates the various combinations of Light Photons and their outcome. These combination are very important as they also illustrates how Atoms, and Molecules combines. Aside from the Electric and Magnetic charges; Photons have color charges as illustrated with the Red, Blue and Green colors of each dominant Photon. These color properties are discussed in details in the study of Quantum Chomodynamics. The study of electrical charges are covered in the study of Quantum Electrodynamics. Another factor which is used to describe Photons aside from their vibrating directions, charges as electrical and magnetic, colors charges of Red, Blue and Green, are their OPENESS or CLOSENESS. An Open Photon means both ends (frontend and backend) are NOT connected. The OPENED or CLOSED properties can be utilized to describe Photons when combined with each other to create other subatomic particles called QUARKS and LEPTONS. The Law of Singularity governs activities of Photons.

As discussed earlier that the 3 types of Photons; Electric Light Photons, Magnetic Light Photons and Electromagnetic Light Photons were created from 3 types of Strings. The Photons which are the building material of the Universe are various types or form of Light as confirmed by James Maxwell with his discovery of Electromagnetic. The Spectra Lights of Elements further confirmed this conclusion that energy-matter are the various manifestation of various shades of Light. You will get to see this fact when various Photons (Y) are combined to create the second letter or symbol H of our universal formula YHWH or subatomic particles called HADRONS. 2. HADRONS [H] :Baryons and Mesons When two Light Photons combined at their dominant ends, they form a QUARK and the extra or 3rd Photon forms the GLUON. The Electrostrong Force (GLUON) and Electromagnetic Force keeps the Light Photons together to form a QUARK. The combination of 2 Light Photons created 6 flavors of QUARKS. These 6 flavors are governed by the dominant Photon. The dominant Electric Light Photon governs the properties of Charm Quark and Strange Quark. The dominant Magnetic Light Photon governs the properties Top and Bottom Quarks and dominant Electromagnetic Light Photon governs the properties of Up Quark and Down Quark. These Hadrons' Quarks are collectively called Baryons. These Quarks are illustrated in Figure 10. The other type of Hadrons which are collectively called Mesons are illustrated in Figure 11. Mesons are created when a Quark and an Antiquark combined.

When an Electric Photon (Red) combined with the Electromagnetic Photon (Blue), they formed a NUCLEAR explosion and a CHARM QUARK. The Magnetic Photon forms the GLUON (+) which bound them together as their Electric and Electromagnetic charges are not enough to keep them together. When an Electromagnetic Photon (Blue) combined with the Electric Photon (Red), they formed a NUCLEAR explosion and a STRANGE QUARK. The Magnetic Photon forms the GLUON (+) which bound them together as their Electric and Electromagnetic charges are not enough to keep them together. When an Electric Photon (Red) combined with the Magnetic Photon (Green), they formed a NUCLEAR explosion and a UP QUARK. The Electromagnetic Photon forms the GLUON (+, 0) which bound them together as their Electric and Magnetic charges are not enough to keep them together. When an Magnetic Photon (Green) combined with the Electric Photon (Red), they formed a NUCLEAR explosion and a DOWN QUARK. The Electromagnetic Photon form the GLUON (+-, 0) which bound them together as their Magnetic and Electric charges are not enough to keep them together. When a Magnetic Photon (Green) combined with the Electromagnetic Photon (Blue), they formed a NUCLEAR explosion and a TOP QUARK. The Electric Photon forms the GLUON() which bound them together as their Magnetic and Electromagnetic charges are not enough to keep them together. When a Electromagnetic Photon (Blue) combined with the Magnetic Photon (Green), they formed a NUCLEAR explosion and a BOTTOM QUARK. The Electric Photon forms the GLUON (-) which bound them together as their Magnetic and Electromagnetic charges are not enough to keep them together.

Mesons are formed from a Quark and an Antiquark. Antiquarks are formed when 8 GLUONS combined as shown below or Figure 11.

Top Antiquark Bottom Antiquark

Up Antiquark Down Antiquark

Charm Antiquark Strange Antiquark


The formation or creation of subatomic particles QUARKS did not happened by accident as illustrated. They were formed when 2 different types of Light Photons naturally combined at their dominant ends as illustrated in Figure 10 and Figure 11. Notice that when 2 Light Photons are connected at their dominant ends, they naturally create a powerful NUCLEAR reaction or explosion which will separate both Photons but the GLUONS encapsulated this force or energy and hold the Quarks together from coming apart. Nature creates another particle in reverse of each Quark formed by combining both recessive ends of Photons to form a particle called Wang which housed or confined QUARKS in the nucleus of the Atom. Summary of Figure 10 and Figure 11 illustrations of how Quarks are formed or created from 3 Light Photons. When Electric Light Photon combines with Electromagnetic Light Photon at its dominant ends, it creates the Charm Quark and Magnetic Light or color Green Gluon. When a Electromagnetic Light Photon combines with a Electric Light Photon at its dominant ends, it creates the Strange Quark and a Magnetic Light or color Green Gluon. When Electric Light Photon combines with Magnetic Light Photon at its dominant ends, it creates the Up Quark and Electromagnetic Light or color Blue Gluon. When Magnetic Light Photon and Electric Light Photon combines at its dominant ends, it creates the Down Quark and Electromagnetic Light Photon or color Blue Gluon. When Magnetic Light Photon combines with the Electric Photon at its dominant ends, it creates Top Quark and a Blue colored Gluons. When the Magnetic Photon and Electromagnetic Photons combines at its dominant ends, it creates Bottom Quark and Red Gluon.
The next types of Quarks are Mesons. These Hadrons Meson Quarks are formed when Gluons from each Hadrons Quarks combined to form Antiquarks as illustrated in Figure 11. There are 8 types of GLUONS created to glue the 6 types of Quarks and 8 Antiquarks combinations. The Hadrons Baryons and Mesons mirrors their dominant Photon they are created from; The Mesons are K- (Wave), K0, K0 (Wavicle) and K+ (Particle) or - (Wave), 0, 0 (Wavicle) and +(Particle). The Baryons Quarks are Charm and Strange (Wave or Electric), Up and Down (Wavicle or Electromagnetic) and Top and Bottom (Particle or Magnetic). These are the 6 types of Quarks. The above particles are governed by the Laws of Symmetry. Although the GLUONS bound 2 Light Photons together to form a QUARK using Electrostrong (color charged version of Electromagnetic) force , nature decided this is not enough to encapsulate the energy it creates and formed another particle in reverse of the QUARK. This move us to the third symbol or letter W in our universal formula YHWH which represent Weak Force. 3. WEAK FORCE (W): When 2 Light Photons combined at their recessive ends (or tail ends), it creates our first type of Weak Force particles called Wang, a scalar gravitational particle which is the material particle of Gravity. The Gravitons are the force carriers of Gravity. The particle is named after Dr. Charles Wang who first postulated its existence.

The Wang particles and its force carriers Gravitons have not been discovered but we know of its existence based on the YHWH formula and how Light Photons combined. As noted earlier that nature decided that GLUONS were not enough to hold the nuclear energy created by its combination and created the Wang particles in reverse of the QUARK formation to house or confine the QUARKS in the nucleus. The GRAVITONS which are the force carrier of Wangs pulls the nucleus in. When these Wang particles are overwhelmed by its own gravitational forces, it results in Super Nova explosions observed. In Figure 12 we see an Up Quark, u-Gluon, u-Wang and u-Graviton. Notice the lower case letter u to signify that all particles involved are related with the Up Quark. This labeling process is applied to all other particles, whether it is a Quark, Lepton, Boson, Wang or HIGGS. Nature have its own schematic to ensure bonding and gluing of Photons with the correct Light Photons. These bonding are naturally guided by their electromagnetic, electrical and magnetic charges. The Gluon-u (or Up Quark Gluon) glues the Electric Light Photon (-) and Magnetic Light Photon (+) together at their dominant ends because their connection creates a nuclear explosion or reaction that separate them apart. Then, a u-Wang Particle which is a reverse of the type of Quark particle combination confines the Quark to the nucleus as shown in Figure 12. The Wang and Gluon particle exist to create stability or existence of the Quark. The two discovered materials called QuarkGluon-Plasma (QGP:+- or c-Wang, s-Wang, t-Wang, b-Wang) and Color-Glass-Condensate (CGC:0 or u-Wang, d-Wang) we believed are the two types of Wang particles. As we evaluate each particle formation or creation, we see nothing happens arbitrarily or with randomness or by probability. We see ALL particles combined by their natural Light Magnetic , Light Electric and Light Electromagnetic charges with certainty as this is just the way nature operates with certainty and order!

An Up Quark housed or confined by a geometrical (cubical or granular shape) u-Wang particle. Wang are like an Ice Cube

The various Wang Particles are cubical or granular geometrical material particle of Gravity. The extra Light Photon forms the Graviton. The specific WANG and GRAVITON have properties similar to the QUARK it protects. We differentiate each WANG and GRAVITON with a letter of the QUARK it protect. When an Electric Light Photon (Red) combined with the Electromagnetic Light Photon (Blue) at their recessive ends (both tail ends), they form a c-WANG particle. The Magnetic Light Photon forms the c-GRAVITON responsible for keeping and holding the c-WANG particle together. The c-WANG in turn keeps the Charm Quark inside the nucleus. When an Electromagnetic Light Photon (Blue) combined with the Electric Light Photon (Red) at their recessive ends, they form a s-WANG particle. The Magnetic Light Photon forms the s-GRAVITON responsible for keeping and holding the s-WANG particle together. The s-WANG in turn keeps the Strange Quark inside the nucleus. When an Electric Light Photon (Red) combined with the Magnetic Light Photon (Green) at their recessive ends they form a u-WANG particle. The Electromagnetic Light Photon forms the u-GRAVITON responsible for keeping and holding the u-WANG particle together. The u-WANG in turn keeps the Up Quark inside the nucleus. When an Magnetic Light Photon (Green) combined with the Electric Light Photon (Red) at their recessive ends they form a d-WANG particle. The Electromagnetic Photon forms the d-GRAVITON responsible for keeping and holding the dWANG particle together. The d-WANG in turn keeps the Down Quark inside the nucleus. When a Magnetic Light Photon (Green) combined with the Electromagnetic Light Photon (Blue) at their recessive ends they form a t-WANG particle. The Electric Photon forms the t-GRAVITON responsible for keeping and holding the t-WANG particle together. The t-WANG in turn keeps the Top Quark inside the nucleus. When a Electromagnetic Light Photon (Blue) combined with the Magnetic Light Photon (Green) at their recessive ends they form a b-WANG particle. The Electric Light Photon forms the b-GRAVITON responsible for keeping and holding the b-WANG particle together. The b-WANG in turn keeps the Bottom Quark inside the nucleus.

The next type of Weak Force particles formed (that are different from the WANG particles) when 2 types of Light Photons combined at 1 of their recessive end (tail end) are Electrons and Neutrinos. The extra or 3rd Light Photon creates 8 (2)Weak-, (2)Weak + and (4)Z0(+-, -+, 0) Bosons. The Weak Force carriers (W+, W-, Z0) THEN combined at their recessive ends to form Neutrinos . Note that this is the ONLY particle where both dominant ends are pointing to the same direction which gives Electrons and Neutrinos their orbiting or forward motion or movement behavior and properties. When the Magnetic Light Photon (Green) combined with the Electromagnetic Light Photon (Blue) at one of their recessive ends , they form a Tau particle. The Electric Light Photon forms the W- Boson or Weak Nuclear Force responsible for keeping and holding both Photons particle together. The Tau orbits outside the nucleus and responsible for properties of atoms in the f Block and g Block of Periodic Table-2. When the Electromagnetic Light Photon (Blue) combined with the Magnetic Photon (Green) at one of their recessive ends to form a Tau Neutrino particle. The Tau Neutrino orbits outside the nucleus and responsible for properties of atoms in the f Block and g Block of Periodic Table-1. When the Electric Light Photon (Red) combined with the Magnetic Light (Green) at one of their recessive ends , they form an Electron particle. The Electromagnetic Photon forms the Z Boson (0, -+, +-, 0) or Electroweak Force responsible for keeping and holding both Light Photons particle together. The Electrons orbits outside the nucleus and responsible for properties of atoms in the s and p Block of Periodic Table-2.

When the Magnetic Photon (Green) combined with the Electric Photon (Red) at one of their recessive ends , they form an Electron Neutrino particle. The Electron Neutrino orbits outside the nucleus and responsible for properties of atoms in the s and p Block of Periodic Table-1.
When an Electric Light Photon (Red) combined with a Electromagnetic Light Photon (Blue) at one of their recessive ends , they form a Muon particle. The W+ or W- Weak Nuclear Force responsible for keeping and holding both Photons particle together. The Muons orbits outside the nucleus and responsible for properties of atoms in the s Block and d Block of Periodic Table-2. When the Electromagnetic Photon (Blue) combined with the Electric Photon (Red) at one of their recessive ends , they form an Muon Neutrino particle is responsible for properties of atoms in the s Block and d Block of Periodic Table-1.

The last symbol or letter H of our universal formula YHWH is formed when W+, W- and Z0 (-+, 0, +-, 0) Bosons combined with Electrons, Electron Neutrinos, Muons, Muon Neutrinos, Tau and Tau Neutrinos to form particles called HIGGS [H] which are responsible for the FOUR QUANTUM NUMBERS of QUANTUM MECHANICS and MASS of particles. These four Quantum Numbers in Quantum Mechanics were introduced to describe the characteristics of electrons and their orbitals. Figure 14b- Summary of 4 Quantum Numbers illustrates how Quantum Numbers and HIGGS particles or H-1, H2, H-3, H4 and H-5 formed the 2 Periodic Tables and further explained below. 1. The Principal Quantum Number [10 PERIODS]: - The Principal Quantum Number, n, describes the main or Principal Electron Shell or Energy level or Period of the Periodic Table. There are 10 Periods on the Periodic Table. As you go down the column of Periods of the Periodic Table, the size of orbit and shape of atom increase or becomes larger or bigger. The larger the value of n is or its Period number, the farthest the electron from the nucleus, the larger the size of the orbital and larger the size of the atom. Again the value of n defines the SIZE of orbit and shape. 2. The Angular Momentum Quantum Number or Orbital Quantum Numbers [5 (6) BLOCKS]: - The Angular Momentum Quantum Number, l, describes the SHAPE of the orbital. The shape of the orbital is predetermined by 5 HIGGS particles which pre-established the 5 Blocks of the Periodic Tables. The value of l is predetermined and identified the shape of the orbital which when l=0, it is s Block (Dodecagon or HIGGS-1 with 1 Shell or Energy Level), l=1, it is p Block (Pentagon or HIGGS-2 or 2 Shells or Energy Levels), l=2, its d Block (Hexagon or HIGGS-3 or 3 Shells or Energy Levels),l=3, it is f Block (Octagon or HIGGS-4 or 4 Shells or Energy Levels), and l=4, its g Block (Decagon or HIGGS-5 or 5 Shells or Energy Level). Orbitals that have the same value of n but different value of l are called sub-shells. These sub-shells are differentiated by different letters identity of a Block and an Electron number such as s1, s2, p1, p6, d5, d6, or d10. 3. The Magnetic-Electric Quantum Number or Gravitational Q# [50-100 GROUPS]: - The magnetic-electric number, ml, defines the number of orbital and their orientation within a sub-shell. Its value depends on the Orbital Numbers. More specific, the Magnetic-Electric Quantum Number or Gravitational Quantum Number determines the energy shift or split of an atomic orbital due to an external Magnetic field as in the Zeeman Effect [dominant effect in Periodic Table-2] or Electric Field as in the Stark Effect [dominant effect in Periodic Table-1] or both. Both effects are due to a Super Electromagnetic Force or Super LIGHT called GRAVITY and ANTIGRAVITY. For example, when an external magnetic field is applied to Hydrogen, a sharp spectral line split into multiple closed spaced lines. The splitting is attributed to the interaction between the magnetic field (Gravity) and the Orbital Shapes (HIGGS particles) to give the Element is unique properties. The Magnetic-Electric Quantum Numbers or Gravitational Q# gives each Element their unique properties within their Group and Block depending on the Periodic Table. The Periodic Table-1 is negative electrical (Antigravity) dominant and Period Table-2 is positive magnetic (Gravity) dominant. Spectral lines are preestablished by number of orbital or HIGGS particles combined to form an Atom and NOT an electron jumping between energy levels. 4. The Spin Quantum Number [ or HANDEDNESS-2 PERIODIC TABLES]: The Spin Quantum Number, mS, describes the direction of the electron spinning in a Magnetic-Electric or Electromagnetic Field as clockwise [Magnetic or +1/2 Proton-Neutron Periodic Table-2 (Real Particles)] or counterclockwise [Electric or -1/2 Positron (Electron)-Neutron Periodic Table-1 (Virtual Particles)]. For each sub-shell, there can only be two Electrons, one with a spin of +1/2 and another with a spin of -1/2, with the exception of Period 1 and 2 Elements. The Proton-Neutron Table (Matter Universe or Real) is where +1/2 spin is dominant and another is recessive. The Positron-Neutron Table (Antimatter Universe or Virtual) is where -1/2 spin is dominant and another is recessive.

The Quantum world is a mirror of the Cosmos and vice versa. They both follow identical laws. For example, the Principal Quantum Numbers which are the same as 10 Periods of the Periodic Table are equivalent to 10 Gravitational Lenses of the Cosmos as illustrated by Figure 77b; the Quantum Orbital of s, f, p, g, and s are equivalent to Elliptical, Bar Spiral, Lenticular, Spiral and Irregular Galaxies; the Magnetic or Gravitational Quantum Number which governs properties of 50-100 Groups are equivalent to the 50-100 billion Galaxies; and Spin Quantum Number of Left and Right is equivalent to the 2 Universes where Matter Universe is Left dominant Spin of Atoms and Antimatter Universe is Right dominant Spin. ALL OF THE DISCUSSED PROPERTIES OF ELECTRONS ARE DUE TO THE HIGGS FIELD-HIGGS PARTICLES AND HIGGS BOSONS. THE HIGGS PARTICLE is represented by the last symbol or letter H of our universal formula YHWH. 4. HIGGS [H] Particles - HIGGS FIELD:HIGGS PARTICLES The HIGGS are geometrical particles named after physicist Peter HIGGSs who first postulates their existence as responsible for creating MASS of a particle. The first groups of HIGGS particles formed are HIGGS-2 particles as illustrated in Figure 15. They are called HIGGS-2 because it has ONLY 2 Shells where Electrons can orbit and its also due to its natural Pentagon geometrical structure formed from the combination of Electrons, Neutrinos and W+-Z Bosons. The ENERGY LEVEL is the same as the first Quantum Number called the Principal Number, n and Periods of the Periodic Table. Each HIGGS particle is differentiated from another based on its number of Shells, Energy Levels and also its geometrical shape or structure. The Particle, Wave and Wave-Particle or Wavicle properties of some particles such as Electrons that governs the natural phenomena of Quantum Entanglement , Quantum Tunneling, and the result of the Double Slit experiment to name a few were pre-established by the HIGGS-2. The HIGGSs geometrical structure dictates the number of Shells it will have, are created by the number and type of Light Photons bounded together by Electromagnetic Force. The numerical value next to the word HIGGS represent the number of Shells and Block on the Periodic Table that it governs; HIGGS-2 (x2) or p Block, HIGGS-3 or d Block, HIGGS-4 or f Block, HIGGS-5 or g Block and HIGGS-1 or s Block Elements. There are 144 kinds of HIGGS particles; 6 x 24 which are responsible for creating MASS of every existence energy-matter! We begin our discussion with the HIGGS-2 particle the DNA or foundation of ALL other Higgs particles because this was the first HIGGS particle formed when Weak particles and Weak force carriers combined. There are 24 types of HIGGS-2 particles created when W+, W- ,and Z0 (-+, 0, +-, 0) Bosons combined with Electrons and Neutrinos. Lets take a Tau as an example of how a HIGGS -2 Particle is formed when W- Boson joined or connected to the Tau to form a Tau HIGGS-2 particle or t-HIGGS-2 which is Pentagon in its geometrical shape as illustrated in Figure 15.

In Figure 16 to Figure 45, you will see natures 24 natural schematic of how each HIGGS-2 particle became the foundation of the other 4 HIGGS particles; HIGGS-3, HIGGS-4, HIGGS-5 and HIGGS-1. The bounding or connection between Electrons, Neutrinos and W-, W+, ZO are natural based on their electromagnetic, magnetic and electrical charges as illustrated in Figure 8. 1. The Muon (2) and Muon Neutrinos (2) composed the first 4 Muon dominant HIGGS-2 particles where Muons orbits in its outer Shell. Muon (Table-2) and Muon Neutrinos (Table-1) ONLY orbit within the boundaries created by Muon dominant HIGGS or m-HIGGS, mn-HIGGS and NO WHERE ELSE. The outer Shell and Sub-Shell Levels of s Block and d Block is where Muon and Muon Neutrino orbits WHERE its DOMINANT. The Wave properties of the Dodecagon and Hexagon geometrical shape of the m-HIGGS creates an environment conducive only for the Muon particle to orbit. The natural forces that are created between 2 m-HIGGS or 2 mn-HIGGS are STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE and GRAVITY. 2. The Electron (8) and Electron Neutrinos(8) composed the next 16 Electron dominant HIGGS-2 particles where Electron orbits in its outer shell. Electron (Table-2) and Electron Neutrinos (Table-1) ONLY orbit within the boundaries created by Electron dominant HIGGS or e-HIGGS, en-HIGGS and NO WHERE ELSE. The outer Shell and Sub-Shell of the p Block is where Electron and Electron Neutrino orbits WHERE its DOMINANT. The Wavicle or flexible Pentagon geometrical shape of these e-HIGGS and en-HIGGS creates an environment conducive only for an Electron particle to orbit. The natural forces that are created between 2 e-HIGGS or 2 en-HIGGS is GRAVITY and ANTIGRAVITY. 3. The Tauon (2) and Tauon Neutrinos (2) composed the last 4 Tau dominant HIGSS-2 particles where Tauon orbits in its outer or valance shell. Tauon and Tauon Neutrinos ONLY orbit within the boundaries created by Tauon dominant HIGGS or t-HIGGS, tn-HIGGS and NO WHERE ELSE. The outer Shell and Sub-Shell Levels of f Block and g Block is where Tau and Tau Neutrino orbits WHERE its DOMINANT. The Particle properties of the Decagon and Octagon geometrical shape of the t-HIGGS (Table-2), tn-HIGGS (Table-1) creates an environment conducive only for a Tau particle to orbit. The natural force that is created between 2 HIGGS- or 2 tn-HIGGS particles is WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE and GRAVITY. The Elements Spectra Lines are pre-established by the Elements Atomic structure formation created by the combination of various HIGGS particles. The various combinations by 5 types of HIGGS particles created up to 20 [10/10] Shells and up to 200 [100/100]sub-shells or sub-energy Levels where 6 types of Electrons are allowed to orbit to create unique individual behavior and properties of an Element. The Spectra Lines are these individual signature or identities. As note in the beginning that every existed energy-matter is created from 3 types of LIGHT PHOTONS. Therefore, every existed energy-matter or Elements or Atoms are various shades of light or manifestation of forms of LIGHT. Whether living or non-living, animate or inanimate matter are all various shades or manifestation forms of LIGHT. Electrons do not jumped between energy levels but their excitation only manifest their already pre-established location in the atomic structure which is its signature or identity. The HIGGS-2 Particle, naturally creates 2 identical particle with the same properties except their SPINs are opposite each other RIGHT and LEFT or vice versa. The HIGGS-2 is responsible for pre-establishing properties of Quantum Entanglement, Antiparticles, Co-dominants, Supersymmetry, Asymmetry and so forth. In other words, ALL properties of energy-matter were pre-established here by the HIGGS-2 particles with certainty and no creation or properties were left to probability or chance. All of the 24 HIGGS particles illustrated in Figure 16 to Figure 45 are what build our Universe. It is their combinations that creates ALL the type of Elements or Atoms existed.

2 identical mn-HIGGS-2 (Muon Neutrino HIGGS-2) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. They create pure Electric Fields.

2 identical m-HIGGS-2 (Muon HIGGS-2) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left.

2 identical tn-HIGGS-2 (Tau Neutrino HIGGS-2) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. They create pure Magnetic Fields.

2 identical t-HIGGS-2 (Tau HIGGS-2) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left.

e-HIGGS-2- (Electron)particle is formed when a Z-+ Boson is connected with the Electron particle. 2 identical e-HIGGS-2 particles except they have opposite spins.

en-HIGGS-2[ZO, Electron Neutrino] particle is formed when a Z0[+-] Boson is connected with the Electron particle. 2 identical neutral en-HIGGS-2[Z0(+-)] particles except they have opposite spins.

2 identical Neutral e-HIGGS-2 (Zero charged Electron HIGGS-2) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. These particles are responsible for energy matter or electromagnetic with no magnetic or electrical charges in nature.

2 identical Neutral en-HIGGS-2 (Zero charged Electron Neutrino HIGGS-2) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left.

2 identical e-HIGGS-2 +ve (Positive Electron or Positron HIGGS-2) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left.

2 identical en-HIGGS2+ve (Positive Electron Neutrino HIGGS-2) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left.

e-HIGGS-2 (Electron)- particle is formed when a Z0 Boson is connected with a Electron. 2 identical NEUTRAL e-HIGGS-2- particles except they have opposite SPIN. These are particles responsible for energy-matter or electromagnetic that is ZERO charged or NEUTRAL.

en-HIGGS-2 (Electron Neutrino)- particle is formed when a Z0 Boson is connected with the Electron Neutrino. 2 identical ZERO charged en-HIGGS-2 particles except they have opposite SPIN.

2 identical mn-HIGGS-3 (HIGGS-3 Muon Neutrino) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. They create pure Electric Fields.

2 identical m-HIGGS-3 (Muon HIGGS) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left.

2 identical t-HIGGS-3 (Tau) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. They create pure magnetic fields.

2 identical tn-HIGGS-3 (Tau Neutrino HIGGS-3) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left.

2 identical e-HIGGS-3 (Electron) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. They create pure Electromagnetic fields which the Electron is dominant.

2 identical en-HIGGS-3 (Electron Neutrino) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. They create pure Electromagnetic fields which the electric is dominant.

2 identical NEUTRAL e-HIGGS-3 (Electron) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. They create pure ZERO CHARGED Electromagnetic fields.

2 identical NEUTRAL en-HIGGS-3 (Electron Neutrino) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. They create pure ZERO CHARGED Electromagnetic fields.

2 identical e-HIGGS-3 (Electron) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. They create pure Magnetic dominant Electromagnetic fields.

2 identical en-HIGGS-3 (Electron Neutrino) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. They create pure Magnetic dominant Electromagnetic fields.

2 identical e-HIGGS-3 (Electron) particles except one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. They create Neutral MagneticElectromagnetic fields.

A W+ Boson added to the HIGGS-3 to form HIGGS-4. 2 identical m-HIGGS-4 (Muon) particles responsible for pure Electric Field and charges accept different in Spins.

2 identical mn-HIGGS-4 (Muon Neutrino) particles responsible for pure Electric Field and charges accept different in Spins.

2 identical t-HIGGS-4 (Tau or Tauon) particles responsible for pure Magnetic Fields and charges accept different in Spins.

2 identical tn-HIGGS-4 (Tau Neutrino) particles responsible for pure Magnetic Fields and charges accept different in Spins.

A Z0 [(-+, 0), (+-, 0)] Boson added to the HIGGS-3 to form HIGGS-4 2 identical e-HIGGS-4 (Electron) particles responsible for pure Electric dominant Electromagnetic Fields and charges accept different in Spins.

2 identical en-HIGGS-4 (Electron Neutrino) particles responsible for pure Electric dominant Electromagnetic Fields and charges accept different in Spins.

2 identical e-HIGGS-4 (Electron) particles responsible for pure NEUTRAL or ZERO CHARGED Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical e-HIGGS-4 (Electron) particles responsible for pure NEUTRAL or ZERO CHARGED Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical e-HIGGS-4 (Positron) particles responsible for pure Magnetic dominant Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical en-HIGGS-4 (Positron Neutrino) particles responsible for pure Magnetic dominant Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical e-HIGGS-4 (Electron) particles responsible for NEUTRAL or ZERO CHARGED Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical en-HIGGS-4 (Electron) particles responsible for NEUTRAL or ZERO CHARGED Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

A W- Boson added to the HIGGS-4 to form HIGGS-5 2 identical m-HIGGS-5 (Muon) particles responsible for pure Electric Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical mn-HIGGS-5 (Muon Neutrino) particles responsible for pure Electric Fields accept different in Spins.

A W+ Boson added to the HIGGS-4 to form HIGGS-5

2 identical t-HIGGS-5 (Tau) particles responsible for pure Magnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical mn-HIGGS-5 (Tau Neutrino) particles responsible for pure Magnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

A Z0 [+-, 0, -+, 0] Boson added to the HIGGS-4 to form HIGGS-5 2 identical e-HIGGS-5 (Electron) particles responsible for Electric dominant Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical en-HIGGS-5 (Electron Neutrino) particles responsible for Electric dominant Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical e-HIGGS-5 (Electron ) particles responsible for ZERO OR NEUTRAL CHARGES Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins. They are responsible for energy-matter that are ZERO or have BOTH charges. For example humans are ZERO [both] CHARGED electromagnetic matter.

2 identical en-HIGGS-5 (Electron Neutrino) particles responsible for ZERO OR NEUTRAL CHARGES Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical e-HIGGS-5 (Positron) particles responsible for Magnetic dominant Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical en-HIGGS-5 (Positron Neutrino) particles responsible for Magnetic dominant Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical e-HIGGS-5 (Positron) particles responsible for ZERO or NEUTRAL CHARGED [BOTH] of the Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical en-HIGGS-5 (Positron Neutrino) particles responsible for ZERO or NEUTRAL CHARGED [BOTH]of the Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

A W- Boson added to the HIGGS-6 to form HIGGS-1

2 identical m-HIGGS-1 (Muon) particles responsible for pure Electric Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical mn-HIGGS-1 (Muon Neutrino) particles responsible for pure Electric Fields accept different in Spins.

A W+ Boson added to the HIGGS-5 to form HIGGS-1

2 identical t-HIGGS-1 (Tau ) particles responsible for pure Magnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical tn-HIGGS-1 (Tau Neutrino) particles responsible for pure Magnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

A Z0 [+-, 0,-+, 0] Boson added to the HIGGS-5 to form HIGGS-1

2 identical e-HIGGS-1 (Positron ) particles responsible for Magnetic dominant Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical en-HIGGS-1 (Positron Neutrino) particles responsible for Magnetic dominant Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical e-HIGGS-1 (Positron) particles responsible for ZERO or NEUTRAL CHARGED Electromagnetic Fields accept difference in Spins.

2 identical en-HIGGS-1 (Electron Neutrino) particles responsible for ZERO or NEUTRAL CHARGED Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical e-HIGGS-1 (Electron) particles responsible for the Electric dominant field of the Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical en-HIGGS-1 (Electron) particles responsible for the Electric dominant field of the Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical e-HIGGS-1 (Electron) particles responsible for the ZERO or NEUTRAL CHARGED [BOTH] of the Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

2 identical en-HIGGS-1 (Electron) particles responsible for the ZERO or NEUTRAL CHARGED [BOTH] of the Electromagnetic Fields accept different in Spins.

The 5 HIGGS particles illustrated above; HIGGS-2, HIGGS-3, HIGGS-4, HIGGS-5 and HIGGS-1 all have 24 of the same type of HIGGS particle Muon HIGGS, Muon Neutrino HIGGS, Electron HIGGS, Electron Neutrino HIGGS, Tau (Tauon) HIGGS and Tau Neutrino HIGGS. The only difference between each HIGGS particle is their geometrical shapes which dictates its number of Shells, Energy Levels and Sub-shells, Sub-energy Levels for electron types to orbit in. These geometrical shapes were created from Weak Force Bosons, Electrons and Neutrinos as illustrated. The first group of HIGGS are Muon HIGGS-2 particles and their properties are governed by the Electric Light Photons. The Electric Light or Wave Photon is dominant . There were 2 identical Muon HIGGS-2 or m-HIGGS-2 where 1 Spin Right and other Spin Left. There were 2 identical Muon Neutrino HIGGS-2 or mn-HIGGS-2 where 1 Spin Right and other Spin Left. The Muon HIGGS-2 or Wave Muon HIGGS-2 particles have only 2 main particles; Muon, Muon Neutrino which created a total of 4 (2x2) Muon types of HIGGS-2 responsible for giving Charm and Strange Quark their MASS. The ELECTROSTRONG FORCE glues each PHOTONS together that forms the m-HIGGS, mn-HIGGS and STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE holds two or three m-HIGGS or mn-HIGGS together. The second groups of HIGGS are Electron HIGGS-2 particles where their properties are governed by the Electromagnetic Light Photons or Wavicle Photon. The first Electromagnetic Light dominant Photon where electric is dominant have 2 identical Electron HIGGS-2 or e-HIGGS-2 where one spin Right and other Spin Left. There were 2 identical Electron Neutrino HIGGS-2 or en-HIGGS-2 where one Spin Right and other Spin Left. The second Electromagnetic Light dominant Photon where its ZERO CHARGED have 4 identical Electrons HIGGS-2 or e-HIGGS-2 where one Spin Right and other, Spin Left. The third Electromagnetic Light dominant Photon where magnetic is dominant have 2 identical Electron HIGGS-2 or e-HIGGS-2 where one spin Right and other, Spin Left. There were 2 identical Electron Neutrino HIGGS-2 or en-HIGGS-2 where one Right and other Left. The fourth Electromagnetic Light dominant Photon where its ZERO CHARGED have 4 identical Electrons HIGGS-2 or e-HIGGS-2 where one Right and other Left. The Electron HIGGS-2 or Wavicle Electron HIGGS-2 particles have only 4 main particles; Electron, Electron Neutrino, Positron, Positron Neutrino which created a total of 16 (4x4) Electron types of HIGGS responsible giving Up and Down Quark their MASS. The ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE bounds each PHOTONs together that forms the e-HIGGS, enHIGGS and GRAVITY holds/repels two or three e-HIGGS or en-HIGGS together. The third group of HIGGS are Tau or Tauon HIGGS-2 particles and their properties are governed by the Magnetic Light Photon or Particle Photon. The Magnetic Light or Particle Photon is dominant . There were 2 identical Tau HIGGS-2 or t-HIGGS-2 where one Spin Right and other Spin Left. There were 2 identical Tau Neutrino HIGGS-2 or tn-HIGGS-2 where one Spin Right and other Spin Left. The Tau HIGGS-2 or Particle Tau HIGGS-2 particles have only 2 main particles; Tau, Tau Neutrino which created a total of 4 (2x2) Tau types of HIGGS-2 responsible giving Top and Bottom Quark their MASS. The ELECTROWEAK FORCE holds each PHOTONS together that forms the t-HIGGS, tn-HIGGS and WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE holds two or three t-HIGGS or tn-HIGGS together. So, every mass of particles in the Universe were created from a combinations and recombination of 24 HIGGS participles. The four major scientific discoveries of PHOTONS (Y), HADRONS (H), WEAK FORCE (W) and HIGGS (H) described above or YHWH for short encompassed or summarized all discoveries about our Universe. One of the laws established above is every particle have an identical pair or opposite. The formula or molecule YHWH has a opposite; HWHY or YHWH -HWHY. How were laws that governs YHWH and YHWH-HWHY came into existence?

How Laws of Symmetry, Supersymmetry and Asymmetry That Governs 24 HIGGS Particles Were Created: We have already seen how 3 Light Photons combined from 3 types of Strings; Wave or Electric (Red), Particle or Magnetic (Green) and Wavicle or Electromagnetic (Blue) pre-established or predetermined the basic properties and behaviors of ALL existed seen and unseen particles. The Laws of Symmetry, Supersymmetry and Asymmetry seen throughout the Universe, whether at the Quantum or at the Cosmos level were also pre-established at the String Level. In nature, the Wave Strings (RED) or Electric Strings; Particle Strings (GREEN) or Magnetic Strings are recessives and will always pair with Wavicle Strings (BLUE) or Electromagnetic String to form a codominant combination of Wave-Wavicle Strings or Electric-Electromagnetic Strings and so is the Particle to form a co-dominant combination of Particle-Wavicle Strings or Magnetic-Electromagnetic Strings. These combinations are natural as these are the way they naturally attracted or connected to each other and is observed throughout the Universe and illustrated in previous pages how particles and HIGGS particles were created. Co-dominant properties and behaviors of Elements or Molecules observed in nature were pre-established here at the String level. The two co-dominant Strings will combined with basic Strings to form Super Strings or Supersymmetry for their respective group or Universe and created laws of Asymmetry, Symmetry and Supersymmetry as shown below; I. The Wave-Wavicle Group [Non-Physical or Antimatter Universe Or FEMALE or Positron-Neutron]; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wave Wavicle Particle Wave-Wavicle + Wave = Wave-Wave Wave-Wavicle + Wavicle=Wavicle-Wavicle Wave-Wavicle + Particle =Wave-Wavicle-Particle.

The Wave, Wavicle and Particle are basic Strings or Symmetries. The Wave-Wave and WavicleWavicle are Super Partners or Supersymmetry of Wave and Wavicle. The Wave-Wavicle-Particle established the natural Law of Asymmetry (or Broken Symmetry) for the Antimatter Universe (or Positron-Neutron dominant properties in the nucleus of their Atoms).

II. The Particle-Wavicle Group [Physical or Matter Universe or MALE or Proton-Neutron];

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wave Wavicle Particle Particle-Wavicle + Wave = Particle-Wavicle-Wave Particle-Wavicle + Wavicle= Wavicle-Wavicle Particle-Wavicle + Particle = Particle-Particle

The Wave, Wavicle and Particle are basic Strings or Symmetries. The Wavicle-Wavicle and ParticleParticle are the SUPER Partners or Supersymmetry of Wave and Particle. The Particle-Wavicle-Wave established the natural Law of Asymmetry (Broken Symmetry) for Matter Universe (or the ProtonNeutron dominant properties in the nucleus of their Atoms). When BOTH Models above of; Wave-Wavicle Group [Non-Physical Universe Or FEMALE] and ParticleWavicle[Physical or Matter Universe or MALE] were combined, they give birth to the NEW Model that is seen in BOTH Universe and gave everything or energy-matter or matter-energy their gender properties of either MALE or FEMALE and properties that supports it. The existence of laws of Symmetry, Supersymmetry and Asymmetry in nature gives evidence to why and how two Universes exist as one can not exist without the other. The combination of both Models above is as follow; 1. Wave 2. Wavicle 3. Particle 4. Particle-Wavicle + Wavicle= Wavicle-Wavicle or Wavicle 5. Particle-Wavicle + Particle = Particle-Particle or Particle 6. Wave-Wavicle + Wave = Wave-Wave or Wave 7. Particle-Wavicle + Wave = Particle-Wavicle-Wave (Male ) or Wave-Wavicle-Particle (Female). Then the final Model seen or observed in every existed energy-matter or matter-energy is as follow;

1. 2. 3. 4.

Wave and Wave-Wave or Symmetry and Super Symmetry Wavicle and Wavicle-Wavicle or Symmetry and Super Symmetry Particle and Particle-Particle or Symmetry and Super Symmetry Particle-Wavicle-Wave or Wave-Wavicle-Particle or Asymmetry.

You have already seen Symmetry, Supersymmetry and Asymmetry with the 5 HIGGS particles and their 24 combinations illustrated in Figure 16 to Figure 45. The symmetry is seen with Right and Left Spin of the same particle. The contrast between Symmetry and Supersymmetry is seen with Electron and Electron Neutrino where Electron Neutrino is the Supersymmetry of Electron. The Asymmetry is seen between the relationship between POSITRON-NEUTRON and PROTON-NEUTRON dominant particles. So, the broke of symmetry in nature is a natural phenomena. Our discovery of 2 NEW Periodic Tables demonstrates and provides evidence to the above laws and hypothesis which were illustrated by the 3 types of STRINGS, 3 types of LIGHT PHOTONS and 5 types HIGGS particles. The greatest evidence to their existence of STRINGS, PHOTONS, and HIGGS are seen from the discovery of 2 NEW Periodic Tables. The first Periodic Table-1 is an Anti-Electron or Positron dominant Table where Positron and Neutron are co-dominant Positron-Neutron. What this mean is that the Atomic Number on this Periodic Table represents the number of Positrons which are positive Electrons. The number of Positrons are the same as the number of Neutrons. In the nucleus of Periodic Table-1 atoms, the Protons (+) and Neutrons (-+) attract each other by Weak Nuclear Force. The Photons that creates the Neutrons and Protons are bound by Electroweak Force. The relationship between Positrons[+] and Neutrons [ - charged is dominant and + charged is recessive] dictates the behavior and properties of all Elements on this Table or the Elements that forms the Energy Universe or Antimatter Universe. Their particles SPIN Right or Counter Clockwise is dominant.

Let us input the factors YHW into the Laws of Symmetry and Asymmetry to see the parallel. I. Photon-Quark [YH or -+-] Group [Antimatter or Energy Universe Or FEMALE or Periodic Table-1 as illustrated by Figure 47] ; 1. Photon (Y) 2. Quark (H) 3. Lepton (W) 4. Photon-Quark (YH) + Photon (Y) = Photon-Photon (YY) 5. Photon-Quark (YH)+ Quark (H)= Quark-Quark (HH) 6. Photon-Quark (YH) + Lepton (W)=Photon-Quark-Lepton (YHW). The Photon (Y), Quark(H) and Lepton(W) are basic Particles and Symmetries. The Photon-Photon (YY), and Quark-Quark (HH) are Super Symmetries of Photon (Y) and Quark (H). The Photon-QuarkParticle (YHW or -+-+) is the Asymmetry of the Male Universe or Matter Universe and represents DARK ENERGY Elements in Period 9 and Period 10.

The Periodic Table-2 below represents our Physical or Matter Universe which compliments Periodic Table-1. In the nucleus of each Atom, Protons and Neutrons are co-dominants. The Atomic Number on this Table is the number of Protons in the nucleus. The number of Protons equals the number of Electrons. The Atomic Mass for the same Elements on both Tables is the same. The Protons (+) and Neutrons [(-). charged is dominant and + is recessive) are attracted to each other by the Strong Nuclear Force. The Electron is attracted to the Neutron by Electrostrong Force. The relationship between Protons and Neutrons in this Group dictates the behavior and properties of all Elements on this Periodic Table. The Particles SPIN Left or Clockwise as dominant. II . Lepton-Photon (YW or +-+) Group [Physical or Matter Universe or MALE]; 1. Photon (Y ) 2. Quark (H) 3. Lepton (W) 4. Lepton-Quark(WH) +Photon(Y) = Lepton-Photon-Quark (WHY) 5. Lepton-Quark(WH)+ Quark (H)= Quark-Quark (HH) 6. Lepton-Quark(WH)+ Lepton(W)=Lepton-Lepton (WW). The Photon, Quark and Lepton are basic Particles and Symmetries. The Lepton-Lepton (WW) and Quark-Quark (HH) are Super Symmetries of Lepton (W) and Quark (H). The Lepton-Quark-Photon (WHY) is the Asymmetry of the Female Universe and represents DARK MATTER Elements Period 9 and Period 10.

When BOTH Models above of; Photon-Quark [YH or -+-] Group [Non-Physical or Energy Universe Or FEMALE or Periodic Table-1]; and Lepton-Quark (WH or +-+) Group [Physical or Matter Universe or MALE or Periodic Tabel-2] were combined [YHW-WHY or -+-+:+-+-], they gave birth to the new Model that is seen in BOTH Universe [YHWH or -+-+-+ or HWHY] and gave everything or energy-matter their gender properties of FEMALE [YH or -+-] and MALE [WH+-+] and what supports it; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Photon (Y) Quark (H) Lepton (W) Photon-Quark +Photon (YH+Y) = Photon-Photon (YY) Lepton-Quark + Quark (WH+H)= Quark-Quark (HH) Lepton-Quark + Lepton(WH+W)=Lepton-Lepton (WW). Lepton-Quark +Photon (WH+Y) = Photon-Quark-Lepton (YHW-DARK ENERGY)and Lepton-Quark +Photon (WHY-DARK MATTER)

Then the final Model [YHWH or -+-+-+ or HWHY] seen or observed is as follow; 1. 2. 3. 4. Photon (Y) and Photon-Photon (YY) or Symmetry and Super Symmetry Quark (H) and Quark-Quark (HH) or Symmetry and Super Symmetry Lepton (W) and Lepton-Lepton (WW) or Symmetry and Super Symmetry Photon-Quark-Lepton (YHW or Dark Energy) and Lepton-Quark-Photon (WHY or Dark Matter) or YHW and WHY are Asymmetries or opposite each other. They compliment each others existence.

The two Models represent the two NEW Periodic Tables where each have 10 Periods, 5 Blocks, 50 Groups and 218 Elements. The two Periodic Tables demonstrates the existence of both Universes, their Elements and how they relate to the other. The laws of Symmetry, Super symmetry and Asymmetry can be easily observed or be tested using both Periodic Tables! In the beginning of existence, the Antimatter Universe gave birth to our Matter Universe through 5 natural types of decays which is still seen today in the formation of matter and energy. The DARK ENERGY decays to DARK MATTER which in turns creates matter. The DARK ENERGY causing our Universe to accelerate is a natural phenomena for our baby Universe which is still growing and need growing materials from DARK ENERGY. These 5 types of decays are natural processes for Table-1 to give existence to Elements in Table-2 for our Universe; 1. Alpha particle emission PROTONS and NEUTRONS are positive charged and attracts electron to the nucleus. This is currently defined as 2 protons and 2 neutrons or positively charged particle of Helium. Large heavy Elements such as uranium and thorium undergo alpha emission. 2. Beta particle emission Electrons are attracted to the nucleus. Excess electrons will be emitted from Nucleus. 3. Gamma radiation emission Accompanies both Alpha and Beta radiations. 4. Positron emission A proton in the nucleus decays into a neutron and a positive electron to stabilize the nucleus. 5. Electron capture An electrons combines with a proton to form a neutron to stabilize nucleus. The next page you will see both Periodic Tables where one is co-dominant Electron-Neutron-Table-1 or Positron-Neutron and other is co-dominant Proton-Neutron-Table-2 Universe.

By combing the 2 Tables above, you will have an accurate understanding how Elements in our Universe and sister Universe works. Table-1 (Top) is Positron dominant and Table-2 (bottom) is Proton dominant. Table-2 is dominant and Table-1 is recessive for our Matter Universe. Each Elements have 2 Atomic Numbers where I is Positron dominant and other is Proton dominant but have the same Mass .

Let us look at one more example, the natural forces to summarize what we have learned so far. Electric and Magnetic forces are recessive. Note that Electric and Magnetic forces are types of Light which is different from Light or Electromagnetic. Therefore, the two recessive Lights always attached to the dominant Light or Electromagnetic to form co-dominants; 1. Energy or Antimatter Universe[ FEMALE]; I.Electrostrong or Electric II.Electromagnetic or LIGHT III.Electroweak or Magnetic IV.Electrostrong-Electromagnetic + Electromagnetic= Electromagnetic-Electromagnetic (Gravity) V. Electrostrong-Electromagnetic + Electrostrong = Electrostrong-Electrostrong (Strong Nuclear Force) VI.Electrostrong-Electromagnetic + Electroweak = Electrostrong-Electromagnetic-Electroweak (Dark Energy). The Electromagnetic, Electrostrong, and Electroweak are basic forces and Symmetries. The Gravity and Strong Nuclear Force are Super (forces) Symmetries of Electromagnetic and Electrostrong. The Electrostrong-Electromagnetic-Electroweak [Dark Energy or POSITRON-NEUTRON dominant atom] is the Asymmetry of DARK MATTER Universe (MALE Universe). 2. Matter or Physical Universe[ MALE]; I.Electrostrong or Electric II.Electromagnetic or LIGHT III.Electroweak or Magnetic IV.ElectroweakElectromagnetic + Electrostrong = ElectroweakElectromagnetic-Electrostrong (Dark Matter) V.Electroweak-Electromagnetic+ Electromagnetic = Electromagnetic - Electromagnetic (Gravity) VI.Electroweak- Electromagnetic+ Electroweak = Electroweak- Electroweak (Weak Nuclear Force) The Electromagnetic, Electrostrong, and Electroweak are basic subatomic particles (forces). The Gravity and Weak Nuclear Force are Super (forces) Symmetries of Electromagnetic and Electroweak. The Electroweak Electromagnetic-Electrostrong [Dark Energy or ELECTRON-NEUTRON dominant atom] is the Asymmetry of DARK MATTER Universe (MALE Universe). When BOTH Models above of Antimatter Universe and Matter are combined, they gave birth to the Model that is seen in BOTH Universe; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Electromagnetic or regular LIGHT Electrostrong or Electric LIGHT Electroweak or Magnetic LIGHT Gravity Strong Nuclear Force Weak Nuclear Force Dark Energy [Table-1: ANTIELECTRON-NEUTRON or POSITRON-NEUTRON] and Dark Matter [Table-2: PROTON-NEUTRON]. One Table is dominant and the other is recessive.

The final Model observed throughout both UNIVERSES; 1. Electromagnetic or LIGHT and Gravity or Super EM/Light; Electrostrong or Electric and Strong Nuclear Force; Electroweak or Magnetic and Weak Nuclear Force 2. Matter Universe [PROTON-NEUTRON dominant atom] or Dark Matter is governed by the above 6 forces and Energy Universe [POSITRON-NEUTRON] or Dark Energy is governed by the same 6 forces. -Y=WH2 [YHWH] or E=MC2 or W=YH2 [HWHY] or M=EMC2

One interesting phenomena discovered in the above Model is that Gravity is a Super Electromagnetic or Super Light that exist in both Models or Universe. The Wavicle String or Wavicle Light Photon is dominant which gave Gravity and Electromagnetic their four (4) unique behavior and properties . The force between two e-HIGGS or two en-HIGGS particles in an Atom that keeps the Electron in its orbiting path is GRAVITY or ANTIGRAVITY The Gravity force can be; Strong on energy-matter with Electrical Fields, Strong on energy-matter with Magnetic Field, Strong on energy-matter with both Fields, Strong on energy-matter without both fields or neutral matter; Weak on energy-matter with Electric Fields, Weak on energy matter with Magnetic Fields , Weak on energy-matter with both fields, Weak on energy-matter that are Neutral; Neutral on energy-matter with both Fields, Neutral on energy-matter with Magnetic Field, Neutral on energy-matter with Electric Fields, and Neutral on energy-matter that are Neutral. Which of these reaction of Gravity is proportional to the MASS of energy-matter whether its one or hundreds of Electron or Planets or Galaxies. Every Galaxies with its Stars and Planets are either just magnetic energy-matter, just electric energymatter , both combination (ex. Earth), or neutral. Gravity will interact according to their Elements or LIGHT compositions. This is observed how gravity interacts with big mass and can also be observed at the Quantum Level with Electrons orbiting within Electromagnetic dominant HIGGS. Laws of Gravity at the Quantum Level also applies at the General Relativity Level as we further discuss this. DODECAGON SHAPE [H-1]: The HIGGS-1 ATOM to your left is made of 3 HIGGS-1 particle. The HIGGS-1 ATOM is made of 6 PHOTONS or 3 pairs (2 Red, 2 Green, 2 Blue- Arrows pointing outwards represent a Photon) of PHOTONS. This is the ONLY Atom that have these identical pair of LIGHT PHOTONS and therefore is responsible for the stability of any Atom it creates and s Block properties. ONLY Muons and Muon Neutrinos orbits in its 1 SHELL Level (or 2 Sub-shells) and around the nucleus This HIGGS-1 Atom combines with 4 other HIGGS particles to create Elements in the s Block Level 3-4, Level 5-6, Level 7-8 and Level 9-10. The s Block Level 1 and Level 2 are separate Levels as they are formed by 3 HIGGS-1 particles, with each containing Hydrogen and Helium. ONLY Hydrogen and Helium are HIGGS-1 ATOMS and their stability are due to 3 HIGGS-1 particles. OCTAGON SHAPE[H-4]: The HIGGS-4 ATOM to your left is made of 3 HIGGS-4 and 2 HIGGS-1 particles. The HIGGS-4 particle is made of 4 LIGHT PHOTONS which 1 pair of Particle (2 Particle Photon) Photon, 1 Wave and 1 Wavicle Photons. The Wave and Wavicle will combined to form 1 pair of Wave (2 Wave Photons) particles. So, this Atom is really a combination of 1 pair of Particle (Magnetic) Photons and 1 pair of Wave (Electric) Photons. So Elements in this Block have Nonmetal, and pure Metal properties. Elements in Level 7 and Level 8 of the f Block are pure HIGGS-4 Atoms. Only Tau and Tau Neutrino orbits in its outer 14 sub-shell level. It has 4 SHELL Levels.

PENTAGON SHAPE [H-2]: The HIGGS-2 ATOM is made of 1 Particle, 1 Wave and 1 Wavicle Light Photon and 2 HIGGS-1 particle. Notice that one of the Wave and Wavicle Photons String is connected half way. Therefore, both Photons are SHARING each others properties, creating ONLY one dominant Photon from the two. So, this Atom has ONLY 2 Shells or Energy Level. This unique property of SHARING and creating ONLY 2 dominant Photons creates 16 ATOMS that have this SHARING properties. You observed properties of HIGGS-2 when they were initially created from Weak Bosons. All other HIGGS particles were created from the 24 HIGGS-2 particles. Elements in p Block are governed by the HIGGS-2 Atom. Elements in Level 3 and Level 4 in the p Block are pure HIGGS-2. These are Metalloids Elements and their dominant property is SHARING their outer Electron with other atoms. Gravity and Electromagnetic or Light are PURE HIGGS-2. Electron and Electron Neutrino orbits in it outer Shell. DECAGON SHAPE [H-5]: The HIGGS-5 Atom is made of 2 Particle, 2 Wave and 1 Wavicle Photon and 2 HIGGS-1 particles. The Wavicle Photons being dominant will always combined with the 2 Particles and 2 Waves to form 3 Particle Photons and 3 Wave Photons or 3 pairs of Photons. Elements made from HIGGS-5 Atoms have attributes like those in the s Block and d Block. NONE of the Elements in the g Block created from HIGGS-5 Atom have been discovered! But its identities and properties as pure metals and pure nonmetals shows that they are the building material for DARK MATTER and DARK ENERGY which both Universe were created from. Elements in g Block Level 9 and Level 10 are pure HIGGS-5 Atoms and their outer Shell valence electron is Tau and Tau Neutrino. HEXAGON SHAPE[H-3]: The HIGGS-3 Atom is made of 1 Wave, 1 Particle and 1 Wavicle Photon or of each of the Photon particles of s1 Block and 2 HIGGS-1 particles. So, Elements in this d Block are either giving up their outer Tau Electrons or gaining Electrons to stabilize or complete its structure, depending on where it exist, Matter or Antimatter Universe. Elements in d Block Level 5 and Level 6 are pure HIGGS-3 Atoms. They are Metals in our Universe and Nonmetals in the Antimatter Universe. The 5 HIGGS Atoms summarized above are combined in various Energy Level or Periods or Dimensions to create all the existed Elements in both Universe. These 5 HIGGS ATOMS and 5 HIGGS Particles housed the Nucleus which are made of PROTON and NEUTRON to give each Element their unique MASS and properties. Here is an illustration of the NEUCLEUS of an ATOM of both Periodic Tables.

WHAT THE NUCLEUS OF ATOMS IN BOTH UNIVERSES LOOKS LIKE: The same 5 HIGGS Atom and Particles discussed previously have different Nucleus, depending on which Periodic Table they are on. One Periodic Table is Proton dominant and other is Positron dominant.

Strong Nuclear Force

Weak Nuclear Force Gravity at Quantum (Left H)Anti-Gravity at General Relativity(Right H)

Anti-Gravity at Quantum(Right H)Gravity at General Relativity(Left H.)

The natural force operating inside the Nucleus of Table-2 (Matter Universe) Atoms to keep PROTONS and NEUTRONS together is STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE. The Electrons being negative (-ve) charged is attracted to the positively (+ve) charged nucleus. What stabilized Electrons from crashing into the nucleus is the Anti-Gravity Force or Repulsive Force. As Electrons gets farther from the nucleus due to Anti-gravity as in LARGE OBJECTS , the reverse of Anti-gravity kicks in to balance or keeps ALL LARGE OBJECTS (ie. Planets, Galaxiesetc.) in their respective place. This is WHY Gravity is STRONGER on big objects or DARK MATTER. Quarks are housed by a geometrical particle called WANG. The force that keeps ALL WANGS together is GRAVITY as like (+, + or -+, -+) charges repels each other. The force that keeps all HIGGS PARTICLES together is GRAVITY and ALL HIGGS Atoms together is ELECTROMAGNETIC or LIGHT. This is why HIGGS-5 Particles or WIMPS do not interact with Electromagnetic and is Dark. HIGGS-5 Particles or WIMPS forms DARK MATTER which decay or collide with one another to form new particles of Matter. When GRAVITY overwhelms HIGGS PARTICLES, it collapse it along with WANG PARTICLES then creates Black Holes. When Gravity overwhelms HIGGS ATOMS, it creates Super Novae.

The natural force operating inside the Nucleus of Table-1 (Anti-Matter Universe) Atoms to keep the PROTONS and NEUTRONS together is the WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE. The Positron orbiting outside the nucleus is repelled by the nucleus. What stabilized Electrons from being pushed further out of the nucleus is Gravity. As Electrons gets pushed to the nucleus by Gravity as in LARGE OBJECTS, the reverse of Gravity kicks in to balance Gravity or keeps ALL LARGE OBJECTS spaced out. This is WHY Anti-gravity is STRONGER and force behind DARK ENERGY which is causing the Universe to expand, a natural process! Quarks are housed by a geometrical particles called WANG. The force that keeps ALL WANGS together is STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE as like (+, + or -+, -+) charges repels each other. The HIGGS PARTICLES are pull together by GRAVITY and ALL HIGGS Atoms together by ELECTROMAGNETIC or LIGHT. This is why HIGGS-5 Particles do not interact with Electromagnetic and is Dark. HIGGS-5 Particles forms DARK ENERGY which decay into Dark Matter though Weak Nuclear Force.

The nucleus of each 5 HIGGS Atoms of either Tables are ALWAYs surrounded by 2 HIGGS-1 particles as they are the most stable of the 5 types. We noted earlier the Laws of Symmetry, Supersymmetry and Asymmetry were pre-established at the subatomic level by Strings that combined to create 3 types of Light Photons the building material of all particles that is seen in all aspects of energymatter. The 3 types of Light Photons then combined to create 5 types of HIGGS particles as illustrated in Figure 15 to Figure 45 which are the building block of the fabric of Space, Spacetime, Time and 4 Generations of particles as observed in nature. The 5 HIGGS particles illustrated below interacted or combined with one another to create mass for every existed energy-matter are grouped into 4 Generations by the Super Standard Model of 24 Elementary Particles and Cosmology.

The first 3 Generation are formed by three pairs of particles and the last or the 4th Generation is formed by Force Carriers or Energies or Bosons that gives particles to its right on the Model their existence or life. The first 3 Generations of 1st to 3rd represents pairs of particles at the Atomic Level whose properties were already predetermined by the Higgs particle it was created from.
At the subatomic level or at the first constituents of matter level of Strings, each Generation represents a dominant String of either Wave, Wavicle or Particle. These 3 Strings combined at their natural ends to form 3 types of Light Photons; Electric Light Photons, Electromagnetic Light Photons and Magnetic Light Photons as already described earlier. These labeling are opposites the Antimatter Universe Generations Model but the combination of both Models or Tables creates what we experience in our reality or world. In our Universe, Table-2 is dominant and Table-1 is recessive and the reverse is for the Antimatter Universe. By reviewing each Generation, we further understand how all subatomic particles came into existence. Each Generation clearly clarify what has already being discussed about the 3 types of Light Photons, the building block of both Universes.

The 1 Generation is represented by a pair of particles that were created or formed from 6 Photons or 3 pairs of Photons that formed a Dodecagon HIGGS-1 particle for all Elements in the s Block but especially Period 1-2 and 3 Photons that created a Hexagon HIGGS-3 particle for all Elements in the d Block, but especially Level or Period 3-10 on both Periodic Tables. At the String Level, the Wave is the dominant String. At the Subatomic Level, the Electric Light Photon is dominant which means that all Elements (including Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Galaxies) in Generation 1 are great conductor of Electricity (for our Universe and opposite for sister Universe) and have a collective negative charged. HIGGS-1 and HIGGS-3 each have a total of 24 particles preestablished by a combination of Muons and Muon Neutrinos with W+- and Z Bosons.

The observable structures and shapes of HIGGS-1 and HIGGS-3 particles can be studied by examining these Elliptical Galaxies; EO (M49), E3 (M59), E5 (M60), and E7 (M87) as the Cosmos mirror the Quantum world and vice versa. Elements in the s Block of the Periodic Tables are governed by HIGGS-1 and d Block by HIGGS-3 particle.
GENERATION 1 PARTICLES 1st pair Charm (c) QUARKS [H] [Hadrons-Higgs] Strange (s) m-HIGGS-1 mn-HIGGS-3 Muon (m) LEPTONS [W] [Weak-Wang] Muon Neutrino (mn) c-WANG s-WANG PHOTON BOSONS [Y] GRAVITON H BOSON W-+ 2nd pairs Up (u) Down (d) e-HIGGS-2 en-HIGGS-2 Electron (e) Electron Neutrino (en) u-WANG d-WANG GLUONS 3rd pairs Top (t) Bottom (b) t-HIGGS-4 tn-HIGGS-5 Tau (t) Tau Neutrino (tn) t-WANG b-WANG Z

The 2 Generation is represented by a pair of particles that were created from 3 Photons that form a Pentagon HIGGS-2 particle for all the Elements in the p Block but especially Level 5-10 of both Periodic Tables. At the String Level, the Wavicle is the dominant String. At the Subatomic Level, the Electromagnetic Light Photon is dominant which means that all Elements (including Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Galaxies) in Generation 2 are great conductors of BOTH Electricity and Magnetism (same for both Universe) or are neutral energy-matters without Electrical or Magnetic charges . This is the ONLY Generation that ALL its members at all levels have dual properties (Electric-Magnetic or Nonmetals-Metals or Metalloids) which attributed to the natural phenomena of Quantum Entanglement. The HIGGS-2 have a total of 24 particles pre-established by the combination of Electrons and Neutrinos with W-+ and Z Bosons as illustrated in Figure 16 to Figure 45.

The Generation 2 : The HIGGS-2 is the dominant particle in Generation 2 and responsible for why other particles have Antiparticles and the natural Quantum Entanglement phenomena. The HIGGS-2 is the foundation or DNA of ALL HIGGS particles which was responsible for creating 24 types of particles for each HIGGS. The HIGGS-2 naturally creates 4 flavors as seen in MESONS, Electrons and Electromagnetic and ANY particle created by Wavicle Light Photons. There are ONLY 2 pairs that are created by only 2 Shells for Electrons to orbit in. For example of pairs; KO:K- and KO:K+. The dominant types of Quarks that forms the PROTON and NEUTRON in Generation 2 are UP, ANTIUP, DOWN, and ANTIDOWN. The dominant Leptons are AntiElectron, Electron Antineutrino, AntiMuon, Muon AntiNeutrino, AntiTau, Tau AntiNeutrino, Anti-u-Wang, Anti-dWang, Anti-c-Wang, Anti-s-Wang, Anti-b-Wang and Anti-t-Wang.

The observable structures and shapes of HIGGS-2 particle can be studied by examining these Lenticular Galaxies which are a combinations of Elliptical and Spiral Galaxies; SOEO-Sa:SBa (M85), SOE3-Sb:SBb (M86), SOE5-ScSBc (NGC1316), and SOE7-Sd:SBd (NGC2787). Elements in the p Block of both Periodic Tables are governed by HIGGS-2. Galaxies in Generation 2 gave birth to Galaxies in Generation 1 and 3 and so are Elements in this Generation. Generation 2 Elements are the foundation or DNA for Elements in Generation 1 and Generation3.
GENERATION 2 1 K-+ QUARKS [H] [HadronsHiggs] -+ Anti-m-HIGGS-2 Anti-mn-HIGGS-2 AntiMuon LEPTONS [W] [Weak-Wang] Muon Antineutrino Anti-c-WANG Anti-s-WANG 2 K0 0 Anti-e-HIGGS-2 Anti-en-HIGGS-2 AntiElectron Electron Antineutrino Anti-u-WANG Anti-d-WANG 1 K0 0 Anti-e-HIGGS-2 Anti-en-HIGGS-2 AntiElectron Electron Antineutrino Anti-u-WANG Anti-d-WANG 2 K++Ant-t-HIGGS-2 Anti-tn-HIGGS-2 AntiTau Tau Antineutrino Anti-t-WANG Anti-tn-WANG

The Generation 3: The HIGGS-4 and HIGGS-5 are responsible for 4-5 pairs which creates particles like Tetraquarks and Pentaquark. These are real particles as they are responsible for metallic Elements in the f Block and g Block and composition of DARK ENERGY and DARK MATTER. The massive composition of QUARKS as Tetra in the nucleus and massive composition of HIGGS-5 particles makes them very very very massive particles. Tetraquarks particles in Generation 3 have being discovered by BELE in Japan, Fermi lab in US, and DESY in German but the scientific communities are unsure of what they have discovered. The dominant types of Quarks forming the PROTON and NEUTRON in Generation 3 are TOP and BOTTOM. The dominant types of Leptons are Taus and Tau Neutrinos and t-Wang and b-Wang.

The 3 Generation is represented by a pair of particles that were created from 4 and 5 Photons for the Octagon HIGGS-4 particle for all Elements in the f Block but especially Level 7-10. The Decagon (5 Photons) HIGGS-5 particle for all the Elements in the g Block but especially Level 9-10 for both Periodic Tables respectively. At the String Level, the Particle is the dominant String. At the Subatomic, the Magnetic Light Photon is dominant which means that all Elements (including Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Galaxies) in Generation 3 are great conductors of Magnetism (for our Universe and opposite for sister Universe). The HIGGS-4 and HIGGS-5 each have a total of 24 particles pre-established by the combinations of Tau and Tau Neutrinos with W+- and Z Bosons. The observable structures and shapes of HIGGS-4 and HIGGS-5 particles can be studied by examining these Spiral and Bar Spiral Galaxies; Sa:SBa (M91), Sb:SBb (M95), ScSBc (NGC1097), and Sd:SBd (NGC1300 or 1672) or other Irregular Galaxies groups. Our Milky Way Galaxy is a Bar Spiral Galaxy (SBb or HIGGS-5) and the Andromeda Galaxy is a Spiral Galaxy (Sa or HIGGS-4). By examining and studying these two Galaxies, we get to understand how HIGGS-4 and HIGGS-5 particles work at the Quantum level or subatomic level as one mirrors the other. GENERATION 3 1pair QUARKS [H] [Hadrons -Higgs] Tetraqk[2q2Aq] Tetraqk[2q2Aq] m-HIGGS-4 mn-HIGGS-5 Muon 2 pairs Tetraqk[2q2Aq] Tetraqk[2q2Aq] e-HIGGS-4 en-HIGGS-5 Electron Electron Neutrino u-WANG-4 d-WANG-5 3 pairs Tetraqk[2q2Aq] Tetraqk[2q2Aq] e-HIGGS-4 en-HIGGS-5 Electron Electron Neutrino u-WANG-4 s-WANG-5 4 pairs Tetraqk[2q2Aq] Tetraqk[2q2Aq] t-HIGGS-4 tn-HIGGS-5 Tau Tau Neutrino t-WANG-4 b-WANG-5-

LEPTONS [W] [WeakWang]

Muon Neutrino c-WANG-4 s-WANG-5

Each of the Generations discussed are well defined by the HIGGS particle and HIGGS Atom that gave its Elements their respective mass. There are 144 (6 x 24) unique particles created by the 5 HIGGS particles which created 218 (220) Elements for each Table and Universe. The 10 Higgs Fields or 10 Dynamic Dimensions for each Universe was pre-established at the subatomic level as shown by the 10 Periods of each Periodic Table . You can examined and observed the affects of these 10 Higgs Fields or 10 Dynamic Dimensions on the Universe by studying what Cosmologist and Astrophysicist called 10 Gravitational Lenses. These are natures equivalent of giant magnifying glasses in space.

When you look through natures magnifying glasses in space, you will get a comprehensive or a collective understanding of what makes the Universe tick and what it is. It is like studying the 10 Organ Systems of what makes a human being (and 10 Periods and Block of Periodic Table); 1 (s) . Nervous System 2 (s) . Circulatory System 3 (p). Respiratory System 4 (p). Digestive System 5 (d). Muscular System 6(d). Skeletal System 7 (f). Lymphatic System 8 (f). Excretory System 9(g). Endocrine System and 10 (g). Reproductive System. Interestingly, the layout of the Universe have similar systems! The Generation 4 particles are called Force Carriers or Bosons or Life Force that makes it possible for particles or elements in Generation 1 to Generation 3 to exist or to have life to become what its is. These specific quanta of energies facilitate interactions with other particles. The Force Carriers or quanta of energies are made of 1 type of Photon whether its Gluons, Gravitons and so forth. These Force Carriers are specific to each particle it gives energy to. For example, as illustrated previously that when two Photons combined to form a particle whether its Quarks or Leptons, the extra Photon becomes the Force Carrier. The Force Carrier is specific to that particle. It is the reason why we have label Gluons as u-Gluon or Up Gluon which specifically glues two Photons to form a Up Quark or c-Gluon or Charm Gluon that glues two Photon to form a Charm Quark. We know there a 8 types of Gluons as these were already pre-established at the String level; 1 c-Gluon or Charm Gluon, 1 s-Gluon or Strange Gluon, 2 u-Gluon or Up Gluon, 2 d-Gluon or Down Gluon, 1 t-Gluon or Top Gluon and 1 b-Gluon or Bottom Gluon. This law applies to all other Force Carriers such as Gravitons, W+, W- Z0 Boson, and H Bosons. Every particle whether it is a Quark or Lepton has a specific Force Carrier that ensures its existence or life and stability. But what creates mass for those existed particles is another Force Carrier. This is the most important Force Carriers of all force carriers and it is the HIGGS BOSON the force carrier of the HIGGS FIELDS and HIGGS PARTICLE. The HIGGS Field is like water inside an aquarium where fish are swimming. The HIGGS particle is the molecule of water H2O. The H2O has its own force carrier that keeps its together but the H Boson is the force carrier that decode the Blueprint that was locked inside the Hydrogen and Oxygen to form water which is an environment conducive to the fish to live in. When this Life Force or Force Carrier or H Boson exit the MASS that it help decodes or translates its Blueprint, the MASS becomes dead or no longer have life or existence. The MASS is recycle back into nature but the Force Carrier is recycle backed into Black Holes as 3 Strings or the first constituents of matter. The information in the Force Carrier or Life Force before recycling is NOT lost but stored inside Back Holes. When a person dies or any living organism dies, its H Boson exit its mass and is sucked back into Black Holes to be recycle back to it first constituents of matter 3 Strings. The information in the H Boson is not lost but stored on the surface of the Black Holes. The organism is only dead when this H Boson exist the mass. As long as this H Boson is still in some of its mass, the organism is still alive. Its mass is recycle back to nature when H Boson exist. Reincarnation and after life concepts do not conformed with this discovery of how nature work. The four (4) Generations discussed above is summarized in following Chart; all the particles that formed or created our Universe and its sister Universe.

YHWH-HWHY: Both Antimatter and Matter Universe Compliments Each Other The existence of every known particle as shown by the Super Standard Model Of Elementary Particles in Figure 57 follows the universal formula; Y (Photo), H (Hadrons), W (Weak Force) and H (HIGGS Particles) or collectively as YHWH and was demonstrated in Figure 10 to Figure 45. The YHWH created our first Periodic Table-1 and its parallel Periodic Table-2 or its reverse HWHY. Our universal formula for both Universes or Parallel Universes is YHWH-HWH and is physically represented by Periodic Table-1: Periodic Table-2 which compliment each other and Galaxy Table-2. By examining Elements on both Tables, it further confirms that the universal formula YHWH unified General Relativity or Cosmos and Quantum Mechanics but also revealed 2 Parallel Universes.

The DODECAGON SHAPE HGGS-1:HIGGS-1 ATOM: Period 1 and Period 2 Elements The HIGGS-1 particle is the foundation of every atoms nucleus and HIGGS-1:HIGGS-1 Atom which is composed of 3 HIGGS-1 particles. The HIGGS-1 particle confines the orbit of any of the six flavors of Electrons in Elements of the s Block Period 1 and Period 2 around the nucleus. The s Block of the two Periodic Tables are made of 2 Blocks which we named Period 1 and Period 2 as sa Block and Period 3 to Period 10 as sb Block. The HIGGS-1:HIGGS-1 Atom in sa Block is the ONLY atom that has equal properties of being a metal, metalloids and nonmetal. HIGGS-1 is the main particle and has ONLY 1 maximum Shell or HIGGS FIELD for an Electron type to orbit. NOTE: 1 Shell equal 2 Periods of the Periodic Table. Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s2]

Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1]

Figure 58a- HIGGS-1:HIGGS-1 Atom Atomic Structure of Hydrogen and Helium And The Inner Core Of Every Atoms Nucleus. The DODECAGON SHAPE HGGS-1:HIGGS-1 ATOM: It is the only Atom that surrounds the nucleus of ALL types of atom where a Muon or Muon Neutrino or an Electron or Electron Neutrino or a Tau or Tau Neutrino orbits. ALL other HIGGS Atom due to its geometrical configuration allows only one type of Lepton to orbit inside or outside its outer Shell. The HIGGS-1:HIGGS-1 Atom is the most stable HIGGS and flexible particle of all 5 types because it has 3 equal pairs of particles 1 pair of Particle Light Photons or Magnetic Light Photons, 1 pair of Wave Light Photons or Electric Light Photons and 1 pair of Wavicle Light Photons or Electromagnetic Light. Therefore, all 3 pairs combined to create 1 super Particle or Atom of Electromagnetic (Super Light or Super Gravity) or 1 super Particle or Atom of Strong Nuclear Force or 1 super Particle or Atom of Weak Nuclear Force surrounding the nucleus. The type of super Particle or Atom surrounding the nucleus depends on the dominant HIGGS particle or Block on the Periodic Table and type of Table. For example, the nucleus of ALL s Block or HIGGS-1 Elements on Table-1 are surrounded by 2 HIGGS-1 particles that creates a Strong Nuclear Force and so are d Block or HIGGS-3 Elements of Table-2 as illustrated by Figure 58b.

The nucleus of ALL p Block or HIGGS-2 Elements of BOTH Tables are surrounded by 2 HIGGS-1 particles that creates Gravitational Force or Gravity. The f Block or HIGGS-4 and g Block or HIGGS-5 for both Tables are surrounded by 2 HIGGS-1 particles that creates a Weak Nuclear Force. As you move further away from the nucleus, beginning with Periods 3 and 4, or HIGGS-2 onward, the Electromagnetic force connects ALL the Photons that build each HIGGS particle. When 2 HIGGS particle forms an Atom or Element, the force between them is twice the Electromagnetic force. We call this Super Electromagnetic or twice the Electromagnetic force GRAVITY! Its force carrier Gravitons assist Electrons towards or away from the nucleus.

Every type of Electrons, whether its the Wave Particle Muons and Muon Neutrinos in the S Block and d Block; the Wavicle Particle Electrons and Electrons Neutrinos in the p Block; Particle Particle Tau and Tau Neutrinos in the f and g Block orbits between HIGGS particles inside a gravitational force. The Gravitational Force maybe positive or magnetic, negative or electric, neutral of electromagnetic depending on the type of HIGGS particle or atom. The distance between the 2 HIGGS is dependent on the type of HIGGS or Element as this dictates if its an attraction, repel or neutral force field. Gravity is just a combination of Strong Nuclear Force (Electric) and Weak Nuclear Force (Magnetic) or super Electromagnetic (Neutral) force or Super Light. The more types of HIGGS particles combining to form an Element, the more massive it becomes and the Gravitational Force between the HIGGS become more powerful. This makes it difficult for normal light to pass through and these particles appears DARK as in DARK ENERGY in Table-1 and DARK MATTER in Table-2 Period 9 and Period 10 or HIGGS-5 particles.
As noted previously that the Quantum world mirrors the Cosmo and vice versa. Different types of Galaxies mirrors different types of HIGGS particles. Therefore, the gravitational force throughout the Universe various with type of Galaxies. The HIGGS-1 particle is core of every atoms nucleus and planets that are HIGGS-1 types creates the core of Galaxies.

The HIGGS-1:HIGGS-1 [H-1:H-1] Atom is the most stable Atom or Element of ALL Elements on both Periodic Tables. The HIGGS-1:HIGGS-1 Atom is composed of 3 HIGGS-1 particles. It is the ONLY Atom that is made of 3 HIGGS-1 particle which create only 1 SHELL for an electron type to orbit in, whether its a Muon, Electron or Tau. This is the ONLY atomic structure combination that makes it possible for 1 Electron type to orbit in a Shell and its Sub-shell . So, both sub-shells has 1 Electron each. This is the ONLY exception to the rule that there can ONLY be a maximum of 2 Electrons orbiting in a Shell and Sub-shell . The unique properties of HIGGS-1:HIGGS-1 Atom gives Hydrogen and Helium their characteristics of creating stable composite Elements. The two most abundant Elements in the Universe are Hydrogen and Helium. Because of Hydrogen and Heliums unique properties on both Periodic Tables, they are separate and created the sixth Block of the Periodic Table. So the s Block are two Blocks; sa Block, Period 1 and Period 2, and sb Block; Periods 3 to Periods 10. The Electron configuration of Hydrogen is in 1s1 , 2 s2 and Helium is in 2s1 , 1s2 of the sa Block of both Periodic Table (See part of both Periodic Table below). The HIGGS-1 particle forms the outer Shell of ALL Elements in the sa Block and sb Block. The sa Block is colored purple to differentiate it from sb Block. The 6 Blocks of the Periodic Table are; sa, sb, p, d, f, and g. Each of the nucleus of each Element in each Block is surrounded by 2 HIGGS-1 particles which makes the inner core of the Atom stable.

The DODECAGON SHAPE HGGS-1:HIGGS-2 ATOM: sb Block Period 3 and Period 4 Elements

Figure 60a HIGGS-1:HIGGS-2 [H-1:H2] Atom Period 3-4. Atomic structure of Elements in sb Block Lithium, Beryllium, Sodium, Magnesium.

Figure 60b: HIGGS-2 Atom (Electron or Wavicle Dominant) and maximum of 2 Shells or Energy Level or HIGGS FIELDs where Electron Types can orbit .

The HIGGS-1:HIGGS-2 Atom is created from a combination of 2 HIGGS-1 particle surrounding the nucleus, 2 HIGGS-2 surrounding the HIGGS-1 and the nucleus. Elements in the sb Block Period 3 and Period 4 get their characteristic and behaviors from a combination of HIGGS-1 and HIGGS-2. The properties and behaviors of all 8 Elements (4 from each Tables) in Periods 3 and Period 4 of both Tables were pre-determined by the 8 Electron and Electron Neutrino HIGGS; 4 e-Higgs and 4 en-Higgsen. Elements on Table-1 are Right Spin dominant and Left Spin recessive. The Elements of Table-2 are Left Spin dominant and Right Spin recessive. Next, Muon and Muon Neutrino HIGGS follows the same law above to govern the HIGGS-2 particles.

Table-2 Proton-Neutron dominant and Left Spin Elements; Lithium, Beryllium, Sodium and Magnesium have an Muon orbiting in Level 1-2-3-4 and a Electron orbiting in Level 3-4. Therefore, they shared the same attributes of Elements in sb Block and p Block. They have metal (75%) and metalloid (25%) attributes or solid and liquid characteristics. Lithium has 1 Electron orbiting in Level 3, Beryllium has 2 Electron orbiting in Level 3, Sodium has 1 Electron orbiting in Level 4 and Magnesium has 1 Electron orbiting in Level 4. The far away an Electron is from the nucleus, the easier it is for the Electron to get loss or donated into another Atom. These are called Valence Electrons.
In the above HIGGS-1:HIGGS-2 Atom, the Muon particle is ONLY found in Level 1 (1s1, 2s1) and Level 2 (2s1, 2s2) in Elements on Table-2. But its partner, the Muon Neutrinos orbits the same Levels of Elements on Table-1. In Level 3 and 4 or Periods 3 and 4, Electrons orbits in sub-shell 3 (3s1, 3s2) and sub-shell 4 (4s1,4s2) of Elements on Table-2 and Electron Neutrinos orbits in sub-shells of Period 3 and 4 Elements on Table-1. Table-1 Electron (Positron)-Neutron dominant and Right Spin Elements; Neon, Fluorine, Argon and Chlorine have the same Atomic Number with Elements listed above, except its the number of Electrons or Positrons in the Atom and their properties opposite its parallel Element Table-2 s Block Elements are Metals and Table-1 s Block Elements are Nonmetals.

Period 4- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2 and p6] in P4 GRAVITATION AL FIELD Period 3- 2 Shells [s and p Shell] and 8 subshells [s2 and p6] in P3 GRAVITATIONAL FIELD Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1] in P2 GRAVITATIONAL FIELD Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 subshells [s1] in P1 GRAVITATIONAL

Table-1 Atoms: Electrons are naturally ATTRACTED to the POSITIVE charged nucleus and ANTIGRAVITY balanced this process. The farther the Electrons gets repelled by ANTIGRAVITY, Atom or MASS becomes unstable but GRAVITY stabilized the Atom or MASS. Strong Nuclear Force keeps PROTON and NEUTRON together and GRAVITY (WANG)pulls QUARKS together inside a PROTON and NEUTRON. The force that keeps all the photons together that forms a HIGGS is ELECTROMAGNETIC

Figure 61: HIGGS-1:HIGGS-2 Atom Atomic Structure of sa Block Period 3-4 Elements. The HIGGS-1:HIGGS-2 Atom illustration above shows how Electrons are distributed throughout the Atom. The Elliptical Galaxy (E3) M49 is a visible geometrical shape example of HIGGS-1:HIGGS-2 Atom. The Electrons orbiting in between Shells or Energy Levels represents Starsetc. and note that its the Super Electromagnetic Force or Super Light called Gravity that keeps these celestial bodies in their respective place just like it does at the Quantum Level. Gravity is not a curvature of Spacetime but a super Electromagnetic Force or Super Light that pulls HIGGS particle together.

The HIGGS-1:HIGSS-2 Atoms or Elements on both Tables are different but have the same Atomic Number. The Atomic Number on Table-1 represent the number of, Electrons or Positrons the codominant of Neutrons or Electrons-Neutrons. The Atomic Number on Table-2 represent the number of Protons, the co-dominant of Neutrons or Proton-Neutron. The Atomic MASS for both Atomic Numbers on both Tables for Electron-Neutron and Protons-Neutron is the same. As noted in Figure 52 that inside a nucleus of Atoms of Elements on Table-2, the PROTONS and NEUTRONS which are made of QUARKS are pulled together by Strong Nuclear Force. The QUARKS which are housed by WANG particles are pulled together by GRAVITY. The ELECTRONS orbiting outside the nucleus are attracted to the NEUTRONS their co-dominants by an ELECTROSTRONG force which is similar to ELECTROWEAK Force. What holds the HIGGS Atoms together is the GRAVITY and ELECTROMAGETIC or LIGHT holds the Photons that create HIGGS Particles together. In the nucleus of Atoms of Elements on Table-1 as shown in Figure 52, the PROTONS are bonded to the NEUTRONS by the WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE. The ELECTRONS or POSITRONS orbiting outside the nucleus are REPELLED by the NEUTRONS. The HIGGS Atom are held together by the GRAVITY or ANTIGRAVITY and photons that create HIGGS Particles are connected together by ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE. The QUARKS which are housed by WANG particle and created PROTONS or NEUTRONS are pull together by a GRAVITY. The PROTON and NEUTRON are glued together by STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE. In our example of HIGGS-1:HIGGS-2 Atom, the Elements in Period 3 and Period 4 of Periodic Table-2 are; Neon, Fluorine, Argon and Chloride. The Atomic Mass for Neon is approximately 20.180. Its Atomic Number on Periodic Table-2 is 10, which means it has 10 Protons, 10 Electrons and 10 Neutrons. The Atomic Number for Neon on Periodic Table-1 is 3, which mean it has 3 Positrons, 3 Neutrons and approximately 17 Protons. The Neon on Table-2 is very stable as it has the same number of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons or a neutral atom. The Neon on the second Table-1 has more Protons which makes this a positively charged particle , Ne+ or a Cation atom. The Atomic Mass for Fluorine is 18.988. Its Atomic Number on Periodic Table-2 is 9, which means it has 9 Protons, 9 Electron and 9 Neutrons. Fluorine's Atomic Number on Periodic Table-1 is 4, which means it has 4 Electrons, 4 Neutrons and 10 Protons. Fluorine in the first Table-2 is very stable as it has the same number of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons or a neutral atom. But Fluorine in Table-1 has more Protons which makes this a positively charged particle, Fl+ or a Cation atom. Argons Atomic Mass is 39.948 and its Atomic Number on Table-2 is 18. What this mean is it has 18 Protons, 18 Electrons, and 22 Neutrons. (Beta emission) Its Atomic Number on Table-1 is 11, which means it has 11 Neutrons, 11 Electrons and 29 Protons. Argon in Table-2 has almost all have the same number of Protons, Electrons and Neutrons 18. Argon in Table-1 has 29 Protons which makes it a positively charged particle, Ag+ or a Cation atom. Chlorines Atomic Mass of 35.453 and its Atomic Number is 17 on Table -2. What this mean is it has 17 Protons, 17 Electrons, and 19 Neutrons (Beta emission). Chlorine, like Argon is a very stable Atom. Chlorine on Table-1 is metallic. The above example shows a comparison between the 2 Periodic Tables and what differentiate the same Element with 2 Atomic Numbers is their properties are always opposite each other.

Table-2: Electrons are attracted to the positively charged Nucleus.

Figure 62b: HIGGS-3 Particle (Tau or Particle Dominant) and 3 maximum Shells or 3 Energy Levels or HIGGS FIELD where Electron types can orbit. 1 Shell is equal to 2 Periods on the Periodic Table. Figure 62a: HIGGS-1:HIGGS-3 Atom - Atomic Structure of Elements in sb Block, Period 5 and Period 6. The HIGGS-1:HIGGS-3 Atom is composed of HIGGS-1 as its outer shell, another 2 HIGGS-1 surrounding the nucleus and 2 HIGGS-2 surrounding both HIGGS-1 and nucleus, 2 HIGGS-3 surrounding the rest and is the dominant HIGGS particle.

Elements in the sb Block Period 5 and Period 6 get their characteristic and behaviors from a combination of 3 HIGGS-1, 2 HIGGS-2 and 2 HIGGS-3 particles. The properties and behaviors of all 8 Elements (4 from each Tables) in Periods 5 and Period 6 on both Tables were pre-determined by HIGGS-1; Muon and Muon Neutrino HIGGS (m-HIGGS-1 and mn-HIGGS-1); HIGGS-2; Electron and Electron Neutrinos (e-HIGGS-2, and en-HIGGS-2) and HIGGS-3; Tau and Tau Neutrino particles (tHIGGS-3, tn-HIGGS-3). The properties of Elements in sb Block 5 and 6 are a mixture of Metallic, Metalloids and Nonmetal.
The following Elements of Potassium, Calcium, Rubidium, and Strontium on Table-2 are governed by HIGGS-1:HIGGS-3 Atom. These Elements on Table-1 with the same Atomic Number are; Krypton, Bromide, Xenon, and Iodine have the same atomic structure of HIGGS-1:HIGSS-3 Atom. Therefore, their properties are opposite each other. For example, Potassium on Table-2 with Atomic Number 19 is metallic and Krypton having the same Atomic Number on Table-1 is Nonmetallic. So, Elements with the same Atomic Numbers have opposite properties and characteristics. Muons and Electrons are ATTRACTED to the nucleus by Electromagnetic Force but ANTIGRAVITY pulls back in place proportional to its mass. The Tau are REPELLED by the Electromagnetic Force of the positively charged nucleus but GRAVITY attracts it back to the nucleus proportional to its mass.

Period 5- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10] or AntiGravitational Fields [Tau Neutrino]
Period 3- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6] or Gravitational Fields [Electron Neutrino]

Table-1: Positrons are repelled from the positively charged Nucleus. Period 6- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10] or AntiGravitational Fields[Tau Neutrino Period 4- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6] or Gravitational Fields[Electron Neutrino]

Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1] or Gravitational Fields[Muon Neutrino] Figure 63- HIGGS-1:HIGGS-3 Atom Atomic Structure of Elements in sb Block Period 5 and Period 6 The HIGGS-1:HIGGS-3 Atom illustration above shows how Electrons are distributed throughout the Atoms Gravitational Fields or HIGGS FIELDS. The Elliptical Galaxy (E5) M60 is a visible geometrical shape example of HIGGS-HIGGS-3 Atom. The Electrons orbiting in between Shells or Energy Levels represents Starsetc. and note that its the Super Electromagnetic Force called Gravity (or Antigravity) that keeps these celestial bodies in their respective place just like it does at the Quantum Level. Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1] or Gravitational Fields [Muon Neutrino]

Figure 64b: HIGGS-4 Particle ( Tau or Tau Neutrino Dominant and 4 maximum Shells in an Atom where Electron types can orbit. 1 Shell Level equals 2 Periods on the Periodic Table. Figure 64a: HIGGS-1:HIGGS-4 Atom Atomic Structure of sb Block Elements in Period 7 and Period 8. The HIGGS-1:HIGGS-4 Atom is composed of the HIGGS-1 Particle at the outer shell, 2 HIGGS-4, 2 HIGGS-3, 2 HIGGS-2, 2 HIGGS-1 and Nucleus and there are 8 Levels, 118 sub-shells where various types of Electrons can orbit. The HIGGS-4 particle is the dominant particle in this atom. The dominant characteristics or properties of Elements in the sb Block Period 7 and 8 are of those of the f Block. These Elements of Cesium (55), Barium (56), Francium (87), and Radium (88) on Table2 have Lanthanide and Actinide attributes or properties. The same principles can be applied to Elements of Radon (55), Astatine(56), Uuo-Ununoctium (87) and Unu-Ununseptium (88) on Table-1. The Element Ununoctium (Uuo) with the Atomic Number 118 and Ununseptium (Uus) with Atomic Number 117 on Periodic Table-2 (and Atomic Number 87 and 88 respectively on Table-1) have not being discovered yet. All other Elements before them have being discovered from 1-116. But we can predict the properties of the not yet discovered Elements of Uus (117) and Uuo (118) by studying its parallel or Elements of that Group on Table-2. In this case, for Element Uus (117/88) is Radium (88) and Uuo (118/87) is Francium (87) and belong to the Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals of Table-1. Therefore, the properties of Element Ununseptium (Uus) with the Atomic Number 117 are similar to that of Radium (88) being an Alkaline Earth Metal. The properties of Element Ununoctium (Uuo) with Atomic Number 118 have are similar to Francium (88) being an Alkali Metal. Both undiscovered Elements of Uus and Uuo can be discovered by examining Alkaline Earth Metal Radium and Alkali Metal Francium respectively. Also by studying the atomic structure of HIGGS-1:HIGGS-4 Atom provides numerous information to its chemical properties shared by both Tables.

Period 7- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, d10] or HIGGS FIELD[Muon, Tau, Electron, Tau

Period 8- 4 Shell [s Shell] and 32 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, d10] or HIGGS FIELD [Muon, Tau, Electron, Tau] Period 6- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10] or HIGGS FIELD [Muon, Electron, Tau]

Period 5- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10] or HIGGS FIELD [Muon, Electron, Tau]

Period 3- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 subshells [s2, p6] or HIGGS FIELD. [Electron]

Period 4- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6] or HIGGS FIELD. [Electrons]

Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 subshells [s1] or HIGGS FIELDS [Muons]

Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 subshells [s1] or HIGGS FIELD [Muons] Figure 64: HIGGS-1:HIGGS-4 Atom. Atomic Structure of sb Block Period 7 and Period 8.

The HIGGS-1:HIGGS-4 Atom illustration above shows how Electrons are distributed throughout the Atom. The Elliptical Galaxy (E7) M87 is a visible geometrical shape example of HIGGS-1: HIGGS-4 Atom.

Figure 65a: HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 Atom- Atomic Structure of sb Blocks Elements Period 9 and Period 10 DARK ENERGY and DARK MATTER.

Figure 65b: HIGGS-5 Particle (Tau or Particle-Wavicle Dominant). Has 5 maximum Shells which allows 5 different types of Electrons or 50 altogether to orbit; s2, f14, p6, g18 and d10.

The HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 Atom is composed of 3 HIGGS-1, 2 HIGGS-2, 2 HIGGS-3, 2 HIGGS-4 and 2 HIGGS-5 particles as illustrated Figure 65a/65b and Figure 66. The combination of all 5 types of HIGGS particles forms HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 makes this atom very massive. Aside from being a massive atom, it wont interact with regular matter as it is made of all particles that makes regular matter. All combinations of HIGGS-5 particles are Neutral or Electromagnetic or regular Light and therefore will not interact with Electromagnetic force or Light. This is why all types of HIGGS-5 including HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 above are Dark particles and represents Dark Energy in the Energy Universe and Dark Matter in our Matter Universe. The Elements listed on sb Block Period 9 and sb Block Period 10 of Periodic Table-1 are various forms of Dark Energy and Periodic Table-2 are Dark Matters. The matter form of HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 Atom interacts with Gravity and its energy form interacts with Weak Nuclear Force. One compliments the other.

Since all 5 HIGGS particles were created from Electrons and Neutrinos when combined with Weak Force of W+- and Z Bosons, the HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 Atom have similar properties to Muon, Muon Neutrinos (HIGGS-1), Tau and Tau Neutrinos (HIGGS-5) except the HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 Atom is vey massive. All types of HIGGS-5 including HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 particles are current identified as WIMPS or Weakly Interactive Massive Particles by the scientific communities. We have identified below the specific WIMPS or HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 particles for the sa Block and sb Block. The Periodic Table-1 sasb Block Period 9 and Period 10 lists Dark Energy and Table-2 sa-sb Block Period 9 and 10 listed Dark Matter Elements.

The Table-1 WIMPS Elements or HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 Atoms with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of POSITRONS in the Atom; (119) Uho-Unhexoctium (Rd 55), (120) Uhs-Unhexseptium (As 56), (169) Buo-Biunoctium (Uuo 87) and (170) Bus-Biunseptium (Uus 88) have pure nonmetallic properties. Electric Light is dominant Photon in these Atoms. Period 10- 5 Shell [s, f, p, g, d Shell] and 50 subshells [s2, f14, p6, g18, d10][Muon, Tau, Electron, Tau, Muon] Period 6- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 subshells [s2, p6, d10][Muon, Electron, Muon] Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 2 sub-shells [s1][Muon] Period 3- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6][Muon, Electron] Period 8- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, d10][Muon, Tau, Electron, Muon]

Period 4- 2 Shell [s , p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6][Muon, Electron]

Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1] [Muon] Period 5- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10][Muon, Electron, Tau]

Period 7- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 subshells [s2, f14, p6, d10][Muon, Tau, Electron, Muon

Figure 16- HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 Atom-Dark Matter. Dark Energy will Neutrino version of the above Atom.

Period 9- 5 Shell [s, f, p, d, g Shell] and 50 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, g18, d10] [Muon, Tau, Electron, Tau, Muon

The Table-2 WIMPS Elements or HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 Atom with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of PROTONS in the Atom; (119) Uue-Ununennium (Ce 55), (120) UbnUnbinlium (Ba 56), (169) Uhe-Unhexennium(F 87) and (170) Usn-Unseptnillium (Ra 88). These Elements in s Block Period 9 and 10 represent Dark Matter and have pure metallic properties. The Magnetic Light is the dominant Photon in these Elements. Although none of the WIMPS or Dark Energy and Dark Matter Elements in the s Block Period 9 and 10 on both Tables have been discovered, we can identify them by evaluating the already discovered Elements within their Groups as noted above. To observe a visible representation of the above HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 Atom, take a look at the Elliptical Galaxy (SO) NGC 4125. This galaxy may be created from the specific Dark Energy and Dark Matter listed above.

Period 4- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6] or HIGGS FIELD [Electron, Electron] Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 2 sub-shells [s1] or HIGGS FIELD [Electron] Electric Light Photons sharing one of its String with Electromagnetic Photons.

Period 3- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 7 sub-shells [s2, p6] or HIGGS FIELD [Electron, Electron] Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1] or HIGGS FIELD [Electron]

Figure 66: HIGGS-2:HIGGS-2 Atom. Atomic Structure of Elements in p Block Period 3 and Period 4. The HIGGS-2:HIGGS-2 Atom is composed of 2 HIGGS-1, 2 HIGGS-2 and 1 HIGGS-2 particle as its outer Shell. The HIGGS-2:HIGGS-2 Atom is a very unique Atom where HIGGS-2 particles are dominant. One of its unique properties is 2 of the 3 Photons shares one of their String with each other. Therefore, creating this Atom with only 2 Shells and a unique behavior of sharing electrons with Atoms in other groups. The properties of all Elements in the p Blocks are pre-determined by the type of HIGGS-2 particle of whether its a Wave (Nonmetals), Wavicle (Metalloids) and Particle (Metal) that created and the number of Electron atoms orbiting in its outer Shells. For example from Periodic Table-2; Boron, Carbon, Aluminum, and Silicon with 1 and 2 Electrons orbiting in its outer Shell are Particle or have Metallic properties. The Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorous, and Sulfur with 3 and 4 Electrons orbiting in its outer Shell are Wavicle or have Metalloids properties. The Fluorine, Neon, Chlorine, and Argon with 5 and 6 Electrons orbiting in its outer Shell are Wave or have Nonmetallic properties. Then from Periodic Table-1; Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulfur and Phosphorous with 1 and 2 Electrons Neutrinos orbiting in its outer Shell are Wave or Nonmetallic properties. Carbon, Boron, Silicon and Aluminum with 3 and 4 Electrons Neutrinos orbiting in its out shell are Wavicle or Metalloids properties. Beryllium, Lithium, Magnesium and Sodium with 5 and 6 Electron Neutrinos orbiting in its outer Shell are Particle or have Metallic properties. All Elements in the p Blocks have the potential of creating 4 stable Isotopes (8-16) due to the unique sharing properties of HIGGS-2 particle. Therefore, all Elements in the p Block easily combines with other Elements to create new stable Elements, but especially Elements in Period 3 and Period 4. To observe a visible representation of the above HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 Atom, take a look at the Lenticular Galaxy (E3-SaSBa) M86.

Period 6 -3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s1, p6, d10] or Gravitational Fields [Electrons, Electrons, Electrons]

Period 3- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6] or Gravitational Fields [Electrons, Electrons]

Period 5- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s1, p6, d10] or Gravitational Fields [Electrons, Electrons, Electrons]

Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1] or Gravitational Fields [Electron]

Period 4- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6] or Gravitational Fields [Electrons, Electrons]

Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1] or Gravitational Fields [Electron]

Figure 67: HIGGS-2:HIGGS-3 Atom. Atomic Structure of Elements in p Block Period 5 and Period 6.
The HIGGS-2:HIGGS-3 Atom is composed of 2 HIGGS-1, 3 HIGGS-2 and 2 HIGGS-3 particles. A HIGGS-2 particle is at the outer Shell which determine that Electron and Electron Neutrino orbits there. The HIGGS-3 particle is dominant in this Atom and they will predetermined the more metallic properties of these Metalloids Elements. The Table-1 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of POSITRONS in the Atom; (21) Selenium, (22) Arsenic, (23) Germanium, (24) Gallium, (25) Zinc (26) Copper ; (39) Tellurium, (40) Antimony (41) Tin, (42) Indium, (43) Cadmium, and (44) Silver are more nonmetallic Metalloids. The Table-2 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of PROTONS in the Atom; (21) Scandium, (22) Titanium, (23) Vanadium, (24) Chromium , (25) Manganese, (26) Iron ; (39) Yttrium, (40) Zirconium (41) Niobium, (42) Molybdenum, (43) Technetium, and (44) Ruthenium are more metallic Metalloids. Elements that have the same Atomic Number have opposite properties. To observe a visible representation of the above HIGGS-2:HIGGS-3 Atom, take a look at the Lenticular Galaxy (E5-SaSBa) NGC 1316.

Period 7- 4 Shell [s , f, p, d Shell] and 32 subshells [s2, f14, p6, d10] Period 5- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 subshells [s2, p6, d10] Period 3- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6]

Period 8- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 subshells [s2, f14, p6, d10]

Period 6- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 subshells [s2, p6, d10]

Period 4- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6]

Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1]

Figure 68: HIGGS-2:HIGGS-4 Atom. Atomic Structure of Elements in p Block Period 7 and Period 8. The HIGGS-2:HIGGS-4 Atom is composed of 2 HIGGS-1 surrounding the nucleus follow by 2 HIGGS-2 particles, 2 HIGGS-3 and 2 HIGGS-4 particles as shown in Figure 68. A HIGGS 2 particle is at the outer Shell which determines the type of Electron; a Electron and Electron Neutrino for the p Block Elements. The HIGGS-4 particle is dominant in this Atom and they will predetermined the type of metallic properties of these Metalloids Elements.

Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1]

The Table-1 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of POSITRONS in the Atom; 71) Lutetium, (72) Hafnium, (73) Tantalum, (74) Tungsten, (75) Rhenium, (76) Osmium, (103) Lawrencium, (104) Rutherfordium, (105) Dubnium, (106) Seaborgium, (107) Bohrium, and (108) Hassium. The Table-2 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of PROTONS in the Atom; (71) Ytterbium, (72) Thulium, (73) Erbium, (74) Holmium, (75) Dysprosium, (76) Terbium, (103) Nobelium, (104) Mendelevium, (105) Fermium, (106) Einsteinium, (107) Californium, and (108) Berkelium. To observe a visible representation of the above HIGGS-2:HIGGS-4 Atom, take a look at the Lenticular Galaxy (E7-SaSBa) NGC 2787.

Period 10- 5 Shell [s, f, p, g, d Shell] and 50 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, g18, d10] Period 9- 5 Shell [s, f, p, g, d Shell] and 50 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, g18, d10] Period 8- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, d10] Period 7- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, d10] Period 6- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10]

Period 5- 3 Shell [s , p, d Shells] and 18 subshells [s2, p6, d10]

Period 4- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6]

Period 3- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6] Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1]

Figure 69: HIGGS-2:HIGGS-5 Atom. Atomic Structure of Elements in the p Block Period 9 and Period 10 - Dark Energy and Dark Matter

Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1]

The HIGGS-2:HIGGS-5 Atom is composed of 2 HIGGS-1, 3 HIGGS-2, 2 HIGGS-3, 2 HIGGS-4 and 2 HIGGS-5 particles as illustrated in Figure 69. This combination of all 5 types of HIGGS particles to form HIGGS-2:HIGGS-5 makes this atom very massive. Aside from being a massive atom, it wont interact with regular matter as it is made of all particles that makes regular matter. All combinations of HIGGS-5 particles are Neutral or Electromagnetic or regular Light and therefore will not interact with Electromagnetic force or Light. This is why all types of HIGGS-5 are Dark particles and represents Dark Energy in the Energy Universe and Dark Matter in our Matter Universe. The Elements listed on Period 9 and Period 10 of Periodic Table-1 are various forms of Dark Energy and Periodic Table-2 are Dark Matter. Like the HIGGS-1:HIGGS-5 Atom, the matter form of HIGGS-2:HIGGS-5 Atom interacts with Gravity and its energy form interacts with Weak Nuclear Force. One compliments the other. Since all 5 HIGGS particles were created from Electrons and Neutrinos when combined with Weak Force of W+- and Z Bosons, the HIGGS-2:HIGGS-5 Atom have similar properties to Electron, Electron Neutrinos (HIGGS-2), Tau and Tau Neutrinos (HIGGS-5) except the HIGGS-2:HIGGS-5 Atom is vey massive. All types of HIGGS-5 particles are current identified as WIMPS or Weakly Interactive Massive Particles by the scientific communities. We have identified below the specific WIMPS or HIGGS-2:HIGGS-5 particles for the p Block. The Periodic Table-1 p Block Period 9 and Period 10 lists Dark Energy and Table-2 p Block Period 9 and 10 listed Dark Matter Elements.

Although none of the HIGGS-2:HIGGS-5 Elements listed on the p Block Period 9 and Period 10 of both Tables have been discovered, we can identify them by examining and studying the already discovered Elements of the same Groups Electron and Proton configurations. After each of the not yet discovered Element is listed, in parenthesis is a discovered Element that has similar properties. For example, the Element with Atomic Number 135 is Upb or Unpentbiium and next to it in parenthesis is Yb or Ytterbium with Atomic Number 71. The Atomic Numbers for Table-1 represents the number of Electrons or Positrons in the Atom. By studying the properties of Ytterbium, which is currently used as a source of gamma radiations, it will give us clues to this specific Dark Energy Elements. The Periodicity of both Tables makes it easy determine the identity of the rest p Block Elements or p Block Dark Energy Elements. A HIGGS-2 particle at the outer Shell of HIGGS-2:HIGGS-5 Atom predetermines the type of Electron orbiting in the outside Shell; a Electron and Electron Neutrino for the p Block Elements. The HIGGS5 particle is dominant in this Atom and they predetermine the type of metallic properties of these Metalloids Elements. These Metalloids Elements are 50 percent metallic and 50 percent nonmetallic on both Periodic Tables. What this mean is that on Periodic Table -1, Metalloids Elements in Groups 3p1-3p3 are more nonmetallic compared to Metalloids Elements in Groups 3p 43p6. On Periodic Table-2, its the reverse of Periodic Table-1; Metalloids Elements in Groups 3p1-3p3 are more metallic compared to Metalloids Elements in Groups 3p4-3p6. The Table-1 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of POSITRONS in the Atom; (135) Upb-Unpentbiium(71 Yb), (136) Upu-Unpentunium(72 Tm), (137) Upn-Unpentnilium(73 Er), (138) Uqe-Unquadennium(74 Ho), (139) Uqo-Unquadoctium(75 Dy), (140) Uqs-Unquadseptium(76 Tb), (185) Bnb-Binilbiium(103 No), (186) Bnu-Binilunium(104 Md), (187) Bnn-Binilnilium(105 Fm), (188) Uee-Unennennium(106 Es), (189) Ueo-Unennoctium(107 Cf), and (190) Ues-Unennseptium(108 Bk). The Table-2 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of PROTONS in the Atom; (135) Utp-Untripentium(71 Lu), (136) Uth-Untriheium(72 Hf), (137) UtsUntriseptium(73 Ta), (138) Uto-Untrioctium(74 W), (139) Ute-Untriennium(75 Re), (140) UqnUnquadnilium(76 Os), (185) Uop-Unoctpentium(103 Lr), (186) Uoh-Unocthexium(104 Rf), (187) UosUnoctseptium(105 Db), (188) Uoo-Unoctoctium(106 Sg), (189) Uoe-Unoctennium(107 Bh), and (190) Uen-Unennnilium(108 Hs) To observe a visible representation of the above HIGGS-2:HIGGS-5 Atom, take a look at the Lenticular Galaxy (SO-SaSBa) NGC 5866. This Galaxy maybe created of Dark Matter and Dark Energy listed above.

Figure 70b: The HIGGS-3 Particle and Atom has 3 Shells created by the 3 individual Photon of Electric Figure 70a: HIGGS-3:HIGGS-3 Atom Atomic [Muon], Magnetic [Tau] and Electromagnetic Structure of Elements in d Block Period 5 and [Electron]. Atoms or Elements in this d Block are Period-6 always starving for Electrons from other Atoms to stabilize itself. The HIGGS-3:HIGGS-3 Atom is created from a 3 HIGGS-3, 2 HIGGS-2, 2 HIGGS-1 and Nucleus. The HIGGS-3 Particle is the dominant property of this Atom. As noted in Figure 70b that HIGGS-3 particle is created from 1 Particle Light Photon or Magnetic Light Photon, 1 Wavicle Light Photon or Electromagnetic Light Photon and 1 Wave Light Photon or Electric Light Photon. What this mean is this HIGGS-3 is a Particle of HIGGS-1. Therefore, it is not a stable particle. In order for the HIGGS-3 particle to be stable, it MUST received Photons or Electrons from other Atoms. So properties of all Elements in d Block Period 5 and Period 6 have this accepting or receiving attributes of Electrons to stabilize itself as a more metallic with some metalloids properties for Table-2 and more nonmetallic with some metalloids for Table-1. The Table-1 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of POSITRONS in the Atom; (27) Cobalt , (28) Nickel, (29) Copper , (30) Zinc, (31) Gallium, (32) Germanium, (33) Arsenic, (34) Selenium, (35) Bromine, (36) Krypton, (45) Rhodium, (46) Palladium, (47) Silver, (48) Cadmium, (49) Indium, (50) Tin, (51) Antimony, (52) Tellurium, (53) Iodine, and (54) Xenon. The Table-2 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of PROTONS in the Atom; (27) Nickel, (28) Cobalt , (29) Iron (30) Manganese (31) Chromium (32) Vanadium, (33) Titanium, (34) Scandium, (35) Calcium, (36) Potassium, (45) Palladium, (46) Rhodium, (47) Ruthenium, (48) Technetium, (49) Molybdenum, (50) Niobium, (51) Zirconium, (52) Yttrium, (53) Strontium, and (54) Rubidium. To observe a visible representation of the above HIGGS-3:HIGGS-3 Atom, take a look at the Elliptical Galaxy (E5) M87.

Period 8- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10][Muon, Tau, Electron, Muon]

Period 4- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 subshells [s2, p6][Muon, Electron]

Period 3- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 subshells [s2, p6] [Muon, Electron]

Period 7- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10] [Muon, Tau, Electron, Muon]

Period 6- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 subshells [s2, p6, d10][Muon, Electron, Tau]

Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 subshells [s1] [Muon]

Period 5- 3 Shell [s , p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10][Muon, Electron, Tau] Figure 71 - HIGGS-3:HIGGS-4 Atom Atomic Structure of Elements in d Block Period 7 and Period 8

Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 subshells [s1] [Muon]

The HIGGS-3:HIGGS-4 Atom is created from 2 HIGGS-1, 2 HIGGS-2 , 3 HIGGS-3 and 2 HIGGS-4 as illustrated by Figure 71.. The HIGGS-3 Particle is surrounded by a HIGGS-4 Particle which dictates that dominant property of this Atom. Properties of HIGGS-3:HIGGS-4 Atom is a combination of properties from s Block (Metal or Nonmetal), p Block (Metalloids) and d (Nonmetals and Nonmetals) Block. The Table-1 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of POSITRONS in the Atom; (27) Cobalt , (28) Nickel, (29) Copper , (30) Zinc, (31) Gallium, (32) Germanium, (33) Arsenic, (34) Selenium, (35) Bromine, (36) Krypton, (45) Rhodium, (46) Palladium, (47) Silver, (48) Cadmium, (49) Indium, (50) Tin, (51) Antimony, (52) Tellurium, (53) Iodine, and (54) Xenon. The Table-2 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of PROTONS in the Atom; (27) Nickel, (28) Cobalt , (29) Iron (30) Manganese (31) Chromium (32) Vanadium, (33) Titanium, (34) Scandium, (35) Calcium, (36) Potassium, (45) Palladium, (46) Rhodium, (47) Ruthenium, (48) Technetium, (49) Molybdenum, (50) Niobium, (51) Zirconium, (52) Yttrium, (53) Strontium, and (54) Rubidium. To observe a visible representation of the above HIGGS-3:HIGGS-3 Atom, take a look at the Elliptical Galaxy (E5) M87.

Period 10- 5 Shell [s, f, p, g, d Shell] and 50 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, g18, d10]

Period 6- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10] Period 5- 3 Shell [s Shell 2, p, d] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10] Period 4- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 subshells [s2, p6]

Period 9- 5 Shell [s, f, p, g, d Shell] and 50 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, g18, d10]

Period 8- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, d10]

Period 3- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 subshells [s2, p8] Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 subshells [s1] Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 subshells [s1]

Period 7- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, d10] Figure 72: HIGGS-3:HIGGS-5 Atom Atomic Structure of d Block Elements in Period 9 and Period 10: Dark Energy and Dark Matter

The HIGGS-3:HIGGS-5 Atom is created from 2 HIGGS-1, 2 HIGGS-2, 3 HIGGS-3, 2 HIGGS-4, and 2 HIGGS-5 as illustrated in Figure 72. The HIGGS-5 particle dictates the type of Electrons that orbits in its outer Shell; Tau and Tau Neutrino. The HIGGS-5 particle is the dominant particle of g Block which dictates the property of this HIGGS-3:HIGGS:HIGGS-5 Atom. The HIGGS-5 particle is made of 2 Particle Light Photons or 2 positive charged or 2 Magnetic Light Photon; 2 Wave Light Photon or 2 negative charged or 2 Electric Light Photon, and 1 Wavicle Light Photon or 1 neutral charged or Electromagnetic Light Photon. The Elements on Table-1 Period 9 and Period 10 of the d Block are more dominant of Electric Light Photons and another type of Elements of Dark Energy . The Elements on Table-2 Period 9 and Period 10 of the d Block are more dominant of Magnetic Light Photon and another type of Elements of Dark Matter. Although none of these Elements have been discovered, we can hypothesize their properties by evaluating known Elements within their Groups on both Periodic Tables.

The Table-1 WIMPS or Dark Energy Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of POSITRONS in the Atom; (159) Ubo-Unbioctium(77 Gd), (160) UbsUnbiseptium (78 Eu), (161) Ubh-Unbihexium(79 Sm), (162) Ubp-Unbipentium(80 Pm), (163) UpqUnbiquadium(81 Nd), (164) Ubt-Unbitriium(82 Pr), (165) Ubb-Unbibiium(83 Ce), (166) UbuUnbiunium(84 La), (167) Ubn-Unbinilium(85 Ba), (168) Une-Ununennium(86 Ca), (209) UsoUnseptoctium(109 Cm), (210) Uss-Unseptseptium(110 Am), (211) Ush-Unsepthexium(111 Pu), (212) Usp-Unseptpentium(112 Np), (213) Usq-Unseptquadium(113 U), (214) Uht-Unseptennium(114 Pa), (215) Usb-Unseptbilium(115 Th), (216) Usu-Unseptunnium(116 Ac), (217) Usn-Unseptniium(117 Ra), and (218) Uhe-Unsepttriium (118 F). The Table-2 WIMPS or Dark Matter Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of PROTONS in the Atom; (159) Upe-Unpentennium(77 Ir), (160) UhnUnhexnilium(78 Pt), (161) Uhu-Unhexunium(79 Au), (162) Uhb-Unhexbiium(80 Hg), (163) UhtUnhextriium(81 Tl), (164) Uhq-Unhexquadium(82 Pb), (165) Uhp-Unhexpentium(83 Bi), (166) UhhUnhexhexium(84 Po), (167) Uhs-Unhexseptium(85 At), (168) Uho-Unhexoctium(86 Rn), (209) BueBiunilennium(109 Mt), (210) Bun-Biunnilium(110 Ds), (211) Buu-Biununium(111 Rg), (212) BubBiunbiium(112 Cn), (213) But-Biuntriium(113 Uut), (214) Buq-Biunquadium(114 Fl), (215) BupBiunpentium(115 Uup), (216) Buh-Biunhexium(116 Lv), (217) Bus-Biunseptium(117 Uus), and (218) Buo-Biunoctium(118 Uuo). By evaluating known d Block Elements on Table-1, we were able to identify WIMPS or Dark Energy that formed Elements in this Block of the Energy Universe. For example, WIMPS with Atomic Number 159 or Element Ubo or Unbioctium has similar properties to Gadolinium (Gd) with Atomic Number 77 on the Table-1. Dark Energy through Weak Force, decays into new matter. By evaluating known d Block Elements in Table-2, we were able to identify WIMPS or Dark Matter that formed Elements in this Block of the Matter Universe. For example, WIMPS with the Atomic Number 159 or Element Upe or Unpentennium has similar properties to Iridium (Ir) with Atomic Number of 77 on Table-2. Dark Matter through Cosmic radiation and Super Nova explosion forms new matters. To observe a visible representation of the above HIGGS-3:HIGGS-5 Atom, take a look at the Elliptical Galaxy (SO) NGC 4125. This Galaxy maybe created of the specific Dark Matter and Dark Energy described above.

Period 7- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, d10]

Period 8- 4 Shell [s Shell] and 32 subshells [s2, f14, p6, d10]

Period 5- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10]

Period 6- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10] Period 4- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6]

Period 3- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6]

Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 subshells [s1]

Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 subshells [s1]

Figure 73: HIGGS-4:HIGGS-4 Atom Atomic Structure of Elements f Block Period 7 and Period 8. The HIGGS-4:HIGGS-4 Atom is composed of 2 HIGGS-1, 2 HIGGS-2, 2 HIGGS-3 and 3 HIGGS-4 particles as illustrated in Figure 73. A HIGGS 4 particle is at the outer Shell which determines the type of Electron that is orbiting in the outer Shell; a Tau and Tau Neutrino for the f Block Elements. Also, the HIGGS-4 particle is dominant in this Atom and predetermines the type of metallic or nonmetallic of properties of these Elements. Elements in Table-1 are nonmetallic and Elements in Table-2 are metallic. The dominant Photon in the HIGGS-4 particle dictates its properties as metallic or nonmetallic. The Table-1 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of POSITRONS in the Atom; (57) Polonium, (58) Bismuth, (59) Lead, (60) Thallium, (61) Mercury, (62) Gold, (63) Platinum, (64) Iridium, (65) Osmium, (66) Rhenium, (67) Tungsten, (68) Tantalum, (69) Hafnium, (70) Lutetium, (89) Ununhexium (90) Ununpentium, (91) Ununquadium, (92) Ununtrium, (93) Copernicium, (94) Roentgenium, (95) Darmstadtium, (96) Meitnerium, (97) Hassium, (98) Bohrium, (99) Seaborgium , (100) Dubnium, (101) Rutherfordium, and (102) Lawrencium. The Table-2 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of PROTONS in the Atom; (57)Lanthanum, (58) Cerium, (59) Praseodymium, (60) Neodymium, (61) Promethium, (62) Samarium, (63) Europium, (64) Gadolinium, (65) Terbium, (66) Dysprosium, (67) Holmium, (68) Erbium, (69) Thulium, (70) Ytterbium, (89) Actinium, (90) Thorium, (91) Protactinium, (92) Uranium, (93) Neptunium, (94) Plutonium, (95) Americium, (96) Curium, (97) Berkelium, (98) Californium, (99) Einsteinium, (100) Fermium, (101) Mendelevium, and (102) Nobelium. To observe a visible representation of the above HIGGS-4:HIGGS-4 Atom, take a look at the Spiral Galaxy (Sd-SBd) NGC 1300. This Galaxy maybe dominant of the above listed Elements.

Period 9- 5 Shell [s, f, p, g, d Shell] and 50 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, g18, d10] Period 7- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, d10] Period 5- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10] Period 3- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p8]

Period 10- 5 Shell [s, f, p,g,d Shell] and 50 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, g18, d10] Period 8- 4 Shell [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, d10] Period 6- 3 Shell [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10] Period 4- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p8]

Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 subshells [s1]

Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 subshells [s1]

Figure 74: HIGGS-4:HIGGS-5 Atom Atomic Structure Period 9-10 (Dark Energy and Dark Matter) The HIGGS-4:HIGGS-5 Atom is composed of 2 HIGGS-1, 2 HIGGS-2, 2 HIGGS-3, 3 HIGGS-4, and 2 HIGGS-5 particles as illustrated in Figure 74. A HIGGS 4 particle is at the outer Shell which determines the type of Electrons that orbits in the outer Shell; a Tau and Tau Neutrino for the f Block Elements. The HIGGS-5 particle predetermines the type of metallic or nonmetallic properties of these Elements which exist in the Energy or Matter Universe. None of these Elements in Period 9 and Period 10 of the f Block have been discovered yet but we can hypothesize their properties by studying the already discovered Elements of their Group in Period 7 and Period 8. Elements listed in f Block Period 7 on both Tables are called Lanthanides. Elements listed in f Block Period 8 on both Tables are called Actinides. The Lanthanides and Actinides in Table-2 are metallic in their properties and Lanthanides and Actinides in Table-1 are nonmetallic. Because of the Periodicity of the Periodic Table, we can postulate the properties and characteristics of the unknown Dark Energy and Dark Matter Elements. These WIMPS as noted already do not interact with Light as the Gravitational force between HIGGS are 10 times powerful than the regular Light. For example, Table-1 Element Uhh with the Atomic Number 121, its properties are similar to Po with Atomic Number 57. By studying Po, we get see the properties of Element Uhh.

The Table-1 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of POSITRONS in the Atom; (121) Uhh-Unhexhexiumc (57 Po), (122) Uhp-Unhexpentium(58 Bi), (123) Uhq-Unhexquadium(59 Pb), (124) Uht-Unhextriium(60 Tl), (125) Uhb-Unhexbiium(61 Hg), (126) UhuUnhexunium(62 Au), (127) Uhn-Unhexnilium(63 Pt), (128) Upe-Unpentennium(64 Ir), (129) UpoUnpentoctium(65 Os), (130) Ups-Unpentseptium(66 Re), (131) Uph-Unpenthexium(67 W), (132) UppUnpentpentium(68 Ta), (133) Upq-Unpentquadium(69 Hf), (134) Upt-Unpenttriium(70 Lu), (171) BuhBiunhexium(89 Lv), (172) Bup-Biunpentium(90 Uup), (173) Buq-Biunquadium(91 Fl), (174) ButBiuntriium(92 Uut), (175) Bub-Biunbiium(93 Cn), (176) Buu-Biununium(94 Rg), (177) BunBiunnilium(95 Ds), (178) Bue-Binilennium(96 Mt) , (179) Bno-Biniloctium(97 Hs), (180) BnsBinilseptium(98 Bh), (181) Bnh-Binilhexium(99 Sg), (182) Bnp-Binilpentium(100 Db), (183) BnqBinilquadium(101 Rf), and (184) Bnt-Biniltriium(102 Lr). All these Elements are pure nonmetals and component of Dark Energy. The Table-2 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of PROTONS in the Atom; (121) Ubu-Unbiunium (57 La), (122) Ubb-Unbibiium(58 Ce), (123) UbtUnbitriium(59 Pr), (124) Upq-Unbiquadium(60 Nd), (125) Upb-Unbipentium(61 Pm), (126) UbhUnbihexium(62 Sm), (127) Ubs-Unbiseptium(63 Eu), (128) Ubo-Unbioctium(64 Gd), (129) UbeUnbiennium(65 Tb), (130) Utn-Untrinilium(66 Dy), (131) Utu-Untriunium(67 Ho), (132) UtbUntribiium(68 Er), (133) Utt-Untritriium(69 Tm), (134) Utq-Untriquadium (70 Yb), (171) UsuUnseptunium (89 Ac), (172) Usb-Unseptbiium (90 Th), (173) Usp-Unsepttriium(91 Pa), (174) UsqUnseptquadium(92 U), (175) Usp-Unseptpentium (93 Nd), (176) Ush-Unsepthexium(94 Pu), (177) Uss-Unseptseptium(95 Am), (178) Uso-Unseptoctium(96 Cm), (179) Use-Unseptennium(97 Bk), (180) Uon-Unoctnilium(98 Cf), (181) Uou-Unoctunium (99 Es), (182) Uob-Unoctbiium (100 Em), (183) UotUnocttriium (101 Md), and (184) Uoq-Unoctquadium (102 No). All these Elements are pure metals and component of Dark Matter. Dark Energy and Dark Matters are made up of ALL 5 HIGGS particles in their respective Universe. Therefore, ALL Elements in Period 9 and 10 are types of Dark Energy and Dark Matter, depending on the Periodic Table.

To observe a visible representation of the above HIGGS-4:HIGGS-5 Atom, take a look at the Spiral Galaxy of Andromeda. The Galaxy Andromeda may be created from the above listed Elements.

Period 9- 5 Shells [s, f, p, g, d Shell] and 50 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, g18, d10] Period 7- 4 Shells [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 sub-shells [s2, f14. p6, d10 ] Period 5- 3 Shells [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10] Period 3- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6] Period 1- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 subshells [s1]

Period 10- 5 Shells [s Shell] and 50 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, g14, d10] Period 8- 4 Shells [s, f, p, d Shell] and 32 sub-shells [s2, f14, p6, d10] Period 6- 3 Shells [s, p, d Shell] and 18 sub-shells [s2, p6, d10] Period 4- 2 Shell [s, p Shell] and 8 sub-shells [s2, p6] Period 2- 1 Shell [s Shell] and 1 sub-shells [s1]

Figure 75: HIGGS-5:HIGGS-5 Atom Atomic Structure of Elements in g Block Period 9 and Period 10: Dark Energy for Table-1 and Dark Matter for Table-2 The HIGGS-5:HIGGS-5 Atom is composed of 2 HIGGS-1, 2 HIGGS-2, 2 HIGGS-3, 2 HIGGS-4 and 3 HIGGS-5 particles as shown in Figure 75. A HIGGS-5 particle is at the outer Shell which determines the type of Electron orbiting in its outer Shell; a Tau and Tau Neutrino for the g Block Elements. The HIGGS-5 particle is dominant in this Atom and predetermines the type of metallic and non -metallic properties of Elements in the g Block. The metallic and nonmetallic properties were preestablished by the dominant Light Photons that created HIGGS-5 particles. The HIGGS-5 particle is created from 2 Magnetic Light Photon, 2 Electric Light Photon and 1 Electromagnetic Photon. So we know that HIGGS-5 particle is Magnetic (metallic) and Electric (nonmetallic) dominant particle. Its the Magnetic particle that is dominant in the Table-2 and Electric particle in Table-1. None of these Elements have being discovered but we can hypothesize their properties by looking at other Elements on both Periodic Tables. The Elements in the g Block of Periodic Table-1 all have Nonmetallic properties. A known Element with a similar property is listed next to the g Block Element gave us some ideas of what the actual g Block Element is. For example, Element Ugh with Atomic Number 141 has similar properties with Pb, Atomic Number 82 of Table-2. We have used this method to discover properties of all Elements in g Block of Table-1. From the information on Table-1, we discovered the identities of g Block Table-2.

The Table-1 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of POSITRONS in the Atom; 141 Uqh-Unquadhexium(82 Pb), 142 Uqp-Unquadpentium(81 Tl), 143 UqqUnquadquadium(80 Hg), 144 Uqt -Unquadtriium(79 Au), 145 Uqb-Unquadbiium(78 Pt), 146 Uqu Unquadunium(77 Ir), 147 Uqn-Unquadnilium(76 Os), 148 Ute-Untriennium(75 Re), 149 UtoUntrioctium(74 W), 150 Uts-Untriseptium(73 Tn), 151 Uth-Untriheium(72 Hf), 152 UtpUntripentium(71 Lu), 153 Utq-Untriquadium(70 Yb), 154 Utt-Untritriium(69 Tm), 155 UtbUntribiium(68 Er), 156 Utu -Untriunium(67Ho), 157 Utn-Untrinilium(66 Dy), 158 Ube-Unbiennium(65 Tb), 191 Ueh-Unennhexium(114 Fl), 192 Uep-Unennpentium(113 UUT-49), 193 Ueq-Unennquadium (112 Cn ), 194 Uet-Unenntriium(111 Rg), 195 Ueb-Unennbiium(110 Ds), 196 Ueu-Unennunium(109 Mt), 197 Uen -Unennnilium(108 Hs), 198 Uoe-Unoctennium(107 Bh), 199 Uoo-Unoctoctium(106 Sg), 200 Uos-Unoctseptium(105 Db), 201 Uoh-Unocthexium(104 Rf), 202 Uop-Unoctpentium(103 Lr), 203 Uoq-Unoctquadium(102 No), 204 Uot-Unocttriium(101 Md), 205 Uoq-Unoctbiium(100 Fm), 206UouUnoctunium(99 Es), 207 Uon-Unoctnilium(98 Cf), and 208 Use-Unseptennium(97 Bk). The Table-2 Elements with their appropriate Atomic Number. The Atomic Number is the number of PROTONS in the Atom; 141 Uqu-Unquadunium(59 Pr), 142 Uqb-Unquadbiium(60 Nd), 143 UqtUnquadtriium(61 Pm), 144 Uqq-Unquadquadium(62 Sm), 145 Uqp-Unquadpentium(63 Eu), 146 UqhUnquadhexium(64 Gd), 147- Uqs-Unquadseptium (65 Tb), 148 Uqo-Unquadoctium(66 Dy), 149 UqeUnquadennium(67 Ho), 150 Upn-Unpentnilium(68 Er), 151 Upu-Unpentunium (69 Tm), 152 UpbUnpentbiium (70 Yb), 153 Upt-Unpenttriium (71 Lu), 154 Upq-Unpentquadium (72 Hf), 155 UppUnpentpentium(73 Tn), 156 Uph-Unpenthexium(74 W), 157 Ups-Unpentseptium (75 Re), 158 UpoUnpentoctium (76 Os), 191 Ueu-Unennunium (89 Ag), 192 Ueb-Unennbiium (90 Th), 193 UetUnenntriium(91 Pa), 194 Ueq-Unennquadium (92 U), 195 Uep-Unennpentium (93 Np), 196 UehUnennhexium(94 Pu), 197 Ues-Unennseptium(95 Am), 198 Ueo-Unennoctium(96 Cm), 199 UeeUnennennium (97 Bk), 200 Bnn-Binilnilium (98 Cr), 201 Bnu-Binilunium (99 Es), 202 Bnb-Binilbiium (100 Fm), 203 Bnt-Biniltriium(101 Md) , 204 Bnq-Binilquadium(102 No), 205 Bnp-Binilpentium, 206 Bnh-Binilhexium(103 Lr), 207 Bns-Binilseptium(104 Rf), and 208 Bno-Biniloctium (105 Db). The Elements of the g Block on Table-2 all have metallic properties compared to the same g Block Elements on Table-1 where its Elements are nonmetallic. The properties of g Block Elements are similar to those of the f Block except some Elements on the f Block have metalloids properties. Elements of g Block for the Table-1 forms part of the Dark Energy for the Energy Universe and g Block Elements of Table-2 forms part of the Dark Matter of the Matter or our Physical Universe. In other words, ALL Elements in Period 9 and Period 10 for their respective Universe are Dark Energy or Dark Matter. Through Quantum Entanglement, the state of Dark Matter is affected by Dark Energy. It is Dark Energy that decays into Dark Matter to form our Universe. To observe a visible representation of the above HIGGS-5:HIGGS-5 Atom, take a look at the Bar Spiral Galaxy, our own Milky Way Galaxy or SeSBe NGC 1672. Our Milky Way Galaxy is created of the above listed Dark Matter.

From Figure 50 HIGGS-1 and HIGGS-4 to Figure 75 HIGGS-5:HIGGS-5 Atom, we saw the Atomic Structures or configuration of ALL 5 types of HIGGS particles and HIGGS Atom which created their respective Elements for their respective Universe and Periodic Table. The Periodic Table-1 represents Virtual Particles or Energy Particles for the Energy or Antimatter Universe. The Periodic Table-2 represents Real Particles or Matter Particles for our Matter Universe. Both Periodic Tables compliments each other and so is the existence of both Universe. Table-2 can not exist without Table-1. We saw on both Tables the existence of WIMPS or Weak Interactive Massive Particles in Period 9 and Period 10 which we identify as DARK ENERGY for Table-1 and DARK MATTER for Table-2. We were able to identify the specific DARK ENERGY and DARK MATTER for each Blocks; s, f, p, g and d based on the Periodicity of the Periodic Table.

One of the greatest discovery and proof of the unification of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics is in the new atomic structures of Atoms or HIGGS particles which mirrors both worlds. There are 5 major types of Atoms or HIGGS particle that created MASS of every existed energy-matter. The most profound proof or evidence of these 5 types of Atoms known as HIGGS-1, HIGGS-2, HIGGS-3, HIGGS-4 and HIGGS-5 is seen in the 2 Periodic Tables 5 Blocks. The HIGGS-1 governs properties and characteristics of the s Block Elements, HIGGS-2 governs the p Block Elements, HIGGS-3 governs the d Block Elements, HIGGS-4 governs the f Block and HIGGS-5 governs the g Block. These 5 types of Atoms clearly defines and creates the 4 main Periodic Trends or Periodicity of the Periodic Table seen; Atomic Radius, Ionization, Electronegativity and Metallic-Metalloid-Nonmetallic properties. These Periodic Trends were pre-established by the type of HIGGS particle that governs the specific Block as illustrated by Figure 76.
1. Atomics Radius. Wikipedia defines Atomics Radius as the measure of the size of an Atom, usually the mean or typically the distance from the nucleus to the boundary of the surrounding cloud of Electrons (or HIGGS particles). Clearly from our discovery as move from LEFT to RIGHT on Periodic Table-1 where s Block is the first Block, the Atomic Radius of Elements DECREASES. The s Blocks Elements are created from HIGGS-1 particles which are formed by 3 pairs of different Light Photons that formed a Dodecagon geometrical shape a very big Atom. The last Block is the d Block which is created from only 3 individual Light Photons that formed a Hexagon geometrical shape the size of s Block Atom. It is easy to see that Atomic Radius of Elements DECREASES as you move from LEFT to RIGHT on Periodic Table-1. The same is true but in reverse for Periodic Table-2 where the s Block is on the RIGHT side. As you move from TOP to BOTTOM of the Periodic Table, the Atomic Radius INCREASES as more HIGGS type particles are added to the Atom to create new Elements. This addition of HIGGS particles INCREASES the size of the Atom and its Atomic Radius. 2. Ionization. Wikipedia defines Ionization as the energy requires to completely remove an Electron a gaseous atom or ion. The closely and more tightly bound an Electron is to the nucleus, the more difficult it will to remove and higher its ionization energy is. From our discovery as you move from LEFT to RIGHT on the Periodic Table-1 where s Block is the first Block, the ionization will INCREASE as there is less number of HIGGS particles forming the Atom and Electrons are more closed to the nucleus. As you move from TOP to BOTTOM of the Periodic Table, the Ionization DECREASES as more HIGGS type particles are added to the Atom to create new Elements from that Group. This addition of HIGGS particles increases the size of the Atom and Electrons being further away from the nucleus. The further away Electrons from the nucleus, the easier for the Electron to be separated from the Atom.

3. Electronegativity - Wikipedia defines Electronegativity as a chemical property that describes the tendency of an atom or a functional group to attract electrons toward itself. From our discovery as you move from LEFT to RIGHT on the Periodic Table-1 where s Block is the first Block, the Electronegativity will INCREASE because the s Block Elements are stable Atoms and loves to donate an electron to other Atoms. The p Block loves to share their electrons with other Atoms and d Block starves for an Electron and will attract, accept it from other Atoms. As you move from TOP to BOTTOM of the Periodic Table, the Electronegativity DECREASES as more HIGGS type particles are added to the Atom to create new Elements from that Group. This addition of HIGGS particles increases the size of the Atom, makes it more massive, and difficult for Atoms to accept Electrons. The more HIGGS or Shells an Atom has, the further away the outside or valence electron from the nucleus and makes it hard for the Atom to attract electrons. 4. Metal-Metalloids-Nonmetal The next Periodic Trend made easy by this discovery of 2 Periodic Tables is the metallic or magnetic, metalloids or electromagnetic and nonmetallic or electric properties and characteristic of Elements. Every Element in each Block and Groups basic properties were preestablished by the dominant HIGGS. By knowing which Periodic Table the Element is in and also the Block its located will immediately provide you its general properties as either a metal, metalloids, nonmetal or various combination of these three substance. Wikipedia defines Metal as elements, compounds, or alloys that are good conductor of both electricity and heat. Metals are usually malleable, ductile and shiny. It defines Nonmetal as poor conductors of heat and electricity when compared to metals, they form acidic oxides (whereas metals generally form basic oxides), in solid form, they are dull and brittle, rather than metals which are lustrous, ductile or malleable, usually have lower densities than metals, they have significantly lower melting points and boiling points than metals (with the exception of carbon), and have high Electronegativity. Metalloids is defines as a chemical element with properties that are in-between or a mixture of those of metals and nonmetals. On Periodic Table-1, the s Block Elements are nonmetal; the first 7 Elements of the f Blocks are nonmetals and the last 7 Elements are a mixture of nonmetal-metalloids; the p Blocks Elements are all metalloids; the first 9 Elements of g Block are a mixture of Metalloids-Metal and the last 9 are metals, and d Blocks are all metals. On Periodic Table-2, the s Block Elements a metals; the first 7 Elements of the f Block are metals and the last 7 are a mixture of metal-metalloids; the p Block are all metalloids; the first 9 of the g Block are a mixture of Metalloids-Nonmetal and the last 9 are nonmetals, and d Block are all nonmetals. You can examine all the above 4 Periodic Trends by reviewing Figure 49, Figure 76a and Figure 76b. Figure 49, Figure 76a and Figure 76b summarized all the above 4 Trends on both Tables and illustrates where Dark Energy (Table-1 Periods 9 and Periods 10) and Dark Matter are (Table-2 Period 9 and Period 10) are located in the Universe and what Elements they are made of. The Dark Energy is behind the Dark Matter in the West direction. The layout of both Universes mimics an Electromagnetic where the Electric (Wave) field side represent the Energy Universe and Magnetic field side represents the Matter (Particle) Universe. The ZERO NET Total Energy (or charges) of an Electromagnetic represents both Universes. In other words, both Universe is just a massive Super Electromagnetic or Super LIGHT or Gravity! 5. Co-dominants Property of the Nucleus The last Periodic Trend for both Tables is the Virtual or Invisible or Energy dominant or Antimatter Universe and Real or Visible or Matter dominant or Matter Universe characteristic and properties of Elements that are created by the nucleus co -dominant of Electron (Positron)-Neutron in Table-1 and Proton-Neutron in Table-2. By identifying which Table an Element is in provides you the information about the Element being Virtual or Real Element and which Universe it belongs of the 2 Parallel Universes.

Although we do not see the other Universe, the existence of 2 Periodic Table Models that compliments each other give evidence otherwise. Just like the existence of Periodic Table-2 depends on Periodic Table-1, our physical or Matter Universe existence is dependent on the existence of the Antimatter or Invisible (Energy) Universe. Without the existence of the Invisible Universe, we would not be here or have an existence. Particles popping in and out of existence is due to the Table -1. As noted throughout this paper that Galaxies (General Relativity) or the Cosmos mirrors the Quantum Mechanic world and vice versa. The actual geometrical shape of Atoms or HIGGS Atoms at the Quantum world is reflected in the Cosmos world and vice versa. The classification of Galaxies by Dr. Hubble and those in the Cosmological Science as depicted in Figure 77 below unbeknownst to them were pre-established at the Quantum world by the 5 types of HIGGS particles; HIGGS-1, HIGGS2, HIGGS-3, HIGGS-4, HIGGS-5 just like it pre-established the 5 Blocks, 10 Periods and 50-100 Groups of the Periodic Tables. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Elliptical Galaxies mirrors the s Block which is governed by the HIGGS-1 Atoms. The Lenticular Galaxies mirrors the p Block which is governed by the HIGGS-2 Atoms The Spiral Galaxies mirrors the d Block which is governed by the HIGGS-3 Atoms The Bar Spiral Galaxies mirrors the f Block which is governed by the HIGGS-4 Atoms The Irregular Galaxies mirrors the g Block which is governs by the massive HIGGS-5 Atoms

The 5 Galaxy Blocks, 10 Gravitational Lenses, 50-100 Billions Galaxies and its properly trillions and trillions of Planets that forms its Galaxy Periodic Table as illustrated by Figure 78 is like the 2 Periodic Tables which were pre-established at the Quantum world. Figure 77a, Figure 77b and Figure 78 illustrates the comparison of both worlds.

Image Copyright by F. Sulehna Figure 77a - Galaxies

The revealed universal formula of the Quantum world YHWH has led us to 2 Parallel Universes YHWH-HWHY of the Cosmo world which compliments each other. It unified both worlds as demonstrated by the 2 Periodic Tables in Figure 76a and Figure 76b, Galaxy Period Table in Figure 77a and Figure 77b, but most important the 5 HIGGS particles illustrated in Figure 16 to Figures 75. Not one of any of the discoveries in this paper would have being possible without the universal formula as its layouts out exactly or precisely the order how everything came into existence. First from Strings to Photons (Y) which combined at their dominant ends to form Hadrons (H). Next, the Photons combined at their recessive ends to form Weak Force (W) particles called Wang (which is also called color-glass condensate) that housed individual Quarks in the nucleus and Electrons, Neutrinos which orbits outside the nucleus. Next, the Electrons, Neutrinos combined with Weak Bosons of W+, W- and ZO to form 5 geometrical particles called HIGGS (H) particle that is responsible for mass of every existed energy-matter particle. The collective combination of YHWH created the first Universe; the Antimatter or Energy Universe. The Antimatter Universe gave birth to our Matter Universe HWHY through 5 types of decaying (collisions) process to created 2 Parallel Universes YHWH-HWHY. The 2 Parallel Universes can be seen through 2 Periodic Tables and possible 2 Galaxy Periodic Table. The 24 main particles that created ALL existed energy-matter in both Universes are listed in Figure 78. The law of Asymmetry or broken of symmetry seen throughout the Universe in energy-matter in some form or another was pre-established at the Quantum world and illustrated in Figures 16 to Figures 75.

From the above summarized information, we saw that Gravity is a Super form of Electromagnetic or Super Light. At the Quantum level with Atoms or 5 types of HIGGS Atoms, the various types of 3 Photons that created each HIGGS were connected together by Electromagnetic force. When two HIGGS-1 particle combined to form HIGGS-1:HIGGS-1 Atom, the Electromagnetic force or Light force in between was twice the force. This super Electromagnetic force is what we now know as Gravity. As more types of HIGGS particle combined to form other atoms such as HIGGS-2, HIGGS-3, HIGGS-4 and HIGGS-5, the super Electromagnetic force or Gravity can reach up 10 times the force. The WIMPS or HIGGS-5 Atoms of Period 9 and Period 10 of both Tables have 10 times the power of gravitational force between its Shells or HIGGS particles compare to HIGGS-1 Atoms. Because Gravity is a type of Electromagnetic particle, it has four unique properties of how it interact with various energy-matter.
The Gravity force can be; Strong on energy-matter with Electrical Fields, Strong on energy-matter with Magnetic Field, Strong on energy-matter with both Fields, Strong on energy-matter without both fields or neutral matter; Weak on energy-matter with Electric Fields, Weak on energy matter with Magnetic Fields , Weak on energy-matter with both fields, Weak on energy-matter that are Neutral; Neutral on energy-matter with both Fields, Neutral on energy-matter with Magnetic Field, Neutral on energymatter with Electric Fields, and Neutral on energy-matter that are Neutral. Which of these interactions Gravity engaged in is proportional to the MASS of energy-matter whether its one or hundreds of Electron types. The orbiting of Electron types in between HIGGS Fields or Gravitational Fields are preestablished by the types of HIGGS particles as each HIGGS particle has its own geometrical shape from Dodecagon, Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon and Decagon. The various combination of these geometrical shapes combined with the cubical or granular shape of Quarks housed by Wang particles inside the nucleus dictates the power of Gravity inside its collective gravitational fields on an Atom. The same Model at the Quantum world is duplicated in the Cosmos as illustrated by Figure 78, except instead of Electron types orbiting the nucleus, planets in Galaxies follows the same identical laws.

Now we know that Gravity is a Super Light or Super form of Electromagnetic, and not the curvature of Spacetime. Spectra Lines are pre-established by the various combinations of 5 types of HIGGS inside 10 HIGGS Fields or Periods within 50-100 sub-shells that created an unique identity or signature of each Element. An excitation of Elements particles increased the intensity and density of its Light composition which manifest in Spectra Lines and not electrons leaping between energy levels. Every existed energy-matter are forms or shades of Light as every energy-matter was created from 3 type of Light Photons with certainty and not by probability. In other words, every energy matters behavior and properties were pre-established at the subatomic level with certainty as illustrated by Figures 16 to Figures 78. As noted earlier in the Quantum world that every particle has an identical pair with the same properties except they have opposite spin that were pre-established by the HIGGS-2 particle. Its like a pair of gloves as explained by Einstein where one is Right Handed and other a Left Handed glove which have already being pre-established. Our Universe and its sister Universe are created by 5 types of HIGGS Atoms that contains a HIGGS-2 particle as illustrated in Figure 16 to 78. Therefore, every Element in both Universes have a pair of identical particles, except the difference in their Spin. This natural phenomena is called Quantum Entanglement where the quantum state of one particle can affect or influence its identical pair. Some of these affects or influences are pre-programmed into Atoms by nature or the Universe to ensure its stability and existence. This was seen in the Double Slit Experiment of the Electron where the experimenters were not able to measure the results of their experiment. The DNA Thymine (T) and Uracil (T) is an another example of the Wavicle properties of Electron in the Double Slit experiment. Every Atom in our Universe are interconnected because it contains the HIGGS-2 particle which governs the Quantum Entanglement principle. Atoms of the p Block Period 3, Period 4 are pure HIGGS-2 Atom and the rest of the p Block Elements are governed by the HIGGS-2 particle. Although every Atom in the Universe are interconnected to one another, the Pauli Exclusion Principle states that no two identical Fermions may occupy the same quantum state simultaneously. This is one of the Universe process to ensures its stability and existence.

Every existed energy-matter or Element have its own signature or Blueprint as shown by Spectra Lines. Even every living organism including humans have its own unique Blueprint which was preestablished at the quantum level. Based on one of our discoveries of living organism Blueprints, we discovered that humans were the ONLY energy-matter that was created from ALL 24 major or main HIGGS particles. Every other existed energy-matter was created from only one or a combination of the 24 and NEVER ALL 24 main HIGGS particles. What this mean is that humans are the ONLY energy-matter that can affect or influence its identical pairs quantum state and collectively affect or influence other HIGGS-2 particles throughout our Universe by their activities and behaviors.
How does this happen? The universal formula YHWH and its Cosmo Model of YHWH -HWHY governs human existence also. This universal formula is duplicated throughout the Universe. The symbols YH represents the MIND Brain[4 Lobes] , the WH represents the BODY Brain[CNS] and YHWH represent the female gender and HWHY represent the male gender. The MIND Brain [4 Lobes] cells are entangle with the BODY Brain [CNS] cells and vice versa. The quantum state of atoms or cells in the BODY are immediately affected or influenced by thoughts from the MIND Brain whether its generated consciously or super consciously. Likewise, the MIND Brain [4 lobes] atoms or cells are immediately affected or influence by unconscious or subconscious thoughts from the BODY Brain (DNA).

The above picture illustrates how Quantum Entanglement happens inside a Woman or Man to ensure their existence and survival but especially to demonstrates how the Matter Universe [Male] and Antimatter Universe [Female] operates and compliment each other. How atoms or cells in both humans works were pre-established at the Quantum Level and so are energy-matter of the Cosmos or General Relativity.

The womans LEFT Brain cells or atoms [1a] are entangled with cells or atoms at the RIGHT Body Brain [2a] as they are identical except of their SPIN. Her RIGHT Brain cells or atoms [2a] are entangled with cells or atoms at the LEFT Body Brain [2b] as they are identical except of the SPIN. The same identical laws of particle entanglement is followed by the man to ensure his existence and survival.
Every energy-matters existence whether at the Quantum or the Cosmo world ALL follows identical laws and principles. These laws and principles are pre-programmed into every existed energy-matter with the exception of humans that their existence and survival is dependent on the choices or decision they make. When a collective number of humans make choices that violates laws that governs the Universe, they immediately changed the quantum state of those specific atoms and influence or affect their normal function of our Universe or Earth. The revealed universal formula YHWH and its Cosmo formula YHWH -HWHY has unified General Relativity (or Cosmology) and Quantum Mechanics but especially identified the existence of Parallel Universes. This simple universal formula YHWH is again duplicated and seen throughout the Universe or seen as Y=WH2 [E=MC2 ]or W=YH2 [M=EC2 ] unified General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.

References: I have read hundreds of books in all fields of science in the past 30 plus years that I can not account for all of it but videos listed below were interesting and thought provoking to this project. I am indebted to Wikipedia for the wealth of information contained in its website that it was easy to access some information for clarity to what some of the greatest mind in science said about a specific topic which they won a Nobel Prize. Videos1. 2011 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: The Theory Of Everything. 2. 2012 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Faster Than The Speed Of Light. 3. Arkani-Hamed, Nima, Spacetime, Quantum Mechanics And Large Hadron Collider, April 26, 2012. 4. Bodanis, David, PBS NOVA: E=MC2 5. DijKgraaf, Professor Robbert, The End of Space and Time, April 3, 2012. 6. Filippenko, Alex, Dark Energy And The Runaway Universe. 7. Green, Brian, PBS NOVA: The Elegant Universe. 8. ------------------ PBS NOVA: The Fabric of The Cosmos. 9. GuhaThakurta, Raja, Our Place In the Cosmos, December 1, 2012. 10., The Definitive Guide Inside The Milky Way, April 10, 2011 11. Shapiro, Marjorie, Supersymmetry, Extra Dimension, And Origin Of Mass, June 25, 2007 12. Walke-Loud, Andre, Particle Physics, Gravity, And The Standard Model, June 20, 2011. 13. Wilzek, Frank, Quanta, Symmetry, and Topology, April 26, 2012. 14. Zaldarriaga, Matia, Cosmology: Recent Results And Future Prospect, May 2, 2012.

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