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Raymond Benard - The Hollow Earth

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The document discusses Admiral Byrd's reported discovery of a land beyond the North and South Poles and the author's theories about this discovery and its implications.

The book is about Admiral Richard E. Byrd's reported discovery of a land beyond the North and South Poles during his flights in 1926-1927. It discusses theories that this land is a 'hollow earth' inside the planet.

The book makes claims that the land discovered by Byrd is much larger than North America and contains forests, mountains, lakes and animal life. It also connects this discovery to theories about the origin of flying saucers.



The Greatest Geographical Discovery in History

Made by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the Mysterious Land Beyond the Poles
The True Origin of the Flying Saucers

By Dr. Raymond Bernard A.B., M.A. Ph.D.

Distributed by Fieldcrest Publishing Co., Inc. 210 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N.
Y. New Edition, 1964

To the Future Explorers of the New World that exists beyond North and South
Poles in the hollow interior of the Earth. Who will Repeat Admiral Byrd's historic
Flight for 1,700 Miles beyond the North Pole and that of his Expedition for 2,300
Miles beyond the South Pole, entering a New Unknown Territory not shown on
any map, covering an immense land area whose total size is larger than North
America, consisting of forests, mountains, lakes, vegetation and animal life.

The aviator who will be the first to reach this New Territory, unknown until
Admiral Byrd first discovered it, will go down in history as a New Columbus and
greater than Columbus, for while Columbus discovered a new continent, he will
discover a New World.

Statements in this publication are recitals of scientific findings, known facts of

physiology and references to ancient writings as they are found.

There are numerous authorities who have stated that flying saucers and other
strange phenomena exist which scientists will not, or dare not admit. Few in the
U.S. dare to state the whole truth and nothing but the truth about any subject
(even if he knew the truth). This is especially true of the `educated' scientist and
men high and mighty. Governments would topple - money and credit would
vanish. There would be utter chaos and high-ranking individuals would be ruined
socially and economically. Truth is such a rare quality, a stranger so seldom met
in this civilization of fraud, that it is never received freely, but must fight its way
into the world. There is not a public school which teaches the truth about
Religion, Health, the Money-System, Politics of How to Buy and Sell etc.

We assume no responsibility for any opinions expressed (or implied) by the

author. We have no authority to comment upon the opinions of the author.
Books and folios are sold to be accepted or rejected, and the purpose of these
writings is to dissipate darkness and to stir the minds of the people. Those who
run may read - there are thousands of books which are far more enlightening
than the `spoon-fed' news from the daily scandal sheet.

In November 1957, a world famous physician and scientist died in a U.S. federal
penitentiary where he had been imprisoned for resisting an unlawful injunction
designed to stop his vital research, steal his discoveries, and kill the discoverer.
That man was Wilhelm Reich, M.D. This was the culmination of more than 10
years of harassment and persecution at the hands of carefully concealed
conspirators who used U.S. Federal Agencies and Courts to defraud the people of
this earth and prevent them from knowing and utilizing crucial discoveries in
physics, medicine, and sociology which could help bring about happiness and
peace for all mankind which good men and women everywhere seek and work

His "device" mentioned (in the injunction) was his "orgone energy accumulator",
an invention of his which was hailed by the late Theodore P. Wolfe, M.D., as the
greatest single discovery in the history of medicine." The FDA completely evaded
and avoided and banned (and burned) the published and documented
verification of scores of reputable physicians and scientists THROUGHOUT THE
WORLD, who duplicated, verified and published corroboration of the discoveries
of Wilhelm Reich. These books claimed no cures of any kind. FDA said they
constituted labeling (misbranding or mislabeling). His public experimental
findings were revolutionary. They threatened at once, the existing commercial
interests, especially the Drug Industry, the Power Companies, etc. The squeeze
was on to kill this discovery, kill it dead: - just as Krebiozen and other cancer
cures have been killed.

Therefore, we will not enter into any correspondence regarding this book - nor
the author. Whether you accept or reject the contents of this book is your
privilege. No one cares. If it awakens a responsive cord - then we have other
books which may open new knowledge for you (not taught in public schools nor
through the public mediums). The Publishers


Recently Frank Edwards, courageously outspoken radio and television

commentator, was quoted as saying: "Orders of secrecy (re UFOs) come from
the top. The Air Force is simply the `fall guy.'"

Edwards, an outstanding pioneer in the field of Ufology, has long carried on a

crusade to expose official censorship and the withholding of facts relating to
UFOs from the public. As a friend and acquaintance of Edwards for many years, I
feel that he knows whereof he speaks; and I concur with the above-expressed

Recent revelations from various sources have served to substantially confirm his
conclusion. It is with this thought in mind that the facts have been brought
together for the reader's information and consideration.

For years many UFO investigators have felt that the Air Force was in possession
of facts relating to UFOs which they were withholding from the public for reasons
known only to themselves. Various opinions to this effect have appeared in print
in recent years. A few of the most authoritative are quoted below.

In 1958, Bulkley Griffin, of the New Bedford, Mass. Standard-Times Washington

bureau, wrote an excellent series of articles for that paper, one of which was
entitled: "Pentagon's Censorship on UFOs is Effective." The following is a
quotation from that article:

"It has been asked what right has a military organization to monopolize control
of the UFO situation and seriously interfere with the public's knowledge
regarding it.

To this the Air Force has its own answer. Regulation 200-2 starts: `The Air Force
investigation and analysis of UFOs over the United States are directly related to
its responsibility for the defense of the United States.' Later (in 200-2) the UFOs
are listed as a `possible threat to the security of the United States.'

But why the broad and persistent Air Force secrecy on UFOs? This essential
question lacks a definite answer. The CIA, to an unknown extent, and the FBI, in
individual cases, have taken an interest in the situation. Neither outfit is famed
for unloading facts upon the public. The National Security Council operates in like

The staff of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has done

some study on the UFO-Air Force matter, and has decided not to investigate, and
to hold no hearings open or closed. This is a victory for the Air Force, which is
earnestly and discretely fighting any Congressional probe."

Late in 1958 another equally fine series of articles, by John Lester, appeared in
the Newark Star Ledger. The following is a pertinent excerpt: "A news story
revealing that government personnel are tracking mysterious objects was hailed
yesterday as `one of the most important developments in the flying saucer
Major Donald E. Keyhoe, Chairman of the National Investigations Committee on
Aerial Phenomena, said: `The newspaper's disclosures confirmed publicly what
has been known to our investigations committee, i. e., that many highly qualified
observers know that flying saucers are real and under intelligent control.'

Keyhoe, a retired Marine officer, added that `this revelation by the Star-Beacon
should help to bring down official censorship, which is keeping the truth from the

Behind the scenes, the Air Force and the Central Intelligence Agency are
withholding the facts until they decide what to tell the American people.

One conclusion by a high Air Force intelligence agent is that the unidentified
flying objects are interplanetary vehicles."

An item entitled "News Management" appeared in the January-February 1963

issue of Keyhoe's "UFO Investigator." In it, reference is made to a statement by
Congressman John E. Moss, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on
Government Information. This statement appeared in the Washington-World, in
which Moss said:

"Tighter controls are being used for greater manipulation of information on the
Department of Defense level....Information officers of the various services may
be relegated to the status of a ventriloquist's dummy. The public does not have
to prove its right to know."

Congressman Moss has told NICAP that his Committee is authorized to examine
evidence showing the withholding of specific UFO reports or documents, though
it is not empowered to investigate the general issue of UFO censorship.

Major Keyhoe, it may be added, has steadfastly adhered to the belief that flying
saucers are real, prior to and following his first published article on the subject in
the January 1950 issue of True Magazine.

Reference has been made to the CIA playing a role in the UFO secrecy picture.
Further evidence of this fact is contained in a paragraph of the book "Inside
Saucer Post 3-0 Blue," by Leonard H. Stringfield, formerly a well-known UFO
investigator of Cincinnati, Ohio. On Page 42 of his book, Stringfield has this to

"The statement itself came from Mr. A. D., of a certain top agency in
Washington. Said A. D.: `Yes, I did have a case for Federal Court. However, by
use of the injunction, if necessary, he would prevent anyone from testifying in
court concerning this book, because maximum security exists concerning the
subject of the UFOs. My attorney therefore suggested we drop the case.... Air
Force saucer files, therefore, are .....under the lock and key of `maximum

Several years after the publication of his book, Stringfield confirmed that the Mr.
A. D. referred to was Allan Dulles, former director of the CIA. Stringfield's
experience served to illustrate the serious interest which this agency has in the
UFO matter.

At one time, along with many others, it was my opinion that it was the Air Force
who were withholding the true facts about the UFOs. However, as a result of
later developments, I no longer adhere to that conviction. One of the principal
factors in my change of opinion was a conversation with the late Wilbert B.
Smith, approximately two years before he passed away. During the course of this
conversation, I asked Mr. Smith whether it was the Air Force or some other
department of government that was keeping UFO information from the public.
Mr. Smith replied that it was not the Air Force but "a small group very high up in
the government." Upon further questioning, Mr. Smith refused to identify the
group to which he had reference, and quickly led the conversation into other

It was not until publication of the book "The Invisible Government" in May, 1964,
that the apparent key to this mystery was at last provided. The book states:

"The Special Group was created early in the Eisenhower years under the secret
order 54/12. It was known in the innermost circle of the Eisenhower
Administration as the "54/12 Group'' and is still so called by a few insiders. It has
operated for a decade as the hidden power of the Invisible Government.....The
Special Group has operated in an atmosphere of secrecy exceeding that of any
other branch of the United States Government.... CIA men generally have the
Special Group in mind when they insist that their agency has never set policy,
but has only acted on `higher authority.'"

Newsweek of June 22nd, 1964, carried a review of "The Invisible Government"

which stated: "One of their major revelations is the existence of the Special
Group `54/12,' a hitherto Classified adjunct of the National Security Council,
specifically charged by the President with ruling on special operations. Practically
speaking, there are no higher-level figures imaginable than the composition of
'54/12.' Names of members of the Group follow at this point.

Was the "54/12 Group" the "small group very high up in Government" to which
Wilbert Smith had reference? In view of the preceding facts, it would seem that
the logical answer to this question could very well be in the affirmative: And, if
this assumption is correct, it could provide the answer as to why all attempts to
date to obtain open hearings on the UFO matter have met with failure.

Whether the just-published volume "The UFO Evidence," - NICAP's Six Year
Report on factual evidence, - can be the key that will unlock the door to open
Congressional hearings on the UFO problem, remains an unanswerable question.
One can only hope that it will, and that as a result, the public will eventually
realize their inalienable right to know the truth about the UFOs. Or can a top-
flight "Special Group" thwart their efforts? Only time will tell.


"The Invisible Government" by David Wise and Thomas B. Ross - Random

House. "Who Rules America?" by John McConaughy - Longmans, Green & Co.
"The Iron Curtain Over America" by John Beaty - Wilkinson Pub. Co. "Freedom or
Secrecy" by James R. Wiggins - Oxford University Press. "The Right to Know" by
Kent Cooper - Farrar, Straus & Cudahay. "Managed News" by Hanson W. Baldwin
- Atlantic Magazine, April, 1964. "News Management in Washington" by Ben H.
Bagdikian - Sat. Eve. Post, 4/20/63. "CIA - The Battle for Secret Power" by
Stewart Alsop - Sat. Eve. Post, 8/3/63.



DECEMBER, 1929: "The memorable December l2th discovery of heretofore

unknown land beyond the South Pole by Capt. Sir George Hubert Wilkins,
demands that science change the concept it has had for the past four hundred
years concerning the southern contour of the earth." - Dumbrova, Russian

FEBRUARY, 1947: "I'd like to see that land beyond the (North) Pole. That area
beyond the Pole is the center of the Great Unknown." - Rear Admiral Richard E.
Byrd (United States Navy), before his seven- hour flight of 1,700 miles beyond
the North Pole. (Author's note: Admiral Byrd did not fly 1,700 miles across the
North Pole to the other side of the earth, a frozen icy waste, like the region from
which he came - but flew beyond the Pole into the polar opening leading to the
hollow interior of the earth, traversing an iceless region of mountains, lakes,
rivers, green vegetation and animal life.)

NOVEMBER, 1955: "This is the most important expedition in the history of the
world." - Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, before departing to explore land beyond
the South Pole.

JANUARY, 1956: "On January l3th, members of the United States expedition
accomplished a flight of 2,700 miles from the base at McMurdo Sound, which is
400 miles west of the South Pole, and penetrated a land extent of 2,300 miles
beyond the Pole."

- Radio announcement from Byrd's Antarctic expedition, confirmed by the

American press of February 5, 1956.

MARCH, 1956: "The present expedition has opened up a vast new territory." -
Rear Admiral Byrd, on March 13, 1956, when he returned from his South Polar

... "that enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery; "

- Rear Admiral Byrd, before his death. (Author's note: Byrd here enigmatically
refers to the new unknown land area he discovered beyond North and South
Poles, within the polar openings, which, due to the well known polar
phenomenon of "sky mirror", whereby land areas below are mirrored in the sky,
refers here to the new land areas he discovered beyond both North and South
Poles and beheld as "an enchanted continent in the sky.")


1. That the Earth is hollow and is not a solid sphere as commonly supposed, and
that its hollow interior communicates with the surface by two polar openings.

2. That the observations and discoveries of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the
United States Navy, who was the first to enter into the polar openings, which he
did for a total distance of 4,000 miles in the Arctic and Antarctic, confirm the
correctness of our revolutionary theory of the Earth's structure, as do the
observations of other Arctic explorers.

3. That, according to our geographical theory of the Earth being concave, rather
than convex, at the Poles, where it opens into its hollow interior, the North and
South Poles have never been reached because they do not exist.

4. That the exploration of the unknown New World that exists in the interior of
the Earth is much more important than the exploration of outer space; and the
aerial expeditions of Admiral Byrd show how such exploration may be conducted.

5. That the nation whose explorers first reach this New World in the hollow
interior of the Earth, which has a land area greater than that of the Earth's
surface, which may be done by retracing Admiral Byrd's flights beyond the
hypothetical North and South Poles, into the Arctic and Antarctic polar openings,
will become the greatest nation in the world.

6. That there is no reason why the hollow interior of the earth, which has a
warmer climate than on the surface, should not be the home of plant, animal
and human life; and if so, it is very possible that the mysterious flying saucers
come from an advanced civilization in the hollow interior of the earth.

7. That, in event of a nuclear world war, the hollow interior of the earth will
permit the continuance of human life after radioactive fallout exterminates all life
on the Earth's surface; and will provide an ideal refuge for the evacuation of
survivors of the catastrophe, so that the human race may not be completely
destroyed, but may continue.

It is the purpose of this book to present scientific evidence to prove that the
Earth, rather than being a solid sphere with a fiery center of molten metal, as
generally supposed, is really hollow, with openings at its poles. Also, in its hollow
interior exists an advanced civilization which is the creator of the flying saucers.

The theory of a hollow earth was first worked out by an American writer, William
Reed, in 1906, and later extended by another American, Marshall B. Gardner, in
1920. In 1959, F. Amadeo Giannini wrote the first book on the subject since
Gardner's, and in the same year, Ray Palmer, editor of "Flying Saucers"
magazine, applied the theory to provide a logical explanation for the origin of the
flying saucers.

The theories of Reed and Gardner found confirmation in the Arctic and Antarctic
expeditions of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd in 1947 and 1956 respectively, which
penetrated for 1,700 miles beyond the North Pole and 2,300 miles beyond the
South Pole, into new unknown, iceless territory not recorded on a map,
extending inside the polar depressions and openings that lead to the hollow
interior of the Earth. The true significance of Admiral Byrd's great discoveries
was hushed up soon after he sent his radio report from his plane, and was not
given the attention it deserves until Giannini and Palmer publicized the matter.

We shall explain below the reason why this information was not permitted to
reach the public, though it concerns with one of the greatest geographical
discoveries in history, far greater than Columbus's discovery of America, for while
Columbus discovered a new continent, Byrd discovered a New World with a land
area equal or greater to that of the entire land surface of the Earth.
Admiral Byrd's discovery is today a leading international top secret, and it has
been so since it was first made in 1947. After Byrd made his radio announcement
from his plane and after a brief press notice, all subsequent news on the subject
was carefully suppressed by government agencies. There was an important
reason for this. Before he left on his seven hour flight from his Arctic base over
iceless land beyond the North Pole (leading to the interior of the Earth), Admiral
Byrd said: "I would like to see that land beyond the Pole. That area beyond the
Pole is the center of the Great Unknown."

Admiral Byrd did not cross over the North Pole and travel 1,700 miles south on
its other side. If he did, he would enter icebound territory. Instead he entered a
land with a warmer climate, free from ice and snow, consisting of forests,
mountains, lakes, green vegetation and animal life. This new unknown land over
which he flew for 1,700 miles, which was not on any map, existed inside the
polar opening leading to the hollow interior of the Earth, where it is warmer than
on its outside, which is here a land of ice and snow.

Why then did not the United States send new air expeditions to the land
discovered by Admiral Byrd, in an effort to fully explore it and determine its
extent? Why was such an important discovery completely forgotten? It is like
Columbus discovering America and then nothing further being done about it and
no subsequent trips of exploration to the Western continent made by Europeans.
Why the apathy?

The explanation is evident. If Admiral Byrd made such a momentous discovery,

undoubtedly the greatest one in history, of anew unknown land area of
undetermined extent, over which his expedition flew for a total of 4,000 miles at
each pole, and which area is probably as wide as it is long and, since Byrd turned
back before reaching its end, is probably much larger than an area 4,000 miles
square, then it would be in the interest of the U.S. Government to keep this
discovery secret, so that other nations do not learn about it and claim this
territory for themselves.

It seems that news of Admiral Byrd's great discovery did not reach the Soviet
Union, or else the Soviet Union knows about this new land area not contained on
any map, but has adopted the same policy of silence and secrecy.

If the Soviet Union knew about the discovery it would surely send fleets of
atomic-powered submarines, icebreakers and airplanes into this unknown
territory beyond the Pole and be the first to explore it and claim it for its own. To
prevent this was probably the reason why the news about Admiral Byrd's great
discovery was hushed and suppressed ever since it was first released. However,
since the secret has already been released and broadcast by Giannini, Palmer
and others, and is public knowledge, it can no longer properly be called a secret.
It is hoped that a serious expedition will be made by a neutralist, peace-loving
nation like Brazil into this New World beyond the Poles and establish contact with
the advanced civilization that exists there, whose flying saucers are evidence of
their superiority over us in scientific development. Perhaps this elder wiser race
may save us from our doom, preventing a future nuclear war and enable us to
establish a New Age on earth, an age of permanent peace, with all nuclear
weapons outlawed and destroyed ...


The Greatest Geographical Discovery in Human History "That enchanted

Continent in the Sky, Land of Everlasting Mystery! " "I'd like to see that land
beyond the (North) Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the Center of the Great
Unknown:" - Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd

The above two statements by the greatest explorer in modern times, Rear
Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy, cannot be understood nor
make any sense according to old geographical theories that the earth is a solid
sphere with a fiery core, on which both North and South Poles are fixed points. If
such was the case, and if Admiral Byrd flew for 1,700 and 2,300 miles
respectively across North and South Poles, to the icy and snowbound lands that
lie on the other side, whose geography is fairly well known, it would be
incomprehensible for him to make such a statement, referring to this territory on
the other side of the Poles as "the great unknown".

Also, he would have no reason to use such a term as "Land of Everlasting

Mystery". Byrd was not a poet, and what he described was what he observed
from his airplane. During his Arctic flight of 1,700 miles beyond the North Pole he
reported by radio that he saw below him, not ice and snow, but land areas
consisting of mountains, forests, green vegetation, lakes and rivers, and in the
underbrush saw a strange animal resembling the mammoth found frozen in
Arctic ice. Evidently he had entered a warmer region than the icebound Territory
that extends from the Pole to Siberia. If Byrd had this region in mind he would
have no reason to call it the "Great Unknown", since it could be reached by flying
across the Pole to the other side of the Arctic region.

The only way that we can understand Byrd's enigmatical statements is if we

discard the traditional conception of the formation of the earth and entertain an
entirely new one, according to which its Arctic and Antarctic extremities are not
convex but concave, and that Byrd entered into the polar concavities when he
went beyond the Poles. In other words, he did not travel across the Poles to the
other side, but entered into the polar concavity or depression, which, as we shall
see later in this book, opens to the hollow interior of the earth, the home of
plant, animal and human life, enjoying a tropical climate. This is the "Great
Unknown" to which Byrd had reference when he made this statement - and not
the ice - and snow-bound area on the other side of the North Pole, extending to
the upper reaches of Siberia.

The new geographical theory presented in this book, for the first time, makes
Byrd's strange, enigmatical statements comprehensible and shows that the great
explorer was not a dreamer, as may appear to one who holds on to old
geographical theories. Byrd had entered an entirely new territory, which was
"unknown" because it was not on any map, and it was not on any map because
all maps have been made on basis of the belief that the earth is spherical and
solid. Since nearly all lands on this solid sphere have been explored and recorded
by polar explorers, there could not be room on such maps for the territory that
Admiral Byrd discovered, and which he called the "Great Unknown" - unknown
because not on any map. It was an area of land as large as North America.

This mystery can only be solved if we accept the basic conception of the earth's
formation presented in this book and supported by the observations of Arctic
explorers which will be cited here. According to this new revolutionary
conception, the earth is not a solid sphere, but is hollow, with openings at the
Poles, and Admiral Byrd entered these openings for a distance of some 4,000
miles during his 1947 and 1956 Arctic and Antarctic expeditions. The "Great
Unknown" to which Byrd referred was the iceless land area inside the polar
concavities, opening to the hollow interior of the earth. If this conception is
correct, as we shall attempt to prove, then both North and South Poles cannot
exist, since they would be in midair, in the center of the polar openings, and
would not be on the earth's surface.

This view was first presented by an American writer, William Reed, in a book,
"Phantom of the Poles", published in 1906 soon after Admiral Peary claimed to
have discovered the North Pole and denying that he really did. In 1920 another
book was published, written by Marshall Gardner, called "A Journey to the
Earth's Interior or Have the Poles Really Been Discovered?", making the same
claim. Strangely, Gardner had no knowledge of Reed's book and came to his
conclusions independently. Both Reed and Gardner claimed that the earth was
hollow, with openings at the poles and that in its interior lives a vast population
of millions of inhabitants, composing an advanced civilization. This is probably
the "Great Unknown" to which Admiral Byrd referred.

To repeat, Byrd could not have had any part of the Earth's known surface in
mind when he spoke of the "Great Unknown", but rather a new, hitherto
unknown land area, free from ice and snow, with green vegetation, forests and
animal life, that exists nowhere on the Earth's surface but inside the polar
depression, receiving its heat from its hollow interior, which has a higher
temperature than the surface, with which it communicates. Only on the basis of
this conception can we understand Admiral Byrd's statements.

In January, 1956, Admiral Byrd led another expedition to the Antarctic and there
penetrated for 2,300 miles *beyond* the South Pole. The radio announcement at
this time (January 13, 1956) said: "On January 13, members of the United States
expedition penetrated a land extent of 2,300 miles *beyond* the Pole. The flight
was made by Rear Admiral George Dufek of the United States Navy Air Unit."

The word "beyond" is very significant and will be puzzling to those who believe in
the old conception of a solid earth. It would then mean the region on the other
side of the Antarctic continent and the ocean beyond, and would not be "a vast
new territory" (not on any map), nor would his expedition that found this
territory be "the most important expedition in the history of the world". The
geography of Antarctica is fairly well known, and Admiral Byrd has not added
anything significant to our knowledge of the Antarctic continent. If this is the
case, then why should he make such apparently wild and unsupported
statements - especially in view of his high standing as a rear admiral of the U.S.
Navy and his reputation as a great explorer? This enigma is solved when we
understand the new geographical theory of a Hollow Earth, which is the only way
we can see sense in Admiral Byrd's statements and not consider him as a
visionary who saw mirages in the polar regions or at least imagined he did.

After returning from his Antarctic expedition on March 13, 1956, Byrd remarked:
"The present expedition has opened up a vast new land." The word "land" is
very significant. He could not have referred to any part of the Antarctic
continent, since none of it consists of "land" and all of it of ice, and, besides, its
geography is fairly well known and Byrd did not make any noteworthy
contribution to Antarctic geography, as other explorers did, who left their names
as memorials in the geography of this area. If Byrd discovered a vast new area
in the Antarctic, he would claim it for the United States Government and it would
be named after him, just as would be the case if his 1,700 mile flight beyond the
North Pole was over the earth's surface between the Pole and Siberia.

But we find no such achievements to the credit of the great explorer, nor did he
leave his name in Arctic and Antarctic geography to the extent that his
statements about discovering a new vast land area would indicate. If his
Antarctic expedition opened up a new immense region of ice on the frozen
continent of Antarctica, it would not be appropriate to use the word "land,"
which means an iceless region similar to that over which Byrd flew for 1,700
miles beyond the North Pole, which had green vegetation, forests and animal
life. We may therefore conclude that his 1956 expedition for 2,300 miles beyond
the South Pole was over similar iceless territory not recorded on any map, and
not over any part of the Antarctic continent.

The next year, in 1957, before his death, Byrd called this land beyond the South
Pole (not "ice" on the other side of the South Pole) "that enchanted continent in
the sky, land of everlasting mystery." He could not have used this statement if
he referred to the part of the icy continent of Antarctica that lies on the other
side of the South Pole. The words "everlasting mystery" obviously refer to
something else. They refer to the warmer territory not shown on any map that
lies inside the South Polar Opening leading to the hollow interior of the Earth.

The expression "that enchanted continent in the sky" obviously refers to a land
area, and not ice, mirrored in the sky which acts as a mirror, a strange
phenomenon observed by many polar explorers, who speak of "the island in the
sky" or "water sky," depending or whether the sky of polar regions reflects land
or water. If Byrd saw the reflection of water or ice he would not use the word
"continent," nor call it an "enchanted" continent. It was "enchanted" because,
according to accepted geographical conceptions, this continent which Byrd saw
reflected in the sky (where water globules act as a mirror for the surface below)
could not exist.

We shall now quote from Ray Palmer, editor of "Flying Saucers" magazine and a
leading American expert on flying saucers, who is of the opinion that Admiral
Byrd's discoveries in the Arctic and Antarctic regions offer an explanation of the
origin of the flying saucers, which, he believes, do not come from other planets,
but from the hollow interior of the earth, where exists an advanced civilization
far in advance of us in aeronautics, using flying saucers for aerial travel, coming
to the outside of the earth through the polar openings. Palmer explains his views
as follows:

"How well known Is the Earth? Is there any area on Earth that can be regarded
as a possible origin of the flying saucers? There are two. The two major areas of
importance are the Antarctic and the Arctic.

"Admiral Byrd's two flights over both Poles prove that there is a `strangeness'
about the shape of the Earth in both polar areas. Byrd flew to the North Pole, but
did not stop there and turn back, but went for 1, 700 miles beyond it, and then
retraced his course to his Arctic base (due to his gasoline supply running low). As
progress was made beyond the Pole point, iceless land and lakes, mountains
covered with trees, and even a monstrous animal, resembling the mammoth of
antiquity, was seen moving through the underbrush; and all this was reported
via radio by the plane occupants. For almost all of the 1,700 miles, the plane
flew over land, mountains, trees, lakes and rivers.
"What was this unknown land? Did Byrd, in traveling due north, enter into the
hollow interior of the Earth through the north polar opening? Later Byrd's
expedition went to the South Pole and after passing it, went 2,300 miles beyond

"Once again we have penetrated an unknown and mysterious land which does
not appear on today's maps. And once again we find no announcement beyond
the initial announcement of the achievement (due to official suppression of news
about it - author). And, strangest of all, we find the world's millions absorbing
the announcements and registering a complete blank in so far as curiosity is

"Here, then, are the facts. At both poles exist unknown and vast land areas, not
in the least uninhabitable, extending distances which can only be called
tremendous because they encompass an area bigger than any known continental
area! The North Pole Mystery Land seen Byrd and his crew is at least l,700 miles
across its traversed direction, and cannot be conceived to be merely a narrow
strip. It is an area perhaps as large as the entire United States!

"In the case of the South Pole, the land traversed beyond the Pole included an
area as big as North America plus the south polar continent.

"The flying saucers could come from these two unknown lands `beyond the
Poles'. It is the opinion of the editors of "Flying Saucers" magazine that the
existence of these lands cannot be disproved by anyone, considering the facts of
the two expeditions which we have outlined."

If Rear Admiral Byrd claimed that his south polar expedition was "the most
important expedition in the history of the world," and if, after he returned from
the expedition, he remarked, "The present expedition has opened up a new vast
land," it would be strange and inexplicable how such a great discovery of a new
land area as large as North America, comparable to Columbus's discovery of
America, should have received no attention and have been almost totally
forgotten, so that nobody knew about it, from the most ignorant to the most

The only rational explanation of this mystery is after the brief announcement in
the American press based on Admiral Byrd's radio report, further publicity was
suppressed by the Government, in whose employ Byrd was working, and which
had important political reasons why Admiral Byrd's historic discovery should not
be made known to the world. For he had discovered two unknown land areas
measuring a total of 4,000 miles across and probably as large as both the North
and South American continents, since Byrd's planes turned back without reaching
the end of this territory not recorded on any map. Evidently, the United States
Government feared that some other government may learn about Byrd's
discovery and conduct similar flights, going much further into it than Byrd did,
and perhaps claiming this land area as its own.

Commenting on Byrd's statement, made in 1957 shortly before his death, in

which he called the new territory he discovered beyond the Poles "that
enchanted continent in the sky" and "land of everlasting mystery," Palmer says:

"Considering all this, is there any wonder that all the nations of the world
suddenly found the south polar region (particularly) and the north polar region
so intensely interesting and important, and have launched explorations on a
scale actually tremendous in scope?"

Palmer concludes that this new land area that Byrd discovered and which is not
on any map, exists inside and not outside the earth, since the geography of the
outside is quite well known, whereas that of the inside (within the polar
depression) is "unknown." For that reason Byrd called it the "Great Unknown."

After discussing the significance of the use of the term "beyond" the Pole by
Byrd instead of "across" the Pole to the other side of Arctic or Antarctic regions,
Palmer concludes that what Byrd referred to was an unknown land area inside
the polar concavity and connecting with the warmer interior of the Earth, which
accounts for its green vegetation and animal life. It is "unknown" because it is
not on the Earth's outer surface and hence is not recorded on any map. Palmer
writes: "In February of 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd, the one man who has
done the most to make the North Pole a known area, made the following
statement: `I'd like to see the land beyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole
is the center of the Great Unknown'.

"Millions of people read this statement in their daily newspapers. And millions
thrilled at the Admiral's subsequent flight to the Pole and to a point 1,700 miles
beyond it. Millions heard the radio broadcast description of the flight, which was
also published in newspapers.

"What land was it? Look at your map. Calculate the distance from all the known
lands we have previously mentioned (Siberia, Spitzbergen, Alaska, Canada,
Finland, Norway, Greenland and Iceland). A good portion of them are well within
the 1,700 mile range. But none of them are within 200 miles of the Pole. Byrd
flew over no known land. He himself called it `the great unknown.' And great it
is indeed. For after l,700 miles over land, he was forced by gasoline supply
shortage to return, and he had not yet reached the end of it; He should have
been back to `civilization.' But he was not. He should have seen nothing but ice-
covered ocean, or at the very most, partially open ocean. Instead he was over
mountains covered with forest. "Forests! "Incredible! The northernmost limit of
the timber-line is located well down into Alaska, Canada and Siberia. North of
that line, no tree grows! All around the North Pole, the tree does not grow within
1,700 miles of the Pole.

"What have we here? We have the well-authenticated flight of Admiral Richard E.

Byrd to a land beyond the Pole that he so much wanted to see, because it was
the center of the great unknown, the center of mystery. Apparently, he had his
wish gratified to the fullest, yet today, nowhere is this mysterious land
mentioned. Why? Was that 1947 flight fiction? Did all the newspapers lie? Did
the radio from Byrd's plane lie ?

"No, Admiral Byrd did fly beyond the Pole.

"Beyond? "What did the Admiral mean when he used that word? How is it
possible to go `beyond' the Pole? Let us consider for a moment. Let us imagine
that we are transported by some miraculous means to the exact point of the
North Magnetic Pole. We arrive there instantaneously, not knowing from which
direction we came. And all we know is that we are to proceed from the Pole to
Spitzbergen. But where is Spitzbergen? Which way do we go? South of course:
But which South? All directions from the North Pole are south!

"This is actually a simple navigational problem. All expeditions to the Pole,

whether flown, or by submarine, or on foot, have been faced with this problem.
Either they must retrace their steps, or discover which southerly direction is the
correct one to their destination, wherever it has been determined to be. The
problem is solved by making a turn in any direction, and proceeding
approximately 20 miles. Then we stop, measure the stars, correlate with our
compass reading (which no longer points straight down, but toward the North
Magnetic Pole), and plot our course on the map. Then it is a simple matter to
proceed to Spitzbergen by going south.

"Admiral Byrd did not follow this traditional navigational procedure. When he
reached the Pole, he continued for 1, 700 miles. To all intents and purposes, he
continued on a northerly course, after crossing the Pole. And weirdly, it stands
on record that he succeeded, or he would not see that `land beyond the Pole,'
which to this day, if we are to scan the records of newspapers, books. radio,
television and word of mouth, has never been revisited.

"That land, on today's maps, cannot exist. But since it does, we can only
conclude that today's maps are incorrect, incomplete and do not represent a true
picture of the Northern Hemisphere.

"Having thus located a great land mass in the North, not on any map today, a
land which is the center of the great unknown, which can only be construed to
imply that the 1,709 mile extent traversed by Byrd is only a portion of it."

Such an important discovery, which Byrd called "the most important" in the
history of the world, should have been known to everyone, if information about it
was not suppressed to such an extent that it was almost completely forgotten
until Giannini mentioned it in his book "Worlds Beyond the Poles," published in
New York in 1959. Similarly, Giannini's book, for some strange reason, was not
advertised by the publisher and remained unknown.

At the end of the same year, 1959, Ray Palmer, editor of "Flying Saucers"
magazine, gave publicity to Admiral Byrd's discovery, about which he learned in
a copy of Giannini's book he read. He was so much impressed that in December
of that year he published this information in his magazine, which was for sale on
newsstands throughout the United States. Then followed a series of strange
incidents, indicating that secret forces were at work to prevent the information
contained in the December issue of "Flying Saucers" magazine, derived from
Giannini's book, from reaching the public.

Who are these secret forces that have a special reason to suppress the release of
information about Admiral Byrd's great discovery of new land areas not on any
map. Obviously, they are the same forces that suppressed news release of
information, except for a brief press notice, after Byrd made his great discovery
and before Giannini published the first public statement about it in many years,
in 1959, twelve years after the discovery was made.

Palmer's announcement of Byrd's discoveries in the Arctic and Antarctic was the
first large scale publicity since the time they were made and briefly announced,
and so much more significant than Giannini's quotations and statements in his
book that was not properly advertised and enjoyed a limited sale. For this
reason, soon after the December, 1959 issue of "Flying Saucers" was ready to
mail to subscribers and placed on newsstands, it was mysteriously removed from
circulation - evidently by the same secret forces that suppressed the public
release of this information since 1947. When the truck arrived to deliver the
magazines from the printer to the publisher, no magazines were found in the
truck! A phone call by the publisher (Mr. Palmer) to the printer resulted in his not
finding any shipping receipt proving shipment to have been made. The
magazines having been paid for, the publisher asked that the printer return the
plates to the press and run off the copies due. But, strangely, the plates were
not available, and were so badly damaged that no re-printing could be made.

But where were the thousands of magazines that had been printed and
mysteriously disappeared? Why was there no shipping receipt? If it was lost and
the magazines were sent to the wrong address, they would turn up somewhere.
But they did not.

As a result, 5000 subscribers did not get the magazine. One distributor who
received 750 copies to sell on his newsstand was reported missing, and 750
magazines disappeared with him. These magazines were sent to him with the
request that they be returned if not delivered. They did not come back. Since the
magazine disappeared completely, several months later it was republished and
sent to subscribers.

What did this magazine contain that caused it to be suppressed in this manner -
by invisible nd secret forces? It contained a report of Admiral Byrd's flight
beyond the North Pole in 1947, knowledge concerning which was previously
suppressed except for mention of it in Giannini's book, "Worlds Beyond the
Poles." The December, 1959 issue of "Flying Saucers" was obviously considered
as dangerous by the secret forces that had a special reason to withhold this
information from the world and keep it secret. In this issue of "Flying Saucers,"
the following statements were quoted from Giannini's book:

"Since December 12, 1929, U.S. Navy polar expeditions have determined the
existence of indeterminable land extent beyond the Pole points. "On January 13,
1956, as this book was being prepared, a U.S. air unit penetrated to the extent
of 2,300 miles beyond the assumed South Pole end of the earth. That flight was
always over land and water and ice. For very substantial reasons, the memorable
flight received negligible press notice.

"The United States and more than thirty other nations prepared unprecedented
polar expeditions for 1957-1958 to penetrate land now proved to extend beyond
both Pole points. My original disclosure of then unknown land beyond the Poles,
in 1926-1928, was captioned by the press as `more daring than anything Jules
Verne ever conceived' Then Giannini quoted the following statements by Admiral
Byrd we have presented above: "1947: February. `I'd like to see that land
beyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the great unknown.'
- Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, United States Navy, before his seven-hour flight
over land beyond the North Pole. "1956: January 13. `On January 13, members
of the United States expedition accomplished a flight of 2,700 miles from the
base at McMurdo Sound, which is 400 miles west of the South Pole, and
penetrated a land extent of 2,300 miles beyond the Pole.' - Radio
announcement, confirmed by press of February 5.

"1956: March 13. `The present expedition has opened up a vast new land' -
Admiral Byrd, after returning from the Land beyond the South Pole.
"1857: `That enchanting continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery' -
Admiral Byrd." No attention was given by the scientific world to Giannini's book.
The strange and revolutionary geographical theory it presented was ignored as
eccentric rather than scientific. Yet Admiral Byrd's statements only make sense if
some such conception of the existence of "land beyond the Poles," as Giannini
claimed to exist, is accepted. Giannini writes:

"There is no physical end of the Earth's northern and southern extremities. The
Earth cannot be circumnavigated north and south within the meaning of the
word, `circumnavigate.' However, certain `round the world' flights have
contributed to the popular misconception that the Earth has been
circumnavigated north and south. "`Over the North Pole,' with return to the
North Temperate Zone areas, without turning around, can never be
accomplished because there is no northern end of the Earth. The same
conditions hold true for the South Pole.

"The existence of worlds beyond the Poles has been confirmed by United States
Naval exploration during the past thirty years. The confirmation is substantial.
The world's eldest explorer, Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd commanded the
government's memorable expedition into that endless land beyond the South
Pole. Prior to his departure from San Francisco he delivered the momentous
radio announcement, `This is the most important expedition in the history of the
world.' The subsequent January 13, 1956 penetration of land beyond the Pole to
the extent of 2,300 miles proved that the Admiral had not been exaggerating."

Commenting on Giannini's statements about the impossibility of going straight

north, over the North Pole and reaching the other side of the world, which would
be the case if the Earth was convex, rather than concave, at the Pole, Palmer
writes in his magazine, "Flying Saucers:"

"Many of the readers stated that commercial flights continually cross the Pole
and fly to the opposite side of the Earth. This is not true, and though the Airline
officials themselves, when asked, might say that they do, it is not literally true.
They do make navigational maneuvers which automatically eliminate a flight
beyond the Pole in a straight line, in every sense. Ask the pilots of these polar
flights. And when they come to the exact point, name one trans-polar flight on
which you can buy a ticket which actually crosses the North Pole.

"Examining the route of flights across the North Polar area we always find that
they go around the Pole or to the side of it and never directly across it. This is
strange. Surely a flight advertised as passing directly over the North Pole would
attract many passengers who would like to have that experience. Yet, strangely,
no airline offers such a flight. Their air routes always pass on one side of the
Pole. Why? Is it not possible that if they went straight across the Pole, instead of
landing on the opposite side of the Earth, the plane would go to that land
beyond the Pole, `the center of the Great Unknown', as Admiral Byrd called it?"

Palmer suggests that such an expedition that travels directly north and continues
north after reaching the North Pole point (which he believes is in the center of
the polar concavity and not on solid land at all) should be organized, retracing
Admiral Byrd's route and continuing onward in the same direction, until the
hollow interior of the earth is reached. This, apparently, was never done, in spite
of the fact that the United States Navy, in its archives, has a record of Admiral
Byrd's flights and discoveries. Perhaps the reason for this is that the new
geographical conception of the Earth's formation in the polar regions, which is
necessary to accept before the true significance of Admiral Byrd's findings can be
appreciated, was not held by Navy chiefs, who, as a result, put the matter aside
and forgot about it.

The above statement by Palmer that commercial airlines do not pass over the
North Pole seems reasonable in the light of new Soviet discoveries in relation to
the North Magnetic Pole, which was found not to be a point but a long line,
which we believe is a circular line, constituting the rim of the polar concavity, so
that any point on this circle could be called the North Magnetic Pole, because
here the needle of the compass dips directly downward. If this is the case, then
it would be impossible for airplanes to cross the North Pole, which is in the
center of the polar depression and not on the Earth's surface, as according to the
theory of a solid Earth and convex formation on the Pole. When airplanes believe
they reached the North Pole, according to compass readings, they really reach
the rim of the polar concavity, where is the true North Magnetic Pole.

Referring to Giannini's book, Palmer comments:

"The strange book written by Giannini has offered the one possibility by which it
can definitely be proved that the Earth is shaped strangely at the North Pole, as
we believe it to be at the South Pole, not necessarily with a hole all the way
through, but like a doughnut which has swelled so much in cooking that the hole
is only a deep depression at each end, or like a gigantic auto tire mounted on a
solid hub with recessed hub caps.

"No human being has ever flown directly over the North Pole and continued
straight on. Your editor thinks it should be done and done immediately. We have
the planes to do it. Your editor wants to know for sure whether such a flight
would wind up in any of the countries surrounding the North Pole, necessarily
exactly opposite the starting point. Navigation is not to be made by the compass
or by triangulation on existing maps, but solely by gyro compass on an
undeviated straight course from the moment of take-off to the moment of
landing. And not only a gyro compass in a horizontal plane, but one in a vertical
plane also (after one enters the polar opening). There must be a positive forward
motion which cannot be disputed.

"Everyone knows that a horizontal gyro compass, such as used now, causes a
plane to continually gain in elevation as the Earth curves away below it, as it
progresses. Now, according to our theory of polar depression, this would mean
that when a plane enters into this depression, the gyro compass should show a
much greater gain in elevation than should otherwise be the case, due to the
Earth's curving inward at the North Pole. Now, if the plane continues in a
northerly course, this gain in altitude will continue the further it goes; and if the
plane tries to maintain the same altitude, it will curve into the hollow interior of
the earth."

The following statements by Giannini, written in a letter to an inquirer, who read

about him in Palmer's "Flying Saucers" magazine, are interesting:

"The author was extended courtesy by the New York office of U.S. Naval
Research, to transmit a radio message of godspeed to Rear Admiral Richard
Evelyn Byrd, U.S.N., at his Arctic base in February, 1947.

"At that time the late Rear Admiral Byrd announced through the press, `I'd like
to see the land beyond the Pole. That land beyond the Pole is the center of the
great unknown.' Subsequently, Admiral Byrd and a naval task force executed a
seven hour flight of 1,700 miles over land extending beyond the theorized North
Pole `end' of the Earth.

"In January, 1947, prior to the flight, this author was enabled to sell a series of
newspaper features to an international feature syndicate only because of this
author's assurance to the syndicate director that Byrd would in fact go beyond
the imaginary North Pole point.

"As a result of the author's prior knowledge of the then commonly unknown land
extending beyond the pole points, and after the syndicated features had been
released to the press, the author was investigated by the office of the U. S.
Naval Intelligence. That Intelligence investigation was due to the fact of Byrd's
definite confirmation of the author's revolutionary theories. "Later, in March,
1958, the author delivered a radio address in Missouri, expressing the
importance of the discovery of land beyond the imaginary North Pole and South
Pole points of archaic theory. "

Speaking of the reports of Admiral Byrd's February 1947 flight beyond the North
Pole, which appeared in New York newspapers, Giannini comments: "These
accounts described Byrd's 1,700 mile flight of seven hours over land and fresh
water lakes BEYOND the assumptive North Pole `end' of the Earth. And the
dispatches were intensified until a strict censorship was imposed from
Washington." Another American writer on flying saucers, Michael X, was
impressed by Byrd's discoveries, and came to the conclusion that flying saucers
must come from an advanced civilization in the Earth's interior, whose outer
fringes Byrd visited. He describes Byrd's trip as follows:

"There was a strange valley below them. For some strange reason the valley
Byrd saw was not ice-covered, as it should have been. It was green and
luxuriant. There were mountains with thick forests of trees on them, and there
was lush grass and underbrush. Most amazingly, a huge animal was observed
moving through the underbrush. In a land of ice, snow and almost perpetual
`deep freeze,' this was a stupendous mystery. "When Admiral Byrd went into
this unknown country, into `the center of the great unknown,' where was he? In
the light of the theory of Marshall Gardner, he was at the very doorway that
leads to the earth's interior and which lies beyond the Pole. "Both Alaska and
Canada have had much more of their share of sightings of flying saucers in
recent months. Why? Is there some connection with the `land beyond the Pole' -
that unknown territory inside the earth? "There must be a connection. If the
flying saucers enter and leave the earth's interior by way of the polar openings, it
is natural that they would be seen by Alaskans and Canadians much more
frequently than they would be by people in other parts of the world. Alaska is
close to the North Pole and so is Canada."

The above observations of a concentration of flying saucers in the Arctic region

corresponds to similar observations by Jarrold and Bender of a concentration in
the Antarctic, where they are believed by flying saucer experts to have a landing
base, from where they are seen to ascend and return. However, according to the
theory of this book, what really occurs, in the Antarctic as in the Arctic, is that
the flying saucers emerge from and reenter the polar opening leading to the
hollow interior of the Earth, their true place of origin.

Aime Michel, in his `straight line' theory, proved that most of the flight patterns
of the flying saucers are in a north-south direction, which is exactly what would
be true if their origin was polar, coming from either the north or south polar

In February 1947, about the time when Admiral Byrd made his great discovery of
land beyond the North Pole, another remarkable discovery was made in the
continent of Antarctica, the discovery of "Bunger's Oasis." This discovery was
made by Lt. Commander David Bunger who was at the controls of one of six
large transport planes used by Admiral Byrd for the U. S. Navy's `Operation
Highjump' (1946-1947). Bunger was flying inland from the Shackleton Ice Shelf
near Queen Mary Coast of Wilkes Land. He and his crew were about four miles
from the coastline where open water lies.
The land Bunger discovered was ice-free. The lakes were of many different
colors, ranging from rusty red, green to deep blue. Each of the lakes was more
than three miles long. The water was warmer than the ocean, as Bunger found
by landing his seaplane on one of the lakes. Each lake had a gently sloping

Around the four edges of the oasis, which was roughly square in shape, Bunger
saw endless and eternal white snow and ice. Two sides of the oasis rose nearly a
hundred feet high, and consisted of great ice walls. The other two sides had a
more gradual and gentle slope.

The existence of such an oasis in the far Antarctic, a land of perpetual ice, would
indicate warmer conditions there, which would exist if the oasis was in the south
polar opening, leading to the warmer interior of the earth, as was the case with
the warmer territory, with land and lakes, that Admiral Byrd discovered beyond
the North Pole, which was probably within the north polar opening. Otherwise
one cannot explain the existence of such an oasis of unfrozen territory in the
midst of the continent of Antarctica with ice miles thick. The oasis could not
result from volcanic activity below the Earth's surface, for, since the land area of
the oasis covered three hundred square miles, it was too big to be affected by
volcanic heat supply. Warm wind currents from the Earth's interior are a better

Thus Byrd in the Arctic and Bunger in the Antarctic both made similar discoveries
of warmer land areas beyond the Poles at about the same time, early in 1947.
But they were not the only ones to make such a discovery. Some time ago a
newspaper in Toronto, Canada, "The Globe and Mail," published a photo of a
green valley taken by an aviator in the Arctic region. Evidently the aviator took
the picture from the air and did not attempt to land. It was a beautiful valley and
contained rolling green hills. The aviator must have gone beyond the North Pole
into the same warmer territory that Admiral Byrd visited, which lies inside the
polar opening. This picture was published in 1960.

In further confirmation of Admiral Byrd's discovery are reports of individuals who

claimed they had entered the north polar opening, as many Arctic explorers did
without knowing they did, and penetrated far enough into it to reach the
Subterranean World in the hollow interior of the Earth. Dr. Nephi Cottom of Los
Angeles reported that one of his patients, a man of Nordic descent, told him the
following story:

"I lived near the Arctic Circle in Norway. One summer my friend and I made up
our minds to take a boat trip together, and go as far as we could into the north
country. So we put one month's food provisions in a small fishing boat, and with
sail and also a good engine in our boat, we set to sea.

"At the end of one month we had traveled far into the north, beyond the Pole
and into a strange new country. We were much astonished at the weather there.
Warm, and at times at night it was almost too warm to sleep. (Arctic explorers
who penetrated into the far north have made similar reports of warm weather, at
times warm enough to make them shed their heavy clothing - Author). Then we
saw something so strange that we both were astonished. Ahead of the warm
open sea we were on what looked like a great mountain. Into that mountain at a
certain point the ocean seemed to be emptying. Mystified, we continued in that
direction and found ourselves sailing into a vast canyon leading into the interior
of the Earth. We kept sailing and then we saw what surprised us - a sun shining
inside the earth!

"The ocean that had carried us into the hollow interior of the Earth gradually
became a river. This river led, as we came to realize later, all through the inner
surface of the world from one end to the other. It can take you, if you follow it
long enough, from the North Pole clear through to the South Pole.

"We saw that the inner surface of the earth was divided, as the other one is, into
both land and water. There is plenty of sunshine and both animal and vegetable
life abounds there. We sailed further and further into this fantastic country,
fantastic because everything was huge in size as compared with things on the
outside. Plants are big, trees gigantic and finally we came to GIANTS. "They
were dwelling in homes and towns, just as we do on the Earth's surface. And
they used a type of electrical conveyance like a mono-rail car, to transport
people. It ran along the river's edge from town to town. "Several of the inner
earth inhabitants - huge giants - detected our boat on the river, and were quite
amazed. They were, however, quite friendly. We were invited to dine with them
in their homes, and so my companion and I separated, he going with one giant
to that giant's home and I going with another giant to his home.

"My gigantic friend brought me home to his family, and I was completely
dismayed to see the huge size of all the objects in his home. The dinner table
was colossal. A plate was put before me and filled with a portion of food so big it
would have fed me abundantly an entire week. The giant offered me a cluster of
grapes and each grape was as big as one of our peaches. I tasted one and found
it far sweeter than any I had ever tasted `outside.' In the interior of the Earth all
the fruits and vegetables taste far better and more flavorsome than those we
have on the outer surface of the Earth.

"We stayed with the giants for one year, enjoying their companionship as much
as they enjoyed knowing us. We observed many strange and unusual things
during our visit with these remarkable people, and were continually amazed at
their scientific progress and inventions. All of this time they were never
unfriendly to us, and we were allowed to return to our own home in the same
manner in which we came - in fact, they courteously offered their protection it
we should need it for the return voyage."

These giants were evidently members of the antediluvian race of Atlanteans who
established residence in the Earth's interior prior to the historic deluge that
submerged their Atlantic continent. A similar experience of a visit to the hollow
interior of the earth, through the polar opening, and entirely independently, was
made by another Norwegian named Olaf Jansen and recorded in the book, "The
Smoky God," written by Willis George Emerson, an American writer. The book is
based on a report made by Jansen to Mr. Emerson before his death, describing
his real experience of visiting the interior of the earth and its inhabitants. The
title, "The Smoky God," refers to the central sun in the hollow interior of the
Earth, which, being smaller and less brilliant than our sun, appears as "smoky."
The book relates the true experience of a Norse father and son, who, with their
small fishing boat and unbounded courage, attempted to find "the land beyond
the north wind," as they had heard of its warmth and beauty. An extraordinary
windstorm carried them most of the distance, through the polar opening into the
hollow interior of the Earth. They spent two years there and returned through
the south polar opening. The father lost his life when an iceberg broke in two
and destroyed the boat. The son was rescued and subsequently spent 24 years
in prison for insanity, as a result of telling the story of his experience to
incredulous people.

When he was finally released, he told the story to no one. After 26 years as a
fisherman, he saved enough money to come to the United States and settled in
Illinois, and later in California. In his nineties, by accident, the novelist Willis
George Emerson befriended him and was told the story. On the old man's death
he relinquished the maps that he had made of the interior of the Earth, and the
manuscript describing his experiences. He refused to show it to anyone while he
was alive, due to his past experience of people disbelieving him and considering
him insane if he mentioned the subject.

The book, "The Smoky God," describing Olaf Jansen's unusual trip to the hollow
interior of the Earth, was published in 1908. It tells about the people who dwell
inside the Earth, whom he and his father met during their visit and whose
language he learned. He said that they live from 400 to 800 years and are highly
advanced in science. They can transmit their thoughts from one to another by
certain types of radiations and have sources of power greater than our

They are the creators of the flying saucers, which are operated by this superior
power, drawn from the electromagnetism of the atmosphere. They are twelve or
more feet in stature. It is remarkable how this report of a visit to the Earth's
interior corresponds with the other described above, yet both were entirely
independent of each other. Also the gigantic size of the human beings dwelling in
the Earth's interior corresponds to the great size of its animal life, as observed by
Admiral Byrd, who, during his 1,700 mile flight beyond the North Pole, observed
a strange animal resembling the ancient mammoth.

We shall present later in this book the theory of Marshall Gardner that the
mammoths found enclosed in ice, rather than being prehistoric animals, are
really huge animals from the Earth's interior who were carried to the surface by
rivers and frozen in the ice that was formed by the water that carried them.

Chapter II

Before Columbus discovered America, belief in the existence of a New World

across the Atlantic, in the form of a western continent, was considered as the
dream of a madman. Equally strange, in our own time, is the belief in the
existence of a New World, a Subterranean World, in the hollow interior of the
Earth, and which is as unknown to present humanity as the American continent
was to Europeans prior to its discovery by Columbus. Yet there is no reason why
it, too, may not be discovered and its existence established as a fact. Arnoldo de
Azevedo, in his "Physical Geography," wrote as follows about the mysterious
world below our feet, concerning which scientists know nothing beyond a few
miles in profundity, entertaining only theories, hypotheses and conjectures to
hide their ignorance: "We have below, our feet an immense region whose radius
is 6,290 kilometers, which is completely unknown, challenging the conceit and
competence of scientists."

This statement is absolutely true. Scientists to date have penetrated only a few
miles inside the earth, and what lies further down they know nothing about,
depending only on conjectures, guesses and suppositions. Many of the
commonly accepted theories and beliefs about the Earth's interior do not rest on
any scientific basis, and seem to originate in the old ecclesiastical idea of hellfire
in the center of the Earth, which is so much like the belief of scientists that the
core of the Earth is a mass of fire and molten metal. Yet the scientific belief rests
on no more positive evidence than the religious one. Both are merely
suppositions without an iota of proof.

The belief in the Earth having a fiery center probably arose from the fact that the
deeper one penetrates into the Earth, the warmer it gets. But it is a far-fetched
assumption to suppose that this increase of temperature continues until the
center of the Earth. There is no evidence to support this view. It is more
probable that the increase of temperature continues only until we reach the level
where volcanic lava and earthquakes originate, probably due to the existence of
much radioactive substances there. But after we pass through this layer of
maximum heat, there is no reason why it should not get cooler and cooler as we
get nearer and nearer to the Earth's center. The total surface of the Earth is 197
million square miles and its estimated weight is six sextillion tons. If the Earth
was a solid sphere, its weight would be much greater. This is one among other
scientific evidences of the fact that the Earth has a hollow interior. The author
believes that the truest conception of the structure of the Earth is based on the
idea that when it was in a molten state during its formation, centrifugal force
caused the heavier substances to be thrown outward, toward its periphery, in
the form of rocks and metals, to form its outer crust, leaving its interior hollow,
with openings at the poles, where centrifugal force was less and where there
was less tendency to throw materials outward, which was greater at the equator,
causing the bulging of the earth in this region. It has been estimated that as a
result of the Earth's rotation on its axis during its formative state, polar
depressions and openings thus formed would measure about 1,400 miles in

Also, we shall present below evidence to indicate that some of the original fire
and incandescent materials remained in the center of the Earth to form a central
sun, much smaller, of course, than our sun, but capable of emitting light and
supporting plant growth. We shall also see that the Aurora Borealis or streaming
lights that illuminate the Arctic sky at night come from this central sun whose
rays shine through the polar opening. Thus, if the Earth was originally a ball of
fire and molten metal, some of this fire remained in its center, while centrifugal
force as a result of its rotation on its axis caused its solid matter to be thrown
toward the surface, forming a solid crust and leaving its interior hollow, with a
fiery ball in its center, forming the central sun, which provides illumination for
plant, animal and human life.

The first one to present the theory of the earth being hollow with openings at its
poles was an American thinker, William Reed, author of the book, "Phantom of
the Poles," published in 1906. This book provides the first compilation of
scientific evidence, based on the reports of Arctic explorers, in support of the
theory that the Earth is hollow with openings at its poles. Reed estimates that
the crust of the Earth has a thickness of 800 miles, while its hollow interior has a
diameter of 6,400 miles. Reed summarizes his revolutionary theory as follows:
"The earth is hollow. The Poles, so long sought, are phantoms. There are
openings at the northern and southern extremities. In the interior are vast
continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Vegetable and animal life are evident
in this New World, and it is probably peopled by races unknown to dwellers on
the Earth's surface."

Reed pointed out that the Earth is not a true sphere, but is flattened at the
Poles, or rather it begins to flatten out as one approaches the hypothetical North
and South Pole, which really do not exist because the openings to its hollow
interior occur there. Hence the Poles are really in midair, in the center of the
polar openings and are not on its surface as would-be discoverers of the Poles

Reed claims that the Poles cannot be discovered because the Earth is hollow at
its Pole points, which exist in midair, due to the existence there of polar openings
leading to its interior. When explorers thought they reached the Pole, they were
misled by the eccentric behavior of the compass in high latitudes, north and
south. Reed claims that this happened in the case of Peary and Cook, neither of
whom really reached the North Pole, as we shall see in later pages.

Starting at 70 to 75 degrees north and south latitude the Earth starts to curve
IN. The Pole is simply the outer rim of a magnetic circle around the polar
opening. The North Magnetic Pole, once thought to be a point in the Arctic
Archipelago, has been lately shown by Soviet Arctic explorers to be a line
approximately 1000 miles long. However, as we stated above, instead of being a
straight line it is really a circular line constituting the rim of the polar opening.
When an explorer reaches this rim, he has reached the North Magnetic Pole; and
though the compass will always point to it after one passes it, it is really not the
North Pole even if one is deluded into thinking it is, or that he discovered the
Pole due to having been misled by his compass.

When one reaches this magnetic circle (the rim of the polar opening), the
magnetic needle of the compass points straight down. This has been observed
by many Arctic explorers who, after reaching high latitudes, near to 90 degrees,
were dumbfounded by the inexplicable action of the compass and its tendency to
point vertically upward. (They were then inside the polar opening and the
compass pointed to the Earth's North Magnetic Pole which was along the rim of
this opening. As the Earth turns on its axis, the motion is gyroscopic, like the
spinning of a top. The outer gyroscopic pole is the magnetic circle of the rim of
the polar opening. Beyond the rim the Earth flattens and slopes gradually toward
its hollow interior. The true Pole is the exact center of the opening at the Poles,
which, consequently, do not really exist, and those who claimed to have
discovered them did not tell the truth, even if they thought they did, having been
misled by the irregular action of the compass at high latitudes. For this reason,
neither Cook nor Peary nor any other explorer ever reached the North or South
Poles, and never will.

A very interesting article on the above subject appeared in the March 1962 issue
of "Flying Saucers" magazine, written by its editor, Ray Palmer, who believes
that flying saucers come from the hollow interior of the Earth through its polar
openings. The article is entitled, "THE NORTH POLE - RUSSIAN STYLE. " It
describes remarkable discoveries made by Russian Arctic explorers, which
confirm the theory of a hollow earth and polar openings, as do the observations
of Arctic explorers to which we shall refer below. The article bears the following

"More Evidence of Mystery Lands at the Poles - Two Hundred Years of

Exploration Have Given the Russians a New Concept of the Pole and Render all
Previous Geographies Obsolete - Here are Indisputable Geophysical Facts!" We
shall now quote from this article: "Many readers will remember the articles we
have published giving our theories that there is something mysterious about
each polar area of the Earth. We have suggested that there is much more "area"
at both poles than it is possible to show on a globe map. We have pointed out
Admiral Byrd's strange flights `beyond' the poles. We have mentioned the case
of missing mountains and different branches of the military discounting the
mapping ability of the other. We have even suggested that the Earth is hollow,
and that giant 2,100 mile openings exist at the poles, and there is much
evidence of the existence of these openings. We have pointed out that there is a
great deal of secrecy and double-talk about the Arctic and Antarctic areas. We
have even suggested that the flying saucers might come from this mystery area,
or from inside the Earth.

"One of the things we have been most insistent about is that no one has yet
been to the North Pole, all claims to having done so being false, because the
Pole is not a `point,' and cannot be `reached' in the accepted sense of the word.
"We have successfully challenged those military and civilian pilots who have
claimed that they fly `daily' over the North Pole. In the case of the military flyer
we have pointed out the maneuver which is standard, which automatically makes
it impossible for him to fly `beyond' the Pole by flying straight across it. (That is,
across the polar opening, instead of going into it - Author.) Because of
navigating difficulties stemming from compasses of all kinds" "A `lost' flier
(whose compass doesn't work as it should) regains his bearings by making a turn
in any direction, until his compasses again resume function. In the case of
commercial airlines, whose advertising boast is that they fly twice daily over the
Pole, they are simply stretching the truth by 2,300 miles.

(They simply cross over the magnetic rim of the polar opening, where the
compass registers the highest degree north, but do not actually reach the North
Pole, which is the central point of the polar opening inside this rim - Author.)
"We have available, in the form of records of several hundred years, in Russian
archives, a history of Arctic exploration which proves our most important point
beyond further question: i.e., that the North Magnetic Pole is not a point, but
(deduce the Russians) a `line' approximately 1000 miles long. Before we go
further, we might suggest that we think they are wrong in this deduction, and
that instead of being a line, it is actually a circle. Because of lack of space to
place it on the globe, the Russians have been forced to compress their
observations into a two dimensional area. They had to squeeze the circle from
two sides and make a line out of it. We'd like to give you now a resume of that
single point of Russian exploration, which actually covers much more than just

"Here is what the Russians say: Navigators in the high latitudes have always
been troubled by the odd behavior of their magnetic compasses caused by
apparent irregularities and asymmetries in the magnetic field of the Earth. Early
magnetic maps have been drawn on this assumption, based on hopeful guesses,
that the North Magnetic Pole is virtually a point. Accordingly, it was expected
that the compass needle, which dips more steeply as it approaches the Magnetic
Pole, would point straight down, or very nearly so, at the Magnetic Pole itself.
But data from many Russian and other expeditions showed that the compass
needle points straight down, or nearly so, at the Magnetic Pole itself. But data
from many Russian and other expeditions showed that the compass needle
points straight down for a very long distance across the Arctic Ocean, from a
point northwest of the Taimyr Peninsula to another point in the Arctic
Archipelago. This discovery first inspired the hypothesis that there is a second
North Magnetic Pole, tentatively located at 86 degrees East longitude. More
refined observation has disposed of this idea. The map of the magnetic field now
shows the magnetic meridians running close together in a thick bunch of lines
from the North Magnetic Pole in the Arctic Archipelago to Siberia.

The North Magnetic Pole, once thought to be virtually a point in the Arctic
Archipelago, has been shown by recent investigations to extend across the polar
basin to the Taimyr Penninsula in Siberia.

"The `Pole,' magnetically speaking, is a very extended area that crosses the
Polar Basin from one continent to the other. It is at least 1,000 miles long, and
more likely can be said to exist as a rather diffused line for 1,000 miles more. (It
is really not a point in the far north, but is the rim of the polar opening, since
after Admiral Byrd passed it and entered the polar opening leading to the Earth's
interior, he left the Arctic ice and snow behind and entered a warmer territory -
Author. ) Thus when Admiral Peary (and any other Arctic explorer who used a
magnetic compass) claims to have `reached' the Pole, he is making a very vague
claim indeed. He can only say that he reached a point, which can be anywhere in
a demonstrable 2,000 mile area (the magnetic rim of the polar opening), where
his compass pointed straight down. A noteworthy achievement, but not a
`discovery of the Pole.'

"Since other types of compass, such as the gyroscopic and the inertial guidance,
have equally vague limitations, we make bold to say that nobody ever reached
the Pole, and more, there is not a `Pole' to reach.
"Next, having found themselves stumped to account for the strange behavior of
the compass in the Polar Basin, the theorists have turned to space and the upper
atmosphere and even to the sun for an explanation of what is happening to their
instruments. Now the Pole has become `the interaction of the magnetic field
with charged particles from the sun.' "More significant are the unfavorable
references to former cartographers whose maps are now `thick clouds congealed
in the imagination of cartographers as land masses.' The Navy, as an example,
feels a bit put out when the Army says their missing South Pole mountains were
never there, because the Army cannot find them by their own confused
reckoning based on a magnetic pole which `isn't there at all.' We find now that
new land areas are `discovered' and old maps tossed out because the lands they
show are not there any more. (This confusion is due to the irregular action of the
compass in the far north due to the fact that the North Magnetic Pole is not a
point as former cartographers supposed, but a circle around the rim of the polar
opening - Author.) "This brings us to the subject of `mystery lands' of great
extent in the polar areas, which cannot possibly be placed on our globe without
overlapping seriously in impossible ways...Could it be here where the flying
saucers originate?"

It is well known that the North and South Magnetic Poles do not coincide with
the geographical poles, as they should were the Earth a solid sphere, convex at
its poles. The reason why the magnetic and geographical poles don't coincide is
because, while the magnetic pole lies along the rim of the polar opening, the
geographical pole lies in its center, in midair and not on solid land. As we shall
see below, the true magnetic pole is not on the external rim of the polar opening
but the center of the Earth's crust, which should be about 400 miles below the
surface, and running around the polar opening. For this reason the needle of the
compass still continues to point vertically downward after one passes the rim of
the polar opening and penetrates into it. Only after passing its center would the
needle of the compass start pointing upward instead of downward, but in either
case, after reaching the rim of the polar opening, the compass no longer
functions horizontally, as previously, but vertically. This has been observed by all
Arctic explorers who reached high latitudes and puzzled them.

The only explanation is provided on the conception of a hollow earth and polar
openings, with the magnetic pole and center of gravity in the middle of the
Earth's crust, and not in its geometrical center. As a result, ocean water on the
inside of the crust adheres to its inner surface just as it does on the outside. We
may calculate the Earth's magnetic pole and center of gravity as a circular line
around the polar opening, but in its middle, about 400 miles from the Earth's

In support of the above conception regarding the magnetic pole being situated in
the rim of the polar opening, Palmer refers to the following facts: Between each
magnetic pole around the Earth pass magnetic meridians. In contrast with
geographical meridians, which measure longitude, the magnetic meridians move
from east to west and back again. The difference between the geographical
meridians, or true north and south, and the direction in which a magnetic
compass points, or the magnetic meridian of the place, is called the declination.
The first observation made was in London in 1580 and showed an easterly
declination of 11 degrees. In 1815 the declination reached 24. 3 degrees
westerly maximum. This makes a difference of 35. 3 degrees change in 235
years, which is equal to 2,118 miles. Now if we make a circle around the Pole,
with a radius of 1,059 miles, so that it is 2,118 miles in diameter, this would
represent the rim of the polar opening along which, in this case, the North
Magnetic Pole traveled from one point to its diametrically opposite point on the
circle, 2,118 miles away, in 235 years.

This is the reason why the magnetic pole and the geographical pole do not
coincide. The geographical pole is an extension of the Earth's axis and since this
runs through the center of the polar opening, it exists in empty space - hence
can never be "discovered" by any explorer, since it is not on solid land. According
to Marshall Gardner, the rim of the polar opening, which is the true magnetic
pole, is a large circle 1,400 miles in diameter. It is so large that when explorers
pass it, as many did, the slope is so gradual that they never know they are
entering the interior of the Earth, but imagine they are on the surface. The
magnetic pole can therefore be any point on the circle of the magnetic rim of the
polar opening. On this point, Palmer says: "The focal point, or the actual
`pinpoint' of the magnetic pole exists on only one portion of the circumference
of that circle at a time, and moves progressively around the circle in a definite
`orbit' that takes some 235 years. This would make the magnetic pole travel
approximately 18 miles per year. "Military and civilian flights `over the Pole' can
be made daily without producing the slightest evidence of the vast hole in the
Earth, whose perimeter they circumscribe, no matter what they ASSUME in their
navigational procedure, due to the original error in assumption that what they
are passing over is a POINT and not a vast CIRCUMFERENCE which they touch at
only one place, and then immediately deviate away from its natural curve
because they are traveling in a straight line." If the Earth was a solid sphere,
with two poles at the end of its axis, being a magnet, its magnetic poles would
coincide with its geographical poles. The fact that they do not is inexplicable on
the basis of the theory that it is a solid sphere. The explanation becomes clear
when we assume the existence of polar openings, with magnetic poles along the
circular rim of these openings, rather than at a fixed point.

Palmer quotes a significant statement by Russian Arctic explorers who say:

"Exploration and research have shown that an enormous area of the Earth's
surface and correspondingly *large realms of the unknown* may be brought
within the compass of human understanding in a very few years." This statement
by the Russians sounds remarkably similar to Admiral Byrd's statements about
the trans-Arctic region being "the center of the Great Unknown." Could it be that
the Russians know about Admiral Byrd's discovery of "a vast new territory"
beyond the Pole? Palmer comments on this Russian statement as follows:

"This is truly a stupendous sentence. Contemplate what it actually says. It says

that not only exploration, but also `research' have shown that enormous regions
of the Earth's surface AND correspondingly (this word is significant) large realms
of the UNKNOWN may be brought within the compass of UNDERSTANDING of
human beings in a very few years. In plain words, in addition to areas we can
understand and investigate by exploration, there are large realms which have to
be brought to human understanding by means of research.


do exist, and it `MAY BE' that we will discover and comprehend them in a very
few years. In plain words, in addition to areas we can understand and
investigate by exploration, there are large realms which have to be brought to
human understanding by means of research.

"In the next few sentences (of the Russians) we find that there is much
`prospect for development' in a Polar Basin which, by present concepts, is
nothing but frozen ocean. What is it that is such a great prospect for
development? Ice cubes for our tea? No, there must be very much more
interesting possibilities, the kind of possibilities that entail large land masses of
an unknown area yet to be explored and developed." Palmer quotes the Russians
as saying: "As recently as 30 years ago more than half the total area of the Polar
Basin was unexplored, and 16 per cent was still terra incognita only 15 years
ago. Today, disappointing as this may be to young geographers, the area of
blank spots on the map of the Polar Basin has shrunk to almost nothing. At the
same time, to the regret of the older explorers and the understandable pleasure
of the younger ones, there are still blank spots elsewhere in the Arctic. The
ocean, the air and the ionosphere still hold many mysteries."

Palmer comments on this Russian statement: "We learn that the blank spots on
the map of the Polar Basin have shrunk to almost nothing. In the next breath we
find that there are still blank spots ELSEWHERE in the Arctic. Where else? The
ocean, the air and the ionosphere, they say, still hold many mysteries.
Particularly the ocean, in the UNKNOWN extent of which exist vast land masses
so far not only beyond our ability to place on our maps, but beyond our ability to

"We might say all this is double talk. We might also say secrets are being kept.
But we won't The fact is that neither is true. It is STRAIGHT talk, the only kind of
talk we can expect from anyone who is trying to tell something, but cannot
because it is, as yet, beyond his understanding. To say definitely that there are
large land masses inside an area commonly called a `point' is to be faced with a
challenge to demonstrate and prove. Since this cannot be done, the speaker is
left rather helpless to do more than hint vaguely at mysteries.

"It is up to the opponents of the `Mystery Land at the Pole' theory to disprove it,
or prove their own - and their own has been irrevocably demolished by the
scientists and explorers of the two greatest nations on earth. What we have
presented is not a theory - but the cumulative result of hundreds of years of
exploration, culminated by the geophysical year [1957] which established the
information we have given you as the `new concept of geomagnetism in the
Polar Basin.'

"The mystery is at last coming to the fore, and the scoffers are at last silenced.
Let us all work together to dig out the truth about this mystery that is so
engrossing, and so important to mankind. What is it that exists at both Poles of
the earth, which opens to us new frontiers so vast in extent and nature as to be
beyond present understanding? It may well be that exploration of space is far
less important than the exploration of our own mysterious planet, which has now
suddenly become a `vast realm' far larger than we ever dreamed it to be."

The theory of a hollow earth with openings at the poles was originated by
William Reed in 1906, when he first presented it in his book, "Phantom of the
Poles." Fourteen years later, in 1920, another American writer, Marshall B.
Gardner, published a book entitled "A Journey to the Earth's Interior or Have The
Poles Really Been Discovered?" Apparently he knew nothing about Reed's book,
since he did not mention it in his bibliography, which was quite extensive and
included most of the important books on Arctic exploration, which he quoted in
support of this theory of a hollow earth.

Gardner, in his book, presents the same conception o! the Earth's structure as
Reed did, claiming that it is hollow, with openings at its Poles, but he differs from
Reed in that he believes in the existence of a central sun which is the source of
the aurora borealis. In the diagrams of his book, Gardner depicts the Earth as
having circular openings at its poles; and the ocean water, which flows through
these openings, adheres to the solid crust, both above and below, since the
center of gravity of the Earth, according to his theory, resides in the middle of
this solid portion and not in its hollow interior. For this reason, if a ship travels
through the polar opening and reaches the Earth's interior, it would continue to
sail in a reversed position on the inside of the crust, just as, at night, we are
below the Earth's surface held to it by gravity.

Gardner's book, which is now out of print and very rare, seeming to have met
the fate of other writings on this subject by being lost and forgotten and its
message unknown to the world at present, has many interesting diagrams, some
of which we are reproducing. We quote his description of these diagrams:

l. "Showing the Earth bisected centrally through the polar openings and at right
angles to the Equator, giving a clear view of the central sun and interior
continents and oceans. (Reproduced from a working model, made by the author
in 1912.) 2. "The Earth as it would appear if viewed from space, showing the
north polar opening to the Earth's interior, which is hollow and contains a central
sun instead of an ocean of liquid lava." 3. "Diagram showing the Earth as a
hollow sphere with its polar openings and central sun.

The letters at the top and bottom of the diagram indicate the various steps of an
imaginary journey through the planet's interior. At the point marked `D' we
catch our first glimpse of the corona of the central sun. At the point marked `E'
we can see the central sun in its entirety." Gravitational pull is strongest around
the curve from the exterior to the interior of the Earth. A 150 pound man would
probably weigh 300 pounds while sailing through the polar opening and around
the curve from the outside to the inside of the Earth. When he reached the
inside he would weigh only 75 pounds. This is because less force is needed to
hold a body to the inside of a hollow ball in rotation than to hold it to the
outside, due to centrifugal force.

William Reed says that gravitational pull is strongest about half way around the
curve leading to the interior of the Earth, where is the center of gravity, being so
strong there that the salt water and fresh water of icebergs (which, as we shall
see below, come from the Earth's interior) do not mix. The salt water remains a
few feet below the fresh water. This enables one to obtain fresh drinking water
from the Arctic Ocean. But how can fresh water be found in the extreme north,
where there is only salty ocean water, and how can icebergs be formed of fresh
water, not salt water? The only explanation, as both Reed and Gardner point out,
and as we shall see below, is that this fresh water comes from rivers that arose
in the Earth's warmer interior, which, after they reach the colder surface,
suddenly freeze and turn into icebergs, which break off and fall into the sea,
producing the strange tidal waves that Arctic explorers have observed in the far
north, and which puzzled them. Both Reed and Gardner claim that the
temperature in the inside of the Earth is much more uniform than on the outside,
being warmer in winter and cooler in summer. There is adequate rainfall, more
than on the surface, but it is never cold enough to snow. It is an ideal
subtropical climate, which is free from the oppressive heat of the tropics, as well
as from the cold weather of the temperate zone. They also claim that the north
polar opening is larger than the south. They say that there exists a Land of
Paradise on the other side of the Mammoth Ice Barrier, which must be passed
before one reaches a warmer climate in the land that lies beyond the Pole, over
which Admiral Byrd flew.

Around the curve at the polar opening is another ring of ice, called the Great
Massive Fresh Water Ice Pack or Ice Barrier. Here is where icebergs originate.
Each winter, this ring of ice is formed from fresh water which flows out from the
inside of the Earth. During the winter months, billions of tons of free-flowing
fresh water, coming from rivers inside the Earth and flowing toward the outside
through the polar openings, freeze at their mouth and form mountains of fresh
water ice, whose presence in this region would be inexplicable if the Earth was a
solid sphere. In summer time, huge icebergs, miles long, break off and float to
the outside of the Earth. They are composed of fresh water, when there could
exist only salt water at the poles. Since this is the case and since all water on the
outside of the Earth in these regions is salty, the fresh water of which these
icebergs are composed must come from its interior.

Inside the icebergs, the mammoth and other huge tropical animals, believed to
be of prehistoric origin because never seen on the Earth's surface, have been
found in a perfect state of preservation. Some of them have been found to have
green vegetation in their mouths and stomachs at the time they were suddenly
frozen. The usual explanation is that these are prehistoric animals which lived in
the Arctic region at the time when it had a tropical climate, and that the coming
of the Ice Age, suddenly converted the Arctic from a tropical to a frigid zone and
froze them before they had time to flee southward. The great ivory deposits
from elephants, found in Siberia and islands of the north, are also explained in
this way. Gardner, however, holds to an entirely different theory, which was
supported by the observations of Admiral Byrd of a huge mammoth-like creature
in the "land beyond the Pole," which he discovered.

Gardner claims that mammoths are really animals now inhabiting the interior of
the Earth, which have been carried to the surface by rivers and frozen inside of
the ice that formed when the rivers reached the surface, forming glaciers and

In Siberia, along the Lena River, there lie exposed on the soil and buried within
it, the bones and tusks of millions of mammoths and mastadons. The consensus
of scientific opinion is that they are prehistoric remains, and that the mammoth
existed some 20,000 years ago, but was wiped out in the unknown catastrophe
we now call the last Ice Age.

It was Schumachoff, a fisherman living in Tongoose, Siberia, who, in 1799, first

discovered a complete mammoth frozen in a clear block of ice. Hacking it free,
he removed its huge tusks and left the carcass of fresh meat to be devoured by
wolves. Later an expedition was sent to examine it, and today its skeleton may
be seen in the Museum of Natural History in Leningrad.

Polar explorers not only mention fauna (animals) but flora (vegetation) in the
extreme north. Also many animals, like the musk-ox, strangely migrate
northward in winter, which it would do only if it reached a warmer land there.
Repeatedly, Arctic explorers have observed bears heading northward into an
area where there cannot be food for them if there was no polar opening into a
warmer region. Foxes also were found north of the 80th parallel heading north,
obviously well fed. Without exception, Arctic explorers agree that, strangely, the
further north one goes, after a certain latitude, the warmer it gets.

Invariably, a north wind brings warmer weather. Coniferous trees were found
drifting ashore, coming from the far north. Butterflies and bees were found in
the far north, and even mosquitoes, but they are not found hundreds of miles to
the south and not until Canadian and Alaskan climate areas conducive to such
insect life are reached.

Unknown varieties of flowers were also found in the extreme north. Birds
resembling snipe, but unlike any known species of bird, were seen to come from
the north, and to return there. Hare are plentiful in a far northern area where no
vegetation grows but where vegetable matter is found in drifting debris from the
more northern open waters. Eskimo tribes have left unmistakable traces of their
migration by their temporary camps, always advancing northward Southern
Eskimos speak of tribes that live in the far north. They hold the belief that their
ancestors came from a land of paradise in the extreme north. In New Zealand
and lower South America are found identical fauna and flora which could not
have migrated from one of these places to the other. The only explanation is that
they came from a common motherland - the Antarctic continent. Yet how could
they come from there if it is a frozen waste where only penguins seem able to
survive? "Only Admiral Byrd's 'mystery land' can account for these inexplicable
facts and migrations," concludes Palmer. Many Arctic explorers, after passing the
ring of ice around the curve leading to the Earth's interior, continued straight
north until they crossed this ice barrier. Many entered the opening leading to the
interior but did not know it and thought they were still on the outer surface. The
reason for this is that the opening is so large that one cannot know the
difference except that the sun rises later and sets sooner, its rays being cut off
by the rim of the polar opening after one enters it. This has been observed by all
Arctic explorers who went sufficiently north. The polar opening is believed by
Gardner to be 1,400 miles in diameter. Once they were inside the Earth,
explorers entered a New World where they found things opposite to what they
expected. The needle of the compass pointed vertically instead of horizontally as
it did before, due to the fact that the true magnetic pole is located in the middle
of the curve leading from the outside to the inside of the earth. The further north
they went, the warmer it became. The ice of Arctic regions further south
disappeared and was replaced by open sea (Admiral Byrd found a total absence
of ice and snow in the "land beyond the Pole" over which he passed for 1,700

As explorers sailed further north, the north winds became warmer and warmer.
The weather was mild and pleasant. Often the dust, carried by the wind, was
unbearable. Some explorers, like Nansen, had to turn back due to the dust.
Where could this dust come from in the extreme north, a land of ice and ocean?
Reed and Gardner explain the origin of this dust, often noticed by Arctic
explorers, to volcanoes inside the polar opening leading to the interior of the
Earth. It would be impossible to expect volcanoes in the Arctic, except if they
were inside the polar opening.

On August 3, 1894, Dr. Fritjof-Nansen, an Arctic explorer, in the far north, was
surprised at the warm weather there and the fox tracks he found. He was
probably inside the polar opening then. His compass utterly failed to work, so
that he did not know where he was. The further into the opening he went, the
warmer it became. It he went still further he would have seen tropical birds, as
other explorers did, as well as other animals not seen on the Earth's surface, as
the mammoth that Admiral Byrd observed when he looked down from his plane,
during his 1,700 mile flight over this mysterious ice-free Arctic area.

Ray Palmer writes: "The musk-ox, contrary to expectations, migrates north in the
wintertime. Repeatedly, Arctic explorers have observed bears heading north into
an area where there cannot be food for them. Foxes also are found north of the
80th parallel, heading north, obviously well fed. Without exception, Arctic
explorers agree that the further north one goes, the warmer it gets. Invariably a
north wind brings warmer weather. Coniferous trees drift ashore from out of the
north. Butterflies and bees are found in the far north, but never hundreds of
miles further south; not until Canadian and Alaskan climate areas conducive to
such insect life are reached.

"Unknown varieties of flowers are found. Birds resembling snipe, but unlike any
known species of bird, come out of the north, and return there. Hare are
plentiful in an area where no vegetation ever grows, but where vegetation
appears as drifting debris from the northern open water. Eskimo tribes, migrating
northward, have left unmistakable traces of their migration in their temporary
camps, always advancing northward. Southern Eskimos themselves speak of
tribes that live in the far north. The Ross gull, common at Point Barrow, migrates
in October toward the North. Only Admiral Byrd's 'mystery land' can account for
these inexplicable facts and migrations."
The Scandinavian legend of a land of paradise in the far north, known as "Ultima
Thule," commonly confused with Greenland, is significant because, centuries
before Admiral Byrd's flight, the existence of such an ice-free land in the
northern limits of the Earth was anticipated.

Palmer writes:

"The Scandinavian legend of a wonderful land far to the north called "Ultima
Thule" (commonly confused with Greenland) is significant when studied in detail,
because of its remarkable resemblance to the kind of land seen by Byrd, and its
remarkable far north location. To assume that Ultima Thule is Greenland is to
come face to lace with the contradiction of the Greenland Ice Cap, which fills the
entire Greenland basin to the depth of 10,000 feet. Is Admiral Byrd's land of
mystery, the center of the great unknown, the same as the Ultima Thule of the
Scandinavian legends?

"There are mysteries concerning the Antarctic also. Perhaps the greatest is the
highly technical one of biology itself; for on the New Zealand and South
American land masses are identical fauna and flora which could not have
migrated from one to the other, but rather are believed to have come from a
common motherland. That motherland is believed to be the Antarctic Continent.
But on a more popular level is the case of the sailing vessel `Gladys,' captained
by F. B. Hatfield in 1893. The ship was completely surrounded by icebergs at 43
degrees south and 33 degrees west. At this latitude an iceberg was observed
which bore a large quantity of sand and earth, and which revealed a beaten
track, a place of refuge formed in a sheltered nook, and the bodies of five dead
men who lay on different parts of the berg. Bad weather prevented any attempts
at further investigation.

"An unanimous consensus of opinion among scientists is that one thing peculiar
to the Antarctic is that there are no human tribes living upon it. Also
investigation showed that no vessel was lost in the Antarctic at the time, so that
these men could not be shipwrecked sailors. Could it be that these men who died
on the berg came from `that mysterious land beyond the South Pole' discovered
by the Byrd expedition? Had they ventured out of their warm, habitable land and
lost their way along the ice shelf, finally to be drifted to their deaths at sea on a
portion o! it, broken away to become an iceberg while they were on it?"

Another American writer on the subject of the Earth being hollow, named
Theodore Fitch, referring to the ice barriers that must be crossed before one can
enter the polar openings leading to the Earth's interior, asks: "Why can't we fly
over these huge ice barriers or make roads and travel overland over them to the
inside of the Earth?" He sees no reason why this cannot be done, even though
he, like most other Americans, was in total ignorance of the fact that Admiral
Byrd flew over these ice barriers some years before, and had entered this new
territory. Fitch believes that once these facts are made public, every large nation
would try to establish a foothold in this New World, whose land area is greater
than that on the Earth's surface and which is free from radioactive fallout to
poison its soil and foods.

This New World could more easily be reached than the moon and is of much
more importance to us, since it provides ideal conditions for human life, with a
better climate than exists on the surface. Fitch calls it a Land of Paradise, and
believes it is the true geographical location of Paradise, a wonderful land referred
to in the religious writings of all peoples. It seems that the Russians are now
doing what Fitch suggested by sending fleets of icebreakers, some atomic-
powered, to explore the far north The next step will be for the Russians to repeat
Admiral Byrd's flight through the polar opening to the "land beyond the Pole."

Fitch's book is entitled "Our Paradise Inside the Earth." He based it on the works
of Reed and Gardner. He mentioned that during the last century a sea captain,
who traveled due north, curved inward into the interior of the Earth, though he
thought he was heading toward the North Pole. Fitch writes: "Both William Reed
and Marshall Gardner declare that there must be a land of paradise on the other
side o! the mammoth ice barrier. Both men are of the opinion that a race of little
brown people live in the interior of the Earth. It is possible that the Eskimos
descended from these people. "Most explorers have sailed straight north until
they went around the 800 mile curve at the polar opening. Not one of them
knew they were on the inside of the Earth. These explorers found things exactly
opposite from what they expected. As they sailed north, the north winds became
warmer and warmer. Except for strong dusty warm winds once in a while, the
weather was mild and pleasant. Except for icebergs from the interior, the sea
was open and sailing good (Reed and Gardner explain this strange dust found in
the very far north and which darkens the snow on which it falls, as we have
pointed out above, as coming from active volcanoes inside the polar opening.
This seems to be the only possible explanation - Author.)

"They saw countless square miles of good land. The further north they went, the
more grass, flowers, bushes, trees and other green vegetation they saw. One
explorer wrote that his men gathered eight different kinds of flowers. They also
reported that they saw sloping hills covered with green vegetation. (These
observations were confirmed by Admiral Byrd, who, during his 1,700 mile flight
over this iceless territory, saw trees, vegetation, mountains, lakes and animal
life. - Author.)

"Another writer said he saw all kinds of warm weather animals and millions of
tropical birds. They were so thick that a blind man could bring down one or more
birds with one shot. The lovely scenery of both sky and land was more
magnificent than anything ever seen on the exterior of the Earth. Each explorer
wrote about the majesty of the aurora borealis or Northern Lights. It is claimed
that the Northern Lights really result from the light of the central sun inside the
Earth shining through the opening at the North Pole. "

Fitch points out that the hollow interior of the earth has a land area larger than
the outer surface because while 75 per cent of the earth's surface is covered
with water, leaving only 55 million square miles of land surface, the total surface
of the earth is 197 million square miles. Fitch claims that there are no oceans in
the interior comparable in size with those on the surface, and that there is three
times as much land inside the earth as on the outside, so that in spite of the
smaller circumference and less total area of the interior, its land area is greater.

Fitch says that it has a better and healthier climate than we have on the surface,
without cold winters, hurricanes, earthquakes, electric storms, cyclones,
radioactive fallout, nefarious cosmic rays, radioactive solar radiations, soil erosion
from excessive rainfall and other disadvantages. It has an ideal subtropical
climate. Another American writer who was much influenced by the theories of
Reed and Gardner is William L. Blessing who published a booklet on the subject
in which he reproduced their diagrams of the Earth's structure. Blessing wrote:
"The Earth is not a true sphere. It is flat at the poles, or, I should say, it begins
to flatten out at the poles. The pole is simply the outer rim of a magnetic circle,
and at this point the magnetic needle of the compass points down. As the earth
turns on its axis, the motion is gyroscopic. The outer gyroscopic pole is the
magnetic rim of a circle. Beyond the rim the Earth flattens and slopes gradually
like a canyon into the interior. The true pole in the exact center of the cone is
perpendicular, for this point is the exact center of the opening or hollow into the
Earth's interior. "The old idea that the Earth was once a solid or molten mass
and that at the center is composed of molten iron must be discarded. Since the
shell of the Earth is about 800 miles thick, that would mean that the molten iron
core would be more than 7,OOO miles in diameter and 21,000 miles in
circumference. Impossible. "Likewise, the old idea that the deeper into the Earth
the hotter it becomes must also be discarded. It is radium and radioactivity that
produce the heat in the earth. All surface rocks contain minute particles of

One of the most puzzling facts of Arctic exploration is that while the area is
oceanic, covered with water, which is variously frozen over or partially open,
depending on the time of the year, many explorers remarked, however,
paradoxically, that the open water exists in greater measure at the points
nearest to the Pole, while further south there is more ice. In fact, some explorers
found it very hot going at times, and were forced to shed their Arctic clothing.
There is even one record of an encounter with naked Eskimos. In fact, the origin
of the Eskimo race is believed to be in the extreme north, from where they
migrated southward to their present habitat. Their original more northern home
was probably warmer than their present more southern one.

It is strange that Reed's and Gardner's books, which presented such an epoch-
making geographical theory, which they supported by the evidence of Arctic
exploration during the past century - a theory comparable in importance to the
theory that the Earth is round, when it was first proposed - should have been so
disregarded (or were they suppressed?), so that today they are unavailable and
very rare. (It was the author's good fortune to secure a copy of Gardner's book
from a bookdealer handling rare books.) Is it possible that these books shared
the fate of the news about Admiral Byrd's discoveries, Giannini's book and
Palmer's magazine announcing Byrd's confirmation of Reed's and Gardner's
theory of a hollow Earth with openings at the poles ? (A correspondent of the
author's, living in Washington, D.C., wrote that he happened to look through the
books in the library of a high official of the Air Force, with whom he had
business, and, much to his surprise, he saw a copy of Gardner's book.)

Evidently Gardner's theory of a hollow Earth is not unknown to government and

military leaders in view of Admiral Byrd having confirmed it; but it is hushed up
and not openly discussed.

Fitch asks those who do not believe that the Earth is hollow, with openings at its
poles, to answer the following questions:

"Can you produce proof that any explorer reached the so-called North or South
Pole ? "If there is no such thing as 83 to 90 degrees latitude ON the Earth, then
how can one reach or fly over the North Pole? "If the Earth is not hollow, then
why does the north wind in the Arctic get warmer as one sails north beyond 70
degrees latitude? "Why are there warm northerly winds and an open sea for
hundreds of miles north of 82 degrees latitude ? "After 82 degrees latitude is
reached, why is the needle of a compass always agitated, restless and balky? "If
the Earth is not hollow, then why do the warm northerly winds mentioned above
carry more dust than any wind on earth? "If no rivers are flowing from the inside
to the outside, then why are all ice-bergs composed of fresh water? "Why does
one find tropical seeds, plants and trees floating in the fresh water of these
icebergs? "If not all the fresh water icebergs positively do not come from any
place ON earth, as would be impossible unless we assume the existence of rivers
flowing from the inside to the outside, then where do they come from? "If the
inside of the Earth is not warm, why do millions of tropical birds and animals go
further north in the winter time?

"Why does the wind from the north carry more pollen and blossoms than any
wind on the exterior? "If it is not hollow and warm inside the Earth, then why
does colored pollen color the snow for thousands of square miles? "Could it be
that pollen from millions of acres and colored flowers causes the snow to be red,
pink, yellow, blue, etc.?"

Chapter III

Presenting Scientific Evidence, Based on Arctic Exploration, to Prove for the First
Time that the Earth is Hollow With Openings at the Poles.

In 1906 appeared the first book to offer scientific proof that old geographical
conceptions about the earth's structure are false and that the earth, instead of
being a solid sphere, as commonly assumed, is really hollow, with openings at
the poles. Were this a book created from the author's imagination, it might be
disregarded as a work of science fiction - but since the book is based on an
extensive bibliography representing the reports of Arctic explorers, it must be
taken more seriously.

This book was published in New York and written by William Reed. Its title was
"The Phantom of the Poles," and claimed the Poles were never discovered
because they do not exist. Where the North and South Poles are supposed to be
located, Reed claims are huge polar openings in which the Poles are in the
center, for which reason they can never be reached by any explorer.

Reed's book was written fourteen years before that of Marshall Gardner, who
claimed that not only was the earth hollow but that there was a central sun at its
center. Reed, however, did not include this central sun in his theory, but believed
that the higher temperature in the region of the Poles is due to burning
volcanoes at the polar openings, which are the origin of the dust that Arctic
explorers noticed there. We now quote from Reed's book. On page 282 he says:

"The earth is either hollow or it is not. What proof have we that it is not hollow?
None at all that is positive and circumstantial. On the contrary, everything points
to its being hollow. If it be so, and if there are burning volcanoes in the interior,
would you not see great lights reflected on the icebergs and clouds, just as other
great fires reflect the light? Would not great clouds of smoke and dust be seen -
the same as from any other burning volcano? That is what all the explorers have
witnessed - low dark clouds rising from the ocean, or at the edge of the ice.

Nansen (an Arctic explorer) said: `Let us go home: What have we here to stay
for? Nothing but dust, dust, dust!' "Where could such dust come from - so bad
that it was one of the great annoyances in the heart of the Arctic Ocean, if it did
not come from an exploding, burning volcano (in the polar opening) ? "If the
earth be hollow, would it not be warmer in winter and cooler in summer (as we
enter the polar opening)? Arctic explorers say that a north wind in winter raises
the temperature, while a south wind lowers it. As an opposite fact, in summer a
south wind raises the temperature, while north wind lowers it. That is just what
would occur if the winds come from the interior of the earth. Again, if the earth
is hollow, it could not be round, in as much as the opening would take from its
roundness in proportion to the size of the opening. All now agree that the earth
flattens at the poles.

Also it is warmer the further one goes north or south. Why is this the case?
"There is but one answer, and that is that the earth is hollow, and is warmer in
the interior than on the exterior. As the wind passes out in the winter, it warms
the atmosphere. If the earth is solid, neither science nor reason can furnish any
rational theory why it should be warmer as one passes north. Every known
theory is against such a conclusion. As soon as you adopt the belief that the
earth is hollow, perplexing questions will be easily solved, the mind will be
satisfied, and the triumph of sensible reasoning will come as a delight never to
be forgotten. "This volume is not written to entertain those who read for
amusement, but to establish and prove, as far as proof can be established and
proved, certain mighty truths hitherto not comprehended. One key will unlock all
these mysteries. The problems to be solved are the following:

" 1. Why is the earth flattened at the poles?

" 2. Why have the poles never been reached?

" 3. Why is the sun invisible so long in winter near the farthest points north or

" 4. What causes the Aurora Borealis?

" 5. Where are the icebergs formed and how?

" 6. What produces the many tidal waves in the Arctic?

" 7. Why do meteors fall more frequently near the Poles and from where do they

" 8. What causes the great ice pressure in the Arctic Ocean during still tide and
calm weather?

" 9. Why is there colored snow in the Arctic region?

"10. Why is it warmer near the Poles than 600 to 1,000 miles away from them?
"11. Why is ice in the Arctic Ocean frequently filled with rock, gravel, sand, etc. ?

"12. Why does the compass refuse to work near the Poles?

"Should I be able to give reasonable answers to the above questions - answers

that will satisfy any intelligent person - the public will admit, I believe, that I
have fulfilled my task. "I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to the brave men
who have spent their time, comfort and, in many cases, have given their lives, so
that all may know the truth and geography of this wonderful planet Through
their reports I am able to prove my theory that the earth is not only hollow, but
suitable in its interior to sustain human life with as little discomfort as on its
exterior, and can be made accessible to mankind with one-fourth the outlay of
money, time and life that it costs to build the subway in New York City. The
number of people who can settle in this new world (if not already occupied) will
be billions. "I claim that the earth is not only hollow, but that all, or nearly all, of
the explorers who spent much of their time past the rim of the polar opening
have had a look into the interior of the earth. When Lieutenant Greely was
beholding the mock sun at 120 degrees latitude, he was looking into our sister
world in the earth's interior."

Reed answers the above questions as follows:

"1. Why is the earth flattened at the Poles? As the earth is hollow, it could not be
round, is the answer. The opening to the interior would detract from its
roundness in proportion to the size of the opening.

"2. Why have the Poles never been reached? Because no Poles exist in the sense
usually understood.

"3. Why does the sun not appear for so long a time in winter near the supposed
Poles? Because during the winter the sun strikes the earth obliquely near the
Poles. As one passes over the rim of the polar opening and approaches the
earth's interior, one sinks inward into the hollow interior. The sun's rays are in
this way cut off, and do not appear again until they strike that part of the earth
more directly and shine down into the opening. This explains why nights are so
long in the far north.

"4. Assuming that the earth is hollow, the interior should be warmer. We will
furnish evidence to prove that it is warmer. The ones who have explored the
furthest north will be the best judges.

"5. Meteors are constantly falling near the supposed poles. Why? If the earth be
solid, no one can answer this question. If the earth is hollow, it is easily
answered. Some volcano is in eruption in the interior of the earth, and from it
rocks are thrown into the air. Vast quantities of dust are constantly found in the
Arctic Ocean. What causes this dust? The volcanic eruptions. The dust has been
analyzed and found to consist of carbon and iron, which must come from some
volcano in the polar opening.

"6. What produces the aurora borealis? It is a reflection of a fire within the
interior of the earth. (According to Marshall B. Gardner, this fire is the central
sun, whose rays project through the polar opening on the night sky, and the
changing forms and streamers of the aurora borealis are due to passing clouds
cutting off its rays.)

"7. Where are the icebergs formed? And how? The answer is as follows: In the
interior of the earth, where it is warm, rivers flow to the surface through the
polar opening. When they reach the outside, in the Arctic Circle, where it is very
cold, the mouth of the rivers freezes forming icebergs. This continues for
months, until, due to the warmer weather in summer and the warmth from the
earth, the icebergs are thawed loose and are washed into the ocean. (The fact
that icebergs are formed from fresh water, not salty ocean water, proves this

"8. What causes tidal waves in the Arctic? They are started by icebergs leaving
the place where they are formed, and plunging into the ocean. This answer is
given because nothing else can produce even a fraction of the commotion of a
monster iceberg when it plunges into the sea.

"9. What causes colored snow in the Arctic region? There are two causes. The
red, green and yellow snow are caused by a vegetable matter permeating the air
with such density that when it falls with the snow it colors it. This vegetable
matter is supposed to be the blossom or pollen of a plant. As it does not grow on
earth, one can naturally believe that it grows in the interior and came out
through the polar opening. Black snow, often noticed, is caused by black dust,
consisting of carbon and iron, and comes from a burning volcano. As no burning
volcano is near the Arctic Ocean, it must be in the interior of the earth.

"10. Why is the ice filled with rock, gravel and sand? These substances came
from an exploding volcano near where the iceberg is formed.

"By treating the earth as hollow, we have the solution of all the great mysteries -
such as tidal waves, ice pressures, colored snow, open Arctic Ocean, warmer
north, icebergs, flattening of the earth at the Poles, and why the Poles have not
been found, the supernatural giving way to the natural, as it always does with
understanding and relief comes to mind and body.
"The earth is hollow. The Poles so long sought are but phantoms. There are
openings at the northern and southern extremities. In the interior are vast
continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Vegetable and animal life are evident
in this new world, and it is probably peopled by races yet unknown to dwellers
upon the earth's exterior."

In support of his theory of a hollow earth, Reed offers the following evidence:


summarizes the experience of Arctic explorers who very quickly passed from the
region of sunshine into the region of long nights, or the opposite. In the far
north the sun is absent for abnormally long periods of time, which could not be
the case if the earth was round and solid, or even just slightly flattened at the
poles. The only explanation is that these explorers entered into the opening at
the North Pole; and as they entered, the sun's rays were cut off from them, to
reappear only when it was high enough in the sky to shine in.

by all explorers who reached very far north. This strange action of the compass
is exactly what should be the case if the earth is hollow and if they entered into
the polar opening. In his book Reed has a drawing of a cross-section of the polar
opening with ships sailing both in and out. When the ship enters the polar
opening, the needle of the compass assumes a vertical position, instead of
horizontal, as it does on top of the earth's surface. This is due to entering the
polar opening. This is exactly what explorers found to occur in the far north.
They found that as they approached the pole, the needle of the compass
becomes restless, and when one goes far enough north, assumes a vertical
position, indicating that one has then entered the polar opening, as occurred
with Nansen and others.

INTERIOR - Reed says on this subject: "Whenever the explorers pass into the
interior, they meet such different conditions that they are puzzled to account for
them. Therefore it is no wonder that they call it a strange land. Everyone who
has spent considerable time in the Arctic or Antarctic Circles has met with
conditions unexplainable according to the theory that the earth is round and solid
- but which find an easy explanation according to the theory that it is hollow with
openings at the poles. Greely's description of passing around the curve into the
polar opening is exceedingly good and clear. He says:

"`The deep interest with which we had hitherto pursued our journey was now
greatly intensified. The eye of civilized man had never seen, or his feet trodden,
the ground over which we were traveling. A strong, earnest desire to press
forward at our best speed seized us all. As we neared each projecting spur of the
lands ahead, our eagerness to see what was beyond became so intense at times
as to be painful. Each point we reached brought a new landscape in sight, and
always in advance was a point which cut off a portion of the horizon and caused
a certain disappointment.'

"If Greely and his companions were entering into the interior of the earth, they
would certainly find that the earth has a greater curve near the poles than at any
other place; and as they passed over and around the farthest point north, each
projection reached would be followed by another which always seemed to take in
part of the horizon. This is just what happened."

On this subject Reed says: "When it can be shown that conditions are such that
no Arctic icebergs (composed of fresh water) can be formed in the far north on
the earth's outer surface, they must be formed in the interior. If the material that
produces colored snow is a vegetable matter (which the analysis shows), and is
supposed to be a blossom or the pollen of a plant, when none such grows in the
vicinity of the Arctic Ocean, then it must grow in the interior of the earth; for if it
grows elsewhere on earth, then the snow would be colored in other locations as
well (as it is in the vicinity of the polar opening), which does not seem to be the
case. "The dust, so annoying in the Arctic Ocean, is also produced by volcanic
eruptions. Being light, it is carried far away by the wind, and when it falls on
ships, it is disagreeable. When it falls on the snow it produces black snow. When
analyzed it is found to consist of carbon and iron, supposed to come from a
burning volcano. Where is that volcano? No record or account of any near the
North Pole is found; and if it be elsewhere, why does the dust fall in the Arctic

"Various explorers report large rocks and boulders on and imbedded in the
icebergs. These boulders are either cast there by the exploding volcano or they
are scraped up as the bergs slide down the rivers in the interior of the earth. The
dust in the Arctic is so heavy that it floats in great clouds. It colors the snow
black; and it falls on ships in such abundance that it is a source of irritation.
Nansen declares that it was one of his principal reasons for wanting to go home.
If the earth is solid, there is no answer to this perplexing problem. But if the
earth be hollow, the eruptions of volcanos in the interior can easily account for
the dust."

OPEN WATER AT THE FARTHEST POINT NORTH. "It is claimed by many that the
Arctic Ocean is a frozen body of water. Although it always contains large bodies
of drift-ice and icebergs, it is not frozen over. The student of Arctic travels will
invariably find that explorers were turned back by open water, and many
instances are cited where they came near being carried out to sea and lost. What
I wish to present to the reader, however, is the proof that the Arctic Ocean is an
open body of water, abounding with game of all kinds, and the farther one
advances, the warmer it will be found. There are many cases of clouds of dust
and smoke. Many fogs are reported in winter time. If the earth were solid, and
the ocean extended to the Pole, or connected with land surrounding the Pole,
there could be nothing to produce that fog. It is caused by the warm air coming
from the interior of the earth. "Kane (an Arctic explorer) writes: `Some
circumstances which he (McGary) reports seems to point to the existence of a
north water all the year round; and the frequent water-skies, fogs, etc., that we
have seen to the southwest during the winter, go to confirm the fact.'

"There are many pages of reports (in the writings of Arctic explorers) of this
open sea to the far north. Greely speaks of open water the year round. If there
be open water the year round at the farthest point north, can any good reason
be assigned why all have failed to reach the Pole? The men who spent their
time, comfort and, in several cases, their lives, were men more than anxious to
succeed, yet, strangely, all failed. Was this because the weather got warmer and
they found the game more plentiful? No, it was because there is no such place."

Nansen, who probably went farther north than any other explorer, remarks in his
book that it was a strange feeling to be sailing in the dark night to unknown
lands, over an open rolling sea, where no ship had ever been before, and
remarks how mild the climate was for September. The farther north he went, the
less and less ice he saw. He remarked,

"There is always the same dark sky ahead, which means open sea. They little
think at home in Norway that we are sailing straight to the Pole in clear water. I
shouldn't have believed it myself if anyone should have predicted it two weeks
ago, but it is true. Is this not a dream?" Three weeks later he mentions that the
water was still open and not frozen. He remarks:

"As far as the eye can see from the crow's nest with the small field glass, there is
no end to the open water." Between September 6th and 2lst, he found no ice as
he traveled northward in a very high latitude. Reed comments: "After all the
foregoing evidence, is it possible that anyone can believe that the respective
oceans (in the far north) are frozen bodies of water? If they do not believe that
these oceans are frozen, why do the explorers fail to reach the Poles - if there be
such places?" "WHY IT IS WARMER NEAR THE POLES. One of the principal
proofs that the earth is hollow is that it is warmer near the Poles. If it can be
shown by quoting those who made the farthest advance toward the supposed
Poles, that it is warmer, that vegetation shows more life, that game is more
plentiful than farther south, then we have a reasonable right to claim that the
heat comes from the interior of the earth, as that seems to be the only place
from which it could come. "In `Captain Hall's Last Trip,' we read: `We find this a
much warmer country than we expected, bare of snow and ice. We have found
that the country abounds with life, and with seals, game, geese, ducks, musk-
cattle, rabbits, wolves, foxes, bears, partridges, lemmings, etc. (He is speaking of
the far north.)

"Nansen draws special attention to the warmth and says, `We must almost
imagine ourselves at home.' This was at one of the farthest points north reached
by anyone, and yet the weather was mild and pleasant.

"It will be observed that these extremely strong winds from the interior of the
earth not only raise the temperature considerably in the vicinity of the Arctic
Ocean, but affect it very materially four hundred and fifty miles away. Nothing
could raise the temperature in such a manner, except a storm coming from the
interior of the earth. "Greely states: `Surely this presence of birds and flowers
and beasts was a greeting on nature's part to our new home.' Does that sound
as if he had expected to find these things there, or that their presence was an
everyday occurrence? No. It was written in a tone of surprise. From what place
had these birds and game come? South of them for miles, the earth was covered
with perpetual snow - in many locations thousands of feet deep. They are found
in that location in summer; and as it is warmer farther north, they would not be
likely to go to a colder climate in winter. They seem to pass into the interior of
the earth. "The mutton-birds of Australia leave that continent in September, and
no one has ever been able to find out where they go. My theory is that they pass
into the interior of the earth via the South Pole. "

Reed points out that many animals inhabiting the far north, as the musk-ox, go
north in winter in order to reach a warmer climate. He remarks:

"Since it becomes warmer as they go north, instinct tells them not to go south in
winter. And if they do not go south, they must go into the interior of the earth."

Another animal that goes north in winter is the auk. Schwatka saw a flock of four
million auks, which darken the sky, going north as winter approached. Nansen
says of the extreme north that a land which teems with bears, auks and black
guillemots "must be a Canaan, flowing with milk and honey."

Reed continues:
Why is the snow colored in the Arctic regions? The snow has been analyzed and
the red, green and yellow have been found to contain vegetable matter,
presumably a flower, or the pollen of a plant. From where did it come? A flower
that produced pollen sufficient to permeate the air with such density that it
colored the snow, which require a vast territory - millions of acres - to grow it.
Where is that to be found? It must be near the North Pole, for, if it grew
elsewhere, colored snow would be found at other locations, and not be confined
to the Arctic regions. As no such flowering plant is known on the earth's surface,
we must look elsewhere.

"The interior of the earth is the only spot that will furnish us with an answer to
the question. As the colors fall at different seasons, we may presume that the
flowers mature at these seasons. It is also easy to find out where the black
snow, frequently mentioned by the explorers, comes from. It comes out of an
exploding volcano - of the kind that covered Nansen's ship with dust. All
unexplained questions could be easily answered if one would believe that the
earth is hollow. It is impossible to answer them under any other theory.

"Kane, in his first volume, page 44, says: `We passed the Crimson Cliffs at Sir
John Ross in the forenoon of August 5th. The patches of red snow from which
they derive their name could be seen clearly at the distance of ten miles from the
coast. It had a fine deep rose hue.' "Kane speaks of the red snow as if it had a
regular season in which to appear - as he says, `if the snowy surface were more
diffused, as it is no doubt earlier in the season.' In another place he speaks of
the red snow being two weeks later than usual. Now taking the fact into account
that the material that colors the snow is a vegetable matter, supposed to be the
blossom or pollen of a plant, and that no such plant grows on earth, where does
it come from? It must grow in the interior of the earth. "


Since icebergs are formed from fresh water, not salty ocean water, they could
not be formed from the Arctic Ocean, but by some fresh body of water. However
there is no fresh body of water in the polar region. Reed's theory is that icebergs
are formed from rivers coming from the interior of the earth and flowing toward
the surface through the polar opening. When they reach the cold exterior they
freeze, while more water passes over the frozen part and freezes too, forming
mountains of ice. With the coming of summer, these big masses of ice are
thawed loose and break off, falling into the sea and producing the mysterious
tidal waves observed in the far north. Reed says:

"It is simply out of the question for an iceberg to form in any location yet
discovered. On the other hand, the interior of the earth - back from the mouth of
rivers or canyons - being warmer, is just suited for the formation of icebergs.
The mouth freezes first, and the river, continuing to flow to the ocean, overflows
the mouth, and freezes for months, until spring. As the warm weather of
summer advances, and, owing to the warmth of the earth, the bergs are thawed
loose, and water from the rains in the interior rushes up, and they are shoved
into the ocean, and tidal waves started.
"Note the difference. On the outside of the earth, the whole length of a stream is
frozen, and the farther inland the harder the freezing, while in the interior of the
earth (at the polar opening) only the mouth is frozen. In the interior of the earth,
there is not only plenty of water to produce icebergs, but plenty to shove them
into the ocean. "For the last three hundred years a fairly steady stream of
explorers have been trying to reach the Pole - Arctic and Antarctic - and no one
has ever seen an iceberg leaving its original location and plunging into the
ocean. Isn't it strange that no one thought of asking about their place of origin?"

In support of the theory that icebergs, made from fresh water, cannot be formed
on the outside of the earth and must come from fresh water rivers in its interior,
Reed quotes Bernacchi who, writing on his observations in the Antarctic, says:

"There was less than two inches of rainfall in eleven and one-half months, and
while it snowed quite frequently, it never fell to any great depth. Under such
conditions, where would materials be found to produce an iceberg? Yet the
greatest one on earth is there - one so large that it is called the Great Ice
Barrier, rather than an iceberg - being over four hundred miles long and fifty
miles wide. It is grounded in two thousand one hundred feet of water, and
extends from eighty to two hundred feet above water." Reed comments:

"Now it would be impossible for this iceberg to form in a country having

practically no rain or snow. As icebergs are made from frozen water, and there is
no water to freeze, it evidently was formed at some place other than where it
now is. The iceberg itself, being of fresh water, lies in an ocean of salt water.
"How do I know that the great ice barrier came from the interior of the earth? Or
from the kind of river described? First, it could not come from the exterior of the
earth, since icebergs are not formed there. That river must have been 2,500 feet
deep, fifty miles across and from four to five hundred miles long, for these are
the present dimensions of the iceberg. The river had to be straight or the iceberg
could not pass out without breaking. It passed through a comparatively level
country because the surface is still flat. "Another proof that the interior of the
earth is level near the Antarctic entrance is that many of the icebergs found in
the Antarctic are long and slim. They are called `ice tongues,' which indicates
that they came out of rivers running nearly on a level. The icebergs found in the
Arctic, on the other hand, are more chunky, indicating that they come from a
more mountainous country, where the fall of streams is more abrupt, causing the
icebergs to be shorter and thicker. "When Bernacchi was voyaging in the
Autarctic, he wrote: `During the next two days we passed some thousands of
icebergs, as many as ninety being counted from the bridge at one time. There
was very little variety of form among them, all being very large and bounded by
perpendicular cliffs. There was a large quantity of fresh water at the surface,
derived from the number of icebergs.'
"How does this account accord with your notions of how icebergs are formed in a
country where Bernacchi reports less than two inches of rainfall in the whole
year, and but small quantities of snow? Where is the water to come from that
will produce such great quantities of icebergs averaging a thousand feet in
thickness, and many of them several miles long? Those icebergs were on their
way north - never to return - yet the ocean will always be filled with them, as
others will come from the place where they came. "Where is that place? There is
no rain or melted snow to furnish the water to freeze into an iceberg. Icebergs
can come from only one place - the INTERIOR of the earth.

"TIDAL WAVES. Reed here repeats the description of Arctic tidal waves by
various explorers. They lift the ice of the great ice fields to great heights and can
be heard for miles in the distance before they reach the ship and for miles after
they pass beyond the ship. Arctic explorers describe these tidal waves as follows:

"Giant blocks pitched and rolled as though controlled by invisible hands, and the
vast compressing bodies shrieked a shrill and horrible sound that curdled the
blood. On came the frozen waves. Seams ran and rattled across them with a
thundering boom, while we watched their terrible progress. " Reed says: "These
tidal waves are caused by some tremendous agency and I can think of nothing
more powerful than the plunging of an iceberg into the ocean. The great
frequency of these powerful tidal waves seems to exclude the possibility of their
being caused by underwater volcanic eruptions. "

Chapter IV

Marshall B. Gardner spent twenty years in research, based on the reports of

Arctic explorers, supplemented by astronomical evidence, before publishing, in
1920, his great book, "A Journey to the Earth's Interior or Have the Poles Ever
Been Discovered?" He did not seem to know about Reed's book and theory, so
that both men developed their theories independently. Gardner's great
contribution is the theory of a central sun, which is the source of the higher
temperature in the region of the polar orifice and the aurora borealis, which
Reed attributes to volcanic eruptions. A central sun as a source of heat and light
makes possible the existence of plant and animal life in the earth's interior, also
human life, in which Reed believed to be a fact, but could not explain according
to his theory, which did not include a central sun as a source of light, without
which there could be no life.

Gardner also claims, and in his book presents astronomical evidence to prove,
that not only the earth, but all planets of the solar system, have hollow interiors
and central suns, which he traces to their original formation from a whirling

As a result of centrifugal force, their rotation during their early formation when
yet molten caused their heavier constituents to be thrown toward the outside,
forming a solid crust on the outer surface of each planet and leaving the interior
hollow, while a portion of the original fire remained in the center to form the
central sun. Also the force of their rotation and movements through space
caused openings to form at their polar extremities.

Why have Reed's and Gardner's books become so rare that it is practically
impossible to obtain copies; and they are not found in most libraries. Because
they prove that there exists a large area not recorded on any map, which is not
only equal to, but perhaps greater than the entire land area of the earth's
surface - this uncharted land area being on the inside of the earth's crust.
Naturally any government that learned about this vast territory would have
ambitions to be the first to discover it and claim it, for which reason it would
make every effort to keep this information secret, so that no other government
might learn about it and claim this territory first. Since the United States
Government was the first to learn about it as a result of the visit of Admiral Byrd,
who flew for 1,700 miles into this "mysterious land beyond the Pole," which is
not shown on any map, and saw mountains, forests, green vegetation, rivers,
lakes and animals there, we can understand the reason for secrecy and why the
books of two American writers Reed and Gardner, were suppressed and
forgotten, in order to guard this secret.


Gardner's book is 450 pages in length. With fifty books, chiefly on Arctic
exploration, in his bibliography, he was most thorough in his research. Gardner
claimed that the earth is a hollow shell approximately 800 miles thick in its crust,
with an opening at the polar end approximately 1,400 miles across. He says that
the mammoth comes from the interior and is still living there, and the huge
tropical animals found frozen in ice in the polar region were not prehistoric but
were animals from the interior that came to the surface and were frozen in ice
when they did.

In support of his theory of a polar opening and a central sun in the hollow
interior of the earth, Gardner points out that birds and animals migrate to the
north in winter to find warmer weather. He also notes that when explorers go
north of 80 degrees north latitude, they find the water to become warmer due to
warm currents coming from the polar region, and the air becomes warmer due
to warm winds from the north These cause the open sea, in place of ice, in the
extreme north. They also find red pollen on icebergs and glaciers, and find logs
and other debris washed ashore by these warm currents from the north. Gardner
summarizes the evidence in favor of his theory of a hollow earth with two polar
openings and a central sun as follows:

"How do scientists explain the fact that when we go north it becomes colder up
to a certain point and then begins to get warm? How do they explain the further
fact that the source of this warmth is not any influence from the south but a
series of currents of warm water and of warm winds from the north - supposed
to be a land of solid ice? Where can these currents come from? How could they
come from anything else but an open sea? And why should there be a warm
open sea at the very place where scientists expect to find eternal ice? Where
could this warm water possibly come from?

"Why also should explorers find the inhospitable ice cliffs of the far north covered
in large areas with the red pollen of an unknown plant? And why should they
find the seeds of tropical plants floating in these waters - when they are not
found in more southern waters? How should logs and branches of trees,
sometimes with fresh buds on them be found in these waters, all being borne
down by the warm currents from the north? "Why should the northern parts of
Greenland be the world's greatest habitat of the mosquito, an insect which is
only found in warm countries ? How could it have gotten to Greenland if it came
from the south? Where do all the foxes and hares go which are seen traveling
north in Greenland? Where did the bears go? Was it possible that such large
creatures as bears could find sustenance on plains of eternal ice?

"How do scientists explain the fact that practically every competent explorer from
the earlier days down to Nansen has admitted that when he got to the Far North
his theories of what he should find failed to work and his methods of finding his
positions also failed to work? How do scientists explain these passages from
Nansen which we have quoted, showing that he was absolutely lost in the Arctic

"How do scientists explain the migrations of those birds which appear in England
and other northern countries one part of the year, in the tropics in another part
of the year, but disappear entirely in the winter? How do they explain the fact
that neither Peary nor Cook was able to prove the claim of reaching the north
pole. Even supposing both men to have acted in good faith is it not obvious that
both were lost? How else explain the discrepancies in Peary's own narrative?

"Why, says the reader, did Peary not discover that immense orifice at the polar
extremity of the earth if it was there?

"The reason is very simple and can best be explained by asking another

"Why did not man discover by looking around him, that he was living on the
surface of what is, practically speaking, an immense sphere (to be exact
spheroid)? And why did man for centuries think that the earth was flat? Simply
because the sphere was so large that he could not see the curvature but thought
it was a flat surface, and that he should be able to move all over the surface of it
appeared so natural that, when scientists first told him it was a sphere he began
to wonder why he did not fall off, or at least, if he lived in the Northern
Hemisphere, he wondered why the Australians did not fall off - for he had no
conception of the law of gravity.

"Now, in the case of the polar explorers the same thing is true. They sail up to
the outer edge of the immense polar opening, but that opening is so vast,
considering that the crust of the earth over which it curves is eight hundred
miles thick, that the downward curvature of its edge is not perceptible to them,
and its diameter is so great - about 1,400 miles - that its other side is not visible
to them. So, if an explorer went far enough he could sail right over that edge,
down over the seas of the inner world and out through the Antarctic orifice, and
all that would show him what he had done would be that as soon as he got
inside he would see a smaller sun than he was accustomed to - only to him it
might look larger owing to its closeness - and he would not be able to take any
observations by the stars because there would be neither stars nor even a night
in which to see them. "But, says the reader, would not the force of gravity pull
the explorer who got inside the orifice away from the surface into the central
sun; for does not gravity pull everything to the center of the earth? "The answer
to this is, that in gravitational pull it is not the geometrical position that counts.
Center, in the geometrical sense of the word, does not apply. It is the mass that
attracts. And if the great mass of the earth is in its thick shell, it is the mass of
that shell that will attract, and not a mere geometrical point which is not in the
shell at all, but 2900 miles away from it, as is the approximate distance between
the central sun and the inner surface of the earth. As a matter of fact it is the
equal distribution of the force of gravity all through the shell that keeps the sun
suspended in the spot which is equidistant from every part of the shell. When we
are on the outside of the shell it is the mass of the shell that attracts us to its
surface. When we go over to the inside of the shell that same force will still keep
our feet solidly planted on the inner surface. "We shall see all that when we
explore the Arctic in earnest, as we shall easily be able to do with the aid of
airships. And when once we have seen it we shall wonder why it was that for so
long we were blind to evidence which, as is shown in this book, has been before
men's eyes for practically a whole century and over."

Twenty-seven years after Gardner wrote this, Admiral Byrd did exactly what he
hoped would be done. He flew by airplane into the north polar opening for 1700
miles and came to a land of trees, as Gardner believed would exist there, and
also a warmer climate, as shown by the rivers, lakes, vegetation and animal life
he observed there.

Gardner writes: "That the musk-ox is not the only animal to be found where we
should hardly expect it, is evident from a note in Hayes' diary. When he was in
latitude 78 degrees, 17 minutes, early in July, he said: `I secured a yellow-
winged butterfly, and - who would believe it - a mosquito. And also ten moths,
three spiders, two bees and two flies.'"

Since these insects are not found further south, a land of ice and snow, the only
explanation Gardner could offer for their origin is that they came from the
interior of the earth through the polar opening.

Hayes' observations of insect life in the extreme north were confirmed by Greely,
in his book "Three Years of Arctic Service," describing his observations in the
Arctic, begun in 1881. In the preface to his book, Greely tells us that the
wonders of the Arctic regions are so great that he was forced to modify his
actual notes made at the time, and understated them rather than lay himself
open to the suspicion of exaggerating. That the Arctic regions are so full of life
and strange evidence of life farther north, that an explorer cannot describe it
without being accused of exaggerating is surely a very strange thing if these
regions only lead to a barren land of everlasting ice, as according to older
geographical theories.

Greely reports birds of an unknown species, butterflies, flies and temperatures of

47 to 50 degrees, also plenty of willow to make fires, and much fresh driftwood.
He found two flowers different from any that he had ever seen.

In many pages of astronomical evidence, Gardner discusses the bright lights

seen shining from the polar caps of Mars, Venus and Mercury, and concludes
that these planets all have central suns and polar openings. He claims that the
earth has the same and that the aurora borealis results from the projection of
the rays of the central sun, passing through the polar opening, on the night sky.
Gardner summarizes the evidence in favor of his theory as follows:

"As explorers go north of about 80 degrees north latitude, they find that the
water, instead of becoming colder in the same ratio in which it had been getting
colder as they left the temperate zone, gradually begins to get warm again, and
they find that this warmth is brought down from the so-called frozen north in a
warm current flowing from the polar regions. Furthermore they find that birds
and animals migrate to the north to feed and breed, instead of to the south. In
fact, when they get into really high latitudes, explorers find a greater wealth of
animal and vegetable life than they do in the lower latitudes of the Arctic and
sub-Arctic regions.

"And as they are sailing to these northern regions they find, scattered on the
icebergs and glaciers, the red pollen of plants that grow - where? Only in the
interior of the earth. And they find logs and other debris of the land washed
down in these warm currents just spoken of. And this is not all. In our chapter
on the mammoth and mastodon we shall adduce evidence to show that the
mammoth still lives in the interior - in fact we shall exhibit case after case where
the mammoth has floated out from the interior incased in glaciers and icebergs
and has been frozen in crevasses in the interior near the polar openings, and
then carried over the lip by glacial movement into Siberia."

In addition to driftwood found in the extreme north, whose origin, according to

Gardner, could only be the earth's interior, there is found trees with green buds
in the Arctic seas. Seeds of unknown tropical species have also been found
drifting down in the northern currents, coming from the north, not the south.
Among these was the seed of the entada bean, a tropical seed, which was found
by a Swedish expedition near Trurengerg Bay. Gardner comments:

"This seed must have come from the interior of the earth, for it is of a tree that
only grows under tropical conditions, and it would have been disintegrated had it
been drifting all over the world for many months, as would be the case if it had
come up from the tropical regions of the exterior of the planet."

Sverdrup found so many hares around 81 degrees north latitude that one inlet
was called Hare Fjord. There was also enough other game to keep the whole
exploring party well fed with meat.

Captain Beechey saw so many birds on the west coast of Spitzbergen that the
place reverberated with their cries from dawn till dark. The little auk were so
numerous and so close together that sometimes a single shot killed thirty of
them. With sixteen birds to a cubic yard, there were about four million of them.
Rotgers were so numerous as to darken the sky, and their chorus could be heard
for four miles. There were also reindeer and ducks. There were four varieties of
seagulls over the surrounding ocean, plus fish and amphibious animals, from the
huge whale to the minute clio on which it feeds, swallowing perhaps a million
with each mouthful.

Franklin saw large numbers of geese migrating to the unknown north, at a high
latitude, indicating land there. He notes that no matter how far north the
explorer goes, he always finds the polar bear ahead of him. No matter how far
north these bears are met, they are always on their way north.

At latitude 82, Kane found butterflies, bees and flies, as well as wolves, foxes,
bears, geese, ducks, water-fowls and partridges. A strange fact all explorers
observe is that animals do not migrate south to escape the cold Arctic winter,
but instead go north. Commander McClure explored Banks Land and found
immense quantities of trees thrown in layers by glacious action, which evidently
brought them from the north. In one ravine he found a pile of trees closely
packed, to a height of forty feet. While some wood was petrified, much of it was
of recent origin. These trees were found far beyond the latitude where trees
grow. Nansen was puzzled by this driftwood which is continually found along the
Greenland coast. He said that as far north as latitude 86 degrees he found such

Gardner says that it is the unanimous testimony of explorers that "the further
north you go, the more animal life there is, a complete proof that there is in the
far north a great asylum of refuge where every creature can breed in peace and
with plenty of food. And from that region must come also those evidences of
vegetable life that explorers have repeatedly seen, the red pollen of plants that
drifts out on favorable breezes and colors whole icebergs and glacier sides with a
ruddy tinge, those seeds and buds and branches, and most impressive of all,
those representatives of races of animals that yet live on in the interior, although
they have disappeared from the outside of the earth. (Gardner here refers to
mammoths found frozen in ice.)

"What a veritable paradise of animal and vegetable life that must be: And
perhaps for some sort of human life, also, it is a land of perpetual ease and
peace. The Eskimo people who are still living there will have been modified from
the type that we see on the outer surface. Their life will be easier, as they will
have no cold climates and food scarcities to contend with. Like the inhabitants of
some of our tropical islands, they will reflect the ease of their lives in easy-going
and lovable temperaments. They will be... eaters of many fruits and other
vegetable products unknown to us. When we penetrate their land we shall find
growing almost to the inner edge of the polar opening those trees of which we
have seen so many drifting trunks and branches. "We shall find, nesting perhaps
in those trees, perhaps in the rocks around the inner polar regions the knots and
swans and wild geese and ross-gulls that we have so often seen in the preceding
pages, flying to the north to escape the rigors of climate which we in our
ignorance have for so long supposed to be worse in the north than elsewhere."
Speaking of Nansen, who reached further north than any other explorer, Ottmar
Kaub comments: "Marshall B. Gardner was right when he wrote his book in
1920. On August 3, 1894, Dr. Fritzjof-Nansen was the first man in history to
reach the interior of the earth. Dr. Nansen got lost and admitted it. He was
surprised at the warm weather there. When he found a fox track, he knew he
was lost. "How could a fox track be there, he wondered. Had he known that he
had entered the opening that leads to the hollow interior of the earth and that
this was the reason why, the further north he went, the warmer it became, he
would have found not only fox tracks but later tropical birds and other animals,
and finally the human inhabitants of this `land beyond the Pole,' into which
Admiral Byrd penetrated for 1,700 miles by plane and which completely mystified


Gardner claims that the mammoth and elephant-like creatures of tropical origin
found frozen in the Arctic ice, which is derived from fresh water (not salty water
as one would suppose, since this is the only water found there) are really
animals from the interior of the Earth that came to the surface and became
frozen, and are not prehistoric animals as commonly supposed. Gardner's theory
of the subterranean origin of the mammoth found confirmation in Admiral Byrd's
observation of a living mammoth during his 1,700 mile flight into the land
beyond the North Pole, within the polar opening.

Gardner claims that these strange animals not known on the Earth's surface
were carried by rivers from the Earth's interior, freezing within the ice that was
then formed. This theory seems very reasonable, in view of the ice being formed
from fresh water not found in the Arctic Ocean. Since this ice, like icebergs,
could not have been formed by ocean water, the only explanation is that it
comes from other water - fresh water rivers flowing out through the polar
opening from the earth's interior.

Since these animals are found inside of icebergs, which are composed of fresh
water, this water, like the animals frozen in the ice it forms on reaching the
surface and exposed to its lower temperature, must come from the earth's
interior. Gardner speaks of herds of mammoths, elephants and other tropical
animals which, when they venture out to the colder regions near the rim of the
polar opening, together with glaciers which form there from water from the
interior flowing outward and freezing become frozen in the ice. Or they might fall
into crevasses, perhaps concealed by snow, and the moment they fall in, they
will be covered by snow and snow-water from above and hermetically sealed in
the ice.

This would account for the fresh condition in which these mammoths frozen in
the ice are found after these glaciers have gradually worked their way over the
rise of the polar opening and out into the Siberian wastes where these frozen
animals are found in a perfectly fresh and edible condition.

Robert B. Cook tells of the remains not only of mammoths, but of hairy
rhinoceros, reindeer, hippopotamus, lion and hyena, found in northern glacial
deposits. He claims that these animals which were unable to endure cold
weather were either summer visitors during the severity of the glacial period or
permanent residents when the country had a milder climate. But Gardner
maintains that these animals came from inside the earth for the following

"Since the reindeer, lion and hyena are present day forms of life and not as old
as the mammoth (at least in the form in which we know them today and in
which these remains show them to have been when they were alive), it is
evident that these animals visited the spots where their remains were found not
from southerly climates during early glacial epochs, but that they are remains of
visitors from the land of the interior. Otherwise these present day forms would
not be found alongside those of the mammoth which we have shown to be a
present day inhabitant of the interior of the earth. Not knowing this, Mr. Cook
has great difficulty in explaining the occurrence together of these forms which in
his view are earlier and later forms of life. But when we shall see that they are
really contemporaneous (and both came from the interior of the earth), the
difficulty vanishes."

In the stomach of the mammoth was found undigested food consisting of young
shoots of pine and fir and young fir cones. In others are found fern and tropical
vegetation. How could an Arctic animal have tropical food in its stomach? One
explanation is that the Arctic region once had a tropical climate, and that a shift
of the earth on its axis suddenly brought on the Ice Age and changed the climate
to a frigid one.

This theory has been offered to explain both the tropical vegetation in the
stomach of frozen Arctic animals and the fact that many of these huge animals
were of tropical species, related to elephants. Great deposits of elephant tusks
were found in Siberia as evidence of the then northern habitat of tropical
animals. But there is another theory to explain these facts: that these tropical
animals came from the interior of the earth, which has a tropical climate, coming
out through the North Polar opening. On reaching the cold exterior with its Arctic
climate they froze, since they were unaccustomed to such cold climate.

This is the theory held by Ray Palmer, who does not accept the idea that these
animals died in prehistoric times as a result of a shifting of the earth on its axis.
He says: "True the death must have been sudden, but it was not because the
Arctic was previously tropical and suddenly changed to a frigid climate. The
sudden Coming of the Ice Age was not the cause of death. The cause of death
was Arctic in nature, and could have occurred any time, even recently. Since the
Ice Age there were no mammoths in the known world, unless they exist in the
mysterious land beyond the Pole, where one of them was actually seen alive by
members of the Byrd expedition."
"We have taken the mammoth as a rather sensational modern evidence of Byrd's
mysterious land, but there are many lesser proofs that an unknown originating
point exists somewhere in the northern regions. We will merely list a few,
suggestions that the reader, in examining the records of polar explorers for the
past two centuries, will find it impossible to reconcile with the known areas of
food mentioned early in this presentation of facts, those areas surrounding the
polar area on your present-day maps."



Gardner devotes a considerable portion of his book to a discussion of

astronomical evidence in support of his theory of a hollow earth with polar
openings and a central sun by referring the original formation of planets from
nebulae and the polar lights observed from Mars, Venus and Mercury.

In reference to nebulae, Gardner points out that planetary nebulae show a shell
structure, generally with a central star, as observed by H.D. Curtis of the
Astronomical Society of the Pacific in an article in "Scientific American" on
October 14, 1916. He reports: "Fifty of these nebulae have been studied
photographically with the Crosly reflector, using different lengths of exposure in
order to bring out the structural details of the bright central portions as well as of
the fainter, outlying parts. Most planetary nebulae show a more or less regular
ring or shell structure, generally with a central star. " On the basis of the above
and other astronomical evidence, Gardner claims that the shape of the nebulae,
as seen through the telescope, confirms his theory by showing that in the
original formation of planets from nebulae, they acquire a hollow interior, polar
openings and a central sun, as is indicated by the shape of the ring nebula
shown on the accompanying photograph. Gardner writes:

"Why have scientists never really considered the problem of the shape of the
planetary nebula? They know from actual observation and photographs that the
planetary nebula takes the form of a hollow shell open at the poles and having a
bright central nucleus or central sun at its center. Why have they never thought
what that must imply? It is evidently one stage in the evolution of the nebula.
"Why have scientists never asked themselves what that conformation must
logically lead to? Why do they ignore it altogether? Is it not because they cannot
explain it without too great a disturbance of their own theories? But our theory
shows how that stage in the evolution of a nebula is reached and how it is
passed, we show what precedes it in the history of the nebula and what follows
it. "We show a continuous evolution passing through that stage to further stages
in which those polar openings are fixed, the shell solidified, the nebula reduced
to a planet. And it must be remembered that while the original nebula was
incomparably greater than a planet in size, measuring even millions of miles
across perhaps, at the same time that nebula is composed of gases so
attenuated and so expanded by their immense heat that when they solidify they
only make one planet."

Gardner points out that just as, in the formation of the solar system, some of the
original fire remains at the center in the form of the sun, so, in the case of each
individual planet, by the same process by which the solar system as a whole is
formed, and by a continuation of the same general movement of rotation and
the centrifugal throwing out of the heavier masses to the periphery (as shown by
the fact that the most outermost planets, as Uranus and Neptune, are larger
than those nearer the sun, as Mercury and Venus), in the case of each of the
planets, in their formation, some of the original fire remains in the center of
each, to form the central sun, while their heavier constituents are thrown to their
surface to form the solid crust, leaving the interior hollow.

Also, due to their rotation on their axis, centrifugal force causes the mass
throughout to collect more at right angles to the axis of rotation, causing a bulge
at the Equator, with a corresponding compensation at the poles in form of polar
depressions which open to the hollow interior, rather than being perfectly round.
It is Gardner's theory, in support of which he presents astronomical evidence in
his book, that all planets are hollow and have central suns, this being the basic
pattern according to which solar systems are formed from the primordial nebulae
from which they originate. Also our universe must have a central sun too, around
which the stars circulate.

Gardner quotes the famous astronomer, Professor Lowell, that he has seen
gleams of light from the polar cap of Mars. According to Gardner, this is due to
the central sun of Mars passing through the polar opening. Similar bright lights
have been observed coming from the polar region of Venus. During a transit of
Mercury across the sun, the planet, while black on the side toward us, was
observed to emit a bright light, comparable to the light of our sun, coming from
its black disc.

Gardner concludes that these three planets are all hollow and have large polar
openings misnamed polar caps of ice and snow, but in reality are white due to
the large amount of fog and clouds in these regions, and that openings in the
fog or clouds permit the central sun to shine through. Such bright lights have
repeatedly been observed by astronomers who, not understanding the reason,
could not offer any satisfactory explanation. Gardner notes that at times these
polar caps disappear suddenly, due to a change of weather and that ice and
snow could not melt so rapidly. Professor Newcomb says:

"There is no evidence that snow like ours ever formed around the poles of Mars.
It does not seem possible that any considerable fall of such snow could take
place, nor is there any necessity of supposing actual snow or ice to account for
the white caps. "

In support of his claim concerning the existence of lights seen at the pole of
Mars, Gardner quoted Professor Lowell who notes that on June 7, 1894, he was
watching Mars and suddenly saw two points of light flash out from the middle of
the polar cap. They were dazzling bright. The lights shone for a few minutes and
then disappeared. Green, some years earlier, in 1846, also saw two spots of light
at the pole of Mars.

Lowell tried to explain the lights he saw as reflections of sunlight by polar ice,
but Gardner denies this, quoting Professor Pickering who saw a vast area of
white form at the pole of Mars within twenty-four hours, visible as a white cap,
and then gradually disappeared. Also Lowell saw a band of dark blue, which he
took to be water from the melting ice or snow cap. Gardner believes that the so-
called Martian ice cap was really fog and clouds, which also could appear and
disappear so rapidly. He writes:

"What Lowell really did see was a direct beam - two direct beams at the same
moment - flashing from the central sun of Mars out through the aperture of the
Martian pole. Does not the blue rim around that area to which Lowell referred
indicate the optical appearance of the reflecting surface of the planet gradually
curving over to the interior so that at a certain part of the curve it begins to
cease reflecting the light? And the fact that it is not seen often simply shows that
it is only visible when Mars is in a certain position with relation to the earth,
when we are able to penetrate the mouth of the polar opening and catch the
direct beam.

"Why have scientists never compared the facts of the light cap of Mars with the
light that plays over our own polar regions? Do they forget that the auroral
display has been observed to take place without any reference to the changing
of the magnetic needle? And if the aurora is shown to be independent of
magnetic conditions, what else can it be due to than a source of light? Is not the
reflection of the aurora light from the higher reaches of the atmosphere
comparable to the projection of the light of the Martian caps into the higher
reaches of the Martian atmosphere? And how do scientists explain the fact that
the aurora is only seen distinctly in the very far north and only seen in a
fragmentary way when we get further south?"

In support of his view that the polar caps of Mars are not formed of ice and snow
but represent the light of its central sun shining through the polar opening,
Gardner says:
"Why does the hot planet Venus have polar caps like those of Mars if the Martian
caps are really composed either of ice, snow or frozen carbon dioxide? Also, why
do the polar caps of Venus and Mercury not wax and wane as those of Mars are
said to do? And why are the polar caps of Mars seen to throw a mass of light
many miles above the surface of the planet when they are seen in a side view if
they are really of ice? How could they be so luminous in the first place - more
luminous than snow is when seen under similar circumstances? And how could
Lowell see direct gleams of light from the caps if there were not beams from a
direct light source?

"Furthermore, how do scientists account for the fact, noticed also by Professor
Lowell, whose observations on Mars all seem to support our theory, that when
the planet is viewed through a telescope at night, that its polar light is yellow
and now white, as the light from snow caps would be? The central sun is an
incandescent mass, and just as the glowing of an incandescent electric light
looks yellow when seen from a distance through darkness, so the direct light of
the Martian sun would appear yellow - but if this light were reflected from a solid
white surface it would certainly appear white. But it does not, and so it is up to
the scientists to tell us just why it does not. But so far as we know they have not
succeeded in doing this."

Mitchell saw two bright flashes of light at the polar cap of Mars which gradually
came together. Gardner explains this as due to clouds which passed over the
face of the interior sun, causing variations in the light emitted through the polar

An English astronomer, W E. Denning, writing in the scientific periodical,

"Nature," concerning his observations in 1886, wrote: "During the past few
months the north polar cap of Mars has been very bright, sometimes offering a
startling contrast to those regions of the surface more feebly reflective. These
luminous regions of Mars require at least as much careful investigation as the
darker parts. In many previous drawings and descriptions of Mars, sufficient
weight has not been accorded to these white spots."

The English astronomer, J. Norman Lockyer, in 1892, wrote about Mars: "The
snow zone was at times so bright that, like the crescent of the young moon, it
appeared to project beyond the planet. This effect of irradiation was frequently
visible. On one occasion the snow spot was observed to shine like a nebulous
star when the planet itself was obscured by clouds, a phenomenon noticed by
Beer and Madler, and recorded in their work, `Fragments Sur les Corps Celestes.'
The brightness seemed to vary considerably, and at times, especially when the
snow zone was near its minimum, it was by no means the prominent object it
generally is upon the planet's disc."
Gardner comments on the above observations:

"No one who reads the above in the light of our theory can fail to see how it fits
in. Only direct beams of light from a central sun could give that luminous effect
above the surface of the planet and varying as the atmosphere in the interior or
above it was clouded or clear. Had it been a mere ice cap, there would not have
been this luminosity when the planet was covered with clouds, as Lockyer says it
was. Furthermore, that luminosity is precisely what our aurora borealis would
look like if our planet was viewed from a great distance. And the light is the
same in both cases. By turning to the planet Venus we shall demonstrate
absolutely that the polar circles are not snow, or ice, or even hoar-frost caps, but
simply apertures leading to the inner and illumined surface of the planet."

On Venus the extensive water vapor tends to equalize the temperature, so that
its polar caps are not composed of ice and snow, as supposed in the case of
Mars, but which Gardner doubts. Speaking of the polar caps of Venus,
MacPherson, in his "Romance of Modern Astronomy," says:

"Polar caps have been observed, supposed by some to be similar to those on our
own planet and Mars. Some astronomers, however, do not regard them as

The French astronomer Trouvelet, in 1878, observed at the pole of Venus a

confused mass of luminous points, which Gardner attributes to light from the
central sun struggling through the clouds. Since the polar cap is not made of ice,
these lights cannot be a reflection of the sun. He believes this is the same case
with Mars.

Similar lights are seen coming from Mercury. Richard Proctor, one of the best
known astronomers of the nineteenth century, wrote:

"One phenomenon of Mercury, if real, might fairly be regarded as indicating

Vulcanian energies compared with which those of our own earth would be as the
puny forces of a child compared with the energies of a giant. It has been
supposed that a certain bright spot seen in the black disc of Mercury when the
planet is in transit indicates some source of illumination either of the surface of
the planet or in its atmosphere. In its atmosphere it could hardly be; nor could
any auroral streamers on Mercury be supposed to possess the necessary
intensity of lustre. If the surface of Mercury were glowing with the light thus
supposed to have been seen, then it can readily be shown that over hundreds of
thousands of square miles of that surface must glow with an intensity of lustre
compared with which the brightness of the lime light would be as darkness. In
fact, the lime light is absolute darkness compared with the intrinsic lustre of the
sun's surface; and the bright spot supposed to belong to Mercury has been seen
when the strongest darkening-glasses have been employed. But there can be no
doubt that the bright spot is an optical phenomenon only."

Commenting on Proctor's statement, Gardner writes: "Again we agree with the

observation but not with the inference. Here is a spot of light on Mercury, plainly
seen through a telescope, so bright that the observer compares it to the
incandescence of a sun. It is a much brighter light than any reflection could
possibly give. To Proctor such an appearance must have been shocking to the
extreme. He was not expecting it and was utterly unprepared to see such a
phenomenon. So he is utterly unable to explain it. So Proctor calls this light `an
optical phenomenon only.' But we cannot believe that Proctor's eyes have played
him a trick. He was a trained astronomical observer. So what he saw must have
had some explanation or cause behind it.

"It is obvious to us that what he saw was the central sun of Mercury beaming
directly through the polar aperture, and as Mercury is a small planet, the interior
sun would be rather near the aperture, and there would be no aqueous
atmosphere with clouds to darken its beams, with the result that this sun would
shine with extraordinary brightness. It may be noticed that its beams put Proctor
in mind of the beams from the sun that shines upon all the planets.

"What more could be wanted than this to show that Mercury, as well as the
other planets, has a central sun, and that such a sun is to be met with
universally? Is it not significant that beginning with observations on Mars, we are
able to go on to Venus and Mercury, apply the same tests and get the same
results? The tests are direct observation or photographic observation. The results
are the invariable appearance of a central sun."

In addition to the above astronomical evidence in favor of his theory, Gardner

refers to the structure of the heads of comets, showing a hollow center, outer
crust and central sun. In his book he presents a drawing of Donati's comet,
detected from a Florence observatory in 1858. As can be seen it had a central
nucleus or sun, which "shone with a brilliance equal to that of the Polar Star" and
was 630 miles in diameter. Gardner believes that a comet is a planet which,
came into the orbit of some other larger body, like our sun, which tore it from its
own orbit, and possibly collided with another planet and the resulting heat
transformed most of it into a gaseous tail that trails after it. Gardner claims that
the fiery nucleus of the comet was once the central sun of the planet from which
it was formed after it broke into fragments.


Just as there are polar lights from Mars, Venus and Mercury, coming from their
central suns shining through their polar openings, so Gardner claims, the same
occurs in the case of our own planet, the polar lights which it gives off being the
aurora borealis, which is not due to magnetism but to the earth's central sun.
Gardner presents the following theory of the origin of the Aurora Borealis: "Why
have scientists never compared the facts of the light cap of Mars with the light
that plays over our own polar regions? Do they forget that the auroral display
has been observed to take place without any reference to the changing of the
magnetic needle ?

And if the aurora is shown to be independent of magnetic conditions, what

else can it be due to than a source of light? Is not the reflection of the aurora
light from the higher reaches of the atmosphere comparable to the projection of
the light of the Martian caps into the higher reaches of the Martian atmosphere?
And how do scientists explain the fact that the aurora is only distinctly seen in
the very far north and only seen in a fragmentary way when we get further
south?" Gardner concludes that the aurora borealis is due to the central sun
shining through the polar orifice on the night sky; and the variations in the
streamers of light are due to passing clouds in the interior, which, in their
movements, cut off the light of the central sun and cause the reflection on the
sky to keep changing. That the aurora is not due to magnetism or electrical
discharges is proven by many observations of Arctic explorers showing there is
no disturbance of the compass nor crackling sounds that accompany electrical
discharges, when the aurora is most intense.

Gardner says: "There are some other considerations which show that the aurora
is really due to the interior sun. Dr. Kane, in his account of his explorations, tells
us that the aurora is brightest when it is white. That shows that when the
reflection of the sun is so clear that the total white light is reflected, we get a
much brighter effect than when the light is cut up into prismatic colors. In the
latter case the atmosphere is damp and dense (in the interior of the earth) - that
being the cause of the rainbow effect - and through such an atmosphere one
cannot see so much. Hence the display is not so bright as it is when the
atmosphere is clear and the light not broken up. "Again, if the aurora is the
reflection of the central sun, we should expect to see it fully only near the polar
orifice, and see only faint glimpses of its outer edges as we went further south.
And that is precisely what is the actual fact of the matter.

Says Dr. Nicholas Senn in his book, "In the Heart of the Arctics:" "`The aurora,
which only occasionally is seen in our latitudes, is but the shadow of what it is to
be seen in the polar region.' "The aurora is not a magnetic or electrical
disturbance but simply a dazzling reflection from the rays of the central sun. For
if it warms continents and waters in the interior of the earth, if, as we have seen,
birds have their feeding and breeding grounds there, if an occasional log or seed
or pollen-like dust is seen in the Arctic that came from some such unknown place
as we have described, it ought to be possible to obtain enough evidence of such

Chapter V

On April 21, 1808, Dr. Frederick A. Cook announced that he had reached the
North Pole. His announcement was followed a few days later by one from Rear
Admiral Robert E. Peary, who claimed to reach the North Pole on April 6, 1909.
Both men hurled accusations against the other, claiming that they discovered the
North Pole and that the other did not. Cook accused Peary, saying that he had
appropriated some of his reports on his return from the Pole. But Cook failed to
have any written record that he had made of his trip, and this made his reports
seem suspicious.

Though Cook claimed to be the first to reach the North Pole, Peary is generally
given credit to have been the first to discover it. Cook's claim was discredited
because the sun's altitude was only a few degrees above the horizon and was so
low at the time that observations of it as proof of his position were worthless.
Peary reached, or claimed he reached, the North Pole in April, fifteen days earlier
in the season, and hence under more adverse solar conditions. His calculations
are therefore more open to suspicion than Cook's.

Also, Cook has no witnesses that he found the North Pole, other than Eskimos.
The same is true of Peary, who lacked witnesses through choice, having ordered
the men on the expedition to remain behind, while he went on alone with one
Eskimo companion to the Pole. While Cook was doubted when he claimed to
make 15 miles a day, Peary claimed to have made over 20 miles. The argument
whether Cook or Peary, or neither, discovered the North Pole is still not perfectly

There is one factor in Peary's dash to the Pole that casts suspicion on his claim
to have reached it. This was the remarkable speed at which he claimed to travel,
or would have had to travel to reach the North Pole and return during the time
he did. When he neared the 88th parallel north latitude, he decided to attempt a
final dash to the Pole in five days. He made 25 miles the first day; 20 miles on
the second day; 20 miles on the third day; 25 miles on the fourth; and 40 miles
on the fifth. His five-day average was 26 miles a day. Can a man walk that fast
under the incredibly difficult conditions of the North Pole area, supposedly an ice-
terrain described by the men in the atomic submarine "Skate" as fantastically
jumbled and jagged? And yet, further south, with presumably better conditions
of travel, he was able to average only 20 miles a day.
From these facts we must conclude that neither Cook nor Peary reached the true
North Pole, since, according to the theories presented in this book, it does not
exist. What Cook and Peary reached was probably the magnetic rim of the polar
opening or depression, where the compass points straight down, but not the
Pole itself, which lies in the center of this opening. Peary may have traveled for
the distance he calculated as correct to reach the North Pole, but what he really
did was to travel this same distance either around or into the depression or
opening which exists in this part of the world, into which Admiral Byrd entered;
and the further he would travel the deeper he would go into this opening,
without ever reaching the true Pole.

Scientific societies that considered Cook's and Peary's claims to reach the North
Pole concluded that in neither case could it be said authoritatively that the
explorer had reached the Pole.

Cook's claim to have reached the Pole was based on his promise to prove it by
field notes and mathematical observations. But he was never able to present any
notes. He claimed that Peary caused some of this data to be buried. But in time
the faith in Cook turned into skepticism, which was started by Peary's denial of
Cook's claim. Peary's denial was supported by Cook's failure to present proper
scientific data. Rear Admiral Melville of the United States Navy, an old time Arctic
explorer, said in an interview at the time:

"It was the crazy dispatches purporting to have come from Dr. Cook about the
conditions he found there, and other things, that caused a doubt in my mind
about Cook's having found the Pole."

According to Dr. Tittman, Cook and Peary could not have traveled on foot over
solid ice to reach the North Pole, because practically all scientists agree that this
is not the fact. Some think there is open sea there and others fertile land. All
explorers who have gone far enough north found open sea. As for fertile land
there, this would only be possible according to our own theory of a polar opening
and central sun, since, according to the theory of a solid earth, it should get
colder and colder the further north one goes. But Arctic explorers found the
opposite to be true. They found it warmer near the, Pole than further south. But
even if the cold at the Pole was not enough to freeze the sea, how could it be
warm enough to permit fertile land unless our theory is correct? Since all polar
explorers agree that there is open sea in this region (the polar orifice), but ice
further south, it is clear that Cook did not go as far north as he thought he went.

When the Swedish Academy of Sciences and University of Copenhagen examined

Cook's claims, they decided that he had not proved that he reached the Pole.
Peary gave the following report to the Associated Press:
"Cook was not at the North Pole on April 21, 1908, nor at any other time. Cook's
story should not be taken too seriously. The two Eskimos who accompanied him
say he went no distance north, and not out of sight of land. Other members of
the tribe commemorate this story. He has simply handed the public a gold brick."

But when Peary returned to civilization his own story sounded as dubious as
Cook's. He had taken even fewer observations of his alleged position than Cook
had done. The fact that he left his white companions behind and had no
witnesses cast doubt on his claims. When Cook was doubted when he said he
made fifteen miles a day in sledge traveling, Peary claimed he made over twenty,
and even forty. Since it is impossible to make forty miles a day on a dog sledge,
which is admitted to be slower travel than on foot, this claim seems impossible.
When questioned whether he traveled faster on the dog sledge than on foot,
Peary admitted: "In Arctic expeditions a man is lucky if he is able to walk without
pushing the sledge. Usually he must grip the rear and push it ahead. It is like
guiding a breaking plow drawn by oxen. You must also expect at any moment
that the sledge may strike some pressure ridge that will wrench you off your

According to Peary's statement it seems impossible that he could travel at speeds

of twenty to forty miles a day over Arctic ice and keep it up for eight days, after
doing equally arduous work for months.

For this reason, after examining Cook's and Peary's data, Honorable Mr. Miller

"The question whether Cook or Peary discovered the North Pole may never be
solved. It seems to be one of history's puzzles, and to remain a matter of one
man's word against another."

When Peary submitted his proofs for investigation, the Congressional Committee
that examined them acknowledged in Congress that Peary had not, no more
than Cook, proved his claim of reaching the Pole. Peary claimed he traveled a
distance of 270 miles from eighty-seven degrees, forty- seven minutes North to
the Pole and back to the same latitude in seven days and a few hours. This
speed seems impossible in the polar region.

Cook admitted he did not reach the Pole in his book he wrote after he returned
from his expedition, in which he wrote:

"Did I actually reach the North Pole?...If I was mistaken in approximately placing
my feet upon the pin-point (North Pole) about which this controversy has raged,
I maintain it was the inevitable mistake any man must make. To touch that spot
would be an accident."
This created an international scandal. After foreign kings and universities had
congratulated and showered honors on Cook, later it was discovered they had
been duped. Now, after one American explorer (Cook) was found to have made
a false claim, it would reflect badly the reputation of the United States if another
(Peary) was found, after examination, to also make a false claim. This would lead
to ridicule in the foreign press. To prevent this, the Congress of the United States
appointed a committee of the National Geographical Society, which gave a
favorable verdict on Peary's discovery after a cursory examination of his field
notes, and it was hoped this would settle the matter, so that the world may
consider an American explorer, Peary, to have discovered the North Pole. It was
hoped this would settle the matter, and prevent one false claim about the
discovery of the North Pole by an American from following the other.

However, a year after the committee of the National Geographical Society made
a favorable verdict on Peary's claim, a new Congressional investigation was made
and its verdict was that Peary did not prove his claims because his statements
were not backed by a single white witness. The committee made the verdict of
"not proven."

But Peary never replied to the charges made against him, and wished to end his
career by retiring with the rank of Rear Admiral, which carried a pension with it
of $6,000 a year. Friends of Peary brought into Congress a bill to retire him. One
would think that before he retired an inquiry would be made whether or not he
reached the Pole, but no inquiry was made. While the United States government
refused to officially endorse Peary's discovery, it could not afford to lower its
prestige before the world by announcing that he did not discover the North Pole.

"I am satisfied that Peary did not discover the Pole for two reasons:

"1. In spite of all the talk there has been about scientific data brought back by
him and furnished as evidence, the fact is that his claim to the discovery in
question is backed by his unsupported word, and by nothing else. "2. All of the
other claims to discoveries in the Arctic region by Peary have been proven false.
Why, then, should we accept as true his unsupported statement that he arrived
at the Pole?"

At a Congressional Hearing, Mr. Tittmann, superintendent of the U.S. Coast

Survey, was asked: "What evidence is there that this party consisting of Peary
and others, reached the Pole?"

Mr. Tittmann replied: "I have no evidence of that except the soundings recorded
under Peary's signature. Peary brought back nothing - no witnesses, no
worthwhile scientific proof, nothing but his unsupported word to back up his
claim to have discovered the Pole. But, inasmuch as his reputation for veracity
has been completely shattered by the fact that every other claim of discovery
made by him has proven false, there is nothing that the world can accept as
demonstrating that at any time he has been anywhere near the Pole."

Due to the irregular action of the compass in the polar region and the fact that
the sun was barely above the horizon when both explorers were there, making it
difficult to make measurements, in a region where it is easy for an explorer to
get lost due to difficulty in ascertaining his position, it is probable that neither
Cook or Peary really found the North Pole, even if they thought they did. This is
confirmed by the fact that every previous Arctic explorer found warmer
conditions and open sea very far north, while Cook and Peary claimed they
traveled over ice. This would indicate that they were in points further south and
if they had gone further north they would reach open sea. Commenting on this
fact, Marshall B. Gardner, in his book, "A Journey to the Earth's Interior or Were
the Poles Really Discovered," writes:

"Had they (Cook and Peary) gone further they would have found open and
increasing temperature. Had they then possessed boats they could have
launched on that sea and the way to the goal and to the truth would have been
clear. They would have seen the earth's central sun shining even in the winter,
shining all of the twenty-four hours and all of the year, and they would have
discovered new continents and oceans, a new world of land and water and of
forms of life some of which have vanished from the outside of the globe.

"But it was not to be. The discovery of that new land was left to those who,
following the theory outlined in this book, and using such safe means of Arctic
traveling as the airplane and dirigible, will fly over the eternal barrier of ice to the
warmer sea beyond and over that until they come into the realm of perpetual
sunlight. "

Gardner's claim was confirmed by the two expeditions of Admiral Byrd, which
traveled by airplane through the openings at the North and South Poles and
came to this warmer land, where they saw a new strange form of animal life, as
well as trees, green vegetation, mountains and lakes, though the expeditions did
not penetrate the polar openings far enough to reach the tropical land of
perpetual sunlight in the earth's interior, about which Gardner speaks. But such a
land and such a sun must exist if Admiral Byrd's observations of a warmer
territory beyond the Poles are correct.

Chapter VI

William F. Warren, in his book, "Paradise Found, or the Cradle of the Human
Race," presents the view that the human race originated on a tropical continent
in the Arctic, the famed Hyperborea of the ancient Greeks, a land of sunshine
and fruits, whose inhabitants, a race of gods, lived for over a thousand years
without growing old.

The ancient writings of the Chinese, Egyptians, Hindus and other races, and the
legends of the Eskimos, speak of a great opening in the north and a race that
lives under the earth's crust, and that their ancestors came from this paradisical
land in the Earth's interior. (May not Santa Claus represent a race memory of a
benefactor of humanity who came from this subterranean race, who came to the
surface through the north polar opening - perhaps on a flying saucer, symbolized
by his flying sled and reindeer?)

Most writers on the subject claim that the interior of the earth is inhabited by a
race of small brown-skinned people and also say that the Eskimos, whose racial
origin differs from that of all other races on the earth's surface, came from this
subterranean race. One explorer declared that those known as the Arctic
Highlanders came from the interior of the earth. When the Eskimos were asked
where their forefathers came from, they pointed to the north. Some Eskimo
legends tell of a paradisical land of great beauty to the north. Eskimo legends
also tell of a beautiful land of perpetual light, where there is neither darkness at
any time nor a too bright sun.

This wonderful land has a mild climate where large lakes never freeze, where
tropical animals roam in herds, and where birds of many colors cloud the sky, a
land of perpetual youth, where people live for thousands of years in peace and
happiness. There is a story of a British king named Herla, whom the Skraelings
(Eskimos) took to a land of paradise beneath the earth. The Irish have a legend
about a lovely land beyond the north, where are continuous light and summer
weather. Scandinavian legends tell of a wonderful land far to the north, called
"Ultima Thule."

Palmer comments: "Is Admiral Byrd's `land of mystery, center of the great
unknown' the same as the `Ultima Thule' of Scandinavian legend?"

Speaking of the origin of the Eskimo, Gardner says: "That the Eskimo came from
the interior of the earth, that is to say, from a location which they could not
easily explain to the Norwegians who might have asked them where they
originally came from, is shown by the fact that the early Norwegians regarded
them as a supernatural people, a species of fairy. When we remember that in
the efforts of these Eskimos to tell where they came from they would point to
the north and describe a land of perpetual sunshine, it is easy to see that the
Norwegians who associated the polar regions with the end of the world, certainly
not with a new world, would wonder at the strange origin thus indicated. They
would naturally assume that these were supernatural beings who came from
some region under the earth - as that was always considered to be the abode of
fairies, gnomes and similar creatures." And according to Nansen this is precisely
what happened. He says: "I have already stated that the Norse name 'Skraeling'
for Eskimo must have originally been used as a designation of fairies or mythical
creatures. Furthermore there is much that would imply that when the Icelanders
first met with the Eskimo in Greenland they looked upon them as fairies. They,
therefore, called them `trolls,' an ancient common name for various sorts of
supernatural beings. This view persisted more or less in later times."

Nansen goes on to tell us that when these Skraelings, or Eskimos, were

mentioned in Latin writings, the word was translated as "Pygmaei," meaning
"short, undergrown people of supernatural aspect." In the middle ages they were
supposed to inhabit Thule, which refers to the ultimate land beyond the north.
This belief in Thule, a land beyond the Pole, inhabited by a strange people, was
very widespread. Nansen tells us that from St. Augustine the knowledge of these
pigmies reached Isidore, and from him it passed over all of medieval Europe - in
the sense of a fabulous people from the uttermost parts of the north, a fairy

A Welshman, Walter Mapes, in the latter part of the twelfth century, in his
collection of anecdotes, tells of a prehistoric king of Briton called Herla, who met
with the Skraelings or Eskimos, who took him beneath the earth. Many early
legends tell of people going under the earth into a strange realm, staying there
for a long period of time and later returning. The ancient Irish had a legend of a
land beyond the sea where the sun always shone and it was always summer
weather. They even thought that some of their heroes had gone there and
returned - after which they were never satisfied with their own country.

A thirteenth century Norwegian writer is quoted by Nansen, according to whom

the Eskimos were believed at this time to be a supernatural people, small in
stature, and hence different in their origin than the other inhabitants of the
earth. Gardner writes: "Nansen says that Eskimo settlements increase not only
by the tribe growing in numbers, but by `fresh immigration from the north,'
which clearly points to further additions from the interior of the earth. "That they
originally came from a land of constant sunshine, from a country much past the
northern ice barrier is the tradition of the Eskimos themselves, and it is a
tradition which must be given full weight, for it could not have arisen among
them in the first place without cause.

On this point Dr. Senn says: `When questioned as to the land of their origin,
they invariably point north without having the faintest perception what this
means.' "Naturally the Eskimos do not know that the earth is hollow and that
ages ago they lived in its interior, but they have clung to that one simple fact -
they came from the north. Dr. Senn denies that they have any characteristics in
common with the North American Indian and thinks that they are the remnant of
`the oldest inhabitants of the western hemisphere.' In this attributing of great
antiquity to them he may be right - at least he there agrees with Nansen. But the
interior of the earth and not the western hemisphere is evidently the place of
their original abode.

"As for the land of perpetual sunshine, the Eskimo, of course, does not
remember that as something he himself has seen, for it is very questionable if
any of the Eskimos of the present generation have ever penetrated to the
interior. But it is a well known fact that every race has its idea of a `golden age'
or paradise which is generally composed of the elements being handed down in
its stories and myths as being characteristic of its earliest home. Thus the Eskimo
legends handed down generation after generation, tales of the interior land with
its ever shining sun, and what could be more natural than when the Eskimo
came to build in fancy a paradise for himself and his loved ones after they should
die, that he should reconstruct this first home of which he had heard only dim

That at any rate, is just what he had done. Dr. Senn, discussing their religion
says: "They believe in a future world. The soul descends beneath the earth into
various abodes - the first of which is somewhat in the nature of a purgatory. But
the good spirits passing through it find that the other mansions improve till at a
great depth they reach that of perfect bliss, where the sun never sets, and
where by the side of great lakes that never freeze, the deer roam in large herds
and the seal and the walrus always abound in the waters.' "That paradise might
serve as almost a literal description of the land in the interior of the earth, and
the way in which the Eskimo indicates a preliminary purgatory before it can be
reached may be the reflection of a memory handed down in the tribe of the
great hardships and difficulties of the ice barrier between that wonderful home
and the present situation of the Eskimo on the southern side of that great
natural obstacle. "It is also interesting to note that when the Eskimo first saw
Peary's effort to get further north than the great ice-cap of Greenland - beyond
which they themselves had no ambition to explore - they immediately thought
that the reason for his trying to get further north was to get into communication
with other tribes there.

That idea would hardly have occurred to them if it were not for the fact that they
had traditional or other evidence of people in the supposedly unpopulated north.
"With such a weight of evidence all pointing one way it is very hard to resist the
conclusion that in the Eskimo we find a type, changed now and mixed with other
types, but still something of a type of human being that has inhabited or very
likely still inhabits the interior of the earth. We can certainly find no origin for
them that explains their present situation. And their legends admit of no other
explanation either. For those legends certainly point to the same sort of land as
every chapter of this book has pointed to - a land of perpetual sunlight and a
mild climate, a land corresponding to the `Ultima Thule' of ancient legend and
that may, sooner than the skeptic expects, be opened up once more to those
who go properly equipped to seek it."

Gardner says that both the Eskimo and Mongolian race came from the interior of
the earth, since they resemble each other in many ways, including the unusual
formation of their eyes, so different from that of other races.

Gardner writes: "It is quite possible that the Eskimos are not descended from
any tribes driven out of China as that might imply, but that the Chinese as well
as the Eskimos originally came from the interior of the earth.

Chapter VII

Evidence That They Come From the Hollow Interior of the Earth

The conception of a hollow earth presented in this book offers the most
reasonable theory of the origin of the flying saucers and far more logical than the
belief in their interplanetary origin. For this reason, leading flying saucer experts,
as Ray Palmer, editor of "Flying Saucers" magazine, and Gray Barker, a well
known writer on flying saucers, have accepted the theory of their subterranean
origin as against the idea that they come from other planets.

The theory that flying saucers came from the Earth's interior and not from other
planets originated in Brazil and only later was it taken up by American flying
saucer experts.

In 1957, while browsing in a Sao Paulo, Brazil, bookstore, the author came
across a book that struck his attention, entitled, "From the Subterranean World
to the Sky: Flying Saucers". The book was devoted to the thesis that flying
saucers were not space ships from other planets but were of terrestrial origin
and came from a subterranean race dwelling inside the earth.

At first, the author could not accept this strange, unorthodox theory concerning
the origin of the flying saucers, which seemed improbable and impossible, since
it would require the existence of a cavity of tremendous size inside the earth in
which they could fly, in view of their tremendous speed. In fact, this cavity would
have to be so large that it would make the earth a hollow sphere. At this time
the author had not come across the remarkable books of two American
scientists, William Reed and Marshall B. Gardner, proving, on basis of evidence
from Arctic explorers, that the earth is hollow with openings at the Poles, with a
diameter of 5,800 miles in its hollow interior, large enough for flying saucers to
fly in.

Huguenin's theory of the subterranean origin of the flying saucers, however, was
not original. The idea was first put forward by Professor Henruique Jose de
Souza, president of the Brazilian Theosophical Society, which has its
headquarters in Sao Lourenco in the State of Minas Gerais, where there is an
immense temple in Greek style dedicated to "Agharta," the Buddhist name for
the Subterranean World.

Among the professor's students at Sao Lourenco were Mr. Huguenin and
Commander Paulo Justino Strauss, officer of the Brazilian Navy and member of
the Diretoria of the Brazilian Theosophical Society, From him they learned about
the Subterranean World, and also the idea that flying saucers come from the
Earth's interior. It was for this reason that Mr. Huguenin dedicated his book to
Prof. de Souza and his wife, D. Helena Jefferson de Souza.

While Huguenin incorporated the idea of the subterranean origin of the flying
saucers in a book, Commander Strauss presented it in a series of lectures which
he held in Rio de Janeiro, in which he affirmed that the flying saucers are of
terrestrial origin, but do not come from any known nation on the earth's surface.
They originate, he believes, in the Subterranean World, the World of Agharta,
whose capital city is known as Shamballah.

In his book, Huguenin presents Strauss's views on the subterranean origin of the
flying saucers and against the theory that they come from other planets as
follows: "The hypothesis of the extra-terrestrial origin of the flying saucers does
not seem acceptable. Another possibility is that they are military aircraft
belonging to some existing nation on earth. This hypothesis, however, is
opposed by the following arguments:

"1. If the United States and Russia possessed flying saucers, they would not
desist from announcing this fact because of its value as a psychological arm to
secure advantages in the diplomatic field. Also they would manufacture and use
these vehicles for military purposes, since they are so rapid and powerful that
they would leave the enemy almost without means of defense.

"2. The United States and USSR would not continue to spend large sums of
money on the manufacture of ordinary airplanes if they possessed the secret of
producing flying saucers."

After presenting the argument that flying saucers do not come from any existing
nation and his view that they are not of interplanetary origin, Huguenin quotes
Strauss to the fact that they come from the Subterranean World. On this subject
he writes:

"Finally, we must consider the most recent and interesting theory that has been
offered to account for the origin of the flying saucers: the existence of a great
Subterranean World with innumerable cities in which live millions of inhabitants.
This other humanity must have reached a very high degree of civilization,
economic organization and social, cultural and spiritual development, together
with an extraordinary scientific progress, in comparison with whom the humanity
that lives on the earth's surface may be considered as a race of barbarians.

"The idea of the existence of a Subterranean World will shock many people. To
others it will sound absurd and impossible, for 'certainly,' they say, 'if it existed, it
would have been discovered long ago.' And there are plenty of other critics who
would point out that it would be impossible for such an inhabited world to exist
inside the earth because of the belief that as one descends, the temperature
increases, on the basis of which theory it is supposed that, since the temperature
increased the further down one went, the center of the earth is a fiery mass.
However, this increase in temperature does not mean that the center of the
earth is fiery, since it might extend only for a limited distance and, as in the case
of volcanos and hot springs, arise from subterranean cavities located at certain
levels (below which the temperature again drops as one goes downward). "In
accordance with the hypothesis that heat increases as one descends through the
earth's crust, this takes place only a distance of eighty kilometers (in the
superficial layer of the earth).

"According to the information supplied by Commander Paulo Justin Strauss, the

Subterranean World is not restricted to caverns, but is more or less extensive
and located in a hollow inside the Earth large enough to contain cities and fields,
where live human beings and animals, whose physical structure resembles those
on the surface. Among its inhabitants are certain persons who came from the
surface, who, like Colonel Fawcett and his son Jack, descended, never to return."
(Huguenin here refers to the views of Professor de Souza and Commander
Strauss on the controversial subject of Colonel Fawcett's mysterious
disappearance, claiming that he and his son Jack are still living in a subterranean
city to which they gained access through a tunnel in the Roncador Mountains of
Northeast Matto Grosso, and were not killed by Indians as commonly supposed.
Fawcett's wife, who claims to be in telepathic contact with him, is positive that
he is still living, so much so that she sent an expedition to Matto Grosso, in
charge of her other son, to find him, but in vain, because he was no longer on
the earth's surface, but in the Subterranean World.)

Huguenin then asks how these marvelous subterranean cities and this advanced
civilization in the interior of the earth arose. His answer is that the builders and
most of the inhabitants of this Subterranean World are members of an
antediluvian race which came from the prehistoric submerged continents of
Lemuria and Atlantis, who found refuge there from the flood that destroyed their
Motherland. (Lemuria sank under the Pacific Ocean ... while Atlantis was
submerged by a series of inundations, the last of which occurred 11,500 years
ago, according to Plato's account, derived from ancient Egyptian records. Egypt
was a colony of Atlantis to the East, just as the Aztec, Mayan and Inca empires
were to the West.)

Huguenin claims that the Atlanteans, who were far in advance of us in scientific
development, flew the sky in aircraft utilizing a form of energy obtained directly
from the atmosphere, and which were known as "vimanas," which were identical
with what we know as flying saucers. Prior to the catastrophe that destroyed
Atlantis, the Atlanteans found refuge in the Subterranean World in the hollow
interior of the earth, to which they traveled on their "vimanas" or flying saucers,
reaching it through the polar openings. Ever since then, their flying saucers
remained in the earth's interior atmosphere and were used for purposes of
transportation from one point in the interior concave world to another, for in this
world, inside the crust of the earth, a straight aerial line is the shortest distance
between any two points, no matter how far apart. It was only after the
Hiroshima atomic explosion that these Atlantean aircraft rose to the surface for
the first time, and were known as flying saucers. As we have pointed out
previously, they came as an act of self-defense, to prevent radioactive pollution
of the air they receive from the outside.

Huguenin is convinced that flying saucers are not space ships from other planets,
but Atlantean airships. It seems that throughout history, especially in ancient
times, these aircraft occasionally rose to the surface, and some historical figures
rode in them. Thus in the Indian epic, "Ramayana," there is a description of a
Celestial Car of Rama, the great teacher of Vedic India, known as "vimana," a
controlled aerial vehicle. It was capable of flying great distances. Rama's aerial
record was a hop from Ceylon to Mount Kailas in Tibet. In the "Mahabharata,"
we read of Chrishna's enemies having built an aerial chariot with sides of iron
and clad with wings. The "Smranagana Sutrahara" says that by means of
skyships human beings can fly in the air and "heavenly beings" would come
down to earth.

That aerial navigation existed long before the making of the first modern airplane
by the Wright brothers, the director of the International Academy of Sanskrit
Investigation at Mysen, India, discovered an ancient treatise on aeronautics,
which was written three thousand years ago. It was attributed to the Indu sage
Bharadway, who wrote a manuscript called "Vymacrika Shastra," meaning "the
Science of Aeronautics." It has eight chapters with diagrams, describing three
types of aircraft, including apparatuses that could neither catch on fire nor break,
and mentions thirty-one essential parts of these vehicles and sixteen materials
from which they are constructed, which absorb light and heat, for which reason
they were considered suitable for the construction of airplanes. It is interesting
to note the similarity of the word "vymacrika" and "vimanas," indicating that the
Hindus obtained their knowledge of aerial navigation from the subterranean
Atlanteans who must have visited them in ancient times and taught them.

From Brazil, where the theory of the subterranean origin of the flying saucers
originated, it spread to the United States, where Ray Palmer, editor of "Flying
Saucers" magazine became its enthusiastic proponent, abandoning his former
belief in their interplanetary origin in favor of the new theory that they came
from the hollow interior of the earth. In the December, 1959 issue of his
magazine, he wrote:

"In this issue we have presented the results of years of research, in which we
advance the possibility that the flying saucers not only are from our own planet,
and not from space, inner or outer, but there is a tremendous mass to evidence
to show that there is an UNKNOWN location of vast dimensions which is, insofar
as we can safely state at this writing, also unexplored, where the flying saucers
can, and most probably do originate."

In reference to the claims made by some flying saucer "contactees" that they
were taken up on a flying saucer for a trip to Mars and other planets, Palmer

"We've read all the accounts of such voyages and nowhere, in any of them, can
we find positive evidence that space was traversed: In all these accounts, we can
see where the passengers could have been taken to this 'unknown land'
discovered by Admiral Byrd, and if told they were on Mars, they would not know
the difference. "Provided an actual trip in a saucer was made, the pilots of the
flying saucers could have simulated a space trip and instead took their
passengers to `that mysterious land beyond the Pole,' as Admiral Byrd calls it.

In an article, "Saucers From Earth: A Challenge to Secrecy;," in the Dec. 1959

issue of "Flying Saucers," Palmer writes:

"Flying Saucers magazine has amassed a large file of evidence which its editors
consider unassailable, to prove that the flying saucers are native to the planet
Earth: that the governments of more than one nation know this to be a fact; that
a concerted effort is being made to learn all about them, and to explore their
native land; that the facts already known are considered so important that they
are the world's top secret; that the danger is so great that to offer public proof is
to risk widespread panic; that public knowledge would bring public demand for
action, which would topple governments both helpless and unwilling to comply;
that the inherent nature of the flying saucers and their origination area (in the
earth's hollow interior, reached through the polar openings - Author) is
completely disruptive to political and economic status-quo."

As against the theory that flying saucers were made by any existing government,
Palmer says, "Flying saucers have been with humanity for centuries, if not
thousands of years." Their antiquity, he says, " eliminates contemporary earth
governments as the originators of the mysterious phenomenon.

After disproving that flying saucers come from any existing nation, Palmer
attacks the theory of their interplanetary origin, whose chief proponent is the
American flying saucer expert, Keyhoe, also some "contactees" who claim some
flying saucers come from Mars, others from Venus, etc.

After showing that flying saucers do not come from any existing nation or from
other planets, Palmer, America's greatest authority on flying saucers, concludes,
in agreement with Commander Strauss and Huguenin, that they come from the
earth's hollow interior through the polar opening, so He writes:

"In the opinion of the editors of `Flying Saucers,' this Polar origin of the flying
saucers will now have to be factually disproved. Any denial must be accompanied
with positive proof. `Flying Saucers' suggests that such proof cannot be
provided. `Flying Saucers' takes the stand that all flying saucer groups should
study the matter from the hollow earth viewpoint, amass all confirmatory
evidence available in the last two centuries, and search diligently for any
contrary evidence. Now that we have tracked the flying saucers to the most
logical origin (the one we have consistently insisted must exist because of the
insurmountable obstacles of interstellar origin, which demands factors beyond
our imagination), that the flying saucers come from our own Earth, it must be
proved or disproved, one way or the other.

"Why? Because if the interior of the Earth is populated by a highly scientific and
advanced race, we must make profitable contact with them; and if they are
mighty in their science, which includes the science of war, we must not make
enemies of them; and if it is the intent of our governments to regard the interior
of the Earth as 'virgin territory,' and comparable to the `Indian Territory' of
North America when the settlers came over to take it away from its rightful
owners, it is right for the people to know that intent, and to express their desire
in the matter. "The flying saucer has become the most important single fact in

The answer to the questions raised in this article are to be answered. Admiral
Byrd has discovered a new and mysterious land, the `center of the great
unknown,' and the most important discovery of all time. We have it from his own
lips, from a man whose integrity has always been unimpeachable, and whose
mind was one of the most brilliant of modern times. "Let those who wish to call
him a liar step forward and prove their claim: Flying saucers come from this
Earth:" So ends Ray Palmer's great article, "Flying Saucers From the Earth,"
which created a sensation, causing certain government secret agencies to
confiscate the magazine and stop its distribution, so that it did not reach its 5000
subscribers. Why? Obviously because the government was convinced that such
an unclaimed, unknown territory, vast in extent, larger than the entire land
surface of the earth, exists and wished its existence to be kept secret, so that no
other nation would know about it or reach it before and claim this territory as its
own. It was important that the Russians do not learn about it. For this reason it
was decided to suppress this issue of "Flying Saucers" of December, 1959, which
was mysteriously removed from circulation.

Evidently the information contained in this magazine concerning the fact that
flying saucers come from the earth's hollow interior through the polar openings,
like news concerning Admiral Byrd's flights past the Poles into the new unknown
territory beyond them, was considered dangerous to be released to the public
and was consequently secretly suppressed by government authorities. Another
outstanding American authority on flying saucers is Gray Barker. A month after
Palmer published his sensational article expressing his belief that flying saucers
do not come from outer space but from the earth's interior, Barker, in his "The
Saucerian Bulletin," on January 15, 1960, wrote: "In the December 1951 issue of
'Flying Saucers' Ray Palmer came out with his findings. The theory had been
advanced before, many years previously, in a book titled `A Journey to the
Earth's Interior, Or Have the Poles Really Been Discovered?' now out of print and
very rare. Many occult students, long before flying saucers became widely known
about, believed that people lived inside the earth, emerging and entering
through secret openings at the North and South Poles. "Palmer presented only
the first of his evidences in the December 1959 issue. It consisted of a review of
newspaper and radio accounts of Admiral Richard E. Byrd's flight to the North
Pole in 1947.

"In February of that year, Byrd took off from an Arctic base and headed straight
north to the Pole. Then Byrd kept flying north, beyond the Pole, and was amazed
to discover iceless lands and lakes, mountains covered with trees, and even a
monstrous animal moving through the underbrush below: For almost 1700 miles
the plane flew over land, mountains, trees, lakes and rivers. After flying 1700
miles, he was forced to turn back because of his gasoline supply limit for the
return trip. So he retraced the flight back to the Arctic base. Not much was
thought about the unusual flight at the time.

"Palmer then instructs the reader to look at the globe. According to Byrd's
reported flight, he shouldn't have seen anything but ice-covered ocean or
partially open water. Yet Byrd saw trees and other greenery. According to the
globe, such a land just isn't there. "Palmer next discusses similar geographical
discrepancies at the South Pole, and then draws the amazing conclusion: `The
Earth is not spherical. Instead it is something like a though perhaps not so
flattened. At each pole there is a huge opening, so large that when one travels
"beyond" the Pole, he actually enters the lip of the hole of the doughnut-shaped
earth. If he traveled far enough he would travel through the 'hole' of the
'doughnut' and emerge at the other Pole.

"Palmer further suggests that people live on the `inside' of the earth, and that
such people emerge from the Poles in flying saucers. He promises to present the
remainder of the proofs later, but in the present issue of 'Flying Saucer," his case
boils down to these main points: "(1) Measurements of areas at the North and
South Poles are larger than you can find room for on a map or globe, leading to
the assumption that such areas extend down into the 'doughnut.

"(2) Some animals, particularly the musk-ox, migrate north in the wintertime,
from the Arctic Circle. Foxes are found north of the 80th parallel, heading north,
and appear well fed in a large area where there is no food available. (They go
north because it becomes warmer and there is plant and animal life as they enter
the polar opening - Author.)

"(3) Arctic explorers agree it gets warmer as one heads north (after coming close
enough to the North Pole).

"(4) In the Arctic, coniferous trees drift ashore, from out of the north. Butterflies
and bees are found in the far north, but never hundreds of miles south of that

"(5) Remains of mammoths, perfectly preserved, were found in Siberia, with the
sparse food of the sub-Arctic region in its stomach. Such food could not have
supported the animal. It must have come from the `land beyond the Poles',
Palmer postulates. "(6) Trouble with satellites shot over the South Pole bears out
the theory that land areas haven't been measured accurately or that 'somebody'
has been interfering with them.

In this connection it is interesting to note that American newspapers, some time

back, published a report of a mysterious artificial satellite discovered to encircle
the earth in an orbit that passed directly over both Poles and which was sent by
no known nation. Did it emerge from one of the Poles and continue to rotate
around its point of origin?

Gray Barker seems to agree with Palmer that flying saucers come from inside the
earth; and in his editorial quoted above, he asks:

"What if there could be some unknown race, on some unexplored portion of the
earth, which is responsible for the flying saucers? Palmer' s articles started me to
thinking along that direction once again. THE INNER EARTH EXPLANATION
PICTURE. "Various occult schools teach that polar entrances provide the
doorways to cities of Agharta, the Subterranean World, such as Shamballah (the
capital) and others. Let us accept, for a moment, that such a people has existed
inside the earth for thousands of years, even before man - or maybe they
seeded the outside with man. Maybe they have constantly watched over him,
occasionally assisting him with technology, giving rise to what we now call
`legends.' Maybe they built the Great Pyramid; maybe they are responsible for
some of the 'miracles' reported in secular and religious histories. Until man, their
protege, learned to be morally worthy, they would not wish to give him,
suddenly, the knowledge of their existence or secrets of their technology. "When
man, however, invented the atomic bomb, the people of the inner earth were
greatly concerned about it. Maybe they feared that contamination of the
atmosphere would reach them; maybe they feared man could blow up the earth
entirely. Halting or controlling man's propensity for destruction would be a
delicate problem unless they would come out openly and inform him of their
existence. They figured that they would eventually have to do so, and began a
slow process of indoctrination, first merely letting him see the flying saucers fly
around. Since men thought that flying saucers came from outer space, they
pretended to be space people contacting him in their craft, and trying to
indoctrinate him with peaceful philosophy (the majority of `space people'
contacted having spoken strongly against the atomic bomb)."

In his book, "They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers," Barker speaks of the
"Antarctic Mystery" or the unusual number of flying saucers seen to ascend and
descend in the region of the South Pole, which strongly supports the theory of a
polar opening through which flying saucers emerge from and enter the hollow
interior of the earth. In this book he mentions an Australian and New Zealand
investigator, named Bender and Jarrold respectively, who believed that flying
saucers originate and are based in the Antarctic and tried to trace their course,
when they were suddenly stopped in their research by `three men in black,' who
were secret government agents who apparently wished to suppress such
research, just as publicity concerning Admiral Byrd's 2,300 mile flight to the new
unknown territory not found on any map, that lies beyond the South Pole and
inside the opening that leads to the earth's hollow interior, was suppressed in the

Theodore Fitch is another American writer who believes that flying saucers come
from the hollow interior of the earth. In his book, "Our Paradise Inside the
Earth;" he writes:

"Writers of books on flying saucers believe that they come from other planets.
But how can that be? They are too far away. Traveling at terrific speeds it would
take a lifetime to make the trip (especially from planets of other solar systems)."

Fitch claims, as does Palmer, that the "spacemen" who came to us in flying
saucers, who pose to be visitors from other planets, are really members of an
advanced civilization in the hollow interior of the earth, who have important
reasons for keeping their true place of origin secret, for which reason they
purposely foster the false belief that they come from other planets. On this point,
Fitch writes: "They say that they come from other planets, but we doubt it." He
considers this a white lie in order to prevent militaristic governments from
learning that on the opposite side of the earth's crust there exists an advanced
civilization whose scientific attainments far surpass our own, which is reached by
the polar openings. In this way they protect themselves from molestation or
possible war between subterranean and surface races."

Fitch agrees with Palmer that flying saucers are not "space ships," as Adamski
claims, nor are their pilots "spacemen". Rather they are vehicles for atmospheric
travel which come from the hollow interior of the earth in which they fly,
connecting each part of the concave subterranean world with the other. As for
the little brown men" seen in flying saucers, Fitch believes that they belong to
the same subterranean race from which the Eskimos descended. Fitch is in
agreement with William Reed and Marshall B. Gardner that the ancestors of the
Eskimos came from the hollow interior of the Earth through the polar opening.
Describing these little brown men, who are the pilots of the flying saucers,
evidently serving a master race (Atlantean) which built them and sent them to us
Fitch says:

"Though smaller than we, they are stronger. Their grip is like a vice. One of
them could quickly overpower a strong man. Their bodies are perfect in build.
Both men and women dress neatly. Though not beautiful, they are nice
lo· king. Not one of them looks to be over 30 years old. They say that they do
not expect to ever die. "It would take a book to record the conversation that has
taken place with the saucermen and women. Their speech is quick, sharp and
right to the point. They seem to be very, very intelligent.. They talk freely and
answer all questions, but they lie about things they do not want us to know
(refusing to reveal their true subterranean origin and pretending to come from
other planets, as Mars and Venus).

"Here are a few brief statements or claims made by the little men and women
who live inside the earth. They boast about their superior mentality and
knowledge, and that they excel us in creative ability. They say they are far ahead
of us from the standpoint of new inventions. For instance, they claim that their
flying saucers are powered with `free energy' (meaning the electromagnetic
energy of space, which is free and not like fuel used to supply our aircraft). They
claim they obtain this `free energy' by exploding certain atoms by the action of
the electromagnetic energy of space while in flight. "They say they are
thousands of years ahead of us in all of the arts, such as painting, sculpture and
architectural designing. Also they are ahead of us in their domestic and business
management, in their agricultural techniques, and that their beautiful
landscapes, parks, flower gardens, orchards and farms vastly surpass our own.
They claim that they are far ahead of us in their knowledge of nutrition and diet.
"They claim to live in luxury, yet have no class distinction and no poverty among
them, nor need of police. They say that they know every language on earth."

"Fitch's description of this super civilization in the hollow interior of the earth
reminds one of Bulwer Lytton's subterranean Utopia described in his book, "The
Coming Race." Lytton was a Rosicrucian and probably had access to occult
information along this line. He described a super race inside the earth which
lived in a state of universal abundance and contentment, free from greed,
poverty and war."

Fitch describes these people as living under an economic system by which they
own all things in common, without private aggrandizement or hoarding, and
without class distinctions of rich and poor, capitalist or worker. Also they have an
equitable system of distribution free from exploitation and usury; and there is no
poverty among them, since all are on a basis of perfect equality through a
system of common ownership. They have no private property and work together
cooperatively for their mutual welfare. Fitch writes:

"They say they know all the secrets of every government. They say they are of
higher intelligence and authority. Since they are our superiors they have
authority over us. They claim to be experts in mental telepathy. They claim they
came from an antediluvian race (Lemurian and Atlantean). They say they know
nothing at all about our Jesus, and say our Bible has been mistranslated,
misinterpreted and misconstrued. They claim that they are a race which has not
fallen as we have... They say we should get rid of nuclear bombs and


The word "Agharta" is of Buddhist origin. It refers to the Subterranean World or

Empire in whose existence all true Buddhists fervently believe. They also believe
that this Subterranean World has millions of inhabitants and many cities, all
under the supreme domination of the subterranean world capital, Shamballah,
where dwells the Supreme Ruler of this Empire, known in the Orient as the King
of the World. It is believed that he gave his orders to the Dalai Lama of Tibet,
who was his terrestrial representative, his messages being transmitted through
certain secret tunnels connecting the Subterranean World with Tibet.

Similar mysterious tunnels honeycomb Brazil. Brazil in the West and Tibet in the
East seem to be the two parts of the Earth where contact between the
Subterranean World and the surface world may be most easily achieved, due to
the existence of these tunnels.

The famous Russian artist, philosopher and explorer, Nicholas Roerich, who
traveled extensively in the Far East, claimed that Lhasa, capital of Tibet, was
connected by a tunnel with Shamballah, capital of the subterranean empire of
Agharta. The entrance of this tunnel was guarded by lamas who were sworn to
keep its actual whereabouts a secret from outsiders, by order of the Dalai Lama.
A similar tunnel was believed to connect the secret chambers at the base of the
Pyramid of Gizeh with the Subterranean World, by which the Pharaohs
established contact with the gods or supermen of the underworld.

The various gigantic statues of early Egyptian gods and kings, as those of
Buddha found throughout the Orient, represent subterranean supermen who
came to the surface to help the human race. They are generally represented as
sexless. They were emissaries of Agharta, the subterranean paradise which it is
the goal of all true Buddhists to reach.

Buddhist traditions state that Agharta was first colonized many thousands of
years ago when a holy man led a tribe which disappeared underground. The
gypsies are supposed to come from Agharta, which explains their restlessness on
the Earth's surface and their continual travels to regain their lost home. This
reminds one of Noah, who was really an Atlantean, who saved a worthy group
prior to the coming of the flood that submerged Atlantis. It is believed that he
brought his group to the high plateau of Brazil where they settled in
subterranean cities, connected with the surface by tunnels, in order to escape
from poisoning by the radioactive fallout produced by the nuclear war the
Atlanteans fought, which brought on the flood that submerged their continent.
The aubterranean civilization oi Agharta is believed to represent a continuation of
Atlantean civilization, which, having learned the lesson of the futility of war,
remained in a state of peace ever since, making stupendous scientific progress
uninterrupted by the setbacks of recurrent wars, as our surface civilization has
been. Their civilization is many thousands of years old (Atlantls sank about
11,500 years ago), while ours is very young, only a few centuries old.

Subterranean scientists are able to wield forces of nature we know nothing

about, as demonstrated by their flying saucers, which are operated by a new,
unknown source of energy, more subtle than atomic energy. Ossendowski claims
that the Empire of Agharta consists of a network of subterranean cities
connected with each other by tunnels through which vehicles pass at
tremendous speed, both under land and under the ocean. These people live
under the benign reign of a government headed by the King of the World. They
represent descendants of the lost continents of Lemuria and Atlantis, as well as
the original perfect race of Hyperboreans, the race of gods. During various
epochs in history, the Aghartan supermen or gods came to the surface to teach
the human race and save it from wars, catastrophies and destruction. The
coming of the flying saucers soon after the first atomic explosion in Hiroshima
represents another such visitation, but thls time the gods themselves did not
appear among men, but they sent their emissaries.

The Indian epic, "Ramayana" describes Rama as such an emissary from Agharta
coming on an aerial vehicle, which was probably a flying saucer. A Chinese
tradition speaks of divine teachers coming on aerial vehicles. Similarly, the
founder ot the Inca dynasty, Manco Copac, came the same way.

One of the greatest of Aghartan teachers in America was Quetzalcoatl, the great
prophet of the Mayas and Aztecs and of the Indians of the Americas in general,
both in South and North America. That he was a stranger among them, coming
from a different race (Atlantean) is indicated by his being fair, while they were
dark; his being tall, while they were short; his being bearded, while they were
beardless. He was reverenced as a savior by the Indians of Mexico, Yucatan and
Guatemala long before the coming of the white man. The Aztecs called him "God
of Abundance" and the "Morning Star." His name Quetzalcoatl means "Feathered
Serpent," meaning a teacher of wisdom (symbolized by the serpent) who flies.
He was given this name because he came on an aerial vehicle, which appears to
have been a flying saucer. He probably came from the Subterranean World,
because after he remained some time with the Indians, he mysteriously vanished
the same way as he came; and was believed to have returned to the
Subterranean World from which he came.

Quetzalcoatl is described as having been "a man of good appearance and grave
countenance, with a white skin and beard, and dressed in a long flowing white
garment. He was also called Huemac, because of his great goodness and
continence. He taught the Indians the way of virtue and tried to save them from
vice by giving them laws and counsel to restrain them from lust and to practice
chastity. He taught pacifism and condemned violence in all forms. He instituted a
vegetarian diet, with corn as a principal food, and taught fasting and body
hygiene. According to the South American archeologist, Harold Wilkins,
Quetzalcoatl was also the spiritual teacher of the ancient inhabitants of Brazil.
After remaining some time with the Indians, and seeing how little they cared to
follow his teachings, except his recommendation to plant and eat corn as a basic
food in place of meat, Quetzalcoatl departed, telling them that some day he
would return. That this "visitor from Heaven" left the same way in which he
came - on a flying saucer - is indicated by the following facts. When Cortez
invaded Mexico, the emperor Montezuma believed that the predicted "return of
Quetzalcoatl" had occurred, because a fireball then gyrated over Mexico City,
making the people wail and scream, setting the temple of the war god on fire.
This fireball was believed to have been the flying saucer on which Quetzalcoatl

Osiris was another such subterranean god. According to Donnelly, in his book,
"Atlantis the Antediluvian World," the gods of the ancients were the rulers of
Atlantis and members of a superhuman race which governed the human race.
Before the destruction of their continent, which they foresaw, they traveled by
flying saucer through the polar opening to the Subterranean World in the hollow
interior of the earth, where they continued to live ever since.

"The Empire of Agharta," wrote Ossendowski in his book "Beasts, Men and
Gods," "extends through subterranean tunnels to all parts of the world." In this
book he speaks of a vast network of tunnels constructed by a prehistoric race of
remotest antiquity, which passed under both oceans and continents, through
which swift-moving vehicles traveled. The empire of which Ossendowski speaks
and concerning which he learned about from lamas in the Far East, during his
travels in Mongolia, obviously consists of subterranean cities inside the earth's
crust, which should be differentiated from those existing in its hollow center.
Thus there are two subterranean worlds, one more superficial and one in the
center of the earth. Huguenin, whose book on flying saucers and the
subterranean world we previously mentioned, believes that there exist many
subterranean cities at various depths, between the earth's crust and its hollow
interior. Concerning the inhabitants of these subterranean cities, he writes:

"This other humanity has reached an elevated grade of civilization, economic and
social organization and cultural and scientific progress, in comparison with which
the humanity which lives on the earth's surface are a race of barbarians."

In his book, Huguenin shows a diagram of the earth's interior, showing various
subterranean cities at various depths, connected with each other by tunnels. He
describes these cities as existing in immense cavities in the earth. The city of
Shamballah, the capital of the subterranean empire, he portrays as existing at
the center of the earth, in its hollow interior, rather than inside its solid crust.
Ossendowski writes: "All the subterranean caverns of America are inhabited by
an ancient people who disappeared from the world. These people and the
subterranean regions where they dwell are under the supreme authority of the
King of the World. Both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans were once the home of
vast continents which later became submerged; and their inhabitants found
refuge in the Subterranean World. The profounder caverns are illuminated by a
resplendent light which permits the growing of cereals and other vegetables, and
gives the inhabitants a long life-span free from disease. In this world exists a
large population and many tribes."

In his book, "The Coming Race," Bulwer Lytton describes a subterranean

civilization far in advance of our own, which existed in a large cavity in the earth,
connected with the surface by a tunnel. This immense cavity was illuminated by
a strange light which did not require lamps to produce it, but appeared to result
from an electrification of the atmosphere. This light supported plant life and
enabled the subterranean people to grow their foods. The inhabitants of the
Utopia, described by Lytton were vegetarians. They had certain apparatuses by
which, instead of walking, they flew. They were free from disease and had a
perfect social organization so that each received what he needed, without
exploitation of one by another.

It is claimed that the earth's crust is honeycombed by a network of tunnels

passing under the ocean from continent to continent and leading to subterranean
cities in large cavities in the earth. These tunnels are especially abundant in
South America, especially under Brazil, which was the chief center of Atlantean
colonization; and we may believe they were constructed by the Atlanteans. Most
famous of these tunnels is the "Roadway of the Incas" which stretches for
several hundred miles south of Lima, Peru, and passes under Cuzco, Tiahuanaco
and the Three Peaks, proceeding to the Atacambo Desert. Another branch opens
in Arica, Chile, visited by Madame Blavatsky.

It is claimed that the Incas used these tunnels to escape from the Spanish
conquerors and the Inquisition, when entire armies entered them, carrying with
them their gold and treasures on the backs of llamas, which they did when the
Spanish Conquerors first came. Their mysterious disappearance at this time,
leaving only the race of Quechua Indians behind, is also explained by their
entering these tunnels. It is claimed that when Atahualpa, the last of the Inca
kings, who was brutally murdered by Pizarro, the gold that was being carried to
his ransom on a train of 11,000 pack llamas, found refuge in these tunnels. It is
claimed that these tunnels had a form of artificial lighting and were built by the
race that had constructed Tiahuanco long before the first Inca appeared in Peru.

Since the Incas who entered these tunnels to escape from the Spaniards were
never seen since and disappeared from the earth's surface, it is probable that
they continued to live in illuminated subterranean cities to which these tunnels

These mysterious tunnels, an enigma to archeologists, exist in greatest number

under Brazil, where they open on the surface in various places. The most famous
is in the Roncador Mountains of northeast Matto Grosso to where Colonel
Fawcett was heading when last seen. It is claimed that the Atlantean city for
which he searched was not the ruins of a dead city on the surface but a
subterranean city with still living Atlanteans as its inhabitants; and that he and
his son Jack reached this city and are still living therein. This is the belief of
Professor de Souza, Commander Strauss and O. C. Huguenin, whom we have
mentioned before.

The Roncador tunnel opening is guarded by fierce Chavantes Indians who kill
anyone who dares to enter uninvited and who might molest the subterranean
dwellers whom they respect and reverence. The Murcego Indians also guard
these secret tunnel openings leading to subterranean cities in the Roncador
Mountain region of Matto Grosso. We quote a letter to the author from an
American, named Carl Huni, who lived many years in Matto Grosso and made a
special study of this subject:

"The entrance to the caverns is guarded by Murcego Indians, who are a dark-
skinned, undersized race of great physical strength. Their sense of smell is more
developed than that of the best bloodhounds. Even if they approve of you and
let you enter the caverns, I am afraid that you will be lost to the present world,
because they guard the secret very carefully and may not let those who enter
leave. (This may have happened to Colonel Fawcett and his son Jack, who are
believed to have entered a tunnel leading to a subterranean city in the Roncador
Mountains, never to return.)

"The Murcego Indians live in caverns and go out at night into the surrounding
jungles, but they have no contact with the subterranean dwellers below,
inhabiting a subterranean city in which they form a seli-contained community
and have a considerable population. It is believed that the subterranean cities
they inhabit were first constructed by the Atlanteans. One thing is certain, that
no radioactive fallout can reach them. No one knows whether those who live in
these ancient Atlantean subterranean cities are Atlanteans themselves or others
who settled there after their origlnal builders were gone. "The name of the
mountain range where these Atlantean subterranean cities exist is Roncador in
northeast Matto Grosso. If you go in quest of these subterranean cities, take
your life in your own hands as you may never be heard of again, like Colonel
Fawcett. "When I was in Brazil I heard a lot about the underground caverns and
subterranean cities. They are, however, a long way from Cuiaba. They are near
the Rio Araguaya, which empties into the Amazon. They are to the northeast of
Cuiaba at the foot of the tremendously long mountain range named Roncador. I
desisted to investigate further because I heard that the Murcego Indians
jealously guard the entrance to the tunnels from people who are not sufficiently
developed, because they do not want trouble. In the first place, they do not
want anyone who is still enmeshed in commercialism and who has a desire for
"There are also caverns in Asia and Tibetan travelers mention them. But as far as
I know, in Brazil are the biggest ones and they exist at three different levels. I
am sure I would get permission if I wanted to join them and they would accept
me as one of theirs. I know they use no money at all, and their society is
organized on a strictly democratic basis. People do not become aged and live in
everlasting harmony."

This subterranean Utopia mentioned by Mr Huni (now residing in New York)

seems to resemble greatly the one described by Bulwer Lytton in his book, "The
Coming Race." Lytton was a Rosicrucian and probably based his novel on occult
information concerning existing subterranean cities.

The ruins of a number of Atlantean cities were found in northern Matto Grosso
and the Amazon territory, indicating that Atlanteans once colonized this country.
Some years ago an English schoolteacher, hearing rumors of a lost Atlantean city
on a high plateau in this region went to find it. He did, but the hardships of the
journey cost his life. Before he died he sent by carrier pigeon a note describing a
magnificent city he discovered whose streets were lined by high gold statues.

If the Atlanteans once colonized Brazil and constructed cities in Matto Grosso on
its surface, why did they build subterranean cities there? It could not have been
to escape the deluge that submerged Atlantis and outlying areas, because Matto
Grosso is a high plateau where floodwaters could not have reached. The South
American archeologist, Harold Wilkins, offers another theory: that the
subterranean cities were built to escape the radioactive fallout resulting from a
nuclear war the Atlanteans fought. This seems to be a very reasonable
explanation, or otherwise here would be no reason to undergo the great labor of
excavating the earth and constructing subterranean cities when the Atlanteans
already had magnificent cities on the earth's surface.

If and when we are endangered by a nuclear war, we, too, will have to find
refuge inside the earth and dwell there in illuminated subterranean cities and
produce our foods under this light. It would of course be much easier to join
existing subterranean cities constructed by the Atlanteans thousands of years
ago, who vastly surpassed us in engineering skill, than to construct our own. If
friendly contact with subterranean dwellers could be established, when war
came, or even before, when radioactive fallout increases beyond the danger
point and menaces our survival, ft would be to our advantage to contact these
subterranean cities and, if we are admitted, to establish residence in them.

There is no old age in Agharta and no death. It is a society in which everyone is

young looking, even if many centuries or even thousands of years of age. This
seems incredible to surface dwellers exposed to the harmful effects of solar
radiation and the autointoxication of food poisoning from a wrong diet. The
symptoms of old age are not the natural result of the passage of time nor an
assumed aging process, but to adverse biological conditions and habits. Senility
is a disease; and since Aghartans are free from disease, they do not grow old.

The superior scientitic culture of the subterranean people, of which their flying
saucers are an evident example, is the result of superior brain development and
more energetic brains. This is due to the fact that their vital energies flow up to
their brain, rather than being dissipated through the sexual channel as among
so-called "civilized" surtace races. In fact, sex indulgence is completely out of
their lives, because of their fruit diet, their endocrines are in a state of perfect
balance and harmonious functioning, as in little children, and are not stimulated
to abnormal activity by metabolic toxins, as produced by such foods as meat,
fowl, fish and eggs and by such aphrodisiacs as salt, pepper, coffee, tobacco and
alcohol. By keeping their blood-stream pure and free from toxins, the
subterranean people are able to live in complete continence, conserving all vital
energies and converting them into superior brain power. Their superior scientific
achievements result from the fact that their brains are superior to ours in
intellectual development.

Concerning Agharta, Professor Henrique J. de Souza, President of the Brazilian

Theosophical Society and a leading authority on the Subterranean World, in his
magazine, published an article he wrote, "Does Shangri-la Exist?" from which we

"Among all races of mankind, back to the dawn of time, there existed a tradition
concerning the existence of a Sacred Land or Terrestrial Paradise, where the
highest ideals of humanity were living realities. This concept is found in the most
ancient writings and traditions of the peoples of Europe, Asia Minor, China, India,
Egypt and the Americas. This Sacred Land, it is said, can be known only to
persons who are worthy, pure and innocent, for which reason it constitutes the
central theme of the dreams of childhood.

"The road that leads to this Blessed Land, this Invisible World, this Esoteric and
Occult Domain, constitutes the central quest and master key of all mystery
teachings and systems of initiation in the past, present and future. This magic
key is the `Open Sesame' that unlocks the door to a new and marvelous world.
The old Rosicrucians designated it by the French word VITRIOL, which is a
combination of the first letters of the sentence: `VISTA INTERIORA TERRAE
RECTIFICANDO INYENES OMNIA LAPIDEM,' to indicate that `in the interior of
the earth is hidden the true MYSTERY ' The path that leads to this Hidden World
is the Way of Initiation. "In ancient Greece, in the Mysteries of Delphos and
Eleusis, this Heavenly Land was referred to as Mount Olympus and the Elysian
Fields. Also in the earliest Vedic times, it was called by various names, such as
Ratnasanu (peak of the precious stone), Hermadri (mountain of gold) and Mount
Meru (home of the gods and Olympus of the Hindus). Symbolically, the peak of
this sacred mountain is in the sky, its middle portion on the earth and its base in
the Subterranean World.

"The Scandinavian Eddas also mention this celestial city, which was in the
subterranean land of Asar of the peoples of Mesopotamia. It was the Land of
Amenti of the Sacred Book of the Dead of the ancient Egyptians. It was the city
of Seven Petals o! Vishnu, and the City of the Seven Kings of Edom or Eden of
Judaic tradition. In other words, it was the Terrestrial Paradise.

"In all Asia Minor, not only in the past but also today, there exists a belief in the
existence of a City of Mystery full of marvels, which is known as SHAMBALLAH
(Shamb-Allah), where is the Temple of the Gods. It is also the Erdamf of the
Tibetans and Mongols. "The Persians call it Alberdi or Aryana, land of their
ancestors. The Hebrews called it Canaan and the Mexicans Tula or Tolan, while
the Aztecs called it Maya-Pan. The Spanish Conquerors who came to America
believed in the existance of such a city and organized many expeditions to find it,
calling it E1 Dorado, or City of Gold. They probably learned about it from the
aborigines who called it by the name of Manoa or City Whose King Wears
Clothing of Gold.

"By the Celts, this holy land was known as "Land of the Mysteries" - Duat or
Dananda. A Chinese tradition speaks of Land of Chivin or the City of a Dozen
Serpents. It is the Subterranean World, which lies at the roots of heaven. It is
the Land of Calcas, Calcis or Kalki, the famous Colchida for which the Argonauts
sought when they set out in search of the Golden Fleece.

"In the Middle Ages, it was referred to as the Isle of Avalon, where the Knights
of the Round Table, under the leadership of King Arthur and under the guidance
of the Magician Merlin, went in search of the Holy Grail, symbol of obedience,
justice and immortality. When King Arthur was seriously wounded in a battle, he
requested his companion Belvedere to depart on a boat to the confines of the
earth, with the following words: `Farewell, my friend and companion Belvedere,
and to the land where it never rains, where there fs no sickness and where
nobody dies.' This is the Land of Immortality or Agharta, the Subterranean
World. This land is the Walhalla of the Germans, the Monte Salvat of the Knights
of the Holy Grail, the Utopia of Thomas More, the City of the Sun of Campanella,
the Shangri-la of Tibet and the Agharta of the Buddhist world."

Admiral Richard B. BYRD The reader of the following documentation should find
a striking example of dire devotion. Especially when one considers that this log
diary was written in the year 1947 in the months of February and March, under
circumstances that evidently defied the imagination and credibility, for those
times as any others. Here is dealt with the evident answers the origin of the so
called UFOs, as well as the Hollow Earth, or as the admiral described.


The reader will relive that period as he reads this document. To say it is
fascinating is to place it mildly, but to read it now for yourself, I know that you
will conclude, in the Admirals own words "Just as the long night of the Arctic
ends, the brilliant sunshine of truth shall come forth again, and those who are of
Darkness shall fall in its Light".
(FEB - MAR. 1947)
("The Inner Earth: My Secret Diary")

I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It concerns my Arctic flight of
the nineteenth day of February in the year of Nineteen and Forty Seven.

There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance
and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth! I am not at liberty to disclose
the following documentation at this writing... perhaps it shall never see the light
of public scrutiny, but I must do my duty and record here for all to read one day.
In a world of greed and exploitation of certain of mankind, one can no longer
suppress that which is truth.


0600 HOURS- All preparations are complete for our flight north ward and we are
airborne with full fuel tanks at 0610 Hours.

0620 HOURS- fuel mixture on starboard engine seems too rich, adjustment made
and Pratt Whittneys are running smoothly.

0730 HOURS- Radio Check with base camp. All is well and radio reception is

0740 HOURS- Note slight oil leak in starboard engine, oil pressure indicator
seems normal, however.

0800 HOURS- Slight turbulence noted from easterly direction at altitude of 2321
feet, correction to 1700 feet, no further turbulence, but tail wind increases, slight
adjustment in throttle controls, aircraft performing very well now.

0815 HOURS- Radio Check with base camp, situation normal.

0830 HOURS- Turbulence encountered again, increase altitude to 2900 feet,

smooth flight conditions again.

0910 HOURS- Vast Ice and snow below, note coloration of yellowish nature, and
dispersed in a linear pattern. Altering course for a better examination of this
color pattern below, note reddish or purple color also. Circle this area two full
turns and return to assigned compass heading. Position check made again to
base camp, and relay information concerning colorations in the Ice and snow

0910 HOURS- Both Magnetic and Gyro compasses beginning to gyrate and
wobble, we are unable to hold our heading by instrumentation. Take bearing
with Sun compass, yet all seems well. The controls are seemingly slow to
respond and have sluggish quality, but there is no indication of Icing!

0915 HOURS- In the distance is what appears to be mountains.

0949 HOURS- 29 minutes elapsed flight time from the first sighting of the
mountains, it is no illusion. They are mountains and consisting of a small range
that I have never seen before!

0955 HOURS- Altitude change to 2950 feet, encountering strong turbulence


1000 HOURS- We are crossing over the small mountain range and still
proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range
is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the
center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely
wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are
great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation Instruments are
still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!

1005 HOURS- I alter altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better
examine the valley below. It is green with either moss or a type of tight knit
grass. The Light here seems different. I cannot see the Sun anymore. We make
another left turn and we spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind
below us. It appears to be an elephant! NO!!! It looks more like a mammoth!
This is incredible! Yet, there it is! Decrease altitude to 1000 feet and take
binoculars to better examine the animal. It is confirmed - it is definitely a
mammoth-like animal! Report this to base camp.
1030 HOURS- Encountering more rolling green hills now. The external
temperature indicator reads 74 degrees Fahrenheit! Continuing on our heading
now. Navigation instruments seem normal now. I am puzzled over their actions.
Attempt to contact base camp. Radio is not functioning!

1130 HOURS- Countryside below is more level and normal (if I may use that
word). Ahead we spot what seems to be a city! This is impossible! Aircraft seems
light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond! My GOD! Off our port
and star board wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly
alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. They are
close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika!!! This is
fantastic. Where are we! What has happened. I tug at the controls again. They
will not respond! We are caught in an invisible vice grip of some type!

1135 HOURS- Our radio crackles and a voice comes through in English with what
perhaps is a slight Nordic or Germanic accent! The message is: "Welcome,
Admiral, to our domain. We shall land you in exactly seven minutes! Relax,
Admiral, you are in good hands." I note the engines of our plane have stopped
running! The aircraft is under some strange control and is now turning itself. The
controls are useless.

1140 HOURS- Another radio message received. We begin the landing process
now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as
though caught in some great unseen elevator! The downward motion is
negligible, and we touch down with only a slight jolt!

1145 HOURS- I am making a hasty last entry in the flight log. Several men are
approaching on foot toward our aircraft. They are tall with blond hair. In the
distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. I do not
know what is going to happen now, but I see no signs of weapons on those
approaching. I hear now a voice ordering me by name to open the cargo door. I

From this point I write all the following events here from memory. It defies the
imagination and would seem all but madness if it had not happened.

The radioman and I are taken from the aircraft and we are received in a most
cordial manner. We were then boarded on a small platform-like conveyance with
no wheels! It moves us toward the glowing city with great swiftness. As we
approach, the city seems to be made of a crystal material. Soon we arrive at a
large building that is a type I have never seen before. It appears to be right out
of the design board of Frank Lloyd Wright, or perhaps more correctly, out of a
Buck Rogers setting!! We are given some type of warm beverage which tasted
like nothing I have ever savored before. It is delicious.

After about ten minutes, two of our wondrous appearing hosts come to our
quarters and announce that I am to accompany them. I have no choice but to
comply. I leave my radioman behind and we walk a short distance and enter into
what seems to be an elevator. We descend downward for some moments, the
machine stops, and the door lifts silently upward! We then proceed down a long
hallway that is lit by a rose-colored light that seems to be emanating from the
very walls themselves! One of the beings motions for us to stop before a great
door. Over the door is an inscription that I cannot read. The great door slides
noiselessly open and I am beckoned to enter. One of my hosts speaks. "Have no
fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master..."

I step inside and my eyes adjust to the beautiful coloration that seems to be
filling the room completely. Then I begin to see my surroundings. What greeted
my eyes is the most beautiful sight of my entire existence. It is in fact too
beautiful and wondrous to describe. It is exquisite and delicate. I do not think
there exists a human term that can describe it in any detail with justice!

My thoughts are interrupted in a cordial manner by a warm rich voice of

melodious quality, "I bid you welcome to our domain, Admiral." I see a man with
delicate features and with the etching of years upon his face. He is seated at a
long table. He motions me to sit down in one of the chairs. After I am seated, he
places his fingertips together and smiles. He speaks softly again, and conveys
the following:

"We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well-known
on the Surface World, Admiral." Surface World, I half-gasp under my breath!
"Yes," the Master replies with a smile, `you are in the domain of the Arianni, the
Inner World of the Earth. We shall not long delay your mission, and you will be
safely escorted back to the surface and for a distance beyond. But now, Admiral,
I shall tell you why you have been summoned here. Our interest rightly begins
just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the
`Flugelrads,' to your surface world to investigate what your race had done. That
is, of course, past history now, my dear Admiral, but I must continue on. "You
see, we have never interfered before in your race's wars, and barbarity, but now
we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for
man, namely, that of atomic energy. Our emissaries have already delivered
messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. Now you have
been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our Culture
and Science is many thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral."
I interrupted, "But what does this have to do with me, Sir?"

The Master's eyes seemed to penetrate deeply into my mind, and after studying
me for a few moments he replied,

"Your race has now reached the point of no return, for there are those among
you who would destroy your very world rather than relinquish their power as
they know it..." I nodded, and the Master continued,

"In 1945 and afterward, we tried to contact your race, but our efforts were met
with hostility, our Flugelrads were fired upon. Yes, even pursued with malice and
animosity by your fighter planes. So, now, I say to you, my son, there is a great
storm gathering in your world, a black fury that will not spend itself for many
years. There will be no answer in your arms, there will be no safety in your
science. It may rage on until every flower of your culture is trampled, and all
human things are leveled in vast chaos. Your recent war was only a prelude of
what is yet to come for your race. We here see it more clearly with each you say I am mistaken?"

"No," I answer, "it happened once before, the dark ages came and they lasted
for more than five hundred years."

"Yes, my son," replied the Master, "the dark ages that will come now for your
race will cover the Earth like a pall, but I believe that some of your race will live
through the storm, beyond that, I cannot say. We see at a great distance a new
world stirring from the ruins of your race, seeking its lost and legendary
treasures, and they will be here, my son, safe in our keeping. When that time
arrives, we shall come forward again to help revive your culture and your race.
Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strife...and
after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your race
to begin anew. You, my son, are to return to the Surface World with this

With these closing words, our meeting seemed at an end. I stood for a moment
as in a dream....but, yet, I knew this was reality, and for some strange reason I
bowed slightly, either out of respect or humility, I do not know which.

Suddenly, I was again aware that the two beautiful hosts who had brought me
here were again at my side. "This way, Admiral," motioned one. I turned once
more before leaving and looked back toward the Master. A gentle smile was
etched on his delicate and ancient face. "Farewell, my son," he spoke, then he
gestured with a lovely, slender hand a motion of peace and our meeting was
truly ended.
Quickly, we walked back through the great door of the Master's chamber and
once again entered into the elevator. The door slid silently downward and we
were at once going upward. One of my hosts spoke again, "We must now make
haste, Admiral, as the Master desires to delay you no longer on your scheduled
timetable and you must return with his message to your race."

I said nothing. All of this was almost beyond belief, and once again my thoughts
were interrupted as we stopped. I entered the room and was again with my
radioman. He had an anxious expres sion on his face. As I approached, I said, "It
is all right, Howie, it is all right." The two beings motioned us toward the
awaiting conveyance, we boarded, and soon arrived back at the aircraft. The
engines were idling and we boarded immediately. The whole atmosphere
seemed charged now with a certain air of urgency. After the cargo door was
closed the aircraft was immediately lifted by that unseen force until we reached
an altitude of 2700 feet.

Two of the aircraft were alongside for some distance guiding us on our return
way. I must state here, the airspeed indicator registered no reading, yet we were
moving along at a very rapid rate.

215 HOURS- A radio message comes through. "We are leaving you now, Admiral,
your controls are free. Auf Wiedersehen!" We watched for a moment as the
flugelrads disappeared into the pale blue sky. The aircraft suddenly felt as
though caught in a sharp downdraft for a moment. We quickly recovered her
control. We do not speak for some time, each man has his thoughts....


220 HOURS- We are again over vast areas of ice and snow, and approximately
27 minutes from base camp. We radio them, they respond. We report all
conditions normal....normal. Base camp expresses relief at our re-established

300 HOURS- We land smoothly at base camp. I have a mission.....


MARCH 11, 1947. I have just attended a staff meeting at the Pentagon. I have
stated fully my discovery and the message from the Master. All is duly recorded.
The President has been advised. I am now detained for several hours (six hours,
thirty-nine minutes, to be exact.) I am interviewed intently by Top Security
Forces and a medical team. It was an ordeal! I am placed under strict control via
the national security provisions of this United States of America. I am ORDERED
BEHALF OF HUMANITY! Incredible! I am reminded that I am a military man and
I must obey orders.

30/12/56: FINAL ENTRY:

These last few years elapsed since 1947 have not been kind...I now make my
final entry in this singular diary. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully
kept this matter secret as directed all these years. It has been completely against
my values of moral right. Now, I seem to sense the long night coming on and
this secret will not die with me, but as all truth shall, it will triumph and so it

This can be the only hope for mankind. I have seen the truth and it has
quickened my spirit and has set me free! I have done my duty toward the
monstrous military industrial complex. Now, the long night begins to approach,
but there shall be no end. Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant
sunshine of Truth shall come again....and those who are of darkness shall fall in

ADMIRAL RICHARD E. BYRD United States Navy 24 December 1956

We have indicated previously that the subterranean cities of Agharta were

constructed by Atlanteans as refugees from the radioactive fallout produced by
the nuclear war they fought, and also referred to Huguenin's theory that flying
saucers were Atlantean aircraft which were brought to the Subterranean World
prior to the occurrence of the catastrophe that sank Atlantis. The abandonment
of their former home on top of the four-sided sacred mountain in the center of
Atlantis (Mount Olympus or Meru, later memorialized by the four-sided,
truncated pyramids of Egypt and Mexico) and their skyward journey over the
Rainbow Bridge of the Aurora Borealis, through the polar opening, to the new
home in Walhalla, the golden palaces of the city of Shamballah, capital of
Agharta, the Subterranean World.

This migration of the Atlantean god-rulers to the Subterranean World, prior to

the destruction of Atlantis, was referred to in Teutonic mythology as the
"Gotterdamerung" or Twilight of the Gods. They made the journey in flying
saucers, which were Atlantean aircraft.

Whereas, in the days of Atlantis, flying saucers flew in the Earth's outer
atmosphere, after they entered the Subterranean World they continued to fly in
its internal atmosphere in its hollow interior. After the Hiroshima atomic
explosion in 1945 they rose again to the surface in numbers, seeking to avert a
nuclear catastrophe. The tragedy that befell Atlantis was due to its scientific
development running ahead of its moral development, resulting in a nuclear war,
which heated the atmosphere, melted polar ice caps and brought on a terrific
deluge that submerged the continent. A group of survivors, led by Noah, found
refuge in the highlands of Brazil (then an Atlantean colony), where they
constructed subterranean cities, connected by tunnels to the surface, to prevent
destruction by radioactive fallout and flood.

According to Plato's account, Atlantis was submerged by a series of inundations

which came to a climax about 11,500 years ago. Some four million inhabitants
lost their lives. Those who were more spiritual and were forewarned escaped in
time to Brazil, where, it is claimed, they or their descendants still live in
subterranean cities. In this connection it is interesting to refer to Jules Verne's
book, "A JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH," which presents a similar
conception of the earth's formation as did Gardner's book by a similar name.
Verne describes a party of explorers who entered a volcanic shaft, and after
traveling for months, finally came to the hollow center of the earth, a new world
with its own sun to illuminate it, oceans, land and even cities of Atlantean origin.
Verne believed that prior to the destruction of Atlantis, some of the Atlanteans
escaped and established subterranean cities in the earth's hollow center. Since
most of Verne's predictions were later verified, it is possible that this one also will
be - but not by entering a volcanic shaft, but by an aerial expedition through the
polar openings into the hollow interior of the earth. One of the early German
settlers in Santa Catarina, Brazil, wrote and published a book in old German,
dealing with the Subterranean World, deriving his information from the Indians.
The book described the Earth as being hollow, with a sun in its center. The
interior of the earth was said to be inhabited by a disease-free, long-lived race of
fruitarians. This Subterranean World, the book claimed, was connected by
tunnels with the surface, and these tunnels, it was claimed, open mostly in Santa
Catarina and surrounding parts of South Brazil.

The author has devoted nearly six years to investigations to study the mysterious
tunnels which honeycomb Santa Catarina, obviously built by an ancient race to
reach subterranean cities. Research is still in progress...

The Russian explorer, Ferdinand Ossendowski, author of "Beasts, Men and

Gods," claims that the tunnels which encircle the earth and which pass under the
Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, were built by men of a pre-glacial Hyperborean
civilization which flourished in the polar region at a time when its climate was still
tropical, a race of supermen possessing scientific powers of a superior order, and
marvelous inventions, including tunnel-boring machines we know nothing about,
by means of which they honeycombed the earth with tunnels. We shall now
quote from Ossendowski's remarkable book relating his own experiences in
Mongolia; where belief in the existence of a Subterranean World of Agharta,
ruled by the King of the World, who resides in his holy city of Shamballah, is
universal. Ossendowski writes:

"`Stop' said my Mongol guide, when we crossed the plateau of Tzagan Luk,

"His camel bowed down without the need of him ordering it. The Mongol raised
his hands in a gesture of adoration and repeated the sacred phrase: "OM MANI

"The other Mongols immediately stopped their camels and began to pray.

`"What happened?' I wondered, bringing my camel to a halt.

"The Mongols prayed for some moments, then mounted their camels and rode

"`Look;' said the Mongol to me, `how the camels move their ears with terror,
how the manes of the horses remain immobile and alert and how the camels and
cattle bow down to the ground. Note how the birds stop flying or the dogs
barking. The air vibrates sweetly and one hears a song that penetrates to the
hearts of all men, animals and birds. All living beings, seized with fear, prostrate
themselves. For the King of the World, in his subterranean palace, is prophesying
the future of the peoples of all the earth.' "Thus spoke the old Mongol.

"Mongolia, with its terrible mountains and limitless plateaus was born a mystery
which was preserved by the red and yellow lamas. The rulers of Lhasa and
Ourga guarded this science and possessed these mysteries. It was during my trip
to Central Asia that I heard for the first time this Mystery of Mysteries, to which I
formerly paid no attention, but only did later, when I was able to analyze it and
compare certain testimonies frequently subjected to controversy. The old men on
the border of Amyil told me an old legend, according to which a Mongolian tribe,
seeking to escape from Genghis Khan, hid in a subterranean land. Later, near
Nogan Lake, I was shown by Soyota a door which served as the entrance to the
kingdom of Agharta. "It was through this door that a hunter entered into this
region and, after he returned told of his visit. The lamas cut off his tongue to
prevent him from speaking about the Mystery of Mysteries. In his old age, he
returned to the entrance of the cavern and disappeared into the Subterranean
World, which memory always brought emotion to the nomad.

"I obtained more detailed information from Houtouktou Jelyl Djamsrap de

Narabanch Kure. He told me the history of the arrival of the all-powerful King of
the World to the door of exit of the Subterranean World, his appearance, his
miracles and prophecies. I then commenced to understand this legend, this
hypothesis, this collective vision, which, no matter how we interpret it, conceals
not only a mystery but a real force which governs and influences the course of
the political life of Asia. From that moment, I commenced my investigations. The
lama Gelong, favorite of Prince Choultoun Beyli, gave me a description of the
Subterranean World.

"More than six thousand years ago, he said, a holy man disappeared into the
earth accompanied by a tribe of people and never returned to its surface. This
inner world was also visited by various other men, as Cakya-Muni, Undur-
Ghengen Paspa, Baber and others. No one knows where they found the
entrance. Some say it was in Afghanistan, others say it was in India.

"All inhabitants of this region are protected against evil, and no crime exists
within its boundaries. Science developed tranquilly, uninterrupted by war and
free from the spirit of destruction. Consequently the subterranean people were
able to achieve a much higher degree of wisdom. They compose a vast empire
with millions of inhabitants governed by the King of the World. He masters all
the forces of nature, can read what is within the souls of all, and in the great
book of destiny. Invisibly he rules over eight hundred million human beings, all
willing to execute his orders.

"All the subterranean passages in the entire world lead to the World of Agharta.
The lamas say that all the subterranean cavities in America are inhabited by this
people. The inhabitants of submerged prehistoric continents (Lemuria and
Atlantis) found refuge and continued to live in the Subterranean World.

"The lama Turgut, who made the trip from Ourga to Pekin with me, gave me
further details: The capital of Agharta (Shamballah) is surrounded by villas where
live the Holy Sages. It reminds one of Lhasa, where the temple of the Dalai Lama
rises on top of a mountain surrounded by temples and monasteries. His palace is
surrounded by the palaces of the Gurus, who control the visible and invisible
forces of the earth, from its interior to the sky, and are lords of life and death. If
our crazy humanity will continue its wars, they may come to the surface and
transform it into a desert. They can dry the oceans, transform continents into
seas and cause the disappearance of mountains. In strange vehicles, unknown
above, they travel at unbelievable speed through tunnels inside the earth. The
lamas found vestiges of these men in all parts and in inscriptions on rocks; and
saw remains of the wheels of their vehicles.

"When I asked him to tell me how many persons visited Agharta, the lama
answered: `A great number, but most of those who were there maintain the
secret as long as they live. When the Olets destroyed Lhasa, one of their
regiments, in the mountains of the southwest, reached the limits of Agharta and
were then instructed in mysterious sciences, for which reason the Olets and
Talmuts became prophets. Certain black tribes of the east also entered Agharta
and continued to live there for centuries. Later they were expulsed from the
Subterranean World and returned to live on the surface of the earth, bringing
with them knowledge of the mystery of prophecy by means of cards and reading
the lines of the hand. (They were the ancestors of the gypsies.) In a certain
region in the north of Asia there exists a tribe which is on the verge of
disappearing and which frequents the caverns of Agharta. Its members can
invoke the spirits of dead which live in space.'

"The lama then remained silent some time and then, responding to my thoughts,
continued: `In Agharta, the sages write on stone tablets all the sciences of our
planet and of other worlds. The Chinese Buddhist sages know that well. Their
science is the most advanced and purest. In each century the sages of China
united in a secret place near the sea and on the backs of a hundred large turtles
that come out of the ocean they write the conclusions of the divine science of
their century.'

"This brings to my mind a story that was related to me by an old Chinese

attendant in the Temple of Heaven in Pekin. He told me that turtles live for three
thousand years without air or food and for this reason all the columns of the blue
Temple of Heaven rest on the backs of living turtles, so that wooden supports
would not rot.

"Many times did the rulers of Ourga and Lhasa send ambassadors to the King of
the World, said the lama librarian, but they could not reach him. However, a
Tibetan chief, after a battle with the Olets, came to a cavern whose opening bore
the following inscription: "`THIS DOOR LEADS TO AGHARTA.'

"From the cavern left a man of beautiful appearance, who presented to him a
Golden tablet bearing strange inscriptions, saying:

"`The King of the World will appear to all men when comes the time of the war
of the good against the evil; but this time has not yet come. The worst members
of the human race have yet to be born.'

"Chang Chum Ungern sent young Prince Pounzig as an ambassador to the King
of the World. The ambassador returned with a letter for the Dalai Lama of Lhasa.
He wished to send him a second time but the young ambassador never


From the evidence contained in this book, confirmed by many Arctic explorers
whom we cite, we come to the following conclusions:

1. There is really no North or South Pole. Where they are supposed to exist there
are really wide openings to the hollow interior of the Earth.

2. Flying saucers come from the hollow interior of the Earth through these polar

3. The hollow interior of the earth, warmed by its central sun (the source of
Aurora Borealis) has an ideal subtropical climate of about 76 degrees in
temperature, neither too hot nor too cold.

4. Arctic explorers found the temperature to rise as they traveled far north; they
found more open seas; they found animals traveling north in winter, seeking
food and warmth, when they should have gone south; they found the compass
needle to assume a vertical position instead of a horizontal one and to become
extremely eccentric; they saw tropical birds and more animal life the further
north they went; they saw butterflies, mosquitoes and other insects in the
extreme north, when they were not found until one is as far south as Alaska and
Canada; they found the snow discolored by colored pollen and black dust, which
became worse the further north they went. The only explanation is that this dust
came from active volcanoes in the polar opening.

5. There is a large population inhabiting the inner concave surface of the Earth's
crust, composing a civilization far in advance of our own in its scientific
achievements, which probably descended from the sunken continents of Lemuria
and Atlantis. Flying saucers are only one of their many achievements. It would
be to our advantage to contact these Elder Brothers of the human race, learn
from them and receive their advice and aid.

6. The existence of a polar opening and land beyond the Poles is probably known
to the U.S. Navy in whose employ Admiral Byrd made his two historic flights and
which is probably a top international secret.

UFO'S or FLYING SAUCERS in Ancient Times.... .

Did Super Beings From Space Ever Visit Earth? Classical Writers Reported So.

Each Age interprets unusual events in the language of its own experience,
whether it be Ezekiel describing sky objects in the symbology of angels and
precious jewels, or Monk Lawrence in A.D. 776 marveling at flaming shields from
heaven spitting fire at the Saxons besieging Sigiburg, or modern men speculating
the Unidentified Flying Objects are of extra-terrestrial origin.
Now that astronomers blazon the belief that life exists throughout the universe,
speculation naturally exists that spacemen could have landed on Earth in ages
past. Is there evidence?

For more than 2,000 years it was recorded by nearly all the greatest intellects of
Greece and Rome although most of the records of antiquity have been
destroyed, in the surviving Classics there is ample evidence of UFO's and
probable extra-terrestrial intervention.

Our theologians dismiss the ancient Gods as anthropomorphisms of natural

forces, as if entire races for hundreds of years would base their daily lives on
lightning and thunderbolts. Yet logic suggests that the old Gods of Egypt,
Greece, Rome, Scandinavia and Mexico were not disembodied Spirits or
anthropomorphic symbolisms but actual spacemen from the skies. It seems that
after the great catastrophes remembered in legends. the "Gods" withdrew and
henceforth have been content merely to survey the Earth, except for an
occasional intervention in human affairs. Apollodorus wrote, "Sky was the first
who ruled over the whole world," surely signifying domination by space beings.
The Roman Emperor Julian vowed, "We must believe that on this world... certain
Gods alighted." Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristophanes, Plautus and Menander
frequently introduced a "Deus ex Machine" (a God from a Machine) to untangle
the plots of their plays. Aristotle, Plato, Pliny, Lucretius and most other
philosophers believed that the Gods were supermen living in the realms above. A
century ago a German grocer Heinrich Schliemann, using the Iliad as a guide,
defied the ridicule of the professors and dug up Troy. Can we dig up records of
spaceships in other classics?

Following are some examples from the works of ancient writers, scrutinized for
UFO references:

B.C. 498 Visitations "... Castor and Pollux were seen fighting in our army on
horseback... Nor do we forget that when the Locrians defeated the people of
Crotona in a battle on the banks of the river Sagra, it was known the same day
at the Olympian Games. The voices of the Fauns have been heard and deities
have appeared in forms so visible that they have compelled everyone who is not
senseless or hardened to impiety to confess the presence of the Gods." - Cicero,
Of the nature of the Gods, Book I, Ch. 2

B.C. 325: Visitations "There in the stillness of the night both consuls are said to
have been visited by the same apparition, a man of greater than human stature,
and more majestic, who declared that the commander of one side and the army
of the other must be offered up to the Manes and to Mother Earth." - Livy,
History, Book VIII, Ch. 11
B.C. 223: Bright Light, Three Moons "At Ariminium a bright light like the day
blazed out at night; in many portions of Italy three moons became visible in the
night time." - Dio Cassius, Roman History, Book I

B.C. 222: Three Moons "Also three moons have appeared at once, for instance,
in the consulship of Gnaeus Domitius and Gaius Fannius." - Pliny, Natural
History, Book II, Ch. 32

B.C. 218: The Sky Is Filled "In Amiterno district in many places were seen the
appearance of men in white garments from far away. The orb of the sun grew
smaller. At Praeneste glowing lamps from heaven. At Arpi a shield in the sky.
The moon contended with the sun and during the night two moons were seen.
Phantom ships appeared in the sky." - Livy, History, Books XXI-XXII

B.C. 217: Fissure in the Sky "At Faleri the sky had seemed to be rent as it were
with a great fissure and through the opening a bright light had shone." - Livy,
History, Book XXII, Ch. 1

B.C. 214: Men and Altar "At Hadria an altar was seen in the sky and about it the
forms of men in white clothes." - Julius Obsequens, Prodigiorum Libellus, Ch. 66

B.C. 163 : An Extra Sun "In the consulship of Tiberius Gracchus and Manius
Juventus at Capua the sun was seen by night. At Formice two suns were seen by
day. The sky was afire. In Cephallenia a trumpet seemed to sound from the sky.
There was a rain of earth. A windstorm demolished houses and laid crops flat in
the field. By night an apparent sun shone at Pisaurum." - Obsequens,
Prodigiorum, Ch 114

B.C. 122: Three Suns, Three Moons "In Gaul three suns and three moons were
seen." - Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch. 114

B.C. 81: Gold Fireball "Near Spoletium a gold-colored fireball rolled down to the
ground, increased in size; seemed to move off the ground toward the east and
was big enough to blot out the sun." - Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch. 114

B.C. 85: Burning Shield, Sparks "In the consulship of Lucius Valerius and Caius
Marius a burning shield scattering sparks ran across the sky. " - Pliny, Natural
History, Book II, Ch. 34 B.C. 66: From Spark to Torch "In the consulship of
Gnaeus Octavius and Gaius Suetonius a spark was seen to fall from a star and
increase in size as it approached the earth. After becoming as large as the moon
it diffused a sort of cloudy daylight and then returning to the sky changed into a
torch. This is the only record of its occurrence. It was seen by the proconsul
Silenus and his suite. " - Pliny, Natural History, Book II, Ch. 35
B.C. 48: Thunderbolts, Visitations "Thunderbolts had fallen upon Pompey's camp.
A fire had appeared in the air over Caesar's camp and had fallen upon Pompey's
... In Syria two young men announced the result of the battle (in Thessaly) and
vanished." - Dio Cassius, Roman History, Book IV

B.C. 42: Night Light, Three Suns "In Rome light shone so brightly at nightfall that
people got up to begin work as though day had dawned. At Murtino three suns
were seen about the third hour of the day, which presently drew together in a
single orb." - Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch. 130

B.C.?: Suns, Moons, Globes "How often has our Senate enjoined the decemvirs
to consult the books of the Sibyl: For instance, when two suns had been seen or
when three moons had appeared and when flames of fire were noticed in the
sky; or on that other occasion when the sun was beheld in the night, when
noises were heard in the sky, and the heaven itself seemed to burst open, and
strange globes were remarked in it." - Cicero, On Divination, Book I, Ch. 43

A.D. 70: Chariots in the Sky "On the 2lst of May a demonic phantom of incredible
size... For before sunset there appeared in the air over the whole country
chariots and armed troops coursing through the clouds and surrounding the
cities." - Josephus, Jewish War, Book CXI

A.D. 193: Three New Stars "Three stars ... suddenly came into view surrounding
the sun, when Emperor Julianus in our presence was offering the Sacrifice of
Entrance in front of the Senate House. These stars were so very distinct that the
soldiers kept continually looking at them and pointing them out to another . . . "
- Dio Cassius, Roman History, Book LXXIV

A.D. 217: Visitation "In Rome, moreover, a `Spirit' having the appearance of a
man led an ass up to the Capitol and afterwards to the palace seeking its master
as he claimed and stating that Antoninus was dead and Jupiter was now
Emperor. Upon being arrested for this and sent by Matermainus to Antoninus he
said, `I go as you bid but I shall face not this emperor but another.' And when
he reached Capua he vanished. " - Dio Cassius, Roman History The above
references are only a sampling of the evidence available. Consider just four
writers: Julius Obsequens recorded 63 celestial phenomena; Livy, 30; Pliny, 26;
Dio Cassius, 14; Cicero, 9.

Romans fervently believed that two strange horsemen, taller than normal men,
alike in age, height and beauty, saved the day for Posthumus at Lake Regillus
and, that same day, miraculously appeared in the Forum, announced the victory,
and departed forever. A contemporary historian described two shiny shields
spitting fire around the rims, diving repeatedly at the columns of Alexander the
Great in India, stamping horses and elephants, and then returning to the sky.
When we recall that Romulus was borne to heaven by a whirlwind while giving
judgment on the Palatine Hill, that his successor Numa Pomilius, used magic
weapons, that Livy, Pliny the Elder, and Julius Obsequens tell of mysterious
voices, celestial trumpets, men in white garments hovering in airships, several
suns and moons together, sudden new stars, and superhuman apparitions
descending among men and then vanishing, we suddenly feel we are reading the
wonders of the Bible. By some strange twist of the human mind, we worship
prodigies in old Palestine as manifestations of the Lord, yet scoff at identical
phenomena occurring at the same time only a few hundred miles away.

Evidence exists; all we need to do is examine it.


Solve the UFO propulsion problem and you open the whole universe to man:
Here's a theory that may explain it.

For the past few years we have been visited by large numbers of foreign space
craft. Actually these visits probably have been occurring for a long time; perhaps
for what we call geological time periods. However, in 1947 or shortly before, the
number of visits rose sharply. Since 1947 a great number of persons around the
world have seen the famous flying saucers, or unidentified flying objects (UFO's).

Over the past few years, observers have watched the craft perform acrobatic
maneuvers of an astonishing nature. Apparently most of the saucers do not
depend on any propulsion familiar to our science or, at least, familiar to us until
recently. Only a very few have been reported with propellers, and while some
have reaction motors, either jets or pure rockets, many do not even have these.
Indeed, the typical flying saucer floats above the earth with no visible means of
support and then dashes off at a truly breathtaking speed to some other part of
the globe.

The lack of any known propulsion system capable of such effects has led many
persons to speculate that the owners of the saucers have been able to master
the physics of gravitation. The propulsion system used must in some way apply
what is popularly called anti-gravity. There is hardly any way, at least so far as
both laymen and experts can see, how their ability to stay above the earth with
neither jets, propellers or extensive lifting services can be explained. But a
further, though closely related, enigma is the typical saucer motion. For not only
has gravity been conquered, but inertia seems to have been conquered also.

Many reports - some of them apparently authentic - tell of UFOs suddenly

appearing in the sky from nowhere and then disappearing, seemingly in an
instant. Unless some optical trick is involved, the saucers must be capable of
truly extraordinary acceleration. Typical of saucer reports, as they appear in the
local presses throughout the world, is the object seen cruising along at a few
hundred miles per hour and then, suddenly, seen to dash away at what must be
thousands of miles per hour.

In addition to these extraordinary linear accelerations the saucers seem to outwit

inertia in other respects. At very high speeds they appear to make perfect right
right angle turns and even reversals of direction, without disastrous results to
their structure or their crew - if these exist. At least two of my friends have told
me of seeing flying saucers, moving through the sky at very high speeds, make
instantaneous right angle turns.

Still another good trick they seem able to move through the atmosphere at rates
of speed and at levels of air density which clearly are incompatible with any
publicly known technology. As an object moves through the air the friction of the
molecules striking its surface causes the material to heat. In our very fast jet
interceptors cooling systems are necessary. We all know how meteors entering
the earth's atmosphere, and nose cones of missiles re-entering the earth's
atmosphere, heat to such a point that in many cases they disintegrate or burn up
completely. Yet moving at comparable speeds in a denser atmosphere and do
not seem to show these effects. To be sure, luminosity often appears about
them - especially at night - and occasionally trails of smoke vapor appear, but
the machine itself seems to survive. To missilemen this is most curious.

At stake, in all these maneuvers, is our understanding of the stubborn laws of

inertia which govern our world. Newton first formulated these clearly in his
double principle that an object at rest tends to remain at rest unless a force is
applied, and if a force is applied it tends to take motion in the direction of the
applied force and proportionally to it. These Newtonian laws of inertia still are
the basis of much of our scientific world view. But combining them with the
known molecular binding forces of matter, which are equally fixed in the order of
nature - at least so we think - makes the saucer's behavior very difficult to

When the flying saucers accelerate from 0 speed to many thousands of miles an
hour in a few seconds, why isn't their internal machinery torn apart and any crew
members squashed?

Anyone who has taken a curve at too high a speed knows the persistent
tendency of his vehicle to continue along the original line of motion against the
force of his tires and steering mechanism.
Similarly when a flying saucer makes a sudden turn, traveling many thousand
miles an hour, why don't the molecules or crystals of its metallic structure
literally tear apart - from the great strain imposed by the laws of inertia?

And finally, as the saucers rush through the atmosphere why don't the molecules
of the atmosphere, striking against the saucer cause heat through friction and
eventually burn the object up?

It is these very remarkable performances that have led many persons to believe
the saucers are not real. Material objects cannot behave this way: The saucers
must be moving light, optical illusion, mirage, defraction pattern, atmospheric
lense or, to PFO's (Persons Farthest Out), ghosts or spirits.

The head of Air Force Intelligence remarked rather wistfully after the great
Washington Airport sightings some years ago that he (i.e. the Air Force) did not
have anything with infinite energy and no mass. Any person trained in non-
relativistic physics believes it would be impossible for ponderable mass to behave
as the UFO's behave. However, the trouble with this argument seems very real,
indeed. For saucers do exist: They have been photographed: They return firm
radar images: And at close range they look very much like craft made of metal or
transparent materials similar to plexiglass. Aside from their unusual tricks they
seem to have all the characteristics of hard material objects which are designed,
fabricated, manufactured, or what you will.

If the saucers are real solid vehicles we must revise our ideas of nature in one of
two respects. Either we must conclude that our knowledge of the rules which
hold atoms and molecules together is incomplete, or we must revolutionize our
concept of inertia. If both alternatives were beyond the reach of modern science
there would be no reason to prefer one over the other.

But, in fact, there is a perfectly good way of explaining the saucers within
modern physical theory. To do so, however, we must pass to the abstract
heights of physics, in particular to Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
Now, before you are too frightened, let it be said that the General Theory is not
as complex and intricate as some persons think. Its reputation for difficulty arises
from the fact that, to grasp it, a transvaluation in the way we feel about the
world is necessary. Newton's concept of inertia tells us that an object stays in its
place unless some force is applied to it and when the force is applied the object
moves with the force. Newton had rather mixed ideas of why inertia exists. At
one point in his Principia it is almost inherent in matter. At another point inertial
or centrifugal forces arise from something called absolute space. The persistence
of matter in its state, according to Newton, comes from its relation to an
absolute world of space more final than any material system we can think of.
This notion of Newton's was never satisfactory and in the last part of the l9th
Century the Austrian physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach turned his critical
mind to it. Mach, whom we all know for his Mach numbers of aerodynamics, was
also a forerunner of the Vienna Circle which developed logical positivism. To him
anything beyond observation - such as absolute space - was unreal. Hence he
proposed that inertia was a reference to all the matter in the universe. By all the
matter in the universe he meant all the fixed stars, or in our day, when we
realize that the cosmos is made up of vast numbers of stars collected in vast
numbers of galaxies, to all the galaxies. For Mach an object subject to the laws
of inertia was relative to all the stars, or as we would say today, all the nebulae.

Yet Mach's principle, as Einstein called it, had a difficulty. It did not supply any
physical link between the stars and an inertial system. Mach just substituted the
universe for Newton's absolute pace as a system of coordinates in which objects
existed and moved. He did not take us any further down the road to showing
what inertia is, or why it works the way it does. Perhaps we should say, rather,
that he took us a little way and he took Albert Einstein a very long way.

In 1916 Einstein proposed his General Theory of Relativity. In effect it was a

theory of universal gravitation and inertia. Einstein reduced the two forces to the
same thing and expressed this in his famous Principle of Equivalence:
gravitational and inertial forces are indistinguishable and equal. His illustration of
this is a man in an elevator deep in space. The man is away from any large
objects. If the elevator is moving uniformly at any constant speed, from a very
small one to a very large one, the man will seem quite weightless. He will sense
no motion nor any gravity. However, if the elevator speeds up, if it is pulled by
its cosmic cable along the direction of the man's height at an increasing speed,
the man will begin to feel as if gravity is acting upon him. When a certain
acceleration is reached, equivalent in earth's measurements to 32 feet per
second, the man will imagine that he is back on the earth and is being pulled
down by the earth's gravity just the way he was before he left earth.

Actually, of course, he is not. His false impression is merely the result of inertia
and the acceleration of his elevator. There is no gravitation or, more correctly we
should say, there is no large object in his vicinity.

Thus Einstein illustrated the fact that inertia and gravity have exactly the same
effects on the observer and cannot be distinguished on the basis of local
observations. He went further. He sought to explain gravity and inertia in the
same physical terms. While the weight of objects on a large celestial body like
the earth is caused by the latter's gravitational attraction, the inertial behavior of
objects is explained by the gravitational attraction of all matter everywhere.

To use a simple analogy, the pipe resting on the table in front of me remains
where it is largely because all the stars and nebulae of the cosmos are pulling on
it, and they are pulling on it in all conceivable directions. It is as if a million
million million little wires were attached to the pipe symmetrically all around it
and are pulling it equally at the same time in every direction. Similarly, as I
throw my pencil across the room it goes in a straight line (aside from earth's
gravity) because it it being pulled at every right angle to the direction of its flight
by the totality of matter in the universe, by all the stars or nebulae.

Thus inertia in the familiar world is really gravitation but not the gravitation of
the earth or of any single big body near us, but the gravitation of every particle
in the universe; it is the sum effect of gigantic push, pull, or field depending on
how you regard the still elusive gravitational mechanism.

But how, you ask, does this help us explain how flying saucers fly? If the owners
of the saucers have been able to devise a revolutionary means of anti-gravity,
say an electro-magnetic screen which they put around their craft, this will mean
that as the earth's gravity is overcome the gravity-inertia of all the rest of the
universe will be overcome also. If the gravitons or ultra particles or fields which
account for the gravitation of the earth are screened out the gravitational effect
of the rest of the universe will be screened out also. Thus the saucers, with their
anti-gravity screen, will be able to fly above the earth and they will be able to
ignore the laws of inertia. They will be literally floating in a little cup or envelope
where neither gravity nor inertia play any role. If the creatures who have built
and man the saucers have mastered gravity they must, according to Einstein,
have overcome inertia, also. The key to the rather strange thing I have just said
is to think how an atom or a molecule, or a group of them which make up an
object will behave if no inertial influence can reach them. The pipe on my desk,
now at the slightest touch of my finger, may fly across the room. Similarly, if I
now throw my pencil across the room the slightest breeze will send it off at a
right angle toward the other side of the room. In other words, we may assume
that the atoms and matter in an inertia-free area will become almost totally free
in their environment. They can move in one direction as easily as in another.
They have no tendency to remain in the rigid envised position which inertia
would ordinarily hold; they can fly away freely in any direction in which a slight
force impels them.

I think this explains how the saucers can accelerate from zero to thousands of
miles an hour and decelerate at the same rate, how they can engage in the
dramatic maneuvers reported. Once a force, of whatever kind, impels them in a
direction different from their line of movement, there is no tendency for their
atoms and molecules to continue moving in their former direction, Thus, there is
no strain upon the structure of the ship and the molecular binding forces of its
material are not torn apart. Again, its occupants, if they can live in such an
inertialess world, are not crushed in the slightest or even disturbed by the
gyrations of the superstructure around them. Presumably they could sit quietly
reading a book without knowing that their craft actually was doing the most
remarkable acrobatics.

The concept of a gravity-inertia screen may also explain why the saucers do not
burn up as they speed through the atmosphere. Consider a molecule or atom of
gas as bumping along against other atoms in the atmosphere, subject to the
laws of inertia as everything else is, but not causing very much damage or
disturbance because it has little mass; a saucer rushes by and the molecule finds
itself within the gravity-inertia screen. Suddenly this little air molecule is entirely
free: It no longer carries kinetic punch; it can bump into anything without
causing the slightest friction. In other words, it enters the screen like a bullet and
strikes the saucer like a feather.

However, as the saucer rushes on, this molecule of air pops out the back of the
screen in a very agitated state. It is now again in the inertial world and starts
bumping into other highly agitated molecules. Its tiny little punch is magnified as
a result of the friction which was not possible and this causes a release of energy
- the luminosity seen about the saucers, especially at night.

At this point perhaps we should review what we have said and what we have not

In a sense, we have explained how the saucers fly but we have not explained
how the gravity-inertia screen is generated. Sometimes when flying saucers are
observed during the day through polaroid glasses, and some photographs of
saucers, exhibit a kind of halo or corona about them. Of course, this well may be
a physical token of the screen. However, the way it is produced is still a mystery,
at least to this writer.

It is almost certain that in some way the field involves electricity and magnetism
- for the effects of both have been noticed in connection with saucers. It is also
likely that nuclear energy is used in the generation process, because increase in
radioactivity background levels also accompany UFO flights. But of the exact
mechanisms which produce the screen we know nothing. Research in this area is
highly classified. The earth power which first develops the technique will have an
immense military advantage. It may render not only aircraft, but ballistic missiles

Let us consider what man's mastery of gravity and inertia may mean for his life
on earth and his progress in space - if other races allow him to make any. In the
first place, down here on earth the control of both gravity and inertia may well
transform much of our economic system. We can think immediately of gravity-
free airplanes plus the advantages of being able to control the inertia which
governs (and hampers) so much of our lives. If inertia can be controlled a five-
year-old child can bounce an elephant upon its knee; the work of the world may
be done with tiny amounts of energy - depending, of course on how much is
needed to produce the gravity-inertia screen. We may be able to move
mountains with only the quantity of electricity to light a house. The whole
phenomena of friction may be within our range of manipulation; railroad trains
may be able to rush down their tracks covered with an inertial screen driven by
only fractional horse-power motors.

The idea of inertia-free flight opens up interesting possibilities for space travel.
Given inertia-free flight, space may no longer be a barrier to solar-system travel.

Some astronomers and physicists, pointing to the enormous amounts of energy

required to accelerate even a tiny payload near enough to the speed of light to
make the journey to the nearest star in any reasonable period of time, have held
the view that the only communication mankind will ever have with intelligent life
elsewhere in the galaxy is by radio. The distances between stars are measured in
light years and only a limited number of stars are within one-half the light year
equivalent of four score and 10. Thus the necessity for approaching the optical
velocity in interstellar travel becomes obvious. Yet, even to approach it under the
old law of inertia is a difficult matter; some scientists believe it is impossible.

Dr. Frank Drake illustrates the problem by calculating that to deliver the
Encyclopedia Brittanica to our nearest stellar neighbor would require such a huge
rocket that its blast-off would incinerate the entire state of Florida.

Other scientists, of course, have believed that inter-stellar travel is possible, even
under the limitations of an inertial world. The great German physicist, Professor
Singer, once proposed an inter-stellar vehicle capable of sweeping up the
hydrogen atoms in space in a gigantic net and converting them into fuel along
the way. But if we are able to develop a gravity-inertia screen we may be able to
approach the optical velocity with very little energy actually required.

It also may mean that higher species, who long ago discovered the same
technique, have voyaged back and forth between the stars quite regularly. This
would, in turn increase the likelihood that our solar system is visited by races
from other stars.

The following is a descriptive list of Dr. Bernard's complete works -- giving a

good overview of his many-sided interests. Dr. Raymond Bernard was born
Walter Seigmeister in 1901 to a family of Russian non-practising Jews in New
York City. His father was a doctor which gave him an early interest in health. As
a young man he became deeply interested in the works of the Theosophists and
Rudolph Steiner's Anthropo- sophists, especially those works relating to Atlantis
and Lemuria. His B.A. was from Columbia University in 1924, and his M.A. and
Ph.D were in education -- from New York University (in 1930 and 1932
respectively). His Ph.D. dissertation was, "Theory and Practice of Dr. Rudolf
Steiner's Pedagogy."

His final and most popular book was the "The Hollow Earth." He died of
pneumonia on September 10, 1965, while searching the tunnel openings to the
interior of the Earth, in South America. He was an individual who was not afraid
to explore well beyond the confines of the `establishment's convention', and the
spirit of his controversial research lives on....



Dr. R.W. Bernard & Morris A. Bealle, Editor of Capsule News. Mimeographed on
heavy white paper and one of the hottest things ever printed. NEW, enlarged
1957 edition - 85 pages.... "Official Washington drinks pure water but forces the
people of the Capital City to drink aqua impura, doctored with a RAT POISON
called SODIUM FLUORIDE. President Eisenhower and members of the Senate
drink PURE SPRING WATER, brought from the hills of Arkansas by the Mountain
Valley Water Company. .... "The Republican Club gets its water from the
Berkeley Springs Water Company, it being brought to Washington from West
Virginia. Big shot politicians have NO INTENTION of absorbing this cumulative
paralyzing poison, even though they DO NOTHING TO KEEP THE PEOPLE FROM

"The Allpure Water Company has doubled its Washington business since the
city's water supply was adulterated a few years ago by a sluggish- minded trio of
city commissioners." "The Justice Dept. also drinks bottled spring water. This
Dept. is charged by law with enforcing laws, such as the law against placing
poison in public water supplies(!). Instead of enforcing it, they get good water
for their officials to drink..." --Capsule News. The poisoning of food for profit by
Big Business continues at an alarming rate - The Food & Drug Administration
looks the other way while 500 chemicals are added to the food you buy in the
markets. This of course, is not published in the public mediums as it would hurt
`advertising revenues.' We give you information on many of the drugs,
chemicals and poisons you eat daily in your food and the harmful effects to your

The Growing Opposition to Chemical Additives in Food and Water: The

Fluoridation of City Water, the Chemicalization of Bread and the Pasteurization of
Milk is fully covered in this giant folio by Dr. Raymond Bernard, B.A., M. A., Ph.

Do you know that WHITE SUGAR is the most injurious product of our national
diet; that OLEOMARGARINE is an inferior product (closest thing to PLASTIC you
can ingest); that PASTEURIZED OR HOMOGENIZED MILK means devitalized milk
(50% of the vitamin C and 25% of the vitamin B is destroyed- 6% less available
calcium); Tobacco contains not less than 19 poisons and that ASPIRIN is a

Do you realize that over 500 different poisons are being placed into foods that
you eat? These can and do have an accumulative effect on your body.

Morris Bealle of the American Capsule News gives you information on these
poisons such as: Potassium Sulfate, Propylene Glycol, Calcium Stearate, Tannic
Acid, Glucanol, Hexanol, Hydroquinon, Isoamyl Isovalerate, Juniper Berries,
Lavender Flowers, Methyl Anthranilate, etc., and these are only a few of the
drugs covered in this amazing folio.


Latest 1958 Information

This author covers such subjects as Sprays, Chemicals in Drinking Water,

Organic Foods, Lecithin, Low Protein Diet Etc. Learn the Newest Discovery in
Nutrition. This volume is the sequel of the famous book, HOW TO EAT SAFELY
IN A POISONED WORLD, published by the author's friend and colleague, Anton
H. Jensen. This volume is famous throughout the world.

Since he wrote the book above, Dr. Bernard has written a number of other works
on food poisoning by sprays and the importance of organic foods.


The Experiments of Dr. Robert McCarrison; Synthetic vitamins differ from natural
vitamins of organic foods; Dr. McCarrison found that it was not only the type of
foods consumed but the manner in which the soil was cultivated that gave health
to the Hunzas; More and more deadly sprays to Poison you faster; the DDT spray
menace; Dr. Martin's Studies on widespread DDT poisoning; M. D. fears DDT is
poisoning the nation, finds traces in 23 of 25 humans; warns of liver damage;
More insecticides each year; Dr. Biskind's findings on danger of poisoning by
residues of DDT, Chlordane and other chlorinated hydrocarbons in sprayed
foods; Chlordane the new super-killer; 704 different chemicals in our foods; Dr.
Hobb's studies on spray poisoning; Convulsions due to sprays in foods;
Additional evidence concerning the daily, ever-present menace of insecticide
residues in foods; Poison on Tap; The Chemical and Metallic Contamination of
Drinking Water; The Menace of Chlorination; Metallic Poisoning From Water
Pipes; Chronic Poisoning From Metallic Tooth Fillings; Aluminum Contamination
of City Water; Is Aluminum Poisoning Responsible for the Modern Increase of
Nervous and Mental Diseases?; Aluminized City Water; Pasteurized Milk and
Insecticide Residues in Foods as Causes of Polio; Some sickness mistaken for
polio may have been caused by eating fruits or vegetables bearing parathion
residue; Newer phosphate insecticides as far more virulent than anything ever
used before in agricultural pest control; The origin of cancer; The menace of
fluoridation; Dishes to hold water - glass vs. metal; Is springwater safe to drink?
Does it have calcareous deposits?; Metallic Contamination of Foods and
Beverages by Grinding and juicing machines, eating utensils, etc.; Chinese bake
cakes of lentils and almonds; The Chinese make flours from rice, peanuts, sweet
potatoes, peas, coconuts, millet, bananas - everything BUT WHEAT: Why wheat
is an inferior grain, which is uric-acid forming and decalcifying; Coconut Water;
The Supreme Distilled Water; The chemical contamination of bread; chemical
poisoning of grain crops on the farm; Fumigation of grain after harvesting;
Machine milling and refining of grain; Enrichment with synthetic vitamins;
Bleaching chemicals - producers of insanity; Chemical preservatives; Chemical
dough conditioners; Artificial colorings and flavorings; Chemical yeast food; Salt,
a Physiological Poison; How to make your own alkaline, unleavened
undegerminated corn and millet health bread; Natural vs. Synthetic vitamins;
How Crystalline and Synthetic Vitamins are made; Vitamin Toxicity; Trace
Minerals and sea vegetation; Trace mineral deficiency and disease; Seeds as a
source of nutrition; Why vitamin F has been neglected by nutritionists;
Physiological Function of lecithin; Nutritional value of sesame seeds; Dairy
Products Substitutes made from sesame seeds; Sunflower, the miracle food;
Organic Foods for Better Health; etc., etc.


A Startling Historical Discovery Based on Ancient Records Rescued from the
Alexandrian Library Prior to Its Having Been Set on Fire by the Roman
Churchmen, Concerning the Unknown World Teacher of the First Century, Leader
and Teacher of the Essenes, Who First Introduced Among them the Gospel of
Chrishna, Hindu Savior of 3000 B.C., which he Translated from the Sanskrit into
the Aramaic as the Original Gospel (Diegesis) which, three centuries later, was
elaborated into the four Christian Gospels by Roman Churchmen at the Council
of Nicea, held in the year 325 A. D. By Dr. R W. Bernard (B.A., M. A., Ph. D. )

THE GREATEST FRAUD IN HISTORY A Startling Revelation of What Really

Occurred at the Council of Nicea, Called by the Degenerate Roman Emperor and
Homicidal Maniac, Constantine, When Apollonius of Tyana, the True Founder of
Essenian Early Christianity, was replaced by a Fictitious Figure Put in His Place,
More Pleasing to Constantine, Whereupon He Made the Doctrines of the
Persecuted Essenes the Imperial Religion of Rome and Turned his Legions from
Putting to Death the Early Christians to Massacring All who Refused to Accept
Christianity in its New Romanized Form.

This manuscript also contains the Life and Private Correspondence of Apollonius
of Tyana, The Teacher of Righteousness of the First Century Essenes and the
Unknown Founder of Essenian Early Christianity.

AGHARTA - The Subterranean World

By Dr. Raymond Bernard Highly Illustrated Showing Flying Saucers Over San
Francisco; California.

The author says that Admiral Byrd, on his return from the South Pole, said: "The
present expedition has opened up a vast new land." He reported, in 1957, before
his death - this land as: "That enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting
mystery"' Today in 1963, nowhere is that mysterious land mentioned Why? Did
Byrd actually fly beyond the pole into the center of the earth? He and his crew
flew 1,700 miles across the traversed direction of the North Polar Region! Dr.
Bernard theorizes. Why does the U.S. government frown on the subject of flying
saucers? They admit they exist (see actual photograph of "Operations and
Training - UFO's Serious Business bulletin in the book, Flying Saucers Top Secret
by Major Donald E. Keyhoe, U. S. Marine Corps, Retired, Director of the National
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. Many are of the opinion that
various governments and air forces do not want certain information given
publicity. One `authority' says: "The various governments have all of the
information that we have, but in order to avoid panic by the lunatic fringe and
perhaps for many other vital reasons of security, they wish this information to be
kept among those who are not mentally affected by it."


The Russian explorer, Ferdinand Ossendowski, author of "Beasts, Men and Gods"
claims that tunnels which encircle the earth and which pass under the Pacific and
Atlantic Oceans, were built by men of the preglacial Hyperborean civilization
which flourished in the polar region at a time when its climate was still tropical -
a race of supermen possessing scientific powers of a superior order, including
tunnel-boring machines we know nothing about. Ossendowski says: "Among all
races of mankind, back to the dawn of time, there existed a tradition concerning
the existence of a Sacred Land or Terrestrial Paradise, where the highest ideals
of humanity were living realities. This concept is found in the most ancient
writings and traditions of the peoples of Europe, Asia Minor, China, India., Egypt
and the Americas. This Sacred Land, it is said, can be known only to persons
who are worthy, pure and innocent, for which reason it constitutes the central
theme for the dreams of childhood. " To understand the true nature of the flying
saucers and their origin, it is necessary to know something about the history of
Atlantis, since it is the opinion of Huguenin that flying saucers are nothing other
than Atlantean aircraft which, before the occurrence of the catastrophe that
destroyed Atlantis, were brought to the Subterranean World in the hollow interior
of the earth. After they left the outer atmosphere they flew in the inner
atmosphere, the chief mode of travel in this inner concave world where the
shortest distance between two points on its surface is a straight air line best
traversed by means of flying saucers.

Aerial navigation existed long before the making of the first airplane by the
Wright brothers, the director of the International Academy of Sanskrit
Investigation at Mysa, India discovered an ancient treatise on aeronautics, which
was written three thousand years ago. This treatise gives (in eight chapters)
diagrams, describing three types of aircraft, including apparatuses that could
neither catch on fire nor break, and mentions thirty-one essential parts of these
vehicles and sixteen materials from which they are constructed, which absorb
light and heat.

The author claims he has proved that there are flying saucers (of which
thousands of photographs have been taken and thousands of eye-witnesses
exist) and that they come from inside our own earth beyond the Pole.


By Raymond Bernard, Ph. D. (Contains Many Photographs from the rare book,
Monumental Christianity By Lundy.)

This unique volume gives the true history of the Original Gospel of the Lord of
Love and Master of Compassion, from which the Four Christian Gospels were
Derived - A New Light on the Origin of Christianity.

It is the purpose of this book to show that the origin of the Christian religion
consists in the teachings of Chrishna, savior of Ancient India, which he
enunciated to his Hindu followers on the banks of the Ganges 5,000 years ago,
and that these doctrines were introduced to the West during the first half of the
first century by Apollonius of Tyana, who received them from his Himalayan
teacher, Iarchus, during his studies in the Far East. Apollonius introduced these
doctrines among the Essenes; and those who accepted and followed the
teachings of Chrishna which he brought from India became known as
Chrishnaists or Christians. The doctrines of Chrishna, which were the foundation
of Brahmanism, which religion Chrishna originated, were expressed in the sacred
book of the Hindus, the "Bhagavad Gita" or the Song Celestial. They included
belief in an immanent deity who dwells within all living creatures, plant, animal
and human, and who suffers when they suffer and has joy when they are joyful.
This pantheistic conception of God led to the doctrine of reverence for all life or
universal compassion, which led to the practice of harmlessness and non-
violence to any living creature, which meant vegetarianism and pacifism. This
philosophical and humane conception of God and the humanitarian practices that
follow from this conception stands in sharp contrast with the later
anthropopmorphic personal gods of the Jews and Christians, who were
conceived as having a human form and, in the form of Jehovah, to have human
passions, including baser ones of revengefulness, jealousy, etc. Also, being
conceived as a being apart from his creations - animals and human beings -
whom he fashioned from the "dust of the earth," he is not the indwelling deity of
Brahmanism. The man-god of Judaism and Christianity gave man mastery over
the lower animals and not only did not forbid him to kill and eat them, but
encouraged and insisted on such killing in sacrifice to him in the form of burnt
offerings. And, in the Old Testament, he also encouraged warfare and murder of
those who refused to accept him and who worshipped other gods.

It is therefore clear that the later Western conceptions of deity are quite
barbarous in comparison with the pure and humane doctrine taught by Chrishna.
In his work, "Buddhism and Christianity," Arthur Lillie claims that the Essenes,
who were the first Christians, derived their doctrines and practices from Buddhist
missionaries who came westward during the third century B. C. during the reign
of King Asoka, finding converts among them; and this explains the similarity of
the life of the Essenes with that of Buddhist monks. Lillie's conclusion, based on
long and careful research, is that the earliest and only authentic original gospel,
or Diegesis, came from the Essenes and that all that is anti-Essene in the four
best known gospels is accretion.

As we have mentioned, the influence of Buddhist philosophy also reached the

Essenes through Pythagoras and Apollonius of Tyana, both of whom studied in
the Himalayas and Tibet under Buddhist sages. The Essenes, or the first
Christians, were therefore converts to Buddhism and Chrishnaism (Buddhism
being a reformed revival of the original doctrines of Chrishna which had since
degenerated at the hands of the orthodox Brahmanical priesthood); and the
Essene founder of Christianity, Apollonius of Tyana, was a disciple of a Buddhist
teacher (Iarchus), who combined Buddhism with western Pythagorean doctrines.
In his book, Lillie shows that Essenism, or Original Christianity, represented an
occidental version of Buddhism, and that this was the origin of Christianity, the
Christian gospels having been originally Hindu gospels devoted to the life and
teachings of Chrishna and Buddha, the name Chrishna being changed to Cristos
or Christ, with the name Jesus added, it is claimed, that two centuries before the
present era, Buddhist missionaries introduced these teachings into Palestine and
appeared in Egypt within two generations of the time of Alexander the Great.
This led to a mystic movement among the Jews, who took up these teachings as
they were brought to them by the martyred Jehoshua Ben Pandira, historical
founder of the Essene sect among the Jews, who studied in Egypt, where he
derived his doctrines which were opposed and persecuted by the orthodox
rabbis. In Egypt, those who accepted these Buddhist doctrines were known as
Therapeuts; in Palestine, Nazarites or Nazarenes. They were also called Essenes.
The Pythagorean Greeks affiliated themselves with this movement, as also did
the Levitical Hebrews; and all followed Pythagoras as their leader. Thus, when
Apollonius of Tyana appeared among them, fresh from his studies in the
Himalayas under his Buddhist master, teaching doctrines that were a synthesis of
Buddhist and Pythagorean teachings, he was enthusiastically received by the
Essenes and hailed as the long-awaited Teacher of Righteousness and their


Startling Facts About Modern Food Poisoning. Mimeographed. ($1.50)


The Future of Vitamins Vs. Synthetic Vitamins. While synthetic products were in
vogue during the Vitamin Age, today the trend is definitely away from the
synthetic and toward the natural. A revolution is taking place in the field of
Vitamin research as scientists are learning that synthetic products of the
chemical laboratory cannot replace the creations of Nature, just as no chemist
can create a living cell or a blade of grass.


It is a popular idea today that abundant consumption of protein, especially
animal protein, is beneficial to health, whereas lack of sufficient protein
consumption may pre-dispose to disease. Though this idea is now advanced by
the medical profession, and is supported by the extensive advertising
propaganda of the Meat Trust, it does not stand on any scientific basis, as the
experiments of Dr. Hindhede have proven.


Latest Scientific Evidence in Favor of a Low Protein Vegetarian Diet.


Dr. Bernard. This unique manuscript contains an abridgement of Dr. George
Starr White's rare book "Emancipation of Woman," Dr. Herbert M. Shelton's
book, "Menstruation, Its Cause and Cure;" and the chapter "Female
Degeneration," from Dr. G. R. Clement's Postgraduate Course. Many have
wanted the rare-out-of-print articles by Drs. George Starr White, M.D. and Dr. G.
R. Clement's Postgraduate Course

The authors claim that a perfectly healthy woman should not menstruate. You
have the concepts of four different doctors on the subject (from books which are
now out of print). Illustrated covers.
Rosicrucian Adept Who Preserved His Youth for Centuries. Was Francis Bacon the
author of Shakespeare's plays; editor of King James Version of the Bible; Count
Saint-Germain founder of Freemasonry; heir to the English throne; Prince
Rakoczy; founder of the Rosicrucian movement; hero of Lord Bulwer Lytton's
famous "Zanoni"; The Democracy; The originator of The Lost Word of
Freemasonry; Christian Rosenkreutz; The Mysterious "Philosopher," who was
friend and teacher to George Washington and Benjamin Franklin; both
Freemasons and Rosicrucians; Designer of the American Flag; the "Mystery Man"
who suddenly appeared on Independence Hall on July 4, 1776 - encouraging the
fearful men there present to sign the Declaration of Independence - ALL THE
SAME INDIVIDUAL? Was Count Saint-Germain sent by the Mystery School into
the world to accomplish a definite mission?
The author believes (as do others) that Comte de Saint-Germain and Sir Francis
Bacon are the two greatest emissaries sent into the world by the Secret
Brotherhood in the last thousand years - and that they were one and the same
person. This personality lived for hundreds of years claims the author. Francis
Bacon revealed the name and meaning of the Divine Word; The Masonic LOST
WORD. Read all in this unusual manuscript with photo.


And the Original Gospel of the Lord of Love and Master of Compassion, from
which the Four Christian Gospels were Derived - A New Light on the Origin of
Christianity. This unique volume is the finest from the pen of Dr. Bernard.
Profusely illustrated with actual photographs from the rare book by Lundy
("Monumental Christianity").


The Greatest Book On Sex Regeneration ever written! The Bankruptcy of
Freudianism and the Basis for a New Scientific Sexology and Psychiatry.
Mimeographed. Don't fail to read this remarkable book, which shows how,
through diet and sex control, it is possible to preserve and regain youth and
reach a higher level of brain energy and achievement - so the author claims.


By Dr. Bernard. The author claims that the internal secretions of the sex glands
stand at the basis of the individual's physical and mental vitality, and that sex
hormones are present in the external as well as in the internal secretions of the
gonads., etc.


The Awakening of Kundalini- Secret Yoga Methods of Rejuvenation Through
Awakening a Mysterious Power at the Base of the Spine, known as Kundalini or
the Serpent Fire, and Causing it to Ascend to the Brain, Which it Energizes and
Vitalizes. By Raymond Bernard.


A New and Rational System of Land Fertilization and Physical Regeneration By
Dr. Julius Hensel Agricultural Chemist), Translated from the German (1894) -
With Introduction by Dr. Bernard. Those who are interested in organic gardening
will welcome this rare classic reprint

The New Soil Science - An Original and Scientific Treatise on Clean Culture, the
Mineralized- Humus Method of Soil Fertilization Without the Use of Animal
Manure - by Sampson Morgan. (Pioneer of the Organic Movement, who first
raised his Voice in England against the Use of Chemical Fertilizers and Sprays.)
New Revised and Enlarged, With Introduction by Dr. Bernard and John Maxwell,
N. D.


Dr. Raymond Bernard. This is the sequel to the other volume, AGHARTA. This
volume has a condensation of the rare books - "A Journey to the Earth's Interior"
- Gardner's 450 page book- and from the rare book, "The Smoky God" by


By Dr. Bernard. Scientific Evidence that a Higher Parthenogentic Method of
Human Fertilization Exists by which a Super Race may be created - a Method
Distinct from and Superior to the Animal Method, by which Nineteen Virgin
Mothers in England produced children a few years ago, as confirmed by
investigations by a group of English physicians and accepted by the British
Medical Association as authentic cases of Human Parthenogenesis or Virgin Birth.
... so says the author. He claims what these women can do - any woman can do.

HERBAL ELIXIRS OF LIFE By Dr. Bernard. Rejuvenating Herbs of the Far East
believed by Orientals to Preserve Youth, Ward Off Old Age and Prolong Life,
claims the author. [Dr. Bernard passed away in 1965. His publishing company is
now defunct. Many of the above books of have been republished for many years
by small private mimeographers.

One such source is: Health Research P.O. Box 70 Mokelumne Hill, Ca. 95245 ]
The Hollow Earth
By Dr. Raymond Bernard A.B., M.A. Ph.D.
First published 1964

Compiled by Sal Bonavita 2003

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