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Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Vertical Internally Finned Tube

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This experiment of a vertical internally finned tube subjected to natural convection heat transfer. All the main parameters that can significantly influence the heat transfer performance of finned tube have been examined. An experimental set-up was designed to study the heat transfer performance in the entrance region as well as in the fullydeveloped region. I using material called mild steel and its fins are assembly with the body of the cylinder tube internally. The length of tube was 100mm. The inner diameter of tube was 80mm and the outer diameter was 90mm. The tube contains four radial, straight, and equally distributed around the circumference of the tube. The height of the fins are 100mm and the length of the fins are 25mm. Air was used as a working fluid in the experiment. It is found that, unlike expected, the value of Nu for vertical cylinder under variables time varies with the temperature is increasing Also it is found that the value of Nu increases as the time increases. In this experiment we I using a mild steel as a material for cylinder tube and fins. When mild steel are used and under the conditions of the current experiment no improvement were introduced by using mild steel material. To be conclusive on this result a further experimentations are needed by using aluminum for the cylinder tube

material and different length of cylinder tube or its diameter and also using different variables length of fins.


Natural mode of heat transfer employed in many applications as a higher pressure drop penalty. The pitch was seen to play an important role in the entrance region. The-core region insert was shown to enhance the heat transfer much more than the wall region insert, contrary to the earlier assumption that the core may not play as important a role. However, the combined effect of the two regions could be different from the individual influence of each region. The need for compact and efficient heat transfer convection heat transfer is important equipment has stimulated research efforts in the area of heat transfer augmentation. In order to enhance the rate of heat transfer, finned surfaces have been applied to cooling devices for electronic equipment and compact heat exchangers for many years. Convection involves the transfer of heat by the motion and mixing of macroscopic portions of a fluid (that is, the flow of a fluid past a solid boundary). The term forced convection is used if this motion and mixing is caused by an outside force, such a pump. The transfer of heat from a

hot water radiator to a room is an example of heat transfer by natural convection. The transfer of heat from the surface of a heat exchanger is an example of forced convection. Natural or Buoyant or Free convection is a very important mechanism that is operative in a variety of environments from cooling electronic circuit boards in computers to causing large scale circulation in the atmosphere as well as in lakes and oceans that influences the weather. It is caused by the action of density gradients in conjunction with a gravitational field. This is a brief introduction that will help you understand the qualitative features of a variety of situations you might encounter.

There are two basic scenarios in the context of natural convection. In one, a density gradient exists in a fluid in a direction that is parallel to the gravity vector or opposite to it. Such situations can lead to stable or unstable density stratification of the fluid. In a stable stratification, less dense fluid is at the top and denser fluid at the bottom. In the absence of other effects, convection will be absent, and we can treat the heat transfer problem as one of conduction. In an unstable stratification, in which less dense fluid is at the bottom, and more dense fluid at the top, provided the density gradient is sufficiently large, convection will start spontaneously and significant mixing of the fluid will occur.

Natural convection scenarios The example is the flow of air at the tip of a lit cigarette; in this case, the smoke from the cigarette actually traces that flow for us. In a common technique used for home heating, the baseboard heater consists of a tube through which hot water flows, and the heater is placed close to the floor. The tube is outfitted with fins to provide additional heat transfer surface. The neighboring air is heated, and the hot air rises, with cooler moving in toward the baseboard at floor level. This natural convection circulation set up by the hot baseboard provides a simple mixing mechanism for the air in the room and helps us maintain a relatively uniform temperature everywhere. Clearly, the convection helps the heat transfer process here. The used of heat transfer enhancement has become widespread during the last 50 years. The goal of heat transfer enhancement is to reduce the size and cost of heat exchanger equipment, or increase the heat duty for a give size heat exchanger. This goal can be achieve in two ways: active and passive enhancement. Of the two, active enhancement is less common because it requires addition of external power (e.g., an electromagnetic field) to cause a desired flow modification. On the other hand, passive

enhancement consists of alteration to the heat transfer surface or in corporation of a device whose presence results in a flow field modification. The most popular enhancement is the fin. Heat transfer by convection is more difficult to analyze than heat transfer by conduction because no single property of the heat transfer medium, such as thermal conductivity, can be defined to describe the mechanism. Heat transfer by convection varies from situation to situation (upon the fluid flow conductions), and it is frequently coupled with the mode of fluid flow. In practice, analysis of heat transfer by convectionis treated empirically.

Convection heat transfer is treated empirically because of the factors that affectthe stagnant film thickness
Fluid velocity Fluid viscosity Heat flux Surface roughness Type of flow (single-phase/two-phase) PROJECT BACKGROUND Internally finned tubes have received considerable attention because of the fact that they have been used widely in industrial applications. Internally finned tube has found extensive use in heat exchangers. When improvement in the process of heating or cooling is required, then better design of fin compactness and spatial geometry is very essential. Several studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of fin haracteristics

on heat transfer. Most of the relevant previous works have focused on limited cases of the number and length of the internal fin. The apparent advantages of fins are that they increase the heat transfer rate by providing additional surface area. However, fins placed in a tube cause complex flow patterns and increase flow resistance. As the number or the height of fins increases, flow friction increases, thus requiring greater pumping power to sustain a given mass flow rate. Therefore, to design a compact heat exchanger with internally finned tubes, we should optimize the fin geometry by accounting for both flow friction and heat flux. The present study was undertaken to develop new experimental data on Nusselt number and heat transfer during laminar flow an air as a medium in internally finned tube with vertical position. Even though there have been several numerical studies on fluid flow and heat transfer performance of internally finned tubes, the experimental data for thermally developing flow in internally tubes has been scarce. Therefore, the new data expected to provide very valuable and timely addition to the finned tube. The analysis is base on the vertical internally finned tube. During the experiment the data taken was temperature at the surface, fins, and inside the tube.


The schematic of the externally-finned tube to be studied is shown in Fig. 1. The hot working fluid (water) flows through inside the base pipe and heat is dissipated into a closed chamber. The two external fins and the base circular pipe form two vertical channels of natural air flow. Combined heat transfer of natural convection and radiation occurs between the pipe outer surface and the fins and chamber walls. Table 1 lists the tube geometrical details in The experimental system is shown in Fig. 2. The closed chamber is made of Q235 steel plates painted with metallic white paint whose surface emissivity is 0.8. The chamber is the present studies. The boundary condition in simulation studies is generally simplified as either uniform CHF or constant tube wall temperature in the analysis of finned tube heat transfer The tube wall temperature distributions predicted with the boundary condition of uniform CHF are compared with the experimental measurements in Fig. 4. The azimuth positions A and B of six measuring points are marked in Fig. 1. The experiments were carried out at three various cases as specified in Table 2. Since the temperature difference between the flow inlet and outlet of the base pipe is maintained at 1.6 0.1 _C, it is seen from Fig. 4 that the measured tube outer wall temperature increases from the inlet position (0.1 m) to the outlet (0.7 m) position along the axis within a very small temperature range DT *2.64.1 _C). The temperatures measured at azimuthal position A are always greater than those at position B because position B is located at the joint of tube wall and fin while position A is away from the fin.

Thus, the finned tube is not axisymmetric, and three-dimensional modeling is required. The temperature difference between points A and B at the same axial location is\2 _C. Through the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet with known mass flow rate, the total heat transfer rate of the finned tube can be obtained for each the specified operation condition and is assumed to be uniformly applied to the tube wall for numerical simulation with CHF condition. The simulated temperature distributions along the axis at azimuthal directions A and B for the three cases are quite different from the experimentally measured results. The tube wall temperature difference between inlet and outlet reaches to about 10 _C in the simulations. It is concluded that the uniform CHF boundary condition is not appropriate for the present situation.

PROBLEM STATEMENT The problem to be considered is that of Natural Convection heat transfer for fully developed flow in an internally finned tube. The fins are radial, straight and equally distributed around the circumference of the tube as shown in Figure 1.2. The length of the fin is fixed. The flow is subjected to a uniform heat input flux unit axial length. Because of the symmetry the calculation domain is performed over a half sector (thecomplete sector is the area between the two consecutive fins).

The dimension of internally finned tube

OBJECTIVES The objectives of the project are to determine the effect of flow in the tube with fins. Besides, in this project I also have to determine the heat transfer from surrounding in the vertical position of the cylinder tube. Then I also need to find the value of the coefficient with the given formula:

Where, I need to find ad calculate the coefficient of PROJECT SCOPES i. Used air as a medium

ii. Used laminar flow iii. Measure the temperature iv. Measure the time to show the behavior surface temperature with time. v. Calculate the heat transfer, Nusselt number and find the coefficient

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