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Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design

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Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design Double pipe heat exchanger design is rather straightforward.

It uses one heat exchanger pipe inside another. After determining the required heat exchanger surface area, for either counter flow or parallel flow, the pipe sizes and number of bends for the double pipe heat exchanger can be selected.

Introduction In double pipe heat exchanger design, an important factor is the type of flow pattern in the heat exchanger. A double pipe heat exchanger will typically be either counterflow or parallel flow. Crossflow just doesn't work for a double pipe heat exchanger. The flow pattern and the required heat exchange duty allows calculation of the log mean temperature difference. That together with an estimated overall heat transfer coefficient allows calculation of the required heat transfer surface area. Then pipe sizes, pipe lengths and number of bends can be determined. General Configuration and Characteristics of a Double Pipe Heat Exchanger

A double pipe heat exchanger, in its simplest form is just one pipe inside another larger pipe. One fluid flows through the inside pipe and the other flows through the annulus between the two pipes. The wall of the inner pipe is the heat transfer surface. The pipes are usually doubled back multiple times as shown in the diagram at the left, in order to make the overall unit more compact. The term 'hairpin heat exchanger' is also used for a heat exchanger of the configuration in the diagram. A hairpin heat exchanger may have only one inside pipe, or it may have multiple inside tubes, but it will always have the doubling back feature shown. . Some heat exchanger manufacturers advertise the availability of finned tubes in a hairpin or double pipe heat exchanger. These would always be longitudinal fins, rather than the more common radial fins used in a crossflow finned tube heat exchanger.

Counterflow and Parallel Flow in a Double Pipe Heat Exchanger

A primary advantage of a hairpin or double pipe heat exchanger is that it can be operated in a true counterflow pattern, which is the most

efficient flow pattern. That is, it will give the highest overall heat transfer coefficient for the

double pipe heat exchanger design. Also, hairpin and double pipe heat exchangers can handle high pressures and temperatures well. When they are operating in true counterflow, they can operate with a temperature cross, that is, where the cold side outlet temperature is higher than the hot side outlet temperature. For example, in the diagrams in this section, consider Fluid 1 to be the hot fluid and Fluid 2 to be the cold fluid. Then, in the counterflow diagram at the left, you can see that the cold side outlet temperature, T2out, can approach the hot side entering temperature, T1in, which is higher than the hot side outlet temperature, T2out. For the parallel flow shown at the right, T2out can only approach T1out; it could not be greater.

Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design Determination of the heat transfer surface area needed for a double pipe heat exchanger design can be done using the basic heat exchanger equation: Q = UA Tlm, where: Q is the rate of heat transfer between the two fluids in the heat exchanger in Btu/hr, U is the overall heat transfer coefficient in BTU/hr-ft2-oF, A is the heat transfer surface area in ft2, and Tlm is the log mean temperature difference in oF, calculated from the inlet and outlet temperatures of both fluids. These parameters in the basic heat exchanger equation are discussed in 'Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design', and they are used in an example in 'Preliminary Heat Exchanger Design Example'. After determination of the required heat transfer surface area, the diameter and length of the inner pipe can be selected and then the diameter of the outer pipe. Finally, the length of the straight sections and the number of bends can be selected.

Image Credit Double Pipe Heat Exchanger picture:

About the Author Dr. Harlan Bengtson is a registered professional engineer with 30 years of university teaching experience inengineering science and civil engineering. He holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering.

The Double-Pipe Heat exchanger Design Calculations formulas

The Double-Pipe Heat exchanger Design Calculations formulas Heat exchangers can be classified in a number of ways, depending on their construction or on how the fluids move relative to each other through the device. Now there will be looked at one particular heat exchanger to go a little deeper into the working principles and the practical utilizations. A double-pipe heat exchanger consists of two concentric pipes or tubes. The outer tube is called the annulus. In one of the pipes a warmer fluid flows and in the other a colder one.

Due to the temperature difference between the fluids heat is transferred. By the word fluid all substances that can flow is meant. So the word fluid means not only liquids but also gases. In this part there will be looked at a double-pipe heat exchanger with parallel flow. This means that the hot fluid and the cold fluid flow in the same directions. There are also counter flow heat exchangers. In this situation the hot fluid and the cold fluid flow in opposite directions. Schematically a double pipe heat exchanger with parallel flow is drawn in figure 2.1.

A double pipe heat exchanger with parallel flow

To understand what factors influence the dimensions of this heat exchanger when a certain heat rate is expected some simple equations will be examined. First a simple heat balance:

The subscript c stands for cold. But also the next equation is valid:

For the log mean temperature difference for parallel flow the following can be written down:

The next figure will show how the temperature of the hot and cold fluid changes along the length of the pipe

The course of the hot and the cold fluid along the length of the pipe

When the heat is transferred from the warmer fluid to the colder fluid it encounters resistances that will create several losses. There will be losses when the heat in the fluid transfers in direction of the wall, when the heat is transferred through the wall and when the heat is transferred from the wall to the flow in the annulus. In other words there will be a tube-film resistance, a tube-wall resistance and an annulus-film resistance. These losses are encountered for in the overall heat transfer coefficient U. When this coefficient is known and it is known what the several temperatures at the beginning and the end are or must be (material boundaries) a heat-transferring surface can be calculated for a desired heat rate.

Frequently it is wanted to get an idea of how big a heat exchanger will be for a certain performance. Size is one of the main factors in costs. The following properties must be known to perform a global calculation of the dimensions of a double-pipe heat exchanger with parallel flow.

-The required cooling down or heat up of the pipe fluid -The temperatures of both fluids when entering the double-pipe heat exchanger -The mass flows and heat capacity of both fluids the required heat rate can now be calculated due to the heat balance equation (2.1) -The LMTD can now be calculated; all the temperatures are known -An estimate of the overall heat coefficient; this is very difficult. U depends, as one can see in equation (2.5), on inner and outer diameters, convection coefficients of both fluids and the transfer coefficient of the wall of the pipe (depending on wall thickness and material properties). There are tables that can help make a good estimate for this parameter. Nevertheless has this parameter a great influence on the size of a heat exchanger and estimates must always be done with great care. Now with the help of equation (2.2) the heat transferring area can be calculated. Knowing the heat transferring area gives a relation between the diameter of the pipe and the length of the heat exchanger. This gives a rough idea of the dimensions that can be expected.

Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Model Reduces New Product Development Time for Food Processing Company

The Challenge
A food processing company is developing a new product with milk as a key ingredient. As a part of the process, milk is heated by water in a countercurrent double pipe heat exchanger. The temperature needs to be accurately regulated to provide the downstream unit operations with milk at the expected temperature and consistency. Rather than running time-consuming and expensive experiments, the engineer decided to model the heat exchanger and the control loop using software. This process, however, demands an accurate model that takes into account the temperature dynamics across the entire length of the countercurrent heat exchanger, so that the controller can be reliably tuned. A computational fluid dynamics approach was considered, but rejected because model creation would be time consuming and costly, and the results difficult to integrate into a control loop. Ideally, what was required was a single environment in which a heat exchanger could be rapidly prototyped, and different control strategies easily explored.

The Solution
The engineer found MapleSim to be the ideal environment to model both the plant and controller. A physical model of the heat exchanger was developed rapidly. The temperature dynamics were modeled by dividing the heat exchanger into a given number of control volumes. A heat balance on a typical control volume resulted in three differential equations one each for the tube- and shell-side liquids, and one to model the heat capacity of the tube wall. Axial heat flow along the tube wall was also modeled.

As the temperature changes, the viscosity of the tube-side milk changes significantly along the length of the exchanger. Since the heat transfer coefficient (calculated by the Dittus-Boelter correlation) varies with the viscosity, an empirical correlation describing the milk viscosity as a function of temperature was hence included in the system equations. Using natural math notation, all the governing equations for a single control volume were entered into a custom component template in MapleSim. The entire set of equations for all control volumes wer e then programmatically generated using Maples symbolic programming language, as part of the components definition . This approach meant a finer discretization (by increas ing the number of control volumes) could be explored by changing a single parameter, without risking the introduction of human error into potentially hundreds of equations. Additionally, because the equations governing the component were in natural math notation, the custom component was highly auditable. The control system could now be prototyped, with the temperature of the tube-side milk governed by regulating the flow rate of the shell-side hot water stream. Thermocouples, modeled by fitting the temperature-voltage data from the manufacturer to a linear equation using a custom component, monitor the temperatures of the outlet streams. These output a voltage to a controller. The controller in turn outputs a control voltage, which determines the open position of a valve. A pressure reading across the valve then determines the flow of the shell-side water stream. With this high fidelity model, the engineer was able to tune the controller with great accuracy, ensuring the milk is brought to the required temperature even when upstream disturbances cause variations in temperatures and flow rates as the liquids enter the heat exchanger. Working in a single environment meant the work was completed quickly and inexpensively. In addition, since the model is acausal, it can be easily reconfigured to control other aspects of the heat exchanger, such as regulating the temperature of the shell-side stream instead of the tube-side stream. Since the custom component interface automates the process of generating the governing equations for the entire heat exchanger, more complex physical effects, such as heat loss to the environment, can be easily incorporated simply by adjusting the heat balance equations for a single control volume. Comprehensive documentation describing the derivation of the system equations and their physical principles was included as part of the model, so other engineers will be able to quickly review, extend, and enhance the model, even if the original designer is unavailable.

Double Pipe Heat Exchangers Manufacturer INDIA

A double pipe heat exchanger, in its simplest form is just one pipe inside another larger pipe. One fluid flows through the inside pipe and the other flows through the annulus between the two pipes. The wall of the inner pipe is the heat transfer surface. The pipes are usually doubled back multiple times as shown in the diagram at the left, in order to make the overall unit more compact. The term 'hairpin heat exchanger' is also used for a heat exchanger of the configuration in the diagram. A hairpin heat exchanger may have only one inside pipe, or it may have multiple inside tubes, but it will always have the doubling back feature shown. . Some heat exchanger manufacturers advertise the availability of finned tubes in a hairpin or double pipe heat exchanger. These would always be longitudinal fins, rather than the more common radial fins used in a crossflow finned tube heat exchanger.

Types of Double Pipe Heat Exchangers ;1. Counter flow 2. Parallel Flow Heat Exchanger 1. Counter flow;The main advantage of a hairpin or double pipe heat exchanger is that it can be operated in a true counter flow pattern, To get More Efficiency, In the mean Time, it will give the highest overall heat transfer coefficient for the double pipe heat exchanger design. 2. Parallel Flow;Parallel Flow double pipe heat exchangers are focused to handle high pressures and temperatures applications. Also we can Achieve High Log mean Temperature using this.

3. Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design;Determination of the heat transfer surface area needed for a double pipe heat exchanger design can be done using the basic heat exchanger equation: Q = UA Tlm, where: Q is the rate of heat transfer between the two fluids in the heat exchanger in Btu/hr, U is the overall heat transfer coefficient in BTU/hr-ft2-oF, A is the heat transfer surface area in ft2, and Tlm is the log mean temperature difference in oF, calculated from the inlet and outlet temperatures of both fluids. These parameters in the basic heat exchanger equation are discussed in 'and they are used in an example in ' After determination of the required heat transfer surface area, the diameter and length of the inner pipe can be selected and then the diameter of the outer pipe. Finally, the length of the straight sections and the number of bends can be selected. . Advantages:A primary advantage of a hairpin or double pipe heat exchanger is that it can be operated in a true counterflow pattern, which is the most efficient flow pattern. That is, it will give the highest overall heat transfer coefficient for the double pipe heat exchanger design. Also, hairpin and double pipe heat exchangers can handle high pressures and temperatures well. When they are operating in true counterflow, they can operate with a temperature cross, that is, where the cold side outlet temperature is higher than the hot side outlet temperature.

Double pipe heat exchanger Two sets of concentric pipes, two connecting tees, and a return head and a return bend. A device whose purpose is the transfer of thermal energy between two fluids. Heat Exchanger-HX Common applications: Boilers, Coolers, Condensers, Evaporators. Common design consists of tow fluids separated by a conducting medium.

Penukar Panas, merupakan peralatan yang banyak dipergunakan di berbagai bidang industri, seperti perminyakan, petrokimia, energi dan lain sebagainya. Fungsi alat penukar panas, sebagaimana namanya, adalah untuk memindahkan panas dari satu fluida ke fluida yang lainnya dengan tujuan untuk merubah temperatur baik itu menurunkan suhu ataupun menaikan suhu.. Salah satu tolak ukur yang menentukan pemilihan suatu jenis penukar panas adalah kemampuannya untuk memindahkan panasyang bai, yang pada umumnya disebut efektivitas dan efisiensi energi supaya tidak banyak membuang dan menghamburkan waktu. Untuk satu ukuran penukar panas yang digunakan, maka efektivitas dan efisiensi energi yang tinggi akan menunjukkan semakin banyaknya fluks panas dan waktu yang digunakan akan lebih efisiens dan panas yang dapat dipindahkan per satuan massa fluida akan bagus. Sehingga upaya untuk mengembangkan suatu rancangan penukar panas yang memberikan efektivitas perpindahan panas tinggi senantiasa menjadi lebih baik dan menjadi sebuah topik litbang di berbagai lembaga riset, universitas ataupun industri di dunia. Biasa digunakan pada dunia industri : Pemanas ruangan mesin pendingin pembangkit tenaga listrik pabrik kimia pabrik petrokimia kilang minyak bumi pengolahan limbah Contohnya : Telah dilakukan desain sebuah penukar kalor jenis pipa ganda (double pipe heat exchanger) untuk memanaskan air. Alat ini didesain untuk dipergunakan sebagai alat uji laboratorium fenomena dasar mesin. Mesin internal dimana air sebagai pendingin yang mengalir dalam sebuah pipa, sehingga air mendinginkan mesin , dan memanaskan udara yang masuk.
Dalam perancangan double pipe HE, ada beberapa variabel temperature (suhu) yang perlu diketahui/dicari.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.


Ti,i =Inlet temperature of fluid in inner pipe, F To,i =Inlet temperature of fluid in outer pipe, F Ti,o =Outlet temperature of fluid in inner pipe, F To,o =Outlet temperature of fluid in outer pipe, F DTLM =Log-mean temperature difference Ti,a =Average temperature of fluid in inner pipe, F To,a =Average temperature of fluid in inner pipe, F Q =Heat transfer rate, Btu/hr U =Overall heat-transfer coefficient, Btu/hr. ft F Jadi kalau kamu menanyakan berapa range suhu double pipe HE, tentunya harus diketahui - jenis fluida yang digunakan - sifat fisis/properties dari fluida yang digunakan Double Pipe Heat Exchanger merupakan bentuk heat exchanger yang paling sederhana yang tersusun atas dua pipa konsentris, dimana satu fluida mengalir lewat pipa dalam sedangkan fluida yang satu lagi mengalir lewat anulus antara pipa dalam dan pipa luar. Fluida yang memiliki suhu lebih rendah (fluida pendingin) mengalir melalui pipa kecil, sedangkan fluida dengan suhu tinggi mengalir pada pipa yang lebih besar (pipa anulus). Penukar kalor terdiri dari beberapa lintasan yang disusun vertikal. Perpindahan kalor yang terjadi pada fluida adalah proses konveksi, sedangkan proses konduksi terjadi pada dinding pipa. Kalor mengalir dari fluida yang bertemperatur tinggi ke fluida bertemperatur rendah. Double pipe heat exchanger merupakan Penukar panas yang digunakan ketika tingkat aliran dari cairan dan tugas panas kecil (kurang dari 500 kW)

Jadi boleh saya simpulkan bahwa alat penukar panas double pipe heat exchanger untuk arus berlawanan arah lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan arus searah, dan panas yang temperaturnya lebih tinggi akan lebih cepat dan lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan temperaturanya yang kecil.
Pada dasarnya ada 2 jenis aliran pada double pipe heat exchanger : 1. 2. Co-current Counter current Dengan konfigurasi : Susunan Seri dan susunan paralel Counter current Perpindahan panas maksimal terjadi di dalam area minimum karena LMTD lebih besar Co-current Digunakan untuk viskositas cairan yang kental dan memberikan nilai yang lebih rendah dari LMTD Co-current & counter current memberikan nilai LMTD yang sama jika salah satu aliran fluida adalah isothermal (misalnya : uap) Konfigurasi seri-paralel : Konfigurasi ini digunakan ketika nilai tekanan melebihi batasanya (500psig untuk shell dan 500psig untuk tube) . masalah penurunan tekanan dapat diselesaikan dengan : Reversing lokasi aliran Dengan melewatkan salah satu aliran fluida Membagi aliran pada penurunan tekanan yang lebih tinggi (seri-paralel arrag) Log mean temperatur evaluation : (Sannan
Double pipe heat exchanger) salabat Process heat transfer

Fluida dapat mengalir secara searah (cocurent) atau berlawanan (countercurent). Panjang efektif exchanger tipe ini biasanya 12, 15, dan 20ft. Exchanger tipe ini mudah dibuat dari bahan-bahan standart dan harganya relative murah.
(Geankoplis, C.J, Transport processes and unit operations, 263-264)

Co curent flow doublepipe heat exchanger atau paralel flow

co curent flow adalah aliran searah, dimana kedua fluida masuk pada ujung penukar panas yang sama dan kedua fluida mengalir searah menuju ujung penukar panas yang lain. Pada aliran searah, selisih temperatur antara temperatur fluida panas dan dingin akan menurun seiring dengan meningkatnya x. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena jika kita anggap ada sebuah molekul yang mengalir didalam sebuagh pipa, maka molekul-molekul fluida panas dan dingin akan selalu bersama-sama hingga akhirnya panas akan berpindah diantaranya. Penurunan maupun kenaikan temperatur akan sebanding diantara keduanya karena kebersama-samaan molekul- molekul fluida panas dan dinginya. Counterflow double pipe heat exchanger Counter curent flow atau conterflow adalah aliran berlawanan arah, dimana fluida yang satu masuk pada satu ujung penukar kalor, sedangkan fluida yang satu lagi masuk pada ujung penukar panas yang lain, masing-masing fluida mengalir menurut arah yang berlawanan. Pada aliran turbulen, menurut penemuan empirik sieder dan Tate, yaitu Nusslet number merupakan suatu fungsi dari reynold number dan pradtl number, sedangkan aliran laminer dipergunakan faktor koreksi yang sama. Persaman sieder dan tate untuk Nre < 2100 yaitu : hi D =1,86 k
1/3 0,34

untuk Nre > 2100 maka persamaan sieder dan Tate menjadi : hi D =0,027 k karena untk perhitungan OHTC harus dipergunakan satu harga las perpindahan panas yang biasanya adalah permukaan luar pipa, maka individual heat tranfer koefisient aliran dalam pipa harus diubah dengan menggunakan persamaan : hio = hi
(Kern, D.Q, Process Heat Transfer, 103-104)
1/3 0,34

koefisien overall dari perpindahan panas diperlukan untuk memperoleh kondisi proses dapat diperoleh dari persamaan Fourier bila luas permukaan A diketahui dan Q dan t dihitung dari proses. Lalu U = Q/A t. Abaikan resistensi dinding pipa : = Rio + Ro = Timbulnya kerak atau kotoran yang menempel pada pipa sehingga perpindahan panas tidak lagi efektif adalah sebagai masalah dalam pengoperasian dalam double pipe heat exchanger. Makin tebal kerak tersebut maka tahanan terhadap proses perpindahan panas makin besar sehingga koefisien perpindahan panas menjadi kecil. Untuk menyatakan hal tersebut maka secara sistematis dapat ditulis : Gambar lokasi fouling faktor dan koefisien perpindahan panas dimana : Rd= Rdi + Rdo Dimana : Uc = overall heat transfer coeficient dalam keadaan bersih (kJ/sm K) Ud = overall heat transfer coefisient dalam keadaan kotor (kJ/sm K) Rd = faktor kekotoran gabungan (sm K/ kJ) Faktor koreksi
2 2 2

Dalam aliran laminer pada kecepatan renadah didalam suatu pipa, konveksi alamiah dapat berlangsung sedemikian rupa sehingga pesamaan diatas perlu dimodifikasi. Karena eagle dan fergusson menurunkan persamaan diatas untuk aliran turbulen, maka untuk aliran laminer perlu diberi suatu faktor koreksi, antara lain :
= 2,25 x (1 +0,01 NGR1/3) NGR = D3 2 (Tav tav) Log NRE

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