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UK Home Office: Essex

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Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

Annual Report 2002–3

As the recently appointed Minister with responsibility for the MAPPA, I am

pleased to introduce this, the second, annual MAPPA report. It is clear that in the
last year (2002/3) the multi-agency public protection arrangements (the MAPPA)
continued to play an important role in what remains one of this government's
highest priorities - the protection of the public from dangerous offenders.

As someone with many years’ experience of working in the field of child

protection, I am particularly impressed by the important contribution the MAPPA
are making to strengthen collaboration between agencies at a local level where
the focus is on the dangerous offender. These improvements must, however,
impact on the protection of children. As the tragic death of Victoria Climbie
showed, an effective multi-agency partnership is crucial and the MAPPA are an
important element.

To ensure greater consistency in the MAPPA across the 42 Areas of England

and Wales, and to prepare for the implementation of measures contained in the
Criminal Justice Bill, we published the MAPPA Guidance in April. Building on
good practice, that Guidance clarified the structure of the operational
arrangements as well as the importance of formal review and monitoring - of
which this annual report is a vital part. The Criminal Justice Bill will strengthen
the MAPPA in two ways. First, it will make the involvement of other agencies part
of the statutory framework. Second, it will introduce the involvement of lay people
- those unconnected with day-to-day operation of the MAPPA - in reviewing and
monitoring the MAPPA. Annual reports and this new lay involvement show the
Government's commitment to explaining how the often sensitive and complex
work of public protection is undertaken.

The Government is also strengthening the protection of the public with other
measures in the Criminal Justice Bill. They include new sentences for dangerous
offenders to prevent their release if they continue to be dangerous. Additionally,
the Sexual Offences Bill will tighten up sex offender registration, introduce a new
offence of 'grooming', and enable sex offender orders to be imposed on violent
offenders who pose a risk of causing serious sexual harm - thereby extending
sex offender registration to them.

I commend this report to you and congratulate all the agencies and individuals
who have contributed to the achievement of the MAPPA locally in your local

Paul Goggins, Parliamentary Under-Secretary

for Community and Custodial provision
in the Home Office

The National Picture

The most important work undertaken within the MAPPA is done locally, led by the police and probation - who act
jointly as the 'Responsible Authority' in your Area - and in each of the 42 Areas of England and Wales. The
experience and good practice upon which this work is based began in the 1990s - most significantly as a result of
the closer working relationship required by the Sex Offender Act (1997). The Criminal Justice and Courts Services
Act (2000) formalised that relationship and built on the existing experience by requiring the police and probation
services to establish arrangements (the MAPPA) for assessing and managing the risks posed by sexual and violent
offenders. The Act also required the Responsible Authority to publish an annual report on the operation of those
arrangements. This report, covering April 2002 to March 2003, is the second annual report.

The importance of partnership

Key to the development of the MAPPA in the past year has been the closer involvement of other agencies, such as
housing, health and social services, working alongside police and probation. The truly multi-agency nature of the
MAPPA and the collaboration which underpins it is to be strengthened further by the Criminal Justice Bill. The Bill
will place a 'duty to co-operate' on a wide range of organisations including local health authorities and trusts; housing
authorities and registered social landlords; social services departments; Jobcentres; Youth Offending Teams; and
local education authorities. In addition, the Prison Service will join the police and probation services and become part
of the MAPPA 'Responsible Authority'.

Supporting and co-ordinating the development of the MAPPA, throughout the 42 Areas of England and Wales, is the
National Probation Directorate's Public Protection Unit (PPU). This Unit acts as a central point for advice and,
increasingly, involvement in the management of difficult cases. These include, for example, UK citizens who have
committed serious offences abroad and return to this country without anywhere to live. The Unit is also able to
provide financial support when the risk management plans make exceptional demands upon local resources.

Involving the public

MAPPA developments in the next 18 months will also include the appointment by the Home Secretary of two 'lay
advisers' to each Area. The eight Areas of England and Wales which have been piloting these arrangements since
January (Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Durham, South Wales, Dorset, Hampshire, Surrey and West Midlands)
report that they add real value. Lay advisers will contribute to the review and monitoring of the MAPPA which is
undertaken by each Area's Strategic Management Board - the work of which you can read more in this report.

The purpose of appointing 'lay advisers' is to ensure that communities understand more of what is done to protect
them and that those involved professionally with the MAPPA are aware of the views of the community. The lay
advisers will not 'represent' the community in the way, for example, that local councillors do, nor will they be involved
in operational decision-making. And, given the sensitivity of much of what the MAPPA does, especially with the few

offenders who pose a very high risk of serious harm to the public, it is not
White Male, aged 45, Essex
practicable for the general public to be involved. Lay advisers will,
however, ensure an appropriate and a practical level of community
Previous multiple
convictions for
MAPPA Offenders
indecent assault on
This year the annual report provides a more detailed breakdown of the boys and girls aged
number of sexual and violent offenders who are covered by the MAPPA 12 - 16: pre-targeted
in your Area. As last year, the figures include the number of registered strangers
sex offenders. Because sex offender registration is for a minimum of 5
This man was released from imprisonment after a
years (and generally for much longer) the figures are cumulative. This is substantial sentence, and then received treatment in
why they have increased - by 16 per cent in England and Wales. Only a a residential secure unit for very high-risk sex
very small proportion (about six per cent throughout England and Wales)
Subject to regular MAPPP meetings, he was
are considered to pose such a high risk or management difficulty that discharged from treatment to accommodation which
they are referred to the highest level of the MAPPA - the Multi-Agency had been planned and approved by police and
probation, and which had been subject to detailed
Public Protection Panels (the MAPPP). discussion with the housing agency.
A “Lifeline” telephone service was set up with the
Figures alone do not, of course, tell the whole story. The anonymised original treatment agency.
Liaison between the Victims Unit and Social
case studies illustrate the practical work of the MAPPA, and demonstrate Services ensured that victims and their families
the preventive action which can be taken. Prior to the MAPPA, action of were contacted, and offered substantial support.
this kind was mainly taken by one agency alone, with the effect that on Extra conditions were inserted in the offender’s
parole licence, which included requirements that he
occasion offenders' behaviour which might have triggered preventative would be allowed no contact with children, would not
action went unnoticed. The multi-agency approach of the MAPPA helps visit parts of Essex where previous known victims
lived, and that he was to live where directed and
ensure that if an offender does breach the condition of the licence under
undertake further treatment in the community. He
which they were released from prison or a court order prohibiting certain would attend the Community Sex Offender
activities, then action to enforce the condition or order and protect the programme as directed, to reinforce the skills he
had acquired in preventing relapse.
public can be taken more swiftly. He was subject to police surveillance and regular
monitoring visits. Any trips he made were escorted.
Public disclosure was made to his employer.
At the end of the parole licence, a voluntary
“contract” was drawn up with the police. Intermittent
MAPPP meetings are maintained, to review and
assess his progress.
Police visits continue, as does voluntary contact
If you are interested in reading the reports of other Areas, they will be published with the Probation Service.
on the National Probation Service's website
(under the public protection section).

Essex: a diverse area

A large county in the south-east, Essex has a mixture

of urban and rural areas, including villages, old market
towns, urban "new towns", seaside resorts and a busy
port and airport. Over 1.3 million people live in Essex
with 1.8% from minority ethnic groups, 14.5% under 18
years of age, and an increasing elderly population.
Unemployment is lower than the national average at
2.4%. However, the area is economically diverse -
containing some of the most and least deprived areas
in the East of England.

Despite some recent increases, overall levels of crime

in the county remain low. A recent report on community
safety in Essex found that good joint working between
the police and councils contributed to this.

Joint working is key to the specific area of dealing with

serious offenders. This year's report on the
arrangements for doing so demonstrates the
importance of involving the skills and knowledge of a
variety of Essex agencies in planning the work.
MAPPA in Essex

In Essex, early arrangements were official recognition, with legislation,

made between Probation and Police in 2001.
services for sharing information and
planning the supervision of the small Considerable joint work takes place
number of people who are known to to ensure public safety. It will include
pose a serious risk of harm. enhanced supervision of the
These procedures have since been offender, restrictions which limit the
formalised and extended to include opportunity to cause harm and
other important agencies. create further victims, and plans for
The Multi-Agency Public Protection rehabilitation.
Arrangements (MAPPA) were given

Essex Probation:
Tessa Webb,
Assistant Chief Officer
Essex Police:
(Public Protection)
Liam Brigginshaw
Assistant Chief
Constable Essex Social
North Essex
Ann Goldsmith, Southend Social Mental Health
Head of Children Care: Partnership
and Families Meera Spillett: NHS Trust: Essex Youth
Asst. Director Carol Edward Offending Services:
Children & Young Area Director Tanya Gillett, Head
People’s Services of Y.O.S

Essex Police:
Bob Seals
Detective Chief

Essex Police:
Essex Probation: Allan Taplin, Essex Social Thurrock Social
Andy Wills, Senior MAPP Manager Services: Services:
Probation Officer,
David Watts, Mark Gurrey, Head
(Public Protection)
County Safeguards of Children and
Co-ordinator Families Services

Southend Youth
Offending Services:
Derek Eyre, YOT
Thurrock Youth
Team Manager
Offending Services:
Peter Kay, YOT
Team Manager

Roles and Responsibilities
Each area must have a National Probation Service - Essex Area the Council's housing stock and the social
"responsible authority". For Essex Supervises offenders in the community care provision for children and adults in need
this responsibility is held jointly by subject to orders made by the Courts and of support or protection.
offenders who are released from prison on
the probation and police services.
licence. Thurrock Housing and Social Care
However, senior representatives of
all contributing agencies have Essex Police Within the Unitory Authority, has
worked hard this year to take Alongside many responsibilities to tackle and responsibility for children and family
forward the work of the MAPPA. reduce crime, Essex Police complies with a services; services for all vulnerable adults
statutory duty to maintain the sex offender including older people, as well as
The most effective work to protect register. Gathering and sharing intelligence responsibilities for housing within the
the public from sexual, violent and with agencies on the MAPP panels, it also Borough.
other dangerous offenders takes provides a suitable level of monitoring to
place when all relevant agencies enable early identification of adverse Essex, Southend and Thurrock Youth
play their part in contributing to behaviour. Offending Teams
sharing information, assessing Supervise young offenders (10 to 18 years
Essex Social Services old) in the community on orders from the
and managing the risks posed.
Responsible for providing services to court and on release following custodial
Currently, the formal signatories to
vulnerable people, their children and their sentences.
the protocol, and their families, to the elderly, and to those with
responsibilities, are: mental health, learning, physical or sensory North Essex Mental Health NHS
disabilities; and for ensuring the safety of Partnership Trust
those for whom they provide services, Provides services for users, carers and local
particularly children. communities, including commitment to
preventing harm and self harm by those
Southend Social Care Department people who are assessed and diagnosed as
Responsible for managing and maintaining suffering from a mental health condition.

An invitation has been extended

to other Essex organisations to
formally join the arrangements in
2003/4. Work is already under
way to formalise the contributions
of the following agencies:

14 District & Unitary Councils which will Premier Monitoring: responsible for the Victim Support Scheme: provides a free
include housing departments who have arrangements for monitoring offenders and confidential service for victims, victims'
statutory duties to accommodate homeless subject to home curfew orders made by the families and witnesses of crime. Trained
people and who provide housing from their court, and who are subject to curfew staff are able to offer emotional support,
available stock. following release from prison. information and practical help to victims of
crime. The recently appointed Manager for
South Essex Partnership NHS Trust: The Prison Service (Eastern Region): Victim Support has met with the Assistant
works with partner agencies to provide responsible for sentence planning and Chief Officer (Public Protection) to ensure a
mental health, drug and alcohol, and appropriate release arrangements which will full Victim Support contribution.
learning disability services to South Essex; maximise public protection.
forensic mental health services, including NSPCC: This organisation's reponsibility for
Medium and Low Secure in-patient facilities, Job Centre Plus, who will make a the protection of children will enhance the
as well as community forensic services contribution to ensuring that suitable checks knowledge and expertise available to the
across Essex. There are also two Criminal are in place to protect vulnerable people. MAPPA. The Stop It Now campaign will be
Justice Mental Health Teams working with fully supported by MAPPA.
Southend, Basildon and Grays courts.

Extending the arrangements further
In addition, work is required to and alcohol services, education, the space of time to develop the MAPP
formalise arrangements and liaison Crown Prosecution Service, and arrangements in Essex, there is still a
between the Area Child Protection housing associations. great deal to be done, and the MAPPA
Committees for Essex, Southend and Strategic Management Board are
Thurrock; and also the Crime and Consideration will be given to the determined to drive this forward.
Disorder Panels. arrangements between MAPPA and
the newly created Primary Care Trusts
Work will also be undertaken to extend for health.
and enhance arrangements with other It is recognised that while a lot of
treatment providers, such as drugs ground has been covered in a short

MAPPA - how it works

The MAPP Panel system currently The Information Exchange and MAPPP other specialist Probation Service
provides for assessment and meetings are co-ordinated to a pre- functions, such as Accommodation
management of offenders at planned schedule by the Essex Police Officers, who liaise closely with local
three levels: Public Protection Unit, ensuring that housing providers.
MAPPPs take place at least every six The Risk Management Plans made for
weeks at each of the six geographic each case will specify action by each
• Information Enquiry: by each locations. (In addition, emergency individual agency/worker, and can
agency, to establish whether an meetings can be called at any time include: a programme of intervention;
offender is known to others, and within 24 hours’ notice.) the monitoring of behaviour and
to share information. A decision attitudes of the offender; surveillance
may be made to progress to an An officer from the police Public planning; intelligence sharing;
Information Exchange meeting or Protection Unit is present at every accommodation planning;
to a full MAPPP meeting. meeting and ensures attendance of contingencies; public disclosure
local Divisional Police Officers. The planning, and a review period. Each
Social Services representatives co- agency acknowledges the vital
• Information Exchange
ordinate internal information exchange importance of safeguarding the
Meetings: held to establish the and liaison between the various Social confidentiality of the meetings and the
nature of information held by Services teams. The relevant Senior notes which come from them.
each agency, and to come to a Probation Officer chairs these meetings
consensus on the level of risk and probation provides administrative Making decisions about the risk posed
posed by the individual offender; support. by certain offenders, and how best to
triggering full MAPPP meetings manage it, requires good systems.
in appropriate cases. They will Where the presence of other agencies, Internal policies for each agency must
also review cases previously such as Health and Housing, is complement and reflect the MAPPP
important, requests are made that their processes.
subject to a MAPPP meeting in
representatives attend, in order to
order to check on progress. contribute to discussion and risk Essex Police have Operational Policy
management planning. The Criminal Guidelines for referral to the MAPPP
• Full MAPPP meetings: making Justice Mental Health Team worker or meetings, including those governing the
detailed risk management plans. Housing Officer can play an extremely requirements of the Sex Offender Act.
important role in improving the risk
management strategy for a dangerous Police, Probation or Social Services
offender. identify offenders who fall within the
criteria of the critical few dangerous
The Essex Probation Victims Unit is offenders to be discussed in the
represented in person where MAPPP meetings.
appropriate at MAPPP meetings, as are

Managing the MAPPA
The strategic management of the Additional signatories have been data. A 'quality' survey of meetings
Essex MAPPA is currently added to the multi-agency protocol. has been carried out, and
undertaken by the Steering Group, improvement objectives set. These
chaired by the Assistant Chief Presentations have been made to have been shared with operational
Officer of Probation responsible the local government Chief Executives probation managers at the four-
for Public Protection. It consists of group on the work of MAPPA monthly meetings chaired by the ACO
senior representatives from Police, (Public Protection).
Agreement was achieved on jointly-
Probation, Social Services, Youth
funded MAPPA manager and MAPPA Essex Probation Public Protection
Offending, and Mental Health.
administrator posts, to be team constantly monitors critical "risk
implemented in April 2003. They will factors" and identifies areas for
Both the Steering Group and the work with all the agencies involved, improvement.
Planning and Implementation particularly the Essex Police Public
group have met regularly. Protection Unit, the Social Services Two Senior Probation Officers share
"Planning and Implementation" is Co-ordinators in Essex, Southend and specialist lead roles for public
attended by operational managers Thurrock, and the Probation Service protection and the supervision of sex
from each contributing agency. In Public Protection Team. offenders. Essex Probation is funding
addition Essex Housing Group and The MAPPA manager will ensure that doctorate research into 'risk and re-
South Essex NHS Partnership consistent arrangements are in place offending'.
Trust have also been represented. for the assessment and management
of relevant sexual, violent and other Specific sex offender, domestic
dangerous offenders, in accord with violence, and anger treatment/training
Considerable developmental work
the Essex MAPPA protocol. programmes for offenders are
has been undertaken in 2002 / provided which are implemented to
2003, based on the further national Information is regularly collected accredited standards (where
guidance, developing expertise about the frequency of meetings, the applicable). Other agencies are
and local experience, and including location, and the level of agency involved in their implementation.
the following areas of work: representation, as well as statistical The Sex Offender programme takes

White Male, aged 24.

Offence: Unprovoked “glassing” of a stranger in a night-club.

This man’s past history includes a poor family background, with an alcoholic father.
The offender had himself been abused as a child. In adult life, his reactions to
perceived provocation were frequently violent, especially when under the influence
of drink.
He received a sentence of imprisonment for the glassing offence and was later
released under supervision on an Automatic Conditional Release (ACR) licence.

An Information Exchange meeting was called with the relevant agencies. On this occasion it was the
Probation Service sharing the information held on this man with the Police and Social Services, who had
no involvement in his case, or knowledge of his current offending.
A decision was taken to refer supervision back to Probation, who continue to work with him, monitoring his
family and personal relationships, employment, and level of substance abuse.

Part of his supervision requirements is attendance at a specialist agency, which is in partnership with the
Probation Service, and provides advice on alcohol and drugs reduction. Very important to the handling of
this man’s case was a general analysis, made with him, of his offending behaviour. The Probation Service
used a cognitive-behavioural approach to do this, identifying the thoughts and feelings associated with the
triggers which set off his violence. He was helped to analyse and learn from past incidents, and
encouraged to use a carefully structured method of dealing with his anger and frustration in a non-
confrontational way. As another element in his supervision he attended a 38-session programme called
Reasoning and Rehabilitation, which teaches people problem-solving and constructive thinking skills.

No further offending has been recorded to date, but the risk remains at “medium”.

about a year to complete and forms Current developments in the investigations, collaborating with the
part of a three-year Community Order, assessment and treatment of internet relevant agencies to ensure the
or a condition of licence following child sex crimes inform both treatment successful conduct of a massive
release from prison. It has been provision in Essex, and the operation.
extensively developed by development of national expertise in
internationally recognised experts in this part of our work. Specific training Social Services in Essex have
the field of sex offender research and has been planned this year to expand developed a unique and valuable
practice. staff knowledge and awareness of the County Safeguards Unit, and
The Domestic Violence programme issues around this sensitive area. contribute significantly to the
is available in two areas within the development and implementation of
county. Aimed at male perpetrators, it Representation from Essex MAPPA.
demands that
participants have Members of the
some level of MAPPA Steering
motivation to address Group in Essex
their behaviour. The have also
programme is participated in
delivered in shaping the
partnership with national picture.
Women's Aid and Fiona Harris and
SERICC to ensure David Watts, from
that supportive and Essex Social
safe processes are in Services, joined a
place for partners range of agency
and children involved representatives
in the men's lives. (It from across the
is anticipated that the UK to contribute to
Home Office a Home Office
accredited working group
programme will tasked with
replace this local reviewing existing
provision when the arrangements,
full accreditation process is complete). Probation will be contributing to the identifying good practice, and
Aggression Replacement Training is development of a national joint police / developing more specific guidance for
a 31-session programme which probation information system for the the MAPPA process.
assumes that any and every offending recording of MAPPA intelligence.
act has multiple causes. Aiming to deal The police have made a significant Information audits have been carried
with the personal, interpersonal, social contribution through the MAPPA out between Probation, Police and
and cognitive skills often lacking in Co-ordinator role and the Public Social Services departments to ensure
many offenders, this programame Protection Unit based in the Force consistency of recording of known
commences in Essex from May 2003. Intelligence Bureau. offenders who are subject to inter-
The Reasoning and Rehabilitation agency child protection arrangements,
programme offers cognitive skills The intelligence operation mounted or who are designated under Schedule
training, based on the premise that last summer to gather information on 1 of the C&YP Act 1933 (who have
offenders experience a number of the consumers of child pornography committed an offence against a child
deficits in their thinking skills and that and verify current addresses has been or young person)
the faults and inaccuracies in their followed by arrests of the subjects and
thinking processes can increase the seizure of computers. (It is anticipated The Young Offender Teams, as well
risk of re-offending. The programme that the prosecutions instigated will as working within a multi-agency
teaches a step-by-step problem contribute to a significant change in setting, have also developed a
solving process, combined with social numbers of MAPPA cases in the Sexually Abusive Behaviours Panel for
skills, creative thinking tools, coming year). young offenders. All young sex
management of emotions and value offenders, and others who are viewed
reasoning. It is delivered twice weekly The excellent multi-agency working as a risk to the community, are
and takes approximately five months to relationships already existing in Essex discussed in a multi-agency group to
complete. have been modelled by the way the establish the risk they pose. Specialist
Police have lead the Operation Ore workers take on these cases.
Considerable contribution to MAPPA less so, a clearer view of their own
operational support and development is agency's role in the MAPPA. White Male, aged 35.
made by the specialist Criminal Justice
Mental Health Teams located around Essex Forensic Mental Health Currently on an
the county, and by the Forensic Services held an inter-agency ACR licence for
Services based in the local medium conference in November 2002 to wounding
secure unit. look at current developments and and possession of
issues in Forensic Mental Health.
an offensive
Presentations have been made jointly Tessa Webb (Essex Probation
by police and probation to Essex MPs Service) and Allan Taplin (Essex
at the House of Commons, a public Police) presented a paper on the With previous convictions for assault, possession of
meeting organised by South Essex management of dangerous a knife, and alcohol-related offences, there are
Rape and Incest Crisis Centre; a offenders that focused on the role concerns in this case about threats of domestic
meeting for Housing Managers and of the MAPP Panels and their violence, and the potential risk of emotional harm to
Housing Portfolio holders for Essex; a work. This highlighted the children who could be witnessing violent
meeting for Basildon Housing Officers arrangements for working with disputes.The man’s partner is currently pregnant, and
seeking a separation.
and Estate Officers. dangerous offenders; how inter-
agency care provision for those A full MAPPP meeting was held and a risk
A MAPPA conference was held in with mental health problems fitted assessment completed, using information from
Essex in February 2003, chaired by with these statutory arrangements, several agencies. He is currently known to the Police
Jon Silverman, journalist and and how these will develop in the and Social Services, and has been known to Mental
broadcaster with an expertise in future. Health in the past.
paedophile crime, attended by the head Excellent feedback from the The man’s morbid jealousy comined with agencies’
concerns over his depression and excessive drinking
of the National Probation Service conference delegates highlighted
present a picture of very high risk, both to his ex-
Public Protection Unit, and by a Bill the role of the various agencies in partner and anybody associated with her, including
Rammell M.P. for Harlow, who has working with Mentally Disordered any professionals who may intervene, particularly
special interest in this area of work. Offenders and developing services late at night. His occasional threats of suicide,
The information provided and the within Essex. thought to be associated with his low self-esteem,
shared exercises were appreciated as An open offer has been are another serious element in this case.
giving participants, experienced and extended to the 14 Districts to
• The Police shared information on the level of
reported incidents and the number of allegations
made of domestic violence. They will monitor the
incidents and provide their local officers with
information of the background and potential risks.
• Social Services were concerned about the impact
on the children and arranged to provide support and
guidance to the mother.
• The Mental Health worker provided useful
background information, although there is no current
contact. Local mental health teams will be alerted.
• A decision was made to contact schools as part of
a limited disclosure plan, to enable class teachers to
check on the safe collection of children from school.
Information will be sought on current concerns and
warning signs.
• A referral will be made to an alcohol agency.
• Probation staff, using specific assessment tools, will
address the reasons for problems in his relationship
and will look with him at his thoughts and feelings
concerning his separation. The plan will be also to
introduce rational ideas of future risk to his children
and the impact on others of his behaviour. He will
need to become properly aware of this “victims’
perspective” if he is to make real change.
An assessment for and referral to the Domestic
Violence programme will also be made.

Further scheduled MAPPP meetings will be held,

MAPPA conference
and close liaison with other agencies will be
preparation: Allan
Taplin, MAPPA maintained to check on signs of escalation.
manager with Jon
Silverman, Broadcaster
provide presentations on subjects knowledge in as many ways as helpful reaction of the media on
needing clarification. possible. It has been encouraged by publication of this report last year.
The Steering Group recognises the the supportive response at all these
importance of expanding public meetings, mirrored by the generally

Work with Victims

Victim Contact Liaison Officers attend management tactics being
MAPPP meetings to represent the risk implemented. These will include such
issues and victims' views. measures as finding alternative
These important interventions have approved accommodation, providing
resulted in offenders' resettlement police surveillance and installing panic
plans being reviewed and risk alarm systems for victims.

An offender convicted of stalking a young woman was due to return from prison to an area away
from the home of his victim. He had vigorously denied any knowledge of the stalking offence, and was
claiming that his actions had been misunderstood.
He was happy to be released to his home address, an event which would
have taken place, had it not been for information offered by the Victim Contact
Liaison Officer. Information received from the victim indicated that one of her
relatives lived near to the offender's address - indeed it was probable that he
had first seen her when she was visiting locally.
This information, offered by the VCLO at the MAPPA meeting, ensured
that a requirement for the offender to live elsewhere be inserted into the Licence.

Future Plans: MAPPA 2003 - 04

This whole area of work is part of During 2003 / 2004, for
a rapidly changing agenda. instance, there will be
Recommendations from the restructuring of MAPPA
Victoria Climbie enquiry, Operation arrangements.
Ore, the Safeguarding Children The Steering Group will
report and the draft Criminal become the Strategic
Justice Bill have all informed the Management Board
improved arrangements currently (SMB) and will be
being put in place nationally. responsible for:
• developing and
New guidance will in turn influence
agreeing policies and
the changes to be made here in
procedures for inter-
agency work to
exchange information
and to assess and
manage potentially dangerous measures taken;
offenders in Essex; • assisting the 'responsible authority' in
• evaluating and reviewing the the production of the annual report.
effectiveness of arrangements;
• managing objectives and A central Multi Agency Public
performance for public protection in Protection Panel (MAPPP) will be
Essex within the national framework created, to be attended by senior
provided by government. managers, and will deal with those
• improving ways of working in the light exceptional 'critical few' cases that
of knowledge gained through national present an imminent and very high risk
and local experience and research, of causing serious harm. This will
and to ensure lessons learned are facilitate the commitment of any
shared appropriately; exceptional resources required to
• helping improve the quality of public manage the risk.
protection work and inter-agency co-
operation, and identifying training The vast majority of cases will
needs; continue to be managed by the Local
• developing public information and Risk Management Meetings (LRMM).
education within Essex, in order to
inform and assure the public of the

Sharing skills: MAPPA conference 03

Statistical and Contact information

7 Statistical Information No. of Offenders

i. Number of registered sex offenders on 31 March 2003 440

ii. The number of sex offenders having a registration requirement who 14

were either cautioned or convicted for breaches of the requirement,
between 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003

iii. The number of Sex Offenders Orders applied for and gained
between 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003

(a) The total number of Sex Offenders Orders applied for 1

(b) The total number granted 1

(c) The total number not granted 0

iv. The number of Restraining Orders issued by the courts between 2

1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003 for offenders currently managed
within MAPPA

v. The number of violent and other sexual offenders considered under 610
MAPPA during the year 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003 (as defined (Excludes 98 already counted as
by section 68 [3], [4] and [5]) RSOs)

vi. The number of "other offenders" dealt with under MAPPA during the
year 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003 as being assessed by the
Responsible Authority as posing a risk of serious harm to the public 19
(but who did not fall within either of the other two categories, as
defined by s.67 [2b])

vii. For each of the three categories of offenders covered by the MAPPA
("registered sex offenders", "violent and other sex offenders" and
"other offenders"), the number of offenders that are or have been
dealt with by:

(a) MAPPP - registered sex offenders 28

(b) MAPPP - violent and other sex offenders 54

(c) MAPPP - other offenders 19

viii. Of the cases managed by the MAPPP during the reporting year the
number of offenders:

(a) who were returned to custody for breach of licence 1

(b) who were returned to custody for breach of a Restraining Order or 0

Sex Offender Order

(c) charged with a serious sexual or violent offence 0


Essex Probation Area Address Phone

Cullen Mill 01376 501626

49 Braintree Rd

Essex Police Address Phone

Police 01245 491491

PO Box 2
Chelmsford CM2

Essex Social Services Address Phone

Essex County 01245 492211

Victoria Rd South

Southend on Sea Dept of Social Care Address Phone

Civic Centre 01702 215000

PO Box 6
Victoria Avenue
Southend on Sea
Essex SS2 6ER

Thurrock Social Services Address Phone

PO Box 140 01375 652956

Civic Offices
New Road
Grays Thurrock
Essex RM17 6TJ

Essex Youth Offending Service Address Phone

Suite 3 01245 492211

Empire House
Victoria Rd

Southend on Sea Youth Offending Service Address Phone

Baryta House 01702 608500

7th Floor
29 Victoria Ave
Southend on Sea

Thurrock Youth Offending Service Address Phone

Five Wells 01375 413900

West Street
RM17 6XR

North Essex Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Address Phone

Area HQ 01206 228603

2 Boxted Rd

Victim Contact Unit Address Phone

Carraway House 01268 412241

Durham Road
SS15 6PH

Victim Support Scheme Address Phone
(Basildon aand 01268 273703
Castle Point)
Craylands Hall
Norwich Walk
SS14 3QZ

(Chelmsford and 01245 250799

C/O Melbourne
Police Station
Arnhem Road

(Thurrock and 01375 382657

122 Seven Arches
CM14 4JG

Norman Hall
Cromwell Rd
RM17 5HF

(Colchester, 01255 424934

Clacton and
Imperial House
Rosemary Rd
CO15 1NZ

(West Essex) 01279 641074

1-15 Bush House
Bush Fair
CM18 6NS

(Southend, 01702 333911

Rayleigh and
15a Queens Road

(Administrative 01245 455979

County House
100 New London
ACC Assistant Chief Constable
ACO Assistant Chief Officer
ACPC Area Child Protection Committee
ACPO Association of Chief Police Officers
ACR Automatic Conditional Release
CC Chief Constable
CJ&CS Act Court Justice and Court Services Act 2000
CO Chief Officer
CPC Child protection conference
Crime and Disorder Panels Multi agency meetings arranged by local councils
to discuss local community concerns and action
to improve public safety
DCR Discretionary Conditional Release
HDC Home Detention Curfew
HMIC Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary
HMIP Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation
IE Information Exchange meeting
LRMM Local Risk Management Meeting
MAPPA Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements
MAPPP Multi Agency Public Protection Panel
NPD National Probation Directorate
NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
SERICC South Essex Rape & Incest Crisis Centre
SMB Strategic Management Board

This report is produced in accord with the guidance issued by the Secretary of State under Sections
67(5)(b) and 67(6) of the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000.

The overall purpose of the report is to inform the local community of how arrangements for the assessment
and management of the risk posed by certain sexual and violent offenders are operating. The report will be
made accessible to the public and will assist in the understanding the nature of offending behaviour and the
considerable efforts made by all agencies involved to enhance public safety.

Further copies of this document from the Communications Unit, Essex Probation 01376 501626

NHS North Essex

Mental Health Partnership
NHS Trust

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