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Cheshire, Halton & Warrington

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

Annual Report 2002-3

By Paul Goggins, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for

Community and Custodial provision in the Home Office

As the recently appointed Minister with responsibility for the

MAPPA, I am pleased to introduce this, the second, annual
MAPPA report. It is clear that in the last year (2002/3) the
multi-agency public protection arrangements (the MAPPA)
continued to play an important role in what remains one of
this government’s highest priorities – the protection of the
public from dangerous offenders.

As someone with many years experience of working in the

field of child protection, I am particularly impressed by the
important contribution the MAPPA are making to
strengthen collaboration between agencies at a local level
where the focus is on the dangerous offender. These
improvements must, however, impact on the protection of
children. As the tragic death of Victoria Climbie showed, an
effective multi-agency partnership is crucial and the
MAPPA are an important element.

To ensure greater consistency in the MAPPA across the 42

Areas of England and Wales, and to prepare for the
implementation of measures contained in the Criminal
Justice Bill, we published the MAPPA Guidance in April.
Building on good practice, that Guidance clarified the
structure of the operational arrangements as well as the
importance of formal review and monitoring – of which this
annual report is a vital part. The Criminal Justice Bill will
strengthen the MAPPA in two ways. First, it will make the
involvement of other agencies part of the statutory
framework. Second, it will introduce the involvement of lay
people – those unconnected with day-to-day operation of
the MAPPA – in reviewing and monitoring the MAPPA.
Annual reports and this new lay involvement show the
Government’s commitment to explaining how the often
sensitive and complex work of public protection is
The Government is also strengthening the protection of the
public with other measures in the Criminal Justice Bill.
They include new sentences for dangerous offenders to
prevent their release if they continue to be dangerous.
Additionally, the Sexual Offences Bill will tighten up sex
offender registration, introduce a new offence of
‘grooming’, and enable sex offender orders to be imposed
on violent offenders who pose a risk of causing serious
sexual harm – thereby extending sex offender registration
to them.

I commend this report to you and congratulate all the

agencies and individuals who have contributed to the
achievement of the MAPPA locally in your local Area.

Paul Goggins
The National Picture

This section of the report draws attention to wider context

of the operation and development of the Multi-Agency
Public Protection Arrangements (the MAPPA).

The most important work undertaken within the MAPPA is

done locally, led by the police and probation – who act
jointly as the ‘Responsible Authority’ in your Area – and in
each of the 42 Areas of England and Wales. The
experience and good practice upon which this work is
based began in the 1990s – most significantly as a result of
the closer working relationship required by the Sex
Offender Act (1997). The Criminal Justice and Courts
Services Act (2000) formalised that relationship and built
on the existing experience by requiring the police and
probation services to establish arrangements (the MAPPA)
for assessing and managing the risks posed by sexual and
violent offenders. The Act also required the Responsible
Authority to publish an annual report on the operation of
those arrangements. This report, covering April 2002 to
March 2003, is the second annual report.

The importance of partnership

Key to the development of the MAPPA in the past year has

been the closer involvement of other agencies, such as
housing, health and social services, working alongside
police and probation. The truly multi-agency nature of the
MAPPA and the collaboration which underpins it is to be
strengthened further by the Criminal Justice Bill. The Bill
will place a ‘duty to co-operate’ on a wide range of
organisations including local health authorities and trusts;
housing authorities and registered social landlords; social
services departments; Jobcentres; Youth Offending
Teams; and local education authorities. In addition, the
Prison Service will join the police and probation services
and become part of the MAPPA ‘Responsible Authority’.
Supporting and co-ordinating the development of the
MAPPA throughout the 42 Areas of England and Wales, is
the National Probation Directorate’s Public Protection Unit
(PPU). This Unit acts as a central point for advice and,
increasingly, involvement in the management of difficult
cases. These include, for example, UK citizens who have
committed serious offences abroad and return to this
country without anywhere to live. The Unit is also able to
provide financial support when the risk management plans
make exceptional demands upon local resources.

Involving the public

MAPPA developments in the next 18 months will also

include the appointment by the Home Secretary of two ‘lay
advisers’ to each Area. The eight Areas of England and
Wales which have been piloting these arrangements since
January (Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Durham, South
Wales, Dorset, Hampshire, Surrey and West Midlands)
report that they add real value. Lay advisers will contribute
to the review and monitoring of the MAPPA which is
undertaken by each Area’s Strategic Management Board –
the work of which you can read more in this report.

The purpose of appointing ‘lay advisers’ is to ensure that

communities understand more of what is done to protect
them and that those involved professionally with the
MAPPA are aware of the views of the community. The lay
advisers will not ‘represent’ the community in the way, for
example, that local councillors do, nor will they be involved
in operational decision-making. And, given the sensitivity of
much of what the MAPPA does, especially with the few
offenders who pose a very high risk of serious harm to the
public, it is not practicable for the general public to be
involved. Lay advisers will, however, ensure an appropriate
and a practical level of community involvement.
MAPPA Offenders

This year the annual report provides a more detailed

breakdown of the number of sexual and violent offenders
who are covered by the MAPPA in your Area. As last year,
the figures include the number of registered sex offenders.
Because sex offender registration is for a minimum of 5
years (and generally for much longer) the figures are
cumulative. This is why they have increased – by 16 per
cent in England and Wales. Only a very small proportion
(about six per cent throughout England and Wales) are
considered to pose such a high risk or management
difficulty that they are referred to the highest level of the
MAPPA – the Multi-Agency Public Protection Panels (the

Figures alone do not, of course, tell the whole story. The

anonymised case studies illustrate the practical work of the
MAPPA, and demonstrate the preventive action which can
be taken. Prior to the MAPPA, action of this kind was
mainly taken by one agency alone, with the effect that on
occasion offenders’ behaviour which might have triggered
preventative action went unnoticed. The multi-agency
approach of the MAPPA helps ensure that if an offender
does breach the condition of the licence under which they
were released from prison or a court order prohibiting
certain activities, then action to enforce the condition or
order and protect the public can be taken more swiftly.

If you are interested in reading the reports of other Areas,

they will be published on the National Probation Service’s
website (under the
public protection section) with all of them being available
once the last Area has published its annual report in
1. Origins of Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

This is the second annual report detailing the local

arrangements for dealing with sex and violent offenders.
Local arrangements for dealing with Sex Offenders began
in September 1998 with the introduction of the Sex
Offenders Act 1997. In May 1999, a complimentary but
separate Public Protection Protocol (PPP) was agreed
between the partner agencies to provide risk assessment
and management procedures for those dangerous
offenders not catered for by the Sex Offender
These arrangements formalised the existing partnerships
for sharing information for the assessment and
management of sex and other dangerous offenders
between the following agencies:
• Cheshire Constabulary
• National Probation Service
• Cheshire, Halton and Warrington Social Services
• North and South Cheshire Health and NHS Hospital
• Youth Offending Teams
• Education
• Housing
• Prison Service
• Cheshire Fire Service
The Public Protection Protocol gives substantial information
on the roles of the multi agency partners and details of the
way in which Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements
(MAPPA) operate. This is a public document, it can be
seen in public libraries in Cheshire, is accessible on the
Police and Probation Service websites or available in hard
copy from the contact points identified in Annex ‘A’.
Local Points of Contact

Details are contained in Annex 'A'.

2. Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Joint Assessment Joint Management both protocols and attends meetings
where their specific input is required.
The police and probation services in Registered Sex Offenders are dealt
Cheshire have a responsibility to with by way of at least monthly Sex The Youth Offending Teams since
make arrangements for the joint Offender Risk Assessment Meetings, their inception have played a full part
assessment of risks posed by people chaired by the Police Divisional in relation to young offenders.
sentenced to 12 months Crime Manager. The standing
imprisonment or more for violent or attendance at these meetings The Chief Housing Officers took
sexual offences. includes the Local Probation responsibility for providing
Manager and representatives from attendance at strategy and
All sex offenders in this category are Social Services and the Youth operational meetings, and take the
liable to registration under the Sex Offending Teams. Other partner lead role in co-ordinating the other
Offenders Act. Adult male offenders agencies are invited to attend as housing providers.
are assessed using the Risk Matrix required.
2000 framework (a structured Local Authority Education
assessment that predicts the In relation to other dangerous Departments have a specific role to
likelihood of a sex offender people, Multi-Agency Public play in relation to young offenders
committing a further sexual offence) Protection Panel meetings are still in education and the protection
and discussed in Sex Offender convened by the Probation Public of children from adult predators.
meetings on a monthly basis. Protection Manager as and when
Female and adolescent Registered they are required, throughout the The Prison Service has a critical role
Sex Offenders are also considered County, and always involve the to play in providing information on
and assessed at these monthly Police Crime Managers and at least dangerous offenders being released
meetings. one other partner agency manager from custody. Early information
who are or may become involved received from them assists in the
All prisoners serving 12 months or with the dangerous person. planning for the management of
more for violent offences are such offenders in the community.
assessed by the supervising Roles and Responsibilities
Probation Officer using Risk Matrix Cheshire Fire Service have more
2000 (violence), a similar Social Services have been involved recently joined the Multi-Agency
assessment to the one described with the development of both group and will play an invaluable role
above for sexual offenders. Any protocols and play a key role in the in advising practitioners on the
assessment of high risk is shared area of child protection, mental management of those offenders who
with the police and very high risk health and vulnerable adults. commit arson and related offences.
considered for Multi-Agency Public
Protection Panel meetings using the Health in its various guises played a
agreed protocol. significant part in the development of


3. Operation of Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

a) Sex Offenders assessment and management frequency of review on a specific
meeting is prepared. individual and informs the decision
Once an offender is required to making for the ongoing management
register under the Act, notification is Each offender is subject to a risk plan.
forwarded to a central police point assessment based upon the Matrix
located within the Force Intelligence 2000 model and is categorised Meetings are held at least monthly
Bureau. An initial intelligence according to the level of risk posed. with the core agency and other
package for use at the risk This assessment determines the agencies are represented as
required to share information, • The person cannot be managed This involved a young man who was
determine the management plan and by the existing partner serving a period of imprisonment for
decide who will carry out each arrangements. drug related offences. These
action. The purpose of these • There is no other partnership offences were of a violent nature to
meetings is the safe management of procedure or protocol that would secure drugs or the money to buy
offenders within the community. The normally manage the person. drugs. He was also known to
frequency of review is determined by become uncontrollable when under
the level of risk. MAPPP meetings are chaired by a the influence of cocaine and whilst
senior manager from the agency this was not his drug of choice
Other Dangerous Offenders requesting them. Each agency normally, he would resort to its use
commits appropriate resources to in the absence of other drugs or
When any partner agency considers the management plan. All actions when depressed. He has said that
that a person, with whom they are are time bound and are reviewed at on release from prison he could see
professionally in contact, poses an subsequent meetings. All MAPPP no alternative but to return to drugs.
unacceptably high risk, they may meetings are minuted to an He was known to be addicted to
request that a MAPPP meeting be approved format and circulated only heroin and other illegal substances.
convened. This is co-ordinated to those persons in attendance and In the past, treatment plans failed
centrally by the Probation Public anyone specifically identified to because his lifestyle was so chaotic
Protection Manager who arranges receive them at the meeting. that he was never sufficiently stable
the risk assessment meetings by to work with the Community Drugs
inviting all appropriate partner The chair of the meeting is Team. The MAPPP meeting prior to
agencies. responsible for ensuring that all his release discussed ways of
actions required are clearly stabilising him in the community so
If the person is an offender, the understood, assigned to specific that treatment could be offered.
Probation Service will carry out a individuals and carried out. Both the prescribing doctor and the
formal risk assessment. For others Community Drugs Team attended
the determination of risk level is the MAPPP meeting and agreed on
made by the referring agency. A a course of action that would assist
Senior Manager from the referring b) Case Studies the process. Since that time, and
agency will chair the meetings. with the help of the Housing
These meetings are set up as This was a young woman serving a Authorities providing suitable
requested and will continue at term of imprisonment for offences of accommodation, he has become
agreed intervals for as long as the arson. A MAPPP meeting was stabilised on prescribed drugs and
risk posed is deemed unacceptable. called to plan for her release from thus does not need to have recourse
The action plans from such meetings prison and management of her to street drugs.
will complement the supervision release in the community. Her first
plans where the person is under the release was unsuccessful as she A Registered Sex Offender had been
supervision of the Probation Service caused significant damage to the sentenced to a period of
or the Youth Offending Team. facility where she was placed and imprisonment. During the sentence
she was recalled to prison to serve he was assessed as a person who
The criteria, which have to be met the remainder of her sentence. would pose serious threats to the
before a MAPPP meeting will be Further MAPPP meetings were community and the professionals
held, are: - called and a referral was made for who were trying to assist him. This
• The likelihood of harm to another mental health assessment. was confirmed when he made
person occurring is considered to Subsequently she was committed to threats against several individuals.
be high. a regional secure unit where she At a MAPPP meeting it was
• The level of harm to that person remained for some time. Her identified that the recommendation
would be potentially life medication was changed and she should be a referral to psychiatric
threatening. made significant progress and has services. This was subsequently
• There is a substantial chance of now been released into the carried out and he is currently
the harm being carried out. community with a care plan that has receiving treatment in a secure
• The potential victim is known assisted her to make the transition to establishment.
specifically or by type. independent living in the community.
• The person cannot be managed
alone by the referring agency.
c) Supervision of and Programs for Central to the ability of the police to a third party this can be authorised
Offenders prevent and detect crime is by the agreement of the meeting.
intelligence concerning potential This is always done within the
All offenders released from prison offenders who are resident in their principle of balancing the rights of
subject to MAPPA are supervised by area. The requirement for sex the individual against the need to
the Probation Service. Where the offenders to register within three protect the public from the risk
risk is deemed sufficiently high, they days of their release from prison, posed.
will be referred to an accredited rather that the previous standard of
programme of work proven to reduce 14 days, has resulted in information From the above, it follows that the
the risk of reoffending. For being more timely. This situation free flow of information between
Registered Sex Offenders, there is a has been assisted by the early individual agencies is essential if
sex offender treatment programme notification from the Prison Service appropriate and proper planning is to
run in two parts, which takes of offenders due for release. Where be applied to the assessment and
approximately a year to complete. there is clearly a high risk involved, supervision of potential offenders in
For violent offenders, programmes an immediate visit to the offender’s the community.
such as “Think First” are designed to home by a joint Police and Probation
assist them to confront their team can be planned. In these For example, a Registered Sex
offending behaviour and change circumstances, the individual is left in Offender being released from prison
their thought processes in a way that no doubt of the interest being shown may have extended family. The risk
will reduce future offending. For by the responsible authorities. of harm against the children of that
those whose offending includes extended family will be assessed
substance abuse, there are d) Disclosure and protection put in place where
programmes specifically designed to necessary. To this end a joint visit
divert them from using illegal drugs The core partner agencies are by Police and Social Services will be
or misusing alcohol. committed to sharing information in carried out to the parents of such
order to protect the public. children to ensure that they are
Offenders are required to attend aware of the risks and that they are
these programmes as a condition of Within the protocol, partner agencies able to protect their children. At
a community order or prison licence. reaffirm commitment and trust and these meetings, restrictions on the
Failure to attend without an recognise that where there is an contact the offender could have
acceptable reason will mean that identified level of harm to a specific would be determined. Such cases
those on community orders will be person or the wider public, their would be subject to monthly scrutiny
returned to court and those on protection takes precedence over by the local Risk Management
licence will be sent back to prison. individual confidentiality. Group where the information held by
each of the partner agencies is
Offenders attending programmes are All information shared is kept shared.
intensively supervised during the confidential to the meeting. Where
period of the programme. the action plan requires disclosure to


4. Strategic Management Board Arrangements

The Strategic Management Board is responsibility. Partner agencies are the effectiveness of the Multi-Agency
an inter-agency forum responsible represented on this group by senior Public Protection Arrangements and
for determining how the various managers who are able to commit to review and monitor the key
services and professional groups resources, commission training and performance indicators. They will be
should co-operate to exchange promote good practice. Their responsible for the recruitment,
relevant information and to assess responsibilities include the training and support of Lay
and manage the risk posed by the development of local policies and Members, the identification of the
offenders for whom they hold procedures to evaluate and review training required in the Area and the
development of the Public The Strategic Management Board is Office which will be implemented
Information and Education strategy. currently considering the Further incrementally from 1st May 2003.
Guidance provided by the Home


5. Victim Work
Section 69 of the Criminal Justice release of the offender on temporary court the views of a victim, has been
and Court Services Act 2000 places or final licence. a welcome addition to the rights of
a duty upon the National Probation those who have been the subject of
Service, Cheshire to contact victims In MAPPP cases where there is an crime.
and ask if they wish to be consulted identified victim, the Victim Liaison
about the release arrangements for Officer will be required to make Victim Support
violent and sexual offenders contact with the victim so that their
sentenced to 12 months custody or current circumstances and concerns “Victim Support is the national
more. can be taken into account when charity for people affected by crime.
planning the management of the It is an independent organisation,
offender in the community. offering a free confidential service,
In this area there is a specialist
victim liaison unit with staff who work whether or not a crime has been
In cases of a suspicious death, the reported. Trained staff and
exclusively with victims of sex or
police will identify to the bereaved an volunteers at local branches offer
violent offences, where the offender
is sentenced to 12 months officer who can be contacted at any information and support to victims,
time to assist with such matters as witnesses, their families and friends.
imprisonment or more. They initiate
family support, media attention and
contact with the relevant victims who
can choose whether or not they wish the progress of the investigation to Victim Support provides the Witness
date. Such contact may continue Service, based in every criminal
to be seen. Where a victim chooses
after an offender has been court in England and Wales, to offer
to be consulted about the case, the
victim liaison officer will normally convicted. In cases of rape, the assistance before, during and after
anonymity of the victim is of trial. You can also call the Victim
meet with the victim(s) at a time and
paramount importance. This is Support line – 0845 30 30 900 – for
place convenient to them. The
majority of victims are visited within ensured by a police liaison officer information and support and details
through whom contact with the victim of local services and other relevant
their own home.
is made by any other professional. organisations.
Where contact is sought, the victim This helps to prevent the re-
victimisation of, or further trauma to, The contact numbers for local victim
liaison staff enable the victim to
the victim in such cases. support services can be found in
receive information on the progress
of the offender through their Annex ‘A’.
The potential for a victim personal
sentence. It also allows them to
statement to be made in criminal
express their wishes on what
conditions should be imposed on the cases, bringing to the attention of a

6. Statistical Information No. of Offenders

i. The number of registered sex offenders on 31 March 2003 390

ii. The number of sex offenders having a registration requirement who were either 8
cautioned or convicted for breaches of the requirement, between 1 April 2002
and 31 March 2003

iii. The number of Sex Offenders Orders applied for and gained between 1 April
2002 and 31 March 2003

(a) The total number of Sex Offenders Orders applied for 0

(b) The total number granted 0

(c) The total number not granted 0

iv. The number of Restraining Orders issued by the courts between 1 April 2002 0
and 31 March 2003 for offenders currently managed within MAPPA

v. The number of violent and other sexual offenders considered under MAPPA 648
during the year 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2003 (as defined by section 68 [3],
[4] and [5])

vi. The number of "other offenders" dealt with under MAPPA during the year 1 3
April 2002 and 31 March 2003 as being assessed by the Responsible Authority
as posing a risk of serious harm to the public (but who did not fall within either
of the other two categories, as defined by s.67 [2b])

vii. For each of the three categories of offenders covered by the MAPPA
("registered sex offenders", "violent and other sex offenders" and "other
offenders"), identify the number of offenders that are or have been dealt with

a) MAPPP - registered sex offenders 0

b) MAPPP - violent and other sex offenders 18

c) MAPPP - other offenders 3

6. Statistical Information No. of Offenders

i. The number of registered sex offenders on 31 March 2003 390

viii. Of the cases managed by the MAPPP during the reporting year what was the
number of offenders:

a) who were returned to custody for breach of licence 2

b) who were returned to custody for breach of a Restraining Order or Sex 0

Offender Order

c) charged with a serious sexual or violent offence 2

National Probation Service (Cheshire Area) Address Phone

website – Public Protection, 01244 394500

Beech House,
Sealand Road,

Cheshire Police Address Phone

website – Crime Policy, 01244 612000

Police HQ,
Nuns Road,

Victim Support Address Phone

Branch Manager – Eastern Branch Divisional Police HQ, 01270 212155

(covering Crewe, Macclesfield and Wilmslow) Crewe,

Branch Manager – Western Branch Winsford New Police Station, Collinsham01606 557717
(covering Vale Royal, Chester and Ellesmere Port) Way,

Branch Manager – Northern Branch Divisional Police HQ, 01925 419339

(covering Warrington and Halton) Arpley Street,
Cheshire Area

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