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Guide To Vegetarian Eating (Humane Society of The US)

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About Vegetarian Eating
Vegetarian eating is an effective
and positive way to help farm animals.
Indeed, any reduction in the
amount of animal products we
consume makes a difference for animals.
Praise yourself for every step
you take toward adjusting
your food choices and know that
with every vegetarian meal
you enjoy, you are helping
to prevent animal abuse.

Thank you
for your compassion.

©2007 The HSUS. All rights reserved.

Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper, processed chlorine free and Green Seal and FSC certified, with soy-based ink.
Dear Friend,
Food choices can be a very personal matter. It’s your body, and you decide what you eat.
It’s clear as well that our food preferences and decisions are shaped by all sorts of external factors.
Travel the world, or take a look at ethnic communities within the United States, and you’ll find an
endless array of foods prepared in distinctive ways.
The great variety of cultural food preferences reflects a basic truth—that food selections, at some level,
are conditioned choices.
I grew up in an ethnic household—with a Greek mother and an Italian father. Like
many second or third generation ethnic families, we were not orthodox in eating only Greek
and Italian fare. We sampled many foods—Asian, Mexican, and, most of all, what might
be described as traditional American cuisine.
We ate what was common in supermarkets and restaurants. We ate what was advertised.
We ate what was affordable—and what the “experts” said we should.
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) believes that food choices should
be significantly influenced by an ethical concern for animals. In the United States alone,
10 billion domesticated animals are reared and slaughtered for food each year—most of
them raised in harsh, sunless, intensive confinement.
With the rise of industrialized farming and the many miseries it inflicts, the decisions
we make two or three times a day—when we sit down to eat—have vast implications for
animals. We are deciding, in effect, whether or not we will add our own weight to the
immense burdens placed upon factory-farmed animals.
As an animal protection organization, The HSUS is constituted to prod lawmakers,

corporations, and individuals to do better when it comes to our food policies and choices.
The HSUS Guide to Vegetarian Eating is published for the benefit of our members
 Wayne Pacelle visits a rescued pig and other Americans who, for reasons of conscience and health, want to reduce their
at Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary. consumption of animal products or replace them entirely.
Choosing vegetarian foods does not subtract from the total amount of enjoyment we derive
from eating. Rather, it can add to the pleasure of a good meal by opening up a new world of foods. More
importantly, though, it marks an acceptance of personal responsibility. We human beings, after all, are not
just consumers, answering to our appetites or to supply and demand. We are creatures of conscience, and
each one of us has the power to turn away from the cruelties of today’s factory farm.
Animals raised for food are not just objects or commodities—they are fellow individuals, with the same
spark of life that we have, the same desire to live and enjoy their time on Earth. By making better food
choices, we carry a message of compassion into the world, and our own lives are richer for it.

For the animals,

We are creatures of conscience,

Wayne Pacelle and each one of us has
President & CEO the power to turn away
The Humane Society of the United States
from the cruelties of
today’s factory farm.

Each year in the United States, 10 billion land
animals are raised and killed for meat, eggs, and
milk.1 Just like the dogs and cats we welcome
into our homes, chickens, pigs, turkeys, and cows
have their own personalities, inquisitive natures,
likes and dislikes, and—most importantly—the
ability to feel pain, suffer from boredom and
frustration, and experience joy.
Yet these animals are routinely mistreated
on industrialized factory farms. No federal law COMPASSION OVER KILLING

protects animals from cruelty on the farm,

and most states exempt customary agricultural
practices—no matter how abusive—from the
scope of their animal cruelty statutes. The  In the United States, approximately 95 percent of egg laying hens are
welfare of farm animals often loses out to the confined in wire “battery cages” so small the birds can’t stretch their wings.
economic interests of factory farmers, who can
make larger profits by intensively confining
animals and breeding them for rapid growth
with little regard for the animals’ suffering. Chickens exist in stable social groups. They
can recognize each other by their facial
features. They have 24 distinct cries that
Birds communicate a wealth of information to
Of the 10 billion land animals killed annually one another. . . . They are good at solving
problems. As a trick at conferences I
in the United States, 95 percent are birds. The
sometimes list these attributes, without
overwhelming majority are “broiler” chickens
mentioning chickens, and people think
raised for meat—with one million killed each
I’m talking about monkeys.a
hour. Additionally, nearly 300 million laying
—Chris Evans, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology,
hens2 are raised for eggs, and 250 million Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
turkeys3 are slaughtered for meat.

 Every hour, one

million chickens
raised for meat
are slaughtered
after having spent
their shortened
lives inside
and barren sheds.

On factory farms, birds raised for meat after birth. Male chicks are considered by-
are confined by the tens of thousands in barren products, as they’re unable to lay eggs and aren’t About Chickens
sheds,4 unable to carry out many normal bred for meat production. Millions each year
behaviors, including roosting and foraging.5 are gassed, crushed, or thrown into garbage
and Turkeys
The most significant assault on their welfare bins to die from dehydration or asphyxiation.16 In nature, chickens live in stable
is fast growth.6 The poultry industry has used Most female chicks are painfully mutilated social groups of as many as 30
selective breeding and growth-promoting without any anesthesia.17 The tips of their birds and, like dogs and other
antibiotics to produce birds whose sensitive beaks are sliced off with a hot animals, they establish social
bodies “are on the verge blade, making it difficult for them hierarchies. The flock mates
of structural collapse.”7 to grasp food.18 coordinate their activities, dust
To put their growth rate Approximately 95 percent19 bathing, foraging, resting, and
into perspective, of hens in U.S. factory farms roosting together. These birds use
the University of are intensively confined in their sensitive beaks as we use
Arkansas Division small wire “battery cages,” our hands—for exploring their
of Agriculture stacked several tiers high surroundings, picking up items,
reports, “If you and extending down long feeding, and more. They forage
grew as fast as a warehouses. Each hen is (search for food) by scratching
chicken, you’d given less space than the with their claws and pecking with
weigh 349 pounds area of a letter-sized sheet their beaks more than 10,000
at age 2.”8 As a result, of paper20 in which to eat, times in a single day. Highly
90 percent of broiler TH
E sleep, and lay eggs. This intelligent, chickens have
chickens have painful9 intensive confinement in barren communication skills so
leg problems10 and 26 percent conditions makes nesting impossible— developed that they use different
suffer chronic pain as a result the most significant source of frustration alarm calls depending on whether
of bone disease.11 for battery-caged hens—and prevents them from a predator is traveling by land or
After approximately 45 days for broiler engaging in other natural behaviors, including in the sky.
chickens12 and 16 weeks for turkeys,13 the birds dust bathing and foraging.21 While many Turkeys, too, are active,
have reached market weight. Workers hastily and countries are phasing out the battery cage social, and complex. These birds,
roughly catch the animals, causing dislocated system, U.S. egg producers still overcrowd who can live as long as 12 years,
and broken hips, legs, and wings, as well as hens in cages so small the birds can’t even have strong feet and legs for
internal hemorrhages.14 Crammed into crates spread their wings.22 walking and scratching, wings
stacked one atop another on trucks, the birds After one to two years, the hens are no longer with a span of 4–5 feet for rapid
aren’t typically given any food, water, or profitable and are forcibly removed from the flying, and
protection from extreme temperatures during cages, their limbs often torn23 by teams working beaks for
their journey to the slaughterhouse.15 at hourly rates of up to 1,500 birds, with pecking.
Like birds raised for meat, chickens in the individual workers grabbing as many as seven Wild turkeys
egg industry suffer immensely—beginning right hens at a time.24 As with broiler chickens and can run as fast
as 25 miles per
hour and can fly
 As ducks and geese
short distances at
raised for a delicacy
speeds as fast as
called pâté de foie
55 miles per hour.
gras are violently
force-fed an
unnatural amount
of food, their livers

become diseased
and swell to more
than 10 times their
healthy size.

About Pigs Aren’t There Laws That Protect Farm Animals?
Many people consider pigs to be From life on a factory farm to death at a slaughter plant, animals raised for meat, eggs,
equal—or superior—to dogs in and milk suffer immensely. And, as shocking as it may be, much of the abuse these
intelligence. Pennsylvania State animals endure is perfectly legal.
University professor Stanley Curtis There are no federal animal welfare laws regulating the treatment of the billions of
conducted research that found animals raised for food while on the farm. And while all 50 states have cruelty statutes,
pigs can respond to verbal most explicitly exempt common farming practices, no matter how abusive.
communications and even play
computer games, using their
snouts to move joysticks that
control cursors on the screen turkeys, egg-laying hens are crammed in crates Pigs
to hit their targets. stacked on transport trucks and are typically
Pigs are intelligent, highly social animals, yet
In nature, pigs choose to denied food, water, or protection from
factory farmers treat the more than 100 million
live in social groups and are so extreme temperatures during their
pigs28 slaughtered annually in the United
communal that they even sleep journey to slaughter.25
States as meat- or piglet-producing
together, huddled in a nest. At the slaughter plant,
They spend many of their waking the birds are dumped onto
Female pigs, known as
hours rooting and foraging, conveyors and hung upside
sows, suffer through rapid
making great use of their down in shackles by
cycles of impregnation,
snouts, which are highly sensitive their legs. The U.S.
birthing, and nursing,
tools that help them find fruits, Department of
all while intensively
roots, mushrooms, grasses, Agriculture (USDA)
confined. During
earthworms, snakes, and rodents. does not require that
their four-month
The bond between piglets and the birds be rendered
pregnancies, an
their mother is very strong. Before unconscious before
estimated 60–70
giving birth, the pregnant sow they are slaughtered,
percent29 of sows are
builds a large nest for farrowing, as the agency excludes
kept in barren “gestation
or birthing, her piglets and for poultry from the federal
protecting them after they’re born. Humane Methods of Slaughter
metal stalls30—so small the
In nature, pregnant sows are very Act.26 Their throats are cut by hand
animals can’t even turn around. While
particular about the location and or machine. Slaughter lines run at speeds
many countries have banned gestation crates
quality of this nest. A mother may of as many as 8,400 chickens per hour, so
because of their inherent cruelty, their use
walk 3–6 miles before finding a mistakes are common and some birds are
is still common in the U.S. pork industry.
sufficiently isolated and protected still conscious as they enter tanks of scalding
Before giving birth, sows are moved into
spot, and she can take water intended to loosen their feathers.27
equally restrictive “farrowing crates”—stalls that
as long as 10 hours
are designed to separate a mother pig from her
to build her nest.
nursing piglets and that are so small that the


sows are kept

in two-foot-wide
“gestation crates”
so cruel they’ve
been banned in
many countries.

 Calves raised for
veal are tethered About Cattle
inside individual
Cattle—including cows, heifers,
stalls so small they
steers, bulls, and calves—are
can’t even turn
complex individuals. Scientists
around. After
have found that these animals
16 weeks, the
nurture friendships. One in
calves are
a small herd, for instance, will
join with as many as three other
animals to form a small group
of friends. The animals in the
group will spend most of their

time together, frequently

grooming and licking each other.
They will tend to dislike other
cattle who are not part of the
mother can only stand up and lie down. After group. And, like most animals,
Cattle cattle also experience strong
the piglets are weaned prematurely,31 the cycle
Every year in the United States, approximately emotions such as pain, fear,
begins again for the mother pig, who averages
35 million cattle are killed for beef,37 9 million and anxiety.
2.1–2.5 litters each year.32 Once the sows can
cows are raised for milk,38 and 1 million calves As in dogs, the tails of cattle
no longer reproduce efficiently, they are sent
are raised for veal.39 provide insight into the animal’s
to slaughter.
Most beef cattle endure painful mutilations condition and mood. If the tail
Pigs raised for meat undergo painful
such as castration, dehorning, and branding40 is hanging straight down, the
mutilations—including castration and
without any anesthesia.41 For seven months, animal is relaxed, grazing, or
tail docking—without anesthesia.33
calves graze on the range42 before walking. If the tail is tucked
For six months, they’re confined
they’re transported to feedlots,43 between the animal’s legs, he or
in filthy sheds or pens until
where they’re fattened on she is cold, sick, or frightened. A
they reach market weights of
unnatural diets. Within tail held in a straight line, perhaps
more than 250 pounds.34
another six months, they with a kink, signifies an animal
Like birds, pigs aren’t
reach market weights of in a playful mood, which is quite
typically given food,
1,200 pounds44 and are common for these social
water, or protection
trucked to slaughter— individuals.
from extreme heat
with no food, water,
or cold during their
or protection from
transport to slaughter.
the elements during
According to the
the journey.
federal Humane Methods
Dairy cows endure
of Slaughter Act, pigs and
annual cycles of artificial
other livestock are to be
insemination, mechanized
rendered insensible to pain before
milking for 10 out of 12 months45
they’re shackled and killed.35 However,
(including 7 months of their 9-month
a January 2004 report by the U.S. General
pregnancies), and giving birth. Many cows
Accounting Office on the USDA’s enforcement
are given antibiotics and hormones to get the
of the Act found that some animals are still
highest possible milk yield. This rigorous cycle
conscious as they are hung upside down
overburdens the cows, who are considered
and their throats are slit.36

[Pigs] have the cognitive ability to be quite

sophisticated. Even more so than dogs . . . . b
—Donald Broom, M.Sc., Ph.D., Cambridge
University Veterinary School

The Earth has been home
to aquatic animals for more than
480 million years. Today, a vast
diversity of aquatic wildlife inhabits
the oceans, with animals having
life spans ranging from a few
weeks to 50 years or more.
Fish are fascinating individuals.
Some fish have taste buds on

their lips, and some use their
mouths to build homes and even
take care of their children. For
 On dairy factory farms, cows are artificially inseminated and milked for
instance, some father fish carry
10 of 12 months each year until their productivity wanes and they are killed.
eggs in their mouths until the
babies hatch. Others open their
mouths and let their babies swim
inside if their safety is threatened. “productive” for only two and tethered in individual
Crustaceans—such as years46 and are slaughtered stalls so small they can’t turn
shrimp, lobsters, and certain when four years old.47 around during their entire
crabs—are characterized by their A by-product of the four-month lives before
jointed appendages and hard dairy industry is a calf slaughter.49 Veal crates are
shells. Lobsters live for about per year per cow. widely known for their
15 years, and some may live to Within their first few inherent cruelty.
be 100. Most adult lobsters live days of life, the calves As with conventional
anywhere from 10 to 600 feet are taken from their battery cages and gestation
beneath the ocean’s surface. mothers.48 Females usually crates, veal crates are being
Despite their poor vision, they can join the dairy line, while phased out in the European
navigate these dark and shadowy males are often sold to veal Union yet are still in use in
areas. Their entire body acts as farmers. Indeed, the veal industry the United States.
wouldn’t exist without the dairy Cows suffer the same mistreatment as
a sense organ; tiny hairs covering
industry. Calves raised for veal are confined pigs during both their transport and slaughter.
the body are sensitive to touch.
They also have “hedgehog hairs”
along the inside of the pincers on
their walking legs. These short
bristles serve them in a manner Don’t Animals Have to Be Treated
similar to the way our taste buds
work. If a lobster likes the taste
Well to Be Productive?
of something these bristles detect, Animal agribusiness representatives often claim that it’s in their own interests to
he or she will pass the food to treat animals well, and a common defense of factory farming is that “only happy
the mouth. animals produce.” But as farm animal welfare expert Donald Broom, M.Sc.,
Ph.D., explains, “efforts to achieve earlier and faster growth, greater production
per individual, efficient feed conversion and partitioning, and increased prolificacy
are the causes of some of the worst animal welfare problems.”c
According to poultry welfare expert Joy Mench, Ph.D., “[i]t is now generally
agreed that good productivity and health are not necessarily indicators of good often measured at the level of the unit (e.g., number of eggs or
egg mass per hen-housed), and individual animals may be in a comparatively poor state of welfare even though
productivity within the unit may be high.”d

 Fish caught
in nets can
suffer as they’re
quickly brought
to the ocean’s

[I]n industrial agriculture, this link between

productivity and well-being is severed. When
productivity as an economic metric is applied
to the whole operation, the welfare of the
individual animal is ignored.
—Agricultural ethicist Bernard Rollin, Ph.D.e

Aquatic Animals Another significant animal welfare problem

is aquaculture—the factory farming of
Commercial fishers use a variety of
fish—which is the fastest growing
techniques, from setting miles of
agribusiness industry
line with baited hooks in order
in the world. By weight,
to catch large animals such
more than one-third
as sharks, to ensnaring
of all aquatic animals
schools of fish in
eaten in the United
overcrowded large
States—800 million
nets towed by trawlers.
pounds—are now raised
When deep sea fish
in settings52 reported
are quickly brought
to be “basically an
to the surface, some
aquatic version of broiler
may experience
chicken production.”53
decompression and their
organs can burst before they

suffocate on the boat’s deck.



The industry’s nets aren’t

discriminating, catching fish,
sea turtles, birds, and other animals. The United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
estimates that one in four animals caught in
fishing gear dies as “bycatch”—unwanted or
unintentional catch.50 Leading marine mammal
scientists have stated that entanglement in
fishing gear is one of the largest threats to
whales, dolphins, and porpoises worldwide,
killing more than 300,000 animals per year.51

 An increasing percentage of aquatic animals are raised in factory farm

systems in the United States every year.

With each passing year, more Basic Vegetarian
Americans suffer from obesity, heart
disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke,
While studies have shown the
and high blood pressure.
many health benefits of vegetarian
Choosing vegetarian
eating, merely removing animal
options over meat, eggs,
products from your diet doesn’t
and dairy products not
automatically ensure good health.
only helps animals and the
As with any eating plan, it’s
environment—it helps our
important to know some basic
health, too.
nutrition information.
Staying physically active,
Nutrition Experts avoiding foods high in saturated
fat and cholesterol, and eating
on Vegetarian Diets lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
The American Dietetic Association, is good advice for anyone.
the leading nutrition authority in the Fortunately, this isn’t hard for most
United States, states that “appropri- vegetarians. However, there are
ately planned vegetarian diets are some key nutrients to look out for:
healthful, nutritionally adequate, Essential Omega-3 Fatty
and provide health benefits in the Acids. These fatty acids are
prevention and treatment of certain important for a variety of
diseases. Well-planned vegan and reasons—including maintaining
other types of vegetarian diets are good heart and cardiovascular
appropriate for all stages of the health—and it’s important to
life cycle, including during have a reliable source, such as
pregnancy, lactation, infancy, walnuts, ground flax seeds, flax
childhood, and adolescence. . . . oil, hempseed oil, canola oil,
Vegetarians have been reported and supplements.
to have lower body mass Vitamin B12. When
indices than nonvegetarians, as nonvegetarians consume animal
well as lower rates of death from products, they also ingest this
ischemic heart disease; vegetarians vitamin that is made by bacteria in
also show lower blood cholesterol some animals’ bodies. Vegetarians
levels; lower blood pressure; and can take a common multiple
lower rates of hypertension, type vitamin or B12 supplement, or
2 diabetes, and prostate and colon enjoy fortified cereals or soy milk
cancer.”1 to get a reliable source of B12.

How Healthy Is Fish?

While the fishing and aquaculture industries tout the health benefits of fish consumption, what
they don’t tell us is that many fish carry high levels of mercury from industrial pollution that
pose serious risks.a

Isn’t Chicken Good for You? Protein-Rich
and Vegetarian
Chicken meat is high in fat and cholesterol and can contain high levels of arsenic, which
the poultry industry feeds to the birds to make them grow faster. Almonds, black beans,
brown rice,
Cholesterol and Fat. Chicken meat has more cholesterol per calorie than beef
and virtually the same amount of fat. Even when the chicken’s skin is removed, the dark
garbanzo beans
meat is thrown away, and a nonfat cooking method is used, chicken still derives 23 percent
of its calories from fat.
kidney beans,
Arsenic. After examining 5,000 samples of chicken meat, researchers from the lentils, lima beans,
National Institutes of Health and the USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service reported peanut butter, pinto
alarmingly high levels of arsenic contamination in the flesh of broiler chickens.b In fact, beans, quinoa, seitan
the amount of arsenic found in chicken was six to nine times that allowed by the (a wheat-based mock
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for drinking water. A bucket meat), soybeans, soy milk,
of chicken from a typical fast food restaurant would be expected sunflower seeds, textured
to have as much as almost 50 times the amount of arsenic allowed vegetable protein (TVP), tofu,
in a glass of water.c vegetarian hot dogs and burgers

Iron-Rich and
Vitamin D. This vitamin is important for Iron. Our bodies need iron to keep oxygen Black beans, bran flakes,
good bone health. Our bodies make vitamin D circulating throughout the bloodstream. In cashews, Cream
when we’re exposed to sunlight. Spending some extreme cases, an iron deficiency can lead to of Wheat®,
time outdoors every day without sunscreen and, fatigue and other disorders. Fortunately, iron is garbanzo beans
during the winter months, eating vitamin D- plentiful in animal-free sources. (For even greater (chickpeas),
fortified foods or taking a supplement is a good iron absorption, eat foods high in vitamin C, like Grape-Nuts®,
idea for anyone, vegetarian or not. citrus fruits and bell peppers.) kidney beans,
Protein. A common misperception about Calcium. Everyone knows we need calcium lentils, navy beans,
vegetarian diets is that they don’t provide for strong bones, but what most people don’t oatmeal, pumpkin
enough protein. Numerous studies have shown know is that our risk of osteoporosis can be seeds, raisins, soybeans,
that this simply isn’t the case. Eating an adequate lowered by reducing sodium intake, eating more soy milk, spinach, sunflower
number of calories derived from any normal fruits and vegetables, exercising, and getting seeds, tofu, tomato juice,
variety of plant foods generally gives us all the enough vitamin D from sunlight or fortified whole wheat bread
protein our bodies need. food sources.
and Vegetarian
Almonds, black beans, broccoli,
calcium-fortified orange juice,
collard greens, great northern
A diet high in cholesterol and saturated fat can increase the risk of stroke, beans, kale,
heart disease, and certain forms of cancer. Conversely, diets containing large kidney beans,
amounts of vegetables and fruits offer protection against stroke, heart attack, mustard greens,
diabetes, and various cancers, including colon, prostate, and likely breast, lung, navy beans,
and pancreas cancers. The foods highest in cholesterol and saturated fats pinto beans,
are meats, dairy products, and eggs, so vegetarians enjoy a significant health sesame seeds,
advantage when it comes to protecting themselves from the leading killers and
soybeans, soy
milk, textured
disablers of Americans. Non-animal-based diets are also far healthier for our
planet and the rest of its inhabitants.
protein (TVP),
—David O. Wiebers, M.D., and Jennifer Leaning, M.D., serve on the board tofu
of directors of The HSUS. Dr. Wiebers is chair of the board, and Dr. Leaning
is chair of the board’s International Committee.

As factory farms intensively confine greater
Factory Farms numbers of animals, the toll of such
and Public industrialized practices weighs heavily on
Health the environment, depleting resources and
contaminating habitats. Toxins, chemicals,
 “In 1999, a University of North gases, and uncontainable amounts of manure
Carolina study found that from these facilities pollute the soil, water, and
neighbors of a 6,000-head air, causing massive environmental degradation
hog factory, compared with and deteriorating public health.
a group of people in an

area with no large-scale
 Manure lagoons holding concentrated waste
confinement units, reported Inefficient Use can leak, contaminating the surrounding land
more headaches, runny noses,
of Land and Food and water.
sore throats, excessive coughing,
Nearly 10 percent of the U.S. land area is used
diarrhea, and burning eyes.”a
to grow feed for animals raised for meat, and
 “Recent studies have found that another 32 percent is used for grazing cattle, Polluting Air, Water,
children who attend schools making livestock production the largest single and Land
near pig factory farms suffer use of land in the country.1 To produce a single Annually in the United States, farm animals
elevated levels of asthma.”b pound of meat, egg, or milk protein, depending produce 1.4 billion tons of feces and urine,4
 “In February 2002, Iowa State on the species, 3–12 pounds of feed protein and much of this waste—millions of gallons—
University and the University are needed.2 Producing all of this feed for eventually finds its way into neighboring
of Iowa released a joint report farm animals uses more land, water, fertilizer, ecosystems, devastating the environment
finding that hydrogen sulfide pesticides, and energy than would be used if we and wildlife:
and ammonia emissions from simply ate plant foods directly. Production of
 In 2006, Premium Standard Farms was
large-scale animal confinement chicken meat, for instance, requires 14 times as
ordered to pay $4.5 million in damages
facilities can pose a health much energy and 40 percent more cropland per
to three families affected by odors from
risk to humans and that Iowa unit of protein as the production of soybeans.3
one of its hog factory farms in Missouri.5
should develop air quality
 About 13 percent of the domestic drinking-
standards to stop factory

farm air pollution.”c water wells in the Midwest contain unsafe

levels of nitrates from fertilizers and
 “In January 2004, the American manure lagoon spills or leaks.
Public Health Association
 In 2001, the EPA forced five hog factory
passed a resolution urging
farms to supply bottled water for local
government officials to adopt
residents because activities at the farms had
a moratorium on factory
contaminated the local drinking water.6
farms. Air quality near a factory
 A 1997 study found that 82 percent of animal
farm is so poor that nearby
residents experience respiratory farming operations producing nitrogen in
problems, nausea, and severe excess of land capacity and 64 percent with
headaches.”d excess phosphorus were poultry operations.7
 A U.S. Senate report noted, “Spills of liquid  A recent report by the Chesapeake Bay
animal waste directly into water. . . can result Foundation identified chicken manure as
in fish kills, odor and overall degradation the primary cause of pollution in the bay.8
of water quality.” e

 Tropical rainforests To Produce To Produce
are being clear-cut One Pound One Pound
Resources of Processed of Processed
primarily to produce Soy Protein Animal Protein
pasture or cropland
for growing animal 1 6 to 17
feed, devastating Water
threatened animal 1 4.4 to 26
and plant species. Fossil Fuel
1 6 to 20
 In this table,12 the amount needed to produce one
pound of processed soy protein is arbitrarily given the
value of 1; the amount needed to produce one pound
of processed animal protein varies by species and so
is shown in a range.

 A U.S. Senate report noted, “Spills of liquid Wasted Resources

animal waste directly into water have an A plant-based diet requires far fewer resources
immediate environmental impact, choking to sustain life than the typical American diet,
out fish and other aquatic life.”9 which is heavy on animal products. According to a 2006 report
 One study estimated that between 1990 and For perspective, note how many more by the United Nations Food
2000, farm animal manure was responsible for resources are needed to produce one pound and Agriculture Organization,
74 percent of fish kills caused by agriculture of processed animal protein compared to one the livestock sector damages
and led to more fish kills than municipal and pound of processed soy protein (see the the climate at a rate that
industrial sources of pollution, combined.10 table above). surpasses emissions from
 Aquaculture destroys coastal habitats and cars and SUVs.l
produces fish waste and harmful chemical

What Environmentalists Say

Union of Concerned Scientists-“Over the last unspeakable and unnecessary cruelty. These meat Water Management Institute, noting that 840 million
50 years, the way food animals are raised and fed factories destroy family farms and rural communities of the world’s people remain undernourished,
has changed dramatically—to the detriment of both and produce vast amounts of dangerous pollutants recommends finding ways to produce more food
animals and humans. Many people are surprised that are contaminating America’s most treasured using less water. The report notes that it takes 550
to find that most of the food animals in the United landscapes and waterways.”h liters of water to produce enough flour for one loaf
States are no longer raised on farms at all. Instead of bread in developing countries...but up to 7,000
Sierra Club-“Animal husbandry practices that
they come from crowded animal factories, also liters of water to produce 100 grams of beef.”k
accommodate the natural ways of animals tend
known as large confined animal feeding operations
to be much more in tune with sustainable and United Nations Food and Agricultural
non-polluting farm practices.”i Organization-“The livestock sector emerges
Natural Resources Defense Council-“Factory as one of the top two or three most significant
Worldwatch Institute-“[A]s environmental contributors to the most serious environmental
farms, which mass-produce animals in assembly-line
science has advanced, it has become apparent problems, at every scale from local to global.
fashion, have harmed aquatic life, human health and
that the human appetite for animal flesh is a The findings of this report suggest that it should
ecosystems across the nation. As industrial-sized
driving force behind virtually every major category be a major policy focus when dealing with problems
farms stagger under the vast burden of manure
of environmental damage now threatening the of land degradation, climate change and air
they are generating, environmental disasters are
human future—deforestation, erosion, fresh water pollution, water shortage and water pollution and
scarcity, air and water pollution, climate change, loss of biodiversity. Livestock’s contribution to
Waterkeeper Alliance-“[T]he vast majority of biodiversity loss, social injustice, the destabilization environmental problems is on a massive scale and
America’s meat and produce are controlled by a of communities, and the spread of disease.”j its potential contribution to their solution is equally
handful of ruthless monopolies that house animals large. The impact is so significant that it needs
United Nations Commission on Sustainable
in industrial warehouses where they are treated with to be addressed with urgency.”l
Development-“A report from the International

Whether you do it to help animals, the become overwhelmed at the thought of
environment, or yourself, transitioning changing their dietary habits, so it may surprise
to vegetarian eating can take as little as you to know that becoming vegetarian can
a day or as long as you need. Some people be as easy as 1-2-3.

Step Swap This for That

If you take a quick look at your weekly menus, you’ll probably see the same dishes popping up a
few times. So, for two days a week, take your comfort foods and tweak them a bit to make vegetarian
ONE versions of those favorites. Swap the chicken in your wraps or burritos for black beans or grilled
vegetables. Instead of sour cream, spoon on some guacamole or salsa. Replace the meat sauce on
your pasta with spicy marinara. Trade burgers and dogs for any one of the many meatless versions
on the market. After two weeks, you’ll be well on your way!

Step Flexi-What?
Now that you’ve moved through step one, consider yourself a full-fledged flexitarian—a part-time
vegetarian. Congratulations! Take the next two weeks to incorporate new foods, recipes, and products
TWO into your menu. Stroll through your local grocery store’s “natural foods” aisle, or pop into your
community health food store to fill your cart with some of the fantastic vegetarian items on the market.
See pages 13 and 14 for a glossary of ingredients and a list of products that may be new to you, and
turn to pages 15–18 for sample recipes. Have fun in the kitchen and bon appétit!

Whole (Veggie) Hog

Step Add just a few more days of vegetarian eating to your week and you’ve done it! At every meal, you’re
helping to make the world a better place, simply by enjoying vegetarian fare.
Simple Menu Suggestions
If you’re scratching your head for some ideas on what to eat, here are some easy and delicious suggestions.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

 Fruit smoothie  Veggie burger and fries  Grilled vegetable and marinated
 Oatmeal with cinnamon,  Peanut butter and jelly sandwich tofu fajitas
raisins, and maple syrup  Black bean and grilled  Pasta with marinara sauce

 Cereal with soy or rice milk vegetable wrap and vegetables

 Lentil soup with sourdough bread  Tacos with veggie burger crumbles
 Toast with jam or peanut butter
(or both!)  Pasta spirals with sautéed vegetables
and fresh vegetables
 Vegetable stir-fry over rice or pasta
 Soy yogurt with fresh fruit and hearty marinara
 Mock meat sandwich  Eggplant manicotti

 Veggie chili with Italian bread

Soy Cheese. The nondairy
version of cow’s milk cheese is
made from soybeans. Available
in slices, blocks, and even
shreds for pizza or tacos.

Soy Margarine. The vegetarian

alternative to butter doesn’t have
the cholesterol found in its animal
product counterparts.

Soy and Rice Milks. Nowadays, you’re

hard pressed to find a store that doesn’t
carry a variety of nondairy milks. These
soy- or rice-based drinks come in several
different flavors, including vanilla, chocolate,
and strawberry.

Ingredients to Stock the Shelves Tahini. This calcium-rich, nutty flavored paste
Fear of the unknown can make you stop dead in your is made from sesame seeds and makes sauces,
tracks. But there’s nothing to keep you from walking down spreads, and dressings creamy and delicious.
the aisles of your local market or health food store once
Tempeh. Typically made from soybeans, this
you’ve glanced through this guide for vegetarian
meat substitute has a wonderful texture
alternatives and ingredients!
and flavor.
Ener-G’s Egg Replacer®. This
Textured Vegetable
ready-made product is the perfect
Protein (TVP).
substitute for eggs in baking.
This dried soy product just needs
Nutritional Yeast. An inactive a little water to turn it into a
yeast chock-full of vitamins and simple, yet delicious, vegetarian
minerals, nutritional yeast gives ground “beef.”
a cheesy flavor to soups, sauces,
Tofu. A staple in Asian cuisine,
and casseroles.
tofu is a high-protein meat
Seitan. Pronounced SAY-tan, alternative. It comes in a variety
this high-protein “wheat meat” of textures—from silken (great
can be used in place of meat for dressings and dessert fillings) to
in any dish. Find it prepackaged extra-firm (perfect for a stir-fry)—so
in a variety of flavors. experiment to your stomach’s content!

Suggestions *

The vegetarian marketplace has exploded over Hot Dogs: Lightlife’s Smart
the past 10 years, with major grocery stores Dogs and Tofu Pups and Yves’
carrying a fantastic variety of animal-friendly Veggie Dogs, Tofu Dogs, and
products. As you reduce the amount of animal Hot ’n’ Spicy Chili Dogs
products in your weekly menu, you don’t have Sausage: Turtle Island Foods’ Tofurky gourmet
to give up the tastes you’ve enjoyed—just sausages, beer brats, and kielbasa;
substitute vegetarian versions! Lightlife’s Gimme Lean;
Gardenburger’s Meatless Breakfast
Sausage; and Yves’ Veggie Breakfast
Meat-Free “Meat” Patties and Links
Bacon: Yves’ Canadian Veggie
Bacon and Lightlife’s Smart
Bacon and Fakin’ Bacon Dairy-Free “Dairy”
Chicken: White Wave’s Chicken-Style Butter: Shedd’s Willow Run Soybean Margarine
Seitan and Chicken-Style Wheat Meat and Earth Balance’s Soy
Chicken Nuggets and Strips: Morningstar Garden and Earth Balance
Farms’ Meal Starters Chick’n Strips, Nate’s Natural Margarine
Chicken-Style Meatless Nuggets, Lightlife’s Cheese: Follow Your Heart’s
Chick’n Strips, and Health Is Wealth’s Vegan Gourmet and Tofutti’s
Chicken-Free Fingers and Buffalo Wings Soy-Cheese Slices
Chicken Patties: Soy Boy’s Okara Courage Cream Cheese: Tofutti’s
Burger and Gardenburger’s Flame-Grilled Better Than Cream Cheese
Chick’n and BBQ Chik’n Eggs: Ener-G’s Egg Replacer
Cold Cuts: Lightlife’s Smart and Fantastic Foods’ Tofu
Deli (Country Ham, Old Scrambler
World Bologna, and Three Ice Cream: Turtle Mountain’s
Peppercorn Pastrami), Yves’ Soy Delicious product line, Tofutti’s ice cream
The Good Deli (Veggie Bologna, product line, and Whole Soy’s Frozen Cultured
Veggie Ham, Veggie Salami, Soy product line
Dining Out and Veggie Turkey), and Turtle
Mayonnaise: Follow Your
Vegetarian-Style Island Foods’ Tofurky
Heart’s Vegenaise and
Ground Beef: Boca’s Ground Burger, Nasoya’s Nayonaise
The National Restaurant
Morningstar Farms’ Ground Meatless Crumbles,
Association** reports that 8 Sour Cream: Tofutti’s
Yves’ Ground Round, and Lightlife’s Smart
out of 10 restaurants—from Sour Supreme
Ground and Smart Menu Crumbles
fast food to gourmet—are
Yogurt: Whole Soy’s
responding to the growing Hamburgers: Boca’s Vegan
Creamy Cultured Soy, Silk’s Cultured
demand for animal-friendly fare Original, Gardenburger’s
Soy, and Stonyfield Farm’s O’Soy
by serving vegetarian entrées. GardenVegan, Whole Foods
Market’s 365 Organic Vegan *All company, product line, and product
** “Tableservice Restaurant
Trends, 2001,” Veggie Burger, and Amy’s names are trademarks (registered California Veggie Burger or unregistered) of their respective
dineout/nutrition.cfm. corporations.
and Texas Burger

HSUSKitchen Recipes from Our Staff

Savory Tofu Scramble

Serves 4
1 medium onion, chopped In a large, nonstick pan, sauté the chopped
1 vegetable bouillon cube, crumbled onion with the crumbled bouillon cube until
1 14-ounce package extra-firm tofu, the onion browns. (Don’t add water to reconstitute
drained and crumbled the bouillon cube.) Add the tofu crumbles and
1 tablespoon soy sauce stir-fry until the water from the tofu evaporates,
1 jalapeño pepper, diced about 3 minutes. Then add the soy sauce, diced
2 teaspoons turmeric jalapeño, turmeric, and any seasonings you
seasonings, to taste like, such as basil, oregano, or hot
sauce. Serve immediately.

Light ‘n Fluffy Pancakes

Serves 4
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour In a large bowl, mix together all the dry ingredients
1 tablespoon sugar and then whisk in the soy milk or water and oil.
1/2 teaspoon baking soda Pour the batter onto a nonstick pan and cook over
1 teaspoon baking powder medium heat, turning once when the edges begin to
1 1/2 cups soy milk or water bubble and brown. Top with maple syrup and fresh fruit,
2 tablespoons vegetable oil and serve immediately.

Creamy Potato Salad

Serves 6
8 to 10 medium-sized potatoes (yellow or red work well) Boil the potatoes until tender—10 to 20 minutes,
2 tablespoons olive oil depending on what type of potatoes you’re using. Remove the
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar skins. Run cold water over the peeled
1 cup vegan mayonnaise, such as Vegenaise or Nayonaise potatoes and drain. Slice and place
2 tablespoons yellow mustard in bowl. Drizzle the olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar and red wine vinegar over the
1 teaspoon sugar potatoes, and let sit.
dash of red pepper In a large bowl, combine
dash of seasoned salt the vegan mayonnaise,
pepper, to taste mustard, and balsamic vinegar.
1 celery stalk, diced Stir in the sugar, red pepper,
2 large dill pickles, diced seasoned salt, and pepper. Then
5 scallions, diced add the diced celery, pickles, scallions,
1 3.8-ounce can sliced black olives and olives. Mix well.
1/2 cup finely chopped parsley Add the potatoes to the dressing and toss. Refrigerate
dash of paprika for 1 hour. Garnish with the chopped parsley and paprika.

Festive Salad
Serves 4
For the Dressing: In a large serving
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar bowl, whisk together the
3 tablespoons maple syrup dressing ingredients. Add the lettuce and then
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil toss. Sprinkle on the pecan pieces and dried
pinch of salt cranberries.
Serve immediately.
For the Salad:
1 head red leaf lettuce, washed and torn
1/2 cup toasted pecan pieces
1/2 cup dried cranberries

Eggless Egg Salad

Serves 6
1 14-ounce package firm tofu Drain and mash the tofu. Mix well with
1/2 cup vegan mayonnaise, such the vegan mayonnaise and spices, and then
as Vegenaise or Nayonaise add the scallions, carrots, and salt
2 tablespoons mustard and pepper. Serve on
1/2 teaspoon turmeric a bed of lettuce or as
1 teaspoon garlic powder a sandwich spread.
1 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 cup diced scallions
1/2 cup shredded carrots
pinch of salt and pepper

Refried Bean Soup

Serves 5
1 large onion, chopped In a small saucepan, sauté the onion and garlic in olive oil
2 teaspoons minced garlic until the onion begins to brown, about 5 minutes.
2 teaspoons olive oil In a large pot, add all of the ingredients and bring to a
1 14-ounce can vegetarian broth boil. Reduce heat and stew for about 10 minutes before
1 14-ounce can stewed tomatoes serving.
1 15-ounce can black beans
1 15-ounce can red kidney beans
1 16-ounce can vegetarian
refried beans
1/2 teaspoon cumin
pepper, to taste

Sun-Dried Tomato Pistachio Spread
Serves 15
2 cups chopped pistachios remaining 1/4 cup of olive oil and the balsamic
2 tablespoons olive oil vinegar. Mix until well combined. Serve with
3 cups chopped sun-dried tomatoes* toasted bread or crackers.
1 clove garlic, diced *Sun-dried tomatoes are sold fresh
1/2 cup olive oil, halved in olive oil or dehydrated in bags.
3/4 cup balsamic vinegar To rehydrate the tomatoes, place them
In a large saucepan, toast the chopped pistachios in the in a bowl and cover with warm water.
2 tablespoons of olive oil for 5 to 7 minutes until the nuts Let soak for 20 minutes
or until plump.
begin to turn golden.
In a food processor or high-powered blender, add the
toasted pistachios, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, and 1/4 cup
of olive oil. Once the ingredients begin to mix, add the

Colcannon (Mashed Potatoes with Kale)

Serves 5
1 pound kale Wash and trim the kale, removing the hard
1/2 cup finely chopped onions stems and tearing into bite-sized pieces. Sauté
4 cloves garlic, diced with the chopped onion and garlic in olive
2 teaspoons olive oil oil until the kale is tender. Set aside.
2 pounds potatoes, chopped In a large pot, boil the potatoes in lightly
1/2 cup soy milk or vegetable broth salted water until the potatoes are soft, about
salt and pepper, to taste 20 minutes. Drain and then add the soy milk
or vegetable broth. Mash well. Mix in the sautéed
kale and onions. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Serve immediately.
Leftovers? Form the colcannon into pancakes.
In a lightly oiled, nonstick pan, fry both sides until
lightly browned.

Mushroom and Almond Paté

Serves 10
2/3 cup almonds Put the mushroom
2 tablespoons soy margarine, halved mixture in a high-powered
8 ounces mushroom pieces blender or food processor and
2 scallions, diced add 1 tablespoon of the reserved
1 clove garlic, diced liquid, the sautéed almonds,
tarragon, to taste and the mashed tofu. Blend
pepper, to taste until smooth and well mixed.
1/4 cup firm tofu, mashed Chill for 2 hours to blend the
Sauté the almonds in 1 tablespoon soy margarine flavors. Serve as a dip for crackers
until lightly toasted, about 5 minutes. Set aside. or vegetables.
In a saucepan, melt the second tablespoon of soy
margarine. Cook the mushrooms, scallions, garlic, and spices
for 2 minutes until reduced. Remove with a slotted spoon,
reserving the liquid.

Spicy Peanut Noodles
Serves 2
1 cup vegetable broth In a small saucepan,
1/2 cup peanut butter, crunchy or creamy mix together all of the
1/4 cup maple syrup ingredients except the cooked
2 tablespoons lime juice noodles and bring to a boil, stirring
2 tablespoons soy sauce frequently. Reduce heat and simmer for 3 to 5
1 tablespoon minced jalapeño pepper minutes.
or crushed red pepper flakes, to taste In a large bowl, toss the spicy peanut sauce with the
4 cups cooked pasta noodles noodles. Serve immediately.

Fudge Brownies with Creamy “Butter” Icing

Makes about 16 brownies
For the Fudge Brownies: Preheat oven to 350°F.
1 1/3 cups sugar
1 cup unsweetened applesauce Brownies: In a large bowl, mix together the first four
2 tablespoons water ingredients, sugar through vanilla extract. Set aside.
2 teaspoons vanilla extract In a separate bowl, whisk together the next four
1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour ingredients, flour through salt. Stir in the sugar mixture
1/2 teaspoon baking powder and combine well. Then add the chocolate chips.
3/4 cups unsweetened cocoa powder Pour into a lightly oiled 8-inch square baking pan
1/4 teaspoon salt and bake for 45 minutes or until an inserted toothpick
1 cup dairy-free chocolate chips comes out fairly clean. Set aside to cool before frosting.

For the Creamy “Butter” Icing: Frosting: In a large bowl, add the soy margarine, salt,
1/3 cup soy margarine and vanilla. Beat until light and fluffy. Gradually add in the
1/4 teaspoon salt powdered sugar, continuing to beat the frosting. Then add
1 teaspoon vanilla extract the soymilk, beating until smooth. If desired, beat in more
3 1/2 cups (1 pound) soymilk for a smoother, more spreadable consistency.
powdered sugar Frost the cooled brownies, cut, and serve.
3 tablespoons soymilk

Easy Spice Cake with Caramel Frosting

Serves 6
For the Easy Spice Cake: Preheat oven to 350°F.
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
Cake: In a large bowl, mix the dry
1 cup packed brown sugar
ingredients (flour through salt). Add
1/4 cup cornstarch
the oil, vinegar, and water. Whisk until
1 teaspoon baking soda
thoroughly blended. Pour into a lightly oiled
1 teaspoon allspice
8- or 9-inch square baking dish. Bake for 30 minutes
1 teaspoon cinnamon
or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean. Set aside
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
to cool before frosting.
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup oil Frosting: In a small saucepan, melt the soy margarine
1 tablespoon vinegar and then add the brown sugar. Cook over low heat for
1 cup water 2 to 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the soymilk
and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and allow
For the Caramel Frosting:
to cool. Slowly beat in the powdered sugar until
1/4 cup soy margarine
smooth. Frost the cooled Easy Spice Cake and enjoy.
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons soymilk
3/4 cup powdered sugar
Eating for the Animals
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c. Brad Trom, “Say No to Factory Farms,” op. cit.
Eating for Your Health
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Mercury and Dietary Mercury Intake: National Health f. Union of Concerned Scientists, “The Reality of Feed at Animal
and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999 and 2000,” Factories,” 2006,
Environmental Health Perspectives 112(5), Apr. 2004: 562 food/they-eat-what.html (accessed November 2, 2006).
( g. Natural Resources Defense Council and Clean Water Network,
b. Lasky T, Sun W, Kadry A, and Hoffman MK, “Mean Total “America’s Animal Factories: How States Fail to Prevent Pollution
Arsenic Concentrations in Chicken 1989–2000 and Estimated from Livestock Waste,” 1998,
Exposures for Consumers of Chicken,” USDA, Food Safety cons.asp (accessed March 6, 2006).
and Inspection Service, Office of Public Health and Science, h. Kennedy RF Jr., “Good Food versus Green Eggs and Ham,”
Environmental Health Perspectives 112(1), Jan. 2004, Waterkeeper Magazine, Spring 2006: 4–5, magazines/WK%20Sp%2006%20WHOLE.pdf (accessed
c. One bucket of chicken from KFC contains three legs, three breasts, November 2, 2006).
three wings, and three thighs (, i. Sierra Club, “Inhumane Treatment of Farm Animals,”
weighing 1,176 grams (
and containing up to 108.5 micrograms of inorganic arsenic (accessed March 6, 2006).
(Lasky T, Sun W, Kadry A, and Hoffman MK, “Mean Total Arsenic
Concentrations,” op. cit.). This exceeds the U.S. EPA limit on an j. Worldwatch Institute, “Meat: Now, It’s Not Personal!” Worldwatch,
eight-ounce glass of water by a factor of 48.4 ( July/August 2004: 12–20,
EPA-WATER/2001/October/Day-05/w25047.htm). (accessed March 8, 2006).
k. United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, “Water:
More Nutrition Per Drop,” as referenced in: “Is Meat Sustainable?”
Eating for the Environment World Watch, July/August 2004,

l. Steinfeld H, Gerber P, Wassenaar T, Castel V, Rosales M, and
Vesterby M and Krupa KS, “Major Uses of Land in the United States,
De Haan C, “Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues
1997,” USDA, Economic Research Services Statistical Bulletin No. 973,
and Options” (Rome: United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization, 2006),
Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), “Animal pub/longshad/A0701E00.pdf (accessed February 19, 2007).
Agriculture and Global Food Supply” (Ames, IA: CAST, 1999): Tables
Pimentel D and Pimentel M, Food, Energy, and Society (rev. ed.) (Niwot,
CO: University Press of Colorado, 1996): 83, 126, 127; Smil V, Feeding
the World (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000): median values, Table 5.2.

pain, frustration, joy, and excitement as the dogs and cats we welcome into our families.
Unfortunately, most of the animals we use for meat, eggs, and dairy in the United States
are raised on factory farms, where their welfare often suffers as a result of intensive confinement,
mutilations without painkillers, and inhumane slaughter practices. These abuses are of particular
concern to The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) because nearly 10 billion land animals
are slaughtered for food every year in the country—more than one million every hour.

What We Do to Help Farm Animals

As the largest animal protection organization in the nation, The HSUS takes a leadership role
on farm animal advocacy issues. We strive daily to improve the lives of these animals through
a number of means:
 Strategically campaigning to halt the worst farm animal abuses
 Persuadingnational and regional restaurant chains to serve products
from nonintensive confinement systems
 Helping communities stop the proliferation of factory farms
 Working with students and employees to implement institutional
purchasing policies that mandate animal welfare improvements
 Lobbying state and federal legislatures to pass laws that
improve farm animal welfare
 Working with corporations and organizations to develop farm animal
welfare guidelines
 Workingwith retailers and distributors to mandate animal welfare
improvements by their suppliers
 Reviewing scientific research on the welfare of farm animals and the
suffering caused by industrialized animal agricultural practices
 Investigating and exposing farm animal cruelty
 Working in the courts to enforce the animal cruelty laws already on the books
 Helping individuals make compassionate choices at every meal through resources,
including The HSUS Guide to Vegetarian Eating

Help Us Help Farm Animals

Lend your voice to The HSUS’s farm animal advocacy efforts.

Join us today
Visit to find out how.
Choice . . .
One of the best decisions I ever made was
to become vegetarian. I feel better, I think
more clearly, and I can look my animal

friends in the eyes. Making humane food

choices is the easiest, most effective direct
action we can take to reduce animal
suffering. It's a step forward in the
evolution of the human species, and
this guide will help you on that path.
Bon (eless) Appétit!
Patrick McDonnell

Cartoonist Patrick McDonnell is the creator

and author of the award-winning, internationally
syndicated comic strip Mutts®.

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