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HWT - Transcripts With Notes 1.1 (Tripp)

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The transcript demonstrates various hypnosis techniques including hand sticking, banishing thoughts, and altering perceptions.

Techniques demonstrated include absorption, imagination, banishing thoughts, covert suggestions, and modifying suggestions.

The participant reported that seeing the glass move through the air without explanation was odd.

Hypnosis Without Trance TM

Hypnosis Mastery Programme

Hypnosis Sessions:
Full Transcripts with Notes
x James Rolph and Hypnosis Without Trance. Unauthorised copying and distribution are prohibited


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The following transcripts and associated notes relate to four of the five hypnosis sessions presented on DVD 1 of the Hypnosis Without Trance Hypnosis Mastery Programme. If you have these notes, you should have the DVD to go with it. Whilst you can study these transcripts and notes without the DVD, it is the live footage that will really bring them alive.

Additionally, the notes make reference to Hypnosis Without Trance concepts as covered on the audio portions (CDs 1-7) of the Hypnosis Mastery Programme. If you have these notes but dont have the full Hypnosis Mastery Programme, please visit where you can find out about the programme and how to obtain a copy. I hope that you enjoy learning, practising and mastering this material! James Tripp, February 2010

Transcript: Pub Hypnosis 1

Hand Stick, Glass Stick, Forcefield

Transcript J: Can I ask you, do you feel that you are in a hypnotic trance right now? M: No J: Are you right or left handed? M: Right (gesturing with right hand) J: I need you to just place your right hand flat on the table and you can pop your left hand out of the way, down on the leg. What Id like for you to do is just pick a point on your hand that you can look at you can allow your focus to become fully absorbed and as you continue to look at that point Id like you to be aware that you can see your hand and you can feel your hand on the table and you can feel the table just pushing up on your hand and the sounds around you as you continue to look at that point and become fully absorbed and as you do that as you feel that table pushing into your hand Id like you to just imagine theres a powerful glue spreading between your hand and the top of the table a very powerful glue.

Notes This question was asked to frame the no-trance thing, but it also seeds the idea of hypnosis and trance.

Witchdoctoring and testing response quality. A keen green flag response (no hesitation). Setting up the position for the hand stick and witchdoctoring.

I begin by setting up eye fixation as an entry point for engendering hypnotic focus.

I start pacing experience across VAK channels.

Suggesting absorption to encourage hypnotic focus.

Opening loop 1 through the imagination entry point. In fact as that glue sets it starts to spread into your hand your Continuing to lead the imagination to locking and

hand starts to lock and stick continue to look and as you imagine that as you imagine that now whats more stuck, your fingers or your palm?

sticking. Covert segway from imagiation to reality, using the binding question.

M: Fingers J: Fingers your fingers are more stuck. Notice how your fingers can stick more lock more fully all the way through (touching fingers to reinforce) and as that happens go ahead try and lift one of those fingers, even two of those fingers find your palm sticks even more as you try and lift your fingers your palm sticks even more you try and lift those fingers whats more stuck now your fingers or your palm?

This reality report is a green flag. Pacing the reality report. Notice = awareness word. Amplify sticking verbally and non verbally (pantomiming). The divide and conquer pattern. Palm sticks even more = presupposition that it is already stuck. Repeat binding question.

M: Palms stuck J: Palms stuck as well O.K heres the interesting thing, what I want you to do is try and lift that hand find it just sticks (click fingers) more fully, locks (click fingers) more fully sticks (?...) to the table the harder you try and lift it the more it just sticks (click) locks (click)

Reality report and green flag. Pacing the reality report.

Try pattern to imply difficulty. Using clicks to create moments of amplification and intensification.

really try, really try, youre aThe strong guy hard challenge strong guy you can really try andincorporating the try pattern and lift that really try and lift that, find tonally pantomiming struggle. it sticks more Eliciting reality report with a whats that like?.. as it sticksleading question incorporating an now!embedded command.

M: Its Strange J: Strange its strange notice that strange continue Are you in a trance or anything?

Reality report, green flag, commitment and consistency. Pacing the reported reality and eliciting clean feedback.

M: No J: No youre completely awake and thats stuck fully the harder you try what happens when you try? (question tonality) M: It sticks more J: Thats the interesting thing. Now in a moment, but not yet, I am going to touch you on the back of the hand when I do, youll find your hand becomes free, and will move easily but something else interesting is going to happen you wont know what that is yet Pacing no, and linkage for phenomenon reinforcement. Leading try question to elicit reality report. This is a massive green flag that he is totally in the experience. Because I have my big green flag, I am going to segway into some different effects. I begin to pre-engineer the next loop (in a moment but not yet), but leave it hanging to engender anticipation and curiosity (wont know what that is yet).

Im just going to touch you on the back of the hand (touch) and you can feel that loosening off freeing just (participant starts to move hand) thats right coming fully back to reality

We now free the hand as per the pre-engineering.

This is a retrospective transition but the interesting thing is when I (retro-engineering) I am did that (miming touch) yourretrospectively linking the release hand became unstuck but yourof the hand with the sticking of the pint glass and this is a weirdglass. thing actually became stuck to the table (I look at M with absolute Ms nod is a green flag. conviction he looks at me and nods). very gently - I want to set up a What Id like you to do, is verygentle escalation of effort, in order gently so I dont want you to spillto give his neurophysiology time to any is (I move back and move the adapt to the new loop and ashtray away, setting a littlegenerate the appropriate stage for the pint glass) goideomotor effects. (Otherwise he ahead just take hold of thatmay yank at the glass, and it may glass and then just try and liftgo flying ruining the effect and that and find now that sticks to the endangering the participant, table you try and lift thatspectators and me!) (point) It sticks (point) to the table (there is a slight jerk asPaying attention to feedback.

Marcus tries to lift it and it sticks this is my cue to up my challenge) in fact the harder you try (click) the more it sticks the harder you try (click) the more that glass just sticks to the table you might find that you can slide it but you cant un-stick it like its magnetised (pantomiming struggle with my voice tone) fully and powerfully to the table. Reinforcing phenomena with thetry pattern. Use of clicks to create moments (pantomiming). un-stick it = embedded command. Pantomiming. Really you can try and as you try, the harder you try the more your fingers will start to stick and lock to the glass, your fingers sticking and locking... try and undo your fingers and find that you cant its completely locked stuck fully solid now. A divide and conquer pattern, used to transfer stuckness to the fingers.

Now your fingers are going to stay locked and Im just gonna touch you on the wrist, youll find stop trying, because I dont want this (gesturing to glass) to fly up or anything the glass will unstuck your fingers are still stuck to the glass but you can lift the glass (M lifts it)

Observing safety considerations as we unstick the glass.

Pacing and thats your pint? M: Mmm (nodding) J: What is it? M: Er Fosters Pacing J: Fosters... you like fosters? (statement tonality) M: Yeh, its alright Curiosity framing. J: The interesting thing is, when you go to take a sip of that, youll

be unable to do so because a force-field is going to keep that away from your lips and the closer that glass gets to your mouth the stronger that forcefield will push the glass away go ahead and try and youll see that that is just what happens.

Force field suggestion, keep that away is a positive suggestion (rather than negative, e.g. cannot drink it).

Laughter = green flag. (The participant lifts the glass almost to his mouth and starts to laugh when it will go no further) J: Thats right try and try whats that like when you try? M: (Laughing and shaking his head) I cant do it. Enhancing the phenomenon. J: In fact this time try and youll find it gets even stronger really pushes the glass away when you try... thats right just try (pantomiming effort with my tonality) Implying difficulty with try and eliciting reality report. Green flags!


Escalating challenge. It tastes good that Fosters so you can try you can really try Green flag. M: (laughing) I cant J: Whats happening now, whats happening? M: Its just, I cant do it. J: I cant do it M: Its all (gestures towards face) J: Are you in trance M: No (shaking head) J: at the moment (M is shaking head) so its just like being fully awake Pacing and reaffirming reported reality. Eliciting reality report for commitment and consistency.

I am reaffirming and reinforcing non-trance frame.

M: Yeh J: Just regular Im going to touch you on the back of the hand, the hand will be yours youll be free Closing forcefield loop and from any suggestions other thanreturning full control to the anything that is useful to you. And participant. I touch you on the back of the hand now and move your hand and you could even take a sip of your drink if you want go ahead and take a sip of your drink (M drinks).

Transcript: Therapies Fare

Business Card Stick, Hand to Head Stick, Foot Stick

Transcript J: you probably get really absorbed in what you are doing A: Yeh (nodding strongly) J: when you concentrate and everything on it and it uses that same kind of absorption is that how you describe it? A: Yeh, focus (participant gestures to a specific place when she says focus) J: Focus (I gesture to the same place that participant gestured to) thats exactly it focus I am going to use focus, just to give you a little bit of an experience, its not hypnosis its just a (cant transcribe due to poor sound)

Notes The participant has told me that she is an artist, I am utilising this to get her to buy in to the process.

I am likening what we are about to do with something she already has experience of then I elicit her language for the experience. Paying attention to the cognitive landscape.

Non-verbally pacing a non verbal reality report. Utilising the neuro-handle (focus) provided via the reality report. Setting the not-hypnosis frame.

I need you to put your feet a little bit closer together (gesturing participant responds and puts her feet together) are you left handed or right handed?

Building and flag testing for compliance Witchdoctoring.

A: Right. J: Im going to borrow your hand for just a second (taking it as I say the words) (I set up the hand and arm with the card in it I cannot transcribe the words here but they are just simple directions) Taking control, and monitoring that she gives it willingly (green flag).

J: now you know that focus? (command tonality) A: Yep J: When you have that focus Id like you to just focus on the very centre the very centre of that X there you dont need to say anything you can just allow yourself to focus completely on it as if you are becoming fully absorbed as you look at that you can allow your focus there (embedded command) and feel your fingers gripping the card you can hear the sounds around you the sound of my voice as you continue to focus on that point you feel your fingers gripping the card you dont need to pay attention to your breathing... and how comfortable that is just the sound of my voice as you continue to look at the centre of that card, feel those fingers gripping the card

Re-harnessing the focus neurohandle. This is a green flag yep Utilising focus neuro-handle to set up the first loop. you dont need to say anything is as much about switching off internal dialogue as it is external talking. Become fully absorbed is used to encourage hypnotic focus focus on current experience, without analysis. VAK overlapping Feel your fingers gripping the card paces the fact that they are holding the card, and leads because gripping has a connotation of holding tightly.

as you repeat inside your mind only the words I am going to drop this I am going to drop this over and over on a loop as you repeat those words you continue to focus on that and as you do, you can feel those fingers gripping the card continues to repeat those words

I set to fill the participants internal dialogue with my content. I am setting them up for the confusion inducing 180 (they are expecting that I am going to try and make them drop it, then I 180 with the opposite suggestion).

go ahead and try and drop it and find your finger locked and stuck you try and drop and your fingers lock and stick even more really try and find the more you try the more they lock and stick solidly to the card... try and drop it you find that they lock and

Heres the confusion-inducing 180, backed up by clear positive suggestions for locking and sticking (belt and braces).

stick even more. Whats that like as they lock and stick? A: (Laughs) Its a weird thing, isnt it? Its a weird thing you just continue to focus they lock and stick Can you feel that locked stuckness going through your wrist, through your elbow, even up all the way into your shoulder, all the way into your shoulder (touches all the way), to the point where its just become solid (gesturing the length of the arm) like setting in plaster, solid (???) Leading question.

Laughter = green flag. weird thing = curiosity framing

The feel that ambiguity. Expanding the scope of the phenomenon. Leading ambiguous touches.

The Setting in plaster metaphor. You can go ahead you can try and bend your elbow and find it just gets solid and becomes more solid, the more try and bend that and find it just becomes more solid stiffer and more solid more stiff and rigid really do try, because youre strong you can try and bend that it gets stiffer it just gets stiffer and stiffer (with clicks) when you try and bend that what is that like for you? Try pattern to imply difficulty.

The Youre strong challenge. Use of clicks to create moments of amplification.

A: I dont know J: cause its a weird thing A: Weird, yeh (nodding head)

Eliciting reality report. Because shes unsure, I tell her! And curiosity frame it! She buys in to my frame.

J: Im going to take away this (gesturing to the card) what about that other arm, whats that like you can move that one easily. A: Yeh J: So its quite different, because

Contrast convincer!

Green flag yeh still got buy in!

this one is rigid and solid (gesturing to cataleptic arm), Im just going to borrow, the card from you just for a moment, your arms still that arm is still there, isnt it? (Command tonality).

Narrating as I take the card to keep her in the moment. Your arms still linguistic ambiguity.

A: Yes J: Whats it like? A: It doesnt hurt its just stuck.

Green flag. Eliciting reality report. Confirming new reality + evoking commitment and consistency. Pacing her reported reality. She gives me back the metaphor that I gave her earlier. I use it.

J: Its just stuck A: like plaster J: just stuck there, like its plaster A: Yeh J: O.K., and as it is stuck just like plaster, Im just going to take your wrist and your elbow (taking each as I say), and you can feel this just loosen off (gently waggling arm to loosen the elbow) loosen of loosen off (repeated as I loosen arm and place her hand on her head) So it is stuck like plaster

Green flag.

Narrating the action as I take the wrist and elbow. Loosening the arm with both linguistic and physical suggestion. Loosening off is set as the cause of sticking to the head. I use the plaster metaphor again, because I know that it took before (it has become a neuro-handle).

A: Yeh J: feel that sticking all the way through A: Yeh J: your elbow again through your shoulder again (reinforcing suggestions with touches) just sticking fully in place as your fingers stick down, your palm sticks down, your elbow (touch), your shoulder (touch), you feel that

Reinforcing the phenomena.

Each congruent Yeh validates the experience for the participant, and is a flag that she is still fully in process. We solidify the arm and structure thoroughly.

now A: Yeh J: Whats more stuck your fingers or your palm? as you feel that sticking A: My palm J: Your palm go ahead, as your palms more stuck, and your elbow locks and your shoulder locks (touches to reinforce) go ahead try and lift that and find your fingers stick more and your elbow locks more Binding pattern with tagged leading question presupposing sticking. Green flag for buy-in. Challenge with reinforcement and the try pattern.

Divide and conquer pattern.

A: (smiling) Oh god, yeh! J: Thats right, it just sticks and locks A: Yeh J: In fact the harder you try the more it just sticks and locks all the way through, its solid it just becomes more and more difficult, more and more difficult, really try

Excellent green flag. Sticks and locks = belt and braces

Try pattern, implying difficulty. I switch to difficult to lift rather than stuck because her hand lifts off her head slightly (therefore cannot be stuck) I am pacing that she is lifting it and leading that it is difficult.

A: Its a strain (?) (She is managing to lift it a little) J: You can lift it but it is like a strain. A: Yeh J: Its just like a strain, its a weird thing OK now feel this in a moment when I am going to touch you on the back of the hand in a moment your hand will return to normal only as quickly as your feet stick solidly into the ground your legs will stick This is why belt and braces is important I suspect she is responding to locking, but not sticking. I pace that she is lifting it and that it is a like a strain (her neurohandle). She confirms this reality (if I didnt do this, she may say afterwards that it wasnt really working, but I now have commitment driving the

(touching hand) your hands return to normal only as quickly as your feet are actually (???) its like they are stuck into the ground you can imagine that in fact as your feet are stuck you can imagine that because you have a powerful imagination you can tell exactly what thats like

consistency principle) A pre-engineered loop change! The new loop is for stuck feet. Stuck into the ground is stronger than stuck to I reintroduce the imagination frame and flatter her over her imagination (because I wasnt hitting as strongly as I like to with the previous stick).

A: They do feel stuck I feel like Im leaning J: You feel like your leaning forwards whats more stuck, your left or your right foot? A: My right J: Your right foots more stuck notice as your right foot is more A: My toes are stuck more J: You can feel your toes? A: Yeh, like really stuck J: Yeh they are! If you try and step with that, right foot, (her knee bends and her heal lifts, but the toes stay stuck) youll find the left one sticks even more

I get a reality report, commitment and consistency and a neurohandle (leaning) to use. Pace reported reality and lead with the whats more stuck binding pattern.

Pacing reported reality. Uninvited green flag shows me that she is totally in the loop. Pacing her ambiguously. Reality report. I affirm her reality report (notice I use her yeh) The divide and conquer pattern.

A: Yes J: and they both stick even more as you try and step isnt that a weird thing? A: Yeh J: Thats not usual, is it? I follow the sticking suggestion with a curiosity framing tag question The tag question is easier to say yes to, but in doing so, she is yesing the proceeding suggestion.

A: No J: Not normal Its a bit weird, its a bit different A: Yeh (laughing and looking at feet) J: Now thats your inner mind, the power of your inner mind creating that, now listen take a big breath in (I lead the breathing) and breath out (finger click) just feel them (pointing to feet) getting free, and easy, and loose and then you can step (she steps)

Statement + tag question = leading question Curiosity framing and contrasting (contrast convincer) with normal. Laughing + green flag.

Empowering the participant with the experience. Closing the final loop and handing back control and responsibility.

A: Amazing! J: Isnt that weird? A: I cant believe that Yeh! J: Now thats not me doing that

Commitment! Consistency! Curiosity framing. Commitment! Consistency! Handing full credit to participant + empowerment!

A: No, I didnt think that I would be able to do that kind of thingShe accepts the empowering frame! J: Yeh, you can! And there are loads of other things that you can I use her Yeh do with your mind as well, that you dont know that you can do yet

I then give an outro talk about the participant achieving the things she wants to achieve and changing her reality and experience in cool ways. I recommend always leave the participant empowered and feeling good, even if you are just doing fun hypnosis.

Empowering post hypnotic suggestions.

Transcript: Pub Hypnosis 2

Playing Card Stick, Hand/Head Stick, Stuck to Chair

Transcript J: I already know that you are right-handed can I borrow your right hand (picking hand up at the wrist)?

Notes I am asking the question but assuming it is OK to pick up the wrist. Act with certainty!

In fact (if you were to?) take hold of the top of this what I would like for you to do is just lift this up (lifting and adjusting arm)so that you can look at the at the heart (pointing) [in the centre of?] the card Can you see that?

Again, I am acting with certainty as I set this up. Notice the tag question at the end I am looking for a congruent yes. This means a yes with certainty (green flag).

I: Yes J: Yes now you dont need to say anything, but just keep looking at the heart on the card as you continue to look at the card you can feel tour fingers gripping the card you can feel yourself breathing and hear the sound of my voice as you continue to look at the heart on the card allow yourself to become fully absorbed begin to repeat inside your mind only, the words I am going to drop this I am going to drop this over and over on a loop feel your fingers gripping the card as you repeat those words keep repeating those words as you lookat that card

A green flag yes. We begin setting up the first hypnotic loop by first engendering hypnotic focus. I start the process by pacing his yes response.

Notice all the pacing and leading language here. Pacing across the VAK channels and then set up an internal dialogue (Ad). The internal dialogue sets up a certain expectation as to what is going to happen, which I am going to derail with a reversal to create a moment of confusion.

you can go ahead, you can try and drop it and find your fingers lock and stick to the card more fully. As you try and drop the card

Heres the curve ball suddenly I am saying that he cant drop it, which is counter his expectation of where we were going. This

try and drop the card they lock and stick completely you feel that now locking and sticking. Now its interesting the more it locks and sticks, the harder you try (card loosens for a second) thats right.. you can feel that getting solid all the way through the knuckles (touching knuckles) through the wrist (touching).. can you feel that there across the wrist (touch)..? getting solid..? through to the elbow (touch)...? through the shoulder (touch)..? Go ahead try and drop that find thats stiffer in the wrist stiffer in the elbow try and drop that card and find it just stiffens all the way through (gesturing) all the way up into the shoulder there.

creates confusion, which is instantly utilised. Try pattern implying difficulty. Belt and braces suggesting both locking and sticking to engage the imagination in two distinct ways (locking and sticking are not the same things).

ly adjective completely compound the suggestion. I use touches with the feel that ambiguity (feel that could apply to either the touches or described reality - if the unconscious accepts one, it will accept the other).

What does that feel like as your arm stiffens there? setting like plaster what does that feel like? I: Solid. J: Solid heres the interesting thing, try and bend your elbow, find that it just becomes more rigid, more stiff more locked really try and bend that elbow try and bend it (I see a little bend) it gets more (click) solid as you try and bend it the more solid it gets, all the way through (touch elbow) all the way through all the way through up into the elbow (gesture to shoulder OOPS!).

Eliciting reality report.

This provides a neuro-handle. I instantly feed back the neurohandle. Curiosity framing with heres the interesting thing (curiosity increases receptiveness). Using the the more, the more pattern. Use of click to create a moment, and touches to create overload and to witchdoctor a little.

Are you in trance now? I: Yeh! J: You are? Thats a shame! Not the answer I was looking for!

Im going to take the card away you can move that other arm really easily (I lifts his left arm without effort), what happens when you try and move that one (gesturing along the length of the right arm)?

I take the card and narrate the action (so as to keep him in the moment). I ask him to move the other arm as a contrast convincer, which I reinforce with the what happens when..? question.

I: (facial expression changesPaying attention to non-verbal (effort/focussed intent?), arm stays feedback. in place). J: Interesting..! What is even more interesting is the fact that I can move your arm here (taking elbow and wrist), and your arm moves (said as I am moving it, placing hand on head).. and your hand just there (pressing it to head and using touches).. can just stick and lock all the way though (more hand touches).. so it is just solid here (hand touch) here (elbow touch) here (shoulder touch) and here (hand touch) solidly, sticking onto your head now. You can feel your fingers sticking and locking, your palm, your hand (all with touches). What is more stuck now, the palm or the fingers...? Whats more stuck? Interesting in congruence with the curiosity frame. and your arm movesand your hand just there = pacing can just stick and lock all the way through = leading with embedded command.

Use of touches as to reinforce suggestion (pantomiming). You can permissive whilst presupposing sticking and locking. What is more stuck now, the palm or the fingers...? Binding question, presupposing stuckness in both. Also a soft test. Clear green flag for new reality. Pacing reported reality and reinforcing the experience using present continuous ( tense (locking) and ly adjective (solidly).

I: Definitely the fingers! J: Definitly the fingers are more stuck... and sticking more solidly. In fact you can try and lift those fingers and find your palm sticks that elbow locks even more as you try and lift those fingers (still the touches) it lock and sticks fully thats right you can try, you can really try and find that becoming more solid more rigid.

Divide and conquer pattern (you can try and lift those fingers and find your palm sticks)

Take hold of that wrist with your other hand, try and pull that

Uroborus pattern: whats that like, when you try and pull that and it

whats that like? When you try and pull that and it gets more solid, more locked, more stuck in fact this hand (touching left hand) sticks on, this elbow locks, this shoulder locks.. try and pull those hands apart now locking there.

gets more solid, more locked, more stuck Transferring stuckness I am doing this pretty casually now, because the participant has proven to be responding well.

But, heres the thing, Im going to touch you on the back of this hand (gesturing but not touching yet), and when I do, that locked stuckness will move all the way through your body (gesturing) sticking you fully [?] to the chair your hands will move only as quickly as you are stuck fully and completely to the chair!

Expectancy pattern: Heres the thing Pre-engineering the next loop using the only as quickly pattern.

(Touch backs of hands) Now you can feel that loosening off (touching hands and arms) loosening of as you stick (click) fully into the chair

I am encouraging the transition as has been has been suggested. Use of click to create moment (pantomiming) Encouraging the transition with a question - note the yet presupposition generator.

Can you move your hands and your arms yet? I: (No response hands apparently still stuck) J: Are you stuck fully to the chair? (The participant starts to move his hands and arms slightly) Thats right arms soften (touch arms) and you find yourself sticking more fully to the chair you wont be able to get up but youll be able to move your arms (arms move suddenly) thats right move your arms BUT notice what happens when you try to stand up (pause) when you try to stand up and try and stand up and find your just stuck (finger click the participant starts

ly presupposition generator, in question form. Encouraging the transition further. The participant hasnt moved his hands and arms as suggested yet, so I issue a strong embedded command for arm movement. I am describing the scene as I wish it to be. Use of click to create moment green flag response.

laughing and shaking head) deeply into the chair Whats that like? I: (blows out) I know damn well I can do it (shaking head) you cant describe it (shrug palms up), you just cant! J: Isnt that an interesting thing? (downward tonality) Now, you are talking to me as if you are fully awake! I: (without hesitation) I am! J: You are fully awake (half question, half affirming) I: Yeh (nod) J: Your fully awake I: Yeh (nod) J: O.K (stroke chin with look of contemplation non verbal suggestion this is interesting) I: Except for the fact I cant flipping move. J: Try! Just just try, one more time try and get out of that chair and see what happens. I: (Shakes head, rocks forward) nooo! J: (rocks back, suppressing a horribly smug laugh ;-))

Eliciting reality report. The participant describes his experience commitment and consistency!

Curiosity framing, with a command question.

This whole section is about reinforcing the no-trance frame.

Non-verbal curiosity framing.

The participant caught in a strong hypnotic loop I am doing almost nothing to maintain it (compare this with how much work I was doing earlier).

Laughing smugly is bad form BTW. Such a thing can easily pop the participant out of the loop.

J: Ian! (abrupt tone), take a big breath in (I breath in to lead)I use an abrupt tone to interrupt breath out (breathing out andthe loop, then lead into a finger clicking).. and let that all go, breathing release pattern. let the suggestions disappear,

youll find you can actually get up quite easily now (gesturing to get up) you can go ahead and do that just just prove to yourself that you can (Ian gets up) and you know that you can.

J: Thats a weird thing! What was that like Ian? I: Weird! J: Weird (nodding head to affirm). Thank you very much Ian!

Transcript: Hypnotherapy Office

Business Card Stick, Hand to Head Stick, Money Challenge, Stuck feet, Invisibility (Negat ive Hallucinatio n)

Transcript J: This is my business card! A: (Nods) Right. J: You may have seen it before because its been on the side there but Im going to borrow this arm, if thats all right (using statement tonality)?


This is a pace of the participants reality. I am asking permission here, but with a command tonality. Normally I assume permission, but with this participant, I had a sense that I needed to proceed with slightly more caution.

A: Its fine, yeh. J: Is thats cool to borrow that can I get you to put your feet flat on the ground first, and, erm, just take a breath in, just take a breath in and just let it out notice when you let it out your shoulders can relax round here (touches).

I am setting some tasks for flag testing and compliance building. I do a lot of this early on in this session, because I am particularly unsure as to how responsive the participant is likely to be.

Theres a sense as you are breathing - I dont know if you are aware of this sometimes that when you relax very deeply its almost as if you can breath down to your hips its not really a physical truth but its an idea

Here we use breathing to really focus him on the now and start building hypnotic focus.

can I borrow this hand? A: yes

Still treading with caution.

J: Is that O.K (Statement tonality) Narration of action. so I am going to lift that up and borrow that (as I actually do it), and get you to hold onto that (putting the card between hishold onto that = embedded

fingers). Are you left-handed? A: Yes J: You are left handed, O.K. thats O.K. we are going to do this just pop that up lift that up a little bit higher a little bit higher (whilst physically guiding)

command. Ive just noticed the watch on his right wrist, suggesting he is probably left-handed. This is of absolutely no consequence, but I witchdoctor by acting as if I am evaluating that information.

Now you can see that star that I have put on there, cant you? (command tonality) A: Yep. J: (whilst keeping a light touch on the back of the hand) What Id like for you to do - you dont have to say anything - what Id like for you to do, is just allow yourself to focus, allow your vision to focus on the very centre of that you can just look at it you can just allow your attention to become fully absorbed in the middle of that just continue to look at that and as you do so you can feel your fingers gripping the card, as you look at that mark on there you continue to look, as your fingers are gripping the card you can hear the sound of my voice there are other sounds in the room you can be aware of your breathing as you continue to look at that point (pointing to point) as you do so Id like you to just repeat inside your mind the words I am going to drop this, I am going to drop this over and over on a loop just repeating those words looking at the card looking at that point and repeating those words feeling

I set this up so as the participant is looking up by keeping the eyes in visual accessing we keep them out of Ad accessing (internal dialogue). This may help to cut down on analysis. Visual focus engenders hypnotic focus.

The touch is retained for misdirection, overload and witchdoctoring purposes. You dont have to say anything to discourage both external and internal vocalising. Beginning VAK pacing and subtle leading (fingers gripping the card etc.) to begin building the first hypnotic loop. can - permissive presupposition generator pattern fully absorbed pattern, engendering hypnotic focus. All this is standard VAK pacing and leading to set up the loop.

I am going to drop this -

your fingers gripping the card just continue to repeat I am going to drop this, I am going to drop this over and over.. now as you do this you can feel that (touching hand), you can feel those fingers gripping the card

providing Ad content (better the participant thinks my content than thinking their way out of the loop!) and setting an expectation. Note that I put quite a lot of work into setting up this first loop. Heres the challenge the first test! It is a digital test. This challenge cuts-across the expectation to create a moment of confusion, which is immediately utilised. Thetry pattern along with tonal pantomime enhances by implying difficulty.

you can try and drop it but notice you cant because your fingers are locked stuck in place stuck and locked as you feel that thoughts are gone your fingers are locked and stuck, your thoughts are gone now, your fingers are locked and stuck

try, actually, really try and drop that find they lock and stick even more, all the way through, solidifying, actually really try and drop that, and the harder you try the more you find they lock the more they stick solidly rigidly whats that like, you try and drop that and they lock and stick (participant laughs) more solidly is that an interesting thing?

Escalating the challenge.

Eliciting a reality report for commitment and consistency purposes and curiosity framing at the same time. Theres the commitment! This is a soft Uroborus question (soft because it lacks the challenge element), used to elicit a further reality report. Green flag and reality report. Pacing reported reality and using it as a neuro-handle in the leading suggestions to lock the whole arm.

A: It is, yeh! J: You can try and drop that! Notice that lock whats it like, whats it feel like as it locks there... you try and drop it? A: very very weird! J: very very weird notice that very very weird spreading up through your hand through your arm through your elbow all the way up into your shoulder (guiding with touches), so that very weird locks, sticks, its like setting in plaster all the way through all the way through up

This metaphor (setting like plaster) I use a lot.

to the shoulder (gesture) when you can feel that now you can go ahead, you can try and bend that elbow find that it just locks solidly rigidly like there is a steal bar through go ahead try and bend that elbow, try and bend that elbow... find it locks as your thoughts are gone you can try and bend that elbow locks more rigidly, more stiffly

Implying difficulty with the try pattern. ly adjectives. steel bar metaphor. banishing thoughts pattern.

actually, youre a strong guy, you can really try and bend it... try and bend it find it locks even more feel it lock notice that you can see it, thats right!

This is the strong guy hard challenge a hard but good natured challenge. Kinaesthetic embedded command feel it lock overlapped into visual. Narrating action to keep him focussed in the moment.

Im going to take away this card, and you can find that that still locks there in place (half to self) thats hard to get away (and it was!)

Now you can move that arm really easily, cant you (command tonality)? A: Yeh. J: Yeh, go ahead and move that other arm (Adam waves it) it moves quite easily... how is that very different (pointing to locked arm), this arm?

Contrast convincer.

Commitment. Emphasising contrast. Enhancing contrast further using an embedded command nested within a reality report elicitation. His reality report provides a metaphor and neuro-handle. I pace the metaphor. borrow it implies that I am taking control. Pacing that it is still stiff, leading it to bend.

A: It just feels glued. J: It just feels glued Im going to borrow it and youll find that when I touch you here and here (contacting wrist and elbow) I can move your arm, its still stiff (it is! So this is pacing), and your elbow can bend just soften (touching the elbow to loosen) and bend, just soften and bend, just soften

and bend (it softens and starts to bend), thats right so your hand can come in (said as moving it in) now as your hand locks onto your head your elbow locks, your shoulder locks, you can feel your fingers sticking, youll feel your palm sticking, and thats solidifying all the way through, setting like plaster (all accompanied by guiding touches) once again just locking, sticking, gluing onto your head fully and completely, an when that is locked and stuck and glued fully and completely now, go ahead and try and lift that hand off try and lift it find it just sticks sticks as those thoughts are gone it just sticks and you wonder about that sticking, really try and lift that try and lift that You can move the other arm cant you fine?

I have to work hard to get the arm unlocked enough to move it. I gently wobble it whilst repeating the phrase soften and bend. Presupposing the hand locks.

Sticking, solidifying ing, present continuous tense.

Gluing I am using this because the participant introduced this concept it is therefore a neurohandle. fully and completely are two ly adverbs that I make great use of. banishing thoughts pattern. Implying difficulty with try. Contrast pattern

A: (laughs) J: O.K see if you can grab hold of the wrist of that (gesturing to reenforce message) grab hold of your wrist there try and pull that off, find its just so locked, so stiff so, rigid go ahead and actually find that (touching other hand with intent) sticks, locks rigidly and solidly all the way through there as well (plenty of touches) and you find that all just becomes one solid unit all the way through all the way through just one solid unit (touching both arms)

Laughter = green flag. Having the person try and remove the hand using the other one creates a much more compelling spectacle for the participant and anyone watching.

I want the whole thing stuck together as much as possible, and use the phrase one solid unit to suggest that.

go ahead tr... try and pull your hands apart try and pull your hands apart

I am pantomiming effort in my voice.

A: (Elbows pulling outwards slightly as he tries) J: its a weird thing A: Are you going to nick my wallet now? J: its a weird thing. Im not going to nick your wallet. Im not going to nick your wallet theres a theres interesting thing though, you mentioned wallets, Ive got my wallet here

Always pay attention to nonverbal feedback. Curiosity framing. Red flag! Participants using humour is not good, because it is part of their everyday patterning (game frame). I highjack the wallet comment (not very elegantly, however) to take the game back, and utilise it to take a new direction. This money routine is fun and can be a powerful convincer to onlookers (I got this from Anthony Jacquin).

theres 20 quid on there (placing 20 note on the participants knee).. what I want you to do is just try and pick that 20 quid up and youll find as you do you just lock even more solidly through there (gesturing), if you pick it up you can have it as that locks more through you can go ahead.. you can pick it up you can have it you can try what happens when you try and pick that

if you pick it up you can have it as that locks more = Uroborus pattern. Leading question to elicit reality report for the purpose of commitment and consistency

A: not a lot (laughs) which I get. J: not a lot, not a lot O.K. heres the interesting thing Im going to touch you on the back of the hand in a moment and youll find that when I do, that that softens up (gesturing to but not touching arms and hands) and your arms become your own again only as quickly as you find your feet stick and lock completely to the floor Pacing with participants language. Pre-engineering the next loop transition.

Only as quickly pattern.

so when I touch you on the back of the hand (now making the touch) youll find those hands loosen off, only as quickly as your

Triggering the transition as preengineered, and talking through the transition.

feet stick and lock and sink deeply into the ground you find that your feet maybe even your legs and your knees and what happens when you try and lift one of those legs which one is more stuck now?

Soft test using binding pattern with stuck now analogue marked as an embedded command. Commitment and consistency. Pacing and reaffirming commitment.

A: the, er, left. J: The left? (flat tonality) A: Yeh.

J: O.K. With the left more stuck, go The divide and conquer pattern. ahead and try and lift that left leg find the right one sticks even Reality report elicitation with more is that a weird thing?curiosity framing. A: Yeh. J: It is a weird thing (The participant is laughing). Now while they continue to stick, and continue to lock you know your name dont you? (command tonality) I am leaving the sticking loop open, and setting up a new loop for name amnesia.

A: Yes. J: Whats your name? (question tonality) A: Adam J: Adam now, you answered that very quickly so how do you know (inquisitive tonality)? How do you know your names Adam? A: Its what my mum named me. J: Its what your mum named you (mixed tonality)? (Adam laughs) O.K. and when your mum named you Adam and you know your

This whole segment is about eliciting a spatial representation of the participants name (I want him to engage with where it is, subjectively speaking).

Pacing his reply.

This is getting the participant to connect their name to a specific

name is Adam since, where is that Adam, is it in your mind is it in your body so... (pause) A: In my mind. J: Its in your mind when you think about that the name in your mind whereabouts in your mind is that name? A: Its sort off round about there (touching top/back of head with circular movement). J: Round about there (touching same spot, copying the participants circular movement) just at the back. O.K. so when you take that (pantomime taking it), take it all the way out send it up past the ceiling (gesturing strongly), up past the clouds, up past the sky, when you send it all the way out, send it all the way out sending it all the way out into space right out past the moon so its gone its just gone now and you look at me and its gone, when you look at me and you try and say your name and its gone, what happens (flat tonality)..? When you try and say your name and its gone (command tonality)..? Try and say it when its gone just keep looking at me youll find when you try and say your name really try and its gone. And whats that like when its gone and you try and say your name?


Pacing and then requesting further specification to encoursge full engagement (I want to see the participant really engaging with this process).

He is very specific, which is good (green flag). When a participant gestures, always gesture to the same place, in the same way (not mirroring!). When I take the name from the location and send it away, I want to see them watching it go.

Uroborus pattern. I get the participant to look at me, and stop them using their eyes to find their name. Uroborus pattern.

Uroborus question eliciting reality report. A: Strange. J: Strange strange strange and how are those feet now? Confirmation of phenomenon. Pacing the reported reality and checking back with unclosed loop.

A: Still stuck. J: Still Stuck and thats an interesting thing. With your name gone, you are going to find that its just going to come all the way back in (bringing it in with clear gesture plus tock vocal sound effect as I touch him on the head), Its in there now, can you feel that?

Reality report. Pacing reported reality and curiosity framing. Putting name back with pantomime.

A: Yeh J: whats your name? A: Adam J: Adam brilliant stuff... Adam, thank you very much indeed (start shaking hand, but taking control of hand) youll find that your feet are still stuck at the moment but what I would like for you to do, I dont normally do eyes closed stuff, but on this occasion I would like you to just close your eyes for a moment (downward pass with the hand A closes eyes). Here I take control of the hand to reaffirm my control over the situation, as I am about to go for invisibility or negative hallucination. Checking that name is back and the hypnotic loop is closed.

I am asking the participant to close his eyes, because this phenomena is explicitly modifying a visual experience. To do this eyes open would be many times more difficult.

Be aware of your feet, because I am going to touch you on the tops of both feet your feet, youll find, will unstuck but they will unstuck only as quickly as your inner mind, that powerful part of you, makes some adjustments so as you find that when you open your eyes you will be unable to see me or the clothes that I am wearing, I will disappear completely thoughts gone your thoughts are gone and you just drift away and your thoughts gone I wont be here I will have disappeared completely even

In pre-engineering the loop transition, I am linking unsticking of the feet to his inner mind making powerful adjustments that will result in him being unable to see me

This inner mind business is about increasing plausibility by providing a because.

I repeat the suggestions again in a different form (positive suggestion structure), in order to compound

when I am right in front of you youll see right through me... as your thoughts are gone, theyre gone and your thoughts are gone, now when I touch you on the tops of your feet (touching each foot with my shoe tip), your feet will unstuck only as quickly as you can lift those feet knowing that your thoughts are gone and you can move those feet.. and as soon as you are ready you can open your eyes (he opens his eyes) knowing that (I step aside to see if he follows me with his eyes he doesnt) you can hear my voice but

them. Notice how I intersperse the thought banisher (your thought are gone) pattern between the suggestions. This is because this is a big phenomenon, and as such is more likely to be questioned in this context, so I am banishing any reasoning or analysis.

Stepping aside is the big test, his eyes dont follow so I am happy that the phenomenon is on.

(I walk back through theTesting the invisibility further. participants visual field still his eyes dont follow and pick up a glass of water, as soon as he sees it moving he looks at it and follows it with his eyes as I move it around. When I set it down, his eyes remain on the glass as I walk away to the other side.)

Isnt that interesting whats happening for you right now? A: The glass has just moved through the air.

Curiosity framing and eliciting reality report. I now have confirmation and commitment.

J: (overlapping A) The glass hasPacing reported reality. just moved O.K. the glass has just moved in a moment I am going to click my fingers and youll find my head reappears my head reappears (click fingers the I now modify the loop so as my participant immediately lookshead reappears. toward my head, I walk back and forth and his eyes follow my head).

And whats that like for you right now?

Eliciting reality report.

A: (Laughs) Odd! J Odd odd O.K its an odd and interesting thing. O.K. Adam I appreciate that Id like you to take a moment to just go ahead and close your eyes again and with your eyes closed you can take a deep breath (Adam breaths in deeply) and as you breath out you can find your mind returning to its normal kind of thought patterns and you can let any suggestion, any thought that has not been useful to you disappear now, so you can return back to a normal everyday reality youll find that when you do from now on youll have a deeper appreciation for your own capability, for the power that is within you, the power that is within your inner mind to alter and change your reality because when you know you have that power, when you know you have that ability its always interesting to notice how you can apply it in your life, to get more of the things that you want, that are important to you and when you do that, and every time you do that, and when you do that from now on, you can begin to wonder how much richer, how much fuller, how much more exciting you can make things for yourself, as you achieve completely everything and anything you put your mind to

More confirmation, and neurohandle language. This is closing the session it is not so much a wake up as a reorientation to reality. I give a lot of empowering suggestions at this point. If you read this through you will get a sense for the themes.

(changing tempo) so just as soon as you are ready you can go ahead you can, open your eyes and return back to normal, in every way, noticing what that is

like for you. Youll feel completely alert, completely awake now, wont you (statement tonality)? A: Yeh, Im fine, yeh. J: Not been in any kind of trance that you are aware of? A: (Shaking head) not as such, no. J: Not as such thats great, smashing stuff... thank you very much Adam (shaking hands)

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