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Application of Sectionalizers On Distribution System

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Conference Papers

Application of Sectionalizers on Distribution Systems

David M. Farmer, P.E. Kent H. Hoffman, P.E.

Paper No. 07 A2

1-4244-1002-9/07/$25.00 2007 IEEE


Application of Sectionalizers on Distribution Systems

David M. Farmer, PE, Member, IEEE and Kent H. Hoffman, PE
sectionalizers: hydraulic sectionalizers that look like small single phase reclosers and electronic sectionalizers that look like a solid barrel or blade cutout with a donut current transformer around the middle of the barrel. In past decades the dominant sectionalizer was the hydraulic sectionalizer. Its application was limited to light loading behind a single recloser with a 1-3 operating sequence. But the development of electronic sectionalizers in recent years has resulted in sectionalizers that can operate properly when carrying large loads; behind reclosers with a 2-2 operating sequence; and when placed to the source side of reclosers.

Abstract -- Sectionalizers, properly applied, can be an integral part of the distribution protection scheme. A properly designed scheme is an essential component of a reliable power delivery system. Where coordination is difficult or impossible with traditional fault interrupting devices, sectionalizers can be an effective solution. Many of the issues related to improper operation are a result of how and where the device is applied. Successful application of sectionalizers requires an understanding of their operation, their proper role in the overall scheme, and the training of operations personnel in troubleshooting circuits where they are applied. This paper addresses the essential attributes of integrating sectionalizers into the protection scheme, as well as potential pitfalls and failure modes and how they can be minimized. Coordination with other protective devices and device reach will be discussed along with their potential impact on reliability. Index Terms Power Distribution Protection, Power Distribution Reliability, Power Distribution Control, Power Distribution Faults


An automatic line sectionalizer (Sectionalizer) is an automatic switch that does not interrupt fault currents, does not have time-current characteristics, and is dependent on the operating of a source-side device for proper function. Because it does not interrupt fault currents and is not capable of operating independently, it should not be thought of as a protective device in the classical sense, but should be thought of as an automated switch. These characteristics give sectionalizers distinct advantages over protective devices. There is: 1) no need to be concerned about interrupting rating, 2) no need to time-current coordinate with load-side fuses or source-side reclosers, and 3) they are a solution for temporary faults in areas where the fault currents are too high for fuse saving. But most good things come with trade-offs. Automatic line sectionalizers have the disadvantage of relying on assumptions rather than direct information for determining proper operation. This reliance on assumptions, which may be faulty, is more likely to result in unexpected operation or failure to operate than fuses, reclosers or circuit breakers. There are two general types of current sensing
Manuscript received January 12, 2007. D. M. Farmer, PE is with Synergetic Design, Inc.; Raleigh, NC 27607 USA; phone: 919-787-7000, ext. 223; fax: 919-787-7055; email: K. H. Hoffman, PE was with Progress Energy, Raleigh, NC 27602 USA. He is now with the Synergetic Design, Inc.; Raleigh, NC 27607 USA; phone: 919-787-7000; fax: 919-787-7055; email;

Sectionalizers are automatic switches that are controlled by a built-in logic system. The logic system uses operations of a source side reclosing device to determine if a permanent fault is occurring in the sectionalizer protection zone and, if so, to automatically open the sectionalizer during one of the sourceside recloser temporary open periods. After the sectionalizer opens, the source-side recloser closes, restoring service to unaffected sections of the system. If the fault is temporary and is cleared before the sectionalizer count reaches the predetermined number, the sectionalizer remains closed and resets to its original state after a predetermined time period. Sectionalizers may be single-phase or three-phase switching and the logic system may key on current or voltage. The focus of this discussion will be single-phase current controlled sectionalizers, which are the most commonly applied sectionalizers. The logic system of current sensing sectionalizers must make three decisions, and if the outcome of those decisions match the logic scheme, then it will automatically open the sectionalizer while the circuit is deenergized by a source-side reclosing device. The sectionalizer must determine that a fault exists in the circuit beyond it (the load-side circuit). It does this by recognizing a current flowing through the sectionalizer that exceeds a predetermined current threshold, typically 160% of the sectionalizer rating. This current is called the actuating current or the arm-to-count current. The sectionalizer must determine that the fault is not temporary in nature. It does this by counting the number of times that a source side reclosing device operates, determined by the number of times in a set time period that an actuating current has occurred followed by a low current indication. A low current indication is a current below the minimum threshold (indicating a de-energized circuit), typically 64% of the sectionalizer rating for hydraulic sectionalizers and 300 mA for electronic sectionalizers. For hydraulic sectionalizers,


currents below the minimum threshold may include load current, while for electronic sectionalizers, currents below the minimum threshold should be below minimum load current levels. It is typical for sectionalizers to assume that a fault is permanent if there are 2 or 3 counts in a set time frame (about two minutes for an electronic sectionalizer). The sectionalizer should determine that the fault is not being cleared by a load-side protective device, such as a fuse or recloser. Hydraulic sectionalizers typically can determine that the actuating current has been cleared, but are not able to determine if the current was cleared by a source side recloser or a load side fuse. This must be taken into account when applying a hydraulic sectionalizer, usually by reducing the fast operations of the source-side recloser by one to account for the fuse blowing. Electronic sectionalizers will actuate or armto-count when they see current in excess of their threshold, but when the actuating current goes away, they will not count if they sense load current (typically defined as 300 mA or more), assuming that a load side fuse or recloser cleared the fault. If an electronic sectionalizer does not sense 300 mA following an actuating current event, it will assume that a source-side reclosing device cleared the fault, so the sectionalizer will count [1]-[3]. These determinations are made without direct communications with the associated source and load-side protective devices, thus are assumptions deduced from current measurements made at the sectionalizer location. For this reason, sectionalizers are more likely than protective devices to fail to operate as expected. This is caused by unusual circumstances which cause the operating assumptions to be inaccurate. For example, a sectionalizer will never open automatically when the source-side recloser is set for nonreclosing or any situation where the source side reclosing device does not go through the operating sequence.

beyond a load-side fuse when the sectionalizer is behind a 1-3 recloser Fault 1 Current flows through the recloser, sectionalizer, and fuse. The sectionalizer arms. The recloser opens on the fast curve, protecting the fuse. The sectionalizer counts one Fault 2 The recloser closes and the sectionalizer arms. The recloser opens on the slow curve, the fuse blows. The sectionalizer counts two because the current falls below 64% of the sectionalizer rating but remains closed because it has not reached full count. There is now only one device open, the fuse closest to the fault. Electronic Sectionalizer (3 count) sequence for a fault beyond a load-side fuse when the sectionalizer is behind a 2-2 recloser Fault 1 Current flows through the recloser, sectionalizer, and fuse. The sectionalizer arms. The recloser opens on the fast curve, protecting the fuse. The sectionalizer counts one Fault 2 The recloser closes and the sectionalizer arms. The recloser opens on the fast curve, protecting the fuse. The sectionalizer counts two Fault 3 The recloser closes and the sectionalizer arms. The recloser opens on the slow curve, the fuse blows. The sectionalizer does not count and remains closed because more than 300 of load current exists. There is now only one device open, the fuse closest to the fault. Both hydraulic and electronic sectionalizers function by counting combinations of over currents and over current interruptions. This generally prohibits application beyond more than one hydraulic recloser. This can be illustrated by the example of an electronic sectionalizer (3 count) beyond two 2-2 reclosers Fault 1 Current flows through the reclosers, sectionalizer, and fuse. The sectionalizer arms. If the fault current is a relatively lower value, the smaller load-side recloser will operate on a fast curve, protecting the fuse. The sectionalizer counts one Fault 2 The recloser closes and the sectionalizer arms. The smaller load-side recloser opens on the fast curve, protecting the fuse. The sectionalizer counts two Fault 3 The recloser closes and the sectionalizer arms. The larger source-side recloser opens on a fast curve, protecting the fuse. The sectionalizer counts three and opens. The fault is beyond the fuse which has not blown, misleading service restoration personnel into searching for the fault in the sectionalizer zone of protection. In most fault conditions it is probable that the two reclosers in the above example would operate simultaneously on their fast curves, resulting in correct operation of the sectionalizer and fuse. But the risk and consequences of improper operation leads us to recommend against applying sectionalizers beyond two hydraulic reclosers. One exception


Below are examples of typical sectionalizer operations. All of these examples include a sectionalizer with a source-side reclosing device and a load-side fuse or recloser. Hydraulic Sectionalizer (3 count) sequence for a fault beyond a load-side fuse when the sectionalizer is behind a 2-2 recloser Fault 1 Current flows through the recloser, sectionalizer, and fuse. The sectionalizer arms. The recloser opens on the fast curve, protecting the fuse. The sectionalizer counts one Fault 2 The recloser closes and the sectionalizer arms. The recloser opens on the fast curve, protecting the fuse. The sectionalizer counts two Fault 3 The recloser closes and the sectionalizer arms. The recloser opens on the slow curve, the fuse blows. The sectionalizer counts three and opens because the current falls below 64% of the sectionalizer rating. There are now two devices open. Hydraulic Sectionalizer (3 count) sequence for a fault


to the rule might be sectionalizer placement beyond two hydraulic reclosers of the same size but coordinated by different slow curve types, such as a 2A-2B recloser coordinated beyond a 2A-2C recloser. In this case the A curves should operate simultaneously, resulting in correct operation of the sectionalizer and fuse. A similar consideration should be the fast operations, such as an instantaneous relay, on feeder circuit breakers or source-side electronic reclosers. If this relay is faster than the slow curve of the hydraulic recloser that is being coordinated with the sectionalizer and if it reaches into the zone of the sectionalizer, then it may result in an additional operation of the sectionalizer. For a three count hydraulic sectionalizer beyond a 1-3 recloser this might result in a simultaneous sectionalizer and fuse opening. A three count electronic sectionalizer will coordinate properly with fuses if the source-side 2-2 hydraulic recloser is replaced with a 1-3 recloser. Potential problems in this area can be avoided by assuring that feeder circuit breaker or source-side electronic reclosers have fast operations that do not reach into the sectionalizer zones or have fast operations that are sequence coordinated with the hydraulic recloser fast operations. Sequence coordination is a logic function in most electronic relays and reclosers that cause the relay or recloser to bypass fast operations when they detect fault currents greater than the fast curve pick-up that are interrupted before reaching the fast curve trip time. Sequence coordination assumes that faults meeting these conditions are interrupted by a load-side recloser. The fast operation is then bypassed, allowing the load-side recloser to operate on slow curves without causing an unnecessary interruption of customers on the breaker or recloser. Hydraulic sectionalizers are limited in loading due to potential mis-operations from inrush currents. The design of electronic sectionalizers eliminates this problem through inrush restraint and blocking count if load current (greater than 300 ma) is present following an over current event. The ability of electronic sectionalizers to carry high load currents (up to 200 amps) and not be affected by inrush makes it possible to use them to the source-side of hydraulic reclosers. The key consideration in applying sectionalizers to the sourceside of reclosers is to assure that there is a minimum of 300 milliamps of load current on each phase of the zone between the sectionalizer and the reclosers, even during the lightest loaded off-peak condition. A secondary consideration is to assure that during peak load conditions, opening of a sectionalizer will not create an imbalance capable of tripping a ground protection of the source-side breaker or recloser. Where these considerations are met, a typical fault would produce the following operation. Electronic Sectionalizer (2 count) sequence for a fault beyond a load-side 2-2 recloser when the sectionalizer is behind a 1-3 circuit breaker or recloser Fault 1 Current flows through the source-side breaker, sectionalizer, and load-side recloser. The sectionalizer arms. The recloser opens on the fast

curve, clearing the fault. When the recloser opens, the over current disappears but the load current in the sectionalizer zone does not drop below 300 milliamps. Therefore the sectionalizer does not count. Fault 2 The load-side recloser closes and the sectionalizer arms. The recloser opens on the fast curve, clearing the fault. The sectionalizer continues to see load current and does not count. Fault 3 The load-side recloser closes and the sectionalizer arms. The recloser is now on the slow curve, causing the source-side breaker to clear the fault on its fast curve (this would not occur with properly applied sequence coordination). The sectionalizer sees current drop below 300 milliamps and counts one. Fault 4 The source-side device closes and the sectionalizer arms. The recloser opens on the slow curve, clearing the fault. The sectionalizer continues to see load current and does not count. Fault 5 The load-side recloser closes and the sectionalizer arms. The recloser opens on the slow curve, locks out. The sectionalizer continues to see load current and does not count. The sectionalizer will reset to zero count after about 2 minutes.

Electronic Sectionalizer (2 count) sequence for a fault between the sectionalizer and a load-side 2-2 recloser when the sectionalizer is behind a 1-3 circuit breaker or recloser Fault 1 Current flows through the source-side breaker and sectionalizer. The sectionalizer arms. The sourceside breaker opens on the fast curve, clearing the fault. When the breaker opens, the sectionalizer sees current drop below 300 milliamps and counts one. Fault 2 The source-side breaker closes and the sectionalizer arms. The source-side breaker opens on the slow curve, clearing the fault. The sectionalizer sees current drop below 300 milliamps and opens. Note: Had Fault 2 been on a fused tap beyond the sectionalizer, the fuse would blow, the sectionalizer would continue to see load current and would not count.


side of reclosers. Sectionalizer application should account for the fast operations of all source-side reclosing devices when determining fuse clearing beyond a sectionalizer. The fast operations of source-side reclosing devices with properly applied sequence coordination do not need to be counted since they will only occur for the sectionalizer applied in their zone. Also, fast device operations that will not reach into the sectionalizer zone do not need to be counted.


Figure 1. Some possible recloser and electronic sectionalizer configurations where the feeder circuit breaker (SEL) and the three-phase recloser (R3ph) are sequence coordinated.


Sectionalizers have no time-current characteristics. Therefore, the source-side reclosing device must be able to reach to the end of the line beyond the sectionalizer. Pay close attention to this when replacing an existing device with a sectionalizer. The existing device may have been there to provide adequate reach for that line section. Sectionalizers are switches and not protective devices. They will never open automatically during Non-Reclosing or any situation where the source side device does not go through the full operating sequence. Both Hydraulic and Electronic Sectionalizers can be cascaded, 2 count behind 3 count. Electronic Sectionalizers may be used on the source-side of hydraulic reclosers provided the minimum load between the sectionalizer and the load-side recloser exceeds 0.3 amperes. Hydraulic Sectionalizers are not typically applied to the source

A. Hydraulic Sectionalizer Potential Problem One Nuisance Sectionalizer Operation Due to Inrush Current Sometimes a hydraulic sectionalizer may open when there was no fault in the line section beyond the sectionalizer. This is referred to as nuisance tripping and is typically due to magnetizing inrush. Magnetizing inrush is produced by saturation of iron in transformers and can be as high as 25 times transformer rated current at 0.01 second and 12 times transformer rated current at 0.1 second. Magnetizing inrush current on tap lines and feeders is the sum of the inrush current at individual transformers. Maximum inrush current is limited as impedance (distance) to the source is increased. The problem is likely to occur when a source side breaker or three-phase recloser opens multiple times for a single phase fault. When the breaker or recloser closes there is magnetizing inrush on all un-faulted phases. If the connected transformer kVA beyond the hydraulic sectionalizer is sufficient and the number of reclosing operations equal or exceed the sectionalizer count, the sectionalizer may open. A solution is to limit the application of hydraulic sectionalizers to locations where sum of transformer rated currents does not exceed 16 to 32% of sectionalizer rating. Cooper Power Systems, manufacturer of hydraulic sectionalizers, recommends limiting load current to 16% of the sectionalizer rating to assure that there are no inrush problems. For loads between 16% and 32% of the sectionalizer rating inrush may be a factor. Where loads exceed 32% of the sectionalizer rating, inrush current will probably exceed actuating level [1]. It should be noted that on the most commonly used electronic sectionalizers the logic circuit is programmed to recognize an over current only if both the negative and positive half cycles of an over current exceed actuating current level. Because magnetic inrush is usually unidirectional, they are ignored by the logic circuit. The asymmetrical nature of magnetizing inrush current is shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2. Magnetizing inrush currents are asymmetrical and ignored by electronic sectionalizers

B. Hydraulic Sectionalizer Potential Problem Two Simultaneous Sectionalizer and Fuse Operation A second potential problem with hydraulic sectionalizers is simultaneous opening of the sectionalizer and load-side fuse when the fuse blows. This problem can occur with a three count sectionalizer behind a 2-2 sequence recloser that is protecting fuses beyond the sectionalizer. The fault is on the fused tap. The fuse blows on the third operation of the recloser and the sectionalizer opens when fault current is interrupted. A common solution to this problem is to always use 1-3 sequence reclosers with hydraulic sectionalizers when protected fuses are installed beyond the sectionalizer. This problem may occur even with 1-3 sequence reclosers if the feeder breaker fast relays reach into the sectionalizer zone of protection, but as a general rule, feeder breakers with instantaneous relays will probably operate simultaneously with the recloser fast curve, producing no impact on the sectionalizer. C. Electronic Sectionalizer Potential Problem One Insufficient Load (Current less than 300 mA) One of the most significant functions of an electronic sectionalizer is the ability to distinguish between a fault in the sectionalizer zone of protection or a fault being interrupted by a load-side protective device. This is the function that blocks sectionalizer counting when a load-side fuse blows or when a load-side recloser operates, allowing placement of sectionalizers to the source-side of reclosers. When a fault current through the sectionalizer is interrupted, the sectionalizer determines if there is load current present. If there is load current then a load side device cleared the fault. If load current is not present then the sectionalizer assumes that the source side reclosing device cleared the fault. If the current that follows fault clearing is greater than 300 milliamps, then load is considered to be present [2],[3]. One potential application error is to install a sectionalizer to the source side of a reclosing device when load currents do not exceed 300 milliamps in the sectionalizer zone at times or on all phases. For example, one utility had successfully installed three count sectionalizers on the source-side of four shot hydraulic reclosers (Figure 3). The reclosers had been located

a little more than a mile from the beginning of the tap line, the closest they could be without exceeding the recloser interrupting rating. Electronic sectionalizers had been installed at the beginning of the tap line and had successfully isolated several faults in their zone of protection. Because of the success of this installation it was decided to apply sectionalizers to similar situation at another location. At the second location a tap line went through a forest, starting near a substation and going to a set of reclosers on the other side of the forest. The fault currents were too high to apply reclosers on the substation end of this line but were low enough for reclosers where the line exited the forest. Sectionalizers were installed on the substation end of the line so that a tree falling on the line would not lock out the feeder circuit breaker. These sectionalizers would have worked well if a tree had fallen in the sectionalizer zone of protection. Instead the tree fell in the recloser zone of protection. The recloser began going through four operations to lockout. The sectionalizer detected each flow of fault current and each subsequent interruption by the load-side recloser. But because there were no customers in the forest, and therefore no load, the sectionalizer assumed that the source-side feeder circuit breaker cleared the faults. After three interruptions by the load-side recloser, while the recloser was open but before it closed into the fault for the last time, the sectionalizer opened. Because the wrong device opened utility personnel were misled into searching for and correcting the fault in the sectionalizer zone of protection, when the fault was actually beyond the load-side reclosers. To avoid this potential problem, install sectionalizers in locations where there will be a minimum load of 300 milliamps on any phase in the sectionalizer zone at minimum load periods, particularly where coordination with a load side recloser or fuse is critical.


Fault A R R R

Forest Right-of-way

Forest Right-of-way No Customers

count. The single-phase recloser locked out for the tap line fault. Feedback will never occur where sectionalizers are applied beyond a single hydraulic recloser (a single-phase line) or on three-phase circuits beyond three-phase reclosing devices. When electronic sectionalizers are applied behind single-phase reclosers on a three-phase line the feedback risk can be minimized by avoiding circuits with delta connected transformers and large three-phase motor loads beyond the reclosers [2]. Since sectionalizers are not typical protective devices, but automated switches, the risk can be further reduced if operating personnel treat the sectionalizer as a manual disconnect switch if the fault is not found in the source-side zone.



Circuit Breaker R R R

Figure 3. Insufficient load in sectionalizer zone

D. Electronic Sectionalizer Potential Problem Two Feedback Currents A second potential problem unique to electronic sectionalizers is the possibility of feedback on the distribution line causing the sectionalizer to assume that load current exists, therefore blocking sectionalizer count. This can result in a failure of the sectionalizer to open for a fault in the sectionalizer zone of protection. This problem can occur when there is a phase-to-ground fault on a three phase circuit and the source side reclosing devices are single phase. A delta transformation or large three-phase motor loads beyond single phase reclosers can back-feed current into the phase opened by the single-phase recloser. The result is that small currents continue to flow through the sectionalizer. If this current exceeds 300 milliamps the sectionalizer will not count, and therefore not open. Figure 4 illustrates a situation where expectations were that a faulted tap line would result in opening of the sectionalizer. But in actual practice the motor continues to be energized by two phases and acts as a generator to the faulted and open phase. The currents supplied by the motor exceeded 300 milliamps, blocking sectionalizer
Figure 4. Three-phase motor feedback through sectionalizer

E. Electronic Sectionalizer Potential Problem Three Fault Drifting A third potential problem with electronic sectionalizers can be called Fault Drifting. This condition occurs when line-toground faults shift from one phase to another and the source side device is three phase. This situation is more likely on three count sectionalizers than on two count sectionalizers. An example of this situation is illustrated in Figure 5. A small tree falls into phase A, operates the breaker two times and causes the three shot sectionalizer on A phase to count two times. The tree shifts to B phase, operates the breaker two more times to lockout and causes the three shot sectionalizer on B phase to count two times. The breaker is now locked out for a fault beyond the sectionalizers and the sectionalizers are still closed. Fault Drift will not occur with single-phase source-side reclosers. To minimize potential problems, minimize the


number of counts on the sectionalizer when the source-side reclosing device is three-phase. For example, if the sourceside breaker is a 1 fast and 3 retarded sequence device, two count sectionalizers would be preferable. Since sectionalizers are not typical protective devices but automated switches, the risk can be further reduced if operating personnel treat the sectionalizer as a manual disconnect switch if the fault is not found in the source-side zone. Fault B Fault A

Circuit Breaker

How can we assess the impact of sectionalizers on reliability? A simple approach is to compare the relative reliability of a circuit with sectionalizers installed against a circuit with a manual alternative. For example, if some branches of an urban circuit have existing manual switches to sectionalize it from the main feeder, then replacing manual switches with automatic sectionalizing switches may result in significant customer-minute savings. An operating area was examined where electronic sectionalizers had been installed in portions of the backbone feeders. Customer-minutes interrupted on sectionalizers (which were typically single phase interruptions) were compared with theoretical interruptions of the whole feeder for the same durations (which would have occurred without the sectionalizers in place). The SAIDI improvement for the study period exceeded 10 percent. One reliability concern to be considered with sectionalizers is additional operations of the source-side reclosing device, since it is the operating sequence of the reclosing device that directs the operation of the sectionalizer. If the alternative for a sectionalizer is a manually operated switch, then both operations and lockouts of the source-side reclosing device will be reduced. If the alternative is a fuse or recloser, then source-side reclosing will be increased. This can be significant if the source-side device is three-phase, such as a circuit breaker. As a general rule, protective devices which interrupt fault currents are preferable if they can be used.

Another concern is the reliability of the sectionalizers themselves, particularly their ability to function as expected. Many functional failures of sectionalizers are related to treating them like fuses or reclosers and as a result failing to apply them properly. Recognizing that sectionalizers are automatic switches and not classical protective devices is essential. The logic functions built into sectionalizers are dependent upon load currents, load or transformation types and the operating characteristics of surrounding protective devices. These must be understood and carefully considered in the application of a sectionalizer. Another factor in using sectionalizers to improve reliability is to set realistic expectations. Because sectionalizers operate on assumptions, like the operating sequence of a source-side recloser, then changing conditions, such as a source-side recloser set for non-reclosing, may result in sectionalizer misoperation. If sectionalizers are properly applied with regard to load, then the typical failure mode will be for the sectionalizer not to open. If operating personnel treat sectionalizers as switches instead of protective devices, then trouble searches will extend beyond the sectionalizer if the trouble is not found to the source-side of the sectionalizer. If the alternative to a sectionalizer is a manual switch, then treating it as a switch will be no more challenging operationally than actually replacing it with a switch, but will retain the benefits that result when the sectionalizer does operate properly. Like all components of a distribution protective scheme, there are trade-offs involved in using sectionalizers and proper application is critical. But where the unique operating characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of sectionalizers are integrated appropriately into the design and operation of the overall protection of the distribution feeder, significant reliability gains can be achieved. REFERENCES
[1] [2] [3] Sectionalizers Reference Document 270-10, Cooper Power Systems, Waukesha, WI 2003. Resettable Electronic Sectionalizer Selection and Application, Hubbell/Chance Power Systems, Inc., Centralia, MO 2005 . Electronic Resettable Sectionalizer Section D10, Hubbell/Chance Power Systems, Inc., Centralia, MO 2005 .

David M. Farmer, PE (M) is Manager of Consulting Services for Synergetic Design, Inc. He is a graduate of West Virginia University Institute of Technology, a member of IEEE, and a licensed professional engineer in several states. Since 1983, he has worked with electric utilities in power delivery planning, reliability analysis, engineering and operations, system design, training, and project management. He has worked for both investor owned utilities and electric cooperatives, and has extensive consulting experience. Kent H. Hoffman, PE is a Senior Consultant for Synergetic Design. A graduate of NC State University, he brings over 30 years experience in distribution system protection, standards, and reliability. During his career at Progress Energy, Mr. Hoffman held various technical leadership positions including Manager of Distribution Planning & Coordination where he was responsible for standards and practices related to distribution system protective coordination. He has served on several technical committees and currently provides assistance and expertise on Synergetic Designs training programs and projects.


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