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Addiction - Human Givens Series

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Phil Harris argues that addictive behaviour has nothing to do with receptors in the brain but results from learned cultural norms and failure to perceive or exercise choice.

Addiction: biology or belief?

RECENTLY I was interviewed about young people's drug
use by a journalist from a mass circulation international magazine. She asked me what I thought, in this regard, was the biggest threat to young people today. I told her I thought it was the media. Through sensationalist journalism, newspaper horror stories, drug prevention campaigns and ratings-driven soap operas, drugs have become an everyday cultural experience. Whilst drug effects remain extraordinary, in the true sense of the word, they are as familiar to us today as branded labels and chocolate bars. The inhibiting `fear of the unknown' factor has been replaced by the encouraging `every one my age is doing it factor." Inflation of the figures makes it seem a cultural norm that young people are now enmeshed in the drug culture, in the process lowering its unacceptability. Thumbing through my complimentary copy of the magazine year olds coming in for detox. (I phoned the hospital concerned but they refused to give me the figures.) My thinking about the media's role was, sadly, confirmed yet again. It seems that what is most important is to portray as vividly as possible the dangers of drug use as a degenerative condition leading inexorably to the destruction of the user. This is done in the hope of deterring people from experimenting. The fact that drug use has continued to climb exponentially has not discouraged anyone from this strategy. And its detrimental effect is never considered at all.

Addicted to myths
Such well intentioned misinformation has obstructed the understanding of the real nature of addiction. The current experience of addiction is a very new phenomenon. Historically, man has made use of drugs since the Palaeolithic period. (Richard Morris, director of the British Council for Archaeology, has even suggested renaming it "the Stoned Age" because of increasingly common references to cannabis, opium and other drugs in excavation reports.) Yet we only begin to find references to the kind of addictive behaviour that we witness today as late as the 1830s. It was then that both the theological and medical authorities in America and Western Europe, started to take an interest in drug use and began to push for greater social control of freely available narcotics.'


Ironically, however, this occurred at a time when wide scale drug use across the western world was in decline. During this period the two central assumptions which still determine our view of addiction today converged: the first, that drug use was a sin of excess and, second, that it was also a biological disease characterised by compulsive activity and an abnormal appetite. This view reached its height in America in the 1930s when Doctor William Silkworth, the first to develop a treatment programme for alcoholics, asserted that addiction was an innate allergy unique to certain individuals. One of his unsuccessful patients was William Wilson, who combined Silkworth's ideas with that of the Calvinist Temperance movements when he helped found the Alcoholics Anonymous Fellowship in 1935.3 These populist assumptions about the nature of addiction have remained, but have never been proven.

Cause or cure?

when the article was published, I found no mention of my contribution. Instead there were lurid descriptions of a 14 year old's agonising withdrawal after three weeks of heroin use and a doctor's despairing claim of overwhelming numbers of 1113

The synchronicity of the new view of addiction and the emergence of addictive behaviour is interesting. When we take a look across different historical periods and cultural groups we witness a very different experience of drugs and addiction. In India, where heroin has been used for centuries, we do not see the same addictive behaviour as 1

in the West. (One North Indian drug user I treated had never experienced withdrawal symptoms while he was living in India but did experience it once he had moved to the UK.) Many tribes in South America use alcohol as part of religious ceremonies and, despite being in a state of chronic inebriation, they still observe strict social taboos against incest even during orgiastic sex ceremonies. They also don't experience hangovers. Alcoholism is virtually unknown in Mediterranean countries despite high alcohol consumption. Irish Americans are seven times more likely to become addicted than those of Mediterranean descent, and Jewish communities show negligible rates of addiction.' It has now been established that even the effects that drugs induce are not biologically programmed but depend upon the cultural expectations of the user.' These cultural differences associated with narcotic self administration are conditioned by the social norms of the groups that are using them, not the drug itself. Our current mythologising of addiction has generated a range of permissible behaviours and 19

REFERENCES 1 South, N (ed) (1999).

Drugs: cultures, controls and everyday life. Sage

Publications. 2 Berridge, V (1999). The Opium of the People: opiate use and drug control in nineteenth and early twentieth century England. Free Association Books. 3 McMurran, M (1997). The Psychology of Addiction. Taylor and Francis Ltd. 4 Peele, S (1998). The Meaning of Addiction: an unconventional view. Jossey-Bass Publishers. 5 Zinberg, N E (1984).

expectations which have been given further credibility by continued biomedical research and treatment. Dr Michael Fitzpatrick, a GP based in London, has pointed out how the government manipulated its own research findings in order to demonstrate that it is the compulsivity of drug dependence which is driving property crime.

While the government widely reported that random sampling of offenders has revealed that 60 per cent tested positive for illicit drugs, Fitzpatrick demonstrates that these samples were not random and that over 40 per cent of people tested positive only for cannabis, which is traceable up to 28 days and not considered

Drug, Set and Setting.

Newhaven. 6 Fitzpatrick, M (In Press). The Tyranny of Medicine. Routledge. 7 Glynn, I (1999). An Anatomy of Thought. Phoenix. 8 Alexander, B K, Coambs R B, and Hadaway, P E (1978). The Effects of Housing and Gender on Morphine Self Administration in Rats.

58, 175-179. 9 Peele, S and DeGrandpre, R (1998). Cocaine and the Concept of Addiction: environmental factors in drug compulsion.

Addiction Research,
6, 235-263. 10 Robins, L N, Helzer, J E, Hesselbrock, M and Wish, E (1980). Vietnam Veterans 3 Years After Vietnam: how our study changed our view of heroin. In L Brill and C Winick (eds.) The Yearbook of Substance Use and Abuse. Human Sciences Press. 11 Light, A B and Torrance, E G (1929). Opiate Addiction VI: the effects of abrupt withdrawal followed by readministration of morphine in human addicts, with special reference to the composition of the blood, the circulation and the metabolism. Arch.

Inter. Med.
12 Kron, R E et al (1975). The assessment of behaviour change in infants undergoing narcotic withdrawal. Addictive Diseases, 2, 257-275.

physically addictive.' The continued linkage of criminal activity with the need to consume drugs makes the behaviour culturally permissible: we end up believing that crime is often the inevitable consequence of needing to feed a habit. Yet swathes of evidence undermine the accepted wisdom of addiction as a biological compulsion. A close look at these deterministic assumptions exposes their limitations and raises important questions about the future development of treatment.

Barefoot in the park

The notion that drugs possess a `must have' power which induces compulsivity in humans is the cornerstone of current biomedical thinking. Early experiments conducted on mammals in the 1950s seem to bear this out. Animals were shown to self administer narcotics or electrical stimulation directly into their own brains through electrodes, even to the point of death if given the opportunity.' The central drive was believed to be pleasure seeking. It is questionable whether the findings can be applied to humans, especially when we consider that the initial response in humans to drugs such as heroin is physical repulsion, whilst other drugs such as cannabis need to be used repeatedly before the mood altering effects are learned. Once a drug habit is acquired, human drug users experience little if any euphoria. Stanton Peele, one of the world's leading researchers in addiction, has pointed out that in no circumstances will any animal self administer nicotine or caffeine, the most widely used substances in humans.4 And they will only consume other drugs under highly controlled conditions. In the 1970s researchers set out to explore what these conditions might be by devising an environment that they called Rat Parka Rats were offered equal access to opiates in three types of enclosures: small isolation cages for single rats, larger pens for pairs and Rat Park itself. This consisted of a very large enclosure which simulated rats' most favoured environment and enabled them to live in normal social groups. The research showed that the level of self administration of opiates was dependent upon the environmental conditions in which the animals were kept. Alternating ratsbetween environments revealed that the highest consumers in the single cages became the lowest consumers in the luxury of Rat Park. Consumption was not dependent upon exposure or the rats' individual biology. It was determined by isolation, confinement, poverty of the

environment and lack of positive reinforcers. Even in confinement, however, it has been found that consumption is reduced when other positive reinforcers such as food treats are introduced, self administration is made more difficult (ie, requiring stronger pressure on levers) or the hours when the drug is available are alternated.' We cannot rely on the much-maligned rat for conclusive answers relating to humans but we can parallel the Rat Park experience with social phenomena. Studies exploring heroin use amongst American GIs in Vietnam revealed that 50 per cent were using heroin. But only 14 per cent of this group continued to use it after undergoing the profound environmental shift of returning to the United States. Many of those GIs who did continue to use heroin used it recreationally, without developing the extreme range of behaviours we normally ascribe to heroin use. 10 Closer to home, it has long been recognised that hospital patients exposed to large doses of very pure opiates (street heroin ranges down from 6 per cent to homeopathic levels of purity) do not experience withdrawal or the need to resume use post-treatment. Such experiences refute the biomedical depiction of the universally seductive power of drugs.

Withdrawal from reason

In 1929 two researchers, Light and Torrance, tried to index withdrawal symptoms by taking comprehensive biological readings from hospitalised morphine addicts in abrupt (Research of this kind could not have been conducted earlier because such a population simply did not exist.) They expected to see systematic changes in the addicts' blood, circulation and respiration that would indicate some pattern in the stages of withdrawal. They found that there was no pattern to discern and that the disparate readings that emerged indicated a physiological level of arousal no greater than what one might expect to see in, for instance, team members prior to an important football match. A withdrawal syndrome could not therefore be established, and the researchers concluded that it was only the moaning of the drug users who had gone cold turkey which gave the impression of one. The loudest complainers, however, were the most likely to find relief after injections of a liquid which they thought could halt their symptoms but which in fact was sterilised water.

No expectations
Drug use in individuals without cultural expectations is very revealing. In the 19th century it was common practice for mothers who worked in



Addiction factories to sedate their babies all day with opiate compounds as a cheaper alternative to child care. Overdoses were high and led to the introduction of control measures, but doctors did not then observe withdrawal symptoms in these children. They remarked only on the influence of malnutrition and warned of peripheral side effects such as the development of a squint. Meanwhile copious amounts of opiates continued to be given to middle class babies for medical purposes, with no withdrawal symptoms noticed there either.' mothers' difficulty in establishing maternal bonds with their children.14 " Besides depression and guilt, which interfere with this process, mother and baby are often separated by clinicians during this critical early period. Such bonds play an essential role in babies ' development, and without them children can die, even if all other needs are met. 10 However, taking a wider perspective, it is far too simplistic to reduce this infant trauma to the single factor of narcosis alone. Alternatively, the role of placebo in modifying mood is well established and challenges the biomedical determinism of addiction. Placebo alcohol can produce sexual arousal, increasedaggression and cravings for more alcohol, while disguised alcohol can often not induce any of these effects.l', '" In the largest study conducted on treatment for depression, it was found that the efficacy of medication is dependent upon the relationship with the prescriber. 20 There are also compelling positive placebo results for anxiety, dementia, depression, panic disorders, schizophrenia and pain relief to degrees which rival or exceed medical interventions. 21 Other research, in the alcohol field, has shown that clients' readiness to change exerts a far greater influence on successful outcomes than pharmacological support." Here psycho-cultural expectancy outperforms psychopharmacology.

Phil Harris is a manager at Bristol Drugs Project where he has worked for eight years as both a clinical practitioner and supervisor. He is a trainer in counselling approaches to dependency and a consultant lecturer at Bristol University. He has written on treatment philosophy, effectiveness and policy in both addiction and mental health.

Elements of disgust
What we do witness in withdrawal is the restoration of the body' s natural homeostasis after a drug no longer distorts its metabolism. But how the experience is interpreted and amplified is essentially a psycho-cultural drama. Emotional responsiveness, which had been suppressed by drug use, may be the most difficult aspect of this process, along with the deep anxiety of feeling unable to cope with a despairing life. We can liken this process to the evolution of disgust. There is no innately disgusting response in human beings, but the evolution of such cultural expectancies can be charted in children. Under the right conditions, presentation of a disgusting stimulus will provoke violent biological reactions and anxiety but this is driven by learned cultural norms, not biology. Research which supports this cultural perspective has shown, through brain scanning imagery, that neurochemical changes in the brain in drug dependent people are triggered by memory rather than key receptors in the brain or pleasure centres. 23 Neurology ' s determinism that biochemistry dictates the state of mind is simply putting the cart before the horse.

Today, in the vast majority of newborn babies of heroin using mothers, withdrawal is non-existent or undetectable without prior knowledge of the mother 's addiction, according to the findings of a large American study of over 200 babies." Another American research team could not identify a single case of withdrawal convulsion in the 198 babies they studied. 13 The vast majority of these babies (94 per cent) showed mild to moderate generalised symptoms of agitation and no medication was necessary. They also found that where symptoms of persistent crying and poor sleep did exist, these were not proportional to the duration or concentration of heroin in the body, as measured in the serum of mother, child and the placenta. (It does not pay to rely on self-reportage. Most heroin-using mothers who do not disclose are not detected without trade mark symptoms such as track marks.)

Maternal effects
Some new born babies undoubtedly experience difficulties. Paediatrician Reuben Kron conceded, "It is difficult to separate the medical complications caused by long term in utero narcotic exposure of the infant from those generated by the multiple health problems of the addicted mother." Infant `withdrawal ' does correlate with low birth weight and other metabolic imbalances. And the reappearance of symptoms in infants suggests that there is more permanent damage caused by the impurities in the heroin used in pregnancy and the poor pre-natal lifestyle of the mother. It has also been suggested that abnormal behaviour in this small group is the result of the

A science of despair
The increasing focus on the biological mechanism of addiction (albeit with inconclusive findings), followed in the wake of Dr Vincent Dole and Dr Marie Nyswander 's influential work in the 1960s which described addiction as the outcome of neurochemical deficiency in certain individuals ' brains. They proposed that those unable to manufacture natural painkillers or stimulants would have enhanced effects from these drugs. This exposure would further compromise the brain 's capacity to produce these neurochemicals, demanding continued usage. This also suggested a genetic link.

Such thinking led to the prescribing of the heroin substitute methadone which was envisaged as a lifelong treatment, just as insulin is for diabetics. No 4

(This all came about at a time when psychopharmacology was moving into a golden age, after


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1 3 Ostrea, E M et al. (1975). A study of factors that influence the severity of neonatal narcotic withdrawal. Addictive Diseases, 2, 187-199. 14 Coppolillo, H P (1975). Drug Impediments to Mothering Behaviour. Addictive Diseases, 2, 201-208. 15 Davis, M and Shanks, B (1975). Neurological Aspects of Perinatal Narcotic Addiction and Methadone Treatment. Addictive Diseases, 2, 213-226. 16 Kegan, R (1982). The Evolving Self: problems and process in human development. Harvard University Press. 17 Bridell, D W et al (1978). The effects of alcohol and cognitive set on sexual arousal to deviant stimuli. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 87, 418-430. 18 Lang, A R et al (1975). Effects of alcohol on aggression in male social drinkers. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 84, 508-518. 19 Marlatt, G A et al (1991). Cognitive process in alcohol use: expectancy and the balanced placebo design. In N K Mello (ed) Advances in Substance Abuse. J Kingsley. 20 Krupnick, J L et al (1998). The role of the therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy outcome: findings in the National Institute of Mental Health Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program. Jour Con Clin Psych, 64, 3, 532-539. 21 Dixon, M and Sweeney, K (2000). The Human Effects in

the development of the tranquillisers meprobamate (Miltown) and diazepam, and the tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline. Profitability was high and interest in the area enormous.24) Yet Dole and Nyswander's initial research was conducted on a sample size of six people over the course of one year and, despite taking precise metabolic measurements, no site of action or biological mechanism could be identified.2'

eight per cent less than those on maintenance prescriptions.L7

Receptor sites
Neurology continues to place great faith in the interaction of drugs with neurological receptor sites as the source of addiction. This research only describes how drugs influence the body 's metabolism. But many drugs, such as alcohol, do not operate on receptor sites at all, whilst animals specially bred without key receptor sites behave exactly the same as their unmodified counterparts when exposed to the same substance. As maverick psychiatrist Thomas Szasz has pointed out, pharmacology is to addiction as gynaecology is to having sex.28 There is nothing in the research which can account for compulsive usage or explain the cultural and situational factors which modify drug using behaviours unless it is truly believed that soldiers have a receptor site which craves heroin only when in combat zones, or that a 30 year old alcoholic has a gene which makes him age out of this behaviour at 35. (Natural remission rates are high in non-treated groups. Most cut down to controlled drinking without support or simply seem to grow out of their drug use.) Whilst evidence for biological determinants are scant, situational factors are continually underplayed. In a 36 million dollar study into psychosocial treatment approaches to alcoholism, clients who did well shared situational factors such as readiness to change, abatement of social pressures and access to positive peer groups. Prevalence, duration or intensity of alcohol consumption had no bearing on these outcomes.2" This is supported by clinical research showing that addicts themselves considered biological symptoms such as withdrawal the least influential reason for relapse.30 But this has not prevented Enoch Gordis, president of the influential US probiomedical National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism(NIAAA), from declaring that research will now focus on the biological mechanisms of abnormal consumption.31

The ubiquitous gene

Genetics now promises simplistic answers and is much vaunted in the media. Owing much to the pioneering work of Nazi psychiatrists such as Ernst Rudin,24 this line of research continually heralds the discovery of the addictive gene but the results never stand up to scrutiny. Much of the research focuses on the inheritable abnormality of neurological receptors which engage with the brain's natural chemical messengers such as dopamine. However, dopamine plays a multifaceted role in the operation of the brain and it is impossible that just one specific effect should emerge as a result of this deficiency. Yet research into the neurology of abnormal behaviour is continually described as promising. But, as American psychiatrist and psychotherapist Peter Breggin points out, they have been promising since 1820 and have still have not delivered.32 Considering all the evidence, the esteemed biologist and statistician, Richard Lewontin, could only conclude, "... the notion that the war on drugs will be won by genetic engineering belongs to Cloud Cuckoo Land ...".33 Although the range of pharmacological solutions to the `problem' of craving has increased, none of these treatments is free standing but is always sold in the small print as an adjunct to psychosocial counselling programmes. (Results

Medicine: theory, practice, research.

Radcliffe Medical Press. 22 Hernandez-Avila, C A et al. (1999). Stage of change as a predictor of abstinence among alcohol dependent subjects in pharmacology trials. Cited in M Aston. Project MATCH: Unseen Colossus, Findings 1.

They have since recognised that methadone's results have been disappointing.26 Today, methadone is predominately used as a means of weaning people off illicit opiates in reduction regimes. The UK's National Treatment Outcomes Research Study, which monitors treatment effectiveness, found that after six months 59 per cent of patients on methadone reduction programmes were still receiving treatment only

from using pharmacological aids alone have been disappointing in the long term, even if successful to some degree in the short term. Unfortunately users tend to ascribe early success to the drug, not themselves, and so don't build up confidence in their own efforts.) Pharmaceutical companies are even investing in counselling research to give themselves an edge in a lucrative market.34 But the myth of biological determinism remains the central sales pitch they know a viable, if not a treatable, market when they see one.

Addicted to addiction?
Pharmacological treatments may mimic or impede the interactions of drugs at a neurological

level but they cannot address the psycho-cultural experience which transcends it. There is evidence to suggest that people do not become attached to the drug but to the `addict' lifestyle. American sociologist Isadore Chein, who spent several months with heroin users, observed that addictive lifestyles offered otherwise disenfranchised individuals a meaningful structure and purpose to their lives (having to get up, `score', acquire money, evade detection, etc).35 In the 1960s British doctors prescribed drugs of choice to addicts and attracted international attention. Never one to let accuracy get in the way of a good quote, Henry Anslinger, head of the Federal



Addiction Bureau of Narcotics and proclaimed enemy of drugs, the Mafia and communists, claimed that over 70 per cent of the world 's heroin addicts resided in Britain. 3s (The vast majority of the 400 registered heroin users in Britain at that time were in fact active medical practitioners.) This was more effective than any advertising campaign and inspired a sizeable population of heroin-dependent Canadians to migrate to Britain. Although they were indeed prescribed drugs of choice once they treatment remission groups 10 a fact which might explain why the two largest research projects conducted on effectiveness (Project MATCH and NTORS) chose not to use control groups. Meanwhile, even successful treatment outcomes may not be so great for the beneficiaries. George Vaillant, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, carried out 40-year follow up studies of alcoholics and found that those who maintained abstinence performed just as poorly across a range of social functions as problematic alcoholics, while controlled drinkers did significantly better. 37 Despite this, Vaillant still advocates abstinence as the only treatment option and believes that any lapse will inevitably lead to complete loss of control once more. Academic research psychologist Albert Bandura, one of the major cognitive-social theorists, once observed that the greatest indicator of failure is the expectation of failure. The `once an addict always an addict ' ethos of drug treatment is the most likely factor for turning a lapse into a relapse. 38
23 Booth, M (1997). Opium: a history. Simon & Schuster. 24 Shorter, E (1997). The History of Psychiatry. Wiley & Sons. 25 Durlacher, J (2000). Agenda Heroin. Carlton Books. 26 Dole, V P and Nyswander, M E (1976). Methadone maintenance treatment: a tenyear perspective. Journal of the American Medical Association, 235, 2117-9. 27 Aston, M (1999). NTORS: the most crucial test yet for addiction treatment in Britain. Findings 2, 16-22. 28 Szasz, T (1974).

Ceremonial Chemistry.
Anchor Press/Double Day. 29 Harris, P (In Press). Project MATCH or Project

MESS? Equalising factors in the largest treatment study

ever. Druglink. 30 Marlatt, G A and Gordon, J R (eds) (1985). Relapse Prevention. The Guilford Press. 31 National Institute of Health (1966). NIAAA Reports Project

MATCH Main Findings.

News Release, December 17" 1996. 32 Breggin, P (1993). Toxic Psychiatry. HarperCollins. 33 Lewontin, R (2000). It Ain't Necessarily So: the dream of the human genome and other illusions. Granta. 34 Prochaska, J.

Repositioning Psychology.
Recording from Archives of Canada. Tape no. 940304160. 35 Chein, I, Gerard, D L, Lee, R S and Rosenfield, E (1964). The Road to H. Basic Books. 36 During Henry Anslinger's boorish reign the CIA continued to collude with the Mafia in establishing the world's largest heroin production sites to fund the war against communism. See McCoy, A (1991). The Politics of Heroin: CIA complicity in the

High time to change tack

Essentially addiction is the product of a complex flux of psycho-social, not biological, forces. It is characterised by loss of self control and treatment should aim at reviving the inner resources of the client. But treatment is failing to deliver this through its pre-occupation with biological determinism. A recent study by The Big Issue highlights the inadequacy of present policy, and mounts a scathing attack on current methadone driven treatment and failure to provide the necessary psycho-social support that the drug users themselves feel they need. It was disappointing that many treatment services involved in the study did not feel able to learn from this research but instead tried to suppress its publication. 39 Chein describes the addict as one who is educated in their own incompetence, meaning that addicts don ' t believe that they have power or control over their own lives. 35 They don ' t perceive that they have choices. In order to address this, it is essential that treatments foster self determination, access to affirming experience and self belief, and allow people to construct personal meanings in harmony with their own goals and beliefs. So much of current biomedical treatment fails because it endorses the

global drug trade.

Lawrence Hill Books. 37 Zinberg, N E (1984).

Drug, Set and Setting.

Newhaven. 38 Annis, M et al (1996).

Structured Relapse Prevention. Addiction

Research Foundation. 39 The Big Issue in the North Trust (1999). Drugs at the Sharp End. The Big Issue in the North. August 1999.

had settled here, many returned to Canada shortly afterwards because they missed their previous lifestyle.

When success is not success

Research which compares treated groups with nontreated groups demonstrates how misguided most rehabilitation and prevention programmes are. Natural remission rates are far higher than in

powerlessness of the individual condition and fosters self defeating expectations which promote rather than insulate against failure. Pharmacology sells the myth that the world will restore the individual when the central issue is how individuals restore themselves and regain control. There is currently huge investment being made into mandatory treatment in the Criminal Justice system, where even the choice of whether or not to enter treatment is to be denied by the external forces which dominate the inner lives of so many.

Whilst investment in support is essential, there are dangers that the current obsessions ingrained in therapeutic programmes are herding people down towards a dead end. Treatment programmes may now be in full flow, but what is the point in running if you are on the wrong road? I should like to acknowledge Stanton Peele, whose
pioneering work has informed this article and whose personal support and encouragement whetted my enthusiasm to write it.


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Phil Harris says that most drug prevention programmes for adolescents are virtually useless as they fail to take account of the world view of young people.

Young, gifted and blocked:

THE one thing that distorts reality more than drugs is the
fear that young people are taking them. As early as 1922, social demons of the drug menace entered the popular imagination, with the publication of the bestselling book on drugs, The Black Candle. Its depiction of merciless dealers at the school gates, crazed black rapists high on coke and virginal teenage girls lured into vice and death for their want of cannabis still resonates today.' Drugs are portrayed as the source of all social evils, from individual dereliction to crime, promiscuity and family breakdown, even to the very erosion of society itself. The crusade to save young people from this pharmacological destitution has led to the loss of both logic and good sense. Whilst some UK research has estimated that drug use amongst young people is as as high 67 per cent,' the Governmen t 's own

responding to young people's drug use

drugs in the last month and 20 per cent had done so in the last year. 3 Drug use peaks between 14 and 25, by which time the vast majority of users will have stopped using without recourse to treatment. 4 Measuring drug use is difficult, as desire for `street credibility ' leads some young people to increase estimates of their usage, while others, for fear of the consequences of disclosure, reduce it. Published surveys confuse the words `use' with `abuse', creating a more dramatic connotation, itself magnified by a failure to indicate which drugs are being used and how often. In fact, most young people 's experience of drugs is confined to cannabis and alcohol.' There is no universal criterion for when use is a `problem'. One could be classed as an addict in one country and be cured simply by crossing the border. As one epidemiologist observed, the futility of trying to assess the degree of problematic consumption should make any researcher "leave the field before his reputation was hopelessly tarnished " . 6 All of these issues are compounded by the media's packaging of human tragedy. Leah Betts is a household name in a way that thousands of young people who have died through more common nondrug related misadventures are not. We forget that the media are drawn to the novel, and not the everyday. What we can discern is that a great number of young people will try drugs, and emerge unscathed from this experience. But is our desire to intervene helping or harming this process? A panoply of drug prevention initiatives has

12 figures indicate that, amongst 1.1-15 year olds, 12 per cent used

attempted to address drug use in young people. Primarily, these offer very simplistic information on the major illicit drugs and their ` effects ' . But, as one of the UK ' s leading authorities on drug use, Michael Glossop, observes, the idea that specific drugs have fixed and predictable effects which don ' t vary from person to person is extremely widespread but remains a fallacy.' These programmes operate on the unfounded assumptions that knowledge changes behaviours, shock tactics prevent experimentation and that young people ' s use is fuelled by low self esteem and an inability to resist their peers. It is a vision in which young people ' s drug use is an essentially moronic pursuit, which compensates for self loathing and the incapacity to resist the influence of equally debilitated friends. Inevitably the outcomes of these programmes are non-existent at best.' Reviewing their effectiveness, eminent professor of psychology Albert Bandura summarised, "Programmes that merely convey information about addictive substances increase knowledge but achieve little else. Those that focus on building self esteem and self awareness and clarify feelings and values achieve little, if anything. "9

Nothing better than anything

Despite such findings, the American billion dollar national programme " Project DARE" is being exported across the world and attempts to do more of the same. An elaboration on the ridiculous " Just Say No " campaigns, it still teaches kids the risks of drugs and to just say no but also to " walk away " . Research has found it to be wholly ineffective and some American states have dropped the programme. 10 DARE ' s director Glen Lavant responded to research findings with the mantra of drug preventionists the world over " Anything is better than nothing " . 10 Such a stance removes all quality control and, effectively, allows anyone into our schools to say anything about drugs with no regard for its consequences. As leading addiction expert Stanton Peele observes, this has led to murderers, rapists and petty criminals becoming role models, going into schools teaching young people how they screwed up." Those who have successfully avoided these problems are not invited because they are not ` expert ' . In the 1970s, maverick thinkers such as Norman


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Behaviour Zindberg observed that drugs prevention was actually encouraging use through stimulation of young people's curiosity.12 Follow up research has borne this out.13 Prevention programmes normalise drug use, send the message that everyone else is taking them, romanticise risk taking factors through war stories of ex-users and promote the expectancy of loss of control. At the same time, the factual information given is so transparently biased that most young people reject it out of hand, reducing trust in engaging in any meaningful dialogue with adults.14 between young people and adults. However, this is occurring in a knowledge void. What usually passes for youth specific often amounts to nothing more than labelling problematic behaviours or pathologising young people as deviant and lacking insight, all dressed up in buzz diagnoses such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or autistic spectrum. Most of these `youth specific' programmes are designed in accordance with adult ideals and impose total abstinence upon their wards, regardless of young people's own wishes or readiness to change. Whilst guidelines exist, they are recommendations only, and do not provide a framework within which to work with young people." Only with a deeper understanding of adolescent development can we orient ourselves towards their needs and not our own.

Same picture, different frame

Whilst models of adolescent development abound,19 I owe much to educational psychologist Robert Kegan and his hugely important but little known text, The Evolving Self" Kegan's model of development suggests that, as we mature, the way we make sense of the world changes. The priorities and values of an eight year old are different from those of a 15 or 20 year old because young people are working from very different frames of reference at different times. At eight, we emerge from a sense of self that can be characterised by `I am my wants' and move towards the teenage years of `I am my relationships'. By late adolescence, we shift again, and begin to define ourselves by our emerging ideological views: `I am my values'. Just as individual `wants' become superseded by the group's ` norms', the group mentality becomes usurped by personal `values'. These `I am' statements represent the yardsticks by which behaviours, decisions and goals are assessed. Each stage moves us closer to self authorship, as we shift away from our families towards our peers, then towards those who share our values and, ultimately, towards our working lives and the selfdefining `I am what I do'. These three distinct worlds must hold us but also let us go in a timely fashion. Young people find their own place in these worlds through trial and error. They must also discover the important `bridges' between these worlds, such as a `best chum' (which teaches about intimate relationships), Saturday jobs (which teach about employment), and holidaying alone or going away to college (which teach about leaving home). Defiance, arguing with parents and kicking against these holding structures are equally important in paving the way for separation. The unsophisticated defiance of the `terrible twos' marks the first conflict in separating from the mother by saying no. The bridges and creative conflicts ensure passage to the next stage of development. Most young people do not notice their own transformation. But it is these shifting psychological tectonic plates that make up life in the wonder years. And it is failure to navigate them that is the source of despair.

Phil Harris worked for eight years in direct access drug agencies as both a clinical practitioner and supervisor. He is now a freelance trainer, researcher and consultant in addiction, mental health and dual diagnosis. He has designed numerous treatment programmes and is a consultant lecturer at Bristol University. He also writes extensively on addiction, evidence based treatment and policy. He can be contacted at

Drug prevention can be likened to the efforts of medieval monks, travelling from village to village warning of the plague whilst spreading it. It is of special note that Life Skills Training, the only prevention programme to demonstrate consistently effective outcomes (discussed later), works by challenging these very `normative fallacies' propagated by other approaches."

The doughnut effect

Treatment for the minority of young people who do have problems is worse. One Government report highlighted that only a third of local authorities were strategically addressing young drug users' needs; another third did so poorly, whilst the rest paid it no attention at all." In a national mapping exercise of young people's services, only 25 agencies were found to be operating within the Government's guidelines and three quarters of them had one youth worker or none at all." Gains are being made by increasing provision, but emerging Government money is being ploughed into statutory services such as youth offending teams, child and adolescent mental health and social services departments. This creates a doughnut ring of services that only provides interventions to those at the most chaotic end of their usage, with no early interventions intercepting them en route. Government has decreed that all treatment services for young people must be youth specific, reflecting the intrinsic differences

One for all

For teenagers, the central arena remains their peer groups which come to dominate their lives over the family unit. One has only to recall the obsessions with popularity, rivalries, unrequited crushes and the wounding betrayals of our own teenage years to appreciate how predominant relationships are at this time. Developmental psychologist Judith Harris has challenged the

prevailing wisdom and vicariously supports assumed by psychologists or geneticists. The Kegan's thesis.21 She suggests that parents are West is unique in this assumption, not responsible for the socialisation of children as



Behaviour but in nearly every culture young people are socialised by their older peers after the age of two. We see this in operation at a neighbourhood level. For example, a migrant family moves to a new country and the parents speak nothing of the adopted tongue. But within six months the children will speak it fluently without formal teaching, due to peer influence. Likewise, when it comes to behaviours, cultural theorist Malcolm Gladwell has concluded, from the results of antisocial behaviour studies, "a child is better off in a good neighbourhood and a troubled family than he or she is in a troubled neighbourhood with a good family".22 Children soon learn that what they can do in the home and in the playground are very different. They also police a strict boundary between the two. The world may filter into the home, but home life will not percolate into the peer group. As every school-teacher knows, young people break off into smaller peer groups by the age of 12 and start forging bonds with individuals similar to them. So the `brains', the `sportos', the `fashion victims' and the `wasters' soon cluster together. If parents wish to control their children at this stage of development, they must exert sanctions on those they are hanging out with. Within these units, peer pressure is not a malign force towards mischief but a drive to participate in these all important sub-units. And, just as peer pressure endorses certain risk taking behaviour, so it also legislates against others. For example, it is commonly the case that smoking cannabis is viewed as fine but using heroin is ruled out entirely. Yet, as two researchers who studied adolescent drug users have noted, " The fact that peer pressure can aid adolescents in controlling and abandoning deviant activities and in the maturation process is ignored in popular thinking about peer pressure and ... in most research literature".23 Young people identify themselves as different, and being in conflict with the adult world view is often part of their separation and growth process. If you do not want to buy your teenage offspring an expensive pair of trainers, buy yourself a pair and insist on wearing them in public. Besides, young people are punished precisely for acting like adults, an irony not lost on most of them. Young people want to be like their older peers within their sub-faction the ones who, in Kegan's terms, have shifted into the next world view and enjoy the privileges and personal freedoms that it brings. Most drug treatment programmes forget this and are too mature in their design, well ahead of adolescents' natural development. Young people can never be `instant' adults but must work their way through each vital stage towards adulthood.

Back to basics
When we overlay these principal ideas of develop-mental psychology on the pattern of youth drug use, critical issues for both prevention and treatment are raised, which are lost in the moral stampede. We have to accept that drug use has a functional role in young people 's lives. The fact that the majority of people take drugs because they are fun, help them bond through shared experience and provide social ceremonies is a stark reality which is wholly lost in drug prevention messages and betrays the moralistic bias of adults. The latter instigates immediate rejection by young people and imbues drug use with the mystique of defiance. Homing in on how the tobacco and alcohol industries persuade young people to use their drugs has generated a greater reaction in terms of drug prevention for instance asking young people what message they think cigarette advertising is trying to get across.25 Self generated answers such as "They are trying to make us think we'll look cool if we smoke," are more effective in leading young people to question the validity of such an assumption or defy it. I would suggest that getting groups of young people to compare themselves to imagined groups of heroin using peers would also be effective, creating a clear separation between themselves and the heroin using groups, and strengthening their own group norms. Similarly, focusing on ways in which heavy intoxication can have a negative impact on prized relationships, such as dating, would also be likely to moderate usage more than strict edicts to abstain. However, if peer education programmes are to work, they must draw upon young people from a broad section of social clusters, and their target audience should be younger. They need to educate people in the same sub-faction, rather than the same age bracket, because young people aspire to be like the older `kids'. Drug use is not simply a matter of individual choice but is made meaningful within the group and social context. A degree of intoxication is a state of mind most young people must learn to manage

Different, like everyone else

We cannot divorce behaviours from the context of the groups in which they are enacted because the peer group is the source of identity at this stage. Studies have repeatedly highlighted that the pattern of close peers ' drug use has more impact on young people's consumption than ethnicity, parental consumption, religious background, personality, environment or gender.24 Furthermore, the behaviours of these groups become increasingly exaggerated when contact is made with different ones, even if they are demographically identical, to preserve identity.21 Thus girls act more feminine in the company of male groups, and males act more macho. This also means that, within our clusters, the nerds get nerdier, the brains get brainier and the wasters get excluded. As young people's goals differ radically from those of adults, the biggest mistake is to impose adult values on them at this stage. A young person's world view is dominated by the importance of relation-ships, whereas, for adults, it is social institutions.

HUM AN GIVE NS , V OLUM E 9 , N o 2 SUM MER 2 0 0 2


Behaviour as a key facet of social interaction, regardless of whether this is by culturally sanctioned drugs like alcohol or illicit ones. Family upbringing does have a role in this. Moderately using parents raise moderately using children. They learn acceptable and unacceptable thresholds of intoxication and understand the need to plan for these experiences: for example, by designating a driver who abstains when a group of friends go by car to a party. Those who grow up in high consumption households do not learn about thresholds of unacceptable intoxication or the need for preplanning, whilst those in abstaining families learn no skills whatsoever in this regard.26 Both experience higher incidence of problematic use. immunising young people against a social reality. Indeed, it was positive outcomes from this approach that inspired the most successful drug prevention programme, Life Skills Training. 27 Apprenticeships for life Life Skills Training, developed by psychologist Professor Gilbert Botvin, challenges the ` normative fallacy ' that all young people are taking drugs by helping young people understand why it is that some people take drugs. His programme does not focus on drugs themselves but teaches a wide range of general life skills, such as managing relationships, personal development, goal setting, etc. Issues such as low self esteem, and lack of refusal skills and self confidence are addressed not as an end in themselves but as obstacles to the successful deployment of these life skills. Evaluation research found that nine per cent of Botvin ' s group smoked, compared with 12 per cent of a control group, and a three per cent cannabis prevalence compared with six per cent in the control group. 15 Bigger differences, in favour of the programme, were found in polydrug use, though alcohol consumption was unaffected. These gains seem modest but are significant in the light of the failure of other drug prevention programmes to produce any positive results at all. Botvin ' s programmes were also significant in that they recognised that, within age bands, different peer groups existed. When they tailored the programme to the higher risk groups, modest gains were made across a number of areas, including drinking, despite making no references to intoxicants at all. With the higher risk groups, there was, however, no effect on cannabis use. I would suggest that this might be because cannabis use is a cultural norm among the ethnic groups that made up the higher risk groups. (Similarly, across the mixed groups, where drinking is a cultural norm, alcoholconsumption did not fall.) It appears far more apposite to teach young people about the nature of growing up than the nature of illicit pharmacology. What Botkin did recognise was that, in the high risk groups, the disadvantages of poverty were a serious obstacle to classroom based prevention. This raises concerns about young people at highest risk of developing problematic use and their treatment. Them and us Reviewing the demographic spread of drug using patterns, it is difficult to ignore the fact that most people age out of this behaviour. Research with these `aged out ' populations makes it clear that drug use becomes crowded out by more meaningful activities. Interviewees report that jobs, relationships and children become more central in their lives. 28 This occurs in the early 20s, the point at which Kegan describes a shift from the idealistic self to an institutional self, where one joins the labour market and engages with other social constructs such as marriage, mortgages and the creation of a family unit. Within this meaning shift, drugs become less meaningful. However, for the shift to occur, people must have left their idealistic phase, have appropriate bridges to opportunities, and have viable skills and the self belief to operate in this new world. Life Skills
REFERENCES 1 Murphy, E F (1922). The Black Candle. Thomas Allen. 2 Williamson, K (1997).

Drugs and The Party Line.

Rebel Inc. 3 Department of Health Report (2002). Drug use,

smoking and drinking among young people in England in 2001: preliminary results.
4 See Parker, H et al (1998). Illegal Leisure. Routledge. 5 Department of Health Report (2002). Models of Care for Substance Misuse Treatment. (Draft) 6 Cited in Moore, D and Saunders, B (1991). Youth drug use and the prevention of problems: why we have got it all wrong. International

Journal of Drug Policy, 2, 5. 7 Gossop, M (1993). Living with Drugs. Ashgate.

8 Moore, D and Saunders, B (1991) Youth drug use and the prevention of problems: why we have got it all wrong.

International Journal of Drug Policy, 2, 5. 9 Bandura, A (1997). SelfEfficacy: the exercise of control. W H Freeman and
Company. 10 DARE doesn't work. Detroit News, Sunday 2 7 ' Feb, 2000. 1 1 Peele, S (1995).

Diseasing of America.
Jossey-Bass. 12 Zinberg, N E (1984).

Drug, Set and Setting. Newhaven. 1 3 Cited in Moore, D and Saunders, B (1991). Youth drug use and the prevention of problems: why we have got it all wrong. International Journal of Drug Policy, 2, 5.
14 McFadyean, M (1997). Drug Wise. Icon Books. 15 Stothard, B and Ashton, M (2000). Education's uncertain saviour. Drug and Alcohol

Findings, 3.
16 Social Services Inspectorate (1997).

Substance misuse and young people: the social service response.

Department of Health. 17 Drugscope (1999).

Mapping Report 1999: treatment and care provision in England for young drug misusers.

However, even when there is forethought, it can still be overruled by the peer group. Drug education programmes which actually recognise the positive value of intoxicants and their function as social lubricants, and which build skills in managing these states of mind have higher impact than the hope of

Training can give young people the psychological tools to assist in this but does not address the `socialeconomic' bridges people also need. When we look at young people who experience drug problems, those with mental ill health are 13 times more likely to have drug and alcohol problems,29 whilst 63 per cent of socially excluded young people will have tried cannabis compared with 25 per cent of those in school. A further 29 per cent will have used class A drugs and 61 per cent will have used class B, compared with five per cent and 15 per cent of school attendees respectively. 30 Emotional disadvantage and poverty are major factors. In short, these individuals do not have the viable skills or self belief to operate in a more adult world, have not been able to create the necessary bridges 9, No 2 2002

or have been unable to separate from the family or peer relationships. They are caught between an old world that can no longer satisfy and a new world they cannot attain. As the sociologist Isadore Chein observed, for young problematic drug users, drug use becomes a way of life in the absence of any alternative. 31 The function of drug using shifts from pleasure seeking and shared group experience to becoming the only purposeful activity in these people ' s lives. It gives them a reason to get up, something to do (raise money, score drugs), others to associate with in a shared pursuit and the reward of a chemically induced mood state which mimics a sense of satisfaction. Addiction is a sanctuary for cultural orphans. Traditionally, our approach has been to exclude 15



Behaviour these people from mainstream education and clump them with peers from the same sub-faction, thus enlarging the very group dynamic we hoped to abate and cementing people into problematic lifestyles. Or they are held on to tightly by concerned parents, who try to rescue them from their crises. This only serves to keep young people from having to take control for themselves. In other words, we trap them in the old world. The greater this holding back, the greater the conflict needed for the young person to break out of this old way of being, thus amplifying problematic behaviours. Hence, these are not biological problems but cultural ones. a2 is a model that recognises that intentional change occurs in sequential stages of self awareness. It asserts that people do not initiate change until they gain insight into the consequences of their behaviour.33 This generates mixed feelings about continuing or changing in the light of the functional role that these behaviours have served. In many ways I believe this ambivalence represents the emergence of a new way of making sense of the world, and overlaps with Kegan 's meaning shift. The voice that recognises consequence is the more mature self emerging one that recognises increasing conflicts with the current world. Only when the emerging voice generates enough anxiety about old Brave young world behaviours do people attempt to initiate and then These were the critical issues I felt needed to be maintain change. Clearly, we needed to recruit for ' addressed when asked by The Prince s Trust in our pilot programme young people entering into the Gloucester to design a national pilot relapse premaintenance phase.34 (See below.) vention programme for young people. Firstly it was Research clearly indicates that employment is the important to recognise that not all young people most important force in creating sustainable with problem drug use are ready to change. Such outcomes for young people. 38 The shift to employshifts do not occur overnight. The "Cycle of Change" ment breaks the monopoly of the peer group and

1 8 SCODA/CLC (1999). Young People and Drugs: policy guidance for drug interventions. Drugscope. 19 See Mcllveen, R and Gross, R (1997). Developmental Psychology. Hodder and Stoughton. 20 Kegan, R (1982). The Evolving Self: problems and process in human development. Harvard University Press. 21 Harris, J R (1999). The Nurture Assumption. Bloomsbury Press. 22 Gladwell, M (2000). The Tipping Point. Little, Brown and Company. 23 Glassner, B and Loughlin, J (1990). Drugs In Adolescent Worlds: burnouts to straights. Macmillan Press Ltd, London. 24 See Gonzalez, G M (1989). An integrated theoretical model for alcohol and other drug abuse prevention on campus. Journal of College Student Development, 30, 6, 492-503; Jessor, R and Jessor, S L (1977). Problem Behaviour and Psychosocial Development: a longitudinal study of youth. Academic Press, New York; Kandal, D B (1980). Drug and drinking behaviour among youth. Annual Review of Sociology, 6, 235- 285; Oetting, E R and Beauvais, F (1986). Peer cluster theory: drugs and the adolescent. Journal of Counselling and Development, 65, 1, 1722. 25 McMurran, M (1997). The Psychology of Addiction. Taylor and Francis Ltd. 26 Harding, W M (2000). Informal social controls and the liberalisation of drug laws and policies. In R Coomber (ed) The Control of Drugs and Drug Users: reason or reaction? Harwood Academic Press.

The Prince's Trust pilot programme

BY advertising and networking, we ended up with 12 people aged between 18 and 25 who felt that they had an issue with substance abuse and agreed to join our pilot programme. Five came from a probation hostel and had been convicted many times for 'acquisitive' crimes. Three others had severe mental health problems and had been hospitalised one or more times. To assess their readiness for the programme, colleagues and I used the Inventory of Drug-Taking Situations developed by the Addiction Research Foundation based in Toronto.35 This questionnaire enables assessment of both client readiness and specific individual relapse triggers. What was significant in the assessment of our young people is that they did not score highly on negative mood states that would indicate pathology. Instead, they used drugs to induce positive moods states and how much they used was regulated by the consumption of peers who they found hard to resist. Furthermore, their life stories had much in common. Many of these young people couldn't cope with leaving home, whether to go to college or elsewhere. When their old worlds disappeared, they did not have a new one to move into. Problems appeared twofold. Firstly, many had been unsuccessful in managing previous adjustments as a result of trauma, abuse or emotional deprivation. Others had a skills deficit which prevented them from engaging in their emerging world. Within a Kegan framework, problems emerge precisely at these shift points. These young people had fallen down the gap between worlds, where

drugs became their only focus. The treatment element of the pilot programme attempted to address these deficits in several ways. In the first phase of treatment, we offered a short cognitive behaviour programme for managing drug use, cravings and lapse experiences. The second phase addressed broader life skills such as relationships, goal setting, identity and emotional management. The tacit aim within these groups was to foster the individual's 'idealistic' self, to cultivate personal values which are greater than their peer group's norms. We implemented a buddy system of mutual support to foster intimate relationships beyond the peer group, equivalent to a 'best friend' in the natural course of development. The group itself needed to cohere around a shared norm and then police each other in remaining within this norm, which was the commitment to change. For this reason, it was emphasised that all attendees would be expected to return and assist in future programmes. The project was to be as much theirs as ours, and we considered that they had an obligation towards those that followed them to preserve these values. It was equally important that we got past the 'autistic' vision of so much psychotherapy and psychology that suggests that people are independent minds, divorced from the social world they occupy. We tried to recreate the 'natural therapy' that was missing in these young people's lives. So we put in place basic skills training, work placements and individual and team building tasks to replicate bridges into the next phase of their development. The programme was community based and, at its completion,



No 2 SUMMER 2002

Behaviour provides a means to finance alternative sources of satisfaction. Even those that support biological explanations of addiction concede that "prognosis is much better in opioid addicts who are professionals, such as physicians and nurses, than in individuals with poor education and no legitimate job prospects, who are addicted to the same or even lesser amounts of opioids obtained on the street and financed by crime".39 people simply do not even have a ladder. Adult approaches to youth drugs issues share one central problem. They remain adult. If we wish to make a sincere attempt to insulate young people from the real dangers that drugs can cause, we must do so from within their world view, not ours. Drugs prevention should not be a vehicle to satisfy our agendas but must be directly meaningful to theirs. Without relevancy to their world, our efforts will remain meaningless. We must recognise that drugs have become a scapegoat for social ills which arise from social reform 's inability to address broader concerns such as emotional and social deprivation. Treatment must address the full expanse of the human experience and help restore the natural life course that has been diverted by these forces. Only then can young people hope to manifest their potential. They are ready for that challenge, but are we?
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. to everyone involved in The Prince's Trust
27 Botvin. G et al (1992). School based and community based prevention

In J Lowinson et al (eds)

Comprehensive Textbook of Substance Abuse.

Williams and Wilkins. 28 Erickson, P G and Alexander, B K (1989). Cocaine and addictive liability. Social

Drugs are a scapegoat

Drug use remains a high impact, low skill pursuit against a backdrop of high skill, low impact rewards of the modern day market place. Manual and semiskilled labour markets have evaporated, taking traditional social and gender roles with them. The anticipated life route for many of these young people no longer exists. It is little wonder that problematic drug use correlates with unemployment, poverty, dysfunctional families and prison incarceration. 40 Scaling the maturation ladder in a society in economic flux is difficult enough, but many young we hoped that the local community would continue our work by offering work placements, guaranteed interviews and college places for these young people. In other words, we wanted the community to continue to assist in the reintegration of young people into their newly emerging world. Inevitably, we had to expect conflicts during this process. In traditional approaches, conflict is seen as bad and becomes the excuse to kick people out of treatment. But these young people needed a framework to kick against as much as they need it to hold them. Dealing with conflict directly, by helping individuals to look at what purpose their aggression, deviance or defiance was really serving and how to manage their needs more constructively, has been an integral part of the programme. As such, it is a treatment strategy to engage and support the person that each of them is becoming. At the time of writing the three month pilot has just finished and early outcomes are extremely positive. Two people dropped out because of unwillingness to address conflict within the group and one because she became involved with a new partner who was a heroin user (all participants knew they would not be allowed to continue in the project in such an event). Our community based pilot did not impose total abstinence, which has a negative impact on outcomes of young people, 36 and young people were not removed for lapsing, provided that they did not use whilst attending the programme. Instead we expected them to disclose and use these experiences as an opportunity for them to learn. The urine tests, which are routinely carried out in probation hostels, supported our finding that lapse frequency decreas-

Pharmacology, 3.
29 Rorstad, Pet al (1996). Dual

Diagnosis: facing the challenge. Wynne Howard Publishing.

30 Evans, V (2002). The drug tests don't work. The Observer, January 2 0 ' . 31 Chein, I, et al (1964). The Road to H. Basic Books, New York. 32 Harris, P (2000). Addiction: Biology or Belief?

The New Therapist, 7, 4,

1923. 33 Connors, G J et al (2001).

Relapse Prevention Pilot, especially Martin Shotbolt and the young people themselves, who continue to teach me so much.

ed significantly as the pilot progressed. By the end of the programme, eight out of the nine who completed were free of the drug that they considered problematic (they may have chosen to continue drinking alcohol, for instance). Two people have since entered full time employment, one with the employer on their work placement. Three are starting college courses in September. One is entering a structured residential community for young people; one is exploring setting up a business and the rest are looking at voluntary work with community schemes. Most significantly, all have re-engaged with their families after a long separation. Residential treatment programmes may achieve better immediate outcomes, but these decay once people leave and face real temptations from which they have been protected.36 Conversely, addressing these issues in the community develops increasing self confidence in managing risk situations which means outcomes snowball upward over two years.37 Despite the promising outcomes we are well aware that the pilot can be further developed and hope to evolve it in consultation with the young people themselves. The programme was designed as a community response to these young people's drug problems. As such, we rely heavily on the community to work with us in reintegrating these young people into a full life. Without broader supports such as housing, training, education, health care and employment, these young people will remain vulnerable to relapse. Indeed, in a conference organised by this group for professionals, they themselves identified these as critical barriers to their development. o

Substance Abuse Treatment and the Stages of Change. Guilford Press; Harris, P (2001). Concrete counselling. Druglink, 16, 1.
34 Prochaska, J 0 and DeClemente, C (1984). The

Transtheoretical Approach; crossing traditional boundaries of therapy.

Down Jones/Irwin; Prochaska, J 0 et al (1994). Changing for Good. William Morrow and Company Inc. 35 Annis M et al (1996).

Structured Relapse Prevention. Addiction

Research Foundation. 36 Marlatt, G A and Gordon, J R (eds) (1985). Relapse

Prevention. The
Guilford Press. 37 Marlatt, G A (1996). Models of relapse prevention: a commentary.

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology,

4, 1, 5560. 38 Lipsey, M W (1999). What do we learn from 400 research studies on the effectiveness of treatment with juvenile delinquents? In J McGuire (ed) What Works: reducing reoffending. John Wiley and Sons. 39 O'Brien, C P and McCellen, A T (1996). Myths about the treatment of addiction. Lancet, 347, 8996,

40 Bickel, W K and DeGrandpre, R J (1995). Price and alternative: suggestions for drug policy from psychology.

International Journal of Drug Policy 6, 2, 93103.


9, No 2 S U M M E R 2002



was passed, making the beverage prohibitively expensive.' Riots ensued, the law was flouted and consumption soared to a staggering 14 gallons a year per male in London alone. In America, things were little better. From the industrial societies in the east of the country to the remote pioneer stations in the west, there was appalling human suffering and unrest, causing increasing concern amongst the residual Puritan bourgeoisie. Whilst political reformists blamed shocking living conditions, religious evangelists started to blame alcohol. In 1784, Philadelphia physician Dr Benjamin Rush published his book, An Inquiry into the Effects of

Spirituous Liquors on the Human Body and the Mind, in which he described the moral and
physical thermometer's (see page 32). Using state of the art medical `science', his diagram of a thermometer, calibrated from 70 to minus 70, arranged drinks in a hierarchy. It started, at the top, with water, charted as the bringer of `health and wealth' and descended through beverages by strength, culminating in Pepper in Rum, which was linked with the most dire outcomes, including palsy, apoplexy, hatred of just government, murder, suicide or death at the gallows. The thermometer created a causal link between antisocial behaviour, crime, sickness and death within a continuum of alcohol consumption, This kitchen-sink medicine and religious condemnation was a winning recipe for the Christian bourgeoisie. Rush's book sold over 170,000 copies, and he swore to create a temperance movement to ensure "the use of spirits [would be] as uncommon in families as a drink made from a solution of arsenic or a decoction of hemlock". By 1835 the American Temperance Society was claiming 1.5 million members and was exporting its zealous ideology to the world' via both the prohibitionists, who focused on the causal agent, alcohol, and campaigned vociferously for its abolition, and the salvationists, who were concerned with saving sufferers from the new disease of alcoholism. These assumptions about the effects of alcohol would define the 20th century's cultural stance on intoxication, with far reaching ramifications: culture does not merely bias our opinions; it defines the legal, social and political structures that we put in place, which have real physical consequences for those under its ubiquitous duress.' 31

without any reference at all to social factors.

It is the treatment culture, not the drug culture, that leaves us struggling to stem addiction. Phil Harris traces how addiction became a disease, and points up a more empowering approach.

The culture of cure: why addiction treatments fail

RUGS changed my life. Having studied biology I thought this knowledge would serve me well in my new post as a drugs worker. But, working with chaotic users, it soon occurred to me that everything I had been taught about the biology of drug use was wholly at odds with my daily experience, and I have questioned it ever since.' But where did the assumption come from that addiction is determined by biological compulsion and what sustains this belief? The answer lies in the ideological assumptions that underpin current practice. Until we can see beyond the narrow, historically constructed vision of addiction, we will remain limited in our ability to deal with problematic drug use. As the Chinese proverb states, "The last to know about the sea is the fish". We have been immersed too long. The use of intoxicants has a very long history. Because of contaminated water supplies, five per cent proof ales, ciders and mead were the staple drinks of the lower classes from at least the eighth century in Britain. This alcohol was regulated and taxed by the Church.' Given this backdrop of every-day consumption, it is notable that the first endemic rise in alcohol `abuse' only occurred in the 18th century during the industrial revolution, when the demand for mass labour to fuel production drew unskilled rural populations into urban slums in huge numbers. Not only did this destroy the lifestyle of the rural classes, and the informal social controls and regulations they had evolved around ale consumption, it also occurred at a time when new alcohol technology was emerging. The distillation of juniper berries was already established in Holland. So it was with the Dutch William of Orange's coronation and blessing that 60 per cent proof gin become widely available in Britain.' This culturally novel substance, with no evolved custom of usage, devastated the already miserable lives of impoverished masses. Living in utter deprivation and working relentless hours in dangerous factories, gin became the only release. Civil disorder, religious blasphemy, violence and mortality rates rocketed, and led, for the first time, to physicians' interest in this social sphere. From 17001735, the amount of gin on which tax was collected rose from half a million to five million gallons, excluding the massive illicit market estimated at 50 million gallons.' In 1736, the Gin Law

Archaeology of addiction



happened earlier or think ahead to what will be happening later. Then, out of the blue, suddenly something happened. Now, I am not a cognitive psychologist, but what seems extraordinarily lost from the literature that I have read is the simple observation that animals don ' t daydream dogs don ' t walk down the road and suddenly start wagging their tail because they have just remembered something that happened to them yesterday. Their behaviour is appropriate to the present. What I think, what I propose, happened to our species was that there was such replication of the modules in our brain, caused by the sexual selection for extended infantile growth, that suddenly we became able to dual-process. Our brain became capable of responding to

ignored. For example, I thought the religious community would have a problem because what I am saying in the book is that, in terms of infantile packages of behaviour, dependency on a religious deity, or any kind of father or mother figure, is a strong indication of the retention of infantile desires and behaviour. Obviously, you wouldn ' t expect that to be so if an animal matured more and became more independent and, therefore, less dependent on that mother and father figure. So I am saying that religious devotion is an infantile behaviour. But, of course, another strongly infantile behaviour is homosexuality, so you would expect religion and homosexuality to be linked. Paedophilia often linked to a retention of that desire to form close bonds with other children and a feeling of being uncomfortable with adult, mature

It isn't true that the inexorable growth of the human brain was linked to an equally inexorable increase in intelligence.
internally generated stimuli, while responding to externally received stimuli at the same time. That gives you something that is terribly important. I hope this doesn't seem a pompous way of putting it but it is sort of Bromhall ' s theory of relativity. Once you have relativity, you have outside versus inside you have a concept of self. If all you do is respond to the outside, you don' t have a sense of self. Griffin: Of course, once you can do that, you can develop a sense of past and a sense of the future and, once you have got those concepts, you can develop sophisticated language. You can 't do that until you have got the concepts of past and future. Bromhall: Exactly. Animals don ' t have a relative state; they merely have the present '. But, it seems that, in discussions on consciousness, daydreaming isn' t something that is brought up very often. It is not a concept that many people use to differentiate between us and other animals. Griffin: Indeed. Well, I would just like to reiterate that your book is a wonderful read there is much more in it than we can cover here. I expect that it may be a little bit controversial because, if you set out to challenge the major tenets of a particular discipline, you can expect to get some flak. Have you experienced any coming your way as yet? Bromhall: No, I haven 't and I think I know why. When challenged, the establishment 's first reaction is to ignore you. Griffin: Yes, there are one or two strategies they either ignore you or knock you back. Bromhall: I'd like to think that it ' s like the four phases of a scientific revolution to start with you are ignored; then you are ridiculed; then you are violently opposed; then, finally, you are accused of speaking nothing but mere common sense! I thought my ideas would be very strongly opposed and that I would have everyone on my back, but at the moment I seem to be at the stage of being behaviour is, again, another strongly infantile behaviour. So, it is entirely logical that there is a link between homosexuality, paedophilia and religion. But, no I haven 't got the flak; I haven ' t had anything daubed on my front door; I haven 't got a fatwa yet; so maybe I should think myself lucky. I don 't know if it is going to carry on like this. Griffin: I am sure it won't, because the thesis you have developed is so revealing about human nature and it gives us so many insights that I think it will have a long lasting influence. Bromhall: I hope so. The science editors of the big newspapers, unfortunately, have taken me as someone who doesn 't really have much credibility because I am not a professor of anthropology regardless of the fact that I am a comparative zoologist. I think the latter is actually a much stronger position to be coming from, in terms of trying to draw together the various aspects of human evolution. Despite that, I seem to be find ing a lot of resistance amongst science editors I haven 't had a review in N ew Sc ien tis t. I was very frustrated when N ew S c ien tis t published Blackwell ' s popular science bestsellers ' list; I was number six in it, and all the other books got reviewed, but mine didn't! Griffin: That 's disgraceful! I think your ideas are too powerful not to be debated. Of course, it is important to remember that our dependency instincts, though they may originate from an infantising process, do reflect a real aspect of our relationship with life. The mature, aggressive chimpanzee is totally oblivious of his dependency on the life around him. It is only if we employ our creativity and our intelligence to understand our dependency our inter-relatedness to all of life that our species will continue to survive and thrive. Thank you for helping us to further our understanding of the origin of our dependency instinct.




REFERENCES 1 See Harris, P (2001). Addiction: Biology of Belief? New Therapist, 7, 4, 19-23. Harris, P (2002). Young, Gifted and Blocked. Human Givens, 9, 2, 12-17. 2 Edwards, G (2002).

Alcohol: the ambiguous molecule. Penguin

Books. 3 Brownlee, N (2002). This is Alcohol. Sanctuary Publishing Limited. 4 Warner, J (1999). Damn you, you informing bitch: vox populi and the unmaking of the Gin Act of 1736. Journal of Social History, winter. 5 Rush, B (1790). An Inquiry into the Effects of Spirituous Liquors on the

Human Body and the Mind. Thomas and

Andrews. 6 See Plotkin, H (2002).

Imagined World Made Real: towards a natural science of culture. Allen

Lane Press. 7 Foucault, M (1991). Discipline and Punish: the birth of the prison. Penguin Books 8 Langford, P (ed) (2002). The Eighteenth Century. Oxford University Press. 9 Davenport-Hines, R (2001). The Pursuit of Oblivion: a global history of narcotics

Better by law This huge cultural shift needs to be set in context. To maintain the rise of industrialisation, a new social order was required: one based not on the flux of the seasons, as in agricultural society, but on the perpetual production lines demanded by industry. In the army, factories, hospitals and schools, there was a shift towards discipline and the standardisation of behaviour, as the French philosopher Michael Foucault has described. A new and unprecedented conformity was drilled into the masses as part of the rationalist agenda of improvement that emerged with the Enlightenment. ? Such self regulation became the defining virtue of the new middle classes, surfacing in the individual realm as a new civility, the social realm in legal reforms and the spiritual realm as a Calvinistic stoicism.' Those that did not conform were by default unreasonable, unproductive, criminal and spiritually degenerate. Heavy alcohol consumption had been merely a bad habit. Now it was a shameful, reprehensible weakness, characterised as a ` loss of control '. By 1840, new evangelical groups such as the Washingtonians were establishing themselves with the mission to save the lost souls. These souls were, however, getting hard to find. In the US, the success of Temperance political campaigning meant prohibition was enacted in 13 states by 1855.9 In the UK, crippling taxes had priced gin out of the market, and social reforms had improved living conditions. And the lower classes had had time to learn new self-regulating customs around their gin consumption. (Over time, cultures learn to manage new intoxicants; they develop customs, lores and rituals which regulate their use, such as ` never drinking during sunup', etc.) Moreover, global trade and domestic chemistry had generated a boom in more exotic intoxicants.'

described in his book, An Inquiry into the Effects of Spirituous

A MORAL and PHYSICAL T HE R MO ME TE R : Or,.aSrale of


LIQUORS, with their EFEEC' F6, in their ulna) Order.


?o WATER, Health, Wealth, Milk and Darer, Serenity of

mind, j( Yirerar and Water, (hlolat[n and LVater.

Reputation, long life, and




T Cheerfnnefaa Strength and Nourifhmeny when takes


,.. Strong Bear, <

VICES. idler-AN, P e e r i(hneff %arttl:in,; Fighting, Lying, Swearing, Obfceoity, Fraud, Anarchy hatred of julF govt. Murder, 'uIC1Ak

only at meals, and is moderate quantities.


' 0

1- Punch


4 Sr S ingt, Bittrn, infufcd in Spirita.

-DISEASES.. r PUNISHMENTS. (lour, Sicknefe m Puking; and Debt, Teerr.on i f (bchanJs ir. the mmn'd Black eyes, Blnatelne6,. 1nL s'leyes Rags, R e r . note &I. Sore and Hunger, Nor-lied legs, jayndtce, Alms hoMe, gain, in {hp iknh:, and WeakMar, burning the hands jail, and feet, Droply, 1VIaypi"g Fork ply, 1lelan:tiriy, Poll, :a lifm, dnt G, CallttlOaad,

Liquors on the Human Body and the Mind, published in 1784.

Weidenfield & Nicolson. 10 Jay, M. (2000). Emperors of Dreams: drugs in the nineteenth century. Dedalus. 11 Berridge, V (1999). The Opium of the People: opiate use and drug control in nineteenth and early

twentieth century England. Free

Association Books. 12 Cohen, P (1999). Shifting the main purpose of drug control from suppression to regulation of use: reduction of risk as the new focus for drug policy. International Journal of Drug Policy, 10, 223-234.

fought a futile war against alcohol were simply re constituted to fight the futile war against drugs, after Repeal in 1933." The threat of drugs continues to offer leverage for expansion of agencies such as Scarcely an epidemic Opium, nitrous oxide, morphine, coca and hashish the Drug Enforcement Agency, domestic police were used on a much grander scale by the Victorians forces and HM Customs & Excise, which we also than by us, and soon became incorporated into the trust for information gathering. Yet, despite over Temperance agenda." Prohibitionists started tak- $35 billion invested by the US government alone, ing an interest, for instance, in the British monopoly drugs still account for eight per cent of world trade on opium export to China and roundly condemned at present. Such failure has always been construed the degenerate trade they had little power other as demonstrating the need for even more resources. The trickle-down results of drug prohibition were than moral condemnation. 12 Opium use was rapid. In the US, people who had access to cheap epidemic, they reported, even though investigations opiates were suddenly reduced to penury as prices by the British, Portuguese and Dutch found scant and restrictions increased. Most visibly affected evidence that opium use was problematic in China were heavy users, who now set about eking out a (recreational use was the norm). living, searching for scrap junk to pay for the drug. This all culminated, in the US, in complete ` Not only was the term junkie ' born, but the social prohibition against international trafficking in drugs and alcohol. 13 The new laws, enacted by 1927, conditions that determined their lifestyle were criminalised drug traffickers and users throughout created." Forced together by their poverty, new the member nations that signed these treaties, and criminal status and social exclusion, a new underremain in place today, to the extent that the US class of poor clustered into one narrow social niche. will only issue grant aid to countries that sub- A new cultural identity was created, with its own scribe to its narcotic control policies.14 Whilst total rituals, etiquette and permissible behaviours, for those disconnected from mainstream life. This also prohibition failed in America, agencies that had served to cement the self-debilitating expectations The "moral and physical thermometer", which Dr Benjamin Rush of enslavement to the drug. The pursuit of the next



Addiction fix became the only meaningful activity available. Once again, it was far too easy to look at these impoverished individuals and claim their destitution was caused by drug use, rather than by the very social policies designed to save them. death from illicit substances that neither the film makers nor the audiences knew anything about. Movies like The Derelict, Devil' s Needle or The Pace that Kills attracted huge audiences who were both shocked and titillated by these Temperance fantasies of addiction. Diseased souls Restrictions on the depiction of drug use remain By 1873, the National Temperance Society was today. In the UK, the ITC, which licenses inde calling for special inebriation asylums for drunkpendent television stations, states in its code of ards.16 ` Moral therapy', which had been developed practice that "drug and solvent abuse should not be to help those with deviant behaviours, was to be shown in such a way as to appear problem free or applied to drinkers. Between the wars, the spiritual glamorous ".25 Similar restrictions apply to radio. and biological models of addiction were fused in the Only problematic use can be depicted, to ward off creation of the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) experimentation, regardless of a broader social movement, which drew directly from the experience. Fears that TV portrayal of problem-free salvationists and from the emergent medical concept drug use might adversely affect the vulnerable were 16 of biological allergy. Whilst AA remained an dispelled by a survey that showed that most young insular, informal self-help group, it soon drew people reject the media 's opportunistic moralising wider support from science, most notably from as feeble and distant from their own experience . 26 psychiatrist Ernest Jellinek, based at Yale Lord Holme, the British Standards Commission's University. He propagated a new narco-pathology chairman, still could not refrain from moralising that was in keeping with the morally defective over these research findings and missing the point vision of addiction. Using the Freudian concept of entirely: "If [the media are] to play an effective part denial, he posited that addicts had overdeveloped in the fight against drug abuse, then its portrayals defence mechanisms, such as rationalisation, must be more realistic." 27 projection and distortion, which served to insulate Yet realism does not include portrayal of nonthem from awareness of their true circumstances. problematic use. It is confined to ghoulish photoHe carried out research that appeared to support graphs of tragic young women, such as Leah Betts, the thesis of alcoholism as a `progressive disease ' who have died in drug-related incidents. Young and reinforce the need for abstinence. 17 (However, people are more at risk of accidental death from a his research subjects were AA members already fairground ride than they are from Ecstasy. 28 One inculcated with these beliefs.) The concepts he can only imagine public outcry if a photograph of a introduced would go on to find expression in teenager mangled in a funfair tragedy was splashed 18 19 20 neurology, genetics, and endocrinology. Even across the front pages. But the narco-voyeurism of though they have been refuted by research," an earlier age is still culturally permissible. Not ' Jellinek s ideas remain common currency only does this make media shock tactics and throughout the treatment field and in popular information risible to young people; it renders the thinking, through the vociferous marketing of these everyday experience of drugs wholly invisible. Such ideas through the mass media. 22 emotionality effectively prevents informed public debate. Media rare Dramatisation of the evils of drugs began in 1894, The watchmen in the earliest days of cinema, with the very first Government has increasingly turned to science to ` drug ' movie, Opium Joint. It depicted squalid defend moral and political positions. Research that Chinese opium dens; actually, they were popular supports its position on drugs is gleefully seized tourist traps." But the basic formula was to be upon, regardless of the quality of the research. As endlessly repeated. Stereotypes of unscrupulous internationally respected drug expert Michael ethnic dealers, decent heroes turned bad and busty Gossop has pointed out, one poorly constructed young heroines abandoning themselves to wanton research paper, published in a respected medical sexual passions fuelled the popular imagination. journal, which suggested cannabis caused brain In 1921, the Association of the Motion Picture damage was enough to justify "the continuation and Industry advised against any glamorisation of strengthening of every possible measure to suppress " scenes which show the use of narcotics and other cannabis ". 28 I am not suggesting that cannabis users unnatural practices dangerous to social mortality " . 24 do not experience problems, some of which are Eventually, it was forbidden to draw any attention related to heavy use. But there are over six million to drugs. But a boom in (s)exploitation movies was users of cannabis in the UK alone. If cannabis by already underway. Although these movies could itself caused the suggested problems, there would not get certificates to be shown in movie theatres, be far high numbers presenting with a distinct travelling entrepreneurs such as Dwayne Esper, syndrome of mental disorders. And, according to would set up marquees on the edge of town to show the neurological research into cannabis, they would their low-budget extravaganzas. These films depict- also be showing signs of Parkinson ' s disease. We do ed a descent into debauchery and drug-induced

Phil Harris worked for eight years in direct access drug agencies, both as a clinical practitioner and supervisor. He is now a freelance trainer, researcher and consultant in addiction, mental health and dual diagnosis. He has designed numerous treatment programmes and is a consultant lecturer at Bristol University. He also writes extensively on addiction, evidence based treatment and policy. He can be contacted at



13 Davenport-Hines, R (2001). The Pursuit of Oblivion: a global history of narcotics 1500-2000. Weidenfield & Nicolson. 14 Cohen, P (1994). Re-thinking drug control policy : historical perspectives and conceptual tools. In L Bollinger (ed) DeAmericanising Drug Policy: the search for alternatives to failed repression. Peter Lang. 15 Durlacher, J (2000). Agenda Heroin. Carlton Books. 16 Levine, H G (1979). The discovery of addiction: changing conceptions of habitual drunkenness in America. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 15, 493-506. 17 Jellinek, E M (1952). Phases of alcohol addiction. Quarterly Journal of Studies Alcohol, 13, 673-684; Jellinek, E M (1960). The Disease Concept of Alcoholism. Hillhouse Press. 18 Nutt, D J (1996). Addiction: brain mechanisms and their treatment implications. The Lancet, 347, 8993, 31-36. 19 Blum, K (1992). Alcohol and the Addictive Brain. Free Press. 20 Dole, V P and Nyswander, M E (1967). Heroin addiction: a metabolic disease. Archives of Internal Medicine, 120, 19-24. 21 Miller, W R (1996). Increasing motivation for change. In M Annis, et al (eds) Structured Relapse Prevention. Addiction Research Foundation; see also Dupont, R I et al (eds) (1979). Handbook on Drug Abuse. Department of Health, Education and Welfare & NIDA. 22 Roizen, R (1998). How does the nation's 'alcohol problem' change from era to era? Stalking the logic of problem definition transformation since repeal. In C Acker (eds) Altering the American Consciousness: essays on the history of alcohol and drug use in the United States 1880-1997. University of Massachusetts Press. 23 Stevenson,) (2000). Addicted: myth and menace of drugs in film. Creation Books.

not see either. Whilst there is far more robust evi dence for alcohol 's effect in causing depression, this research is not championed by governments in any way and there is no moral crusade. All drugs have desired and undesired effects; it is the way in which governments mention the undesirable effects only of illicit drugs and fail to mention those of legal and prescribed drugs that is telling.

the expression `drug use ' to appear in official documents. The term has to be 'abuse '.14 Research, most of which is carried out in the US, is biased towards investigations of biological compulsion and problematic use. This closes important avenues of understanding. For example, recognising how recreational users remain immunised from problematic use or how drug users mature out of use without recourse to treatment 29 could provide key information for developing more effective treatment programmes. But these are taboo areas in a disease ideology. The moral stance of `scientific ' research has done much to undermine belief in government ' s willingness to provide accurate information about drug use or assist those who do experience problems.

Treatment breakdown
These cultural values have cast drug users into a subhuman role where basic rights may be taken from them and they may be subjected to `treatment ' to break through the `denial ' which supposedly insulates problematic users from their own depravity. The AA model demands that a user surrender totally to the treatment ' s ideology, with any divergence considered `addict talk ' . This culminated, in the 1950s in a particularly aggressive form of AA in California, which attracted large numbers of alcohol and drug users. In a small clubhouse rented for regular meetings, the `encounter group ' , as it was termed, cultivated its own brand of confrontation. Those present would choose a member of the group and break them down psychologically through powerful and personal criticism. This, it was claimed, had to be done to rebuild ` defective' personality. 3o Led by a charismatic man called Chuck Dederich, the group broke away from AA and soon dubbed itself the Concept movement, initiating the first modern residential treatment programmes. Besides encounter sessions, hard labour and public humiliation were prescribed. Addicts had their heads shaved, and were forced to wear nappies or signs around their necks with shaming slogans. In 1973, Concept declared itself a religion and soon acquired cult-like status. Dederich was busy demanding sterilisation of his followers, when he was arrested for attempted murder. He had placed a rattlesnake in the mailbox of a lawyer who was trying to spring a member from his community. 30 In their review of treatment for heroin users, drug experts Tom Carnwath and Ian Smith describe the emergence of ` rough ' treatment centres in other parts of the world. In Yekaterburg, Russia, dealers are beaten up and users are chained to radiators, in keeping with the concept that " a drug addict is a wild beast, an animal, who cannot be treated with pity " . 31 Only recently has a new form of brain lobotomy for drug users been banned. 32 In Hong Kong, the opiate blocker naltrexone, which halts any effect from heroin, enjoys the best outcomes, because police physically force convicted opiate users to take it every morning. China has 200 `centres for the forcible termination of drug use '. Before the war, police-managed labour camps of this kind were used extensively in America, despite poor outcomes. However, this has not prevented their re-emergence in American drug policy; unrepentant drug users will be forced into army camps to under go the same training as Marines. 33

Science has truly emerged as the new salvationist, upholding moral beliefs rather than demonstrating empirical truths. The National Institute of Drug Abuse and the European Council, which controls funding for research into addiction, will not support research into recreational drug use, nor even permit

Softly spoken indoctrination

In Europe drug treatment has been liberalised but still concentrates on trying to counter so-called innate psychological need for drugs, without reference to social context. 34 The cultural values surrounding drug use are wholly ignored. We have created a social environment where those who are considered to blame for their problems are deemed not to deserve help. 35 As social psychologist John Davies has observed, this means that what drug users say about themselves is biased in order to elicit credit and deflect blame. 36 Blaming antisocial behaviour on physical compulsions beyond the user's control is particularly appealing, as a body cannot make moral choices. 37 With limited treatment options, over-management of patients by statutory agencies and criminal justice sanctions, it is in the interest of users to conspire with the cultural myth

of biological addiction. Research shows that drug users receive sympathetic responses only if they are trying to change. 38 This can lead clients to present themselves to services in such a way as to secure treatment ele ments they want, creating a vast discrepancy with the reality of their lives. 39 Thus, how a drug user presents to another user, drug worker, doctor, reporter or judge will vary dramatically, according to need. In court, mugging or burglary may be blamed on unmanageable drug use; in the GP 's surgery, continued drug use is blamed on unbearable withdrawal symptoms; while counsellors hear about the troubled lives that users blot out with drugs. When with other users, however, individuals don't present themselves as hopelessly addicted. 40 The endless repetition of these stories of helplessness only adds to a sense of debilitated self il and creates self-fulfilling expectations of loss of



No 1 2003


control and inability to change. For example, a client of mine was extremely pessimistic that he could change his heroin use as he started on his 12 methadone prescription. I asked him how many times he had actually wanted to stop using heroin in his previous attempts. After long consideration, he confessed that, previously, he had only wanted respite or needed to be seen to be doing something about his use, and had had no intention of stopping. So he had fallen victim to his own hype. Professor William Miller, whose work has revolutionised addiction treatment in recent years, has shown in his research that the expectation of failure is the greatest predictor of failure.
35 th 42

published in the Los Angeles Times stated that " Herbert Fingrette is a disgrace to his profession and should be run out of town on a rail". In personal correspondence he wasdescribed as a " malignly ignorant man", whilst a former colleague stated in print that "I worry about the responsibility of a reputable academic press publishing Fingrette's book". The correspondent need not worry so much. All of these leading authors had found it extremely difficult to get any work published at all. Even the eminent Professor Thomas Szasz who authored the international classic Ceremonial Chemistry,47 which explored the cultural significance of addictive behaviour, continues to find it enormously difficult

24 Cited from Stevenson, J (above). 25 ITC codes and guidance notes. 26 Wells, M (2000). Antidrugs drive on film and TV has 'feeble impact'. The Guardian, April 13". 27 Williamson, K (1997).

Drugs and The Party Line.

Rebel Inc.

28 Gossop, M (1993). Living with Drugs. Ashgate.

29 Stall, R (1986). Spontaneous remission from the problematic use of substances. The Int Journal of Addictions, 21, 1, 1-23. 30 Kennard, D (1998). An

Introduction to Therapeutic Communities. Jessica

Kinglsey Publishers.

31 Carnwath, T and Smith, 1(2002). Heroin Century. Routledge.

32 Paton Walsh, N (2002). Russia Bans Brain Surgery on Drug Addicts. The Guardian, August 5th.

33 Cohen, P (1989)
Ideology, research and policy. The International

Journal of Drug Policy, 1, 3.

34 Alexander, B K and Hadaway, P E (1982). The Case for an Adaptive Orientation. Psychological Bulletin, 92,367381. 35 Davies, J B (1993). The Myth of Addiction. Harwood Academic Press, London.

36 See Hogg, M A and

Galileo's children
What happens to the research that does put addiction into a social context? In a shocking and revealing paper, Robert Haskell of the University of New England, examined the consequences of declaring such research findings43 and quoted eminent social theorist Alan Marlatt, who pioneered relapse prevention: "It does not take long for a psychologist or social scientist working in the addiction field to discover that he or she is treading on religious ground and that science and salvation like oil and water do not mix". 44 His research on social learning and controlled drinking led not only to personal abuse but to the State of Washington's passing a law to make controlleddrinker programmes non-reimbursable through state funds. Haskell suggests the anti-research bias in the field stems from the domination within it of clinicians who themselves have been treated in disease-model treatment programmes. But even academics are as guilty. After suggesting in his regular column in an academic addiction journal that controlled drinking was possible, leading addiction expert Stanton Peele was sacked from it. After publication of his seminal work critiquing the disease model, he was also subjected to personal and professional ridicule. An article published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs suggested that he wanted a "stoned American population" and asked whether "Dr Peele finds something inherently wrong and unappealing about sober consciousness?" Some of the most vicious comments were reserved for Herbert Fingrette. This notable researcher, whose work had been called upon by the Supreme Court, published a critique, based on empirical data, of alcoholism as a disease. He was subjected to mass harassment. One letter
45 46

to publish his work. Indeed, in fear of funding reprisals from the federal National Institute of Mental Health, the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene tried to sack him. They failed, because of his academic tenure; so they sacked his colleagues instead.43 When such researchers do get their work published, there app-ears to be a mandatory editorial caveat reserved for the expression of counter-ideological views. For instance, the Rand Report, the findings of which had smashed the Jellinek assumption that controlled drinking was not possible for ex-alcoholics, had its preface amended in subsequent editions to state, "In particular, this study

Vaughan, G M (1998). Social Psychology. Prentice Hall, Europe. 37 Brunner, J (1990). Acts of Meaning. Harvard University Press. 38 Schwarter, R (et al). Expectancies as mediators between recipient characteristics and social support intentions. In Schwarter, R (ed) SelfEfficacy: thought control of

action. 39 See Soloway, 1 H

(1974). Methadone and the culture of addiction. Journal of Psychedelic

Drugs, 6, 1.
40 Davies, J B and Baker, R (1987). The impact of self presentation and interviewer bias on selfreported heroin use. British Journal of Addiction. 82, 907-12. 41 Brehem, S S and Brehem, J W (1981).

does not show that alcoholics may safely resume drinking, nor does it suggest that any alcoholic
should do so". (Original italics) This was an attempt to stave off controversy and funding sanctions. In other instances, editors simply overrule their contributors. For example, Norman Zimberg's work on the recreational use of opiates, which was included in the Handbook on Drug Abuse, was singled out for scathing criticism in the introduction.49 The Department of Health, Education and Welfare and the National Institute of Drug Abuse, which subscribes to total abstinence, had funded and published the book. Sometimes, pro-disease model supporters have simply refused to be published in the same anthologies as these other writers. Entering into an open debate should be essential for the furtherance of any field, yet the personal attacks and informal slandering which have dogged these individuals appear to raise no concern at all. This is even more unjustified in the light of the appalling outcomes of the current stock of treatments."' 31

Psychological Reactance: a theory of freedom and control. Academic Press.

42 Miller, W and Rollnick, S (2002). Motivational

Interviewing: preparing people for change. The Guildford Press. 43 Haskell, R E (1994).

Realpolitick in the addictions field: treatmentprofessional, popularculture ideology and scientific research.'

Journal of Mind and Behaviour, 14, 3, 257-276.

The Foucaultian fallacy

After two hundred years of domination, the Temperance ideological belief systems are

finally being questioned. There is an emergence of new thinking that understands addiction not

as a private event located in individuals' biology or




44 Marlatt, G A (1983). The controlled drinking controversy. American Psychiatrist, 38, 10971109. 45 Peele, S (1989). The Diseasing of America. Lexington Books. 46 Fingrette, H (1988). Heavy Drinking: the myth of alcoholism as a disease. University of California Press. 47 Szasz, T (1974). Ceremonial Chemistry: the ritual persecution of drugs, addicts and pushers. Anchor Press. 48 Armour, D J et al (1978). Alcoholism and Treatment. Wiley and Sons. 49 Dupont, R I et al (eds) (1979). Handbook on Drug Abuse. Department of Health, Education and Welfare & NIDA. 50 Miller, Wet al (1995). What Works? a methodological analysis of the addiction treatment outcome literature. In R K Hester and W R Miller (eds) Handbook of Alcoholism (pp 12-44). Allyn and Bacon. 51 Eagleton, T (2000). The Idea of Culture. Blackwell Publishers. 52 Dole, V P (1986). Research on addictive behaviour. Clinical and Investigative Medicine 9, 4, 290-292. 53 Jencks, C (2001). EP, Phone Home. In H Rose and S Rose (eds) Alas Poor Darwin. Vintage; see also Williams, R cited in Eagleton, T. (above). 54 See Solomon, Met al (1999). Consumer Behaviour: a European perspective. Prentice Hall. 55 Lury, C (1996). Consumer Culture. Polity Press. 56 Summerskill, B (2003). Cannabis economy brings in 11 billion. The Observer, n0 Feb 2 57 See, for instance, Smith, J E et al (2001). The community reinforcement approach to the treatment of substance abuse disorders. American Journal of Addictions, 10 (suppl) 51-59; Regan, T et al (1999). Applying aspects of community reinforcement to alcohol and drug services. Journal of Substance Abuse 4, 2, 70-75.

psychology, but as the product of an individual ' s interaction with the cultural forces that enmesh them. But the culturalisation of addiction is not without some irony. As cultural and literary theorist Terry Eagleton warns, culturalism may be just as deterministic as the biological sciences. 51 Under the sway of Foucault 's historical critiques of social structures, many culturalist thinkers regard treat ment for addiction as merely social control: drug use is not problematic but the political-cultural context is. It is vicariously inferred that, if we stop interfering in people 's behaviour, then a ` natural ' regulatory mechanism will come into play that will immunise them from drug problems. Biologist Vincent Dole, who developed methadone treatment, rightly comments that social improvement as the only means to address addiction is utopian, in light of any political system ' s failure truly to address poverty and deprivation. 52 But there is a deeper fallacy. Human beings are cultural entities; there is no natural order, just different cultural ways of behaving. And it does not follow that, just because behaviours are cultural, they are not problematic.

that the difference between these sub-cultures is only one of personal ethics. Our life courses through cultural structures such as family, school, work and relationships may run parallel, but the personal ethics we subscribe to and our economic circum stances streamline us into different cultural strata. Certain cultures have used and will always use drugs as a totemistic commodity that is meaningful to them, because their usage is the expression of their personal ethics.55 A recent study has confirmed my theory. Research Business Internal commissioned, on behalf of high street retailers, the first consumer report on the activities of cannabis smokers. 56 They found cannabis smokers were " young people between the ages of 1530 and were very trend conscious and aspirational ". They shared distinct ethics and patterns of behaviour. For example, they shunned `corporate ' businesses such as McDonalds and Starbucks. If they went on a night out, they avoided venues associated with heavy drinking. The illegality of cannabis use has lead to the creation of a six billion pound economy in home entertainment, as people in these social networks smoke cannabis alongside other activities such as playing computer games, watching videosand eating takeaways with other recreational users. What we see here is the evolution of distinct social behaviour, clustered around the ` totem ' of cannabis. The drug is not so much the reason that these groups meet but the excuse for a certain kind of social interaction among like-minded people. Each drug sub-culture will have its parallel expressions of ethics and permissible behaviours. Exclusion from society only deepens the degree to which these individuals are enmeshed.

Cultural repositioning
For those enmeshed in problematic sub-cultures, such as addiction, treatment should be a process of cultural repositioning, with people helped to enter a new sub-culture that they will find more fulfilling. This is what I term a deep therapy process, involving reappraisal of cultural expectations, housing, employability, literacy and socialisation, as well as skills building. It is not just about escaping addiction but escaping the context that makes addiction meaningful. Certainly, the most promising new approaches to addiction treatment focus on these core issues. 57 Research into natural remission in untreated groups mirrors this very process. It highlights three necessary conditions: separation from certain sub-cultures; emergence of a new identity with an incumbent ethics; and establishment in a new subculture that supports these ethics. 29 Anyone who has faced a life-changing choice, such as a career shift, divorce or emigration, will understand the magnitude of such a reappraisal. Some problematic drug users do not feel ready for such far-reaching change and so may instead choose to improve the quality of life within their problematic sub-culture. They may opt for what I call light therapy, such as substitute prescribing and harm reduction. Confusion arises when these light therapies are relied upon to produce deeper gains. Substitute pharmacology such as methadone can enable separation from drug-using networks, which can be an important first step, but will not provide the means for deeper change to occur. Light therapy

Both biology and cultural fundamentalism overrule personal meaning. Culture encompasses the range of our choices but it does not limit the choices we make within it. Whilst the over-arching architecture of culture has became increasingly globalised, it has fragmented into a myriad subcultures through which individuals find their identity. 53 Advertising and marketing companies have been far more successful in understanding the idiosyncratic hopes and fears of these sub-groups than the grand theories of therapy. 54 I would suggest

outcomes should therefore be measured according to how successfully they help reduce negative forces in clients ' lives, such as reducing offending, family disruption, and health problems: whereas deep therapy is concerned with positive gains such as returning to employment, re-building relationships and entering pro-social groups. I believe we need a more effective and expansive

approach to treatment for addiction that can assist people to make the transition into lifestyles that are meaningful to them. But this can only happen when we abandon the impossible Temperance dream of an intoxicant-free world, and grasp the social realities that the disease model of addiction simply serves to shroud.



No 1 2003

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