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Is Gluten-Free Casein-Free Diet Effective in Resol

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Eurasian J Med 2020; 52(3): 292-7 Review

Gluten-Free Casein-Free Diet for Autism Spectrum Disorders: Can It

Be Effective in Solving Behavioural and Gastrointestinal Problems?
Busra Baspinar , Hulya Yardimci

Autism spectrum disorder [ASD] is characterized by deficits in communication and social interactions com-
bined with repetitive and restricted patterns of behaviors. Bidirectional changes in brain-gut microbiota are
known to be responsible for the pathophysiology of many brain-related disorders, such as autism, as well as
well-known gastrointestinal diseases, including gut disorders. Imbalance in the composition of gut microbiota
is frequently observed in individuals with ASD. It is therefore believed that this imbalance is significant in the
frequent occurrence of gastrointestinal symptoms. The integrity of the intestinal barrier and the blood-brain
barrier [BBB] in individuals with ASD is affected. Incompletely digested peptides, toxins, and proinflammatory
cytokines cross the BBB by entering the bloodstream and reach the central nervous system. As a result of
the accumulation of these elements, brain function is adversely affected. It is hypothesized that incompletely
digested peptides acting as opioid agonists reduce pain sensitivity and increase the severity of autism-specific
behaviors. However, it is not known exactly how opioid peptides trigger ASD symptoms after they reach the
brain. Diet therapies, especially elimination diets, are considered to be an alternative treatment to prevent this
condition. Gluten-free casein-free [GFCF] diet is an elimination diet that involves the removal of certain pro-
teins from the normal diet, such as gluten and casein. However, studies that demonstrate the beneficial effects
of the GFCF diet on ASD patients and explain its mechanism is limited, which supports the opioid theory. This
review aims to investigate the gastrointestinal and behavioral problems that are frequently observed in ASD, the
possible action mechanisms of GFCF diets, and the efficacy of these elimination diets.
Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, gluten-free casein-free diet, opioid peptides, gastrointestinal symp-
tom, gut dysbiosis

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by
difficulty in social interactions and verbal and nonverbal communication along with restricted
and repetitive movement patterns [1].
Cite this article as: Baspinar B, Yardimci H.
Gluten-Free Casein-Free Diet for Autism Spectrum
Disorders: Can It Be Effective in Solving Behavioural The incidence of ASD was 3-4 in 10,000 cases in the 1980s [2]; however, a recent study con-
and Gastrointestinal Problems? Eurasian J Med 2020; ducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that 1 out of
52(3): 292-7.
every 59 children suffers from ASD, and in the occurrence is 4 times higher in boys than girls [3].
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ankara According to the World Health Organization (WHO) epidemiological data, the rate of occur-
University Faculty of Health Sciences, Ankara,
Turkey rence of ASD is 1/160 [4]. It is thought that the increase in awareness and the development of
diagnostic criteria are also effective in the increase in its prevalence [5].
Received: October 19, 2019
Accepted: January 23, 2019
Available Online Date: June 4, 2020 Although the cause of ASD is not well-known, pre- and postnatal damage, nutrition, genetic,
environmental, and immunological factors are reported to play a role in its pathophysiology [5,
Correspondence to: Busra Baspinar
E-mail: 6]. Mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired transmethylation and transsulfuration pathways, oxidative
stress, immune dysfunction, gastrointestinal pathology, and nutritional disorders are among the
DOI 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2020.19230
causes of this condition [7]. Genetic changes account for only 10-20% of autism cases [8], and
more than 400 genes have been reported to be associated with the development of autism [9].

Content of this journal is licensed under a Creative Individuals with ASD often need intensive care and guidance [10]. Although lifelong educational
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
and behavioral therapies have a low contribution to treatment, they continue to be implemented
Eurasian J Med 2020; 52(3): 292-7 Baspinar and Yardimci. Gluten Free Casein Free Diet in Autism Spectrum Disorder • 293
[9]. Healthcare costs of individuals with ASD are In addition to nutritional problems such as oral went fecal microbial transplantation for 8 weeks.
4.1-6.2 times higher than those without ASD motor disorders and chewing problems [18], The integrity of the intestinal barrier and the
[11]. Treating behavioral and mental problems various uncontrolled immune responses arise in BBB is affected in approximately one-third of
make up some of these healthcare costs. Early individuals with ASD, including increased natural the individuals with ASD. As a result, due to
diagnosis, knowledge of the etiology, and preven- killer cell activity, presence of autoantibodies the permeability of the intestinal membrane
tion of behavioral disorders can reduce the medi- directed to brain proteins, and modified cyto- and BBB, pathogenic microbiota, food-derived
cal expenses and improve the quality of life [6]. kine profiles, which cause increased middle ear peptides that are not fully metabolized, bacterial
infections at a young age [22]. Skin diseases such metabolites, and other bacterial components
Families frequently turn to alternative or com- as atopic dermatitis, eczema, asthma, food aller- can enter the bloodstream [9].
plementary therapies as well as medical treat- gies, and intolerances are frequently associated
ment [11, 12], and in this context, dietary thera- with autism [23]. It is known that food sensitivi- In fetuses with normal development, the gut,
pies, especially elimination diets, are seen as an ties are known to cause abdominal pain, bloat- which is initially completely permeable, assumes
alternative [12]. Some studies have shown that ing, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, a mucosal tight-junction character at the end of
behaviors have improved with nutrient elimina- asthma, rhinitis, joint pain, and cognitive and pregnancy, and then becomes less permeable
tion, and they have deteriorated when exposed emotional disorders [24]; these symptoms are shortly after birth. This is also referred to as gut
to the same nutrients again [13, 14]. For exam- thought to cause an increase in the severity of closure. The gut barrier, which is not fully closed,
ple, in some studies, gluten-free casein-free behavioral disorders in individuals with ASD [6]. adversely affects the development of gut in the
(GFCF) diets have been shown to be successful following years [38]. Incomplete gut closure leads
in improving symptoms of autism whereas oth- Common Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Autism to increased gut permeability and permeable gut
ers have reported that such diets have no effect Spectrum Disorder syndrome in individuals with ASD [26, 39].
[15, 16]. The aim of this review is to investigate Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are more com-
the gastrointestinal and behavioral problems mon in children with ASD than in healthy chil- Gluten Free Casein Free Diet
which are frequently observed in ASD, the pos- dren [25]. The prevalence of GI symptoms such Although it is predicted that diet therapies may
sible action mechanisms of GFCF diets, and the as constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas- improve gut microbiology, composition, and
efficacy of these elimination diets. troesophageal reflux, and inflammatory bowel toxin production [10, 31], studies have not clari-
diseases [26] in children with ASD range from fied this yet . Studies have shown that these spe-
Common Nutritional Problems in Autism 23% to 70% [27]. Furthermore, the severity of cific diets in individuals with ASD will contribute
Spectrum Disorder GI symptoms correlates with the severity of to a better course of the disease. GFCF diet is
In a recent meta-analysis, many nutritional prob- autism symptoms [28]. one of the diets frequently administered in ASD.
lems were reported in children with ASD unlike
their peers [17]. It is estimated that 46-89% of Bidirectional changes in brain-gut microbiota It was suggested for the first time in the 1980s
children with ASD have nutritional problems [18]. are known to account for the pathophysiology that consumption of foods containing gluten
of many brain-related disorders such as gut and casein might cause autism-like symptoms
disorders, which are well-known gastrointestinal by altering brain functions [40, 41]. GFCF diet
Food selectivity [17] and related insufficient
diseases [29], as well as autism [30], Parkinson’s is an elimination diet that involves the removal
food intake [18], food rejection [19], prefer-
[31], and chronic pain [32]; however, no clear of some proteins from the normal diet such as
ence for food items of a specific taste, pica, and
mechanism has been identified. gluten and casein [42].
irregular meal times are common problems
[18]. Therefore, the quality of diet for children
The signals from the brain affect the signals Casein, one of the proteins most frequently
with ASD is lower than that of healthy children
of microbiota and gut motility and integrity. causing an immune reaction in children [43], was
[20]. It is thought that these nutritional prob-
Therefore, the gut affects brain development found to be among the proteins that are most
lems may arise from biological food intolerances
and function [30]. Intestinal microbiota and frequently involved in an immune reaction in a
as well as behavioral problems such as obsession
metabolites affect intestinal permeability, mucosal study on children with ASD [6]. Celiac disease,
with details, fear of innovation, sensory depriva-
immune function, intestinal motility, and sensitiv- a disorder in which the small intestine develops
tion, and a propensity for difficult situations [21].
ity [25]. In addition to the release of GI hormones a reaction to gluten, was found to be three
and neurotransmitters from cells [30], enteroen- times more common in children with autism
Main Points
docrine and enterochromaffin play a role in the [44]. The physiological suitability of GFCF diet
enteric nervous system [33]. Apart from this, is defended by high antibodies or reactions to
• Nutritional and gastrointestinal problems are very
common in individuals with autism. microbiota and their metabolites are responsible milk, gluten, and casein [45]. In some studies,
• Families turn to alternative treatments to solve
for stress-induced behaviors and brain processes this has been associated with autoantibody
these problems, believing that they are harmless. [34], emotional behaviors [35], pain modulation formation or proinflammatory cytokines [12,
• There is insufficient evidence for the effectiveness [30], and the regulation of brain chemistry [36]. 45]. In a study, it was determined that children
of these frequently used alternative treatments. Imbalance in the composition of gut microbiota with ASD who are on the GFCF diet had less
One of these alternative treatments is the GFCF can frequently be seen in individuals with ASD. tumor necrosis factor-a production than those
diet, one of the elimination diets.
For this reason, this imbalance is thought to be who did not go on the diet [46]. However, the
• This diet is based on the opioid theory. However,
there is insufficient evidence to prove its effective- effective in the development of GI symptoms most common theory that is effective in the
ness. [10, 30]. Kang et al. [37] reported that GI acceptance of the GFCF diet is associated with
• The benefit of this diet is controversial and with symptoms reduced by approximately 80% and the release of neurotransmitters and peptides
long-term administration, it may cause micronu- autism-related behavioral symptoms decreased in with opioid activity into the intestines [47]
trient deficiencies.
a study in which 18 children with autism under- (Figure 1). Opioid peptide species-exogenous
294 • Baspinar and Yardimci. Gluten Free Casein Free Diet in Autism Spectrum Disorder Eurasian J Med 2020; 52(3): 292-7

tion skills [16]. Based on this hypothesis, the

GFCF diets utilized to reduce ASD symptoms
has become an alternative treatment method
[9]. It is predicted that the GFCF diet may
reduce the common ASD symptoms, such
as reduced pain sensitivity and altered social
behavior, due to the possibility that the gluten
and casein derivatives can stimulate the opioid
system (Figure 2) [8]. However, there is no
sufficient evidence of this yet.

In a study on rats, an association was found

between the abnormal urinary pattern of
proteins and abnormal brain chemistry [53].
Peptides and related proteins in the urine are
known to be different in ASD from those of
healthy controls [54]. When the GFCF diet
is administered, urine patterns and levels of
peptides change [55]. In a study conducted by
Figure 1. Gut dysbiosis and impaired blood-brain barrier in ASD Knivsberg et al. [56], it was reported that the
GFCF diet was effective in reducing urinary
pepdite levels, which is considered an indicator
of opioid effect, and that there were improve-
ments in autistic behaviors, non-verbal cogni-
tive, and motor problems. However, in another
study, it was suggested that in children with
ASD, there was no evidence for any opioid
peptides, opioid peptides could not function as
a biomedical marker for autism, and that they
can not be used to monitor the response to a
GFCF diet [57]. In a study conducted by Elder
et al. [58], it was found that GFCF diet did not
make any difference in urinary peptide levels,
which supported the findings of the abovemen-
tioned study.

In a study conducted by Salomone et al. [59] in

18 European countries, it was determined that
13% of children with ASD were on the GFCF
Figure 2. Changes in individuals with ASD due to the binding of the opioid-like peptides to the
opioid receptor
diet. In reviews conducted on the GFCF diet, it
is reported that the existing studies in the litera-
neuropeptides [exorphins] such as gluteomor- In children with ASD, it is reported that ture have various methodological limitations and
phin and casomorphin-occur by hydrolysis of incompletely digested peptides cross the intes- that the number and quality of the studies are
cereal and milk proteins [47]. The brain has tinal mucosa of the permeable intestines [47], not sufficient [28, 47, 60]. In a study conducted
three different opioid receptors: δ, κ, and μ. frequently observed due to the formation of by Winburn et al. [61], parents of children with
In addition, the cells of the digestive, immune, abnormal pores resulting from immunological ASD who were on the GFCF diet stated that at
nervous, and endocrine systems also contain factors or lesions [39]. These peptides cross least one gastrointestinal symptom decreased in
opioid receptors [48]. the BBB by entering the bloodstream, and they their children, while some parents said that their
then reach the central nervous system [52] children’s concentration and attention increased,
The β-casomorphin-7 (β-CM7) released from and have negative effects on attention, brain whereas the repetitive behaviours specific to
beta-casein in cow milk is an exogenous opioid maturation, social communication, and learning the disease decreased.
[49, 50]. It is known as the μ-opioid recep- (Figure 1). When the peptide level increases,
tor [MOR] agonist and can interact with the brain functions are affected [34]. Their high Knivsberg et al. [56] investigated the effects of
morphine serotonin system [49, 50]. In addi- levels play a part in the occurrence of symp- the GFCF diet on a group (n=15) with ASD.
tion, gluten-derived opioid peptides (exorphins toms such as loss of eye contact, learning They determined that the behaviors of the
such as A4, A5, B4, and B537) interact with impairment, hyperactivity, stereotypic move- individuals improved in the first six months;
the δ-opioid receptor in the brain and produce ments, and self-mutilation [13]. A hypoth- however, no improvement was observed at the
similar effects [51]. Other dietary proteins may esis has been proposed that the diets utilized end of a year. A recent randomized controlled
include amino acid sequences that exhibit antag- for this purpose can improve learning, social trial has reported improvements in the behavior
onist activity on these opioid receptors [50]. behaviors, cognitive function, and communica- of some children with ASD [62].
Eurasian J Med 2020; 52(3): 292-7 Baspinar and Yardimci. Gluten Free Casein Free Diet in Autism Spectrum Disorder • 295
Elder et al. [58] administered the GFCF diet to diets [76] have been found to be associated diagnosis of problems such as food allergy, celiac
15 children with ASD for 6 weeks and found no with high levels of homocysteine. For this rea- disease, or lactose intolerance [67].
significant differences in the children’s behavior. son, homocysteine levels should be evaluated,
Similarly, in a study conducted by Seung et al. and appropriate supplements should be added Conclusion
[63], a 6-week GFCF diet did not have any before elimination diets. Long-term elimination Studies in this field are quite insufficient in terms
significant effect. In a randomized controlled diets and lack of proper supplementation can of quantity and quality. Since the methods of
double-blind study conducted by Pusponegoro have serious adverse effects on bone health. these studies are different from each other,
et al. [64], biscuits containing gluten, casein, and it also made it difficult to interpret. In addi-
rice were given to children with autism for a Children with ASD have frequently been tion, while evaluating behavior changes, it was
week. It was observed that there was no sig- observed to have picky eating behaviors for adhered to their parents’ statements by not
nificant increase in behavioral disorders and GI specific taste, color, or appearance [77]. It is using an objective method. Therefore, these are
symptoms of the gluten and casein added group common for in ASD to have severe picky eating the limitations of this review.
compared to the control group. Johnson et al. disorders [78] and even prefer only five or less
[42] argued that the diet should be applied for a food [79]. The implementation of adequate and In summary, although the underlying cause of
longer period of time so that its positive effects balanced nutrition plans with adequate macro gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with ASD
can be seen. Likewise, Whiteley et al. [60] and micronutrient elements for this group with is not exactly known, the most widely accepted
argued that the GFCF diet requires at least 6 picky eating behaviors has become difficult one is the opioid theory. There are a few stud-
months of implementation. However, Winburn [78]. Therefore, some micronutrient levels have ies that demonstrate that the GFCF diet has a
et al. [61] emphasized that it is more acceptable been found to be lower in children with ASD beneficial effect to support the opioid theory.
to apply the elimination diets for three months. as compared to that in healthy children, and Since the studies are generally applied to a small
inadequacies have been more frequent [69]. number of subjects for short periods, the effect
Christison and Ivany [65] reported that there This situation can create a burden on families of this diet on autistic behavior is not clear. In
was insufficient evidence about the efficacy of and increase healthcare costs in terms of the addition, although dietary interventions are
GFCF diet in individuals with ASD. Moreover, implementation of elimination diets [61]. generally considered to be harmless, long-term
a systematic review [66] similarly reported that administration of restricted diets such as GFCF
there was no adequate evidence to suggest Care should be taken to establish an appropri- may cause micronutrient deficiencies. It should
the removal of gluten and casein from the diet. ate nutrition plan for children with ASD who be taken into consideration that restricted diets
In a systematic review, elimination diets were do or do not an elimination diet and to provide may cause an economic burden on families by
recommended only when there was intoler- adequate information and training programs causing social isolation and having social and
ance or sensitivity to food containing gluten or to the family. The recommended gluten-free psychological consequences. For this reason, in
casein [47]. diet for a celiac patient requires at least three cases where a restricted diet such as GFCF is
hours of education to teach the family. Similarly, applied, it should be ensured that a healthy diet
Safety of Gluten Free Casein Free Diet dietitians require a long time to adequately plan is established and that the dietary require-
Although there is a belief that the GFCF diet describe the GFCF diet. In addition to teaching ments are met.
is completely harmless [47], there is no clear the requirements of the diet to patients, gener-
conclusion that it has no risk at all, especially the ally accepted healthy nutrition plans should be Peer-review: Externally peer-reviewed.
nutrient deficiencies that may arise are of great applicable by the patients in order to provide an
concern. However, this has also not been clari- adequate and balanced nutrition [78]. Author Contributions: Concept - B.B., H.Y.; Design -
fied, yet, either [67]. B.B., H.Y.; Supervision - H.Y.; Resources - B.B.; Materials
It is inevitable that GFCF diet affects food - B.B., H.Y.; Data Collection and/or Processing - B.B.;
In some studies, it was found that there was no choices and eating behaviors [47]. For parents, Analysis and/or Interpretation - B.B., H.Y.; Literature
Search - B.B.; Writing Manuscript - B.B., H.Y.; Critical
difference in the intake of macro and micronu- this increases the time and cost of food shop-
Review - B.B., H.Y.
trients in children with ASD who were on the ping and preparation [68]. Studies report that
GFCF diet [42, 68]. Similarly, in another study, gluten-free (GF) products are more expensive Conflict of Interest: Authors have no conflicts of
no micronutrient deficiency was observed in (by 240%) compared to the same type of prod- interest to declare.
patients on the GFCF diet [69]. In a case report uct that contains gluten and that gluten-free
by Monti et al. [70], it was reported that the products are limited [80]. Therefore, the high Financial Disclosure: The authors declared that this
bone mineral density of an 8-year-old autistic cost of elimination diets can be considered as study has received no financial support.
child with cow milk allergy decreased and that one of the challenges. One of the other dis-
there were four fractures. In another study, it advantages is that the GFCF diet causes social References
was determined that calcium intake in autistic isolation [81]. In a study by Cornish et al. [68], 1. APA APA. Diagnostic and statistical manual of
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