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How-to Guide SAP NetWeaver 2004s

How To Integrate XI and BI in SAP NetWeaver 2004s

Version 1.00 May 2006 Applicable Releases: SAP NetWeaver 2004s (Business Information Management - Enterprise Data Warehousing; End-to-End Process Integration - Enabling Application-to-Application Processes)

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1 Scenario
This document describes how to send data from SAP NetWeaver04s usage type XI to SAP NetWeaver04s usage type BI with full Quality of Service (Exactly Once In Order). The solution is based on usage type BI and XI of SAP NetWeaver 04s.

2 Introduction
Since SAP NetWeaver04s data can be transferred via Push into the PSA of a WebService DataSource. From there the data can be processed via Data Transfer Process. The following picture shows the data flow possibilities in SAP NetWeaver usage type BW:
Data Extraction

SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence Architected Data Marts Operational Data Store DataStore Objects Daemon Pull ~ 1/min
Scheduled Data Transfer Process

Data Warehouse Layer

Scheduled Data Transfer Process

DataTransfer Process for Real-time Data Acquisition

PSA DataSource
InfoPackage for RealTime Data Acquisition

Real-time Update

Web Service Push External System

Delta Queue Service API

Real-time Update


SAP Source System

SAP AG 2005, SAP Business Intelligence and Analytics Conference / E9_Keppler_Hoerisch / 11

However, the Web Service and the generic SOAP/RFC Service do not support Exactly Once transfer of data as no transaction ID is handled in the framework. Therefore data might be transferred several times which is not valid for all delta options that can be used in SAP NetWeaver04s usage type BI. The following picture shows different options of the data flow from SAP NetWeaver usage type XI to SAP NetWeaver usage type BW.


XI BW Intergration Adapter Overview

SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI

WebService DataSource RFC Function Module/ Web Service Push Request (Push) PSA

XI Proxy Framework Proxy

RFC Framework Status Management

ICF Web Service SOAP/RFC

tRFC SAP NetWeaver 2004s XI ProxyAdapter RFC-Adapter SOAP-Adapter 3rd Party Application 3rd Party Application

XI Integration Server

SAP Labs LLC 2004, 10

SAP NetWeaver04s usage type XI provides a variety of ways to access data from different sources. There are adapters to connect files, databases, messaging systems, Web Services. With R/3 systems (3.1h and higher), IDoc and RFC can be used. The standard communication channel for SAP systems is the ABAP Proxy which is available for Web AS 6.20 and higher. The Proxy communication supports the full Quality of Service (Exactly Once In Order) between SAP NetWeaver04s usage type XI and SAP NetWeaver04s usage type BI which other adapters do not: The RFC-Adapter does not support In Order but only Exactly Once (so-called tRFC) The SOAP-Adapter supports In Order, i.e. the order of the messages of the sender is kept during the processing. However Exactly Once cannot be implemented in this scenario in conjunction with the receiver (see above).

Hence, SAP recommends using the ABAP Proxy communication, only the ABAP Proxy implementation is described in this paper. Further information and the prerequisites to enable the full Quality of Service are described in note 717162.


3 The Result
The data is stored in the PSA and can be processed via a Data Transfer Process (DTP).

4 Implement XI-BW Proxy communication

4.1 Remarks an Prerequisites
The BW is integrated to the XI landscape. If this is not yet the case, follow the configuration guide of XI which you find here: SAP Service Marketplace ( ) Hint: As only the proxy communication is used, there is no configuration of IDOC or RFC communication necessary.

1. Prerequisite

2. Create a software component in the Software Landscape Directory (SLD)

3. Check Online Documentation if further information is needed.


4. Check availability of following XI services in SAP NetWeaver usage type BI system: - adapter plain - cache_gui - cache_ssl - docu_apperror - docu_syserror - engine Check in transaction SICF


Configure SAP NetWeaver usage type BI

5. Create a WebService Source System


6. Create a DataSource of type Transaction Data belonging to the WebService Source System

7. Maintain the general information

8. Maintain the Extraction properties

9. Maintain the fields CALDAY MATERIAL AMOUNT CURRENCY with the corresponding InfoObjects


10. Save and activate the DataSource The Web Service: /BIC/CQSENDXML00001000 and the Function Module /BIC/CQSENDXML00001000 are generated in this example. Hint: A fixed name for the WebService can be given (/BIC/CQ + Name). This name will be stable during the transport between systems. 11. Create a InfoPackage Right mouse click on DataSource

12. Give the InfoPackage a Description XI_BW Integration and press Save

13. Save the InfoPackage



Configure SAP NetWeaver usage type XI

14. Open the Repository Framework (Design) of the XI Integration Builder. You may start the application by executing transaction SXMB_IFR in the BW system. (Further information can be found in the XI documentation -> Design and Configuration Time -> Design) Choose your Software Component in the tree and open it with doubleclick: here we use: XITestComponent Enter the system data of the BW system that you want to connect. Note: If any problems occur when executing the Integration Builder check the client software installation (follow note 580351) Save the seetings 15. Import the RFC function module Right mouse click on RFCs


16. Logon to the SAP System Select RFC generate in Step 6 In this case: /BIC/CQSENDXML00001000 Press continue Select the function module and press Finish

17. Select your namespace, here: is used Choose Interface Objects and then Message Interface Create a Message Interface there by choosing New from the context menu


18. Define the Message Interface Name, here DataToBW and a description, here Interface to BW DataSource SENDXMLDATATOBW The Namespace and Software Component Version is filled by system Press Create

19. Choose the settings like this: Direction: Inbound Mode: Asynchronous

20. Select the imported RFC Message by executing the value help for Input Message Name


21. Select the RFC message /BIC/CQSENDXML00001000 and Press Apply

22. Select the Fault Message: Object Type: RFC Message Choose the Name via value help, here: /BIC/CQSENDXML00001000.Exce ption Save the Message Interface.

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23. Activate the Change List which you find on the Tab Changelist

- 11 -


Generate the Proxy in SAP NetWeaver usage type BI

24. Start transaction SPROXY and Refresh the tree Double-click on the Message Interface DataToBW of the Software Component Version XITESTCOMPONENT in the Software Component in your namespace (here: Choose a package (e.g. $tmp) Choose a prefix (we use Z here)

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25. Activate the Proxy

26. Navigate to the implementing class ZCL_DATA_TO_BW by double clicking Navigate to the method EXECUTE_ASYNCHRONOUS by double-clicking. Choose the change mode.

27. Insert the implementation of the method based on this sample coding and change the highlighted elements. /BIC/WCQSENDXML00001000: is the type of the EXPORTING parameter of the generated function module (see Step 6 in Configure SAP NetWeaver usage type BI) /BIC/CQSENDXML00001000: Is the name of generated function module (see Step 6 in Configure SAP NetWeaver usage type BI) ZCX___BIC__CQSENDXML000010 00_E: is the name of the exception class which can be found in the signature of the method (Press the button Hide/show signature to make the signature visible).

method ZII_DATA_TO_BW~EXECUTE_ASYNCHRONOUS. DATA: l_text TYPE string, l_s_data TYPE line of /BIC/WCQSENDXML00001000, l_t_data TYPE /BIC/WCQSENDXML00001000. FIELD-SYMBOLS <l_line> LIKE LINE OF input-data-item. LOOP AT input-data-item ASSIGNING <l_line>. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <l_line> TO l_s_data. APPEND l_s_data TO l_t_data. ENDLOOP. CALL FUNCTION '/BIC/CQSENDXML00001000' EXPORTING data = l_t_data EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc NE 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 INTO l_text. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE ZCX___BIC__CQSENDXML00001000_E EXPORTING text = l_text. ENDIF. endmethod.

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28. Make the signature visible to enter

29. Save and activate the method and all class and interface components 30. Result The SAP NetWeaver usage type BI is now ready to receive data from the Integration Server of SAP NetWeaver usage type XI via the Proxy Framework and the implemented Proxy.

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Verification Scenario

To verify the configuration it is necessary to configure an Integration Scenario. In this example a XML payload will be send from the Inbound Interface of SAP NetWeaver usage type XI to SAP NetWeaver usage type BI by using the Test Tool in the Runtime Workbench of the Integration Monitoring. Instead of this any other customer scenario can be configured.
1. Open the Integration Directory Execute transaction SXMB_IFR (in SAP NetWeaver usage type BI or XI) and select the Integration Directory under Integration Builder: Configuration

2. Select the tab Scenarios and choose Create from the context menu Note: Please use the wizard to create the Test Scenario!

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3. Choose Internal Communication and Press Create

4. Inbound message configuration (The name could be change to Outbound message configuration in future.) Specify the scenario parameters: Service Type: Business Service Service: XXX_001 Interface: SenderInterface Namespace: Adapter Type XI

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5. Outbound message configuration Here the configuration made in 4.3 is used. Specify the scenario parameters: Service Type: Business Service Service: Q12_003 Interface: DataToBW Namespace: Adapter Type XI

6. No Sender Agreement needs to be specified: Click Continue

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7. The Receiver Determination is automatically used from the configuration Click Continue

8. The Interface Determination is automatically determined from the configuration. Click Continue

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9. The Interface Determination is automatically determined and can be generated by the system. Click Continue

10. The scenario name DataToBW is used in this example. Click Finish

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11. All the settings are generated

12. Activate your Change list Hint: You may check the Scenario element on the Scenario Tab by executing Check Scenario in the menu Scenario.


Test the Scenario

1. Start the Integration Monitoring: Runtime Workbench (Transaction: SXMB_IFR)

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2. Click Display

3. Click Integration Engine

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4. Click Test Message

5. Fill the Header Information of the Test Message as configured before Service: XXX_001 Interface: SenderInterface Interface Namespace: User and Password of the SAP NetWeaver XI System Quality of Service: Exactly Once

- 22 -

6. Insert the Payload Data Records; CALDAY: 1999-01-24 MATERIAL: 4711 AMOUNT: 260 CURRENCY: EUR CALDAY: 1999-01-24 MATERIAL: 4712 AMOUNT: 100 CURRENCY: EUR

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ns1:DataToBW xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi=""> <DATA> <item> <CALDAY>1999-01-24</CALDAY> <MATERIAL>4711</MATERIAL> <AMOUNT>260</AMOUNT> <CURRENCY>EUR</CURRENCY> </item> <item> <CALDAY>1999-01-24</CALDAY> <MATERIAL>4712</MATERIAL> <AMOUNT>100</AMOUNT> <CURRENCY>EUR</CURRENCY> </item> </DATA> </ns1:DataToBW>

7. Click Send Message

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8. The Message Monitoring shows the status of the message Click Message Monitoring.

9. Select the Messages from Component: In this case from Integration Engine X7A From Database Click Start All the send message and the status are displayed.

10. Check PSA entries for the DataSource SENDXMLDATATOBW in the Destination System

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