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Extract Balances From BW

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How-to Guide


How To…
get Balances
from SAP ECC
6.0 for
in BPC 7.0 NW
Version 1.00 – 27th of April 2009

Applicable Releases:
SAP BusinessObjects 7.0 for the NW Platform
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1 Scenario
This document describes how to set up extraction of balances from SAP ECC 6.0 system
(transaction system) for the purpose of consolidation in SAP BPC 7.0 NW system. The
document is intended for consultants or administrators that understand the basic
elements need to be set up in the transaction system and SAP BPC 7.0 NW in order to
make consolidation engine work. The intention of this document is not to explain the
financial accounting as defined in various accounting principles and also the
consolidation rules needed to be set-up for getting the consolidated financial statements.
The scenario in this document only covers extraction of YTD balances from the
transaction system for each accounting period.

2 Prerequisites
SAP ECC 6.0 is the transaction system, which is connected with SAP BI 7.0
New GL is activated in SAP ECC 6.0 system and different Parallel ledgers are
defined for recording various GAAP specific accounting adjustments, such US-
GAAP, India GAAP, IFRS, etc
Set up the Consolidation Chart of Account and assign the Group Accounts in
each GL Account. This step is optional as the data in BPC can be extracted on
GL Accounts
Set up the Consolidation Transaction Types. These facilitate detailed reporting in

3 Introduction
Following steps outline how the extraction system should be set up to get the balances
from transaction system for consolidation in BPC 7.0 NW system.
Creation of Consolidation AppSet, Application and setting various parameters.
Master Data set up for various Dimensions in BPC.
Activation of standard data sources to extract the balances from SAP table
FAGLFLEXT in SAP ECC 6.0 system.
Creation of Info-Cubes in SAP BI system for getting the transaction data from
SAP ECC 6.0 system.
Creation of extraction procedure in SAP BI system for getting the data in relevant
Creation of Conversion File and Transformation File in SAP BPC 7.0 NW system.

4 Step by Step Solution

The following are the steps in order to set up basic transaction data extraction into SAP
BPC 7.0 NW system:

4.1 Activation of relevant Data Sources for data extraction in SAP BI 7.0
The following standard data sources are used for getting the data:
0FI_GL_12 Data from Leading Ledger
3FI_GL_XX_TT Data from Non-Leading Ledgers
These data source extraction process should be set to ADDD – Additive Delta, which
would facilitate extraction of data directly in an Info-cube. Refer SAP Note 1153944,
which explains the process of setting up the data source extraction process to ADDD –
Additive Delta.

4.2 Create an Info-Source, such as ZFI_GL_12. Follow the following steps:

Create an Info-Source and select the following fields. SEGMENT is an option field, which
would be required if there are reporting requirements on SEGMENT in BPC.

Create a Transformation Rule for this Info Source.

In the above scenario, ZGLACCGRP is defined as an info-object in SAP BI system.
This info-object is included as an attribute of 0GL_ACCOUNT. The following master
data mapping is done for ZGLACCGRP in the transformation rule;

The following END ROUTINE is included to delete redundant data.

4.3 Create following two Info-Cubes, one for recording the Closing
Balances of all accounts and the other for recording the Movements
(Flows) balances.
ZGLBAL_LL – GL YTD Balances – US GAAP: This info-cube will record the
cumulative (YTD) closing balance of all Accounts.
ZGLMVT_LL – GL YTD Movements – US GAAP: This info-cube will record the
cumulative (YTD) closing balances of only selected accounts, which are relevant
for recording movements data
The structure of both the cubes has to be same.

4.4 Create Transformation Rules for Cube ZGLBAL_LL

Following routines / formula are written for some info-objects:

0FISCPER: The SAP table FAGLFLEXT stores balances up to Period 016, hence
the data recorded up to period 016 in SAP ECC 6.0, should be taken for the
purpose of consolidation. In BPC we can only have 12 periods. In order to record
the period 016 balances in period 012, the following routine is incorporated.

0COMPANY: This info-object is used to record the trading partner in SAP ECC
6.0 system. At the time of data loading in BPC, none of the values in any of the
characteristics should be blank. Hence the following routine is written to record
“NONE”, wherever the value in 0COMPANY is blank.

ZGLACCGRP: The routine for this info-object is optional. In order to meet the US
GAAP requirements, the data of specific Functional Areas should be shown
separately. In the following routine, the data of certain accounts is posted on
relevant accounts based on the functional area in transaction data. This routine is
client specific and would be different based on client specific requirements and
SAP ECC 6.0 system configuration.

0CALMONTH: In BPC the TIME Dimension members are required to be created

in calendar month format (YYYY.MMM). In order to record the data of fiscal
periods, calendar month is required to be derived. The following formula is used
to derive the Calendar Month from Fiscal Year/Period.

0MOVE_TYPE: This info-cube will contain the cumulative balance of each
Account, irrespective of the movements. The constant value “920” is used for this
rule. This value would be mapped with F_CLO member of FLOW Dimension in

The following Start Routine is included in order to eliminate “ZERO” balances in
transaction data.

4.5 Create Transformation Rules for Cube ZGLMVT_LL

All the rules in transformation rule of ZGLBAL_LL info-cube are similar for this cube also.
The only difference is to directly map the info-object “0MOVE_TYPE” with source field.

4.6 Create Data Transfer Process

Create the Data Transfer Process (DTP) for both the info-cubes. You can set the filter in
DTP as per the requirement. The filter in DTP for info-cube ZGLMVT_LL should be set to
only include Accounts relevant for movement types. This is required to ensure that only
the relevant movements are available in BPC.

4.7 Create Multi-Provider

Create a Multi-Provider for these two info-cubes. This multi-provider is used in the data
manager package of BPC for loading the data. Since only one infoprovider can be
selected in BPC data manager package, creation of multi-provider would facilitate
loading of data in one single step.

4.8 Data Flow

The data flow of above two cubes should look like:

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4.9 BPC Transformation File

The following transformation file in BPC highlights the mapping of BI Infoobjects with
BPC Dimensions:

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The SELECTION option is very important in the transformation file. As per the BPC
system design the whole data in info-provider is loaded every time a data load is
done through data manager package. In order to avoid overwriting the
consolidated data in BPC, the period selection in transformation file is very

4.10 BPC Conversion Files

The following conversions in BPC are used for conversion of external master data with
BPC Dimension Members.
The conversion file should be designed in a manner to minimize the maintenance by the
users. The following conversion file is being designed as a Zero maintenance conversion


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