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MGF 1106 Syllabus

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Division of Arts and Sciences Math and Sciences



This course is intended to introduce the beauty and utility of mathematics to the general student population. Topics include systematic counting, probability, statistics, geometry, sets, and logic. This course is designed for those students whose majors do not require the technical mathematics sequence. If completed with a grade of C or better, this course serves to demonstrate competence for the general education mathematics requirement. The geometry component of this course should meet the requirements of 6a-5.066(3)1, Florida Administrative Rules, for education majors. It will enable the teacher to support the instruction of geometry and measurement as listed by the Sunshine State Standards. II. PREREQUISITES FOR THIS COURSE: MAT 1033 or higher with a minimum grade of C, or testing. CO-REQUISITES FOR THIS COURSE: None III. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION: Topic Outline. IV. Counting Principles Probability Statistics Geometry Sets Logic

LEARNING OUTCOMES AND ASSESSMENT: GENERAL EDUCATION COMPETENCIES: General education courses must meet at least four out of the five following outcomes. All other courses will meet one or more of these outcomes. Communication (COM): To communicate effectively using standard English (written or oral).

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MGF 1106 MATHEMATICS FOR LIBERAL ARTS I Critical Thinking (CT): To demonstrate skills necessary for analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Technology/Information Management (TIM): To demonstrate the skills and use the technology necessary to collect, verify, document, and organize information from a variety of sources. Global Socio-cultural Responsibility (GSR): To identify, describe, and apply responsibilities, core civic beliefs, and values present in a diverse society. Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning (QR): To identify and apply mathematical and scientific principles and methods. ADDITIONAL COURSE COMPETENCIES: At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following additional competencies: LEARNING OUTCOMES Represent sets using description, set-builder notation, and roster notation. Create and interpret a Venn diagram. Perform operations with sets. Apply the formula for the cardinality of the union of two sets. Determine the truth value of a conditional statement. Prove that statements are equivalent or not equivalent by using a truth table. Examine the validity of an argument by using a truth table or an Euler diagram. Solve problems involving similar figures, the Pythagorean Theorem and angles formed by parallel lines and transversals. Convert units of measurement by using dimensional analysis. Distinguish among quadrilaterals and other polygons by their unique characteristics. Solve application problems involving areas of plane regions and volumes of three-dimensional figures. VPASA: Revised 09/20/2011 Page 2 ASSESSMENTS Homework and/or quizzes and/or tests Homework and/or quizzes and/or tests and/or projects Homework and/or quizzes and/or tests Homework and/or quizzes and/or tests and/or group assignments and/or projects CT GENERAL EDUCATION COMPETENCY

MGF 1106 MATHEMATICS FOR LIBERAL ARTS I Identify missing parts of right triangles and solve application problems through the use of trigonometric ratios. Solve problems involving the Fundamental Counting Principle, permutations, and combinations. Compute theoretical and empirical probabilities including the probability of an event not occurring and conditional probabilities. Express and interpret the odds in favor and against an event occurring. Calculate and interpret expected value. Organize and present statistical data. Identify or calculate the mean, median, mode, midrange, range and standard deviation for a data set. Sketch and analyze a normal distribution for a given mean and standard deviation. Calculate and interpret percentiles and Z-scores. V. DISTRICT-WIDE POLICIES: PROGRAMS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Edison State College, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the colleges guiding principles, offers students with documented disabilities programs to equalize access to the educational process. Students needing to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or who suspect that their academic performance is affected by a disability should contact the Office of Adaptive Services at the nearest campus. Lee Campus Taeni Hall, S-116A (239) 489-9427 Charlotte Campus Spatz Hall, J-101 (941) 637-5626 Collier Campus Student Services, M-113 (239) 732-3104 Hendry/Glades Ctr. Building A, A-123 (863) 674-0408 VI. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE STUDENTS: The instructor is to list specific course assessments such as class participation, tests, homework assignments, make-up procedures, etc. [sample text for possible inclusion are included below] MyMathLabPlus (MMLP): [recommended statement below, MMLP is required!] Page 3 Homework and/or quizzes and/or tests and/or projects QR


Homework and/or quizzes and/or tests and/or group assignments and/or projects

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MGF 1106 MATHEMATICS FOR LIBERAL ARTS I All students are required to purchase access to MMLP; see Section XII for additional information. o Online assignments are found on the MMLP website: At the beginning of the semester, students will receive an email in their Edison email account that contains login credentials for MMLP. If an email has not been received then students should select the Forgot Your Password link, enter their Edison username as the User ID, and then select Search. An email with the needed login information will be sent to the students Edison email account. o HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: MyMathLabPlus (MMLP) o Students will complete all on-line homework assignments posted in MMLP; see Section XI: Class Schedule. o [Sample statement]Students should print a copy of the assignment and work out all problems with pencil and paper. Work should be neatly organized and should show steps in the solution process rather than just answers. Homework should be stored in a notebook dedicated to the course. That notebook should be brought to class each day. o [Sample statement if students are given due dates but allowed to work after the due date] The student should complete each assignment by its due date. In most cases, the student will be able to submit all or part of an assignment late until the day of the test covering that material; however there will be a per day penalty (usually 10%) applied to all problems done after the deadline. QUIZZES: MyMathLabPlus (MMLP) (Instructor may choose to give quizzes in class or through MLP or not to use quizzes) o Students will complete all chapter quizzes posted in MMLP; see Section XII: Class Schedule. [Sample statement] CLASS PARTICIPATION: (If a component of the grade, describe what measures will be used to determine it) TESTS: In Class o Students are expected to take [insert #: in most courses 4 tests are given, 3 6 tests work will in this course] in-class tests as scheduled; see Section XII: Class Schedule. [Include any other information about testing] FINAL EXAM: In Class o All students will complete an in-class Final Exam as scheduled. o [The final in this course is NOT a departmental final. MAKE-UP POLICY: [Sample statement: Each instructor should state his/her own makeup policy] In case of sudden illness or emergency, students must contact the instructor as soon as they realize that they are unable to take an in-class test or the final exam at the scheduled time. Each case will be reviewed individually. Valid and detailed documentation is a prerequisite for scheduling a makeup exam under such extenuating circumstances. [Sample statement 2] . Make-ups may be given, but only in extreme

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MGF 1106 MATHEMATICS FOR LIBERAL ARTS I circumstances, when the instructor has been contacted prior to the administration of the test and documentation of the reason for the absence has been presented to the instructors satisfaction. An email or phone call to the instructor prior to the test should include phone numbers where the student can be reached. To qualify for a makeup, the student must have contacted the professor prior to the test, provide documentation of the reason for the absence and the student must be able to take the makeup in a timely manner, usually before graded tests are returned to students. [Sample statement 3] Makeup tests are not given. If a student misses a test, then______________ CELL PHONE POLICY: [Sample statement]Cell phones should never be heard ringing in the classroom. Out of respect for your fellow students and for the instructor, turn them off before coming to class. Do not send or read text messages during class. If, as a result of a family emergency, the student is expecting a truly important call during a class, inform the instructor of this fact in advance and set the cell phone to the vibrate mode. If a call does come in, the student should excuse himself/herself as unobtrusively as possible to take the call. Bear in mind that taking calls during class must not become routine; it is acceptable only during legitimate emergencies. [Sample statement 2]. It is expected that cell phones and pagers will be turned off during class. Any student who uses his/her cell phone during class may be asked to leave the class. RESPECT: Students are expected to treat each other and the professor with the utmost respect; they are expected to arrive to class on time, stay on task, and remain until class is dismissed. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, obscene or profane language, etc will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action. [Sample statement] ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: [Sample statement] While study groups are encouraged, unless otherwise announced by your instructor, all work turned in for a grade should be done independently. Any submission by a student of someone elses work as his or her own or the use of any prohibited aids during testing constitutes cheating. This includes unauthorized use of a solutions manual, mathematical software or website. The student will earn a zero for that assignment and will be referred to the Deans Office. A second instance of academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for the course. It is each students responsibility to become familiar with the student code of conduct (found in the Edison State College catalog) for policies regarding academic integrity and classroom behavior ( [Sample statement]


ATTENDANCE POLICY: [Insert your own policy on attendance, for example, will points be added or subtracted based on attendance will a certain number of absences cause the students grade to be lowered or do you just want to encourage students to attend without reward or punishment? (The College policy on attendance is in the Catalog, and defers to the professor.)] Page 5

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GRADING POLICY: Include your components and weights (Some faculty use cumulative points instead of a percent range. If you do, then use point ranges below) {Sample statement] The following is the numerical range used for grades in this course: 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 Below 60 = = = = = A B C D F

(Note: The incomplete grade [I] will be given only when unusual circumstances warrant. An incomplete is not a substitute for a D, F, or W. Refer to the policy on incomplete grades.) IX. REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS: Blitzer, Robert. Thinking Mathematically. 5th ed. Boston: Prentice Hall, 2011. (Hard copy or electronic copy in MyMathLabPlus) MyMathLabPlus (sold separately or shrink-wrapped with the textbook) While only a scientific calculator is required for this course, it is recommended that the student use a TI-83 Plus or TI-84 PLUS graphing calculator, or equivalent. The use of calculators with computer algebra systems (for example, TI-89s and TI-92s) is not permitted on tests or quizzes. RESERVED MATERIALS FOR THE COURSE: A copy of the textbook is on reserve in the Library. CLASS SCHEDULE: [Sample] The following is a tentative schedule of required topics. All topics listed will be covered, but dates on which they are covered may change based on student needs and pedagogical concerns. Since this is only a tentative schedule, it is in your best interests to attend class regularly and to check the web portal and MyMathLabPlus frequently for announcements of changes. Be sure to include each of the following sections: 2.1 2.5, 3.1 3.8, 9.1 9.3, 10.1 10.6, 11.1 11.4, 11.6, 11.8, 12.1 12.5 Set up your schedule based on the number of tests you are giving.

X. XI.



Sections to Cover

Important Dates, Holidays, Misc.

1 2

Wednesday, January 9 Tuesday, January 15 Wednesday, January 16 Tuesday, January 22 January 16: Last day to add a class, change sections of a course without
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financial penalty, change from credit/audit to audit/credit, drop a class with a refund January 21: MLK Day Holiday 3 4 5 6 7 Wednesday, January 23 Tuesday, January 29 Wednesday, January 30 Tuesday, February 5 Wednesday, February 6 Tuesday, February 12 Wednesday, February 13 Tuesday, February 19 Wednesday, February 20 Tuesday, February 26 Wednesday, February 27 Tuesday, March 12 (Spring Break 3/ 4 3/10) 9 Wednesday, March 13 Tuesday, March 19 Wednesday, March 20 Tuesday, March 26 Wednesday, March 27 Tuesday, April 2 Wednesday, April 3 Tuesday, April 9 Wednesday, April 10 Tuesday, April 16 Wednesday, April 17 Wednesday, April 24 Thursday, April 25 Thursday, May 2 Insert Time and Date of Final March 25: Last day to withdraw from individual courses or the college College Closed: March 4 - 10


11 12 13 14 15


ANY OTHER INFORMATION OR CLASS PROCEDURES OR POLICIES: (Which would be useful to the students in the class.) Page 7

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MGF 1106 MATHEMATICS FOR LIBERAL ARTS I [Sample] EXTRA HELP: The student is expected to seek help when needed from one or more of the following sources: the instructor, the Math Center in Q223, the Tutoring Center in Q224, online tutoring available through MyMathLabPlus. Additionally, workshops that review current topics and skills will be offered on a regular basis through the Math Center. [Sample] For additional help with this course, the student may: For additional help with this course, the student may: o Send a message to the professor Send an email to __________________. The student can expect a response from the Professor within 24-48 hours. o Meet with the Professor during posted office hours. o Seek On-Campus Assistance: Each Campus, as well as the Hendry/Glades Center, has at least one place where students can go for assistance with mathematics. All of the following are available to each student, regardless of the location of his/her math class. On the Lee Campus, assistance for students in MAT1033 and higher is available at both the Math Center and the Tutoring Center. The Math Center is located in Q223. It is open 7:30 AM 9:30 PM Monday through Thursday, 7:30 AM 4 PM Friday and 9 AM 3 PM on Saturday. The Math Center is equipped with computers at which students can access MyLabsPlus to work on homework. Math Center Staff are available to assist students with their work. Assistance is given on a walk-in basis. The Lee Campus Tutoring Center (Q224) is staffed by student tutors. It offers group tutoring, scheduled one-on-one tutoring, and walk-in tutoring. The Tutoring Center is open 8 AM 6 PM Monday through Thursday and 8 AM 1 PM on Friday and Saturday. Students may also take advantage of the services offered at Academic Success Centers on the other campuses. Charlotte Campus: Academic Success Center located in B101. Hours are Monday 8 AM 6 PM; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8 AM 7:30 PM and Friday 8 AM 4 PM. Collier Campus: Academic Success Center is located in J-204. Hours are Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM - 9 PM, Friday 8 AM Hendry/Glades: Math Center is located in A-112. Hours are Monday through Thursday 9 AM 8 PM and Friday 9 AM 4 PM. o Request a tutor from the Edison State College Tutoring Center o All of these services are available to the student at no additional cost. [Sample] MYLABSPLUS TEMPORARY ACCESS: Students who are not able to purchase an access code at the beginning of the semester may obtain a temporary access code that expires 21 days from the start of the semester (not from the VPASA: Revised 09/20/2011 Page 8
4:30 PM and Saturday 9 AM to 1 PM.

MGF 1106 MATHEMATICS FOR LIBERAL ARTS I first day of use) by pressing the Temporary Access button in MyMathLabPlus. Students who have used a temporary code must wait until the temporary access expires before submitting a purchased access code or buying online. Work done prior to the temporary access expiration will be saved; but the student will not be able to do any additional work until the permanent access code has been submitted.

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