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La Sierra University: Jbeach@lasierra - Edu

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La Sierra University

Dept. of Mathematics

MATH 122-1 – Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry (4 units) Fall Quarter 2020

Class on-line via zoom on M, T, W, TH, from 1:00-1:50pm

Instructor: Jim Beach, by e-mail: Phone: (951) 785-2531; emergency phone number: (951) 785-
2197; Office: Price Hall 251

Required Text: Algebra and Trigonometry, 8E by Aufman and Nation. Published by Cengage (2015) and you will need to
register with Electronic Web Assign.

LSU Bulletin Description: Standard trigonometric identities, sine and cosine rules, two- and three-dimensional
applications, complex numbers, DeMoivre’s theorem, nth roots of unity. Equations of straight lines and conics;
identification of conics and their basic geometrical properties. Does not apply toward any mathematics or computer
science program.

Prerequisites: MATH 121 – College Algebra or qualifying placement level.

Recording Class Sessions: All class lectures and course materials are copyrighted, and any recording, transmission,
reproduction or redistribution of them without the written permission of the instructor is prohibited.  Students with
documented disabilities may be granted permission by the Office of Disability Services to make classroom recordings
as an accommodation.  Due to the nature of this class, students without an accommodation are rarely granted
permission to make student recordings.  Should permission be granted, student recordings are to be solely for the
personal use of the student, and students may not post, distribute or share the recordings.

Please note:
You are responsible for dropping the class if you determine that you no longer plan to attend.
Turn off all cell phones before class begins.

Calculator: You must have a calculator with at least roots, exponentials and logarithm. You are expected to bring your
textbook and calculator to each class. A calculator will be necessary for most homework assignments, quizzes and
tests. Some assignment questions may require the use of additional technology, such as Excel or Wolfram Alpha
(available freeat:

The use of calculators will be allowed on most tests and quizzes, however, you should not rely on a calculator as a
substitute for basic computational skills. If you do not have an acceptable calculator for any quiz or test, you will have
to take the quiz/test without the use of a calculator. During quizzes/tests, books and calculators may NOT be shared.

The use of any communication device (e.g., cell phone, iPod, iPad, laptop, etc.) during tests and quizzes is strictly
forbidden. You may use your communication device as a calculator when you do your homework, etc.; however, you
may not do this during a test and quiz. Inexpensive calculators are readily available that you can use during tests and
quizzes. All communication devices must be stored away out of sight when you are taking a test and quiz. Having a
communication device visible during a test or quiz will be handled as cheating; penalties could include, but are not
limited to, being assigned a zero for that quiz or exam.

Attendance: Regular attendance is expected. All students are required to attend at least 80% of their classes to receive
course credit. Occasional and documented short-term illnesses do not excuse students from meeting this attendance
requirement consequently if you miss 20% or more of the classes you receive a failing grade. Changes in this syllabus
become effective after being announced to the class. You are responsible for all material presented and assignments
made in class. You are responsible for these, even if you were absent when the changes were announced.

You should come to class on time, have your homework done, and be ready to ask questions about the material if/when
necessary. If you must arrive late or leave early, do so quietly and quickly - please respect your fellow students' right to
a class with minimum interruptions. Please have your cell phones, beepers, pagers, etc. in silent mode during class. Do
NOT answer these during classroom.

Assistance for Students Eligible for Accommodations  It is the policy of La Sierra University to accommodate students
with disabilities.  Any student with a documented disability who requires reasonable accommodations should contact
Office of Disability Services at (951) 785-2347 or

Title-IX-policy: Sexual Misconduct (Title IX)

Faculty members are committed to supporting students and upholding the University’s Title IX policy.  Under Title IX
discrimination based upon sex and/or gender is prohibited. This includes any act of sexual misconduct or sexual assault.
If you experience an incident of sex or gender base discrimination, sexual assault or sexual misconduct, we encourage
you to report it. You may talk to a faculty member. Understand the faculty member MUST report to the Title IX
Coordinator what you share. If you would like to speak with someone who may be able to afford you confidentiality,
you may contact our counseling services. The Title IX Office may refer you to other confidential resources.
 For more information, we encourage you to contact our Title IX Coordinator at: Phone: (951) 785-2849,
Email: , Address: 11498 Pierce Street, Suite AA. Riverside, CA 92505 

Academic Honesty: Students are responsible for being honest and for avoiding the appearance of dishonesty. Actions that
give the appearance of dishonesty will be considered cheating and will result in loss of credit as well as disciplinary
action. Examples include, but are not limited to: making a test visible to others, bringing unauthorized materials to a
test, and using electronic communication devices at inappropriate times.

From the Provost’s Office: “To be sure than you have no misunderstandings about the definitions of academic honesty
or academic dishonesty, refer to your La sierra University Student Handbook. The university has significant penalties
for academic dishonesty, so please take this suggestion seriously. La Sierra University’s policy and other important
information regarding academic honesty can be found at

“All members of the community of scholars (students and faculty) at the university must agree to the following
Academic Integrity Statement.
“Understand that enrolling in this course constitutes your agreement with the following statements:
 I will act with integrity and responsibility in my activities as a La Sierra University student or faculty member.
 I will not participate in violations of academic integrity, including plagiarism, cheating, or fabricating
 I will not stand by when others do these things.
 I will follow the academic integrity policy”

Course Objective: To develop skills in the classical areas of trigonometry and analytic geometry as listed in LSU Bulletin
Description and to provide the student with the concepts and manipulative skills necessary for basic scientific
applications and further mathematical study. Partially meets the mathematics requirements set by the California State
Department of Education for elementary and middle school teacher certification.

Student Learning Objectives After completing this course, students are expected to be able to solve problems showing all
appropriate details in the following topics: a. Trigonometric Functions, b. Trigonometric Identities and Equations, c.
Applications and Problem Solving using Trigonometry, d. Analytic Geometry, and e. Exponential and Logarithmic
Functions and Applications. These will be assessed in three ways: 1. They will submit homework that will be
subsequently assessed for completeness and accuracy; 2. They may take an unannounced quiz on the previous days’
lectures and discussion; and 3. They will demonstrate their ability to solve problems and to draw appropriate
conclusions on the three in-class tests and the final exam. Supports university SLO-1,2.

Course Grade: Your course letter grade will be assigned according to the following percentages: A = 100-92%; -A = 91-
90%; +B = 89-88%; B = 87-82%; -B = 81-80%; +C = 79-78%; C = 77-65%; D = 64-55%; F = 54-0%. Your final grade
is determined by the percentage of points you earn out of the 500 points possible.

1. Mid Quarter Exams: There will be three mid-term exams spaced through the quarter—see tentative schedule for
exam dates. Each exam will determine a possible 100 points out of the 500 points for the course and your grade for
that exam will be reported as the percentage of points earned on the exam. Examinations and quizzes will be closed
book and closed notes. Each exam will cover material from the sections indicated for that exam and may include
material that was discussed in class and/or covered in the homework/quizzes. Possible test questions will include
definitions of the terms specified in class, short explanations related to the covered material and problems similar to
the text’s examples and the assigned homework. You should not expect late or makeup exams. If you must miss an
exam, please speak to me before the exam date. We will talk more about the exams just prior to exam date.

2. Final Exam: Taking the final exam is required to pass the course. The final will be comprehensive, with test
questions taken from all the material covered during the quarter. The final exam will be worth 100 points toward the
500 total points possible. It will be given at the time scheduled for our class times.

3. Homework and Quizzes: The grades on the quizzes, and homework will be used to determine a possible 100 points
of the 500 total points. All graded homework will be submitted on line using WEB ASSIGN and each assignment is
worth 15 points. The problems inWebAssign are taken from the problem set in your text—you can refer there for
additional problems. It is your responsible to do sufficient exercises to understand and become proficient with the
material--this means you may need to do more homework than the assigned problems. You are expected to have
completed the assigned exercises pertaining to the material covered in the previous class before the start of the next
class period. During each class period, you will have an opportunity to ask questions about homework from the text
related to material from the previous class period. Assigned homework should be kept in a notebook for reference.

There may be quizzes during the week with each quiz is worth 15 points. The quizzes may be unannounced, may be
closed or open book.

At the end of the quarter, the lowest 20% of your quiz/homework scores will be deleted and the remaining 80% of the
quiz/homework scores will be used to determine a score of 100 points possible.

WEB ASSIGN: All homework will be on line using a web based homework tool: WEB ASSIGN:
Creating Your Webassign Page:
1. Go to
2. Click on “I have a Class Key”
3. Use lasierra 0051 5440 as your class key
4. The instructor’s name is jbeach
5. The institution is lasierra
6. You create your own password
7. If contacting professor, use, not through WebAssign

Spring Quarter 2020

Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00 Linear Algebra Linear Algebra Linear Algebra Linear Algebra
11:00 Dept. Meeting
1:00 Trig & A. Geo. Trig & A. Geo. Trig & A. Geo. Trig & A. Geo.
3:00 Intro to Probability Intro to Probability
5:00 CAS Meeting
Office hours by appointment, contact at

9:00am -- Tentative Outline for Covering Course Material: This schedule is tentative and may be changes by the
instructor during the quarter. It indicates the class period when the specified sections will be initially discussed-- the
homework related to the material will then be due before the beginning of the subsequent class.
Date Day Sections Covered in Class
1 Sept 21 M 5.1 Angles and Arcs
22 T 5.2 Right Triangle Trigonometry
23 W 5.3 Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle
24 TH 5.4 Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers
2 28 M Catch-up or review
29 T 5.5 Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions
30 W 5.6 Graphs of the Other Trigonometric Functions
Oct. 1 TH 5.7 Graphing Techniques
3 5 M 5.8 Harmonic Motion (may skip if behind)
6 T 6.1 Verification of trigonometric Identities
7 W 6.2 Sum, Difference, and Cofunction Identities
8 TH Catch-up or review
4 12 M MID QUARTER TEST 1 - Sections: 5.1.2,3,4,5,6,7,8;6.1,2
13 T 6.3 Double- and Half-Angle Identities
14 W 6.4 Identities Involving the Sum of Trigonometric Functions
15 TH 6.5 Inverse Trigonometric Functions
5 19 M 6.6 Trigonometric Equations
20 T Catch-up or review
21 W 7.1 Law of Sines
22 TH 7.2 Law of Cosines and Area
6 26 M 7.3 Vectors
27 T 7.4 Trigonometric Form of Complex Numbers
28 W 7.5 De Moivre’s Theorem
29 TH Catch-up or review
7 Nov. 2 M MID QUARTER TEST 2 – Sections: 6..;7.1.2,3,4,5
3 T 8.1 Parabolas
4 W 8.2 Ellipses
5 TH 8.3 Hyperbolas
8 9 M 8.4 Rotation of Axes
10 T 8.4 Catch-up or review
11 W 8.5 Introduction to Polar Coordinates
12 TH 8.5 Catch-up or review
9 16 M Parametric Equations
17 T 8.7 Parametric Equations
18 W 8.7 Catch-up or review
19 TH MID QUARTER TEST 3 –Sections: 8.1,2,3,4,5,7
10 Thanks Giving Break
11 30 M 8.6 Polar form of Conics
1 T continued
2 W Catch-up or review
3 TH Catch-up or review


(All material covered)

Changes to Syllabus: The above is a guide only.  The instructor reserves the right to make adjustments to this syllabus as
deemed necessary and changes become effective when announced in class.

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