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Master of Business Administration

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CHANGE & KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Sub Code: 10MBA41 No. of Lecture Hours / Week: 04 Hours Total no. of Lecture Hrs: 56 100 MANAGING CHANGE MODULE 1 (8 Hours) Change: Introduction, meaning, need, implications. Personal Change: Meaning, understanding personal change, and personal change process, components of personal change: Self awareness, self analysis, self efficacy, self esteem, organizational roles making organizational roles effective and role efficacy, Importance. MODULE 2 (10 Hours) Organizational Change: Definition, nature, types, forces, models of organizational change Force Field, Kurt Lewis, Systems, 7 Stage and Contemporary Activities Research, Managerial approaches for implementing change, perspectives on change, understanding the change process, Change management: leading the change process, facilitating change, dealing with individual and group resistances, intervention strategies, develop learning Organization. MODULE 3 (6 Hours) Organizational Culture & Change: Corporate Culture, types of culture, importance, nature, formal & informal components of organizational culture, functions, creating & sustaining culture, designing strategy for cultural change transglobal & cross cultural contents, researches on cultural differences in Organizations, Organizational Culture & leadership, emerging trends in Organizational culture. MODULE 4 (4 Hours) Creativity & Innovation: meaning, need, components of creativity & innovation, Organizational Constraints, Organizational environment for Creativity & Innovation, RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Change & Knowledge Mangement-R.L. Nandeshwar, Bala Krishna Jayasimha, Excel Books, 1st Ed. 2. Management of Organizational Change K Harigopal Response Books, 2001

IA Marks: 50 Exam Hours: 3 Exam Marks:

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Change Management, concepts and applications, Radha R. Sharma, TMH 2. Managing Organizational Change - V Nilkant, S Ramnarayan Response Books 2004. 3. Managing organizational change, Palmer, Dunford, Akin, Tata Mc-Graw Hill edition 4. Organization Change and Development, Kavith Singh, Excel Books KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT MODULE 5 (06 Hours) Introduction: Definition, evolution, need, drivers, scope, approaches in Organizations, strategies in organizations, components and functions, understanding knowledge; Learning organization: five components of learning organization, knowledge sources, and documentation. MODULE 6 (10 Hours) Essentials Of Knowledge Management, knowledge creation process, knowledge management techniques, -Knowledge creation process, systems and tools, organizational knowledge management architecture and implementation strategies, building the knowledge corporation and implementing knowledge management in organization. MODULE 7 (8 Hours) Knowledge management system life cycle, managing knowledge workers, knowledge audit, and knowledge management practices in organizations, few case studies. MODULE 8 (4 Hours) Futuristic KM: Knowledge Engineering, Theory of Computation, Data Structure. (NOTE: Proportionate weightage - based on number of hours allotted should be given to both the parts while setting question papers) RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Knowledge Management a resource book A Thohothathri Raman, Excel, 2004. 2. Knowledge Management- Elias M. Awad Hasan M. Ghazri, Pearson Education REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. The KM Toolkit Orchestrating IT, Strategy & Knowledge Platforms, Amrit Tiwana, Pearson, PHI, 2nd Edition. 2. The Fifth Discipline Field Book Strategies & Tools For Building A learning Organization Peter Senge Et Al. Nicholas Brealey 1994 3. Knowledge Management Sudhir Warier, Vikas publications 4. Leading with Knowledge, Madanmohan Rao, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.


ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT Sub Code: 10MBA42 No. of Lecture Hours / Week: 04 Hours Total no. of Lecture Hrs: 56 100 IA Marks: 50 Exam Hours: 3 Exam Marks:

MODULE 1 (8 Hours) Entrepreneur: Meaning of Entrepreneur; Evolution of the Concept; Functions of an Entrepreneur, Types of entrepreneur, Intrapreneur an emerging class, Concept of Entrepreneurship-Evolution of Entrepreneurship; Development of Entrepreneurship; The entrepreneurial Culture; Stages in entrepreneurial process. MODULE 2 (6 Hours) Creativity and Innovation: Creativity, Exercises on Creativity, Source of New Idea, Ideas into Opportunities. Creative problem solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectics, Value Analysis Innovation and Entrepreneurship : Profits and Innovation, Globalization, Modules of Innovation, Sources and Transfer of Innovation, Why Innovate, What Innovation, How to Innovate, Who Innovates. MODULE 3 (14 Hours) Business Planning Process Meaning of business plan, Business plan process, Advantages of business planning, Marketing plan, Production/operations plan, Organizational plan, financial plan, Final project report with feasibility study, preparing a model project report for starting a new venture. MODULE 4 (6 Hours) Institutions supporting entrepreneurs Small industry financing developing countries, A brief overview of financial institutions in India, Central level and state level institutions, SIDBI, NABARD, IDBI, SIDO, Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship, DIC, Single window, Latest Industrial policy of Government of India MODULE 5 (6 Hours) Family Business Importance of family business, Types, History, Responsibilities and rights of shareholders of a family business, Succession in family business, Pitfalls of the family business, strategies for improving the capability of family business, Improving family business performance MODULE 6 (8 Hours) International Entrepreneurship Opportunities: The nature of international entrepreneurship, Importance of international business to

the firm, International versus domestic entrepreneurship, Stages of economic development, Entrepreneurship entry into international business, exporting, Direct foreign investment, barriers to international trade. MODULE 7 (4 Hours) Informal risk capital and venture capital: Informal risk capital market, venture capital, nature and overview, venture capital process, locating venture capitalists, approaching venture capitalists. MODULE 8 (4 Hours) Managing growth: Using external parties to help grow a business, franchising, advantages and limitations, investing in a franchise, joint ventures- types, Acquisitions and mergers RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Poornima Charantimath, Entrepreneurship Development-Small Business Enterprise, Pearson Education, 2007 2. Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shepherd, Entrepreneurship, 6th Edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Dr. Mathew J. Manimala, Entrepreneurship theory at crossroads, Biztantra, 2007 2. Vasant Desai, Entrepreneurial Development and Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 2007 3. Maddhurima Lall, Shikha Sahai, Entrepreneurship, Excel Books, 2006 4. Kurakto, Entrepreneurship-Principles and practices, 7th Edition, 2007, Thomson publication SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Sub Code: 10MBA43 No. of Lecture Hours / Week: 04 Hours Total no. of Lecture Hrs: 56 100 IA Marks: 50 Exam Hours: 3 Exam Marks:

MODULE 1 (8 Hours) Introduction to Supply Chain Management Supply chain objectives importance decision phases process view competitive and supply chain strategies achieving strategic fit supply chain drivers obstacles framework facilities inventory transportation information sourcing pricing. MODULE 2 (8 Hours) Designing the supply chain network Designing the distribution network role of distribution factors influencing distribution design options e-business and its impact

distribution networks in practice network design in the supply chain role of network factors affecting the network design decisions modeling for supply chain. MODULE 3 (5 Hours) Designing and Planning Transportation Networks. Role of transportation - modes and their performance - transportation infrastructure and policies - design options and their trade-offs - Tailored transportation. MODULE 4 (6 Hours) Sourcing and Pricing. Sourcing In-house or Outsource 3rd and 4th PLs supplier scoring and assessment, selection design collaboration procurement process sourcing planning and analysis. Pricing and revenue management for multiple customers, perishable products, seasonal demand, bulk and spot contracts. MODULE 5 (5 Hours) Information Technology in the supply chain IT Framework customer relationship management internal supply chain management supplier relationship management transaction management future of IT. MODULE 6 (6 Hours) Coordination in a Supply Chain Lack of supply chain coordination and the Bullwhip effect obstacle to coordination managerial levers building partnerships and trust continuous replenishment and vendor-managed inventories collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment. MODULE 7 (7 Hours) Dimensions of Logistics Introduction: A macro and micro dimension logistics interfaces with other areas approach to analyzing logistics systems logistics and systems analysis techniques of logistics system analysis factors affecting the cost and importance of logistics. MODULE 8 (7 Hours) Demand Management and Customer Service Outbound to customer logistics systems Demand Management Traditional Forecasting CPFRP customer service expected cost of stockouts channels of distribution. Cases in SCM (4 Hours) RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management Strategy, Planning and Operation, Pearson/PHI, 3rd Edition, 2007.

2. Coyle, Bardi, Longley, The management of Business Logistics A supply Chain Perspective, Thomson Press, 2006. 3. Supply Chain Management by Janat Shah Pearson Publication 2008. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Donald J Bowersox, Dand J Closs, M Bixby Coluper, Supply Chain Logistics Management, TMH, Second Edition, 2008. 2. Wisner, Keong Leong and Keah-Choon Tan, Principles of Supply Chain Management A Balanced Approach, Thomson Press, 2005. 3. David Simchi-Levi et al, Designing and Managing the Supply Chain Concepts, RURAL MARKETING Sub Code: 10MBAMM415 No. of Lecture Hours / Week: 04 Hours Total no. of Lecture Hrs: 56 100 IA Marks: 50 Exam Hours: 3 Exam Marks:

MODULE 1 (4 Hours) Introduction: Definition, scope of rural marketing, concepts, components of rural markets, classification of rural markets, rural vs. urban markets

MODULE 2 (6 Hours) Rural marketing environment: Population, occupation pattern, income generation, location of rural population, expenditure pattern, literacy level, land distribution, land use pattern, irrigation, development programs, infrastructure facilities, rural credit institutions, rural retail outlets, print media in rural areas, rural areas requirement, problems in rural marketing, rural demand, rural market index MODULE 3 (6 Hours) Rural Consumer behaviour: Consumer buying behaviour models, Factors affecting Consumer Behaviour, Social factors, Technological Factors, Economic Factors, Political Factors, Characteristics of Rural consumer- Age and Stages of the Life cycle, Occupation and Income, Economic circumstances, Lifestyle, Personality and Brand Belief, Information Search and pre purchase Evaluation, Rise of Consumerism, Consumer Buying Process, Opinion Leadership Process, Diffusion of Innovation, Brand Loyalty


MODULE 4 (6 Hours) Researching Rural Market: Sanitizing rural market, Research design- Reference frame, Research approach, Diffusion of innovation, Development studies, PRA approach, The need for PRA, Sampling, Operational aspects of data collection, MODULE 5 (9 Hours) Rural Marketing Strategies: a) Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning Segmentation- Heterogeneity in Rural, Prerequisites for Effective Segmentation, Degrees of Segmentation, Basis of Segmentation and Approaches to Rural Segmentation- Geographic Segment, Demographic Segmentation, Psychographic Segmentation, Behaviour Segmentation, Multi-attribute Segmentation, Targeting- Evaluation and Selection of Segments, Coverage of Segments, Positioning- Identifying the positioning Concept, Selecting the positioning Concept, Developing the Concept, Communicating the Concept b) Product Strategy Introduction, Marketing Mix Challenges, Product concepts classificationFive Levels Products, Classification of Products, Rural Product Categories Fast moving Consumer goods, Consumer Durables, Agriculture Goods, Services, c) New Product Development Consumer Adoption Process, Product life cycle, Product Mix, d) Branding in Rural India- Brand building in Rural India, Brand Spectrum in Rural, Brand Loyalty Vs Stickiness e) Fake Brands- The Fakes Market, Strategy to counter fakes, Structure of competition in Rural India, Product warranty and After-salesservice, Conclusion, Assignment MODULE 6 (7Hours) Distribution Strategy: Introduction: Accessing Rural Markets, Coverage Status in Rural Markets, Channels of Distribution, Evolution of Rural Distribution SystemsWholesaling, Rural Retail System, Vans, Rural Mobile Traders: The last Mile Distribution, Haats/Shandies, Public Distribution System, Co-operative Societies Behaviour of the Channel, Prevalent Rural Distribution ModelsDistribution Models of FMCG Companies, Distribution Model of Durable Companies, Distribution of fake products, Emerging Distribution ModelsCorporate SHG Linkage, Satellite Distribution, Syndicated Distribution, ITCs Distribution Model, Petrol pumps and Extension counters, Barefoot agents, Agricultural agents, Agricultural input dealers, Other channels, Ideal distribution model for Rural MODULE 7 (7 Hours) Communication strategy:

Challenges in Rural Communication, A view of Communication Process, Developing Effective- Profiling the Target Audience, Determining communication objectives, designing the message, selecting the communication channels, deciding the promotion mix, Creating advertisement for rural audiences rural media- Mass media, NonConventional Media, Personalised media, Rural Media: The importance of the two-step flow of communication Media Typology, The Media Model, Media innovation, Influence of Consumer Behaviour on Communication strategies, MODULE 8 (7 Hours) The future of Rural Marketing: Introduction, Focused Marketing Strategies, Market Research, Consumer Finance, Rural Vertical, Retail and IT Models, Rural Managers, Glamorize Rural Marketing, Public-Private Partnership, e-Rural Marketing Case studies in Indian context only (4 Hours) RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Rural Marketing, Pradeep Kashyap & Siddhartha Raut, Biztantra 2. Rural Marketing, T.P. Gopal Swamy, Vikas Publishing House,2/e 3. Rural Marketing, Balaram Dogra & Karminder Ghuman, TMH,1/e 4. Rural Marketing, Sanal Kumar Velayudhan,2/e, Response, SAGE Publication REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Rural Marketing U.C.Mathur, excel books, 1/e 2. Rural Marketing C G Krishnamacharyulu, Lalitha Ramakrishnan Pearson Education 3. Rural Marketing Habeeb Ur Rahman HPH, 1/e, 2004 4. Rural Marketing Sukhpal Singh Vikas Publishers 5. Rural Marketing Minouti Kamat& R. Krishnamoorthy -HPH, 3/e, 6. Agricultural Marketing In India Acharya Oxford I B H 7. Advertising & Marketing in Rural India- Tej K. Bhatia, Macmillan 8. Marketing of Agricultural Products Richard Kohls and Joseph N. Uhl -9/e (PHI) STRATEGIC BRAND MANAGEMENT Sub Code: 10MBAMM416 No. of Lecture Hrs / Week: 04 Hours Total no. of Lecture Hours: 56 100 MODULE 1 (6 Hours) Introduction to the concept of Brand Management:

IA Marks: 50 Exam Hours: 3 Exam Marks:

Brand Meaning, Definition, Evolution of Brands, Functions of Brand to consumer, Role of Brand- Advantages of Brand, Product Vs Brand, Branding- Meaning, Creation of Brands through goods, services, people, Organisation, Retail stores, places, online, entertainment, ideas, challenges to Brand builders Brand Management-Meaning & Definition. Strategic Brand Management Process-Meaning, Steps in Brand Management Process Strong Indian Brands (Case study) MODULE 2 (7 Hours) Customer Based Brand Equity: Customer Based Brand Equity-Meaning, Model of CBBE Brand Equity: Meaning, Sources, Steps in Building Brands, Brand building blocks-Resonance, Judgments, Feelings, performance, imagery, salience- Brand Building Implications, David Aakers Brand Equity Model. Brand Identity & Positing: Meaning of Brand identity, Need for Identity & Positioning, Dimensions of brand identity, Brand identity prism, Brand positioning Meaning, Point of parity & Point of difference, Positioning guidelines Brand Value: Definition, Core Brand values, Brand mantras, Internal branding, MODULE 3 (3 Hours) Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity: Criteria for choosing brand elements, options & tactics for brand elements-Brand name, Naming guidelines, Naming procedure, Awareness, Brand Associations, Logos & Symbols & their benefits, Characters & Benefits, Slogans & Benefits, Packaging. Leveraging Brand Knowledge: (4 Hours) Meaning of Brand Knowledge, Dimensions of Brand Knowledge, Meaning of Leveraging Secondary Brand Knowledge & Conceptualising the leverage process MODULE 4 (5 Hours) Measuring & Interpreting brand performance: Brand Value chain- Designing Brand Tracking studies, Establishing brand Equity Management Systems. MODULE 5 (5 Hours) Measuring Brand Equity: Methods for measuring Brand Equity- Quantitative Techniques & Quantitative Techniques, Comparative methods-Brand based comparisons, Marketing based comparisons-Conjoint Analysis, Holistic methods. MODULE 6 Brand Strategies: (6 Hours) a) Brand Extension- Meaning, Types, Needs, Advantages & Disadvantages of Brand Extension, Brand-Product matrix, Brand

Hierarchy-Kapferers Branding Systems, Building Brand Equity at different hierarchial levels, Brand hierarchy decision-Consumers Evaluation of Brand Extensions & Opportunities b) Brand Personality- Meaning & Definition, Types of Brand personalities, Elements of Brand personality (2 Hours) c) Brand Image- Meaning & Definition, Sources of Brand Image, Brand Image for Established and New Products, Brand Image & Celebrity (02 Hours) d) Brand Repositioning: Meaning, Types of repositioning strategies in Indian marketing (1 Hour) MODULE 7 (5 Hours) Brand Imitations: Meaning of Brand Imitation, Kinds of imitations, Factors affecting Brand Imitation, Imitation Vs Later market entry, First movers advantages, Free rider effects, Benefits for later entrants, Imitation Strategies. MODULE 8 (6 Hours) Making Brands go Global: Geographic extension, sources of opportunities for global brand, single name to global brand, consumers & globalization, conditions favoring marketing, barriers to globalization, managerial blockages, organisation for a global brand, pathways to globalization. Case studies in Indian context only (4 Hours) RECOMMENDED TEXT BOOKS: 1. Strategic Brand Management, Building Measuring & Managing Brand Equity 2nd Ed Phi / Pearson Education Kevin Lane Keller 2. Brand Management -The Indian Context Y L R Moorthi Vikas Publication. 3. Strategic Brand Management Jean, Noel, Kapferer Kogan Page India 4. Brand Imitations Dr S S Kaptan, Dr S Pandey HPH, 1/e, 2004 5. Brand Management, Tapan Panda, 2/e, Excel Publication REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Brand Management- Harish V Verma, 2/e, Excel Books 2. Compendium Brand Management Chunnawalla HPH, 1/e, 2003 3. Managing Indian Brands S Ramesh Kumar Vikas 4. Strategic Brand Management- Richard Elliott & larry Perclu, Oxford Press, 1/e 5. Creating powerful brands Chernatony, Elsevier Publication, 1/e RECOMMENDED BOOK FOR CASE STUDY: 1. Brand Management- Text and Cases- U C Mathur, Macmillan, 1/e INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS

Sub Code: 10MBAMM417 No. of Lecture Hrs / Week: 04 Hours Total no. of Lecture Hours: 56 100

IA Marks: 50 Exam Hours: 3 Exam Marks:

MODULE 1 Role of IMC in marketing process, IMC planning model, Marketing and promotion process model. Communication process, steps involved in developing IMC programme, Effectiveness of marketing communications (4 Hours) Advertising: Purpose, Role, Functions, Types, Advertising Vs Marketing mix, Advertising appeal in various stages of PLC (4 Hours) MODULE 2 (4 Hours) Advertising Agency: Type of agencies, Services offered by various agencies, Criteria for selecting the agencies and evaluation. MODULE 3 (4 Hours) Advertising objectives and Budgeting: Goal setting DAGMAR approach, Various budgeting methods used. MODULE 4 Media planning: Developing Media plan, Problems encountered, Media Evaluation-Print, Broadcast media, Support media in advertising. (4Hours) Media strategy: Creativity, Elements of creative strategies and its implementation, Importance of Headline and body copy. (4 Hours) MODULE 5 (8 Hours) Direct Marketing: Features, Functions, Growth, Advantages/Disadvantages, And Direct Marketing Strategies. Promotion: Meaning, Importance, tools used, Conventional/unconventional, drawbacks, push pull strategies, Cooperative advertising, Integration with advertising and publicity Public relation/ Publicity:- Meaning, Objectives, tools of public relations, Public relation strategies, Goals of publicity, Corporate Advertising Role, Types, Limitations, PR Vs Publicity. MODULE 6 (4 Hours) Monitoring, Evaluation and control: Measurement in advertising, various methods used for evaluation, Pre-testing, Post testing.


International Advertising: Global environment in advertising, Decision areas in international advertising (4 Hours) Internet advertising: Meaning, Components, Advantages and Limitations, Types of Internet advertising (3 Hours) Industrial advertising: B 2 B Communication, Special issues in Industrial selling. (4 Hours) MODULE 8 Event Management: Introduction Purpose of organizing an Event, Key elements of Events, Concepts of promotion and pricing in events. (5 Hours) Case studies in Indian context only (4 Hours) RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Advertising and Promotions IMC Perspectives: Belch and Belch Tata Mc Graw Hill, 6/e, 2003 2. Advertising An IMC Perspective - S. N. Murthy/U.Bhojanna - Excel Books, 2007. 3. Advertising & Integrated Brand Promotion, OGuinn, Allen, Semenik, 4/e, Thomson, 2007 4. Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, Clow, Baack, 3/e, Pearson Education, 2007 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Foundations of Advertising, Chynawalla & Sethia, HPH, 2007 2. Advertising management Rajeev Batra, John G Myers & Aaker PHI, 5/e, 2007 3. Event marketing and management- Sanjaya Singh Vikas Publication, 2003. 4. Advertising Basics, Vilanilam, Varghese, Response Books, 2007 5. Advertising, Sangeeta Sharma & Raghuvir Singh, PHI, 2006. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT Sub Code: 10MBAMM418 No. of Lecture Hrs / Week: 04 Hours Total no. of Lecture Hours: 56 100 IA Marks: 50 Exam Hours: 3 Exam Marks:

MODULE 1 (7 Hours) Framework of international marketing: Definition scope and challenges difference between international marketing and domestic marketing the dynamic environment of international trade transition from domestic to international markets orientation of management and companies Global e-marketing: The Death of Distance, communications, Targeting the individual customers, relationship marketing, interactivity, Speed to

market, living in an age of technical discontinuities, new technologies change the rules of competition, components of the electronic value chain.

MODULE 2 (8 Hours) Developing a global vision through marketing research: Breadth and scope of international marketing research problems in availability and use of secondary data problems in gathering primary data multicultural research a special problem research on internet a new opportunity estimating market demand problems in analyzing and interpreting research information responsibility for conducting marketing research communicating with decision makers. Identifying foreign markets classification based on demand based on the stage of development other bases for division of world markets Social and Cultural Environment: Basic aspects of society and culture, Approaches to cultural factors, Impact of Social and Cultural Environment on Marketing Industrial and Consumer Products MODULE 3 (7 Hours) Global marketing management planning and organization: Global perspective global gateways global marketing management an old debate and a new view planning for global markets alternative market entry strategies organizing for global competition MODULE 4 (6 Hours) Products and services for consumers: Quality Green marketing and product development, products and culture analyzing product components for adaptation products for consumers in global markets, product development, product adaptation, product standardization, marketing consumer services globally marketing of services, brands in international markets Products and services for businesses Demand in global business to business markets quality and global standards business services trade shows' crucial part of business to business marketing relationship markets in business to business context MODULE 5 (8 Hours) Licensing, Strategic Alliances, FDI: Introduction, Licensing, Strategic Alliances, Manufacturing Subsidiaries, Entry Modes and Marketing Control, Optimal Entry Strategies. Global Distribution Introduction, Distribution as Competitive advantage, Rationalizing Local Channels, Wholesaling, Retailing, Global Logistics, Parallel Distribution, Global Channel Design International retailing


International expansion of retailers international retailing defined retail format variations in different markets general merchandise: retailing issues in international retailing MODULE 6 (7 Hours) Pricing decisions: Global Pricing Framework, Pricing Basics, Marginal Cost Pricing and its importance, Transfer Pricing, Counter trade, Systems Pricing, Pricing and Positioning, price quotation INCO terms preparation of quotations. Promotion Decisions Promotions international advertising sales promotion in international markets international advertising direct mailing personal selling exhibition generic promotions in international marketing MODULE 7 (6 Hours) Recent trends in India's foreign trade: Institutional infrastructure for exports promotions in India India's trade policy exports assistance exports documentation and procedures including different stages of documentation Globalization in India, Opportunities, Constraints and Initiatives India - A Hub for Globalization, Globalization in India - Post Liberalization, Indias Strnegths, Strategies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Potential for Made in India, Major Globalization Initiatives from Indian Companies, WTO Regulations and their implications for India, Undesirable effects of globalization, Government Initiatives needed to foster globalization MODULE 8: (2 Hours) The future of global marketing: Six major changes in global marketing Case studies (5 Hours) RECOMMENDED TEXT BOOKS: 1. International Marketing Cateora, Graham TMH 12/E, 2005 2. International Marketing Varshney, Bhattacharya S Chand 3. Global Marketing Management Warren Keegan Pearson / PHI, 7/e 4. Global Marketing, Johny K. Johannson, 4/e, TMH, 5. International Marketing Dana Nicoleta, Lascu Biztantra, 2003 6. International Marketing Francis Cherunillam HPH, 7/e, 2004 7. Global Marketing Strategies, 6/e, Jean-Pierre Jeannet, Biztantra REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. International Marketing: Analysis And Strategy - Sak Onkvisit, Johnshaw Biztantra, 4/e 2. International Marketing Rakesh Mohan Joshi Oxford, 2004 3. International Marketing Michael Czinkota, Illka A Ronkainen Thomson, 8/e, 2007 4. International Marketing R Srinivasan PHI, 2/e 5. International Logistics Pierre David Biztantra, 2004/05

6. International Management: A Strategic prespective, John B Cullen & K Praveen Parboteeah, Thomson , 1/e


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