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Adam and Eve, greatly cheered, blessed the Lord, and thanked Him
for His goodness, and resolved to continue their repentance.
A short time after they committed a fault. Satan presented himself to
them under the form of an angel of light, and announced that he was
commissioned by the Most High to lead them to the brink of the
River of the Water of Life, into which they were to plunge and wash
away their sin.
They believed, and followed him by a strange road, and he led them
to the edge of a precipice, down which he endeavoured to fling them;
for, he thought, were he to destroy the man and the woman, he
would be supreme in the world God had made. But the Almighty
rescued Adam and Eve, and drave Satan from them.
To punish themselves for their involuntary fault, Adam and Eve
separated, so as not to see one another, and resolved to spend forty
days up to their necks in the sea.
Before parting, Adam said to his wife, “Remain in the water here,
and do not quit it till I return, and spend your time in praying the Lord
to pardon us.”
Now, whilst they were undergoing this penance, Satan cast about
how he might bring to naught our first parents, and he sought them
but could not find them, till on the thirty-fifth day of their penance he
perceived the two heads above the water; then he knew at once
what was their intention, and he resolved to frustrate it. So he took
upon him the form of an angel of Heaven, and flew over the sea,
singing praises to God; and when he came to the place where Eve
was, he cried, “Joy, joy to thee! God is with thee, and He has sent
me to bring thee to Adam to announce to him that he has found
favour with the Most High.”
Eve instantly scrambled out of the water, and followed Satan to
Adam, and the Evil One placed her before her husband, and
vanished. When Adam saw his wife, he was filled with dismay, and
beat his breast and wept. When she told him why she was there, he
knew that the great Enemy had been again at his work of deception,
and he fell into despair. But a voice from Heaven bade him return
with Eve to the Treasure-cave.
Hunger, thirst, cold, and prayer had completely exhausted the pair,
and Adam cried to the Lord, “O God, my Creator! Thou hast given
me reason and an enlightened heart. When Thou didst forbid me to
eat of the fruit of the Tree, Eve was not yet made, and she did not
hear Thy command; in Eden we hungered not, nor felt thirst or pain
or fatigue. All this have we lost. And now we dare not touch the fruit
of the trees or drink of water without Thy command. Our bodies are
exhausted, our strength is gone; grant us wherewith to satisfy our
hunger, and to quench our thirst.”
God ordered the Cherubim who kept the gate of Eden, to carry to
Adam two figs from the tree under which our first parents had
concealed themselves after the Fall.
“Take,” said the Cherubim, presenting the figs to them, “take the fruit
of the tree whose leaves covered your shame.”
“Oh!” cried Adam, “may God grant us some of the fruit of the Tree of
But God answered, “I will give unto you this fruit and living water, to
you and to your descendants, on that day that I shall descend into
the abode of death and shall break the gates of iron in sunder, to
bring you forth into my garden of pleasures. That which you ask of
Me shall take place at the expiration of five long days and a half (i.e.
5,500 years), after that my blood has flowed upon thy head, O
Adam, upon Golgotha.”
Adam and Eve took the figs, which were very heavy, for the fruits of
the earthly paradise were much larger than the fruit of this outer
world in which we live. And when they were about to enter into the
Cave of Treasures, they saw there a great fire; this mightily
astonished them, for as yet they had not seen fire except in the
flaming sword of the Cherub. Now this fire which surprised them was
the work of Satan; he had collected branches and had fired them in
the hope of burning down the cavern and driving Adam to despair.
The fire lasted till the morrow; Satan, without showing himself,
keeping it supplied with fresh fuel. Adam and Eve did not venture to
approach, but recommended themselves to God; and the Evil One,
finding that his plan had failed, let the fire die out and departed.
Adam and Eve slept the following night at the foot of a mountain
near their lost Eden. Satan, beholding them, said, “God has made a
compact with Adam, whom He desires to save, but I will slay him,
and the earth shall be mine.”
He therefore summoned his attendant angels, and they dislodged a
huge rock from the mountain and hurled it upon the sleepers. But as
this mass was bounding down the flank of the mountain, and was in
mid-air in one of its leaps, God arrested it above the heads of the
sleepers, and it sheltered them from the dews of night.
Adam and Eve awoke greatly troubled by their dreams, and they
asked of God garments to cover their naked bodies, for they suffered
from the scorching sun by day, and the frost by night. God replied,
“Go to the shore of the sea; you will there find the skins of sheep
which have been devoured by lions: of them make to yourselves
Satan heard the words of God, and he outran our first parents, that
he might secure the skins and destroy them, in the hopes that Adam
and Eve, finding no hides, would doubt God and think that He had
failed in His word. But God fastened Satan in his naked hideousness
beside the skins, immoveable, till Adam and Eve arrived, when He
addressed them in these terms: “Behold him who has seduced you;
see what has become of his beauty. After having made you such
promises, he was about to rob you of these hides.” Adam and Eve
took the skins and made of them garments. A few days after, God
said to them, “Go to the west till you arrive at a black land; there you
will find food.” They obeyed, and they saw corn full ripe, and God
inspired Adam with knowledge how to make bread. But not having
sickles they tore the corn up by the roots, and having made a rick of
it, they slept, expecting to thrash it out and grind it on the morrow.
But Satan fired this rick and reduced their harvest to ashes.
Whilst they wept and lamented, Satan came to them as an angel,
and said, “This is the work of your Enemy the Fiend, but God has
sent me to bring you into a field where you will find better corn.”
They followed him, nothing doubting, and he led them for eight days,
and they fainted with exhaustion and were foot-sore. Then he left
them in an unknown land; but God was their protector, He brought
them back to their harvest and restored their rick of corn, and they
made bread and offered to God the first sacrifice.[89]
But enough of this apocryphal work, which contains a string of
absurd tricks played by Satan on our first parents, which are
invariably defeated by God; of these the specimens given above are
A curious legend exists among the Sclavonic nations by which the
existence of elves is accounted for. It is said that Adam had by his
wife Eve, thirty sons and thirty daughters. God asked him, one day,
the number of his children. Adam was ashamed of having so many
girls, so he answered, “Thirty sons and twenty-seven daughters.” But
from the eye of God nothing can be concealed, and He took from
among Adam’s daughters the three fairest, and He made them Willis,
or elves; they were good and holy, and therefore did not perish in the
Deluge, but entered with Noah into the ark and were saved.
The story of Adam’s penitence as told by Tabari is as follows:—
The moment that Adam fell out of Paradise and touched the ground
on the mountains in the centre of Ceylon, he understood in all its
magnitude the greatness of his loss and his sin. He remained
stupefied with his face on the earth, and did not raise it, but allowed
his tears to flow upon and soak into, the soil. For a hundred years he
remained in this position and his tears formed a stream which rolled
down the mountain, which still flows from Adam’s Peak in the island
of Ceylon, and gives their virtue to the healing plants and fragrant
trees which there flourish, and are exported for medicinal purposes.
When a hundred years had elapsed, God had compassion on Adam,
and sent Gabriel to him, who said, “God salutes thee, O Adam! and
He bids me say to thee, Did I not create thee out of the earth by My
will? Did I not give thee Paradise to be thine abode? Why these
tears and sighs?”
Adam replied, “How shall I not weep, and how shall I abstain from
sighing? Have I not lost the protection of God, and have I not
disobeyed His will?”
Gabriel said, “Do not afflict thyself. Recite the words I shall teach
thee, and God will grant thee repentance which He will accept,” as it
is written in the Koran, ‘Adam learnt of His Lord words; and the Lord
returned to Him, for He is merciful, and He returns.’ Adam recited
these words, and in the joy he felt at the prospect of finding mercy,
he wept, and his joyous tears watered the earth, and from them
sprang up the narcissus and the ox-eye.
Then said Adam to Gabriel, “What shall I now do?”
And Gabriel gave to Adam wheat-grains from out of Paradise, the
fruit of the Forbidden Tree, and he bade him sow it, and he said,
“This shall be thy food in future.”
Afterwards, Gabriel taught Adam to draw iron out of the rock and to
make instruments of husbandry. And all that Adam sowed sprang up
in the self-same hour that it was sown, for the blessing of God was
upon it. And Adam reaped and thrashed and winnowed. Then
Gabriel bade him take two stones from the mountain, and he taught
him with them to grind the corn; and when he had made flour, he
said to the angel, “Shall I eat now?” But Gabriel answered, “Not so;”
and he showed him how to build an oven of iron. It was from this
oven that the water of the deluge at Koufa flowed. He taught him
also to make dough and to bake.
But Adam was hungry, and he said, “Let me eat now,” and the angel
stayed him, and answered, “Tarry till the bread be cold and stale,”
but he would not, but ate. Therefore he suffered from pain in his
belly. Next, Gabriel by the command of Allah brought out of Eden the
ox and fruit; of these latter there were ten kinds whose exterior was
edible, but whose insides were useless to eat, such as the apricot,
the peach, and the date. And there were three that could not be
eaten anyhow. Then he brought ten more whose insides and
outsides might be eaten, such as the grape, the fig, and the apple.
Said Gabriel to Adam, “Sow these,” and he sowed them. These are
the trees that the angel brought out of Paradise.
Now Adam was all alone on the peak in the midst of Ceylon, and his
head was in the first heaven. The sun burnt him, so that all his hair
fell off; and God, in compassion, bade Gabriel pass his wing over
Adam’s head, and Adam thereupon shrank to the height of sixty
cubits. And then he could no longer hear the voices of the angels in
heaven, and he was sore distressed.
Then God said to him, “I have made this world thy prison, but I send
to thee out of heaven a house of rubies, in order that thou mayest
enter in and walk round it, and therein find repose for thy heart.”
Thereupon out of heaven descended “the visited house,” and it was
placed where now stands the temple of Mecca. The black stone
which is there was originally white and shining. It was placed in the
ruby house. Whosoever looked in that direction from ten parasangs
off, could see the light of that house shining like a fire up to the
heaven, and in the midst of that red light shone the white stone like a
Afterwards, Gabriel conducted Adam to that house that he might go
in procession round it. All the places where his foot was planted
became verdant oases, with rivers of water and many flowers and
trees, but all the tract between was barren.
Gabriel taught Adam how to make the pilgrimage; and if anyone now
goes there without knowing the ceremonies, he needs a guide.
Then Adam met with Eve again, and they rejoiced together; and she
went back with him to Ceylon. Now at that time there was in the
world no other pair than Adam and Eve, and no other house than the
mansion of rubies.
Now Eblis had made his prayer to Allah that he might be allowed to
live till Israfiel should sound the last trumpet. And he asked this,
because those who are alive when that trumpet sounds, shall not die
any more, for Death will be brought in, in the shape of a sheep, and
will be slaughtered; and when Death is slaughtered, no one will be
able to die.
And God said, “I give thee the time till all creatures must die.”
Then Eblis said, “Just as Thou didst turn me out of the right way, so
shall I pervert those whom Thou hast made.” Satan went to man and
said to him, “God has driven me out of Paradise, never to return
there, and He has taken from me the sovereignty of this world to give
it to thee. Why should we not be friends and associate together, and
I can advise thee on thy concerns?”
And Adam thought to himself, “I must be the companion of this one,
but I will make use of him.” So he suffered him to be his comrade.
The first act of treachery he did was this.
Every child Adam had by Eve died when born. Eve became pregnant
for the fourth time, and Eblis said to Adam, “I believe this child will be
good-looking and will live.”
“I am of the same opinion,” answered Adam.
“If my prophecy turns out right,” said the Evil One, “give the child to
“I will give it,” said Adam.
Now the child, when born, was very fair to look upon, and Adam,
though he repented of his rash promise, did not venture to break his
word; so he gave the child to Eblis, that is to say, he named it Abd-
el-Hareth, or Servant of Hareth, instead of Abd-Allah, Servant of
God. And after living two years it died.[90]
Thus Satan became an associate in the affairs of man.
But others tell the conclusion of the story somewhat differently. They
say that the child Abd-el-Hareth became the progenitor of the whole
race of Satyrs, nightmares, and hobgoblins.
Maimonides says that the Sabians attribute to Adam the introduction
of the worship of the moon, on which account they call him the
prophet or apostle of the moon.[91]
A large number of books are attributed to Adam. The passage in
Genesis, This is the Book of the generations of Adam,[92] led many to
suppose that Moses quoted from a book written by our first parent.
That such an apocryphal book did exist in after-times, appears from
the fact of Pope Gelasius in his decrees rejecting it as spurious. He
speaks of it as “the book which is called the Book of the generations
of Adam or Geneseos.” And the Rabbis say that this book was
written by Adam, after he had seen all his posterity brought out
before him, as already related. And this book, they say, Adam gave
to Enoch.[93]
Beside this, there existed an Apocalypse of Adam, which is
mentioned by S. Epiphanius, who quotes a passage from it, in which
Adam describes the Tree of Life, which produced twelve kinds of fruit
every year.[94] And George Syncellus, in his Chronicle, extracts a
portion of an apocryphal Life of Adam.
Amongst the Revelations of S. Amadeus are found two psalms,
which, in vision, he heard had been composed by Adam. One was
on the production of Eve, the other is a hymn of repentance, a joint
composition of the two outcasts. It runs as follows:—
Adam.—“Adonai, my Lord God, have mercy upon me for Thy great
goodness, and according to the multitude of Thy mercies do away
my transgressions. I am bowed down with trouble, Thy waves and
storms have gone over me. Deliver me, O God, and save me from
the flood of many waters. Hear my words, O Heavens, and all ye that
dwell in them. May the Angels bear up all my thoughts and words to
Thee, and may the celestial virtues declare them. May the Lord bend
His compassionate ear to my lowly petition. May He hear my prayer,
and let the cry of my heart reach Him. Thou, O God, art the true and
most brilliant light; all other lights are mingled with darkness. Thou
art the sun that knowest no down-setting, that dwellest in
inaccessible light. Thou art the end to which all flesh come. Thou art
the only satisfaction of all the blessed.”
Eve.—“Adonai, Lord God, have mercy upon me for Thy great
goodness, and for the multitude of Thy mercies do away my
transgressions. Thou before all things didst create the immoveable
heaven as a holy and exalted home, and Thou didst adorn it with
angel spirits, to whom Thou didst in goodness declare thy purposes.
They were the bright morning stars who sang to Thee through ages
of ages. Thou didst form the moveable heaven and Thou didst set in
it the watery clouds. Those waters are under the immoveable
heaven, and are above all that live and move. Thou didst create the
light; the beauteous sun, the moon with the five planets didst Thou
place in the midst, and didst fix the signs and constellations. Thou
didst produce four elements, and didst kindle all with Thy wisdom.”
Adam.—“Adonai, Lord God, have mercy upon me for Thy great
goodness, and for the multitude of Thy mercies do away my
transgressions. Thou hast cast out the proud and rebel dragon with
Thy mighty arm. Thou hast put down the mighty from their seat and
hast exalted the humble and meek. Thou hast filled the hungry with
good things, and the rich Thou hast sent empty away. Thou didst
fashion me in Thine own image of the dust of earth, and destine me,
mortal, to be immortal; and me, frail, to endure. Thou didst lead me
into the place of life and joy, and didst surround me with all good
things; Thou didst put all things under my feet, and didst reveal to
me Thy great name, Adonai. Thou didst give me Eve, to be a help
meet for me, whom Thou didst draw from my side.”
Adam.—“Adonai, Lord and God, have mercy upon me for Thy great
goodness, and for the multitude of Thy mercies do away my
transgressions; for Thou hast made me the head of all men. Thou
hast inspired me and my consort with Thy wisdom, and hast given us
a free will and placed our lot in our own hands. But Thou hast given
us precepts and laws, and hast placed life and death before us that
we might keep Thy commandments, and in keeping them find life;
but if we keep them not, we shall die. Lucifer, the envious one, saw
and envied. He fought against us and prevailed. Conquered by
angels, he conquered man, and subjugated all his race. I have
sinned. I am he who have committed iniquity. If I had refused in my
free will, neither Eve nor the Enemy could have obtained my
destruction. But being in honour I had no understanding and I lost
my dignity. I am like to the cattle, the horse, and the mule, which
have no understanding.”
Eve.—“Adonai, Lord and God, have mercy upon me for Thy great
goodness, and for the multitude of Thy mercies do away mine
offences. Great is our God, and great is His mercy; His goodness is
unmeasured. He will supply the remedy to our sin, that if we will to
rise, we may be able to arise; He has appointed His Son, the glorifier
of all, and our Redeemer; and He has appointed the Holy Mother to
be our mediatrix, in whose image He has built me, Eve, the mother
of all flesh. He has fashioned the Mother after the likeness of her
daughter. He has made the father after the image and likeness of His
Son; and He will blot out our transgressions for His merits, if we yield
our wills thereto, and receive His sacraments. He will receive a free-
will offering, and He will not despise a contrite heart. To those going
towards Him, He will fly with welcome, He will pardon their offences
and will crown them with glory.”
Adam.—“Adonai, Lord and God, have mercy upon me for Thy great
goodness, and for the multitude of Thy mercies do away mine
offences. O God, great is the abundance of Thy sweetness. Blessed
are all they that hope in Thee. After the darkness Thou bringest in
the light; and pain is converted into joy. Thou repayest a thousand
for a hundred, and for a thousand thou givest ten thousand. For the
least things, Thou rewardest with the greatest things; and for
temporal joys, Thou givest those that are eternal. Blessed are they
that keep Thy statutes, and bend their necks to Thy yoke. They shall
dwell in Thy tabernacle and rest upon Thy holy hill. They shall be
denizens of Thy courts with Thee, whose roofs shine above gold and
precious stones. Blessed are they who believe in the triune God, and
will to know His ways. We all sing, Glory to the Father, and to the
Son, and to the Holy Ghost, and we magnify our God. As in the
beginning the angels sang, so shall we now and ever, and in ages of
ages. Amen.”[95]
Manasseh Ben-Israel has preserved a prophecy of Adam, that the
world is to last seven thousand years. He says this secret was
handed down from Adam to Enoch, and from Enoch to Noah, and
from Noah to Shem.[96]
At Hebron is a cave, “which,” says an old traveller, “Christians and
Turks point out as having been the place where Adam and Eve
bewailed their sins for a hundred years. This spot is towards the
west, in a valley, about a hundred paces from the Damascene field; it
is a dark grotto, not very long or broad, very low, in a hard rock, and
not apparently artificial, but natural. This valley is called La valle de
Lagrime, the Vale of Tears, as they shed such copious tears over
their transgressions.”[97]
Abu Mohammed Mustapha Ben-Alschit Hasen, in his Universal
History, says that Adam’s garment of fig-leaves, in which he went out
of Eden, was left by him, when he fell, on Adam’s Peak in Ceylon.
There it dried to dust, and the dust was scattered by the wind over
the island, and from this sprang the odoriferous plants which grow
Adam is said to have not gone altogether empty-handed out of
Paradise. Hottinger, in his Oriental History, quoting Jewish
authorities, says: “Adam having gone into the land of Babel, took
with him many wonderful things, amongst others a tree with flowers,
leaves and branches of gold, also a stone tree, also the leaves of a
tree so strong that they were inconsumable in fire, and so large as to
be able to shelter under them ten thousand men of the stature of
Adam; and he carried about with him two of these leaves, of which
one would shelter two men, or clothe them.”[99] Of these trees we
read in the Gemara that the Rabbi Canaan asked of the Rabbi
Simon, son of Assa, who had gone to see them, whether this was
true. He was told in reply that it was so, and that at the time of the
Captivity the Jews had seated themselves under these trees, and in
their shadow had found consolation.
But Palestine seems also to have possessed some of the trees of
Adam’s planting, for Jacob Vitriacus in his Jewish History says:
“There are in that land wonderful trees, which for their pre-excellence
are called Apples of Paradise, bearing oblong fruit, very sweet and
unctuous, having a most delicious savour, bearing in one cluster
more than a hundred compressed berries. The leaves of this tree are
a cubit long and half a cubit wide. There are three other trees
producing beautiful apples or citrons, in which the bite of a man’s
teeth is naturally manifest, wherefore they are called Adam’s
Apples.”[100] Hottinger says that at Tripoli grows a tree called Almaus,
or Adam’s apple, with a green head, and leaves like outspread
fingers, no branches, but only leaves, and with a fruit like a bean-
pod, of delicious flavour, and an odour of roses. Buntingius, in his
Itinerary, describes an Adam’s apple which he tasted at Alexandria,
and he said the taste was like pears, and the clusters of prodigious
size, with twenty in each cluster, like magnificent bunches of grapes.
But the most remarkable fact about them was that, if one of the fruit
were cut with a knife, the figure of a crucifix was found to be
contained in it.[101] And this tree was supposed to have been the
forbidden tree, and the fruit to have thus brought hope as it also
brought death to the eater. Nider, “In Formicario,” also relates that
this fruit, thus marked with the form of the Crucified, grows in
“At Beyrut, of which S. Nicodemus was the first bishop,” writes the
Friar, Ignatius von Rheinfelden, “I saw a wonderful fruit which is
called by the Arabs, Mauza, and by the Christians Adam’s fig. This
fruit grows upon a trunk in clusters of fifty or more, and hangs down
towards the ground on account of its weight. The fruit is in shape
something like a cucumber, and is a span long, yellow, and tasting
something like figs. The Christians of those parts say it is the fruit of
which Adam and Eve ate in Paradise, and they argue thus: first,
there are no apples in those parts; secondly, S. Jerome translated
the word in the Bible, Mauza; thirdly, if the fruit be cut, within it is
seen the figure of a crucifix, and they conclude thereby that the first
parents were showed by this figure how their sin would be atoned;
fourthly, the leaves being three ells long and half an ell wide, were
admirably adapted to make skirts of, when Adam and Eve were
conscious of their nakedness. And Holy Scripture says nothing of
apples, but says merely—fruit. But whether this was the fruit or not, I
leave to others to decide.”[103]
Adam is said by the Easterns to have received from Raphael a
magic ring, which became his symbol, and which he handed down to
his descendants selected to know and read mysteries. This was no
other than the ‘crux ansata,’ or handled cross, so common on
Egyptian monuments as the hieroglyph of Life out of death. The
circle symbolized the apple, and thus the Carthusian emblem, which
bears the motto “Stat crux dum volvitur orbis,” is in reality the mystic
symbol of Adam. “Which,” says the Arabic philosopher, Ibn-ephi,
“Mizraim received from Ham, and Ham from Noah, and Noah from
Enoch, and Enoch from Seth, and Seth from Adam, and Adam from
the angel Raphael. Ham wrought with it great marvels, and Hermes
received it from him and placed it amongst the hieroglyphics. But this
character signifies the progress and motion of the Spirit of the world,
and it was a magic seal, kept secret among their mysteries, and a
ring constraining demons.”[104]

After that the child given to Satan died, says Tabari, Adam had
another son, and he called him Seth, and Seth was prophet in the
room of his father, after the death of Adam.
Adam had many more children; every time that Eve bore, she bare
twins, whereof one was male, the other female, and the twins were
given to one another as husband and wife.
Now Adam sought to give to Abel the twin sister of Cain, when she
was old enough to be married, but Cain (Kabil, in Arabic) was
dissatisfied.[105] Adam said to the brothers, Cain and Abel, “Go, my
sons, and sacrifice to the Lord; and he whose sacrifice is accepted,
shall have the young girl. Take each of you offerings in your hand
and go, sacrifice to the Lord, and He shall decide.”
Abel was a shepherd, and he took the fattest of the sheep, and bore
it to the place of sacrifice; but Cain, who was a tiller of the soil, took a
sheaf of corn, the poorest he could find, and placed it on the altar.
Then fire descended from heaven and consumed the offering of
Abel, so that not even the cinders remained; but the sheaf of Cain
was left untouched.
Adam gave the maiden to Abel, and Cain was sore vexed.
One day, Abel was asleep on a mountain. Cain took a stone and
crushed his head. Then he threw the corpse on his back, and carried
it about, not knowing what to do with it; but he saw two crows
fighting, and one killed the other; then the crow that survived dug a
hole in the earth with his beak, and buried the dead bird. Cain said, “I
have not the sense of this bird. I too will lay my brother in the
ground.” And he did so.
When Adam learned the death of his son, he set out in search of
Cain, but could not find him; then he recited the following lines:—

“Every city is alike, each mortal man is vile,

The face of earth has desert grown, the sky has ceased to
Every flower has lost its hue, and every gem is dim.
Alas! my son, my son is dead; the brown earth swallows him!
We one have had in midst of us whom death has not yet
No peace for him, no rest for him, treading the blood-
drenched ground.”[106]

This is how the story is told in the Midrash:[107] Cain and Abel could
not agree, for, what one had, the other wanted; then Abel devised a
scheme that they should make a division of property, and thus
remove the possibility of contention. The proposition pleased Cain.
So Cain took the earth, and all that is stationary, and Abel took all
that is moveable.
But the envy which lay in the heart of Cain gave him no rest. One
day he said to his brother, “Remove thy foot, thou standest on my
property; the plain is mine.”
Then Abel ran upon the hills, but Cain cried, “Away, the hills are
mine!” Then he climbed the mountains, but still Cain followed him,
calling, “Away! the stony mountains are mine.”
In the Book of Jasher the cause of quarrel is differently stated. One
day the flock of Abel ran over the ground Cain had been ploughing;
Cain rushed furiously upon him and bade him leave the spot. “Not,”
said Abel, “till you have paid me for the skins of my sheep and wool
of their fleeces used for your clothing.” Then Cain took the coulter
from his plough, and with it slew his brother.[108]
The Targum of Jerusalem says, the subject of contention was that
Cain denied a Judgment to come and Eternal Life; and Abel argued
for both.[109] The Rabbi Menachem, however, asserts that the point
on which they strove was whether a word was written zizit or zizis in
the Parascha.[110]
“And when they were in the field together, the brothers quarrelled,
saying, ‘Let us divide the world.’ One said, ‘The earth you stand on is
my soil.’ The other said, ‘You are standing on my earth.’ One said,
‘The Holy Temple shall stand on my lot;’ the other said, ‘It shall stand
on my lot.’ So they quarrelled. Now there were born with Abel two
daughters, his sisters. Then said Cain, ‘I will take the one I choose, I
am the eldest;’ Abel said, ‘They were born with me, and I will have
them both to wife.’ And when they fought, Abel flung Cain down and
was above him; and he lay on Cain. Then Cain said to Abel, ‘Are we
not both sons of one father; why wilt thou kill me?’ And Abel had
compassion, and let Cain get up. And so Cain fell on him and killed
him. From this we learn not to render good to the evil, for, because
Abel showed mercy to Cain, Cain took advantage of it to slay
S. Methodius the Younger refers to this tradition. He says: “Be it
known that Adam and Eve when they left Paradise were virgins. But
the third year after the expulsion from Eden, they had Cain, their
first-born, and his sister Calmana; and after this, next year, they had
Abel and his sister Deborah. But in the three hundredth year of
Adam’s life, Cain slew his brother, and Adam and Eve wailed over
him a hundred years.”[112]
Eutychius, Patriarch of Alexandria, says, “When Adam and Eve
rebelled against God, He expelled them from Paradise at the ninth
hour on Friday to a certain mountain in India, and He bade them
produce children to increase and multiply upon the earth. Adam and
Eve therefore became parents, first of a boy named Cain, and of a
girl named Azrun, who were twins; then of another boy named Abel,
and of a twin sister named Owain, or in Greek Laphura.
“Now, when the children were grown up, Adam said to Eve, ‘Let Cain
marry Owain, who was born with Abel, and let Abel have Azrun, who
was born with Cain.’ But Cain said to his mother, ‘I will marry my own
twin sister, and Abel shall marry his.’ For Azrun was prettier than
Owain. But when Adam heard this, he said, ‘It is contrary to the
precept that thou shouldst marry thy twin sister.’
“Now Cain was a tiller of the ground, but Abel was a pastor of sheep.
Adam said to them, ‘Take of the fruits of the earth, and of the young
of the sheep, and ascend the top of this holy mountain, and offer
there the best and choicest to God.’ Abel offered of the best and
fattest of the first-born of the flock. Now as they were ascending the
summit of the mountain, Satan put it into the head of Cain to kill his
brother, so as to get Azrun. For that reason his oblation was not
accepted by God. Therefore he was the more inflamed with rage
against Abel, and as they were going down the mount, he rushed
upon him and beat him about the head with a stone and killed him.
Adam and Eve bewailed Abel a hundred years with the greatest
grief.... And God cast out Cain whilst he was still unmarried into the
land of Nod. But Cain carried off with him his sister Azrun.”[113]
The Rabbi Zadok said, “This was the reason why Cain slew Abel.
His twin sister and wife was not at all good-looking. Then he said, ‘I
will kill my brother Abel, and carry off his wife.’”[114]
Gregory Abulfaraj gives this account of the strife: “According to the
opinion of Mar Theodosius, thirty years after he was expelled from
Paradise, Adam knew his wife Eve, and she bore twins, Cain and his
sister Climia; and after thirty more years she bore Abel and his twin
sister Lebuda. Then, seventy years after when Adam wanted to
marry one of the brothers with the twin sister of the other, Cain
refused, asking to have his own twin sister.”[115]
The Pseudo-Athanasius says, “Up to this time no man had died so
that Cain should know how to kill. The devil instructed him in this in a
Leonhard Marius on Genesis iv. says, “As to what instrument Cain
used, Scripture is silent. Chrysostom calls it a sword; Prudentius, a
spade; Irenæus, an axe; Isidore says simply, steel; but artists
generally paint a club, and Abulensis thinks he was killed with
stones.” Reuchlin thinks, as iron was not discovered till the times of
Tubal-cain, the weapon must have been made of wood, and he
points out how much more this completes the type of Christ.[117]
Cain and Abel had been born and had lived with Adam in the land of
Adamah; but after Cain slew his brother, he was cast out into the
land Erez, and wherever he went, swords sounded and flashed as
though thirsting to smite him. And he fled that land and came to
Acra, where he had children, and his descendants who live there to
this day have two heads.[118]
Before Cain slew his brother, says the Targum of Jerusalem, the
earth brought forth fruits as the fruits of Eden; but from the day that
blood was spilt upon it, thistles and thorns sprang up; for the face of
earth grew sad, its joy was gone, the stain was on its brow.
Abel’s offering had been of the fattest of his sheep, the Targum adds,
but Cain offered flax.[119]
Abel’s offering, say certain Rabbis, was not perfect; for he offered
the chief part to God, but the remainder he dedicated to the Devil,
and Cain offered the chief part to Satan, and only the remainder to
The Rabbi Johanan said, Cain exclaimed when accused by God of
the murder, “My iniquity is greater than I can bear,” and this is
supposed to mean, “My iniquity is too great to be atoned for, except
by my brother rising from the earth and slaying me.” What did the
Holy One then? He took one letter of the twenty-two which are in the
Law, and He wrote it on the arm of Cain, as it is written, “He put a
mark upon him.”[121]
After Abel was slain, the dog which had kept his sheep guarded his
body, says the Midrash. Adam and Eve sat beside it and wept, and
knew not what to do. Then said a raven whose friend was dead, “I
will teach Adam a lesson,” and he dug a hole in the soil and laid his
friend there and covered him up. And when Adam saw this, he said
to Eve, “We will do the same with Abel.” God rewarded the raven for
this by promising that none should ever injure his young, that he
should always have meat in abundance, and that his prayer for rain
should be immediately answered.[122]
But the Rabbi Johanan taught that Cain buried his brother to hide
what he had done from the eye of God, not knowing that God can
see even the most secret things.[123]
According to some Rabbis, all good souls are derived from Abel and
all bad souls from Cain. Cain’s soul was derived from Satan, his
body alone was from Eve; for the Evil Spirit Sammael, according to
some, Satan, according to others, deceived Eve, and thus Cain was
the son of the Evil One.[124] All the children of Cain also became
demons of darkness and nightmares, and therefore it is, say the
Cabbalists, that there is no mention in Genesis of the death of any of
Cain’s offspring.[125]
When Cain had slain his brother, we are told in Scripture that he fled.
Certain Rabbis give the reason:—He feared lest Satan should kill
him: now Satan has no power over any one whose face he does not
see, thus he had none over Lot’s wife till she turned her face towards
Sodom, and he could see it; and Cain fled, to keep his face from
being seen by the Evil One, and thus give him an opportunity of
taking his life.[126]
With regard to the mark put upon Cain, there is great diverging of
opinion. Some say that his tongue turned white; others, that he was
given a peculiar dress; others, that his face became black; but the
most prevalent opinion is that he became covered with hair, and a
horn grew in the midst of his forehead.
The Little Genesis says, Cain was born when Adam was aged
seventy, and Abel when he was seventy-seven.
The book of the penitence of Adam gives us some curious details.
When Cain had killed his brother, he was filled with terror, for he saw
the earth quivering. He cast the body into a hole and covered it with
dust, but the earth threw the body out. Then he dug another hole and
heaped earth on his brother’s corpse, but again the earth rejected it.
When God appeared before him, Cain trembled in all his limbs, and
God said to him, “Thou tremblest and art in fear; this shall be thy
sign.” And from that moment he quaked with a perpetual ague.
The Rabbis give another mark as having been placed on Cain. They
say that a horn grew out of the midst of his forehead. He was killed
by a son of Lamech, who, being shortsighted, mistook him for a wild
beast; but in the Little Genesis it is said that he was killed by the fall
of his house, in the year 930, the same day that Adam died.
According to the same authority, Adam and Eve bewailed Abel
twenty-eight years.
The Talmud relates the following beautiful incident.
God had cursed Cain, and he was doomed to a bitter punishment;
but moved, at last, by Cain’s contrition, He placed on his brow the
symbol of pardon.
Adam met Cain, and looked with wonder on the seal or token, and
“How hast thou turned away the wrath of the Almighty?”
“By confession of sin and repentance,” answered the fratricide.
“Woe is me!” cried Adam, smiting his brow; “is the virtue of
repentance so great, and I knew it not! And by repentance I might
have altered my lot!”[127]
Tabari says that Cain was the first worshipper of fire. Eblis (Satan)
appeared to him and told him that the reason of the acceptance of
Abel’s sacrifice was, that he had invoked the fire that fell on it and
consumed it; Cain had not done this, and therefore fire had not come
down on his oblation. Cain believed this, and adored fire, and taught
his children to do the same.[128]
Cain, says Josephus, having wandered over the earth with his wife,
settled in the land of Nod. But his punishment, so far from proving of
advantage to him, proved only a stimulus to his violence and
passion; and he increased his wealth by rapine, and he encouraged
his children and friends to live by robbery and in luxury. He also
corrupted the primitive simplicity in which men lived, by the
introduction amongst them of weights and measures, by placing
boundaries, and walling cities.[129]
John Malala says the same: “Cain was a tiller of the ground till he
committed the crime of slaying his brother; after that, he lived by
violence, his hand being against every man, and he invented and
taught men the use of weights, measures, and boundaries.”[130]

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