Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
two PAM signals using carriers of the same frequency but in phase and quadrature
Serial to Parallel
sin wct s(t)
Impulse Modulator
quadrature component
cos wct
s + (t ) =
Complex Symbols
Quadriphase-Shift Keying (QPSK)
4-QAM Transmitted signal is contained in the phase
imaginary imaginary
M-ary PSK
QPSK is a special case of M-ary PSK, where the phase of the carrier takes on one of M possible values
gT (t )
h(t ) = gT (t )e jwc t = hI (t ) + jhQ (t )
hI (t ) = gT (t ) cos wc t hQ (t ) = gT (t )sin wc t
H ( w) = GT ( w wc )
Transmitted Sequences
Modulated sequences before passband shaping
' ak = {ck e jwc kT } = ak cos wc kT bk sin wc kT
s (t ) = {s+ (t )} =
k =
a hI (t kT ) b h (t kT )
' k ' k Q
s(t ) = s+ (t )e jwc t =
k =
(ak + jbk ) gT (t kT )
s (nT ) = an + jbn
QAM Demodulation
QAM demodulator using the complex envelope
Receive Filter
Second Method
Based on a pair of DSBSC-AM coherent demodulators a(t)
LPF s(t) 2coswct LPF -2sinwct b(t)
You can select c as a number slightly less than 1, i.e, 0.9. When the power estimate p(n) exceeds a predetermined threshold for a period of time, a received QAM signal is declared to be present.
Carrier Detect
Determine a threshold value by inspecting your power estimate. The following figure shows the portion of received QAM signal and the power estimate average.
Frame Synchronization
Assume that the receiver knows marker symbols (say, 10 complex symbols, m(n)) Assume that s(k) is the output of your QAM demodulator. Note that s(k) and m(n) are complex. Of course, in DSP you define complex numbers by keeping real and imaginary parts in different buffers.
Frame Synchronization
Correlation, Peak=