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The Life of A Military Strategist

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1. Provide a short relevant biographical sketch.

Joshua was born in Egypt in the area named Goshen, in the Northeast Nile delta. He was born a slave, like his fellow Hebrews. Joshua began life in Egypt as a slave, under cruel Egyptian taskmasters, but he rose to be the leader of Israel, through faithful obedience to God. Joshua the Lord is help is a biblical character, whose life is described in the books of Joshua. He lived between the 18 century BC and the late 13th century BC. Joshua was the son of NUN, an Israelite of the tribe of Joseph born in Egypt, who was man at the time of the Exodus. He was Moses

personal aide and military captain, accompanying Moses when he ascended Mount Sinai to receive the Ten commandment and attending the sacred Tent of meeting prior to the establishment of the Tabernacle. He was also one of the 12 spies who were went out by Moses to explore the land of Canaan, after which only Joshua gave a positive report for victory. His name was Hosea (Salvation), but Moses called him Joshua. Before Moses died, he appointed Joshua as his successor. Joshua

became a prophet in his own right lead the Israelites victoriously into Canaan. He was absolutely ruthless in battle, believing that God had

commanded the slaughter of every man, woman and child of the Canaanites population centre. He also established several important religious shrines and apportioned tribal areas for settlement. He was chosen by Moses to be his assistant or personal attendant He was present on the mountain when Moses received the Law. He was guardian of the tent of meeting when Moses met with God. Moses appoints Joshua to led a battle against the Amalekites at Rephidim. While Joshua commands the fighting forces, Moses stands atop a nearby mountain. Joshua overcame the Amalekites with the

sword. He was given charge of a detachment of Israelite to repel an Amalekite attack at Rephidim Joshua was one of 12 young men from among the tribes of Israel that were asked by Moses to be the first to enter the land God had promised to them, the Land overflowing with Milk and Honey. He was one of the twelve spies sent into the land who trusted in the Lord to give the land to the people. They were to spy on the people of the land and to
report back about the land, its ability to feed the people of Israel, its defences and more. Joshua had travelled and seen grapes larger than

any they had seen in Egypt. The heads of golden grain grew taller and held more grain then anything in Egypt. The cattle were fat and the herds of goats and sheep showed that the land was rich.

Joshua was commissioned by God to become leader when Moses died. He courageously served as a godly servant before the Lord to bring the people into the promised land. Joshua assumes the command before crossing the Jordan River. God encourages Joshua to be strong and to cling to the Law, which was never to depart out of his mouth. Joshuas concern was to spy out

Jericho. Joshua instruct the Israelites to cross the Jordan. With the Ark of the Covenant carried by the priests in the van, the river miraculously divides, enabling the people to cross on dry land. Joshua and the

Israelites wanted to cross the Jordan River and capture the city of Jericho. But first, they need to know all they can learn about Jericho. Joshua sent two spies across the river in a reed boat. From a distance, they saw the huge walls that protected the city. The spies re-crossed the river and reported to Joshua all they had seen and heard. They told Joshua that the people of Jericho knew that were coming but that the people head heard of the Israelites, but were afraid of them.

Joshua besieges the city of Jericho, finally capturing the city. Joshua became famous by this victory, but meets a surprising reverse at AI. God removed his support of the war in consequence of the sin of Achan. Joshuas army conquest Libnah, Lachish, Eglon, hebron and

Debir. Joshua penetrates as far as Kadsh-barnea; in the wast as far as Gaza. Joshua killed the inhabitants and burn the city of Hazor. Joshua makes himself master of virtually the whole country. Joshua maintains a fortified camp in Gigal and form there he governs the land, and there he began to allot the districts to the various tribes. He continues the work of apportioning the rest of the land by lot according to the families. Cities of refuge, in which men who had

accidentally killed another person can escape the blood vengeance of their victims relatives, are also appointed. Joshua himself receives the city of Timnath-serah in Ephraim for an inheritance. When Joshua was old and stricken in age, he convenes the elders and chiefs of the Israelites and exhorts them to have no fellowship with the native population. At a general assembly of the land at Shechem, Joshua

takes leave of the people, admonishing them to be loyal to their God, who had been so mightily manifested in the midst of them. As a witness of their promise to serve God, Joshua sets up a great stone under an oak by the sanctuary of God, Soon afterwards he dies, at the age of 110, and is buried in Timnat-serah.

2. Why did you pick this person? The reason I pick Joshua is based on the following:

First, Joshua was an attentive student, learning much from the great leader. Joshua showed tremendous courage, despite the huge

responsibility assigned to him. He was a brilliant military commander. Joshua prospered because he trusted God with every aspect of his life. Second, Joshua had obedience, faith and dependence on God, who made Joshua one of Israels strongest leaders. He provided a bold

example for us to follow. Like us, Joshua was often besieged by other voices, but chose to follow God, and he did it faithfully. Joshua took seriously the Ten Commandments and ordered the people of Israel to live by them as well. Even though Joshua was not perfect, he proved that a life of obedience to God bears great rewards. If we live according to Gods Word, like Joshua, we will receive Gods blessings. Third, Joshua is faithful, humble, deserving, wise man. He was always at the front of the army, not at the rear.

3. What were their key developmental experiences? Joshua was first, an Egyptian slave; second, personal assistant of Moses; third, military commander; and fourth, leader of Israel. Joshua was born as a slave. Joshua began life in Egypt as a slave, under cruel Egyptian taskmasters, but he rose to be the leader of Israel, through faithful obedience to God. Born during the weary years of

bondage his nation suffered in Egypt under Pharaoh, Joshua knew

something of the lash of the whip, the almost impossible task in the brick-fields, and the deep sigh of liberty. But little did he realize that although a slave, he would rise to become Israels supreme leader and commander. As personal assistant of Moses: While serving Moses, Joshua was also an attentive student, learning much from the great leader. Joshua showed tremendous courage, despite the huge responsibility assigned to him. He was a brilliant military commander. Joshua prospered

because he trusted God with every aspect of his life. As a soldier: Joshua was pre-eminent as a military leader who knew how to plan campaigns, discipline his force, use spies, but above all, pray and trust in god. Many a general has closely studied Joshuas conquest of Canaan and followed his strategy. As a spy: Joshua, along with eleven others, was chosen to search the land of Canaan. During the 40 years the Jewish people wandered in the wilderness, Joshua served as a faithful aide to Moses. Of 12 spies sent to scout out Canaan, only Joshua had confidence in God, and only those two survived the desert ordeal to enter the Promised Land. As a servant to Moses: Joshuas victory over Amalek gave him the open door of further usefulness and responsibility. That he was

prepared for the responsibilities of leadership is evidence by the fact that

because of his unwavering loyalty and devotion, he is called the servant of Moses. As a nation leader: Against overwhelming odds, Joshua led the

Israelite army in its conquest of the promised Land. He apportioned the land to the tribes and governed them for a time. Without a doubt,

Joshuas greatest accomplishment in life was his unwavering loyalty and faith in God. Obedience, faith and dependence on God made Joshua one of Israels strongest leaders. As a statesman: Joshua revealed. What magnanimity and unselfish statesmanship

Once the division of the land was completed, he

carried thorough the setting up of the tabernacle, the appointing of the cities of refuge, the arrangement of the Levitical order and service, with the same precision and thoroughness that characterized his other work as Israels premier and leader.

4. What attributes and core leader competencies made them successful or unsuccessful? Successful Joshua A servants heart: Joshua is willing to be abased. Joshua could have loudly proclaimed his victory over the Amalekites and demanded leadership. He could have ridden in on his victory and taken over the camp. But Joshua did not even think of these things, he quietly came

from the battle back to servant and spend time with his master. Joshua was with Moses when Moses ascended into the cloud. Joshua was a lover of God heart: Joshua wanted to be in the tabernacle of God for; Purity of soul and Refuge for our soul. The Lord is a refuge for our souls. When the world pressed around us and we are smitten and

troubled, God who knows we are but dust, opens wide His everlasting arms and loves us with an eternal love. The principle of obedience: God is the source of strength; As Moses apprentice, Joshua learned first-hand obedience to his master. He

chose to obey and watch what happened. He is an excellent example of humility. Israel prospered under Joshuas leadership. The Principle of Endurance: the process of building our character and our relationship with God so we find the Lord to be what we really need. nothing. As General Joshua has A warriors heart: He was fearless and faithful. The warrior is up at dawn, ready for the fight, yearning to do the masters will, shedding blood and tears in the battle, not getting weary, but growing strong as the enemy falls. Enduring is the key. The warrior stand guard over their soul and wears the armour and defeats the enemy; second, Endurance perfect result: perfect and complete, lacking in

Joshua was a human person with limitation and had been unsuccessful in some way when : 1. Joshua did not sought Gods guidance first, when he entered a deceptive peace with the Gibeonites, God had forbidden Israel to make treaties with any people in Canaan. 2. Workaholic mentality or an activity-oriented bent or a desire to get things done and to be successful, there is the tendency to rush off without taking time to draw near to the Lord, draw on His resources, and to put on the full armour of God. Such is not only unwise, but it often causes us to be insensitive to serious failures in our own lives which grieve and quench the Spirit and leave us defenceless against the enemy because we are operating in our own strength and wisdom. These failures stand in the way of our progress and ability to handle the various challenges in life. 3. Depressed, discourage, and disoriented. We look in every

direction for a reason for defeatexcept to ourselves. We blame, we make excuses, we hide and hurl, but we so often fail to honestly examine our own lives. We assume the problem could not possibly be us. 4. Settling down for a life of mediocrity rather than learn what the hindrances are so that we can move ahead in the pursuit of excellence.

5. Lack of prayer or a failure to get alone with God to seek His guidance. 6. Reliance on human wisdom when Joshua listened to the suggestion of the spies when they returned from the spying out AI 7. Reliance on their past victories instead of the Lord, there was overconfidence in their own ability thinking they could easily go up against such a small city when compared to Jericho. 8. Desire for position, power, prestige, pleasure, possession, praise or applause, and recognition, but they are nothing more than human solutions or protective strategies we use to find security, significance, and satisfaction apart from God. 9. Dissatisfied, impatient, and self-reliant. He was believing, trusting and using his own protective strategies to get what he wanted out of life. 10. Materialism, that way of life that seeks security and

significance form money, possessions, power, prestige, and pleasure; secularism, a philosophy of life by which men seek to live apart from dependence on God; approbation of men, seeking satisfaction and security form the praise of others. 11. Trusting in our health, bank accounts, position in the

community, reputation, talent, education and abilities we find failure.

5. What was their leadership style and philosophy? Obedience, faith, and dependence on God made Joshua one of Israels strongest leaders. The successful leader is a man who has

learned that no failure need to be final and acts on that belief, whether the failure is his own or that of another. He must learn to be realistic and prepared to realize that he cannot be right all the time. There is no such thing as a perfect or infallible leader. A leader, JOSHUA acknowledges Gods sovereign authority and Lordship over his life. God is never

limited by our defeats. As the Sovereign Lord, he is able to work all things together for good, the good of conforming us like His Son.

6. What is their legacy? If we live according to Gods word, like Joshua, we will receive Gods blessings. Initial possession and enjoyment of the land and its blessings and their ability to fulfil their calling as Gods chosen people as dependent on obedience to God for it was He who was giving them the land with all its many blessings and responsibilities. Joshua remains for many an inspiring example of faithful, courageous, and victorious obedience to God. Joshua was Israels first real generals. Joshuas

untrained little army beat the Amalekites. Joshua possess three things: right, prudence and possibility.

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