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Sacrament Effect Minister Form: Matter

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The text describes the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church - Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. Each sacrament has a purpose related to initiation, healing, service or marriage.

The seven sacraments are Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. Baptism cleanses from sin and brings one into the Christian community. Confirmation strengthens the baptized in faith. Eucharist nourishes believers. Penance reconciles with God and Church. Anointing of the Sick comforts and heals. Holy Orders dedicates men to serve as priests, bishops or deacons. Matrimony sanctifies marriage and family life.

Each sacrament requires specific material elements and words or gestures. Baptism uses water and the Trinitarian formula. Confirmation uses chrism and laying on of hands. Eucharist uses bread and wine with the words of institution. Penance requires contrition, confession and absolution. Anointing of the Sick uses oil and the prayer of anointing. Holy Orders involves laying on of hands. Matrimony requires consent of the spouses.

Sacrament Effect Minister Matter Form

1. Baptism 1. The sacrament frees from original • White "I baptize you in the name
sin and all personal sins, and from Priest garment of the Father and of the
the punishment due to them. • Candle Son and of the Holy Spirit"
Baptism makes the person share in Deacon
• Oil of
the Trinitarian life of God through
"sanctifying grace," Bishop • (Flowing)
2. Also making the person a sharer water
in the priesthood of Christ

3. Baptism is the foundation of

communion between all Christians.

4. To become a Child of God

2. Confirmation 1. The "sacraments of Christian Bishop Holy chrism in “Be Sealed with the gift of
initiation," the form of a the Holy Spirit”
cross or Anointing
2. To become a Soldier and a with Chrism
Witness for Christ

3. Eucharist To be nourished at the Table of the Bishop Wheat based Take ye and eat. This is
Lord bread and My body; and then by
Priest pure grape taking the cup of wine,
wine blessing and giving it,
Lay people may be saying to them: Drink ye
authorized in limited all of this. This is My blood
circumstances which shall be shed for
the remission of Sins. Do
this for a commemoration
of Me.
4. Penance 1. It is the sacrament of spiritual Priest The Acts of the “...I absolve you of your
healing for a baptized person from Penitent: sins in the name of the
the distancing from God resulting Contrition, Father and of the Son and
from sins committed Confession of of the Holy Spirit.
Sins, Amending
2. To become reconciled to God, the one’s life, making
Church, others and self of reparation.

5. Anointing of 1. To comfort us in the pains Priests Anointing with oil “Through this holy
the Sick of sickness and to strengthen on the forehead. anointing, may the Lord in
us against temptation; his love and mercy help
2. To remit venial sins and to you with the grace of the
cleanse our soul from the Holy Spirit. May the Lord
remains of sin; who frees you from sin
3. To restore us to health, save you and raise you
when God sees fit up.”
4. To receive His Strength in
time of distress

6. Holy Orders 1. By which a man is made Bishop Laying on of The prayer of ordination
a bishop, a priest, or a deacon, and Hands (In all according to the particular
thus dedicated to be an image of three orders) order

2. To become the Servant of the

People of God
7. Matrimony 1. To sanctify the love of Parish Priest or Deacon Mutual offering of Mutual reception of the
husband and wife; consent to enter couple’s consent by the
2. To give them grace to bear In certain limited marriage Church’s minister
with each other’s weaknesses; circumstances a lay person
3. To enable them to bring up delegated by the diocesan
their children in the fear and Bishop with the approval of
love of God. the Episcopal
Conference and the
permission of the Holy See

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