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NRA Member Opinion Survey

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NRA National Member Survey Final Field Dates: Sample Size: Client: OnMessage Contact: January 13-14, 2013

1000 National NRA Members NRA Wes Anderson

Hello, I'm ______________________ of AG Research, a national opinion research firm. We're conducting a public opinion poll, and would like to ask you a few questions on a confidential basis. May I speak to (NRA Members name on file) please? 1. Are you, or is any member of your household employed by a newspaper, a TV or radio station or by a political party or a campaign for political office? 0% Yes/Refused (TERMINATE) 100% No (CONTINUE) 2. Are you a member of the National Rifle Association, also known as the NRA? 100% 0% 0% 0% 3. Yes (CONTINUE) No (TERMINATE) I was at one time but Im not now (DO NOT READ) (TERMINATE) DK/Refused (DO NOT READ) (TERMINATE)

Do you think the country is headed in the right direction or have we gotten off on the wrong track? 3.3% Right Direction 92.6% Wrong Track 4.1% DK/Refused (DO NOT READ)

I am going to read some names of people and organizations in the news. For each one, please tell me whether you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the person. If I name someone that you have no opinion of or have never heard of, just tell me and we'll go on to the next one. (IF FAV/UNFAV, ASK: And would you say that you are very favorable/unfavorable or just somewhat favorable/unfavorable towards) The (FIRST/NEXT) name is...(RANDOMIZE NAMES IN SERIES)
Total Fav Very Fav (1) Smwht Fav (2) Total Unfav Very Unfav (3) Smwht Unfav (4) No Opinion (5) Never Heard Of (6)

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Barack Obama Joe Biden Nancy Pelosi Michael Bloomberg The National Rifle

4.5% 4.3% 1.8% 2.8% 98.1%

2% 1.9% 1% 0.9% 89.6%

2.5% 2.4% 0.8% 1.9% 8.5%

92.6% 90.6% 93.1% 80.3% 1.1%

84.4% 81.5% 87.9% 74.2% 0.6%

8.2% 9.1% 5.2% 6.1% 0.5%

2.9% 5.1% 4.5% 14.2% 0.8%

0% 0% 0.6% 2.7% 0%

Association also known as the NRA (END SERIES) (CONTINUE TO ALL) In the wake of the tragedy in Connecticut many politicians are proposing new gun control laws. I am going to read you short descriptions of some of those proposals. For each one please tell me whether you favor or oppose the proposal. (IF FAVOR/OPPOSE, ASK: And would you say that you strongly favor/oppose or just somewhat favor/oppose ) (ALWAYS ASK QUESTION #10 FIRST RANDOMIZE REST OF SERIES)
Total Favor Strongly Favor (1) Somewhat Favor (2) Total Oppose Strongly Oppose (3) Somewhat Oppose (4) DK/R (5)


Reforming our mental health laws to help keep firearms out of the hands of people with mental illness.








10. A new federal law banning the manufacture, sale and transfer of firearm magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. 11. A new federal law making it illegal to possess and allow for government confiscation of previously purchased high capacity magazines through a mandatory buy-back program. 12. A new federal law banning the manufacture, sale and transfer of certain semi-automatic firearms, sometimes referred to as assault rifles. 13. A new federal law making it illegal to possess and allow for government confiscation of certain semi-automatic firearms, sometimes referred to as assault rifles regardless of when the rifle was purchased, through a mandatory buy-back program.





























14. A new law that establishes a national gun database and requires all gun owners to register their firearms with the federal government. 15. A new federal law banning the sale of firearms between private citizens. (END SERIES)















(CONTINUE TO ALL) 16. As you may know, in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook tragedy the NRA recently proposed a new program to put qualified armed security professionals in every school. Do you favor or oppose this proposal? (IF FAVOR/OPPOSE, ASK: And would you say you strongly favor/oppose or just somewhat favor/oppose this proposal?) 82.3% TOTAL FAVOR 57.9% Strongly Favor 24.4% Somewhat Favor 11.9% TOTAL OPPOSE 5.8% Strongly Oppose 6.1% Somewhat Oppose 5.8% DK/Refused (DO NOT READ) 17. Which of the following reforms would do the most to prevent future mass murders? (ROTATE) 1.6% Banning semi-automatic rifles also known as assault rifles. 86.4% Strengthening our laws regarding mental health records to keep all firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill. 2.7% Both (DO NOT READ) 7.3% Neither (DO NOT READ) 2% DK/Refused (DO NOT READ) 18. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement? When it comes to gun regulations, President Obamas ultimate goal is the confiscation of many firearms that are currently legal. (IF AGREE/DISAGREE, ASK: And do you strongly agree/disagree or just somewhat agree/disagree?) 72.5% TOTAL AGREE 65.4% Strongly Agree 7.1% Somewhat Agree 24.5% TOTAL DISAGREE 14.4% Strongly Disagree 10.1% Somewhat Disagree 3% DK/Refused (DO NOT READ)


In recent press reports, Vice President Biden stated that President Obama may try to accomplish new gun control measures through executive order instead of going through Congress to change federal laws. Knowing this, please tell me which of the following statements comes closest to your opinion? (ROTATE STATEMENTS) 92.6% Some (Other) people say our right to bear arms is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and it would be wrong for the President to implement new gun regulations without going through Congress. 2.3% Other (Some) people say the President should take any action, including the use of executive orders, to implement new gun regulations as soon as possible without waiting for Congress to act. 0.7% Both (DO NOT READ) 2.7% Neither (DO NOT READ) 1.7% DK/Refused (DO NOT READ)


In the wake of the tragedy in Connecticut, President Obama said that no one reform can solve this problem. He says we should pursue a balanced approach which includes some new gun laws, reforms to our mental health care system and addressing cultural issues like violence in movies and video games. With that in mind please tell me which of the following statements comes closest to your opinion? (ROTATE STATEMENTS) 79.3% Some (Other) people say regardless of President Obamas recent comments of pursuing a balanced approach his real goal is to pass sweeping gun control regulation that will take away our 2nd Amendment rights. 9.9% Other (Some) people say they believe President Obama will pursue a balanced approach that includes reforms to our mental health care system, some new gun regulations and finding ways to keep violence in our entertainment industry away from children. 2.5% Both (DO NOT READ) 4.7% Neither (DO NOT READ) 3.6% DK/Refused (DO NOT READ)


Which of the following most accurately describes where you live? Would you say you live in 35.4% 26.4% 22.9% 14.7% 0.6% A rural area A small town A suburban area An urban area or city DK/Refused (DO NOT READ)


Which of the following best describes your own interest in gun rights and gun ownership? Do you (RANDOMIZE) 4.2% 2% 0.5% 5.3% 13.2% 44.4% 29.4% 0.5% 0.9% Hunt Participate in shooting sports Collect firearms Own a gun for self defense Support the 2nd Amendment as a matter of principle All of the above (DO NOT READ) Some of the above Combination of the above answers (DO NOT READ) None of the above (DO NOT READ) DK/Refused (DO NOT READ)


Regional Break: 18.3% 24.1% 36.1% 21.5% North-East / Mid-Atlantic Mid-West South West

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