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Winthrop Poll

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Rock Hill SCThe results of the latest Winthrop Poll, of 981 adults living in South Carolina, taken between

April 15-April 22 are in. Results which use all respondents have a margin of error of +/-3.13% at the 95% confidence level. Reported results using a subset of the entire sample will naturally have a higher margin of error.

For additional information on methodology, see conclusion of poll.

Among the Winthrop Poll findings:

When asked if they approved or disapproved of the way Nikki Haley is handling her job as governor of South Carolina, respondents were almost evenly divided on the subject, with 37.3% of all respondents saying they approved of the governors performance, while 36.5% reacted negatively. However, among Republicans and Independents who are registered voters and lean Republican, her approval rating is almost 60%, with onein-five disapproving (20.2%). Compared with Winthrops previous poll (February 2012), South Carolinians are feeling much better about the jobs situation on both the national and state levels. When asked about the most important problem facing the U.S.and the most important problem facing S.C.almost one-third fewer respondents identified jobs or unemployment as the most pressing issue. While 22% identified jobs/unemployment in February as the number one problem nationally, now 14.7% selected that, and while 36.5% identified jobs/unemployment as the number one issue for S.C. in February, now 26.4% see that as the most pressing problem facing the state. Meanwhile when compared with Februarys poll, 25.8% more respondents say the condition of the economy in S.C. is very good, or fairly good (47.8% now vs. 38% in February). And almost 20% more felt the economy in S.C. is getting better compared with the February results (58.8% now vs. 49.1% in February).

Almost 80% of respondents (79.4%) said they were very, or somewhat, familiar with the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman incident. Almost 50% (49.7%) said the national media has given too much attention to the case, while one-third (33.6%) felt that had gotten it just right. Of those familiar with the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, 57.2% felt that Zimmerman acted irresponsibly and should be held accountable for Martins death, while 12.5% felt Zimmerman acted responsibly. Almost eight-out-of-10 respondents (78.1%) oppose regulations that would allow concealed weapon permit holders to carry their weapons into restaurants/bars that serve alcohol. Nearly 70% of respondents (67.7%) said gas prices had caused them to consciously cut back their spending on other things. While over half of the Republicans and Independents who lean Republican and are registered voters say they approve of the Tea Party movement (50.9%), a whopping 83.8% do not consider themselves to be members of the Tea Party. When asked to identify what they used for their main source of news, respondents were almost evenly divided among National Cable TV (23.8%), the Internet (22.6%), and Local TV (21.1%).

********************************************************************************************* Note: Topline (may not sum to 100% due to rounding)

Census* Sex Male Female Race Caucasian African American Other Refused Age 18-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 April 2012 Winthrop Poll 49.0 50.9

47.94 52.06

68.57 26.5 4.93 --

66.9 25.1 5.5 2.5

4.06 17.97 16.48 17.98 17.76 13.99 7.52 3.6

4.0 17.0 15.7 17.4 17.5 13.8 7.4 3.5

90-99 99 & over Refused

.62 .018 --

.6 0.0 3.0

*Census percentages are ONLY for those SC residents age 18 and over. Percentage of population who are registered to vote
South Carolina Election Commission 76.8 April 2012 Winthrop Poll 79.7

Self-reported partisanship from April 2012 Winthrop Poll*

All Registered Voters Leaners counted as Leaners counted as Independents Partisans** 34.3 43.15 31.1 39.43 31.1 13.57 1.3 1.3 2.2 2.6 Committed Voters Leaners counted as Leaners counted as Independents Partisans** 36.8 46.77 30.9 37.51 29.7 12.72 .6 .6 1.9 2.5

Republican Democrat Independent Something Else Refused to Answer

*In SC, we do not register by political party **Research shows that Independents who Lean toward a party vote for that party more consistently than partisans who describe their partisanship as not so strong.

RESULTS OF WINTHROP POLL APRIL 2012: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Nikki Haley is handling her job as Governor of South Carolina?
All Registered Voters Republicans & Ind who Lean Repub* (who are Registered to Vote)

Approve Disapprove Not Sure Refused to Answer

37.3 36.5 24.2 2.0

37.8 38.5 21.6 2.0

59.8 20.2 19.2 .8

* Self-reported partisanship; we do NOT register by political party in SC [INTERPRETATION NOTE: If you only examine those who actually have an opinion, the Governors approval ratings are: 50.5% among all SC adults, 49.5% among Registered Voters in SC, and 74.75% among Registered Voters in SC who Self-identify as Republican or Independents who Lean Republican] Do you approve or disapprove of the way the South Carolina State Legislature is handling its job?
All 33.4 39.4 24.7 2.4 Registered Voters 34.2 41.1 22.3 2.4

Approve Disapprove Not Sure Refused to Answer

Thinking about the current path that our nation is taking, do you think our country is on the right track or headed in the wrong direction?
All 32.9 58.7 8.4

Right Track Wrong Direction Dont Know/ Refused to Answer

Thinking about the current path that the state of South Carolina is taking, do you think South Carolina is on the right track or headed in the wrong direction?
All 44.9 41.2 14.0

Right Track Wrong Direction Dont Know/ Refused to Answer

How familiar are you with the incident involving Trayvon Martin, the teenager who was shot while walking in his fathers neighborhood in Florida and wearing a hoodie by George Zimmerman, a member of the neighborhood watch? Would you say that you are Very Familiar with the incident, Somewhat Familiar with the incident, Have Heard About It But Dont Know Many Details, or Not Familiar with the incident at All?

Very Familiar Somewhat Familiar Have Heard About It, But Dont Know Many Details Not Familiar at All Refused to Answer

51.3 28.1

16.5 3.5 .6

Do you feel the amount of national media attention given to this incident has been: [NOTE: this was only asked of those familiar with the case]
All 49.7 33.6 12.3 4.0 .4

Too Much About the Right Amount Not Enough Dont Know [Volunteered] Refused to Answer [Not Read]

Which of the following comes closer to your opinion: [ANSWERS ROTATED] George Zimmerman acted responsibly even though the end result was tragic or George Zimmerman acted irresponsibly and should be held accountable for Trayvon Martins death [NOTE: this was only asked of those familiar with the case]
All Zimmerman Acted Responsibly Zimmerman Acted Irresponsibly Dont Know Refused to Answer 12.5 57.2 26.1 4.2

How much of the time do you think you can trust the national government in Washington to do what is right: Just about always, Most of the time, or only Some of the time.

Just About Always Most of the Time Some of the Time Never Dont Know Refused to Answer

2.8 16.3 65.8 13.4 .6 1.1

How much of the time do you think you can trust the South Carolina state government to do what is right: Just about always, Most of the time, or only Some of the time.
All 3.3 27.6 57.8 6.9 3.4 .9

Just About Always Most of the Time Some of the Time Never Dont Know Refused to Answer

How much of the time do you think you can trust your local government to do what is right: Just about always, Most of the time, or only Some of the time.
Just About Always Most of the Time Some of the Time Never Dont Know Refused to Answer All 6.5 38.6 44.3 6.7 3.0 .9

What do you think is the most important problem facing the United States of America today? [NOTE: Top four answers reported]
All Economy/ Economic/Financial Crisis Jobs or unemployment Politicians/ Government Budget Deficit or Debt 27.5 14.7 9.1 8.0

What do you think is the most important problem facing the state of South Carolina? [NOTE: Top four answers reported]

Jobs or unemployment Economy/ Economic/Financial Crisis Education Politicians/ Government

All 26.4 19.1

12.7 6.6

How would you rate the condition of the national economy these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad or very bad?
All .7 33.4 35.1 29.0 .7 1.1

Very Good Fairly Good Fairly Bad Very Bad Not Sure Refused to Answer

Right now, do you think that economic conditions in the country as a whole are getting better or getting worse?
Getting Better Getting Worse Not Sure Refused to Answer All 53.7 38.0 7.7 .7

How would you rate the condition of the economy of South Carolina these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad?
Very Good Fairly Good Fairly Bad Very Bad Not Sure Refused to Answer All 2.0 45.8 34.0 13.7 4.0 .4

Right now, do you think that economic conditions in South Carolina are getting better or getting worse?
All 58.8 26.6 13.9 .6

Getting Better Getting Worse Not Sure Refused to Answer

How would you rate your financial situation today? As excellent, good, only fair, or poor?
All 8.2 44.8 32.6 13.3 .3 .8

Excellent Good Only Fair Poor Not Sure Refused to Answer

Right now, do you think that your financial situation as a whole is getting better, or getting worse?
All 52.8 29.4 15.3 2.5

Getting Better Getting Worse Not Sure Refused to Answer

A Concealed Weapons Permit allows people who undergo handgun safety training and obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun in most public places. Would you favor or oppose changing current concealed carry regulations to allow permit holders to carry their weapon into restaurants or bars that serve alcohol?
All Personally own, or regularly use, a firearm? Yes No 25.8 11.2 71.4 84.8 2.3 3.1 .5 .9

Favor Oppose Not Sure Refused to Answer

17.9 78.1 3.3 .7

What would you say is the main source you use to get news national cable television news, national network television news, local television news, National Public Radio, Talk Radio, commercial radio, newspapers, the internet, or friends or family?
All 23.8 14.9 21.1 3.5 2.7 .4 5.2

National Cable TV National Network TV Local TV NPR Talk Radio Commercial Radio Newspaper

Internet Friends/Family Something Else Dont Know/ Refused to Answer

22.6 2.0 2.6 1.2

Over the last 30 years, do you think that violent crime in the United States has Increased, Decreased, or Remained About the Same?
All 62.8 12.0 21.2 3.7 .3

Increased Decreased Remained About the Same Dont Know Refused to Answer

[INTERPRETATION NOTE: Violent crime in the U.S. has decreased over the last 30 years according Department of Justice Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics and the Bureau of Justice Statistics National Crime Victimization Survey] Over the last 30 years, do you think that teen pregnancy in the United States has Increased, Decreased, or Remained About the Same?
All 61.7 18.3 16.3 1.0 2.6

Increased Decreased Remained About the Same Dont Know Refused to Answer

[INTERPRETATION NOTE: Teen pregnancy in the U.S. has decreased over the last 30 years according United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] Have increased gas prices directly caused you to consciously cut back your spending on other things?
All 67.7 30.4 1.7 .1 .1

Yes No/ Not Really Dont Drive/ Dont Have a Car Dont Know Refused to Answer

Have increased gas prices caused you to take fewer trips or consciously cut back on the number of miles you drive?

Yes No/ Not Really Dont Drive/ Dont Have a Car Dont Know Refused to Answer

All 71.9 24.9 2.5 .4 .3

[INTERPRETATION NOTE: Some of the individuals who reported not having a car of the take fewer trips/ cut back on miles driven question had simply responded No, or Not Really for the gas price caused you to cut other spending question.] In general, would you say you approve or disapprove of the Tea Party movement or are you not familiar enough with the Tea Party movement to have an opinion?
All Republicans & Ind who Lean Repub* (who are Registered to Vote) 50.9 14.3 29.7 4.6 .5

Approve Disapprove Not Familiar Not Sure Refused to Answer

26.3 32.3 36.0 4.3 1.0

Would you consider yourself a MEMBER of the Tea Party Movement?

All Republicans & Ind who Lean Repub* (who are Registered to Vote) 11.2 83.8 4.7 .3

Yes No Not Sure Refused to Answer

5.2 89.6 4.4 .8


Methodology Statement
Survey Methodology
April 2012 Winthrop Poll

The April 2012 Winthrop Poll interviewed 981 adults living in South Carolina. Results which use all respondents have a margin of error of +/- 3.13% at the 95% confidence level. Reported results using a subset of the entire sample will naturally have a higher margin of error. The survey was in the field from 4/15-4/22, 2012. Phone calls were made during weekday evenings, all day Saturday, and Sunday afternoon and evening. Weekday daytime calls are generally not made to avoid oversampling those who are more likely to be at home during the day (e.g. retirees, stay-at-home-moms, etc.). Conducting weekend calls is important to avoid systematically excluding certain populations (such as those who may work 2nd or 3rd shift during the week). The survey used (1) Random Digit Dialing (RDD), and (2) wireless phone number sampling. RDD and wireless samples are crucial to ensure no adult in the geographical area of interest is systematically excluded from the sample. Both the RDD sample and the wireless sample were purchased from Survey Sampling International (SSI). A further explanation of RDD methodology, with descriptions taken from SSI's website, may be found below. Phone numbers selected for the survey were re-dialed five or more times in an attempt to reach a respondent. Once a household was reached, we also employed procedures to randomize within households. Additionally, we:

1. Screen the wireless sample for wireless-only status since individuals who have a cell
phone and a land line already have an established probability of appearing in the RDD. 2. Weight responses based on sex, age, and race according to the known population of adults in South Carolina. Computerized autodialers were not used in order to ensure the survey of wireless phones complied with the Telephone Consumers Protection Act and all FCC rules regarding contacting wireless telephones. The Winthrop Poll is paid for by Winthrop University with additional support from The West Forum on Politics and Policy at Winthrop University.

Additional Explanation of RDD Methodology : (with descriptions taken from SSI website)
Samples are generated using a database of "working blocks." A block (also known as a 100-bank or a bank) is a set of 100 contiguous numbers identified by the first two digits of the last four digits of a telephone number. For example, in the telephone number 203-567-7200, "72" is the block. A block is termed to be working if some specified number of listed telephone numbers are found in that block. Samples of random numbers distributed across all eligible blocks in proportion to their density of listed telephone households are selected. All blocks within a county are organized in ascending order by area code, exchange, and block number. Once the quota has been allocated to all counties in the frame, a sampling interval is calculated by summing the number of listed residential numbers in eligible blocks within the county and dividing that sum by the number of sampling points assigned to the county. From a random start between zero and the sampling interval, blocks are systematically selected in proportion to their density of listed households. Once a block has been selected, a two-digit number is systematically selected in the range 00-99 and is appended to the exchange and block to form a 10-digit telephone number.


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