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An End To All Disease

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an end to all

Piecing the AIDS Puzzle Together

Keith Armour McFarlane

Life is a puzzle whose many pieces make ONE picture. The secret to life lies in recognizing how the pieces come together to form the picture
Keith McFarlane

Notice This book in no way intends to replace any advice or treatment being administered by any health practitioner, orthodox or otherwise. It has been compiled with the sole intention of sharing information with the reader; which, in the opinion of the author, will enable the reader to make more discerning choices in matters pertaining to personal health. The author accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever, which may or may not result from using the information or advice contained in this book. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way, without prior agreement from the author.

Published and distributed by THE REI-FLEXOLOGYHEALING ACADEMY OF SOUTH AFRICA P.O.Box 213 Glenvista Johannesburg 2058 South Africa Email Websites and 2005 by Keith McFarlane. All rights reserved.

And the winner is

The world is facing a health crisis greater than ever witnessed before. According to William A. Haseltine, chief retrovirologist at Harvards Dana Farber Cancer Institute, the AIDS pandemic that is sweeping the world could affect 1 in 6 of the world population by the year 2015. Using current population statistics, that means that within 10 years, 1 billion people could be HIV positive. The best minds are scrambling to find a remedy that will end this modern day plague and save lives; and yet thus far we are seemingly helpless. Not only is there confusion as to how this pandemic began, there is also raging controversy about its primary cause. Many tout the HIV-virus as the culprit, while just as many suggest that there is no virus at all. Even the validity of the test to determine HIV status is in question, with false positive tests now well documented. The stakes are high, as are the rewards for the brilliant mind or minds that find the missing link in an apparent maze of puzzle pieces. With billions of dollars on the table, pharmaceutical companies are vying for top honors with AZT, chemotherapies and other antiretroviral chemical cocktails. Court cases are rife, as opposition to the drug route increases; while politicians and helpless patients alike, demand their right to these lifesaving remedies. But are these safe? Do they promise a cure, or are they simply short-term solutions that could well explode into even more symptomatic pandemonium and mayhem? Patients are already demanding their promised cure, wondering why they now feel even worse than before.

Leading the opposition, Dr Peter Duesberg, a microbiologist from the University of California at Berkeley, argues that the HIV-virus is merely a harmless passenger virus and that AIDS is the result of the destruction of the immune system by long term cumulative use of drugs. These include recreational as well as pharmaceutical drugs. He also believes that non-infectious immune suppressant factors in blood transfusions can lead to AIDS. In Africa, years of drought, starvation and immunization have added more fuel to this argument, as nutritionists and health care workers call for better sanitation, cleaner water, healthier nutrition and better living conditions. Evidence is emerging that individuals who are HIV positive, all share common key nutrient deficiencies. This too, is another factor implicated in poor immune functioning. With newspaper headlines demanding, Stop the Quackery; disinformation and ignorance continue to flood the mindset of the masses. A multivitamin remedy seems laughable. And yet, the question remains where to now? Who will stop the dying? Could it be that in a quest to cure the disease, we are missing vital pieces of the puzzle that lie right before our eyes? Is all the researching in vain? Who is right and who is wrong? Who will ultimately win in the end? Surely we have forgotten the bottom line here.

There can only be one winner and one loser ... the people who have the disease. The only thing at stake here is life. Every day, more and more people are being diagnosed HIV positive; every day more and more people die. Perhaps we are missing a bigger picture! Combining the research of a number of respected health pioneers, it would appear that rather than any one individual holding the answer, perhaps we all have something to contribute to this vital life saving puzzle. If only we have the eyes to see.

What Really Causes AIDS

To discover the cause of AIDS, we need to understand how the condition affects those who are afflicted. Lets have a look at the current understanding of the HIV pandemic. The following explanation can be found on a website intended for educating children about HIV/AIDS.
AIDS is the plague of the 20th century. HIV is a virus that gets into the body and flows through the bloodstream. The virus targets the immune cells known as T-cells and once inside these cells, reprograms them to produce more viral particles, which eventually overwhelm and kill the cell. The gradual loss of T-cells which are essential for fighting infection leads to the eventual collapse of the immune system resulting in AIDS, after which the individual is usually overwhelmed by opportunistic infections resulting in death.

From this we can understand that HIV is a viral condition that weakens the body, leaving it vulnerable to opportunistic infection. This would include bacteria, viruses and other microscopic organisms. Following this train of thought, it would seem reasonable to seek ways of killing the virus, thereby reducing the underlying cause of the individuals vulnerability. In light of this, the current medical approach is described in the following extract.
Scientists are trying to develop a cure for the AIDS virus. There are three parts to finding the cure. The three parts are: 1. 2. 3. To devise a drug that will kill the HIV once it enters the body. To create a vaccine that would prevent the disease. To educate people world wide about the dangers of AIDS and how to prevent the HIV infection. In 1986, the first step was taken in AIDS prevention. AZT is a pill that has prolonged the lives of HIV infected patients. Ninety percent of patients who have taken the AZT pill are still alive after one year of being diagnosed. This is an increase of 50% without the pill. There are some side effects of AZT. Some patients have developed a resistance to the drug after prolonged use. Other drugs have also been tested in the past few years. These drugs have different side effects, but by switching medicines, a patient may not suffer from many of the side effects.

Medicines to fight AIDS need to be developed to kill the viruses, but not the cells that the viruses live in. Doctors are trying to develop the medicines and test them quickly enough to be available to AIDS patients. Many AIDS and HIV-infected patients are volunteering to test the medicines. These medicines are experimental and are still being tested, so they may or may not slow down spreading of the virus.

If this is the current medical plan of attack, then are we to assume that by either killing the virus once it has entered the body or immunizing the body beforehand, to prevent it from entering the body, we will overcome the scourge? Thus far, it would seem that there is some headway being made with lives being extended, albeit with some uncertainty as to longevity and degree of side effects. With medical researchers working furiously against the clock, it would seem that the primary objective is to kill the virus at all cost; while at the same time causing minimal damage to the cells of the body and to the individual themselves. With the sand running out, people are only too willing to try out the latest anti-viral weapons, in a desperate hope to be saved. Somehow this seems reminiscent of the story of the Titanic and the frantic dash for lifeboats; with life at stake, no price is too high to pay. But like the Titanic, perhaps prevention would be better than cure. Would it not be better to maintain health, rather than treat disease? This is where Duesbergs argument comes in.

By constantly treating ill health with drug therapy and vaccination, are we not inadvertently maiming the very system that is responsible for preventing opportunistic infection? Indeed some medical schools of thought are proclaiming vaccination as the Great Medical Time Bomb of the 20th Century. All agree that the HIV-virus does not kill the individual. AIDS related death occurs through opportunistic infection. The healthy functioning of the natural immune system is so low, that any number of conditions or combination of conditions can kill the host. It is therefore vital that we identify and restore a natural state of health, not only in the immune system, but also in the whole body. Perhaps this is where the third recommendation is pertinent. Education is by far one of the most powerful remedies for any condition in life. With greater understanding, we are able not only to deal with the situation, but also to ensure it does not happen again. The question is: what are we really educating ourselves about? Are we being taught about health or about disease? The current trend in HIV/AIDS education focuses upon the danger of Aids and how to prevent HIV infection. So how does HIV cause AIDS? HIV is a slow virus belonging to a class of viruses known as retroviruses. While most organisms, including humans have genes made of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acids) molecules; the genes of slow viruses are composed of RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecules.

DNA carries the genetic information of the living organism, while RNA carries instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins within the cell; or as in the case of retroviruses, the viral genetic information. Retroviruses infiltrate the immune system cells and use an enzyme called reverse transcriptase to convert their own RNA into DNA and incorporate it into the genes of the host cell. All retroviruses, including HIV, have a gene that is virtually identical to the Selenoprotein Glutathione peroxidase. As the virus replicates, it depletes the host not only of Selenium but also the other three components that are needed to produce this enzyme: namely the essential amino acids Cysteine, Glutamine and Tryptophan. Glutathione peroxidase is one of the bodys key antioxidant defenses against lipid peroxidation. This causes the destruction of the cell membrane, which leads to cell death. Is AIDS a nutritional deficiency illness caused by a virus? Those with the disease all suffer from extreme deficiencies of all four of the above mentioned nutrients, and these deficiencies are responsible for such symptoms as depressed CD4 T-lymphocyte count, vulnerability to cancers (including Kaposis sarcoma), depression, psoriasis, diarrhea, muscle wasting and dementia. It is well established that individuals who are HIV-positive gradually become more and more Selenium deficient. This decline, which undermines immune functions, is not unique to HIV infection, but is seen in almost all pathogenic infections. With the HIV-virus eluding the immune system, it is able to replicate and therefore continue to deplete Selenium levels in the host. As a result, the immune system is compromised, allowing further infection by other pathogens that also deplete the host of Selenium, further undermining the immune system.

It would seem that there is a relationship between the depression of the immune system and the depression of Selenium levels in the body. Could it be that AIDS is caused by a multiplicity of co-factors, which either deplete Selenium levels in the body, or depress the immune system enough to allow viral replication? The anti-retroviral drug protocol now being employed by the medical world is designed to inhibit reverse transcriptase activity, thereby interfering with this stage in the life cycle of the virus. Once a newly produced HIV virus is released from the cell, it is divided into smaller pieces by viral enzymes called protease. Proteases are enzymes that break down proteins. Another medical protocol involves drugs called protease inhibitors, which interfere with this step in viral replication. Unfortunately, the use of inhibiters of reverse transcriptase and protease is gradually resulting in the evolution of drug resistant strains of HIV that are now spreading rapidly in the developed world. While the world focuses on the AIDS pandemic, it is interesting to note that we are also experiencing simultaneous pandemics caused by other slow viruses like Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, as well as Coxsackie B virus. These, as well as the Ebola Zaire virus and the Human Herpes virus, carry Selenoprotein genes, which means that they too must deplete their hosts body of Selenium as they replicate. It has been noted that retroviruses diffuse most easily in populations that are very Selenium deficient. Selenium deficiency is now also known to be associated with greatly increased cancer risk, as well as Keshan disease (a type of heart disease prevalent in areas in which the soil is deficient in

Selenium) and another regional disease, in Russia, involving joint degeneration. In Senegal however, a sub-Saharan African country rich in Selenium and other mineral deposits, HIV is spreading very slowly, if at all, in the population. This, even though the Senegalese are a highly sexually active society, with many of its members commonly practicing unprotected sex with a variety of partners. If our education is to be effective, perhaps we need to include a more thorough understanding of how Selenium deficiency relates to the immune system of the body.

Where do we stand?
Currently there are two opposing opinions relating to health and disease. According to the medicine of curing disease, one unique agent causes illness to occur. This is an external enemy of the body that attacks us and threatens our health. This is based upon the work of Louis Pasteur and is known as Germ Theory. According to this theory, the germ only has one form and as a result, the same external agent always causes the disease. This theory stems from research of the external agent and making all out war on it. Thus far, our focus has followed this line of thought. All emphasis has been placed upon the external agent known as the HIV-virus. Whether it is the prime cause or merely a harmless passenger virus, this external agent has been identified and implicated. There is another line of thinking that needs our attention. The medicine of restoring health claims that it is the body itself that manufactures, inside the cell, the different agents that cause the illness to occur. The agent is an interior friend of the body, which tends to re-establish the balance of our ecological system. If its natural environment is disturbed, it becomes abnormal and an

illness appears. Once its natural environment is re-established, it returns to its normal state and the illness automatically disappears. This is known as Cellular Theory and is based largely upon the work of Antoine Bechamp. Depending upon the bodys state of health, a germ may have many forms. As a result, illness is caused by agents of various forms, which become aggressive in various states of poor health. Unlike Germ Theory, Cellular Theory suggests that all of life lives in a co-operative, cohesive relationship. It is only when we knowingly or unknowingly alter this relationship, that nature takes steps to redress this imbalance. In this light, it would seem that germs are simply doing their job. It is interesting that the word health has its origins in the word wholeness. What role do we play in creating this imbalance and is there anything that we can do to ensure a swift return to wholeness and full health? Having examined AIDS from the Germ Theory point of view, with a focus on curing disease; let us now turn our attention to the Cellular Theory and focus on restoring health.

Understanding Health
The doctor of the future will give no medicine. Instead he will interest or teach his patient in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. Thomas Edison

The word doctor comes from the Latin word for teacher. If we are truly to overcome disease and achieve health, then perhaps our health education should focus upon these primary objectives: 1. How to care for the body 2. How to nourish the body 3. What causes disease and how to prevent it. In order to restore and maintain health, our education needs to start at the very beginning. We need to understand how our bodies actually work.

The Body Electric

The human body is electrical.

Everything that happens in the body is electrical. Eyes see with electricity, the brain thinks with electricity, muscles work with electricity; the pancreas produces insulin with electricity, and so on and so on.
So where does this electricity come from?

The Cells
We all began as one cell. From this one cell we develop into a body consisting of 100 trillion cells. These cells make up every organ, gland, bone, muscle, tissue and fluid in the body.

If there is any sign of pain, degeneration, illness or disease in any part of the body; then it is not the part, or system that is affected; it is the cells in the part or system that are affected. It is now scientifically understood that the vital life processes that take place in every cell of the body generate electrical energy. This means that every cell is like a little battery. In order to experience health, every battery must contribute its subtle electrical energy to the organ, gland, bone, muscle, tissue or fluid that it is a part of. If any part of the body shows signs of loss of energy or deterioration, then it simply means that the batteries are going flat! The body is quite literally running out of energy! The cause of all loss of energy, pain, degeneration, illness and disease and even death is quite simply a loss of frequency. In order to restore health in the body, it is therefore vital that we recharge these cellular batteries and replenish energy levels. To do this, we have to understand how they generate electrical energy.

Turning the body on

Every cell is supplied with a blood capillary and a lymphatic capillary. The blood vessels deliver the groceries to the cells, providing optimum nutrition, while the lymphatic vessels do the dishes, removing toxins and cellular build-up. In order to generate an electrical potential, cells need two vital ingredients - Oxygen and Glucose.

Oxygen is the most important grocery that our bodies need. Without it, we can die in 3 minutes. Oxygen is needed by every cell to convert glucose into a vital cell fuel or energy, known as Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP. ATP maintains a very delicate balance of minerals in and around the cells and also fuel the vital life processes. Within the cells, Potassium levels must remain high and Sodium levels low, while outside of the cells, the reverse must occur. It is this delicate balance of minerals that gives rise to the cells electrical potential. If this delicate balance of minerals is altered in any way, there will be a loss of cellular energy potential. So how do cells use ATP to maintain this vital mineral balance?

Keeping the Balance

70% of the body is water. Cells consist mostly of water. However, they are not little water filled sacs. In a healthy or Living State, cells contain protein, lipids, Potassium and water in a very particular structure. The molecules do not float freely in the water, but form a solid body; much like a jelly. The main structure or skeletal frame of the cell is made of protein. ATP energetically charges this protein frame, causing it to have a preference for Potassium ions over Sodium ions. This energised frame causes the water around the frame to become structured or layered; and this gives rise to the jelly.

A simple analogy would be to think of the protein structure as iron nails and the water molecules and potassium ions as iron filings. When a magnetic current (ATP) is passed through the nails (protein frame), the iron filings (water and potassium) naturally form in an ordered manner around the nails. As long as cells have ATP, the cellular protein frame will have a preference for potassium and the cells will be like little jellies. In this jelly-like Living State, our cells have their full electrical potential. Each cell is essentially an electronic machine. So how does it actually produce electricity?

Turning on the Juice

Every life process takes place in water. There are two oceans of water in the body, one inside the cells and another that surrounds the cells. ATP maintains the water inside the cells as a jelly, while the water outside the cells is maintained primarily by salt. In every life process, water leaves the blood stream to deliver vital life giving nutrients to the cells. This water is rich in mineral ions, which are little charged particles and can be seen as little electrical driving forces. This water then passes into the cells, through the cell membrane. Every cell has a bi-layer membrane. This bi-layer is separated and the space in between is used as a little waterway for enzyme activity. Enzymes are responsible for all cellular activity and control all of the vital life processes.

Within the cell membrane there are little protein pumps. These pumps control the movement of the mineral ions into and out of the cell. As water passes through the cell membrane, the movement of these ions actually generates electricity. This hydroelectric power is the subtle electrical energy generated by the life processes that provides the power for every cell within every part of the body to function perfectly. As long as cells are in a jelly-like Living State, water flows through the cell membrane and the pumps generate electricity. If the cells lose their ATP, or are unable to produce ATP, the Living State is altered and the cells lose their jelliness. When this happens, water leaks from the cell and the waterways between the cell membrane dry up. Without the waterways, enzyme activity is reduced and the pumps switch off. When this happens, the cell loses its preference for Potassium and the delicate mineral balance is altered. Once the jelly-like Living State is altered, the cells lose their electrical potential and are no longer able to generate hydroelectric power. In short, the batteries switch off. It is therefore absolutely essential that cells produce ATP in order to keep the essential balance of minerals and maintain the jelly. In this jelly-like Living State, cells are alive and healthy and can function perfectly. To produce ATP, cells must get their groceries and receive optimum levels of oxygen.

In order to do this they need to be in a very specific state.

Get into a State!

In 1961, Dr. Arthur C. Guyton described the state that was absolutely necessary for cells to get their optimum oxygen delivery and maintain their jelly-like Living State. He described this state as the Dry State. In the Dry State, a tiny blood capillary and a tiny lymphatic capillary tightly parallel every cell; and there is only enough fluid to fill the crevices between the cells. In this Dry State, cells get optimum oxygenation, produce optimum levels of ATP and maintain the essential delicate balance of minerals needed to produce an electrical energy potential. This means that the cellular Living State is actually maintained by the Dry State. In the Living, Dry State, there can be no loss of energy, no pain or degeneration, no illness or disease. In other words, we experience perfect health! If the Dry State is altered in any way, cells will lose their electrical potential and will eventually switch off. This is experienced as a loss of energy, pain, symptoms of illness and degeneration, disease and ultimately death. The most important question we can ask is: What alters the Dry State?

Blood Protein
Within the blood stream, there are blood proteins. Blood proteins transport enzymes, hormones, fatty acids and antibodies through the bloodstream to their target cells. However, their primary responsibility is to hold water in the blood stream. 91% of blood is water; if this percentage should change, there would be serious implications. Not only would the delicate pH balance be in jeopardy, but blood pressure would also be affected. In 1930, Dr Cecil K. Drinker of the Harvard Medical School suggested that blood protein leaks from the blood stream, practically universally. In 1948, Dr H.S. Mayerson of the Tulane School of Medicine tagged blood protein with radioactive iodine and proved that it does indeed leak from the blood stream. In fact, he found that in a 24-hour period, a staggering 50% of blood protein could leak from the blood vessels. In 1961, Dr Arthur C. Guyton, of the Mississippi School of Medicine, revealed that the only way to return blood protein to the blood stream is via the Lymphatic System. In his Textbook of Medical Physiology, he writes:
The retrieval of these blood proteins from the interstitial spaces by the Lymphatic System is an absolutely essential function; without which you would die within about 24 hours!

If 50% of the blood protein is lost in a 24-hour period; and you can be dead in 24-hours if you do not retrieve that blood protein; then the obvious question must be What happens if we do not retrieve all of the lost blood protein?

What happens if some of the blood protein gets left behind or trapped in between the cells? Blood protein holds water in the blood stream; therefore blood protein that remains in the spaces around the cells will also hold fluid. This build up of fluid will alter the much-needed Dry State, producing what could be called a Wet State. In the Wet State, the spaces around the cells expand and grocery delivery is reduced. When this happens, cells do not get their vital nutrients and even more importantly, they are not oxygenated. This reduces ATP production. Without ATP, the vital Living State will be altered and we lose our electrical energy potential. At the same time, the intimate nature of the Dry State is lost, resulting in a loss of energy flow. In short our batteries run down and the vital life circuit is broken! The underlying physical cause of all loss of energy, pain, degeneration, disease and death is one and the same thing an altering of the Living, Dry state. Altering the Living, Dry State, alters our frequency! The only thing that can alter the Living, Dry State is Trapped Blood Protein

Every condition that is diagnosed, whether chronic or acute; every medical label simply points to one and the same thing an altering of the Living, Dry State and trapped blood protein. From this primary condition, or Wet State, all other symptoms will manifest. Blood protein that leeks from the blood stream must be retrieved. The only way that our bodies can retrieve lost blood protein, is through the Lymphatic System. To ensure perfect health, it is vital that we understand how the Lymphatic System works.

The Lymph
The Lymphatic System is one of the primary parts of the bodys immune system. As the purification system of the body, it ensures that there is no build up in the spaces surrounding the cells. The Lymphatic System maintains the Dry State. Found throughout the body, the simplest analogy is that of a tree. The branches go up to the head, the roots go down to the feet and the trunk lies in the chest. Once lymph fluid is retrieved from the intercellular spaces, it flows from the tiny capillaries around the cells into larger vessels. These pass through the nodes, which are located throughout the body, where the lymph is purified and pathogens are neutralised. Finally it passes through the ducts in the chest and returns to the blood stream at the base of the throat. The flow of lymph is much slower than the blood stream and in order to prevent the lymph from flowing backwards, there are little one-way check valves that keep the lymph fluid moving forward.

Unlike the blood stream, the lymphatic system does not have a specific pump that keeps the lymphatic fluid flowing. Instead, it relies upon two very efficient pump actions to maintain circulation. The first is a muscular and skeletal pump. Simply put, every time that we move our bodies, the compression of the tissue forces the lymph to flow from one little chamber, through the one-way valve and into the next. Once the lymph is purified in the nodes, it flows through the ducts and is released back into the blood stream at the base of the throat. The ducts are the largest lymphatic vessels in the body. The main one is the Thoracic Duct, which is found on the left side of the chest. This duct services the upper left side of the body (head, neck, arm and chest) as well as the whole of the lower body. The Right Lymphatic Duct is smaller and is found on the right side of the chest. This duct services the upper right side of the body. Unfortunately, contrary to what most believe, muscular and skeletal activity is not enough to effectively pump the lymph from the ducts back into the blood stream. To do this, a second pump action is vital. This is a Thoracic pump. Every time we take a deep breath, the chest expands and lymph is pumped out of the ducts and back into the blood stream. The action of this second pump is absolutely essential. Without it, the lymph stagnates throughout the whole body.

It is a sad fact, but none of us breathe efficiently! Everyone is moving their bodies to some degree, but very few people are breathing regularly, let alone deeply. This means that while the build up is being removed from around the cells, it is not being effectively released via the ducts, back into the blood stream. Imagine constantly filling a syringe, but never emptying it. As lymph builds throughout the body, the lymphatic vessels become sluggish and full. As a result, the nodes become overworked and lose their ability to purify the lymph effectively. Eventually the lymphatic system stagnates, becomes toxic and begins to seep out wherever it can. Remember, the Lymphatic System is part of our immune system. If it is unable to neutralise toxins, poisons and other foreign bodies, the immune system will be compromised and eventually the body will become vulnerable to opportunistic infections. The most common signs that lymph is banking up are: sinus congestion, postnasal drip, sore throats, colds and flu and skin eruptions. It is primarily through poor breathing habits that lymph begins to build up throughout the body. We are constantly moving our lymph through muscular and skeletal activity, but we are not releasing it, because we do not practice regular, deep breathing.

Breaking the Law

The only reason that any part of our body experiences reduced functioning, is that it is unable to cope with our energy demands. We are quite literally running down our batteries. This only occurs when we break the Natural Laws Of Health. When understood correctly, these laws not only ensure optimum health and vitality, but also lead to a world of peace, love and prosperity. Each law has many layers and applies to every area of life. The Natural Laws of Health are: Dont argue, quarrel or fight Dont defile your body Everybody must work

Simply put; these are the Laws of physical, emotional, mental and nutritional well-being. Abiding by these Laws, our bodies have the capability to remain in the Dry State and we can experience optimum health. To understand their meaning more fully and how they affect our state of health, it is necessary to examine each of these Laws more closely. Law 1 - Dont argue, quarrel or fight Stress kills. This is the message that is being broadcast from all areas of the healing community, orthodox as well as complementary. Generally we feel healthier, when we are not stressed. But why does stress drain us?

Whenever the body works, the blood vessels release the groceries to provide the energy for the relevant parts to work and for the current to flow. When this happens, the eyes see, the brain thinks, muscles work and so on. In any stressful situation, the body needs more energy that normal, because we are asking it to work harder. This is because we believe that we are unable to cope with the demands of the situation. In a sense, we go into mild shock. When in shock, the heart beats faster and the blood vessels dilate, engorging the tissue with blood so as to flood the cells with vital life sustaining nutrients. This provides a rapid boost of energy. Unfortunately this also means a greater loss of blood protein. If this blood protein is not retrieved, we usually find that we are immediately drained after the highly charged experience. This is due to the sudden loss of water volume and pressure in the blood stream. All emotionally charged or mentally challenging experiences leave us short of breath and often rooted to the spot. And herein lies the crunch. Not only have we increased our blood flow and lost more blood protein than normal, we have also slowed and stagnated our Lymphatic System.

The balance between the red blood system and the white blood system is lost. As the Dry State is altered, the groceries are not delivered to the cells, our batteries lose power and we are left feeling drained. Scientific research reveals that positive, uplifting emotions can boost the immune system for up to five hours after the experience; while negative, defeating emotions can literally drain the immune system for the same amount of time. It is interesting to note that the Chinese believe that the act of lovemaking can be a potentially devastating experience for men. Upon orgasm, a mans vital organs are depleted of energy by up to a third of their potential. This explains his sudden lack of ardour and tendency for sleep. His batteries are quite literally spent! Further more, medical research reveals that in this state, his immune system is depleted. Continual misuse of sexual energy can have a very detrimental effect not only on a mans immune system, but also on his overall energy and well-being. Perhaps this is why the French refer to an orgasm as le petit mort the little death! Law 2 Dont defile your body You are what you eat. It is vitally important, that we do not put anything into the body that will cause it stress. The first signs that a substance is stressful to the body are a loss of energy and thirst. The most obvious stress would be a poison. Any substance that causes the body to function unnaturally, or prevents it from functioning naturally can be deemed a poison.

However, any substance that is not recognised by the body can also be deemed a poison. Most people are familiar with the obvious poisons; however, other foods that cause hyper and hypo activity include tea, coffee, alcohol and drugs (both recreational and medicinal), as well as refined sugars, excessive salt, fats and meats. Research done in the 1930s by Paul Kouchakoff suggests an even more serious phenomenon in relation to food and immunity. He demonstrated that enzyme deficient, cooked and processed food triggers an immune response similar to that caused by infection, inflammation, allergic reaction or malignancy. In other words, white blood cells gather in the blood around the stomach and intestines as soon as unrecognised food enters the stomach. This phenomenon is called digestive leukocytosis. This does not happen however, when food is eaten in its natural, raw state. The implications of this are staggering. Continually demanding help from our immune system meal after meal, day after day, year after year, will seriously deplete the immune function. This could very well be one of the most significant of the primary causes of chronic degenerative disease. Another reason that a substance proves stressful to the body is simply that we have overloaded our system, by eating too much. By eating more food than our bodies can cope with, we are overworking our digestive organs. This is stressful and will result in the organs of digestion being flooded with blood protein. This will alter the essential Dry State in the same way that a poison will! In this light, even the healthiest food can be poisonous, if the body is unable to cope with it.

Certain schools of thought suggest that we should not eat more than four foods at any one mealtime. This ensures optimum digestion, while not depleting our energy reserves. We should also be able to perform mild exercise, fifteen minutes after a meal. This reinforces the importance of not eating when emotionally stressed. Law 3 Everybody must work The body is designed for motion. If it does not move, it will stagnate. However, it is essential that we use our bodies appropriately. Too much activity can be draining, while too little will eventually lead to sluggishness and muscle wasting. By applying the third law specifically to the Lymphatic System, we can see that it addresses the vital activity needed for efficient lymphatic circulation. According to Dr Arthur C. Guyton, in his Textbook for Medical Physiology, if we do not retrieve the blood protein that is lost in a 24 hour period, we quite literally will be dead. Native American Indians know that through inactivity and shallow breathing, death can follow in as short as 24 hours! With our current way of life, most people spend their day in a seated position, either in front of a television, computer screen or at a steering wheel. By the end of the day, most are exhausted and collapse into bed, their batteries finally drained. Sleep is also seen in some cultures, as a mini death! If this is the way we live, day in and day out, then we have to ask ourselves one question are we breathing deeply throughout the day?

With little to no movement of our muscular and skeletal pump and certainly very little thoracic pump activity, then we are very likely committing a slow suicide, very similar to that of the Native American Indian! It is therefore absolutely vital that we move our bodies and breathe deeply. If we do not, the lymphatic system will stagnate and the consequences could be loss of energy, pain, degeneration, disease and ultimately death! Breaking any of the Pure Laws of Health, when understood correctly, is suicide. When the body is unable to retrieve lost blood protein, the essential Dry, Living State is altered, our bodily frequency is lowered and our batteries run down. From this primary symptom, secondary and tertiary symptoms will occur.

Symptom Slide
Every degenerative condition in the human body is one and the same thing a loss of energy! There is only one thing that can lead to a loss of cellular energy and cause our batteries to switch off and that is trapped blood protein! Trapped blood protein alters the Dry State, causing the Wet State. When this occurs, the Living State is altered. In this Wet State, four primary conditions arise that lead to every diagnosed symptom of pain, degeneration, illness, disease and ultimately death.

These are oxygen depravation, dehydration, acidity and nutrient deficiency.

No Oxygen
The moment the Dry State is altered, our cells become oxygen deprived; and without oxygen, their ability to produce ATP is reduced. The most efficient way for cells to produce ATP is with oxygen and glucose. In order to continue functioning, cells are able to produce ATP without oxygen, however this is a less efficient means of energy production and there are consequences. Firstly, ATP is used to initiate this process of glycolysis and secondly, more glucose is needed to produce enough ATP to fuel our vital life processes and maintain the Living State. This results in a build-up of lactic acid. With oxygen, cells can produce 36 units of ATP from 1 molecule of glucose; without oxygen, they are only able to produce 2 units of ATP. In order to maintain adequate ATP production, the cells will demand more glucose! This often leads to an increased consumption of refined carbohydrates, which provides simple sugars that are rapidly digested and absorbed into our bloodstream. High blood glucose can result in hyperglycaemia, coma and death. To prevent this, the body triggers insulin release, which rapidly moves the excess glucose into our cells, where it is converted into energy. This may result in blood glucose levels dropping too rapidly, causing the adrenal glands to mobilise glycogen stores and stimulate the synthesis of protein into glucose. A diet of refined carbohydrates overworks both the pancreas and the adrenal glands.

Excess glucose is converted into fats, which are either stored in the cells or transported to fat tissue for storage. Saturated fatty acids cause red blood cells to stick together and become less mobile. As a result, they are less able to deliver oxygen to the cells and this exacerbates the oxygen deficiency in the tissue. In the absence of oxygen, glucose ferments. When the Dry State is altered, fermenting glucose builds up with the trapped blood protein, sodium and excess fluid and becomes a mucousy, Wet State. This provides the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, all of which thrive in an environment that is oxygen depleted and rich in fermenting glucose. It is in this environment, according to Bechamp, that the normal functioning of a microzyme is altered; transforming it into a pathogenic germ, which fights the imbalance brought about by the poor state of health. Microzymes take different forms according to the general condition of the cell in which they live and feed. In a sense, the microzymes are alerting us of the Wet State, so that we are able to take remedial action and prevent further loss of energy. Once the Dry State is restored, the germs change back into their microzyme form and reassume their peaceful, protective function and the illness disappears. Nobel Prize winner, Otto Warburg, discovered an important consequence of oxygen deficiency. Every time he withdrew oxygen from healthy cells, they became cancerous. He also noted that healthy cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen; while cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation.

This immediately paints a broader picture of cancer. If Bechamp is correct, then by clearing the fermenting Wet State and restoring the Dry State, cancer cells will starve! It is well documented, that oxygen kills cancer cells. Oxygen, however, cannot get to the cells if they are in a Wet State. Once again, it is vital that the Dry State is restored, if we are to oxygenate our cells. The primary condition that leads to all symptoms and ultimately death is oxygen depravation. If our cells are not able to produce optimum levels of ATP, they will not be able to maintain the jelly-like Living State. This leads us to the second primary condition dehydration.

Water, water everywhere

Next to oxygen, water is the most important need of our body. It is literally the life sustaining fluid, playing a crucial role in every life process. Water hydrates the cells and the circulatory systems, ensuring not only our full electrical potential, but also the generation and distribution of that electrical potential. When the Dry State is altered, ATP within the cell is used up, causing the water within the cell to lose its structure and to leak out. In response, the body instigates a drought management program, to conserve the water that it has and ration it to the most important organs of the body. Every cell has the capability to adapt to its environment by altering its membrane structure. Water is the natural glue that holds cells together. In response to dehydration, the cholesterol content of the cell membrane is altered, to hold the membrane together and prevent uncontrolled water seepage into or out of the cell.

As a result the membrane is sealed off, containing the internal environment and closing the bi-layer waterway, thereby preventing enzyme movement and reducing the natural functioning of the cell. To maintain the Living jelly and replenish our stores of ATP, our cells must be constantly nourished and all cellular build up must be removed. This is the role of the blood and lymphatic circulatory systems. Any loss of water to the circulatory systems will result in reduced circulation, poor nourishment and waste build up. This leads to stagnation. Water is vital to deliver the groceries to our cells and to do the dishes! One of the great plagues affecting Africa today is drought. Aside from this climatic concern, most people are currently facing selfimposed drought, with extremely poor hydration habits. Histamine is a neurotransmitter that regulates water intake and drought management in the body, by causing muscle contraction and capillary dilation. This restricts the loss of cellular water through metabolic activity while at the same time increasing water around the cells, in an attempt to rehydrate them. Another function of histamine is immune suppression. All white blood cells have histamine receptors. There are two main groups of white blood cells that control the Immune System mechanism; helper cells (CD4), which aid in the production of antibodies and suppressor cell lymphocytes (CD8), which inhibit that production. There are twice as many white cells that inhibit the immune system, as there are cells that stimulate it. Prolonged, unintentional dehydration will cause excessive histamine production; thereby suppressing the Immune System by lowering the bodys CD4 count and raising the bodys CD8 count.

Histamine is also involved in cell proliferation, which could lead to carcinogenesis and tumour proliferation. A suppressed Immune System may contribute to the ability of tumour cells to escape immune surveillance, resulting in growth and spread of the tumour. If the immune system is suppressed, cancer cells stand a better chance of developing into new tumours. In response to a lower blood water volume, the body also manages drought by releasing vasopressin, which acts upon the kidneys promoting water retention. Vasopressin also acts directly on the blood vessels, causing strong vascular constriction. This reduces blood flow to the peripheral areas of the body and redirects the essential groceries to our most important organs, ensuring that they are nourished so that they are able to continue working for us. In dehydration, the vasopressin receptor in the cell membrane converts into a shower head structure, which filters water molecules into the cell, keeping the bi-layer waterways open. More vasopressin receptors are manufactured in the important cells of the body, to ensure their continued function. Vasopressin is a strong cortisone release factor. Cortisone is an immune suppressor. With increased cortisone activity, more Interleukin 1, a chemical produced by some white blood cells, is produced. This accentuates tissue breakdown for the release of raw materials from the protein reserves of the body. It also accentuates the action of cortisone in the inhibition of Interleukin 2 and Interferon production. These elements are vital for efficient defensive functions of the Immune System. These prime the cells that work against infections, foreign agents and aberrant cells that do not conform, like cancer cells. Interferon is crucial to the Immune System; inhibiting virus replication and causing a local release of hydrogen peroxide and ozone, which kills bacteria and cancer cells.

Another way that the body manages dehydration is by releasing renin angiotensin. This stimulates the absorption of sodium by the kidneys in order to regulate our water and salt balance. It also stimulates thirst and an increased salt appetite, which increases water retention. As fluid builds up in the tissue, the intercellular pressure increases in order to squeeze water back into the cells and rehydrate them. The constricting action of vasopressin on the blood vessels, in conjunction with the excess fluid that is building around the cells, exerts extra pressure on the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood pressure. The leading cause of death in the world is heart disease. Cardiac specialists recognise that all heart conditions relate to fluid retention in the heart tissue. This is often precipitated by the silent killer high blood pressure. In every life process, toxins and metabolic waste are produced and these must be flushed from the cells to prevent acid build up. Water is vital to the health of our cells, not only for hydration and nutrient delivery, but also to maintain a clean and healthy environment. Dehydration within the cells and in the blood vessels leads to the third of the primary conditions acidity.

The Bitter Pill

The body is intelligent. So intelligent in fact, that within a year most of our cells have been renewed. This intelligence is based upon our cellular energy. To continue renewing themselves, cells must have their full electrical potential. This energy is absolutely vital for the life process that occurs in every cell.

In every life process, two extraordinary chemical balancing acts take place in our body. One is called methylation and the other oxidation-reduction. To stay young and in perfect health, these two processes must be balanced and working perfectly. To a large extent, methylation and oxidation-reduction control the aging or degeneration process. Our bodies are literally a sea of chemicals from glucose, fats and amino acids to enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters. Every second, our bodies literally makes hundreds of thousands of adjustments to keep us healthy and alive. This is the life process. In the methylation process, methyl groups are added to or subtracted from other molecules. By transforming one biochemical into another, our bodies make the substances that it needs, or breaks down those that it doesnt. Methylation happens over a billion times a second and is like one big dance, with biochemicals passing methyl groups from one partner to another. Methyl groups are donated from Methionine, one of the essential amino acids. When a methyl group is taken away from Methionine, we are left with Homocysteine. Homocysteine can be seen as a toxic amino acid by-product of the methylation process. Ideally, our bodies then add another methyl group to Homocysteine, to convert it into two very important chemicals known as S-adenosyl Methionine (SaMe) and Glutathione. These are antioxidant and detoxifying agents, which are vital to keep our cells healthy and free from toxin and free radical damage. If Homocysteine levels build within the cell, so do toxins and free radicals. At the same time the methylation dance decreases, reducing our natural cellular functioning.

The reason Homocysteine accumulates in the cells is because enzymes arent working properly.

Free Radicals
Oxygen, although essential to life, is the source of potentially damaging free radicals. These highly reactive compounds, which are formed during normal metabolic reactions, are an absolutely essential part of the life process. They are used in the many thousands of chemical reactions that take place in our bodies, to trigger other chemical reactions. The structural design of the enzymes that trigger the life processes, keeps most free radicals confined until the reaction is complete. However, between 2 and 5% of the free radicals involved in oxidation escape and these can cause damage to the cell membrane and DNA. To prevent free radical damage, the body has a defence system of nutrient antioxidants, which neutralise free radicals before they can be destructive. Any processing, refining or altering of the natural molecular structure of food by adding synthetic, toxic molecules will not only deplete natural antioxidant supplies, but also produce more free radical escapees. Being unnatural to the body, these do not fit the bodys enzyme structure and are more likely to produce free radical chain reactions. This leads to biologically unsuitable chemical reactions, abnormal and toxic substances and degenerative disease.

The Blueprint for Health

Our cells are constantly renewing themselves. Some live for only a few days, others for several months and a few live for years. Each cell is built using a blueprint, which is contained in our DNA. Each time one of our cells is renewed, its ability to build a new healthy cell, will depend on its DNA blueprint.

Methylation is essential for DNA function and repair. Without it, our DNA is unable to efficiently orchestrate cell function and this results in poor protein synthesis and inefficient enzyme activity. Having high homocysteine levels means that our DNA is not only more vulnerable to oxidant or free radical damage, but is also poorly repaired when damaged. In the absence of free flowing water through the cell membrane, the body uses some of its vital assets as antioxidants to cope with the toxic waste of metabolism. These include the amino acids Tryptophan and Tyrosine, which are sacrificed in the liver to neutralise toxic waste. S-adenosyl Methionine is a natural liver protecting agent, which is depleted when Homocysteine levels rise. Increased free radical activity in the cells can damage the lipids in the cell membrane. Glutathione peroxidase is an enzyme that inhibits lipid peroxidation. If the cell membrane is sufficiently damaged, apoptosis or cell death will occur. As homocysteine levels in the body increase, so Glutathione levels decrease. The vital components of Glutathione peroxidase include Tryptophan, Cysteine and Selenium. Selenoproteins are part of the DNA structure of the cell and are made of the sulphur proteins Cysteine and Selenium. In times of crisis, the DNA is broken down, surrendering the Cysteine and Selenium to be used as antioxidants. This survival instinct would be akin to burning our valuable furniture and the wooden ceilings of our home, in times of severe cold or energy crisis. As the cells protein frame is broken down and the DNA blueprint is altered, cells lose their identity and are unable to function naturally.

Protein kinase enzymes are involved in manufacturing new proteins inside the cells. Long-term dehydration, toxic waste buildup, poor nutrient delivery as well as inactivity, cause protease to breakdown the protein within the cells. As a result, the cells produce fewer and fewer cell membrane receptors that are needed for hormonal communication with the body. This is called receptor down regulation. At a certain level of protease activity, a new class of protein manufacturing enzyme, known as protein kinase M, becomes produced. These are more befitting primitive cell function and cause the cells to go into incessant production, giving rise to abnormal growth. If cells are damaged, the body releases the chemical agents Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF), Interleuken-1 (IL-1) and Interleuken-6 (IL-6) as well as others, to start crisis management. If the damage is such that resident bacteria could also break barriers and begin increased local activity, production of these agents is also increased. Prostaglandin E is a sub-ordinate of histamine that also activates Interleukin 6. Experimentally it has been shown that AIDS patents have significantly increased levels of TNF and IL-6 in their blood. These agents function much like a team of salvage specialists that go to a site after an earthquake. One group clears debris; another brings in survival supplies and others begin restoring power, supply lines and communication. In the body, the principle is the same. Each cell needs to survive on the spot, if it can be repaired. Only the dead or irreparably damaged cells will have to be dismembered and cleared away.

In chronic conditions, extensive reconstruction is necessary. If repeatedly weakened cells are unable to correct their deficient protein metabolism, IL-6 and TNF begin breaking down the DNA and RNA into fragments, to clear the debris. This decreases the size and ability of the cell nucleus to function. It is important to note that Cysteine is involved in the formation of a type of anchoring rope with Zinc hooks that keep the DNA assembly line in position and prevents the drift of its segments. In a series of experiments, when IL-6 and TNF were added to a cell culture containing cells with the ability to produce the HIVvirus, HIV particles were extruded. If, before the addition of IL-6 and TNF, Cysteine was added to the same culture medium, HIV particles were not produced. This signifies a direct correlation between HIV production and amino acid content. As we have already mentioned, HIV is a slow virus, and slow viruses consist of RNA fragments. Is it possible that the HIV test is highlighting the presence of a fragment of DNA or RNA of a damaged cell? Does it indicate the process of cell nucleus breakdown? The site clearing activity of TNF and IL-6 could well be fundamental steps in the production of HIV in the cell. It is more unfortunate that the amino acid composition of HIV very much resembles that of vasopressin. Those suffering from AIDS show a consistent, drastic shortage of specific essential amino acids. These include Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Methionine, Cysteine and Glutamine as well as the minerals Zinc and Selenium.

Building Blocks
Proteins are essential for the structure of our cells. All body proteins are made from different combinations of amino acids and

synthesized within the cells following our DNA blueprint. There are 20 amino acids that are needed by the body. Eight are seen as essential and must be supplied through our diet, while the other twelve can be made by the body. Dietary proteins are broken down in the digestive system, yielding individual amino acids that are absorbed by the small intestines and transported to the liver. Within the liver, the amino acids form a pool that can be used to make the various proteins of the liver and blood. The amino acids of the liver can be exchanged with a second similar pool in the blood and these can be exchanged with a third amino acid pool in the tissue cells. The liver is a major centre for making amino acids and in addition to making its own protein and enzymes; it forms and secretes most of our blood proteins. For growth, repair and normal turnover of cellular protein, our tissues need a continuous supply of amino acids. These are obtained from the amino acid pool in the blood, which in turn receive them from the liver pool. Proteins are found in abundance in animal and plant food. Cooked protein is however, not a good source of amino acids. Two of the essential amino acids, Tryptophan and Lysine are destroyed at 114 degrees F. Anyone eating a cooked food diet will be deficient in these two essential amino acids. In order to repair DNA, a small enzyme cuts and splices faulty DNA replications and corrects the mistake. This enzyme is made of Tryptophan and Lysine. A deficiency in these two essential amino acids will certainly lead to DNA damage. On another interesting note, Lysine is known to inhibit the growth of viruses.

A balanced, well-proportioned amino acid supply is absolutely essential; not only for the body to be able to repair DNA damage, but also for antibody production and to make hormones and enzymes.

Harmony and Balance

Hormones are the chemical messengers that regulate our life processes. Whenever the brain detects changes, real or imagined, it alerts our glandular system and hormones are released. There are two kinds of hormones, slow acting steroid hormones and fast acting peptides or catecholamines. 90% of circulating hormones bind to blood proteins and are transported to the cells via the blood stream. Once at their target cell, steroid hormones diffuse through the cell membrane and are converted into either an enzyme or a functional protein. These bring about physiological actions within the tissue and this is called protein synthesis. Fast acting hormones bind to the membrane of the target cell and initiate secondary messengers within the cell, which transform inactive enzymes into active enzymes. This action requires ATP. To manufacture hormones, our bodies need amino acids. Without all of the essential amino acids, hormone production will be affected and this in turn will affect our cellular functioning. Dehydration reduces protein synthesis within the cells, altering the cell membrane and causing receptor down regulation. This in turn affects our cellular enzyme activity.

The catalysts
Enzymes are a true yardstick of vitality, offering an important means of calculating the vital energy of an organism Dr Edward Howell.

There are two kinds of enzymes: exogenous and endogenous. Exogenous enzymes come from outside of the body and are supplied by our diet. They are known as food enzymes. Endogenous enzymes are produced by the body and these include digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes. Food enzymes are contained in the food that we eat and are necessary for the digestion of that food. As we chew, the food is broken down, releasing the food enzymes. If however, food is cooked or even heated above 118 degrees F, then the enzyme content is destroyed. The enzymes contained in raw food actually digests up to 75% of that food themselves. The remaining 25% of the food is digested by digestive enzymes, which are supplied by the pancreas. By eating cooked or heat-treated food, the body is forced to provide more digestive enzymes, which in turn overworks the pancreas. Unlike muscles, organs are not designed to respond to increased stress. Any organ that overworks will cause more blood protein loss, become exhausted and begin to degenerate. If the situation does not change, disease will set in and the organ will eventually switch off. When food does not contain enough enzymes, the body will be forced to supply them. To do so, it draws on the metabolic enzyme reserves from our vital organs and tissues. This causes a metabolic deficit.

Metabolic enzymes are made from amino acids and are responsible for all cellular activity and for the breakdown and elimination of waste and toxic substances. They are also essential to our immune system, which relies almost entirely on enzymes to do its job. A cooked food diet will deplete our enzyme supply and if we are already amino acid deficient, will prevent us from replenishing that supply. On top of that, if we are dehydrated, those enzymes will not be able to move through the waterway that runs through the cell membrane! The more waste build up that we have in our body; the less our cells are nourished. The accumulative effect of oxygen depravation, dehydration and acidity is starvation.

Feed Me
Underlying all illness is severe nutrition deficiency. There are three main reasons why most of the world is suffering from nutrition deficiency. The first follows the symptomatic pathway we have already outlined. By altering the Dry State, we induce a self-imposed state of starvation. As our intra and extra cellular environments change, our cells lose the ability to receive optimum nourishment. On top of this, vital nutrients become depleted through cell-induced crisis management. The second reason is based upon our nutritional habits. Most people believe that a well balanced diet will provide the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of essential nutrients that are necessary for health and vitality.

Unfortunately, health authorities cannot agree upon what actually constitutes a well balanced diet; with many nutrition experts suggesting that RDAs are well below the needed intake for optimum health. Some even suggest that RDAs are, at best, the minimal intake for a normal person who doesnt smoke or drink, isnt suffering from an illness or infection, pre-menstrual or menopausal, or exposed to excessive stress or pollution. In other words they are relatively meaningless in the world we live in today. In a document entitled Dietary Goals for the United States, the Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs reported that:
The eating patterns of this century represent a critical public health concern. We must acknowledge and recognise that the public is confused about what to eat to maximise health Without Government and industry commitment to good nutrition, people will continue to eat themselves to poor health Six of the ten leading causes of death have been linked to diet. These include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, obesity and stroke.

There are eight essential nutritional requirements needed by the body for restoring and maintaining health. These must be provided in the most natural and easily available form, for efficient assimilation to occur. They are oxygen, water, enzymes, glucose, minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids and amino acids. Due to ignorance, confusion and poverty, we are not offering our cells these essential nutrients.

In the developed world, we are consuming more than ever before while at the same time, much of the world remains too poor to even feed themselves. For the first time in human history, the number of overweight people rivals the number of underweight people. Both the overweight and the underweight suffer from malnutrition. The hungry and the overweight share high levels of sickness and disability, shortened life expectancies and lower levels of productivity. Once again education is vital, if we are to ensure optimum nutritional saturation. There is now more and more evidence that a consumption-filled lifestyle choice is as unhealthy for ourselves as it is for the planet we inhabit. This is where the third reason for malnutrition comes in. Due to climatic changes, biodiversity, increased toxic chemical use and soil depletion, Nature is no longer able to supply us with a natural, healthy diet. The Earth's atmosphere is now warming at the fastest rate in recorded history, a trend that is projected to cause extensive damage to forests, marine ecosystems and agriculture. The scientific evidence is now compelling that recent climate change is caused at least in part by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels, which has driven atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations to their highest levels in 420,000 years. It is estimated that our ancestors breathed air containing up to 36% Oxygen. Current Oxygen levels are now measured at 18%.

The world lives amid the greatest mass extinction since the dinosaurs perished 65 million years ago and most of this loss is caused by human activities. In an increasingly globalized world, plants, animals and microbes are introduced more and more frequently into regions that had never hosted them. This destabilizing influence can overrun ecosystems, leaving an impoverished and less resilient environment that is more vulnerable to stresses. The world has lost nearly half its forested area in the past 8,000 years and the majority of that loss occurred in the 20th century, when cultivated area expanded rapidly and consumption of wood and paper jumped dramatically. The enormous natural value of forests includes soil erosion prevention and flood control. Water scarcity may be the most under appreciated global environmental challenge of our time. With groundwater being pumped faster than it is being replenished, the number of people unable to meet their domestic, industrial and agricultural water needs is increasing substantially. Lack of access to safe drinking water remains one of the leading causes of disease and death in the developing world. Most of the fresh drinking waters are now polluted with industrial chemical waste resulting in more than 3 million peoplemost of them childrendying each year from diarrhoea and other illnesses caused by contaminated water. Even the oceans have been contaminated, devastating the marine life in its wake. Viewed throughout history as an inexhaustible resource, both in terms of what they can produce and what they can absorb; the great oceans of the world are now reaching their ecological limits.

At the same time climatic changes have caused severe drought conditions throughout the world. With the increased use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, micro-organisms in the soil are either killed or inhibited. As a result, mineral ions may be converted into insoluble complexes, making it difficult for the plants to absorb these essential minerals. Fulvic acids are created by micro-organisms in the soil, for the purpose of transporting minerals and nutrients from the soil into the plant. In return, the complex sugars that nourish the plant also feed these micro-organisms. This symbiotic relationship allows for this life cycle to continue. Fulvic Acid is the element that makes nutrients absorbable, resulting in a dramatic impact on all kinds of diseases and health problems that afflict us today. Scientists call it the elixir of life and theorize that without it nothing would live. Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling has stated that every sickness, disease and ailment can be traced to mineral deficiency. Minerals are the electrically charged particles that account for our electrical potential. It is the delicate balance of these minerals that account for our life force. This leads us back to the primary cause of all degeneration in the human body a loss of energy.

The Formula for Life and Death

All loss of energy, pain, degeneration, illness, disease and even death have their physical origins in a single cause an altering of the Dry, Living State. When the Dry State is altered, the Living State is altered and our frequency drops. It is now scientifically recognised, that only one thing can physically alter the Dry State and that is trapped blood protein. Blood protein accumulates in our intercellular spaces, because our lymphatic system is not working efficiently. This only occurs when we break the Pure Laws of Health. By doing so, we cause a greater loss of blood protein than our lymphatic system can cope with. Once the Dry State is altered, our cells become oxygen deficient, dehydrated and acidic. From here we can predict every disease condition known to man. By understanding the primary condition and taking the necessary steps to reverse the Wet State and restore the Dry State, we will be able to quite literally recharge our batteries and switch ourselves on. Following the inspired research and life work of Dr C. Samuel West, we now have a simple formula for life and death. LIFE No trapped blood protein = Dry State = full energy DEATH Trapped blood protein = Wet State = altered energy

The Pathway of Degeneration

Health is deceptively simple. When we have it, we take it for granted and abuse it, knowingly or unknowingly. Unfortunately, once lost it becomes a great challenge not only to restore it, but also to value it enough to maintain it. In order to maintain health, our bodies have simple needs. We need fresh air, clean water and healthy, whole foods. We need exercise and sunlight. But perhaps most importantly of all, we need to value health and Life itself. It would seem that there are only two broad-spectrum health conditions that we are confronted with. These are infectious immune disorders and autoimmune disorders. When we deplete our basic needs, a pathway of pain, loss of energy, illness, disease and ultimately death will unfold. To sustain life and the vital Living State within every cell of our bodies, we need Oxygen. Altering the Dry State through poor lymphatic circulation will create Oxygen deficiency. Poor breathing habits will create Oxygen deficiency. Depleting our environmental Oxygen supply will cause Oxygen deficiency. This immediately alters both our internal and external environments and sets the stage for immune dysfunction. A mucousy, Wet State becomes a breeding ground for pathogens, both in our inner and outer environments. One of the most alarming pandemics now looming is microbial infection in hospitals. What a terrible irony, that the very

institutions designed to procure health, are themselves now becoming centers of disease and death. Common sense reminds us that all hospital patients have an already compromised immune functioning. Exacerbated through inactivity, poor breathing, poor hygiene and increased microbial activity, are we surprised at this inevitable turn of events? Oxygen deficiency leads to dehydration. However, poor drinking habits also lead to dehydration as does depleted, clean water supplies. Chronic, unintentional dehydration could well be one of the major factors influencing immune suppression in our bodies. With the added drinking of contaminated water by most of the world population, whether through chemical or microbial influence, our immune systems dont seem to stand a chance. As acidity builds within our cellular structures and intercellular spaces, so more and more of the earth is facing toxic ruin. In response to crisis management, vital nutrients are lost both to our internal and external environments and as a result, depletion and starvation sets in. Through a combination of depleted soils, contaminated seas, bio diversity, mass extinction of species as well as malnourishment, cooking, processing, chemically and genetically altering foods, our immune systems are further devastated. Without healthy, whole food, our structure breaks down. It becomes a race for the survival of the fittest. Underlying many of the worlds armed conflicts are a multitude of social, economic and environmental pressures. As resources are depleted, greater areas are left uninhabitable, reinforcing existing social divisions. While the potential for conflict is particularly

pronounced where poverty and inequality are extensive, resource wealth can also trigger conflict, as more of the earths natural resources are prized and pillaged for personal gain. With a dramatic resurgence of infectious disease, we are now realizing that lifestyle can promote infectious disease just as it can contribute to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and all other autoimmune conditions. Today, disease control is crisis driven, with public health agencies and governments reacting to epidemics, rather than preventing them. It would seem that life, according to our current civilized standpoint, is expendable. There is a hierarchy of need, both internally and externally. Those who have, want more; while those who dont, are simply getting in the way of progress. The question is, where are we progressing to and at what cost? If we are to salvage not only our own health, but also the health of the planet, we need to once again re-evaluate our understanding of health and realize the intrinsic value of Nature and Life itself.

Building a Healthy Framework

According the Cellular Theory of Antoine Bechamp, all of life lives in a co-operative, cohesive relationship. This is the very nature of Life. Life is based upon the existence of a living state within an organism, however great or small. It is the very activity of all living things, allowing for the capacity of growth and change. Our very existence is based upon this Life and the vitality and energy that it generates. As we become more alive, so we become more conscious.

When we are conscious, we are aware of and able to respond to our environment. As our consciousness grows, so we are more aware of ourselves and more able to respond to our environment. In a sense we become responsible to and for our environment. Our ability to respond relies upon the Life Force that dwells within us. For all of life, this lies at a cellular level. Cells are the basic metabolic unit of life. Cells generate energy, cells generate Life. In order to do so, they must be in a Living State. There must be a state of coherence between the components of the cell; namely the water, protein, potassium and lipids. In this state, every cell has a co-operative relationship with every other cell. This creates a Living State in every organ, gland, part and system in the body. The body is coherent, whole and healthy. However, this is not limited to the individual. In a coherent Living State, every individual must also be in a cooperative relationship with every other individual, and their environment. The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the very land we live off, must be coherent. In this way, all aspects of life are coherent and there is wholeness; life is healthy. The word health has its origins in the word wholeness. For the world to experience health, as individuals, as well as a whole, we must realise that we are all parts of a greater whole. We must cooperate. When there is coherence, there is no conflict. A lack of conflict is called peace.

In order to experience a healthy, peaceful life, we need to live in harmony. It begins with each one of us, at a cellular level. It is time to take responsibility not only for our own health and peace, but also for the Health and Peace of Life itself. For without health and peace, there is no life. Could it be that in combining our efforts to understand the AIDS pandemic, we have inadvertently stumbled upon the answer to all of disease? According to Germ Theory, the HIV virus is responsible for AIDS. It devastates the immune cells of the body by depleting vital nutrients within the cell, altering the vital DNA into viral RNA, and causing the destruction of the cell membrane. In this way, immune function is suppressed, leaving the body vulnerable to opportunistic infections, which overwhelm and eventually kill the individual. It would seem that all pathogen activity, to some degree, leads to this conclusion. In Cellular Theory, an altering of the Living, Dry State results in Oxygen deficiency, dehydration and acidity. This results in suppression of the immune system, depletion of vital nutrients within the cell, fragmenting of the vital DNA and destruction of the cell membrane. As degeneration progresses, autoimmune conditions overwhelm the body and kill the individual. Both pathways result in a severe loss of the same essential nutrients, namely Tryptophan, Glutamine, Methionine, Cysteine and Selenium. These are key ingredients for the enzyme Glutathione Peroxidase, which protects the cell from oxidant damage. Without it, the cell disintegrates and dies. Are we really seeing two separate pathways?

Both seem to come to the same inevitable conclusion. Could it be that both infectious immune and autoimmune conditions are the result of disharmony? More and more researchers are now linking Selenium deficiency to disease. It is interesting to note that Oxygen, Sulphur and Selenium all belong to the same group in the periodic tale of elements: the Oxygen Family. All are depleted at a cellular level, the sulphur being contained in the essential amino acids Methionine and Cysteine. As we deplete our bodies, so we deplete Nature. Nature can be seen to be the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals and the landscape. Essentially, Nature is the force, which causes and regulates these phenomena. It is through the very cohesion of the elements of Nature, namely earth, water, air and fire, that Life exists. All of life is composed of these elements. We are made of these elements. Through our appreciation for Life, we literally gain life. When we withdraw our appreciation or love for Life, life withdraws and death follows. We need to be reminded that our very existence depends upon Nature. Every breath we take, every drop of water that we drink, every mouthful of food, every interaction with every form of Life needs to be done consciously. For Nature is our nurturing Mother! Perhaps the most interesting revelation that Selenium has to offer us, is in its very name: Selenium. Ancient culture regarded Selene to be the Goddess of the Moon the eternal Mother figure!

On his deathbed, Louis Pasteur purportedly stated: Claude Bernard (biologist) was right. The germ is nothing. The environment is everything. Perhaps we now understand what he meant. Only in a Living, Dry State environment, can health and peace exist; not only within an individual, but also in and between all of Life. In a new book entitled Cracking the Bible Code - which has to do with running the Hebrew Books of the Bible through a specialized computer program; page 164 of the book shows where researchers put the word 'AIDS' into the program to see what would happen. When they did, the program translation provided words like HIV, in the blood, the Immune System, death - all the things you would think you'd see around the word AIDS; but down in the corner was this sentence that they didn't understand and it said the end of disease, Perhaps this is the great gift of AIDS. There can only be one winner in the AIDS pandemic and that is all of mankind. By working together, we solve the mystery together. Together we find health, together we find peace, together we find meaning to Life. Peace Be With You Om Shanti Shalom Aleichem Aselaam Aleikum Namaste

Reference Material
The Golden Seven Plus One Association Induction Hypothesis Your Bodys Many Cries For Water Water for Health, for Healing, For Life The H Factor Dr C. Samuel West Gilbert Ling F. Batmanghelidj MD F. Batmanghelidj MD Patrick Holford Dr James Braly What Really Causes AIDS Harold D. Foster The Medical Mafia Guylaine Lancot MD Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill Udo Erasmus Neo Health: Essential Health Protocols Keith McFarlane Regeneration and the Ray Program Dr John Whitman Ray World Watch online library


By working together, We solve the mystery together. Together we find health, Together we find peace, Together we find meaning to life.
Could it be that in combining our efforts to understand the AIDS pandemic, we have inadvertently stumbled upon the answer to all of disease? This intriguing book offers a real possibility of not only understanding the cause of all disease, but also ending it. The question is: Are we willing to take that responsibility?

ISBN 0-620-34684-1

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