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How Much Money Does God Have

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How Much Money Does God Have?

Filed in Matrix Articles by MichelleWalling on April 29, 2015

By Amitakh Stanford

The suffering in this world can be characterized by two words, unholy disunion. An unholy
disunion between God and humans has brought about conflicts. Conflicts cause suffering,
unsettling people in many ways. Peace between God and humans brings about equilibrium,
inner peace, faith, love and all manner of expression that signifies love, truth, sharing and
caring. But, humans have fallen so far from their Creator that they lack inner peace, inner
guidance, truth and justice, so much so that many people are now at war with God and with

As this unholy conflict continues, the antithesis of the True Loving God rises in power. There
has been so much corruption in this world that many believe that God created money. To
dispute this corrupted belief, one need only ask, What would God want with money? In
human terms, many believe that money is one of the great principles of the universe and
represents good karma. Karma is basically the belief in the principle that one reaps what one
sows. Most people are unsuspecting of the unjust imposition of karma, which in truth does not
always work justly as is believed.

Likewise, many believe that the astral world is heaven. In reality, the astral world contains
many levels in which beings reside. These levels range in their energy vibrations, from the
sadly horrific up to the spiritual appearing. There is no way out of the astral it is a confined
prison within the Virtual Reality. It is not that unlike existence on Earth, which is contained in
the physical world, which is only an extension of the astral world. All of the astral world and
the physical world are integrated parts of the Virtual Reality. In the astral, there is
exploitation, deception, slavery, abuse, mind control and so on intermingled with some loving,
caring expressions. In the astral, the beings are trapped, just as they are trapped on Earth.

There is a conspiracy within the astral and physical worlds to make its occupants believe that
there is nothing else beyond. Karma is part of the astral conspiracy. Fortunately, the karmic
system is in the process of being dismantled. When karma is dismantled, much of the illusion
of the astral and its accompanying physical world will collapse.

In the astral parts of the Virtual Reality there is no monetary exchange. In other words, there
is no such thing as money in the non-physical portions of the Virtual Reality. When the Virtual
Reality was first created, there were no corporeal bodies. Some of the astral world was
subsequently solidified into the physical worlds, where things are very dense and there are
corporeal bodies. Thereafter, those worlds were populated with beings placed into physical

Since the physical bodies were temporary, they could only house the consciousnesses for a
finite amount of time. When a body breaks down, the consciousness within it evacuates and is
transported back to the astral, where it often goes through a system of memory erasure and re-
programming so that most of the beings come out smiling and raring to give the physical
world another go. At this stage, they accept the lie that they have unfinished lessons to learn in
the physical. In one sense, the programming and the deception in the astral world is far worse
than it is in the physical world. Many of the supposedly great teachers of love are really
beings of deception emitting only pseudo light. The truth is, re-incarnation is involuntary,
because most are deceived into it, and, if they do not consciously accept it, they are forced to
repeatedly re-incarnate anyway. The process of re-incarnation is necessary to maintain the
Virtual Reality. The physical and the astral are now so interconnected that they are symbiotic
one affects the other.

In pre-historic times, as the world population increased, the concept of having a means of
exchange was created by Arapabas. One does not need to know what the preceding sentence
means or how it works the statement just identifies how money was set into motion. It
began with a trade or barter system of exchange, which appeared to be a practical and useful
means of distributing resources. The barter system began placing values on chattels and
services. This soon led to greed, exploitation, abuse, servitude and slavery. In some religious
beliefs and cultures the people accept that God blessed them with money to replace the barter
system. Were God to have really impressed on humans to develop money, then It would be
approving greed, exploitation, abuse, servitude and slavery. In short, It would be a bad god.

Money is said to be the root of all evil, but the physical world has developed in such a way
that it is difficult to survive without it. Finances and money have become major sources of
abuse, exploitation, stress, confusion and heartache for many people.

In the astral, there is no need for monetary systems. Even though some beings trapped in the
astral believe that there is money in that realm, there is no astral money. The exchange there is
all energy based, which has developed into an energy greed in the astral. There are givers and
takers in the astral, along with energy traps. There is a hierarchy governing the distribution of
energy in the astral. In any hierarchy, there can be corruption from the top down, without
anyone suspecting it. This has occurred in the astral, and massive deception has been
employed to hide that corruption.

On the Earth plane, energy exchange occurs through money. When money is looked at as an
energy, then it is easier to comprehend that it is governed by something, that something being
a force. The money force is like a being that facilitates all facets of financial matters. This
force assists people who are most attuned to its energy and helps them accumulate wealth and
power. For all intents and purposes, the money force becomes their god, and they speak, feel,
act and attract money.

It is no co-incidence that some nations, like the United States, have mystical symbols like
pyramids and the all-seeing eye on their currency. At some level, those responsible for the
design of the notes were in tune with the esoteric force behind money. However, this does not
necessarily mean that they understood the soul of money.
Money, like sex, drugs and power, can become addictive. Those who are severely affected by
the money force can have part of their energy sucked into the money vortex to further help
energise it. Even poor people become sucked into hoarding money, primarily out of fear of the
lack of it, and how that would affect them. Whether rich or poor, people lose their energy to
the money vortex. As greed, fear, envy and other emotions are activated by the money force, it
energises the money vortex. The money force is now so great that the ruling echelon of the
astral hierarchy are worried that it could spin out of control and alter the operation of the
astral world.

Precious metals can back currencies, as can real property or other chattels. Likewise, pledges
of goods or services can back money. Money can be based on fiat, and today it is even based
on debt. Whatever the backing behind the money, ultimately, there is no difference. Every
means of exchange is a control of energies that is feeding the money vortex by controlling the

In this multi-faceted world, filled with international exchanges, the moneyed interests have
gained enormous power as they fuel the money vortex. As the money force becomes more and
more energised, it is corrupting everything. Dynasties are defined by money, elections are
rigged and purchased with money, it drives crime waves, slavery, inequality and even wars.
Every human behaviour is somehow affected by it. All of society is impacted by it. Money
and other means of exchange have become a binding force that upholds the Virtual Reality
and all of Its misery and prisons.

One needs to have perspective in everything one does. As with anything else, one should
consider the use of money as distributing ones energy. When money is directed for good it
helps to minimise the abuse of money, and the effects of the spiralling monster, Mammon.

2011 Amitakh Stanford

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