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Culture, Personality, and Subjective Well-Being

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Culture, Personality, SWB

Culture, Personality, and Subjective Well-Being: Integrating Process Models of Life-Satisfaction

Ulrich Schimmack University of Toronto, Mississauga Phanikiran Radhakrishnan University of Toronto, Scarborough Shigehiro Oishi University of Minnesota Vivian Dzokoto University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Stephan Ahadi Metritech, Champaign

February 2001

RUNNING HEAD: Culture, Personality, SWB about 7,500 words Authors' Note. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Ulrich Schimmack, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto at Mississauga, Erindale College, 3359 Mississauga Road North, Mississauga, Ontario, L5L 1C6, Canada, email:

Culture, Personality, SWB Abstract We examined the interplay of personality and cultural factors in the prediction of subjective wellbeing. We predicted that personality influences on life-satisfaction are mediated by hedonic balance, and that the relation between hedonic balance and life-satisfaction is moderated by culture. As a consequence, we predicted that personality influences on life-satisfaction are also moderated by culture. Participants from two individualistic cultures (US, Germany) and three collectivistic cultures (Japan, Mexico, Ghana) completed measures of extraversion, neuroticism, hedonic balance, and life-satisfaction. As predicted, extraversion and neuroticism influenced hedonic balance to the same degree in all cultures, and hedonic balance was a stronger predictor of life-satisfaction in individualistic than in collectivistic cultures. The effects of extraversion and

neuroticism on life-satisfaction were largely mediated by hedonic balance. The results indicate that personality effects on life-satisfaction are moderated by culture.

Culture, Personality, SWB Culture, Personality, and Subjective Well-Being

Over the past three decades, psychological science has made considerable progress in research on subjective-well being (SWB; see Diener, Suh, Lucas, & Smith, 1999, for a review). One major achievement has been the development of scientific measures of SWB. Scientific definitions of SWB recognize an affective and a cognitive component of well-being. The affective component is an individuals (actual or perceived) hedonic balance (i.e., the balance between pleasant affect and unpleasant affect). The cognitive component is an individuals life-satisfaction (i.e., evaluations of ones life according to subjectively determined standards). Past research indicates that both components of SWB are influenced by personality (Diener & Lucas, 1999) and by culture (Diener & Suh, 1999). Unfortunately, these studies examined personality and culture in isolation, although most cultural psychologists acknowledge biological constraints (cf. Church, 2000), and most personality psychologists recognize cultural influences on behavior (cf. Diener & Lucas, 1999). One advantage of a conjoint investigation of personality and cultural determinants of SWB is the ability to examine the interplay of both factors possibility to detect interactions of personality and cultural variables. For example, Diener and Diener (1995; see also Kwan, Bond, & Singelis, 1997) demonstrated that the personality trait self-esteem is a stronger predictor of life-satisfaction in individualistic cultures than in collectivistic cultures because individualistic cultures emphasize a positive self-view. The present article provides further evidence for the interactive effects of culture and personality on SWB. In particular, we demonstrate that the influence of extraversion and neuroticism on life-satisfaction is moderated by culture. Personality: A Pancultural Predictor of SWB From a personality psychological perspective, "happiness is a thing called stable extraversion" (Francis, 1999, p. 6). Neuroticism and extraversion are indeed consistent predictors of SWB in the United States (see Diener & Lucas, 1999, for a review). Moreover, the relation has been replicated in many other nations such as Canada (Pychyl & Little, 1998), Australia (Hart,

Culture, Personality, SWB 1999; Headey, & Wearing, 1989; Wilson & Gullone, 1999), England (Furnham & Cheng, 1999), Wales (Francis & Bolger, 1997), the Netherlands (Arrindell, Heesink, & Feij, 1999), Germany (Staudiger, Fleeson, & Baltes, 1999), Estonia (Allik, & Realo, 1997), Spain (Fierro & Cardenal, 1996), Isreal (Francis & Katz, 2000; Gilboa, Bisk, Montag, & Tsur, 1999), China (Furnham & Cheng, 1999), Hong Kong (Kwan et al., 1997), Taiwan (Lu & Shih, 1997), and Japan (Furnham & Cheng, 1999; Yamaoka et al., 1998). Moreover, the relation between extraversion and neuroticism is not merely a measurement artifact. The relation is also obtain when personality is assessed by informant reports (Spain, Eaton, & Funder, 2000), when affect is assessed in daily diary or experience sampling studies (see Lucas & Fujita, 2000, for a review), and when personality is assessed years before the affect measures (Costa & McCrae, 1980; Headey & Wearing, 1989; Suh, Diener, & Fujita, 1996). Last but not least, twin studies consistently demonstrated a genetic basis of extraversion and neuroticism (e.g., Lang, McCrae, Angleitner, Riemann, & Livesly, 1998; Loehlin, 1992; Saudino et al., 1999) and subjective well-being (Tellegen, Lykken, Bouchard, Wilcox, Segal, & Rich, 1988). Taken together, these findings suggest that SWB has a pancultural genetic basis. However, previous research on personality and SWB suffers from two shortcomings. First, this research has paid little attention to the fact that the cognitive and affective components of

SWB possess discriminant validity (Lucas et al., 1996). In other words, predictors of SWB can be more strongly related to one component than to the other component. Second, previous research has ignored the processes that relate the two components of SWB to each other. Schimmack, Diener, and Oishi (2001) proposed a causal model of the relations between extraversion, neuroticism, hedonic balance, and life-satisfaction that overcomes these limitations (Figure 1). The model regards extraversion and neuroticism as affective dispositions that influence the amount of pleasant and unpleasant affect that people experience in their lives (Costa & McCrae, 1980; Diener & Lucas, 1999; Eysenck, 1983). The model also postulates that participants rely in part on their hedonic balance to form life-satisfaction judgments (Ross, Eyman, & Kishchuck, 1986; Schimmack et al., 2001; Suh, Diener, Oishi, & Triandis, 1998). That is, when respondents

Culture, Personality, SWB form a life-satisfaction judgment they retrieve past pleasant and unpleasant events from memory. If pleasant memories outweigh unpleasant memories, they report high levels of life-satisfaction,

and when unpleasant memories outweigh pleasant memories, they report low life-satisfaction. The model implies that neuroticism and extraversion influence life-satisfaction indirectly via their influence on hedonic-balance. In other words, Schimmack et al. (2001) proposed a mediator model of the relation between personality traits and life-satisfaction. One implication of the mediator model is that extraversion and neuroticism have a stronger effect on hedonic balance than on life-satisfaction because people can choose to incorporate hedonic balance in lifesatisfaction judgments. To the extent that hedonic balance figures prominently in life-satisfaction judgments, extraversion and neuroticism are strong predictors of hedonic balance and lifesatisfaction. However, to the extent that people rely on other information, extraversion and neuroticism are weaker predictors of life-satisfaction. Cultural Influences on SWB Culture influences SWB in two different ways. First, culture has direct effects on both indicators of SWB in that individualistic, rich, and democratic cultures have higher levels of SWB than collectivistic, poor, and totalitarian cultures (Diener & Suh, 1999; Veerhoven, 1993). Second, culture moderates the relation between hedonic balance and life-satisfaction (Suh et al., 1998). For the present article, this second role of culture is more relevant. Suh et al. (1998) found that relation between hedonic balance and life-satisfaction was significantly stronger in individualistic cultures than in collectivistic cultures. Individualistic cultures emphasizes the independence of individuals, whereas collectivistic cultures emphasize the interdependence of individuals and their close others (Hofstede, 1980; Kashima, Yamaguchi, Kim, Choi, Gelfand, & Yuki, 1995; Markus & Kitayama, 1991; Triandis, 1995). Individualistic cultures emphasize freedom of choice and individuals needs, whereas collectivistic cultures emphasize duties and others needs. For example, Oishi, Diener, Lucas, and Suh (1999) found that freedom was a stronger predictor of life-satisfaction in individualistic cultures than in collectivistic cultures. Related to the greater emphasize on ones own needs individualistic cultures also place more

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importance on emotions. Emotions provide direct feedback about the fit between the ones needs and goals and the actual state of affairs (Frijda, 1986; Lazarus, 1991; Ortony, Clore, & Collins, 1988; Reisenzein & Spielhofer, 1994; Scherer, 1984; Schimmack & Diener, 1997; Smith & Ellsworth, 1985). Hence, for people in individualistic cultures emotions provide important information about the subjective quality of their lives. A life filled with many pleasant emotions and few pleasant emotions indicates that ones needs and goals are fulfilled, and that life is good. In collectivistic cultures, greater emphasize is placed on the needs of close others. As a consequence, people often subordinate their own needs and goals to those of others. Although fulfilling the needs of close others can be pleasant, it also often implies that own goals remain unfulfilled, which leads to unpleasant emotions. It follows that emotions are poor indicators of the quality of ones life decision. As a consequence, people in collectivistic cultures pay less attention to their emotions when they consider their life (Diener & Suh, 1999; Suh et al., 1998). Consistent with this reasoning, Suh et al. (1998) found weaker correlations between hedonic balance and lifesatisfaction in collectivistic cultures than in individualistic cultures. Apparently, individualistic respondents used hedonic balance as an important source of information to judge life-satisfaction, whereas collectivistic respondents relied on other information. In statistical terms, Suh et al. (1998) provided evidence for a moderator model of cultural influences on SWB (Figure 1). The Integrated Mediator-Moderator Model The moderator model and the mediator model share the common assumption that hedonic balance and life-satisfaction are correlated because people consider hedonic balance in lifesatisfaction judgments. The mediator model assumes that this causal process explains the relation between extraversion and neuroticism with life-satisfaction. Extraversion and neuroticism are foremost affective disposition that influence the amount of pleasant and unpleasant affect in peoples lives. They influence life-satisfaction to the extent that people rely on experienced affect to form life-satisfaction judgments. The moderator model assumes that cultures differ in their reliance on emotions to judge life-satisfaction. As a consequence, hedonic balance is a weaker predictor of life-satisfaction in collectivistic cultures than in individualistic cultures. Integrating

Culture, Personality, SWB these assumptions leads to the mediator-moderator model displayed in Figure 3. The most important prediction of the integrated mediator-moderator model is that personality and culture interact in the determination of the life-satisfaction component of SWB. Personality should be a

stronger predictor of life-satisfaction in individualistic cultures because the influence of personality on life-satisfaction is mediated by hedonic balance and the importance of hedonic balance for lifesatisfaction judgments is moderated by culture. For example, Pam is a stable-extravert in the United States often experiences pleasure and rarely experiences displeasure. Therefore, she is very satisfied with her life. In contrast, Juan is a stable extravert in Mexico. He also often experiences pleasure and rarely experiences displeasure. However, he pays less attention to these experiences, when he forms a life-satisfaction judgment, and may report only moderate levels of lifesatisfaction. The mediator-moderator model also implies that personality has a stronger influence on hedonic balance than on life-satisfaction. This prediction follows from the assumption that personality influences hedonic balance directly, whereas it influences life-satisfaction only indirectly via hedonic balance. If the mediator model fits the data, correlations of extraversion and neuroticism with life-satisfaction must be weaker than those with the mediator hedonic balance. The prediction also follows from the effect of the cultural moderator, which influences the relation between hedonic balance and life-satisfaction, but not the relation between personality and hedonic balance. Hence, correlations between hedonic balance and life-satisfaction should be weakened in collectivistic cultures, but correlations between personality and hedonic balance should not be affected. Hence, the model predicts that personality has a universal influence on hedonic balance, whereas the effect on life-satisfaction is moderated by culture. Unfortunately, previous investigations of the relation between personality and SWB in different cultures do not allow a test of the mediator-moderator model because they used different measures of personality and SWB. Hence, it was impossible to disentangle method effects from cultural effects. A study by Kwan et al. (1997) is an exception. The authors report correlations of extraversion and neuroticism with the Satisfaction with Life-Scale, a widely used measure of life-

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satisfaction (Diener, Larsen, Emmons, & Griffin, 1985) in the United States and Hong Kong. The mediator-moderator model predicts weaker correlations in the more collectivistic sample from Hong Kong. The data support this prediction, although the differences did not reach statistical significance. The present study was conducted to test the integrated mediator-moderator model in a cross-cultural sample. To summarize, the main predictions based on the mediator-moderator model were (a) hedonic balance and life-satisfaction are more highly correlated in individualistic cultures than in collectivistic cultures (Suh et al., 1998) (d) the influence of extraversion and neuroticism on life-satisfaction is mediated by hedonic balance (mediator model; Schimmack et al., 2001). (c) extraversion and neuroticism are significantly related to hedonic balance and this relation is not moderated by culture. (d) extraversion and neuroticism are more highly correlated with life-satisfaction in individualistic cultures than in collectivistic cultures Method Description of Cultural Samples The present study included respondents from five nations that represent different cultures and geographical regions, namely Germany (Europe), Ghana (Africa), and Japan (East Asia), Mexico (Latin America), and the United States of America (Non-Latin North America). Table 1 displays the cultural differences between the five nations. Hofstedes (1980) and Triandiss (1999) rankings of the cultural samples reveal a marked difference between the two individualistic nations (i.e., United States & Germany) and the three collectivistic nations (i.e., Japan, Mexico, & Ghana). Participants in the present study also completed the Pairwise Comparison Value Survey (PCVS; Oishi, Schimmack, Diener, & Suh, 1998; the value data are reported in more detail elsewhere). The PCVS measures value preferences for Schwartzs (1994) 10 universal values, which includes the individualistic value of self-direction (e.g., freedom, independence). The value preferences of the respondents in our sample provide further evidence for the classification of

Culture, Personality, SWB nations in terms of individualism and collectivism. To simplify our analyses, we classified the national samples into two cultural groups, individualistic cultures (US & Germany) and collectivistic cultures (Japan, Mexico, & Ghana). Participants For three nations we obtained data from two different locations (see Table 2). Table 2 also gives an overview of the number of participants, their age and gender at each location. All participants were university students, except for the sample from Chihuahua, who were teachers. Participation was voluntary in Mexico and Japan, rewarded with course credit in United States and Germany, and rewarded with $2 in Ghana. Materials and Procedure Participants completed a survey composed of several measures. We focus only on those parts of the survey relevant to the present article. The survey began with demographic questions, followed by the NEO-FFI to assess extraversion and neuroticism (Costa & McCrae, 1992),

frequency judgments of mood adjectives to assess hedonic balance, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale to assess life-satisfaction (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffins, 1985). All questionnaires were mailed by the collaborators to the University of Texas at El Paso where the data were managed. NEO-FFI. The NEO-FFI is a short measure of the Big-Five personality dimensions, neuroticism (N), extraversion (E), openness to experience (O), agreeableness (A), and conscientiousness (C). Each dimension is measured by 12 items. Participants in the U.S. and in Ghana completed the original English version of the NEO-FFI. German students completed the standard adaptation of the NEO-FFI by Borkenau and Ostendorf (1992). Our research team created Spanish and Japanese versions of the NEO-FFI that were back-translated by the cooperating researchers in Mexico and Japan. After our data collection was completed, BenetMartinez and John (1998) published a Spanish measure of the Big Five. The authors found very little evidence for cultural differences between Spanish and English measures of the Big Five, which suggests that translation problems have a minor influence on our Spanish measure.

Culture, Personality, SWB SWLS. The Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al., 1985; Pavot & Diener, 1993) is a


five-item scale that assesses the cognitive component of SWB. Participants indicate, for example, how satisfied they are with their lives, and how close their life is to their ideal life. The SWLS has been translated into German, Spanish, and Japanese in a previous cross-cultural study by Diener and his colleagues (e.g., Suh et al., 1998). We used these translations in the present study. The SWLS typically uses a 7-point response format. We changed the response format to a five-point scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, strongly agree) because a 5point response format was used for most of the questionnaires in the survey. To present means that are comparable to the typical SWLS scores, we transformed the ratings to fall into the typical range of SWLS scores (range 5 35). This linear transformation has no effect on the results. Hedonic Balance. Hedonic balance was assessed with three frequency judgments of pleasant affect (pleasant, cheerful, good humored) and complementary judgments of unpleasant affect (unpleasant, downhearted, depressed). We choose indicators of the pleasure-displeasure dimension because it is most closely associated with SWB (Larsen & Diener, 1992). The response format was a five-point frequency scale with vague quantifiers (very rarely, rarely, sometimes, often, very often). Unpleasant affect ratings were subtracted from pleasant affect ratings to obtain indicators of hedonic balance (pleasant-unpleasant, cheerful-downhearted, and good humoreddepressed). One advantage of Hedonic Balance scores over unipolar measures of pleasant and unpleasant affect is that they control for response styles (e.g., extremity biases; Schimmack & Diener, 1997). Results Descriptive Statistics. We first compared the means of samples from different locations within the same nation with each other. Participants in Kobe (M = 21.22) were more satisfied with their lives than participants in Tokyo (M = 18.29), t(145) = 2.87, p < .05. There were no significant mean differences between participants in Chihuahua and Juarez, nor were there significant differences between US Americans in Urbana-Champaign and El Paso. We also compared the samples from

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Juarez and El Paso, TX with each other because of their close geographic proximity (i.e., Juarez and El Paso are twin-cities separated by the US-Mexican boarder). Participants south of the border were more satisfied with their lives (M = 25.88) than participants North of the border (M = 22.11), t(140) = 2.93, p < .05. The Mexicans also scored higher in extraversion (M = 3.57) than US Americans (M = 3.33), p < .05. The difference in Hedonic Balance was not statistically significant (Juarez M = 1.59; El Paso M = 1.11), t(140) = 1.75, p = .08, and scores in neuroticism were virtually identical. It is remarkable that El Paso, TX was more similar to the geographically distant sample from Illinois than to the Mexican samples from Juarez and Chihuahua. For the sake of comprehensiveness, we also examined cross-cultural differences between the national samples. However, the mean differences between our samples should be interpreted with caution because they are not based on representative samples (Church, 2000). A MANOVA revealed significant differences between the five samples. Follow-up ANOVAs revealed significant differences on all four variables, Fs(4,464) > 7.79, ps < .05. Culture explained 5% of the variance in extraversion, 7% of the variance in SWLS, 13% of the variance in Hedonic Balance and 17% of the variance in neuroticism. Table 3 shows the mean differences between the five samples. The Japanese sample shows low levels of SWB as reflected in low SWLS, HB, and Extraversion scores and high neuroticism scores. This finding is consistent with numerous studies that have found lower SWB in Japan (Diener et al., 1995). The higher scores of SWB in Mexico, a Latin-American Collectivistic culture is also consistent with previous findings (Diener & Suh, 1999). Higher scores of SWB in the USA than in Germany are also typical (Diener & Suh, 1999). However, the finding that Mexicans scored higher than the US Americans in SWB is atypical (see Diener & Suh, 1999; Michalos, 1991; Veerhoven, 1993, for further evidence on nations SWB). Simple Correlations The following analyses examined the relations between personality traits, hedonic balance and life-satisfaction. We started with simple correlations within each nation (Table 4). The pattern of within-nation correlations between SWLS and HB is consistent with the moderator model (Suh et al., 1998; Veenhoven, 1993) in that they are substantially higher in the two individualistic

Culture, Personality, SWB samples than in the three collectivistic samples. Furthermore, the pattern is also consistent with


the integrated mediator-moderator model, which predicts weaker correlations of extraversion and neuroticism with life-satisfaction in collectivistic cultures. Furthermore, the mediator-moderator model assumes that hedonic balance is universally influenced by extraversion and neuroticism. Consistent with this prediction, individualistic cultures do not differ systematically from collectivistic cultures in this relation. Finally, Table 4 shows the within-nation correlations between neuroticism and extraversion. The models do not make any predictions about this correlation, which is typically slightly negative in the United States (e.g., Schimmack & Diener, 1997). The present results suggest that this correlation is the same across cultures. Testing Statistical Significance and Controlling for Age, Sex, and Context Effects In the following analyses, we examined the reliability of the patterns in Table 4. In addition, we statistically controlled for the influence of several confounding variables. First, our national samples differed in age and in the gender composition. In addition, we examined the possibility that cultural effects are due to larger context effects in collectivistic cultures. The SWLS items were preceded by a questionnaire of effortful control (e.g., Ahadi, Rothbart, & Ye, 1993). It is possible that information about life-satisfaction are less accessible for collectivistic respondents than for individualistic respondents. If information about life-satisfaction is less chronically accessible for collectivistic respondents, then they may rely more on information that is temporarily accessible. In this case, responses in collectivistic cultures should be more strongly influenced by answers to preceding items (cf. Schwarz & Strack, 1999). Therefore, we include the average rating of the five effortful control items before the life-satisfaction scale as a third control variable. To test the moderator effect of culture on the relation between hedonic balance, extraversion, and neuroticism with SWLS, we computed a series of hierarchical regression analyses with SWLS scores as the dependent variable. In the first analysis, we entered hedonic balance (HB), individualism-collectivism (IC; US, German = 1; Japan, Mexico, Ghana = 0), sex (male = 0, female = 1), age, and the context items as predictors. In the second step, we entered

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the products HB x IC, HB x sex, HB x age and IC x context as predictors. The moderator model predicts a significant effect for the HB x IC interaction. In the first step, HB (beta = .48) and the context items (beta = .16) were significant predictors. In the second step, the interaction between HB x IC was the only significant predictor that contributed to life-satisfaction, beta = .23, t = 4.59, p < .05. This finding demonstrates that the cultural differences in the magnitude of the correlation between SWLS and HB in Table 4 are significant and are not due to age or sex differences between the samples. Furthermore, the results are inconsistent with the idea that collectivistic respondents are more susceptible to context effects. Similar analyses were repeated with neuroticism and extraversion as predictors. Neuroticism (beta = -.57) and context (beta = .19) were significant predictors in Step 1, but only the neuroticism x IC interaction entered as a significant predictor in Step 2 (beta = -.15, t = 2.22, p < .05). Extraversion (beta = .68) and context (beta = .18) were significant predictor in Step 1, and the extraversion x IC interaction entered as a significant predictor in Step 2 (beta = .14, t = 2.05, p < .05). In addition, the extraversion x age interaction was significant (beta = -.44, t = 2.82, p < .05), suggesting that extraversion is a weaker predictor of life-satisfaction for older participants. In sum, these analyses demonstrate that the relations between life-satisfaction, hedonic balance, neuroticism, and extraversion are significantly stronger in individualistic cultures than in collectivistic cultures. Furthermore, the analyses demonstrate that the cultural differences are not a spurious artifact of the different sex and age compositions of the cultural samples. In addition, the analyses ruled out the hypothesis that respondents in collectivistic cultures were more strongly influenced by the preceding items in the questionnaire. The following analyses examined whether the relations between hedonic balance, neuroticism, and extraversion are moderated by individualism-collectivism. The mediatormoderator model predicts that these relations are the same across cultures. We first used Hedonic Balance as the criterion variable and extraversion as the main predictor, along with IC, sex, and age (the effortful control context items were not included because they could only influence lifesatisfaction judgments). In the second step, interactions of extraversion with IC, sex, and age

Culture, Personality, SWB were entered. In the first step, extraversion (beta = .45) and IC (beta = -.19) were significant predictors. In the second step, none of the interaction terms was significant. The analysis was


repeated with neuroticism as the main predictor. In step 1, neuroticism (beta = -.59) and IC (-.17) were significant predictors. None of the interaction terms was a significant predictor in Step 2. Finally, we used neuroticism as the criterion variable and extraversion as the predictor to examine potential cultural moderator effects of the correlation between neuroticism and extraversion. In the first step, extraversion (beta = -.33) and sex (beta = .13) were significant predictors. None of the interaction terms was a significant predictor in the second step. These finding demonstrates that the correlations among Hedonic Balance, Extraversion, and Neuroticism in Table 4 are not significantly different between individualistic and collectivistic cultures. In sum, only correlations of life-satisfaction with Hedonic Balance, Extraversion, and Neuroticism were moderated by individualism-collectivism, but correlations among HB, extraversion and neuroticism were not significantly different between cultures. These results are consistent with the mediator-moderator model in Figure 1. Structure Equation Modeling We used structural equation modeling for a more sophisticated understanding of the data. Structural equation modeling has two advantages over the previous analyses. First, it examines the relation between the constructs at the level of latent factors, which removes random measurement error from the analyses. This is particularly important in the present data set because SWLS scores differed in reliability across the cultural samples (cf. Table 2). Collectivistic samples tend to have lower reliabilities, which attenuates correlations. Structural equation modeling removes this artifact from the analyses. The second advantage is that structural equation modeling allows a direct test of the hypothesis that hedonic balance mediates the relation between personality traits and life-satisfaction. Although it is more difficult to test moderator models with structural equation modeling, we were able to incorporate the cultural moderator effect by using a series of multiple-group comparisons. In multiple-group modeling, the same model is fitted separately to the covariance matrices of each culture. Then coefficients can be constrained to test

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the prediction that the relation between two constructs is the same across samples. If a constraint model fits the data as well as an unconstraint model, then the relation is the same across cultures. However, if a constraint model fits the data significantly worse than an unconstraint model, then the relation between two variables is different across cultures. The mediator-moderator model predicts that constraining the path from hedonic balance to life-satisfaction across individualistic and collectivistic samples produces a significant decrease in model fit. Our measurement model included the five SWLS-items as indicators of life-satisfaction and the three Hedonic-Balance scores as indicators of Hedonic Balance. The 12 extraversion items were randomly assigned to 3 extraversion indicators and the 12 neuroticism items were randomly assigned to 3 neuroticism indicators. Our first model tested the measurement model with 14 observed variables and four latent factors (5 SWLS, 3 HB, 3 N, & 3 E) without any structural constraints. In this model, indicators were allowed to load freely only on the theoretically specified latent factor, and the four latent factors correlated freely with each other. All other parameters were fixed at zero. The measurement model fitted the data reasonably well (Table 5). The second model imposed the mediator model (Figure 1) on the relations between the four latent factors. Extraversion and neuroticism were allowed to covary to accommodate the negative correlations between the two traits. The strength of the relations was estimated separately for each cultural sample (Table 6). The mediator model fitted the data reasonably well, but fit was significantly lower than for the measurement model (Table 5). Exploratory analyses revealed that model fit could be increased by specifying a direct path from neuroticism to life-satisfaction in the German sample and a direct path from extraversion to life-satisfaction in the Japanese sample. This model (Model 3) fitted the data as well as the measurement model. However, for the following analyses we decided to proceed with the theoretically specified Model 2 rather than with the ad-hoc Model 3. In Model 4 we started to constrain relations across cultural samples. We first constrained the correlation between extraversion and neuroticism and the paths from extraversion and neuroticism to hedonic balance because the previous analyses suggested that these paths do not differ across cultures. The increase in 2 was not significant.

Culture, Personality, SWB Furthermore, fit indices that reward parsimony (e.g., AIC, BBNNFI) revealed better fit for the


constrained Model 4. This finding indicates that the cultural samples did not differ reliably in these relations. Model 5 constrained the relation between life-satisfaction and hedonic balance separately for the two individualistic and for the three collectivistic samples. Model fit remained unchanged, indicating that the relation between life-satisfaction and hedonic balance was the same within individualistic and within collectivistic samples (see Table 6 for coefficients). Model 6 constrained the relation between life-satisfaction and hedonic balance across all cultural samples. This model produced a significant detriment in model fit, indicating that the path from hedonic balance to lifesatisfaction is moderated by individualism-collectivism. In sum, the series of structural equation models provided general support for the mediatormoderator model: (a) The influence of extraversion and neuroticism on hedonic balance was not moderated by culture, (b) the influence of hedonic balance on life-satisfaction is moderated by individualism-collectivism, and (c) the influence of extraversion and neuroticism on lifesatisfaction was largely mediated by hedonic balance. Discussion This study tested the mediator-moderator model of life-satisfaction (Figure 1) in a crosscultural sample. The findings were generally consistent with the models predictions. First, extraversion and neuroticism predicted hedonic balance to the same extent in all cultural samples. This finding suggests a pancultural influence of affective dispositions on hedonic balance. Second, hedonic balance was a significant predictor of life-satisfaction in all cultures. This finding is consistent with evidence that people universally consider pleasant experiences as more desirable than unpleasant experiences, although cultures differ in the magnitude of this difference (Diener & Suh, 1999). The finding is also consistent with functional theories of emotions that regard pleasure as a reward and displeasure as a punisher (e.g., Rolls, 1999). Third, the influence of extraversion and neuroticism on life-satisfaction was largely mediated by hedonic balance. The mediator model fitted the data in all five samples reasonably well, with a small, but significant

Culture, Personality, SWB decrease in fit compared to the measurement model. Exploratory analysis revealed that fit could


be restored by allowing a direct influence of neuroticism on life-satisfaction in the German sample, and a direct effect of extraversion on life-satisfaction in Japan. Future research needs to examine whether these unpredicted relations can be replicated. It is also unlikely that extraversion and neuroticism directly influence life-satisfaction. More likely, our present study did not include the mediator of this relation. Our findings also provide strong support for the moderator model. First, we replicated Suh et al.s (1998) finding of stronger correlations between hedonic balance and life-satisfaction in individualistic cultures than in collectivistic cultures. Second, we extended this finding by using structural equation modeling to eliminate cultural differences in the reliability of the measures of life-satisfaction. The effect remained significant, even when the lower reliability of life-satisfaction judgments in collectivistic cultures was taken into account. Third, we examined whether the effect was due to larger context effects in collectivistic cultures. People in collectivistic cultures may think less about their life-satisfaction and therefore may be more influenced by preceding items. Our findings demonstrate that this is not the case, in that the correlation between preceding items and life-satisfaction judgments did not differ between individualistic and collectivistic cultures. Fourth, our findings extended the moderator model to extraversion and neuroticism. Both personality traits showed the same moderator effect of culture in that extraversion and neuroticism were stronger predictors of life-satisfaction in individualistic cultures than in collectivistic cultures. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that extraversion and neuroticism are primarily affective dispositions that influence hedonic balance. If people rely less on hedonic balance to form life-satisfaction judgments, then extraversion and neuroticism have a weaker effect on life-satisfaction. Subsequently, we discuss briefly some of the limitations and implications of the present findings. Limitations Our samples differed in their sex and gender composition. Although statistically controlling for these variables did not influence the results, it remains possible that our findings are

Culture, Personality, SWB contaminated by other confounding variables. Nevertheless, we found that the influence of individualism and collectivism generalized across three different collectivistic cultures and two individualistic cultures. This finding suggests that the effect is not an artifact of the sampling procedure. Suh et al. (1998) demonstrated the moderator effect of culture in two large samples


with over 40 nations. We were able to replicate this effect with a sample of only five nations. This finding indicates that the moderator effect of individualism-collectivism is a pervasive and strong effect that does not require large sample size to be statistically significant. Another limitation of our study is the cross-sectional design. All variables were assessed at one moment in time in the same questionnaire. Hence, the present data cannot rule out alternative models that reverse the causal claims embedded in the mediator-moderator model. For example, one could argue that life-satisfaction has a stronger influence on personality. However, theoretical considerations render alternative models implausible. For example, extraversion and neuroticism are more stable over time than life-satisfaction (Hart, 1999), which is inconsistent with the idea that life-satisfaction determines personality. Furthermore, Schimmack et al. (2001) tested the mediator model in a longitudinal study, in which personality was assessed before hedonic balance and life-satisfaction. The consistency between the present findings and prior findings from a longitudinal study suggests that the underlying processes are the same. Future research should examine the mediator model in a cross-cultural longitudinal study. Another concern could be the influence of response styles. Several considerations render it unlikely that the main findings are response artifacts. First, cultural differences in response styles are a major threat to comparisons of mean differences between cultures. For example, the low levels of life-satisfaction in Japanese cultures may reflect a modesty bias (Chen, Lee, & Stevenson, 1995). However, our main findings concern the relation between variables within cultures. These correlations are not influenced by cultural differences in response styles that influence cultural means, but not covariations within cultures. Second, past research has demonstrated that response styles have a very small effect on the agree-disagree response formats that we used for the assessment of personality and life-satisfaction (Green, Goldman, & Salovey,

Culture, Personality, SWB 1993). Finally, it is hard to explain why cultural response styles would attenuate the correlation between life-satisfaction and hedonic balance, but not the correlations between neuroticism and extraversion with hedonic balance. Nevertheless, future research should test the mediator-


moderator model using multiple measures of each construct (Andrews & Whitey, 1976; Diener & Smith, & Fujita, 1995). In sum, the limitations of the present study point out several venues for future research to improve and expand the current work. At the same time, the findings suggest that these efforts will be rewarded with further insights into the universal and the culture-specific determinants of well-being. Implications The mediator-moderator model has several implications for future research. One important implication concerns the interplay between biological and cultural factors. Previous studies often focused on one factor or the other. However, biologists and psychologists increasingly recognize that genetic and cultural factors influenced each other during human evolution (Chen, Burton, Greenberger, & Dmitrieva, 1999). Hence, it is important to investigate genetic and cultural factors together rather than separately. The present study is a step in this direction. On the one hand, the model provides evidence for a pancultural influence of extraversion and neuroticism on hedonic balance. Hedonic balance may be strongly influenced by biological factors that are rooted in the neuropsychology of emotions (e.g., Rolls, 1999). To avoid misunderstandings, we do not suggest that hedonic balance is exclusively determined by biological factors. Indeed, cross-cultural studies often find reliable differences between cultures in hedonic balance (Diener & Suh, 1999), which suggest cultural influences on hedonic balance. However, biological factors may play a greater role in determining hedonic balance than cultural factors. On the other hand, we demonstrated that life-satisfaction is less determined by personality. The reason is that life-satisfaction is more than an optimal hedonic balance. To illustrate, a neurotic-introvert (i.e., the opposite of a happy personality) may achieve major goals (e.g., raising children, making major discoveries, help others in misery) without getting much pleasure from these activities. She or he may still be satisfied with

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a successful and meaningful life. In short, satisfaction with important life-domains can contribute to life-satisfaction in addition to hedonic balance (Schimmack et al., 2001). Of course, it is possible that satisfaction in important life-domains is itself strongly determined by biological factors. However, existing evidence suggests that satisfaction with important life-domains (e.g., work, romantic relationships) is only partially influenced by general affective dispositions and genes. For example, extraversion and neuroticism explained 10% of the variance in job satisfaction in a sample of policemen in Australia in three repeated assessments over a period of 5 years (Hart, 1999), and a meta-analysis estimates that the influence of affective dispositions does not exceed 25% of the variance in job satisfaction (Connolly & Viswesvaran, 2000). Twin-studies of job-satisfaction show heritability coefficients that range from 0% to 30% (Arvey, McCall, Bouchard, et al., 1994; Hershberger, Lichtenstein, & Knox, 1994). Hence, only up to 30% of the variance in job-satisfaction can be attributed to genetic individual differences. With regard to marital satisfaction, affective dispositions, predominantly neuroticism, and not so much extraversion, explain about 15% of the variance (Bouchard, Lussier, & Sabourin, 1999; Kelly & Conley, 1987; Robins, Caspi, & Moffitt, 2000). Hence, there is room for work environments and romantic partners to influence life-satisfaction above and beyond the pervasive influence of genetic factors. Another important line of future research is to examine the influence of culture on personality. Although genetic factors play an important role in determining extraversion and neuroticism (Lang et al., 1998; Tellegen et al., 1988), personality also appears to be influenced by culture. For example, Twenge (2000) found that neuroticism scores increased over the second part of past century in the United States. Lynn and Martin (1997) published means of extraversion and neuroticism for men and women in 37 nations. Means of men and women were highly correlated for extraversion (r = .93) and neuroticism (r = .86) across the 37 nations, suggesting that culture has a common effect on these personality dimensions for both gender groups. However, it is also possible that national differences in personality dimensions are to some extent

Culture, Personality, SWB influenced by genetic differences between cultural groups (Chen et al., 1999). Future research with biological markers of personality will help to examine these questions. Conclusion The present article provides cross-cultural support for the hypothesis that happiness is a thing called stable-extraversion. At the same time, the present findings qualify this statement in two ways. First, the statement has greater validity for the affective component than for the cognitive component of SWB. Second, the statement has greater validity for the cognitive component of SWB in individualistic cultures than in collectivistic cultures. For a fuller


understanding of SWB, researchers need to consider both personality/genetic and social/cultural factors.

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Table 1 Location of National Samples on Cultural Dimensions. Hofstede IndividualismCollectivism Factor Scores 91 67 46 30 Triandis IndividualismCollectivism Ratings 10 8 4 5 3 Pairwise Comparison Value Survey: Self-Direction 1.41 2.83 0.70 0.55 0.44 Pairwise Comparison Value Survey: Self-Direction -2.14 -3.74 -1.20 -0.99 -1.10

National Sample USA Germany Japan Mexico Ghana

Classification Individualistic Individualistic Collectivistic Collectivistic Collectivistic

Note. PCVS scores above zero indicate above average preference for a value and values below zero indicate below average preference for this value.

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Table 2 Demographic Variables. Sample USA - Illinois USA - El Paso Germany - Berlin Japan - Tokyo Japan - Kobe Mexico - Chihuahua Mexico - Juarez Ghana Total N 65 103 56 57 90 80 39 159 651 %Women 49 56 73 49 58 24 49 37 48 Age 19 23 24 20 21 38 18 26 24

Culture, Personality, SWB Table 3 Descriptive Statistics. Scale / Country SWLS USA Germany Japan Mexico Ghana Hedonic Balance USA Germany Japan Mexico Ghana Neuroticism USA Germany Japan Mexico Ghana Extraversion USA Germany Japan Mexico Ghana


M 22.79 20.48 20.08 24.78 21.19 1.13 0.60 0.40 1.88 1.47 2.88 3.10 3.45 2.67 2.81 3.38 3.29 3.19 3.53 3.43

SD 7.61 5.95 6.18 5.50 4.64 1.43 1.51 1.52 1.12 1.09 0.74 0.62 0.63 0.55 0.58 0.60 0.51 0.54 0.48 0.44

alpha .90 .82 .79 .76 .61 .84 .91 .78 .83 .75 .84 .83 .75 .70 .72 .78 .78 .75 .65 .61

Culture, Personality, SWB


Table 4 Simple Correlations within Nations. Country SWLS-HB SWLS-N USA .61 -.48 Germany .62 -.65 Japan .45 -.31 Mexico .27 -.33 Ghana .30 -.23

SWLS-E .47 .44 .42 .20 .15

HB-N -.59 -.58 -.57 -.57 -.60

HB-E .53 .44 .42 .32 .44

N-E -.32 -.22 -.27 -.35 -.38

Note. SWLS = Satisfaction with Life Scale, HB = Hedonic Balance, E = Extraversion, N = Neuroticism

Culture, Personality, SWB


Table 5 Structural Equation Modeling Fit.


1. Measurement 2. SEM No Constraints 3. SEM Relaxed, No Constraints 4. SEM HB & N-E Constraint 5. SEM SWLS-I, SWLS-C, HB & N-E Constraint 6. SEM SWLS, HB & N-E Constraint Model Comparison 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 2 vs. 4 4 vs. 5 5 vs. 6

2 509 537 523 548 555 571 2 11 7 16a






340 350 348 366 372 374 df 16 6 2

-171 -163 -173 -184 -189 -177 +8 -2 -19 -5 +12

.868 .861 .865 .858 .857 .852

.934 .929 .933 .934 .934 .930 -.005 -.001 +.006 .000 -.004

.950 .945 .949 .947 .946 .942 -.005 -.001 +.002 -.001 -.004

p < .05

Note. AIC = BBNFI = Bentler-Bonett Normed Fit Index; BBNNFI = Bentler-Bonett Nonnormed Fit Index; CFI = Comparative Fit Index. Model 1: Correlations between latent factors, no constraints; Model 2: Mediator-Moderator Model as Sown in Figure 1, no constraints; Model 3: Model 2 with N->LS free in German sample and E->LS free in Japanese sample; Model 4: Model 2 N-E, N->HB, E->HB constraint; Model 5: Model 4 with HB-SWLS constraint within Individualistic samples and within collectivistic samples; Model 6: Model 4 with HB->SWLS constraint across all samples.

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Table 6 Structural Equation Modeling Coefficients. Country HB->SWLS N->HB E->HB Model 2 USA .72 -.55 .48 Germany .79 -.60 .34 Japan .61 -.50 .44 Mexico .34 -.60 .24 Ghana .45 -.64 .34 Model 5 .74a/.48b -.56 .40

N-E -.40 -.33 -.40 -.56 -.54 -.44

Note. a = Individualistic samples (US, Germany), b = Collectivistic samples (Japan, Mexico, Ghana)

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Figure Captions

Figure 1 Models of the Relation between Personality, Culture and Subjective Well-Being

Note. E = Extraversion, N = Neuroticism, Hed. Bal. = Hedonic Balance (Pleasant Affect Unpleasant Affect), Life Sat. = Life-Satisfaction

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+ Hed. Bal. _ Life Sat.

Mediator Model


Moderator Model

+ Hed. Bal. Life Sat.

I-C + + Hed. Bal. _ Life Sat.

Mediator-Moderator Model

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