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The Truth About The Iraq War: and in Other News

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And In Other News

The Truth About the Iraq War

by Shaun Willcock

(Note: this article was first published in The Bible Based Ministries Magazine, No. 102, September 2004 - March 2005. It has been slightly revised for the present publication.) I love America. I have spent some of the happiest months of my life there, on six different occasions. The American people, and not just those we personally know and love, are warm, friendly, generous people. I truly believe that the United States of America was raised up, by our sovereign God, as a land of refuge for large numbers of the Lords saints from around the world, fleeing persecution in their homelands. Americas contribution to the temporal good of mankind has been immense, in so many ways. When I think of America, its history, its people, its place in the world, I find myself saying, Thank God for the United States of America! Thank God that there has been such a country in the world! It is a beacon of hope for suffering and persecuted souls the world over. Alas! that such a country, with such a history, should now be wallowing in such vile iniquity! How far from its glorious past the United States of America has fallen in more recent times! Still a great country in many ways, and certainly the greatest in the Western world, it is no longer a good country. Immorality, filth, perversion, and a thousand other crimes and iniquities now have free rein. What passes for Christianity today is shocking, for the world and the so-called Church have joined hands. America is in moral freefall. And amongst many other indications of the fall of this nation the leading nation of the Western world is the type of man elected to be its president. None was worse than Bill (I love the Jesuits) Clinton.1 And no doubt the more conservative, decent American people breathed a sigh of relief when George W. Bush was elected president, after the disastrous Clinton years. And yes, compared with the ultra-liberal, immoral Clinton, Bush may be viewed (from some angles at least) as better. But better is very, very relative, when it comes to politicians. And the tragedy is that so many view him as being a moral, good, decent, even Christian man! As the years go by and the evidence continues to mount, everything that has happened since September 11, 2001 in fact, the very events leading up to that immense tragedy, the tragedy itself, and its aftermath in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq shows up George W. Bush and his administration as anything but moral, good, and decent. And as for him being a Christian, the sheer blindness of professing Christians in America and the world over is breathtaking! Let me mention just two examples: one, Bushs membership of the ultra-secret Skull and Bones Society, in which initiates symbolically kiss the pope; 2 and two, he awarded the U.S. highest civilian honour to a Roman Catholic cardinal in 2001, and spoke at the same time of Roman Catholicism as the faith, and of the cardinal as a defender of the faith.3 And he met the pope in Rome,4 praising him as a hero of our time. There are three events in recent history that are all very connected: the terrorist attack in the United States on September 11, 2001; the American invasion of Afghanistan; and the American invasion of Iraq. There is no space, here, to examine all three in detail; and our focus at this time is on Iraq, the most recent. The other two events must receive only very scant treatment.

Over a decade ago, President George Bush Sr., for extremely dubious reasons and only after deliberately setting Saddam Hussein up so that the allies would have an excuse to take him on, led many nations in what was somewhat arrogantly termed the Gulf War. And under his son, George W. Bush, Saddam was finally overthrown. America is deeply concerned (and very rightly so!) about the dangers posed to the United States from the Middle East Islamic world, and has decided to go on the offensive and do something about it. Terrorist attacks, directed against the U.S. and financed and supported by various Arab states, must be prevented, and the U.S. therefore has every right to launch an offensive against all states which either harbour anti-American terrorists, or actively support attacks against America. For this reason, the Bush Administrations plan to topple various Middle Eastern governments which are hostile to the U.S. and plotting its destruction, and to encourage the establishment of governments more sympathetic to the U.S. itself, cannot be faulted by all right-thinking people. No country in the world has to simply sit by and watch its enemies growing stronger and making plans to attack it! In such a case, attack is certainly the best means of defence. The bottom line: America is under assault from the Communist and Muslim world, and it has to do everything in its power to defeat its enemies. That said, however, there is more to this whole business than merely American defence policy. If that was all there was to it, sensible people the world over would fully support America. But human greed, by men in the corridors of power in Washington, has its own sinister part to play in all of this; namely, the lust for the riches to be gained through controlling the vast oil reserves of the Middle East. We must go back, briefly, to what has come to be known worldwide as 9/11. I, like so many others, have very deep suspicions regarding the complicity of the U.S. government itself in what occurred on that day. In fact, our suspicions have long given way to increasing certainty, as with the passing of time more and more evidence has accumulated. Can one still believe that Islamic fundamentalists could carry out a wide-ranging conspiracy on three continents without any US intelligence agency having any idea of what they were about? 5 That is stretching credulity too far. Way too far. This is not the place to examine all the evidence, as tempting as that is. But the most I will say at this time, however, about 9/11, is that the American government itself gained immense mileage out of it, providing America with the excuse needed to achieve its own agenda in Afghanistan, Iraq, and in all likelihood, other countries of that turbulent region in the near future. It was the perfect justification for America to throw its weight around in an extremely profitable part of the world. As they say, follow the money. Or the oil, as the case may be. In the end it amounts to the same thing. For the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim.6:10). This was spelled out by William Farish, U.S. ambassador to the U.K. and a Bush intimate. Farish, fascinated by the black gold that lies in large quantities in the countries around the Caspian Sea, is on record as having said as far back as 2000, U.S. policy advisors are evaluating how best to safeguard American and European access to the vast oil and gas reserves of central Asia. Translation: how best to ensure that American oil firms monopolise oil production in the region. And back in 1998, Bill Richardson, Clintons Energy Secretary, stated: Weve made a substantial political investment in the Caspian, and its very important to us that both the pipeline map and the politics come out right.6 One of the planned pipelines was from the Caspian (where huge new oil and gas reserves were discovered some years ago) through the Balkans into Europe. No wonder the U.S. and NATO supported the terrorism which ripped Yugoslavia apart! And another planned pipeline was from the Caspian to the Pakistan coast through Afghanistan. No wonder the U.S. invaded Afghanistan! The 9/11 atrocity gave America the perfect excuse for the war in Afghanistan. Having a government in Afghanistan that was beholden to US interests... would secure the region and allow the [pipeline] project to proceed.... If it could be proved that the Taliban... and al Qaeda were part of the conspiracy to destroy the WTC/Pentagon, then action against them was justified.7 Getting the pipeline map and politics right, means ensuring Washington

controls the pipelines. And that means controlling the Balkans and Afghanistan. And that means bombing the stuffing out of both countries. Before NATOs bombing of Yugoslavia... Washington didnt control the Balkans. Now it does.8 The truth is, however, that the U.S. did not need this excuse to go into Afghanistan and attack Al Qaeda, or the Taliban! It already had a perfectly legitimate reason! These Islamic criminals were planning hideous crimes against America long before 9/11 and Washington knew it. Washington, therefore, had sufficient justification for going on the offensive and attacking them, to prevent them attacking first. What, then, was the problem? This: the West in general, and in particular the liberal Western European governments and others, would not have actually supported a Washington plan for pre-emptive strikes. In the liberal West, pre-emptive strikes are frowned upon these days. Liberals talk about appeasement. And furthermore, such is the lethargy and apathy of so many of the American people themselves, that they would not have supported any American assault until they felt the force of terrorism themselves. Hence 9/11. And as regards Iraq, to justify an outright takeover of another country, followed by long-term American occupation, the American public would need to be stirred up and rallied behind their government far more than they would be if the government simply said that they needed to go in and sort out those elements plotting to attack America. They needed to be snapped out of their lethargy, and united behind the common cause. And make no mistake about it, the American government wanted to be in Iraq for the long haul, wanted in fact to control Iraq, and indeed other Middle Eastern lands, so as to fully control the vast oil reserves. Hence, again, 9/11. The world was constantly bombarded with the refrain: Saddam was involved in 9/11 and supported Bin Laden. We were also told, by the leaders of America and Britain, that he had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and was therefore a threat to world peace. These were the two major reasons given for the U.S. war against Iraq: Saddams involvement in 9/11, and his accumulation of WMD. So what was the truth? Lets consider the American invasion of Iraq, and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Was this man Saddam a brutal dictator, a tyrant over his own people? Yes, he certainly was. Was he a loudmouthed braggart, threatening to destabilise the region? Yes. But did he actually have biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction? We are told by the world media that he did not. The problem is, the media got their information from United Nations weapons inspectors; and we have to be very, very cautious about trusting them, for they were actually pro-Saddam (this in addition to the fact that the UN should never be trusted anyway, for any reason). Despite the media telling the world that Iraq did not have these WMDs, there is in fact reason to believe that Iraq very possibly did have such weapons at least some but that Russian agents helped to move most of these out of Iraq and into Iran and Syria before the American assault began. The U.S. had satellite photos of WMDs being transferred to Syria before the war. U.S. troops found rockets tipped with sarin and mustard gases near Baghdad. They also found drums that contained sarin, tabun, and mustard gases near Kabala even though it was reported that the UN weapons inspectors had visited these sites. Munitions, including biological and chemical weapons, were found stored in bunkers underneath mosques, hospitals and schools. A number of biological/chemical lab mobile vans were found buried underground near Kabala. U.S. Marines also captured a mobile bio lab vehicle containing instruments for bio-weapon handling; yet after being alerted that Iraq did have such mobile biolabs, Hans Blix, the UNs chief inspector, called them food preparation vehicles. It was reported that Marines located an underground nuclear complex near Baghdad which had conveniently escaped the notice of UN inspectors. Troops in Kirkuk found warheads marked with green band, the sign for chemical weaponry.9 Was Saddam and his regime, then, a real threat to America? Yes, even if perhaps not to the extent that America tried to make the world believe. But given some more time, he could have

become a far greater threat. All things considered, then, it appears that America did have the right to attack Iraq. A country has the right to go on the offensive against those who are a real threat to it, or those who support others who are a real threat to it. So, even though lust for oil was a major motive for those in high positions, certainly another, legitimate motive was the hunting down of the terrorists and their supporters. Immediately after 9/11, the Bush Administration began to make it clear that it planned a sustained military campaign in the Middle East region, in the name of what it referred to as the War on Terror. For those of us in southern Africa, Bushs call for an international War on Terror, led by the United States, made us snort. It still does. Where was the United States when Communist terrorists carried out their decades-long assault on the southern African countries of Namibia, Rhodesia, South Africa, etc.? There was no American support for our own very real and desperate War on Terror then! But now now suddenly, having experienced a terrorist attack itself, the United States calls on the world to support its own War on Terror! Well, it came just a little too late. The southern African countries are now governed by the very Marxist terrorists which America did so much to help place in power! (See my book, Holy War Against South Africa, for ample documentation). Bush was quick to add a supposedly humanitarian purpose to the war against Iraq, to soften the hearts of the American public and incline them even more to full support of the war. He went on and on about the suffering of the Iraqi people, and of how America was going to bring democracy and stability to that country by removing Saddam. Like father, like son. When his father, George Bush Sr., had the American military all involved in Somalia, he spun the yarn that they were doing Gods work, that they were there to help the people of Somalia. Nonsense. There were a whole host of other places around the world that they could have got involved in as well, if they really cared about the suffering masses. But Somalia was strategic to American interests, and that was why America was there. No other reason. And likewise with Iraq. The longsuffering Iraqi people were never the reason why America wanted Saddam out. Bush Jr. gave the impression that they were acting as humanitarians in the interests of the Iraqi people! This is absolute nonsense. They were not. They were acting in their own interests, as politicians do the world over. If the Bush Administration really cared about people suffering under cruel dictators, why havent they invaded Zimbabwe and removed the tyrant Robert Mugabe from power? When Saddams regime fell, ordinary citizens of Zimbabwe were asking: When is Bush coming to save us?10 They know it is never going to happen. Zimbabwes evil regime is not on Bushs agenda. Or what about any number of other cruel, dictatorial, tyrannical rulers all over the world? What about South Africas own ANC/Communist government? What will America do about this terrorist organisation? Nothing. No, the American government was not motivated by any humanitarian or moral concerns about the suffering masses in Iraq. Its compassion is very selective, and the so-called War on Terror is very selective too. It supported the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army when they were murdering Serbs, for example.11 It will only spend billions of dollars removing a dictator from power if this is in its own economic and other interests. Plain and simple. Saddam Hussein was removed, not because he oppressed his own people. He was removed because America wanted Iraq. And now they have it. America is fighting a war for freedom and democracy. Really? Without historically going too far back, the US has for its own particular causes in recent years overthrown the Somoza Government in Nicaragua, in favour of the brutal Marxist Sandinistas; plus the Shahs Iran, replacing a loyal ally with the fundamentalist and murderous Muslim ayatollas. In southern Africa, in the late 1970s the unofficial Washington/Moscow axis decided that all White-rule states Angola, Mozambique, Rhodesia, Namibia and South Africa should be handed over to the Soviet-supported Black Marxist terrorists. Ending in crushing catastrophe for all areas concerned.12

The stark reality is: America actually supports terrorist organisations when it suits it. As is now well known, Osama Bin Laden himself was supported by America years ago! But when it suits it, America labels its one-time allies as terrorists. The truth is, they were always terrorists. It just didnt suit America to call them that, at one time.13 But here let me add something very important. God is sovereign over the affairs of men: he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings (Dan.2:21). In the sovereignty and providence of God, the time came for the dictator, Saddam Hussein, to be removed from power. And the United States was the country which God made use of, to bring this about, thereby freeing the Iraqi people from this wicked mans tyranny. The fact that the U.S. does not do the same for other suffering peoples of the world does not alter the fact that for the Iraqi people at least, freedom from their own tyrant came. So although we have every right to be cynical about the U.S. motives, and about its selective morality and selective justice, we must also see the hand of God in this: the U.S. was used, by God, to bring down the Iraqi regime. It was not used to bring down other evil regimes, and to free other suffering peoples; in fact, it actively supported the oppression of many of them under tyrannical governments (here we just have to think of Bushs support for South Africas ANC Communists); but in Iraqs case at least, it was used to deliver that land from a tyrant. In the Bible we see the Lord raising up one nation to punish another, and yet in His time doing the same to that nation as well (e.g. Isa.10:5-16). And so it is in this case. Saddams time came, and he fell. And this was a good thing. One less brutal, sadistic dictator in the world is a good thing. Although America is selective in the dictators it seeks to remove, and hypocritical in the extreme in this whole War on Terror thing, nevertheless we should be thankful whenever a cruel tyrant falls, no matter what the motives behind his removal might have been. God brought good out of it, in the removal of Saddam. And life for the Iraqi people under American occupation was far better than life under Saddam Hussein! There are those who would disagree with that. They would say it was as bad, or worse. And they would point to certain American atrocities, etc. However, they are very mistaken, and clearly they do not know just how much of a nightmare it was to live in Saddams Iraq. Despite some atrocious deeds committed by certain American soldiers, the fact still remains that for the vast majority in general, life under American occupation was far better than life under Saddam. Furthermore, at least the American soldiers who committed those atrocities were to be tried and punished; when Saddams henchmen committed atrocities, they went unpunished! Although the media loved to puff up the problems occurring throughout the country prior to the elections, much progress was made in stabilising Iraq. The dictator was gone, Iraqis did not live in fear of him any more, and under American occupation there was more freedom than before. And as hated as the Americans are, by many (though certainly not by all) Iraqis, because Americans are perceived as infidels by Muslims, no one should forget the spontaneous expressions of joy in the streets of Baghdad when Saddam Husseins government fell and fell to American forces! Many Muslims may not like the Americans being there, but they rejoiced at the fall of the dictator! Iraqis suffered immensely at the hands of Saddam. He tortured and killed tens of thousands of his own people, in the most diabolical ways. So anyone claiming that it is worse for Iraqis under the Americans is betraying either an abysmal ignorance of Iraq, or is deliberately creating a smokescreen motivated by anti-American hatred. Of course, now that elections in Iraq have been held, things are changing for the worse. Instead of simply taking down Saddam and his regime, America has vainly and arrogantly attempted to impose Western-style democracy on a land that has no history of it, no understanding of it, and no desire for it. Americans, not understanding the Islamic world, and

thinking that the whole world would just love to embrace the American way of life, are deceived. Warlords are springing up everywhere in Iraq; Islamic religious factions are vying for control, with the Shiite Muslim majority coming to the fore a grave threat to Christians and others in Iraq; the Iraqi Communist Party is back; and Irans murderous regime is eyeing Iraq greedily and supporting terrorism in the country. Iraq under American occupation may have been kept in control; but under an American-imposed, weak, so-called Iraqi democracy, it may very well come apart at the seams. Certainly, thats the way it looks as of this writing. As things stand now, there is a very real danger that Iraq will come increasingly under fanatical Islamic control, supported by the murderous regime in Iran. This would be a disaster for the Iraqi people. And what about the Christians living in Iraq? This has been unreported, for the most part, by the world media. Under Saddam, ironically enough, the Christian community was left pretty much alone. Most identifying themselves as Christians in Iraq are anything but, they adhere to various false so-called Christian churches. But some of the Lords true people are there. Saddam did not persecute them. But today, their lives are a nightmare: those who can afford to do so are sending their wives and daughters to live in the rural areas, for the rape and kidnapping of professing Christian women is now commonplace in the cities. Residents of several Baghdad neighbourhoods have hired armed men to protect their homes and families against thieves and kidnappers. The kidnappings are being carried out by militant Islamic groups, who view professing Christian Iraqis as Western spies and collaborators. And as many as can do so are emigrating in droves.14 In learning of what is happening to professing Christian Iraqis, it may be tempting for some to argue, again, that it was better under Saddam. But it must be remembered that although Saddam himself left Iraqs Christians alone, at any point this could have changed: either Saddam himself could have changed in his attitude towards them (he was notoriously unstable), or he could have been replaced by another regime, which may have declared war on Christians there. That part of the world is always very volatile, and Saddam had many enemies, even within his own supposedly loyal circles. The point being made here is that although Christians were relatively safe under Saddam, it is not because America invaded that they are now in great danger. It is the fault of America, however, and of the new American-supported Iraqi government, if this terrible situation is not solved by them. For they are now the leaders of Iraq. It is their responsibility. The breakdown of law and order, the deteriorating security situation, is most definitely their responsibility. Christians need to pray much for their suffering brethren in Iraq. If, as appears likely humanly speaking, Iraq leans in the direction of Iran and of rabid Islamic fanaticism, Christians will be persecuted, even unto death. The overthrow of Saddam was good for the country; and American occupation was better for the country than Saddams reign; but if the new Iraqi government does not hold together, or if it does not prove to be as beholden to America as America hopes it will (after all, it was set up by the UN!), then Iraqis, including Iraqi Christians, may be in the long run worse off than ever before. How terrible that would be! So what was the war all about? A number of things. First, yes, it was about neutralising Americas enemies. Nothing wrong with that. And for Christians, this settles the matter: if a war is needed in order to defend the country, then that war is justified, biblically. And if the powers that be have other motives for a war, in addition to the legitimate one of defending the country, well, they will answer to God for that one day. Our concern, as Christians, is for defence. The main reason we should know about these other, wrong motives for the war by the powers that be, is because we must not be deceived; and we must also not be taken in by worldly politicians who try to make us believe they are noble and just and good; nor must we develop a kind of gung-ho, my country right or wrongattitude. George Bush rallied patriotic Americans to his side, who were singing the praises of America as if it is a Christian nation, and as if it is the greatest nation on earth because it defeated Saddam, etc. The Christian must beware of such

sinful pride in ones country. The nations of the world are led by wicked men, and this must never be forgotten. So on to the other reasons for the Iraq war: Second, it was about imposing the New World Order which George Bush Sr. spoke so much about years ago, and to which his son subscribes wholeheartedly. It was about George W. Bush doing the bidding of the diabolical United Nations for make no mistake about it, Bush is not acting contrary to the UN, as many have been misled to believe by the media propaganda. From the very beginning, he has been carrying out UN directives! He made it clear from the beginning that the purpose of the war was to disarm Saddam in accordance with UN resolutions! The only complaint the U.S. had with the UN was that the UN was not enforcing its own resolutions. A new world order is forming, under the direction of the UN (and ultimately under the direction of the Vatican); and Bush is an active supporter of that! All one has to do is examine Bushs many pro-UN statements.15 It suited the powers that be, through the controlled media, to portray Bush as a lone ranger, a man acting contrary to UN desires, but this was very far from the truth. He is an out-and-out One-Worlder, just like his father. He is surrounded by members of the Council on Foreign Relations, Americas shadow government which promotes the UN as part of its one-world agenda, with ties that lead ultimately to the Vatican. Note the following statements by President Bush: I want the United Nations to be effective. Its important for it to be a robust, capable body. The conduct of the Iraqi regime is a threat to the authority of the United Nations... We want the resolutions of the worlds most important multilateral body to be enforced. The message to the world is that we want the UN to succeed. America will be making only one determination: is Iraq meeting the terms of the Security Council resolution or not?... If Iraq fails to fully comply, the United States and other nations will disarm Saddam Hussein. Professor Robert Wright, an avowed advocate of world government, made the statement that Bush has given the UN a prominence it has rarely enjoyed in its 57-year history.16 Furthermore, when Bush launched Operation Iraqi Freedom, he did not seek a Congressional Declaration of War, as the U.S. Constitution requires; instead, he cited UN resolutions for his authority! On Sept.23, 2003, Bush addressed the UN General Assembly, and stated categorically: America is working with friends and allies on a new Security Council resolution, which will expand the UNs role in Iraq. And Bush also repeatedly underscored the dominant role of the UN in determining the makeup of the new Iraqi government; and stated that he congratulated the UN Secretary-General on the UNs role in forming the new government.17 It was the UN that handpicked the Iraqi government in 2004; and it was the UN that supervised the election in Iraq in 2005. Indeed, after Saddam fell, the UN was stronger than ever.18 The message being sent out was clear: what happened to Iraq is the fate that awaits any nation that disobeys the United Nations. George W. Bush has strengthened, not weakened, the United Nations. The war on Iraq carried out UN mandates, upheld the UNs authority, and vindicated its role as a de facto world government.19 Americas shadow government, the Council on Foreign Relations, had plans for Iraq, and Bush was carrying out those plans; and the Iraqi war was only the latest of many planned wars of assimilation leading to a world governed by the United Nations.20 Thus we can be sure that the plan is for other countries in the Middle East to be invaded as well, when the time is ripe. Syria and Iran are very likely candidates. So are Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, etc. Iraq is the new base for American military operations in the Middle East. Thus, thirdly, the war was about American geopolitics. American military presence in Iraq means that America is now in a geographical position to bring about the fall of other Middle East governments, if and when it deems it necessary.

Fourthly, the war was about money, and oil. As articulated by U.S. Senator Tim Ferguson (in an essay entitled The New American Century? Not!): The coalition of interests which converged in war against Iraq as a strategic necessity for the United States included... powerful permanent interests, on whose global role American economic influence depends, such as the influential energy sector around Halliburton, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Texaco and other giant multinationals. It also included the huge American defense industry interests around Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon, Northrup-Grumman and others. The issue for these giant defense and energy conglomerates is not a few fat contracts from the Pentagon to rebuild Iraqi oil facilities and line the pockets of Dick Cheney or others. It is a game for the very continuance of American power in the coming decades of the new century. Ferguson went on to add these very telling comments: In this power game, least understood is the role of preserving the dollar as the world reserve currency, as a major driving factor contributing to Washingtons power calculus over Iraq in the past months. Again let it be said categorically: the leaders of the Middle Eastern countries are cruel dictators, dangerous to their own countrymen. But this is so of leaders around the world, and yet we see no desire on Americas part to invade their countries. But the Middle East is where the oil is! And thats what its about. Oil. Iraq is strategically situated to enable America to secure and control the Middle East oil fields. And fifthly, the war was about what can be called the Pax Americana. It is a plan called the New American Century, or the New International Strategy. According to this plan, Washington is trying Americanize the Middle East, state by state, and indeed the world; to turn the peoples of the world into Americans for all practical purposes; to reshape the world in Americas image. Its a highly ambitious, long-term plan, but they are taking it very seriously. As expressed by political analyst Thomas Carothers in the Jan/Feb 2003 edition of Foreign Affairs, U.S. officials and policy experts have increasingly come to believe that it is precisely the lack of democracy in many of these countries that helps breed Islamic terrorism. And: This desire to force the whole world into a U.S.-led democratic matrix is expressed in a new phrase used by U.S. policy gurus: disconnectedness defines danger. If you are not part of the U.S.-led global community, then you are a threat. This is a restatement of a line Bush uses often, you are either with us or with the terrorists. Both these lines are, in effect, declarations of war on anyone who does not join the U.S. Empire. According to the Washington Post, April 23, 2003, The administration hopes the U.S.-led war in Iraq will lead to a crescent of democracies in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, the Israeli occupied territories and Saudi Arabia... This is a 25-year project, one three-star general officer said. Unfortunately, in addition to being extremely arrogant, this plan is destined to fail. For America does not understand the Muslim world. And no nation, least of all, perhaps, an Islamic nation, will take kindly to any attempt, by another nation, to impose its own cultural, social, political, and even religious norms on it. Human beings and their cultures are not hunks of sociological clay to be molded by foreign governments through the force of military technology and troop occupation.21 The ancient Roman Empire tried to do it. The Nazis tried to do it. The Communists are still trying to do it. And now America is doing it. It will never, ever succeed. They have decided to colonize Iraq through preemptive war in order to promote what they call benevolent global hegemony which sadly the American sheep are prone to accepting as a legitimate goal of a nations foreign policy.... They [the Iraqis, and Middle Eastern people in general] see democracy as a violation of the law of their God, and American culture as the mother of all evils. Yet Washingtons black limousine boys think they can go into this kind of hostile environment and just rearrange the people and their ideologies to fit the American way of doing things. This is unbelievable hubris and ignorance regarding history, humanity, religion, culture, and sane foreign policy. America will never, ever succeed in this plan. What it will do, is turn more and more countries

of the world against America. And that is a huge tragedy, for despite all its problems, America remains the freest country in the world, and a beacon of hope to so many others; and now this will all change. This thrust to implant American-style democracy all over the world is making many nations (Islamic, Communist, former Communist; Third World; and even Europe) very nervous. It is seen as the New American Imperialism and it is engendering a fear and hatred of America around the world which is a very new phenomenon. It may also cause our enemies in radical Islam and Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, etc. to accelerate their attacks against America.22 Indeed, this is happening all over the world. How utterly tragic that the leading nation of what used to be called the Free World is now well on its way to becoming a dictatorship itself, and the worlds bully-boy. August 2006

Shaun Willcock is a minister of the Gospel, and lives in South Africa. He runs Bible Based Ministries. For other articles (which may be downloaded and printed), as well as details about his books, tapes, pamphlets, etc., please visit the Bible Based Ministries website, or write to the address below. If you would like to be on Bible Based Ministries electronic mailing list, to receive all future articles, please send your details.

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(Distributor for Bible Based Ministries) 42055 Crestland Drive Lancaster, CA 93536 USA ENDNOTES:

. The Bible Based Ministries Magazine, No.63, October-November 1992. Article: Bill Clinton and the Jesuits. 2 .The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, April 2004. 3 .Rome Watch International, Vol. 7, No.1, Winter 2002. 4 .Rome Watch International, Vol. 6, No. 5, September 2001; and Vol. 7, No.5, Summer 2002.. 5 .The Aida Parker Newsletter, November/December 2001. 6 .Getting the Pipeline Map and Politics Right, by Stephen Gowans, November 12, 2001. 7 .The Aida Parker Newsletter, November/December 2001. 8 .Getting the Pipeline Map and Politics Right, November 12, 2001. 9 .The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, May 2003. 10 .The Natal Witness, April 16, 2003. 11 .War on Terrorism Skipped the KLA, by James Bisset. Centre for Research on Globalisation, 2001. 12 .The Aida Parker Newsletter, January 2002. 13 .Osamagate, by Michael Chossudovsky. Centre for Research on Globalisation, Montreal, 9 October 2001. 14 .Middle East Reformed Fellowship News, Vol. 16, Issue 6, November-December 2003; and Vol. 17, Issue 4, July-August 2004. 15 .The New American, April 30, 2003, internet article. 16 .The New American, November 17, 2003, internet article. 17 .The New American, June 28, 2004, internet article. 18 .The Natal Witness, May 12, 2003. 19 .The New American, November 17, 2003, internet article. 20 .The New American, April 30, 2003, internet article. 21 .Nelson Hultberg, in an article in The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, January 2004. 22 .The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, October 2003.

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