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American Hoaxism: Surviving the New World Order, #2
American Hoaxism: Surviving the New World Order, #2
American Hoaxism: Surviving the New World Order, #2
Ebook94 pages2 hours

American Hoaxism: Surviving the New World Order, #2

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"American Hoaxism: Surviving the New World Order 2" provides the solution for the global crises set up for the citizens of America and all people living under World Government. A series of ten detailed steps and guidelines serve as a manual, offering insight into what every man, woman and child must follow to survive in the New Age. Book two outlines and the History of American-made hoaxes which have been perpetrated upon the World at large and serve as false programming for the masses. Disengagement from these false realities are essential to survival in the New Age.


PublisherJeremy Stone
Release dateAug 15, 2022
American Hoaxism: Surviving the New World Order, #2

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    American Hoaxism - Jeremy Stone



    On September 11th, 2001, America and the World watched in horror as the Twin Towers were both taken down by two incredibly and unusually fast-moving commercial 747 airliners. Piloting these wieldy aircraft were pilots with such unprecedented skills in maneuvering aeronautically into low altitude and high-pressure areas at 500 miles an hour (feats of flight agility previously believed to be physically impossible) into New York City towards the Towers by Taliban terrorists trained better than any seasoned pilot in the West, having been trained in just weeks in Saudi Arabia. The precision accuracy used to fly planes into seemingly impenetrable steel-reinforced Towers, which were sliced through with ease and sophistication, had never been seen before. The world could only watch - in disbelief and wonder – hypnotized by the kind of evil this highly advanced and well-funded terrorist group could plot and carry out. One of the Radical Islamic groups involved was Al Qaeda, which reviled America, western culture, and our extravagant way of life so zealously that they were willing to take the lives of over three thousand Americans and their own lives as well. This unnecessary carnage was in the name of a Jihad or Holy War, which was declared against the West, and to receive their promised reward in the next life – the seventy-two virgin brides, which awaited them in paradise. Seventy-two virgin brides, which could not be seen, were their only motivation for crushing the great American superpower and its 33-year-old symbol of economic power, the World Trade Center in the true capital of the United-States - New York City.

    As the south towers smoke filled the air at just around 9:20, it quickly became even more apparent that this could not have been a domestic attack; it was far too sophisticated. Instead, it could only have been the work of that rich and powerful mastermind, Osama Bin Laden, the madman we've heard about so often on Television, whose violent tirades against America must now have finally been realized!

    We all quietly said to ourselves that whoever is responsible for this horrific act of terror against these innocent Americans must surely pay. Whoever they are, we must hunt these cowards down and bring them to justice. After all, these innocent victims could have been any one of us. Of course, more coordinated terrorist attacks could be looming on the horizon. This is an act of war.

    This was, of course, the official story propagandized to us by every television news outlet across America and worldwide, but was the world at large too distracted to realize they had been told a fairy-tale and yet another great American Hoax?

    The truth behind 9/11 is that there are no flight records for flights 11, 77, 175, and 93 produced by American Airlines or any Commercial Airliner. Nor have any records from American Airlines or from any known Airline producing any evidence showing any passengers named by the Media were aboard any flights anywhere in the world on 9/11. All of the so-called box-cutter terrorists were not only nowhere in the vicinity of New York City or North America for that matter, on 9/11. Instead, the named suspects, Mohamed Atta Abdulaziz al-Omari, Satam Alsuqami, Fayez Banihamad, Marwan Alshehhi, Waleed Alshehri, Mohand Alshehri, Hamza Alghamd, Ahmed Alghamdi, Wail Alshehri, Khalid Almihdhar, Nawaf Alhazmi, Majed Moqaed, Ziad Jarrah, Ahmed Alhaznawi, Ahmed Alnami Salem, Alhazmi, and Saeed Alghamdi; suspected to be trained by al Qaeda at Afghanistan  flight schools, didn’t take their lives for Allah, but were still alive, some of them still flying their regular commercial airline routes for Saudi Airlines. According to Lieutenant Stubine, All radar in the New York area was ordered to be turned off - on that day (9/11/2001) by Vice President Dick Cheney, who had taken shelter in the bunkered safety of the Colorado Mountains. No planes - hit the Twin Towers on 9/11, no passengers were on airplanes to hit the Twin Tower Center on 9/11, because none of the aircraft mentioned in the 9/11 Commission’s Report were in existence to hit any WTC Tower on 9/11.

    In this book, I’m not going to tell you what you want to hear, and I'm not going to tiptoe around the truth just to make you feel good while validating your false beliefs and perceptions about the world around you – that would be unfair to you – you deserve the truth. In this book, some of what you will learn may be extremely uncomfortable to hear since I will be essentially deprogramming you out of ignorance and into reality, one which is free from the illusions spun by the elite. Everything - we think we know about the world around us is wrong - dead wrong - and I mean everything. And - I intend to blow the lid off these hoaxed lies, which have been so deeply indoctrinated into our naive and innocent minds. The hoaxed lies fed to us by state-run media and a coordinated permeation of false history must be revealed. After reading this book and the stone-cold truths in it, you will either completely lose your mind out of weakness, or you will simply see things exactly as they are, realizing you've been fooled for the better part of your life. However, do not let yourself be ashamed of being tricked; we all have been. Instead, let yourself become empowered by the hard truths found throughout our 250-year long journey through this grand illusion of American-made lies tailor-made for American citizens and the citizens of this New World; And let this be a detailed roadmap to guide you through the ever-changing confusion tactics used in American Hoaxism.

    September 11th, 2001, from a conspiratorial standpoint, was not the first time Americans questioned Government’s role in hoaxes, false flag events, psychological operations, or conspiracies designed to effect societal manipulation or the intentional plotting against American citizens. However, it was the first inside job/conspiracy which involved the direct and open mass murder of over three thousand unsuspecting and innocent Americans without cause. This was an unprecedented form

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