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Divine Intervention (Wade E. Taylor) 1-29-02

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Copyright to this edition secured by Wade E. Taylor All Scriptures, unless otherwise noted, are taken from the New King James Version, unless otherwise noted. PREFACE Divine Intervention, has been written to express the present need for the Intervention of the Lord within the Church, His people, and the world. This book contains excerpts from Intervention in the Ecclesia, which was written by Seeley D. Kinne in 1938 concerning the need for intervention at that time. These have been substantially edited and expanded. We are near the end of the 6th day, when the Church age will come to an end and the Millennial Kingdom will be established. This is the time of the Parousia (appearing) of Jesus when He will actively and manifestly take His place as the head of His Body. The time in which man is in control of the nations is coming to an end. Intervention, in which Divine control will be effective, is beginning to take place. It is my prayer that this book will have a part in your receiving additional understanding concerning the need for intervention, and also an impartation into your spirit, so you might be stirred to enter into an active, cooperative relationship with our Lord in the closing out of the Gentile age, and the establishing of the Millennial Kingdom age. At this present time, the Lord is preparing overcomers, who through the process of His dealings, are becoming capable of responding to His voice in obedience to His end-time purposes. Many are aware that something different is taking place in their relationship to the Lord, but do not understand. This book is directed to these that they might better understand and cooperate with all that the Lord is seeking to accomplish at this present time. And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. Rev 5:10 THE NEED FOR PRESENT DAY DIVINE INTERVENTION As world conditions increasingly deteriorate, it is becoming evident that there is no answer, except Divine Intervention. Methods of solution to present world problems are so elusive that world leaders must come to recognize that they are incapable of any resolution of these problems. We, as Christians, must pray that they will acknowledge their need for a higher power, the Lord Jesus Christ, to intervene. Intervention is a state in which the Lord brings forth a condition or experience in the recipient through Divine sovereign power, which is independent of any ability that the individual may possess, to contact the power of God in order to bring these things to pass. Many who are spiritual have witnessed, or experienced acts of intervention. But the time for the continuous state of Divine Intervention is upon us, in which the Lord will move upon, and lift into His end-time purpose, all those who, as overcomers, have entered a state of rest in His presence. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. Rev 3:21

THERE ARE TWO ASPECTS OF DIVINE INTERVENTION. The first is the calling out of a remnant, in order to prepare them to be used in a cooperative relationship with the Lord concerning the closing out of the church age and the establishing of the Kingdom age. During this time of preparation, there is a special grace that lifts and empowers those who are being qualified as overcomers. These are seen as being seated with the Lord on His throne in an intimate relationship with Him (bride), and also, as functioning in a cooperative relationship with the Lord (sons), in spiritual authority and purpose. For us to become a part of this bride, who is seated with the Lord on His throne, requires an unconditional submission of the totality of our being to Jesus as our head, in which our identity becomes so one with His, that in this unity and oneness, we become the statement of His life. Being a mature son, we enter into a cooperative relationship with the Lord for the outworking of His purposes in the closing out of the Gentile age, and in the establishing of the Millennial Kingdom. These two positions as a son and as a bride can be viewed as being like a two-sided coin. Each side is different, yet it is one coin. As we unconditionally commit all that we are, and ever will be, to the Lord, and in obedience rise above all that is less than our Lords best, each of these relationships are formed within us. As we yield to His headship, we become a bride. And, as we respond to the Lord in obedience, we grow into spiritual maturity, as a son. As a bride, by being in total submission to our head, the Lord Jesus Christ, we are lifted into a relationship of intimate communion and fellowship with Him. "I am my Beloved's, and His desire is toward me." SS 7:10 As a son, we enter into a cooperative relationship with the Lord in the outworking of His purposes, in which we function only to the extent that we are in a bridal relationship of submission to Him. "Come, My beloved, let us go forth into the field; let us stay in the villages. Let us rise up early to the vineyards; let us see if the vine flowers, whether the tender grape appear, and the pomegranates bud forth; there I will give thee My loves." SS 7:11 KJV This two-fold overcoming relationship is impossible of attainment, apart from the sovereign hand of the Lord being stretched out in our behalf to qualify us for these positions. Therefore, to merely read these teachings and mentally grasp them is not sufficient. They must be experientially entered, step upon step. I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures. Proverbs 8:17-21 KJV To attain this level of identification with the Lord, we must unconditionally submit the totality of our being to the Lord - all that we are, all that we have, and whatever we do, and then enter into the workings and dealings of an active on-going relationship with Him. As we cooperate with the Lord in the outworking of this, we will be made ready for His higher Kingdom purposes. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. Eph 2:10 KJV For whom the LORD loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives. Heb 12:6 In whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. Eph 2:22 The second aspect of divine intervention is the empowering of this remnant as a witness to the world of the manifest power and glory of the Lord, in order to bring judgment to the anti-christ world system. An anti-christ

is anything, or anyone who exalts themselves, or denies the anointing and power of God, above the knowledge and Word of God. This remnant will also have a part in the establishing of the Millennial Kingdom of God. And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth. Rev 5:10 THE PURPOSE OF INTERVENTION Intervention is the suspension of the ordinary law of approach to God, and the interposition of the Divine hand to do things beyond man's attainment through prayer and seeking. It is the way in which God has often bridged over the short-comings and failures of His servants. Intervention is the state in which the Lord is the actor, and man is acted upon. This will result in the elimination of all independent action through the lifting of those who are fully submitted to the Lord into their proper state of pliability in His hands. It is God in the lead as an aspect of the end-time workings of the Lord, by which He will appear to His servants (Parousia) in order to do exploits through them, altogether beyond what they could believe for or accomplish. After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show you things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. Rev 4:1-2 KJV ... and have made us kings and priests to our God: and we shall reign on the earth. Rev 5:10 Because the Creator made man with a high order of powers of will and gave him the title deed to the earth, with dominion, God chose to not intrude upon these rights, even though man completely failed in his probationary test and as a result, forfeited his dominion authority. Therefore, by an exceeding wise and benevolent plan, the Eternal Son became a man through incarnation, bore the curse that came upon man due to his disobedience, and paid the full debt to justice, totally defeating the enemy, and in resurrection became the Heir of all things. The Lord Jesus Christ has set before the redeemed an opportunity to partake with Him of these conveyed powers, now restored to their proper place. This offer is made to all those qualify as overcomers. And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations; he shall rule them with a rod of iron. Rev 2:26-27a For many are called, but few are chosen. Matt 22:14 Because these overcomers have been slow in coming into the exercise of this end-time spiritual authority, intervention becomes necessary. During this time, which is referred to as being the day of the Lord," there will be great tribulation, which brings the judgments of God. During this, the time of His Parousia, these overcomers will have a role and a responsibility to fulfill, as they are to be the instruments of the tribulation, and not victims of it. Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved, and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? I Cor 2:14-16 These will be the source of tribulation to the world. Paul is saying that during this time, we will become a

fragrant aroma to all those who have received Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Because we are the instruments for judgment to all those who do not believe, the unbeliever will be uncomfortable in our presence due to this aroma of life which we receive from Jesus. They will not want us near them because we will appear to them as being an aroma of death to death. "For the LORD takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the meek with salvation. Let the saints be joyful in glory; let them sing aloud on their beds. "Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on the nations and punishments on the peoples, to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute on them the written judgment; This honor have all His saints. Praise the LORD" Psalm 149:4-9 Glory always relates to the presence of the Lord. Thus, we are to be joyful in His presence. Also, we are to let the high praises of God be in our mouth. We exalt the Lord by declaring Him to be whom He has said He is; our Righteousness, our Sanctification, our provider, our healer, and the One who is present in our lives. Not only are we to praise the Lord with our mouth, but we are to have a two edged sword in our hand. The purpose for this is to execute vengeance on the nations and judgment on all peoples. This will be done by the saint who is singing the high praises of God with this two edged sword in his hands, and will result in their kings being bound with chains. We are approaching this day of the Parousia in which we will be empowered through Divine intervention. As we give statement to the high praises of God, we will be given this flaming sword to bind these kings and their nobles in fetters of iron. We will have a part in the execution of these judgments and tribulation while we are still in our mortal bodies. In our present state, we may say, how can this be? However, we are not to be concerned with our apparent lack, but we are to look for Jesus, expecting Him to come in intervention, and manifest Himself in us. In the past, much of the teaching on spirituality was based on methods of attainment which have been successful, when they have been rightly applied. Each of these methods call for a determined waiting upon the Lord with a consistent seeking of Him. Coming forth through these efforts is an inner quickening and illumination which opens one to the higher ways of spiritual understanding. The progress that is made herein is directly related to the effort made in this seeking of God. However, that which has been attained though these means is not sufficient for the present urgency in the closing out of the Church age, and our entering into the Millennial Kingdom. Therefore, the hand of God's power must become more readily available through direct Divine Intervention, to carry us beyond these normal means of spiritual attainment, and to miraculously set us in the place of direct involvement with the Lord in the outworking of His end-time purposes. This state of Divine intervention is a level of attainment into a spiritual state in which control passes from the natural into the spiritual; from the initiative of man into the initiative of the Holy Spirit, a state of being moved upon and propelled by the Divine will. This lifts one into the place of becoming a partaker in the functioning of the Kingdom of God. All too few Christians are aware of, or are seeking this state of Divine activity. However, in this present end-time, many are being stirred by the Holy Spirit, and are beginning to enter. In preparation for His return, Jesus will begin to personally appear to many people. As a result of these personal appearances, many things will begin to happen. There will be a substantial increase in the quality of worship and of the prophetic. This is because He is coming to equip, or make ready, a people who will perform His end-time work on the earth. It is of vital importance that we grasp the idea that these interventions will bring into clear view the purpose of the Lord in the closing out of the Church age, and the establishing of the Millennial Kingdom age. This is an excerpt of an upcoming book by Wade Taylor. Brother Taylor can be contacted at

Wade is the author of two anointed devotional books, The Secret of the Stairs and Waterspouts of Glory. He is the editor of The Banner, Pinecrest's quarterly teaching journal that has touched countless lives around the world. For 28 years, Wade Taylor presided over the school with its emphasis on the deeper life message that sets it apart from other schools. In addition to in-depth study of the Bible, the school emphasizes: an abiding appreciation for the manifest presence of God; development of a quality devotional life; cultivation of intimacy and communion with the Lord; waiting upon the Lord and sensitivity to His voice; and a respect for the moving of the Holy Spirit. Wade Taylor retired from the presidency of Pinecrest in 1996, relocating to Washington, DC. He has a burden for the United States, and spends much time in prayer and intercession for the nation, as well as in personal ministry and counseling. In the past year, he has cut back on his traveling, and does only a limited amount of public speaking. He continues to edit the school's quarterly spiritual journal, The Banner.


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