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Fulfilling Your God Given Destiny: The Message to the Body of Christ
Fulfilling Your God Given Destiny: The Message to the Body of Christ
Fulfilling Your God Given Destiny: The Message to the Body of Christ
Ebook103 pages2 hours

Fulfilling Your God Given Destiny: The Message to the Body of Christ

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About this ebook

This book pictures reasons for the unfulfi lled life of Christians and ministers in
the body of Christ as some ministers lay hold on teaching in Old Testament laws
and man-made doctrines as a prerequisite for acceptance by God in grace. He
unravels through the revelation of the Spirit through the Word of God anecdotes
and illustrations on how the unbeliever, believer, and minister can fulfi ll their
God-given destiny.
It is a beautiful recipe for Bible school and teaching programs and an inspirational
guide for Bible students into understanding maturity in Christ.

Fulfi lling Your God Destiny is a companion that can help you realize the Kismet that was
ordained so as to have a meaning life. It simplifi es truths that can serve as fl ashlights to our feet
as we journey through life.
Evangelist A.J. Shenuda
Anglican preacher, novelist and teacher.
Prince has expounded truth in Gods word, through in dept insight in the word by revelation
knowledge. Fulfi lling Your God Given Destiny, is the Word from God for our time, to position
the church for greatness in the Kingdom of God.
Rev. Glory Amos
Founder Victorious Life Bible church.
Release dateDec 21, 2012
Fulfilling Your God Given Destiny: The Message to the Body of Christ

Prince E A Jeshurun

Prince E A is a humanitarian worker, teacher of the word, an author. He resides presently in Nigeria. He is the author of the governing principle in the real world. The author is an expository and social conscience writer and passionate about bringing clarity into issues and subject of doubt in the body of Christ, who also believes that the believer will better enjoy and express his liberty in Christ in his world, when his social contacts are influenced with principled living. He has a higher diploma in Public Administration, diploma in public relations from the Royal Society Academy, Ibadan Nigeria, and a diploma in computer application. An Insight of the Book This book pictures reasons for the unfulfilled life of Christians and ministers in the body of Christ, as some ministers lay hold on teaching in old testament laws and man made doctrines as a prerequisite for acceptance by God as grace. He unravels through the revelation of the Spirit through the Word of God, anecdotes and illustrations how the unbeliever, believer and minister can fulfil their God Given Destiny. It is a beautiful recipe for bible school, teaching programmes and inspirational guide for bible student into understanding maturity in Christ.

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    Fulfilling Your God Given Destiny - Prince E A Jeshurun

    © 2013 by Prince E A Jeshurun. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    All scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version, Amplified Version and new living translation version unless otherwise indicated.

    Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible—Public Domain.

    Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    Published by AuthorHouse 12/17/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-3428-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-3429-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012917772

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    Why This Book


    Chapter One: Defined By The Spirit And Word

    The Word In The Mind

    Why The Transformation Of Your Mind Is Important

    The Word Answer

    The Human Spirit: The Real Man

    Function With The Spirit Law

    Chapter Two: Defined By The Spirit And Word

    Attaining Maturity In Christ

    A New Definition

    You’re Assignment

    Commitment And Dedication

    A New Identity


    Chapter Three: Walking The Word To Become The Living Word

    In The Light Of Revelation Knowledge

    Personal Study

    Transportation By Confessions

    Act The Word

    The Present Hour Need

    Chapter Four: Treasure In The House

    The Principle Of The Words

    Speak Life

    The Seed Principle

    Sowing For A Just Course

    The Church Principle

    Self Denial

    Chapter Five: The Tradition Of The Spirit

    The Principle Of The Spirit

    The Word Governing Principle

    Chapter Six: A Vision Of God

    The Fuel Of Vision

    The Word Empowers The Vision

    Chapter Seven: Giving A Key

    Giving To All Men

    Giving To The Body Of Christ

    Giving To Servants Of God

    Giving For The Gospel


    About The Author

    This book is wholeheartedly dedicated to

    Distinguished Senator Ike Ikwerenmadu,

    the Deputy Senate President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


    Do you know that, despite the widespread of church denominations around the world proclaiming the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ, a large number of believers are yet to grasp that reality of who they are made in Christ as New Creatures?

    This profound statement may have aroused in your heart, an instant concern and attention of what could be responsible for the hindrances or delay of a Christian maturity in Christ.

    Jesus Christ for the love of the father more than two thousand years ago, took upon Himself the death penalty that waited the children of the first Adam; paid with his blood, and judged sin on his cross and gave us a new kind of life superior to angels and Satan; what a blessing! He gave the manual called The Bible; that they discover in it all the blessing and work in its reality, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the believer is a discoverer of divine realities in Christ helped by the Spirit to live the daily Christian life victoriously, expressing these realities.

    The gospel of John 32; 8 declares ‘and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free’. What truth is it? This is the truth of whom Christ has made you. Truth designed to affect your human spirit with the word of life. Beloved the Spirit desires that, the light of God’s word show you how to perfect your faith in the body of Christ.

    According to Ephesians chapter 4 verses 11-13,’And he gave some Apostles; and some, Prophets; and some Evangelists; and some, Pastors and Teachers; For the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ . . .’

    Paul the Apostle ushers us into the knowledge of the purpose of ministry office, for the perfecting of the saints. Here perfecting refers to maturity. So that the saints be matured in the things of God that pertains ministry. For the work of the ministry, that saints all around world called the body of Christ do the work of the ministry, which is in two fold that is ministering to the world and ministering to the body of Christ. This is in the offering of service to the world and within the body of Christ.

    To the world is the ministry of reconciliation, while the church is service to one another. Letting people in the world know that our heavenly Father is not counting on their wrongs as Jesus Christ has paid with his blood as a sacrificial lamb. Thirdly, for edification, to edify means to build, nurture etc. Therefore, they are fed with the knowledge of the person of Christ and the things that pertains His Kingdom.

    The question is where does God’s grace through His chosen servants affect a man in the New Testament dispensation? Is it his body, soul or spirit? Can a man as a soul comprehend the things of faith and leave a daily life of faith? Can he be able to have effective communication with God and heard? Is he to be guided by the law of The Spirit and faith, or by the Old Testament laws?

    How can the believer distinguish himself where the spirit of the world is manifest?

    The Word of God shows us expressly in the gospel of John chapter 3verse 5 declares ‘except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit’. From this scripture, we realize that, it is the recreated human Spirit that gains acceptance into the kingdom not the flesh.

    The Old Testament prophets were not born of the Spirit, but had the Spirit come upon them to accomplish a special assignment assigned of God. However, the New Testament believers were born of the Spirit, so had the Spirit guidance in their entire lifetime. This means the ministration is of the Spirit and affects the Spirit. Galatians chapter 3 verses five, ‘Are ye so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are made perfect by the flesh?

    Hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 declares ‘Now faith is the substance of things hope for the evidence of things not seen’. If faith is, the evidence of things not seen and we know that the spiritual deals with all unseen realities, then both worked hand in hand. For faith deals with unseen realities same as the Spirit. Furthermore, it is not possible for a soul man to

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