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Histograms For Texture Based Image Retrieval

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Histograms for Texture based Image Retrieval

Christian Wolf 1, Jean-Michel Jolion 2 and Horst Bischof 1 1 Vienna Univ. of Technology, Pattern Recognition and Image Proc. Group Favoritenstr.9/1832, 1040 Wien, Austria 2 INSA de Lyon, Lab. Reconnaissances de Formes et Vision 20, Avenue Albert Einstein, 69621 Villeurbanne cedex, France
Abstract: Content based image retrieval is the task of searching images from a database, which are visually similar to a given example image. Since there is no general de nition for visual similarity, there are di erent possible ways to query for visual content. In this work we present methods for content based image retrieval based on texture similarity using interest points and Gabor features. Interest point detectors are used in computer vision to detect image points with special properties, which can be geometric (corners) or non-geometric (contrast etc.). Gabor functions and Gabor lters are regarded as excellent tools for texture feature extraction and texture segmentation. We present methods how to combine these methods for content based image retrieval and to generate a histogram based texture description of images. Experimental results of the query system on test image databases are given.

1 Introduction
Content based image retrieval systems use the contents of a query image provided by the user to search for similar images in a possibly large database. All of the known methods for pre-attentive search emphasize the need for descriptions of images and powerful metrics to compare these descriptions. Most common approaches are based on colour 11], structure 5], textures 8] or combinations 10]. Histograms have already been used extensively for image indexation, especially colour histograms 12] and structure based methods 5]. They provide an e ective and e cient means to compare image contents. However, they rely on raw image data like colour or gray values, which are not available for textures without pre-processing. In this paper we describe a method based on histograms lled with local texture features extracted on interest points using a Gabor lter bank.

2 Local Texture Features

Unlike colour, texture is not a property which can be extracted from a point, but of areas instead. A single pixel does not have a texture. A common de nition is the repetition of basic texture elements. Therefore, widely used properties are frequency, direction, phase etc. However, these properties are dependent on the scale the image is analysed. A nearly constant area could be textured with a big constant texture or a very ne (in nite) texture. A pullover could show textures on two scales: The printed pattern of squares at a higher scale and the structure of the wool at a lower scale. For this reason a Gabor lter bank is a suitable tool to extract texture features. The lters of a Gabor lter bank are designed to extract di erent orientations and frequencies. They have already been widely used for texture analysis and retrieval 6] 8]. A Gabor lter bank consists of several lters based on the family of Gabor functions: Several Gaussian lters which are obtained by dilating and rotating a mother wavelet function. Each lter responds to a speci c orientation and a speci c frequency interval. Extracting local textures features on all points of the images is computational too expensive and not necessary to properly describe the image, especially when most of the image is made of a non relevant background. Instead we apply an interest point detector in a rst step to detect key locations. Texture features are then extracted on these locations. Interest operators should deliver pre-attentively "interesting" points in an image. For manmade objects, corners provide valuable information about the scene, therefore the rst developed interest operators were mainly corner detectors 3]. However, recently other interest operators gathering points more suitable to indexation purposes have been developed 2] 7] 1]. The methods described in this paper do not rely on a speci c detector. Similar results are obtained by the interest operators of Jolion 2], Loupias 7] and Harris and Stephens 3]. The basic idea of our method is to extract a xed number (e.g. = 200) of regions centered around a detected interest point. Each interest region is input to a Gabor lter bank of lters, being the number of orientations (e.g. = 8 ) and the number of scales (e.g. = 3). This will give us lter responses to process. For e cient image indexation we have to decrease this amount of data to process.

3 Image representation by Histograms

The result of the feature extraction step outlined above is a set of lter responses. Each response corresponds to one of interest points, to one of directions and to one of scales. The most important description of the lter response is the maximum amplitude, from

now on referred to as amplitude only. It tells how strong this interest region responds to the lter applied to it. Literally spoken we could say that it speci es how much structure of the given orientation in the given scale can be found in that region. Depending on the ordering of the lter responses we can build di erent image descriptors. In this paper we will introduce two di erent types: An ordered set of histograms storing amplitude distributions and an ordered set of histograms storing di erences of amplitudes.

3.1 Amplitude distribution

Considering the output of our Gabor lter bank the main information we gathered is the amplitude information for di erent orientations and scales of the Gabor lters per interest region. If we re-order the data we get a distribution of responses (i.e. amplitudes) per scale and orientation. The lter responses for one lter can be lled into a histogram, which therefore models the response of the image to this lter with the given orientation and the given scale. Images responding much to this lter have high bins with high bin indices and low bins with low bin indices and vice versa. Thus, the feature data of the whole image, i.e. of all lters of the lter bank, can be stored in an ordered set of histograms, where is the number of scales and is the number of orientations.

Filling the histograms this way we ignore the spatial coherence of the di erent interest regions, i.e. the locations of the regions are not represented in the histogram. It does not matter where an interest region is found, since only the contents (translated into lter responses) is used to create the histograms. In order to add the spatial coherence to our representation we use two-dimensional histograms instead of one-dimensional ones. We need couples of data instead of single values to increase the histogram bins. These couples are created by performing a -nearest neighbour search for every interest point.

The entries, which increase the histograms, are pairs of interest points. All points of the image are traversed and taken as rst points of these pairs. The second points are the neighbours found by a -nearest neighbour search performed for each interest point found during the traversal. Hence, for each interest point traversed we create pairs of points. The amplitudes of the couples are entered into the histogram: The amplitude of the rst point is used to calculate the -index of the bin, the amplitude of the second point (the neighbour) to calculate the -index.
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Figure 1 shows an example image and two 2D histograms out of its histograms. The images contains mainly horizontal structures (orientation 0). Therefore, the histogram for orientation 0 shows strong responses, i.e. high bins from indices 4 to 6. The histogram for orientation index K , which corresponds to structures in orientations around 45 degrees, shows 4

Figure 1: Image (a) and the histograms (amplitude amplitude) for 0o (b) and 45o (c)

only one high bin at index (0 0), i.e. almost no response.


The comparison of two images is based on already known distance measurements of histograms and the means of these distances. For the distances between two single histograms we used the Battacharrya distance, which performed slightly better than the 2 distance, thus con rmed results of Huet and Hancock 5]. We included some compensation for rotation by comparing each histogram not only with its corresponding histogram but as well with the immediate neighbours of the same scale. We can represent our ordered set of 3 8 histograms as a set of 3 vectors, each containing 8 histograms. By cyclic permutation of each of these vectors and taking the minimum of comparison and comparison with one rotated vector, we get the nal distance.

3.2 Di erences of amplitudes

The histograms described in the last section were built by raw image data, like amplitudes. The data was fed pairwise, but still there was no relation between the points. Huet and Hancock used pairwise geometric histograms to index large databases of line patterns 5]. They took pairwise geometric attributes like angles and di erences of line segment lengths to build histograms. Popescu adopted this idea for structural image retrieval based on interest points 9]. His idea was to use the locations of the interest points to determine geometric attributes. Instead of pairs, triples of interest points are taken, and the angle of the points is used to create the histograms. The main idea of these algorithms is the storage of relative feature data. We use a similar approach based on the output of the Gabor lter bank. Like in the last section an image is characterised by an ordered set of histograms. For each lter response we traverse all points and search the nearest neighbours. To calculate the bin index of the rst dimension of the two dimensional histogram, we use the di erence of amplitudes for each pair interest point and its neighbour. The bin index of the second dimension is de ned by the ranking of the neighbourhood. Comparison is done by the same method as discussed in the last section.
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The information we store in this representation can be described in the following way: Like in our rst histogram representation the data is separated by lter index, i.e. one histogram for each orientation and scale of the lter bank. Each histogram holds the information how the amplitudes for this lter change between the interest points to their neighbours. The dimension of the histogram stores the neighbourhood ranking of the -nearest neighbourhood search, thus the bins with higher indices store the di erences of amplitudes between interest points which are further away than couples of interest points stored in the bins with lower indices.
y n y y

Figure 2: Two images and the histogram (di erences of amplitude ranking) for 0o

Figure 2 shows two example images of one of our test databases and their histograms for scale index 0 and orientation index 0, which corresponds to an orientation of 0o . The histogram of the texture example (Figure 2.a) shows an almost uniform distribution along the coordinate of the histogram. This can be explained by the periodic nature of the texture example, where the di erences in the amplitudes are almost constant across the di erent distances between two interest points. Considering the histogram of the natural image on the other hand (2.b), we remark the di erence in the bin sizes along the coordinate of the histogram. The reason is the di erent type of the image, which contains sharp changes in structure. In this image the distance between two interest points determines the di erence in their responses to a speci c lter, hence the di erence in amplitudes.
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4 Experimental Results
Our test database contains 609 images grabbed from a French television channel. The images are all of the same format (384x288 pixels) and coded in JPEG with 75% quality. The contents

di ers from outdoor activities (reports of sports) to talk shows, full scope shots of people, weather forecasts, logos and advertisements. To be able to measure a query performance a manual clustering of the image set was necessary. The clusters contain images of successive sequences. In fact, the pictures of one cluster mostly are taken from the same program and sometimes even from the same scene. We used the following parameters in our experiments: We extract = 200 interest regions of size 32 32 pixels. The Gabor lter bank contains = 8 3 lters.

Since there is no general de nition for visual similarity between images, measuring retrieval performance is a di cult task and depends on the purpose. A single query uses one image out of a cluster , which contains images. The system answers with images of which are from the original cluster . We use a measure which is widely used for indexation systems: precision.
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As the name suggests, the precision of the result of a single query denotes how precise the result set responds to the desires of the user. By changing the size of the result set we get a performance curve for this query. We calculate the nal curve for a retrieval method by averaging the curves for all single queries using di erent query images. Figure 3.a shows two curves measured for the two histogram types. For a typical result set of 10 pictures 74 % of the images are relevant, for 20 pictures 62 %. The histogram set storing the amplitude distribution performs slightly better than the version storing amplitude di erences and neighbourhood ranking. We conclude, that the absolute amplitude information is more descriptive than the relative information. I.e. the information, which orientations and scales are present in the image is more descriptive than the information how much the amplitudes change in the spatial neighbourhood of the interest points. Figure 3.b shows performance curves of the amplitude distribution method with di erent counts of interest points collected. As we can see the performance of the algorithm is weakly dependent on the number of interest points. If enough area of the image is covered by interest regions, and if the histograms are lled enough | i.e. the number of non-zero bins of the normalised histogram is su ciently high | then increasing the number of interest points does not increase query performance. For our experiments we used di erent interest operators: Two di erent implementations of the Harris corner detector 3], two di erent versions of the Loupias wavelet based interest point detector 7] based on the Haar and the Daubechie wavelet respectively, and the Jolion multiresolution contrast based interest point detector 2]. To evaluate the dependency of our algorithms

100 (a) Average precision - amplitude distribution (b) Average precision - difference of Amplitudes 80 Average precision (%)

100 600 points 400 points 300 points 200 points 100 points 50 points



precision (%) 0 5 10 15 Number of images in the return set 20 25






0 0 5 10 15 number of return images 20 25

100 Haar wavelet (Loupias) Daubechie wavelet (Loupias) Harris implementation 1 Harris implementations 2 Multiresolution contrast based (Jolion) Detector selecting random points Average precision (%) 100 80 Average precision (%) 80

48 neighbours 24 neighbours 12 neighbours 6 neighbours 3 neighbours







0 0 5 10 15 20 Number of images in the return set 25 30

0 0 5 10 15 20 Number of images in the return set 25 30

(c) (d) Figure 3: The performance curves for both histogram types (a) for di erent counts of interest points (b) for di erent interest point detectors (c) and for di erent counts of neighbours (d) on the choice of the interest point operator, we additionally implemented an "interest point operator" selecting a xed number of random points in an image. Figure 3.c shows performance curves of the amplitude based algorithm and di erent detectors. We remark, that the di erences in performance between the various detectors are not significant. However, surprising is the good performance of the algorithms in experiments where the random interest point detector is used. The performance of the random points operator is equal to the performance of the other operators. This can be explained with the richness of our image features. The feature data collected on the interest points has enough descriptive power, which is not improved by a stable interest point detector choosing points "appropriate" for our type of features. The number of neighbours for the -nearest neighbour search determines how much in uence of the spatial coherence of the feature data is represented in the histogram. However, the number has to be adjusted to the data. If the algorithm does not search enough neighbours, then the spatial coherence is under represented in the histogram. If the algorithm searches too
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many neighbours on the other hand, then the information about the spatial coherence is lost, since the found neighbours tend to be the same for points near to each other. We conducted experiments using 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 neighbours. Surprisingly there is almost no di erence in the query performance (Figure 3.d), although counts of = 12 or even = 48 are far too high to store any spatial information in the histograms, considering that = 200 interest points are collected on each image. We conclude, that the additional information about the spatial coherence does not change the descriptiveness of the histograms.
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5 Conclusion and Outlook

In this paper we presented histogram based methods to use interest point detectors and a Gabor lter bank to create texture descriptions for image indexing. We proved that the algorithms work well for the given type of images. The image representation introduced holds a rough texture description of images. The similarity measure is able to distinguish groups of images of the same type, i.e. images having similar content without considering many details. Typical applications could be e.g. databases of television broadcast stations, which need to nd screenshots of similar scenes or shots of the same telecast in a large set of television screenshots. Experiments with one of our test image databases which contains television screenshots, prove the good performance for this task. Further work currently pursued is to join this texture based approach with methods based on colour, structure and shape into one weighted indexation system, which uses feedback of the user to determine the preferences and to recalculate the weights of the system 4].

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