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The Sheep and The Snake

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The Sheep

Sheep simply want a bit of peace. They enjoy carrying on with life in their own quiet, individual way, content to be in the middle of it all rather than to be leading it. Sheep are quiet and calm people. They enjoy cultural things and focus much of their energy on artistic hobbies. Sheep are easygoing and relaxed, happy to be going with the flow. Years of the Sheep Sheep Years are eighth in the cycle following the Horse Years, and recur every twelfth year. The Chinese New Year does not fall on a specific date, so it is essential to check the calendar to find the exact date on which each Sheep Year actually begins. 1907*1919*1931*1943*1955*1967*1979*1991*2003


Sheep are nurturers. They enjoy taking care of other people. Like their animal counterpart, Sheep people are pretty calm individuals. Their personalities are quiet, reserved and soothing. They like to be in the company of others but do not wish to be in the middle of everything. They like standing in the back, watching contently from the sidelines, as others dazzle the company. Sheep will generally do better than they are aware because they are so good at keeping the peace and accomplishing the tasks at hand. SHEEP FACTS: People born in the Year of the Sheep share certain characteristics. The Sheep Sign is an abbreviated way of characterizing that individuals personality. Following are features associated with the Sign of the Sheep. Eight in order, Chinese nameYANG, sign of the arts Hour1pm-2:59pm MonthJuly Western CounterpartCancer CHARACTERISTICS

Smart. Artistic, Kind, Happy, Reserved, Insecure, Dependent

The characteristics of the Sheep are tempered by one of the five Chinese elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth overlaying a 5-year cycle of characteristics on the original 12-year cycle. THE METAL SHEEP 1931 AND 1991 Sheep often display a tough exterior to protect the fragile interior they are notorious for. Close friends and family of the Metal Sheep understand this is simply a front for those sensitive emotions tucked inside. Sheep can sometimes treat others the way they feel instead of the way they wish to be treated which can lead to a tendency to be overprotective and vulnerable. Metal Sheep, more than other Sheep, are culturally stimulated and hold a deep passion for the arts. THE WATER SHEEP 1943 AND 2003 Like their element, Water Sheep go with the flow of things, content to stroll through life like a Sunday evening walk. They are easy to get along with and live with and can make quite lovable roommates and companions. They enjoy the security of their homes and will generally plant their roots and stay in one place. They are well-spoken and witty, but lack self-confidence. They can pout when they dont get their way. THE WOOD SHEEP 195S AND 2015 Generally surrounded by a bevy of friends, these Sheep enjoy being in the midst of a crowd. People flock to these Sheep, possibly because they are so compassionate and helpful. Their sincerity can be taken advantage of and Wood Sheep may get their feelings hurt by undeserving sympathy seekers. Sometimes, Wood Sheep need to suppress their caring ways and take care of themselves. THE FIRE SHEEP 1907 AND 1967 Fire Sheep are not as likely to get their feelings hurt nor are they as likely to desire the approval of others as typical Sheep are. They are capable of taking care of themselves, standing up for themselves and putting themselves first. They are vivacious and charismatic, preferring theater to any of the other arts. Fire Sheep generally enjoy a tight circle of friends and family and enjoy the social limelight. THE EARTH SHEEP 19l9 AND 1979 The Earth element gives the Sheep a grounded effect. Although he struggles with a lack of self-confidence, this Sheep is a very stable person. They are independent and practical, leaning more towards conservancy than liberality. An Earth Sheeps family is his most important asset and he spends his life working hard to provide for his loved ones. Earth Sheep are born with a joy for

life that generally becomes infectious as you get to know him.


HEALTH A Sheeps serenity often prohibits him from health problems. Although they seem fragile on the outside, inside Sheep are quite healthy creatures. Happiness keeps the Sheep healthy. However, any sort of trouble or confrontation will send the Sheeps stomach spinning, especially if it is due to a romantic problem. As happiness keeps the Sheep healthy, unhappiness makes him quite sick. AT HOME WITH THE SHEEP Sheep truly enjoy being at home. They spend their time there doing arts and crafts, cooking and knitting. Sheep are most comfortable on their couches in the privacy of their homes, relaxed and tranquil. Their homes are as simple as they like to feel. They are elegant and timeless, and their homes reflect their artistic flair. The Sheep will go to any expense to be comfortable and to enjoy convenience.


THE SHEEP AT WORK Sheep people like the comfort of a crowd. They enjoy adding input and opinions but do not wish to take a lead position. Sheep will take a leadership role is asked, but generally prefer to be a part of the group. They do not seek positions of power or status as these things are not important to the Sheep. MONEY AND THE SHEEP Sheep generally appear well-off. They love to spend money but do not find comfort or satisfaction in material things. They do have a knack with money though, which is well-suited for a person who spends money like the Sheep does. Sheep are always dressed to a T, looking well-groomed and welldressed. SHEEP CAREERS Those born ion the Year of the Sheep share the same kinds of goals and objectives in life. The occupations best suited for the Sheep are listed below: SHEEP MAKE EXCELLENT: Editors Architects Actors

Interior designers Florists Pediatricians Hairdressers Illustrators Musicians Daycare teachers Art historians CONGENIAL BUSINESS PARTNERS Whether Sheep are compatible with their business partners depends on whether their signs are harmonious or antagonistic to those of their business partner. Considering the congruity of their own characters and the characters of their business partners can also be very useful. Sheep ruled by Benefit From Are Antagonistic to Metal Earth Sheep Fire Monkeys Water Metal Rabbits Earth Roosters Wood Water Horses Metal Tigers Fire Wood Pigs Water Oxen Earth Fire Snakes Wood Dogs Leisurely activities and pleasures LIKES AND DISLIKES Since Sheep are born under the same Animal Sign, they often share likes and dislikes. Following are similar likes and dislikes of the Sheep personality. Color Preference: Pink, purple Gems and Stones: Moonstone, Sapphire, Jade Suitable Gifts: bathrobe, broach, peppermint oil, seashells, massage, theater tickets Hobbies and Pastimes: Reading, watching movies, eating, drinking, swimming

Sheep Dislike: Being separated from family and friends, conflict, not having the support of others


As Sheep find safety in numbers, they also like to travel with other people. Sheep enjoy guided tours of artistic places like museums, gardens or theaters. They are also drawn to water and thus enjoy vacationing at the beach or on a cruise. FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Sheep make great hosts. They can adapt to any situation and generally enjoy any company they keep. They like throwing parties, but do not want to be in the spotlight the whole time. Sheep are sociable creatures, but they must really get to know you and the territory before engaging in any sort of committed situation. They are private and do not generally tell you everything there is to know about them until they have tested the waters and are sure they want to reveal themselves to you. Therefore, becoming a close friend of the Sheep is a taxing process and many do not have the patience to wait. Consequently, the Sheep has many acquaintances and few really good friends. Compatible Friends Best Friends: Rabbits and Pigs Mortal Enemy: Oxen SHEEP PARENTS AND BABIES Sheep are natural caregivers. They automatically turn on their parental instincts and take on parental responsibilities. They are family people who often have large families with unusual numbers of children. They blanket their children with love and affection. They expect their children to use their manners and to be polite and respectful to others. Sheep generally have long-lasting, healthy relationships with their own parents. They often settle down close to where they grew up or close to their own parents so their children can be close to their grandparents. Often too, Sheep move elderly family members into their own homes to tae care of and nurture them back to health. They encourage their children to establish and maintain close relationships with family and stress the importance of this for the future. SHEEP INFANT AND CHILD Sheep children are very sensitive. They cry at the drop of a hat, especially if their feelings are hurt or they are embarrassed. Often they will cry to get what they want. They are dependent on their parents and love to be affectionate with their family, especially their parents. They do not exhibit a great deal of self-confidence so parents and teachers are generally responsible for encouraging them to bring out their artistic natures. They are well-behaved, well-mannered children, who despise aggression and conflict.

SHEEP PARENT/CHILD KINSHIPS Some parents immediately click with their children and others find they will never have a close relationship no matter how hard they try make it happen. Following are compatibility ratings between Sheep parents and their children. Sheep with Under the same roof Compatibility Rating Rat differing opinions * Ox too many temper tantrums * Tiger will get better eventually ** Rabbit caring and attentive *** Dragon happy parenting! **** Snake supportive and giving *** Horse great communication **** Sheep sympathetic and sensitive **** Monkey diverse viewpoints ** Rooster healthy ** Dog long lasting mutual respect *** Pig kind and genuine **** *uphill struggle **some complications ***easy bonding ****on the same wavelength


THE SHEEP LOVER Sheep do not like to be alone. They are very family-oriented people. If you do not like children or big families, Sheep are not right for you. Sheep will give themselves entirely to the right person and will do everything they can to maintain a stable, loving, happy relationship. MARRIAGE Even though Sheep can be clingy and self-deprecating they are loving creatures who make great romantic partners. They are compassionate and kind, genuine and affectionate. A Sheep needs a partner who will be supportive and attentive and who will help him develop his self-confidence.

THE SHEEP LOVE PARTNER Sheep are often unaware of even their own talents, but with encouragement and love they will bring those talents forth. Sheep crave a partner who makes them feel safe enough to try new things and who will give them the confidence they need to shine. PARTNERS IN LOVE Sheep*Rat Sometimes tough, but keep at it. Sheep*Ox You may be physically attracted, but thats about it. Sheep*Tiger You both walk on too many eggshells to maintain a stable partnership. Sheep*Rabbit Mutual respect, understanding, points of viewgo for it! Sheep*Dragon Sexually attracted but not mentally or intellectually. Sheep*Snake Great friends and even better lovers. Sheep*Horse Love at first sight becomes so much more. Sheep*Sheep You understand each other perfectly. Wonder why? Sheep*Monkey Your differences could unite you. Sheep*Rooster A lot to overcomemay want5 to reconsider. Sheep*Dog

A tiring union. Sheep*Pig You make great companions. Love Partners at a Glance Sheep with Tips on Togetherness Compatibility Rat a bit distant * Ox Dont try it * Tiger good for business, not for love ** Rabbit heavenly **** Dragon could go either way ** Snake gratifying *** Horse love at first sight **** Sheep will be successful *** Monkey take pointers from each other ** Rooster probably not * Dog personality conflict * Pig wonderful! **** *dispute **keep working at it ***intense sexual attraction ****angelic


ARIES SHEEP These Sheep do better behind the scenes. They are obsessive in love, but make a strong, stable partner. TAUREAN SHEEP These Sheep are a bit materialistic and desire much wealth. Although they arent money hungry, they do out themselves and their own comfort before everyone else.

GEMINI SHEEP Humorous and sociable, these Sheep are wonderful companions. They are quick thinkers who remember everything. These Sheep are most comfortable surrounded by family and friends. CANCERIAN SHEEP Kind, genuine and gentle, these Sheep display as much the power to give love as the need to get love. They can pressure themselves about being able to support their families, but always put family first. LEONINE SHEEP Fun to hang out with, these independent people are a bit more outgoing than other more tranquil Sheep. They are fair, just people who are honest and kind. VIRGO SHEEP Overly fussy with high expectations, these Sheep often expect too much of themselves and of others. LIBRAN SHEEP Libran Sheep are cultured and artistic. They are intellectual and sophisticated and finish what they start. SCORPIO SHEEP Scorpio gives the naturally placid Sheep a bit of aggression. It also encourages the Sheep to exhibit independence. The Scorpio Sheep is desirable and magnetic. SAGITTARIAN SHEEP These Sheep need to be self-supporting. They are content as long as they are pursuing or finishing whatever project they wish. They have the ability to take on and finish several projects at once. CAPRICORN SHEEP Generally solid as a rock, these Sheep have been known to let their air down for a night out every once in a while. They are practical and motivated individuals whose drive is insatiable. AQUARIAN SHEEP Wonderfully inventive and imaginative, these Sheep are true free spirits. They are vibrant people who live day to day, moment to moment. PISCEAN SHEEP

These Sheep are gentle creatures who need a supportive partner to achieve their full potential. They are quite artistic and serve well as independent artists.

The Snake

Ancient Chinese wisdom says a Snake in the house is a good omen because it means your family will not starve. This could be taken metaphorically to mean that a Snake could never have a problem with his family starving because he is such a great mediator, making him good at business. Or it could mean that a Snake would be willing to sacrifice his possessions, something the Snake has a lot of, in order to pay for his familys food. Any way it is interpreted is representative of the Snakes character and is a measure of the value he puts on his material wealth. The Snake is keen and cunning, quite intelligent and wise. Years of the Snake Snake Years are sixth in the cycle, following the Dragon Years, and recur every twelfth year. The Chinese New Year does not fall on a specific date, so it is essential to check the calendar to find the exact date on which each Snake Year actually begins. 1905*1917*1929*1941*1953*1965*1977*1989*2001


The Snake is the intuitive, introspective, refined and collected of the Animal Signs. They are attractive people who take cries with ease and do not become flustered easily. They are graceful people, exciting and dark at the same time. Contemplative and private, the Snake is not outwardly emotional. He can appear cunning and reticent and works very modestly in the business environment. The Snake will plot and scheme to make certain things turn out exactly as they want them to. They are not great communicators and can become quite possessive when they set their minds on achieving the interest of a partner. SNAKE FACTS: People born in the Year of the Snake share certain characteristics. The Snake Sign is an abbreviated way of characterizing that individuals personality.

Following are features associated with the Sign of the Snake. Sixth in order, Chinese nameSHE, sign of the sagacity Hour9am-10:59am MonthMay Western CounterpartTaurus CHARACTERISTICS Acute, Aware, Cunning, Proud, Vain, Vicious

The characteristics of the Snake are tempered by one of the five Chinese elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth overlaying a 5-year cycle of characteristics on the original 12-year cycle. THE METAL SNAKE 1941 AND 2001 Metal Snakes are extremely willful individuals who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. These people will have their guards up 24-hours a day in order to protect themselves from any failure or possibility of it. They place a great deal of importance on money, but are more concerned with the possessions their finances can bring them. They are in and out so sharply and so silently that they are often unheard and unseen. You must be careful with these Snakes because, although they can be generous, they are always out for number one. THE WATER SNAKE 1953 AND 2013 Water Snakes are influential and insightful. They manage others well and tend to be good for organizations to utilize as staff. They are quite motivated and intellectual, very determined and resolute about success. They will have what they desire, despite the conclusion or outcome they generate because it is worth it to them to not only be recognized for their efforts, but to be rewarded as well. They are affectionate with their families and friends but do not show this side of their personality to colleagues or business partners. THE WOOD SNAKE 1905 AND 1965 The element of Wood, like in most Animal Signs, gives the Snake a bit of solidity and foundation. Wood Snakes are not as self-preserving as the rest of them, as vanity is not really his style. These Snakes have a stable group of friends and family to hang out with and love each of these people quite deeply. However, it is rare that the Snake utilize his group of loved ones for advice or listening, often opting to go at it alone. Kindness and genuity are two of this Snakes greatest characteristics. THE FIRE SNAKE 1917 AND 1977 Fire Snakes can be a bit loud, speaking their minds and smothering you with

their opinions. This does add a twist to his dynamic and vibrant character, as he is quite the extrovert. These Snakes have a great wisdom. They are intriguing communicators who leave you breathless after a conversation. Fire Snakes can change even the most obstinate mind with their powers of persuasion, convincing you their opinions or ideas are better than yours. This does make them a little self-centered, but you cant say they arent driven for success. THE EARTH SNAKE 1929 AND 1989 Earth Snakes are the most relaxed of the breeds. They lead calm lives and offer a down-to-earth appeal to any conversation or outing. This may make them seem more friendly, as you may not feel the need to wonder what hes got up his sleeve. They may also shun the need to lash out or take risks, but it isnt from paranoia. They figure their good sense and work ethic will pay off and bring them much fortune and material satisfaction.


HEALTH Snakes become easily stressed and have to avoid hectic schedules or noisy atmospheres. They do not get a rush from adrenaline, instead, a headache. They need calm and quiet to thrive and succeed. A Snake must have sleep and relaxation to live a long, healthy life. AT HOME WITH THE SNAKE The Snake is very sophisticated and cultured in his choices for home dcor. They like muted colors and prefer to have one very expensive chair rather than three reasonable priced ones. The Snake is elegant and graceful and places emphasis on his comfort when deciding what to decorate with. As we know, the Snake must have peace, so you may find relaxation or sounds of nature tapes next to the stereo. Snakes do not deprive themselves of luxuries either, as one of everything never seems to ease his mind. He is materialistic and therefore must have as many of everything, if not more than his friends and family.


THE SNAKE AT WORK Snakes become bored easily and therefore change jobs quite frequently. They are very conscientious and diligent at work. Since they are such relaxed individuals, they can often seem to be slacking off at work when in reality they are at the height of their creativity. They are organized and precise. Snakes can make lightening deadlines and can problem solve quickly. Sometimes, because they like to work alone, they can seem as though they are withholding information or being secretive about company initiatives. MONEY AND THE SNAKE A Snakes worst nightmare is jumping head first into a financial deal or a

shopping spree. The Snake can be successful as long as he avoids extemporaneous spending. Although he is intuitive, the Snake will often dive right into decisions without weighing the consequences, which can cause him financial ruin. SNAKE CAREERS Those born in the Year of the Snake share the same kinds of goals and objectives in life. The occupations best suited for the Snake are listed below: SNAKES MAKE EXCELLENT: Scientists Potters Analysts Jewelers Spiritual Leaders Sociologists Dieticians Astrologers Magicians Investigators Painters CONGENIAL BUSINESS PARTNERS Whether Snakes are compatible with their business partners depends on whether their signs are harmonious or antagonistic to those of their business partner. Considering the congruity of their own characters and the characters of their business partners can also be very useful. Snakes ruled by Benefit From Are Antagonistic to Metal Earth Rats Fire Dogs Water Metal Rabbits Earth Horses Wood Water Oxen Metal Tigers Fire Wood Roosters Water Sheep

Earth Fire Snakes Wood Monkeys Leisurely activities and pleasures LIKES AND DISLIKES Since Snakes are born under the same Animal Sign, they often share likes and dislikes. Following are similar likes and dislikes of the Snake personality. Color Preference: Red Gems and Stones: Topaz, Jasper, Bloodstone Suitable Gifts: binoculars, Tarot cards, oils and lotions, stamp collection Hobbies and Pastimes: Astrology, painting, touring, photography Snakes Dislike: Being interrupted, being mislead personally or professionally, failure THE SNAKE ON VACATION Snakes love to vacation. They get a great deal of pleasure out of just being lazy. And they love luxurious things, often spending their money on material desires they probably dont need. When a Snake goes on vacation, he really goes on vacation. Fancy restaurants, expensive health clubs and spas, anything in which they can fully indulge themselves. Their getaways must be fully equipped to pamper their every want, or the Snake will become stressed. FRIENDS AND ENEMIES Snakes have very few friends because thy are not outwardly emotional or open creatures. The friends they do make generally last a lifetime, even though peers may find it hard to relate to the Snake because he is withdrawn and secretive. Still, Snakes like social functions, in moderation, where they can gossip about the latest scandal or the newest news. If you stab a Snake in the back it is likely you will never be forgiven. In addition, you should prepare yourself for retaliation for the Snake always gets the last word. Compatible Friends Best Friends: Oxen and Roosters Mortal Enemy: Pigs SNAKE PARENTS AND BABIES Snakes will likely form intimate bonds throughout his lifetime with different partners. With these relationships come children, and it is likely the Snake will have many children and stepchildren throughout his lifetime. Regardless, Snakes are devoted and dedicated parents, willing and able to defend the

livelihood and happiness of their children. Snake parents often use humor to deal with their parents. Because they like peace and quiet, they generally use humor to avoid confrontational situations with their young. In addition, this joy of serenity comes at a price for their children. Snake parents are not known to be the most affectionate or playful parents. They do not like to roll around and get dirty with their children, nor do they enjoy loud situations, and these types of things send a Snake running for a locked bedroom door. Unfortunately for the Snake partner, he is responsible for calming the children back down. SNAKE INFANT AND CHILD Snake children are often loners, enjoying playing by themselves, quietly in their yards or bedrooms. They are often hampered with learning disabilities and thus need patience from teachers and parents. Teachers and parents may have to invest extra time and tutorials in the Snake child in order to keep him up-todate with all of the other children in the class. When picked on or upset, Snake children tend to pout and hold grudges and when embarrassed or angry, they will lash out at the culprit as quickly as they were made fun of. SNAKE PARENT/CHILD KINSHIPS Some parents immediately click with their children and others find they will never have a close relationship no matter how hard they try to make it happen. Following are compatibility ratings between Snake parents and their children. Snakes with Under the same roof Compatibility Rating Rat let him be independent ** Ox pretty stable *** Tiger temperamental clashes * Rabbit very happy *** Dragon blissful **** Snake similar opinions and outlooks *** Horse too different * Sheep enjoyable *** Monkey what you dont know wont hurt you **** Rooster so-so ** Dog affectionate at times ***

Pig fairly diverse ideas * *uphill struggle **some complications ***easy bonding ****on the same wavelength Lovers and spouses THE SNAKE LOVER Snakes are beautiful people who exhibit quite a sexual appeal. They are sleek and seductive and if they want you, will out a spell on you that wont let you stop thinking about them. However, Snakes are quite prejudiced when choosing a partner and dont just choose based on physical qualities. The Snake needs a partner who can appreciate his quirky sense of humor and his wacky way of handling situations, so generally, although quite beautiful and tempting to approach, the Snake does all the pursuing. MARRIAGE Because the Snake is so choosy, he can become jealous and obsessive about his partner. They can be a bit stand-offish with their mates, choosing to push away emotions rather than confront their feelings and insecurities. Once betrayed, you can bank on not ever being trusted by the Snake again as much as you can bet he will get even. THE SNAKE LOVE PARTNER Not everyone can live and be happy with a Snake. It takes a patient soul, someone ready for the long haul, who can calm his nerves and deal with his obsessions with skill. Chinese horoscopes are very specific about which partnerships have the potential to be successful in love and in business. Yet, though destiny can point us in the right direction, we must still make all efforts to maintain loving relationships. Following is a brief description of how a Snake will affect a relationship with other Animal Signs. PARTNERS IN LOVE Snake*Rat You stand to learn a lot from each other. Snake*Ox You have a stable, loving relationship. Snake*Tiger Various differences will lead you apart down the road. Snake*Rabbit

Intense and sensual, you have a lot to look forward to. Snake*Dragon You fit well togetheryou share flirtatious natures and zesty outlooks. Snake*Snake You are both intelligent, but too envious for a partnership. Snake* Horse Outlook is doubtfulthere is to much to fight about. Snake*Sheep You two make great friends and even better lovers. Snake*Monkey You cant really trust each other, can you? Snake*Rooster Dynamic duo! Snake*Dog Love at first sight. Go for it! Snake*Pig Not enough in common to pursue. Love Partners at a Glance Snakes with Tips on Togetherness Compatibility Rat mutually fascinated with each other *** Ox wonderful connection **** Tiger doubtful outlook * Rabbit great sexual attraction *** Dragon pretty similar paths *** Snake must stay independent of each other **

Horse remember to communicate ** Sheep quite blissful **** Monkey have to cooperate with each other ** Rooster stable and caring **** Dog good combination of mental and physical *** Pig too divided * *dispute **keep working at it ***intense sexual attraction ****angelic


ARIES SNAKE This combination brings forth bravery and motivation. Snakes like to make money and are more apt to do so when trying to accomplish a reward. They are fairly open-minded with their money and make great stay-at-home parents. TAUREAN SNAKE These Snakes remember everything for they have quite a vivid memory. Dont underestimate the capabilities of this Snake, for he will forge on until he gets what he wants. GEMINI SNAKE These Snakes can talk their way out of anything, so a confrontation with them is a lost cause. They are well-educated and a bit amenable, making them quite intriguing. CANCERIAN SNAKE These Snake love to be recognized for their efforts. For them, working hard to provide for their family is first priority. LEONINE SNAKE Confident and proud, the Leonine Snake hates to come in second place. They fuel on kudos from others, but will become a bit obnoxious if it goes to their heads. VIRGO SNAKE These Snakes love to tell others what to do. They enjoy using their energies to run a successful organization and use their intelligence to improve their title and rank at work.

LIBRAN SNAKE One of the most beautiful breeds of the Snake, Libran Snakes are graceful and kind. They are always being pursued by someone interested in them and fall deeply in love with the right partner. SCORPIO SNAKE These individuals have hidden emotions and feelings that rarely ever surface. They are quite guarded with their thoughts and opinions and do not upset easily. SAGITTARIAN SNAKE Born with great taste in everything, these Snakes are the classy and sophisticated of the breed. They enjoy cultural things and will find a partner who will share the same ideals. CAPRICORN SNAKE These Snakes build their bank accounts through organization and motivation. They can be seen as snobby, when in reality they are simply the quiet types. AQUARIAN SNAKE Intelligent and open-minded, Aquarian Snakes like to have a partner to depend on. However, they hate to be tied down and need to have space. PISCEAN SNAKE These Snakes are compassionate and sensitive to the needs of others. They take everything quite emotionally and when they fall in love, they are committed comopletely.

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