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Body Quotes | Global Oneness .

Archive 1009 II Body Quotes A Wisdom Archive on Body Quotes Body Quotes A selection of articles related to Body Quotes: Astral Body, or Astral "Double". The ethereal counterpart or shadow of man or an imal. The Linga Sharira, the "Doppelginger" Double. The same as the "Astral body" or "Doppelgnger". See this and more articles and videos below. Body Quotes Archives on Body Quotes Body Quotes Pain happens to the body not to me. Disease comes to the body not to me. Whateve r happens-happens to the body. We are immortal spirits.Dada Vaswani, Indian Quot es Make your whole life a flute. Make your whole body a flute. Empty it of selfishn ess and fill it with divine breath., Vedanta quotes, Life, Body One must have a clean body and a clean mind. One must study one'ss own body in order that one may get purity of mind.Lobsang Rampa, In dian Quotes, Body, Purity Bullah has fallen in love with the Lord. He has given his life and body as earnest. His Lord and Master is Shah Inayat who has captivated his heart.Baba Bulleh Shah, Sufi Quotes, Love, Life Remove duality and do away with all disputes; The Hindus and Muslims are not other than He. Deem everyone virtuous, there are no thieves. For, within every body He himself resides. How the Trickster has put on a mask!Baba Bulleh Shah, Sufi Quotes, Body Do not mention the name of love, O my simple-minded companion.

Strange is the path When you offer your love. Your body is crushed at the first step.Saint Meera Bai, Hinduism Quotes, Love, B ody By close and alert watching Of all the movements of body and mind, You will discover that The constant ripples of thought On our life energy Are the cause of disquiet.Dada Gavand, Indian Quotes, Life, Body In every moment you only have one real choice: to be aware of the Self or to ide ntify with the body and the mind.Annamalai Swami, Hindu Quotes, Body, Moment The body invested with the senses stands still, and comes and goes. You yourself neither come nor go, so why bother about them?Gita Quotes, Gita, Hindu Quotes, Body The sense of 'I am's is always there; only when it identifies with the body it i s called the ego.Neem Karoli Baba Quotes, Neem Karoli Baba, Bhakti Quotes, Body As long as your body is healthy and under control and death is distant, try to s ave your soul; when death is immanent what can you do?Chanakya Quotes, Chanakya, Body, Soul The way for a young man to rise, is to improve himself every way he can, never s uspecting that any body wishes to hinder him.Abraham Lincoln Quotes, Abraham Lin coln, Famous Quotes, Body In death only the body dies. Life does not, consciousnessNeem Karoli Baba Quotes , Neem Karoli Baba, Bhakti Quotes, Life, Body Enticed by the physical glamour of a woman, do not lose your senses; the body is nothing but a conglomeration of flesh, do not forget this any time.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Body In seeking you discover that you are neither the body nor mind.Neem Karoli Baba Quotes, Neem Karoli Baba, Bhakti Quotes, Body, Mind Bullah has fallen in love with the Lord. He has given his life and body as earnest. His Lord and Master is Shah Inayat who has captivated his heart. - Bulle ShahSufi Quotes and Sayings, Sufism, Love, Life

Cleanliness of the mind and body is the first step in education.Mahatma Gandhi Q uotes, Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Quotes, Body, Education Faith of consciousness is freedom Faith of feeling is weakness Faith of body is stupidity.Gurdjieff Quotes, Gurdjieff, Spiritual Quotes, Body, Faith Hope of consciousness is strength Hope of feelings is slavery Hope of body is disease.Gurdjieff Quotes, Gurdjieff, Spiritual Quotes, Body, Str ength If a given mind is incessantly wasting its energy, the physical body naturally b ecomes depleted of energy. As a result, the body becomes susceptible to attacks by v arious bacteria and viruses and the result is a diseased body.Brahmarshi Subhash Pat ri ji, Spiritual Quotes, Body, Mind You are neither the body nor in the body there is no such thing as body. You have grievously misunderstood yourself; to understand rightly investigate.Neem Karoli B aba Quotes, Neem Karoli Baba, Bhakti Quotes, Body There is no liberation for him who is deliberately attached to the body and such things, while there is no self-identification with such things as the body for a liberated man.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Body From the body of one guilty deed a thousand ghostly fears and haunting thoughts proceed.William Wordsworth Quotes, William Wordsworth, Famous Quotes, Body, Word s People have come to the conclusion that body means pain. And yet, just the right food, practices and a little change in attitude, and this body becomes a miracl e.Jaggi Vasudev Quotes and Sayings, Jaggi Vasudev, Spiritual Quotes, miracle When a person living in a temporary material body tries to construct a happy home, the result is fruitless and miserable.Uddhava Gita Qu otes, Uddhava Gita, Hinduism Quotes, Happy, Body In every moment you only have one real choice: to be aware of the Self or to ide ntify with the body and the mind.Sri Anandamayi Ma Quotes, Sri Anandamayi, Hindu Quotes, Body, Moment The mistake is that we cling to the body when it is the spirit that is really im mortal.Swami Vivekananda Quotes and Sayings, Swami Vivekananda, Vedanta quotes, Body, Mistakes The studio people want me to do "Good-bye Charlie" for the movies, but I'sm not going to do it. I don'st like the idea of playing a man in a woman'ss body you kno w? It just doesn'st seem feminine.Marilyn Monroe Quotes, Marilyn Monroe, Famous Quotes, Body Let the body last to the end of the Age, or let it come to an end right now.

What have you gained or lost who consist of pure consciousness?Gita Quotes, Gita, Hindu Quotes, Body, Conscio usness Truth is so great a perfection, that if God would render himself visible to men, he would choose light for his body and truth for his soul.Pythagoras Quotes, Py thagoras, Philosophy Quotes, Body, Soul Unselfish action, free from all concern with the body and its interests will car ry you into the very heart of Reality.Neem Karoli Baba Quotes, Neem Karoli Baba, Bhakti Quotes, Body, Reality However strong or beautiful this body may be, its culmination is in those three pounds of ashes. And still people are so attached to it. Glory be to God.Holy Mo ther Sri Sarada Devi Quotes, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, Famous Quotes, Body Life of my life, I shall ever try to keep my body pure, knowing that thy living touch is upon all my limbs.Rabindranath Tagore Quotes an d Poems, Rabindranath Tagore, Indian Quotes, Life, Body No man whose character is not pure can be said to be really healthy. The body wh ich contains a diseased mind can never be anything but diseased.Mahatma Gandhi Q uotes, Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Quotes, Body, Mind This `I's-thought is not pure. It is contaminated with the association of the bo dy and senses. See to whom the trouble is. It is to the `I's-thought. Hold it. T hen the other thoughts vanish.Ramana Maharshi Quotes and Sayings, Ramana Maharsh i, Advaita Vedanta Quotes, Body He who is attached to the idea of himself as the body is desirous of physical pl easure, but how could some-one devoid of such an idea seek physical pleasure?Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Body, Pleasure When the wrong identification of oneself with the body ceases, the master will b e found to be none other than the Self.Ramana Maharshi Quotes and Sayings, Raman a Maharshi, Advaita Vedanta Quotes, Body, Master In the stillness of the night hours, when our bodily senses are fast locked in t he fetters of sleep, and our elementary body rests, the astral form becomes free .Blavatsky Quotes, Blavatsky, Theosophical Quotes, Body, Stillness Master your words. Master your thoughts. Never allow your body to do harm. Follow these three roads with purity And you will find yourself upon the one way, The way of wisdom.Buddha Quotes, Buddha, Buddhist Quotes, Body, Purity You are not the body, nor is the body yours, nor are you the doer of actions -

or the reaper of their consequences. You are eternally pure consciousness, the witness, in need of nothing - so live happily.Gita Quotes, Gita, Hindu Quotes, Live, Body The world is not external. Because you identify yourself wrongly with the body y ou see the world outside, and its pain becomes apparent to you. But they are not real. Seek the reality and get rid of this unreal feeling.Ramana Maharshi Quote s and Sayings, Ramana Maharshi, Advaita Vedanta Quotes, Pain Although the material body is different from the self, because of the ignorance due to material association one falsely identifies oneself with the superior and inferior bodily conditions. Sometimes a fortunate person is able to give up suc h mental concoction.Uddhava Gita Quotes, Uddhava Gita, Hinduism Quotes, Body My whole body and my limbs have thrilled with his touch who is beyond touch; and if the end comes here, let it come ---let this be my parting word.Rabindranath Tagore Quotes and Poems, Rabindranat h Tagore, Indian Quotes, Body, Words then witness the entire body and all its bodily movements this will lead to a slowing down of bodily actions the witness will grow strongerSwami Rajneesh (OZen) Quotes and Sayings, Swami Ra jneesh (OZen), Spiritual Quotes, Body, Witnessing If the body is sick, you say _O, I am undone, I am sick,_ just because you ident ify yourself with the body pr the mind. Vedanta says give up this false identifi cation and you will be alright. Anything wrong with the body or the mind should not disturb you. It is only this false sentimentalism due to this false self whi ch causes all your suffering., Vedanta quotes, Body, Suffering When you know that you are neither body nor mind, you will not be swayed by them . You will follow truth, wherever it takes you, and do what needs be done, whate ver the price to pay.Neem Karoli Baba Quotes, Neem Karoli Baba, Bhakti Quotes, B ody, Truth Your body and mind are motivated by karma. The law of karma takes care of them. But you are not your body. If you are aware that you are not your body, the righ t action will pursue.Robert Adams Quotes and Sayings, Robert Adams, Spiritual Qu otes, Body, Karma * Spiritual Theosophical Dictionary on Astral Body, Astral "Double" Astral Body, or Astral "Double". The ethereal counterpart or shadow of man or an imal. The Linga Sharira, the "Doppelginger". The reader must not confuse it with t he ASTRAL SOUL, another name for the lower Manas, or Kama-Manas so-called, the r eflection of the HIGHER EGO. (See also: Astral Body, Theosophy, Spirituality, Body mind and Soul, ) * Spiritual Theosophical Dictionary on Double

Double. The same as the "Astral body" or "Doppelgnger". (See also: Double, Theosophy, Spirituality, Body mind and Soul, ) Home P Home

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