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Frequently Asked Questions

2 Mumbai


1. CBS 2. NABARD CBS Project for SCBs & CCBs 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Project Required/ Objective/Coverage Participating State, Banks & Branches Details MOA RFP SLA Selection Process Roles 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 11 11 12

3. PEOPLE READINESS 3.1 Identification of a Nodal Officer 3.2 Identification of Core Team Members 3.3 Organize basic computer familiarization for the branch user 3.4 CBS Orientation Programme for Branch User 4. DATA READINESS 4.1 Shared Bank/Branch Level Information with NABARD 4.1.1. Format I (1) 4.1.2. Format II (2) 4.2. Complete Balancing of Books at all branches 4.3. Format III(3) for All Branches 5. INFRASTRUCTURE READINESS 5.1. Procure Branch Hardware 5.1.1. Format IV (4) 5.1.2. Updating of Hardware 5.1.3. Requirement of branch Hardware 5.2. Setting Up of LAN cabling at the Branch 5.3. Seeking of Permission for Installation of VSAT on the Rooftop

14 15 15 15 15 16 17 18 18 18 18 19 20 21

5.4. Adequate Arrangement For Power Back (UPS/GEN Set/Electricity Point) 22 3 NABARD DCBS, HO Mumbai

5.4.1. UPS 5.4.2. GEN SET 5.4.3. Electricity Points

22 23 24

6. Implementation activities 6.1. Project plan signoff 6.2. Gap Analysis Document (GAD) 6.2.1. Detailed Requirement Gathering (DRG). 6.2.2. Standardization In a State 6.2.3 GAD Sign Off 6.3. Parameterization And Customization 6.4. Customization of application as per GAD 6.5. Data Conversion Or Migration 6.6. Signature of Customer Account 7. Connectivity 8. HAND-HOLDING 9. TRANING 9.1.Training of Core Team Members 9.2. Training of End Users 10. HELP DESK 10.1. L-1 Help Desk 10.2. L-2 Help Desk 10.3. L-3 Help Desk 11. DC & DR 11.1. Data Centre 11.2. Data Recovery Centre 12. Module cover in NABARD CBS Project for SCBs & CCBs 13. Abbreviation 14. Images 15. CBS Branch Infrastructure List 15.1. TCS - CBS Branch Infrastructure Document 15.2. Wipro - CBS Branch Infrastructure Document

25 25 26 26 26 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 40 41 42 45 45 48

4 Mumbai


1. CBS Q. What is CBS?

Ans. CBS means CORE Banking Solutions in which CORE stands for Centralized Online Real -time Exchange. This basically means that all the bank's branches access applications from centralized data centres. This means that the deposits made are reflected immediately on the bank's servers and the customer can withdraw the deposited money from any of the bank's branches throughout the world. These applications now also have the capability to address the needs of corporate customers, providing a comprehensive banking solution Core banking solutions are banking applications on a platform enabling a phased, strategic approach that is intended to allow banks to improve operations, reduce costs, and be prepared for growth. Implementing a modular, component-based enterprise solution facilitates integration with a bank's existing technologies. An overall service-oriented-architecture (SOA) helps banks reduce the risk that can result from manual data entry and outof-date information, increases management information and review, and avoids the potential disruption to business caused by replacing entire systems.


Why CBS is necessary?

Ans. CBS is very essential for any bank because of the following reasons : (i) needs. (ii) (iii) CBS helps the Cooperative Banks to keep pace with the changing In CBS Single point of data entry is made hence efficient and accurate book keeping is available at any time. Customers gets freedom to avail the services of the bank from any of its branch. 5 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO

(iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix)

It will reduce the work of its employee as there is no need to maintain manual ledgers, day book, etc. Staff can be deployed for business development and expansion of the bank. MIS for bank functioning can be generated at any point of time. Latest banking facilities are available to the customers. Government of India has decided to remit all the funds through epayment mode which cannot be done without CBS. CBS also supports financial inclusion. 2. NABARD CBS Project for SCBs & CCBs.

2.1. Q.

Project Required/ Objective/Coverage Why NABARD is required to do the CBS in SCBs & CCBs?

Ans. CBS of Central Cooperative Banks is not possible without NABARD because of the following reasons : (i) Central Cooperative Banks are very small, they are also not economically sound hence they themselves cannot bear the expenses of doing CBS. (ii) Service Provider Companies will not get profitable business by doing any single Central Cooperative Banks as they are of small size hence they will not show much interest in doing CBS of such banks. (iii) NABARD protects all the Central Cooperative Banks while dealing with giant in IT business. (iv) Q. Mandate for Institutional Development.

What is the objective of NABARD for doing CBS Project for SCBs & CCBs?

Ans. The Objective of the NABARD for doing CBS Project for SCBs & CCBs are as follows : Improvement of operational efficiency Profitability Improvement CBS project enable banks to offer wider, more flexible product portfolio Improves customer service Enhances availability of MIS for more effective management control and monitoring Compliance with all regulatory requirements in operations and reporting Facilitate of financial inclusion 6 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO

Q. What kind of activity will be Covered in NABARD CBS Project for SCBs & CCBs Ans. NABARD CBS Project for SCBs & CCBs Covers : CBS to be provided on Application Service Provider Model ( ASP ) which means that computing will be provide as a service Will Run CBS Intensive User Training for Core Team and End User Training Customization Implementation Rollout Provide the configuration of Hardware Installation and maintenance of the Antivirus for PC, Laptops, servers at DC, DRC and Branches. Maintenance of the infrastructure at DC and DRC Ensure connectivity for all the Branches of the participating Banks for the entire period of the contract. Maintenance of the Helpdesk (L-2&L-3) Maintenance of SLAs and reporting of performance at monthly intervals 2.2. Participating State, Banks & Branches Details

Q. How many states are participating in NABARD CBS Project for SCBs & CCBs? Ans. Ten states are participating in NABARD CBS project. Q. Which states are participating in the project?

Ans. Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Chandigarh, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka. Q. How many banks have Joined NABARD CBS Project or signed the MOA?

Ans. In NABARD CBS Project joined 140 Banks and signed the MOA. Q. How many branches of the participating banks have to be Joined?

Ans. NABARD CBS Project 4584 branches of about 140 Banks are joined. 2.3 Q. MOA Who has prepared the MOA?

Ans. NABARD has prepared the MOA.

7 Mumbai



Who has signed the MOA?

Ans. MOA was signed between NABARD & Banks SCBs & CCBs. Q. When MOA was signed?

Ans. MOA was signed in April 2011 for Phase I (Stage I) Banks and for some banks who joined later in Phase I (Stage II) MOA was signed in March 2012. 2.4 Q. RFP Who has prepared the RFP?

Ans. NABARD has prepared the RFP. Q. Who has floated the RFP?

Ans. NABARD has floated the RFP. Q. When RFP was floated?

Ans. RFP was floated on 30th August, 2011. 2.5. Q. SLA Who has prepared the SLA?

Ans. NABARD has prepared the SLA. Q. Who has signed the SLA? . Ans. Banks (SCBs & CCBs) signed the SLA with ASP. Q. When the SLA was signed?

Ans. SLA was signed in January/February, 2012 2.6. Q. Selection Process When technical bid opening was done?

Ans. Technical bid opened on 1st Nov 2011.

8 Mumbai



Who has done the Technical evaluation?

Ans. NABARD has done the Technical evaluation. Q. When technical evaluation has been done?

Ans. Technical evaluation was done on 30th Nov 2011 Q. How many vendors are selected on the basis of Technical evaluation?

Ans. Two vendors namely TCS and Wipro are selected on the basis of Technical Evaluation. Q. When commercial bid was opened?

Ans. Commercial bid was opened on 1st December, 2011 Q. Who has opened the commercial bid?

Ans. NABARD has opened the commercial bid. Q. Who has Negotiated with vendor no commercial aspects?

Ans. NABARD has Negotiated with vendor no commercial aspects. Q. How many vendors were selected on the basis of commercial bid?

Ans. Two vendors i.e. TCS and Wipro are selected on this basis of commercial bid. Q. Who has issued LOI?

Ans. NABARD has issued LOI for both vendors TCS & Wipro. Q. Who has distributed the project among the vendors?

Ans. NABARD has distributed the project into two parts with 5 states being allocated to one agency. Q. On what basis the distribution of project is made by the NABARD?

9 Mumbai


Ans. NABARD has distributed the project on the basis of equality in size and working conditions. Q. How the project for doing migration has been distributed among Wipro and TCS? Ans. As there are ten states each company has got five states for doing migration. The distribution of 4584 branches has been done in the following manner : (i) (ii) Wipro has got 70 banks ie. 2266 branches. TCS has got 70 banks ie 2318 branches

2.7. Q.

Roles What is the role of NABARD in the CBS Project?

Ans. NABARD will do the following : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) conduct RFP negotiations. Negotiating of price with vendors. Assignment of CCBs to Vendor/s Prepare SLA for SCBs & CCBs Assist CCBs and SCCBs in the project. Monitoring of overall progress of the project.


What is the role of SCBs and CCBs in the CBS project?

Ans. SCBs and CCBs will play the following roles. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Mumbai They will identify the Core Team. will Approve and validate the business requirements. They will collect the data for migration. They will do the data cleansing. They will do the balancing of books. 10 NABARD DCBS, HO

(vi) (vii) (viii) Q.

They will look after the Branchs infrastructure (Hardware, LAN, power backup etc.) They will maintain level - 1 helpdesk They will make the payment of monthly fees.

What is the role of ASP in the CBS Project?

Ans. ASP will do the all the tasks related to migration from the beginning till the end. The tasks of the ASP is categorized in the following manner : (i) (ii) It will provide CBS software It will do the jobs related with the Network*.

(iii) It will provide Data conversion tool (manual to digital) and Data migration* (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) It will set up DC/DR. It will do the customization of CBS software it will carry out the Branch-wise roll-out It will conduct the training of the bankers. It will maintain the L-2 and L-3 Helpdesks. It will carry out the System Management.


3.1. Q.

Identification of a Nodal Officer. Who will appoint the Nodal Officer? 11 NABARD DCBS, HO


Ans. Bank or Banks Higher Authorities like GM, CEO or Board.


What is the criteria for selection of a Nodal Officer?

Ans. The officer should have complete banking knowledge and its own bank environment. He should have some knowledge of computers. He must empowered by the bank, so that he can take decision according to the situations.


How many Nodal officers can be in a bank?. There can be two Nodal Officer so that if

Ans. Minimum one and maximum two.

one is on leave another can easily handle the project.


How much time should be spent by a Nodal Officer in a day for doing CBS?

Ans. CBS requires full time by the Nodal Officer ie. 24 x 7. He will be required to dedicate a whole year for the project. For the next one year (CBS Implementation Period) he should not be transferred any where.


By what time a Nodal Officer should be identified by the bank?

Ans. He should be selected/identified before 31st Dec 2011.

3.2. Q.

Identification of Core Team Members. Who will appoint or select core team members? 12 NABARD DCBS, HO


Ans. Bank/Banks Higher Authorities or Nodal Officer will select the core team members.


What is the criteria for selection of core team members.

Ans. Any banker like branch manager, accountant, clerk etc could be a core team member. He should have complete banking knowledge. He should have some knowledge of computers.


How many members can make a Core team?

Ans. Minimum two bankers other than Nodal Officer are required for a team. There is no limit for making a core team. However, as a thumb rule the size is being restricted to 5 depending on the branch network of the bank. Q. How much time should be spent by the team in a day for doing CBS?

Ans. CBS requires full time by the team ie. 24 x 7. They will be required to dedicate a whole year for the project. For the next one year (CBS Implementation Period) members should not be transferred any where.


By what time the team members should be selected by the bank?

Ans. They should be selected/identified before 31st Dec 2011.


Organize basic computer familiarization for the branch user. 13 NABARD DCBS, HO


Q. users?

Who will be organize the basic computer familiarization training for branch

Ans. Bank/Branch Head office will organize the basic computer familiarization training for branch users. Q. How computer familiarization training will be organized?

Ans. It will be decided by the bank as to what level (branch or area wise) the training will be organized.


Who will conduct the training?

Ans. Banking Authorities will have to decide whether it should be conducted by banking team itself or outsourced.


Where training can be held?

Ans. Training can be held either at head office, in branch or in any other hired centre/agencies. Q. Who will pay the training expenses?

Ans. Bank will pay. Q. What will be the period of training?

Ans. Training can be carried out in one or two days i.e Saturday and Sunday. Q. By what the training should be completed?

Ans. Training should be completed by 31st March 2012. 14 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO

3.4. Q.

CBS Orientation Programme for Branch Users. Who will be organize the CBS Orientation programme for branch users?

Ans. Bank will organize the CBS Orientation programme for branch users. Q. How CBS Orientation Programme will be organized?

.Ans. It will be decided by the bank as to what level (branch or area wise) the programme will be organized.


Who will conduct the Orientation programme?

Ans. Banks Nodal Officer or Core Team will conduct the programme.


Where orientation programme can be held?

Ans. Orientation programme can be held either at head office or in branch.


Who will pay for the expenses of orientation programme?

Ans. Bank will pay. Q. What will be the period of Orientation programme?

Ans. Orientation programme can be carried by planning one day workshop. It could be carried out either on Saturday, Sunday or on any holiday. Q. By what period the training should be completed? 15 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO

Ans. It should be completed after signing SLA.

16 Mumbai


4. DATA READINESS 4.1. Q. Shared Bank/Branch Level Information with NABARD. 4.1.1. Format I (1) What is Format One

Ans. Format One contains Banks Nodal Officer and Core team members details. Q. Who will fill the Format One?

Ans. Banks Head Office will fill the Format One. Q. Who will share the Format One with NABARD?

Ans. Banks Head office will share the Format one with NABARD. Q. By what time the Format One should be shared/completed?

Ans. It should be shared by 31st March 2012. 4.1.2. Format II (2) Q. What is Format Two?

Ans. Format two contains Banks branch details. Q. Who will fill the Format Two?

Ans. Banks branches will fill the Format Two. Q. Who will share the Format Two with NABARD?

Ans. Banks branch will forward the Format Two to its Bank and the Banks Head office will be required to consolidate the format two and forward the same to NABARD. 17 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO

Q. 4.2. Q.

By what time the Format Two should be shared with NABARD? Complete Balancing of Books at all branches. Balancing Books of which dates should be ready for migration?

Ans. It should be shared by 31st March 2012.

Ans. Balancing Books of 31 March 2012 along with day to day balances are required for migration. Q. If there is any difference what can be done?

Ans. Try to balance the accounts with branch employees and if it is not possible then hire an agency and try to complete the balancing before migration. Q. Who will decide which agency should be hired for balancing?

Ans. Banks Head office or its branch manager. Q. Who will pay for outsourcing expenses for balancing of books to the outsource agency Ans. Bank or its particular branch. Q. If the difference is not sorted out, is it possible to migrate the branch with the difference in it books? Ans. Yes migration is possible. If balancing of books is not possible before migration then freeze the difference amount and take approval from the banks head office/Board. Then park the difference amount in Sundry or Suspense Account and balance GLB before migration. Q. Who will be responsible for difference in books before migration?

Ans. Head Office/branch or branch manager will be responsible not ASP. 18 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO


If after migration any difference amount is found is it possible to adjust the difference?

Ans. Yes, it is possible to adjust Sundry and Suspense accounts. Q. By what time balancing of books, freezing of difference amount/board approval/parking in suspense/sundry account should be completed? Ans. Above all should be completed by 31st March 2012. 4.3. Q. Format III(3) for All Branches What is Format III (Three)?

Ans. Format Three contains Banks branch accounts details with respect to Static information. Q. Who will fill the Format III (Three)?

Ans. Banks branches will fill the Format Three. Q. Is Format Three is required to share with NABARD?

Ans. No it has to be shared with Banks Head office. Q. What is the use of format three?

Ans. Format Three is shared by branches with its Head Office and the Head Office will present the Format Three to ASP who will come to the bank for migration as migration will be carried out on the basis of the Format Three. Q. Whether bank can add any column in Format Three?

Ans. Yes, bank can add some columns in Format Three if felt necessary. Q. Is Format Three can also be prepared for TBA branches?

19 Mumbai


Ans. Yes, TBA branches also have to prepare the Format Three with the help of TBA vendors. Because all the information captured in TBA about the customer may not satisfy the requirement of Format-III. Q. By what time the Format Three should be completed?

Ans. It should be completed by 31st March 2012. 5. INFRASTRUCTURE READINESS 5.1. Procure Branch Hardware 5.1.1. Format IV (4) Q. How a bank can procure hardware for its branches?

Ans. Firstly bank should make an Inventory of its available or existing hardware. It will help the bank in assessing its hardware requirement . This can be done with the help of format IV. Q. What is Format IV?

Ans. Format IV is meant for listing of branch hardware. Q. Who will fill format IV?

Ans. Branch will be required to fill the format IV. Q. Who will share Format IV with NABARD?

Ans. Branch will share Format IV with its Banks Head Office and then Head Office will have to consolidate the details of its branches and after consolidating the Format IV, Head Office will share it with NABARD. Q. By what period Format IV should be completed? 20 Mumbai


Ans. Format IV should be completed by 31st March 2012. 5.1.2. Updating of Hardware. Q. Who will provide Hardware Configuration to Banks?

Ans. NABARD will procure Hardware Configuration from ASP and then provide the same to all the banks. 5.1.3. Requirement of branch Hardware Q. Who will decide for the number of users?

Ans. Branch Head will provide the details of its users to its banks head office. Q What will be done with the existing (hardware already in use) hardware ie. PC, DT, Printer, Scanner etc. Ans. It the existing hardware is in use and if the ASP feels that it can be used, In case there may be need for up gradation based on configuration given by the ASP. Q. Ans. How many PCs are required to be purchased? Expected No. of users + one. (At least one printer is required for each branch). Q. Who will purchase Hardware for branches?

Ans. Banks will purchase the hardware for its branches. But if it is possible all banks should agree to purchase through SCB or state level. It will be better to purchase the hardware in bulk. Q. Who will be responsible for maintenance of branchs hardware? 21 NABARD DCBS, HO Mumbai

Ans. Bank can give AMC to some agencies for maintenance of its hardware. It should also insure its hardware. Q. By what period Hardware should be purchased?

Ans. Hardware should be purchase before ASP comes to the bank.

5.2. Q.

Setting Up of LAN cabling at the Branch How LAN cabling will be done in the branches?

Ans. Each branch can do LAN cabling by hiring a local vendor or Head Office can do it on a whole in all branches. Q. How many points are required for Input /Output Box?

Ans. It will depend upon the number of users of each branch plus 40% extra for printers or further extension of users. Q. Is there any structure for setting up of LAN?

Ans. No, Branch head can decide as per the comfort and security/seating arrangements of its branch users. Only point to be kept in mind is the fact that LAN node & power plug point should be close by. Q. What is LAN Cable Specification?

Ans. It must be CAT 5 or can be above CAT 5. 22 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO


By what period LAN cabling must be done?

Ans. It should be completed by 31st March 2012.

5.3. Q.

Seeking of Permission for Installation of VSAT on the Rooftop. Why branch is required to seek permission from the Landlord for using the Rooftop?

Ans. By seeking the permission of using Rooftop, branch can install its VSAT on Roof for Network connectivity. Q. Who will take the permission for using Rooftop from the Landlord?

Ans. Banks Branch/Branch Head can take the permission from Landlord in written on plane paper or by making an agreement. Q. If landlord charges monthly rent for using Rooftop separately then who will pay the extra rent? Ans. Bank or its branch will pay.

23 Mumbai



Which type of rooftop will be (better) required for installing VSAT example concrete/kaveelu/shade/Stone Slab/Temp?

Ans. Only concrete rooftop is required. Q. Ans If the rooftop is temporary then where VSAT will be installed? If the roof top is not permanent then branch can make a temporary platform either in the front or on back of the branch. It can also be installed on another roof near the branch.


Adequate Arrangement For Power Back (UPS/GEN Set/Electricity

Point). 5.4.1. UPS Q. Is UPS compulsory?

Ans. Yes, UPS is very essential for each Branch or make sure online UPS. Q. Who will purchase UPS for Branches?

Ans. If it is purchase on branch level then it can be purchased one by one and if it is purchased by head Office then it can be purchased in bulk. Q. Who will be responsible for maintenance of UPS? 24 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO

Ans. Bank or its branch will be responsible for UPS maintenance. Bank can give AMC for maintenance of UPS to a single vendor or can give AMC to different vendors for different branches. Q. What should be the capacity of UPS?

Ans. Capacity of a UPS depends upon the branch and its number of users i.e. PCs. Q. What should be the back up capacity of UPS?

Ans. A UPS must have at least four hour backup capacity. Q. By when UPS must be installed in Branches?

Ans. UPS should be installed in branches before or by 31st March 2012.

5.4.2. Generator Set Q. Whether GEN Set is compulsory for a Branch?

Ans. Yes, GEN Set is very compulsory for every branch. Arrangement for Regular power supply is the responsibility of the bank. The same could by way of Gen set or Solar Power or any other means which the bank feels comfortable with. Q. Who will purchase necessary equipments for power supply (GEN set/Solar Unit) for a branch? 25 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO

Ans. It has to be purchased or hired by a branch for itself or it can be purchased or hired by the Head Office in bulk for all the branches. Q. Who will be responsible for maintenance of the equipments (GEN set/Solar Unit)? Ans. If equipments is purchased by the bank/branch then bank or branch will be responsible for maintenance. Bank can give AMC to a single vendor for all branches or it can give AMC for different branches to different vendors. If equipments is hired then responsibility for maintenance of equipments will be of the Vendor. Q. What should be the capacity of Power backup equipment?

Ans. Capacity of Power Backup equipment depends upon the number of users or PC in a branch. Q. What should be the back up capacity of Power back up equipment?

Ans. It should have at least four hour back up capacity. Q. By when the power back up equipment should be installed in a branch?

Ans. Branch should install power back up equipment by 31st March 2012.

5.4.3. Electricity Points Q. Who and how electricity points will be setup in a Branch?

Ans. Bank or its branch can set up the electricity points with the help of a local vendor for different branches or bank can hire a single vendor for setting up of points for all its branches. Q. How many points (power points) are required for a Branch? 26 NABARD DCBS, HO Mumbai

Ans. Number of points depends upon the number of users plus 40% extra for printer, scanner or future extension of business. Q. Is there any structure for Setting up an Electricity Point?

Ans. No there is no structure. Branch can decide for setting up of electricity points. Points should be setup as per comfort and security of its users. However, electrical points & LAN point should be next to each other. Q. What is Electricity Point Specification?

Ans. Electricity points should be ISI marked.


Is earthing connection is compulsory for Branches?

Ans. Yes, earthing connection is very compulsory for every Branch and should be as per specification given by vendors.


By when earthing connection must be done?

Ans. It should be done by 31st March 2012.

6. Implementation activities 6.1. Q. Project plan signoff Who will identify a Pilot Branch?

Ans. Bank or its Nodal Officer and ASP will identify the Pilot Branch. Q. Mumbai Which type of branch can be selected as a Pilot Branch? 27 NABARD DCBS, HO

Ans. It is advised to select the following branches of the bank as the Pilot branch: (a) Biggest branch of the Bank so that maximum business & maximum type of products can be covered. (b) Remotest branch of the bank so that availability of resources and working environment and help for rollout plans. In remote areas can be easily checked. (c) Manual branch so that data entry tools can be checked and it can also be checked as how much time will be needed for doing data entries. (d) TBA branch so that migration tools can be checked. It can also help the bank to know as to how much data can be extracted.


How many branches can be the Pilot Branches?

Ans. Minimum one branch or maximum three branches of the bank can be the Pilot branches. Q. When will the migration of pilot Branch will start?

Ans. Pilot branch migration will start in the last week of May 2012. . .


Gap Analysis Document (GAD) 6.2.1. Detailed Requirement Gathering (DRG). Q What is GAD?

28 Mumbai


Ans. GAD is the Gap Analysis Document. This document will contain the list of necessaries features required by bank and are not present in the given software. Q. Who will prepare the GAD?

Ans. GAD will be prepared by ASP. Q. What activities will be covered in GAD?

Ans. ASP will sit with the bank staff and the bank staff will brief the ASP about the product and banking procedure for the preparation of GAD Q. Who will participate or help ASP in preparing the GAD?

Ans. Banks Nodal Officer along with the Core Team Members will participate or help the ASP in preparing GAD. 6.2.2. Standardization Of Function Requirements Across Banks In A State Q. What is the meaning of Standardization of function requirements across the banks in a state?

Ans. Standardization of function requirements across the banks in a state means. a standard (common) bank product, banking procedure and balance sheet/GLB across the banks in a state. Q. Who will do the Standardization process?

Ans. All the Bank Nodal Officers of the DCCBs with the help of ASP will do the standardization process. 6.2.3 GAD Sign Off. Q. Who will sign GAD?

Ans. Banks Nodal Officer will sign the GAD after getting satisfied whether all the products are covered and necessaries activities have been performed by the ASP. Q. By when GAD has to sign by the Nodal officer?

Ans. GAD has to be signed one month prior to the migration of pilot branch.

29 Mumbai



Parameterization And Customization Q. Who will make the Master Parameterization document (MPD)?

Ans. ASP will make. Q. On what basis parameterization of application has to be done?

Ans. It has to be done on the basis of GAD/MPD. Q. What issues must be covered in Master Parameterization document?

Ans. Master Parameterization will cover the issues like Product designing i.e. product name, type of scheme, rate of interest, period/term etc. Q. By when the MPD document be completed?

Ans. It can be completed after GAD sign off or before migration of pilot branch. Q. Whether ASP will charge separately for doing parameterization?

Ans. No separate charges to be paid for this.

30 Mumbai



Customization of application as per GAD Q. What is customization of application?

Ans. Customization of application is necessary to include the modules that are not covered in the given software by the ASP. Q. Who will do the customization of applications?

Ans. ASP will do the customization of application. Q. On what basis customization of application has to be done?

Ans. It has to be done on the basis of GAD Q. By when customization has to be done?

Ans. Customization has to be done after GAD sign off or before migration of pilot branches. Q. Whether ASP will charge separately for doing customization?

Ans. Before migration of Pilot branches or GAD sign Off the customization will be free but if the bank requires any other kind of customization other than regulatory reports after migration of pilot branch APS can charge separately. Q. Whether bank will be required to pay any extra charge to the ASP for customization of any new kind of reports introduced by the Regulatory (GOI/RBI/NABARD) other than the routine reports?

Ans. No. ASP has to customize all the new reports, introduced by the Regulatory, free of charge within the contract period i.e. Five years.

31 Mumbai



Data Conversion Or Migration Q. What is Data Migration?

Ans. Data migration means conversion/transfer of manual or computerized data to CBS platform. Q. What is the process of data migration in a Manual Branch?

Ans. Firstly, manual branches are required to complete the Format 3 provided by NABARD. Then branch has to handover the Format 3 to ASP. ASP will convert the Format 3 data into ASP data entry tool and then will install that data entry tool with format 3 data into the branch. Then the branch will be responsible for filling the blank fields and validation of all the filled data. The ASP will then use that data from the data extraction tool for migration mock/test 1. The test/mock 1 migration errors, if any, will be rectified by the branch with the help of banks Core team. Lastly, when the data is error free then it will be used for final migration into CBS. Q. What is the process of data migration in a TBA Branch?

Ans. Firstly, TBA branches are required to fill the Format 3 provided by NABARD. Then branch has to handover the Format 3 to ASP. ASP will convert the Format 3 data and TBA branch extract data into ASP data extraction tool. The ASP will then send that data for migration test 1. The test/mock 1 migration errors, if any, will be rectified by the branch with the help of banks Core team. Last of all, when the data is error free then it will be used for final migration into CBS. Q. Who will provide the Data Entry Tool (DET)?

Ans. ASP will provide the Data Entry Tool. 32 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO


Whether bank is required to pay any charges for data entry tool to

Ans. No. Q. Who will do data entry?

Ans. Bank will be required to do the data entry or it can hire any Outsourcing agency for doing data entry at bank level or at branch level. Q. entry. Q. Where data entry will be done? Who will pay for doing data entry to an Outsourcing Agency?

Ans. Bank or its branch will pay to the Outsourcing Agency for doing data

Ans. Data entry will be done in the branches only. It cannot be done either in the Banks head office or in the Outsourcing Agency Office. Q. Who will provide the data extraction tool?

Ans. ASP will provide the data extraction tool to the bank. Q. Whether bank is required to pay any charges for Data extraction tool to ASP?

Ans. No. Q. Who will extract the data from the Branches?

Ans., ASP will extract the data from the branches with the help of Core team members. Q. Where data will be extracted?

Ans. Data will be extracted only in the branch. Q. Who will send the extracted data for migration?

Ans. ASP will send the extracted data to the Data Centre. Q. From where the Test One extracted data of the branch is sent to the Data Centre for migration?

Ans. Test One Extracted Data must be sent to the Data Centre through the branch network only. The data cannot be sent through internet, pen drive, CD drive or any other media because the branchs link with the 33 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO

Data Centre will be checked at the same time i.e. System Integration Test(SIT). Q. When Test/Mock One Upload will be done?

Ans. Test One Upload will be done a minimum 15 days prior to the final migration. Q. Who will do the migration of the extracted data?

Ans. ASP will do the migration. Q. Where data migration will be done?

Ans. Data migration will be done in Data Centre. Q. Who will provide the error report for the Test 1 migration?

Ans. ASP will provide the error report Q. Who will rectify the errors of Test One migration error report?

Ans. Banks branches with the help of core team members will rectify the errors of Test One migration. Q. Who will extract the data finally for migration?

Ans. ASP will extract the data finally for migration. Q. Who will send the finally extracted data of the branch to Data Centre?

Ans. ASP will send the data to the Data Centre. Q. From where the finally extracted data of the branch is sent to the Data Centre for migration?

Ans. Finally Extracted Data must be sent to the Data Centre through the branch network only. The data cannot be sent through internet, pen drive, CD drive or any other media because the branchs link with the Data Centre will be checked at the same time. Q. Who will finally do the migration of data?

Ans. ASP will finally do the migration of data. Q. Where final migration will be carried out?

Ans. Final migration will be carried in the Data Centre. 34 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO


Whether any parallel activity (manual books or TBA entry) is to be carried out after final migration?

Ans. No. After migration bank has to enter the data into CBS only and no other parallel activity has be done by the branch. Q. When final migration will be done in the branch?

Ans. Final migration of the branch is done mainly on Saturdays and branch will get the report of data migration from Data Centre on Sunday and then branch will be required to validate the migrated data with the pre-migrated data (GLB, Account name, accounts balances, accounts rate of interest etc) on the same day with the help of core team members. If any error is seen in the data then branch has to send the same to the data centre for rectification. From Monday onwards the branch will go live on CBS.


Who will sign the data migration sign off document?

Ans. Banks branch manager in whose branch migration is going on will sign the data migration sign off document. Q. When data migration sign off document will be signed by the Branch Manager?

Ans. Branch Manager will sign the document on Sunday after validation and checking of pre and post migrated data

. 6.6. Q. Signature of Customer Account Who will capture Customers Account Signature?

Ans. Bank will capture the Customers Account Signature. Q. agency? Whether bank can do the job with the help of any outsourcing

Ans. Yes, bank can hire any outsourcing agency for capturing the signatures. 35 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO


Who will pay for capturing signatures to the outsourcing agency?

Ans. Bank has to pay to the outsourcing agency for capturing signatures. Q. What will be the size of captured Signature

Ans. The size of captured signature will depend upon the ASP. Q. When signature capture has to be done?

Ans. Signature must be captured before migration.


Connectivity Q. Who will provide the Network Connection to the Branches?

Ans. ASP will provide the Network Connections. All activity done by ASP like VSAT / RF Installation, CDMA / Lease Line permission. Provide all type of instrument Like : VSAT/RF/Modem/Router & drop up to branches. Q. Who will bear the charges of doing Network Connection? Ans. ASP will bear the charges of doing Network connection. Q. How many Network Connections are required in a branch?

Ans. Two network connection (primary/secondary) are required. Primary network connection for day to day activities and secondary network connection for backup. If the first network connection is down then branch can function smoothly with the help of the secondary network connection. Q. Whether both Network connections will be provided by the ASP?

Ans. Yes, ASP will provide both the network connections. 36 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO


Is bank required to pay for any network connection charges?

Ans. No bank will not pay any charges for doing primary or secondary network connections. It is included in the monthly charges paid to the ASP. Q. How many types of Network Connections are there?

Ans. There are many types of Network Connections like VSAT, LEASE Line, ISDN Line, RF, CDMA, WIMAX, MPLS etc. Q. Whether same type of Network Connections can be done in a branch?

Ans. No, both connection must be of different kind so that a bank can function smoothly. With the same type of connections the back up network connectivity purpose is not fulfilled which will create problems in smooth functioning of a branch. Q. What can be the Combination of a Network Connection?

Ans. There can be many types of network connection combination like (i) VSAT with LEASE Line, VSAT with ISDN, VSAT with RF, VSAT with CDMA. (II) LEASE Line with RF, LEASE Line with CDMA. (III) RF with CDMA. Q. By when the connectivity must be done in the branches?

Ans. Connectivity must be done in the branches 15 days prior to the branch Go Live on CBS. 8. . HAND-HOLDING Q. What is Handholding?

Ans. Handholding means post migration online training support to the banks branch staff for day to day activities. Q. Who will do the handholding?

Ans. ASP will do the handholding. Q. What is period of handholding support?

Ans. Handholding support is given for 15 days from the date of migration. 37 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO


How many individuals will be provided for support in a branch?

Ans. It depends upon the number of users in a branch. See the table below :Sr. No Number of users Number of ASP Number of ASP in a Support personnel Support Branch for 1st Week personnel for 2nd Week Up to 3 users 1 1 4 to 6 users More than 6 users 2 1 person per 4 users 2 1 person per 5 users

1. 2. 3.


Who will sign the handholding sign off document?

Ans. Banks branch manager in whose branch handholding support is given will sign the handholding sign off document. Q. When the handholding document will be signed?

Ans. It will be signed on the last day of support ie on 15 th day only after getting satisfied with the hand holding support. If any deficiency (like less number of hand holding person comes to the branch or support is given less than 15 days, knowledge of the hand holding individual in not upto the mark etc) in support occurs in handholding then the manager can put the remark in the Remark column of the document mentioning the type of deficiency.

9. 9.1.

TRANING Training of Core Team Members. Q. Who will conduct the training of core team members?

Ans. ASP will conduct the training of core team members. Q. How many days are required for training?

Ans. Three weeks will be required for training of core team members. Q. Mumbai Where will the training of core team members will be conducted? 38 NABARD DCBS, HO

Ans. Bank will take the decision regarding training of its core team members. It can select either PMO, State capital or SCB for training. Q. By what time training of core team members must be completed?

Ans. Core team members training must be completed before preparation of GAD. Q. Who will bear the expenses of core team members training?

Ans. Bank will bear the expenses of training of its core team members. Q. Who will participate in the core team training?

Ans. Core team members (minimum two or maximum five). Q. Who will give training to the bankers?

Ans. Bank will have to select three employees who will get training from the ASP. Then these trained employees will further give training to all its bankers. These three members must not be from the core team or a Nodal Officer.

9.2. Q.

Training of End Users Who will conduct the end users training?

Ans. Bank will conduct the training of its end users. . Q. How many days are required for training?

Ans. At least one week. 39 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO


Where training of users will be held?

Ans. It will be decided by the bank as to where it can conduct the training of its users i.e. either at Other Branch, PMO or its training centre. Q. Who will bear the expenses of training of end users?

Ans. Bank will bear the expenses of training of its end users. Q. When the training can be carried out?

Ans. It can be carried out every week. Q. Who will participate in the training?

Ans. All the bankers will participate.



Q. What is the function of Helpdesk? Ans. Help desk helps the banks and its branches in day to day working. Q. Which and what types of issues will be solved/attended by the Helpdesk? 40 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO

Ans. Helpdesk will attend/solve all kinds of issues like software/application related issues, network issues, hardware issues except for electricity related issues and LAN related issues. Issues related to electricity and LAN has to be solved by the branch itself. Q. How many kind of Helpdesk are there?

Ans. There are three kinds of Help desk like Level 1(L-1), Level II (L-2) and Level III (L-3). Q. Where branch can register its issues?

Ans. Branch will register its complaint at Level I Helpdesk. Branch cannot approach directly to Level 2 or Level 3 Helpdesks. If the problem is not resolved at L 1, then L 1 will register the complaint to the Level 2 Helpdesk and if the L 2 is unable to resolve the issues then it will approach L 3 for resolving the issue. 10.1. L-1 Help Desk Q. Who will run the L 1 Helpdesk? Ans. Bank will run the L 1 Helpdesk. Q. Who will setup the L 1 Helpdesk?

Ans. Bank with the assistance of ASP will setup the L 1 Helpdesk. Q. Where L 1 Helpdesk will be setup?

Ans. L 1 Helpdesk will be setup in the Banks Head Office (District Level). Q. Who will provide the infrastructure for running L 1 Helpdesk?

Ans. Bank will provide the L 1 Helpdesk infrastructure like building/room/hall, furniture, hardware except connectivity. Q. Who will look after the issues at the L 1 Helpdesk?

Ans. Bankers ie. Banks Nodal Officer, Core Team members or separately trained bankers by the ASP will look after the issues at the L 1 Helpdesk. Q. Who will provide the connectivity for L 1 help Desk?

Ans. ASP will provide the connectivity for L 1 Helpdesk. Q. By what time L 1 Helpdesk must be ready?

Ans. L 1 Helpdesk must be ready before migration of Pilot branches. 41 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO

10.2. L-2 Help Desk Q. Who will run L 2 Helpdesk? Ans. ASP will run the L 2 Helpdesk. Q. Where L 2 Helpdesk will be setup?

Ans. L 2 has to be setup at State Level either at PMO Office, at any separate premises, at any premises of a Banks Head Office or at any Head Office of SCB. Q. Who will provide the infrastructure for L 2 Helpdesk?

Ans. ASP will provide the infrastructure for L 2 Helpdesk. Q. By what time L 2 helpdesk must be ready?

Ans. L 2 Helpdesk must be ready before migration of the Pilot branches. Q. Who will attend the issues at the L 2 Helpdesk?

Ans. Individual appointed by ASP will attend the issues at the L 2 Helpdesk. 10.3. L-3 Help Desk Q. Who will run the L 3 Helpdesk? Ans. ASP will run the L 3 Helpdesk. Q. Who will provide the infrastructure for L 3 Helpdesk?

Ans. ASP will provide the infrastructure for L 3 Helpdesk. Q Where L 3 Helpdesk will be setup?

Ans. L 3 Helpdesk has to be setup on Central Level . ASP will take the decision regarding the place for setting up of L 3 Helpdesk. Q. Who will attend the issues at the L 3 Helpdesk?

Ans. ASP employees will attend the issues at L 3 Helpdesk. Q. How a branch/banker can register its complaint at the Helpdesk?

Ans. Process of registering the complaint at the Helpdesk : (a) Click the HELPDESK icon displayed on the desktop of the monitor then enter the branchs login id or User Login ID. Register the complaint and note down the complaint ID number (b) If you have made the complaint telephonically then collect the complaint number from the other end. 42 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO

11. DC & DR 11.1. Data Centre Q. What is Data Centre?

Ans. Data Centre is a place where the data of all the banks branches will be kept centrally so that queries can be solved at a single point. Q. Who will maintain the Data Centre?

Ans. ASP will maintain the Data Centre. Q. What will be the location of Data Centre?

Ans. ASP will decide the location of Data Centre. Q. By when the Data Centre will be ready?

Ans. Data centre will be ready before migration of first pilot branch or one month prior to the migration of the pilot branches. 11.2. Data Recovery Centre


What is DR Centre?

Ans. DR Centre is a place where the backup data of the Data Centre will be kept. Q. Who will maintain the DR Centre?

Ans. ASP will maintain the DR Centre. Q. What will be the location of DR Centre?

Ans. ASP will decide the location of DR Centre. Q. By when the DR Centre will be ready?

Ans. DR centre will be ready before migration of first pilot branch or one month prior to the migration of the pilot branches.

43 Mumbai



12. Module cover in NABARD CBS Project for SCBs & CCBs How many Module are coverd in NABARD CBS Project?

Ans. In NABARD CBS Project for SCBs & CCBs is covering the following Modules : i. Core Modules: General Ledger, Trial Balance, P & L Account, Balance Sheet. ALM Any Bank branch banking Clearing house operations Basic Investment and Treasury Module FI Module Basic HR & Pay Roll Bilingual Corporate e mail system ii. Retail Banking SB Account, Current Account All types of deposits TDS Extension counter and main branch accounting Direct and indirect tax collection and remittance iii. Loans and advances Cash credit and overdraft Short term, Medium term and long term loans, including Agriculture loans with interest subvention KCC operations Gold loans for Agriculture/ Rural development projects Asset Classification (NPA) Borrowings from higher financing agencies Maintaining shadow accounts of PACS borrowers iv. Remittances and Services DD, Pay Order ECS Safe Deposit Lockers Card Products Government Securities Stock Market Investments NEFT/ RTGS service ( for inter-bank transfers/remittance ) Direct and indirect Tax Collection v. Reporting and MIS Monthly Balance sheet Anti Money laundering and KYC reporting Statutory returns SLR/ CRR maintenance and reporting Priority Sector Statements and Tax Collection reports 44 NABARD DCBS, HO Mumbai

Credit Information Bureau Reporting Inspection report schedules vi. Customer Information Personal and Business customer profiles Name search facility Customer and account enquiries Customer passwords and data security 13. Abbreviation 1. ACS 2. AD 3. AMC 4. ASP 5. ATS 6. Availability 7. BOD 8. BPD 9. CBS 10. CDMA 11. CORE 12. DC 13. DMP 14. Downtime 15. DR 16. DRG 17. DT 18. EIS 19. EOD 20. ETL 21. EUT 22. F-1

Access Control System Active Directory Annual Maintenance Contract Application Service Provider Annual Technical Services Actual Time System is available Beginning of Day Business Process Document CORE Banking Solution Code Division Multiple Access Centralize Online Realtime Exchange Data Center Dot Matrix Printer Actual Time the System is offline Disaster Recovery Centre Detailed Requirement Gathering Desk Top Executive Information System End of Day Extract, Transform & Load End User Training Format I (Details of Bank Nodal Officer or Core team Format II (Details of Bank Branches) Format III (Details of Customer Account of

23. F-2 24. F-3 Bank/Branch) 25. F-4 26. GAD 27. L-1 28. L-2 29. L-3 30. LAN 31. LOI 32. LT 33. MIS 34. MOA 35. NAP 36. NMS 37. NOC 38. Response Time Mumbai

Format IV (IT Assets Hardware Details) Gap Analysis Document Level I (Help Desk) Level II (Help Desk) Level III (Help Desk) Local Area Network Letter Of Intent Lap Top Management Information System Memorandum Of Agreement Network Access Point Network Management System Network Operations Centre -Time Taken to bring the next screen 45 NABARD DCBS, HO

39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


Radio Frequency Request For Proposal Recovery Point Objective Recovery Time Objective Service Level Agreement Services Outlet Single Point Of Contact Single Point of Failure System Requirement Specifications User Acceptance Test Very Small Aperture Terminal Wide Area Network 14. Images


Mouse Monitor/Screen/VDU



46 Mumbai


DMP Printer 136 Column

Passbook Printer

DMP Printer 80 Column

Inkjet Printer

Line Printer Laser Printer

DMP Printer 80 Column

DMP Printer 136 Column 47 NABARD DCBS, HO


Switch Modem



MESH SIZE (3 / 3) MATERIAL USED -10 OR 12 Gauge Wire Net

1.2 Mt Band Antenna 10 feet

4 feet 4 feet 10 feet

10 feet


VSAT Security(Monkey) Cage

48 Mumbai


Patch Cable

Patch Cable Counter

15. CBS Branch Infrastructure List 15.1. TCS - CBS Branch Infrastructure Document

CBS Branch Infrastructure Document

1. Branch Desktops
Processor RAM Hard Disk Ports Monitor /LCD Mouse Keyboard Operating System Internet Explorer PC Configuration Dual Core 2.6 GHz 2 GB 250 GB or above LAN Card, USB 14 inch or above Optical Scroll Windows Windows 7 OS Default version of OS

Note : Disabled the USB / CD drives.

2. Scanner

1 # Signature and Photo scanner

Image Sensor type Scan resolution, optical Scanning Speed Connectivity Scanner CIS/CCD 1200 dpi or more 8 Seconds or more High-Speed USB 2.0

3. Printer
1 # Passbook printer Passbook Printer
Technology Ports Print Head Life Ribbon Life Print Speed (CPI) Dot Matrix Parallel / Serial /USB (Any 2) 400 million dots (Horizontal & Vertical Type) 3 million characters Draft 300 or Higher

1 # 80 Col printer for FDR (Dot matrix)- (Optional) 80 Col printer for FDR (Dot matrix)
Print Type Pin Input Buffer Print Head Life Ribbon Life Interfaces Print speed Dot Matrix 24 Pin 64KB 150 million strokes or higher 3 million characters or higher USB / Parallel I
Draft 10cpi 250 LQ 66

1# 136 Col printer for Reports (Dot matrix)

136 Column DMP
Printer Method & Type Buffer Print speed High Speed Dot Matrix, 24 pin, 136 column 64KB 400cps or higher @ 10cpi Draft

50 Mumbai



Serial / Parallel / USB Interface (any two)

1# Laser Printer - (Optional)

Laser Printer
Printer Type Entry Level Mono Printer

4. Electrical and Network (LAN) (LAN & Electrical Cabling ) LAN Switch (Mandatory) : 8 ports or 16 ports depending upon the number of the users (the number of ports will be increased) and extra 3ports Branch LAN Setup I/O Box : Min 8 or depending upon the number of the users LAN Cable: CAT 5 and Above with PVC (1 Inch) Conduit has to be provided for IFL cable routing (LAN Cable or Electrical Cable in separate PVC) Electrical : 3 pin 5-Ampere power sockets, 3 Sockets per board. These sockets are powered by a clean AC power source like a UPS (Online UPS). UPS (Mandatory) : Depending upon the Hardware to be connected. Earthing : The earth connections/links must be proper at all times. Note :Standard Operating Conditions : Dust free Environment, No Water Leakages, 23 Degree (Approximately) Temperature

5. Site preparations to be done by banks For VSAT Installations 51 Mumbai NABARD DCBS, HO

Electrical: 3 pin 5-Ampere power sockets, 3 numbers, within 2 meter radius of proposed location of IDU (In Door Unit). These sockets are powered by a clean AC power source like a UPS (Online UPS). Ratings at Output of UPS: 230 V +/- 10V 5 Amperes socket 50 Hz +/- 1 Hz. Maximum 1 KVA Load capacity For proper functioning reputed UPS manufacturers advice that the input must be between 160 - 276 V AC, 50 HZ. +/- 2.5 HZ. The earth connections/links must be proper at all times. Dedicated Earthing should be provided at the output of UPS Earth to Neutral voltage must be less than 2V and must be certified by an authorized electrical contractor PVC (1 Inch) Conduit has to be provided for IFL cable routing

15.2. Wipro - CBS Branch Infrastructure Document

CBS Branch Infrastructure Document 2. Branch Desktops

Processor RAM Hard Disk Ports Monitor /LCD Mouse Keyboard Operating System Internet Explorer PC Configuration 2.93 GHz, Core 2 Duo, 3 MB, L2 Cache 2 GB DDR 3 100 GB & above LAN Card, USB 15.6 inch Optical Scroll Windows Windows 7 OS Default version of OS

Note : Disabled the USB / CD drives.

52 Mumbai


2. Scanner
1 # Signature and Photo scanner
Scanner type Scan resolution, optical Bit depth Levels of greyscale Scan size (flatbed), maximum Scanner Flatbed Up to 1200 dpi 48-bit 256 216 x 297 mm

3. Printer
1 # Passbook printer Passbook Printer
Technology Pin Print width Diameter of pin Dot Matrix 24 94 Column at 10 cpi 0.20 mm H.S.D. Draft Print Speed (CPS at 10 cpi) N.L.Q. L.Q. 530 400 150 100

1 # 80 Col printer for FDR (Dot matrix)- (Optional) 80 Col printer for FDR (Dot matrix)
Printing Method Pin Print direction Fonts Pitch Input Buffer Interfaces Print speed Serial Impact Dot Matrix 9 Bi-direction with logic seeking in text and graphics Draft, Roman, Sans Serif, Script 10, 12, 15, 17 CPI in Draft 10, 12 CPI in NLQ 64 KB RS-232 Serial, Centronics Parallel & USB 2.0 Interfaces with AuroShare
Draft 12cpi 10cpi 300 250 NLQ 75 63 HSD 350 300

53 Mumbai


1# 132 Col printer for DD (Dot matrix)

136 Column DMP
Printer Method & Type Workload Print speed - max Print speed Throughput (ECMA 132) Interface Buffer Size Impact Dot Matrix, 24 pin, with AGA, 136 column 1,250 Pages per day 900cps (@15cpi)
Draft Compressed (12cpi) Standard (10cpi) 720cps 600cps NLQ 220cps 180cps LQ 110cps 90cps

430 pages per hour 128KB

1# Laser Printer - (Optional)

Laser Printer
up to 28 ppm Print speed Connectivity Maximum print resolution Processor Device memory (standard/max) Recommended monthly print volume USB 2.0 600 x 600 dpi (up to 1200 x 1200 enhanced image quality) 400 MHz 32 MB / 160 MB Up to 4,000 pages 10/100BaseTX Ethernet, USB 2.0

Rack for Router, Switch, Modem(Suggested for safe keeping of the equipment but Not Mandatory)

Structured LAN Cabling

LAN Switch (Mandatory) : 8 ports or 16 ports depending upon the number of the users (the number of ports will be increased) and extra 3ports Branch LAN Setup I/O Box : Min 8 or depending upon the number of the users LAN Cable: CAT 6 and Above with PVC (1 Inch) Conduit has to be provided for IFL cable routing (LAN Cable or Electrical Cable in separate PVC)

Power Point & Earthing requirements

Power Point : 5/15 Amp working power sockets (2 number) via UPS
available close to where the rack or dedicated table for active devices

54 Mumbai


(router / switch) to be installed, and same required for each Desktop, Printer & scanner.


: The earth connections/links must be proper at all times.

UPS & Generator Power Rating

UPS for equipments must be an on-line UPS with 30-60 minute backup.

UPS & Generator power rating detail of Network equipments for HO, Large, Medium & Small Branches given below. Bank HO PMO Large Branch Medium & Small Branch No. of User 15 25 10 4 UPS (in KVA) 5 8 4 3 Generat or (In KVA) 10 16 8 6

VSAT Antenna installation:

o Bank will obtain the landlords permission for installation of VSATs, roof-top rights for the installation wherever required. The Bank will provide power supply with adequate safety like proper earthing, installation of monkey cages, line-of-sight issue, etc. before order, delivery and installation of VSATs. o At ground level or at roof - flat surface of size 6' X 6' for installation of antenna only. The surface should be reasonably parallel to the horizontal plane. In addition space for monkey cage would be required. Generally monkey cage is of 10x10x10.

55 Mumbai


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