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Product Overview Tango Us

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• A mission-critical transaction processing system for acquiring, routing,

switching, authenticating and authorizing across multiple channels,
including ATM, POS, e-commerce and mobile

• Integrated, configurable fraud-detection rules and clearing and

settlement file production

• Active/active high-availability components built into the architecture

• Manages any transaction type across any channel


Financial institutions around the TANGO’s unique design removes complexities and
reduces migration time frames. Off-the-shelf functionality
world have never been under so and rapid development capability means that standard
card types, international card schemes and devices,
much pressure to deliver fully national switches, and hosts can be deployed easily,
functional, electronic payment within the standard product.

systems that can be accessed at a Reduce Costs

time, a place and through a channel TANGO brings reduced costs for financial institutions
convenient to the consumer. because the common architecture reduces duplication
and minimizes the complexity of development and testing
work between different functions. This leads to reduced
Modern architectures, languages, tools and databases development and maintenance costs, which provides
have enabled much more responsive, easier-to-maintain faster time-to-market and an ongoing, cost-effective
and lower-cost solutions to rise and dominate the payments solution.
landscape. One industry remains stubbornly at odds
with this: retail payments, which continues to use legacy
systems and suppliers. Inefficiencies experienced by
financial institutions today are a direct result of these TANGO is easily configured to add
inflexible, costly and unresponsive legacy systems.
The payments system of the future provides open and
more value to existing channel-specific
more productive systems, allowing innovation and product services offered to customers and to
development to rapidly provide new business while
respond rapidly to any new business
remaining cost effective.
opportunity that presents itself.
The TANGO Solution
TANGO is today’s modern payments system, using
state-of-the-art technology to address business needs
both now and in the foreseeable future. The core
principles of TANGO’s architecture provide the maximum
flexibility regarding choice of platform, database and oper- Add Value
ating environment to suit hardware and software prefer-
ences. TANGO offers an integrated infrastructure that is TANGO is easily configured to add more value to existing
highly scalable and efficient due to the genuine approach channel-specific services offered to customers and to
to service-oriented architecture (SOA), which significantly respond rapidly to any new business opportunity that
reduces development time and cost. presents itself, such as terminal management and loyalty.
This improved responsiveness has a direct effect on the
TANGO provides a modern, open SOA for acquiring, system’s return on investment from an early stage.
routing, switching, authenticating and authorizing TANGO’s common architecture removes issues regarding
transactions across multiple channels — including ATM, integration associated with disparate legacy systems.
point of sale, Internet and mobile banking — in a multi-
institution environment across different geographies.

The Lusis Payments Advantage Rapid Development

TANGO’s central dispatcher and central data bus design Customers with their own development teams can take
provide the greatest possible flexibility. When changes are advantage of TANGO’s rapid development and deploy-
made to the system, only the modules directly affected ment methodology. New functionality can usually be built
are enhanced. The system’s high degree of configurability into the TANGO system quickly for a rapid time-to-market,
also means that TANGO is a highly interoperable and ISO 8583 interfaces may be able to be developed in
authorization system and messaging switch, with flexible as few as five days. The system’s unparalleled configu-
messaging types. TANGO configurability is achieved rability enables financial institutions and payment proces-
rapidly, through either XML data configuration or through sors to address the specific challenges of today’s pay-
TANGO’s WebMonitor user interface. TANGO’s unique ments landscape by providing highly scalable, effective
architecture and design also facilitate smooth upgrade solutions, as well as addressing future requirements by
management. Based on a POSIX specification, TANGO is deploying new services rapidly, with minimum disruption
compatible with all standard Unix and Linux platforms. to existing services.

High Performance and Availability Open Platform

TANGO’s specialized high-availability components TANGO’s versatile architecture is completely platform-in-
integrated within the payments platform provide an active/ dependent. TANGO continues its common architecture
active solution for two servers without resorting to across all platforms, so it can be deployed on one hard-
expensive third-party alternatives. TANGO also can ware platform, or multiple hardware platforms, from the
provide an active/passive solution across the sites, same or different hardware vendors all running the same
introducing redundancy within the main site with a passive TANGO infrastructure and code base.
server at a remote site.

TANGO Core Architecture


Features at a Glance About Lusis Payments

• Uses industry-standard C++ and XML Lusis Payments is a software and services provider to the
• Supports industry-standard messaging specifications, global retail payments industry. The Company’s proven,
such as XML, ISO 8583 and ISO 20022 state-of-the-art technology operates on numerous
• Provides a state-of-the-art, modular, object-oriented hardware and operating environments, including HP
system NonStop™. This, combined with the know-how to miti-
• Operates independently of operating systems gate risk and deliver high levels of assured customer
and databases service, delivers a unique proposition for organizations
• Offers a multichannel, multi-institution, multilanguage faced with the challenge of changing, refreshing or
and multicurrency solution updating their retail payments systems.
• Provides high performance and high availability
• Allows a flexible implementation
• Offers complete transaction security support
• Adds value to retail payments to increase flexibility

TANGO is the payments system of today

and the foreseeable future, with state-of-
the-art technology, offering a modern,
integrated infrastructure that is highly
scalable and efficient due to the genuine
approach to SOA.

United States Office: Luxembourg:
315 Montgomery St., #900 321, route d’Arlon
San Francisco, CA 94104 L-8011 Strassen
(+1) 415 829 4577 Luxembourg
(+352) 31 35 02-1
Providian House
16 – 18 Monument Street 5 Cité Rougemont
London 75009 Paris
EC3R 8AJ France
(+44) 207 868 5288 (+33) 1 55 33 09 00

Lusis Payments Copyright © 2014

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