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CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS REGARDING TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE OF SERVANTS. Appointments to service of Pakistan and conditions of service. Article 240 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973. Subject to the Constitution, the appointments to and the conditions of service of persons in the service of Pakistan shall be determined;(a) in the case of the services of the Federation, posts in connection with the affairs of the Federation and All-Pakistan Services, by or under Act of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament): and in the case of the services of a Province and posts in connection with the affairs of a Province, by or under Act of the Provincial Assembly. CIVIL


Explanation:- In this Article, "All-Pakistan Service" means a service common to the Federation and the Provinces, which was in existence immediately before the commencing day or which may be created by Act of Majlis-eShoora (Parliament). Existing rules etc. to continue. Article 241. Until the appropriate Legislature makes a law under Article 240, all rules and orders in force immediately before the commencing day shall, so far as consistent with the provisions of the Constitution, continue in force and may be amended from time to time by the Federal Government or as the case may be, the Provincial Government.

NWFP Civil Servants Acts, 1973. (N.W.F.P. Act No. XVIII of 1973) Sl.No.2 An 1Act to regulate the appointment of persons to, and the terms and conditions of service of persons in, the service of the North West Frontier Province. Preamble- WHEREAS it is expedient to regulate by law, the appointment of persons to, and the terms and conditions of service of persons in, the service of the North West Frontier Province, and to provide for matters connected therewith or ancillary thereto; It is hereby enacted as follows:1. Short title, application and commencement:- (1) This Act may be called the North West Frontier Province Civil Servants Act,1973. (2) This section and section 25, shall apply to persons employed on contract, or on work charged basis, or who are paid from contingencies, and the remaining provisions of this Act including this section, shall apply to all civil servants wherever they may be. 3) It shall come into force at once. CHAPTER-I PRELIMINARY 2. Definitions:- (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say(a) "adhoc appointment" means appointment of a duly qualified person made otherwise than in accordance with the prescribed method of recruitment, pending recruitment in accordance with such method,

___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Published in the NWFP Government. Gazette, Ex. Ordinary dated 12.11.1973 at Pages 287 N-287V.


"civil servant" means a person who is a member of a civil service of the Province, or who holds a civil post in connection with the affairs of the Province, but does not include(i) a person who is on deputation to the Province from the Federation or any other Province or other authority; a person who is employed on contract, or on work charged basis, or who is paid from contingencies; or a person who is a "worker" or "workman" as defined in the Factories Act,1934 (Act XXV of 1934), or the Workman's Compensation Act,1923 (Act VIII of 1923);




"Government" means the Government of the NorthWest Frontier Province. "Initial appointment" means appointment otherwise than by promotion or transfer; made



"Pay" means the amount drawn monthly by a civil servant as pay, and includes special pay, personal pay and any other emoluments declared by the prescribed authority to be paid ; "Permanent post" means a post sanctioned without limit of times; "Prescribed " means prescribed by rules; "Province "means the North West Frontier Province; "rules" means rules made or deemed to have been made under this Act ; "Selection authority" means the North-West Frontier Province Public Service Commission, a departmental selection board, departmental selection committee


(g) (h) (i)


or other authority or body on the recommendations of, or in consultation with which any appointment or promotion, as may be prescribed, is made; (k) "temporary post" means a post other than a permanent post.

(2) For the purpose of this Act, an appointment ,whether by promotion or otherwise, shall be deemed to have been made on regular basis if it is made in the prescribed manner. CHAPTER-II TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE OF CIVIL SERVANTS 3. Terms and Conditions:- The terms and conditions of service of a civil servant shall be as provided in this Act and the rules. 4. Tenure of office of civil servants:- Every civil servant shall hold office during the pleasure of the Governor. 5. Appointment :- Appointment to a civil service of the Province or to a civil post in connection with the affairs of the Province shall be made in the prescribed manner by the Governor or by a person authorised by the Governor in that behalf. 6. Probation:- (1) An initial appointment to a service or post referred to in section 5, not being an adhoc appointment, shall be on probation as may be prescribed. (2) Any appointment of a civil servant by promotion or transfer to a service or post may also be made on probation as may be prescribed. (3) Where, in respect of any service or post, the satisfactory completion of probation includes the passing of a prescribed examination, test or course or successful completion of any training, a person appointed on probation to such service or post who, before the expiry of the original or extended period

of his probation, has failed to pass such examination or test or to successfully complete course or the training shall, except as may be prescribed otherwise(a) if he was appointed to such service or post by initial recruitment, be discharged; or (b) if he was appointed to such service or post by promotion or transfer, be reverted to the service or post from which he was promoted or transferred and against which he holds a lien or, if there be no such service or post, be discharged:

Provided that in the case of initial appointment to a service or post, a civil servant shall not be deemed to have completed his period of probation satisfactorily until his character and antecedents have been verified as satisfactory in the opinion of the appointing authority. 7. Confirmation:-(1) A person appointed on probation shall, on satisfactory completion of his probation, be eligible for confirmation in a service or, as the case may be, a post as may be prescribed. (2) A civil servant promoted to a post [....]1 on regular basis shall be eligible for confirmation after rendering satisfactory service for the period prescribed for confirmation therein. (3) There temporary post. shall be no confirmation against any

(4) A civil servant who, during the period of his service, was eligible to be confirmed in any service or against any post retires from service before being confirmed shall not, merely by reason of such retirement, be refused confirmation in such service or post or any benefits accruing therefrom. (5) Confirmation of a civil servant in a service or post shall take effect from the date of occurrence of permanent vacancy in that service or post or from the date of continuous officiation, in such service or post, whichever is later.

8. Seniority:- (1) For proper administration of a service, cadre or {post}2, the appointing authority shall cause a seniority list of the members for the time being of such service, cadre or {post}2 to be prepared, but nothing herein contained shall be construed to confer any vested right to a particular seniority in such service, cadre or [post]2 as the case may be. (2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section(1), the seniority of a civil servant shall be reckoned in relation to other civil servants belonging to the same service or [cadre]3 whether serving the same department or office or not, as may be prescribed. (3) Seniority on initial appointment to a service, [cadre]4 or post shall be determined as may be prescribed. ___________________________________________________ ______________

1. The words "or grade" omitted by NWFP Ord. No.IV of 1985 Section 2. 2. The word "grade" substituted by NWFP Ordinance No.IV of 1985 Section 3(a). 3 The word "grade" substituted by NWFP Ordinance No.IV of 1985 Section 3(b). 4 The word "grade"substituted by NWFP Ordinance No.IV of 1985 of Section 3(c).

["(4) Seniority in a post, service or cadre to which a civil servant is promoted shall take effect from the date of regular appointment to that post; Provided that civil servants who are selected for promotion to a higher post in one batch shall, on their promotion to the higher post, retain their inter-se-seniority as in the lower post.] ["(5) The seniority lists prepared under sub -section(1), shall be revised and notified in the official Gazette at least once in a calendar year, preferably in the month of January"]. 9. Promotion:-(1) A civil servant possessing such minimum qualifications as may be prescribed shall be eligible for promotion to a [higher]3 post for the time being reserved under the rule for departmental promotion in [....]4 the service or cadre to which he belongs. (2) A post referred to in sub-section (1) may either be a selection post or a non selection post to which promotion shall be made as may be prescribed(a) in the case of a selection post, on the basis of selection on merit; and in the case of non-selection post, on the basis of seniority-cum-fitness.


10. Posting and Transfer:- Every civil servant shall be liable to serve anywhere within or outside the province , in any post under the Federal Government, or any Provincial Government or Local authority, or a corporation or body set up or established by any such Government:Provided that nothing contained in this section shall apply to a civil servant recruited specifically to serve in a particular area or region; Provided further that, where a civil servant is required to serve in a post outside his service or cadre , his terms and conditions of service as to his pay shall not be less favourable

than those to which he would have been entitled if he had not been so required to serve.

___________________________________________________ ______________
1 Sub-section(4) of Section 8 substituted by NWFP Ordinance No.IV of 1985 Section 3(d). 2 Sub-Section (5) of Section 8 added by NWFP Act No.1 of 1989. 3 The word "higher" inserted by NWFP Ordinance No.IV of 1985 Section 4. 4. The words "the higher grade of" omitted by NWFP Ordinance No.IV of 1985 section 4(b).

11. Termination of service:- (1) The service of a civil servant may be terminated without notice(i) During the initial or extended period of his probation : Provided that, where such civil servant is appointed by promotion on probation or, as the case may be, is transferred from one [service]1 , cadre or post to another [service]1, cadre or post, his service shall not be so terminated so long as he holds a lien against his former post in such [service]1 or cadre, but he shall be reverted to his former [service]1, cadre or post, as the case may be; (ii) On the expiry of the initial or extended period of his employment;.or if the appointment is made adhoc terminable on the appointment of a person on the recommendation of the selection authority, on the appointment of such person.


(2) Where, on the abolition of a post or reduction in the number of post in a cadre or grade, the services of a civil servant are required to be terminated, the person whose services are terminated shall ordinarily be the one who is the most junior in such cadre or grade.


(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section (1), but subject to the provisions of sub section (2), the service of a civil servant in temporary employment or appointed adhoc shall be liable to termination on fourteen days notice or pay in lieu thereof. 12. Reversion to a lower (post)2.:- A civil servant 3 appointed to a higher post or [before the commencement of the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants amendment) Ordinance,1985 to a higher] grade adhoc or on temporary or officiating basis shall be liable to reversion to his lower post 4 [....] without notice.

___________________________________________________ ___________
1. The word"grade" substituted by NWFP Ordinance No.IV of 1985 Section 5. 2. The words "grade or service" substituted by NWFP Ordinance No.IV of 1985 section 6(a). 3. The words inserted by NWFP Ordinance No.IV of 1985 section 6(b). 4. The words"or grade" omitted by NWFP Ordinance No.IV of 1985.


"12A. Certain persons to be liable to removal or reversion:- Notwithstanding anything contained in his terms and conditions of service, a civil servant appointed or promoted during the period from first day of January, 1972 to the fifth day of July,1977 may be removed from service or reverted to his lower post as the case may be, without notice, by the Governor or a person authorised by him in this behalf, on such date as the Governor or, as the case may be, the person so authorised may, in the public interest, direct."

"13. Retirement from service:- A civil servant shall retire from service on the completion of sixtieth year of his age. 14. Employment after retirement:-(1) A retired civil servant shall not ordinarily be re-employed under Government, unless such re-employment is necessary in the public interest and is made with the prior approval of the authority next above the appointing authority: Provided that, where the appointing authority is the Governor, such re-employment may be ordered with the approval of the Governor. (2) Subject to the provision of sub-section(1) of section 3 of the Ex-Government Servants (Employment with Foreign Governments) (Prohibition) Act,1966 (Act XII of 1966), a civil servant may, during leave preparatory to retirement, or after retirement from Government service, seek any private employment: Provided that, where employment is sought by a civil servant while on leave preparatory to retirement or within two years of the date of his retirement, he shall obtain the prior approval of the prescribed authority. 15. Conduct:- The conduct of a civil servant shall be regulated by rules made, or instructions issued, by Government or a prescribed authority, whether generally or in respect of a specified group or class of civil servants.


16. Disciplinary action:- A civil servant shall be liable to prescribed disciplinary action and penalties in accordance with the prescribed procedure.

___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Section 12A inserted by NWFP Ordinance N o.IX of 1978 section 2. 2. Section 13 substituted vide NWFP Civil Servants(Amendment) Act,1991 (Act No.III of 1991.)


17. Pay:- A civil servant appointed to a post [....]1 shall be entitled, in accordance with the rules, to the pay sanctioned for such post [....]1: Provided that, when the appointment is made on a current-charge basis or by way of additional charge, his pay shall be fixed in the prescribed manner: Provided further that where a civil servant has, under an order which is later set aside, been dismissed or removed from service or reduced in rank, he shall, on the setting aside of such order, be entitled to such arrears of pay as the authority setting aside such order may determine. 18. Leave:- A civil servant shall be allowed leave in accordance with the leave rules applicable to him; provided that the grant of leave will depend on the exigencies of service and be at the discretion of the competent authority. 19. Pension and gratuity:- (1) On retirement from service, a civil servant shall be entitled to receive such pension or gratuity as may be prescribed. (2) In the event of the death of a civil servant, whether before or after retirement , his family shall be entitled to receive such pension, or gratuity or both, as may be prescribed. (3) No pension shall be admissible to a civil servant who is dismissed or removed from service for reasons of discipline, but Government may sanction compassionate allowance to such a civil servant, not exceeding two third of the pension or gratuity which would have been admissible to him had he been invalidated from service on the date of such dismissal or removal. (4) If the determination of the amount of pension or gratuity admissible to a civil servant is delayed beyond one month of the date of his retirement or death, he or his family, as the case may be, shall be paid provisionally such anticipatory pension or gratuity as may be determined by the prescribed authority, according to the length of service of the civil servant which qualifies for pension or gratuity; and any over payment on


such provisional payment shall be adjusted against the amount of pension or gratuity finally determined as payable to such civil servant or his family.

___________________________________________________ ______________
1. The words "or grade" omitted by NWFP Ordinance No.IV of 1985 Section 8.


20. Provident Fund:- (1) Before the expiry of the third month of every financial year, the Accounts Officer or other officer required to maintain provident fund accounts shall furnish to every civil servant subscribing to a provident fund the account of which he is required to maintain a statement under his hand showing the subscriptions to including the interest accruing thereon, if any, and withdrawals or advances from his provident fund during the preceding financial year. (2) Where any subscription made by a civil servant to his provident fund has not been shown or credited in the account by the Accounts Officer or other officer required to maintain such account, such subscription shall be credited to the account of the civil servant on the basis of such evidence as may be prescribed. 21. Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance:- All civil servants and their families shall be entitled to the benefits admissible under the West Pakistan Government Employees Welfare Fund Ordinance,1969 (W.P Ord.I of 1969), or the NorthWest Frontier Province Government Servants Benevolent Fund Ordinance,1972 (NWFP Ord.VII of 1972), and the rules made thereunder. 22. Right of Appeal or Representation:- (1) Where a right to prefer an appeal or apply for review in respect of any order relating to the terms and conditions of his service is provided to a civil servant under any rules applicable to him, such appeal or application shall, except as may be otherwise prescribed, be made within thirty days of the date of such order. (2) Where no provision for appeal or review exists under the rules in respect of any order or class of orders, a civil servant aggrieved by any such order may, within thirty days of the communication to him of such order, make a representation against it to the authority next above the authority which made the order: Provided that no representation shall lie on matters relating to the determination of fitness of a person to hold a particular post or to be promoted to a higher post or grade.


CHAPTER-III MISCELLANEOUS 23. Saving:- Nothing in this Act or in any rule shall be construed to limit or abridge the power of the Governor to deal with the case of any civil servant in such manner as may appear to him to be just and equitable: Provided that, where this Act or any rule is applicable to the case of a civil servant, the case shall not be dealt with in any manner less favourable to him than that provided by this Act or such rules. 24. Removal of difficulties:- If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of this Act, the Governor may make such order, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as may appear to him to be necessary for the purpose of removing the difficulty: Provided that no such power shall be exercised after the expiry of one year from the coming into force of this Act. 25. Appointment of persons on contract, etc:- The Governor or any person authorised by the Governor in that behalf may, on such terms and conditions as he may specify in each case, appoint persons on contract basis, or on workcharged basis, or who are paid out of contingencies: Provided that all such employees who were working in any such capacity immediately before the commencement of this Act shall continue to be so employed on the same terms and conditions on which they were appointed. 26. Rules:- (1) The Governor or any person authorised by the Governor in this behalf, may make such rules as appear to him to be necessary or expedient for carrying out of the purposes of this Act. (2) Any rules, orders or instructions in respect of any terms and conditions of service of civil servants duly made or issued by an authority competent to make them and in force


immediately before the commencement of this Act shall, in so far as such rules, orders or instructions are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to be rules made under this Act. 27. Repeal:- The North-West Frontier Province Civil servants Ordinance, 1973 (NWFP Ordinance No.VI of 1973), is hereby repealed.

____________________________________________________________________ ___________________ * The Governor has authorised the Chief Minister N.WF.P to make rules vide Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)1-206/74/Vol.V dated 18.4.1989 which reads as under:"In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) of Section 26 of the NWFP Civil Servants Act,1973(N.W.F.P Act XVIII of 1973), the Governor of the North West Frontier Province is pleased to authorise the Chief Minister, North West Frontier Province to make rules for carrying out of the purposes of the said Act"


Section-1 Statutory provision regarding Appointment. Sl.No.1 Section 5 of Civil Servants Act, 1973 - Appointment to a civil service of the Province or to a civil post in connection with the affairs of the Province shall be made in the prescribed manner by the Governor or by a person authorised by the Governor in that behalf. THE NORTH-WEST FRONTIER PROVINCE CIVIL SERVANTS (APPOINTMENT,PROMOTION & TRANSFER) RULES,1989. Sl.No.2 PART-I GENERAL 1. Short title and commencement:- (1) These rules may be called the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules,1989. (2) 1. They shall come into force at once. these rules, unless the context

Definitions:-(1) In otherwise requires:-

(a) "Appointing Authority" in relation to a post, means the persons authorised under rule 4 to make appointment to that post; (b) "Basic Pay Scale" means the Basic Pay Scale for the time being sanctioned by Government, in which a post or a group of posts is placed:


(c) "Commission" means the North West Frontier Province Public Service Commission. ______________________________________________ _____________
* Issued vide notification No SOR-I (S&GAD) 4-1/80 dated 31.1.1989


(d) "Departmental Promotion Committee" means a committee constituted for making selection for promotion or transfer to such posts under a Department, or offices of Government which do not fall within the purview of the Provincial Selection Board.

"(dd) "Departmental Selection Board" means a Board constituted for the purpose of making selection for initial recruitment /appointment to posts under a Department or office of Government in Basic Pay Scale 17 not falling within the purview of the Commission".

Provided that more than one such committee may be constituted for civil servants holding different scales of pay". (e) "Departmental Selection Committee" means a committee constituted for the purpose of making selection for initial appointment to posts under a department, or office of Government 1{in Basic Pay Scale 17 and below not falling within the purview of the Commission}: (f) "Post" means a post sanctioned in connection with the affairs of the Province, but not allocated to all Pakistan Unified Grades ; and

(g) "Provincial Selection Board" means the Board constituted by Government for the purpose of selection of civil servants for promotion or transfer to posts in respect whereof the appointing authority under rule 4 is the Chief Minister and shall consist of such persons as may be appointed to it by Government from time to time".

(2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meanings as are assigned to them in the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants Act,1973(N.W.F.P act XVIII of 1973) or any other statutory order or rules of Government for the time being in force. 2. Method of Appointment:-(1) Appointment to posts shall be made by any of the following methods, namely:-


(a) (b)

by promotion or transfer in accordance with the provisions contained in Part-II of these rules; and


by initial recruitment in accordance with the provisions contained in Part-III of these rules. ___________________________________________________ ______________

2. 3.

Substituted by clause (d) of sub rule (i) of rule 2 vide Notification No.SOR.I(S&GAD)4-1/80(Vol.II), dated 14.1.1992. Clause(dd) of sub-rule(1) of rule-2 added by Notification No.SOR.III(S&GAD)2-7/86, dated 8.12.1994. Clause"(g)"of sub-rule(1) of Rule 2 substituted by Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/80/Vol.II dated 14.1.1992.


(2) The method of appointment, qualifications and other conditions applicable to a post shall be such as laid down by the Department concerned in consultation with the Services and General Administration Department and the Finance Department. 4. Appointing Authority:- The authorities competent to make appointment to posts in various basic pay scales shall be as follows:S.No. ! Posts Authority_________

! _________Appointing Chief Minister


(a) Posts in Basic Pay Scale 18 and above including posts in Basic Pay Scale 17 borne on any of the following services; (i) Former Provincial Civil Service (Executive Branch); (ii) Former Provincial Civil Service (Judicial Branch); and (iii)Provincial Civil Secretariat Service. (b) Posts in Basic Pay Scale 17 other than those covered by(a) above.

Chief Secretary


Posts in Basic Pay Scale 16. (a) In the case of Secretariat of the Government of NWFP, the Chief Secretary. (b) In case of High Court, the Chief Justice; and (c) In the case of Attached Department:




the Head of Attached Department concerned; and In any other case the Secretary of the Department concerned.

___________________________________________________ ______________
1.Subsituted 22.8.1991. by Notification No.SOSRI(S&GAD)4-1/75(Vol.I) dated



Posts in Basic Pay Scales 3 to 15. (a) In the case of civil Servants borne on ministerial establishment of Civil Courts subordinate to High Court, the officer authorised as such by the Chief Justice; and (b) In other cases (i) an officer declared under the relevant Delegation of Powers Rules, which shall to this extent be deemed as operative; or (ii) Where no such appointing authority has been declared, the Secretary to Government or the Head of an Attached Department/Office as the case may be.


Posts in Basic Pay Scale 1 and 2. Deputy Secretary incharge of Administration or office, as the case may be.

1 5. "Departmental Promotion & Selection Committee/Board" - (1) In each Department or office of Government there shall be one or more Departmental Promotion Committee and Departmental Selection Committee 2(or, as the case may be, Departmental Selection Board), the composition of which shall be determined by the Services and General Administration Department or the Department in consultation with the Services and General Administration Department. (2) Each such Committee 2("or the Board, as the case may be ), shall consist of at least three members, one of whom shall be appointed as Chairman.


6. "Procedure when recommendation is not accepted:When an appointing authority for Basic Pay Scale 17 or below does not accept the recommendation of a Departmental Promotion or Selection Committee, or the Departmental Selection Board, as the case may be, it shall record its reasons and obtain order of the next higher authority". ___________________________________________________ ______________
1.The Heading of rules"5"substituted by Notification No. SORI(S&GAD)27/86,dated 8.12.1994. 2.The words inserted by Notification No.SORIII(S&GAD)2-7/86, dated 8.12.1994 3.Rule 6 substituted by Notification No.SORIII(S&GAD)2-7/86, dated 8.12.1994.

PART-II APPOINTMENT BY PROMOTION OR TRANSFER 7. Appointment by Promotion or Transfer. 1(1)Except as otherwise provided in any service rules for the time being in force, appointment by promotion or transfer to posts in respect whereof the appointing authority under rule 4 is the Chief Minister shall ordinarily be made on the recommendation of the Provincial Selection Board and promotion and transfer to posts other than those falling within the purview of the Provincial Selection Board shall ordinarily be made on the recommendation of appropriate Departmental Promotion Committee". (2) Appointment by transfer shall be made from amongst the persons holding appointment on regular basis in the same basic pay scale , in which the posts to be filled, exists. (3) Persons possessing such qualifications and fulfilling such conditions as laid down for the purpose of promotion or transfer to a post shall be considered by the Departmental Promotion Committee or the Provincial Selection Board for promotion or transfer, as the case may be. (4) No promotion on regular basis shall be made to posts in Basic Pay Scale 18 to 21 unless the officer concerned has completed such minimum length of service as may be specified from time to time.


8. Inter-Provincial Transfer:-(1) Persons holding appointment in BPS 1 to 15 under Federal Government and other Provincial Government may, in deserving cases, be transferred to equivalent posts under these rules:Provided that:(i) the Federal Government or the Government of the Province concerned, as the case may be, has no objection to such a transfer; the person seeking transfer possesses the requisite qualification and experience and the post to which his transfer is intended can, under the rules, be filled by transfer;


the person concerned holds appointment to the post in his parent Department on regular basis; ___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Sub-rule(1)of rule 7 substituted by Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)41/80(Vol.II), dt: 14.1.92.



the person concerned is a bonafide resident of the North-West Frontier Province . a vacancy exists to accommodate the request of such a transfer; and provided further that in most deserving cases, the merit of which shall be determined on case to case basis and the decision of the Competent Authority in that behalf shall be final, Government may allow transfer of a civil servant in BPS-16 and above, subject to the aforesaid conditions.



(2) A person so transferred shall be placed at the bottom of the cadre strength which he joins for the purposes of determining his seniority vis-a-viz other members borne on the cadre.


(3) It will be the sole discretion of the appointing authority to accept or refuse a request of transfer under this rule and any decision made in this behalf shall be final and shall not be quoted as precedence in any other case. 9. Appointment on Acting Charge or current Charge Basis.(1) Where the appointing authority considered it to be in the public interest to fill a post reserved under the rules for departmental promotion and the most senior civil servant belonging to the cadre or service concerned, who is otherwise eligible for promotion, does not possess the specified length of service the authority may appoint him to that post on acting charge basis;1 Provided that no such appointment shall be made, if the prescribed length of service is short by more than 2{three years}. (2) So long as a civil servant holds the acting charge appointment, a civil servant junior to him shall not be considered for regular promotion but may be appointed on acting charge basis to a higher post. (3) In the case of a post in Basic Pay Scale 17 and above, reserved under the rules to be filled in by initial recruitment, where the appointing authority is satisfied that no suitable officer drawing pay in the basic scale in which the post exists is available in that category to fill the post and it is expedient to fill the post, it may appoint to that post on acting charge basis the most senior officer otherwise eligible for promotion in the organisation, cadre or service, as the case may be, in excess of the promotion quota.
_____________________________________________________________ _________________
"1. Full stop at the end of rule 9(1) replaced by colon and proviso added by Notification No.SOR(S&GAD)4- 1/80(V.II), dated 20.10.1993. 2. The words "one year" substituted by Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/80(Vol.III), dt: 14.3.96.


(4) Acting charge appointment shall be made against posts which are likely to fall vacant for period of six months or more. Against vacancies occurring for less than six months, current charge appointment may be made according to the orders issued from time to time. (5) Appointment on acting charge basis shall be made on the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committee or the Provincial Selection Board, as the case may be. (6) Acting charge appointment shall not confer any vested right for regular promotion to the post held on acting charge basis. PART-III INITIAL APPOINTMENT 10. Appointment by Initial Recruitment:-(1) Initial appointment to posts 1{in various pay scales} shall be made(a) if the post falls within the purview of the Commission, on the basis of Examination or test to be conducted by the Commission; or if the post does not fall within the purview of the Commission, in the manner as may be determined by Government.


"(2) Initial recruitment to posts which does not fall within the purview of the Commission shall be made on the recommendation of the Departmental Selection Committee, after vacancies have been advertised in newspapers"; (3) A candidate for initial appointment to a post must possess the educational qualification or technical qualifications and experience and except as provided in the rules framed for the purpose of relaxation of age limit, must be within the age limit as laid down for the post, provided that-


"(i) where recruitment is to be made on the basis of written examination, then, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other rules for the time being enforce, age shall be reckoned on 1st January of the year in which the examination is proposed to be held";

____________________________________________________________________ ___________________ 1.The words "in Basic Pay scale 16 to 21"substituted by Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)1 117/91(C),dated 12.10.1993 2.Sub-rule(2)of rule 10 substituted by Not: No.SORI(S&GAD)1-117/91(C),dated 12.10.1993. 3.Clause (i)of sub-rule(3)of rule 10 substituted by Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)41/80,dated 17.5.1980.



in other cases as on the last date fixed for submission of applications for appointment.

(4) Notwithstanding the procedure prescribed in subrule(2), the appointing authority may appoint one of the children of a deceased civil servant, who died during service, to a post in any of the Basic Pay Scales No.1 to 15; provided that the child possesses the minimum qualification prescribed for appointment to the post. The appointment, as aforesaid, shall be subject to the availability of a vacancy and if two or more vacancies in different pay scales are available at a time, and the child possesses the qualifications which make him eligible for appointment to more than one post, he shall ordinarily be appointed to the post carrying higher pay scale. "(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in any rule for the time being enforce 2(two percent) of all posts in each basic pay scale to be filled in by initial recruitment shall be reserved for disabled candidates and two percent for female candidates. Explanation:-For the purposes of reservation under this subrule "disability" does not include such disability which hampers in the smooth performance of the duties required of a disabled candidate". 11. Eligibility.(1) A candidate for appointment shall be a citizen of Pakistan and bonafide resident of the North-West Frontier Province. Provided that for reasons to be recorded in writing, Government may, in a particular case, relax this restriction. (2) No person who has married a foreign national shall be appointed to a post under these rules; Provided that this restriction may be relaxed by Government in the case of a person who has married a citizen of India 3{or Bangladesh.}" Provided further that a person already in Government service shall not marry a foreign national without prior permission of Government obtained in that behalf.


___________________________________________________ _____________
1. Sub-rule(5)of rule10 substituted by Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)1117/91(C), dated 12.10.1993. 2. The "one percent" substituted by Notification No. SOR-I(S&GAD)4-1/80 Vol-III dated 19.2.1999. 3. The words"or Bangladesh"added by Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)41/80/Vol.III, dated 21.5.1997.


(3) No person, not already in Government service, shall be appointed to a post unless he produces a certificate of character from the principal academic officer of the academic institution last attended and also certificates of character from two responsible persons, not being his relatives, who are well acquainted with his character and antecedents. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule(3), an appointment by initial recruitment shall be subject to the verification of character and antecedents of the candidate or the person appointed, to the satisfaction of appointing authority. (5) No candidate shall be appointed to a post unless he is found, after such medical examination as Government may prescribe, to be in good mental and bodily health and free from physical defect likely to interfere in the efficient discharge of his duties. 12. Zonal and Divisional representation:- (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in any rule for the time being in force, initial recruitment to posts in Basic Pay Scales 16 and 17 and other posts in Basic Pay Scales 3 to 15 borne on Provincial cadre shall be made in accordance with the Zonal quota specified by Government from time to time.

(2) Initial recruitment to posts in Basic Pay Scales 3 to 15 borne on divisional or district cadre shall be made from amongst bonafide residents of the division or district concerned, as the case may be.

(3) Initial recruitment to posts in Basic Pay Scales 1 and 2 or equivalent shall ordinarily be made on local basis.

PART-IV ADHOC APPOINTMENT 13. Requisition to Commission:-When under any rule for the time being in force, a post is required to be filled in through


the Commission, the appointing authority shall forward a requisition on the prescribed form to the Commission immediately after it is decided to fill in the post, or if that is not practicable and the post is filled on adhoc basis as provided in rule 14,within two months of the filling of the post. 14. Adhoc Appointment:-(1) When the appointing authority considers it to be in the public interest to fill in a post falling within the purview of the Commission urgently, it may, pending nomination of a candidate by the Commission, proceed to fill in such post on adhoc basis for a period not exceeding six months by advertising the same in accordance with the procedure laid down for initial appointment in Part-III of these rules. (2) Short term vacancies in the posts falling within the purview of the Commission and vacancies occurring as a result of creation of temporary posts for a period not exceeding six months, may be filled in by appointing authority otherwise than through the Commission on a purely temporary basis after advertising the vacancy. PART-V PROBATION AND CONFIRMATION 15. Probation:-(1) A person appointed to a post on regular basis shall remain on probation for a period of two years, if appointed by initial recruitment, and for a period of one year, if appointed otherwise; provided that if his work or conduct during the period of probation has, in the opinion of the appointing authority, not been found satisfactory, the appointing authority may, notwithstanding that the period of probation has not expired(a) dispense with his service, if he has been appointed by initial recruitment; or revert him to his former post, if he has been appointed otherwise, or if there be no such post, dispense with his services; or




extend the period of probation for a period not exceeding one year in all and may, during or on the expiry of such extended period, pass such orders as it could have passed during or on the expiry of the initial probationary period.

Explanation:- Officiating service or service spent on deputation to a corresponding or a higher post may be allowed to count towards the period or probation.

(2) If no orders have been made by the day following the completion of the initial probationary period, the period or probation shall be deemed to have been extended, and if no orders have been made by the day on which the maximum period or probation expires, the probationer shall, subject to the proviso to sub-section(3) of section 6 of the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants Act,1973, be deemed to have satisfactorily completed his period of probation. 16. Confirmation:-After satisfactory completion of the probationary period, a civil servant shall be confirmed; provided that he holds a substantive post, provided further that a civil servant shall not be deemed to have satisfactorily completed his period of probation, if he has failed to pass an examination, test or course or has failed to complete successfully a training prescribed within the meaning of sub-section(3) of Section 6 of the North West Frontier Province Civil Servants Act, 1973. PART-VI SENIORITY 17. Seniority:-(1) The seniority inter se of civil servants 1 (appointed to a service, cadre or post) shall be determined:(a) in the case of persons appointed by initial recruitment, in accordance with the order of merit


assigned by the Commission 2{or as the case may be, the Departmental Selection Committee;} provided that persons selected for appointment to post in an earlier selection shall rank senior to the persons selected in a later selection; and (b) in the case of civil servants appointed otherwise, with reference to the date of their continuous regular appointment in the post; provided that civil servants selected for promotion to a higher post in one batch shall, on their promotion to the higher post, retain their inter se seniority as in the lower post.

Explanation.I:- If a junior person in a lower post is promoted to a higher post temporarily in the public interest, even though continuing later permanently in the higher post, it would not adversely effect the interest of his seniors in fixation of his seniority in the higher post. ___________________________________________________ ________________
1. Substituted for the words"appointment to post in the same Basic Pay Scale in a cadre by Notification No.SOR.I(S&GAD)4-1/80,dated 17.5.1989. 2 . The words inserted by Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/80(V.II), dated 4.2.1996.

Explanation.II:- If a junior person in a lower post is promoted to a higher post by superseding a senior person and subsequently that senior person is also promoted the person promoted first shall rank senior to the person promoted subsequently; provided that junior person shall not be deemed to have superseded a senior person if the case of the senior person is deferred for the time being for want of certain information or for incompletion of record or for any other reason not attributing to his fault or demerit. Explanation.III:- A junior person shall be deemed to have superseded a senior person only if both the junior and the senior persons were considered for the higher post and the junior person was appointed in preference to the senior person.


(2) Seniority in various cadres of civil servants appointed by initial recruitment vis-a-viz those appointed otherwise shall be determined with reference to the dates of their regular appointment to a post in that cadre; provided that if two dates are the same, the person appointed otherwise shall rank senior to the person appointed by initial recruitment. 18. General Rules:- In all matters not expressly provided for in these rules, civil servants shall be governed by such rules as have been or may hereafter be prescribed by Government and made applicable to them. 19. Repeal:- The North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer)Rules,1975, are hereby repealed.



Section-2 RECRUITMENT INCLUDING AGE RELAXATION POLICY Subject:- RECRUITMENT POLICY FOR THE PROVINCIAL SERVICES AGE RELAXATION FOR SPECIAL POSTS. I am directed to refer to this Department circular letter of even number dated 1st February,1993,on the subject cited above, and to say that new recruitment policy has been reviewed by the Provincial Government. It has been decided to revise the existing policy as under:(a) Recruitment to posts in BPS-16 and above as well as the posts of Assistant Sub-Inspectors of Police, Naib Tehsildars, Zilladars and Sub-Engineers will continue to be made through the NWFP Public Service Commission. However, the Commission may make efforts to finalize the recruitment within six months of the receipt of the requisition duly completed from the Administrative Department. Recruitment to posts in the various Government Departments as indicated below will also henceforth be made by the NWFP Public Service Commission:(i) All Departments Revenue, NWFP(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (ii) including Board of


Senior Scale Stenographer(B-15) Data Processing Supervisor(B-14) Junior Scale Stenographer(B-12) Assistant (B-11) Draftsman(B-11)

Board of Revenue(1) (2) Sub-Registrar(B-14) Excise and Taxation Inspector(B-11)


Home & Tribal Affairs Department -



Police Department; (1) Prosecuting Sub-Inspector(B-14)


Inspectorate of Prisons: (1) Assistant Jail Superintendent(B-11)


Reclamation and Probation Department; (1) Parole/Probation Officer(B-11) Commerce, Labour and Mineral Transport

(iv) Industries, Development, Department(a)

Directorate of Industries: (1) Assistant Industrial Development Officer/ Assistant Price Stabilization Officer(B-11) Royalty Inspector(B-11) Surveyor(B-11)

(2) (3) (b)

Directorate of Manpower and Training: (1) Instructor T.T.C(B-14)


Cooperative Societies: (1) Inspector(B-11)

(vi) Communication and Works Department(1) (2) Assistant Architectural Draftsman(B-14) Senior Draftsman(B-13)


(vii) Public Health Engineering Department(1) (2) (3) Motivation Officer(B-15) Assistant Motivation Officer(B-14) Lady Health Educator(B-12)


(viii) Electric Inspectorate:(1) (ix) Sub-Inspector(B-11)

Food Department(1) (2) Assistant Food Controller(B-8) Food Grain Inspector(B-6)


Directorate of Archives and Libraries(1) (2) Preservation Assistant (B-11) Cataloguer / Classifier (B-11)


Initial recruitment to posts in BPS-15 and below other than the posts in the purview of the Public Service Commission, in all the departments shall continue to be made in accordance with Rule 10,11 and 12 (Part-III) of the NWFP Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules,1989,the criteria as laid down in S&GAD letter No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/75,dated 11.2.1987 and the zonal allocation formula contained in S&GAD Notification NO.SOS.III(S&GAD)3-39/70, dated 2.10.1973 as amended from time to time. No adhoc appointment against any post in any pay scale shall be made. Relaxation in maximum age limit may be allowed to candidates for various posts having prescribed qualifications in specific fields upto a period of 5 years by the Competent Authority and for not more than 10 years by the S&GAD. The details of such posts are indicated in the Annexure to this letter. The age relaxation in respect of posts other than posts mentioned above may be confined to 5 years only. The competent Authority may allow relaxation upto 2 years whereas the S&GAD may relax the age upto a period of 5 years.




"The age limit in respect of Government Servants who have completed at least four years service in the Government, on the closing day for submission of applications for the posts, shall be automatically relaxed by 10 years or a number of years an officer/official has actually served, whichever is less"
____________________________________________________________________ ___________________ 1. New sub-para added by Notification No.SO-I(S&GAD)1-117/91(C)Vol-I, dated 7.1.1999 & 17.3.1999.


All the proposals for the grant of relaxation in upper age shall continue to be accompanied by:(i)

Full justification in support of the proposal; and A certificate to the effect that no eligible candidates within the prescribed age limits are/were available.


"An overage candidate shall be entitled to only one age concession whichever is beneficial to him." (f) The Regional/Zonal quota if not filled will be carried forward till suitable candidates are available from the Region/Zone concerned. No "Substitute" recruitment shall be made. Existing backlog, if any, in respect of any zone will not be carried forward and the Commission shall take a fresh start in respect of all posts under its purview. However, this condition will not be applicable in respect of posts which have already been advertised by the NWFP Public Service Commission. The vacancies in all the Departments shall be advertised in leading newspapers on 2(Sunday).The advertisement in electronic media should be to the extent of drawing attention of all concerned to the relevant newspapers in which the vacancies are advertised. Initial Recruitment to all the vacant posts shall be made on regular known periodic intervals in February and August each year after proper advertisement through electronic and national/regional media. After advertisement, a minimum period of 30 days should be allowed for receipt of applications. A waiting list of eligible candidates shall be maintained for a period of six months.




(i) (a)


(2% quota) for disabled persons already fixed earlier shall stand and should be enforced strictly. However, 2% quota has also been fixed for female candidates in all the services which are filled up through initial recruitment. The Commission shall revise the Requisition Form for all such posts for specifying the women's ___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Sub-para added by Notification No. SOR-I (S&GAD)1-117/91 (C) (V-I) dated 8.10.99. 2. The word"Friday"substituted in Para 1(g)by Notifi:No.SORI(S&GAD)1117/91(C), dt. 22.11.97. 3. Note: 1% quota has been enhanced to 2% in the APT rules vide Notification No.SORI (S&GAD) 4-1/80/Vol.III, dated 19.2.99.


quota in the available vacancies and the Administrative Department shall intimate the quota for the women in the Requisition Form accordingly. The 2% quota shall be over and above the selection of women, if any, under general quota of merit etc. This quota shall, however, be restricted to those Departments where no separate female cadre exists. (k) For initial appointment to posts in BPS-17 and below in the Autonomous Bodies/Corporations, the zonal allocation formula applicable for Provincial Services may be adopted. The method of recruitment shall also conform to sub-para (c) above. The Provincial Government have already agreed that recruitment to the post of PTC in Education Department in various districts shall be made on constituency-wise basis. For this purpose, the existing districts have been divided into various zones. Each zone shall correspond to the area of constituency of the Provincial Assembly. However, recruitment to the posts shall, in each case, be 50% on merit in open competition on district basis and 50% on constituency basis.


2. I am directed to request that the above decisions of the Provincial Government may be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.
(Authority No.S&GAD's letter No.SOR.I(S&GAD)1-117/91(C),dated 12.10.1993.)



ANNEXURE TO LETTER NO. SOR.II(S&GAD)1-117/91(C), DATED 12.10.1993.. REVISED ANNEXURE-1 Details of specific posts identified for age relaxation of five years by competent Authority and upto ten years by the Services and General Administration Department (A) POSTS COMMON TO ALL DEPARTMENTS

I. All holders of Degree and above of the following categories:(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) II. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Ph.D Master Degrees in Fisheries. B.Sc Engineering/Architecture/Agriculture/ Computer Science. M.B.B.S/B.D.S. B.Sc(Hons) in Veterinary Science/Medicines/ Animal Husbandry. Forestry. Museulogy. Stenographers. Urdu Typist. Degree/Diploma in Library Science. All posts of Computer Technology. All holders of Diploma Engineering(e.g Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Autos, Agriculture). Telex/Telephone Operator. Draftsman. Artist.

(6) (7) (8) III.

Teachers of the following categories:(1) Senior English Teachers. (2) Diploma in Physical Education. (3) Certified /S.V Teachers. (4) Oriental Teachers. (5) P.T.C / J.V Teachers. (6) All posts in Computer Science.


IV. V. (B)

Teaching posts in Deaf, Blind, Dumb, Mentally Retarded/Physically Handicapped Institute. Female candidates.

INDIVIDUAL DEPARTMENTS. (1) AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT (1) Press Manager (2) Equipment Engineer (3) Sound Recordist. (4) Penal Operator. SERVICES AND GENERAL ADMNINISTRATION DEPTT. (1) Telephone Technician.



HEALTH DEPARTMENT (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) Medical Technology. Kidney Mechanical Technician. Anaesthesia Assistant E.E.G Technician. Blood Bank Technician. O.T Assistant Radiographer. Charge Nurse. Male Nurse. Sterilization Assistant Physiotherapy Assistant E.C.G Technician. Dialysis Technician. Laboratory Assistant & Technician. Angiography Technician. Audiometrition. Laser Technician. Phulmorary Test Technician.


(19) Ophthalmic Technician. (V) SOCIAL WELFARE & SPECIAL EDUCATION DEPTT. (1) (2) (3) (3) (VI) Physiotherapists. Orthopedic Technician. Tailoring Instructor. Music Teacher.

LAW DEPARTMENT (1) Assistant Draftsman.


Relaxation in maximum age limit may be allowed to candidates for various posts having prescribed qualifications in specific fields upto a period of 5 years by the Competent authority and for not more than 10 years by the S&GAD. The details of such posts are indicated in the Annexure to this letter. The age relaxation in respect of posts other than posts mentioned above may be confined to 5 years only. The competent authority may allow relaxation upto 2 years whereas the S&GAD may relax the age upto a period of 5 years. All the proposals for the grant of relaxation in upper age shall continue to be accompanied by:(i) Full justification proposal; and in support of the


A certificate to the effect that no eligible candidate within the prescribed age limits are/were available .

1. See also letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-117/91(C), dated 12.10.1993 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 26 of the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants Act, 1973 (NWFP XVIII of 1973), the Governor of the North-West Frontier


Province is pleased to direct that the following amendments shall be made in the existing service Rules of all the provincial Government Departments, namely:AMMENDMENT For the existing maximum age limit of "25 years" and "28 years", wherever occurring, the words and figures "30 years" and "32 years" shall be respectively substituted. 2. See also letter No.SOR-I(S&GAD)4-1/80(Vol-III) dated 12th June 1999.


Amendment in the Recruitment Policy. I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to say that the competent authority is pleased to direct that the following further amendments in Recruitment Policy, issued vide circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-117/91(C), dated 1.2.1993 read with letter of even number dated 12.10.93, shall be made, namely:1. The following sub-para shall be added at the end of para 1(e):The upper age limit for recruitment of disabled persons shall, in all cases, stand relaxed by ten years 2. The following entries shall be inserted at the end of para 1(f):In case female candidates with prescribed qualification do not become available in Zone-I after advertising atleast three times, such vacancy/vacancies shall be advertised fourth time for Merit Quota.


3. See also letter No.SOR-I(S&GAD)1-117/91(C)(V.I), Dt: 23.5.2000)


Section-3 Zonal Allocation in Initial Recruitment In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 241 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and in supersession of this Department's Notification No.SOS.III(S&GAD)3-39/70 dated 25th March,1971 the Governor of the North-West Frontier Province is pleased to direct that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any service/Recruitment Rules under the rule making authority of the Governor of the North-West Frontier Province, vacancies to be filled by initial recruitment and by promotion shall be filled in the following manner:1. In the case of initial recruitment:1

"(a) there shall be block of 24 vacancies in the former Gazetted Service or post (including un-classified services or Posts) or equivalent status, which shall be filled in the following manner:(i) Six such vacancies shall form merit quota and shall be filled on merit from among the candidates domiciled in any part of the NorthWest Frontier Province including the Federally Administered Tribal Areas attached thereto; and the remaining 18 vacancies shall be reserved for bonafide residents of the zones specified in column 2 of the Appendix to this Notification in accordance with the number of posts shown against each zone in column 4 thereof;"



there shall be block of 18 vacancies in non-Gazetted Services or posts in the Secretariat Department and the Headquarters Offices of the Attached Departments which shall be reserved for bonafide residents of the zones specified in column 2 of the Appendix to this Notification in accordance with the


number of posts shown against each zone in column 4 thereof; Provided that where a zone has been further sub-divided into parts specified in column 3 of the said Appendix, the vacancies allocated to that zone shall be made available to each part of the zone in equal shares or by rotation, as the case may be; ___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Sub.Para (a)of Para 1 substituted by circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)339/70, dated 3.2.90.


"Provided further that in the case of vacancy allocated to a zone or, as the case may be, a part of that zone if no suitable candidate from that zone or part is available, the vacancy shall be filled from any other zone or part of that zone, as the case may be, and the vacancy of the latter zone or part of that zone, as the case may be when available shall be filled from former zone, or as the case may be a part of that zone, where no suitable candidate was available. 2. In the case of vacancies to be filled by promotion in the manner specified in the Service/Recruitment Rules of the Service concerned;

Note: See NWFP Civil Service (Sectt Group) Rules, 1997 & NWFP Civil Sectt: (Executive Group) Rules, 1997 issued by Notification No. SOR-IV (S&GAD)/3-7/95-Vol.II, dt. 26.6.97. "Provided that if in the opinion of the appointing authority no suitable officer/official is available for promotion to any post in the Provincial Secretariat from among the officer/officials constituting the Secretariat Services the vacancies, not exceeding ten per cent of the total cadre strength of the Service concerned, may be filled by transfer or promotion of suitable officers/officials serving in any Department of the Government of the North-West Frontier Province".
(Authority:NWFP,S&GAD Notification No.SoS.III(S&GAD)3-39/70 2.10.1973.) Dated


___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Proviso substituted by Notification No.SOSIII(S&GAD)3-39/70,dated 21.1.74 2. See also NWFP Civil Service (Sectt Group) rules, 1997 & NWFP Civil Services (Executive Group) rules, 1997 issued through Notification No.SORIV(S&GAD)3-7/95 Vol.II, dt: 26.6.97.


Sl. No Zone Parts of Zones No. of posts for each Zone

1 1

2 Agencies of Bajaur, Mohmand, Khyber, Orakzai, North Waziristan Kurram, Frontier Regions attached to the districts of Peshawar, Kohat, Bannu and D.I.Khan. Peshawar,Nowshera, Charsadda, Mardan and Swabi District. District of Swat, Dir, Chitral, Buner and Malakand Protected Areas (Swat Ranizai and SamRanizai) backward areas of Mansehra District, Kohistan District and Backward Areas of Swabi District.

3 Areas as detailed in column 2 against Serial No.1.

4 4

Areas as detailed in column 2 against Serial No.2. i. Swat District. ii. Dir District. iii. Chitral District. iv. Buner District. v. Malakand Protected Area (Swat Ranizai and SamRanizai). iv. Backward Areas of Mansehra District consisting areas of District Battagram. vii. Kala Dhaka Area. viii. Upper Tanawal Area. ix. Kohistan District. x. Gadoon Area in Swabi District. Areas as detailed in column 2 against Srl. No. 4. Areas detailed in column 2 against Serial No.5.

Dera Ismail Khan, Tank, Bannu, Lakki, Kohat and Karak Districts. Districts of Abbottabad, Haripur and Mansehra excluding backward areas

55 of Mansehra District which form part of ZoneIII.

____________________________________________________________________ ________________

* Appendix subst. by Notification No.SOR.I(S&GAD)3-39/70(Vol.III), dt. 22nd September,1992.


ZONAL ALLOCATION FORMULA I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that in accordance with the provisions of the S&GAD Notification No.SORI(S&GAD) 3-39/70, dated 3.2.1990 there shall be a block of 24 vacancies for posts carrying BPS-16 & 17 for the purpose of zonal allocation .Of these six shall form merit quota and the remaining 18 shall be reserved for bonafide residents of Zone 1,2,3,4 & 5. 2. For the purpose of practical application of the new zonal formula a new rotational cycle of 24 vacancies shall become operative with immediate effect in the following order:Vacancy Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Zonal Allocation Merit Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Merit Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 1 Merit Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Merit Zone 5 Zone 1 Zone 2 Merit Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Merit Zone 1 Zone2 Zone 3


3. In view of the changed formula the Commission has decided that fresh allocation/adjustment of all the vacancies will start from the first vacancy of first block of the new formula ,provided that in a cadre the over and under subscription as it stood on the date of commencement of new formula shall be taken into account in future allocation of vacancies under the new system.

4. I am accordingly to request you that fresh requisition may be placed on the Commission on the basis of the new zonal allocation formula indicating the previous over/under subscription of various zones.

(Authority No.3-89-DS/3241, dated 19.3.1990(PSC))



Section-4 CONSTITUTION OF PSB,DPC & DSC NOTIFICATION Peshawar, dated the 22nd August,1991. No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/75(Vol.I):- In pursuance of the provisions contained in clause(d) and (g) of rule 2 of the NorthWest Frontier Province Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion & Transfer) Rules,1989, read with rule 7(1) thereof and in supersession of this Department's Notification No.SOS-III (S&GAD)1-206/74-III, dated 16.5.1975, and No.SORI(S&GAD) 4-1/75, dated 18.9.1989, issued in this behalf, the Governor of North-West Frontier Province is pleased to constitute the Provincial Selection Board and the Departmental Promotion Committees for making selection to various posts as under:A- Provincial Selection Board 1. The Provincial following:(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Member/ Secretary
1 2. "The Board shall make recommendations for appointment by promotion or transfer to all posts in Basic Pay Scale-18 and above and shall also assess fitness/suitability of officers for move-over to BPS-20 and make its recommendations."







Chief Secretary, NWFP Additional Chief Secretary, NWFP

... Chairman ... Member

Senior Member, Board of Revenue, NWFP ... Member Administrative Secretary concerned Secretary Services & General Administration Department. ... Member ...

B-DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION COMMITTEES 1. For each Department, there shall be a Departmental Promotion Committee consisting of the following:-


(1) Secretary of the Department concerned ... Chairman *(2) Additional Secretary, S&GAD. ... Member *(3) Additional Secretary, Finance Department ... Member (4) Head of Attached Department concerned ... Member *(5) Deputy Secretary of the Department concerned. ... Secretary ___________________________________________________ ______________
*Substituted vide S&GAD Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/75(Vol.I), dated 5.12.1991. 1.Para 2 under A substituted by Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)41/75(Vol.II),dt.27.9.97.

1 2. "The Departmental Promotion Committee shall make recommendations for appointment by promotion or transfer to posts in BPS-16 and BPS-17 and shall also assess fitness/suitability of officers for move over from BPS-15 to BPS16, or BPS-16 to BPS-17 or BPS-17 to BPS-18,or BPS-18 to BPS 19 as the case may be, and make its recommendations."

3. In all cases, whether pertaining to promotion, transfer or move over, the Department concerned shall strictly adhere to the guidelines/policy instructions issued by the S&GAD from time to time. 4. No meeting of the Departmental Promotion Committee shall be held without representative of the S&GAD. NOTIFICATION Peshawar, dated the 17th June,1989. No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/75:- In pursuance of the provisions in rule 5 of the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion & Transfer) Rules,1989, the Services and General Administration Department is pleased to lay down the constitution of the Departmental Promotion Committee and the Departmental Selection Committee for the purpose of making selection for promotion, transfer and initial appointment to the posts in BPS-15 and below in the Attached Departments/Offices as under:-

(1) (2)

Appointing Authority

Chairman Member

An officer to be nominated by the Administrative Department concerned.

An Officer to be nominated by Appointing Authority. Member ___________________________________________________ ______________

1. Para 2 under B 1/75(Vol.II), dt.27.9.97 substituted by Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)4-



Constitution of Departmental Selection Committees for posts in BPS-15 and below Reference this Department's circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD) 4-1/75 (Vol.I), dated 4th March,1992 as amended vide this department letter of even number dated 12th October,1992, it was inter alia provided that candidates qualifying the written test for posts in BPS-11 to 15 be interviewed by a broadbased panel of Selection Committees of five/six members headed by the Ministries concerned. 2. It has been decided by the Provincial Government to withdraw the above orders with immediate effect to the extent that henceforth the Departmental Selection Committees, as constituted vide Notification No.SOS.III(S&GAD)1-206/74-1, dated 16.5.1975, and No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/75, dated 17.6.1989,for posts in BPS-15 and below, shall stand revived as per details given below:I. Posts in the NWFP Civil Secretariat (1) (2) (3) (4) Secretary, S&GAD Deputy Secretary, S&GAD Deputy Secretary(Opinion) Law Department. Section Officer concerned in S&GAD. ... ... ... ... Chairman Member Member Secretary

II. Attached Departments/Offices in NWFP (1) (2) Appointing Authority. ... Chairman

An officer to be nominated by the ... Member Administrative Departments concerned. An officer to be nominated by the Appointing Authority.




3. It is requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.
(Authority:-SORI(S&GAD)4-1/75(Vol.II), dated 13th June,1993.)



Reservation of quota for appointment of children of Retiring Class-IV Govt. Servants on superannuation. I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that in supercession of all instructions issued in this behalf, the competent authority has been pleased to direct that a quota of 25% falling to the share of initial recruitment in BPS-1 to BPS-4 shall be reserved for appointment of one of the children of a retiring civil servant on superannuation/invalidation; provided that:1) the appointment shall be made subject to the availability of vacancy. 2) A waiting list showing the name, designation and date of retirement/invalidation of retiring civil servant shall be maintained in the department/office. The merit shall be determined from the date of retirement/invalidation of the civil servant. 3) The child possesses qualification prescribed for the post; 4) In case, the date of retirement/invalidation of two civil servants is the same, the child of the civil servant older in age shall be considered first for appointment. 5) Under age child of the said civil servant shall be included in the waiting list from the date of retirement/invalidation. However, he shall be considered for appointment after he attains the age prescribed for the posts. 9. The competent authority has further been pleased to authorise the Chief Secretary, NWFP to exercise the power of grant of relaxation of ban for initial appointment in cases of appointment of one of the children of retired/invalid civil servant and deceased civil servant died during the service as


required in rule 10(4) of the NWFP Civil Servant (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1989. 10. I am, therefore, directed to request that the above policy instructions should be followed strictly in letter and spirit.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOR-I (S&GAD)4-1/80(vol-III) dt: 23.5.2000) _______________________

Reservation of 25% quota for appointment of children of Retiring Class-IV Govt. Servants on superannuation. In continuation of this departments circular letter of even number dated 23.5.2000, I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to say that while submitting summary to the Competent Authority for the recruitment of a child of retiring civil servant in BPS-1 to BPS-4 on superannuation/invalidation, the Administrative Department shall certify that vacancy against which the child of the said civil servant was being recruited is within the prescribed quota.

(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOR-I (S&GAD)4-1/80(Vol-III), dated 1.7.2000)



Section-5 PROCEDURE FOR SELECTION FOR PROMOTION/INITIAL RECRUITMENT I am directed to say that under rule 7 of the NWFP Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion & Transfer) Rules,1975 appointment by promotion to posts in BPS-2 to BPS-16 shall be made on the recommendations of the appropriate Departmental Promotion Committee. Similarly, under rule 11 of the rules ibid, initial appointments to posts in BPS-1 to 15 shall be made on the recommendation of the Departmental Selection Committee after the vacancies have been advertised in newspapers. However, no criteria for selection has so far been prescribed. 2. In order to ensure a fair degree of selection, minimise the chances of discretion and favourtism, the Provincial Government have laid down the following criteria for selection for promotion vis-a-vis initial recruitment to the posts which are filled by the department concerned:(1) Criteria for Selection for Promotion:-Promotion to any post in a grade below Grade-16 shall not be subject to any test. The suitability of candidates shall be determined on the basis of service record i.e seniority-cum-fitness. Criteria of Selection for initial recruitment:(i) For post in Grades 1 to 4- No special criteria has been laid down and the committee concerned shall adopt its own method and procedure for selection. For posts in Grade-5 and above in all departments- -In addition to the total marks allocated for a written competitive examination, if any held, the total marks will be 100 as per distribution given below:(a) Prescribed qualification ...60




(b) (c) (d)

Higher qualification Experience Interview ...10 ...20



3. Para 2 above indicates only the general distribution of the marks. To enable the Administrative Departments to develop criteria of comparative grading of candidates within the above overall framework, S&GAD has done a model exercise(attached as Annexure) for guidance of all concerned. 4. I am accordingly directed to request you to kindly ensure that the aforesaid criteria for selection for promotion vis-a-vis initial recruitment to posts is adhered to strictly in filling the vacant posts in future.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)45-1/75, dated 11.2.1987)

________________________ ANNEXURE COMPARATIVE GRADING OF QUALIFICATIONS Minimum prescribed Qualification:Ist 2nd 3rd Total 60 (i) (ii) Matric Matric F.A/F.Sc. Matric F.A/F.Sc. B.A/B.Sc. Matric F.A/F.Sc. B.A/B.Sc. M.A/M.Sc. 60 30 21 20 15 15 15 11 11 11 45 21 18 15 12 12 11 09 09 09 36 18


1. For Non Professional Posts Marks




20 20



15 15 15

2. (i)

For Professional Posts For Four Examination: Ist Division. 2nd Division.

Ist 2nd 3rd Profess: Profess: Profess: Final


15 12

15 12

15 12 12


3rd Division (ii)





For Three Examinations. Ist Division. 20 2nd Division 3rd Division.

20 16 12

20 16 12

16 12

(iii) ForTwoExaminations. Ist division. 2nd Division. 3rd Division. B. Higher Qualifications: (Next above the qualifications prescribed under the rules) 10 One stage above Two stages above. Three stages above. C. Experience Experience of one year 04 Experience of two years. Experience of three years. D. Interview 20 5 7 10 30 18 30 24 18


07 10

Explanation: (a) Where qualification prescribed in the rules is Matric, comparative grading of candidates shall be done as shown at (A)(i)above. Where typing is prescribed in the rules as a part of qualifications after Matric, all persons possessing the prescribed speed shall be considered as equal. Where the prescribed qualifications is FA, grading shall be done as indicated at (A) (ii) of Annexure. To illustrate; if the candidate is a 2nd Division in Matric and Ist Division in FA, he shall get 21 plus 30 marks



out of the total of 60 reserved for prescribed qualification. (c) Where prescribed qualification is Graduation, the comparative grading shall be done at (A) (iii) of Annexure above. If a candidate is 3rd Division in Matric,2nd Division in F.A/F.Sc and Ist Division in BA/B.Sc he shall get 12,15,20 marks i.e 47 marks out of 60. If the minimum, qualification is M.A (which is very rare as the selection criteria pertain to posts in Grades 1 to 15 only) the grading shall be done as indicated at (A) (iv) above. The above grading can be applicable only where academic qualifications are from Matric onwards. In cases where technical qualifications(like Diploma or Certificate)are also prescribed after these basic qualifications, in such cases 60 marks for comparative grading shall be distributed as below:(1) (2) Total Marks. Basic qualification like Matric ...40 FA/BA as may be provided in the rules. Additional Technical qualification ...20 ...60




The method of further distribution of 20 marks shall be laid down by the Departments themselves on the analogy of the principles indicated above. 40 marks shall be distributed for the basic qualifications by necessary modification in the formula indicated at (A) of Annexure above. To illustrate, if the basic qualifications is Matric,40 marks shall be distributed as below:Ist Division Division 40 30 24 2nd Division 3rd


It will be noticed that the same proportion as obtaining between the marks reserved for First, Second and Third Division at (A) above has been maintained in the distribution of 40 marks as shown above. (f) Out of the 10 marks reserved for higher qualifications the actual marks to be given to a candidate are shown at (B) of Annexure, if the candidate possesses the qualification one stage above i.e for example he is Intermediate and qualification in the rules is Matric he shall get 5 marks; if he is a graduate and minimum qualification is Matric he shall get 7 marks and so on. Marks for experience shall be for experience in the line at the scale shown at (C) of Annexure. Persons with more than 3 years experience shall also get the maximum i.e 10.


(h) follows:-

"The equation of grades versus divisions is as

Grade A & B Grade C&D = Grade E =

= Ist Division 2nd Division 3rd Division

Note:Below 45% marks obtained in Grade D will be considered as 3rd Division. (i) In case where no division / grade is given in the respective Certificates, it is worked out on the basis of secured marks of candidates as follows:(a) 60% and above marks (b) 45% - 59% marks (c) Below 45% marks = = = Ist Division 2nd Division 3rd Division


(j) If not specifically provided otherwise in the relevant Service Rules "experience" will mean in the line and only that experience is considered which has been acquired after the acquisition of minimum qualifications prescribed for the post. (k) A candidate securing less than 6 marks in the interview is recorded as un-marked.

Criteria of selection for promotion/initial recruitment ammendment. I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to say that the competent authority is pleased to direct that the following amendments in the Criteria of Selection for promotion/initial recruitment issued vide this departments circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/75, dated 11.2.87 shall be made, namely:___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Sub-prara (h) substituted by letter No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/75, dated 22.7.1998.

(1) The existing entries in para substituted by the following:-




(ii) For post in Grade-5 and above in all Department:In addition to the total marks allocated for a written competitive examination, if any held, the total marks shall be 100 as per distribution given below:(a) Prescribed qualification . 70 (b) Higher qualifications . 12 (c) Experience . 10 (d) Interview . 08


(2) Comparative Grading of Qualifications attached as Annexure with the above quoted policy letter shall be revised as per attached Revised Annexure to this letter. REVISED ANNEXURE COMPARATIVE GRADING OF QUALIFICATION A. Minimum Prescribed Qualification. 1. For Non-Professional Posts. Total Mark 70

First (i) (ii) (iii) Matric Matric FA/F.Sc Matric FA/F.Sc B.A/B.Sc Matric F.A/F.Sc B.A/B.Sc M.A/M.Sc For Professional Posts. For four examination Ist Professional. 2nd Professional 3rd Professional Final For three examination Ist Professional. 2nd Professional Final 70 35 35 23 23 24 17 17 17 19


Secon d 53 26 27 17 17 18 13 13 13 14

Thir d 42 21 21 14 14 14 10 10 11 11

2. (i)

17 17 17 19

13 13 13 14

10 10 10 12


23 23 24

17 17 19

14 14 14



For two examination Ist Professional Final

35 35

26 27

21 21

A. Higher Qualification 12 (Next above the qualification prescribed under the rules). one stage above two stage above three stage above 06 08 12 10

B. Experience Experience of one year 04 Experience of two years 07 Experience of three years and above 10 D. Interview . Total marks ----------------------------------Explanations:

08 100

(a) Where qualification prescribed in the rules is matric, comparative grading of candidates shall be done as shown at (A) (i) above. Where typing is prescribed in the rules as a part of qualification after Matric, all persons possessing the prescribed speed shall be considered as equal. (b) Where the prescribed qualification is F.A, grading shall be done as indicated at (A) (ii) of Annexure. To illustrate; if the candidate is a 2nd Division in Matric and Ist Division in F.A., he shall get 26 plus 35 marks out of the total of 70 reserved for prescribed qualification. (c) Where prescribed qualification is Graduation, the comparative grading shall be done (A) (iii) of Annexure above. If a candidate is 3rd Division in Matric, 2nd Division in F.A/F.Sc and Ist Division in B.A/B.Sc, he shall get 14,17, 24 marks i.e 55 marks out of 70


(d) If the minimum qualification is M.A (which is very rare as the selection criteria pertain to posts in Grade 1 to 15 only) the grading shall be done as indicated at (A) (iv) above. (e) The above grading can be applicable only where academic qualifications are from Matric onwards. In cases where technical qualifications (like Diploma or Certificate) are also prescribed after these basic qualifications, in such cases 70 marks for comparative grading shall be distributed as below:(1) (2) may (3) 20 Total Marks 70 Basic qualification like Matric, F.A/B.A as be provided in the rules. 50 Additional Technical qualifications

The method for further distribution of 20 marks shall be laid down by the Departments themselves on the analogy of the principles indicated above. 50 marks shall be distributed for the basic qualifications by necessary modification in the formula indicated at (A) of Annexure above. To illustrate, if the basic qualification is Matric, 50 marks shall be distributed as below:1st Division 2nd Division 3rd Division 50 38 30 It will be noticed that the same proportion as obtaining between the marks reserved for First, Second and Third Division at (A) above has been maintained in the distribution of 50 marks as shown above. (f) Out of the 12 marks reserved for higher qualifications the actual marks to be given to a candidate are shown at (B) of Annexure. If the candidate possesses the qualification one stage above i.e. for example he is intermediate and qualification in the rules is Matric he


shall get 6 marks; if he is a graduate and minimum qualifications is matric he shall get 8 marks and so on. (g) Marks for experience shall be for experience in the line at the scale shown at (C) of Annexure. Persons with more than 3 years experience shall also get the maximum i.e. 12 marks.

**(h) follows:-

The equation of grades versus division is as = 1st Division = 2nd Division rd 3 Division

Grade A & B Grade C & D Grade E =

Note:Below 45% marks obtained in Grade-D will be considered as 3rd Division. (a) In case where no division/grade is given in the respective Certificate, it is worked out on the basis of secured marks of candidates as follows:(a) 60% and above marks 1st Division nd (b) 45% - 59% marks 2 Division (c) Below 45% marks 3rd Division (b) If not specifically provided otherwise in the relevant Service Rules experience will mean in the line and only that experience is considered which has been acquired after the acquisition of minimum qualifications prescribed for the post. ______________________________________________ _____________
Annexure revised vide letter No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/75(Vol.III) dated 26.5.2000

75 **(h) 22.7.98. Substituted vide letter No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/75, Dated


Section-6 Promotion Policy Promotion Policy of the Provincial Government-Panel of Names for consideration of P.S.B/D.P.C. Sl.No.1 Under Section 9 of the NWFP Civil Servants Act,1973 a Civil Servant possessing such minimum qualifications as may be prescribed shall be eligible for promotion to a higher post for the time being reserved under the rules for departmental promotion in the service or cadre to which he belongs. A post referred to above may either be a selection post or a non-selection post to which promotion shall be made. Promotion to posts in B-2 to B16 is made on the recommendations of the appropriate Departmental Promotion Committee and to posts in B-17 and above, on the recommendations of the Provincial Selection Board as provided in rule 7 of the NWFP Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion & Transfer) Rules,1989 and with the approval of the Competent Authority as given in rule 4 of the rules ibid. 2. It has been noticed that in the working paper prepared by the departments for Provincial Selection Board/Departmental Promotion Committee, two names per vacancy are included in the panel irrespective of selection/non-selection post whereas in order to provide a vide scope of selection, the number of names should be more in case of promotions against a selection post. 3. The matter has been considered in consultation with other Provincial Governments and it has been decided that in future number of names in the panel for promotion to posts in various scales shall be as under:i) For Selection Posts. Thrice the number available vacancies. Double the number available vacancies. of

ii) For non-Selection Posts.



While submitting working paper for consideration of Provincial Selection Board/Departmental Promotion Committee the number of names in the panel should be in accordance with the aforesaid formula.
(Authority:-Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-29/75(Vol.I), dated 3.5.1990)

________________________ Minimum length of service for promotion to various grades. Sl.No.2 The question of prescribing minimum length of service for promotion to various grades has been under consideration in the Establishment Division for some time. It has been decided with the approval of the Prime Minister that in future the minimum length of service for promotion to various grades will be as given below:For Grade 18 For Grade 19 For Grade 20 5 years service in Grade 17 12 years service in Grade 17 and above 17 years service in Grade 17 and above

2. No proposal for promotion submitted to the Establishment Division for consideration by the Central Selection Board or the Minister will be entertained unless the condition of length of service as prescribed above is fulfilled. All concerned may please be informed accordingly.
(Authority: Establishment Division O.M No.3/7/74-AR.II, dated 20.5.74) by NWFP vide letter No.SOSIII(S&GAD)1-29/75, dated 28.5.75)


In pursuance of the provisions contained in clauses (d) and (g) of rule 2 of the North-West Frontier province Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1989,


the Governor of North-West Frontier Province is pleased to make the following amendment in S&GAD's notification no. SORI(S&GAD)4-1/75(Vol-I) dated 22.8.91, namely:AMMENDMENT 1. For the existing entries, in para-2, under "A - PROVINCIAL SELECTION BOARD", the following shall be substituted:"The Board shall make recommendations for appointment by promotion or transfer to all posts in Basic Pay Scale-18 and above and shall also assess fitness/suitability of officers for move-over to BPS-20 and to make its recommendations."


2. For the existing entries, in para-2, under "B DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION COMMITTEES", the following shall be substituted, namely:"The Departmental Promotion Committee shall make recommendations for appointment by promotion or transfer to posts in BPS-16 and BPS-17 and shall also assess fitness/suitability of officers for move-over from BPS-15 to BPS-16 or BPS-16 to BPS-17 or BPS-17 to BPS-18 or BPS-18 to BPS-19, as the case may be, and make its recommendations.
(Authority S&GAD Letter No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/75(Vol.II:) dt: 27.9.1997)

___________________________ Minimum length of service for eligibility for promotion to various grades. Sl.No.3 Consequent on the issue of the instructions contained in the Establishment Division Office Memorandum No.3/7/74-AR.II, dated the 27th August,1974, regarding relaxation of service limits for the purpose of promotion to various grades, the Ministries/Divisions have been referring cases for according relaxation in individual cases. With a view to minimizing such references it has been decided to issue the following further instructions:(i) In the case of the senior most officer to be promoted to Grade 18,half of the service in Grade 16 and onefourth in Grades lower than 16 formerly known as non-gazatted), if any, may be counted as service in grade 17. Where initial recruitment takes place in grades 18 and 19 the length of service prescribed for promotion to higher grades shall be reduced as indicated below:-



For Grade 19 For Grade 20

7 years in Grade 18 10 years service in Grade 18 and above. or 3 years service in Grade 19 .

(Authority: Establishment Division O.M No.3/7/74-AR.II, dated 6.2.75 circulated by NWFP vide letter No.SOS.III(S&GAD)1-29/75, dated 28.2.75.

Principles regulating promotion from one post or class of service to another Sl.No.4 After careful consideration and in super session of all previous orders and instructions on the subject, the Government of West Pakistan have decided that the principle for promotion from one post to another should be "by selection on merit with due regard to seniority" and that this principle should be applied uniformly all along the line from the lowest to the highest posts and from one class of service to another. 2. For this purpose, "merit" does not mean good service record only, but also includes experience, qualifications and suitability for the post or service to which promotion is being made. The value of all these different factors has to be assessed in rating the officer's fitness for promotion. The words "with due regard to seniority" imply that, while emphasis is to be placed on good service record qualifications and aptitude for the higher post, the officer's relative seniority in the cadre, from which promotion is being made, should be given due weight, the greater the disparity in seniority the greater should be the junior officer's superiority in point of merit. 3. It is not the intention that every officer in the cadre from which promotion is being made should be considered for promotion. An officer should put in a certain minimum years of service in the cadre in which he is, before he is considered for promotion to a higher post or service. But this period of service should depend upon the condition of cadre in which he is and


the status of the post or service to which he would be promoted. This period should be specified in Service Rules. 4. The application of the above principle would, therefore, involve the following steps; (i) officers who have not put in the minimum period of service in the cadre in which they are should be excluded from consideration; from among the rest, those who are unsuitable for promotion should be left out; the remaining should then be considered on the basis of what is stated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above and the most suitable among them selected.



5. It is requested that the principle of making promotions, set out in paragraph 1 ante should be adopted in the Service Rules in respect of the services with which your Department/Office is concerned. Protection may, however, be given to the Government servants who entered service before 14th October,1955 and in whose case promotion under the existing rules is regulated by "seniority" or "seniority-cumfitness".
(Authority: West Pak.'s S&GAD letter No.S(R)/1-13/57, dated 23.5.1957)


Promotion of Officers to selection posts. S.No.5. I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that the Provincial Selection Board while considering promotion cases of the officers of various departments has noticed that under the provision of relevant service rules promotion to selection posts are made on the basis of selection on merit, but on the contrary the departments have based


seniority and Annual Confidential Reports as merit/criteria for promotion of officers. The Board appreciated provision in the relevant service rules for selection of officers on merit on these posts, which it emphasised to be maintained. However, the Board directed that all the administrative departments while preparing working papers of promotion on selection posts should include academic qualification, distinction if any, extra qualification, research work, publication, foreign training/courses in respect of the officers included in the panel for promotion plus any other factor which can add to the objectivity of merit based assessment. The working papers for promotion of officers on selection posts in which the above mentioned information are not included shall not be entertained. I am therefore directed to request that the above directive of the Provincial Selection Board may kindly be adhered to in letter and sprite.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOR-I(S&GAD)1-29/75 (Vol-IV) dated 24.11.1999)


Promotion of Officers to Selection posts on merit. S.No.6 I am directed to refer to this departments letter of even number dated 24.11.199, on the subject cited above and to say that for considering cases of promotion of the officers to higher grades against selection posts under the provision of relevant service rules which entail selection on merit by the competent forum(PSB), the Administrative Department may devise a merit criteria according to their service rules and working conditions keeping in view the capability/expertise expected from their


employees. A specimen criteria adopted by the Education Deptt is enclosed herewith as Annexures I to IV for guidance/adoption. While devising such criteria, the Administrative Department may give due wieghtage to the academic qualification, distinction (if any), any extra qualification relevant to his field, research papers/publication etc (if needed), foreign training/courses, seminar/workshop, teaching experience and quantification of ACRs of the officers included in the panel for promotion plus any other factor, which can add to the objectivity of merit-based assessment. 2. I am further directed to say that there shall be 100 marks for assessment of merit (including 5 marks to be given by the Board at the time of interview on the day of meeting) for promotion of the officers on selection posts. The Board shall recommend those officer for promotion to higher grade who secure maximum marks in the light of merit criteria. 3. I am, therefore, directed to request to please follow the above instruction strictly in letter and spirit.

(Authority S&GAD letter No. SOR-I(S&GAD)1-29/75(Vol-IV) dated 5.5.2000)



Marks for Academic Qualification Matric FA/F.Sc BA/B.Sc MA/M.Sc/MBA B.Ed/M.Ed M.Phil(Pak) MS Foreign Ph.D For any distinction marks will be added for each Degree. Total Marks Division I II III 3 2 1 4 3 2 5 4 3 6 5 4 3 2 1 5 6 BA/B.Sc 1 MA/M.Sc 1 34 Marks for relevant/Research/ Publication/Writing. Foreign publication (4) OR Local Publications (8) OR Four Books of repute. Seminar/Worksho p Attended International Workshop OR Seminar Teaching Experience One marks per year after qualifying service required for B-20 with max. of 07 marks.
Marks for Administration Exp.


Training National International

a) 1-2 Months 1 b) 3-5 Months 2 Above 09 Months 3

One mark per year

Gradation taken from the qualification formula of Confidential records as in vogue in Federal Government.

Above 02 Months 2 5 & above months 3

Annex-I Annex-II Annex-III Annex-IV








ANNEXURE-I MARKS FOR RELEVANT/RESEARCH/PUBLICATION/WRITINGS A maximum of 8 marks will be allotted to any individual for research, publications, published either in Foreign or Pakistani journals noted as "A grade as per following details:i) ii) iii) Publications in Foreign Journal . 2 marks per publications Pakistan journal 1 mark per publication Books (Relevant field) . 2 marks per book

ANNEXURE-II MARKS FOR SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS 3 marks will be added for a person who has attended international seminar in concerned field. OR has attended a resource person for such seminar.

ANNEXURE-III MARKS FOR TEACHING EXPERIENCE A maximum of 7 marks will be awarded 1 mark per year over and above prescribed qualifying service. This will help those who have rendered long service in Education Department.

ANNEXURE-IV QUANTIFICATION OF C.RS Marks for over all gradations in the confidential reports(CRs) a) b) Very Good Good . 10 marks . 07 marks


c) Average . 05 marks d) Below Average . 01 marks e) Un-Satisfactory (Poor) . 00 marks Calculation of weighted aggregate score after the calculation of marks separately for each level of posts will be calculated as follows:FIRST STEP Arithmetic mean for each year containing 2 or more CRs. Formula M = (M/N) M = Marks for each CR recorded in calendar year. N = Number of CRs recorded in that year. SECOND STEP Average marks for each level. Formula; Average Marks = (M/T) M = Marks for each CR. T = Number of CRs recorded in that level. THIRD STEP Weightage for posts held at each level. i. to post carrying BPS-18= 10xA ii. to post carrying BPS-19= (6xB) + (4xA) iii. to post carrying BPS-20= (5xC) + (3xB) + (2xA) iv. to post carrying BPS-21= (5xD)+ (3xC) + (A+B) Where A = Average marks for reports in post carrying BPS-17 B = Average marks for reports in post carrying BPS-18 C = Average marks for reports in post carrying BPS-19 D = Average marks for reports in post carrying BPS-20 FORTH STEP Deductions shall be made in the total marks DEDUCTION i. ii. iii. Marks Per for each major penalty imposed under E&D rules .. 05 for each minor penalty imposed under E&D rules 03 Adverse entry 01 marks


(Not expunged). year The over all quantified ACR will be converted to 35. SOURCE


Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division Government of Pakistan D.O No.10(10)/85-CP-1, dated 15.5.1985.


19.9.64 to 31.1.78 13 14

Designation ______________ B PS-18 BPS-19

1.2.78 to 31.3.92 07 V.Good

1.4.92 to 31.12.98

V.Good Good Avg.

ACR Nil 08 04

Good Avg.
11 01

V.Good Good

05 Nil

BREAK PERIOD 02 04 02 -


B-17 B-18 B-19

(2x7)/2 = 7 (8x7) + (4x5)+7)/13 = (2x7) + (2x7) / 4 = (11x7)+(1x5)+7)/13 = (2x7)/2 =7 (1x10) + (5x7)+7)/7 =

6.39 7 6.85 7.43

QUANTIFICATION (5x7.43) + (3x6.85)+(2x6.39) 37.15 + 20.55 + 12.78 WEIGHTAGE 70.48X35/100 =

= 70.48 24.67

QUALIFICATION. Matric Inter Degree Master Total 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 02 01 04 05 12 Teaching Experience . 7marks Administrative Experience 3 marks Training . Nil Seminars/Workshop . Nil Publication . Nil
Academic Total ________ 12/32 46.67 Publication _________ 0/10 Seminar/ Workshop Exp 0/3 Teaching Admn Exp 7/7 ACR Trg.

____ ____ ______ 3/5 24.67 0/3 35

Interview /5

G.Total /100

Attested by the Competent Authority

89 (Authority S&GAD letters No.SOR-I(S&GAD)1-29/75(Vol.IV), dated 5.5.2000 &



Promotion of an officer to a higher post during the pendency of investigation regarding alleged corruption etc. Sl.No.7 A question has arisen whether a Government servant against whom a case of corruption has been registered by the Police or Anti-Corruption Establishment and is under investigation should be promoted to a higher rank during the pendency of such investigation, if he is otherwise suitable and his turn or chance for promotion has come. Government have decided that the following procedure should be observed in such cases:(1) When a case is registered by the Police or AntiCorruption Establishment against a Government servant, a copy of the First Information Report should invariably be sent to the Appointing Authority of the Government servant concerned; and When a Government servant against whom a case is under investigation by the Police or Anti-Corruption Establishment, is considered for promotion to the higher rank, a copy of the F.I.R should invariably be placed before the Selection Board, the Public Service Commission or any other authority competent to make selection or promotion, as the case may be. It will then be for that authority to take cognizance of the case and ask for a progress report, postpone consideration of the case or ignore it. It shall be the responsibility of the department/office to which the official belongs to submit a copy of the First Information Report to the Selection Board, Public Service Commission or any other authority competent to make selection or promotion in his case.


(Authority: West Pak: S&GAD letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)5-16/62, dated 7.9.1962.




Promotion of an officer to the higher post during the pendency of disciplinary proceedings. Sl.No.8 The question regarding promotion of an officer to a higher post during the pendency and investigation for alleged corruption was considered in the past and it was decided that there was no bar to an officer being considered for promotion to a higher post during the pendency of investigation subject to certain instructions laid down in this Department circular letter No. SOXII(S&GAD)5-16/62, dated 7.9.1962 . This question has been further examined and it has been decided that the instructions contained in the above circular letter should also apply mutates mutandis to all types of disciplinary cases. In the case of departmental proceedings a copy each of the chargesheet and the statement of allegation should be put before the Selection Board, Public Service Commission or any other authority competent to make selection or promotion as the case may be. 2. If a Government servant who is not promoted on account of inquiry against him but is subsequently exonerated, it should be ensured that the holding of inquiry should not work against him . The question regarding possibility of his proforma promotion should be examined by his appointing authority, and he should be allowed his original seniority. It is necessary to set out in the promotion order of junior officer that the promotion is temporary and the senior officer has been ignored on account of serious charges against him in a departmental inquiry.

(Authority:West Pak:S&GAD letter No.SOIV(S&GAD)1-75/67(Policy), dated 18.1.68)



Promotion of an officer to a higher post during the pendency of investigation regarding alleged corruption and disciplinary proceedings. Sl.No.9 Instructions contained in this Department's Circular letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)5-16/62, dated 7.9.1962 and No.SOIV(S&GAD)1-75/67-(Policy) dated 18.1.68 are further elaborated as follow:The nature of allegations against a Government servant may be taken into consideration for deciding suitability for promotion to the higher rank, if the case against him has reached the following stages:(a) A case has been registered by the Police or AntiCorruption Establishment against a Government servant relating to corruption or some other criminal offence. The Anti-Corruption Council, having the jurisdiction in each case, has passed an order that a departmental inquiry should be instituted. If the Appointing Authority has passed an order under rule 6 (ii) of the West Pakistan Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1960, that formal inquiry should be held and has decided that the allegations established would call for a major penalty. If the authority is of the view that the allegations, if established, would call for a minor penalty, then such an inquiry may be ignored for the purpose of with-holding of promotion of a person, who is otherwise suitable for it. These instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.



94 (Authority:West Pak:S&GAD letter No.SOIV(S&GAD)1-75/67(Policy), dated 7.1.1969)



Promotion of an officer to a higher post during the pendency of investigation regarding alleged corruption and disciplinary proceedings. Sl.No.10 In a case submitted to the Governor of West Pakistan for promotion of officers facing inquiries, the Governor has been pleased to direct that the policy laid down in the S&GAD Circular letter No.SOIV(S&GAD)1-75/67(Policy), dated 7.1.69 should be treated as the guidelines along with the promotion cases of officers facing inquiries should be examined by the Administrative Departments in future. It has also been noticed by the Governor that in a number of cases the inquiries have been delayed for nearly five years. The Agencies concerned may be directed to furnish the inquiries within three months . Necessary orders may be taken either to drop the enquiries or to register cases within a month on the receipt of reports. It is requested that the direction of the Governor should please be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.

(Authority:West Pak:SOIV(S&GAD)1-75/67(Policy), dated 14.2.69)



Section-7 WEST PAKISTAN CIVIL SERVICES (APPLICATIONS FOR POSTS) RULES,1957. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause(b) of clause(2)of Article 182 of the Constitution of Pakistan and in supersession of all previous orders on the subject, the Governor of West Pakistan, is pleased to make the following rules:1. Short title:- These rules may be called the West Pakistan Civil Services (Applications for Posts)Rules,1957. 2. Eligibility:- No Government Servant shall be eligible for appointment to any service of the Province or to any post in connection with the affair of the Province, other than the service of the post to which he is for the time being appointed, unless he applies with the permission, in writing of the head of office or department in which he is employed. 3. Application for competitive examinations:-If any Government servant applies for permission and is otherwise eligible to appear at a competitive examination to be held by a Provincial (or the Central )Public Service Commission, his application shall be forwarded: (a) always, if it is in connection with an examination for recruitment to a ministerial service; and twice, but not more than twice, if it is in connection with any other examination.


4. Release on Selection for Appointment to a post for which application has been forwarded:-When a person whose application has been forwarded to the appointing authority or a Public Service Commission in accordance with these rules, is selected for appointment, he shall ordinarily be released. 5. Application made before joining Government Service:-If any person, who before appointment to any service of the Province or to any post in connection with the affairs of


the Province, has appeared at any competitive examination or has applied for a post elsewhere and is, as a result, offered a post higher than the one to which he is for the time being appointed, he shall be released to join such service or post.

6. Employment in other Departments of Government or under another Government:-A Government servant shall not apply for any appointment in another office or department of Government or under another Government unless the head of such office or department or such other Government has invited applications for the post, provided that in the case of an appointment for which applications are not ordinarily invited, a Government servant may inform the authority, which makes the appointment, by a letter submitted through the appointing authority of his own post or service, that he wishes his name to be considered. 7. Temporary Government servants:-If a temporary Government servant (other than an Accountant or Stenographer)or employee of the Health, Irrigation, Electricity or Building and Road Department who is not likely to be employed permanently in the office or department in which he is employed, applies for a permanent post elsewhere his application shall not be withheld. 8. Permanent Government Servants and Certain Temporary Government Servants:A permanent Government servant employed in any service of the Province, who is not covered by any of the foregoing rules and a temporary Accountant, Stenographer or employee of the Health, Irrigation, Electricity or Building and Road Department may ordinarily be permitted to apply twice, and not more than twice, in any calendar year for a post to appear in an examination for a post or for the transfer of his services to a post in the Central Government or a Statutory Corporation constituted by the Government of West Pakistan or any other Provincial Government or the Central Government, unless the head of that office or department in which he is employed considers that the grant of permission would be inconsistent with the public interest.


9. Circumstances in which advance copies of application may be sent:-Ordinarily an application for a post in respect of which selection is to be made by a Provincial (or the Federal Public Service Commission)shall be accompanied by permission in writing of the authority referred to in Rule(2). When however, there is likelihood that the last date prescribed for the submission of applications will expire before such permission can be obtained an advance copy may be submitted to the Commission. The candidature of such applicant will be treated as provisional until permission has been accorded under these rules. In the event of such permission not being granted, the Public Service Commission concerned will be informed immediately of the decision, so that the Commission may cancel the candidature of the applicant.


10. Application for a higher post in the service or department:-If a Government Servant, whether permanent or temporary, applies for a post advertised by the West Pakistan Public Service Commission, which is included in the same service in which he is for the time being employed or in a higher service of the same nature, his application shall not be withheld. 10A. Application for service in Local bodies:-A permanent Government servant employed in any service of the Province to any post in connection with the affairs of the Province, and a temporary Accountant, Stenographer or employee of the Health, Irrigation, Electricity or Building and Roads Department may ordinarily be permitted to apply for service under Local bodies unless the head of the office or Department in which he is employed considers the grant of permission would be inconsistent with the public interest. 11. Application for private employment:-(1) A Government servant shall not apply or accept private employment, without the previous permission, in writing of the appointing authority. (2) An application for permission to apply for private employment shall not be entertained unless the appointing authority is satisfied, that no such employment having been secured, the resignation of the applicant can be accepted without detriment to the public service. (3) If a Government servant who is refused permission to apply for private employment wishes to resign his appointment under the Government, the authority competent to accept his resignation, subject to any general or special law or order on the subject, may ordinarily accept the resignation but, where the authority is satisfied that the Government servant in securing the private employment has taken advantage of his official position, it shall not accept the resignation. (4) A Government servant who is permitted to apply for private employment, must, on accepting it, resign his appointment under Government. After such acceptance, he shall not be allowed any leave, nor shall be permitted to retain his lien on his appointment under Government.


(Authority: W.Pak.No.SRI/14-57,dated 26.4.1957)



Section-8 Re-employment policy Re-employment of the Pensioners beyond the age of sixty years Sl.No.1 The Provincial Government have reviewed the policy governing re-employment beyond the age of 60 years and have decided that henceforth no extension in service or reemployment beyond the age of 60 years shall be allowed to any Government servant or servant of the Autonomous/SemiAutonomous Bodies functioning under the control of this Provincial Government. However, the re-employment beyond the age of 60 years may be allowed against the posts mentioned below:(a) Chairman and Members of the NWFP Public Service Commission. Vice-Chancellors of the Universities; Chairman and Members of the Tribunals.

(b) (c)

2. This Department letter No.SOR-III(S&GAD)9-6/86, dated 7th July,1988 shall stand superseded. 3. It is requested to please bring the above policy to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.
(Authority:-S&GAD's Dec.,1990. letter No.SORIII(S&GAD)9-6/90, dated 18th

_____________ Re-employment beyond the age of 60 years Sl.No.2 The Provincial Government have reviewed the policy governing re-employment beyond the age of 60 years as


contained in this Department letter of dated 18.12.1990 and have decided that:(i) No extension in service or re-employment beyond the age of 60 years shall be allowed to the Government servant except in cases of the Chairman and Members of the NWFP Public Service Commission, the Vice Chancellors of the Universities and the Chairman and Members of the Tribunals. The maximum age limit for retirement in these cases should not exceed 65 years; all the existing re-employed pensioners may be allowed to continue till the completion of their tenures; and the autonomous educational institutions may appoint one consultant each beyond the age of 60 years.



2. The above policy may kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned for compliance.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SORIII(S&GAD)9-6/90, dated 6.4.91) _________________

Sanction to the condonation of service beyond the age of superannuation of 60 years. Sl.No.3 On induction into service, a civil servant is required to declare his date of birth supported by authenticated documents such as matriculation certificate, municipal birth certificate etc. The Department concerned is similarly required to enter the same in the service book of the civil servant which is periodically checked by the Department/Audit and date of birth once recorded cannot be altered except in the case of clerical error as provided in GFR-116. In this connection attention is invited to this Department's circular bearing No. SORII(S&GAD)5(40)/87, dated 27.6.1993 (copies enclosed) wherein inter alia the following instructions were circulated for guidance and strict compliance by all concerned.



Check all the record of their employees in BPS-1 to 16 to ensure that none has reached the age of superannuation. Maintain lists of their employees due for superannuation in a calendar year and process their pension papers, if any, well in time. Initiate case for regularisation of retirement of civil servants before Ist February,1988, if any, who have already crossed the sixtieth year of their age. The responsibility in such cases should be fixed and the action taken be intimated alongwith the proposal. No case of over stay beyond the age of superannuation would be entertained under any circumstances after 1.12.1988.




2. However, it appears that these instructions have either lost sight of or the Departments are least bothered to comply with the same which is obviously not desirable. While processing a case of condonation of over stay beyond superannuation taken up by an Administrative Department for approval, the Competent Authority has taken a serious view of the negligence on the part of the dealing officers/officials of the Department concerned and directed that all the Departments should inform in writing all their employees in BPS-1 to 4 about their date of birth and consequential superannuation so that no ambiguities regarding their retirement occur in future. Intimation with regard to their date of retirement should also be given to these employees one year prior to their superannuation, so as to serve as advance information. 3. It is requested that the above policy instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned and ensure compliance thereof in letter and spirit.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SORII(S&GAD)1(2)/98, dated 29.8.1998.)



Section-9 Withdrawals of Resignation. Acceptance of resignation and willful absence for more than five(5) years. Sl.No.1 Under the existing practice, even a temporary Government servant is required to sign an undertaking containing inter alia the following provisions:(a) I understand that my employment under Government is temporary and that my services may be terminated by Government at any time, without assigning any reasons, by giving a notice for a period not less than 14 days or payment, in lieu of the notice, of a sum equivalent to my pay for 14 days or for the period by which the notice falls short of 14 days; I agree that I wish to terminate my services under Government at any time, I shall resign in writing and shall thereafter continue to serve Government until my resignation is accepted. I also understand that if I absent myself from duty without resigning in writing or before the acceptance by Government of my resignation, I shall be liable to disciplinary action, which may involve disqualification from future employment under Government.


(c )

2. It has however, come to notice that in certain cases Government servants have tendered resignations and without waiting for acceptance have left their jobs unauthorisedly and kept themselves absent for years. The departments on their part failed to initiate any action against such employees in time with the result that they subsequently reported for duty after the passage of long periods on one excuse or the other.


3. It has also been noticed that liberal relaxations are being granted under FR.18 in cases of wilful absence from duty for more than 5 years without cogent/convincing reasons whereas according to the rules ibid a Government servant remains no more a Government employee after wilful absence for five years.

4. The matter has been considered and it has been decided that:(a) After tendering resignation, a Government Servant shall not leave his job untill the acceptance of his resignation by the Competent Authority nor shall he be granted any leave. In case one leaves his job without acceptance of his resignation he shall be treated as absconder and disciplinary action should invariably be initiated against him. Resignation tendered by a Government servant shall either be accepted or rejected by the Competent Authority within the stipulated period of not more than 30 days of its submission and acceptance/rejection thereof be communicated to the Government servant concerned accordingly. After 5 years of continuous absence, services of a Civil Servant shall automatically stand terminated under FR.18 and Rule 12 of the NWFP Civil Servants Revised Leave Rules,1981. In the light of Rule 12 ibid, a wilful absence of more than five years shall not be converted into leave without pay.



5. It is therefore, requested that the above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance in future.
(Authority: S&GAD's letter No.SORII(S&GAD)6(37)/89, dated 3rd Oct:,1989.



Determination of seniority of officials who are allowed to withdraw their resignation Sl.No.2 A question has arisen whether a Government servant who resigned and has subsequently been allowed to withdraw his resignation should be assigned seniority and given other benefits which would have accrued to him had he not resigned. 2. When a resignation tendered by a Government servant has been accepted and the acceptance has been communicated to him, it becomes final. There can be no question of allowing him to 'withdraw ' the resignation.

3. Where a Government servant who has tendered resignation withdraws it before it is accepted by the competent authority, or where, after the acceptance but before the acceptance is communicated to him, he is allowed to withdraw the resignation, he continues in the post held by him without a break and the question of re-fixation of his seniority, etc. does not arise. 4. Where an appellate authority finds that the resignation was not tendered voluntarily or that it is otherwise null and void, the appellate authority may re-instate the Government servant concerned. On re-instatement the Government servant shall be regarded as having continued in service throughout. 5. If a Government servant, whose resignation has been accepted and communicated to him, is appointed to Government service thereafter, such appointment shall be regarded as a fresh appointment. The seniority, pension, leave, etc, of such a Government servant shall be fixed in accordance with the rules applicable to him as if this appointment was his first appointment to Government service. 6. There may, however, be cases in which it may not be fair to treat such a re-employed Government servant as a new


recruit and it is proposed to give him any benefit in relaxation of the rules, the orders of the Government should invariably be obtained.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOXII/2-96/59, dated 24.12.59)



Section-10 Marriages with Foreign Nationals The West Pakistan Government Servants (Restrictions on Marriages with Foreign Nationals) Rules,1963. Short title, commencement and application:-(1) These rules may be called the West Pakistan Government Servants (Restrictions on Marriages with Foreign Nationals) Rules,1963. (2) (3) They shall come into force at once. They shall apply to all Government servants under rule making authority of the Governor of West Pakistan other than the persons employed on contract basis.

2. Definition:- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expression shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say(a) "Foreign national" means a person who is not a national of Pakistan. "Government" Pakistan; means the Government of West



"Government servants" means a servant to whom these rules apply;



"Marriage" means the matrimonial relationship entered into in accordance with any law for the time being in force or in accordance with any religious, rites or ceremonies and its grammatical and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly; and



"Misconduct" shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in the West Pakistan Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1960.

3. Prohibition on marriages with foreign nationals:Save as provided in rule 4, a Government servant who marries or promises to marry a foreign national shall be guilty of misconduct and shall be liable to be removed from service. 4. Permission to marry a citizen of India:-(1)A Government servant may, with the prior permission of Government marry or promise to marry a person who is a citizen of India."1" (2) The grant of permission under sub-rule(1) shall be at the sole discretion of Government and shall be subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified by Government.
Note:- This concession is also extended to the nationals of Bangladesh vide NWFP Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)4-1/80(Vol.III), dated 21.5.97

Copy of letter No.2/7/81-D-IV, dated the 30th July, 1981,from Govt. of Pakistan Cabinet Secretariat (Establishment Division) _________________________

MARIAGE WITH FOREIGN NATIONALS BY THE GOVERNMENT SERVANTS I am directed to state that an amendment has since been made in the Government Servants (Marriage with Foreign Nationals) Rules, 1962, vide Establishment Division's Notification No. 2/7/81-D-IV, dated 26.5.1981, as published in the Gazette of Pakistan (Extra-ordinary) dated 27.5.1981, vide SRO497(i)/81, that no Government servant is allowed to marry a foreign national, except a Muslim citizen of India with prior permission of the Government. 2. A copy of the said Notification, and a copy of the amended Rules, are enclosed.



It has been decided that :(a) These Rules employees autonomous Governments shall be equally applicable to the of the Provincial Governments, bodies of Federal and Provincial and the taken-over organizations.


Exceptions may be made in the case of officers who are serving autonomous bodies on contract basis.


The statutory bodies like the State Bank of Pakistan etc. may be advised to adopt the Government Servants (Marriage with Foreign Nationals) Rules, 1962 as amended, for being made applicable to their employees. For marrying a Muslim citizen of India, the authorities to grant prior permission in consultation with the concerned Police/Intelligence agencies, shall be the following :(i) Establishment Division in the case of all Government Servants in the Federal Govt. Secretaries of the Provincial Services and General Administration Departments, in respect of Provincial Civil Servants and the APUG Officers serving in Provinces. Heads of autonomous and taken-over organizations, either under the Federal or Provincial Governments, in respect of their own employees. Cases of Government servants serving in the autonomous bodies shall be referred to their respective Government.






4. Provincial Governments, and Ministries/Divisions in the Federal Government, are requested to take action accordingly, 5. This cancels the Establishment Division's O.M. No. 6/8/63D-II, dated 18.6.1965. NOTIFICATION S.R.I.NO.341(K)/63: In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (2) of Article 178 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to make the following rules namely :1. Short title, application and commencement. (1) These rules may be called the Government Servants (Marriage with Foreign Nationals) Rules, 1962. They shall apply to every person who is a member of an All-Pakistan Service or who is serving in a Civil capacity in connection with the affairs of the Federal Government, but shall not apply to any person who is employed on contract. They shall come into force at once.



2. Definitions ----- In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context :(a) "Foreign National" means a person who is not a citizen of Pakistan; "Government Servant" means a person in the service of Pakistan to whom these rules apply whether such person is, for the time being on foreign service or not, "Marriage" means matrimonial relationship entered into in accordance with law for the time being in force or any religious rites or ceremonies, and its grammatical variations and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly. (omitted).





3. (1)

Marriage with foreign nationals prohibited :Subject to the provisions of sub-rules(2), a Government Servant who marries or promises to marry a foreign national shall be guilty of misconduct and render himself liable to any of the major penalties under the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973. A Government servant may, with the permission of the Federal Government, marry or promises to marry a Muslim citizen of India. The grant of permission under sub-rule (2) shall be at the discretion of the Federal Government and may be subject to such conditions if any, as it may specify.




Supersession of previous rules, notifications etc. ----

These rules shall supersede all previous rules, notifications and instructions relating to the conditions of marriage of a Government servant. _____________________________
++ Amended vide Establishment Division's Notification No.2/7/81-D-IV, dated 26.5.1981, as published in the Gazette of Pakistan (Extra Ordinary) dated 27.5.1981, vide No. SRO-497-(I)/81.


Section-11 Counting of Adhoc Service Adhoc Service Adhoc Appointment Sl.No.1 This Department's letter No.SOIV(S&GAD)1614/64(Policy), dated 20th October,1996, on the subject noted above , and to say that in view of the complaints of favoritism and irregularities in the making of adhoc appointments, a decision was taken by Government to withdraw these powers from the Administrative Departments. An Adhoc Appointments Committee was constituted with the Chairman Public Service Commission as its head. 2. The position has since been reviewed by the Government. The Administrative Departments have been pressing for restoration of powers of making adhoc appointments. It has been urged that powers of making appointments on an emergency basis, would give greater operational freedom to executing agencies and would speed up the implementation of projects and programmes. The grant of these powers to the Administrative Departments will ensure that responsibility for failure to fulfil the prescribed targets rests squarely on the Administrative Departments. In view of the considerations mentioned above, it has been decided to restore the powers of making adhoc appointments to the Administrative Departments and other authorities. The Adhoc Appointments Committee has been abolished with immediate effect. 3. To ensure that there is no repetition of complaints with regard to favoritism and irregularities, it has been decided that the following procedure/instructions shall be observed strictly by appointing authorities:(i) Requisition to Public Service Commission:- a requisition must be sent to the Public Service Commission before action is taken to fill up the post on an adhoc basis.



Advertisement of vacancies:- The vacancies for direct recruitment should be filled up after proper advertisement only. Appointment to conform to recruitment rulesThe appointments should conform to the provisions of the service/recruitment rules and in particular, the regional quotas prescribed by Government should be strictly adhered to.




Criteria for selection- (a) The selection should be made on the basis of merit and objective criteria should be used. (b) In the absence of any other important factor, the selection of direct recruits should be based on the marks obtained by the candidate in the examination for the degree/diploma, etc. which is prescribed as the minimum qualifications for the post. In the case of promotions, the selection should be based strictly on the service record. The particulars of all candidates applying for the post should be tabulated in appropriate form, and signed by the Chairman of the Selection Board. Where candidates have been eliminated on the basis of a qualifying minimum e.g, examination/grades(it would not be necessary to list all the particulars of the candidates).




Setting up of Selection Board - The Selection should be made by a Selection Board consisting of three officers and headed by an officer not below the rank of Secretary/additional Secretary of the Administrative Department for class I and by the Regional Head/Divisional Commissioner for Class II. Immediate steps should be taken to constitute Selection Boards at the two levels. Appointment Orders- The appointment order should certify that a requisition for direct recruitment or promotion has been sent to the Public Service Commission.


(vii) Appointment orders will indicate that it is subject to revocation at the discretion of the Review Board. (viii) Appointment orders of adhoc appointment will be published in Gazette.



Special conditions with regard to adhoc ServiceAdhoc appointments will not confer any right on the Government servants in the matter of regular appointment to the same post nor the service will count towards seniority. Service in an adhoc capacity will count as experience for the purpose of minimum qualification of a post. The adhoc appointment will only last till the recommendations of the Commission have been received and Government has approved the selection of a candidate for the vacancy. On this the services of adhoc appointees, if not approved by the Commission, shall be terminated.



(xii) Provision for disposal of representation(a) Class-I - Persons aggrieved by an adhoc appointment to a Class I post may submit representations to a Review Board consisting of a Member, Board of Revenue and Additional Chief Secretary, Services and General Administration Department. The representation will be submitted within 15 days of the publication of the Gazette notifying the appointment. The Review Board would have the authority to pass appropriate orders including the revocation of an appointment already made. The revised order will also be published in the Gazette. Similarly, representations against orders of adhoc appointments to Class-II posts will lie to the Administrative Secretary. As in the case of Class-I, the representation will be submitted within 15 days of the publication of the appointment orders in the official Gazette. The Administrative Secretary would have the authority to pass appropriate orders, including the revocation of an appointment order. The



revised order will also be published in the Gazette.

(Authority: West Pakistan Circular letter No.SOIV(S&GAD)16-14/64 (Policy), dated 1.10.1969.)



Procedure of the Review Board constituted to dispose of representations of persons aggrieved by an adhoc appointment to a Class-I post. Sl.No.2 Clause (xii) of para 3 of S&GAD's circular letter No.SOIV(S&GAD)16-14/(Policy), dated Ist October,1969, on the subject of adhoc appointment and to say that S.O.AII(Regulations Branch, S&GAD) will act as Secretary of the Review Board. On the receipt of a representation, the following action will be taken by the Secretary:(a) send an acknowledgement representation; letter to the

(b) (c) (d)

ask for comments of AD about the representation; call for the record of the case; an entry will be made in the Register in the enclosed form, about the representation. C.R will be called in the case of adhoc promotions.


2. The Review Board will generally give a personal hearing to the representationist and to other effected persons but if, for any reasons, the hearing cannot be arranged, the proceedings will not be vitiated thereby. 3. In case the Board upholds the orders of appointments already made information to this effect will be sent to the A.D as well as to the representationists. In case it accepts the representation and revises the order, then such an order will be notified in the official Gazette. 4. The Board will consist of Additional Chief Secretary, S&GA Department and Member, Board of Revenue(Judicial) Mr.R.P. Sheikh, C.S.P.

119 (Authority:West.Pak.'s circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)16-14/64(Policy), dated 21.11.1969)


Adhoc Appointment Sl.No.3 This Department circular letter of even number, dated Ist October, 1969, on the subject noted above and to say that there is no mention in this Department letter quoted above in respect of the constitution of Selection Boards headed by the Heads of Attached Departments for Class-II Officers, in case of Departments which have no Regional Heads/Commissioners. 2. It is hereby clarified that the authorities including the heads of Attached Departments who are competent to make adhoc appointment of Class-II Officers, should in such cases constitute Selection Boards, headed by such authorities/Head of Attached Departments.
(Authority:WestPak. Circular No.SORI(S&GAD)16-14/64 (Policy), dt:16.12.69)


Counting of the Adhoc Appointment towards minimum experience prescribed for a post. Sl.No.4 Para 3(x) of this Department's letter No.SOIV(S&GAD)1614/64(Policy), dated Ist October,1969, regarding adhoc appointments, in which the existing instructions about adhoc experience were summarised. Some references have been received whether this amounts to modifications of the earlier policy laid down in this department's letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)2-


38/66, dated 30th March, 1967, on the subject noted above. It is explained that the intention is not to revise the policy. As already laid down the adhoc appointment period will count as experience for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the Service Rules. Adhoc experience in a junior post of a person subsequently selected by the Commission should be taken into consideration when determining his eligibility for a senior post or the same post. This would, however, be subject to the provision that his seniors in the service are not ruled out as ineligible on the ground of shortage of experience. I am to request that these instructions may be noted for future guidance.

(Authority:West Pak.'s Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)16-14/64(Policy) dated 21.2.1970)



Adhoc Appointments Sl.No.5 It has been brought to the notice of Chief Minister, N.W.F.P that Heads of Department neglect to intimate the number of vacancies in their specified departments to the Public Service Commission in time and regularly, as required by the defunct West Pakistan Government circular letter No.SO.IV(S&GAD)16-14/64, dated 7th October,1967, a copy of which was endorsed vide this Department circular letter No.SOS-III(S&GAD)2-114/71(Provl:), dated 9th February,1973 . It was directed that each Department should work out vacancies for one financial year and send the requisitions to the Commission in the preceding March. Non-compliance of the directions results in adhoc appointments, which is not a desirable thing to be resorted to. The Chief Minister has, therefore, been pleased to order that all Heads of Departments etc. may let him know the reasons for their not complying with the Government orders on the subject still in force, and, further, to see that in order to avoid making adhoc appointments they intimate the vacancies in their departments, which are desired to be filled through the Public Service Commission, in time and regularly.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SOS-III(S&GAD)1-126/71, dated 9.3.1994)

_______________ Adhoc Appointments Sl.No.6 N.W.F.P Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules,1975, the following procedure has been laid down for making Adhoc and Temporary appointments:"When under the North-West Frontier Province, Public Service Commission (Functions) Rules, 1974, a post is required to be filled through the Commission, the appointing authority shall forward a requisition on the prescribed form to the Commission immediately after it is decided to fill the post or, if that is not practicable and the post is filled on adhoc basis as


provided in rule 19 of these rules, within two months of the filling of the post. When the appointing authority considers it to be in the public interest to fill a post falling within the purview of the Commission urgently, it may, pending nomination of a candidate by the Commission, proceed to fill such post on adhoc basis for a period not exceeding six months by advertising the same in accordance with the procedure laid down for initial appointment in Part-III.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SOS-III(S&GAD)1-126/71, dated 9.5.1975)



Adhoc Appointment Sl.No.7 The following instructions may be kept in view while making adhoc appointments or extension thereto:(i) A post/posts shall be advertised, even at the time of making adhoc appointment thereto; requisition, on the prescribed form, shall be sent well in time to the NWFP Public Service Commission for filling up the post/posts; Extension in adhoc appointment, beyond six months, shall be made in those cases/posts for which Public Service Commission could not send their recommendations.



2. I am, therefore, to request that the above instructions may please be brought to the notice of all concerned as well for its compliance, both in letter and spirit.
(Authority:circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-99/73, dated 22.11.1983.) ________________

Adhoc appointments Sl.No.8 This Department's letter of even number dated 22nd November, 1983, on the subject cited above and to elucidate the instructions further as under:(a) The following procedure may be followed for making initial appointments on adhoc basis:(i) The vacancies/posts shall be through leading newspapers etc; advertised


The qualifications for appointment on adhoc basis will be the same as per service rules for


the regular appointments against those posts;


In case of adhoc appointments to posts carrying Basic Scales 17 and above, approval of the Appointing Authority i.e Governor NWFP shall be obtained before making such appointments; A requisition for filling up these posts shall be placed with the NWFP Public Service Commission within two months of such adhoc appointment.



Extension to adhoc appointments beyond initial and subsequent six months shall be made in the following manner:(i) Extension in adhoc appointments will be made with the approval of the appointing Authority; the summary for the Governor will specify the reasons for making extension in adhoc appointments such as non-availability of selectees of the Public Service Commission etc.


(Authroity:NWFP Circular letter No.SOR.I(S&GAD)1-99/73, dated 29.11.1983.)


Adhoc Appointments S.NO.9 Rule-14 of the NWFP Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion & Transfer) Rules,1989, provides that when the


appointing authority considers it to be in the public interest to fill a post falling within the purview of the Public Service Commission urgently, pending nomination of candidate by the Commission, proceed to fill such post on adhoc basis for a period not exceeding six months by advertising the same as in Part.III of the Rules ibid. In this connection, attention is invited to this Department's letter of even number dated 10-12-1989, wherein factual position with regard to adhoc appointments was clarified to all concerned and it was stressed to stop making appointments on adhoc basis. These instructions were reiterated vide this Department circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)4-17/89(A) dated 5/3/1990. 2. Rule-3 of the NWFP Public Service Commission (Functions) Rules,1983, inter alia provides that the Commission shall conduct tests and examination, including Psychological test for initial recruitment to services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Province specified in the Schedule. The nomenclature of the services and posts included in the Schedule are as under:i) Services and Posts in Basic Pay Scale 16 to 20,except the following posts. (a) (b) (c) (d) Chairman and Members of the Commission; Additional District and Session Judges; Comptroller, Governor's House, Peshawar. Assistant Cipher Officer in the Provincial Cipher Centre.

ii) iii) iv) v)

Post of Assistant Sub-Inspectors of Police. Naib Tehsildars. Zilladars. Sub-Engineers.

3. According to the provision of the aforesaid rules, no adhoc appointment is permissible against any post other than the one included in the Schedule as well as all posts in the Autonomous/Semi-Autonomous Bodies and Corporations which are outside the purview of the NWFP Public Service Commission.


4. It has, however, come to the notice of this Department that adhoc appointments are being made by the Autonomous/Semi-Autonomous Bodies and by certain Government Departments against posts in B-15 and below (other than those recruitment to which is within the purview of the Commission) and despite the ban imposed by Government on making adhoc appointments. This is not at all desirable. 5. I am, therefore, to reiterate to strictly abide by the aforesaid instructions and stop making appointments on adhoc basis. These instructions may kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned under your control with clarification that the defaulters shall render themselves liable to strict disciplinary action under the relevant rules.
(Authority:S&GAD's letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-206/74, dated 8th August,1992. __________________


Section-12 Seniority Determination of seniority of officials who are allowed to withdraw their resignation Sl.No1 A question has arisen whether a Government servant who resigned and has subsequently been allowed to withdraw his resignation should be assigned seniority and given other benefits which would have accrued to him had he not resigned. 2. When a resignation tendered by a Government servant has been accepted and the acceptance has been communicated to him, it becomes final. There can be no question of allowing him to 'withdraw ' the resignation. 3. Where a Government servant who has tendered resignation withdraws it before it is accepted by the competent authority, or where, after the acceptance but before the acceptance is communicated to him, he is allowed to withdraw the resignation, he continues in the post held by him without a break and the question of re-fixation of his seniority, etc. does not arise. 4. Where an appellate authority finds that the resignation was not tendered voluntarily or that it is otherwise null and void, the appellate authority may re-instate the Government servant concerned. On re-instatement the Government servant shall be regarded as having continued in service throughout. 5. If a Government servant, whose resignation has been accepted and communicated to him, is appointed to Government service thereafter, such appointment shall be regarded as a fresh appointment. The seniority, pension, leave, etc, of such a Government servant shall be fixed in accordance with the rules applicable to him as if this appointment was his first appointment to Government service.


6. There may, however, be cases in which it may not be fair to treat such a re-employed Government servant as a new recruit and it is proposed to give him any benefit in relaxation of the rules, the orders of the Government should invariably be obtained.
(Authority S&GAD's letter No.SOXII/2-96/59, dated 24.12.59) _______________________

Determination of seniority of Civil Servants promoted from one Grade to the other-Guidelines for Departmental Promotion Committees /Provincial Selection Board Sl.No.2. Under Section 9 of the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants Act,1973 , a civil servant possessing such minimum qualifications as may be prescribed shall be eligible for promotion to a higher post for the time being reserved under the rules for departmental promotion in the service or cadre to which he belongs. A post referred to above may either be a selection post or a non-selection post to which promotion shall be made as may be prescribed:(a) in the case of a selection post, on the basis of selection on merit; and in the case of a non-selection post, on the basis of seniority-cum-fitness.


2. Under rule 7 of the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion & Transfer) Rules,1975, appointment by promotion to posts in B-2 to 16 is made on the recommendations of the appropriate Departmental Promotion Committee and to posts in B-17 and above is made on the recommendations of the Provincial Selection Board and approval of the Competent Authority as given in rule 4 of the rules ibid.


3. The Provincial Government are pleased to direct that the Provincial Selection Board/Departmental Promotion Committee shall consider the cases of eligible civil servants with due regard to seniority in accordance with procedure prescribed in Para 1 above and may either:(a) (b) (c) recommend a Civil Servant for promotion to the next higher post; or recommend a Civil Servant for suppression; or defer consideration of a Civil Servant's promotion provided that this step will be taken only if:(i) The Civil Servant's inter-se-seniority is under dispute/subjudice. Disciplinary or Departmental proceedings are pending against the Civil Servant whose promotion case comes up for consideration before the Provincial Selection Board/Departmental Promotion Committee. The CR dossier is incomplete or any other document/information required by the PSB/DPC for determining a Civil Servant's suitability for promotion is not available for reasons beyond the control of the person concerned.



4. If an officer who is eligible for promotion but has been inadvertently omitted from consideration in the original reference due to clerical error or plain negligence and is superseded, the case of such an officer should be considered for promotion as soon as the mistake is noticed. 5. If a Civil Servant is superseded, he shall not be considered for promotion unless he earns one more ACR for the ensuing one full year. 6. The Civil Servant whose promotion has been deferred will be considered for promotion as soon as the reason on the basis of which deferment took place ceases to exist. The cases of Civil Servants falling under any of the three categories in sub-para(c)


of Para 3 above do not warrant proforma promotion but are required to be considered for promotion after determining the correct seniority over their erstwhile juniors in the higher post. 7. If and when an officer after his seniority has been correctly determined or after he has been exonerated of the charges or his CR dossier is complete or the adverse remarks in his CRs have been expunged, or his inadvertent omission for promotion comes to notice, is considered by the Provincial Selection Board/Departmental Promotion Committee and the Competent Authority and is declared fit for promotion to the next higher grade, he shall be deemed to have been cleared for promotion alongwith the officers junior to him who were considered in the earlier meeting of the Provincial Selection Board/Departmental Promotion Committee. Such an officer, on his promotion will be allowed seniority in accordance with the proviso of sub-section(4) of Section 8 of the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants Act,1973, whereby officers selected for promotion to a higher post in one batch on their promotion to the higher post are allowed to retain their inter-seseniority in the lower post. In case, however, the date of continuous appointment of two or more officers in the lower post/grade is the same and there is no specific rule whereby their inter-se-seniority in the lower grade can be determined, the officer older in age shall be treated senior. This proviso also applies to cases where the promotions of two or more officers are notified on the same date but the junior of these officers take over charge earlier than his senior, particularly in cases where the senior officer is forced to take over later for reasons of distance or difficulty in the assumption of charge. This proviso read with general principles of seniority which are deemed to be rules made under Section 26 of the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants Act,1973 ,enable the left over persons to regain seniority without effecting retrospective promotion. However, in such cases, the intervening period can be counted towards increments under F.R.26(c) but without arrears. 8. Officers who are approved by the Provincial Selection Board/Departmental Promotion Committee and the Competent authority for promotion to the higher grade on an earlier date shall rank senior to those who are approved on a later date except those referred to in para7 above.


9. A Civil Servant will only be promoted within his own cadre. A Civil Servant posted out side his cadre temporarily on account of deputation on foreign service or duty abroad including Pakistan Missions abroad will be considered for promotion on his turn but if selected, the offer of promotion should be made to him and he should be asked to revert to his parent cadre/Department to take up the higher appointment. If he declines to revert, then his actual promotion will take place only when he rejoins his parent cadre. His seniority in the higher post/grade would be determined from the date he is promoted to it in due course after his reversion to the parent cadre. 10. A Civil Servant on deputation to a Foreign Government, International Agency or Private Organization abroad will be considered for promotion only on his return to Pakistan. He will be given intimation and asked to return to Pakistan before his case comes up for consideration for promotion in accordance with his seniority position; if he fails to return he will not be considered for promotion. Such an officer will have to earn at least one ACR after his return to Pakistan before he is considered for promotion. The clearance/approval already accorded in the past to promote a deputationist would lapse automatically if he fails to return on expiry of the deputation period already approved by the Government. 11. If a Civil Servant is cleared for promotion to the higher post/grade by the competent authority is not promoted within a period of six months or the expiry of the current calendar year, whichever is later, the clearance would lapse. The case of such a Civil Servant would require placement before Provincial Selection Board/Departmental Promotion Committee afresh.
(Authority:SOR-I(S&GAD)1-29/75, dated 13.4.87) _______________


Section-13 Confirmation and Lien Prompt decision about confirmation of Government Servants on expiry of probationary period. Sl.No.1 An identical provision regarding probation is being made in Service/Recruitment Rules of all the Services and posts. A copy of the standard rule relating to probation is enclosed. 2. A perusal of this rule will show that according to Explanation I of sub-clause 3 of the standard rule, a provision has been made that if no orders have been made by the date following the completion of the initial probationary period, the period of probation shall be deemed to have been extended. This provision has only been made to cover cases where an appointing authority cannot take a decision on account of unavoidable circumstances. The general rule should be that a decision regarding the confirmation of a probationer shall be taken before the expiry of the probationary period and it is only in rare cases that automatic extension of the probationary period under this explanation should be relied upon. 3. Another provision has been made in Explanation II of subclause 3 of the standard rule to the effect that if no orders have been made by the date on which the maximum period of probation expires, the probationer shall be deemed to have been confirmed in his appointment from the date on which the period of probation was last extended or may be deemed to have been so extended. This provision has also been made only to safeguard unavoidable delay by the appointing authorities to take a timely decision. It provides for automatic confirmation of the probationer for want of a proper order. But the proper course would be to assess the work of the probationer in time to form an opinion about his work, and take a proper decision instead of allowing the automatic confirmation of the probationer without proper assessment . The general rule in this case should be that there should be no occasion for the application of this explanation and timely action should be taken


by the appointing authority regarding the fitness of a probationer for confirmation. I am to request that these instructions may kindly be strictly observed by all the appointing authorities.

4. There is still a number of Service/Recruitment Rules which have to be notified. In certain cases there are some existing Service Rules which fix the probationary period and the conditions for the confirmation. These rules should be strictly followed, especially about the time limit laid in each case. All cases of confirmation should be taken up well in time and decided before the expiry of the probationary period.
(Authority:S&GAD's letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)2-133/63,dated 12.8.1963)

______________________ Prompt decision about confirmation of Government Servants on expiry of probationary period. Sl.No.2 This Department's Circular letter of dated 12.8.1963 in which the importance of taking prompt decisions about the confirmation of the probationers before the expiry of the probationary period was stressed. It is a matter of regret that cases still continue to come to the notice of this Department in which the Administrative Department did not take any decision during the initials as well as the extended period of probation of the officers with the result that the probationers become entitled to automatic confirmation and their confirmation could not be withheld even when their work and conduct during the probationary period had been unsatisfactory. Government are gravely perturbed over this situation and have decided to make it obligatory on the Administrative Departments/Appointing Authorities to pass an order on the completion of the initial probationary period, either (i) confirming the probationer; or (ii) extending the period of probation or (iii) dispensing with his services, if he was appointed by initial recruitment or (iv)


reverting him to his former post, if he was appointed otherwise and if there is no such post dispensing with his services. In case the period of probation is extended, it would be binding on the Administrative Department/appointing authorities to issue another order before the expiry of the extended period of probation, either confirming the officer or reverting him. 2. I am to add that Government would take serious notice of non observance of these instructions and would take disciplinary action against the officers found responsible for not complying with them. 3. This letter will take effect from Ist January,1968. In the meantime in all pending cases of the past appropriate orders may be passed.
(Authority:- S&GAD's letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)2-133/63, dated 7.10.67) _______________


Retention of Lien Sl.No.3 Under the existing rules, lien of a civil servant can only be retained if he is a confirmed employee and is working against a permanent post. Despite completing the extended period of probation, the Government servants are not being confirmed for obvious reasons for no fault of theirs. As a matter of principle a regular Government servant who has completed his prescribed period of probation inclusive of the extended period of probation has a right to be confirmed. 2. It has been brought to the notice of this Department that a large number of unconfirmed employees on their selection for different jobs in Government and Autonomous Organizations ask for retention of lien and right of reversion to their parent Departments which is not permissible presently. Resultantly such employees hesitate to join the service elsewhere. 3. Keeping in view the acute un-employment in the country in general and in NWFP in particular it has been decided to give right of reversion initially for two years extendable by a further period of one year if a request in this behalf is received from those employees who are selected for appointment under Federal and other Provincial Governments provided they have served on regular basis for at least two years or who have completed the extended period of probation but could not be confirmed for obvious reasons.
(Authority:-S&GAD's letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-62/80, dated 17.4.1989.



Section-14 Deputation Policy

Determination of terms and conditions of civil servants deputed to Foreign Service. Sl.No.1 Under the existing policy the terms and conditions of the civil servants deputed to Autonomous, Semi-Autonomous or Local Bodies in NWFP on foreign service are determined by the Finance Department. The model terms and conditions laid down in Appendix-11 of the Fundamental Rules Vol-II have been adopted by this Department with certain modifications from time to time. The modified terms and conditions are now consolidated and reproduced for the guidance of all concerned:(i) Pay:-A civil servant on deputation shall be entitled to the grade pay as is admissible to him in his parent department from time to time. Deputation Allowance In case the post in the Autonomous, Semi-Autonomous or Local body concerned carries a pay scale equivalent to that of the post held by a civil servant in his parent department immediately before deputation on which he had actually assumed charge under Government, the deputation allowance will be allowed at the rate of 10% of the basic pay in the parent department provided the pay plus deputation allowance do not exceed the maximum of the pay scale of the next higher grade/post in the civil servant's ordinary line of promotion under Government. For this purpose, identical posts will mean posts in the same grade or having the same minimum or maximum of pay scale, or the rate of increment.



There is no term 'Deputation pay' used in the Fundamental Rules hence it has been corrected as "Deputation Allowance" with immediate effect.



In case the post under Autonomous, SemiAutonomous or Local Body concerned carries a pay scale higher than that of the post held by a civil servant in his parent department immediately before deputation, on which he had actually assumed charge under Government, the deputation allowance will be allowed at the rate of 20% of the basic pay in his parent department provided the total/inclusive of deputation allowance does not exceed the maximum of the pay scale of the next higher grade/post in the civil servant's ordinary line of promotion under Government. If a special pay is attached to the deputation post and is incidental to the scale of such post, the deputationist will be allowed either such special pay or the deputation allowance whichever be more beneficial to him. The 10% or 20% deputation allowance, as the case may be, shall be allowed to a civil servant below grade 21 only after he has completed one year's continuous service in the grade in which, but for his deputation to foreign service, he would have been employed under the Government. If the promotion to the next higher grade takes place during the tenure of deputation, the limitation of one year will be reckoned from the date of effective promotion in the parent department till the completion of full one year thereafter. In the case of officers in grade-20 belonging to the Federal unified grades deputed on foreign service under NWFP Government the terms and conditions of deputation shall be decided in consultation with the Establishment Division. Special Pay:- A Government servant on deputation shall be entitled to the special pay permanently attached to the scale of the post/grade in his parent department in addition to the deputation allowance referred to above, provided he enjoyed that special pay for a period exceeding full one year under





Government. For example, the protection can be claimed in respect of the special pay of Rs.165 attached with the post of a Deputy Commissioner, but not for the special pay allowed to a Tehsildars doing settlement work or that to a cashier for his specific job. iv) Travelling Allowance:- T.A will be allowed in accordance with the ordinary T.A Rules of the Government or Autonomous & Semi Autonomous body or Local body whichever are more beneficial to him. Conveyance Allowance:- This allowance will be restricted to the scale as admissible under the Government Rules subject to the relevant conditions. Compensatory Allowance:- Compensatory Allowance as admissible to a civil servant at the same place of posting will continue to be admissible during deputation as per scale laid down by the Government, hence it will not be inter-changeable with the compensatory allowances sanctioned by the Autonomous, Semi-autonomous or local bodies concerned. However, the foreign employer will bear the whole expenditure in respect of any compensatory allowance for periods of leave granted to the civil servant in or at the end of foreign service. Residential Accommodation:- Accommodation will be provided to the deputationist by the Autonomous, Semi-autonomous or Local Body concerned of the same standard as is normally provided to a civil servant in his parent department subject to the recovery of rent @ 5% of his emoluments as defined in F.R 45(c). Where such accommodation is not available and the Autonomous, Semi-autonomous or Local body concerned pays the house rent subsidy to its employees, the subsidy will be paid to the deputationist either at the rate admissible to such civil servant in his parent department from time to





time or at the rate admissible to the employees of the foreign employer whichever is more beneficial to the deputationist. If the deputationists continue to reside in Government allotted accommodation under special permission of Government for certain specified periods, the difference between the standard rent recoverable by Government over and above the 5% rent recovery or as may be agreed upon mutually between the Finance Department and the Body concerned. viii) Medical Facilities: Medical facilities will be allowed in accordance with the relevant rules of the Autonomous, Semi-autonomous or Local body concerned provided these facilities are not inferior to those admissible to the deputationist under Government. Leave salary and pension contribution::- These will be payable by the foreign employer on the scale laid down by the Government from time to time. Joining time pay and T.A on transfer:- This will also be payable by the foreign employer on transfer to and reversion from foreign service. Contributions:-The civil servant shall continue to subscribe to the G.P. Fund, Benevolent Fund and the Group Insurance Fund as under Government rules and will also repay all the advances from G.P. Fund or for house building etc. by cash deposit into Government treasury. xii) Other Benefits: -In all cases of deputation, no fringe benefits attached to a deputation post e.g bonus, gratuity, free electricity and gas, personal servants other than the benefits specifically mentioned above shall be received by a deputationist if such fringe benefits are not admissible to him in his parent department. Moreover, as a rule, no promotion on improved prospects of service are to be allowed to the






deputationist until the prior Government has been obtained. xiii)




Deputation period:- The period of deputation will ordinarily not exceed three years and its extension beyond the period of three years will be decided by the Finance Department in advance on merits.

2. The deputation policy outlined in para-1 above shall be applicable in all future cases of deputation including cases of civil servants who have already proceeded on deputation but whose deputation terms have not been decided till the date of issue of this letter except sub-para(vii) & (xiii) above which shall apply in all the past cases also. 3. As the terms and conditions of deputation shall continue to be approved by the Finance Department, all cases of deputation may, therefore, be referred to this department with the detailed recommendations on the lines given above failing which the cases may not be decided with promptitude. Therefore, to eliminate the chances of delay the proforma attached shall invariably be sent to this department duly completed in all respects in each case well in advance.
(Authority:-Finance Deptt.'s letter No.SO(SR.III)FD/1-123/73, dated 5.2.1978. _________________


P R O F O R M A. Terms and conditions of Civil Servants deputed on Foreign Service under Autonomous, Semi Autonomous or Local Bodies. ___________________________________________________ ______________ Department_______________ Attached Deptt:/Subordinate Office(if any)________________ 1. Name ___________________________________________________ ___ 2. Service to which belongs, applicable.____________________________ 3. Date of joining _______________________________ foreign if


4. Position immediately __________________________________ deputation on foreign service


a) Nomenclature of post held under Government and date of posting ____________________________ (whether Adhoc or regular) b) Grade _________________________________________________ c) Emoluments. ____________________________________________ i) Pay _______________________________________________ ii) Special ________________________________________ (rate and purpose for which allowed.) Pay


iii) Other Allowances. ___________________________________ (Details) N.B: Indicate date from which each element drawn. a) Substantive post (detail) the scale ___________________ the presumptive pay admissible in that post. after deputation on and

5. Position immediately service.______________ a)



Post held immediately after deputation and scale of pay and special pay attached to the post._________________________ Other emoluments, if any, with detail of each item.______________________________________



Are the responsibilities in the deputation post higher than those attached to the post under Government (Brief comparative account of responsibilities may be given in an Annexure).________________________________. House concession or subsidy normally admissible to employees of the same status in the deputation post.______________ Whether Government accommodation has been retained, if so, particulars of that accommodation and the rent paid to Landlord if any,________________________________



6. Present position in foreign service:-(N.B: Applicable in the case of extension of deputation terms only) a) Present post in ____________________________ foreign service

b) Scale of __________________________________________ c) Present emoluments ___________________ d) with broader



Are the responsibilities in this post higher than those in that post mentioned against 5(a) above?____________________________ Brief justification period. for extending the deputation


Dated __________________ _____________________


1. Head of Lending Department or his nominee. 2. Head of Borrowing Organization or his nominee.


Note:For details of emoluments please indicate pay, personal pay, special pay, or any other emoluments classed as pay, Dearness Allowance, Compensatory Allowance, House Rent Allowance or subsidy, Rent Free house, Entertainment Allowance, Sumptuary Allowance, Uniform Allowance or any other such allowances.


Transfer of Civil Servants to Foreign Service in Pakistan on deputation basis. Sl.No.2 Under paragraph 2 of Appendix-II to the compilation of Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules Vol.II a Government Servant transferred to foreign service in Pakistan shall be allowed the same remuneration as he would have received, from time to time in Government service, but for his transfer. 2. It has now been decided by the Finance Division vide Order No.F.3(22)R.3/97 dated 13.9.1997 as circulated by this Department vide letter No.FD(SR.V)2-151/93 dated 25.10.1997 that for the orders contained in paragraph 2 of appendix II to the Compilation of Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules Vol.II the following shall be substituted namely:"2- Save as hereinafter provided a Government Servant transferred to foreign service in Pakistan shall be allowed the pay sanctioned for the post to which he is transferred or the pay he would have received, from time to time, in Government service, but for his transfer whichever is more". 3. With a view to protecting the interest of the senior Government Servants it was decided vide Paragraph-3(iv) of former Government of West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)2-86/63, dated 27.9.69 as under:"Selection in case other than promotion-When a Government servant is being deputed in his own grade, a reference to the Selection Board is not required .However, if it is proposed to give a deputation allowance, over and above the grade pay or other substantial additional benefits, the interests of senior officials should be kept in view and the criteria proposed for promotion should be followed, as far as possible." 4. After substitution of Paragraph 2 of appendix 11 of the compilation of Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules as reproduced in paragraph 2 above it has become more imperative that the provision of Paragraph 3(iv) of Government


of West Pakistan letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)2-86/63, dated 27.9.1969 should be adhered to scrupulously . While forwarding the case for settlement of terms and conditions of a civil servant deputed to serve against a higher post the authority competent to sanction the deputation shall be apprised of the provisions embodied in paragraph 3(iv) of the former Government of West Pakistan, S&GAD and it shall be certified that these provisions have been fulfilled.
(Authority:-Finance Department's letter No.FD.SO(SR.IV)7-366/87, dated 17.2.98)



Deputation of Civil Servants to Foreign Services in Pakistan Terms and Conditions of Services S.No.3 I am directed to say that under para-1 (xiii) of the Finance Department circular letter No.SO(SR-III)FD/1-123/73, dated 5th February, 1978, the period of deputation will ordinarily not exceed three years and its extension beyond the period of three years will be decided by the Finance Department in advance on the merits of each case. Cases have come to notice where civil servants whose services were placed on deputation with the Autonomous/Semi-Autonomous Bodies etc. for specific period, have not joined the parent deptt: on expiry of the tenure of deputation. It has been observed that either a deputationist does not want to come back to his parent department or the borrowing organization is not willing to relieve the officer on expiry of his deputation period. In several cases, the Government Servants are continuing to be on deputation for 513 years. This practice is not desirable. 2. The deputation terms and conditions of Government Servants when sent to Foreign Service are also not settled in advance with the concurrence of the Finance Department in flagrant violation of FR-114 as well as the instructions issued by Finance Department from time to time. The result is that different contributions required to be made by the borrowing agencies are not made to the Provincial Government in violation of SR-307. Also these Govt Servants are faced with difficulties in the drawal of their regular salaries for years together with the result that such a slackness on the part of the departments not only result in administrative and financial problems but is also not desirable from humanitarian point of view. It has, therefore, been decided that:(i) All departments and conditions Foreign service advance with Department; shall ensure that in future the terms of Government Servants sent to are settled with all concerned in the concurrence of the Finance



The period of deputation shall ordinarily not exceed three years. Its extension beyond the period of three years shall invariably be decided in consultation with the Finance Department in advance on the merit of each case; To ensure that on the last date of the specified period, the officer is relieved of his assignment unless the orders of the Competent Authority have been obtained in advance extending the period;


(iv) Cases involving deputation period of more than five years, where special circumstances exist and the extension in deputation period of a civil servant is considered to be absolutely essential and in the public interest may be referred to S&GAD at least three months in advance of the expiry of the maximum period of deputation provided that:(a) The lending as well as the authorities mutually agree; and borrowing


Full justification in support of the proposal is given by the Borrowing Organization and accepted by lending Department.

These instructions may kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned.

(Letter No. SORII(S&GAD) 1(23)/86(B) Dated 10-01-1991) ________________________


Policy governing Civil Servants on deputation basis Sl.No.4 Till recently, Government servants on deputation to International Organization and foreign Government were required to come back after spending five years of their deputation abroad. This policy has been reviewed and in accordance with para 4 of the Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division O.M No.10(3)81-CP.I, dated 25th June,1984 (copy enclosed), Government servants can stay abroad beyond 5 years under certain conditions. The relevant provision of the policy is reproduced below:"Government may allow an officer to continue against his assignment abroad even after the expiry of 5 years on the request of the officer or his employer . However in all such cases, the officer's name will be removed from the existing seniority list and placed on a separate static list with no claim to promotion or to seniority over any junior who may be promoted during this period. An officer's name would be brought back on the seniority list only after he resumes duty on return. In such cases also the officer must earn a confidential report for one full year before he is considered for promotion. If approved for promotion, he will not regain his seniority. He will be assigned seniority in the higher post only from the date he assumes its charge". 2. It is requested that cases of Government servants who wish to stay abroad beyond five years may kindly be processed accordingly.
(Authority:-S&GAD's letter No.SORI(S&GAD)3-72/75(A), dated 22nd May,1985. _________________

Procedure regarding employment abroad of Government Servants Sl.No.5


A Special Selection Board consisting of the following members have been constituted for examination of the applications from all the officers of B-17 and above for the purpose of seeking employment in Foreign Countries through Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment or Overseas Employment Corporation:1. Chief Secretary Government of NWFP Chairman

2. Secretary to Government of NWFP S&GAD Member 3. Admn: Secretary Concerned. 4. Deputy Secretary(S)Government of NWFP S&GA Department. Member Secretary

(Authority:-S&GAD's letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(13)82, dated 29-11-1984) _______________

Employment with Foreign Governments Sl.No.6 The competent authority has been pleased to direct that in future all the cases of employment of Government Servants , other than official requests from the Government of a friendly country or International Organizations/UN Specialized Agencies, be processed as employment on leave/E.O.L due, rather than deputation. 2. It is requested that these instructions may kindly be circulated among all concerned for further necessary action.
(Authority:-S&GAD's letter No.SORIV(S&GAD)10-1/93. dated 19.8.98

____________________ Deputation/Employment etc. abroad of Government Servants. Sl. No.7


I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to enclose herewith a copy of the Government of Pakistan, Establishment Division Office Memorandum No. 1/25/99-T-IV, dated February 12, 2000, for information and strict compliance. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: DEPUTATION/EMPLOYMENT GOVERNMENT SERVANTS. ETC: ABROAD OF

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Establishment Secretary's D.O. letter No.1/165/83-T-IV dated 12th January. 1986, regarding deputation/employment etc; abroad of the Government Servants and to say that the matter has been reviewed in the Chief Executive Secretariat. The Competent Authority in the Chief Executive Secretariat has been pleased to pass the following order:The following authorities will deputation/employment abroad etc:(1) a) Chief Executive approve cases of

BS-19and above/equivalent Officers. b) Establishment Secy BS-17-18/equivalent Officers c) Administrative Secy BS-16 and below/equivalent Officers/Officials.

(II) The Special Selection Boards both in Establishment Division in respect of Officers in BS-17 and above, and Miniseries/Division for BS-16 and below Officials shall continue functioning as at present. (III) The Cabinet Secretary shall be the (Ex-Officers) Chairman of the Special Selection Board in the Establishment Division. 2. All the Ministries/Divisions/Provincial Governments are requested to ensure strict compliance of the above instructions and also the procedure prescribed in the policy guidelines vide this divisions's O.M.No.4/7/81-T-IV dated 28-12-1981.
(Authority Estb: Div. Islamabad letter No.1/25/99-T-IV, dt: 12.2.2000

152 and S&GAD letter No. SOR-IV (S&GAD) 10-1/95, dated 8.4.2000)



Section- 15 Appointment against higher posts in own pay scales. Appointments in Higher Grades. Sl.No.1 A number of cases have come to notice where Ministries/Divisions and Provincial Governments have made appointments of officers serving under them to posts in higher grades without the prior approval of the competent authority or going through the prescribed selection procedures. This grant of higher appointments to junior officers against senior posts amounts to accelerated promotion in view of the decision given by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of Government of Pakistan versus Qazi Abdul Karim. In future such vacancies will be reported to the Establishment Division so that eligible officers may be considered and recommended for promotion by the Competent Authority in accordance with the Rules. 2. The President has been pleased to direct that appointments of officers of lower grades to posts in higher grades without going through the prescribed selection process, must cease with immediate effect. The Ministries/Divisions and Provincial Governments can only fill vacancies in a particular grade by officers of the same grade and officers in a junior grade will not be appointed against a vacancy in a higher grade. If it is necessary to do so due to exigencies of service, the post should be downgraded with the approval of the Establishment Division. When making such a request it will be clearly stated why the vacancy should not be referred to the Central Selection Board/High Level Selection Board/appropriate Departmental Promotion Committee for the promotion of an eligible officer to fill the vacancy in the appropriate grade in accordance with the rules.

(Authority: O.M No.2/25/69-C.I, dated 31.7.79, circulated by S&GAD NWFP vide letter No.SORI(S&GAD )1-29/75(KW), dt: 20.8.79)



Appointment in Higher Grades/Posts. Sl.No.2 Instances have come to notice of Federal Government where civil servants have been appointed to higher posts and subsequently these posts have been downgraded retrospectively and without the prior approval of the Competent authority. This is not in keeping with the Establishment Division OM No.2/25/69-CI, dated 31st July,1979 circulated vide S&GAD circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-29/75(KW),dated 20th August,1979. It is, therefore, reiterated that whenever a post is required to be downgraded due to exigencies of service, it may please be referred to this Department for approval. 2. Besides, all cases in which action may have been taken in contravention of the instructions issued on the subject may please be referred to the S&GAD for final orders.
(Authority: Letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-29/75, dated 14.9.1985) _____________

Appointment in Higher Grades/Posts. Sl.No.3 Instances have come to the notice where civil servants in lower grades have been appointed to higher posts but the posts have not been downgraded with the result that the concerned civil servants come up with requests for promotion benefits in view of the decision given by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of `Government of Pakistan Versus Qazi Abdul Karim'. This is in contravention of the above instructions which is not desirable administratively.


2. It appears that either the aforesaid instructions have been lost sight or these instructions have not been brought to the notice of all concerned. It is, therefore, re-iterated that the Provincial Government can only fill vacancies in a particular grade by officers of the same grade and officers of junior grade will not be appointed against a vacancy in a higher grade. If it is necessary to do so, due to exigencies of service, the post should be downgraded with the approval in the first instance of the S&GAD who will seek approval of the Finance Department. 3. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Department.
(Authority:Letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-29/75, dated 25.2.1986.)


Appointment in Higher Grades/Posts. Sl.No.4 The President directed that appointment of officers of lower grades to posts in higher grades without going through the prescribed selection process must cease and that vacancies in a particular grade shall only be filled by officers of the same grade. It has been reported that these instructions are not being followed by some of the departments and Civil Servants in lower grades continue to be appointed against posts in higher scales without downgrading them. 2. While replying to Supplementary question on 21st October,1987, the Chief Minister, NWFP was pleased to give an assurance to the Provincial Assembly to the effect that as per instructions already issued by Government to all Departments, no officer in lower grades shall henceforth be posted against vacancies in higher grades and that all such posts shall in future be filled in on regular basis by way of promotion or through initial recruitment, as the case may be, in accordance with the prescribed manner. 3. I am, therefore, to request that the above instructions may kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned once again


and that they may be directed to abide by these instructions in letter and spirit.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-29/75,dated 19.11.1987)

____________ Appointment on Acting Charge Basis. Sl.No.5 This Department Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1206/74, dated 15th August,1981, as amended vide this Department's letter of even number dated 17th October,1984 and Ist December,1987, on the subject cited above and to say that in partial modification of the said orders it has been decided that the service rendered on acting charge basis in respect of appointments falling under rules 8-B(1) and 8-B(3) of Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion & Transfer)Rules,1975 count in the pay scale applicable to the post for the purpose of accrual of increments, subject to the fulfillment of the following:i) In case of acting charge appointments to posts carrying BPS-18, the incumbents shall have completed 5 years service in BPS-17. In case of acting charge appointments to posts carrying BPS-19 and above the incumbents shall have completed the prescribed length of service for respective posts as under:a) Posts in BPS-19 12 years service in BPS-17 and above. b) Posts in BPS-20 17 years service in BPS-17 and above. c) Posts in BPS-21 22 years service in BPS-17 and above. Provided that:-




Where initial appointment of a person not being a person in Government service takes place in a post in BPS18,19 or 20,the length of service specified in this Department letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-29/75,dated 23.2.1981 shall be reduced by the following periods: First appointment in Reduced

by BPS-18 BPS-19 BPS-20 ii) 5 years. 12 years. 17 years.

Where initial appointment of a person already in Government service takes place, on recommendations of the Public Service Commission, in a post in BPS-18 ,19 or 20,the length of service specified in above letter shall be reduced by the periods specified in proviso(i).

2. The above decision shall be effective from the First January 1985. However, in cases of acting charge appointments made during the period from 12.1.1981 to 31.12.1984, the increments shall be restored from the due dates but no arrears due on account of restoration of increments prior to 1.1.1985 shall be allowed. 3. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Department.

(Authority:Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-206/74(IV),dated 17.2.1988)

______________ Posting of Junior Officers on Posts in Higher Scale Sl.No.6


This Department's Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)129/75(A), dated 13.2.1993,on the subject noted above and to state that it has been noticed that certain Provincial Government Departments are resorting to the practice of posting officers in a lower scale on posts in higher scales. This practice is against the provisions of NWFP Civil Servants Act,1973 and rules made thereunder as well as the instructions of the Establishment Division reproduced below:"The grant of higher appointments to junior officers against senior posts amounts to accelerated promotion in view of the decision given by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of Government of Pakistan Versus Qazi Abdul Karim. The Ministries/Divisions or Provincial Governments can only fill vacancies in a particular grade by officers of the same grade, and officers in a junior grade will not be appointed against a vacancy in a higher grade". 2. It may be pointed out that in the light of rule 9 of the NWFP Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules,1973 ,the methods prescribed for posting a junior officer to a higher post are restricted to the following only:i) ACTING CHARGE APPOINTMENT ON A HIGHER POST Where the senior most officer in a cadre is otherwise fully eligible for promotion but does not possess the specified length of service, the competent authority may appoint him to the higher post on acting charge basis, but only on the recommendation of Departmental Promotion Committee/Selection Board and subject to the condition that such officer lacks the prescribed length of service not more than (one year). ii) CURRENT CHARGE POST APPOINTMENT OF A HIGHER

Only the senior-most officer of a cadre can be given current charge appointment of a higher post with


the approval of the competent authority. However this can only be an arrangement upto a maximum of six months.






An officer can be given the additional charge of a second post but only of a post in an equivalent grade, upto a period of six months by the competent authority. 3. Adherence to the above rules is a legal requirement so that the actions taken by officers are not held at any stage to be irregular. Also, appointments in violation of the rules constitute administrative in discipline. 4. I am, therefore, directed to request that all such cases of irregular appointments be reviewed and ensure not to resort to such appointments that violate the provisions of the Civil Servants Act and the statutory rules framed thereunder. 5. I am further directed to request that these instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-29/75(A), dated 5.7.1994). ________________

Appointment against higher post Sl.No.7 A point has been raised by the District Accounts Officer, Mansehra whether a higher post can be filled in for indefinite period by appointment of an incumbent holding lower post without having relevancy to the nature of duty and basic qualification of the post etc or otherwise?


___________________________________________________ ______________
1. The period is 3 years vide Notification No. SORI(S&GAD)4-1/80 (Vol), dated 14.3.1996.


2. In this connection attention is invited to the Government of NWFP S&GAD's Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-29/75(A), dated 5th July,1994 wherein the position has fully been explained. However, the point has carefully been re-examined in the Finance Department. At the very outset it is made clear that for all intents and purposes, the NWFP Civil Servants Act, 1973 being the latest instrument, duly approved by the NWFP Provincial Assembly and the NWFP Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion & Transfer), Rules,1989 which have been framed under Section 26 of Act ibid have to be followed in the matter of appointments. 3. Under Section-5 of the NWFP Civil Servants Act,1973, the appointment to a Civil Service of the Province or to a post in connection with the affairs of the Province shall be made in the prescribed method by the Governor or by a person authorised by the Governor on that behalf. 4. Under Rule 3(2) of the NWFP Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer)Rules,1989,the method of appointment, qualifications and other conditions applicable to a post shall be such as laid down by the department concerned in consultation with Services & General Admn. Department and Finance Department. 5. Under Rule-10(3) of the above mentioned Rules, a candidate for initial appointment to a post must possess the educational or technical qualifications and experience. 6. The appointment by initial recruitment to a higher post or to a different post has to be made strictly in the prescribed manner and any deviation would not be in accordance with law and rules on the subject. The phrase "adjustment" is also not covered under the above rules. Moreover, an opportunity of appointment against a higher post is available to serving Government servants and they in accordance with the provisions contained in Rule-9 of the NWFP Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer), Rules,1989 can be appointed on Acting Charge or Current Charge basis. 7. In the circumstances, the reply to the point as raised in para-1 above that whether a higher post can be filled in for


indefinite period by appointment of an incumbent holding lower post without having relevancy to the nature of duty and basic qualification of the post etc is in negative.
(Authority: Finance Department's Circular letter No.FD/PRC-5-1/96-97, dated 29.4.97 and re-circulated by S&GAD vide letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-29/75(B), dated 10.5.1997)



Section-16 Irregular Appointment Appointments in Higher Grades. Sl.No.1 A number of cases have come to notice where Ministries/Divisions and Provincial Governments have made appointments of officers serving under them to posts in higher grades without the prior approval of the competent authority or going through the prescribed selection procedures. This grant of higher appointments to junior officers against senior posts amounts to accelerated promotion in view of the decision given by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of `Government of Pakistan' versus Qazi Abdul Karim. In future such vacancies will be reported to the Establishment Division so that eligible officers may be considered and recommended for promotion by the Competent Authority in accordance with the Rules. 2. The President has been pleased to direct that appointments of officers of lower grades to posts in higher grades without going through the prescribed selection process, must cease with immediate effect. The Ministries/Divisions and Provincial Governments can only fill vacancies in a particular grade by officers of the same grade and officers in a junior grade will not be appointed against a vacancy in a higher grade. If it is necessary to do so due to exigencies of service, the post should be downgraded with the approval of the Establishment Division. When making such a request it will be clearly stated why the vacancy should not be referred to the Central Selection Board/High Level Selection Board/appropriate Departmental Promotion Committee for the promotion of an eligible officer to fill the vacancy in the appropriate grade in accordance with the rules.
(Authority: O.M No.2/25/69-C.I, dated 31.7.79, circulated by NWFP vide letter No.SORI (S&GAD )1-29/75(KW),dated 20.8.79) ____________________

Unauthorised appointments to higher posts.


Sl.No.2 In continuation of Establishment Division's O.M No.2/25/69-C.I, dated 31.7.1979, the undersigned is directed to say that it has been observed with regret that despite repeated instructions issued by the Establishment Division regarding appointment of Government servants against higher posts other than in accordance with rules and prescribed procedure, Ministries/Divisions and Departments of the Federal Government and the Provincial Governments (in the case of officers belonging to Occupational Groups controlled by the Establishment Division) continue to make appointments to higher posts occasionally in disregard of the above instructions. Officers appointed to higher posts without going through the prescribed selection process and approval of the competent authority claim pay and allowances of the higher posts on the basis of judgements of the Federal Service Tribunal and the Supreme Court of Pakistan in a number of such cases. This places the Government in an awkward position as pay and allowances of the higher posts have to be allowed to individuals who have not been regularly promoted and who are some time not even qualified or eligible for promotion. It also causes heart burning and resentment among their seniors who were serving elsewhere or were bypassed at the time of making such irregular appointments. 2. While such irregular appointments are claimed to be made in public interest and under unavoidable circumstances, it has once again to be emphasized that appointments to higher post in disregard of the prescribed rules and procedure should be avoided under all circumstances. Various provisions already exist in the rules for making appointments on acting charge, current charge and additional charge basis, to tide over temporary difficulties. It is therefore again reiterated that in future appointments against higher posts should only be made either on a regular basis in the prescribed manner, or on acting charge or current charge basis in accordance with the provision of Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion & Transfer), Rules, 1973 and relevant instructions issued by the Government from time to time.


3. Disregard of the above instructions would be viewed seriously and may result in bringing the matter to the notice of the Prime Minister.
(Authority:Estt:Division OM No.14/4/86-R.I, dated 2.5.1988 circulated by NWFP vide Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-29/75,dated 23.5.1988)

________________________ Unauthorised Appointments to Higher Posts. Sl.No.3 This Department's Circular letter of even number dated 23.5.1988, on the subject cited above, which clearly provides that the appointments against the higher posts should be made in the manner prescribed in the rules for those posts. Notwithstanding this, instances have come to the notice that unauthorised appointments to higher posts without going through the prescribed selection process or obtaining approval of the competent authority are being made by Provincial Government Departments. This creates embarrassing position when the officers concerned prefer claim for pay of the higher posts. 2. I am directed to request you once again to strictly follow the instructions as referred to above while making appointments against higher posts. In future, no claim of pay of higher post in cases of un-authorised appointment will be considered by S&GAD.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-29/75(A), dated 13.2.1993)


Irregular Appointments to various Posts/Services Sl.No.4 NWFP Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1975 and other ancillary instructions issued by the Provincial Government provide that initial appointments to posts/services in various Departments, Attached Departments


and subordinate offices shall be made keeping in view the following:(1) A selected candidate must possess the qualifications and experience prescribed for the post under the relevant rules; The vacancies in Grades 5 and above should be advertised in leading newspapers; The appointment is to be made on the recommendations of a broad based prescribed Departmental Selection Committee; The zonal allocation formula prescribed vide S&GAD's Notification No.SOS.III(S&GAD)3-39/70, dated 2nd October,1973 as amended from time to time has to be followed; The selection for appointment should be made with regard to the criteria for initial recruitment as laid down by the Government from time to time; and An overage person should not be selected and appointed when a sufficient number of qualified and within age candidates are available.






2. It has, however, been observed from the report of the Committee appointed by the Government to probe the cases cited as subject that in almost all the departments, appointments to the various posts were made without application of the provisions of the relevant Service Rules and observance of the instructions issued thereunder. 3. It has, therefore, been decided by the Provincial Government that all appointments, promotion will, in future, be made by the competent authorities only after strictly observing all requisite codal formalities and the provisions of Rules of Business, 1985 in general and the sub-rules(5) and (6) of Rule 5 in particular, are strictly observed by all concerned in future .


4. It is requested to please ensure that all concerned abide by the aforesaid decision both in letter and spirit.
(Authority:-S&GAD's October,1988. letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-73/88, dated 23rd



Section-17 Posting and Transfer Statutory Provision. Sl.No.1 Section 10 of the NWFP Civil Servants Act,1973. Posting and Transfer. Every civil servant shall be liable to serve anywhere within or outside the Province, in any post under the Federal Government, or any Provincial Government or Local authority, or a Corporation or body set up or established by any such Government:Provided that nothing contained in this section shall apply to a civil servant recruited specifically to serve in a particular area or region; Provided further that, where a civil servant is required to serve in a post outside a service or cadre, his terms and conditions of service as to his pay shall not be less favourable than those to which he would have been entitled if he had not been so required to serve. Transfer of low paid Government Servants from their home Districts. Sl.No.2 The Government has decided to continue existing policy regarding posting of class-III and Class-IV Government Servants in their Home Districts except on complaint and in the public interest. It has also been decided that the office bearers of the Association should not ordinarily be transferred for the year they are office bearers as such.
(Authority: S&GAD's letter No. SOS.III(S&GAD)1-57/73, dated 18.3.1973) ___________________


Transfer of officers during training with the Public Administration/Training Institutes in Pakistan. Sl.No.3 Instances have come to the notice of Provincial Government wherein officers were transferred while they were still under training with the National Institute of Public Administration, PARD etc. This is against the policy of the Provincial Government according to which an officer who is sent for training is not to be transferred from his post. In order to maintain sanctity of this policy, maintain institutional standards at fairly desirable levels and enable the officers to fully concentrate on their training, it is desirable that the trainees are not disturbed. 2. The aforesaid policy of the Government may kindly be strictly adhered to and that in future no officer under training at the PASC/NIPA/Academy for Rural Development, Shariah Academy, etc. should be transferred from his post till completion of the training period. However, in case, the nominating authority of an officer feels that it has become absolutely essential to fill up the vacancy caused by the officer's participation in a training programme, such transfers should be effected only with the prior concurrence of the Services and General Administration Department.
(Authority:S&GAD's letter No.SOSIII(S&GAD)7-39/86, dated 1.1.1987)


Transfer/Postings from settled to FATA including F.Rs to Districts.


Sl.No.4 Necessary instructions have been issued time and again to the effect that no postings and transfers to and from FATA, including F.Rs, shall be made unless approval from the Agent to the President i.e (Governor, NWFP) is obtained. In this connection, a Circular letter was issued by the Governor's Secretariat, NWFP addressed to all the Administrative Departments vide No. SO(P)GS/16(2)1/96/365-84, dated 12.2.1996 with the direction that all cases for grant of NOC for transfer from FATA to settled Areas may be submitted to the Governor's Secretariat only by the Department concerned and not by the individual officials. 2. It has been observed that the above instructions are not being followed accordingly. Under the circumstances, it is once again re-iterated that the above instructions may kindly be adhered to strictly. 3. It is, however, clarified that when an employee completes his prescribed tenure of posting in FATA/F.Rs, the requisite NOC in such cases, shall not be required. The competent authority may dispose of such cases subject to observance of all other codal formalities and subject to the provision of a substitute. It may be kept in view that in case of Provincial/Divisional cadre post, the substitute shall have to move first to join his post in FATA.
(Authority:S&GAD's letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-188/96, dt: 28.4.1997) _________________

Transfer/Postings from settled to FATA including F.Rs to Districts. Sl.No.5 Instances have come to the notice of Governor's Secretariat NWFP, where policy on posting/transfer to and from FATA is not being followed in letter and spirit. The Governor, NWFP has taken serious notice of the violation of the said policy and directed that all Departments must obtain his prior approval before issuing all such posting/transfer orders.


(Authority:SOR.I(S&GAD)1-188/96, dated 2nd Oct.,1997) ___________________

Inter Provincial Transfer Sl.No.6 Attention is invited to Rule-8 of the NWFP, Civil Servants(Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules,1989 where under Inter-Provincial Transfers of employees in BPS 1 to 15 and 16 and above are permissible subject to the fulfilment of conditions laid down in the aforesaid rule. However, in most of the cases, the requests for Inter-Provincial Transfers are not strictly scrutinized in the light of the aforesaid rules which creates not only embarrassment for the S&GAD but also causes delays in finalizing of such cases. 2. While examining cases, it has been noticed that interprovincial transfer results in an over all increase of officials in the NWFP, which is against the downsizing policy of the Government. The un-employment situation in NWFP is more acute than in any other province. Large scale transfers of officials from other provinces would also deprive the people of NWFP from employment in other Provinces. It may, therefore, be necessary to restrict the inter-provincial transfers to very exceptional cases where a strong humanitarian ground exists or where technical expertise, which is not available in the province, is required. 3. It is requested that the provisions of Rule-8 of the NWFP Civil Servants(Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1989 may be observed strictly while recommending cases of inter-provincial transfers, with full justification for consideration of the competent authority.
(Authority:S&GAD's letter No.SORI(S&GAD)2-27/86, dated 1.11.1997) _________________

Posting/Transfer in Government Departments


Sl.No.7 In supersession of all policy instructions issued in this behalf, the Provincial Cabinet in its meeting held on 2.5.1998 has inter-alia approved the following posting/transfer policy:(i) The normal tenure of posting shall be three years subject to the conditions that for the officers/officials posted in unattractive areas, the tenure shall be two years and for the hard areas i.e (District Kohistan), it shall be 1-1/2 years at least. Months of March and August are fixed for posting/transfer of the officers/officials excluding the officers in BP-19 and above in the Province. There should be a ban on posting/transfers throughout the year excluding the aforesaid two months. However, there shall be no restriction in cases where:(a) Postings/transfers of Government employees become inevitable in other months due to promotion/retirement/ creation of new posts/return from long leave/involvement in disciplinary proceedings and adjustment of surplus staff. Postings of existing officers of the APUG, PCS(FG) and PCS (SG) and Heads of Attached Departments and other B-19 and above officers in all the departments as indicated in Schedule-III of the NWFP Government Rules of Business, 1985 as well as Field posts and excadre posts by the Chief Secretary and Chief Minister NWFP. While making postings/transfers from settled areas to FATA and Vice-versa, the approval of Governor, NWFP needs to be obtained.





No officer shall be allowed to be posted in his own District of domicile.



No postings/transfers of the officers/officials on detailment basis shall be made. About the posting of husband/wife, both in Provincial Services, at one station, the over riding consideration will be the administrative position. It may be desirable to post such persons at one station and this will be subject to the public interest.


2. It is requested that the above policy may please be implemented in letter and spirit.
(Authority: S&GAD's letter No.SOR-I(S&GAD)1-1/85, dt: 20.5.1998)

__________________ Posting/Transfer in Govt. Departments. S.No.8 I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to say that in supersession of all policy instructions issued in this behalf, the competent authority has inter-alia approved the following posting/transfer policy:(xii) The normal tenure of posting shall be three years subject to the condition that for the officers/officials posted in unattractive areas, the tenure shall be two years and for the hard areas (i.e District Kohistan), it shall be 1 years at least (xiii) Months of March and August are fixed for posting/transfer of the officers/officials excluding the officers in BS-19 and above in the Province. There should be a ban on posting/transfers throughout the year excluding the aforesaid two months. However, there shall be no restriction in cases where:(a) Postings/transfers of Government employees become inevitable in other months due to promotion/ retirement/creation of new posts/ return from long leave/involvement in disciplinary proceedings and adjustment of surplus staff.



Postings of existing officers of the APUG, PCS(EG) and PCS(SG) and heads of Attached Departments and other B-19 and above officers in all the Departments as indicated in Schedule-III of the NWFP Govt. Rules of Business, 1985 as well as Field posts and excadre posts by the Chief Secretary and Governor, NWFP.

(xiv) While making postings/transfers from settled areas to FATA and vice-versa, specific approval of the Governor, NWFP needs to be obtained. (xv) No officer shall be posted on executive/administrative posts in the District of their domicile. (xvi) No postings/transfers of the officers/officials on detailment basis shall be made. (xvii) About the posting of husband/wife, both in Provincial Services, at one station, the over riding consideration will be the administrative position. It may be desirable to post such persons at one station and this will be subject to the public interest. (xviii) Officers/officials who are due to retire within two years may be posted on their option, on nonexecutive/non-administrative posts in the Districts of their domicile and be allowed to serve there till their retirement. 2. As already notified, all postings/transfers of officers/officials will be done on the recommendations of the placement scrutiny committees at the Provincial, Departmental and Divisional level, while keeping in mind the following:(iii) Recommendations should be based on Annual Confidential Reports, past and present record of service, performance on post held presently and in


the past and his general reputation with focus on integrity; (iv) Tenure on present post should also be taken into consideration. The process should be completely transparent and in the best public interest.


3. I am further, directed to request that all concerned should ensure that:(b) All postings/transfers are made strictly in accordance with this posting/transfer policy and anyone violating the said policy shall be held accountable under the E&D Rules. (c) If an exemption is required to be made in exigency of service aiming at serving public interest, that shall be allowed only by the Chief Secretary. Each department, without violating the posting/transfer policy, may add further yardsticks, keeping in view their own requirement, which shall be got approved, from the Chief Secretary.



The receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged.. _________________________

(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOR-I(S&GAD)1-1/85(Vol.I), dated 22.12.99)

Policy of posting of serving Husband/ Wife in the same station. Sl.No.9 The following policy of the Federal Government with regard to the posting of husband and wife at one station of duty, has been adopted by the Provincial Government of NWFP in respect of its employees working in Government Departments, Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Bodies in the NWFP:-



Where a request is made for posting at a different station in the same department/service/cadre in which an employee is already serving, the request may be accepted subject to availability of a post in the same BPS. If a request involves temporary deputation to another department, it may be processed in consultation with the concerned department, and may be accepted on the prescribed terms of deputation subject to availability of a post in the same BPS. When a request is made for permanent transfer to/absorption in another department/agency, the request may be processed in consultation with the department concerned, subject to the condition that in the event of permanent transfer, seniority shall be determined in accordance with Section-8 of the NWFP Civil Servants Act, 1973 read with Rule-17 of the NWFP Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer)Rules,1989. If there is a tie between two or more Government servants for posting at the same station in the same department/unit of an organization, the Government servant with greater length of service may be preferred. Request for posting by a spouse facing serious medical problems may be accorded highest priority. Husband already posted at one station, including those posted on deputation beyond the prescribed maximum period, may normally not be disturbed without compelling reasons of public interest. Requests for extension of deputation period beyond the permissible limit may be considered with compassion if interests of public service would permit.







2. The above conditions:(i)







Posting of husband and wife at the same station should not be made by dislocation of any Government servant already serving at a particular station unless his transfer is necessitated by compelling reasons of public interest or within the frame work of general policy of postings and transfer. The prescribed selection consulted in each case. authority should be


3. It is requested to follow the above policy strictly in letter and spirit.

(Authority:- Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-1/85(V.I), dt: 11.7.98)

_______________ Decision of the Provincial Cabinet meeting held on 8.7.99 S.No. 10 Decision "DEOs & SDEOs (female) may be posted in their own district of domicile by the Education Department if considered necessary & unavoidable"
(Authority:-Circular letter No.SOC(S&GAD)27/89/99, dated 15.07.99)

____________________ Placement Scrutiny Committee S.No.11 Notification: No.SOI(S&GAD)1-1/98. The competent authority is pleased to constitute a Placement Scrutiny Committee comprising of the following:a. b. c. Additional Chief Secretary Co-ordinator Senior Member Board of Revenue Member Secretary Home & TA Department Member


d. 2.

Secretary S&GAD


Functions of the Committee are as under:i. To examine scrutinize and recommend names of officers for posting as Deputy Commissioners, Political Agents, Assistant Commissioners, Assistant Political Agents and Extra Assistant Commissioners; Recommendations should be based on Annual Confidential Reports, past and present record of service, performance on post held presently and in the past and his general reputation with focus on integrity; Tenure on present post should also be taken into consideration.



3. Recommendations and proposals so evolved/made should be submitted to the Chief Secretary for further necessary action.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOI(S&GAD)1-1/98, Dt: 4.11.99)

______________________ Departmental Placement Scrutiny Committee. S.No.12 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that the Competent Authority has been pleased to direct that a Departmental Placement Scrutiny Committee in each department may be constituted under the Chairmanship of Administrative Secretary concerned. This Committee will decide the posting/transfers of officers for whom Competent Authority otherwise is the Administrative Secretary and orders be issued accordingly. 2. The Committee shall comprise three appropriate departmental officers, apart from the Chairman, to be nominated by the Secretary concerned. Placement (Posting) of the departmental officers on various posts is to be based on their Annual Confidential Reports, past and present record of Service, performance on the post held presently and their


general reputation with focus on integrity. Their tenure on the present post shall also be taken into consideration. 3. Proceedings of these Committees should regularly be sent to the S&GAD for information of the higher authorities and record. 4. Secretary, Home and T.A Department is requested to issue similar instructions to the Commissioners and the Police Department for the needful as above.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOI(S&GAD)1-1/98, dt: 27.11.99)

____________________ Representative for the Placement Scrutiny Committee For Posting & Transfer of Officers. S.No.13 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that the Governor NWFP has been pleased to approve that the Army Authorities should also be represented on the Placement Scrutiny committees for the posting of officers of the line departments in BS-18 and above. You are, therefore, requested to intimate date/time/venue of the placement Scrutiny Committee meetings in future to your respective Army representatives.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOI(S&GAD)1-1/98(B) Dt: 30.3.2000)

___________________________ Placement Scrutiny Committees. S.No.14 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to say that in continuation of this department letter of even number, dated 30.3.2000, it may please be ensured that representative of army on your respective Placement Scrutiny Committees is consulted in cases of postings/transfers carried out other than the routine transfers in the months of March and August necessitated by promotions/ retirements/creation of new posts/return from long leave/involvement in disciplinary


proceedings and adjustment of surplus staff etc. as provided for in our policy letter No.SOR-1(S&GAD)1-1/85/(Vol.I), dt: 22.12.99).
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOI(S&GAD)1-1/98(B), dt: 21.4.2000)



Section-18 Joining Time Prescribed period for joining Government Service. Sl.No.1 No time limit stands prescribed in any rule for joining Government service by a selectee of NWFP Public Service Commission. In order to guard against any inordinate delays in joining service by selectees of the Commission, I am directed to request you to kindly ensure that in future a period of 30 days of joining time should invariably be stipulated in the offer of appointment to the selectees to Government service.
(Authority:Letter No.SORII(S&GAD)1(26)/86, dated 20.10.1986).

________________ Appointments through Public Service Commission Delays ,Causes and Remedies. Sl.No.2 It has been observed that despite the aforesaid instructions, appointment of the selectees of the Commission is delayed on one or other reason which not only causes inconvenience to the selectees but also adversely affects functioning of the Government. I am therefore to emphasis once again that appointment orders of the selectees of the Commission should be issued within two months in case of serving candidates in whose cases perusal/verification of ACRs is involved and in other cases within one month. 2. It has also been observed that appointments in such cases are also delayed due to late medical examination of the candidates by the Standing Medical Board. The matter has been examined and in order to avoid delay, it has been decided not to wait for medical examination and process cases seeking approval of the Appointing Authorities subject to medical fitness of the selectees of the Commission by the aforesaid Board.


(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(18)/85(Pt.I), dated 27.2.1992). ______________________


Piece-meal Requisition Sl.No..3 It has been observed that the Departments some times do not report all the available vacancies to the Commission. This results not only in the delay of the recruitment process but also provides undue advantage to the Adhoc /Contract appointees because such appointees are adjusted against the vacancies, which were not previously reported to the Commission. It is therefore requested that the Departments may please eschew the practice of placing piecemeal requisitions. All vacancies of a year may please be placed on the Commission once for all to enable the Commission to make recommendations against all the available posts.
(Authority:-Sub Para (b) of Para No.SORII(S&GAD)5(18)/85, dt: 12.12.1989.) 2 of circular letter

____________________ Verification of Antecedents/Medical Examination Sl.No.4 Verification of candidates shall be restricted to criminal record only. This reference to the Police Department will be made immediately after the appointment of a candidate and conveyed during his probationary period. The candidate shall, however, be examined medically by the Standing Medical Board before his appointment orders are issued.
(Authority:- Sub Para(k) of Para 2 of circular letter No SORII(S&GAD)5(18)/85, dated 12.12.1989.)


Section-1 Conduct Rules Statutory Provision regarding Conduct. S.No. 1 Section.15 Civil Servants Act, 1973. Conduct-The conduct of a civil servant regulated by rules made, or instruction issued, by Government or a prescribed authority, whether generally or in respect of a specified group or class of civil servants. The NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules,1987. S.No.2 1.Short title and commencement. (1) These rules may be called the *[North-West Frontier Province Government Servants (Conduct)Rules,1987. (2) They shall come into force at once.

2. Extent of application:-These rules apply to every person, whether on duty or on leave within or without the North-West Frontier Province serving in connection with the affairs of the North-West Frontier Province, including the employees of the Provincial Government deputed to serve under the Federal Government or with a statutory Corporation or with a non-Government employer, but excluding:(a) members of an All-Pakistan Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Province; employees of the Federal Government or other authority deputed temporarily to serve under the Provincial Government; and



holders of such posts in connection with the affairs of the Province of North-West Frontier as the Provincial Government may, by a notification in the official Gazette, specify in this behalf. ___________________________________________________ ______________
* Published in the NWFP Government Gazette, Extraordinary, dated 10.2.88 at Pages 1365-1381.



3. Definitions:-(1) In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context; (a) "Government" or "Provincial Government" means the Government of the North-West Frontier Province; "Government Servant" means a person to whom these rules apply; "member of a Government Servant's family" includes:(i) his wife, children and step children, parents, sisters and minor brothers, residing with and wholly dependent upon the Government Servant; and (ii) any other relative of the Government servant or his wife when residing with and wholly dependent upon him; but does not include a wife legally separated from the Government servant or a child or step-child who is no longer in anyway dependent upon him, of whose custody the Government servant has been deprived by law;



(d) (2)

"Province" means the North-West Frontier Province. Reference to a wife in clause(c)of sub-rule(i)shall be construed as reference to the husband where the Government servant is a woman.

4. Repeal:- The West Pakistan Government Servants (Conduct)Rules,1966, are hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not affect anything duly done or suffered under those rules. *"4A" (a) No Government Servant shallaccept or obtain or agree to accept or attempt to obtain from any person for himself or for any other person, any gratification(other than legal remuneration) as a motive or reward such as is


mentioned in section 161 of the Pakistan Penal Code; or ___________________________________________________ ______________

* Rule 4A inserted by Notification No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(2)/79(C), dated 27.1.1997.


do or forbear to do any official act or show or forbear to show, in the exercise of his official functions, favour or disfavour to any person or render or attempt to render any service or disservice to any person, in violation or contravention of any provision of any law for the time being in force, or of rules made under Article 119 or 139 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, or the NWFP Civil Servants Act, 1973 or any other law for the time being enforced, including the NorthWest Frontier Province Government Rules of Business,1985 in a manner which may appear to facilitate acceptance or obtaining or agreeing to accept or attempting to obtain from any person for himself or for any other person any gratification, whatsoever, other than the legal remuneration, as a motive or reward; or accept or obtain or agree to accept or attempt to obtain for himself or for any other person, any valuable thing without consideration or for a consideration which he knows to be inadequate, from any person whom he knows to have been, or to be likely to be, concerned in any proceedings or business transacted or about to be transacted by him, or having any connection with the official functions of himself or of any Government servant to whom he is subordinate, or from any person whom he knows to be interested in or related to the person so concerned; or




misappropriate, dishonestly or fraudulently, otherwise convert for his own use or for the use any other person any property entrusted to him under his control as a Government servant willfully allow any other person to do so; or

or of or or


obtain, by corrupt, dishonest, improper or illegal means, or seek for himself or for any other person, any property, valuable thing, pecuniary advantage or undue favour; or possess, directly or through his dependents or benamidars, any movable or immovable property or pecuniary resources, disproportionate to his known sources of income, which he cannot reasonably account for".


5. Gift:- (1)Save as otherwise provided in this rule, no Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of Government, accept or permit any member of his family to accept, from any person any gift the receipt of which will place him under any form of official obligation to the donor. If the offer of a gift cannot be refused without causing undue offence, it may be accepted and delivered to Government for decision as to its disposal . (2) If any question arises whether receipt of a gift places a Government servant under any form of official obligation to the donor, the decision of Government thereon shall be final. (3) If any gift, is offered by the head of representative of a foreign State, the Government servant concerned should attempt to avoid acceptance of such a gift, if he can do so without offending the donor. If, however, he cannot do so, he shall accept the gift and shall report its receipt to Government for orders as to its disposal. (4) Government servants are prohibited from receiving gift of any kind for their persons or for members of their families from diplomats, consolers and other foreign Government representatives or their employees who are stationed in Pakistan. If, however, due to very exceptional reasons, a gift


cannot be refused, it should invariably be deposited in the S&GAD. (5) Government servants, except those drawing pay in basic pay scale 1 to 4, are prohibited from accepting cash awards offered by the visiting foreign dignitaries. In case, however, if it becomes impossible to refuse without causing offence to the visiting dignitary, the amount may be accepted and immediately deposited in the Treasury under the proper head of account. (6) A Government servant may accept gifts offered abroad or within Pakistan by institutions or official dignitaries of foreign Government of comparable or higher level; Provided that the value of the gift in each case does not exceed one thousand rupees. A Government servant desirous of retaining a gift worth more than one thousand rupees, can retain it on payment of the difference as evaluated under subrule(7). In any other case, the gift may be offered for sale. (7) For the purpose of sub-rule(6), the value of the gift shall be assessed by the S&GAD in consultation with the Finance Department and shall be allowed to be retained by the recipient, if it does not exceed one thousand rupees. Where the value of the gift exceeds one thousand rupees, the recipient may be allowed to retain the gift, if he so desires, on payment of a sum worked out in the following manner:(a) Where the value of the gift exceeds one thousand rupees but does not exceed five thousand rupees, twenty-five percent of the value of the gift in excess of one thousand rupees; or Where the value of the gift exceeds five thousand rupees, twenty five percent of so much of the value as exceeds one thousand rupees but does not exceed five thousand rupees plus fifteen percent of so much of the value as exceeds five thousand rupees.



(8) The responsibility for reporting the receipt of a gift shall devolve on the individual recipient. All gifts received by a Government servant, irrespective of their prices or value, must be reported to the S&GAD. However, the responsibility for reporting to the S&GAD the receipt of gifts, including the names of recipients, from foreign dignitaries or delegations, either during their visits to Pakistan or during the visits of Pakistani dignitaries or delegations abroad, shall lie with the Chief of Protocol or his representative in the former case, and with the Ambassador concerned in the latter case. In the case of foreign delegations or visiting dignitaries with whom the Chief of Protocol is not associated, the Ministry/Department sponsoring the visit shall be responsible to supply the details of gifts, if received, and the list of recipients to the S&GAD. 6. Acceptance of foreign awards:-No Government servant shall, except with the approval of the Governor of NWFP, accept a foreign award, title or decoration. Explanation:-For the purpose of this rule, the expression "approval of the Governor" means prior approval in ordinary cases and ex-post facto approval in special cases where sufficient time is not available for obtaining prior approval. 7. Public demonstration in honour of Government servants or raising of funds by them:-(1) No Government servant shall encourage meetings to be held in his honour or presentation of addresses of which the main purpose is to praise him; Provided that the Head of Pakistan Mission Abroad, while so posted, may attend a public meeting or entertainment held in his honour. (2) No Government servant shall take part in raising funds, except:(a) for any public or charitable purposes, with the previous permission of his next higher officer; or



for a charitable object connected with the name of a Government servant or person recently quitted Government service with the previous permission of the Government;

Provided that Government servants belonging to the Provincial Police Service or Excise and Taxation Service shall not be granted any such permission. 8. Gifts to Medical Officer:-Subject to the departmental rules in this behalf, a medical officer may accept any gift of moderate value offered in good faith by any person or body of persons in recognition of his professional services. 9. Subscriptions:-No Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of Government, ask for or accept or in any way participate in the raising of any subscription or other pecuniary assistance in pursuance of any object whatsoever. 10. Lending and Borrowing:-(1) No Government servant shall lend money to, or borrow money from, or place himself under any pecuniary obligation to, any person within the local limits of his authority or any person with whom he has any official dealings:

Provided that a Government servant may:(i) deal in the ordinary course of business with a joint stock company, bank or a firm of standing or the House Building Finance Corporation; and accept a purely temporary loan of small amount, free of interest, from a personal friend or the operation of a credit account with a bonofide tradesman.


(2) When a Government servant is appointed or transferred to a post of such a nature that a person from whom he has borrowed money or to whom he has otherwise placed himself under pecuniary obligation will be subject to his official authority, or will reside, possess immovable property, or carry


on business, within the local limits of such authority, the Government servant shall forth-with declare the circumstances, when he is a Gazzeted Officer, to Government through the usual channel, and where he is a Non-Gazetted Government Servant, to the head of his office. (3) This rule, in so far as it may be construed to relate to loans given to or taken from Co-operative Societies registered under the Cooperative Societies Act,1927, or under any law for the time being in force relating to the registration of Cooperative Societies, by the Government servants shall be subject to any general or special restrictions or relaxation made or permitted by Government. 11. Buying and selling of valuable property, movable and immovable:-(1)Save in the case of a transaction conducted in good faith with a regular dealer, a Government servant who intends to transact any purchase, sale or disposal by any other means of movable or immovable property exceeding in value 1Rs.10,0000/-(One hundred thousand rupees) with a person residing, possessing immovable property or carrying on business within the station, district or other local limits for which such Government servant is appointed, shall declare his intention to the Head of the Department or the Secretary to the Government, as the case may be . When the Government servant concerned is himself the Head of Department or Secretary to the Government, he shall declare his intention to Government through the Secretary of the Administrative Department concerned. And such declaration shall state fully the circumstances, the price offered or demanded and in the case of disposal otherwise than by sale, the method of disposal. Thereafter such Government servant shall act in accordance with such orders, as passed by Government. Explanation:- In this rule, the term "Property" includes agricultural or urban land, bonds, shares and securities but does not include a plot purchased for the 21st time for building a house from a Co-operative Housing Society or a Government Housing Scheme.


(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule(1), a Government servant who is about to quit the station, district or other local limits for which he has been appointed may, without reference to any authority, dispose of any of his movable property by circulating lists of it generally or by causing it to be sold by public auction. (3) No Government servant shall construct a building, whether intended to be used for residential or commercial purposes, except with the previous sanction of Government obtained upon an application made in this behalf, disclosing the source from which the cost of such construction shall be met. (4) 3A Government Servant who intends to acquire more than one plot from one or more Cooperative Housing Societies or Government Housing Schemes or intends to dispose of any of plot acquired by him as such shall obtain prior permission of the Government, as the case may be, in the manner specified in sub rule (1). (5) No prior permission is necessary for buying and selling shares, bonds, saving certificates and securities through Government Sponsored organizations upto the value of Rs.1,00,000/- (One hundred thousand rupees). However, the Government servant concerned shall report all such transactions in the form of a statement at the end of each year." ______________________________________________ ___________________
1. The words & figures substituted by Notification No.SOR-II(S&GAD)5(2)/97(C),dt 27.07.99. 2. The words inserted by Notification No. & date as above. 3. Sub-rule (4) & (5) of rule II added by Notification No. & dated as above.


12. Declaration of property:-(1) Every Government servant shall, at the time of entering Government service, make a declaration to Government, through the usual channel, of all immovable and movable properties including shares, certificates, securities, insurance policies, cash and jewelry having a total value of Rs.50,000/- (Fifty thousand rupees) or more belonging to or held by him or a member of his family and such declaration shall(a) state the district within which the property is situated; show separately individual items of jewelry exceeding Rs.50,000/- (Fifty thousand rupees) in value; and give such further information as Government may, by general or special order, require.



(2) Every Government servant shall submit to Government, through usual channel, an annual return of assets in the month of December showing any increase or decrease of property as shown in the declaration under sub-rule(1) or, as the case may be, the last annual return. 13. 1"Disclosures of assets, immovable and liquid:- A Government servant shall disclose all his assets, immovable as well as liquid and expenses during any period in the specified form, when required to do so by Government". 14. Speculation and Investment:-(1) No Government servant shall speculate in investments. For the purpose of this sub-rule the habitual purchase and sale of security of notoriously fluctuating value shall be deemed to be speculation in investments. (2) No Government servant shall make, or permit any member of his family to make, any investment likely to embarrass or influence him in the discharge of his official duties. (3) No Government servant shall make any investment the value of which is likely to be affected by some even of which


information is available to him as a Government servant and is not equally available to the general public. (4) If any question arises whether a security or an investment is of the nature referred to in any of the foregoing sub-rules, the decision of Government thereon shall be final. ___________________________________________________ ______________
1. "Rule 13"substituted by Notification No.SORIII(S&GAD)5(2) 79, dated 9.6.1996).

15. Promotion and management of companies, etc:- No Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of Government take part in the promotion, registration or management of any bank or company: Provided that a Government servant may, subject to the provisions of any general or special order of Government, take part in the promotion, registration or management of a Cooperative Society registered under any law for the time being in force for the purpose. 16. Private trade, employment or work:- (1) No Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government, engage in any trade or undertake any employment or work, other than his official duties: Provided that he may, without such sanction, undertake honorary work of a religious, social or charitable nature or occasional work of a literary or artistic character, subject to the condition that his official duties do not thereby suffer and that the occupation or undertaking does not conflict or is not inconsistent with his position or obligations as a Government servant but he shall not undertake or shall discontinue such work if so directed by Government. A Government servant who has any doubt about the propriety of undertaking any particular work should refer the matter for the orders of Government: Provided further that non-gazzetted Government servant may, without such sanction, undertake a small enterprise which


absorbs family labour and where he does so shall file details of the enterprise alongwith the declaration of assets. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule(1), no Government servant shall associate himself with any private trust, foundation or similar other institution which is not sponsored by Government. (3) This rule does not apply to sports activities and memberships of recreation clubs. 17. No Government servant shall live beyond his means, etc:- No Government servant shall live beyond his means or indulge in ostentation on occasions of marriage or other ceremonies. 18. Subletting of residential accommodation allotted by Government:- (1)No Government servant shall, except with the prior permission of the Head of the Department, sublet residential accommodation or any portion thereof let to him by Government. 19. Insolvency and habitual indebtedness:- (1) A Government servant shall avoid habitual indebtedness. If a Government servant is adjudged or declared insolvent or if the whole of that portion of his salary which is liable to attachment is frequently attached for debt has been continuously so attached for a period of two years, or is attached for a sum which in ordinary circumstances, he cannot repay within a period of two years, he shall be presumed to have contravened these rules unless he proves that the insolvency or indebtedness is the result of circumstances which, with the exercise of ordinary diligence, he could not have foreseen or over which he had no control and was not due to extravagant or dissipated habits. (2) A Government servant who applied to be or is adjudged or declared insolvent shall forthwith report his insolvency to the Head of the Office or Department or to the Secretary to the Administrative Department, as the case may be, in which he is employed.


20. Report by Government servant in case of his involvement in a criminal case:- If a Government servant is involved as an accused in a criminal case, he shall bring the fact of such involvement or conviction, as the case may be, to the notice of the Head of the Office or Department immediately or, if he is arrested and released on bail, soon after such release. 21. Unauthorised communication of official documents or information:- No Government servant shall, except in accordance with any special or general order of Government, communicate directly or indirectly any official information or the contents of any official document to a Government servant not authorised to receive it, or to a non-official person, or to the press. 22. Approach to Members of the Assemblies:- No Government servant shall, directly or indirectly approach any member of the National Assembly or a Provincial Assembly or any other non-official person to intervene on his behalf in any matter. 23. Management, etc. of Newspapers or Periodicals:- No Government servant shall except with the previous sanction of Government, own wholly or in part, or conduct or participate in the editing or management of any newspaper or other periodical publication. 24. Radio-Broadcast and communications to the Press:No Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of Government, or any other authority empowered by it in this behalf, or in bonafide discharge of his duties, participate in a radio broadcast or television programme or contribute any article or write any letter, either anonymously or in his own name or in the name of any other person to any newspaper or periodical:


Provided that such sanction shall generally be granted if such broadcast or television programme or such contribution or letter is not, or may not be considered likely to jeopardize the integrity of the Government servant, the security of Pakistan or friendly relations with foreign states or to fend public order, decency or morality, or tantamount to contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence: Provided further that no such sanction shall be required if such broadcast or television programme or such contribution or letter is of a purely literary, artistic or scientific character. 25. Publication of information and public speeches capable of embarrassing Government:-(1) No Government servant shall, in any document, published or any public utterance, radio broadcast or television programme, or in any other manner make any statement of fact or opinion which is capable of embarrassing the Federal or any Provincial Government. Provided that technical staff may publish research papers on technical subjects, if such papers do not express views on political issues or on Government Policy and do not include any information of a classified nature. (2) Where a Government servant submits the draft of a literary, artistic or scientific article or book for obtaining previous sanction for its publication, he shall be informed within three months of his doing so whether he has or has not such sanction: and if no communication is issued to him within that period, he shall be entitled to presume that the sanction asked for has been granted. 26. Evidence before Committees:-(1) No Government servant shall give evidence before a public committee except with the previous sanction of Government. (2) No Government servant giving such evidence shall criticise the policy nor decision of the Federal or any Provincial Government.


(3) This rule shall not apply to evidence given before statutory committees which has powers to compel attendance and the giving of answers, nor to evidence given in judicial inquiries. 27. Taking part in politics and elections:- (1)No Government servant shall take part in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any way, any political movement in Pakistan or relating to the affairs of Pakistan. (2) No Government servant shall permit any person dependent on him for maintenance or under his care or control to take part in, or in any way assist, any movement directly or indirectly, to be subversive to Government as by law established in Pakistan. (3) No Government servant shall canvass or otherwise interfere or use his influence in connection with or take part in any election to a legislative body, whether in Pakistan or elsewhere: Provided that a Government servant who is qualified to vote at such election may exercise his right to vote; but if he does so, he shall give no indication of the manner in which he proposes to vote or has voted. (4) No Government servant shall allow any member of his family dependent on him to indulge in any political activity, including forming a political association and being its member, or to act in a manner in which he himself is not permitted by sub-rule(3) to act. (5) A Government servant who issues an address electors or in any other manner publicly announces himself allows himself to be publicly announced as a candidate prospective candidate for election to a legislative body shall deemed for the purpose of sub-rule(3) to have taken part in election to such body. to or or be an

(6) The provisions of sub-rule(3) and (5)shall, so far as may be, apply to elections to local authorities or bodies, save in respect of Government servants required or permitted by or


under any law or order of Government, for the time being in force, to be candidates at such election. (7) If any question arises whether any movement or activity falls within the scope of this rule, the decision of Government thereon shall be final. 28. Propagation of Sectarian Creeds, etc:- No Government servant shall propagate such sectarian creeds or take part in such sectarian controversies or indulge in such sectarian partiality and favourtism as are likely to affect his integrity in the discharge of his duties or to embarrass the administration or create feelings of discontent or displeasure amongst the Government servants in particular and amongst the people in general. 29. Government servants not to express views against the ideology of Pakistan:- No Government servant shall express views detrimental to the ideology or integrity of Pakistan. 30. Nepotism, favourtism and victimization, etc:- No Government servant shall indulge in provincialism, parochialism, nepotism, favourtism, victimization or willful abuse of office. 31. Vindication by Government servants of their public acts or character:- (1)A Government servant shall not, without the previous sanction of Government have recourse to any Court or to the press for the vindication of his public acts or character from defamatory attacks, when Government grants sanction to a Government servant to have recourse to a court, Government will ordinarily bear the cost of the proceedings, but may leave the Government servant to institute them at his own expense. In the latter case, if he obtains a decision in his favour, Government may reimburse him to the extent of the whole or any part of the cost. (2) Nothing in this rule limits or otherwise affects the right of a Government servant to vindicate his private acts or character.


32. Membership of service Association:(1) No Government servant shall be a member, representative of office bearer of any association representing or purporting to represent Government servants, unless such association satisfies the following conditions, namely:(a) Membership of the Association and its office bearers shall consist of persons in one and the same "functional unit" and if there is no such functional unit, it may be formed by persons borne on a specific single cadre in or under a Department; Office-bearers of the Association shall be elected from amongst members of the Association actually serving. Persons who have retired or have been dismissed or removed from service shall cease to be members of such Association; The Association shall neither affiliate nor associate with any other body or Association belonging to any other cadre; The Association shall confine its representations to matters of general interest of Government servants whom it represents and shall not involve itself in individual cases of its members. Also the office bearers and members of the Association shall not participate in the activities of the Association at the cost of their official duties;





The Association shall not engage in any activity or pursue a course of action which its members are individually prohibited to engage in or pursue under these rules or the instructions issued by Government, from time to time, concerning conduct of Government servant and service discipline; The Association shall not, in respect of any election to legislative body, or to a local authority or body, whether in Pakistan or elsewhere-




pay or contribute towards any expenses incurred in connection with the candidature for such election. support in any manner the candidature of any person for such election; or undertake or assist in the registration of a candidate for such election;




The Association, shall not(i) issue or maintain any periodical publication except in accordance with any general or special order of Government; and publish, except with the previous sanction of Government, any representation on behalf of its members, whether in the press or otherwise;



The Association shall get its bye-laws or rules approved by the Appointing Authority, who may at any time require any modification therein or propose rules or bye-laws, in a particular manner; and (i) the Association shall submit annual statement of its accounts and lists of its members and office bearers to the Appointing Authority. Such statement and lists shall be submitted before Ist September every year; the Association shall not represent or purport to represent Government servants unless it is recognised by the competent authority; the appointing authority in respect of a cadre shall be the authority competent to recognise the Association of that cadre;




Provided that where the cadre consists of higher and lower grades, the authority competent to recognise the Association shall be the appointing authority in respect of the highest post in the cadre; (iv) a Government servant who deals with the Association of a particular cadre and is also member of that cadre shall not become office bearer of such Association nor shall he take part in any activity of the Association; Government in its discretion may withdraw recognition of an Association, if in its opinion, such Association has violated any of the conditions of recognition.


33. Restriction on acceptance of membership of certain association:- No Government servant shall accept membership of any association or organisation whose aims and objects, nature of activities and memberships are not publicly known. 34. Use of political or other influence:- No Government servant shall bring or attempt to bring political or other outside influence directly or indirectly, to bear on Government or any Government servant in support of any claim arising in connection with his employment as such. 35. Approaching Foreign Mission and Aid-Giving Agencies:- (1)No Government servant shall approach, directly or indirectly a Foreign Mission in Pakistan or any foreign aidgiving agency in Pakistan or abroad to secure for himself invitations to visit a foreign country or to elicit offers of training facilities abroad. (1) Government servants should exercise great caution and restraint in the matter of social contacts with members of foreign missions working in Pakistan. They should also avoid casual remarks and observations on official matters in social gathering where foreigners are present.



Officials of the level of Additional Secretary and below should not receive officials of foreign missions, except with the express permission of the Secretary. Government Servants are prohibited from contacting or making direct approaches to foreign missions in Pakistan in connection with their private business. All such approaches should be made through proper channel i.e through Chief of Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Invitations extended by Foreign Missions on the occasions of their National days to officers below the status of Secretaries may be accepted after obtaining permission from the Chief Secretary. The participation of officers below the status of Secretary in private functions arranged by foreign diplomats should generally be discouraged. Secretaries and officers of equivalent status, will, however, do so with prior approval of the Chief Secretary Repeated and frequent attendance by officers at private functions held by the same foreign diplomat must be avoided. As a general rule, only those officers who come into official contact with the foreign diplomat concerned should accept invitations.






36. Delegation of powers:- Government may, by general or special order, delegate to any officer or authority subordinate to it all or any of its powers under these rules and may, by such order, prescribe the channel through which reports shall be made to Government and the officers the receipt by whom such reports shall be regarded as receipts of the reports by Government within the meaning of these rules. 37. Rules not to be in derogation of any law, etc:-Nothing in these rules shall derogate from the provisions of any law, or


of any order of any competent authority, for the time being in force, relating to the conduct of Government servants. _________________________ Committals to prison. Sl.No.3 A servant of Government committed to prison either for debt or on a criminal charge should be considered as under suspension from the date of his arrest, and should be allowed only the payments laid down in Fundamental Rule 53 until the termination of the proceedings against him, when an adjustment of his pay and allowances should be made according to the circumstances of the case, the full amount being given only in the event of the Government servant being acquitted of blame or (if the imprisonment was for debt), to its being proved that the Government servant's liability arose from circumstances beyond his control. Government decision-A Government servant who was dismissed from service on account of conviction by a court of law in a private case under-went a term of imprisonment and was later on released on bail. On appeal he was honourably acquitted and was reinstated, some time after the acquittal, with full pay under F. R. 54 (a) for the entire period of his absence from duty, commencing from the date from which the term of imprisonment began, to the date preceding that on which he was reinstated. A question arose whether the action of the reinstating authority was covered by F. R. 54 (a) and was in order. The Government with the concurrence of the Auditor General have decided that F. R. 54 applies to departmental punishment and not to cases of punishment by a court of law for an alleged offence which has nothing to do with his official duties. The case should be decided with reference to the provisions in Section IV of Appendix 3 of the compilation of the Fundamental and the Supplementary Rules (Volume II). In such cases the proceedings might be considered to have terminating on the date preceding the date on which the official was reinstated and


the action of the reinstating authority in granting him full pay for the entire period of his absence treated as in order.
(F.O. C.'s letter No D.2869-P.T./38, dated the 8th August 1938.)

________________________ Director General's Instructions:- (1) The phrase "termination of proceedings" does not mean a decision of all the various appeals which are open to the convicted man. The intention of the clause is that in cases where the competent authority considers that dismissal of the Government servant concerned should follow his conviction and the dismissal should have effect from the Courts order of conviction, i.e., immediately on the termination of the first final. Dismissal cannot be ordered retrospectively with effect from the date of arrest.
(l, G. of P. and T's Memorandum No. 1200-A. R./25 dated the 17th September 1926. letter No. 166/Staff. B./99 dated the 28the February 1929, to All Heads of circles, etc.. and letter No. Es. B.III.2/40, dated the 2rd April 1940 to the A.G., P. and T)

________________________ (2) A Government servant was convicted by a magistrate under Section 409. I. P. C. He preferred an appeal against his conviction to the High Court which set aside the conviction and ordered a retrial of the case by the Magistrate. In a retrial also the official was convicted. A question arose as to which date viz., the date of first conviction or the date of conviction on retrial should be taken as the date of termination of the first final. It has been decided that in such case the date of termination of the first final should be the date of issue of the orders on retrial.
( D.G.,P & T's letter No. Es. B-III 29/41, date the 25th September 1942.)

_______________________ {CSR 194-A: A Government Servant who has been charged for a criminal offence or debt and is committed to prison shall be considered as under suspension from the date of his arrest. In case such a Government Servant is not arrested or is released on bail, the competent authority may suspen him, by specific order, if the charge agaisnt him is connected with his position as


Governmetn Servant or is likely to embarrass him in the discharge of his duties or involve moral turpitude. During suspension period the Government servant shall be entitled to the subsistence grant as admissible under FR-53}
(CSR 194 subs and CSR 194-A omitted vide Finance Division S.R.O No.25(KE)/97, dated 4.2.1997)

___________________ Suspension of a Government servant accused of criminal offences. Sl.No.4 In cases where Government servants are accused of criminal offences, frequent references are made to the Establishment Division on issues such as: (i) Whether, on their committal to prison, they are to be suspended by a specific order or their suspension is automatic; Whether or not on their release on bail after arrest, they can be reinstated in service; Whether their continued suspension requires approval of the authority after every three months.



2. The matter has been considered in the Establishment Division in consultation with the Law Division. It has been held that cases of the above nature are to be dealt with under Article 194 and 194-A of the Civil Service Regulations which are existing rules and which can not be over-ridden by administrative instructions contained in section IV of the Appendix-3 of Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules Vol.II. 3. In the context of the points mentioned in paragraph I, the position that emerges from Article 194 and 194-A of CSR is explained below:-



A Government servant committed to prison either for debt or on a criminal charge should be considered as under suspension from the date of his arrest and until the termination of the proceedings against him i.e his suspension is automatic from the date of arrest till termination of proceedings against him; A Government servant against whom a criminal charge or proceeding for arrest for debt is pending should also be placed under suspension by the issue of specific orders to this effect during periods when he is not actually detained in custody or imprisoned (e.g whilst released on bail) if the charge made or proceedings taken against him is connected with his position as a Government servant or is likely to embarrass him in discharge of his duties as such or involves moral turpitude; and the requirement of obtaining approval of authority for extension of suspension period after every 3 months laid down in Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline),Rules,1973 applies to suspension ordered under these rules. Articles 194 or 194-A do not mention any such requirement.



4. In view of the position stated above, the answers to the queries mentioned in Para 1 are as follows seriatim:(i) suspension under Article 194 is automatic. Suspension under Article 194-A requires specific approval of the competent authority; in the light of what is stated in the preceding paragraph, the competent authority can, in case the accused official is no longer detained in custody, reinstate him in service unless it like him to continue to be under suspension on the consideration that the charges against him are connected with his position as a Government servant or is likely to embarrass him in the discharge of his duties as such or involve moral turpitude. From the date of reinstatement



onwards, the Government servant will no doubt be paid full pay. However adjustment of allowances for the period he remained under suspension will be made as Article 194 and 194-A envisage after the termination of the proceedings; (iii) approval of competent authority for suspension under Article 194 or 194-A is not required after every 3 months.

5. With reference to (i) and (ii) in the preceding paragraph, the following administrative instructions may also be followed:(a) a report may be made immediately to the "competent authority" whenever a person is committed to prison and is considered to be under suspension under article 194 CSR in order to ensure that the competent authority remains in touch with the position of the official and his case; the fact of suspension may also be notified under advice to all concerned including the audit authorities in terms of Article 194 CSR; and a report on the progress of the criminal case leading to the suspension of a Government servant under Article 194 or 194-A. CSR, as the case may be, be submitted to the authorized officer every three months for his information to ensure that he remains in touch with the position of the official and his case.


6. The O.M, issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance.

[Authority:-O.M No.4/12/74-DI, dated the 10th March,1980] ______________________

Detention of Government Servants under the Public Safety Acts. Sl.No.5


A question has arisen whether an employee of the Federal Government who is detained in prison for a period of time under the provisions of the Sind Maintenance of Public Safety Act, 1948 or a similar enactment and is released without any trial loses his service under the Government and whether such a person is entitled to any leave salary or subsistence allowance for the period he remained under detention. As some doubts seemed to exist in the matter, the question has been fully considered in consultation with the Law Division and it has been decided that the following procedure should be adopted to regulate cases of detention in prison and subsequent acquittal or conviction:(i) As soon as it comes to notice that an employee has been detained in prison, action should be taken to place him under suspension, the period of the employee's detention *[should be treated as period spent under] committal to prison within the meaning of Article 194 C.S.R. and the pay and allowances during suspension should be regulated under F.R.53; If the employee is subsequently acquitted honourably he should be reinstated forthwith. He will be entitled to receive full salary for the entire period of his absence from duty under F.R.54(a); If on the other hand the acquittal is not honourable, then the provision of F.R.54 (b) will apply; If the employee is released from detention without any trial, it is open to the competent authority to take disciplinary action against him if good and sufficient reasons exist from such action. In that case the procedure prescribed in the Efficiency and Discipline Rules must be observed; If the employee is convicted, he may be dismissed from service if his retention in service is not desirable. In that case the procedure prescribed in the Efficiency and Discipline Rules, need not be observed. He will be entitled to nothing more than






the subsistence allowance up to the date of his dismissal from which date the pay and allowance will cease under F.R.52.
(Authority:-Office Memorandum No.F/19/11/49-Ests(SE), dated the 20th December,1949 ) *as amended vide Office Memorandum No.27/41/52-SE II, dated the 7th December,1954] Authority

_______________________ Rules for the acceptance and disposal of gifts by Government servants Sl.No.6 The Government of Pakistan has partially modified the existing Rules regarding the acceptance and disposal of gifts received by Government servants etc. The decisions taken by the Government in this regard are given below:(1) The responsibility for reporting the receipt of the gift shall continue to devolve on the individual recipient. All gifts received by a Government servant, irrespective of their prices must be reported to the Toshakhana in the Cabinet Division, Government of Pakistan.

The gifts are generally given when foreign dignitaries or delegations come to Pakistan or our VIPs or delegations go abroad. If the Chief of Protocol or his representative has been attached to a visiting dignitary or a foreign delegation, it shall be his responsibility to supply a list of the gifts together with the names of the recipients to the Cabinet Division. In the case of the delegations or visiting dignitaries, with whom the Chief of Protocol is not associated, the Ministry sponsoring the visit shall be responsible to supply the details of gifts received and the list of recipients to the Cabinet Division and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the case of outgoing delegations or visits abroad of our VIPs, it shall be the responsibility of the Ambassador of Pakistan, in the country concerned to report the receipt of the


gifts together with the name of the recipient to the Cabinet Division through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If on checking the list it is found that an individual has not reported the receipt of a gift, appropriate action will be taken against him under the relevant rules. (2) Government officials except those belonging to Grades 1 to 4, are prohibited from receiving cash awards offered by the visiting foreign dignitaries. These may please be politely refused. In case, however, it becomes impossible to refuse without causing offence to the visiting dignitary, the amount should be immediately deposited in the treasury under the head given hereafter. Government officials are prohibited from receiving gift of any kind for their person or for members of their families from diplomatic, Consular and other foreign Government representatives or their employees, who are stationed in Pakistan. As the Heads of Missions in Pakistan have been caused by the return of the gift. If, however, due to very exceptional reasons the gift cannot be returned, it should invariably be deposited in the Toshakhana. These instructions, however, would not apply to gifts/donations made to institutions. The value of the gifts will be assessed by the Cabinet Division which will devise an improved and practical system of assessing, in the country, wherever possible, the value of all gifts received. The monetary limits upto which the gifts could be retained by the recipient have been revised. The new limits are as follows:(a) Gifts valued upto Rs.1000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipients.





Gifts valued between Rs.1000/- and Rs.5000/may be allowed to be retained by a recipient if


he is willing to pay 25% of the value of the gift after deducting Rs.1000/- from its assessed value. (c) Gifts of the value beyond Rs .5,000/- may be allowed to be retained by a recipient if he is willing to pay 25% of the value between Rs.1000/- and Rs.5,000/- and 15% of the value above Rs.5,000/-.


The Head of Account of Toshakhana in which the amounts are to be deposited is "1390Others(NES)Receipts of Darbar Presents (Central). Misc. Presents deposited in Toshakhana which are fit for display, shall be properly catalogued and then displayed in the public rooms of the Foreign Office and in the residences of the Head of the State, the Head of the Federal Government and the Governors. Such articles would be properly entered in the Toshakhana register and in the stock registers of the respective offices. An annual verification preferably in the first week of January shall be carried out in respect of such articles and a report submitted to the Cabinet Secretary. Gifts, which are not fit to be retained or displayed, shall be disposed of by periodical sales to be arranged by the Cabinet Division, Government of Pakistan. The Cabinet Division will ensure a wider circulation of the periodic restricted sale of such gifts. Such sales could be negotiated also on the basis of a reserve price, if no buyers are available in the restricted auctions. These auctions will be held once or twice a year. The list of gifts to be sold in such auctions will be circulated to all Federal Government officers and officers of the Armed Forces. These rules also apply to the employees of the Government controlled Corporations, autonomous





and semi autonomous bodies and all nationalized institutions.

(Authority: Cabinet Division O.M.No.8/19/77-TK dated, 30.3.1978 circulated by NWFP No.SORII(S&GAD) 5(2) 79,dated 11.8.1986)


Engagement in trade and Business, etc. by spouses of Government Servants Sl.No.7 Establishment Division, Government of Pakistan O.M No. 7/1/79-D.IV, dated 1/9/1979 on the subject noted above and to say that the Government of NWFP have also decided to obtain a certificate from its civil servants similar to that asked for by the Federal Government for its employees in respect of engagement in trade or business of their spouses. All those employees of the Provincial Government working under your control, whose spouses are employed in private enterprises or engaged in business or other profession should render a certificate to the affect that the profession, trade or business in which such a civil servant; spouse is engaged is in no way under his/her official influence. 2. Such certificates in the case of Grade-16 and below civil servants shall be retained by the Head of Attached Departments concerned. In the case of Grade-17 and above Government Servants such certificates will be retained in the Administrative Department concerned.
(Authority:-Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)10-1/78(KC 2) , dated 3.10.1979).

_______________________ Engagement in trade and Business, etc. by spouses of Government Servants Sl.No.8


Under the Government Servants (Conduct) Rules,1964, no Government servant is allowed to engage in any trade or undertake any employment or work, other than his official duties, except with the previous sanction of the Government. There is, however, no bar to the spouses of Government servants taking employment or engaging in any trade or profession. It has come to the notice of Government that the wives of some Government servants have been engaging in trade and business where influence of the husband could possibly be misused. In such cases, the possibility of public interest being jeopardised cannot be ruled out. 2. In order to safeguard the public interest in such cases, it has been decided that all Government officials whose spouses have undertaken some private job or are engaged in business and trade may be directed to render a certificate to the Secretary of the Ministry/ Division or the Head of the Department concerned that the profession, trade or business in which his or her spouse is engaged in no way under his/her official influence.
(Authority:Estt:Division O.M No.7/1/79-D.IV, dt 1.9.79 & NWFP No.SORII(S&GADS) 10-1/78, dt 3.10.79) ______________________

Acceptance of Gifts. Sl.No.9 Instances have come to the notice of the Federal Government that some civil servants in utter dis-regard of the provisions of Rule-5 of the Central, Government Servants (Conduct), Rules,1964 have been accepting gifts not only from Government Organizations but even from private firms and factories which could be safely refused without offending any one. Rule-5 of the West Pakistan Government Servants (Conduct), Rules,1966, which rules are applicable to the civil servants of the Government of NWFP, lays the same embargo on the Provincial Civil Servants in the acceptance of gifts. In order to preclude the possibility of occurrence of such irregularity in the Provincial sphere, it may be emphasized on the officials working in the Provincial Government Departments/Institutions and Autonomous Bodies/Corporations


of the Provincial Government that they should exercise much greater caution and restraint in the acceptance of gifts. Contravention of rules and instructions on the subject may lead to severe disciplinary action against the defaulter. 2. These instructions may please be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.
(Authority:-Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)10-1/77(KC No.1) , dated 3.10.1979)

___________________________ Participation of Government Servants in Associations/Organizations, promoting Provincialism, Parochialism etc. Sl.No.10 The West Pakistan Government Servants(Conduct) Rules, 1966, which are applicable to the civil servants of the Government of NWFP, in their rule 26 & 29 forbid Provincial civil servants to indulge in activities of fostering provincialism, parochialism etc. Therefore, in order to prevent such elements in Provincial Services, from taking part in such activities, it is requested that the provision of rule 26 & 29 of the Conduct Rules mentioned above may please be brought to the notice of the all civil servants and employees of the Government controlled Organizations, under your control, to refrain from taking part in such activities and also severe their connection with Associations of the kind; failure to do so will make them liable to severe disciplinary action.
(Authority:-Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)10-1/78, dated 25.11.1979)



Declaration of Property under Government Servants (Conduct) Rules,1964. Sl..No.11 The undersigned is directed to say that Government servants are required to furnish details of their assets and liabilities, whether in their own names or in the names of their wives, children and other dependents, on the prescribed proforma, in terms of Rule 12(2) of Government Servants (Conduct) Rules,1964 in accordance with procedure already circulated from time to time by the Establishment Division, reproduced below:i) the declarations of assets of the officers of Grade-17 and above belonging to All Pakistan Unified Grades i.e (DMG, Police Group, TAG, Sectt: Group) including DMG, should be submitted in duplicate to the Secretaries of the Ministries / Divisions etc. under whom they are for the time being employed. The Ministries/Divisions concerned should retain a copy of the declaration of the officers mentioned in (i) above and furnish the original ones to the Estt:Division for retention. These instructions also apply to Government employees under the Federal Government on deputation to Provincial Governments. Such deputationists shall submit declarations to the S&GAD or the concerned Province, who will retain a copy and pass on the original one to the Establishment Division in case of an officer belonging to APUG/DMG and in other cases to the Secretary to the Ministry/Division which is administratively concerned with the group/service of the officer filling the declaration. The declaration of the officers belonging to services/groups other than the services/groups controlled by the Establishment Division should be furnished to the Heads of Departments where the





officers are working, who would maintain a copy of declaration in each case and pass on the original one to the Ministry/Division administratively concerned with the service/group to which the officer belongs. v) The declaration in the prescribed proforma should also be obtained by the Ministry/Division concerned from those Government servants who are on deputation to the statutory and autonomous bodies, CDA, WAPDA etc. controlled by the Ministries/Divisions. The declarations shall be submitted in double sealed covers. On each cover full particulars of the officer making the declarations must be clearly indicated at the left hand top, such as name of the officer, designation, group/service to which he belongs, declaration for the year ending etc. The declaration of assets are required to be submitted to the respective authorities by 30th September every year according to fiscal year ending 30th June and not calendar year ending 31st December. Declaration of assets from all Government servants in grades 1-16 should be obtained by Ministries/Divisions concerned and should be kept in the custody of Ministries/Divisions/departments concerned. Declarations should be opened only under the authority of Secretaries of the Ministries/Divisions in respect of Grades upto 16 and in respect of 17 and above, these should be opened under the authority of Secretary, Establishment Division. The Chairman, CBR is, however, authorised to open the declaration of assets of Custom Officers and scrutinize them as directed by the President vide directive No.430 of 1980.





2. It has been observed that declarations of officers of Grade 17 and above belonging to services/groups other than the


groups controlled by the Establishment Division are also being sent for maintenance in the Establishment Division. Since this practice is against the instructions issued from time to time, all Ministries/Divisions are required to strictly follow the said procedure.
(Authority: Estt. Division letter No.2/1/81/-D.A, dated 29.11.81 endorsed vide NWFP Govt. letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5-2/79, dated 21.12.1981,

_____________________________ Extraneous influence by Government Servants in respect of service matters. Sl.No.12 It has been observed that Government servants, at times, attempt to bring extraneous influence in respect of service matters, such as posting transfer, deputation etc. These acts are not only in breach of Government Servants(Conduct) Rules, 1964 as amended but also constitute Misconduct in terms of Rule 2(4) of the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973, reproduced below:"'Misconduct' means conduct prejudicial to good order or service discipline or contrary to Government Servant (Conduct) Rules, 1964 or unbecoming of an officer and gentleman and includes any act on the part of a Government servant to bring or attempt to bring political or other outside influence directly or indirectly to bear on the Government or any Government officer in respect of any matter relating to the appointment, promotion, transfer, punishment, retirement or other conditions of service of a Government Servant". 2. The Civil Servants are, therefore, advised in their own interest to scrupulously observe the provisions contained in the Government Servants Conduct and Discipline Rules. In future if any Civil servant attempts to bring extraneous influence in respect of his posting, transfer, deputation etc., a note to this effect will be placed in his CR dossier, unless of course, proposals on these matters are made by the


Ministries/Divisions/Departments themselves formally to the Establishment Division. 3. These instructions may please be brought to the notice of all civil servants working in various Ministries/Divisions/Departments etc.
(Authority: Establishment Division D.O letters No.5/4/82-D.I, dated 28.4.1982 circulated by NWFP vide Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5/2/79, dated 6.5.1982)

____________________________ Issuance of Statements/Letters to the Press by Government Servants. Sl.No.13 Under the provision of West Pakistan Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1966 , no Government Servant shall, except with the previous sanction of Government or any other authority empowered by it in this behalf, participate in a Radio broadcast, contribute any article or write any letter, either anonymously or in his name or in the name of another person, to any newspaper or periodicals, to publish any document, to deliver any public utterance or radio broadcast, or to make any statement of fact or opinion, which is capable of embarrassing the Federal or any Provincial Government. The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned under your Administrative control for compliance.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(2)79, dated 14.12.1983)

________________________ Issuance of Statements/Letters to the Press by Government Servants. Sl.No.14 It has come to notice that certain Government servants continue to contribute newspaper columns which tend to be critical of the Government and its policies occasionally or on a regular basis, in their own names or under pseudonymous.


2. As already explained in this Department letter referred to above, such public criticism of Government policies is inadmissible under the West Pakistan Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1966. 3. The President has been pleased to direct that all persons in the Service of the Government or of an Organization financed from the public exchequer be made to observe the relevant provisions on the subject in the West Pakistan Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1966. 4. I am accordingly directed to reiterate the instructions already issued and request you to kindly ensure that all concerned abide by the relevant provision i.e rule 21 of the West Pakistan Government Servants (Conduct) Rules,1966.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(2)79, dated 14.9.1985)

________________________ Extraneous influence by Government Servants in respect of service matters. Sl.No.15 Certain Government servants continue to bring extraneous influences in respect of their service matters such as appointment, posting, transfer, promotion, deputation, retirement, punishment or other conditions of service. As already explained in this Department letter referred to above, such practice is against the spirit of good order of or service discipline and provision of Rule 29 of the West Pakistan Government Servants(Conduct) Rules,1966 and rule 2(e) of NWFP Civil Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973. 2. It is directed to reiterate the instructions already issued and request you to kindly ensure that all concerned strictly abide by the relevant provisions failing which departmental proceedings may be initiated against defaulting civil servants.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(2)79, dated 5.11.1985)

______________________ Acceptance of Gifts.


Sl.No.16 According to the instructions contained in the Cabinet Division's Office Memorandum No.8/19/77-TK, dated the 30th March,1978, the responsibility for reporting receipt of gifts devolves on the individual recipient. All gifts received by a Government official irrespective of their prices, are to be reported to the Toshakhana in the Cabinet Division, Government of Pakistan. Government officials are also barred from receiving gifts of any kind for their person or for members of their families from the Diplomatic, the counselor and other foreign Government representatives and their employees. 2. Cases have come to notice of the Cabinet Division where some recipients did not intimate the receipt of the gifts, on their own or they did so very late. It has also been observed that Government officials have been accepting gifts not only from Government organizations but also from private firms/parties in contravention of the existing instructions. 3. All Ministries/Divisions are, therefore, once again requested to advise the officials working in the Government Departments/Agencies/Corporations/other Organizations under their control to observe the rules on the subject in their own interest.
(Authority: Cabinet Division O.M No.9/12/86-TK, dated 15.7.1986 circulated by NWFP vide No.SORII(S&GAD)5(2)79, dated 11.8.1986)

_________________________ Unauthorised interviews by Government Servants to Local or Foreign News Media. Sl.No.17 It has come to the notice of the President that certain officers gave interviews to a Team of foreign News Organization during the course of which they made certain observations that created an adverse effect and did not correctly portray the Government's position in the matter. The President has taken a serious view of this incident particularly when the officers


concerned had neither been formally permitted to give the interview nor duly briefed before-hand. 2. It may be pointed out that under the rules, no Government servant is to grant interviews to local or foreign media unless specifically permitted to do so. According to Rule18 of the West Pakistan Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1966, no Government servant shall, except in accordance with any special or general orders of Government, communicate directly or indirectly any official information or the contents of any official document to a Government servant not authorised to receive it or to a non-official person or to the press. Similarly Rule-22 of the rules ibid lays down that no Government servant shall, in any document published, or in any public utterance, or radio broadcast delivered by him or Television programme or in any manner make any statement of fact or opinion which is capable of embarrassing the Federal or any Provincial Government; provided that technical staff of all categories may publish research papers or technical subjects if such papers do not express views on political issues or on Government policy and do not include any information of a classified nature. 3. The above rules and instructions may kindly be brought to the notice of all Government servants with a view to ensure that no Government servant grants an interview to local or foreign media unless specifically permitted to do so. And when such a permission is granted, the Government servant concerned should be thoroughly briefed and parameters of interview should be clearly laid down by the competent authority. Violation of the above instructions is liable to attract disciplinary action against the Government servant concerned.
(Authority: NWFP Govt. Circular letter No. SORII(S&GAD)5(2)79, dated 11.8.86.)

___________________________ Projection of Programme. Sl.No.18 Government activities through Radio


Radio Pakistan has embarked upon a new pattern of broadcasting from 1st January,1987 . The major objectives of the new concept is to make broadcasting people oriented and life-related. In this way, not only are aspirations of the listeners met but the programs also provide an opportunity to project development activities of the Government, particularly the measures taken by the present democratic Government in different sectors and steps taken for the implementation of the Prime Minister's Five Points Programme. 2. The programmes over a period of nearly two months have come in for favourable comments for airing public views on various civic issues. Full opportunity is provided to official Agencies also to put forth their points of view on difficulties being faced by them. In this manner, the Programmes are intended to serve the public and could act as a catalyst of public opinion and official response for the general benefit of all concerned. This will help closing the gap between official view-points and of general public.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(2)79, dated 24.3.1987)

______________________ Direct correspondence with Foreign Missions and Aid giving Agencies. Sl.No.19 Sub-rule(1) of rule 35 of the NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1987, provides that no Government servant shall approach directly or indirectly a foreign Mission in Pakistan or any foreign aid-giving agency in Pakistan or abroad to secure for himself invitations to visit a foreign country or to elicit offers of training facilities abroad. Sub-rule(2) of rule 39 of the NWFP Rules of Business,1985 and Instruction No.133 of the Manual of Secretariat Instructions allow only the Administrative Departments of the Provincial Government to conduct normal correspondence with the Government of a Foreign country or a Pakistan Diplomatic Mission abroad or a Foreign Mission in Pakistan or International Organization through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Government provided that by means of general or special orders, direct correspondence may


be allowed under such conditions and circumstances as may be specified by the aforesaid Ministry. 2. An instance has been brought by the Economic Affairs Division to the notice of the Provincial Government wherein an officer instead of routing his request to that Division through his parent Department, directly approached the Chief of a Foreign Aid Giving Agency requesting him for his nomination on a course in a specific field. This conduct on the part of an officer is prejudicial to good order and service discipline and is contrary to the provision of Government of NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1987. 3. I am accordingly directed to request that the relevant provision of law may please be brought to the notice of all Government servants for strict compliance failing which a defaulter shall render himself liable to strict disciplinary action under the NWFP Government Servants(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD) 5(2)79, dated 10.8.1987)

_____________________ Grant of Interviews to officials by Chief Minister and Ministers in NWFP. Sl.No.20 Under the existing instructions, Government servants are expressly forbidden to wait upon the Chief Minister and other Ministers without prior permission of the competent authority in connection with their personal/official problems or to exert pressure through Members of the Provincial or National Assemblies in violation of Rules 22 and 34 of the NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules,1987. 2. While the Chief Minister or the Ministers are on tour, they can send for any officer through proper channel viz. the local Head of the Department or the higher senior officer present in the station. The District level officers or the senior most officers at the spot could seek an interview with the Ministers without the permission of the Head of the Department at Peshawar if the


permission for interview could not be obtained previously due to shortage of time. But in case a Government servant wishes to see the Chief Minister or a Minister for laying any personal matter before him either at the Provincial headquarters or otherwise, prior sanction of the Head of the Department must be obtained. I am to clarify that submission of representations, appeals or complaints directly to the Chief Minister and other Ministers, without observance of the prescribed channels, is also a serious act of 'misconduct'. 4. I am directed to request you to please inform all concerned that the Chief Minister and other Ministers are accessible to every one and are anxious to remove all legitimate grievances but where a Government servant has to wait upon them for any personal problems, he must obtain prior written permission of the competent authority.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD) 5(27)79, dated 7.3.1988)

__________________ Acceptance of Foreign Awards by Government Servants. Sl.No.21 Article 259(1) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan provides that no citizens shall accept any title, honour or decoration from any foreign State except with the approval of the Federal Government. Similarly in terms of Rule-6 of the NWFP Government Servants(Conduct) Rules,1987 contain similar provisions to the effect that no Government servant shall except with the approval of the Governor of NWFP accept a foreign honour, title or decoration. It has, however been noticed by the Federal Government with great concern that contrary to the laid down rules, there have been several instances where Government servants have accepted title, honour or decoration from foreign states. Invariably the excuse for having accepted awards by Government servants is ignorance of the rules. The competent authority has accordingly taken a serious notice of this tendency and has been pleased to direct that the rule position may be disseminated to all the Government Servants for strict compliance.


2. I am accordingly directed to request that the relevant provision of rules ibid may please be brought to the notice of all Government Servants for strict compliance failing which they shall render themself liable to strict disciplinary action under the NWFP Government Servants(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD) 5(2)79, dated 31.10.1988) and 8.11.1988).

__________________ Grant of Interviews to officials by Chief Minister and Ministers in NWFP. Sl.No.22 This Department circular letter of even number, dated 7th March, 1988, on the subject noted above in which it was requested to inform all concerned that Government Servants, wishing to wait upon the Chief Minister and other Ministers in connection with their grievances, must obtain prior written permission of the competent authority. 2. It has come to notice that the Government Servants continue to wait upon the Chief Minister and other Ministers without prior permission of the competent authority in connection with their personal/official problems or exert pressure through the Members of the Provincial or National Assemblies in violation of Rules 24 and 34 of the NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1987, as well as the aforesaid instructions. 3. I am directed to request you once again to warn all concerned that in future strict disciplinary action would be taken against the defaulters under the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973.
(Authority: circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(27)79, dated 11.1.1989)



Acceptance of Gifts. Sl.No.23 In terms of Rule-5(4) of the NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules,1987, "Government Servants are prohibited from receiving gift of any kind for their persons or for members of their families from diplomats, counselors and other foreign Government. representatives for their employees who are stationed in Pakistan If, however, due to very exceptional reasons, a gift cannot be refused, it should invariably be deposited in the S&GAD". 2. I am therefore, to request that strict compliance of the above provision of the rules may please be ensured.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(3)79(KC), dated 18.4.1989)

____________________ Submission of Appeals/Petitions/ Representations etc. by Civil Servants. Sl.No.24 It has been pointed out by the Prime Minister's Secretariat(Public) that certain Government Servants (Federal as well as Provincial) submit applications/petitions direct to the Prime Minister in respect of various subjects, including their service matters. Instances have also been noticed where relatives of Government Servants or their friends have approached the Chief Executive on behalf of Government Servants about their service matters. This is against the spirit of the instructions issued by the Federal Government as well as the Government of NWFP from time to time . In this connection attention is also invited to the S&GAD's recent Circular letters No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(27)/79, dated 7.3.1988 and 11.1.1989 wherein inter alia it was clarified that submission of representations, appeals or complaints directly to the Chief Minister and other Ministers without observance of prescribed channel is a serious act of misconduct. However, it appears that the above instructions have either been lost sight of or the Departments have taken a lenient view thereof.


2. I am accordingly directed to request that the relevant instructions on the subject may please once again be brought to the notice of Government Servants for strict compliance. It may please be ensured that in future all appeals/petitions/representations by the Government Servants are addressed to the prescribed authority only and through proper channel failing which strict disciplinary action would be taken against the defaulters under the NWFP Government Servants(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(27)79, dated 17,.5.1989)


Fraternisation between Government Servants and the Foreign Missions in Pakistan. Sl.No.25 Instructions have been issued from time to time, explaining the parameters within which a Government servant could cultivate contacts with the personnel of the foreign missions in the country. In this connection, attention is invited to this Department Circular letter of even number dated 10th August,1987 . It has, however, come to the notice of the Government that despite clear orders, there exists a tendency amongst Government officials to approach the foreign missions, directly or indirectly, for personal favours as well as consular facilities. Such acts, obviously, are clear violation of Rule-35 of the NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1987 and the aforesaid instructions issued thereunder. 2. The Government has taken a serious view of the above tendency amongst Government Servant and it has, therefore, become imperative to circulate the following Government instructions on the subject once again for strict compliance by the Government servants:-



Government servants should exercise great caution and restraint in the matter of social contacts with the members of foreign missions in Pakistan and inter- alia abstain from extending invitations to them for private lunches/dinners at their residences etc. Official of the level of Deputy Secretary and below should not receive the officials of the Foreign missions, except with the express permission of the Secretary. Government Servants are also prohibited from contacting or making direct approaches, to the foreign missions in Pakistan, in connection with their private business. All such approaches should be made through proper channel i.e the Chief of Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Invitations extended by the foreign missions on the occasions of their National Days, to the officers below the status of Secretaries, may be accepted only after obtaining permission from the Secretary.





The participation of officers, below the status of Secretary, in private functions, arranged by the foreign diplomats, should generally be discouraged. Secretaries and officers of equivalent status will, however, do so with the prior approval of the Chief Secretary. Repeated and frequent attendance by the officers, at private functions held by the same foreign diplomats must be avoided. As a general rule, only those officers who come into official contact with the foreign diplomat concerned, should accept this invitation.




3. You are requested to kindly ensure compliance of the above instructions, at all levels, and that no one approaches, directly or indirectly, any foreign missions in Pakistan or any foreign aid-giving agency, for favours. It may also be brought to them that any violation of the rules as well as the instructions issued on the subject from time to time, will be dealt with severely under the NWFP Government Servants(Conduct) Rules,1987 and the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(2)79, dated 23.5.1990.)

_________________________ Use of influence by Government Servants in service matters. Sl.No.26 The Establishment Secretary, Government of Pakistan vide his D.O letter No.5/4/82-D.I, dated 27.5.1990 on the above subject has observed that despite clear instructions, Government servants have developed a tendency to bring extraneous influence for redressal of grievances to bear upon the Government while such action not only violates Rule 22 of NWFP Civil Servants(Conduct) Rules,1987, but also constitutes 'Misconduct' in terms of NWFP Civil Servants(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973. In this connection, attention is also invited to the S&GAD circular letters No.SORII(S&GAD)5(27)/79, dated 7.3.1988, 11.1.1989 and 17.5.1989, wherein inter alia it was clarified that submission of representations, appeals or complaints through MNAs, MPAs and Ministers without observance of the prescribed channels is also a serious act of 'Misconduct' . Nevertheless, it appears that these instructions have either been lost sight of or the departments have taken a lenient view thereof. 2. It is requested that the instructions contained in the Establishment Secretary's D.O letter and the S&GAD letters quoted above, may be brought to the notice of all Government servants serving under your control that in future, any attempt to bring to bear political influence in service matters will be construed as 'Misconduct' and will be dealt with in accordance


with NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973, and other instructions issued thereunder. Besides a note to this effect may also be placed in the Character Roll dossiers of the defaulters.
(Authority: NWFP Govt. vide circular letter No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(27)/79, dated 9th July 1990.)


Use of extraneous / Political influence by Government Servants in respect of service matters. Sl.No.27 This Department letters of even number dated 7.3.1988, 11.1.1989, 17.5.1989 and 9.7.1990 regarding above noted subject wherein inter-alia , it was clarified that exercise of political influence in service matters or submission of representations, appeals or complaints through public representatives and Ministers without observing prescribed channel constitutes a serious act of 'Misconduct'. Accordingly, it was requested to advise all concerned to refrain from using political pressure in their service matters. It was reiterated that meeting with Chief Minister and Ministers in connection with personal / official problems without prior permission of the Competent Authority or exerting of pressure through Members of Provincial or National Assembly is violation of Rules 22 and 34 of the NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules,1987. 2. It has however come to notice that Government Servants continue to exert political pressure in service matters and unauthorisedly wait upon the Chief Minister & Ministers in violation of Rules 22 and 34 of the NWFP Government Servants(Conduct) Rules,1987 as well as the aforesaid repeated instructions. 3. The Chief Minister NWFP has taken a serious notice of this state of affairs and has been pleased to direct that in future strict disciplinary action should be taken against the defaulters under the NWFP Government Servants(Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973 and a note to this effect be also placed in the Character Roll dossier of the defaulters.


(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(27)79, dated 24.11.1990)


Use of influence by Government Servants in service matters. Sl.No.28 It has been observed that despite clear instructions, Government servants have developed a tendency to bring extraneous influence in service matters such as Posting, Transfer and Promotion etc. I am to clarify that such an action not only violates Rule 22 of NWFP Civil Servants (Conduct) Rules,1987 but also constitutes 'Misconduct' in terms of NWFP Civil Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973. In this connection attention is also invited to the S&GAD Circular letters No.SORII(S&GAD)5(27)/79, dated 7.3.1988, 11.1.1989, 17.5.1989, 9.7.1990 and 24.11.1990 wherein inter-alia it was clarified that submission of representations, appeals or complaints through MNAs, MPAs and Ministers without observance of the prescribed channels is also a serious act of 'Misconduct'. Nevertheless, it appears that these instructions have either been lost sight of or the departments have taken a lenient view thereof. It is requested that the instructions contained in the Establishment Secretary's D.O letter and the S&GAD letters quoted above may be brought to the notice of all Government Servants serving under your control that in future, any attempt to bring to bear political influence in service matters will be construed as 'Misconduct' and will be dealt with in accordance with NWFP Government Servants(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973, and other instructions issued there under. Besides a note to this effect may also be placed in the Character Roll dossiers of the defaulters.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(27)79,dated 5.9.1995)

_____________________ Extraneous influence by Government


Servants in respect of service matters. Sl.No.29 Establishment Secretary's D.O letters of even number, dated 5th July,1995, and 18th april,1996 on the subject noted above. 2. In order to curb the general tendency among the Civil/Government servants to the extraneous influence in contravention of Rules 19 and 29 of the Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1964, the present Government has decided to take effective steps on the subject. This includes suspension of any civil/Government servant accused of the said contravention followed by expeditious E&D proceedings. 3. It is accordingly requested that, henceforth, all cases of contravention of the said rules must be dealt with by placing the defaulter under suspension, in the first instance, with the approval of the concerned competent authority. It may be ensured that this action is taken without loss of time. 4. It is further requested that copies of suspension orders and in due course, the final orders in such E&D proceedings, may also be forwarded to this Division. 5. This D.O. letter may please be brought to the notice of all Federal civil/Government servants working in various Ministries/Divisions/ Departments/Provincial Governments.
(Authority:Establishment Division D.O letter No.5/4/82-D.I, dated 7.11.1996, circulated vide NWFP Government No.SORII(S&GAD)5(27)/79(C), dated 16.12.1996)

_______________________ Acceptance of Gifts/Cash Awards/Tickets for Air Travel Abroad. Sl.No.30 In terms of Rule 5(4) of the NWFP Government Servants(Conduct) Rules,1987, read with this Department Circular letter of even number dated 18th April,1989, Government servants are prohibited from receiving gifts of any


kind for their persons or for members of their families from diplomats, Consular and other foreign Government representatives or their employees who are stationed in Pakistan. Similarly, sub-rule (5) of the rule ibid, prohibits Government servants(except those drawing pay in BPS 1 to 4) from accepting cash awards offered by the visiting foreign dignitaries. 2. Instances have come to the notice of the Provincial Government that awards in the shape of tickets for Air Travel abroad for Haj and Umra or any other private visits abroad offered by the representatives of foreign Governments to various officers and staff were readily accepted and utilised by them without reporting the same to the Government. 3. I am directed to request you to please inform all Government servants working under your control not to accept Gifts, Cash Awards(except in accordance with the prescribed procedure)or tickets etc. for air travel abroad from diplomats, consular, other foreign Government representatives or their employees or other International Agencies, without the previous sanction of the Government and refuse the same to them politely. Any contravention of the rules and instructions on the subject may lead to severe disciplinary action against the defaulter.
(Authority:Circdular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(3)79, dated 12.6.1991)

__________________ Direct correspondence by the Civil Servants/Grant of Interviews to officials by the ChiefMinister and Ministers etc./ExtraneousPolitical and non Political influence in service matters. Sl.No.31 It was repeatedly directed to ensure that all civil servants should refrain from use of extraneous/political influence, submission of appeals/Petitions/ Representations etc. without proper channel, wait upon the Chief Minister and other Ministers etc. without prior permission of the competent authority in connection with their personal / official problem(s)and to exert pressure through the Members of the National and Provincial Assemblies.


2. Instances, have, however, come to notice that despite the aforesaid instructions, Civil Servants still on their own or through their relatives/friends or political personalities continue to submit representations/appeals regarding their service matters individually or jointly which is obviously against the rule of law and fair discipline. 5. I am accordingly directed to request that all civil Servants serving under your control may be directed once again to strictly observe provisions contained in the Government Servants Conduct Rules and (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules as well as the instructions .In future if civil servant(s) is/are found deviating from the provisions of the rules and laid down procedure and the aforesaid instructions, severe disciplinary action shall be initiated against them and a note to this effect shall also be placed in their ACR Dossiers. Authorities ignoring such indiscipline and not initiating disciplinary action against the defaulters shall also render themselves liable to disciplinary action under the Efficiency & Discipline Rules. The aforesaid instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned and ensure strict compliance.


(Authority: Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(27)79, dated 22.12.1991.) _____________________

Seeking prior permission by Provincial Government officials for attending meetings with Chairman Senate/Speaker National Assembly. Sl.No.32 It has been observed that the Provincial Government Officers who attend the meetings with the Chairman Senate and Speaker, National Assembly do not obtain prior permission of the Competent Authority for firming up the views of Provincial Government in connection with the matters deliberated upon in such meetings. It has therefore been decided that no officer of the Provincial Government or the Autonomous/SemiAutonomous Body of the Province shall attend a meeting with


the Chairman Senate or Speaker National Assembly without obtaining prior permission of the Provincial Government and getting his brief cleared from the Chief Secretary/Chief Minister. 2. The aforesaid instructions may please be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance in future.
(Authority: Circular letter No.S (O&M-I)S&GAD)/10-5/91, dated 27th February,1992.

_______________ Acceptance of Gifts. Sl.No.33 Rule 5 of NWFP Civil Servants (Conduct) Rules,1987 read with this Department Circular letters of even number, dated 18.4.1989 and 12.6.1991 on the subject noted above, where under Civil Servants are prohibited from receiving gifts of any kind for their person or for members of their families from diplomats, counselors and other Foreign Government Representatives or their employees stationed in Pakistan . It was also clarified that if due to very exceptional reasons, a gift can not be refused, it should invariably be deposited in the Services and General Administration Department. However, the Cabinet Division has advised that the gifts which are not allowed to be retained by Civil Servants(Federal, Provincial or All Pakistan), should invariably be deposited in the Toshakhana of the Cabinet Division as no Provincial Government has set up a Toshakhana of its own so far. 2. It is requested that the matter of receipt of any gift (irrespective of its price) and cash award should invariably be reported by the recipient to Services and General Administration Department immediately so as to approach Cabinet Division well in time for necessary instructions in the matter. 3. It is further requested that these instructions may please be brought to the notice of all employees (including those working in the Autonomous/Semi-Autonomous Bodies) under your administrative control for their information, guidance and strict compliance.


(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(3)79(KC), dated 20.4.1992).


Government Employees and their illegal involvement in Radio-Broadcast and communications to the Press. Sl.No.34 Under Rules 21, 24 and 25 of the NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules,1987, no Government Servant is to grant interviews to local or foreign media unless specifically permitted to do so. Besides, no Government Servant shall, except in accordance with any special or general orders of Government, communicate directly or indirectly any official information or the contents of any official document to a Government servant not authorised to receive it or to a nonofficial person or to the press. 2. It has, however, come to the notice that certain Civil Servants do not abide by the requirements of law and the aforesaid instructions. The Governor, NWFP has, therefore taken a serious view of this in discipline and has been pleased to direct that the said illegal practice should be stopped forthwith. 3. Factual position of rules and policy instructions referred to above may once again be brought to the notice of all Government servants for strict compliance.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(2)79(B), dated 10.6.1992)

_______________ Conduct of Civil ServantsTaking part in Politics and Elections. Sl.No.35 Rules 27 of the NWFP Government Servants(Conduct) Rules,1987, which inter-alia provides as under:-


TAKING PART IN POLITICS & ELECTIONS. 1) No Government servant shall take part in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any way any political movement in Pakistan or relating to the affairs of Pakistan. No Government servant shall permit any person dependent on him for maintenance or under his care or control to take part in, or in any way assist, any movement directly or indirectly, to be subversive to Government as by law established in Pakistan. No Government servant shall canvass or otherwise interfere or use his influence in connection with or take part in any election to a legislative body, whether in Pakistan or elsewhere. Provided that a Government servant who is qualified to vote at such election may exercise his right to vote; but if he does so, he shall give no indication of the manner in which he proposes to vote or has voted. 4) No Government servant shall allow any member of his family dependent on him to indulge in any political activity, including forming a political association and being its member, or to act in a manner in which he himself is not permitted by subrule (3) to act. A Government servant who issues an address to electors or in any other manner publicly announces himself or allows himself to be publicly announced as a candidate or prospective candidate for election to a legislative body shall be deemed for the purpose of sub-rule(3) to have taken part in any election to such body.




2. The above mentioned provisions obligate that civil servants would always exercise utmost care and caution for the strict observance of the prescribed rules for their behaviour and


conduct, not only necessary in their own personal interest but also keeping in view the supreme national interests. 3. I am, therefore, directed to request to please bring the above position to the personal notice of all officers/officials working under you and remind, them of their service and constitutional responsibilities.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(2)79(C), dated 11.5.1993)


Conduct of Civil Servants-taking part in Politics and Elections. Sl.No.36 This Department Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(2)/79(C), dated 11th May,1993 wherein it was requested that the civil servants working under you be directed to exercise utmost care and caution for strict observance of Rule-27 of the NWFP Government Servants(Conduct) Rules,1987 which inter-alia prohibits the Government servants and their family members depending on them to indulge in any political activity including conversing or use of influence in connection with elections to a legislative body. 2. The General Elections of the National and Provincial Assemblies are going to be held in the month of October this year. All the Government Servants working in various Government Departments should be remind once again to refrain from taking part in politics either directly or indirectly. 3. It is, therefore, requested that these instructions may please be brought to the personal notice of all officers/officials working under you to strictly observe Rule 27 of the Government Servants (Conduct) Rules,1987. Any breach by the standing instructions shall be viewed seriously and action against the defaulting Government Servants should be taken under the Government Servants(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973, under intimation to this Department.


(Authority:Circular letter No,SORII(S&GAD)5(2)79(C), dated 12.8.1993) _________________________

Dismissal or removal of Government Servants - Allowances on reinstatement Sl.No.37 In continuation of this Department letter No.S(R)13/58/SO.XII, dated the 30th September,1958, I am directed to say, that according to Rule 152(a) of the Sind Civil Service Rules, Volume-I,(which corresponds to Rule 7.3 of Civil Service Rules, Punjab, Volume-I) when a Government servant is honourably acquitted in a departmental enquiry or trial in Court, the period of absence from duty on account of the suspension, dismissal or removal from service, has to be treated as period spent on duty. If the acquittal is otherwise than honourable, the period of absence on account of suspension, dismissal or removal will not be treated as period spent on duty unless the revising or appellate authority so directs. In this connection a question has arisen whether an acquittal on technical grounds or caused by lack of evidence should be deemed to be honourable acquitted and whether such acquittal leaves any discretion to decide whether the acquittal was or was not honourable for the purposes of determining the pay and allowances payable to such servant during the said period of absence. 2. Government have considered the whole question and it has been decided that for the purposes of pay and other service matters, it is primarily necessary to consider whether or not an acquittal is honourable. When a servant is suspended he does not work for his master and should obviously get no salary for the period during which he has rendered no service. Service Rule, however, make provision for payment of a subsistence allowance during the period so that the servant does not starve. Where the servant might have been falsely involved in the case or inquiry, the State is prepared to compensate him fully, provided he satisfies that he has been honourably acquitted. The burden of proof is on him. In certain cases, it may be difficult for him to discharge this burden as in the case of a discharge on technical grounds where the merits of the case have not been


discussed or gone into. It should be borne in mind that payment of salary during the period of suspension is a matter of favour and not a right even though the servant is finally acquitted . It may be noted that by his conduct he contributed to his implication in the case even though he was not guilty of the offence. Therefore, he will not be entitled to salary during the suspension period unless he satisfies Government that the case against him was absolutely false and that he has been honourably acquitted. On the other hand, it will not be presumed in every case of acquittal on technical grounds that the acquittal has not been honourable. Every case should, therefore, be decided on its own facts and circumstances and if the acquittal is held to be honourable the period of absence should be treated as spent on duty. 3. The ruling reported in A.I.R(33), 1946 Sindh 121 is not relevant. That was a case for expunction of remarks. But even in that case the Chief Court held that it was not inconsistent for a Judge to give benefit of doubt to an accused and will point a suspicious finger at him. All that it says is that having acquitted him, the court cannot proceed to suggest that his innocence had not been established.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.S(R)1-13/58/SOXII, dated 10.1.1959)

______________ Promotion of simple living Sl.No.38 In pursuance of the Government's determination to effect reforms in all spheres of national life, they have among others decided to focus public attention on the need for simple living and to enforce it where necessary through Governmental action. The President has recently been pleased to emphasis the necessity of simple living as a pre-requisite to our living within our individual and national resources. Broadly speaking, the reasons for promoting simple living are:(a) Living beyond our means has serious economic consequences for the individual as well as for the nation. The individual is unable on account of over-


spending, to build for the future while the nation suffers in a two-fold way; firstly, it is not able to accumulate capital for investment and secondly, it loses valuable foreign exchange which would otherwise, be spent on building up its industry or improving its agriculture or in buying other things essential for the health and general well being of the population. (b) The craze for ostentatious living leads to unhealthy competition and a race for making money by any means, fair or foul. This can corrupt the public and social life of the country and demoralise public servants. The desire to be in line with the latest fashion leads to imitating, in the minutes, details the latest trends in Europe in the matter of dress, food, drink, etc. This involves loss of national, individuality and self respect which are very necessary pre-requisites for evolving a distinct national out-look and character pattern.


2. In order that the wasteful effects of over-spending and artificially high standards of living are eliminated, a movement has already been launched by the Women Voluntary Group to induce ladies to cut down waste in dress, food and entertainment. Some steps have been taken to popularise the movement among men, particularly Government servants. The following specific measures should be adopted by all Pakistani and particularly by Government servants:(a) Dress(i) For summer Bush-shirt (include an open collar shirt i.e without tie) and trousers, and for winter trousers, jacket and necktie or sherwani and trousers may be worn. (ii) For formal and ceremonial occasions the dress as already prescribed may be worn by all Pakistanis.



Drinks and Edibles(i) The use of alcohlic drinks should be discouraged at Public functions and parties. (ii) The import of foreign ingredients for the preparation of edibles should be discouraged. Government may convey its displeasure to officers who live beyond their means.



Miscellaneous(i) Expenditure in the tiffin rooms of Secretariat Offices should be decreased to minimum. (ii) Home products must be used and popularised.


Understanding of real values of life must result in discarding the ostentatious and superfluous. The obligation to make full contribution towards national development can be based only on fervent patriotism. The Government expect all Pakistanis to rise to this test of patriotism and to practice it to the limit that it merits. In the context of the greater obligation practicing of austerity in every sphere of life should be a small matter. Government hopes that Government servants who constitute the largest educated group in the country will set an example in this respect to their fellow-citizens and with sacrifice and determination make Pakistan strong, prosperous and respectable in the eyes of the world. It is requested that contents of this letter may be brought to the notice of all concerned and particularly Government servants working under you. The process in the case of the later should be repeated every quarter of the year until the object is achieved.

(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.S.VIII-3-102/59,dt: 15.7.59 & 29.7.59)

_______________ Annual declaration of immovable Judicial Officers. property held by


Sl.No.39 Government has decided that declarations of immovable property held or acquired by Government servants should be kept by the authority who maintains the Character Rolls of such Government Servants.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.S(R)3216/1-27/58/SOXIII,dated 10.1.59)

__________________________ Anti-corruption measures-Restrictions against the maintenance of Motor Car by low paid Government Servants. Sl.No.40 Reference your letter No.GAD.II/T.A.Genl/677, dated the 10th August,1959 on the subject noted above. 2. For the purpose of the restriction imposed on the maintenance of motor cars by the officer drawing a salary of less than Rs.600 p.m the term 'salary' means substantive pay of an officer and does not include special pay / officiating pay. However, the Administrative Departments may grant permission to an officer who is in receipt of an officiating pay exceeding Rs.600 p.m provided that there is no likelihood of his reversion to his substantive appointment.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.S(R)1-11/58-SOXII,dt 21.9.59)

_____________________ Government Servants Attendance at evening classes. Sl.No.41 In supersession of previous instructions on the above subject, the West Pakistan Government has decided as under:(a) Government servants should not under any circumstances be allowed to attend any classes or courses during office hours.



Outside office hours, they may attend classes/courses. No formal permission is necessary in such cases. They may only inform the Head of their Department that they are attending such classes/courses. If, however, it is found that by attending such classes/courses, the work of the Government servant is suffering, the Head of the Department may, by an order, stop the Government servant from attending such classes/courses. Administrative Secretaries/Heads of Attached Departments are requested to please report after a year the number of Government servants under their control who undertook such studies and how many of them left service after completing the course, and also whether the studies interfered with their efficiency. They may also suggest whether any modifications are necessary in this policy.


(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.S(R)3571/26/58/SOXII,dated 21.6.60)

______________________ Government Servants - Attendance at Evening Classes. S.No.42 Reference correspondence ending with this Department circular memorandum No.S(R)1151/1-26/SOXII, dated the 27th April, 1962 on the subject noted above. 2. Since the public interest is paramount in all cases, the fact that a Government servant is attending evening classes cannot in itself be a reason for not transferring him. If his transfer can be avoided without causing any loss to the efficiency of the Department then such a Government servant may be allowed to continue at the station of his posting so long as his course of study requires.


3. The competent authorities, while allowing officials serving under them to study in evening classes, should, however, care fully go into the question whether the official is likely to be transferred from his station. If so, permission in his case should be refused.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.S(R)153/1-26/58,SOXIII, dated 4.2.63)


Desertion of duty by Government servants. Sl.No.43 Cases may have come to the notice of the competent authorities, where Government servants have applied for leave but before the leave was sanctioned they have absented themselves from duty and left their station without permission, while Government dues were payable by them on various accounts. In some cases ,Government servants may have proceeded on short leave and subsequently applied for extension of leave, which was not granted whereupon they may have resigned their appointment without clearing the Government dues outstanding against them. 2. Such behaviour on the part of Government servants is not only undesirable, but also contravenes the provisions of the West Pakistan Essential Services(Maintenance)Act,1968, which make all employment under Government an essential service.

3. If any Government servant, without reasonable excuse abandons his employments or absents himself from work, he is liable on conviction to be punished with imprisonment and fine under section 7 read with section 5 of the Act. 4. It is pointed out that a Government servant abandons his employment if he ceases to serve without the previous consent of the competent authority .


5. It is, therefore, requested that the attention of all Government servants may kindly be drawn to the provision of the Act and they may be warned that any contravention of the act renders them liable to prosecution. 6. It is pointed out that under section 7(3) of the Act, no court shall take cognizance of an offence under the Act except upon complaint in writing made by an officer empowered by the Government in this behalf. The Provincial Government have already issued Notification No.SOXII-1-61/57, dated 29th May, 1958 published in the Extraordinary Gazette of West Pakistan, dated the 30th May,1958 according to which the Superintendents of Police of all the District of West Pakistan (except the Federal Capital and special areas) have been empowered to lodge complaints in writing in respect of the offences under the Act committed within their respective jurisdiction.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.SOCII-2-197/61, dated 24.12.60) _______________________

Anonymous communication Sl.No.44 In supersession of the instructions issued on the subject noted above by the former Governments of the various integrating Units, the following instructions be issued regarding the disposal of anonymous communications. 2. It is a long standing and salutary practice that anonymous communications should be destroyed without any action being taken on them. The position was well set out in paragraph 84 of the Posts and Telegraphs Manual Volume II, which reads:"Anonymous communications must invariably be destroyed by their recipients. No action of any kind is to be taken on them and no notice of any kind is to be taken on their contents. If a communication is found to be pseudonymous, it (and any previous notes, etc. connected with it) must similarly be destroyed. There is no exception to this rule."


3. Accordingly anonymous communications save in the exceptional case mentioned in paragraph 4 below, must invariably be destroyed and ministerial staff must not note on them without orders. Anonymous communication should be submitted to the officer who would deal with it in the ordinary routine with the suggestion that it should be destroyed. 4. It is recognised however, that there may be exceptional cases where anonymous/pseudonymous communications contain allegations of a specific nature having a ring of truth. These may, however, be inquired into only after obtaining the orders of the Administrative Secretary/Head of Attached Department/Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner, having jurisdiction. 5. These instructions should be shown to all concerned for their guidance.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.S(R)12-15/58-SOXII, dated 16.2.60) ________________________

Permission to Government servants to raise funds for Cultural and other non-official purposes-Criteria to be followed. Sl.No.45 In continuation of the Establishment Division office Memorandum No.4/39/61-EVI, dated the 26th July, 1961, on the above subject, the undersigned is directed to say that the following further criteria have been laid down by Government to regulate the raising of funds by Government servants:(i) The "next higher authority" for the purposes of permission should be the next higher officer of the Government servant concerned, but where the next higher officer is below the rank of a Head of the Department, the permission of the Head of the Department concerned should be obtained through the next higher officer.



No coercion or pressure campaign should be used in the raising of funds. The basis of the compaign should be kept purely voluntary and every precuation should be taken to keep this entirely unconnected with the official matters. The Police and Income-Tax authorities should be prohibited from taking part in any collection of funds. Collection of funds should take place outside office hours and it should not interfere with or hamper in the performance of the official duties of the Government servants concerned. The authority permitting the raising of funds, should satisfy itself that these are utilized for the purposes for which these have been collected.




(vii) Fund should be collected to the extent it is necessary and care should be taken to see that the public are not unnecessarily burdened. (viii) Foreign establishments and firms should not be individually approached but if in response to a general appeal for funds, they voluntarily contribute, this should be accepted, and (ix) All subscription should be duly receipted, accounted for and the accounts submitted to the higher officer for scrutiny.

(Authority:-W.Pak:S&GAD's letter No.S(R)-153/1-26/58-SOXIII,dated 4.2.1963.)

______________________ Acquisition of immovable property by Government Servants Sl.No.46


A question has arisen whether Government servants who have left immovable property, both residential and agriculture in India can acquire by allotment or exchange similar property in West Pakistan without obtaining the previous sanction of Government. Since such acquisition are made under a judicial process on the basis of claims, Government have decided that no permission is required in such cases. Such transactions should, however, be reported to Government in the prescribed form from time to time under the normal Government Servants Conduct Rules. 2. On the question whether the wife and dependents of Government servants are required to obtain the previous sanction of Government for acquiring immovable property by purchase or gift. I am to say that under the existing rules, the wife and dependents of Government servants except those who are governed by the Sindh Civil Service, Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules, are not required to obtain the prior permission of Government before acquiring such property. Rule 15 of the Sindh Rule specially lays down that the wife and dependents of an employee of the former Sindh Government are not required to obtain the previous sanction of Government for acquiring immovable property by purchase or gift, and they shall continue to be governed by the rule even after integration. 3. In the case of Government Servants who are not governed by the Sindh Civil Service, Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules, it is obligatory to declare such acquisition of property.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.S(R)66/1-3/58(III)-SOXIII, dated 20.3.63

______________________ Government Servants Conduct Rules S.No.47 It has come to Government's notice that Government servants make approaches through Ministers, Chief Ministers, M.N.As and M.P.As .other means for issue of permit to buy transportation vehicles or other important material and for purchase and sale of property.


2. Such acts are not only in serious breach of Government Servants Conduct Rules, but also contrary to all tenants of property and are totally unbecoming of Government servants. Government has, therefore, taken serious notice of such acts on the part of Government servants. In future, if any such case comes to notice a stern action will be taken against those involved. It is, therefore, requested to draw the attention of the Government servants, working in your Ministries/Divisions and Attached Subordinate offices and Autonomous Institutions to the Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1964, and direct them to refrain from making such requests in future.
(Authority:Estt:Division D.O Letter No.1/38-74-D-IV, dated 8.5.1974 circulated by NWFP Govt. vide Circular letter No.SOS>III(S&GAD)3-95/70, dated 2.7.74)

________________________ Receipt of Cash Awards from Foreign dignitaries. Sl.No.48 Instances have come to notice of the Federal Government that Cash Awards offered by the visiting foreign dignitaries to various officers and staff were readily accepted by them. The Prime Minister of Pakistan is not in favour of acceptance of such awards by officers. It is requested to inform all officers working under your control not to accept Cash Awards from the foreign dignitaries and refuse the same to them politely.
(Authority: S&GAD letter No.SOS>III(S&GAD)3-11/77, dated 7.2.77) __________________________

Taking part in Politics by Government Servants and Employees of Corporations and other Institutions set up by or under the Management or Control of Government. Sl.No.49 The West Pakistan Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1966 which are still applicable to the Civil Servants of the Government of NWFP categorically prohibit the Civil Servants


and their dependents to take part in politics or to convass for candidates in elections. However such a prohibitory clause does not appear to have been made in the Service Regulations of Autonomous/Semi Autonomous Bodies/Corporations of the Provincial Government. It is, therefore, imperative that as in the case of Provincial Civil Servants, a prohibitory clause is provided for the employees of Autonomous/Semi Autonomous Bodies and Corporations of the Provincial Government and their dependents in the Service Regulations of the Body/Corporation concerned. It is requested that in case no prohibitory clause to the above mentioned effect already exists in the charter of Autonomous Body/Corporation under your Administrative Control, the same should be incorporated in the relevant rules now and compliance reported to the S&GAD by 31st July, 1978 at the latest for onward transmission to the Federal Government.
(Authority:S&GAD letter No.SOR.II(S&GAD)10-1/78, dated 1.7.78)

______________________ Recognition of Service Association Sl.No.50 The following instructions for the recognition of the Associations of employees of the Government of West Pakistan, other than Associations of industrial employees, are published for general information, in supersession of all previous instructions issued on the subject by the various integrating units:(1) Government is prepared to accord official recognition to associations of its employees which comply with the conditions set out below. Provided that Government may vary these conditions at any time as it deems fit. (2) Each such Association must consist of a distinct class of Government employees.

ExplanationClass means any one of the classes into which servants may be broadly classified, i.e Class-I , Class-II, Class-III and Class-IV, or any Association of Government servants within one class whose


special position may warrant the formation of a separate Association and which Government is prepared to recognise. (3) Only Government employees of the same class actually in service shall be eligible for the member of the Association representing a class. Office holders shall be elected from among the members of the association and shall consequently be employees of the class, which the association represents. As an exception to this rule, however, an association representing Government employees of class IV may have as its office-holders members of recognised association (other than industrial Associations) of higher classes. Notwithstanding anything contained in the rules relating to the submission of petition and memorials by Government servants representation from recognised service associations whether made orally by deputations or presented in writing, may be received by Government officers designated by Government for the purpose. Provided that:(a) no representation received exception which is, or raises, common interest to the association. or deputation will be connection with matter questions which are, of the class represented by




nothing in these instructions will be construed to fetter the discretion of the Governor, the Ministers, the Head of an Attached Department, or any other authorised officer of Government to refuse to receive a deputation of an Association.

(6) Recognition is granted for the purpose of enabling the employees of Government to communicate their representations


(through the officer designated by the Government as the channel of communication) and it may be withdrawn if an Association adopts other methods, e.g by approaching members of the Central or Provincial Legislatures to agitate for an improvement in the conditions of service, by inspiring questions and resolutions in these Legislatures, or by ventilating their grievances through the press. (7) Recognition will not be granted to an association, and if already granted it will be withdrawn, if the association is connected with any political party or organization, or engages in any subversive activity, or indulges in criticism considered detrimental to the interest of the State, or if any of its representations whether written or oral, is couched in offensive language. (8) Government may require the regular submission, for its information, of copies of the rules of the association and annual statement of its accounts and list of members. (8) (a) In these instructions, unless the context otherwise requires, 'Government' means the Government of West Pakistan, and includes an authority subordinate to the Government of West Pakistan, to whom powers have been delegated under clause (2) of this rule. (b) Government may delegate any of its powers under instructions 1 to 8 to any authority subordinate to it. (10) The office bearers and members shall not participate in the activities of the association at the cost of their official duties. (11) The association may take up the question of service conditions generally but will not indulge itself in individual cases of its members. (1) All written representations from a Service Association must be addressed to the Administrative Department concerned and should be submitted through the Head of Office, if any.



No rule or law or bye-law of an association shall be valid until it has received the approval of Government who may at any time require any modification to be made thereto or to a proposed rule or by law in particular manner. Officers and members of the staff working in the Administrative Branches of the Secretariat Departments and their Attached Departments shall not hold office in their respective service associations, nor shall they attend business meetings of such associations as long as they remain in the Administrative Branches. The term business meetings in this context


Explanation :means(a)

all meetings of the Executive, Managing or Working Committees of the Association concerned; and such meetings or part of meetings of the general body in which business relating to service matters is discussed and transacted. _______________________


(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD Notification No.S(R)11-1/58, dated 18.6.58)

Recognition of Service Associations Sl.No.51 Reference is invited to S&GAD letter No.SR-II-1/58, dated the 19th June,1958, on the subject noted above and to say that a question has arisen whether the Associations of Government employees recognised by the former Governments of the integrating units should be recognised again after the unification of West Pakistan and whether such associations should be recognised on regional basis or on an all-Pakistan basis for various classes of establishment borne either on regional or West Pakistan cadres. 2. It has been decided that in view of the policy laid down in S&GAD letter No.S.4-35-CB/55/830, dated the 27th January,


1956, it would be desirable to withdraw previous recognition in cases in which associations have been named after the old Provinces or States. Where the associations have not been named after the old Provinces and States, it will not be necessary to recognise them afresh. As regards the regional associations we should recognise them only in cases where the cadres are regional. In the cases of Provincial services, only Provincial association should be recognised.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.S(R)11-2/58/SOXII, dated 25.10.58) _____________________

Recognition of the new Employees Association Sl.No.52 In supersession of all previous instructions on the subject, the Governor of North-West Frontier Province, has been pleased to order that an Association formed by employees, who are civil servants within meaning of the NWFP Civil Servants Act, 1973, in order to communicate their representations to Government for consideration, may be recognized by the concerned appointing authority of the Civil Servants forming the Association provided the members/applicants agree to give in writing to abide by the following conditions:(i) Each such Association shall consist of persons in one and the same "functional unit".(Till new "functional unit" are formed in the context of Administrative Reforms, an Association may be formed by persons borne on a specific single cadre in or under a Department). Office-bearers shall be elected from amongst members of the Association actually serving. Persons who retire or dismissed or removed from service shall cease to be members. The Association shall neither affiliate nor associate with any other body or Association.





The Association shall confine its representations to matters of general interest and shall not involve itself in individual cases of its members. Also, the officer-bearers and members of the association shall not participate in the activities of the Association at the cost of their official duties.


The Association shall not engage in any activity or pursue a course of action which the members are individually prohibited to engage in or pursue under any instructions of the Government, or any law or rules concerning conduct of civil servants and service discipline. The Association shall not engage in any political activity, or contribute to, or seek the support of any political party.


(vii) The Association shall get its by-laws or rules approved from the appointing authority who may at any time require any modification thereto or to propose rules or bye-laws, in a particular manner. The Association shall also submit lists of its members, office bearers and annual statement of accounts to appointing authority. 2. Government in the Administrative Department concerned shall be competent to order withdrawal of the recognition if, in its opinion, an Association has violated any of the conditions of recognition stated above. Orders passed by the Government regarding withdrawal of recognition shall be final. 3. In case of cadre which consists of higher and lower grades, the appointing authority for purposes of these instructions shall be the appointing authority of the highest grade and shall exercise powers under these instructions. 4. Each Association shall submit its representation to the concerned appointing authority and decisions on such representations shall also be communicated by the appointing


authority which may, if it cannot decide the matter itself, obtain orders of the next higher authority or through it refer the matter to Government for decision. 5 A civil servant who deals with establishment matters pertaining to the functional unit or cadre in which he holds a post shall not become office bearer of the Association representing that functional unit nor shall take part in any activities of such an Association.. 6. Nothing in these instructions shall be construed to fetter the discretion of the Government or appointing authority to refuse to receive the deputation of any association.
(Authority:S&GAD letter No.SOS.I(S&GAD)3-52/70, dated 1.11.76)


Interpretation of Term Government as defined in the NWFP Government Servants (Conduct ) Rules, 1987. S.No.53 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to say that the term Government or Provincial Government as defined in the NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1987 means the Government of the North West Frontier Province. A question has arisen as to whether the term Government or Provincial Government for the purpose of these rules means the provincial Government in the Services and General Administration Department or the Provincial Govt in each Administrative Department. 2. The matter has been considered in the S&GAD and it has been held that the term Government appearing in the NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1987 means the Provincial Government in any Administrative Department. The Administrative Secretaries are therefore competent to grant permission under any rule of the NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1987 to an officer under their administrative control.


3. The Administrative Department are therefore advised to deal with individual cases pertaining to the NWFP Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1987, at their level instead of referring such cases to Services and General Administration Department. The cases of officers belonging to APUG serving in the Province shall, however be decided by the Chief Secretary NWFP in exercise of the powers conferred on him by the Establishment Division Government of Pakistan vide OM No.26/1/69-D-IV dated 17.12.69.
(Authority S&GAD Letter No.SOR-II(S&GAD)5(27)/79 Dt: 16.11.98)



Section-2 Efficiency & Discipline (Statutory Provision ) Sl.No. 1 Section 16 of Civil Servants Act, 1973:- Disciplinary Action. A civil servant shall be liable to prescribed disciplinary action and penalties in accordance with the prescribed procedure. NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973. Sl.No.2 1. Short title, commencement and application:-(1) These rules may be called the 1[North-West Frontier Province Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline)Rules,1973.] (2) They shall come into force at once and shall apply to every person who is a member of the civil service of the Province or is the holder of a civil post in connection with the affairs of the Province and shall also apply to or in relation to a person in temporary employment in the civil service or post in connection with affairs of the Province. 2. Definition:-(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say:(a) "accused" means a Government servant whom action is taken under these rules. against


"authority" means the Governor or an officer or authority designated by him to exercise the powers of the authority under these rules;


"authorised officer" means an officer authorised by the authority to perform functions of an authorised officer under these rules; ___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Published in the NWFP Govt. Gazette Part-I, dated 21.12.1973 at Pages 140-43



"Government" means the Government of North-West Frontier Province; "misconduct" means conduct prejudicial to good order or service discipline or contrary to the 1[N.W.F.P Government Servants(Conduct) Rules,1987}or unbecoming of an officer and a gentleman and includes any act on the part of Government servant to bring or attempt to bring political or other outside influence directly or indirectly to bear on Government or any Government Officer in respect of any matter relating to the appointment, promotion, transfer, punishment, retirement or other conditions of service of a Government servant; "penalty" means a penalty which may be imposed under these rules; and "Province" means the North-West Frontier Province.




"(2) In case two or more Government Servants are to be proceeded against jointly under these rules, the authority or, as the case may be, the authorised officer, designated or authorised, for the Government Servant senior most in rank shall be the authority or, as the case may be, the authorised officer in respect of all such accused. "(3) The inquiry officer or Members of Enquiry Committee, as the case may be, shall be the officer (s) senior in rank to the accused officer."


3. Grounds of Penalty:-Where a Government servant, in the opinion of the authority; (a) is inefficient or has ceased to be efficient; or (b) is guilty of misconduct; or (c) is corrupt, or may reasonably be considered corrupt because:he is, or any of his dependents or any other person through him or on his behalf is , in possession (for which he cannot reasonably account) of pecuniary resources or of property disproportionate to his known sources of income; or ___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Substituted by Notification No.SORII(S&GAD)5-29/86,dated 26.11.1987. 1 Sub-rule(2) of rule 2 inserted vide S&GAD Notification No.SOR.II(S&GAD) 3(4)/78 (Vol-II),dated 20.5.1980. 3. Sub-rule (3) of rule 2 rule substituted by Notification No. SOR II (S&GAD)2(29)/95 Vol-II, dated 14.09.1999.



he has assumed a style of living beyond his ostensible means; or he has a persistent reputation of being corrupt ; or



is engaged, or is reasonably suspected of being engaged in subversive activities, or is reasonably suspected of being associated with others engaged in subversive activities or is guilty of disclosures of official secrets to any un-authorised person, and his (retention) in service is, therefore, prejudicial to national security, the authority may impose on him one or more penalties.

4. Penalties:-(1) The following are the minor and major penalties, namely:-



Minor penalties:(i) (ii) Censure; withholding, for a specific period, promotion or increment, otherwise than for unfitness for promotion or financial advancement, in accordance with the rules or orders pertaining to the service or post;

(iii) recovery from pay of the whole or any part of any pecuniary loss caused to Government by negligence or breach of order.


Major penalties:(i) Reduction to a lower post, grade or time scale, or to a lower stage in a time scale; compulsory retirement; removal from service; and dismissal from service.

(ii) (iii) (iv)

(2) Removal from service does not, but dismissal from service does, disqualify for future employment.

___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Sub-Class (iii) of clause (a) of sub-rule (1) of rule 4 deleted and sub clause (iv) renumbered as (iii) by Notification No.SORII(S&GAD)5(29)/95 Vol-II, dt: 14.9.99

(3) In this rule, removal or dismissal from service does not include the discharge of person:(a) appointed on probation, during the period of probation, or in accordance with the probation or training rules applicable to him; or



appointed, otherwise than under a contract, to hold a temporary appointment, on the expiration of the period of appointment; or engaged under a contract, in accordance with the terms of the contract.


5. Inquiry procedure:- The following procedure shall be observed when a Government servant is proceeded against under these rules:(1) In case where a Government servant is accused of subversion, corruption or misconduct, the authorized officer may require him to proceed on leave or, with the approval of the authority, suspend him provided that any continuation of such leave or suspension shall require approval of the authority after every three months. The authorized officer shall decide whether in the light of facts of the case or interests of justice an inquiry should be conducted through an inquiry officer or inquiry committee. If he so decides, the procedure indicated in rule 6 shall apply. If the authorized officer decides that it is not necessary to have an inquiry conducted through an inquiry officer or inquiry committee, he shall:(a) by order in writing, inform the accused of the action proposed to be taken in regard to him and the grounds of the action; and give him a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against that action;




Provided that no such opportunity shall be given where the authority is satisfied that in the interest of the security of Pakistan or any part thereof it is not expedient to give such opportunity.


Provided further that if the authorized officer is satisfied in view of the preliminary inquiry report of Provincial Inspection Team, Governor Inspection Team or any other Inquiry Committee or Inquiry Officer, that responsibility has been fixed on the specified Government servant (s) involved in the case and quantum of loss incurred by the Govt: is also indicated therein, the authorized Officer may dispense with formal inquiry under Efficiency and Discipline Rules, 1973 and serve a show cause notice upon the accused officer (s)/official (s), stating therein the grounds of action to be taken and giving to the accused a reasonable opportunity of written defence and personal hearing.


On receipt of the report of the inquiry officer or inquiry committee, or where no inquiry officer or committee is appointed, on receipt of written defence or explanation of the accused to the show cause notice, the authorised officer shall determine whether the charge has been proved, and if so, shall also tentatively decide the imposition of major or minor penalty in relation to the accused in the light of the inquiry report or the defence/explanation of the accused, as the case may be, and serve him with a final show cause notice, communicating him the penalty to be imposed, alongwith a copy of the inquiry report, if any, giving him a reasonable opportunity, which shall not be less than seven days or more than fourteen days, to defend himself against the proposed action. If on receipt of the final show cause notice, and after hearing the accused if he so desired, it is proposed to imposed a minor penalty, the authorised officer shall pass orders accordingly. If it is proposed to impose a major penalty, he shall forward the case to the authority alongwith the charges and statement of allegation served on the accused, the explanation of the accused to the show cause notice, the findings of the inquiry officer or inquiry committee, it appointed, and his own recommendations regarding the penalty to be imposed. The authority shall pass such orders as it may deem proper.




While imposing a penalty under these rules, the authorised officer, or the authority, as the case may be shall ensure that the penalty corresponds to the degree of involvement of the accused officer/official with particular reference to the nature of guilt, i.e. corruption, negligence, inefficiency or misconduct and shall make a judicious decision, according to the facts, of the case and extent of the officer's involvement in it.

____________________________________________________________________ ________________ 1. Proviso inserted by Notification No. SOR-II (S&GAD)5(29)/95 Vol-II, dated 14.09.1999. 2. Sub-rule (4)(5)&(6) of Rule 5 substituted by Noti :No.SOR-II(S&GAD)5(29)/95 VolII dt: 14.9.99

Provided that if the authorised officer or the authority is not in agreement with the findings of the Enquiry Officer/Committee, he may order a fresh enquiry through another Enquiry Officer/Committee as deemed appropriate. 6. Procedure to be observed by the Inquiry Officer and Inquiry Committee:-(1) Where an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry committee is appointed, the authorised officer shall:(a) frame a charge and communicate it to the accused together with statement of the allegations explaining the charge and if any other relevant circumstances which are proposed to be taken into consideration; require the accused within a reasonable time, which shall not be less than seven days or more than fourteen days from the day the charge has been communicated to him, to put in a written defence and to state at the same time whether he desires to be heard in person.


(2) The Inquiry Officer or the committee, as the case may be, shall enquire into the charge and may examine such oral or documentary evidence in support of the charge or in defence of the accused as may be considered necessary and the accused shall be entitled to cross-examine the witnesses against him.


(3) The Inquiry Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, shall hear the case from day to day and no adjournment shall be given except for reasons to be recorded in writing. However, every adjournment, with reasons therefor shall be reported forthwith to the authorised officer. Normally no adjournment shall be for more than a week. "Provided that the inquiry Committee or officer, as the case may be, shall submit its/his report within the shortest possible time which shall not be more than one month, after receipt of reply to the charge sheet/statement of allegation. (4) Where the Inquiry Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, is satisfied that the accused is hampering, or attempting to hamper, the progress of the enquiry, he or it shall administer a warning, and if thereafter he or it is satisfied that the accused is acting in disregard of the warning he or it shall record a finding to that effect and proceed to complete the enquiry in such manner as he or it thinks best suited to do substantial justice. ___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Proviso II Sub-rule (3) of rule 6 Substituted by Notification No. SORII(S&GAD)5(29)/95 Vol-II, dated 14.09.99.

(5) The Inquiry Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, shall within ten days of the conclusion of the proceedings or such longer period as may be allowed by the authorized officer, submit his or its findings and the grounds thereof to the authorised officer. 7. Powers of Inquiry Officer and Inquiry Committee:(1) For the purpose of an inquiry under these rules, the Inquiry Officer and the Inquiry Committee shall have the powers of a Civil Court trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908(Act V of 1908), in respect of the following matters namely:(b) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and


(b) (c) (d)

examining him on oath; requiring the discovery and production of documents; receiving evidence on affidavit; issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents.

(2) The proceedings under these rules shall be deemed to be judicial proceedings within the meaning of section 193 and 228 of the Pakistan Penal Code(Act XLV of 1850).

7A. Revision:-The authority may, in the case of any order passed by the authorised officer, call for and examine the record of any case and may, after making such further inquiry or investigation, if necessary, either personally or through an officer, pass such order as he may deem appropriate; Provided that in cases where the authorised officer has exonerated an accused and the authority decides to impose a penalty on him or where the penalty imposed by the authorised officer is decided to be increased, the authority shall not impose any penalty or increase the penalty, unless an opportunity is given to the person concerned to show cause as to why such a penalty should not be imposed or, as the case may be, be increased. 8. Rule 5 not to apply in certain cases:-Nothing in rule 5 shall apply to a case:(a) where the accused is dismissed or removed from service or reduced in rank, on the grounds of conduct which has led to a sentence of fine or of imprisonment; or

______________________________________________ ___________________
1. Rule 7A inserted vide S&GAD Notification No.SOR.II(S&GAD)3-4/78, dated 4.5.1983.


where the authority competent to dismiss or remove a person from service, or to reduce a person in rank, is satisfied that, for reasons to be recorded in writing by that authority, it is not reasonably


practicable to give the accused an opportunity of showing cause. 8.A "A Procedure in case of wilful absence:- Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these rules, in case of wilful absence from duty by a Government Servant, a notice shall be issued by the authorised officer through registered acknowledgement due cover on his home address directing him to resume duty forthwith. If the same is received back as undelivered or no response is received from the absentee within the stipulated time, a notice shall be published in at least two leading newspapers directing him to resume duty within fifteen days of the publication of that notice, failing which an ex-parte decision will be taken against him. On expiry of the stipulated period given in the notice, the authorised officer shall recommend his case to the authority for imposition of major penalty of removal from service." 9. Procedure of inquiry against officers lent to other Provincial Government or the Federation:-(1) Where the services of Government servants to whom these rules apply are lent to the Federation or to any other Provincial Government or to a local or other authority , in this rule referred to as the borrowing authority, the borrowing authority shall have the powers of the authority for the purpose of placing him under suspension or requiring him to proceed on leave and of initiating proceedings against him under these rules; Provided that the borrowing authority shall forthwith inform the authority which has lent his services, hereinafter in this rule referred to as to lending authority, of the circumstances leading to the order of his suspension or the commencement of the proceedings, as the case may be. Provided further that the borrowing authority shall obtain prior approval of the {Chief Minister}2 before taking any action under these rules against a member of such Civil service of the Province or the holder of such civil post as Government may by notification (specify) 3. (2) If, in the light of the findings in the proceedings taken against the Government servant in terms of sub-rule(a), the


borrowing authority is of the opinion that any penalty should be imposed on him, it shall transmit to the lending authority the record of the proceedings and thereupon the lending authority shall take action prescribed in these rules. ___________________________________________________ ____________
1. Rule 8A inserted by Notification No. SOR-II(S&GAD)5(29)/95 Vol.II, dated 14.09.99. 2. The word "Governor" substituted by the words "Chief Minister" vide Notification No.SORII (S&GAD)5(29)/86, dated 22.9.1988. 3. See Notification No.SORII(S&GAD)3(4)/78, dated 9.8.1982.

"(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, Government may, by order in writing, authorise the borrowing authority or any subordinate officer to such authority to exercise all or any of the powers of "authorised officer", "authority" and "appellate authority" in respect of civil servants whose services have been lent to the borrowing authority".

10. "Appeal:- A person on whom a penalty is imposed shall have such right of appeal as prescribed in the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants(Appeal) Rules,1980."

10A. Appearance of Counsel:-No party to any proceedings under these rules before the authority, the authorised officer, an Inquiry Officer or an Inquiry committee shall be represented by an Advocate.

10B. Exception:-Notwithstanding any thing to the contrary contained in these rules, in cases where Government servants collectively strike work, willfully absent themselves from duty or abandon their official work, the Government or the authority may serve upon them, through the newspapers or any other mean, such notice as deemed appropriate to resume duty and in event of failure or refusal to comply with the directive contained in the notice, impose upon the defaulting Government servants any of the major penalties prescribed in these rules." 11. Repeal:-The West Pakistan Government Servants(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1960, in their application to the Government servants to whom these rules


apply are repealed, but the repeal thereof shall not affect any action taken or anything done or suffered thereunder.
1. Sub rule 3 of rule 9 inserted by Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)1-5/80, dated 21.9.1983. 2. Rule 10 substituted by S&GAD Notification No.SORII(S&GAD)3(4)/78, dated 23.4.1986. 3. Rule 10A added by S&GAD Notification No.SOSIII(S&GAD)1-80/73, dated 19.4.1975. 4. Rule 10B added by Notification No.SORII(S&GAD)3(4)/78, dated 29,5.1998.


NOTIFICATION Peshawar, dated the 16th January, 1992. No.SORII(S&GAD)5(29)/86:- In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (b) and (c) of rule 2 of the North-west Frontier Province(Efficiency and Discipline)Rules,1973, and in supersession of this department's Notification No.SOSIII(S&GAD)1-80/73, dated the 28th January,1975, the Governor of the North West Frontier Province is pleased to direct that the officers specified in column 3 and 4 of the table below shall respectively be the "Authority" and "Authorised Officer" for the purpose of the said rules in respect of civil servants specified against each in column 2 of the said table:TABLE
S.No 1 1. Basic Pay Servant Scale of Govt Authority 3 Chief Minister Authorised Officer 4 Chief Secretary 2 Officers of former Provincial Civil Secretariat Service and exProvincial Civil Service (Executive Branch)in basic Pay Scale 17. 2. Officers of former Provincial Civil Service(Judicial Branch)in Authority Basic Pay Scale 17 and above. Deputy Superintendent of Police Inspector General in basic Pay Scale 17. Officers in Basic Pay Scale 17 Director of Education in the Education Department. Other Officers in Basic Pay Scale Administrative 17 (other than Member of All Pakistan Unified Grades) 6. Officers in Basic Pay Scale 18 in Administrative the Education Department. Chief Minister Secretary. Chief Justice As authorised by




Secretary of Police.



Secretary concerned. Chief Secretary Secretary


274 7. Other officers in Basic :Pay Scale Secretary 18 and above (other than members of All Pakistan Unified Grade). 8. Sectt: Officers in BPS-16 Secretary S&GAD Chief Minister Chief

Chief Secretary

9. Government servants in B-16 by on the Establishment of authority. Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. 10. Government servants in BPS-16 Secretary, BOR on the Estb: of Board of Revenue & the offices subordinate to it. 1 2 11. Government servants in Basic Pay Scale 16 serving in the office of authority Divisional Commissioners and Offices subordinate to them. 12. Government servants in Basic Pay Local Fund Scale 16 serving in the Directorate of Local Fund Audit. 13. Government servants in Basic Secretary of the Pay Scale 5 to 16 serving in the Commission. Public Service Commission.

Chief Justice As authorised the

Senior Board of Rev: 3 Commissioner of the Division concerned.


4 As authorised by the

Secretary Finance

Director, Audit.

Chairman of the commission.

14. Other Government servants in Head of Attached As authorised by the Basic Pay Scale 16. Department authority.
(1) 15. Government servants in Basic Administrative (Admn:) Pay Scale 5 to 15 serving in Secretary of Concerned the Secretariat. concerned

Dy Secretary the Deptt

Department Section of

16. Government servants in Basic Officer(Admn) Pay Scale 1 to 4 serving in the Department

Dy Secy(Admn)

of the Department

275 the Secretariat. concerned 17. Government Servants in Basic authorised by the Pay Scale 1 to 14 serving in authority. Public Service Commission. 18. Other Government servants in by the Basic Pay scale 1 to 15. concerned.

Secretary of the commission

As the

Appointing authority.

As authorised authority.

19.2 "Government servants in Basic Deputy Section Officer(Coord) Pay Scales 1 to 4 serving in the Secretary-II Ministers Sectt: Chief Minister's Secretariat. of C.Ms Sectt:


"Where the Divisional Khidmat Committees, as specified by the Government from time to time, on the basis of their findings, deem necessary to proceed against a civil servant from BPS-1 to BPS-16, posted/working in the Division, the Commissioner of the respective Division shall exercise the powers of authority under the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline)Rules,1973. This provision shall not be applicable to the civil servant serving in the Provincial Civil Secretariat".
____________________________________________________________________ ___________________ 1. Substituted by Notification No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(29)/86, dated 18.7.1992. 2. Sl. No.19 added by S&GAD Notification No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(29)/86, dt: 3.1.1993. 3. Added by Notification No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(29)/95, dated 21.6.1997.

NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline), Rules, 1973. Sl.No.3 Attention is invited to Rule 5(2) of the North-West Frontier Province Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 under which the powers to appoint an Inquiry Committee have been given. It has been observed that this provision is not


being utilised presumably as sufficient number of officers are not normally available to hold inquiries. 2. However it has been desired by the Governor that since the finding of the Inquiry Committee consisting of two or more officers would be more realistic than that of one Inquiry Officer, the use of Inquiry Committee may be made whenever feasible. I am, therefore, to request that these instructions may be brought to the notice of all authorities.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-80/73(KW), dated 23.2.1980.)

_______________ CSR 417-A Sl.No.4 In pursuance of the Proclamation of the fifth day of July,1977,read with the Laws(continuance in force) Order,1977 (MLA Order No.1 of 1977) , the Federal Government is pleased to direct that the following further amendment shall be made in the Civil Service Regulations, namely:If an officer, who has been suspended pending inquiry into his conduct, attains the age of superannuation before completion of the inquiry, the disciplinary proceedings against him shall abate and such officer shall retire with full pensionary benefits and the period of suspension shall be treated as period spent on duty".
(Authority: Finance Division letter No.F.12(8)-Reg:6/79, dated 10.11.1980)

__________________ Delay in Process of Disciplinary cases. Sl.No.5 It has been observed that inquiry proceedings against Civil Servants under E&D Rules tend to be undue protracted for various avoidable reasons, causing hardship to the affected officers, on one hand, and defeating the purpose of speedy disposal of cases, on the other.


2. It has, therefore, been decided that in all disciplinary cases, in addition to strict observance of the provisions of Rule 6 of E&D Rules, 1973 and the instructions already issued with D.O No.553/80-JS (Rev & D), dated 22.10.1980, the following measures should be strictly observed:a) The Inquiry Officer be carefully selected for his competence and capability to hold the inquiry. A time limit should be prescribed for completion of the inquiry. Until the inquiry is completed, the Inquiry Officer, the accused as well as the witnesses concerned should not be permitted to proceed on leave training, course or on transfer in or outside Pakistan. A check-sheet, recording the day to day progress, should be maintained by the Inquiry Officer. The Inquiry proceedings once started should be held without interruption, as far as possible, on day to day basis. On receipt of the inquiry, the case should be processed expeditiously by the Ministry concerned. It should be impressed upon the inquiry officer that the quality of work produced by him will reflect on his efficiency, which will be recorded in his ACR. The initiating officer should record his assessment of the Inquiry Officer's performance in the ACR.








(Authority: Establishment Division's D.O letter No.5/1/81-C.II(A), dated 6.6.1981,circulated by NWFP Government vide circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)13(4)/78, dated 17.6.1981.)

_____________ Procedure under the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973. Sl.No.6


In the past, while proceeding against a Government servant under the North-West Frontier Province Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973, it was not required to give an opportunity to the accused officer / official at the final stage to show cause against the penalty proposed to be imposed on him on the basis of the inquiry report, in cases where a formal inquiry was ordered to be held by the Authorised Officer under rule 5 of the said rules. Instead, the opportunity given to him through the charge sheet served on him, thereby allowing him to make his written explanation/defence against the charges and availing the chance of personal hearing, and further allowing him full liberty to defend his case before the Inquiry Officer conducting the inquiry, was considered as sufficient opportunity for all practical purposes of imposing a penalty on the basis of the inquiry report. 2. The Supreme Court, in Civil Appeal No.64 of 1979 (Syed Mir Mohammad versus NWFP Government), decided on 16.3.1981 (reported as PLD 1981 SC 176), has, however, held that on a proper construction of rules 5 and 6 read together of the aforesaid rules, it is statutory requirement that if a formal inquiry is held, then the Authorised Officer should, after he has tentatively decided upon the action proposed to be taken against an accused officer/official, give him an opportunity to offer his explanation against the proposed action in the light of the findings of the Inquiry Officer/Inquiry Committee. 3. In view of the above judgement of the Supreme Court , the position that emerges now is that it has become a statutory requirement to give an opportunity to an accused officer/official to offer his explanation against the proposed action in the light of the findings of the Inquiry Officer or, as the case may be, the Inquiry committee, in cases where the Authorised Officer decides to hold a formal enquiry in any case. 4. Therefore, the procedure that has now to be followed for proceeding against Government servant under the North-West Frontier Province, Government Servants(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973 (hereinafter referred to in the said rules), is reproduced below for information and future guidance:-


"Before initiating proceedings under the said rules, the authorised officer shall decide whether in the light of the facts of the case or interest of justice an inquiry through an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry committee should or should not be conducted. If the authorised officer decided that it is not necessary to have an inquiry conducted through an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry committee, he shall follow the procedure prescribed in sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the said rules, before imposing any penalty in the manner prescribed in sub-rule(4) ibid. However, if the authorised officer decides that an inquiry should be conducted through an Inquiry Officer or an Inquiry committee, then the procedure as laid down in rule 6 of the said rules shall be followed. After the receipt of the report of the Inquiry Officer or the Inquiry Committee, as the case may be, the authorised officer shall determine whether the charge has been proved or not. If the authorised officer is of the opinion that the charge has not been proved, he may drop the proceedings and absolve the accused officer/official of the charge. But if the authorised officer is of the view that on the basis of adverse findings of the Inquiry Officer or Inquiry committee the charge has been proved, then he will tentatively decide whether it calls for a major or minor penalty. After so deciding, he will inform the accused officer/ official of the action proposed to be taken against him with a view to giving him an opportunity to offer his explanation against the proposed action in the light of the adverse findings of the Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee. While doing so, the authorised officer shall also forward a copy of the report of the Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee on the basis whereof the action is proposed to be taken. On receipt of the explanation of the accused officer/official, the authorised officer shall again apply his mind to the case and determine vis-a-vis the explanation of the accused officer/official whether the charge against him still


stands proved? If the charge does not stand proved, he will drop the proceedings and absolve the accused officer/official. However, if the explanation, if any, furnished by the accused officer/official does not absolve him of the charge, the authorised officer shall,a) in case it was proposed to impose a minor penalty or if it was proposed to impose a major penalty, but in the light of the explanation of the accused officer/official it calls for a minor penalty ,pass orders himself; in case it was proposed to impose a major penalty, pass on the case to the authority alongwith the charge sheet and the statement of allegations, the reply of the accused officer/official, the report of the Inquiry Officer or the Inquiry committee, the explanation of the accused officer/official, if any, and his own recommendations, for such orders as the authority may deem fit.


(Authority: Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)3-4/78, dated 21.12.1981.) ______________________

Remand of Disciplinary cases in consequence of the Judgement of the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of Syed Mir Mohammad Shah Senior Civil Judge Versus Government of NWFP. Sl.No.7 The Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of Syed Mir Mohammad Shah Senior Civil Judge Versus Government of NWFP have held that in a disciplinary case where an inquiry officer has been appointed, it is incumbent on the "Authorised Officer" to supply a copy of the inquiry report to the accused


civil servant advising him to give within a specified time his written explanation as to why a major or minor penalty (which should be specified in the show cause notice) should not be imposed on him. Any penalty imposed on the civil servant without meeting the above requirement will be bad in law. 2. Based on the above judgement of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the NWFP Service Tribunal, in the recent past, have accepted appeals of the certain civil servants who had either been dismissed or removed or compulsorily retired from Government Service under the provisions of the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973, directing the re-instatement in service of such civil servants and starting the disciplinary proceedings afresh from the stage where the default had occurred. 3. In order to ensure that all such cases are finalised without any avoidable delay, the Governor NWFP has been pleased to direct that such cases must be finalized within one month of the reinstatement in service of such civil servants. This period will only be extendable with the prior approval of the Chief Secretary to Government of NWFP, by giving satisfactory explanation for the delay. 4. The Governor, NWFP has been further pleased to direct that persons dismissed, removed or compulsorily retired from Government Service under the Efficiency and Discipline Rules, and in consequence of the decision of the Supreme Court of Pakistan mentioned in paragraph 1 of this letter, on reinstatement in service, if they are gazetted officers, should be posted as officers on Special Duty in their original grades in their Departments and if they are non-gazetted officials, should be posted against equivalent temporary posts with the same designation in their Departments during the pendency of the disciplinary cases against them. 5. Incidentally, it may be advised for the benefit of the Authority/Authorised Officer that when an accused officer/official claims personal hearing in his reply to the charge sheet served upon him, he should be given an opportunity of personal hearing before final orders are passed.

282 (Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)3-4/78, dated 22.2.1982) _______________

Borrowing Authority to seek prior approval of the Government. Sl.No.8 In pursuance of the provisions contained in the second proviso to sub rule (1) of Rule 9 of the North-West Frontier Province Government Servants(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 the Governor of the North-West Frontier Province is pleased to specify that the civil servants holding civil posts in Grade-17 and above are the persons in respect of whom the borrowing authority shall obtain prior approval of the Governor before taking any action against them under the said rules.
(Authority:Notification No.SORII(S&GAD)3-4/78, dated 9.8.1982). ______________

Disciplinary action against Convicts of Military Courts. Sl.No.9 Instances have come to notice of this Secretariat where certain public servants not falling within the purview of the Pakistan Army Act, 1952 convicted by Military Courts and subsequently granted pardon were reinstated perhaps on the plea that pardon takes away the conviction. 2. The issue was however examined in consultation with the Law Division who have advised that a free pardon does not restore convicted person to public office forfeited in consequence of a conviction though it may remove disability for fresh grant of employment.
(Authority: CMLA's Secretariat No.57/29(1)/IB/A.JAG/CMLA/83, dated 16.3.1983)

______________ Scrutiny Committee-Disciplinary Actions. Sl.No.10


Detailed deliberations take place during the Scrutiny Committee Meeting on the cases which are submitted by the Governor's Inspection Team and other agencies. Only those cases are approved in which substantial Mis-appropriation/loss of Government funds has taken place due to negligence/misconduct etc. of officials. These meetings are invariably attended by the administrative Secretaries who concur in to initiate departmental action against the defaulting officers. Concerned departments are, therefore, directed to take necessary disciplinary action against the involved persons. 2. It has been observed with concern that inquiry officers in certain cases have exonerated the accused and have not blamed any body, whereas a substantial loss had occurred to the Government and someone had to be responsible for such a loss. The inquiry officers while exonerating the defaulting officers do not point out as to who else is to be blamed for such losses. 3. It has, therefore, been decided that the inquiry officers will in future pin-point the actual persons involved/responsible, in case the accused under investigation/trial are being exonerated. 4. Department should also ensure that when an official is penalised to repay/make good a loss, disciplinary action should also be initiated against him. 5. It may also be worth mentioning that unnecessary delays take place, due to one reason or the other, in finalization of the cases after approval by Scrutiny Committee Meeting. The MLA desires that in future, all cases referred for disciplinary action will be finalized within six months and any further delay will only be condoned by him personally. 6. You may please apprise the concerned departments of the foregoing instructions.
(Authority: MLA, Zone B letter No.202/8/CA-1, dated 10.4.1983) _____________________

Procedure under the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline), Rules 1973.


Sl.No.11 It has been observed that in some cases, the Enquiry Officers, appointed under Rule 5 of the Government (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973, not only follow the procedure, as out-lined in Rule 6 of the Rules ibid but exceed the limits of their duties, as assigned in sub-rule (4) of Rule 5 of the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973. The Enquiry Officer is supposed to find out only whether the charges against the accused officer/officials have been proved or disproved and whether he is guilty or not. 2. It is prerogative/privilege of the Competent Authority (Authorised Officers) to decide whether to impose a minor penalty or major penalty. The Enquiry Officer is not required to make mention of exoneration or any other recommendation of punishment etc unless otherwise specifically asked for. 3. The instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance please.
(Authority:Circular letter No. SORI(S&GAD)1-16/79(B), dated 26th November,1983)

___________________ Disciplinary action against Civil Servants convicted by Military Courts. Sl.No.12 Some doubts have arisen as to whether a pardoned convict could be reinstated or not. These doubts were mainly created due to the note given under PAA Sec 143 (pardon takes away the conviction). Instructions have already been issued on the subject vide this Sectt: Letter No.57/29(1)IB/AJAG/CMLA/83 dated 16th March, 1983 and all zones were required not to issue orders for re-instatement of such convicted civil servants who had been granted pardon by the competent ML authorities. 2. The matter has been re-examined and it has been decided that the instructions already issued vide our above said letter


are required to be strictly complied with. In case there is any Court/Tribunal order for reinstatement of Civil Servant on the strength of previous pardon cases the Government should prefer an appeal and if the appeal is already time-barred, a petition for leave to appeal alongwith a petition for condonation of delay may be moved in the appellate court at an early date. 3. It may be appreciated that the term "Service Tribunal" has already been included in the term 'court' as mentioned in clause (5) and (6) of Art 15 of the CMLA's Order No. 1 of 1981(CMLA's Office Order dated 31.7.1984 refers) .
(Authority: CMLA's Secretariat letter No.57/29(1)/AJAG/CMLA, dated 27th August,1984. ________________

Delay in process of Disciplinary cases. Sl.No.13 Enquiry proceedings against civil servants under Efficiency and Discipline Rules tend to be unduly protracted for various avoidable reasons, causing hardships to the affected officers on one hand and defeating the purpose of speedy disposal of cases, on the other. I am directed to request that in all disciplinary cases, in addition to the strict observance of the provisions of Efficiency & Discipline Rules, and the instructions already issued, the following measures should be strictly observed:(1) The authorised officer should ensure that no avoidable delay is allowed to occur during any stage of a disciplinary case. The Enquiry Officer be carefully selected for his competence and capability to hold the enquiry. A time-limit should be prescribed for completion of the enquiry. The Enquiry Officer should be specifically directed to complete the enquiry within the prescribed period.






Until the inquiry is completed, the Enquiry Officer, the accused as well as the witnesses concerned should not be permitted to proceed on leave, training course or on transfer in or outside Pakistan. A check-sheet, recording the day to day progress, should be maintained by the Enquiry Officer, The enquiry proceedings once started should be held without interruption, as far as possible, on day to day basis. On receipt of the enquiry report the case should be processed expeditiously. It should be impressed upon the Enquiry Officer that the quality of work produced by him will reflect on his efficiency, which will be recorded in his ACR.





(10) The initiating officer should record his assessment of the Enquiry Officer's performance in the ACR.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SORII (S&GAD)3(4)/78, dated 3rd October, 1984. ______________

Stoppage of increment under Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973. Sl.No.14 Instances have come to the notice of the Government where the penalty of stoppage of increment under the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973, has been imposed on Government Servants, who have reached the maximum of the pay scale, thus making the penalty ineffective . I am accordingly directed to request that the competent authorities may , in future, kindly keep in view the stage of the pay scale at which a Government servant is drawing pay before imposing the penalty of stoppage of increment on him under the above rule.

287 (Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(29)/86, dated 27th December, 1986. _____________

Parallel running of Departmental /Judicial Proceedings. Sl.No.15 The Law Department vide their U.O No.Op.2(2)82-11544, dated 3-5-1982, have advised as under:"Court & Departmental proceedings can run parallel to each other. They can take place simultaneously against an accused on the same set of facts and yet may end differently without affecting their validity. Even Departmental inquiry can be held subsequently on the same charges of which Government servant has been acquitted by a Court. The two proceedings are to be pursued independent of each other and it is not necessary to pend departmental proceedings till the finalization of judicial proceedings.
(Authority:Law Department's U.O No.Op.2(2)82-11544, dated 3.5.1982)

___________________________ Departmental Proceedings vis-a-vis Judicial Proceedings. Sl.No.16 The question as to whether or not a departmental inquiry and judicial proceedings can run parallel to each other against an accused officer/official has been examined in consultation with the Law Department. 2. It is hereby clarified that Court and Departmental proceedings may start from an identical charge(s) and can run parallel to each other. They can take place simultaneously against an accused on the same set of facts and yet may end differently without affecting their validity. Even departmental inquiry can be held subsequently on the same charges of which Government servants has been acquitted by a Court. The two proceedings are to be pursued independent of each other and it


is not necessary to pend departmental proceedings till the finalization of judicial proceedings. 3. It may also be clarified that Court Proceedings also include criminal proceedings pending against a civil servant. 4. The above instructions may please be brought to the notice of all concerned.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(29)/86(KC), dated 8.1.1990) _________________

Disciplinary action against Government Servants who violate Wildlife Law. Sl.No.17 It has been reported that certain Government servants violate the Wildlife Law, thus setting not only a bad precedent for the general public but are also guilty of misconduct. 2. Under sub-rule (1) (e) of Rule 2 of the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 'Misconduct' has been defined to mean inter alia conduct prejudicial to good order or service discipline or unbecoming of an officer and a gentleman. 3. I am, therefore, directed to request that in addition to institution of cases against those Government servants who violate Wildlife Law or any other law of the country, they may also simultaneously be proceeded against under the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 by the department concerned. 3. The contents of this letter may be brought to the notice of all officers/officials working under your control for strict compliance.
(Authority: Circular letter No.SOR.III(S&GAD)/7-12/91, dated 27th April, 1991. ________________________

Unauthorised supply of copies


of official correspondence. Sl.No.18 It has come to notice that interested persons carry Photostat copies of official correspondence/notes taking place within Department or among various Departments and offices in violation of the Government Instructions. Sub Paras (a) & (b) of Para 67 of the Government of NWFP Manual of Secretariat Instructions, 1989 provides that:a) All papers received or dealt with in the Secretariat are of a confidential nature and their contents should not be disclosed to or discussed with any unauthorised person. This rule applies with greater force to documents specially classified as Confidential or Secret, and the strictest secrecy shall be observed with regard to their contents. Breach of this rule is an offence punishable with imprisonment under Section 5(4) of the Official Secret Act, 1923 (Act XIX of 1923).


2. Under the above instructions neither copy of any official correspondence, letter or note can be given un-authorisedly to any person nor the movement of official correspondence/files can be divulged to any one not officially concerned with it. It amounts to violation of Secretariat/Security Instructions. 3. I am accordingly to request you to please direct all concerned to strictly comply with the above instructions, failing which any official found violating these instructions, shall be proceeded against under the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency & Disciplines) Rules, 1973 in addition to any proceedings under Section 5(4) of the Official Secret Act 1923, if warranted.
(Authority:SO(O&M.I)S&GAD/10-5/91, dated 29th October,1991.) ________________

Adoption of proper procedure while holding Inquiry/ Disciplinary Proceedings under the NWFP Government


Servants(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973. Sl.No.19 It has been observed that in dealing with disciplinary cases, care is not generally taken to observe the procedure laid down in the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 and instructions issued by the Provincial Government in this behalf from time to time. The Inquiry Officers generally do not follow the prescribed procedure and take the proceedings quite lightly. They recommend exoneration of the accused without pinpointing the actual persons involved/responsible even in cases where substantial losses had occurred to the Government. 2. Kindly ensure that provisions of the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973, are complied with fully in future by the officers responsible for discharging their duties under the said rules. The Inquiry Officers may please be directed to study the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973, and instructions issued in this behalf from time to time, before holding the inquiry. They should also be instructed to submit a comprehensive report as required under the rules with charge-wise conclusions failing which an adverse entry shall be made in their service record.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(29)86(B), dated 28th March, 1992)

______________ Absence without leave Sl.No.20 It has come to notice that a large number of officers have gone abroad or are absent without leave since long. Consequently, when their promotion cases, come up before the Provincial Selection Board/Departmental Promotion Committee, it has to defer them. Absence without leave even for a single day is misconduct and makes civil servant liable to disciplinary action. It has been observed that departments fail to take any effective steps to proceed against the defaulters under the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973, so


much so that no action is initiated even under FR-18, when their absence with or without leave exceeds five years. 2. The Chief Minister NWFP has taken a very serious view of this state of affairs and has been pleased to direct that whenever such a case comes to notice, necessary action shall invariably be initiated against the Head of the Department concerned.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(29)/86-Vol.B, dated 7th August,1993) ________________________

Speedy disposal of Inquiry cases, initiated under the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules,1973. Sl.No.21 Attention to the provisions of Sub rules (2) to (5) of Rule 6 of the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 in which a detailed procedure for holding enquiries by the Inquiry Officers or Inquiry committee, as the case may be appointed under sub rule (2) of Rule 5 of the Rules ibid, has been laid down. A copy of Rule 6 is enclosed for ready reference. Under the said rules, the enquiry officer is required to hear the case on daily basis with no adjournment except in very special cases where adjournment for a maximum period of a week, and that too, under intimation to the Authorised Officer is admissible. Also, the enquiry officer is authorised to issue a warning to the accused officer if the latter attempts to hamper the progress of the enquiry and finalize the report at his discretion. 2. It has, however, been noticed that some enquiry officers fail to adopt the laid down procedure and delay the submission of the enquiry reports unduly. In certain cases, even Authorised Officers show undue leniency to the enquiry officers. This tendency of the enquiry officers/Authorised Officers is not only against the rules quoted above but also causes undue hardship to the accused officers whose cases of promotion, moveover etc are held up due to pending enquiries. Besides, as also pointed out by the Provincial Public Accounts Committee, recovery of amounts involved in the irregularities committed by the


defaulter officer, are not possible on account of their retirement which is mostly due to delay in the finalization of the enquiry reports. 3. It is therefore, requested that all the enquiry officers may be directed to process enquiries as per provisions in the rules and submit the reports by the target dates fixed by the Authorised Officer except in very special cases where the prior permission of the Authorised Officer for extension in the time limit is obtained for submission of the report.
(Authority:Circular letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(69)/94, dated 5.8.1996) _____________________

Speedy disposal of disciplinary cases/abatement of enquiry on superannuation of a civil servant. Sl.No.22 Reference FR-54 -A where under it has been laid down:"54-A. If a Government Servant, who has been suspended pending inquiry into his conduct attains the age of superannuation before the completion of inquriy, the disciplinary proceedings against him shall abate and such Government Servant shall retire with full pensionary benefits and the period of suspension shall be treated as period spent on duty". 2. The issue has been examined in consultation with the Finance Department and it has been decided that in future all Civil Servants who are under enquiry be excluded from the enquiry proceedings under the E&D Rules after attaining the age of superannuation and they may be allowed full pensionary benefits as provided under the rules. However it has further been decided that if some pecuniary loss caused to the Government is likely to be proved against a Government Servant who superannuates before decision of the case against him, an FIR should be lodged against him for judicial proceedings immediately after the date of superannuation and exclusion of his name from the departmental enquiry.


3. In view of the above legal position about the enquiry proceedings under the Government Servants E&D Rules, 1973 most of the enquiries on one pretext or other are inordinately delayed and consequently they get abated as such. This state of affairs is neither desirable nor in the public interest. It has therefore been decided that all enquiry officers shall strictly abide by the relevant rules and ensure completion of enquiries and submission of their reports within the stipulated time. In this connection attention of the enquiry officers is drawn to the provision of Rule 6 sub rule (3) and sub Rule (5) of the rules ibid where under it has specifically been laid down that:Sub-Rule(3) The inquiry officer or the committee, as the case may be, shall hear the case from day to day and no adjournment shall be given except for reasons to be recorded in writing. However, every adjournment, with reasons, therefore, shall be reported forthwith to the authorised officer. Normally no adjournment shall be for more than a week. Sub-Rule(5) The Inquiry Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, shall within ten days of the conclusion of the proceedings or such longer period as may be allowed by the authorised officer, submit his or its findings and the grounds thereof to the authorised officer". 4. These instructions may kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned for compliance in letter and spirit.
(Authority:S&GAD's letter No.SORII(S&GAD)3(122)/96, dated 22.8.1998)

____________________ Redress of grievances of Government servantsAdvance copies of representations and complaints. Sl.No.23 According to Department's circular the instructions contained in this letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)1-21/57-344,


dated the 14th September,1957, Government servants are debarred from sending their representations and petitions to higher authorities, unless their case is covered by the following two clauses:(i) Where a petition or representation has to be considered by a subordinate authority, its advance copy should not be entertained by the higher authority within three months of the date of the submission of the petition or representation to the subordinate authority. If the subordinate authority does not take any decision within this period, the petitioner shall be at liberty to send a reminder to the subordinate authority and to forward an advance copy thereof, with a copy of the petition or representation in question to the higher authority soliciting expeditious disposal of his case. Where an appeal lies to a higher authority or Government against the order of a subordinate authority the appellant may forward an advance copy of his appeal to the higher authorities at any time.


2. A question has arisen whether a subordinate official can complain against his immediate officer directly to the next higher authority without routing the complaint through the immediate officer. Government feel that if the submission of complaint against an immediate officer to the next higher authorities completely banned, even genuine grievances of subordinate officials may remain un-redressed as the immediate officer may withhold their complaints. It has, therefore, been decided that when the officer complained against the officer to whom any complaint should ordinarily be preferred or through whom it has to be routed, the aggrieved person may complain to such officer's next superior officer. But the permission is subject to the condition that if on inquiry the complaint is found to be false, the complainant will be liable to strict disciplinary action. 3. Government have further decided that when the explanation of a subordinate is called for regarding some


irregularity or misconduct committed by him he cannot submit advance copies to his explanation to the higher authorities.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)2-245/64,dated 9.5.1965)

_______________ Suspension of Government Servants,Proforma, retrospective promotion after honourable acquittal. Sl.No.24 A question arose whether a Government servant who was placed under suspension can, after honourable acquittal, be promoted retrospectively in a vacancy which occurred during his suspension, and if so, whether he can be paid the salary of the higher post to which he is retrospectively promoted.

2. After careful consideration, Government have decided that if a Government servant would have been otherwise promoted but for suspension, then after honourable acquittal, he can be given proforma promotion retrospectively against a vacancy which occurred during the suspension. However, he cannot be given the pay of the higher post retrospectively because pay of a higher post is given only when a Government servant actually works in the higher post.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)2-145/60, dated 4.12.1962)

___________ Suspension of Government servants Sl.No.25 Reference this Department's instructions for the speedy disposal of disciplinary cases issued in this Department's memorandum No.S(R)21-43/57-SOXIII, dated the 16th November,1957. The position has been reviewed by Government in the light of experience gained during this period.


It has been found that a large number of Government servants remain suspended for periods longer than 6 months and most of them get reinstated, which results in financial loss to Government and cause unnecessary inconvenience to Government servants concerned. Suspension should only be resorted to where it is essential. Suspension in the case of Departmental Inquiry 2. Recourse to suspension should not be made at the time of preliminary inquiry as the situation can be met, if necessary, by transfer of a Government servant from the station of posting. The question of suspension should only be considered when a formal inquiry is to be undertaken by the Inquiry Officer under Rule 8 of the West Pakistan Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1960. The suspension for corruption or misconduct should only be ordered where it is likely that one of the following penalties can be imposed:(a) Reduction to a lower post or time-scale or to a lower stage in time-scale. Compulsory retirement. Removal from service. Dismissal from service.

(b) (c) (d)

Suspension in the case of Police Challans. 3. Suspension need not be ordered in all cases when a Government servant is challaned. The criterion should be the same as in the case of departmental inquiry. Normally, in court cases, it should follow conviction and should be discretionary at other stages. Moreover, a Government servant need not be suspended merely for being in Police custody unless he is convicted and the conditions as laid in the case of departmental inquiry are fulfilled. 4. A Government servant may, however, be suspended on


obstinate refusal to carry out an order. This provision is essential. Otherwise, there will be no preemptory remedy available to Government in such cases. 5. The existing policy about station leave as mentioned in paragraph 4 of the letter under reference, may be maintained. 6. Government servants remain suspended for a period of 34 years. This needs a careful check. The quarterly consolidated statement prescribed in accordance with paragraph 5 of the letter under reference, is not being received in this Department from the Administrative Secretaries. Once an officer is suspended ,then the matter is generally allowed to drift. It is necessary that a careful watch about the finalization of these cases should be kept. Both in the case of Departmental inquiry and the Police prosecution, the authority competent to suspend Government servant should on the expiry of the three months period from the date of suspension, place the matter before the appellate authority regarding the advisability of retaining the person under suspension any more. The appellate authority will fix the further period of suspension and review the case on the expiry of the period so fixed. This check has to be reflected in the quarterly form which has been amended accordingly. It is requested that Administrative Secretaries should regularly obtain the quarterly statement from the subordinate authorities and transmit these to this Department in the month following at the end of each quarter. The statement for the quarter ending in September, 1962 should reach this Department by October, 1962.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)5-7/62,dated 24.8.62) & No.SOIV(S&GAD)1/31-64, dated 7.4.64) ______________

Dismissal/removal from service or reduction in rank of Government Servants.


Sl.No.26 According to Article 177 (1) (a) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, no member of a civil service of the Centre or a Province or a person who holds a post in connection with the affairs of the Centre or of a Province, can be dismissed or removed from service or reduced in rank by an authority subordinate to that by which he was appointed unless that subordinate authority has been expressly empowered to do so by an authority not so subordinate. This constitutional position should be a matter of common knowledge for authorities in Government Departments and Agencies and should hardly need reiteration. Instances have, however, come to the notice of Government in which the aforesaid provisions of the Constitution or the Rules on the point were disregarded inadvertently or otherwise and certain Government servants were accordingly able to challenge the orders passed against them successfully by means of civil suits or writ petitions. The result has been unnecessary litigation, waste of time, loss of money and energy. 2. Rules have been framed for various services and posts delegating the powers of dismissal, removal from service and reduction in rank to the authorities which, in some cases are lower than the authorities who had appointed the persons concerned. These authorities are, therefore, competent to exercise the powers. It has been clear in the rule delegating the powers that authority empowered to impose penalties on the holders of post, shall be competent to impose penalties on every person holding such post whether such person was appointed by such authority or not. In case no such delegation has specially been made, the appointing authority alone is competent to exercise the powers of dismissal, removal from service or reduction in rank. 3. All authorities concerned are requested to ensure that the constitutional and legal provision on the subject are strictly complied with.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.SOIX(S&GAD)1-27/65, dated 15.2.1966)



Suspension of Government Servants Sl.No.27 Reference this Department's letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)57/62, dated 24th August,1962 in which instructions were issued about the nature of cases in which person can be suspended. It has been brought to the notice of Government that inquiries held by the Anti-Corruption Establishment and the inquiries under the West Pakistan Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1960, are delayed because the person against whom allegations are made does not furnish necessary record or answer queries or charge-sheet within the specified time limit. It hampers the very object of making the inquiries which are killed by the process of time. It has, therefore, been decided that if a person deliberately delays answering queries of the AntiCorruption Establishment or the furnishing of record, called for by them or fails to furnish replies to the charge-sheet or to other queries made under West Pakistan Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1960 within the specified time limit, he shall be liable to be suspended from Government service. 2. On the other hand, the appointing authorities are

requested to take care that this measure should only be adopted, when it is proved that the delay is deliberate and without any reason.
(Authority: West Pakistan S&GAD No.SOIV(S&GAD)1-15/64, dated 24.5.66)

__________________ Suspension of Government Servants-Delayed Inquiries Sl.No.28


Reference to this Department 's letter No.SOXII(S&GAD)57/62, dated the 24th August, 1962, on the subject noted above, in which it was laid down that suspension of Government servants should only be resorted to in rare cases. Moreover, it was laid down that the case of a suspended Government servant should on the expiry of three months period be placed before the appellate authority, to determine further period of suspension if any. But it seems that these instructions are not being complied with. It has been brought to the notice of Government that suspension cases in some Departments are still pending for the last many years. Because of the delay in an enquiry, not only the Government servant simply hangs on without any work, but his family and dependents also undergo mental agony with him. In the end, if the case against him is not proved, which happens in most cases, Government has to pay him for the period of suspension without getting work in return. Government has taken strong exception to this position. It is requested that a list of persons, who are under suspension in all Departments/Offices and Autonomous bodies beyond the period of six months, alongwith the reasons for delay, should be furnished to this Department within a fortnight for perusal of the Governor. 2. It is further requested that Government has desired that all such authorities should complete cases of persons under suspension within a period of three months. If need be, the persons responsible for conducting inquiries and taking action on those inquiries should work over-time to complete the work by the target date. A report should be sent to this Department at the end of this period that the cases of all persons, who were under suspension, have been finalized.
(Authority: West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.SO.IB(S&GAD)1-15/64, dated 5.11.66)

_______________ Suspension of Government Servants-Delayed Inquiries. Sl.No.29


With reference to this Department's Circular letter of even number, dated 5th November, 1966 on the subject noted above and to state that the Competent Authorities have not taken proper steps to finalise cases of Departmental Inquiries and criminal cases against suspended Government servants with the result that many Government servants have remained under suspension for one year to 14 years. This was brought to the notice of the Governor who has ordered that these persons should not be allowed to remain suspended indefinitely. 2. In order to avoid prolonged suspension of Government servants and employees of Autonomous Bodies, it has been decided that every Secretary to Government of West Pakistan should get the facts of each case from his office and authorities subordinate to him and review it and try to either dispose of the case or if possible reinstate the person. The cases which cannot be finalized, by the Administrative Secretary, should be discussed with the Additional Chief Secretary, Services and General Administration Department. Information about such cases should be sent to Services and General Administration Department in the proforma given below. The date of the meeting will be communicated to each Administrative Secretary after the proforma is received. 3. According to Services and General Administration Department Circular letter No.XII(S&GAD)5-7/62, dated the 24th August, 1962, the authority competent to suspend a Government servant should on expiry of three months period from the date of suspension place the matter before the Appellate Authority regarding the advisability of retaining the Government servant under suspension any more. The Appellate Authority has to fix the further period of suspension and review the case on the expiry of the period so fixed. These instructions should be carefully complied with. 4. It has also been decided that suspended persons will have a right of representation to the Appellate Authority when the period of suspension exceeds three months, the Appellate Authority will consider the representation on merits. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned.

302 (Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.SOIV(S&GAD)1-15/64, dated 20.1.68)


Disciplinary Action-Need to observe strictly The Rules and Procedure relating to Sl.No.30 I am directed to state that it has been observed that in dealing with disciplinary cases, care is not generally taken to observe the procedure laid down in the NWFP Government Servants(Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973. Such omission vitiate the case and if the Government servant concerned goes in appeal to the Service Tribunal, the appeal is sometime accepted on this account. It is, therefore, necessary that extreme care is taken to ensure that the cases are dealt with according to the prescribed rules and procedure. The Government has been issuing instructions from time to time drawing attention of all concerned to specific requirements of rules and procedure or to omissions generally noted in disciplinary action. It is requested that the instructions issued from time to time may strictly be followed by all the departments and offices under your administrative control. For facility of reference the instructions issued form time to time have been consolidated in a fresh check-list which is attached to this letter as Annexure. It should always be consulted while processing disciplinary cases.
(Authority:-S&GAD's letter No.SORII(S&GAD)3(4)/78, dated 9.4.1985)



ANNEXURE CHECK-LIST OF REQUIREMENTS TO BE NOTED WHILE TAKING ACTION UNDER NWFP GOVERNMENT SERVANTS(EFFICIENCY & DISCIPLINE) RULES,1973. Authority: To ensure that:The Governor has been pleased to designate the officer or authority to exercise his powers as Authority under rule 2(b). Authorised To ensure that:Officer. 1. The officer exercising the powers of Authorised Officer has been authorised by the authority to act as such in terms of rule 2(c). 2. The Authorised Officer while exercising his discretionary powers of suspension under rule 5(1) has obtained prior approval of the Authority in writing before issuing orders suspending the accused officer. The summaries for authority seeking its approval for suspension or extension of suspension period are signed by the authorised officer and not by any other officer. Further, an officer can be suspended only if he is accused of subversion, corruption or misconduct [Rule 5(1)]. Formal approval of the Authority is available for continuation of the suspension period after every three months [Rule 5(1)]. Formal approval of the authority is available for extending the period of forced leave after every three months[Rule 5(1)]





No officer other than the Authorised Officer has decided that in the light of the facts of the case or in the interest of justice an inquiry should be conducted through an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee,[Rule 5(1)]. Considering the nature of charges and other facts, the decision not to hold an inquiry has been taken judiciously and not arbitrarily. Before taking such a decision, the authorised officer has taken into consideration the nature of charges and other facts and has satisfied himself that the allegations against the accused could be decided without holding an enquiry {Rule 5(3)]. (Though it is not a requirement of the rule that the reasons for not holding an enquiry be recorded, yet the check-point is necessary to ensure that the decision is in the interest of justice as required by rule and that there is no violation of the law of natural justice). The procedure prescribed in rule 6 is followed in case the Authorised Officer in exercise of his discretionary power under Rule 5(2) has decided to hold an inquiry through an Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee. Formal order regarding appointment of Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee, as the case may be, has been issued by the Authorised Officer(Rule 6 read with rule 5(2). A formal charge sheet together with a statement of allegations has been framed and communicated to the accused officer by the Authorised Officer under his signature. (The statement of allegations should also be authenticated by the authorised officer) (Rule 6(a)]. The charge-sheet requires the accused.








to put in written defence within a reasonable time which is not less than 7 days or more than 14 days from the day the charge has been communicated; to state whether he desires to be heard in person.[Rule 6(b)]. is in to an



The procedure laid down in rule 5(3) followed in case the Authorised Officer exercising of his discretion has decided dispense with holding an inquiry through Inquiry officer or Inquiry Committee.


In the show cause notice issued under Rule 5(3) (b) the proposed action and the grounds of the action including particular or particulars of charges has been specified; the grounds for penalty in terms of rule 3 have been specifically mentioned; the penalty or penalties which would be called for if the charges are established have been specified and no general mention has been made by reference to all minor or major penalties. The description of penalties should conform to the description given in the rules. The show cause notice must be signed by the authorised officer. On receipt of the report of the Inquiry Officer or Inquiry Committee or on receipt of explanation of the accused officer under Rule 5(4) the Authorised Officer has determined whether the charge or charges against the accused officer has been proved or not [Rule 5(4)]. After the authorised officer has considered the inquiry report and arrived at a provisional conclusion as to the penalty to be imposed, the accused shall be supplied with a copy of




the inquiry report and asked to show cause within a specified time, which should not be less than 7 days and more than 14 days from the date of receipt of inquiry report, against the particular penalty to be imposed and any representation submitted by the accused in this behalf shall be taken into consideration before final orders are passed. 15. In case the Authorised Officer has proposed imposition of a major penalty on the accused officer he has referred the case to the Authority with his recommendation and with all the documents mentioned in the rule [Rule 5(4)]. When the accused has desired to be heard in person, the authorised officer has duly heard him in person before deciding to impose a minor penalty or make recommendations to the authority for a major penalty. In case the authorised officer in respect of civil servants holding posts in basic pay scales 17 and above decides to forward a disciplinary case to the Governor, where he is the authority, he should invariably submit his proposal in the form of a Summary to Governor through Chief Secretary alongwith complete CR dossier. The summary should also contain the following information:i) ii) iii) date of birth of the accused date of his entry into service the length of qualifying service for pension as on the date on which summary is forwarded.



Inquiry Officer/ Committee.

To ensure that:-



The procedure laid down in Rule 6(1) to 6(5) is strictly adhered to during the inquiry proceedings. The inquiry proceedings being of judicial nature in terms of rule 7, the Inquiry Officer has recorded the statement of witnesses on oath.[Rule 7(a)]. The accused officer is allowed to crossexamine the witnesses produced against him during the proceedings [Rule 6(2)]. The accused officer is afforded reasonable opportunity to produce his defence [Rule 6(1)(b)]. The case is heard from day to day and no adjournment is given except for reasons to be recorded in writing which should be reported to the authorised officer. No adjournment should exceed a week [Rule 6(3)]. The findings are recorded after due analysis and appreciation of evidence on record.






(Authority:-S&GAD's letter No.SORII(S&GAD)3(4)/78,dated 13.8.1985) __________________


REQUIREMENT TO ISSUE A FRESH SHOW CAUSE NOTICE IF THE PENALTY IMPOSED UNDER GOVERNMENT SERVANTS (EFFICIENCY & DISCIPLINE )RULES,1973, OR PROPOSED TO BE IMPOSED IS GREATER THAN THAT SPECIFIED IN THE SHOW CAUSE NOTICE OR IS PROPOSED TO BE ENHANCED BY THE APPELLATE AUTHORITY. _______________________ Sl.No.31 As a result of disciplinary action taken against a Government servant the appellate authority considered the penalty imposed by the authorised officer as inadequate and enhanced the penalty. Government servant filed an appeal against enhancement of penalty before the Service Tribunal [Appeal No.2(k) of 1980]. The Service Tribunal while accepting the appeal observed that the penalty was enhanced without giving the appellant an opportunity of being heard which was against natural justice and further observed that "we are of the firm opinion that even if the rules are silent on the subject, any time an appellant's punishment is enhanced, he will be given a show cause and a hearing. The requirement is natural justice shall always be read into the rules. "The Division concerned referred the observations of the Service Tribunal to the Ministry of Law who confirmed that while it was open to the appellate authority to revise the sentence upward, it would be appropriate for the appellate authority to give a show cause notice to the appellant and hear him before passing the order. They advised that the order of the Tribunal should, therefore, be obeyed. 2. The observations of the Service Tribunal and the advice of the Justice Division mentioned in Para 1 is brought to the notice of all Ministries/Divisions and Departments for guidance and compliance. 3. The cases in which a penalty is enhanced may be as follows:(i) Where the authority decides to enhance the penalty proposed by the Authorised officer and which is greater than the maximum penalty shown in the show cause notice issued by the authorised officer in


terms of Rule 5 (1) (iii) of the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973, or in the Show Cause Notice issued by the authorised officer in terms of Rule 5 (1) (iii), after considering the inquiry report, as the case may be; or (ii) Where the authority in exercise of its reversionary power under Rule 6-A of the Rules, decides to enhance a penalty already imposed in a case already disposed of or which, in a pending case, is greater than the penalty shown in the show cause notice; or Where the appellate authority ,in exercise of its appellate jurisdiction, decides to enhance the penalty already imposed on the appellant.


The Ministries, Divisions and Departments are advised to ensure that in all such cases as are mentioned above, before the penalty is enhanced a show cause notice is invariably issued and the accused/appellant is given an opportunity of being heard in person.
(Authority:Copy of O.M No.4/42/83-D-2,dated 29th July,1985, from Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat (Establishment Division)

_________________ Speedy disposal of Disciplinary Cases. S.No.32 I am directed to say that instructions for expeditious finalization of departmental inquiries against Government servants have not produced the desired results. It has been observed that inquiries against Government servants are dragging on for long periods. In some cases the slow progress of the inquiry proceedings provide an opportunity to the accused officials to win over the witnesses and consequently escape the clutches of law. In others the protracted inquiries cause financial hardships, unnecessary mental anguish, frustration and demoralisation of the accused officials in general and those whose promotions are due in particular. Inordinate delays in the dispensation of justices not only defeats its very purpose but also impairs public interest by causing financial loss to


Government by way of payment of salaries and allowances to the officials concerned. One of the reason for such delays is that no check is being maintained on the progress of such cases by the Departments concerned. 2. Government attaches great importance to this matter and wishes to impress upon all concerned the necessity of exercising close vigilance on the investigations and processing of disciplinary cases and ensuring disposal of such cases with speed and urgency at all stages and within the period prescribed . In order to avoid delays, I am to request that:(a) the Authorised Officers may be given a period for completion/submission of each inquiry which may not normally be more than three months subject to relaxation in special cases; the Administrative Departments may please furnish progress reports on Departmental Enquiries pending with them for periods of more than six months to S&GAD in the proforma at Annexure-1. These reports should invariably be furnished to S&GAD in the first week of January, April, July and October each year. The first statement may be furnished within a month of receipt of this letter. the Enquiry Officers/Enquiry Committees should on completion of inquiries furnish reports to their respective Authorised Officers in the format at Annexure-II. it should be impressed upon the Enquiry Officers that the quality of work produced by them will reflect on their efficiency which will be recorded in their ACRs. the initiating officers while recording their opinion in the ACRs on the work and conduct of an officer should keep in mind whether the officer reported upon was entrusted with an enquiry and if so whether he had finalised the inquiry within the






prescribed time limit unless the circumstances beyond his control necessitated the delay.
(Authority:S&GAD's letter No.SORII(S&GAD)3-4/78,dated 17.10.85)


ANNEXURE-I PROGRESS REPORT OF DPEARTMENTAL ENQUIRIES CONDUCTED UNDER NWFP GOVERNMENT SERVANTS (EFFICIENCY AND DISCIPLINE) RULES, 1973 TO BE SUBMITTED BY ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT TO S&GAD Name of Department___________________________________ Quarter ending__________________________ S.No . Names, Designation & Pay Scale No. of the accused Government Servant (a) 2 Date of Institution of the inquiry 3 Brief nature of allegations 4 Name & Designation of the Enquiry Officer/Enquiry Committee and date of appointment 5 Period fixed for completing the inquiry 6 Present position of the case 7 Reasons for delay

S.No. Date of appointment as Enquiry Officer/ Board of Enquiry Date on which hearing initiated Adjournments given for period exceeding one week No. and date of permission of Authority under Rule 8(2) for adjournments mentioned in the previous column.

Date of completion of proceeding s

Date of submission of report to the authority

Maximum period fixed by the authority under Rule 8(2) of sub rule (1)

Reasons for delay if nay


(Authority:S&GAD's letter No.SORII(S&GAD)3-4/78,dated 17.10.85)


Speedy disposal of disciplinary cases. Sl. No.33 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to invite your attention to this departments letter of even number dated 17.10.85 (copy enclosed for ready reference) where under detailed instructions for speedy disposal of enquiries were issued. However, it has been observed that in dealing with disciplinary cases, care is not generally taken to observe the procedure laid down in the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 and instructions issued by the provincial Government in this behalf from time to time. The inquiry officers usually do not follow the prescribed procedure and take the proceedings quite lightly, which benefits the accused officers/officials and the very purpose of the proceedings is defeated. I am, therefore, to request you to kindly ensure that the above instructions are complied with in letter and spirit, in future. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOR-II (S&GAD)5/29/95 Vol-II, dt: 23.2.99)

__________________________ Speedy Disposal of Disciplinary Cases. S.No.34. I am directed to refer to this Departmental letter of even number dated 23.2.99 on the subject noted above and to reiterate that disciplinary proceedings against Government Servants under Efficiency and discipline Rules, are unduly protracted in the departments, in general, and by the Enquiry Officers, in particular for various reasons. Some times the delays seem to be intentional to allow the accused civil servants to retire from service on superannuation during the course of proceedings, where after proceedings under the Efficiency and


Discipline Rules against them stand abated under FR-54 (A) from the date of retirement of the civil servant. 2. It has also been noticed that in cases where financial losses have been caused to the Government, the Enquiry Officers do not indicate the quantum of losses in their report enabling the concerned authority to order the recovery of the amount of loss as penalty in addition to other penalties. Moreover, no FIR is being lodged in the relevant courts of law for the recovery of losses from the retired civil servant by the concerned departments. 3. The Chief Minister, NWFP, has expressed dis-satisfaction, time and again, over delays in the Efficiency and Discipline cases as a result of which the accused brought to book are facilitated to get off the hood in the process of accountability. The Chief Minister, NWFP has directed once again to ensure handling of disciplinary proceedings in proper and effective manner so as to finalize cases in stipulated time and well before the retirement of those accused officers who are due for retirement. 4. I am directed to request that in all disciplinary cases, in addition to strict observance of the provisions of Efficiency and Discipline Rules and the instructions already issued on the subject, the following measures should also be adhered to strictly:(a) The Administrative Department should ensure to give priority to E&D cases as provided in paras-177181 of the Manual of Secretariat Instructions otherwise the department concerned will be held responsible for the delays in finalization of these cases The enquiry officers should conduct the enquiry in accordance with Rule 6 of the E&D Rules and should submit report within the stipulated period. The enquiry officer should also in his findings indicated whether the charges have been established or not. He should also indicate pecuniary losses caused to the Government;




The Authorised Officer or Authority, as the case may be while considering to impose any major or minor penalty on the accused, shall also consider to impose a minor penalty of recovery of peculiar losses caused to Government by negligence or by breach of order of the accused civil servant as provided in Rule 4 (1) (a) (iv) of the E&D Rules; In case the department or the enquiry officer find any difficulty to conduct an enquiry in time or to process the case in time, a reference to this effect may be made to the Authorised officer bringing the matter causing delay into his notice for timely remedial action.



Please acknowledge receipt. _______________________

(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOR-II(S&GAD)5(29)/95 Vol-II, Dt: 18.5.99)

Disciplinary proceeding under the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973. S.No.35. I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to say that the Competent Authority has directed that while submitting enquiry cases to the Authorised Officer/Authority under E&D Rules, 1973 for decision a self-contained service record of the accused officers/officials indicating details of previous enquiries, if conducted against them, shall invariably be provided for perusal of the above authorities. 2. I am, therefore, directed to request your that the above instructions should be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance in future. 1. Please acknowledge receipt.

317 (Authority S&GAD letter No.SOR-II(S&GAD)5(29)/99 Vol-III, Dt: 31.1.2000)

________________ Indication of Basic Pay Scale while submitting cases under (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973. S.No.36 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that the competent authority has observed that majority of the Administrative Departments of the Provincial Government, do not indicate the Basic pay Scales of the accused officers/officials, while submitting enquiry cases under E&D Rules, 1973 which becomes a cause of delay in such cases. 2. It may be ensured that in future at the time of submission of aforesaid cases, Basic Pay Scales shall invariably be mentioned to facilitate appropriate decision of the Authorised Officer/Authority. A copy of this department letter of even number dated 27.12.86, regarding mentioning of the stage of the pay at which a government servant was drawing pay before imposition of penalty of stoppage of increment on him is also enclosed for guidance/compliance. 3. I am, therefore, directed to request you to kindly bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned working under your administrative control for strict compliance.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(29)/98/KC, Dt: 31.1.2000) ____________________


Speedy disposal of disciplinary cases. S.No.37 I am directed to refer to this department letter of even number dated 18.5.99 on the subject noted above (copy enclosed for ready reference) and to state that despite repeated instructions for timely completion of enquiries against Government Servants under the (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973, the Enquiry Officers is still adopt a lukewarm and lethargic attitude towards the assigned duty. This tendency provides an easy way-out for retirement on superannuation to the accused officer under the provision of FR 54-A. 2. It is pointed out that under sub-rule (3) and proviso inserted thereunder, of Rule-6 of the Rules ibid, (30) days time has been specified for the Enquiry Officer or the Enquiry Committee, as the case may be, to complete the assigned task. In case the Enquiry Officer or the Enquiry Committee failed to complete the enquiry within stipulated period, they will render themselves liable for disciplinary action to be taken against them for their inefficiency and delinquency within the meaning of Rule-3 of the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973. 3. I am, therefore, directed to request you to kindly bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned working under your administrative control for strict compliance. 4. Please acknowledge receipt. ___________________ Personal Hearing. S.No.38 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that Sub-Rule-1(b) of Rule-6 of the (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973 provides that while serving a Charge Sheet/Statement of allegations or a show Cause Notice on an

(Authority S&GAD Letter No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(29)/99/Vol.III, Dt: 16.2.2000)


accused Officer/Official, he is also requested to intimate whether he desires to be heard in person or otherwise. The competent authority has observed with concern that departmental representatives during the personal hearing of disciplinary cases are not fully conversant with the history of the case which results in serious gaps of information. It will be in the interest of Administrative Departments to nominate only those persons who have dealt with the case and are fully informed about it. In some cases, the departmental representatives lacked basic information regarding the sequence of events. The knowledge of E&D Rules would be an added advantage to the departmental representatives. I am, therefore, directed to request you to kindly bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Authority S&GAD Letter No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(29)/99, Dt:3.3.2000) _______________________

Disciplinary proceedings against accused Government Servants. S.No.39 I am directed to refer to this subject noted above and to enclose herewith a copy of D.O letter No.11/5/2000/D.I, dated 2.3.2000 received from Additional Secretary (Incharge), Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad for guidance and strict compliance. Copy of D.O letter During high level meeting chaired by the Chief Executive it was noted that the designated Authorized Officers of the borrowing authorities in the Provincial Governments have adequate powers under the Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 to departmentally proceed against Government Servants


involved in the alleged charges of misconduct, inefficiency, corruption etc. They have powers to take following actions under Rule 9 of the said Rules against lent officers of the Federal Government in BS-17 and above:a) With prior approval of the Establishment Secretary, to send such officers on forced leave for a period of three months or to recommend suspension from service and extension in forced leave and suspension, in terms of Rule 5(1) (i) of the said Rules; With prior approval of the authority i.e. the Chief Executive, to frame charges/allegations and to initiate disciplinary action in terms of Rule 5(1)(ii)&(iii) of said Rules.



To transmit record of proceedings in case on or more penalties prescribed in the said rules are recommended to be imposed with due process of law after giving a reasonable opportunity of showing cause;

2. The designated Authorities also have the original as well as revisional powers under Rule 5(1)(iv) and Rule 6-A of the Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 which include powers to call for record of any case pending before or disposed of by the Authorised Officer and to pass such order in relation thereto as it may deem fit. Similarly the appellate authorities under the civil Servants (Appeal) Rules, 1977 have full powers to modify the orders passed by the departmental authority or the Authorised Officer in cases of appeal where the penalty imposed upon the accused officer is considered inadequate. 3. The Chief Executive of Pakistan, in the light of the above, has been pleased to direct that in order to enforce the Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 and the Civil Servants (Appeal) Rules, 1977 in true spirit, the designated Authorities Authorised Officers and the Appellate Authorities shall invoke


the above mentioned provisions of law/rules whenever such a situation arises, without any leniency or hesitation for conclusion of disciplinary proceedings strictly on merit. It is desired that the aforementioned directions of the Chief Executive be fully implemented and due care taken to strictly observe the provisions of Rules, prescribed procedures and instructions issued on the subject from time to time. 4. All Provincial Governments are advised to ensure that upto date lists of all pending disciplinary cases against lent officers including APUG/OMG and other Federal Government Servants presently serving under provincial governments shall be sent periodically to the Discipline Wing of the Establishment Division for scrutiny/re-assessment etc on the proforma already prescribed vide Establishment Division O.M No.1/3/70-D.1 dated 7 May, 1970 (copy enclosed) 5. The above instructions may kindly be communicated to all concerned for proper guidance and strict compliance in future. Serial.No.122:It has come to the notice of the President that a large number of cases of disciplinary nature are pending final disposal since long and in some cases for over years. This is obviously contrary to the dictates of justice, and inevitably, results in undue hardship to the affected persons, particularly those in the lower income groups. Besides these delays, invariably subject the administration to unnecessary criticisms. 2. It is, therefore, advised that each Ministry/Division/Department and semi-autonomous bodies under the Federal Government should maintain suitable records of all cases of Gazetted and non-Gazetted staff wherein investigations/inquiries have been instituted and disciplinary action is proposed to be initiated or has been initiated showing the reasons for initiation of such action. Periodic progress in the disposal of each case should be recorded therein to facilitate authorities concerned to conduct quick scrutiny for assessing delays, their causes and to pursue their expeditious disposal. 2. All Ministers/Divisions/Departments and semi-autonomous bodies are requested to prepare an up-to-date list of all disciplinary cases pending with them in the enclosed


proforma (Annexure) and forward it, in duplicate, to the Establishment Division

(Authority O.M No.1/3/70-D.I Dt: 7th May, 1970) _____________________________



Name of Division/Department etc. ________________________________

Name & particular of official concerned

Date of receipt of complaint/ allegation etc.

Whether investigations/ inquiries have been instituted or disciplinary action is proposed to be initiated 3

Reasons in brief for instituting or proposing disciplinary action.

Date of initiating departmental action.

Whether the person concerned is under suspension if so from what date

Present position of the case

Reason s for delay

The period by which the case is expected to be finalised

Remark s


(Authority Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Divn. Islamabad D.O letter No.11/5/2000/D.I, dated 2.3.2000 & S&GAD Letter No.SOR-II(&GAD)5(29)99.V.III) Dt: 29.3.2000)


Disciplinary proceedings under Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 against accused government servants strict observation of rules and procedure. S.No.40 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to enclose herewith a copy of D.O. letter No.11/5/2000-D.1, dated 27.3.2000 received from Joint Secretary (D&L), Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad for guidance and strict compliance. Copy of D.O letter It has generally been observed that in dealing with disciplinary cases against Government Servants due care is not taken to observe the provisions of Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 and instructions issued thereunder. Certain legal and procedural irregularities and infirmities have come to the notice of the Federal Government particularly with regard to framing and issuance of Charge Sheet alongwith statement of allegations, appointment of Inquiry Officer/Inquiry Committee and conduct of inquiry proceedings and undue delay in the finalization of disciplinary proceedings etc. certain omissions are grave in nature and failure to comply with the requirement of Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 can vitiate the proceedings conducted against the accused officer. It is therefore, necessary that extreme care should be taken by the Authorized Officers, Inquiry Officers and the Authorities to ensure that disciplinary cases are dealt with according to prescribed rules and procedure. 2. It is accordingly requested that the instructions issued form time to time particularly the instructions at S.No..97-100 Pages 519-527 ESTACODE 1989 Edition, should be strictly followed by the Ministries/divisions/Departments. For facility of reference following instructions are again circulated for information and strict compliance. (a) On receipt of complaint against any officer/official the matter should be placed before the designated


authorised officer. It is the authorised officer who has to formulate his opinion and to reach a provisional conclusion regarding charges/allegations against the accused officer/official for which he can order holding of preliminary fact finding inquiry or probe. If in the opinion of the authorised officer the charges/allegations are grave in nature, he may, if competent, pass order to remove the accused officer from his job or recommend the said action. He may also if necessary send the officer on forced leave or recommend suspension of the officer to the authority. Authorised Officer is also competent to initiate proceedings after framing of charges. The E&D Rules have given adequate powers to the authorised officers in this regard. As a uniform policy all accused officers against whom formal proceedings under E&D Rules or criminal proceedings have been initiated, should be removed from their positions till finalization of said proceedings. (b) In order to conduct inquiry proceedings expeditiously, the competent officers of unimpeachable integrity should be appointed as the inquiry officers/members of Inquiry Committee by the authorised officers. The Inquiry Officer/members of Inquiry committee should be senior to the accused officer and well aware of the rules/instructions. The provisions laid down in Rules 6 &7 of the Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 regarding conduct of inquiry proceedings should be fully complied with Departmental Representative well conversant with facts and official record should be appointed by the authorised officers where ever required. The Rule 5 (1)(ii) and 5(1)(iii) of the Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 give exclusive powers to the authorised officer to decide whether in the light of facts of the case or the interest of justice an inquiry should be conducted or it is not necessary to conduct an inquiry. The final decision to this effect



has to be taken by the authorised officer, however in cases where minimum required evidence is available, the inquiry proceedings should be dispensed with and action under Rule 5(1) (iii) of the said rules may be taken. The mandatory requirements of issuing show cause notice and reasonable opportunity of written and oral defence through grant of personal hearing should be met before awarding minor penalty to the accused officer or recommending major penalty to the Authority. (d) The Authorised Officers are required to ensure that disciplinary proceedings are conducted efficiently and expeditiously. They should monitor the proceedings properly and issue instructions to inquiry officer/Inquiry Committee for quick disposal of disciplinary cases.

3. All Ministries/Divisions/Provincial Governments are requested to ensure that provisions of Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 alongwith instructions issued by Establishment Division from time to time regarding conduct of disciplinary proceedings are fully complied with in future by the officers responsible for discharging their duties under said rules before and during the currency of the disciplinary proceedings against the civil servants as Authority, uthorised officer or Inquiry Officer.
(Authority Cabinet Sectt: Estab: Divn. Islamabad letter No.11/5/2000-D-1, Dated 27.3.2000 & S&GAD letter No. SOR-II(S&GAD)5(29)/99/Vol-III, Dt: 21.4.2000) ______________________

Disciplinary proceedings under Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 against accused government servants strict observation of rules and procedure. S.No.41 I am directed to refer to this department letter No.SOR-II (S&GAD)5(29)/99. Vol-III, dated 29.3.2000 and even number dated 21.4.2000 on the subject noted above where under D.O letters of Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division bearing


No.11/5/2000/D.I, dated 2.3.2000 and the same number dated 27.3.2000 were circulated for information, guidance and compliance of all concerned. In continuation therefore, a copy of the D.O letter of Govt. of Pakistan, Establishment Division bearing No.11/5/2000/D.I, dated 17.4.2000 alongwith a copy of the proforma already circulated with this department letter of 29.3.2000 with the request to please ensure compliance of the instructions contained in aforesaid three D.O. letters in letter & spirit. Please acknowledge receipt. Copy of office memorendum The under signed is directed to refer to Establishment Divisions D.O. letter of even number dated 26.2.2000 and O.M of even number dated 27.3.2000 on the above subject and to state that the competent authority has been pleased to direct that the following time frame for periodic submission of lists of all disciplinary cases and finalization of disciplinary proceedings in process against accused officers under Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 may kindly be strictly observed:i) The upto date lists of all disciplinary cases (initiated, pending and finalised) shall be sent on monthly basis to the Joint Secretary Discipline Wing of Establishment Division on the specified proforma, before the 10th of every month. All the pending disciplinary cases against government servants where charge sheets have been served should be finalized within a period of one month positively. In future it should be ensured by the designated authorities and authorised officers that a disciplinary case initiated against a government servant is finalised within a period of 90 days without any delay.



3. All the Secretaries/Additional Secretaries Incharge of Ministries/Divisions and Chief Secretaries of the Provincial Governments are requested to kindly circulate the above mentioned position for the information and strict compliance of all concerned quarters. It is further requested that any government servant found responsible for causing


unnecessary delay in finalization of disciplinary proceedings may be pointed out and disciplinary action against him initiated under relevant rules.
(Authority Cabinet Sectt: Estab. Divn. Islamabad letter No.11/5/2000-D-I, Dated 17.4.2000 & S&GAD letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(29)2000 Dt: 28.4.2000)

____________________ Disciplinary proceedings under Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 against accused Government Servants: Furnishing of case material. S.No. 42 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to enclose herewith a copy of d.o. letter No. 11/5/2000-D.I, dated 4.5.2000 received from Joint Secretary (D&L), Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division, Government of Pakistan Islamabad for guidance and strict compliance. Please acknowledge receipt. Copy of office memorendum The undersigned is directed to state that instances have come to the notice of the Establishment Division that the Miniseries/Divisions and Provincial Governments while forwarding the cases for obtaining the orders of the competent authority i.e. Establishment Secretary under Rule 5(1) ( i ) of the Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973 do not generally observe the provisions of said rules, laid down procedure and earlier instructions issued on the subject matter. It has particularly been observed that the copies of relevant documents and case material against the accused officers are not enclosed as annexure alongwith the Summary/Note for the Establishment Secretary, duly signed by the respective authorised officers on the subject. 2. All the Secretaries/Additional Secretaries Incharge of Ministries/ Divisions and Chief Secretaries of the Provincial Governments are requested to kindly ensure that while


forwarding the cases of BS-17 and above Federal Government Servants, for obtaining the orders of the Establishment Secretary under Rule 5 (1) (i) of the Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973, following information and copies of documents be enclosed alongwith the Summary/Note:(i) In case of the proposal for placing BS-17 and above Federal Government Servants under suspension, copies of all relevant documents/case material including bio data of the accused officer and copies of documents on the basis of which suspension of the officer is necessitated viz. any complaint or fact finding inquiry/probe etc. be provided In case of a request for extension in suspension period of a Government Servant under suspension or extension in forced leave period, on expiry of current sanction after three months, the present position of the disciplinary case including the stage of inquiry if it is in progress, may invariably be stated in the said proposals. In case of recommendation for reinstatement in service of a Government Servant under suspension or termination of forced leave period, the copies of complete record of proceedings viz charge sheet alongwith statement of allegations, show cause notice if issued instead of charge sheet, report of the Inquiry Officer and final orders of the Authorized Officer etc. be provided.



3. The above instructions may kindly be communicated to all the concerned quarters for guidance and compliance in future.
(Authority Cabinet Sectt: Estb: Divn. Islamabad letter No.11/5/2000-D.1, dated 4.5.2000 & S&GAD letter No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(29)2000, Dt: 24.5.2000)

______________________________ Disciplinary proceedings under Government Servants (E&D) 1973 against Government Servants: Strict observance of Rules & Procedure. S.No.43


I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to enclose herewith a copy of d.o letter No.11/5/2000-D.1, dated 24th May, 2000 received from Deputy Secretary (D), Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad for guidance and strict compliance. Please acknowledge receipt.

Copy of office memorendum The under signed is directed to refer to Establishment Divisions O.M of even number dated 17th April, 2000 on the above subject and to state that all Ministries/Divisions/Provincial Governments were requested to ensure that all pending disciplinary cases against Government Servants, where charge sheets have been served, should be finalized within a period of one month positively. It was further requested that any government Servant found responsible for causing unnecessary delay in finalization of disciplinary proceedings be pointed out and action against him be initiated under relevant rules. A considerable time period has since passed and it has been noticed that the pending disciplinary proceedings have not been finalised by the respective Inquiry Officers and the Authorized Officers under Government Servants (E&D) Rules, 1973. 2. The competent authority has taken a serious notice of the situation and has directed that strict instructions should again be issued to all the Inquiry Officers for conducting inquiry proceedings on day to day basis and to finalize them within ten days positively. In case of failure of the Inquiry Officers to finalise the cases with the specified period, their names and particulars may be provided to Establishment Division for initiation of necessary action against them. 3. All Ministries/Divisions/Provincial Governments are requested to ensure that the orders of the competent authority are implemented properly and the compliance reports are regularly furnished to Establishment Division.

331 (Authority Cabinet Sectt: Estb: Divn. Islamabad letter No.11/5/2000-D.1, dated 24th May, 2000 and S&GAD letter No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(29)2000, dated 2.6.2000)



Section-3 Government Servants Appeals Rules THE NORTH WEST FRONTIER PROVINCE CIVIL SERVANTS *(APPEAL)RULES,1986. Statutory provision S.No.1 Section 22 of the NWFP Civil Servants Act,1973 Right of Appeal or Representation:-(1)Where a right to prefer an appeal or apply for review in respect of any order relating to the terms and conditions of his service is provided to a civil servant under any rules applicable to him, such appeal or application shall, except as may be otherwise prescribed be made within thirty days of the date of such order. (2) Where no provision for appeal or review exists under the rules in respect of any order or class of orders, a civil servant aggrieved by any such order may, within thirty days of the communication to him of such order, make a representation against it to the authority next above the authority which made the order: Provided that no representation shall lie on matters relating to the determination of fitness of a person to hold a particular post or to be promoted to a higher post or grade. S.No.2 1. Short title, commencement and application:- (1) These Rules may be called the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants (Appeal) Rules,1986. (2) They shall come into force at once and shall apply to every person who is a member of the civil service of the Province or is the holder of a civil post in connection with the affairs of the Province and shall also apply to or in relation to a


person in temporary employment in the civil service in connection with the affairs of the Province. ___________________________________________________ ______________
* Published in the NWFP Government Gazette, Extraordinary, dated 2.6.1986 at Pages 1290-93

2. Definitions:-In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context; (a) "Appellate Authority" means the officer or authority next above the competent authority; "Competent Authority" means the authority or authorised officer, as the case may be, as defined in the North-West Frontier Province Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules,1973, or the authority competent to appoint a civil servant under the rules applicable to him; and "Penalty" means any of the penalties specified in rule 4 of the North-West Frontier Province Government Servants(Efficiency and Discipline)Rules,1973.



3. Right of Appeal:-(1) A civil servant aggrieved by an order passed or penalty imposed by the competent authority relating to the terms and conditions of service may, within thirty days from the date of communication of the order to him, prefer an appeal to the appellate authority: Provided that where the order is made by the Government, there shall be no appeal but the civil servant may submit a review petition: *"Provided further that the appellate or the reviewing authority, as the case may be, may condone the delay in preferring the appeal or the review petition, if it is satisfied that the delay was for the reasons beyond the control of the appellant or that the earlier appeal or review petition was not addressed to the correct authority."


Explanation:-For the purposes of the first proviso, the expression "appeal", where the context so requires, shall mean the "review petition" as well. (2) Where the order of the competent authority affects more than one civil servant, every affected civil servant shall prefer the appeal separately. (3) Where the aggrieved civil servant has died, the appeal may be filed, or if already filed by such civil servant before his death, may be pursued, by his legal heir or heirs; provided that the benefit likely to accrue on the acceptance of such appeal is admissible to such legal heir or heirs under any rules for the time being applicable to civil servants. ___________________________________________________ ______________ * The second proviso of sub-rule(1) of rule 3 substituted by Notification
No.SORII(S&GAD)3(4)/78/Vol.II dated 3.12.1989.

4. Form of appeal shall(a)




contain full name and address, official designation and place of posting of the appellant; state in brief the facts leading to the appeal; be accompanied by a certified copy of the order appealed against and copies of all other documents on which the appellant wishes to rely.

(b) (c)

Explanation:-Where an aggrieved civil servant has died, his legal heir or heirs, while filing the appeal or applying for review, as the case may be, shall also add documents in support of his or their relationship with the deceased civil servant. (2) The appeal shall be submitted through the Head of the office in which the appellant is posted at the time of filing the appeal, or in the case of a deceased civil servant, where he was last posted before his death. The Head of the office shall forward the appeal to the competent authority, if he himself is


not such authority and the competent authority shall after adding his own comments, if any, transmit the appeal to the appellate authority for necessary orders. (3) No appeal shall be entertained if it contains abusive, disrespectful or improper language. 5. Action by the appellate authority:- (1)The appellate authority, after making such further inquiry or calling for such information or record or giving the appellant an opportunity of being heard, as it may consider necessary, shall determine(a) whether the facts on which the order appealed against was based have been established: whether the facts established ground for taking action ; and afford sufficient



Whether the penalty is excessive, adequate or inadequate and after such determination, shall confirm, set aside or pass such order as it thinks proper; provided that no order increasing the penalty shall be passed without giving the appellant an opportunity of showing cause as to why such penalty should not be increased.

(2) The competent authority against whose order an appeal is preferred under these rules shall give effect to any order made by the appellate authority and shall cause the order so passed to be communicated to the appellant without undue delay. 6. Withholding of appeal in certain cases:-An appeal be withheld by the competent authority if(a) It is an appeal in which no appeal lies under these rules; or it does not comply with the requirements of rule4; or





it is not preferred within the time limit specified in sub-rule(1) of Rule 3 and no reason is given for the delay; or it is addressed to an authority or officer to whom no appeal lies under these rules;

Provided that in every case in which an appeal is withheld, the appellant shall be informed of the fact and reasons for it. Provided further that an appeal withheld for failure to comply with the requirements of Rule 4 or clause(d) of this subrule may be resubmitted within thirty days of the date on which the appellant is informed of the withholding of the appeal and, if resubmitted properly in accordance with the requirements of these rules, shall be deemed to be an appeal under Rule 3 and shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of these rules. (2) No appeal shall be against the withholding of an appeal under this rule. 7. Disposal of appeal:-(1)Every appeal which is not withheld under these rules shall be forwarded to the appellate authority alongwith the comments by the competent authority from whose order the appeal is preferred. (2) A list of appeals withheld under Rule 6, with reasons for withholding them, shall be forwarded quarterly by the withholding authority to the appellate authority. (3) The appellate authority may call for any appeal admissible under these rules which has been withheld by the competent authority and may pass such order thereon as it considers fit. 8. Savings:-Nothing in these rules shall operate to deprive any person of any right of appeal which he would have if these rules had not been made, in respect of any orders passed before they came into force.


9. Pending appeals:-All appeals pending immediately before the coming into force of these rules shall be deemed to be appeals under these rules. 10. Repeal:-The North-West Frontier Province Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules,1943, are hereby repealed. Determination of the Appellate Authority in terms of the Civil Servants(Appeal) Rules,1977. Sl.No.2 It has been observed that Ministries/Divisions/Departments do not generally follow the prescribed procedure regarding submission of appeals/petitions to the Establishment Division, for obtaining orders of the Prime Minister or the President, as the case may be in terms of Civil Servants (Appeal) Rules, 1977 read with Rule 15-A of Rules of Business,1975. In number of cases the appeals/petitions processed by the respective Ministries/Divisions etc. have been found to have not been addressed to the proper appellate authority. In such a case, to avoid delay, the receiving authority, should withhold the appeal and simultaneously inform the appellant to re-submit the same duly addressed to the proper appellate Authority to be indicated as required under Rule 7 of the said rules. The case relating to an appeal should invariably be submitted to the Establishment Division in the form of a Summary titled as "Summary for the Prime Minister" seeking orders of the President where the President is an Appellate Authority alongwith the appeal (in original) with parawise comments to be given in juxta-position in the form of a statement as indicated overleaf. 2. In this connection, it may be pointed out that an appeal from a civil servant in BPS-17 and above against imposition of any minor penalty, as prescribed in Rule 4(i)(b) of Government Servants(E&D) Rules,1973, by an authorised Officer or a major penalty by the authority i.e. the Prime Minister under Rule 4(1)(a) shall lie to the President, in his capacity as the appellate authority, and shall be processed in accordance with Rule 15-A of the Rules of Business, 1973.

338 4.

All Ministries/Divisions/Provincial Governments are requested to bring the said position to the notice of all concerned for their information and guidance.

(Authority:Establishment Division O.M No.5/4/94-Rev/D.3, dated 17.3.1997 circulated by NWFP Government letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(27)79, dated 9.5.1997) _________________


Section-4 Anonymous Complaints/Letters Action against the Authors of Anonymous communications containing false allegations against Government officers. S.No.1 It has been decided by the Central Government that Government will take severe action against authors of anonymous communications containing, as they usually do, false allegations against Government Officers.
(Authority: West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.S.VIII-945-59, dated 14.4.59)

_____________________ Anonymous communication. S.No.2 In supersession of the instructions issued on the subject noted above by the former Governments of the various integrating Units, the following instructions be issued regarding the disposal of anonymous communications. 2. It is a long standing and salutary practice that anonymous communications should be destroyed without any action being taken on them. The position was well set out in paragraph 84 of the Posts and Telegraphs Manual Volume-II, which reads:"Anonymous communications must invariably be destroyed by their recipients. No action of any kind is to be taken on them and no notice of any kind is to be taken on their contents. If a communication is found to be pseudonymous, it (and any previous notes, etc. connected with it) must similarly be destroyed. There is no exception to this rule." 3. Accordingly anonymous communications save in the exceptional case mentioned in paragraph 4 below, must invariably be destroyed and ministerial staff must not note on them without orders. Anonymous communication should be


submitted to the officer who would deal with it in the ordinary routine with the suggestion that it should be destroyed.

4. It is recognised however, that there may be exceptional cases where anonymous/pseudonymous communications contain allegations of a specific nature having a ring of truth. These may, however, be inquired into only after obtaining the orders of the Administrative Secretary/Head of Attached Department/Commissioner/Deputy commissioner, having jurisdiction. 5. These instructions should be shown to all concerned for their guidance.
(Authority:West Pakistan S&GAD letter No.S(R)12-15/58-SOXII, dated 16.2.60)

__________________ Disposal of Enquiry cases based on anonymous/ Pseudonymous complaints. S.No.3 The following instructions may be followed during disposal of anonymous communications:1. Anonymous communications must invariably be filed on their receipt. No action of any kind is to be taken on them and no notice of any kind is to be taken on their contents. If the communication is found to be pseudonymous it (and any previous notes etc. connected with it) must similarly be filed. It is however recognized that there may be exceptional cases, when anonymous/pseudonymous communication contain allegations of a specific nature having a ring of truth, then these may be inquired into only after obtaining the orders of Administrative Secretaries/Head of Attached



Department/Commissioners/Deputy as the case may be. 3.


Local heads of Police officers in the Districts can also exercise discretion to order enquiries into anonymous and pseudonymous petition on the analogy of Deputy Commissioners in their respective jurisdictions. Since the Deputy Commissioner is the General Administrative head of the District, his orders should be obtained by the concerned head of office under his administrative control if he wants to take action on any anonymous petition. Anonymous petitions or letters should normally be filed except when definite allegations are made and concrete instances given. In complaint against a civil servant, the petitioner should be asked to furnish an affidavit to the effect that all facts stated in his complaint are true and if his affidavit is proved false, he would be prepared to face legal action which could be taken against him. Complaints received anonymous/pseudonymous source ignored. through should be





Antecedents and credentials of a complaint should be verified before an inquiry is instituted against the officials concerned. News papers publishing allegations, which are proved to be baseless, should be dealt with according to the law.


It is requested that strict observance of the above instructions may be ensured at all levels of Administration under your control.
(Authority:-S&GAD's letter No.SORII(S&GAD)5(29)/97-II, dated 22.7.1998) _________________________


Disposal of anonymous/pseudonymous complaints. S.No.4 I am directed to invite attention to this Department circular letter of even number dated 22.7.98, wherein detailed instructions with regard to the disposal of anonymous/pseudonymous complaints had been issued. It has been observed that the aforesaid instructions are either not being followed or have been lost sight of as anonymous/pseudonymous complaints are still being received which on investigation, are found baseless resulting in wastage of time and energy of the Government functionaries and stationary of the Government which could usefully be utilised in pursuits of public interest. 2. I am, therefore, directed to request once again that anonymous/pseudonymous letters/complaints should not be entertained in any Government Department/office in future. 3. The above instructions may kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned and noted for strict compliance.
(Authority S&GAD letter NO.SORII(S&GAD)5(29)97 Vol-II, dated 15.11.1999) ________________________

Conducting of Inquiries into complaints. S.No.5 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that in a case of inquiry pertaining to Agency Headquarters Hospital, Landikotal, the Chief Secretary NWFP was pleased to observe that in very rare cases anybody responsible would admit a mistake or a fault. It has therefore been desired that while dealing with such complaints the officer conducting a particular enquiry should be a little more discerning, otherwise the entire exercise would become meaningless. The Departments should not treat every complaint as a noose around their neck. The idea of conducting inquiries


into the alleged malpractices is simply to see inwardly and reform/correct the situation wherever anything goes wrong. In all cases so far referred to the Departments, the charges leveled against individual officers are denied and no case has been reported in which corrective action was taken. In view of the position explained above, the instructions of the Competent Authority as mentioned above may please be noted for strict compliance. These instructions may also be circulated amongst the attached department and sub-ordinate offices for similar action.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SO(Coord)/PMC/S&GAD/1-1/99/853-95 Dt:2.3.2000) _______________________



In exercise of the powers conferred by section 6 of the West Pakistan Anti-Corruption Ordinance, 1961 (W.P.Ord.XX of 1961), and in supersession of the West Pakistan Anti-Corruption Establishment Rules, 1965, the Governor of the North-West Frontier Province is pleased to make the following rules, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement:- These rules may be called the North West Frontier Province Anti-corruption Establishment Rules, 1999. (1) They shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions:- (1) In these rules, unless the subject or context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say:(b) Act means the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 (Act No.II of 1947); Assistant Director means an officer in charge of Anti-Corruption Establishment in a Division; Chief Secretary means the Chief Secretary to the Government of North West Frontier Province; Circle Officer means the officer incharge of the Anti-Corruption circle in a District; Competent Authority means the authority competent to accord permission to hold an enquiry, to order registration of a criminal case, permit submission of a challan to court, drop the case after






investigation and decide departmental action under the rules; (g) (h) Director means the Director of the Establishment; Establishment means the Anti-corruption Establishment of the North-West Frontier Province; Government means the Government of the NorthWest Frontier Province; Head of Attached Department means an officer incharge of the Department declared as such by Government; and Ordinance means the Anti-Corruption Establishment Ordinance, 1961(W.P.Ord.No.XX of 1961); and




(2) The expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meanings as respectively assigned to them in the Act and the Ordinance. 3. Preliminary/Open enquiries against Public Servants. (1) Preliminary inquiries and investigation against public servants shall be initiated by the Establishment on complaints received from government, Head of Departments or other reliable sources. (2) The Director shall initiate preliminary/open enquiries in order to ascertain the identity of the complaint or informer and geniuses of the complainant or information. (3) It shall be incumbent on the Head of concerned Department/Office to provide the relevant record required in connection with enquiries/investigations as soon as a request is made by the Establishment. Provided the enquiry against the Commissioners of Divisions, Secretaries to the Provincial Government, Head of Attached Departments and other officers in


BPS-19 and above shall be initiated by the Director with prior permission of the Chief Secretary. 2. Registration of cases/arrest of accused. (1) Criminal cases shall be registered by the Establishment under the Prevention of Corruption Act 1947 and under such sections of Pakistan Penal Code, as have been set forth in the Schedule to the Ordinance. (2) Criminal cases shall be registered against accused public servants under the written orders of the officers mentioned below:(a) Public Servants in BPS-18 & below - Director Chief

(b) Public Servants in BPS-19 & above Secretary

Provided that for Public Servants in BPS-19 and above, the Chief Secretary, before according permission, may, in his discretion, get the case examined by a Judicial Officer specially appointed in the S&GAD for the purpose. Provided further that no prior permission shall be required for registration of a case against a public servant caught as a result of a trap arranged by the Establishment under the supervision of a Magistrate, in the act of committing an offence specified in the schedule to the Ordinance. In such a case, a report shall immediately be made to the Chief Secretary, the Administrative Secretary and immediate superior of the public servant concerned if he is in BPS-16 and above, and to the appointing authority and immediate superior officer if the public servant is in BPS-15 and below. (3) If the competent authority under sub rule (2) above decides not to register a case, he shall record reasons therefor. (4) While making a request for registration of a case against the accused public servant, a simultaneous


request may be made by the Establishment to the authorities specified below if the arrest is so required during the investigation:(a) Public Servants upto BPS-16 - Director

(b) Public Servants in PBS-17 & above - Chief Secretary Provided that no prior permission shall be necessary for the arrest of a public servant caught as a result of a trap as mentioned in the last proviso to sub-rule(2) of Rule-4. 3. Informing Administrative Department registration of case and arrest. regarding

As soon as may be, after registration of a case against a public servant, the Establishment shall inform the Administrative Secretary and immediate superior of the public servant involved if he is in BPS-16 or above, and the appointing authority and immediate superior in case of a public servant in BPS-15 and below, giving a gist of allegations upon which the case has been registered. The said authorities shall also be informed immediately after the arrest of the accused public servant.


Time limit for completion enquiries and investigations.



Preliminary/open enquiries and investigation of the case shall be completed within one month and two months respectively. Provided that the aforementioned time limit may be extended by the competent authority as mentioned below if reasonable grounds exist for such extension:(a) Public Servants in BPS-18 & below - Director (b) Public Servants in BPS-19 & above Chief Secretary 7. Traps:Commissioner In or, in all his cases of raids, the absence, the Additional Deputy Deputy


Commissioner of the District, if any, shall, on approach by the officer of the Establishment posted in the District/Agency, depute a magistrate for supervising the raid. 8. Permission for submission of challan, recommending departmental action and dropped of the case. (10) On completion of investigation, the authorities indicated below may accord permission for submission of challan to the Court:(a) Director in cases in which public servants upto BPS17 are involved. (b) Chief Secretary in cases in which officers in BPS-18 and above are involved. (11) If, after, investigation, it is found that prosecution is not called for but sufficient material is available on record for departmental action, the Establishment shall move the departmental authorities for departmental proceedings under the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973. (12) On completion of investigation, if allegations are not established the case shall be dropped and an intimation to this effect shall be sent to the authorities mentioned in sub-rule(2) of Rule-4 (13) Th authorities mentioned in sub-rule (1) above shall decide dropping of cases or departmental action. (14) After a decision to take departmental action has been made under the foregoing sub-rule, the competent authority shall initiate departmental proceedings against the accused public servant. (15) Copies of final report and summaries of dropped cases shall not be supplied without permission of the Director. (16) When a decision to hold departmental enquiry against a public servant is taken, the Establishment shall provide


facts of the case, statement of allegations, list of witnesses and documents, if any, to the Authority/Authorised Officer prescribed under the NWFP Government Servants (Efficiency &Discipline) Rules, 1973. (17) As soon as the proceedings under the NWFP Government Servants. (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973 are completed and final orders have been passed by the Authorised Officer or the Authority, as the case may be, result of the same shall be intimated to the Establishment alongwith copies of such orders and the report of the Inquiry Officer for completion of record. 1. Where Senior Public Servant are involved alongwith Junior Public Servants.

For the purpose of initiation of preliminary/open enquiries, registration of cases, dropping the cases after investigation, or referring the same for departmental action, or taking a decision with regard to prosecution, if more than one public servant is involved, the competent authority for these decisions shall be the one which is in case of public servants in the highest BPS.


Police Station of Establishment,

Cases shall be registered by the Establishment at the Police Station of the Establishment having the jurisdiction. 11. Application of Police Rules.

The Establishment shall, as far as may be, follow the provisions of Police Rules 1934 in the investigation and enquiry of offences specified in the Schedule to the Ordinance. Provided that a reference to the District Magistrate under Rule 16.38 of the said Police Rules for initiating proceedings, departmental or judicial, against any Police Officer shall not be necessary.


1. (2)

Suo-Moto Examination. The Director may suo-moto or otherwise call for the record of any case/enquiry pending investigation with the Establishment, examine it and give such direction as may be necessary for the speedy, fair and just disposal of the same. The Chief Secretary may suo-moto or otherwise call for the record of any case or enquiry, for the purpose of satisfying himself as to the correctness or propriety of decision taken under clause (a) of sub-rule (1) of Rule-8 and may pass such orders as deemed appropriate. Pending enquiries and investigations. The pending enquiries and investigations of cases under the West Pakistan Anti-Corruption Establishment Rules 1965, shall be processed further under these rules, from the stage up to which they have been completed under the previous rules. By order of the Governor NWFP
(Authority S&GAD letter No. SOS-III(S&GAD)4(6)/98 dt: 15.12.1999)



______________________ Recovery of losses from Government Officers/Officials on reports on Anti-Corruption Establishment/on directions of Public Account Committee. S.No.1 I am directed to refer to the subject and to state that the competent authority has been pleased to order the recovery of losses caused to Government from the accused officers/officials without going through the process of initiating action under the Efficiency and Discipline Rules. Experience shows that judicial cases filed by the Anti-Corruption Establishment seldom


succeeds in the trial courts. In this context, it may be stated that recovery from accused officers in certain cases have been effected by some Works Department of the Provincial Government. 2. The competent authority has further been pleased to direct that recoveries in all cases should be materialised urgently including P.A.C cases. The recoveries so materialised should be reported separately on monthly basis and this should also be highlighted in the press. 3. I am therefore directed to request you to take immediate necessary action to implement the above directions of the Provincial Government in letter and spirit. 4. Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOR-II(S&GAD)5(29)/97 dated 30.9.98)




Prompt disposal of Official Business. S.No.1 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that the Chief Minister, NWFP has expressed his displeasure over undue delays in disposal of official business in almost all the Government Departments of the Provincial Government. It is pointed out that Government functionaries do not follow the prescribed procedure and take thing lightly, which creates numerous problems not only for the general public but also brings bad name to the Government. 2. Needless to add that detailed instructions under AppendixIII para-7(c), read with paras-177 & 180 of the Manual of Secretariat Instructions have been issued for prompt disposal of Government business. However, these guidelines are being violated and no cognizance is being taken by the head of the Departments. The delinquent officers/officials are required to be compelled to ensure that official work is done expeditiously and in the manner prescribed by the Government. 3. I am, therefore, directed to request you to kindly bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned working under your administrative control for strict compliance. 4. Kindly acknowledge receipt.
(Authority S&GAD Letter No. SOR-II(S&GAD)5(29) dt: 3.4.99)

_________________________ Reference to the Law Department for vetting. S.No.2 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that instructions were issued from time to time, laying down the modulation to be followed by the Administrative


Department while making references to the Law Department. In particular, attention is invited to the memorandum No.Legis:16(21)/66/2430 dated the 20th April, 1966, issued by the Law Department of the former Government of West Pakistan. 2. It appears that the Administrative Departments have lost sight of the said memorandum, as a result whereof the references are being made to the Law Department in total disregard of the requirements laid down therein. 3. For the convenience of the Administrative Departments, the requirements, which are to be complied with by them before referring the cases for vetting to the Law Department, are once again reproduced below: l) The references should be made to the Law Department after consulting all the Departments concerned. m) The draft for vetting must be neatly typed. n) The draft must be accompanied by a self-contained note:i) explaining in detail the circumstances necessitating the proposed action; stating clearly that all Departments concerned have been consulted and that they agree to the proposed action or that no Department is concerned in the matter; and stating that all the prescribed formalities have been followed.



o) Both the note and the draft for vetting must be seen by the head of the Administrative Department. p) Admn: Department must furnish an extra copy of both the note and each of the drafts required to be vetted, duly typed in double space.


q) Uptodate copies of the rules, regulations, byelaws etc. which are proposed to be amended or under which the notifications, orders, etc. are proposed to be issued, should in each case be furnished by the Admn: Department. 4. References received in the Law Department which do not comply with the above requirements, shall not be entertained.
(Authority Law Deptt Letter No.Legis:4(7)/71-IV/786 Dt: 17.2.2000 & S&GAD Endst: No.SOR-III(S&GAD)2-60/98, Dt: 23.2.2000)


Establishment of District/Agency Complaints Cell. S.No.3 In order to respond quickly and effectively to the day-today problems and complaints of the common man, the competent authority has been pleased to direct that Complaint Cells should be established at all District/Agency headquarters under the direct supervision of the Deputy Commissioners/Political Agents concerned. 2. The complaints cell shall operate during office hours and a duty magistrate shall remain present to listen to and receive all kinds of complaints from the general public. Prompt and immediate action should be taken by the Deputy Commissioners/Political Agents themselves on complaints and grievances which could be resolved/settled at the district/agency level through various line departments and other relevant agencies/authorities. Cases requiring attention and action by the Provincial Government should be forwarded to the concerned Administrative Departments in the Provincial Government, Autonomous/Semi-Autonomous Bodies, institutions and any other organizations for prompt and immediate disposal. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Deputy Commissioner/Political Agent to pursue and monitor progress on such references and to give an appropriate response to the applicant.


3. The Commissioners concerned will ensure that the complaint cells in their respective divisions are functioning efficiently, correctly and consistently. The district Monitoring Teams would also carry out occasional checks and inspection of the cells with regard to the receipt and disposal of complaints. 4. The competent authority has further directed that the District/Agency Complaint Cells should immediately be notified and given wide publicity through electronic media and press indicating its location, telephone and fax numbers, opening/closing hours, postal address and other essential information etc.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOR.II(S&GAD)5(29)97.Vol-II, Dt: 18.11.99)


NWFP Government Rules of Business, 1985 Submission of summaries to the Governor, NWFP and Chief Secretary, NWFP S.No.4 I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to say that Rules 8 & 9 of the NWFP Government Rules of Business, 1985 inter-alia provide as under:Rule 8(1) than When the subject of a case concerns more one Department: (p) the Department incharge shall be responsible for consulting the other Departments concerned; and


(q) no orders shall issue, nor shall the case ordinarily be submitted to the Chief Minister or the Cabinet until it has been considered by all the Departments concerned and they agree to it. Rule 9(3) The Services and Department shall be responsible for General Administration

(a) the determination of the principles of control of Government servants, including recruitment, conditions of service and discipline; (b) the coordination of the policy of all Departments with respect to secure consistency of treatment; (c) securing to all Government servants the rights and privileges conferred on them by or under any law for the time being in force. 2. It has, however, been noticed that the above-mentioned provisions of the NWFP Government Rules of Business, 1985 are not being observed. The Summaries involving service matters are being submitted to the Governor NWFP/Chief Secretary, NWFP without routing through Services & General Admn. Department as provided in the rules. 3. I am, therefore, directed to request you that in future all Summaries involving terms and conditions of services and discipline etc. should be routed through Services and General Admn. Department.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SO(O&M)S&GAD/3-3/96 Vol.IV Dt: 29.12.99)

__________________ NWFP Government Rules of Business, 1985- Submission of summaries to the Governor, NWFP and Chief Secretary, NWFP. S.No.5


I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to invite attention to this Departments Circular letter No.SO(O&M)S&GAD/3-3/96, dated29.12.99 wherein it was requested that the provisions of Rules 8 & 9 of the NWFP Government Rules of Business, 1985 should be observed by the Administrative Departments and the Summaries involving service matters should not be submitted to the Governor, NWFP/Chief Secretary, NWFP without routing through S&GAD as provided under the rules. 2. It has, however, been observed by the Governors Secretariat that the Administrative Secretaries use to send Summaries direct to the Chief Secretary, NWFP/Governor, NWFP even in cases where consultations among other Departments is necessary as required under Rule-8 of the NWFP Government Rules of Business, 1985. 3. In the wake of above, I am directed to state that Rules 8 & 9 of the NWFP Government Rules of Business, 1985 should be followed strictly and view of the Departments concerned should invariably be incorporated in the Summaries to be submitted to the Chief Secretary, NWFP/Governor, NWFP as required under the above rules.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SO(O&M) S&GAD/10-6/99 dt: 13.1.2000)

_________________ Submission of Cases to the Governor NWFP. S.No.6 I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that sub rule (9) of Rule 5 of the NWFP Government Rules of Business, 1985 provides that the Ministers shall submit cases to the Governor as required by the provision of Rule 36 of the aforesaid rules. As per practice in vogue the summaries in accordance with Rule 36 of above rules are submitted to the Govenor by the Administrative Secretaries by following the channel through their respective Provincial Minister and Chief Secretary. After obtaining order of the competent authority, these summaries (cases) are directly marked to the Administrative Secretaries for ease of quick implementation of


orders without routing these again through respective Provincial Ministers. In the process, the Minister Incharge remain out of picture about the orders/decisions taken by the competent authority. It is, therefore, imperative that decisions/orders passed by the competent authority must come to the notice of the Ministers Incharge immediately after its receipt in the Departments. 2. It has therefore been decided by the competent authority that immediately after the return of the summary (case) from the competent authority, the Administrative Secretary concerned must inform the Minister Incharge with regard to the decision/orders passed by the competent authority without fail.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOC(S&GAD)/99/Misc/4-31/Vol-III/2000 Dt:18.1.2000)

__________________________ Official Correspondence. S.No.7 I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that it has been observed by the Governors Secretariat, NWFP that a large number of letters of irrelevant nature like charge reports of Officers are endorsed by Offices/Departments to the high ups in a routine manner particularly to the Governors Secretariat without looking to the aspect that it result in waste of time. This practice does not seem to be in accordance with the laid down policy of the Government. It is need of the hour to avoid such wasteful exercise and to concentrate on real issues for judicious utilization of energy and time of Government officers. 2. In the wake of above, I am directed to request to kindly direct all concerned to avoid endorsing copies of un-necessary correspondence to Governors Secretariat, Chief Secretarys Offices and other high ranking Officers.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SO(O&M)/10-6/2000, Dt: 7.2.2000)



Submission of Summaries to the Governor, NWFP & Chief Secretary, NWFP S.No.8 Further to our letter No.SO(O&M)S&GAD.10-6/99, dated 13 January 2000 and in order to streamline the subject matter and to obviate the chances of tempering with the contents of the cases and orders of various authorities at different level, it has further been directed that the following instructions must also be observed by all concerned with regard to submission of summaries/Briefs/Notes to the competent authorities:i) All pages of the Summary/Brief/Note should be signed at bottom of the left margin of the paper by the initiating authority; Three to four additional blank pages both to the Summary as well as Note part be added and subject of the case should be typed on top of each blank page and be duly signed at bottom of the left margin by the initiating authority of the Summary/Brief/Note. All papers attached to the Summary etc should be indicated by proper and neat flags, which should either be printed or typed.



2. I am to request that the above instructions may be implemented in letter and spirit.
(Authority S&GAD Letter No.SO(O&M)S&GAD/10-6/2000 dt: 8.2.2000)

_______________________ Correspondence/use of priority labels. S.No.9 I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to say that Paras 175, 177 to 181 of the Manual of Secretariat Instructions, inter-alia provide as under:-


Para-175: Use of priority labels:- The use of priority labels shall be restricted to cases where they are absolutely necessary. Utmost care should be exercised in the gradation of references and priority labels must not be used indiscriminately. Para-177: Treatment of priority cases:Cases requiring instant attention, to the exclusion of all other work which an officer may be doing at the time, should be labeled IMMEDIATE.IMMEDIATE label should be used most sparingly. Para-180: Cases requiring attention submission shall be labeled URGENT with 48 hours of

2. It has, however, been noticed by the Governors Secretariat that the above-mentioned provision of the Manual of Secretariat Instructions are not being observed while correct prioritization of cases in the Departments is very important for effective and efficient running of official business. 4. It has further been observed that this aspect is not being paid proper attention and official files/cases are unnecessarily labeled as IMMEDIATE and sometimes MOST IMMEDIATE irrespective of the procedure as laid down in the Manual of Secretariat Instructions. As a result of the indiscriminate use of such labeling, it becomes rather hard to comprehend because the word immediate is already a superlative i.e indicating that an issue needs to be attended to right now. Therefore, the use of most immediate should be disconveyed as there is no mention of the label MOST IMMEIDATE in the use of priority labels in the NWFP Manual of Secretariat Instructions.

4. I am, therefore, directed to request you that in future the laid down procedure must strictly be adhered to while corresponding with different Departments/Offices.


5. Please circulate the above instructions concerned for compliance in letter and spirit.



(Authority S&GAD letter No.SO(O&M)S&GAD/3-4/2000, Dt: 3.5.2000)


Constitution of Standing Service Rules Committee. S.No.10 Under the provision of Rule 3 (2) of the NWFP Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1989, the Provincial Government are pleased to constitute with immediate effect and in supersession of this Department notification of even number dated 21.7.90, the Standing Service Rules Committee with the following composition:1) Administrative Secretary concerned Chairman 2) Deputy Secretary (Regulation) S&GAD Member 3) Deputy Secretary (SR) Finance Deptt. Member 4) Deputy Secretary (Admn) of Administrative Member/Secretary Department concerned. 5) Head of the attached Department concerned. Member
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SOR-II(S&GAD)2(9)/79, Dt: 15.10.98)


Framing of Service/Recruitment Rules. S.No.11 I am directed to refer to this Department letter of even number dated 15.10.1998 on the subject noted above and to say that eversince the re-organisation of the Standing Service Rules Committee, the Administrative Departments, fix schedule of the Standing Service Rules Committee meetings without consulting S&GAD and Finance Department. Needless to point


out that representatives of those Department do have other important official engagements/commitments. Furthermore the working papers/proposals for framing of service/recruitment rules are forwarded to this Department shortly before the meeting. As such it becomes difficult to examine the proposals properly. I am, therefore, directed to request you to kindly ensure that proposals/working papers for framing/amending the rules shall be furnished to the S&GAD and Finance Department at least seven days, before the date of the meeting. The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SORII(S&GAD)2(9)/98 Dt: 24.12.98)

_________________ Cases seeking advice of S&GAD. S.No.12 I am directed to say that under sub-rule (4) of Rule 9 of the NWFP Rules of Business, 1985, interpretation of rules and orders relating to service matters, other than rules and orders, issued by the Finance Department, has been assigned to this Department. In pursuance of this, this Department have in addition to publishing and supplying copies of the Establishment Manual (Vol.I), also issued from time to time a large number of instructions covering almost all aspects of service matters to all concerned. In this connection, attention is invited to this Department circular letter No.SOR-III(S&GAD)(Misc-G)9(12)/86, dated 1.2.86 and even number dated 15.3.87, 30.6.88 and 14.11.89, on the above noted subject. It has, however, been observed that departments continue to refer cases without examination at their own level, for the advice of this Department and that too in an incomplete form and often without specifying point on which advice is required. 2. I am, therefore, directed to request once again that, in future, only those cases may please be referred to S&GAD for advice, where no clear rules/instructions/clarification are available and the case cannot be decided without advice of this


Department. Nevertheless, cases requiring advice of this Department may be referred in future, which may, inter alia contain the following information:1. Subject matter. 2. Detailed background of the case and point for advice. 3. Whether the case was referred earlier to the S&GAD and if so, what advice was given. 4. Whether the case has also been referred to Finance Deptt/Law Deptt for examination and advice. 5. Whether the case actually concerns S&GAD and is being referred to S&GAD with the prior approval of Administrative Secretary concerned or otherwise. 3. Cases which are not referred in the above format alongwith detailed reasons/justification shall be returned straightaway without any examination. 4. I am, therefore, to request that in future aforementioned procedure may kindly be observed strictly. 5. Please acknowledge receipt.
(Authority S&GAD letter No.SORI(S&GAD)1-54/87, Dt: 17.2.1991) __________________________________


Punctuality in attendance. S.No.13 The Services and General Administration Deptt shall, from time to time, prescribe general office hours and break for prayers or for any other purpose. 2. The following procedure shall be adopted Departments for enforcing punctuality in attendance:by all

a) All Administrative Secretaries shall take full responsibility for enforcing punctual attendance of officers and staff in their Departments and in the Attached Departments under their administrative control;


b) All members of staff shall observe office hours prescribed by the Government from time to time. Naib Qasid/Qasids will, however, attend offices at least 15 minutes before time to put things in order; c) A separate attendance register shall be maintained for each Section/Branch. It shall include the names of all members of the staff (below the rank of B-16). All members of staff, whose names are entered in the Attendance Register, of the Section/Branch except Qasids and Naib Qasids should initial the register. Attendance of Naib Qasids and Qasids shall be marked in the following manners:(i) P for punctual attendance in the case of Naib Qasids and Qasids and initial in the case of others; D for away on duty; L for leave; and A for absence without permission;

(ii) (iii) (iv)

d) The register shall be initialed by the Branch Superintendent/Section Officer and placed before the Deputy Secretary concerned 10 minutes after the commencement of the office hours on each working day. This, however, should not be taken to mean that officials are at liberty to come 10 minutes late. They must be in their seats by the time fixed for arrival. e) The Section/Branch Officer shall be held responsible for any delay in the submission of the register; f) Officials who come late shall immediately on arrival report to the Deputy Secretary concerned and Officer Incharge of the Section who shall ascertain the reasons for late arrivals and take appropriate action in each case;


g) Cases of habitual late comers shall be brought to the notice of the Secretary for disciplinary action. In this connection, a monthly statement of defaulters should be submitted on the 1st of every month to the Secretary/Deputy Secretary (Administration) who will take suitable action against the officials concerned. Such action should demonstrate that habitual defaulters have been adequately punished; h) A roster of attendance for duty after office hours and on gazetted holidays shall be maintained by each department subject to the instructions issued by the Government from time to time; i) Occasional late attendance may be condoned after obtaining an oral explanation of the official concerned but one days casual leave shall be debited to the casual leave account of the official for every three late arrivals in a month. He may also be issued a written warning; j) Late arrival without any genuine reason be treated as misconduct under the NWFP (Efficiency and discipline) Rules, 1973; k) Absence on short leave for one to three hours shall be treated half days casual leave and debited to the casual leave account. Absence on leave for more than three hours on a day shall be taken as absence for the day; l) Application for short leave for one hour or more sent from home should be treated as half days casual leave and debited to the casual leave account. Six or more than six such applications without just cause during a month should be treated as habitual late attendance; m) No member of the staff shall remain absent without prior permission. In case of absence due to unavoidable circumstances, it should be brought to the notice of the immediate officer on the day of the absence through any possible means. Absence for more than two days


on ground of sickness must be supported by a medical certificate; n) Every application for leave /casual leave should indicate the address at which the applicant can be contacted, if necessary; and o) Occasional and surprise checks (frequency to be determined by the Secretary keeping in view the degree of defaulters and other circumstances) should be made by the Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries (Administration) to ensure that the system out-lined above works smoothly. Casual Leave. S.No.14 (a) Government Servants are not entitled to casual leave as of right. Casual leave is granted by way of grace to enable government Servants to attend to their private affairs of casual nature. It is entirely within the discretion of the sanctioning authority either to sanction or refuse leave; (b) Casual leave may not ordinarily exceed ten days at a time. The sanctioning authority may, however grant leave upto 15 days at a time under special circumstances. (c) Casual leave may be granted in conjunction with Fridays or public holidays but not with any other kind of leave or joining time. When it is combined with holidays the total period shall not exceed 15 days at a time. (d) Casual leave may be sanctioned under the authority of the Administrative Secretary or head of Office/Department by the Immediate Superior Officer of the government Servant concerned. (e) All casual leave accounts other than that of the Administrative Secretary shall be maintained in the General Branch of the Department concerned. The casual


leave account of the Administrative Secretary shall be maintained in the S&GAD. (f) No Government Servant should leave his headquarters during casual leave or holidays without the permission of the leave sanctioning authority. Other leave. S.No.15 (a) For the purpose of long leave , every Department should keep a leave list for one calendar year in advance. All officers and staff should be required to state before the beginning of the year:(i) the amount and kind of leave which they intend taking during the year; and the date from which such leave is required.


(b) The officer incharge of the General Branch in each Department shall then prepare a list by arranging the period of leave in one or more continuous chains, subject to the exigencies of public service and administrative convenience. (c) This list (except in the case of Naib Qasids and Daftaries) would be forwarded with the recommendations of the Department to S&GAD for orders. (d) Cases of Naib Qasids and Daftaries shall be decided by the Secretary concerned. (e) The Secretary of the Administrative Department shall have the power to grant/sanction all kinds of leave except study leave and disability leave, to civil servants in B-17 and above other than the civil servants in All Pakistan Unified Grades, working in Attached Departments or any other office or organization.


(f) Study Leave and Disability leave being subjects relating to Finance Department shall be granted in accordance with the relevant rules/policy instructions issued by that department from time to time.


Section-1 NWFP SERVICE TRIBUNALS ACT,1974. (NWFP ACT NO.I OF 1974) Sl.No.1 First published after having received the assent of the Governor of the North-West Frontier Province in the Gazette of North-West Frontier Province. AN 1 ACT to provide for the establishment of Service Tribunals to exercise jurisdiction in respect of matters relating to the terms and conditions of service of civil servants. Preamble:-WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the establishment of Administrative Tribunals, to be called Service Tribunals, to exercise exclusive jurisdiction in respect of matters relating to the terms and conditions of service of civil servants, and for matters connected therewith or ancillary thereto; It is hereby enacted as follows:1. Short title, commencement and application:-(1) This Act may be called the North-West Frontier Province Service Tribunal Act,1974. (2) (3) It shall come into force at once. It applies to all civil servants wherever they may be.

2. Definitions:-In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say[" (a) "Civil Servant" means a person who is, or has been, a civil servant within the meaning of the North-West Frontier


Province Civil Servants. Act, 1973 (NWFP Act NO. XVIII of 1973)]; (b) "Government" means the Government of the NorthWest Frontier Province' ___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Published in the NWFP Government Gazette,Extraordinary, dated 28.3.1974 at Pages 600-606. 2. "(a)of Section 2 substituted by NWFP Act No.IX of 1974 Section 2.


"Province" means the North-West Frontier Province; and "Tribunal" means a Service Tribunal established under Section 3.


3. Tribunals:-(1)The Governor may, by notification in the official gazette, establish one or more Service Tribunals and, where there are established more than one Tribunal ,the Governor shall specify in the notification the class or classes of civil servants in respect of whom or the territorial limits within which, each such Tribunal shall exercise jurisdiction under this Act. (2) A Tribunal shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of matters relating to the terms and conditions of service of civil servants, including disciplinary matters. (3) (a) A Tribunal shall consist ofa Chairman, being a person who1[is] , has been , or is qualified to be, Judge of High Court; and not less than two and not more than four members each of whom is a person who has for a period of not less than fifteen years held a Class-I or an equivalent post under the Federal Government or a Provincial Government.



(4) The Chairman and members of a Tribunal shall be appointed by the Governor on such terms and conditions as he may determine. (5) The Chairman or a member of a Tribunal may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the Governor. (6) The Chairman or a member of a Tribunal may be appointed by name or by designation.

___________________________________________________ _____
1.The word inserted by NWFP Ordinance No.XV of 1982 Section 2 .


"3.A.Adhoc Appointment:- The Governor, may if necessary or expedient, for a particular case or cases, make an adhoc appointment on the Tribunal of person qualified to be Chairman or a member as the case may be". 4. Appeal to Tribunals:- Any civil servant aggrieved by any final order, whether original or appellate, made by a departmental authority in respect of any of the terms and conditions of his service may, within thirty days of the communication of such order to him 2("or within six months of the establishment of the appropriate Tribunal, whichever is later,")prefer an appeal of the Tribunal having jurisdiction in the matter: Provided that(a) where an appeal, review or a representation to a departmental authority as provided under the NorthWest Frontier Province Civil Servants Act,1973, or any rules against any such order, no appeal shall lie to a Tribunal unless the aggrieved civil servant has preferred an appeal or application for review or representation to such departmental authority and a period of ninety days has elapsed from the date on which such appeal application or representation was prefered;3(....) no appeal shall lie to a Tribunal against an order or decision of a departmental authority determining(i) the fitness or otherwise of a person to be appointed to or hold a particular post or to be promoted to a higher post or grade; or the quantum of departmental punishment or penalty imposed on a civil servant as a result of a departmental inquiry, except where the penalty imposed is dismissal from service, removal from service or compulsory retirement 4(;and).




___________________________________________________ ________
1. Section"3A"inserted by NWFP Act No.XIII of 1976 Section 2. 2. The words inserted by NWFP No.IV of 1974 Section 3(a). 3. The word "and" deleted by NWFP Act No.IX of 1994 Section 3(b)(1). 4. The full stop replaced by semicolon and the word "and" inserted by NWFP Act No.IX of 1974 Section 3(ii).


"(c) no appeal shall lie to a Tribunal against an order or decision of a departmental authority made at any time before the Ist July,1969".

Explanation:- In this section," departmental authority" means any authority, other than a Tribunal, which is competent to make an order in respect of any of the terms and conditions of service of civil servants. 5. Constitution of Benches:-(1) There may be constituted one or more Benches, each consisting of(a) (b) (c) The Chairman alone; or the Chairman and one or more members; or one or more members,

to be nominated by the Chairman for the purpose admitting appeals for hearing, or dismissing appeals in limini on grounds to be recorded in writing after having heard the applicant or his counsel; Provided that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Act, the Bench consisting of the Chairman and one or more members 2("or two or more members"), may finally hear and dispose of appeal on merits; Provided further that no orders shall be made by the Bench under this sub-section before giving the appellant or, as the case may be, the parties and their counsel an opportunity of being heard. (2) In case a Bench consisting of more than one member is unable to arrive at a unanimous decision, its decision shall be expressed in terms of the view of majority; Provided that where no majority view can be formed, the appeal shall be referred to other member, to be nominated by the Chairman, and the decision of the Bench shall be expressed in terms of the view of the majority.


(3) The Chairman may, at any stage, transfer cases from one Bench to another Bench or to the Tribunal. (4) Any decision made by the Bench shall be deemed to be the decision of the Tribunal. ___________________________________________________ _____
1.Clause "(c)substituted by NWFP Act No.IX of 1974 Section(b)(iii). 2.The words inserted by act No.XIII of 1976 Section 3.


6. Hearing of Appeals and their disposal:-(1) Except as otherwise provided, the appeals admitted for hearing shall be heard and decided by the Tribunal, after giving the parties and their counsel an opportunity of being heard. (2) If any member of the Tribunal is, for any reason, unable to take part in the proceedings of the Tribunal, the Chairman and the other member or members 1(or, as the case may be two or more members) may hear or continue to hear and finally dispose of the appeal. (3) If a Tribunal is unable to arrive at a unanimous decision, its decision shall be expressed in terms of the view of the majority. (4) In case of difference of opinion between the Chairman and member 2(,)or members, when the appeal is heard under sub-section(2) and no majority view can be formed, the appeal shall be referred to other member, and the decision of the Tribunal shall be expressed in terms of the view of the majority. 7. Power of Tribunals:-(1) A Tribunal may, on appeal, confirm, set aside, vary or modify the order appealed against. (2) A Tribunal or a Bench constituted under Section 5 shall, for the purpose of deciding any appeal, be deemed to be a civil court and shall have the same powers as are vested in such court under the Code of Civil Procedure 1908(Act V of 1908),including the powers of(a) enforcing the attendance examining him on oath; of any person and

(b) (c)

compelling the production of documents; issuing commission for the examination of witnesses and documents.

(3) No court-fee shall be payable for preferring an appeal to, or filing, exhibiting or recording any document in, or obtaining any document from, a Tribunal.


___________________________________________________ ______________
1.The words inserted by act No.XIII of 1974 Section.4(a). 2.Comma inserted by NWFP Act No.XIII of 1976 Section 4(b).


8. Abatement of suits and other proceeding:-(1) Save as otherwise provided in section 10, all suits, appeals, or applications regarding any matter within the jurisdiction of a Tribunal pending in any court immediately before the commencement of this Act shall abate forthwith; Provided that any party to such a suit, appeal or application may, within ninety days of the commencement of this Act, prefer an appeal to the appropriate Tribunal in respect of any such matter which is in issue in such suit, appeal or application. (2) Where any suit, appeal or application regarding any matter within the jurisdiction of a Tribunal has been disposed off by any court other than the Supreme Court before the commencement of the North-West Frontier Province Service Tribunal Ordinance,1973(N.W.F.P Ordinance No.1 of 1974),any party feeling aggrieved by the decision of such suit, appeal or application may, if such decision has not become final, within ninety days of the commencement of this Act prefer an appeal to the appropriate Tribunal in respect of any such matter which was in issue in such suit, application. 9. Limitation:-The provisions of section 5 and 12 of the Limitation Act,1908 (Act IX of 1908), shall apply for the purpose of appeals under this Act. 10. Repeal and transfer of cases:-(1)The North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants(Appellate Tribunals) Ordinance,1971(N.W.F.P Ordinance II of 1971), is hereby repealed. (2) All appeals pending before the Tribunal constituted under the North-West Frontier Province Civil Services (Appellate Tribunals), Ordinance, 1971 (N.W.F.P Ordinance II of 1971), shall, with effect from the date of the commencement of this Act, stand transferred to the appropriate Service Tribunal established under this Act and be deemed as instituted under this Act.


11. Power to make Rules:-Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act. 12. Repeal:-The North-West Frontier Province Service Tribunals Ordinance,1973 (N.W.F.P Ordinance No.1 of 1974) ,is hereby repealed. _____________________


NOTIFICATION Dated Peshawar, the Ist April,1974. No.SOI(S&GAD)3-120/74. -In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the North-West Frontier Province Service Tribunals Act,1974 (N.W.F.P Act I of 1974), the Governor of the North-West Frontier Province is pleased to establish the North-West Frontier Province Service Tribunal, to exercise jurisdiction through-out the Province, consisting of: 1. 2. Mr.Mohammad Khurshid Khan ... Chairman

Mr.Zafar Ali Khan, Secretary Information Services ... Member and General Administration Deptt. Wazirzada Abdul Qayum, Additional Commissioner, Peshawar Division.



2. In pursuance of the provisions contained in sub section (4) of section 3 aforesaid, the Governor of the North-West Frontier Province is further pleased to direct that Mr. Zafar Ali Khan and Wazirzada Abdul Qayum, aforementioned Members, will perform duties on the Tribunal in addition to their own duties whereas Mr. Mohammad Khurshid Khan, Chairman is appointed wholetime. He will enjoy the same terms and conditions as are available to him on his present assignment.


Section-2 THE NWFP SERVICE TRIBUNALS RULES, 1974. 1. Short title and commencement:-(1) These rules may be called the *North-West Frontier Province Service Tribunals Rules,1974. (2) They shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions:-In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say(a) "Act" means the North-West Frontier Province Service Tribunals Act,1974(N.W.F.P Act No.I of 1974). "Chairman" means the Chairman of a Tribunal; "Member" means a member of a Tribunal; "Registrar" means the Registrar of a Tribunal, and includes any other person authorised by the Tribunal to perform the duties and functions of the Registrar under these rules; and "Tribunal" means a Tribunal established under section 3 of the Act and includes a bench constituted under section 5 thereof.

(b) (c) (d)


3. Working hours:-A Tribunal shall observe such hours of sittings as it may determine. 4. Holidays:-A Tribunal shall observe such holidays as are notified by Government, and such local holidays as are observed by Civil Courts. 5. Sitting of Tribunal:-A Tribunal may hold its sittings at Peshawar or at any other place in the North-West Frontier


Province which would be convenient to the parties whose matters are to be heard at such sittings. 6. Procedure to prefer Appeal:-(1)An appeal to the Tribunal may be sent by Registered Post or presented to the Registrar personally or through an Advocate, during working hours. ___________________________________________________ ______________
* These rules were published Extraordinary dated 20.9.1974(Pages 224-27) in the NWFP Government Gazette

(2) (a)

Every memorandum of appeal shallbe legibly, correctly and concisely written, type, written or printed; be divided into paragraphs numbered consecutively, each paragraph containing as nearly as may be separate allegation; contain the full name, official designation and place of posting of each party; clearly set out the relief claimed; be accompanied by(i) a copy of the seniority list or other order of the competent authority fixing seniority, or in other cases, copy of the impugned order; against which the appeal is directed; copies of rules, orders and other documents on which the appellant proposes to rely in support of his claim;



(d) (e)


Note: For the purposes of sub-clause(i)of clause(e), the appointing authority or any other authority which has been delegated the powers to make decision regarding seniority of a Govt. servant shall prepare and notify in the official Gazette a


list of seniority of the members of the Subordinate Judiciary under its administrative control and the list so prepared shall be maintained upto date and shall be revised at least once a year preferably in the month of January. (f) (g) be signed by the appellant; be accompanied by three spare copies of the memorandum of appeal and as many other copies thereof, complete in all respects, signed by the appellant and accompanied by the documents referred to in clause(e) as there are respondents;

Provided that where the Tribunal is satisfied that it is not possible for an appellant to produce any document referred to in (e),it may waive the provisions of the said clause. (3) Every memorandum of appeal shall be presented to the Registrar in file covers and be accompanied by a typed or printed index of papers failing which the appeal may not be entertained. (4) In every memorandum of appeal, the competent authority whose order is challenged shall be shown as Respondent No.1 and every civil servant to whom the relief may affect shall also be shown as respondent; (5) Where an appeal is presented after the period of limitation prescribed in the Act, it shall be accompanied by a petition supported by an affidavit setting forth the cause of delay. 7. Scrutiny of Appeals:- The Registrar shall scrutinise every memorandum of appeal received by post, or presented to him and shall(a) if it be in order and drawn up in accordance with the foregoing provisions, cause it to be registered in the Register of Appeals to be maintained by the Tribunal;



If it is not drawn up in the manner herein before prescribed, return it to the appellant or his advocate for amendment, within a time to be specified in an order to be recorded by him on the memorandum of appeal, pointing out the deficiency; Where the memorandum of appeal is not drawn up in the manner herein before prescribed and the appellant or his advocate fails to amend the same within the period specified by the Registrar, the Tribunal may pass such order as it may deem fit.


8. Admission of the time barred appeals:-An appeal may be admitted after expiry of the period of limitation prescribed therefor when the appellant satisfies the Tribunal that he had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal within such period and the decision of the Tribunal as to the sufficiency of cause shall be final. 9. Fixation of date of hearing:-(1)The Tribunal may, after fixing a day for hearing the appellant, and hearing him or where he is represented by an advocate, hearing the advocate, dismiss the appeal in limine. (2) If the appeal is not dismissed in limine, notices of admission of appeal and of day fixed for its hearing, issued under the signature of the Registrar or any other official authorised by him in this behalf, shall, subject to the provisions of Rule 10, be served on the appellant and the respondents, or their advocates if they are so represented, and on such other persons as the Tribunal may deem proper. (3) Except as otherwise directed by the Tribunal, for reasons to be recorded in writing, the cases shall be fixed for hearing on their own turn, according to the dates of their admission. 10. Deposit of Security, etc:-(1) If the appeal is admitted, the appellant shall deposit with Registrar:(a) cash security for costs in the sum of Rs.100.00 (rupees one hundred only); and



such cost of service of notices on the respondents as may be determined by the Registrar, including the cost of publication, if it is desirable to serve the notices by publication in the newspapers.

(2) If within 10 days of the admission of appeal, the appellant does not deposit the security and the cost of service of notices, the appeal may be dismissed. 11. Service of Notices:-(1)A notice under sub-rule(2) of rule 9 may be served by registered post or in any other manner as the Tribunal may direct. (2) The notices to the respondents shall be accompanied by a copy of the memorandum of appeal and all the documents appended therewith. (3) The Tribunal may, where the number of respondents is large or where otherwise the Tribunal considers it appropriate or desirable to do so, direct that in addition to sending a copy of the notice to the respondents by registered post, the notice shall be published in one or more daily newspapers having circulation in the areas where the respondents ordinarily reside or are serving. (4) Service of notice in accordance with the provisions of this rule shall be as effectual as it had been made on the respondents personally, and it shall not be necessary to prove that a party has actually received the notice.


12. Submission of objections by respondents:-(1)A respondent on whom a notice of appeal has been served under the provisions of rule 11 shall send his written reply by registered post(A/D) to the Registrar, or deliver the same to the Registrar personally or through an advocate, not later than seven days before the date specified in the notice for the hearing of the appeal. "(2) The reply shall be correctly and concisely written, type written or printed, shall be signed by the respondent or a person duly authorised by him in writing in that respect and shall be accompanied by a copy of every seniority list or order or other documents on which the respondent wishes to rely in support of his case." (3) The written reply shall be accompanied by 4 spare copies thereof, complete in all respects and containing copies of the lists, order and documents referred to in sub-rule(2),for use of the Tribunal. 13. Determination of questions:-(1)Questions arising for determination by the Tribunal shall be decided ordinarily upon affidavits and documents proved by affidavits, but the Tribunal may direct that such questions as it may consider necessary be decided on such other evidence and in such manner as it may deem fit. (2) The party affected by an affidavit may be permitted by the Tribunal to cross-examine the deponent with reference to the statements in the affidavit. 14. Summoning of Witness:-(1)A list of witnesses shall be presented to the Tribunal, and application for summoning witnesses before the Tribunal shall be made, within 10 days after the service of notice of appeal under Rule 11 which shall state whether they are required to give evidence or to produce any documents, shall give, where a witness is required to give evidence, a brief resume of the evidence he is expected to give, and where a witness is required to produce a document, give a brief description of the documents so as to identify it.


(2) If the Tribunal is of the opinion that the evidence of any witness specified in the list of witnesses given under subrule(1)will be of material assistance in the disposal of an appeal before it, it shall direct him to be summoned on a date to be fixed by the Tribunal, and direct that the daily allowance and travelling charges of such witness, at the rates admissible to witnesses appearing in the High Court, should be deposited by the person calling him, within the period to be specified by the Tribunal. ___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Sub-rule (2) of rule 12 I(S&GAD)4.2./82,dated 14.1.99. Subs by Notification No. SOR-


(3) If a person applying for the summoning of a witness fails to deposit the requisite costs of the witness, within the period specified by the Tribunal under sub-rule(2),or within any extension thereof that may be granted by the Tribunal, the application for summoning of witnesses, so far as it relates to such witness, shall be deemed to have been rejected. (4) If the Tribunal is of the opinion that the evidence of any witness is necessary for the disposal of an appeal before it, it may direct him to be summoned. (5) Where a Tribunal summons a witness under the provisions of sub-rule(4)(a) if such witness is a Government servant, his travelling and daily allowance, if any, shall be borne by Government; and if such person is a private person, his travelling and daily allowance shall be borne by the appellant.


(6) Process for service on witnesses of high rank shall be sent in the form of a letter. (7) Except in urgent cases or as otherwise ordered by the Tribunal, a summon requiring a public officer to give evidence or to produce a document shall be served through the Head of his office. 15. Evidence of witnesses:-(1)The evidence of witnesses examined by the Tribunal shall be taken down under the superintendence of the tribunal, ordinarily in the form of a narrative and shall form part of the record. (2) The Tribunal may record such remarks as it thinks material respecting the demeanour of any witness while under examination. 16. What may be urged by an appellant:-The appellant shall not, except by the leave of the Tribunal, urge, or be heard in support of any ground of objections not set-forth in the memorandum of appeal, but the Tribunal, in deciding, the


appeal shall not be confined to the grounds of objections setforth in the memorandum of appeal or taken by leave of the Tribunal under these rules; Provided that the Tribunal shall not rest its decision on any other ground unless the party who may be affected thereby has had a sufficient opportunity of contesting the appeal on that ground. 17. Notice Board:-(1)A cause list shall be prepared under the orders of the Registrar, which shall be affixed on the notice board of the court room of the Tribunal. (2) Except as otherwise directed by the Tribunal cases to be set down in the cause list shall be in the order of the date of admission. 18. Hearing of Appeal:-(1)On the day fixed, or on any other day to which the hearing may be adjourned, the appellant or his advocate shall be heard in support of the appeal. (2) The Tribunal shall then, if it does not dismiss the appeal at once hear the respondent or his advocate against the appeal and in such case, the appellant shall be entitled to reply.

19. Dismissal of Appeal on failure to appear by the Parties :-(1)Where on the day fixed for the hearing of an appeal or any other day to which the hearing may be adjourned the appellant or his counsel, if any, does not appear when the appeal is called for hearing, the Tribunal may make an order that the appeal is dismissed. (2) Where the appellant or his counsel, if any, appears and the respondent or his counsel, if any, does not appear the appeal shall be heard ex-parte. (3) Where an appeal is dismissed under sub-rule(1) or an ex-parte order made under sub-rule (2), the Tribunal may for sufficient cause on an application made within 15 days restore the appeal or as the case may be set aside the ex-parte order on such terms as to costs or otherwise as it thinks fit.


Provided that no order of restoration of an appeal dismissed in default or setting aside the ex-parte order shall be made unless notice of the application has been served on the opposite party. 20. Adding Respondent:-When it appears to the Tribunal at the hearing that any person has not been made a respondent in the appeal is interested in the result of the appeal, the Tribunal may adjourn the hearing to a further day to be fixed by the Tribunal and direct that such person be made respondent. 21. Pronouncement of Order:-The Tribunal shall pronounce order in open court, either at once on the conclusion of arguments or on some future date of which notice shall be given to the parties or their advocates.
_____________________________________________________________ _________________ 1.Rule-19 substituted by Notification No.SORI(S&GAD)4-2/82,dated 4.6.1985.

22. Order regarding costs, etc:-(1)The Tribunal may make such order as to the costs of proceedings before it as it deems fit. (2) Any cost awarded by a Tribunal which cannot be paid out of the cash security deposited by the appellant within one month of the order awarding the costs, shall, on the certificate of the Tribunal, be recoverable from the appellant as arrears of land revenue. 23. No entertainment of appeal in certain cases:-The Tribunal not shall entertain any appeal in which the matter directly and substantially in issue has already been finally decided by a Court or a Tribunal of competent jurisdiction. 24. Appellant precluded from bringing another appeal in certain cases:-Where an appeal has been withdrawn by the appellant and is in consequence dismissed by the Tribunal, the appellant shall, unless otherwise directed by the Tribunal, be precluded from bringing another appeal in respect of the same cause of action.


25. Administrative functions of the Tribunal to vest in the Chairman:-The administrative functions of the Tribunal including the appointment of staff shall be performed by the Chairman on behalf of the Tribunal. 26. Constitution of Benches:-Where the amount of work so justifies the Chairman may, for the purpose of admission of appeals, constitute one or more benches, each bench consisting of one or two members to be nominated by the Chairman. 27. Additional powers of the Tribunal:-Nothing in these rules shall be deemed to limit or otherwise affect the powers of a Tribunal to make such orders as may be necessary for the ends of justice or to prevent abuse of the process of the Tribunal. 28. Furnishing of copy of final adjudication order by the Tribunal to the competent authority:-A copy of every order of final adjudication on an appeal shall be furnished by the Tribunal, free of cost, to the competent authority concerned which shall forthwith give effect to it. 29. Inspection of Records:-The provisions contained in the High Court Rules and Orders as applicable to the Peshawar High Court, in regad to copies of inspection of record, shall mutatis mutandis and to the extent practicable apply to proceedings before a Tribunal. _________________________


Section-3 THE NWFP SUBORDINATE JUDICIARY SERVICE TRIBUNAL ACT,1991. 1. Short title ,application and commencement:-(1) This Act may be called the North-West Frontier Province Subordinate Judiciary Service Tribunal Act,1991. (2) It shall apply to all members of subordinate Judiciary wherever they may be. (3) It shall come into force at once.

2. Definition:- In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:(a) (b) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Tribunal; "Government" means the Government of the NorthWest Frontier Province. "Governor" means the Governor of North-West Frontier Province; "Member" means a Member of the Tribunal and includes the Chairman; "Members of Subordinate Judiciary" means and include all the Judicial Officers under the administrative control of the Peshawar High court; "Tribunal" means the Service Tribunal established by this Act and includes a Bench thereof.





3. Tribunal:-(1) The Governor may by Notification in the Official Gazette establish a Service Tribunal for the North-West Frontier Province. (2) The Tribunal shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of matters relating to terms and conditions of the


service of members disciplinary matters. (3)





The Tribunal shall consist of four sitting Judges of the Peshawar High Court to be nominated by the Chief Justice of whom the senior most shall be the Chairman. Provided that Judge against whose orders an appeal is preferred shall not be member of the Tribunal.

4. Constitution of Benches:- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in Section 3, Chairman may constitute a Bench consisting of two Members with or without the Chairman and when so constituted a Bench shall be deemed to be a Tribunal. (2) If a Bench is unable to arrive at an unanimous decision in an appeal, the matter shall be referred to any one of the remaining two Members of the Tribunal as the Chairman may determine and the decision of the Tribunal shall be expressed in terms of the opinion of the majority. (3) The Chairman may at any stage of hearing of an appeal withdraw it from the Tribunal and entrust it to a Bench or may withdraw any appeal pending before a Bench and make it over to another Bench or to the Tribunal. 5. Appeal to Tribunal:-Any member of Subordinate Judiciary aggrieved by any final order, whether original or appellate, made by a departmental authority in respect of any of the terms and conditions of his service may, within thirty days of the communication of such order to him or within six months of the establishment of the Tribunal, whichever is later, prefer an appeal to the Tribunal. Provided that(a) where an appeal, review or representation to a departmental authority is provided under the NorthWest Frontier Province Civil Servants Act,1973(NWFP Act XVIII of 1973), or any rules against any such orders, no appeal shall lie to the


Tribunal unless the aggrieved person has preferred an appeal or application for review or representation to such departmental authority and a period of ninety days has elapsed from the date on which such appeal, application, or representation was so preferred; (b) no appeal shall lie to the Tribunal against an order or decision of a departmental authority determining(i) the fitness or otherwise of a person to be appointed to or hold a particular post or to be promoted to a higher post; or the quantum of departmental punishment or penalty imposed on a member of Subordinate Judiciary as a result of departmental inquiry, except where the penalty imposed is dismissal from service, removal from service or compulsory retirement or any minor penalty as defined in the rules.


Explanation:-In this section "Departmental Authority" means the authority, other than a Tribunal which is competent to make an order in respect of any of the terms and conditions of service of members of Subordinate Judiciary. 6. Powers of Tribunal:-(1) The Tribunal may, on appeal, confirm set aside vary or modify the order appealed against. (2) The Tribunal shall for the purpose of deciding any appeals, be deemed to be a Civil Court and shall have the same powers as are vested in sub court under the Code of Civil Procedure,1908(Act V of 1908), including the powers of(a) enforcing the attendance examining him on oath. of any person and

(b) (c)

compelling the production of documents; and issuing commission for the examination of witnesses and documents.


(3) No court fee shall be payable for preferring an appeal to or filing ,exhibiting or recording any document in, or obtaining any document from a Tribunal. 7. Limitation:-The provisions of Section 5 and 12 of the Limitation Act, 1908 (IX of 1908), shall apply to appeals under this Act. 8. Transfer of Appeal:- All appeals pending before the Tribunal established under the North-West Frontier Province Service Tribunal Act,1974(NWFP Act I of 1974) , relating to members of Subordinate Judiciary shall stand transferred to the Tribunal established under this Act. 9. Rules :- The Government may, by Notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

10. Repeal:-The North-West Frontier Province Subordinate Judiciary Service Tribunal Ordinance, 1991(NWFP Ord.No.III of 1991) is hereby repealed. ______________________________ Section-4 NWFP SUBORDINATE JUDICIARY SERVICE TRIBUNAL RULES,1992. 1. Short title and commencement :-(1) These rules may be called the North-West Frontier Province Subordinate Judiciary Service Tribunal Rules,1991. (2) They shall come into force at once.

2. Definition:-In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say-



"Act" means the North-West Frontier Province Subordinate Judiciary Service Tribunal Act, 1991 (NWFP Act No.VIII of 1991); "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Tribunal. "Member" means a member of the Tribunal. "Registrar" means the Registrar of the Tribunal, and includes any other person authorised by the Tribunal to perform the duties and functions of the Registrar under these rules; and "Tribunal" means the Tribunal established under section 3 of the Act and includes a Bench constituted under section 4 thereof.

(b) (c) (d)


3. Working hours:-The Tribunal shall observe such hours of sittings as it may determine. 4. Holidays :-The Tribunal shall observe such holidays as are notified by Government, and such local holidays as are observed by the Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. 5. Sitting of Tribunal:-The Tribunal shall hold its sitting at Peshawar. 6. Procedure to prefer Appeal:-(1) An appeal to the Tribunal may be sent by Registered post or presented to the Registrar personally or through an advocate, during working hours.


Every memorandum of appeal shall(a) be legibly, correctly and concisely written or printed; be divided into paragraphs numbered consecutively, each paragraph containing as nearly as may be separate allegation;




containing the full name, official designation and place of posting of each party; clearly set out the relief claimed; be accompanied by(i) a copy of the seniority list or other order of the competent authority fixing seniority, or in other cases, copy of the impugned order; against which the appeal is directed; copies of rules, orders and other documents on which the appellant proposed to rely in support of his claim;

(d) (e)


(f) (g)

be signed by the appellant; be accompanied by four spare copies of the memorandum of appeal and as many other copies thereof, complete in all respects, signed by the appellant and accompanied by the document referred to in clause(e), as there are respondents;

Provided that where the Tribunal is satisfied that it is not possible for an appellant to produce any document referred to in clause (e), it may waive the provision of the said clause. Note: For the purposes of sub-clause(i) of clause(e), the appointing authority or any other authority to whom the powers to make decision regarding seniority of a member of the Subordinate Judiciary have been delegated shall prepare and notify in the official Gazette a list of seniority of the members of the subordinate Judiciary under its administrative control and the list so prepared shall be maintained upto date and shall be revised at least once a year preferably in the month of January.


(3) Every memorandum of appeal shall be presented to the Registrar in the covers and be accompanied by a typed or printed index of papers failing which the appeal may not be entertained. (4) In every memorandum of appeal, the competent authority whose order is challenged shall be shown as Respondent No.1 and every civil servant who may be affected by the relief claimed, shall also be shown as respondent; Provided that if the competent authority whose order is challenged is the Chief Justice or a Judge of the Peshawar High Court through the Registrar, Peshawar High Court shall be shown as Respondent No.1 . (5) Where an appeal is presented after the period of limitation prescribed in the Act, it shall be accompanied by a petition supported by an affidavit setting forth the cause of delay. 7. Scrutiny of appeals:- The Registrar shall scrutinise every memorandum of appeal received by post, or presented to him and shall(a) if it be in order and drawn up in accordance with the foregoing provisions, cause it to be registered in the Register of Appeals to be maintained by the Tribunal; If it is not drawn up in the manner herein before prescribed, return it to the appellant or his advocate for amendment, within a time to be specified in an order to be recorded by him on the memorandum of appeal, pointing out the deficiency; Where the memorandum of appeal is not drawn up in the manner herein before prescribed and the appellant or his advocate fails to amend the same within the period specified by the Registrar, the Tribunal may pass such order as it may deem fit.




8. Admission of the time barred appeals:-Any appeal may be admitted after expiry of the period of limitation prescribed therefor when the appellant satisfies the Tribunal that he had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal within such period and the decision of the Tribunal as to the sufficiency of cause shall be final. 9. Fixation of date of hearing:- (1) The Tribunal may, after fixing a day for hearing the appellant, and hearing him or where he is represented by an advocate, hearing the advocate, dismiss the appeal in limine. (2) If the appeal is not dismissed in limine, notices of admission of appeal and of the day fixed for its hearing, issued under the signature of the Registrar or any other official authorised by him in this behalf, shall, subject to the provisions of Rule 10, be served on the appellant and the respondents, or on their advocates if they are so represented, and on such other persons as the Tribunal may deem proper. (3) Except as otherwise directed by the Tribunal, for reasons to be recorded in writing, the cases shall be fixed for hearing on their own turn, according to the dates of their admission. 10. Deposit of Security etc:- (1) If the appeal is admitted, the appellant shall deposit with the Registrar:(a) cash security for costs in the sum Rs.100.00(rupees one hundred only); and of


such cost of service of notices on the respondents as may be determined by the Registrar, including the cost of publication, if it is desirable to serve the notices by publication in the newspapers.

(2) If within 10 days of the admission of appeal, the appellant does not deposit the security and the cost of service of notices, the appeal may be dismissed.


11. Service of Notices:-(1) A notice under sub-rule(2) of Rule 9 may be served by registered post or in any other manner as the Tribunal may direct. (2) The notices to the respondents shall be accompanied by a copy of the memorandum of appeal and all the documents appended therewith. (3) The Tribunal may, where the number of respondents is large or where otherwise the Tribunal considers it appropriate or desirable to do so, direct that in addition to sending a copy of the notice to the respondents by registered post, the notice shall be published in one or more daily newspapers having circulation in the areas where the respondents ordinarily reside or are serving. (4) Service of notice in accordance with the provisions of this Rule shall be as effected as if it had been made on the respondents personally, and it shall not be necessary to prove that a party has actually received the notice. 12. Submission of objections by respondents:-(1) A respondent on whom a notice of appeal has been served under the provisions of Rule 11 shall send his written reply by registered post(A.D) to the Registrar, or deliver the same to the Registrar personally or through an advocate, not late than seven days before the date specified in the notice for the hearing of the appeal. (2) The reply shall be correctly and concisely written, type written or printed, shall be signed by the respondent and shall be accompanied by a copy of every seniority list, or order or other documents on which the respondent wishes to rely in support of his case. (3) The written reply shall be accompanied by 4 spare copies thereof, complete in all respects and containing copies of the lists, order and documents referred to in sub-rule(2), for use of the Tribunal. 13. Determination of questions:-(1) Questions arising for determination by the Tribunal shall be decided ordinarily upon


affidavits and documents proved by affidavits, the Tribunal may direct that such questions as it may consider necessary be decided on such other evidence and in such manner as it may deem fit. (2) The party affected by an affidavit may be permitted by the Tribunal to cross-examine the deponent with reference to the statements in the affidavit. 14. Summoning of Witnesses:-(1) A list of witnesses shall be presented to the Tribunal, and application for summoning witnesses before the Tribunal shall be made, within 10 days after the service of notice of appeal under Rule 11 which shall state whether they are required to give evidence or to produce any documents, shall give, where a witness is required to give evidence, a brief resume of the evidence he is expected to give, and where a witness is required to produce a document, give a brief description of the documents so as to identify it. (2) If the Tribunal is of the opinion that the evidence of any witness specified in the list of witnesses given under subrule(1) will be of material assistance in the disposal of an appeal before it, it shall direct him to be summoned on a date to be fixed by the Tribunal, and direct that the daily allowance and travelling charges of such witness, at the rates admissible to witnesses appearing in the High Court, should be deposited by the person calling him, within the period to be specified by the Tribunal. (3) If a person applying for the summoning of a witness fails to deposit the requisite costs of the witness, within the period specified by the Tribunal under sub-rule(2), or within any extension thereof that may be granted by the Tribunal, the application for summoning of witnesses, so far as it relates to such witness, shall be deemed to have been rejected. (4) If the Tribunal is of the opinion that the evidence of any witness is necessary for the disposal of an appeal before it, it may direct that the witness be summoned. (5) Where a Tribunal summons a witness under the provisions of sub-rule(4)-



if such witness is a Government servant, his travelling and daily allowance, if any, shall be borne by Government; and if such person is a private person, his travelling and daily allowance shall be borne by the appellant. Process for service on witnesses of high rank shall be sent in the form of a letter.



(7) Except in urgent cases or as otherwise ordered by the Tribunal, a summon requiring a public officer to give evidence or to produce a document shall be served through the Head of his office. 15. Evidence of witnesses:-(1) The evidence of witnesses examined by the Tribunal shall be taken down under the superintendence of the Tribunal, ordinarily in the form of a narrative and shall form part of the record. (2) The Tribunal may record such remarks as it thinks material respecting the demeanour of any witness while under examination. 16. What may be urged by an appellant:-The appellant shall not, except by the leave of the Tribunal, urge, or be heard in support of any ground of objections not set forth in the memorandum of appeal, but the Tribunal, in deciding, the appeal shall not be confined to the grounds of objections setforth in the memorandum of appeal or taken by leave of the Tribunal under these rules: Provided that the Tribunal shall not rest its decisions on any other ground unless the party who may be affected thereby has had a sufficient opportunity of contesting the appeal on that ground. 17. Notice Board:-(1) A cause list shall be prepared under the orders of the Registrar, which shall be affixed on the notice board of the court room of the Tribunal.


(2) Except as otherwise directed by the Tribunal cases to be set down in the cause list shall be in the order of the date of admission. 18. Hearing of Appeal:-(1) On the day fixed, or on any other day to which the hearing may be adjourned, the appellant or his advocate shall be heard in the support of the appeal. (2) The Tribunal shall then, if it does not dismiss the appeal at once hear the respondent or his advocate against the appeal and in such case, the appellant shall be entitled to reply. 19. Consequence of Non-appearance of the Appellant or Respondent:-(1) Where on the day fixed for the hearing of an appeal or any other day to which the hearing may be adjourned the appellant or his counsel, if any, does not appear when the appeal is called for hearing, the Tribunal may make an order that the appeal stands dismissed. (2) Where the appellant or his counsel, if any, appears and the respondent or his counsel, if any, does not appear, the appeal shall be heard ex-parte. (3) Where an appeal is dismissed under sub-rule(1) or an ex-parte order made under sub-rule(2), the Tribunal may for sufficient cause on an application made within 15 days restore the appeal or as the case may be set aside the ex-parte order on such terms as to costs or otherwise as it thinks fit. Provided that no order of restoration of an appeal dismissed in default or setting aside the ex-parte order shall be made unless notice of the application has been served on the opposite party. 20. Adding Respondent:- When it appears to the Tribunal at the hearing that any person who has not been made a respondent in the appeal is interested in the result of the appeal, the Tribunal may adjourn the hearing to a further day to be fixed by the Tribunal and direct that such person be made respondent.


21. Pronouncement of Order:-The Tribunal shall pronounce order in open court, either at once on the conclusion of arguments or on some future date of which notice shall be given to the parties or their advocates. 22. Order regarding costs, etc:-(1) The Tribunal may make such order as to the costs of proceedings before it as it deems fit. (2) Any cost awarded by a Tribunal which cannot be paid out of the cash security deposited by the appellant under Rule 10, if not paid by the appellant within one month of the order awarding the costs, shall, on the certificate of the Tribunal, be recoverable from the appellant as arrears of land revenue. 23. No entertainment of appeal in certain cases:-The Tribunal shall not entertain any appeal in which the matter directly and substantially in issue has already been finally decided by a court or a Tribunal of competent jurisdiction. 24. Appellant precluded from bringing another appeal in certain cases:-Where an appeal has been withdrawn by the appellant and is in consequence dismissed by the Tribunal, the appellant shall, unless otherwise directed by the Tribunal, be precluded from bringing another appeal in respect of the same cause of action. 25. Administrative functions of the Tribunal to vest in the Chairman:-The administrative functions of the Tribunal except the appointment of staff shall be performed by the Chairman on behalf of the Tribunal. 26. Constitution of Benches:-Where the amount of work so justifies the Chairman may, for the purpose of admission of appeals, constitute one or more benches, each bench consisting of two members to be nominated by the Chairman. 27. Additional powers of the Tribunal:-Nothing in these rules shall be deemed to limit or otherwise affect the powers of a Tribunal to make such orders as may be necessary for the


ends of justice or to prevent abuse of the process of the Tribunal. 28. Furnishing of copy of final adjudication order by the Tribunal to the competent authority. A copy of every order of final adjudication on an appeal shall be furnished by the Registrar, free of cost, to the competent authority concerned which shall forthwith give effect to it. 29. Inspection of Records:-The provisions contained in the High Court Rules and Orders as applicable to the Peshawar High Court, in regard to copies of inspection of record, shall mutatis mutandis and to the extent practicable apply to proceedings before a Tribunal. __________________________


Section-5 Misc. Instructions regarding Court/Litigation cases CONDUCT OF CASES IN THE COURTS. Instructions regarding the conduct of cases of Provincial Government in courts etc. shall be issued by the Law Department. The existing instructions on the subject are given in appendix XXV.(reproduced below:) APPENDIX-XXV Instructions regarding the conduct of cases of the Provincial Government in courts etc. (Suit of legal proceedings by Government) No civil suit or legal proceedings shall be instituted or initiated on behalf of the Provincial Government by any Department without the prior consultation with the Law Department. 2. When the Administrative Department concerned considers it advisable that a suit or legal proceedings be instituted or initiated on behalf of the Government a detailed and clear report should be furnished to the Law Department showing:(a) The circumstances which, in the opinion of the Administrative Department, render institution of the suit or legal proceedings necessary. The subject of the claim and the relief sought. The steps which have been taken so far to obtain satisfaction of the claim. The pleas or objections, if any, which have been urged by the opposite party against the claim.

(b) (c)




The evidence, which is believed to be obtainable and which it is proposed to adduce in support of the claim. Any other facts which the Administrative Department may consider material or relevant to the case. List of property moveable and immovable and/or securities from which it is proposed to realise the amount claimed, if decreed.



3. Copies of all documents referred to in the report should, as far as possible, accompany the report, where for any reason, the copies cannot be supplied, the original should be submitted. 4. If the Law Department agrees, it will nominate a counsel to file and conduct the suit or legal proceedings. Defence of suits, etc 5. No suit/legal proceedings be defended if the claim and relief sought is justified and genuine. 6. The object of the notice prescribed by Section 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure is to allow ample time to the Government to enquire into the genuineness or otherwise of the claim or relief sought and to affect a settlement of all just claims before a suit is brought and the best use should be made of the opportunity thus given by the law towards equitable and amicable adjustment of claims. 7. When notice of an intended suit is given under Section 80 of the Civil Procedure Code, the officer to whom it is delivered, or the Head of office at which it is left, should forthwith endorse, or cause to be endorsed on the notice:(a) (b) (c) the date and time of receipt; the manner of delivery ; and the signature of the officer making the endorsement with date.


8. The departmental officer concerned should, immediately on receiving any notice of an intended suit, proceed to enquire into the matter and to consider the claim put forward and move the proper authority to decide, in consultation with the Law Department whether any, and if so, what steps should be taken to adjust the claim(whether in whole or in part) or whether the notice-giver be left to take such legal action as he may deem proper). 9. When the departmental authority having power to deal with the case is clearly of the opinion that the whole or any part of the claim put forward is justly due, he should, in consultation with the Law Department proceed to endorse settlement thereof accordingly. 10. Any amount held to be justly due to the claimant should be formally and unconditionally tendered to him without prejudice and without requiring him to give an acquittance in full adjustment of his claim, but upon a receipt for the sum tendered. No tender of payment or payments should be made after the suit has been brought except with the approval of and in accordance with the instructions of the Law Department. 11. Under Order V, Rule 2, CPC, the summon in a suit is required to be accompanied by a copy of the plaint or concise statement thereof. If a summon is not accompanied by a copy of plaint/petition, or concise statement, service should be refused, if possible, with a note requesting for a copy of the plaint/petition and the matter should be brought to the notice of the Law Department forthwith . In no case, the duplicate copy of the summons, when received, should be returned to the court before showing the case to the Law Department. 12. At subsequent stages of a suit and in appeals copy of plaint/petition, or of memo of appeal is not sent with the notice and quite often Departments find it difficult to link those notices with the main case in dispute. It is, therefore, imperative that in each Department, a Section, herein after referred to as the Litigation Section, should be earmarked for dealing with or coordinating the litigation cases. This section should receive all summons/notices from courts, maintain a nominal index of


litigation cases in the following form, in a Register, and keep a watch over their progress:Name of Parties ABC Vs Pakista n Nature of cases. Civil Suit or Appeal Subje ct Servic e matte r Court Counsel File No. A.G Peshaw ar Result

High Court Peshaw ar

Dismisse d

13. Where service of summon/notice not accompanied by a copy of plaint has been affected, ,the court issuing the summons, not being a High Court or the Supreme Court, should be immediately requested to supply the same and extend the date of hearing accordingly. The matter should simultaneously be reported to the Law Department for further advice and appropriate action in the matter. The envelopes of such summon/notice should be kept intact. 14. When a summon has been duly served, the Litigation Section should, after noting its particulars in the Nominal Index Register, pass it on to the concerned officer or Department who should collect relevant information and documents/papers from the concerned quarters, examine the matter thoroughly and then refer it to the Solicitor to the Provincial Government in the Law Department for further examination and nomination of an Advocate to undertake the defence of the case, if considered necessary. 15. Where a summon does not give adequate time for examination and arranging defence, an authorised officer of the Administrative Department concerned should appear in person in the Court and apply, under Ruler 5, XXVII of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, for a reasonable extension of time. In the absence of prior notice under Section 80 CPC, the Court is obliged to give at least 3 months time for the filing of written statement and first hearing. 16. In case of application for interim injunction pendentelite, time allowed is usually 3 to 7 days. If, for any reason, it is not possible to arrange defence in time, some recognised agent i.e a person holding power of attorney in this behalf, should appear


in the Court on the date of hearing and seek adjournment for about 15 days. Thereafter, the case should be referred to the Solicitor with utmost dispatch. Usually, plaints are to be read as part of the application for interim injunctions but quite often copies of plaint are not supplied by Courts alongwith notices for the hearing of such applications. Where copies of plaint are not so received, the same should be procured from the Court before referring case to the Law Department. 17. After the Law Department has examined the case and nominated an Advocate to defend/conduct it in a Court of law, a responsible officer of the Administrative Department concerned well-conversant with the facts of the case, and preferably stationed at or near the seat of the Court, should contact and brief the counsel at the earliest and well before the next date of hearing of the case. This responsibility should never be left to the subordinate staff. 18. Although it should not normally be necessary for the departmental representative to be present in the Court on each date of hearing, he should remain in touch with the counsel and keep watch over the progress of the case. Whenever required by the counsel he must present himself in the Court and render all possible assistance to the counsel in the conduct of the case, as if it was his personal case, where, however, a Department has an officer at the station where the suit is pending, some one may be deputed to attend the Court and assist the counsel on each date of hearing regularly. Action on termination of Proceedings. 19. As soon as a suit is decided, particularly when the decision is adverse to the Government, the Administrative Department concerned should apply immediately, in the prescribed form, to the concerned Deputy Commissioner or the District Judge for copies of judgement and decree sheet "for official use" . These would be supplied free of cost. In addition, the counsel should also be asked to apply separately for certified copies of judgement and decree-sheet.


Appeals 20. If the decision is either wholly or partially adverse to the Government, the matter should be reported immediately to the Solicitor. Complete record of the case, alongwith copies of judgement and decree-sheet, should be sent to him thereafter as soon as these copies become available.

Note: Certified copies of judgement etc. should be kept by the Department in safe custody, as the same may have to be filed in court if appeal is to be filed and photostat copies thereof should be placed on the file. In fact, original of all important documents should be kept by the Department in safe custody as soon as litigation or threat of litigation starts. 21. Although time is the essence in litigation in general, in appeal it is of utmost importance because the time allowed for appeals is limited and appeals filed after the expiration of limitation period are ordinarily dismissed as barred by time and no appeal lies against the refusal of a court to condone delay. It is, therefore, very necessary that the litigation cases in general and appeals in particular should be handled with promptness and diligence. When time left for filing an appeal is less than 7 days, an officer of the Administrative Department, not below the rank of Deputy Secretary, should bring the file personally to the Solicitor. Note: This should be followed in other court cases as well when the date of hearing falls within 7 days. _______________________


Section-6 Preparation of Joint Para-wise Comments by Departments on behalf of Chief Secretary S&GAD and other Respondent in the Court cases. Reference Law Department's Circular No.E&A(LD)6-1/91 dated 4.12.1993 which interalia provides that the Section Officer (Litigation) S&GAD will process the cases for acquiring approval/authentication of the parawise comments already cleared by the Litigation Cell S&GAD where Chief Secretary or Secretary S&GAD is made as respondent . Other matters related to the litigation cases in which the S&GAD is involved will also be dealt with by the Section Officer(Litigation). 2. It has, however, been observed that the Administrative Departments do not observe the above formality and file separate Parawise comments, exclusive of S&GAD before the Services Tribunal/High Court despite the fact that Chief Secretary, NWFP and Secretary S&GAD are also respondents and joint parawise comments are, thus, required to be submitted/filed before the court. 3. It is evident that S&GAD is not in possession of all the record pertaining to the court cases of all Administrative Departments, therefore, parawise comments on behalf of Chief Secretary and Secretary S&GAD delays abnormally which result in exparte decrees against Chief Secretary and Secretary S&GAD. Ensuing financial losses, annoyance of Judges and displeasure of Chief Minister and Chief Secretary is the produce of such in-direct default of Government officials which needs to be checked and eliminated. 4. I am, therefore, directed to request that all concerned may kindly be directed to comply with the requirements of Law Department order mentioned in Para-1 above so as to avoid delay in submitting the joint parawise comments within the prescribed period to the Court concerned. This will not only facilitate the immediate disposal of the appeals/petitions but will also enable the proper defence of Government actions.

413 (Authority:-SO(Lit)S&GAD/Ins.Misc.97, dated 25.5.1998.)



Preparation of Joint Para-wise Comments by Departments on behalf of Chief Secretary S&GAD and other Respondent in the Court cases. Reference S&GAD's circular letter No.SO(Lit)S&GAD/ INS.MISC/97, dated 25.5.1998 which makes it incumbent upon all concerned to file joint para-wise comments in the Courts in cases where more than one Departments/Offices are involved or where Chief Secretary NWFP and Secretary S&GAD are also respondents. 2. It has, however, been observed that most of the Departments, in flagrant disregard of the above policy, prepare and submit separate parawise comments instead of joint parawise comments, which results not only in delays in the submission of joint parawise comments but also jeopardise the interest of the Government in Courts when comments/replies having difference of opinion between the Governments are filed in the Courts. 3. I am, therefore, directed to request once again that all concerned may kindly be directed to strictly observe the above policy in cases where more than one Departments are involved or the Chief Secretary NWFP and Secretary S&GAD are also respondents. In such cases joint parawise comments should invariably be prepared by the Administrative Departments concerned and shall be got vetted by the Advocate General NWFP/Government Pleader, as the case may be. Fair copies of joint parawise comments, after signature of Administrative Secretary concerned and other respondents shall be furnished to S&GAD for signature of the Chief Secretary NWFP or Secretary S&GAD as the case may be.
(Authority:-SO(Lit)S&GAD/4-19/97. Dated 2nd Sept.1998.)



Streamlining of Litigation for and against the Government of NWFP. It has been noticed with concern that great difficulties are being faced by the Law Officers and Government Pleaders in conducting cases/appeals/ revisions/writ petitions, etc. ,etc., before the Courts/Tribunal noted against each: (A) (i) Advocate General Peshawar Peshawar. High Court,

(ii) Addl.Advocates General; Supreme Court of Pakistan and Federal Shariat Court, Appellate Shariat Bench of Supreme Court. (iii) Asstt.Adv General (B) Government Pleaders Supreme Court Services Tribunal, NWFP Peshawar in Service matters.


(i) Government Pleaders; Court of Senior Civil Judge. Court of Senior Civil Court of Addl Courts Distt: of

(ii) Addl Government Judges, Pleader Judges, District Judges.

2. The subordinate officers do not extend the requisite assistance to them. Necessary documents e.g., copies of the plaint, brief history of the case, parawise comments, etc., are not provided to them well within time. Consequently, it becomes extremely difficult, some times impossible, for the Law Officers/Government Pleaders to prepare/defend the cases properly. The officers who are deputed to contact, brief and assist the Law Officers/Government Pleaders, do not take the trouble of attending their offices or for that matter even the Courts. Instead, some clerks, who are not at all conversant with the facts of the case, are sent to handle such extremely important task. Most of the time these officials miserably fail to provide any assistance to the Law Officers whatsoever as a


result of which the Government interest suffers badly. In most of the cases even these clerks absent themselves, on one pretext or the other, on the date fixed for the hearing of the case and as such are passed against the Government, resulting in great financial loss besides creating of other complications/embarrassment. 3. I am, therefore, directed to request you that the following instructions may please be issued immediately to all concerned including the officers who are deputed to brief and assist the Law Officers/Government Pleaders conducting the cases in various Courts including the High Court/Supreme Court:(i) On receipt of summons/notices from the Court, the concerned staff should immediately get a copy of plaint/Memo. of Appeal/Writ Petition, as the case may be and prepare brief history of the case alongwith parawise comments in annotated form. One set of these documents should be sent to the Head of the Department for onward transmission to the Administrative Department for the issuance of the Sanction Order for the defence of the case at public expense as required under Para 15.2 of Law Manual. The Administrative Department will issue the Sanction Order and communicate the same to :(a) the Solicitor for issuing necessary directions to the Government Pleader to defend the case in the Lower Courts , i.e Courts of Civil Judges/Senior Civil Judges/Additional District Judges/District Judges and Services Tribunal ,Peshawar. The Administrative Department should also endorse a copy of the same to the Secretary to Government of NWFP, Law Department, with the request to direct the Solicitor to do the needful; the Law Department for issuance of necessary authorisation/directions to the Advocate General to defend the cases/Writ Petitions/Appeals, etc., in the High




Court/Supreme Court/Federal Shariat Court/Shariat Appellate Bench of Supreme Court of Pakistan. (iii) The second set of the said documents should be dispatched to the concerned Government Pleader/Advocate General, as the case may be, so that action on their part in anticipation of the sanction mentioned above is initiated, if needed. The third set be retained as office copy for necessary action and record. The above mentioned steps should be taken before the date fixed for appearance/hearing in Court. If the date fixed is quite close, the Government Pleader/Advocate General may be contacted immediately for the purposes of getting adjournment. All the same it should be ensured that the court is attended invariably on the date fixed for hearing of the cases to avoid ex-parte decisions against the Government/Departments. The Heads of the Administrative Departments on receipt of the documents mentioned above, should, on the one hand, arrange for communication of Sanction Order for the defence of the case at public expense to the Solicitor (if the case is pending in Lower Courts) and to the Law Department (if the case/Writ Petition is pending in the High Court/Supreme Court etc.)and on the other hand, without any loss of time, to nominate an efficient and responsible officer of the Department well conversant with the facts of the case to assist and brief the Government Pleader /Advocate General. Such officers/officials may be called the Departmental Representatives(Deptt: Rep:) The name, designation, address and telephone No., if any, of the Deptt. Rep. should invariably be communicated to the Government Pleader/Advocate General concerned, as well as to the Administrative






Department, Solicitor and the Law Department so that he could be contacted by them, whenever it is deemed necessary. (ix) The Deptt: Rep: shall personally attend the Court on each and every date of hearing and prepare a short report of the proceedings of the Court, indicating the progress and result of the case. This progress report should also be communicated to the Head of the Department as well to the Law Department without fail, so that the Law Department may also watch the development and progress of each case. When a case is decided, copy of the judgement/order should immediately be obtained by the Deptt: Rep: and supplied to the Administrative Department as well as to the Government Pleader/Advocate General so as to enable him to furnish his opinion to Solicitor /Law Department. The department's decision/views about the future course of action should also be finalized and communicated to the Solicitor/Law Department for further action. Period of limitation prescribed by law for filing appeal/revision etc., should be ascertained from the Government Pleader/Advocate General and all steps should be taken well ahead of the limitation period so that the appeal/revision/etc., if any, is not rendered time-barred.



(xii) Whenever it is deemed necessary to approach the Solicitor/Law Department, reference number of authorisation letter issued by the office of Solicitor/Law Department should always be mentioned, so that relevant record of the case in their offices is traced out conveniently. Writ Petitions (a) Whenever the Honourable Judges of the High Court ask for the comments from the contesting


Department in connection with Writ Petitions filed against the Government, the staff of the Contesting Department (main party in the case) should immediately get a copy of Writ Petition alongwith its enclosures and copy of order of the Court, from the Writ Petition Muharrer, and then prepare parawise comments in an annotated form. In addition thereto the brief history of the case should also be prepared separately and sent with two spare copies of Writ Petition to the Administrative Department for information and for onward transmission to the Law Department. (b) The Law Department will direct the Advocate General to vet the comments. Thereafter the Deptt: Rep: shall contact the Advocate General and assist him in vetting the same and will file the vetted comments before the High Court within the prescribed period. The Deptt Rep: shall be held responsible for any delay in submission of the requisite comments before the High Court. If the Writ Petition is decided against the Government the procedure mentioned in Para 3(x) and (xi) shall be followed in letter and spirit so that a further appeal, if any, to the Supreme Court does not become barred by time.



An early action is solicited please. Matter most immediate.


Section-7 Various provisions of Limitation Act,1908 22. The periods of limitation prescribed for various kinds of appeals, etc., are as under:No. of article of the first Schedule to the Period Limitation Act,1908, or other relevant rule and description of Limitation of appeal or application. From a decree or order of a High Court in 20 days the exercise of its original jurisdiction. Under the Code of Civil Procedure to the 30 days Court of a District judge. Under the Code of Civil Procedure to a High Court. Application to set aside or to get an award remitted for reconsideration. 90 days 30 days from the date of service of notice of filing of the award. 15 days 20 days 30 days from the date when he has knowledge of the decree. 90 days where leave to appeal is refused by the High Court otherwise 60 days. 30 days from the date of grant of certificate.

For a review of judgement by a Court of Small Causes. For a review of judgement by a High Court. Application by defendant to set aside a decree passed Ex-parte.

Application for the filing in court of an award.

For appeal to the Supreme Court where certificate of fitness is granted by a High Court.

23. In computing the period of limitation, the days from which such period is to be reckoned and in case of appeals, of application for review, the day on which the judgement


complained of is pronounced and the time requisite for obtaining a copy of the judgement decree appealed from or sought to be reviewed is to be excluded.

Execution 24. A decree favourable to Government may be executed either by the court which passed it or by such other court in whose jurisdiction, the judgement debtor voluntarily resides or carries on business, or personally works for gain or owns property sufficient to satisfy the decree. While referring a case for execution of a decree it is, therefore, necessary that an inventory of the moveable property, containing a reasonably, accurate description of the same, and a list of immoveable property, containing a description and location of such property sufficient to identify the same, and a specification of the judgement-debtor's share or interest in property, should be furnished to the Solicitor. If an appeal is instituted by the opposite party and the execution of the decree is stayed by the order of the court, the interval before the decision of the appeal should be made use of in making inquiries as to the property of the judgement-debtor. Writ Petitions 25. The instructions in the preceding paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to Writ Petitions. It is however, to be noted that High Courts usually call for reports/comments from the Administrative Departments concerned before admitting the petitions to regular hearing. Failue to comply with the orders of the High Court may lead to the admission of petitions to regular hearing which may then take long time to be decided. It lies, therefore, imperative that the reports/comments asked for should be promptly supplied to the High Courts and where it is not possible the High Court may be requested, before the expiry of the time allowed, for reasonable extension. The report/comments should be shown to the Law Department before sending the same to the High Court. Arbitration


26. According to Government decision no provision is to be made in agreement with domestic contractors for resolution of disputes through arbitration. However, if the agreements already concluded by or on behalf of the Government contained any condition of getting any question, difference or dispute decided by reference to arbitration then the same has to be acted upon and the instructions contained herein before apply mutatis mutandis to the conduct of arbitration proceedings to which a Department of the Provincial Government is a party. Expenses 27. All expenses on the conduct of litigation, including cost, court fees, counsel fee, not being the decretal amount of costs payable to the other party under the decree or order of the court, are payable by the Law Department out of the funds placed at its disposal. The penal costs ordered by the court to be paid to the other party for any default on the part of the Government and the charges payable to the witnesses are, however, to be paid by the Administrative Department concerned. All expenses in criminal cases are payable by the Administrative Departments concerned. Mode of submission of cases 28. To ensure quick disposal of files to avoid unnecessary correspondence and delay a self-contained summary of the case indicating the point or points on which the advice of the Law Department is required should be placed on the file in duplicate in the opinion cases and at least in triplicate in court cases, parawise comments, on plaints/petitions should also be furnished in triplicate. Such references to the Law Department from the Department should be made preferably at a senior level. 29. Draft of parawise comments, etc, should be typed in double space and half margin should be left to enable the Law Department to carry out amendments wherever considered necessary.


30. Standardized court labels(S-209-A to 212-B) obtainable from the Controller of Stationery and forms, should be used while sending a court case to the Law Department. 31. If a reference is made to any earlier advice of the Law Department the number and date of that advice must invariably be quoted and if possible, a copy of the same be placed on the file. Whenever a case is referred to the Law Department and any previous opinion of the Law Department on the point at issue is within the knowledge of the referring Department it should also invariably be quoted in the referring note indicating the number and date of that previous opinion. 32. Unnecessary references on which the Department should themselves be able to formulate opinion should not be referred to the Law Department. With particular reference to drafting of pleadings and affidavits, it should be noted that while an officer signing any pleading or affidavit on behalf of the Government has every right to be satisfied that there is no mis-statement of facts, actual drafting or pleading and affidavits and the choice of working have always been the privilege and the responsibility of the counsel conducting a case on behalf of the Government. Therefore, so long as facts are correctly set out in the pleadings or affidavit, there should hardly be any occasion for objection as to the contents, arrangements or wording used by counsel in such pleadings or affidavit and should not normally be referred to the Law Department for vetting.

Services and General Administration Department 33. The case touching upon service mattes and interpretation of financial rules and regulations should be referred to the Services and General Administration Department or, as the case may be, to the Finance Department in the first instance and the assistance of Law Department should be sought only if a question of law is involved.


34. Where a Department obtains an opinion from the Law Department, the referring Department should not in announcing Government's decision(i.e department's own decision) disclose that the Law Department was consulted. Care should be taken that endorsement in such cases meant for the Law Department are not carried out in the copies meant for other Department. 35. While the Law Department would welcome, where considered expedient, back references from the Administrative Department for consideration of its opinions, but such reference should be at least from the same level at which level opinion was tendered in the Law Department. 36. Where in any case there is a difference of opinion between the Law Department and the Department concerned and the later desires to consult Advocate General it should send to the former all relevant papers together with a self contained summary of the case precisely indicating the points on which the advice of the Advocate General is sought. Under no circumstances a case is to be referred to the Advocate General by the Administrative Department directly. 37. The Secretary in each Department will be personally responsible for the observance of these instructions by his subordinates including officers in the attached offices. He should ensure that his subordinates do not disregard these instructions. When a case is finally disposed of and decided against the Government, he should have an inquiry instituted in the matter and take appropriate action against the concerned officials where the judgement has gone against the Government because of the non-observance of the rules or procedures on the part of the dealing officials. Where any lacuena in law or procedure is revealed steps should be taken to amend the law or the rules, as the case may be, if considered necessary and expedient. ______________





An Act to provide for regularization of services of certain civil servants appointed on Adhoc basis. Preamble:- WHEREAS it is expedient in the public interest to provide for regularization of the services of certain civil servants appointed on adhoc basis; It is hereby enacted as follows:1. Short title and commencement:-(1) This Act may be called the North-West Frontier Province Adhoc Civil Servants(Regularization of Services)Act, 1987. (2) It shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions:-(1) In this Act unless the context otherwise requires:(a) "Commission", means the North-West Frontier Province Public Service Commission; "Government" means the Government of the North-West Frontier Province; "Law or rule" means the law or rule for the time being in force governing the selection and appointment of civil servants; and "post" means a post under Government or in connection with the affairs of Government to be filled in on the recommendation of the Commission.





___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Published in the NWFP Government Gazette, Extraordinary, dt: 19.3.1987 at pages 1374-1376.


(2) The expression" adhoc appointment" and "Civil Servants" shall have the same meaning as respectively assigned to them in the North West Frontier Province Civil Servants Act, 1973(N.W.F.P Act No.XVIII of 1973) 3. Regularization of Services of certain Civil Servants:Notwithstanding anything contained in any law or rule, or in any decree, order or judgement of a court, all civil servants holding adhoc appointment to a post on or before 20th September,1986, and continuing as such till the commencement of this Act, shall be deemed to have been validly selected and appointed to the posts held by them on regular basis with effect from the date of commencement of this Act. Provided that:(i) the services of such civil servants shall be deemed to have been regularized under this Act only on the publication of their names in the official Gazette; such civil servants possess the qualifications and experience prescribed for the posts; and the Commission has in respect of the posts held by such civil servants not recommended any other person on or before the commencement of this Act.



4. Determination of Seniority:- (1) The civil servants whose services are regularized under this Act shall rank junior to all civil servants belonging to the same service or cadre, as the case may be, who are in service on regular basis on the commencement of this Act, and shall also rank junior to such other persons , if any, who, in pursuance of the recommendation of the Commission made before, the commencement of this Act, are to be appointed to the respective service or cadre, irrespective of their actual date of appointment. (2) The seniority inter-se of the civil servants, whose services are regularized under this Act within the same service or cadre, shall be determined on the basis of their continuous officiation in such service or cadre; provided that if the date of


continuous officiation in the case of two or more civil servants is the same, the civil servant older in age shall rank senior to the younger civil servant. 5. Repeal:- The North-West Frontier Province Adhoc Civil Servants(Regularization of services) Ordinance, 1987 (N.W.F.P Ordinance No.1 of 1987 ) is hereby repealed.



An Act further to provide for regularization of services of certain civil servants appointed on Adhoc basis.

Preamble:- WHEREAS it is expedient in the public interest to provide for regularization of the services of certain civil servants appointed on adhoc basis; It is hereby enacted as follows:1. Short title and commencement:-(1)This Act may be called the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants (Regularization of services)Act,1988. (2) It shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions:-(1) In this Act unless the context otherwise requires,(a) "Commission" means the North-West Province Public Service Commission; Frontier


"Government" means the Government of the NorthWest Frontier Province; "Law or rule" means the law or rule for the time being in force governing the selection and appointment of civil servants; and "post" means a post under Government or in connection with the affairs of Government to be filled in on the recommendation of the Commission. The expressions" adhoc appointment" and "Civil servants" shall have the same meanings as respectively assigned to them in the North-West





Frontier Province Civil Servants Act,1973(N.W.F.P Act No.XVIII of 1973).

___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Published in the NWFP Government Gbazette,Extraordinary,dt: 23.1.1988 at Pages 1270-1272.


3. Regularization of Services of certain Civil Servants:Notwithstanding anything contained in any law or rule for the time being in force, but subject to preferential right of appointment of a selectee of the Public Service Commission, if any, selected before the commencement of this Act, all civil servants holding appointment to a post on adhoc basis in any department of Government immediately before the commencement of this Act, shall be deemed to have been selected for appointment on regular basis on the commencement of this Act: Provided that:(a) the services of such civil servants shall be deemed to have been regularized under this Act only on the publication of their names in the official Gazette; and such civil servants possess the qualification and experience prescribed for the posts to which they are appointed on regular basis.


4. Determination of Seniority:-(1)The civil servants whose services are regularized under this Act shall rank junior to all civil servants belonging to the same service or cadre, as the case may be, who are in service on regular basis on the commencement of this Act, and shall also rank junior to such other persons, if any, who, in pursuance of the recommendation of the Commission made before, the commencement of this Act, are to be appointed to the respective service or cadre, irrespective of their actual date of appointment. (2) The seniority inter-se of the civil servants, whose services are regularized under this Act within the same service or cadre, shall be determined on the basis of their continuous officiation in such service or cadre; provided that if the date of continuous officiation in the case of two or more civil servants is the same, the civil servant older in age shall rank senior to the younger civil servant. 5. [Repealed].


___________________________________________________ ______________
1.Section -5 repealed by NWFP Act No.VIII of 1989. The repealed section 5 is reproduced as under "5. Ban on recruitment on adhoe basis:-(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law or rule there shall be no recruitment by way of adhoc appointments for a period of ten years from the date of commencement of Act. (2) The Government may fill in short term or temporary vacancies by way of contractual appointments in such manner and on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed for a period not exceeding two years during which period the selectees of the PSC against the vacancies, to fill in the posts, shall be made available by the PSC" Published in the NWFP Govt. Gazette,Extraordinary at Pages 633-636 dt 13.11.89.



THE NORTH-WEST FRONTIER PROVINCE EMPLOYEES ON CONTRACT BASIS (REGULARIZATION OF SERVICES) ACT,1989. (N.W.F.P ACT NO.VIII OF 1989) Sl.No. 3 *An Act to provide for regularization of services of certain employees appointed on contract basis in Government Departments of the North-West Frontier Province Preamble:-WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for regularization of services of certain employees appointed on contract basis in Government Departments of North-West Frontier Province; It is hereby enacted as follows:1. Short title, extent and commencement:-(1)This Act may be called the North-West Frontier Province employees on Contract Basis (Regularization of Services)Act,1989.

(2) (3)

It shall come into force at once. It shall extend to the whole of North-West Frontier Province.

2. Definitions:- In this Act unless the context otherwise requires:(a) "Government" means the Government of North-West Frontier Province. Government Department" means any Department constituted under rule 3 of the Government of the North-West Frontier Province Rules of Business,1985,and does not include any section of a Department or an organization which is Federally funded;




"Post" means a Department; and





"Public Service Commission" means the Public Service Commission constituted under the provisions of the North-West Frontier Province Public Service Commission Ordinance,1978 (N.W.F.P Ordinance No.XI of 1978) hereinafter referred to as Commission. 3. Special provision regarding employees on contract basis:-Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants Act,1973 (N.W.F.P Act No.XVIII of 1973), any candidate appointed on contract basis in any Government Department against any post on contract basis under Section 5 of the NorthWest Frontier Province Civil Servants (Regularization of Services) Act,1988 (N.W.F.P Act No.I of 1988) till the commencing day of this Act shall be deemed to have been appointed as a Civil Servant on adhoc basis, and shall always be deemed to have been so appointed.


"4. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being enforce, any Civil servant, who is or has been appointed or deemed to have been appointed against any post in any Government Department under section 3 of this Act shall be deemed to have been regularly appointed from the date of his continuous officiation, subject to eligibility, according to the service rules applicable to the post, verified by the Administrative Secretary of the Department concerned; Provided that if any Civil Servant is aggrieved regarding his eligibility, he shall have one right of appeal to the Chief Secretary, Government of North-West Frontier Province, and his decision in the case shall be final; Provided further that if there is any gap in service of any Civil Servant between this enactment and the date of appointment under section 3 of this Act, due to termination of contractual services only the same shall be deemed to have been condoned as extraordinary leave without pay.


(2) The inter se seniority of the civil servants under this Act shall be determined by the Government, according to service rules in vogue. 5. Repeal of Section 5 of N.W.F.P. Act No.I of 1988:Section 5 of the North-West Frontier Province Civil Servants (Regularization of Services) Act, 1988, (N.W.F.P. Act No.I of 1988),is repealed and shall always be deemed to have been so repealed.

___________________________________________________ ______________
1. Section 4 substituted by NWFP Act No.II of 1990.

THE NORTH-WEST FRONTIER PROVINCE EMPLOYEES ON CONTRACT BASIS (REGULARIZATION OF SERVICES) (AMENDMENT)ACT,1990 (N.W.F.P ACT NO.II OF 1990.) Sl.No.4 An Act to amend the North-West Frontier Province Employees on Contract basis (Regulation of Services)Act,1989. Preamable:- WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the North-West Frontier Province Employees on Contract Basis (Regularization of Services)Act,1989(N.W.F.P Act No.VIII of 1989),for the purposes hereinafter appearing; It is hereby enacted as follows:1. Short title and commencement:-(1) This Act may be called the North-west Frontier Province Employees on contract Basis (Regularization of Services)(Amendment) Act,1990. (2) It shall come into force with effect from 13th November,1989.


2. Substitution of Section 4 of NWFP Act No.VIII of 1989:- In the North-West Frontier Province Employees on contract basis (Regularization of Services) Act,1989 (N.W.F.P Act No.VIII of 1989) , section 4 shall be substituted by the following new section and shall always be deemed to have been so substituted:*4. (1)Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being enforce, any Civil Servant, who is or has been appointed or deemed to have been appointed against any post in any Government Department under section 3 of this Act shall be deemed to have been regularly appointed from the date of his continuous officiation, subject to eligibility, according to the service rules applicable to the post, verified by the administrative Secretary of the Department concerned. Provided that if any Civil servant is aggrieved regarding his eligibility, he shall have one right of appeal to the Chief Secretary, Government of North-West Frontier Province, and his decision in the case shall be final;
_____________________________________________________________ _________________ * Published in the NWFP Government Gazette,(Extraordinary),at Pages 1036/5-1036/7, dated 25.2.1990.

Provided further that if there is any gap in service of any Civil Servant between this enactment and the date of appointment under section 3 of this Act, due to termination of contractual service only, the same shall be deemed to have been condoned as extraordinary leave without pay. (2) The inter se seniority of the Civil Servants under this Act shall be determined by the Government, according to the service rules in vogue". ___________________________
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