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Punjab Auqaf Organization Appointment of Conditions of Service Rules 1994 PDF

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1. ****
2. Defi nitio ns
3. Constitution and Composition of the Service
4. Appointment to service
5. Initial Recruitment
6. Appointment by promotion or by transfer
7. Appointment on adhoc basis
8. Probation
9. Seniority
10. Liability to transfer
11. Remuneration
12. ****
13. Retirement
14. Pension and gratuity
15. Conduct
16. *****
17. Leave
18. Appeal or representation
19. Benevolent fund and group insurance
20. Se rvi c e b oo k
21. Character roll
22. General
23. Relaxation
24. Repeal
25. Schedule I
26. Schedule II
27. Schedule III
28. Schedule IV
29. Schedule V
30. Schedule VI
31. Schedule VII
32. Schedule VIII
33. Schedule IX




Dated Lahore, the 8 th February, 1994

In e xercise of the p o wer s conf e rred by Se ction 25 of the Pun jab W aqf
Properties Ordinance, 1979 (IV of 1979), the Governor of the Punjab is
pleased to make the following rules, namely:-
1. (1) These rules may be called the Punjab Auqaf Organization (Appointment &
Conditions of Service) Rules, 1994.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
(3) They shall apply to the incumbents of all posts paid out of Auqaf
Fund and employees of the corporation constituted under Sub -
Section (3) of Section 3 of the Ordinance except:
(i) a person who is on dep utation with the Auqaf
Organization from Federal or any Provincial Government
Department or any Autonomous or Semi- Autonomous
(ii) a person who is employed on a specific contract or on work-
charged basis
2. (1) Defi nit ions.– In the se rules, u nl ess the conte xt ot her wise
requires, the following words and expressions shall have the meaning
hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say:-
(a) "Adhoc appointment" means appointment of a duly qualified
person made otherwise than in accordance wi th the
prescribed method of recruitment pending recruitment in
accordance with such method.
(b) "Appointing Authority" means the Chief Administrator or
any officer declared as such by the Chief Administrator in
relation to a post or category of posts.
(c) " Auq af O rga nizatio n" mea ns t he office s and
institutions esta blished under the corporation constituted
vide Sub-Section (3) of Section 3 of the Ordinance.
(d) " Co mmi t t e e " me a n s a De p ar t me n t a l Sel e cti on o r a
De p a r t me n t a l Promotion Committee as may be constituted
by the Chief Administrator in relation to a post or a number of
posts of various grades.
(e) "Functional Unit" means a group of posts or a part of
such group sanctioned as a separate unit in or under the
(f) Grade has the same meaning as in the Punjab Civil Servants
(Change in Nomenclature of Services and Abolition of Classes)
Rules, 1974.
(g) “Initial Recruitment" means appointment made otherwise than by
promotion or by transfer.
(h) "Ordinance" means the Punjab Waqf Properties Ordinance, 1979.
(i) "Service" means the Punjab Auqaf Organization Service.
(j) "Schedule" means the schedule appended to these rules.
(k) "Zone" means the area declared by the Chief Administrator
as under the charge of a Zonal Administrator.
(2) All words and expressions used herein and defined in the
Ordinance, and not here-in-before defined, shall be deemed to
have the meanings respectively attributed to them by the Ordinance.
3. Constitution and Composition of the Service. –
(i) The service shall consist o f all posts sanctione d by the Chief
Ad mi n istrator with the approval of the Government, expenditure
where of is to be met out of Auqaf Fund-
(ii) The posts comprising the service shall be classified according to
the functional units indicated in the Schedule.
(iii) The persons already holding the posts indicated in the Schedule on
regular basis immediately before the enforcement of these rules and those
appointed herein after under these rules shall be the members of the
4. Appointment to service.–
Appointment to a post in the service shall be made by initial
recruitment, by promotion or by transfer as prescribed in relation to the
post indicated in the schedule.
"Provided that the Chief Administrator may fill a post temporarily by
appointment of a suitable and qualified person on contract basis or
by obtaining the services on deputation of a suitable and duly
qualified person serving under the Federal or any Provincial
Government or any Autonomous or Semi -Autonomous Organization
established under a law by such Government.
Provided further that appointment to any post may be made by
posting of a person holding on regular basis any other post of
equivalent status. The person so posted will, however, be liable to be
posted back to his own post.
5. Initial Recruitment.–
(1) Appointment by initial recruitment shall be made on the
recommendations of the appropriate Selection Committee after
fair competition, subject to the recruitment policy of the Government in
(2) A candidate for initial recruitment to a post must possess the
prescribed qualifications and experience and must be within ag e
limit as laid down for the respective post in the schedule, provided that:-
(i) In case of a person whose services under the
Government or Auqaf Organization wer e terminated for
want of vacancy or post, the period of service rendered
by him previously shall be excluded for the purposes of
upper age limit;
(ii) In case of a person who is in the service of the
Government or Auqaf Organization, the period of his such
continuous service shall be excluded for the purposes of
upper age limit; and
(iii) Authorities mentioned below shall for special reasons
to be recorded in writing, be competent to allow
relaxation in upper age limit to the extent indicated below:-
Appointing Authority upto 5 years.
Chief Administrator upto 15 years.
(3) For the purposes of Sub-rule (2) age shall be reckoned:-
( a) in a ca se wh er e re crui t me n t i s t o be ma d e o n t h e b asi s
o f written examination and or test/interview, on the first of
January of the year in which the examination and or test is
proposed to be held; and
(b) in other cases on the last date fixed for submission of
applications for recruitment.
(4) No person below the age of eighteen years shall be appointed to
the service.
(5) No person shall be appointed to a post in the service unless he is
a citizen of Pakistan, provided that this restriction may be relaxed
by Government in suitable cases.
(6) No person who has married a foreign national, shall be appointed
to a post in the Service, provided that such restriction may be
relaxed by Government in case of person who has married a citizen of
(7) A post in the Provincial Headquarters Office or allied
Institutions at Provincial Headquarters shall be filled in from
amongst the bonafide residents of the Province of the Punjab and
a post falling in a Zonal Cadre or Institutions shall be filled from
amongst bonafide residents of the zone concerned.
(8) No person shall be appointed to a post in the service unless he
is in a good mental and bodily health and is free from any physical
deformity or defect likely to interfere with or create hindrance in the
discharge of his duties, and produces a certificate of medical
fitness from the Medical Superintendent of concerned District
Headquarter Hospital or Medical Superintendent Data Darbar
Hospital, Lahore or any other Medical Authority nominated by the
Chief Administrator for this purpose.
(9) No per son not already in service of t he Govern men t sh all be
appointed to a post in the service unl ess he produces a
certificate of good character from the Principal, Academic Officer of
the Academic Institution last attended and also a certificate of good
character from two respectable and responsible persons not
being his relatives who are well acquainted with his character and
Provided further that an appointment by initial recruitment shall be
subject to the verification of character and antecedents of the
candidate or the person so appointed, to the satisfaction of the
appointing Authority.
6. Appointment by promotion or by transfer. –
(1) A me mber of the service shall be eligible for promotion to a
higher post for the time being reserved for promotion, if he
possesses such qualifications and experience as indicated in
relation to the post in the Schedule.
Pr o vi d ed t h a t i n th e c a s e o f a Sele c ti o n Po s t pr o mo t io n
s h a l l b e m a d e on the basis of the Selection on merit while in
the case of a non -Selection post promotion shall be made on the
basis of Seniority-cum-fitness.
(2) Appointment by promotion and by transfer shall be made on the
recommendations of appropriate Departmental Promotion Committee.
(3) Promotion including proforma promotion shall not be claimed as a
(4) Appointment by transfer may be made from amongst persons
holding appointments in the Government, if such a person fulfils
the conditions of appointment to the post to which he is to be
transferred and satisfies such other conditions, if any, as may be
laid down by the Chief Administrator; provided that such person holds
an appointment in Government on regular basis in the same grade
as that of the post to which appointment is proposed , to be made
(5) Where a post falls vacant as a result of deputation, leave,
suspension or appointment on acting charge basis of the regular
incumbent of the post or is reserved under the rules to be filled in
by transfer and no suitable person is available for such
appointment, the appointing Authority may on the
recommendations of the appropriate Promotion Committee,
make appointment by promotion against such post on officiating
(6) An officiating promotion shall not confer any right of promotion on
regular basis and shall be liable to termination as soon as the
regular incumbent resumes duty or suitable person becomes
available for appointment on regular basis, by transfer as the case may
(7) Officiating promotion shall be made on the same terms and
conditions as to pay as are prescribed for promotion on regular
basis but the period of officiating promotion shall not count toward s
seniority in the higher post.
(8) Where a post is required to be filled by promotion as indicated in
the Schedule, the senior most member of the service in the
functional unit concerned who is otherwise eligible for promotion,
but does not possess the specified length of service, may on the
recommendations of the appropriate Departmental Promotion
Committee be appointed by Appointing Authority to the post on acting
charge basis.
7. Appointment on adhoc basis. –
(1) When the appointing Authority considers it expedient to fill a post
immediately in the public interest, it may, pending Selection of a
candidate by the appropriate Departmental Selection Committee, fill
such, post on adhoc basis for a period not exceeding one year if
such post is required to be filled in by initial recruitment.
(2) No person shall be appointed on adhoc basis unless he possesses
qualification, laid down for the post in the Schedule and appointment
shall be made subject to revocation at any time.
(3) No person shall be appointed on adhoc basis unless the vacancy is
advertised properly in the leading newspapers and selection is made by
the Appointing Authority on the basis of merit determined by objective
(4) An adhoc appointment shall terminate on the expiry of one year or on the
date appointment on regular basis is made which ever is earlier.
(5) Appointment on adhoc basis will neither confer any right on the
person so appointed in the matter of regular appointment to the
same post nor such service shall count towards seniority.
8. Probation.–
(1) A person appointed to a post in the service against a
substantive vacancy shall remain on probation for a period of
two years, if ap pointed by . initial recruitment and for a period of one
year if appointed otherwise, provided that the Appointing Authority
may extended the period of probation by a further period upto the extent
of two years.
EXPLANATION: Officiating Service spent on deputation to a
corresponding or a higher post may be allowed to count towards the
period of probation.
(2) If the work and conduct of a member of the service during the period
of probation has been found to be un-satisfactory, the Appointing Authority
may, notwithstanding that the period of probation has not
expired, dispense with his service if he has been appointed by
initial recruitment and if appointed otherwise, revert him to his former
(3) No person shall be confirmed in a post unless the post is
permanent and he has successfully completed such training and
passed such examination as may be specified by the Chief Administrator.
If a member of the Service fails to complete successfully any
training or pass departmental examination so specified, the appointing
authority may:-
(a) in case he has been appointed by initial recruitment,
dispense with his services;
(b) in case he has been appointed otherwise, revert him to
his former post and if there be no such post, dispense
with his services.
(4) If no orders have been made by the day following completion of
the initial probationary period, the period of probation shall be
deemed to have been extended.
(5) Subject to the provisions of Sub-rule (3) if no orders have been
made by the day on which the maximum period of probation
expires the probationer shall be deemed to have been confirmed
in the appointment from the date on which the period of probation
was last extended or may be deemed to have been so extended.
(6) A probationer who has satisfactorily completed his period of
probation against a substantive vacancy shall be confirmed with
effect from the date of his continuous appointment in such vacancy;
Provided that when the period of his probation has been
extended under the provisions of Sub-rule (1) of this rule,
the date of confirmation shall, subject to other provisions of
this rule, be the date on which the period of probation was last
9. Seniority.–
(1) The seniority, interse, of persons appointed to a post in the functional
Unit shall be determined:-
(a) in the case of persons appointed by initial recruitment, in
accordance with the merit assigned by the Selection
Committee, provided that persons selected for appointment
to the post in earlier selection shall rank senior to the
persons selected in a later selection; and where no such
merit has been assigned shall reckon from date of
assumption of duty, and if date of assumption of duty is the
same in respect of two or more persons the elder in age,
shall rank senior to the younger in age.
(b) in the case of persons appointed otherwise, with reference
to the date of their continuous appointment on regular basis,
provided that if the date of such appointment in the case of
two or more persons is the same, older if not junior in the
next below grade or post shall rank senior to the younger
If a person junior in a lower post is promoted to higher post
by superseding his senior and subsequently the latter is
also promoted, the person promoted first shall rank senior
to the one promoted subse quently.
A junior promoted to a higher post shall be deemed to
have superseded his senior only if both the junior and senior
were considered for higher post and the junior was promoted
in preference to the senior, and the senior if not
superseded shall on promotion to higher post shall retain his
seniority over his junior as in the lower post.
(2) The seniority of persons appointed by initial recruitment
vis-a-vis those appointed otherwise shall be
determined with reference to the date of continuous
appointment to the post. Provided that if the dates are
the same, the person appointed otherwise shall rank
senior to the person appointed by initial recruitment,
provided further that the seniority, interse of persons
belonging to same category will not be altered.
In case a group of persons is selected for
appointment by initial recruitment at one time, the
earliest date on which anyone out of the group joined
service will be deemed to be the date of appointment
of all persons in that group. Similarly in case a
group of persons is appointed otherwise at one time
in the same office order the earliest date on which
anyone out of the group joined the service will be
deemed to be the date of appointment of all persons in
that group, and the persons in each group will be
placed with reference to the continuous date of
appointment as a group in order of their interse seniority.
(3) Not-withstanding the provisions of this rule the
seniority lists already prepared in accordance with the
rules applicable immediately before the
commencement of these Rules shall be construe d as
seniority lists in respect of persons already in service
and amendments therein shall continue to be made in
accordance with those rules to settle interse seniority
disputes among them.
(4) The Appointing Authority shall, for proper
administration of the service, from time to time,
prepare and circulate seniority list of the incumbents of
each post in all Functional Units of the Service.
10. Liability to transfer.–
(1) Members of the Service shall be liable to transfer anywhere in Punjab.
(2) Members of the Service shall not apply for any other appointment
/ employment without prior written permission of the Appointing
11. Remuneration.–
(1) Me mbers of the services shall be entitled to the pay attached
to the post to which such member is appointed and such other
allowances as may be determined by the Chief Administrator with
the approval of the Government.
(2) In the ma tter o f fi xation o f pay the me mb ers of the Ser vice
shall, subject to any general or specific order of the Chief
Administrator be governed by the rules and instructions applicable to
Government Servants.
12. (1) The service of a member of the service may be terminated
without notice:-
(a) If the appointment is made on adhoc basis.
(b) During the initial or extended period of his probation, Provided that
when such a member is appointed by promotion or transfer, he
shall be reverted to the post or service from which he was
promoted or transferred.
(2) I n t h e e ve n t o f t h e p o st b ei n g a b oli sh e d or n u mb e r o f p o st s
i n a functional Unit being reduced the services of the junior most
shall be terminated.
(3) A member of the Service appointed to officiate in a higher post or
to hold a higher post on acting charge basis shall be liable to
reversion to his lower post without notice.
13. Retirement.–
(1) A member of the service shall retire from service;
(i) On any date after he has completed ten years of service qualifying
for pension or other retirement benefits as the appointing
Authority, may in public interest, direct;
(ii) If no direction is given under clause (i) then on completion
of sixtieth year of his age, provided that no order under
clause (i) shall be made in respect of a member of the service
unless the Appointing Authority has informed him in writing of
the grounds on which it is proposed to make the order and
has given him an opportunity of showing cause against it.
(iii) Subject to permission of the Appointing Authority, on or
after completion of twenty five years of service qualifying
for pension or other retirement benefits at his option so to
retire; communicated to the Appointing Authority at least
sixty days before the date from which he intends to seek
(2) A retired member of the Service shall not be re-employed unless such
reemployment is necessary in public interest and is made with
prior approval of the Government.
(3) A member of the Service, during leave preparatory to retirement
or after retirement may seek private employment; provided that
where employment is sought during leave preparatory to retirement,
he shall obtain prior approval of the Appointing Authority.
14. Pension and gratuity.–
A member of the Service shall, on retirement be entitled to such pension
and gratuity as may be prescribed provided that the service paid from the
Auqaf Fund only shall be treated as service qualifying for pension.
15. Conduct.–
The conduct of member of the service shall be regulated by the
Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1966 as amended from time to
time or such other rules as may be applicable to Government Servants.
16. Members of the Service shall, subject to any general or special
directions of the Chief Administrator, be liable to such disciplinary
action and penalties and in accordance with such procedures as
prescribed in the Punjab Civil Servan t s (Efficiency and Discipline)
Rules,197 5, a s a me nded by t he Government from time to time.
17. L e a v e .–
Subject to such modification as may be specified by the Chief
Administrator Auqaf, Punjab Revised leave Rules, 1981 as amended
from time to time, shall be applicable to the members of the Service.
18.` Appeal or representation.–
A member of the Service aggrieved by an order concerning his terms
and conditions service shall have a right to make a representation to the
Authority next above the Authority who passed the order within sixty
days of the communication of the order. Where such order has been
passed by the Chief Administrator representation shall lie to the
Government. Provided that no representation shall lie on matters relating
to the determination of fitness of a person to hold a particular post or to be
promoted to a higher post.
Provided further that where the specific rules provide for a right of
appeal, review or revision, no representation shall be entertainable.
19. Benevolent fund and group insurance.–
(i) Chief Administrator may, if the majority of the members of the service
so desire, provide by Standing Orders a scheme to establish a
Benevolent Fund for relief of the members of the Service and their
families and a scheme to establish W elfare Fund for their Group
(ii) On the introduction of such a scheme the members of the
Service shall be liable to make contributions towards the
Benevolent Fund or the Welfare Fund as the case may be at the
rate specified from time to time by the Chief Administrator and the
amount of contributions shall, as far as possible,be deducted at
the source from their pay, or in the manner specified by Chief
Administrator in the Standing Order and the same shall be credited or
remitted to the respective Fund.
Provided that a member of the service who opts not to
participate in a scheme shall not be liable to make
contribution towards the Benevolent Fund or Welfare Fund as
the case may be.
20. Se rvi c e b oo k .–
Service Book shall be maintained by the Appointing Authority or
Authority authorized to do so by the Appointing Authority in respect of
each member of the Service indicating therein all important events
relating to his service namely pay, leave, punishments, warnings, age
and confirmation etc. in the same form as is prescribed for Government
21. Character roll.–
The character roll of the members of the Service shall, subject to any general or
special directions of the Chief Administrator, be recorded and maintained in
the same form and in accordance with the same procedure etc. as
applicable to Government Servants.
22. General.–
In all matters not expressly provided .for in these rules, and subject to gen -
eral or special directions of the Chief Administrator, members of the service
shall be governed as nearly as possible, by Government Servants T.A. Rules,
Medical Attendance Rules, as amended from time to time and such other
general Rules as may have been or may hereafter be prescribed by Government
for Government Servants from time to time.
23. Relaxation.–
Any of these rules may, for reasons to be recorded in writing be relaxed by the
Government in an individual case, if Government is satisfied that strict application
thereof would cause undue hardship to the individual concerned.
24. R e p e a l .–
(i) The West Pakistan Auqaf Service Rules, 1962, and the West Pakistan
Auqaf Department (Khateebs and Imams) Service Rules, 1968, so far
as applicable in the Punjab', are hereby repealed.
(ii) Except for the provisions relating to appeals, Review, and Revision, any
disciplinary proceedings initiated under the West 'Pakistan Auqaf
Department (Khateebs & Imams) Service Rules, 1968 and pending
immediately before coming into force of these Rules, shall be com-
pleted and orders passed thereon as if the said rules had not been

n for initial
Sr. Name of Post and Method of
# its Grade appointment
and Minimu Maximu
transfer m m
1 2 3 4 5
1. Director By posting on
Administration deputation from
(Grade-19) SGA&I Department
of the Status of
Additional Secretary.
2. Director Estate By posting on
(Grade-19) deputation from
SGA&I Department
of the Status of
having revenue
experience and
having served for
atleast two years as
y Commissioner.
2.A Deputy Director By promotion on
Estate/Administrati seniority –cum-
on fitness basis from
(Grade-18) Amongst assistant
Director/ Zonal
ve Officer(BS-17)
having 5- years
service as Assistant
Director/ Zonal
Executive Officer.

3. Director Finance By posting on

(Grade-19) deputation from Audit
and Accounts
Department of
Punjab Local Fund
Audit Department
(Either PA & AS or
SAS qualified and
experienced officers)
3.A Deputy Director By promotion on
Finance seniority-cum-fitness
(Grade-18) basis from amongst
the Assistant
Directors Accounts

1 rd
Amended vide Notification no SO(G) 9-28/2010 dated 23 August 2010
2 rd
Amended vide Notification no SO(G) 9-28/2010 dated 23 August 2010
(Grade-17) having 5
years of service as
Assistant Director
4. Zonal i) Not more
Administrator than 25% by
(Grade-18) promotion from
Directors with
atleast five years
service in Grade-
17 on the basis
of selection on
merit with
reference to
suitability for
higher field
assignment and
seniority alone
not being the
ii) Not less
than 75% by
posting on
deputation from
(Officers of
status of
with practical
5. Administrator By posting on
(Grade-17) selection on merit
basis from amongst
Assistant Directors.
(They will be inter-
transferable with
Assistant Directors).
By posting on
deputation basis from
SGA&I Department.
(Officers of the
Status of EAS
preferably with
practical revenue
6. Manager Graduate i) 60% by 20 30
(Grade 16) 2nd Division initial recruitment
through the Punjab
Public Service
ii) 40% by
promotion from
(Senior Scale
Stenographers and
Auditors and
Officials of
Grade/Status on
selection on merit
basis provided they
have rendered
three years service
as such or not less
than five years
Service in the Auqaf
Organization and
have passed the
Examination as
may be specified by
the Chief
(They will be
with the
and Assistant
Accounts / Audit
Officers of Grade-
The posts
reserved in
promotion quota will
be distributed
amongst eligible
officials of the
mentioned above
on the basis of
Cadre strength of
each category.

Qualification for Age
Sr. Name of Post and its Method of
initial recruitment Ma
# Grade appointment Min
and transfer x
1 2 3 4 5
1. Assistant Director / By promotion on basis
Zonal Administrator / of seniority-cum-
Executive Officer fitness
(BS-17) i) 60% from amongst
Managers(BS-16) with

3 rd
Amended vide Notification no SO(G) 9-28/2010 dated 23 August 2010
three years service as
ii) 40% amongst from
16) and Private (BS-
16) Secretaries with
three years service as
Superintendents or
Private Secretary.

2. Public Relation Master Degree (2nd By initial recruitment or 21 35

Officer (BS-17) Division) in on deputation from the
Journalism or Information
Political Science or Department.
Urdu Literature or
English Literature
from a recognized
2.A Computer i) MCS; or By initial recruitment. 21 30
ii) MIT; or
(Grade-17) iii) BSCS
2.5 CGPA.

3. Superintendent By promotion on
basis from Assistants
with atleast five years
service as such.
(they will be inter-
transferable with

4. Private Secretary By promotion on

basis from Senior
Scale Stenographers
with atleast three
years service as such.
4A. Urs Supervisor / M.A Islamiat / By initial recruitment 20 35
Protocol Assistant Arabic (IInd (on contract bais)
Division with Dars
Nizami (Tanzeem-

5. Senior Scale i) Graduate. By promotion on 21 30

ii) Type writing seniority-cum-fitness
basis from
speed of 40 WPM Stenographers with
atleast five years
and short-hand
experience as such. If

4 rd
Amended vide Notification no SO(G) 9-28/2010 dated 23 August 2010
Amended Vide Notification no ADA17(185)98 dated 21st February 2008
(English/Urdu) none available for
100WPM. promotion then by
initial recruitment.

6. Naib Raees-ul- By posting on

Tableegh (Grade-15) selection basis from
amongst the Divisional
6.A Computer Operator BCS (2nd Division) By initial recruitment 18 30
6.B Proof Reader Graduate and three By initial recruitment 18 30
years experience in
Proof reading

7. Stenographer i) Intermediate By initial recruitment. 18 25

(Grade-12) ii) Type Speed
speed of 40 WPM
and short-hand
(English/Urdu) 90

8. Photographer i) Matric. By initial recruitment or 18 30

(Grade-12) ii) Diploma / on deputation from any
Certificate in Government
from a
d of Technical
iii) Practical
knowledge of
processes of
and practical
experience of
not less than 3
years in

9. Muallim Tajweed-ul- By posting on

Qiraat selection basis from
amongst Mudarrisin

10. Assistant/Superinten Graduate i) 1/3rd by 20 30

dent,Dar-ul-Aman initial recruitment.
(Grade-11) ii) 2/3rd by
promotion on
fitness basis from
senior clerks with
two years service

6 rd
Amended vide Notification no SO(G) 9-28/2010 dated 23 August 2010
7 rd
Amended vide Notification no SO(G) 9-28/2010 dated 23 August 2010
as such.

11. Istaqbalia Assistant By posting on

Badshahi Mosque selection basis from
(Grade-11) amongst Assistants

12. Muballigh By posting on

selection basis from
amongst the
Khateebs/Imams of

13. Senior Clerks By promotion on

basis from Junior
Clerks with two years
service as such.

14. Telephone Operator i) Matric By initial recruitment or 18 30

on deputation from any
(Grade-11) ii) Certificate/
training as
Operator from
iii) Practical
experience of
one year.

15. Assistant Sound i) Middle By initial recruitment or 18 30

Operator Pass. on deputation from any
(Grade-5) ii) Certificat Government
e in Electronics Department.
from a
of Technical
iii) Practical
experience of
one year.

16. Junior Clerk i) Matric i) 80% by 18 25

initial recruitment.
(Grade-5) ii) Typing speed 25
WPM. ii) 20% by
Preference for promotion from
those knowing employees in BS-1
Urdu Type to BS-4 with three
writing. years service
having qualification
prescribed for initial
recruitment and
below the age of 45
years. If none is
available then by
initial recruitments.
17. Generator Operator / i) Middle Pass. By initial recruitment or 18 30
Electrician on deputation from any
ii) Certificate of
(Grade-4) Electrician from
a recognized
of Technical
iii) Practical
experience of
one year.

18. Driver i) Middle Pass. By initial recruitment. 21 35

(Grade-4) ii) Possession of
valid Driving
19. Naib i) Primary By initial recruitment. 18 30
Qasid/Caretaker/Nigr education.
ii) Necessary
idar Note: Naib Qasid,
Nigran and Khadims
(BS-2) of the respective will be inter-
job. transferable.
iii) Driving Licence
and knowledge
of cooking will
be preferred.
19. Naan Literate and By initial recruitment. 18 30
A Bai/Langri/Mashki Physically fit
having relevant
19. Sweeper Literate and By initial recruitment 18 30
B Physically fit
having relevant

20. Daftri, Laboratory i) Middle By initial recruitment. 18 30

Attendent Pass.
(Grade-2) and other ii) Necessa The post of Daftri and
functionaries in ry training/skill Laboratory Attendent
Grade 2 to 4. and experience will be inter-
of the respective transferable.

Note: - 20% posts in Grade 1 to 5 out of initial recruitment quota shall be reserved
for the children of the employees of Auqaf Organization if otherwise
eligible, as per policy of the Punjab Government for such benefit extended
to Government to Government Servants. If none is available in the
category then by normal initial recruitment.


8 rd
Amended vide Notification no SO(G) 9-28/2010 dated 23 August 2010
9 rd
Amended vide Notification no SO(G) 9-28/2010 dated 23 August 2010
10 rd
Amended vide Notification no SO(G) 9-28/2010 dated 23 August 2010
Qualification Age
Name of Post and for initial
Sr.# Method of appointment
its Grade recruitment
and transfer Min Max

1 2 3 4 5

1. Assistant Director By promotion on the basis of

(Budget)/(Accounts) seniority-cum-fitness from
(Grade-17) amongst:-
Audit Officers and Assistant
Accounts Officers with three
years service as such.
(Common seniority list of the
above mentioned categories
will be maintained for the
purpose on the basis of
continuous date of regular
appointment to the respective

2. Audit Officer M.Com i) 2/3rd by promotion on 21 35

/Assistant seniority-cum-fitness basis
Accounts Officer. from Accountants/Auditors.
(Grade-16) ii) 1/3rd by initial recruitment.
(They will be inter-
transferable with Managers).

3. Accountant/Auditor B.Com i) 2/3rd by promotion on 20 30

(Grade-11) seniority-cum-fitness basis
from Senior Clerks having at
least five years experience in
ii) 1/3rd by initial recruitment.


Qualification Age
Name of Post for initial
Sr.# Method of appointment
and its Grade recruitment
and transfer Min Max

1 2 3 4 5

1. Tehsildar. Graduation i) By transfer 21 35

(Grade-16) from Or
University ii) On deputation from
Revenue Department.
1.A Naib Graduation By promotion on the basis of
Tehsildar from a seniority-cum-fitness from amongst
recognized Kanungos with atleast three years
University experience as such who have
passed the Kanungo’s examination
prescribed by the Board of
Revenue Punjab. If none is
available then by initial recruitment.

2. Qanungo By promotion on seniority-cum-

(Grade-9) fitness basis from Patwaris with 10
years service as such having
passed Qanungo Departmental
Examination and Training as
prescribed by Revenue

3. Patwari i) Matric. i) By initial recruitment. 18 25

(Grade-5) ii) Patwar Or
Examinatio ii) By transfer or on deputation
n Pass from Revenue Department.



Qualification for Age

Name of Post
Sr.# initial recruitment Method of appointment
and its Grade
and transfer Min Max

1 2 3 4 5

1. Director Degree in By promotion from

Projects (Grade- Engineering in the amongst Executive
19) requisite discipline or Engineers on the basis of
equivalent selection on merit, having
qualification, 12 years service in
registered as Grade-17 and above or 7
Professional Engineer

11 th
Amended vide Notification no AD (A)10 (71)1995,dated 20 April, 2010
with the Pakistan years service as XEN
Engineering Council Or
and atleast 7 years
experience as XEN. By transfer or on
deputation from any
Government Department.

2. Executive Degree in i) By promotion on

Engineer Engineering in the seniority-cum-fitness
(Grade-18) requisite discipline or basis from Engineering
equivalent Graduate, Assistant
qualification, Engineers and S.D.O
registered as with 5 years service as
Professional Engineer such.
with the Pakistan ii) If none suitable is
Engineering Council available then by transfer
with five years or on deputation from
experience. any Government

3. Assistant B. Sc. Engineering in i) 75% by initial 21 35

Engineer/S.D.O the relevant discipline recruitment
(Grade-17) and registered as ii) 5% by promotion on
Professional Engineer seniority-cum-fitness
with the Pakistan basis from Sub-
Engineering Council. Engineer/Sound
Operator/A.C. Operator
possessing qualifications
prescribed for initial
recruitment. and,
iii) 20% by promotion on
basis from Sub-
Operator/A.C. Operator
possessing three years
Diploma prescribed for
the post of Sub-Engineer
in the relevant discipline
and having 10 years
service as such and
having qualified the
Examination for such
purpose specified by the
Department and placed
in BS-16.

4. Sub- Three years Diploma i) By initial recruitment. 18 25

Engineer/Sound of Associate Or,
Operator/A.C. Engineering in the
Operator relevant discipline ii) By transfer or on
(Grade-11) from any recognized deputation from
Board of Technical Government
Education. Departments.

5. Circle Head i) By promotion on

Draftsman seniority-cum-basis from
(Grade-16) amongst Head
Draftsmen with 5 years
service as such.
ii) If none suitable is
available for promotion
then by transfer or on
deputation from other
Government Department.

6. Head Draftsman i) Matric i) By promotion on

(Grade-13) seniority-cum-basis from
ii) Three years
amongst Head
Diploma in Associate
Draftsmen with 5 years
service as such.
Draftsmanship from
any recognized Board ii) If none suitable is
of Technical available for promotion
Education and five then by transfer or on
years experience. deputation from

7. Draftsman i) Matric. 80% by initial 18 25

(Grade-11) ii) Three years recruitment.
Diploma in Associate 20% by promotion from
Engineering/Technical Tracers who are
Draftsmanship from Matriculate on the basis
any recognized Board of seniority-cum-fitness
of Technical Or
By transfer or on
deputation from

8. Tracer i) Matric By initial recruitment. 18 25

(Grade-5) ii) Tracer Course of 6 Or
months duration or By transfer or on
Draftsman course of deputation from
atleast 9 months Government
duration. Departments.

Functional unit Medical Establishment


Qualification for initial Age

Name of post its Method of
Sr.# recruitment and
Grade Appointment
transfer Min Max

1 2 3 4 5

Data Darbar By Promotion on

Hospital Medical selection on merit
Superintendent basis from Grade-
1. 19 Doctors of the
Hospital having
rendered at least
17 years service
in grade-17 and
above or 12 years
service in Grade-
18 and above if
appointed initially
in Grade-18 or 5
years Service if
appointed initially
to Grade-19. If
none suitable is
available for
promotion then by
transfer from a

2 Senior Eye Surgeon By Promotion on

fitness basis from
Eye Surgeons
Grade-18 of the
Hospital having
rendered at least
12 years service
in Grade-17 and
above or 7 years
service in Grade-
18 if appointed
initially in Grade-

3 Eye Surgeon i) MBBS or equivalent i) By promotion on 26 45

qualification recognized seniority-cum-
by the Pakistan Medical fitness basis from
and Dental Council and Grade-17 Doctors
registered with the said of the Hospital
council. possessing
ii) M.S. or FCPS in qualifications
prescribed for
initial recruitment.
ii) If none suitable
Post Graduate for promotion then
qualification like D.O or by initial
D.O.Ms or MCPS in the recruitment.
relevant subject.
Equivalent qualification
recognized by the
P.M.D.C with two years
practical experience in
the relevant subject
before or after post-

4 Anaesthetise. M.B.B.S or equivalent i) By promotion on 26 45

qualification recognized seniority-cum-
by P.M.D.C with fitness basis from
following Post-Graduate Grade-17 Doctors
qualifications: of the Hospital
F.C.P.S (Anaesthesia)
OR prescribed for
Equivalent qualifications initial recruitment.
recognized by P.M.D.C. ii) If none suitable
available for
If no such candidate with promotion then by
the afore-said Post- initial recruitment.
Graduate qualification is
available then the
following Post-Graduate
Diploma in Anaesthesia.
Equivalent qualification
recognized by P.M.D.C.,
Two years practical
experience in the
relevant subject before
or after Post-Graduation.

5. Child Specialist i) M.B.B.S. or equivalent i) By promotion on 26 45

qualifications recognized seniority-cum-
by the Pakistan Medical fitness basis from
and Dental Council and Grade-17 doctors
registered with the said of the Hospital
Council. possessing
ii) M.D or F.C.S. in qualifications
prescribed for
initial recruitment.
ii) If none suitable
Post Graduation available for
qualification like D.C.H. , promotion then by
or M.C.P.S (Paediatrics) initial recruitment.
or other equivalent
qualification recognized
by the P.M.D.C. with two
years Practical
experience in the
relevant subject before
or after Post-graduation.

6. Gynecologist i) MBBS or equivalent i) By promotion on 26 45

qualifications recognized seniority-cum-
by the Pakistan Medical fitness basis from
and Dental Council and Grade-17 Doctors
registered with the said of the Hospital
Council. possessing
ii) M.S or F.C.P.S. in qualifications
prescribed for
initial recruitment.
ii) If none suitable
Post Graduate available for
qualifications like promotion then by
D.G.O./M.C.P.S. in initial recruitment.
Gynecology or other
equivalent qualifications
recognized by the
PMDC with two years
practical experience in
the relevant subject
before or after post-

7. Radiologist i) MBBS or equivalent 26 45

(Grade-18) qualifications recognized --
by the Pakistan Medical do--
and Dental Council and
registered with the said
ii) M.D. or F.C.P.S in the
subject .
Post Graduate
qualifications like
D.M.R.D. / M.C.P.S. in
the relevant subject or
other qualifications
recognized by the
P.M.D.C. with two years
practical experience in
the relevant subject
before or after Post-

8. Pathologist M.B.B.S. with D.Sc. or

Ph.D or M. Phil or
(Grade-18) -- 26 45
F.C.P.S. or M.S (two do--
years duration) in the
relevant subject or other
qualifications recognized
by the P.M.D.C.
Or M.B.B.S or M.Sc. in
the relevant subject with
qualification like
D.C.Path. or other
qualifications recognized
by P.M.D.C. with two
years practical
experience in the
relevant subject before
or after post-graduation.

9. Medical Officer i) MBBS or equivalent By initial 22 35

qualifications recognized recruitment
by the Pakistan Medical
and Dental Council and
registered with the said
ii) Regular house job for
one year after acquiring
the qualification at (i)

10. Dental Surgeon. B.D.S. or equivalent By initial 21 35

qualifications recognized recruitment
by the Pakistan Medical
and Dental Council and
registered with the said

11. Sister i) Registered A. Grade i) By promotion 25 35

Nurse. from Staff Nurses
on seniority-cum-
(Selection Grade) ii) Registered Midwife. fitness basis.
iii) Diploma in teaching ii) if none suitable
and Ward Admn. Or is available for
Equivalent qualification promotion then by
recognized by Pakistan initial recruitment.
Nursing Council.
By initial

12. Staff Nurse i) Matric. By initial 20 35

(Grade-14) ii) Registered A. Grade recruitment
iii) Regd. Midwife.

13. Dispenser/Assistant i) Matric. By initial 18 25

Store Keeper
ii) Dispensers Certificate recruitment
from Punjab Medical
(Grade-6) Faculty.

14. E.C.G (Technician) i) Matric with Science --do-- 18 30

(Grade-9) ii) Certificate/Diploma in
Technology from
institute of Health,
iii) Practical experience
of at least 3 years.

15. X-Ray Assistant i) Matric. --do-- 18 25

(Grade-6) ii) Diploma in X-Ray
Technology from a
recognized Board of
Technical Education.

16. Laboratory i) Matric with Science. --do-- 18 25

ii) Certificate/Diploma, in
(Grade-6) Lab:
Technology from
Medical Faculty/National
Institute of Health

17. Operation Theatre Matric with Science. --do-- 18 25


18. Dresser Matric with Science. --do-- 18 25


19. Midwife i) Female. --do-- 18 25

(Grade-5) ii) Matric.
iii) Registered Midwife.
20. Vaccinator i)Matric with Science By initial 18 25
Trained Vaccinator. recruitment

21. Dental Technician i)Matric with Science. --do-- 18 25

ii)Two years Diploma of
(Grade-9) Dental Technology form
Punjab Medical Faculty.

22. Hakim Matric and Zubda-Tul- --do-- 23 35

Hukama Or
(L.U.M.S) Or
or equivalent
qualifications from
recognized Tibbia
/NationalCouncil of
Unani and Ayurevedic
system of Medicines,

23. Dawasaz Certificate from Tibbia --do-- 18 25

College recognized by
the Punjab Health

24. Senior Dispenser/ Matric with Dispensers i)By promotion 18 25

Store-Keeper Certificate from Punjab from amongst Dis-
Medical Faculty/other pensers on the
(Grade-8) recognized Institution basis of seniority-
with one year cum-fitness,
experience. possessing
qualifications for
initial recruitment.

ii)If none suitable

is available for
promotion then by
initial recruitment.

Qualification for initial Age
Name of Post and its Method of
S.# recruitment and
Grade appointment Min Max
1 2 3 4 5
1. Principal Punjab i. M.A. Arabic 2nd By initial 25 40
Auqaf Academy Division. recruitment.
(Grade-19) ii. M.A. Islamiat Or
Studies 2nd Division. By transfer or on
iii. Ph.D. Uloom-e- deputation
Islamia or related
iv. Experience
research of 10
v. Three years
practical teaching
1.A 12Director General i. Ph.D. Islamic by promotion on 40 50
Religious Affairs Studies/Arabic or the basis of
(Grade-20) related subject. selection on merit
ii. M.A. Arabic/Islamic from amongst BS-
studies (Ist Division) 19 officers of the
iii. 12 Research papers Directorate
published in General Religious
recognized journals. Affairs Auqaf
possessing the
qualification and
having rendered
17 years service
against posts in
basic Scale-17
and above of
which atleast three
years service
should be in Basic
12 years service
against posts in
Basic Scale-18
and above of
which atleast 3
years service
should be in Basic
Scale-19 (in case
initial appointment
is made in BS-18)
5 years service if
appointed initially
in Grade-19.
2. Deputy Director By promotion on

12 th
Amended vide Notification no SOG(A)19 (64) 95 Vol-II dated 15 January, 2008
Religious Affairs the basis or
(Grade-18) selection on merit
from amongst
of the
having atleast 2nd
Class Master
Degree in Islamiat
or Arabic and
Sanad of Dars-e-
3. Librarian i. M.A. Library By promotion from 20 30
(Grade-17) Science. Assistant Librarian
ii. Two years practical possessing
experience. qualifications for
initial recruitment.
If none suitable
available for
promotion then by
initial recruitment
4. Lecturer/Assistant M.A. Islamiat 2nd Div: By initial 20 28
Director (Research / Dars-e-Nizami/Fazil recruitment.
Training / Academic) Arabi.
5. Asstt: Librarian i. B.A./B.Sc. -do- 18 25
ii. Certificate/Diploma
in Library Science.



Name of Age
Qualification for initial Method of
S.# Post and its
recruitment and transfer appointment
Grade Min Max
1 2 3 4 5
1. Khateeb i) Sanad Shahadat- 35 50
Badshahi ul-Aalmia of WAFAQ-UL- By Initial recruitment.
Lahore/Rais- (MUMTAZ) or equivalent If appointed not from
ul-Tableegh, qualification as recognized amongst serving
Punjab by Universities Grants khateebs the Selectee
(Grade-18) Commission. will work as Provincial /
ii) Research Divisional Khateeb for
experience (at least three atleast one years.
papers on Islamic affairs in
renowned international (Unchanged)
Journals or at least three
lectures in International
Conference (s) of Islamic

13 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93I dated 6 January, 2004
iii) Practical Khatabat
experience of seven years.
i) For those serving as
Khateeb in Auqaf
Organization with atleast 10
Years service in Grade-14
and above possessing
qualifications of sanad
Shahadat-ul-Aalmia (Hanfi)
training course from Auqaf
ii) M.A Islamiat / Islamic
Studies/Arabic from a
recognized university.
iii) Hafiz-e-Quran
iv) Proficiency in Arabic
and English Speaking.
v) Comparative
knowledge of other
vi) Complete Knowledge
of Islamic Fiqah.
vii) Married
1.A Khateeb i) Sanad Shahadat-Ul- By initial recruitment 40 50
Data Darbar Aalmia Of Tanzeem-
Mosque Ul-Madaras (Hanfi)
Lahore Jayyad I.E 2nd
(BS-18) Division.
ii) Qari.
iii) Practical Khitabat
Experience Of Seven
iv) Proficiency In Arabic
v) Married.
i) Hafiz-e-Quran.
ii) Serving as Khateeb
in the Punjab Auqaf
Organization with at least
ten years service in grade
16 and above, possessing
the above mentioned
iii) Comparative
Knowledge of other
iv) Complete knowledge
2 Provincial By Promotion on ---- ----
Khateeb i) Sanad Shahadat-ul Seleetion on merit
(Grade-17) Aalmia of WAFAQ -UL- basis from amongst
MADARIS (HANFI) Divisional Khateebs
Tanzeem-ul- Madaris or (Maslakwise) with
equivalent qualifications as atleast five years
recognized by Universities service in Gade-15 and
Grants Commission. above.
ii) Fazal-e-Arbi from any v)
recognized Board of

14 th
Ammended vide Notification SO(G)3-11/2008 dated 29 September, 2008.
15 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93I dated 6 January, 2004
Education / University.
iii) Sanad Daure-e-
Tafsir-ul-Quran from any
recognized and registered
iv) Training Course of
Auqaf Academy.
3 Divisional i) Sanad Shahadat-ul- i) By Promotion on 30 45
Khateeb Aalmia of WAFAQ-UL- Selection on merit basis
(Grade-15) MADARIS (HANFI).
Tanzeem-ul- Madaris from amongst District
(Jayad Jiddan) or equivalent Khateebs (Maslakwise)
qualification as recognized with atleast 2 years
by Universities Grants
service as such
ii) Khitabat experience of 7 keeping in view,
years. interalia, utility and
iii) Ability to guide and train fitness to face and
the subordinate.
tackle administrative
PREFERENCE affairs, good reputation,
integrity, coordination
i) M.A Islamiat / Islamic
Studies/Arabic from a with Administration and
recognized university. Ulamas of Various
ii) Hafiz-e-Quran Masalik, ability to guide
iii) Adequate Knowledge of
and train the
other Religion.
iv) Adequate Knowledge of subordinates and Ham-
Islamic Fiqah. o-Fazal wise ability to
v) Married. address the audience.
ii) If none suitable
available for promotion
then by initial
4 District ------ By Promotion on ---- ----
Khateeb Selection on merit basis
(Grade-14) from amongst Senior
Khateebs / Imams /
Grade-12 (Maslakwise)
having passed Training
Course from the Auqaf
Academy, Lahore.
Keeping in view,
interalia, utility and
fitness to face and
tackle administrative
affair good, reputation,
integrity, coordination
with the Administration
and Ulamas of various
Masalik, ability to guide
and train the
subordinates and Ham-
o-Fazalwise ability to
address the audience.
Preference to those

16 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93I dated 15 January, 2008
17 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93I dated 15 January, 2008
qualifications of M.A
Islamiat / Islamic
Studies / Arabic from
recognized University.
5 Khatib- i) Shahadat-ul-Aalmia Fil i)70% by intial 20 35
cum-Imam Uloom-ul-Arabia Wal- recruitment.
(Grade-12) Islamia (Jayad Jiddan) or ii)30% by Promotion
Equivalent from from amongst Khatib-
(TANZEEM /WAFAQ) cum-Imam (Grad-9)
OR through selection on
M.A Islamiat or Arabic merit.
from any recognized Note:
University (1st Division) i) For Promotion of
ii) Sanad Tajveed, Khatib-cum Imam
Qiraat(Institution affiliated (already in service from
with Wafaq or Tanzeem) Grade-9 to Grade-12
iii) Hafiz-e-Quran Auqaf language course
PREFERENCE shall be compulsory.
i) Adequate However academic
Knowledge of Uloom-e- qualification shall
Jadedah. remain that of Grad-9.
ii) Ulema Academy ii) For initial recruitment
Course. written test would be
iii) Five Years compulsory.
experience in Khatabat.
iv) Married.
6 Khatib- i) Shahadat-ul-Aalmia Fil By Promotion 20 35
cum-Imam Uloom-ul-Arabia Wal- Note:
(Grade-9) Islamia (Jayad) or For promotion of
equivalent from Khateeb cum Imam
(TANZEEM /WAFAQ) from Grade-7 to Grade-
OR 9 Passing of Ulema
M.A Islamiat or Arabic Academy course shall
from any recognized be compulsory.
University (atleast 2nd However, academic
Division) qualification shall
ii) Sanad Tajveed, remain that of Grade-7.
Qiraat(Institution affiliated
with Wafaq or Tanzeem)
i) Hafiz-e-Quran.
ii) Training Course
of Auqaf Ulema
iii) Three Years
Experience in Khatabat.
7 Naib i) Shahadat-ul-Aalmia By initial recruitment 20 35
Khatib-cum- Fil Uloom-ul-Arabia Wal-
Imam Islamia (Jayad) or Note:
(Grade-7) Equivalent form (TANZEEM For initial recruitment
/WAFAQ) written test would be
M.A Islamiat or Arabic
from any recognized

18 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93I dated 6 January, 2004
19 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93I dated 6 January, 2004
20 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93I dated 6 January, 2004
Sanad Daras-e-Nizami
(Institution affiliated
with Wafaq or
Tranzeem) With Fazal-e-
8 Deleted Deleted Deleted
9 Deleted Deleted Deleted
10 Senior i) Sanad Daras-e- i) By Promotion on 20 35
Mauzan Nizami from the recognized selection on merit from
(Grade-5) institution (Tanzeem or amongst Muazans
Wafaq) (Grade-2)
OR If none suitable for
Darja Sanvia Aama promotion then by
(Tanzeem or Waqaf) intial recruitment.
ii) Hafiz-e-Quran
iii) Sanad Tajveed,
Qiraat from any registered
iv) Khush llhan.
v) Having passed
training course from Ulema
Academy(only for already in
service Masajid employees).
11 Mauzan i) Hafiz Quran i)By Promotion from 30 35
(Grade-2) (Having Sanad of Wafaq amongst Mauzan (BS-
or Tanzeem) 1) having qualification
ii) Qualified Qari prescribed for the post
iii) Basic knowledge of Mauzan (BS-2)
of Islamic lbadat. ii) If none suitable for
iv) Khush llhan promotion then by initial
PREFERENCE recruitment.
i) Darja Mutwast
(Middle) Wafaq or Tanzeem
12 Khadim Darja lbtadaia Tanzeem or By Initial recruitment. 20 35
Mauzan Wafaq.
(Grade-1) i) Hafiz Quran (Sanad
Tanzeem or Wafaq)
ii) Khush llhan

i) Darja lbtadaia shall
be judged by written test /
ii) The post of Khadim
is re-designated as
"Mauzan / Khadim".
iii) Mauzan / Khadim
shall not be transferable
with other cadre (Nigran,
Chawkidar, Naib Qasid etc.)

21 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93I dated 6 January, 2004
22 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93I dated 6 January, 2004
23 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93I dated 6 January, 2004
24 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93I dated 6 January, 2004
25 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93I dated 6 January, 2004


Sr.# Name of Qualification for initial Method of appointment Age

Post and recruitment
its Grade and transfer Min
1 2 3 4 5
1. Sadar i) Sanad Qiraat Sabah-wa- 20 35
Mudarris Ashra (From Wafaq / Tanzeem By Initial recruitment.
Registered Institution)
(Grade-16) ii) Sanad Shahadat-ul-
(Tajveed- Aalamia Fil Aaloom-ul-Arabia
o-Qiraat) wa Islamia
(Jayyed/Jiddan)(Wafaq /
Tanzeem )


M.A Arabic/ Islamiat

iii) Hafiz-e-Quran
iv) 5 Years experience of
Qiraat Teaching.


2 Sadar i) Sanad Shahadat-ul- 20 35
Mudarris Aalamia Fil Aaloom-ul-Arabia By Promotion From
(Grade- wa Islamia (Jayyed/Jiddan) Mudarrseen Scale No.12
16) (Wafaq /Tanzeem ) through selection on
(Daras-e- merit.
Nazami OR
and Fazal-
e- Arabic) M.A Arabic/ Islamiat.

ii) Sanad Tajveed-o-Qiraat

(2 years course from Wafaq /
Tanzeem ).
iii) 5-years teaching

i) Hafiz-e-Quran
ii) Married.
3 Senior i) Sanad Shahadat-ul- i)70% by initial 20 35
Mudarris Aalamia Fil Aaloom-ul-Arabia recruitment.
(Grade- wa Islamia (Jayyed/Jiddan)
12) Wafaq /Tanzeem ) ii)30% by Promotion from
amongst Mudarrseen
OR (Grade-9) through
selection on merit.
M.A Arabic/

26 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93 dated 27 December, 2003
27 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93 dated 27 December, 2003
28 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93 dated 27 December, 2003
ii) Sanad Tajveed-o-Qiraat
(Wafaq / Tanzeem 2-years
iii) 5-years teaching
iv) Auqaf Language
i) Hafiz -e- Quran
ii) Married.
4 Mudarris i) Shahadat-ul-Aalamia Fil i)70% by initial 20 35
(Grade-9) Aaloom-ul-Arabia wa Islamia recruitment.
(Jayyed) (Wafaq / Tanzeem )
ii) Sanad Tajveed-o-Qiraat ii)30% by Promotion from
(Wafaq / Tanzeem 2- years amongst Mudarrseen
course) (Grade-7), through
iii) 5 years teaching selection on merit.
iv) Ulema Academy


i) Hafiz -e- Quran

ii) Intermediate
iii) Married.
5 Mudarris i) Shahadat-ul-Aalamia Fil i)70% by initial 20 35
(Grade-7) Aaloom-ul-Arabia wa Islamia recruitment.
(Jayyed) (Wafaq /Tanzeem )
ii) Sanad Tajveed-o-Qiraat ii)30% by Promotion from
( Wafaq / Tanzeem 2-years amongst Mudarrseen
course). (Grade-6), through
iii) Hafiz-e-Quran selection on merit.
i) Intermediate
ii) 3-years teaching
iii) Married
6 Mudarris i) Sanad Hafiz-e-Quran i) 50% by initial 20 35
(Grade-6) (From Wafaq / Tanzeem) recruitment.
ii) Tajveed-o-Qiraat (Two
years Qirrat Course from ii)50% by Promotion
Registered institutions) through selection on
PREFERENCE merit from amongst
i) Matric. senior Muazaneen
ii) Married. (Grade-5) having 5-years
teaching experience and
Attended Ulema
Academy Course.

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Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93 dated 27 December, 2003
30 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93 dated 27 December, 2003
31 th
Amended vide Notification no US(G)3-82/A/93 dated 27 December, 2003

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