Automata Theory - Homework II (Solutions) : 1 Problems
Automata Theory - Homework II (Solutions) : 1 Problems
Automata Theory - Homework II (Solutions) : 1 Problems
1 Problems
1. Let L be a regular language not containing . Argue that there exists a right-linear grammar for L, whose productions are restricted to the forms: A A aB, and a
where A and B are generic variables and a is a generic terminal. Solution: In class, we showed that every regular language can be represented as a DFA M = Q, , , q0 , F , where the symbols should be interpreted using the standard convention. Since, L is -free, it must be the case that q0 F . We construct the following Right-Linear Grammar G = V, T, S, P for L: (a) We use symbol Ai to denote state qi . V = {Ai : i = 0, 1, . . . , |Q| 1}. (b) The set of terminals T is precisely . (c) S = A0 . (d) The productions P of G are dened as follows: For each transition, (qi , a) = qj , add the production Ai aAj . If qj is also a nal state, then add the production Ai a. We use induction on the number of transition steps to show that if (q0 , w) F , then A0 w. Likewise, we use induction on the number of steps in a leftmost derivation to establish that if A0 w, then (q0 , w) F . (The induction proofs are straightforward exercises). 2 2. Consider the language L = {an : n is not a perfect square}. Prove that L is not regular, by using the Pumping Lemma. You may not use complement properties of regular languages. Solution: One way of showing that L is not regular is through the following argument: If L is regular, then so is Lc ; however, we showed in class that Lc is not regular and hence L cannot be regular. Since you were expressly forbidden from using the complement properties of regular languages, let us proceed to prove the non-regularity of L, using rst principles. Assume that L is regular and let M = Q, , , q0 , F denote the unique minimal state DFA for L, where the symbols in the tuple have their usual meaning. Let p denote the number associated by the Pumping Lemma with L; we know 2 that p = |Q|. Let G = {ap +i : i = 1, 2, . . . 2p}; we can think of the strings in G as being indexed by their length 2 after subtracting the offset p2 . Using wi to refer to the string ap +i , we have that |wi | + 1 = |wi+1 |. Let R = {(q0 , wi ) : wi G}; we use ri to denote (q0 , wi ), wi G. The following observations are in order: (i) All the states in R are nal states.
(ii) |G| = 2p and |R| p. As per the pigeonhole principle, there must exist at least two strings wi and wj in G, such that (q0 , wi ) = (q0 , wj ) = rk , rk R. We have thus established that there exists a string as , 1 s p, and a state rk R, such that (rk , as ) = rk . Let T = {(rk , a), (rk , a2 ), . . . , (rk , as1 ), (rk , as )}; clearly T R. T represents a cycle of nal states on a-transitions; it follows that the DFA can never escape from this cycle towards a non-nal state on a-transitions. Thus 2 2 2 (q0 , ap +2p+1 ) T ; however, ap +2p+1 = a(p+1) and should be rejected by the DFA M . We thus have the desired contradiction and it follows that L cannot be a regular language. 2 3. Consider the grammar G = V, T, S, P , with productions dened by: S aSbS | bSaS | Is G ambiguous? Is L(G) ambiguous? Solution: G is ambiguous, since the string w = abab has two distinct leftmost derivations: (i) S aSbS abSaSbS abaSbS ababS abab, and (ii) S aSbS abS abaSbS ababS abab. L(G) is the language of strings over {a, b}, in which the number of as is equal to the number of bs. An unambiguous grammar for this language is given by: G = V, T, S, P , where, (a) V = {S}, (b) T = {a, b}, (c) S = S, and (d) P is dened by: S aSb | bSa | S S | You are required to use induction on the number of steps of a leftmost derivation from S to establish that if S w, lm then the leftmost derivation of w is unique. 2 4. Show that the language L = {w wR : w {a, b} } is not inherently ambiguous. Hint: Prove that L has an unambiguous grammar. Solution: An unambiguous grammar for L is G = V, T, S, P , where, (a) V = {S}. (b) T = {a, b}. (c) S = S. (d) The productions P are dened by: S aSa | bSb |
In order to establish the unambiguous nature of G, we need to show that for every string w L(G), there is precisely one leftmost derivation S w; this is done by using induction on the length of w. Before commencing the proof, lm we need the following lemmata. Lemma 1.1 If S w, then |w| is even. lm Proof: Exercise. Use induction on the number of steps in the shortest leftmost derivation of w. 2
Lemma 1.2 If w L, then the string w obtained by dropping the rst and last symbols of w, also belongs to L Proof: It is a straightforward observation (Use contradiction!). 2 Theorem 1.1 If S w, then this derivation is unique. lm Proof: We use induction on the length of w; the induction will be on the set of even numbers and not on the set of natural numbers (which is our conventional ground set). If |w| = 0, then w must be , and there is precisely one production rule and hence one way for w to be derived from S, in leftmost fashion. Assume that Theorem (1.1) is true, for all even-length strings of length at most 2 k, k 0. Now consider a string w L, of length 2 (k + 1). Since w L, it must be the case that w = axa or w = bxb, with x L (See Lemma (1.2)). However, |x| = 2 k and hence x has a unique leftmost derivation from S. It therefore follows that w has a unique leftmost derivation; for instance, if w = axa, then S lm aSa axa represents the unique lm leftmost derivation of w from S. A similar argument holds when w = bxb; we can therefore apply the principle of mathematical induction to conclude that every string in L has a unique leftmost derivation from S, i.e., G is unambiguous. Inasmuch as L has an unambiguous grammar, it follows that L itself is unambiguous. 2 2 5. Remove all unit productions, -productions and useless productions from the the grammar G = V, T, P, S , with productions P dened by: S aA | aBB aaA | bB | bbC B A B C
Solution: It is important that all -productions are deleted rst, followed by the unit productions and nally by the useless productions. If this order is altered, language preservation is not guaranteed [Lin06]. (a) Removing -productions - The only nullable symbol is A; accordingly, applying the algorithm in [Lin06], the removal of -productions results in the following set of productions: S aA | aBB | a aaA | aa bB | bbC B A B C
(b) Removing unit productions - There is precisely one unit production, viz., C B. Applying the algorithm in [Lin06], the removal of this unit production results in the following set of productions: S aA | aBB | a aaA | aa bB | bbB
(c) Removing useless productions - Observe that no terminal string can be derived from B; it follows that any production involving B can be deleted, without affecting the language of the grammar. Accordingly, the nal set of productions is: S A 2 3 aA | a aaA | aa
[Lin06] Peter Linz. An Introductionto Formal Languages and Automata. Jones and Bartlett, 4th edition, 2006.