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Introduction To The Theory of Computation Homework #2 Solutions

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Introduction to the Theory of Computation

Homework #2 Solutions
(1. and 2. omitted)
3. (Exercise 1.13) Give regular expressions for all four languages in Exercise 1.4.
Solution (there are multiple equivalent expressions in each case):
• {w | w begins with a 1 and ends with a 0} = 1(0 + 1)∗ 0
• {w | w contains at least three 1s} = 0∗ 10∗ 10∗ 1(0 + 1)∗
• {w | every character at an odd position of w is a 1} = (1(0 + 1))∗ (1 + )
• {w | w contains an even number of 0s, or exactly two 1s} = 1∗ (01∗ 01∗ )∗ + 0∗ 10∗ 10∗

4. (Exercise 1.10b) We saw in class that switching the accepting and non-accepting states of
a DFA that recognizes the language L yields a DFA that recognizes the language L. Show by
example that this is not true for NFAs; that is, show an NFA where switching the accepting
and non-accepting states does not complement the language it recognizes.
Solution: Here’s a trivial example: consider an NFA M with Σ = {a}, start state q0 and
two more states q1 and q2 . Let δ(q0 , a) = {q1 , q2 }, i.e. M can move to either q1 or q2 upon
reading a. If the accepting subset F is {q1 }, then M accepts the word a by moving to q1 ; if
we complement F then it still accepts a, this time by moving to q2 .
5. Let’s formalize the idea of strings that are equivalent if they can be followed by the same
suffixes. For a given language L, say u ∼ v if, for all w, uw ∈ L if and only if vw ∈ L. This
equivalence divides the set of strings Σ∗ up into equivalence classes.
Suppose L is recognized by a DFA M . Now using the definition of δ ∗ we gave in class,
prove formally that if δ ∗ (q0 , u) = δ ∗ (q0 , v) — that is, if u and v lead to the same state of M
from the start state — then u ∼ v. (This proof only takes a few lines in our notation.)
Solution: If δ ∗ (q0 , u) = δ ∗ (q0 , v), for any w we have δ ∗ (q0 , uw) = δ ∗ (δ ∗ (q0 , u), w) =
δ (δ (q0 , v), w) = δ ∗ (q0 , vw). Thus reading uw and vw puts the machine in the same state.
∗ ∗

If this is an accepting state, uw and vw are both accepted; if it is not, they are both rejected.
Thus uw ∈ L if and only if vw ∈ L, so u ∼ v.
Conclude from this that the number of states of M must be at least as large as the
number of equivalence classes defined by ∼.
Solution: Suppose u 6∼ v. (That is, there is at least one w such that uw ∈ L but vw ∈ /L

or vice versa.) Then δ (q0 , u) 6= δ(q0 , v), so they go to two different states. If there are k
words, none of which are equivalent to each other (i.e. in k different equivalence classes) then
there must be at least k different states for them to go to.

Now prove formally that the set of palindromes is not a regular language.
Solution: (I should have said “in any alphabet with at least two symbols,” since any string
in one-symbol alphabet is a palindrome!) Let Σ = {0, 1}. Then for any i 6= j, 0i 1 6∼ 0j 1
since 0i 10i ∈ L but 0j 10i ∈
/ L. Thus there are a countably infinite number of inequivalent
states, so a DFA would need an infinite number of states (which is nonsense unless we give
it some form of infinite memory, like a stack. . . )
6. (Exercise 1.17c plus a little more) Give two proofs, one based on the pumping lemma
(which will will talk about this week) and one based on the previous exercise, that the
language {a2 | n ∈ N} is not regular. Here Σ = {a} and ak means a string of k a’s.
Solution (with the pumping lemma): The pumping lemma states that any sufficiently
long word s ∈ L can be written s = xyz such that xy i z ∈ L for all i ≥ 0, and moreover
that 0 < |y| ≤ p for some constant p. To show this leads to a contradiction, choose k
k k
so that 2k > p, and let s = a2 ∈ L and write s = xyz. But xy 2 z = a2 +|y| ∈ / L, since
k k k+1 k
2 + |y| ≤ 2 + p < 2 is less than the next largest power of 2 after 2 . Thus the pumping
lemma is false and the language is not regular.
Solution (with inequivalent words): I claim that ai 6∼ aj for all i 6= j. To see this, assume
without loss of generality that i < j, and choose k such that 2k > j − i. Now set m = 2k − i.
Then ai am = a2 ∈ L. However, aj am ∈ L since j + m = 2k + j − i < 2k+1 is less than the
next biggest power of 2 after 2k . Thus there are an infinite number of inequivalent words
and the language is not regular.
7. (Problem 1.31) Consider a new kind of automaton called an All-Paths NFA. This is just
like an NFA, except we say it recognizes a word if all computation paths accept, unlike an
NFA which accepts if at least one path does. (Note that what we have done logically is
replace ∃, “there exists a path”, with ∀, “for all paths”.)
Show that All-Paths NFAs recognize exactly the regular languages, by describing how to
convert an All-Paths NFA into an DFA that recognizes the same language.
Solution: We start just as in our conversion of an NFA to a DFA. Let the NFA have states
Q with start state q0 ∈ Q, accepting states F ⊆ Q and transition function δ : Q×Σ → P(Q).
As before, we define a DFA with states Q0 = P(Q), start state {q0 } and transition function
δ 0 (S, a) = ∪q∈S δ(q, a). However, whereas for a standard NFA we defined the DFA’s accepting
states as the subsets of Q that contain at least one accepting state, F 0 = {S ⊆ Q : S∩F 6= ∅},
for the All-Paths NFA we define the DFA’s accepting states as the subsets of Q whose
elements are all accepting, i.e. they are contained in F . Thus F 0 = {S ⊆ Q : S ⊆ F }.
This proves one direction, that All-Paths NFAs recognize only regular languages. The
other direction (that any regular language is accepted by some All-Paths NFA) follows from
the fact that a DFA is an All-Paths NFA by definition.
8. (Problem 1.39) Prove that for all k > 1, DFAs with k states are more powerful than
DFAs with k − 1 states. That is, come up with a family of languages Lk such that Lk can
be recognized by a DFA with k states but not by a DFA with k − 1 states. Thus the DFAs
form a strict hierarchy based on the number of states, which classify the regular languages
according to their complexity.

Solution: for instance, let Σ = {a} and let Lk = {ai | i ≥ k − 1} consist of words of length
at least k − 1. Clearly there are k inequivalent words, ai for 0 ≤ i < k, since if i 6= j then
ai ak−1−i ∈ L but aj ak−1−i ∈/ L. Thus no DFA with k − 1 states (or fewer) can recognize Lk .
On the other hand it is easy to construct a DFA with k states that does.
9. (Problem 1.44 — a little harder) Now prove that NFAs can be exponentially more compact
than DFAs, or, to put it differently, that the exponential blowup in the number of states
we get when converting an NFA to a DFA is sometimes necessary. That is, come up with a
family of languages Lk such that Lk can be recognized by an NFA with k states, but that
the smallest DFA that recognizes it has Θ(2k ) states. Hint: Look at Example 1.14 in Sipser.
Solution: Let Lk be the set of words in {0, 1}∗ whose kth-to-last symbol is a 1. This is a
generalization of Example 1.14, where k = 3. An NFA can recognize this language with k + 1
states: the start state q0 , a state q1 it can move to when it sees a 1, “guessing” that it’s the
kth-to-last symbol, and then a series of k − 1 states which count the number of remaining
symbols and end in the accepting state.
Now suppose that u and v differ somewhere in their last k symbols. Then without loss
of generality there is some 1 ≤ i ≤ k such that the ith-to-last symbols of u and v are 1 and
0 respectively. Then uw ∈ L but vw ∈ / L for |w| = k − i, so u 6∼ v.
Since there are 2k choices of the last k symbols, there are 2k inequivalent words, so any
DFA for Lk needs at least 2k states. (In fact, 2k states are sufficient as well as necessary,
since a DFA with 2k states can remember the most recent k symbols.)
10. (Problem 1.42 — Tricky!) For a language L, define L1/2 as
L1/2 = {x | xy ∈ L for some word y such that |y| = |x|}
That is, L1/2 is the set of “first halves” of L, namely the set of words x that can be followed
by words y of the same length giving a word xy in L. Prove that if L is regular, so is L1/2 .
Solution: start with a DFA that accepts L with states Q and accepting states F . The
idea is that for xy to end in an accepting state, x must end in a “modified accepting state,”
meaning a state which will end in an accepting state if we read y. Formally, we define the
set of modified accepting states as Fy = {q ∈ Q : δ ∗ (q, y) ∈ F }.
As we read x, we guess the symbols of y in reverse order. Specifically, when we read the
ith symbol of x, we guess the ith-to-last symbol b of y. Let y(i) denote the last i symbols
of y; then we modify the accepting states from Fy(i−1) to Fy(i) = {q ∈ Q : δ(q, b) ∈ Fy(i−1) }.
After we have read all of x we have guessed Fy .
To turn this into an NFA for L1/2 , we just need to expand the set of states from Q to
Q × P(Q) so we can keep track both of the DFA’s state and the modified Fy ∈ P(Q). Then
our accepting states are {(q, Fy ) : q ∈ Fy }.
11. (Problem 1.41) As we will discuss in class, the language
L = {w | w has an equal number of 0s and 1s}
is not regular. However, prove that the language
L = {w | w has an equal number of 01s and 10s}

is regular.
Solution: A little reflection reveals that this language is simply the set of words that
start and end with the same symbol in {0, 1}; the number of 01s (and 10s) is the number of
blocks of the other symbol. Thus this language is

0(0 + 1)∗ 0 + 1(0 + 1)∗ 1

(which is regular since it can be described with a regular expression).

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