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CS471/EE471/CS573: Computer Networks

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CS471/EE471/CS573: Computer Networks

Instructors Name:

Zartash Afzal Uzmi

Year: Semester: Category:

2011-2012 Fall Senior / Graduate

Office Ext. & Email: 8202, Office Hours: TAs for the Course: Course Info Tuesday, 11:00 am 1:00 pm. Go to class for this information! Code: CS471/EE471/CS573 Credit Hours: 3 Course website:

Course Description Core/Elective Pre-requisites

This course introduces the principles and practices of Computer Networking, specifically focusing on the Internet. Elective (recommended for EE and CS undergrads in junior and senior years) Basic knowledge of Probability, Digital Logic, Signals and Systems, Computer Organization. CS-200: Problem Solving and Computer Programming (C and C++) Understand the anatomy of the Internet Understand the design of networking stack Be able to write simple applications/protocols(real and simulated) in C/C++ Create foundation for taking more advanced courses in computer networks


CS471/EE471/CS573: Computer Networks

Year: Semester: Textbooks, Programming Environment REQUIRED TEXTS: Computer Networking: A Top Down approach by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross (edition: announced in class) References: 1) Interconnections: Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Protocols by Radia Perlman 2) Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice (open source) 3) Communication Networking: An Analytical Approach by Anurag Kumar, D. Manjunath and Joy Kuri 4) Data and Computer Communications, 9th Edition by William Stallings 5) Computer Networks by Andrew Tanenbaum 6) Communication Networks: A Concise Introduction (Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks) by Jean Walrand and Shyam Parekh Solaris programming environment will be used in this course. All registered students will get a limited-quota account on a Solaris machine. Students are expected to use a telnet client such as putty or secure CRT to login to their accounts on that machine Lectures, Tutorials & Attendance Policy There will be 28 sessions 28: 75 minutes each on Tuesdays and Thursdays (5:00pm 6:15pm) Recitation and Tutorial schedule as announced by Registrars office Some lectures will be lab-like for which twice the scheduled time should be allocated. Extra sessions on Saturdays will make up for that. Attendance is very strongly recommended. Grading Homework/Quizzes/Programming Midterm Final Exam 35% 30% 35% 2011-2012 Fall

Contests and grading revisions: After grades are reported, you can contest with following timelines: Homework, Quizzes, Programming: 2 days Midterm and Final: 3 days

CS471/EE471/CS573: Computer Networks

Year: Semester: Module 1 Topics Introduction and Overview Basic Concepts of Networking Circuit switching Multiplexing (TDM, FDM) Packet switching (Statistical Multiplexing) Throughput and delay Internet Architecture Protocol Layering Application Layer Network application architectures HTTP, FTP, Email, DNS Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) P2P applications (file sharing and VoIP) Writing network applications The C socket API Transport Layer Multiplexing in UDP and TCP Connectionless Transport: UDP Reliable data transfer and TCP Congestion avoidance and control Network Layer The Internet Protocol Routing algorithms Routing protocols overview X.25, Frame relay and ATM Intro to MPLS Physical & Link Layer Functionalities Error Detection & Control, ARQ Link layer addressing Bridges and Hubs LAN Multicast and VLANs Multiple Access Selected Topics in Networking Systems Inter-domain Internet Routing Wireless, Sensor, and Mobile Networks Privacy and Network Security (VPN) Multimedia Networking Sessions 4 2011-2012 Fall Readings* Ch. 1

Ch. 2

Ch. 3

Ch. 4

Ch. 5

* The readings are approximate and material from other sources will also be covered and announced in the class.

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