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1. 1.1

Medicinal Plants form the major resource base of our indigenous health care

traditions. The outreach and acceptability of AYUSH systems, both nationally as well as globally, are dependent on uninterrupted availability of quality medicinal plants based raw material. More than 90% of the species used in trade continue to be

sourced from the wild of which about 2/3rd are harvested by destructive means. 1.2 The Cultivation of medicinal plants, therefore, is the key to meeting the raw

material needs of the AYUSH industry besides offering opportunities for higher levels of income, crop diversification and growth of exports. Indian exports of medicinal

plants and herbs are mostly in the form of raw herbs and extracts and account for almost 60-70% of the current exports of herbal/AYUSH products. During the year 2004 05, the Indian exports of Isabgol and Senna alone were of the order of 40,000 metric tonnes largely in raw form. The export of value added items require product

development, setting up of processing facilities, quality assurance and brand promotion. Increasing concerns of unsustainable collection from the wild,

disappearance of certain species on the one hand and concerns of quality and standardization on the other make it imperative to promote cultivation of species critical to AYUSH systems of medicine through appropriate financial incentives, policy, infrastructural and marketing support in a synergistic manner. 2.




With more than 95% of the AYUSH products being plants based, the raw

material base needs to be shifted from forests to the cultivated source for its long term sustainability. 2.2 The global trade requires products of standardized phyto-chemical composition

free from heavy metals, and other toxic impurities and certified to be organic or Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) compliant. This is possible only through the cultivation route where the chain of custody regime is easier to maintain. 2.3 Indian share of the world herbal trade is less than 10%. Even here, the export of

herbal products is largely in the form of raw herbs with 2/3rd of the export basket comprising raw herbs and extracts. This needs to change considering the US$120 billion herbal market. It is for this reason that the scheme provides for support to value addition and processing linked to the clusters of cultivation of selected plants that are in demand by the AYUSH industry and export. 3. 3.1


The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) was set up a through a

Government Resolution notified on 24th November 2000 under the Chairmanship of Union Health & Family Welfare Minister. The objective of establishing the Board was to establish an agency which would be responsible for coordination of all matters relating to medicinal plants, including drawing up policies and strategies for conservation, proper harvesting, cost-effective cultivation, research and development, processing, marketing of raw material in order to promote and develop this sector. This was considered necessary as medicinal plants as a subject is handled by different Ministries/Departments like Environment & Forests, Agriculture, Science & Technology and Commerce. The Board, therefore, has the function of co-ordination with Ministries/Department/Organizations/State/UT Governments for development of

medicinal plants in general and specifically in the following fields: 2


Assessment of demand/supply position relating to medicinal plants both within the country & abroad.

ii) Advise concerned Ministries/Departments/Organisations/State/UT Governments on policy matters relating to schemes and programmes for development of medicinal plants. iii) Provide guidance in the formulation of proposals, schemes and programmes etc. to be taken by agencies having access to land for cultivation and infrastructure for collection, storage transportation of medicinal plants. iv) Identification, inventorization and quantification of medicinal plants. v) Promotion of ex-situ and in-situ cultivation and conservation of medicinal plants. vi) Promotion of co-operative effort among collectors and growers and assisting them to store, transport and market their produce effectively. vii) Setting up of database system for inventorisation, dissemination of information and facilitating the prevention of Patents being obtained for medicinal use of plants which is in the public domain. viii) Matter relating to import/export of raw material, as well as value added products

either as medicine, food supplements or as herbal cosmetics including adoption of better techniques for marketing of products to increase their reputation for quality and reliability in the country and abroad. ix) Undertaking and awarding Scientific, technological research and cost-effectiveness studies. x) Development of protocols for cultivation and quality control. xi) Encouraging the protection of Patent Rights and IPR. 3.2 In terms of the Cabinet Resolution of November 24, 2000 and the Cabinet

Committee on Economic Affairs approval communicated vide Cabinet Secretariats

O.M. No. CCEA/23/2008 (I) dated 25th July, 2008, the composition of the Board is as under:(a) (b) (c) Minister of Health & Family Welfare Chairman Vice Chairperson

Minister of State, Health and Family WelfareSecretaries

- Ministries/Departments of AYUSH, Environment & Forests,

Scientific & Industrial Research, Bio-technology, Science & Technology, Commerce, Industrial Policy & Promotion, Expenditure, Agriculture & Cooperation, Agriculture Research & Education, Tribal Affairs, Tourism, Development of North Eastern Region. (d) Four nominated members having expertise in the field of medico-ethno-

botany, pharmaceutical industry of ISM, marketing and trade, legal matters and patents. (e) Four nominated members representing exporters of ISM & H drugs, NGOs

responsible for creating awareness and increasing availability of medicinal plants, growers of medicinal plants, research and development industry groups in the area of medicinal plants. (f) Two nominated members representing federations/co-operatives dealing

with medicinal plants. (g) One member from Research Councils of Department of AYUSH, one member

from Pharmacopoeial Laboratory of Indian Medicines/ Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory, Ghaziabad and two members representing State Governments (by rotation every two years). (h) Chief Executive Officer as Member Secretary in the rank of Joint Secretary to

the Government of India. 3.3 The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), has been implementing a Central

Sector Scheme of Setting up Medicinal Plants Board during the 10th Plan. During the 11th Plan, however, the Central Sector Scheme has been modified to give sharper 4

focus on promotional activities like resource

augmentation, in-situ conservation,

research and development, ex-situ conservation of rare and endangered species, support to Joint Forest Management Committees for value addition/warehousing, capacity building and training of primary collectors and forest dwellers in good collection and sustainable harvesting practices etc. Central Sector Scheme for Conservation, The scheme, renamed as the and Sustainable


Management has been approved with

the 11th Plan outlay of Rs. 321.30 crores.

However, the component relating to commercial cultivation has been taken out of the pre-revised Central Sector Scheme and formulated into a new scheme which seeks to integrate cultivation with pre and post harvest activities, like, development of nurseries for quality planting material, cultivation of species in demand by the ASU industry, support for post harvest management, marketing, improvement of marketing infrastructure, organic/GAP certification, quality assurance and crop insurance. These components have been incorporated in a new Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National Mission on Medicinal Plants. 4. 4.1


The Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National Mission on Medicinal Plants has

been approved with a total outlay of Rs. 630 crores for implementation during the 11th Plan. During the 11th Plan, the Central Governments contribution will be 100%.

During the 12th Plan, however, the State Governments contribution is proposed to be suitably enhanced, based on the mid-term review of the scheme. The scheme is proposed to be implemented in a mission mode to organically link different components under the scheme and thus give a strategic push to the Sector during the 11th Plan 5



Support cultivation of medicinal plants which is the key to integrity, quality,

efficacy and safety of the AYUSH systems of medicines by integrating medicinal plants in the farming systems, offer an option of crop diversification and enhance incomes of farmers. 5.2 Cultivation following the Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACPs) to

promote standardization and quality assurance and thereby enhance acceptability of the AYUSH systems globally and increase exports of value added items like herbal extracts, phyto-chemicals, dietary supplements, cosmeceuticals and AYUSH products. 5.3 Support setting up processing value zones/clusters and through and convergence development of of





infrastructure for entrepreneurs to set up units in such zones/clusters. 5.4 Implement and support certification mechanism for quality standards, Good

Agriculture Practices (GAP), Good Collection Practices (GCP), and Good Storage Practices (GSP). 5.5 Adopt a Mission mode approach and promote partnership, convergence and

synergy among stake holders involved in R&D, processing and marketing in the public as well as private sector at national, regional, state and sub state level. 6 6.1

The Mission would adopt an end-to-end approach covering production, post

harvest management, processing and marketing. This will be achieved by promoting cultivation of medicinal plants in identified clusters/zones within selected districts of states having potential for medicinal plants cultivation and to promote such cultivation following Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACPs) through synergistic linkage with production and supply of quality planting material, processing, quality testing, certification, warehousing and marketing for meeting the demands of the AYUSH industry and for exports of value added items. 6


The Mission also seeks to promote medicinal plants as a crop alternative to the

farmers and through increased coverage of medicinal plants and with linkages for processing, marketing and testing, offer remunerative prices to the growers/farmers. This will also reduce pressure on forests on account of wild collection. 6.3 Mission seeks to adopt communication through print and electronic media as a

strong component of its strategy to promote integration of medicinal plants farming in the agriculture/horticulture systems with emphasis on quality and standardization through appropriate pre and post harvest linkages. 6.4 Promote and support collective efforts at cultivation and processing in clusters

through Self Help Groups, growers cooperatives/associations, producer companies and such other organizations with strong linkages to manufacturers/traders and R&D institutions.

7.1 The Mission will be located in the National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB),

Department of AYUSH. The Mission will have a two tier structure National and State.

National Medicinal Plants Board 7.2 The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) will function as the General Council

of the Mission under the Chairpersonship of Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare. Standing Finance Committee (SFC) 7.3 The Board has a Standing Finance Committee (SFC), which will be headed by

Secretary (AYUSH). This committee will act as the Executive Committee of the Mission and will have the following members: 1. Secretary (AYUSH), Chairperson.

2. Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. 3. Joint Secretary or officer of equivalent rank, Deptt. Science and Industrial Research. 4. Joint Secretary or officer of equivalent rank, Deptt. of Biotechnology. 5. Joint Secretary or officer of equivalent rank, Deptt. Agriculture Research and Education. 6. Joint Secretary or officer of equivalent rank, Ministry of Environment & Forests. 7. Joint Secretary or officer of equivalent rank, Ministry of Commerce. 8. Joint Secretary or officer of equivalent rank, Ministry of DONER. 9. Representative of Secretary North Eastern Council, Shillong. 10.Joint Secretary, Department of AYUSH. 11.Representative of Ayurvedic Industry. 12.Representative of Exporters of medicinal/herbal products. 13.Representative of Growers Associations/Federations. 14.Two domain experts to be nominated by Secretary (AYUSH) 15.Chief Executive Officer, NMPB Secretary. 7.4 The chairman of the SFC will have authority to invite, as special invitees, Ex-officio Member

representatives from organisations engaged in R&D, quality control, planning and other related disciplines in medicinal plants sector. 7.5 The NMPB will provide the necessary support to both SFC and the Mission. The

Chief Executive Officer, NMPB who is of the rank of Joint Secretary will function as the Mission Director. The CEO has been delegated the powers of the Head of the

Department and would, therefore, be able to carry out the Mission mandate and also implement and monitor the action plans/proposals approved by the SFC. 7.6 The Standing Finance Committee (SFC) will have the following functions: (i) To oversee the activities of the Board and approve its annual budget. (ii) To consider and approve any financial proposal which is to be included for expenditure in the Budget. (iii)To consider and approve any proposal for incurring expenditure. (iv) To consider and recommend all proposals for creation of new posts. (v) To consider and allocate resources among the states and under different components of the scheme. (vi) To consider and approve projects under existing pattern of assistance. (vii) To consider and approve components of individual projects for which cost/subsidy norms have not been prescribed. (viii) The SFC shall also monitor the overall subsidy being disbursed under the scheme and in particular monitor the cap of 30% for cultivation subsidy. (ix) Any other matters that the Board may refer to it. Technical Screening Committee (TSC) 7.7 Secretary (AYUSH) will have the powers to constitute Technical Screening

Committee and nominate Chairman for scrutiny of Action Plan/project proposals received under different components under the scheme. The committees will comprise of domain experts in the relevant field and may also include representative from one or more of the following organizations/Ministries: (i) Representative from National Horticulture Board (ii) Representative from ICAR (iii)Representative from CSIR (iv) Representative from Department of AYUSH 9

(v) Representative of Secretary, North Eastern Council, Shillong (vi) Domain experts nominated by Secretary (AYUSH) Two

(vii) Representative from National Medicinal Plants Board-Member Secretary

State Level Steering Committee for the Mission 7.8 The State level Steering Committee will be headed by Addl Chief Secretary/

Agriculture Production Commissioner/Development Commissioner at the State level and will include: (i) Member Secretary of State Medicinal Plants Board. (ii) Principal Secretary/Secretary Health/AYUSH of the State Government (iii)Principal Secretary/Secretary Horticulture/Agriculture of the State

Government (iv) Principal Secretary/Secretary Industries Department of the State (v) Representative from National Medicinal Plants Board. (vi) Representative(s) Centres. (vii) PCCF or his representative in the State. (viii) Domain experts in the field of Medicinal Plants (two) (ix) Mission Director, State Horticulture Mission Selection of agency to implement the National Mission on Medicinal Plants in States 7.9 The State Government may designate the Mission Director, State Horticulture from Central Government Institution(s)/Facilitation

Mission as the Member Secretary of the State level Steering Committee as well as the State implementation agency. The funds from NMPB will be released through the SHM in such cases and separate accounts maintained. In states, which are not covered under the National Horticulture Mission, the State Government may designate the 10

State Agriculture Department as the nodal department for implementation. The funds in such cases can, however, be released through the State Medicinal Plants Board or the State Health Societies to enable timely flow of funds for implementation of the projects under the Mission. The state government shall choose the most efficient and effective agency available in the state to implement this Mission 7.10 The State Horticulture Mission, if designated as the State level implementation

agency by the State Government, will implement the scheme in coordination with the Agriculture, AYUSH, industries department and SMPB and would have to be registered as a Society. It should also have the functional autonomy to receive funds and implement the scheme. The Panchayati Raj Institutions would be fully involved in identifying the agency for implementation at the district level and in identification of clusters and organizing growers into SHGs/cooperatives/ associations and producer companies. 7.11 The Mission will have a strong technical component. There shall be a technical

screening committee of domain experts to appraise the proposals/action plans received from the State Governments who will advise, appraise and recommend activities to be supported under the scheme for giving sharp focus to the objectives of the scheme to the SFC. There will also be a Technical Screening Committee at the state level consisting of domain experts to appraise the proposals. The states will have the flexibility to adopt the appropriate model viz. Cooperatives, Federations, Forest Development Corporations, Joint Sector Companies for processing, warehousing, marketing etc. Wherever possible linkages will be developed with State Horticulture Mission in identification of clusters for cultivation and development of infrastructure of Post Harvest Management facilities like warehouses, marketing yards, drying sheds, testing labs and setting up of processing industries. The State Level implementation agency for Mission will have the following functions: 11


Prepare perspective and annual action plan with the technical support from a Technical Support Group at the state level with members from State Agriculture Universities, Facilitation Centres, ICAR, ICFRE, CSIR Institutions, and other experts in the field to oversee its implementation.


Receive funds from the National Medicinal Plants Board, the State Government and other sources for carrying on the activities, maintain proper accounts thereof and submit utilization certificate to the concerned agencies.


Release funds to the implementing organizations like SHGs, cooperatives of growers, growers associations, producer companies responsible for different clusters and oversee, monitor and review the implementation of the programmes.


Organise base-line survey and feasibility studies in different parts (District, sub-District, or a group of Districts) to determine the status of medicinal plants, its potential and demand, and tailor assistance accordingly. Similar studies would also be undertaken for other components of the programmes.


Assist and oversee the implementation of the Scheme in different clusters selected with reference to their agro-climatic suitability for growing medicinal plants through farmers, Societies, NGOs, Growers, Associations, Self-Help Groups, State Institutions and other similar entities. The State implementation agency shall also be responsible for mobilizing growers to form SHGs/ Cooperatives/ Federations, producer companies and financial assistance will be available for promoting these grass root level organizations, which may include the training and other incidental expenses like engaging animators etc.


Organise workshops, seminars and training programmes for all interest groups/associations at the State level, with help of the Facilitation Centres set up in State Agriculture Universities and ICAR/ICFRE/CSIR Institutions and other

organisations having technical expertise. 12

7.12 At the district level, the Mission will be coordinated by the District Mission Committee (DMC) of the National Horticulture Mission in states where implementation is through the Horticulture Department. If implemented through the Agriculture

Department, the District Mission Directorate will be registered as a society with Deputy Director (Agriculture)/District Agriculture Officer as its head. The District

Mission Committee (DMC) will be responsible for project formulation and monitoring. The DMC will have representatives from concerned line Departments, Growers Associations, Marketing Boards, Industries, Departments, Self Help Groups (SHGs) and other Non-Governmental Organisations as its members. Committee and Panchayti Raj Institutions will be The District Planning integrated/ involved in

implementation of the programme as per the choice and discretion of the State Government. 7.13 The State implementation agency may also consider implementing the scheme in selected clusters by directly involving reputed NGOs, cooperatives, state

government undertakings, growers associations, producer companies, self help groups without the requirement of routing the proposals through district level implementation agency. In that case, the project report of different organizations/clusters will be

consolidated into the State Action Plan and submitted to the NMPB for its consideration. Organizations like Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) and Agriculture Technology Management Agencies (ATMAs) could also be involved in planning, implementation and monitoring at the district level and below for selected clusters. In such cases, the funds can also be released to the cluster level implementation agency directly without routing them through the District level agency. 7.14 The institutional arrangement for implementing the major activities under the Mission at the cluster/zone level i.e. technology dissemination, quality planting material, cultivation, post harvest management and marketing will vary depending 13

upon the organizations/institutions present in the state covered under the programme. All the activities related to cultivation, processing, marketing, quality assurance and certification in different clusters will be consolidated at the State level for better synergy between the Mission activities. State Governments are free to choose their own model, create or orient existing institutions to carry forward the objectives of the Mission in a holistic manner. Linkages with other Schemes 7.15 Although the Scheme covers all the activities that are required to be supported for a successful end to end medicinal plants based agri-business, there may still be some components which can be dovetailed into the Action Plan from other Schemes of the other Ministries/ Departments and State Governments. For instance, components like micro irrigation, application of fertilizer, construction of irrigation tanks, setting up demonstration plots which are not a part of this scheme may be dovetailed from schemes of Ministries/ Departments concerned. This will ensure a convergence of

cultivation with pre and post harvest management activities in its totality.


Support Cultivation of Medicinal Plants 8.1 Cultivation of medicinal plants has not taken off in the country, as the raw

material sourced from the wild is available at cheaper rates even as it has deleterious effect on their wild populations. To make cultivation lucrative, it is necessary to support the effort - both technically and financially. A programme to support cultivation through subsidy was implemented during the 10th plan period. Whereas the programme has generally resulted in encouraging cultivation of many species of conservation concern and those in high demand by the AYUSH industry, a number of other species used in AYUSH medicine continued to be sourced from the wild. The scheme seeks to support cultivation of more and more species critical to AYUSH 14

systems. The subsidy available for various medicinal plants has been revised so as to direct subsidy towards cultivation of the species required by AYUSH systems and those of conservation concern. 8.2 The cultivation is proposed to be done in conjunction with the processing

facilities and markets available for medicinal plants. This is proposed to be done in clusters identified by State Governments through individuals, Self Help Groups, Cooperative Societies of medicinal plants growers. Preference to cultivation in clusters through SHGs, growers, cooperatives, producer companies over individual centric cultivation will ensure targeting of subsidy to the small and marginal farmers. Therefore, small and marginal farmers will be organised into Self Help Groups and cooperative societies of medicinal plants growers or as producer companies to enable them to take up medicinal plants cultivation, which presently they are unable to do. Financial assistance on project basis will also be provided to State implementation agency for mobilizing the Growers cooperatives/ Federations as well as for preparation of cluster specific project reports/business plans to be eventually consolidated into State Action Plan. 8.3 Project for cultivation must clearly spell out the source of planting

material/seed. Only identified seed source or nurseries supplying certified planting material will be eligible to supply germplasm to growers seeking assistance under the scheme. The business plan/project report for each cluster as well as the Action Plan for the state should cover the list of organizations (public sector or private sector) for quality planting material together with the technical details of their capacity, infrastructure, species proposed to be raised, their location and the financial outlays. 8.4 Though most of the cultivation is proposed to be taken up in states where

processing zones/clusters will be set up, other states/districts where clusters for cultivation are identified with proper linkage with manufacturers/markets will also be 15

provided support for cultivation through growers, SHGs, Cooperative Societies of medicinal plants growers, producer companies and corporates. 8.5 The cost norms for 57 species are indicated at Annexure I. The list of prioritized plants for cultivation for which subsidy @ ranging from 20% to 75% cost norms will be admissible is indicated at the Annexure II. The cost norms of 77 species are indicated at Annexure II. The Action Plan must cover the list of species, the proposed area to be brought under cultivation under each subsidy groups (of 20%, 50% and 75%) and the financial outlay proposed for cultivation component. For the remaining species, the cost norms would be considered at the time of approval of the Action Plan after consultation with the organizations NMPB may consider appropriate. Summary of revised cost norms and pattern of assistance and new activities under the National Mission on Medicinal Plants during the 11th Plan is given at Annexure III.

Establishment of Seed Centres and nurseries for Supply of Certified Planting Material: 8.6 Cultivation of medicinal plants and eventual returns from such cultivation is

largely dependent upon the quality of planting material used. However, as of now, there is no mechanism of providing certified germplasm or producing certified planting stock on commercial scale. 8.7 It is proposed to establish Seed Centres with Research Wing of State Forest

Departments/Research Organisations/State Agriculture Universities to stock and supply certified germplasm of priority medicinal plant species for cultivation. Production and supply of seeds and quality planting material through NGOs and Corporates will also be permitted provided the quality can be certified through an accredited certification agency. For setting up of Seed Production Center, financial

assistance @ 50,000 / hectare would be provided. Financial assistance @ 100% cost in case of the Public Sector, and 50% to Private Sector Limited to 2.5 ha. / per beneficiary shall be admissible.


These centers would support supply of seed of medicinal plants for raising planting material or direct cultivation and would ensure disease free good quality planting material.

Establishment of Tissue Culture Unit 8.8 Production of planting material through tissue culture is an established

technique which yields good planting material. Research is also being conducted on production of planting material of some medicinal plants through Tissue Culture. Therefore, the component of Tissue Culture Unit has been added under National Mission on Medicinal Plants. However, this activity being in initial stage for medicinal plants, financial assistance of Rs. 50.00 lakhs per unit shall be provided. In case of projects in public sector, 100% financial assistance limited to a maximum of Rs. 50 lakhs per project for production of 5 lakhs plants per year, and 50% financial assistance for projects in private sector limited to a maximum of Rs. 25 lakhs per project for production of 5 lakhs plants per year shall be provided.

Model Nurseries 8.8 To meet the requirement of quality planting material for cultivation assistance

would be provided for new nurseries under the public as well as private sector. Infrastructure for model nurseries would include the following: i) ii) iii) Mother stocks block maintenance to protect from adverse weather conditions. Raising root stock seedlings under net house conditions. Propagation house with ventilation having insect proof netting in the sides and fogging and sprinkler irrigation systems. iv) Hardening/maintenance in insect proof net house with light screening properties and sprinkler irrigation systems. 17

v) vi) 8.9

Pump house to provide sufficient irrigation and water storage. Soil sterilization steam sterilization system with boilers. A model nursery should on average have an area of about 4 hectares and would

cost Rs. 20 25 lacs per unit. The model nurseries which would be established under the Public sector will be eligible for 100% assistance of a maximum of Rs. 20.00 25.00 lakhs per unit. The model nurseries would produce 2 3 lakhs plants depending upon the input costs and time required for the plant to be fit for planting a minimum of 50,000 plants per Hectare every year. It would be the responsibility of the nurseries to ensure quality of the planting material. For model nurseries in the case of private sector, credit linked back ended subsidy @ 50% the assistance will be 50% of the cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 12.50 lakhs per unit.
Fencing and Soil sterilization can also be taken up based on the need but it should be within the permissible project outlays fixed for the nurseries.

Small Nurseries 8.10 Small nurseries, covering area of about one hectare, will have infrastructure facilities to hold 60,000 to 70,000 plantsminimum 50,000 numbers of plants. These plants will be maintained for a period of approximately 9-12 months. Infrastructure for the small nurseries will consist of a net house. Micro sprinkler irrigation system will be provided in the net house. The nurseries will also have provision for solar sterilization of soil media to meet the contingency requirement of containers/transfer from small to big containers.
Fencing and Soil sterilization can be taken up based on the need but shall be admissible within the permissible project outlays fixed for the nurseries.


Small nurseries would cost Rs. 4.00 6.25 lakhs per unit.

The assistance

Assistance will be provided to the extent of 100% of the cost for the Public sector and 50% of the cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 2.00 lakhs for the nurseries in the private sectorin case of Private Sector, Credit linked back ended subsidy @ 50% of cost, subject to a maximum of Rs. 3.125 lakhs / unit.. The small nurseries would produce at least 60,000a minimum of 50,000 plants per year. 18


It would be the responsibility of the nurseries to ensure quality of the planting

material through certification for which independent certification agencies will be identified and notified by NMPB. The private nurseries will also be encouraged to move towards self accreditation also. The nurseries could be multi-crop or crop specific

depending upon the requirements of planting material in the locality/project area. Hence, the type of nursery proposed to be established should be clearly indicated in the Action Plan. The Action Plan should also contain an assessment of the existing nurseries, the number of planting material being produced, crop wise and the additional requirement of nurseries. Organic Farming In order to have high quality medicinal products, it is pertinent to grow / cultivate these crops organically. Keeping this in view, provision has been made under the scheme for organic certification where pattern of assistance of NHM is followed. However, during the course of implementation of the scheme, it was felt that component of Adoption of organic farming is not included in the Mission scheme.

Since organic certification and adoption are inter-linked programmes, it would be in the fitness of things if adoption is also added under the scheme as per the pattern of NHM. Accordingly, it is proposed to add Adoption of organic farming as new component under the existing scheme on the pattern of NHM @Rs. 20,000/ha. However, assistance upto 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 10,000/ha for maximum area of 4 ha/ beneficiary spread over a period of three years would be provided. The programme is to be linked with certification only.

Support for Medicinal Plant Processing and Post Harvest Management including Marketing 8.13 It is estimated that as high as 30% of the raw material reaching the

manufacturers is of poor quality and is, therefore, rejected. Cultivation of medicinal plants, therefore, needs to be supported with infrastructure for ware housing, drying, grading, storage and transportation. These facilities are essential for increasing the marketability of the medicinal plants, adding value to the produce, increasing 19

profitability and reducing losses.

APEDA has set up Agri Export Zones (AEZs) for

medicinal and aromatic plants in the states of Kerala and Uttarakhand. Based on the experience gained in implementation of AEZs on medicinal plants in these states, the Scheme seeks to support infrastructure for processing and post harvest management in the different regions of the country in identified clusters/zones which are well endowed with infrastructure of marketing/trading centres, have tradition of medicinal plants as a farming option and has R&D institutions/SAUs for technology dissemination and capacity building. While the AEZs scheme implemented by APEDA has primary focus on exports, the present scheme seeks to add value to the medicinal plants cultivated/collected and meet large domestic requirement of the AYUSH industry. Additionally, the species having export market would also be covered with a view to increasing share of value added items in the exports of herbal/AYUSH products. The species targeted for export should be finalized after assessing the export market for such species. The units in the clusters have to be geographically proximate to each other so that all members of the cluster are in the position of easily utilizing the common facilities. The facilities being created would be shared by all shareholders and may be open to others on payment basis. The illustrative list of facilities to be created in the post-harvesting infrastructure is as follows: i) Drying yards:- Drying yards to accomplish the primary task of drying the products in hygienic conditions. In addition, cleaning and grading infrastructure is an essential activity to be linked to drying to increase the shelf life and the market price of herbs. Since herbs have to be dried in shades, drying yards with shade net provision or facilities for low temperature drying will have to be created. ii) Storage godowns: The storage godowns is expected to receive produce from nearby drying yards. The storage godowns as a link between drying yards and processing units. Storage godowns have to be adequately ventilated and set up at 20

strategic locations. The storage godowns and drying yards have to be located in such a manner that they are not very far from the farm lands and cater to the identified clusters of cultivation. iii) Grading / Packing units:The grading / packing units are essential

infrastructure requirements and it should be nearby to drying yards and storage godowns. iv) Processing unit:- Processing unit based on the medicinal plants grown in the clusters would have to be set up, some of which will be plant specific. The processing unit should preferably be set up within the existing industrial estates, which have the necessary infrastructure of power, road network and linkages with rail head/sea ports. The financial assistance @ 40% credit linked subsidy on the cost of plant and machinery limited to Rs. 4.00 crores / unit would be provided under the scheme. v) Quality testing of raw material:- Laboratories for testing of raw material and value added items and their certification for domestic consumption as well as exports would be done through the existing accredited laboratories. In the absence of such laboratories in the zone/ clusters new laboratories will be set up, preferably in a PPP Mode. vi) are:(a) To strengthen infrastructure of wholesale markets, agriculture mandies for marketing of medicinal plants. (b) (c) (d) To set up herbal mandies wherever they do not exist. To strengthen linkages between farmers and industry/traders. To disseminate information on market, prices, market trends to enable farmers in selection of appropriate medicinal crops. The components admissible for assistance are: 21 Marketing:- The main objectives of providing assistance under this component


Market Promotion:- The programmes for market promotion like media promotion, participation in exhibitions, trade fairs, hiring display facilities are project based but limited to Rs. 10 lakhs for each cluster will be eligible for 50% assistance under market promotion for the herbs/raw material produced by the cluster.


Market Intelligence:- The Action Plan may include collection, compilation and dissemination of market intelligence to growers. Any other innovative activity relating to market intelligence may also be supported under this component. The assistance for this component will be project based.


Buy back Interventions:- The buy back interventions in the form of buyer seller meetings, flexible and innovative marketing arrangements, Creation of revolving fund at Cluster level for marketing of medicinal plants, and mobilization assistance to SHGs, cooperatives, producer companies could be provided under this component of the scheme. Any other activity which seeks to

strengthen marketing and institutionalize linkage between buyer and seller may be included under this component. The assistance will be project based.


Market Infrastructure:- Under this component herbal mandies that are proposed to be set up at the village level can be given assistance up to Rs 10 20 lakhs. Assistance will also be available for upgradation/creation of infrastructure in the agriculture mandies for trading of medicinal plants wherever such mandies exist at the village level. Similarly, assistance 22 will be provided to District/State

agriculture mandies for creating and upgrading physical infrastructure for trading of medicinal plants. Assistance will also be available for setting up herbal mandies at State/District level. The level of financial assistance for rural mandies through village bodies/SHGs/

Cooperatives will be Rs. 10 20 lakhs. 100% assistance to public / SHGs / cooperatives. Credit linked back ended subsidy @ 40% of Capital

cost in general areas and 55% in case of hilly and scheduled areas for individual entrepreneurs and for State/District level mandies upto a maximum of Rs. 2 crores. Financial assistance. 100% assistance to public / SHG / cooperative. Credit linked back ended subsidy @ 50% limited to 100.00 lakhs to private sector. vii) Medicinal Plants Cluster It is estimated that as high as 30% of the raw material reaching the manufacturers is of poor quality and is therefore rejected. Cultivation of medicinal plants, therefore, needs to be supported in a cluster mode which has the required infrastructure for ware housing, drying, grading storage and transportation. These facilities are essential for increasing the marketability of the medicinal plants, adding value to the produce, increasing profitably and reducing losses. The medicinal plants cluster seeks to add value to the medicinal plants cultivated / collected and meet large domestic requirements of AYUSH industry and extracts sector. Accordingly, the species having export market would also be covered with a view to increasing share of value added items in the exports of herbal / AYUSH products.

Medicinal Plants clusters implemented through a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) of medicinal plants processing units in a cluster shall be eligible for funding under the scheme upto 60% of cost of the core interventions and 25% of the cost of add on interventions, within overall ambit of 60% of the project cost subject to maximum of Rs. 10.00 crores per cluster. Scope and Coverage The Scheme would cover two types of interventions namely Core intervention and Add on interventions


(i) Core Interventions such as those related to setting up of common facilities for testing, certification, standardization, quality control and other capacity building measures (ii) Add on Interventions such as those related to marketing / branding, provison of general infrastructure to support production units etc. (i) Core Interventions a. First Level Processing facilities such as cleaning, drying, sorting, storing, extracting, packaging etc. b. Testing facilities such as Analytical Lab, Toxicology Centre, Process & Product Validation Laboratory, Raw Material Testing, Standardisation laboratory etc which will enable better Quality Assurance & Control. Any proposal prepared under the scheme should necessarily have a testing laboratory while other interventions are optional and need based. The testing laboratory should be as per standard of National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration of Laboratories (NABL). c. Manufacturing facilities of tablets, capsules, syrups, ointments, pills, powders, bhasmas etc. including, Packaging and Labeling of raw materials and other inputs. This will supplement the members production capacity in case of need. d. Product Display Centre e. Quality and productivity improvement f. Standardisation of raw materials g. Development of references and standards h. Adoption of new technologies and processes i. Application of ERP and other IT tools j. Assistance for compliance of standards regulatory norms regarding GAP / GFCP, etc. prevailing in international market of various countries and international bodies k. Development of Master File of each of the raw herbs for the purpose of registration with regulatory bodies overseas l. Studies / surveys m. Preparation of DPRs n. Sensitisation / Awareness creation / Skill development a. Entrepreneurial Level b. Managerial Level c. Worker Level o. Setting up subcontracting exchange p. Hiring of Cluster Development Executives (CDEs) ii) a. b. c. d. e. f. Add on Interventions Common Marketing Brochure for classical formulations Common Website Joint Participation in National and International Exhibitions Business Delegations Abroad Brand development and promotion Infrastructure to support the production units such as water supply, roads, sewerage, effluent treatment, power supply, boundary wall etc. 24

Note: These interventions are indicative in nature and the project may cover any of the other felt needs of the cluster (as approved by SFC), that will enable the cluster enterprises in improving their competitiveness.

Salient features and Terms & Condition for this activity are as under:
(a) Each of the cluster development projects including collection cluster implemented by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) medicinal plants processing units in a cluster shall be eligible for grant funding under the scheme upto 60% of cost of the core interventions, 25% of the cost of add on interventions, within overall ambit of 60% of the project cost subject to maximum of Rs. 10.00 crores per cluster. The assistance is further subject to the following: (i) Assistance for engagement of Cluster Development Executives (CDEs) and other management support of SPV shall not exceed 5% of the overall project cost. (ii) Assistance for engaging engineers / architects / construction management / other experts for execution of civil works shall not exceed 5% of the overall project cost. (b) Project cost for the purpose of the scheme shall mean the total cost of proposed Core interventions and Add on Interventions as mentioned in Section 5. (c) The scheme would be modular in nature with a provision to add interventions to the approved project DPR while implementation is on. The addition however, should be in conformity to the over all project and the scheme objectives and subject to approval by Scheme Monitoring Committee (SMC) (d) SPVs may dovetail funds from other sources as well for the project, provided there is no duplication of funding for the same component / intervention. However, in cases of such dovetailing, it shall be ensured that the contribution of the participating units of SPV is atleast 10% of the overall project cost. (e) Other terms & conditions as prescribed under scheme for development of AYUSH clusters (Updated on 1.06.2011) as applicable for the programme of medicinal plants clusters shall be applicable.

viii) (a)

Quality testing, certification and insurance Quality Testing:- The quality testing of herbs/medicinal plants

produced by growers is key to realization of remunerative prices. The growers will be 25

entitled to 50% of the testing charges subject to a maximum of Rs. 5000 if the herbs/medicinal plants are tested in AYUSH/NABL accredited Laboratories. (b) Certification:- Organic and GAP certification are the key to ensuring

quality of the medicinal plants/herbs and can secure benefits to farmers through better prices for their produce and to consumer by way of better quality of herbal/AYUSH products. The certification charges will be admissible on a group basis to the limit of Rs. 5 lakhs for 50 hectares of cultivation in groups/clusters. (c) Crop Insurance:- Medicinal plants are a new activity under farming This component

and, therefore, farmers need to be covered with crop insurance.

seeks to provide assistance towards payment of 50% of the premium for particular crop. The premium and the details of the scheme will be finalized in consultation with Agriculture Insurance Corporation.


Detailed project report/business plan will be prepared for each cluster through

consultancy firms, which have the core competence in this area, so as to establish synergy between other schemes of the Department of AYUSH and those of other Ministries before implementation of the scheme. The State implementation agency for the Mission will be permitted to engage Project Management Consultants for preparing business plans/detailed project report for clusters selected for support under the Scheme. In areas outside the designated zones/clusters, support for creating

infrastructure like packing, sheds, processing units, testing labs will also be provided if linked to clusters of cultivation. clusters area would be The assistance for units outside the designated only to the public All sector/farmers the projects cluster/ will be





entrepreneur driven based on proper business plan and market surveys.

The detailed

project/business plan for different clusters will be consolidated into the State Action 26

Plan to be submitted to NMPB.

The State implementation agency will also be

permitted to engage project management consultant.

9.1 i)

Nursery Government Organisation (State Agriculture/Forest/Horticulture Department)/Government R&D institution, ICAR, CSIR, ICFRE, DBT, DST institutions, ii) NGO, Private entrepreneurs, farmers (They would get only 50% of the grant)

9.2 i) ii)

For Cultivation; Growers, farmers, cultivators Growers Associations, Federations, Self Help Groups, Corporates, growers

cooperatives. iii) Universities / Research Institutes / Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) set up under scheme of Department of AYUSH Cultivation will be assisted only in case of clusters. Each cultivation cluster will have minimum five farmers cultivating medicinal plants over minimum 2 hectare. of the land. The farmers and land under cultivation of medicinal plants in a cultivation cluster should come from maximum three adjoining villages. One farmer will not be assisted for more than once in three years for cultivating medicinal plants on the same land. 9.3 For Post Harvest Management and Processing and Value Addition

(including marketing) i) SPV formed by at least ten enterprises/company/firms/partnership firms/producers company/traders/ co-operative engaged in the business of medicinal plants/and their products shall be eligible for funding under the 27


Minimum two acres of land is required for a SPV and the land

should be in industrial estate/zone/park/cluster/area be designated by the competent authority of the State. The SPV may also have common facility units/laboratory on payment basis for members and outsiders. ii) Bank account should be opened in the name of SPV and all the members should contribute at least Rs. 5 lakhs as corpus fund to demonstrate their commitment towards the project. iii) Outside designated support for infrastructure for packaging, drying sheds, processing units, testing mandies shall be provided to only public

sector/farmers cluster/ Panchyat/farmers cooperatives/producers company linked to cultivation cluster.



For cultivation: 10.1 Selection and prioritization of plant species for financial assistance under the

schemes of NMPB would have to be based on demand in the domestic and international markets, their availability in the wild and their conservation status (critically endangered, threatened, vulnerable etc). Also, the quantum of subsidy

should be different for trees, which have long gestation period as opposed to crops that are annuals, bi-annuals and perennials, which start yielding after 1-2 years. The cost norms of plantations as applicable now are indicated in Annexure-I. The list of plants for cultivation together with the subsidy admissible for each category of plants is at Annexure-II. 10.2 There are other species like Guggal, Ashok, Arjun, Bael, Harad, Beheda,

Nagkesar, Aonla which have long gestation period and, therefore, will require support 28

during the gestation period. Also, there are species which are on CITES Appendix I and II, Schedule VI of Wildlife (Protection) Act, negative list of plants for export and plants presently imported which need to be supported through cultivation. The pattern of subsidy will be a graded pattern of financial assistance as detailed below: i) 75% subsidy for growing of species of plants which are included in CITES list, schedule VI of Wildlife Protection Act and negative list of exports and are highly endangered. ii) 50% subsidy for cultivation of medicinal plants where sources of supply are critically declining and are long gestation. iii) 20% subsidy for cultivation of other species needing support. Note:- There will be Provision of subsidy for maintenance cost of medicinal plants species approved for plantation/cultivation in 2nd & 3rd years of plantation/cultivation as under:-

(a) only. (b)

Annuals (Herbs) Eligible subsidy in one installment in the first year

Shrubs & Climbers Eligible subsidy in two installments i.e. 75% in first year & 25% in 2nd year.


Trees Crops & Woody Climbers Eligible subsidy in three installments i.e. 65% in first year, 20% in 2nd year and 15% in the 3rd year.

The subsidy for cultivation is back-ended and as such subsidy in 2 nd and 3rd year would be provided based on the actual achievements made under each crop in the subsequent years.



The overall weighted average of subsidy will, however, be kept within 30% while

preparing action plan for the State and identifying plants to be supported under the scheme. The list of 116 (93 + 23) 140 (116+24) plants covered under the scheme is not exhaustive and subject to revision in terms of addition / deletion of species of plants more plants may be added to the list based on demand in trade, after review by Expert Committee of NMPB and approval of Standing Finance Committee (SFC) obtaining concurrence of Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance. The SFC for this Scheme shall have power to revise the cost of cultivation after review by an Expert Committee in consultation with ICAR. 10.4 The subsidy for nursery and plantation is back ended credit linked with 20%

credit component. However, credit requirement in case of cooperatives, corporates, Govt. companies, SHGs ant Trusts may not be insisted upon if these organizations have surplus funds supported with bank certificates or are otherwise financially sound. Subsidy may be provided without any Bank Loan to farmers in a cluster. For Processing facilities and infrastructural support: 10.5 Financial assistance @ 25% of the project cost limited to a maximum of Rs. 50

lakhs will be available as back ended subsidy for setting up of value addition and processing unit, like a solvent extraction/distillation unit, for production of value added items. 100% financial assistance limited to Rs. 10 lakhs each for constructing drying sheds and storage godowns as an adjunct to cultivation cluster will be admissible each if set up by SHGs/ Cooperatives of medicinal plants growers. Assistance for this will be limited to 50% if set up by individuals or the entrepreneurs. 10.6 Financial assistance @ 30% of the project cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 30

lakhs will be admissible for setting up of quality test labs for testing of raw material and value added products in a PPP mode on the basis of an MoU between organization, State Implementation Agency and NMPB. Additionally, financial assistance for market 30

promotion through the media, participation in exhibitions, trade fairs, developing and hiring of display facilities will be available @ 50% of the project cost limited to Rs. 10 lakhs. 10.7 The subsidy for value addition, processing and testing facilities is back ended.

However, requirement of credit will not be necessary, if the organization, cooperatives, Trusts, corporates, PSUs have surplus funds supported with bank certificates and the organizations are otherwise financially sound and are not in default with any financial institution. 10.8 The assistance from the National Medicinal Plants Board will be utilized only for

physical infrastructure, civil works, construction of building, plants & machinery and equipments. All remaining expenses on purchase of land of SPV, salary of cluster

development executive, joint participation in national and international exhibition, business delegation abroad and brand development etc. will be borne by SPV. The component-wise pattern of assistance admissible under the scheme is given at Annexure III.


The State implementation agency for the Mission, should be such that it has the

infrastructure at the district level and below. For this purpose departments like the Horticulture and Agriculture Department may be considered as appropriate as the State level implementation agency. The State Horticultural Mission may, therefore, be designated as the State implementation agency for the Mission, if considered appropriate, by the State Government. If SMPBs are given the nodal responsibility, the States should appoint full time CEOs of the States Medicinal Plants Boards and it shall be mandatory to register the SMPBs as a society to enable flow of funds in states which do not have State Horticulture Mission.



Also, the states will be required to make Annual action plans and prepare road

map for development of the sector. Assistance will be admissible to only those states who prepare the State Action Plan. Those states where processing zones/clusters will be established will have to prepare detailed project reports/business plans for the identified zones/clusters group of clusters and incorporate specific business

plan/project report into State Action Plan. 11.4 It is proposed that 5% allocation will be available for management support

which will go to the states for activities like payment of the salary of the contractual staff and project management consultant engaged for implementing the scheme, preparation of annual plans, monitoring, administrative expenses like travel etc. and exposure visits. 11.5 The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) has set up Facilitation Centres (FCs)

in the State Agriculture Universities and R & D Institutions of Ministry of Science & Technology (CSIR/DBT) to act as a service window to growers/farmers and entrepreneurs on technology transfer, capacity building and training, extension and market information on medicinal plants. The State implementation agency should

work in close coordination with the Facilitation Centres (FCs) for technical handholding under the Mission. More such centres can be set up, if required in future. The list of existing Facilitation Centres (FCs) is given at Annexure V.


12.1 The State Government shall prepare an Annual Action Plan (Annexure-IV) for

the various activities under the Scheme and after approval at the State level Steering Committee headed by the Additional Chief Secretary/Agriculture Production

Commissioner/Development Commissioner at the state level forward 5 copies of the Action Plan to the NMPB. The Action Plan shall contain inter-alia details of nursery,


cultivation cluster and units of post harvest management and processing and value addition. The Action Plan may also be sent in a soft copy to the Board. 12.2 NMPB shall place all the Annual Action Plans before the Technical Screening

Committee. The Annual Action Plan after screening by the TSC will be placed before the SFC which shall accord approval and recommend release of financial assistance to the States through the State implementation agency in one or more installments. The State implementation agency for this purpose shall be registered as societies under the Societies Registration Act so that the funds could be channelised through it directly for onward release to the District and sub-district/cluster level or to the SHG, Cooperative Society or the producer company at the cluster level as the case may be. Before releasing funds to the state level implementation agency, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be entered into with the states incorporating the duties, responsibilities and commitments of the state and the Central Government. 12.3 Further release of the funds for the approved activities and to the individual

farmers/cultivators/groups will be done by the State implementation agency based on the beneficiaries, groups and entrepreneurs identified for various activities in different clusters. The credit linked subsidy may be released after verification of the work in the field in one installment but after certification by the bank about the progress achieved on the ground. For long-gestation crops and other project activities the SFC may fix suitable number of installments as may be required for smooth implementation of the Action Plan. 12.4 The State implementation agency may spend upto 5% of the outlay proposed in

the Action Plan on the management support which may include preparation of Action Plan for the state and project report/business plan for each cluster proposed to be covered under the scheme in the state. The format for preparing the Action Plan is given at Annexure IV. 33


The State Implementing Agency may formulate project for marketing under

National Mission on Medicinal Plants in accordance with the guidelines at Annexure VI for consideration of the Technical Screening Committee (TSC) and Standing Finance Committee (SFC) for the scheme.


13.1 Term end evaluation will be conducted at the end of the XI Plan. For effective Programme

planning and implementation of the activities under the scheme,

Management consultants will be permitted to be engaged both at Central and State levels for the duration of the scheme. The Project Management unit shall consist of as many consultants and support staff of data entry operators etc. as may be considered necessary for effective implementation and monitoring of the scheme. Independent concurrent monitoring and evaluation will also be carried out by engaging professional agencies with expertise in the field. The scheme will also be subjected to mid-term evaluation after 2 - 2 years of its implementation. The funds under the head Management Support will be utilized and provided for in the Annual Action Plan for the Project Management Consultant. 13.2 The state-wise physical targets and outlays will depend upon the proposals

received from the state Governments and the availability of funds for the purpose. The SFC will have the authority to revise the targets and outlays among different activities within the overall outlay available under the scheme and allocate funds among states based on the utilization and physical progress achieved on the ground. The overall target is to provide financial assistance for cultivation spread over 80,000 ha. 1 lakh ha. of area, raise production of medicinal plants upto 2 lakh tones, reduce dependence on wild collection to about 50% and increase the share of value added items in exports. It is estimated to also generate 6 crores mandays of rural

employment during the Plan period. 34


Mentoring and Monitoring by the State Missions Since the action plan/project is actually being implemented by the State

Missions, it is advisable that the State Missions may monitor all their activities at the field level through their own set of experts and take corrective measures accordingly. State Missions is granted 5% of the fund as management support funds. A part of the fund may be used by them for mentoring and monitoring. Therefore, field mentoring and monitoring of all their activities, including cultivation by individual farmers may be carried out by the State Mission and subsidies be linked to such monitoring systems for this purpose the services of retired officers of forest / horticulture / agriculture / Departments, Scientists etc. may be hired by State Missions. State Mission may also set-up Committees at state / district / block level for monitoring and mentoring of the programme in respect of National Mission on Medicinal Plants. 13.4 Third party monitoring by National Mission The comprehensive third party monitoring is important for the success of any scheme being implemented at the national level. There could be two types of

arrangements - either through the system of experts or hiring an agency. Hiring an agency is a better option as there would be uniformity in monitoring in all the States. NMPB has already experience of hiring Agricultural Finance Corporation for monitoring of Central Sector Scheme. There is need to further upgrade the monitoring and now the monitoring should be done by a National Level Agency with adequate manpower and infrastructure and get the information about the implementation of each activity under the scheme including the cultivation by individual farmers and the location and area data be picked up through the GPS system so that the same can be used in GIS based systems. The data in GIS based system would be used by the concerned

company (selected through a tender process) as well as to be provided to NMPB for further temporal and spatial analysis. 13.5 Focused Monitoring & Mentoring


NMPB may develop a list of experts and nominate subject-wise/ species-wise expert as Chief Technical Adviser and identify the institutes as Centres of Excellence in different fields of medicinal plants. In consultation with State Missions, focused monitoring & mentoring visits may be organized once in six months. The visit of panels of experts required for the concerned State would help the State Missions through mentoring with respect to their important activities. It is also proposed that same team of The

experts shall monitor both schemes of National Medicinal Plants Board.

Facilitation Centres may also be further activated to serve the purpose of focused monitoring and mentoring.



cost Per acre (Rs.) 26,000 14,000 81,000 18,000 25,000 10,000 44,000 25,000 16,000 16,000 40,000 25,000 11,000 42,000 16,000 33,000 20,000 31,000 17,200 25,000 18,000 17,000 11,000 10,000 64,000 16,000 81,000 55,000 10,000 25,000 8,000 35,000 45,000 20,000 10,000 16,000 40,000 16,000 Cost norms per Hectare (Rs.) 65,000 35,000 2,02,000 45,000 62,500 25,000 110,000 62,500 40,000 40,000 100,000 62,500 27,500 1,05,000 40,000 82,500 50,000 77,500 43,000 62,500 45,000 42,500 27,500 25,000 1,60,000 40,000 2,02,000 137,500 25,000 62,500 20,000 87,500 112,500 50,000 25,000 40,000 1,00,000 40,000

S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

Crop Name Amla Anantmool Archa Arjun Ashok Ashwagandha Atis Bach Bael Bahera Bankakri Beledona Bhumlamalaki Bixa Brahmi Chirata Chitronella Cinnamon Coleus Daruhaldi Gambari Ghrit Kumari Giloe Gudmar Guggal Harar Jatamansi Kalihari Kalmegh Kokkum Konch Kuth Kutki Lemon grass Makoy Mandukparni Manjishtha Mint

Botanical name Emblica officinalis Hemidesmus indicus Rheum emodi Terminalia arjuna Saraca asoca Withania somnifera Aconitum heterophyllum Acorus calamus Aegle marmelos Terminalia bellirica Podophyllum hexandrum Atropa belladona Phyllanthus amarus Bixa orellana Bacopa monnieri Swertia chirata Cymbopogon winterianus Cinnamomum zeylanicum Coleus forskholii Berberis aristata Gmelina arborea Aloe vera Tinospora cordifolia Gymnema sylvestre Commiphora wightii Terminalia chebula Nardostachys jatamansi Gloriosa superba Andrographis paniculata Garcinia indica Mucuna prurita Saussurea costus Picrorhiza kurrooa Cymbopogon flexuosus Solanum nigrum Centella asiatica Rubia cordifolia Mentha piperita/ Mentha arvernsis 37

39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

Mulethi Muskdana Neem Patchouli Pippali Punarnava Pushkar Mool Ratalu Sadabahar Safed Musli Sarpgandha Sea Buckthorn Sena Shatavar Siris Stevia Tagar Tulsi Viavidang

Glycyrrhiza glabra Abelmoschus moschatus Azadirachta indica Pogostemon coblem Piper longum Boerhaavia diffusa Inula racemosa Dioscorea bulbifera Catharanthus roseus Chlorophytum borivillianum Rauwolfia serpentina Hippophoe rhamnoides Cassia angustifolia Asparagus racemosus Albizzia lebbeck Stevia rebaudiana Valeniana wallichii Ocimum sanctium Embelia ribes

40,000 8,000 15,000 26,000 25,000 12,000 15,120 25,000 10,000 125,000 25,000 20,000 10,000 25,000 15,000 1,25,000 24,000 12,000 17,000

100,000 20,000 37,500 65,000 62,500 30,000 37,800 62,500 25,000 312,500 62,500 50,000 25,000 62,500 37,500 3,12,500 60,000 30,000 42,500

(1) Economics on cultivation have been finalized based on reports of NABARD, CSIR, ICAR, ICFRE, Forest Deptt,, NHB and other reliable sources. (2) Economics of species have been worked out on the basis of inputs in the form of elite quality planting material. (3) These cost norms do not include expenditure towards manpower, infrastructure development and cost of land. (4) More plants may be added to this list as and when cost norms become available.


Annexure -II

# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Botanical Name Acorus calamus Linn. Aloe vera (Linn.) Burn. Common Name Vach Ghritkumari Eligible subsidy (%) 20 20 Remark

Alpinia calcarata Alpinia galanga

Andrographis paniculata (Linn.) Burn Artemisia annua (Linn.) Asparagus racemosus Willd. Azadirachta indica A. Juss Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell

Smaller Galangal Greater Galanga

Kalmegh Artemisia Shatavari Neem Brahmi Punarnava Senna Patang

20% 20%
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Bergenia ciliata Stern.

Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. Cassia angustifolia Vahl. Caesalpinia sappan Linn.

Pashnabheda 20%

Catharanthus roseus
Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban Chlorophytum borivillianum Sant. Cinnamomum verum Presl C. tamala and C. camphora

Mandookparni Shwet Musali Dalchini, Tejpat, Kapoor

20 20 20 Shifted 50% category to

Clitoria ternatea L.(Blue & Aparajita White veriety)

Coleus barbatus Benth. Coleus vettiveroides K.C. Jacob Convolvulus microphyllus Cryptolepis buchanani Roem & schult Pather Chur Hrivera Shankhpushpi Krsna sariva

20 20 20 20

Dacalophis hmiltonii
Digitalis purpurea Linn. Dioscorea bulbifera Linn. Embelia ribes Burm. f. Emblica officinalis Gaertn.

Foxglove Rotalu, Gethi Vai Vidang Amla 39

20 20 20 20



28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

Garcinia indica Choisy Ginkgo biloba Gymnema sylvestre R. Br. Hedychium spicatum BuchHam.ex Smuth Hemidesmus indicus R.Br. Holarrhena Wall.

Kokum Ginkgo Gudmar Kapur kachari

20 20 20 20 20 20

50% category Commercial Crop

Anantmool, Indian Sarsaparilla antidysenterica Kurchi/Kutaj

Hyoscyamus niger L. Ipomoea mauritiana Ipomoea digitata

Ipomoea petaloidea Choisy Ipomoea turpethum R. Br.

Khurasani ajwane / Giant potato

Vrddhadaruka Trivrit

20% 20%
20 20

Kaempferia galanga
Litsea glutinosa Lepidum sativum Linn. Mucuna prurita Linn. Ocimum sanctum Linn.

Indian crocus
Listea Chandrasur Konch Tulsi

20 20 20 20

Shifted 50% category


Oryza sativa cv Njavara

Scented rice

20 20 20

Phyllanthus amarus Schum & Bhumi amlaki Thonn. Piper longum Linn. Pippali Pluchea lanceolata (DC) CB Rasna Clark.

Plumbago rosea Psoralea corylifolia L. Sida cordifolia

Solanum nigrum Linn. Stevia rebaudiana Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wt. & Arn. Terminalia bellirica Gaertn. Terminalia chebula Retz. Tinospora cordifolia Miers Vitex nigundo

Leadwort Bakuchi Flannel weed

Makoy Madhukari Arjuna Behera Harad Giloe Nirgundi

20% 20% 20%

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Export Potential

Vetiveria zizanoides
Withania somnifera


khas 20%

(Linn.) Ashwagandha 40


Dunal Woodfordia fruticosa Kurz.



Plants eligible for 50% subsidy # Botanical Name Emblica officinalis Gaetn. Aegle marmelos (Linn) Corr. Albizzia lebbeck Benth. Alstonia scholaris R.Br. Altingia excelsa Noronha Anacyclus pyrethrum DC. Atropa belledona Coscinum fenastratum (Gertn) Colebr. Cinnamomum verum Presl Crataeva nurvala Buch Ham. Dactylorhiza hatagirea hatagirea (D.Don) Soo Common Eligible Name subsidy Amla 50 Beal 50 Shirish 50 Satvin, Saptaparna 50 Silarasa 50 Akarkara 50 Atropa 50 Peela Chandan 50 Dalchini Varun Salampanja 50 50 50 Remark

60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89.

LG, Root LG, Bark LG, Bark

LG, Bark

Desmodium gangeticum
Gloriosa superba Linn. Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn. Gmelina arborea Linn. Hippophae rhamnoides Linn. Inula racemosa Hk. f. Leptadenia reticulate (Retz) Wt. & Arn. Mesua ferrea Linn. Ocimum sanctum Linn. Panax pseudo-ginseng Parmelia perlata Ach. Piper cubeba Linn. f. Plumbago zeylanica Linn. Pueraria tuberosa DC. Premna integrifolia Linn. Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. Rauwolfia serpentina Benth. ex Kurz



Kalihari 50 Licorice Roots, 50 Mulethi Gambhari 50 Seabuckthorn 50 Pushkarmool 50 Jivanti 50 Nagakeshar Tulsi Ginseng Saileya Kababchini Chitrak Vidarikand Agnimanth Beejasar Sarpgandha 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

LG, Root



HA, Root

MG, Root

Rheum spp.
Salacia reticulata, Salacia oblongata Saraca asoca (Roxb.) De

Saptachakra (Saptarangi) Ashok 41

50 50 LG, Bark

90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99.

Wilde Smilax china Linn. Stereospermum suaveolens DC. Tacomella undulate (Sm.) Seem.

Hrddhatri (Madhu 50 snuhi), Chob Chini Lokhandi Patala 50 Rohitak 50

LG, Root

Tricopus zeylanicus
Tylophora asthmetica Taxus wallichiana Linn. Urarea picta (Jacq.) Desv.



Damabooti 50 Thuner, Talispatra0 5 Prishnaparni 50

Valeriana wallichi Viola Odorata Zanthoxylum alatum

Indian Valerian 50% Bunafsha 50% Timoor 50%

Plants eligible for 75% subsidy # 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. Botanical Name Aconitum balfouri ferox Wall./A. Common Name Vatsnabh Eligible subsidy 75 Remark HA

Aconitum Stapf


Vatsnabh(API )
Atees Agar Daruhaldi Guggal

75 75 75 75 HA HA, LG, Endangered HA, Root LG, Low Yield

Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. Berberis aristata DC. Commiphora wightii Bhandari


Coptis teeta Wall.

Ferula foetida Regel. Gentiana kurroo Royle

Hing Trayamana

75 75 LG, Resin from base of stem HA HA, Rhizome LG, Root

Mappia foetida Miers.

Nardostachys jatamansi DC. Oroxylum indicum Vent. Picrorhiza kurroa Benth. ex Royle Podophyllum hexandrum Royle. Polygonatum Wall. cirrhifolium

Jatamansi Syonaka Kutki Bankakri, Indian podophyllum Mahameda 42

75 75 75 75 75


115. 116. 117. 118.

Pterocarpus santalinus Santalum album Linn. Saussurea costus C.B. Clarke Swertia chirata Buch-Ham

Raktachandan , Red sanders Chandan Kuth, Kustha Chirata, Charayatah

75 75 75 75

LG, Wood LG, Wood HA

HA - High Altitude LG - Long Gestation MG - Medium Gestation SG - Short Gestation Uni - Universal

Annexure - IIII


1. # Programme NURSERY Production of planting material a) Public sector i) Model nursery (4 ha.) Estimated Cost Admissible Assistance

Rs. 20 25 lakhs 43

Maximum of Rs. 20.00 25.00 lakhs

ii) Small Nursery (1 ha.) b) Private Sector i) Model nursery (4 ha.) ii) Nursery (1 ha.) 2 Seed production Tissue Culture Organic Farming

Rs. 4 lakhs

Maximum of Rs. 4.00 lakhs

Rs. 20 lakhs Rs. 4 lakhs Rs. 50,000/ha. limited to 2.5 ha. Rs. 50 lakhs / unit 20,000 / ha.

50% of the cost limited to Rs. 10.00 lakhs 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 2.00 lakhs 100% to Public Sector and 50% to Private Sector 100% to Public Sector and 50% to Private Sector 50% of cost limited to Rs. 10,000 / ha. for maximum area of 4 ha. over a period of 3 years involving assistance of Rs. 4,000/in first year and Rs. 3,000/- each in second and third year.

2 3. CULTIVATION i) Species that


highly As per Annexure

75% of the cost of cultivation 50% of the cost of cultivation 20% of the cost of cultivation 35%

endangered and in high demand I & II by AYUSH industry ii) Species that are endangered As per Annexure and sources of supply are I & II declining iii) Other species in demand by As per Annexure AYUSH industry and for exports I & II iv) The weighted average of subsidy for 116 plants as per list at Annexure II 34. POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT i) Drying sheds Rs. 5 lakhs

100% assistance for SHGs/Cooperatives/Public Sector and 50% for Private


ii) Storage godowns

Rs. 5 lakhs

100% assistance for SHGs/ Cooperatives/Public Sector and 50% for Private

45. PROCESSING AND VALUE ADDITION i) Processing unit Rs. 200 400 lakhs

25 40% credit link project based subsidy on the cost of plant machinery. Building and technology cost limited to Rs. 4.00 crores per project which are appraised by scheduled bank for its feasibility of the project cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 50 lakhs 30% of the project cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 30 lakhs 50% of the project cost Project based (as per guidelines at Annexure.VI) Project based(as per guidelines at Annexure.VI)

ii) Setting up testing laboratories iii) Market promotion iv) Market Intelligence

Rs. 100 lakhs

Rs. 10 lakhs Project based (as per guidelines at Annexure.VI) Project based (as per guidelines at Annexure.VI)

v) Buy back intervention


vi)Marketing infrastructure:-

- For rural mandi = Rs. 10 20 lakhs

100% assistance to public / SHGs / cooperatives. Credit linked back ended subsidy @ 40% of Capital cost in general areas and 55% in case of hilly and scheduled areas for individual entrepreneurs Project based. 100%

- For district mandi=Rs. 200 lakhs

assistance to Public/SHGs/ Cooperatives 100% assistance to public / SHG / cooperative. Credit linked back ended subsidy @ 50% limited to 100.00 lakhs to private sector.

vii)Testing charges/reimbursement

50% of testing charges maximum Rs. 5,000/- per test Rs. 5 lakhs for 50 ha. 50% of premium As per project proposal

viii)Organic/GAP certification ix)Crop insurance x) Medicinal Plants Cluster

As per NHM

60% of the project cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 10.00 crores.



i) State and District level organizations implementing the programme including additional manpower.

5% of the total annual expenditure on the basis of appraised need. staff and The salary of the contractual project consultant management

for each component of the scheme to be paid under ii) Project preparation cost and Project based other office administrative expenses cost including hiring of transport, TE, hardware/ including Project based the Within 5% available for management support software etc. iii) Other expenses exposure visits country and abroad the scheme Within 5% available for management support


Annexure - IV


Description 1. Background Information 1.1 Geography and Climate 1.2 Potential for Medicinal Plants 1.3 Existing infrastructure[warehouse/cold sector),



mandies, manufacturing units, nurseries (public and private R&D institutions, testing laboratories, certification agencies, farmers associations/cooperatives/SHGs] 1.4 Land availability (cluster-wise) 1.5 Existing level of cultivation SWOT analysis 47



Details of the Annual Action Plan 3.1 Objective and strategy 3.2 Implementation agency at the State level with contact address, phone, e-mail ID 3.3 Salient aspects of the Annual Action Plan and the

implementation details at district/sub-district level and how different organisations are proposed to be brought together to achieve the Mission objectives 3.4 Components wise physical targets - details of nursery, cultivation cluster and units of post harvest management and processing and value addition and financial outlays) 3.4.1 Nursery (a) Public sector Private sector 3.4.2 Cultivation (species-wise proposed area and financial outlays for different clusters) (a) Storage/warehousing (b) Drying/grading sheds (c) Processing unit (d) Quality testing laboratory (e) Support for quality testing 3.4.4 Marketing (a) Market promotion (b) Market intelligence (c) Marketing infrastructure (d) Buy back interventions 3.4.3



mobilisation of SHGs/cooperatives 3.4.5 Certification and Insurance (a) Organic/GAP certification (b) Crop insurance 3.5 Linkages 3.5.1 With R&D Institutions/Facilitation centres 3.5.2 With AYUSH industry cluster scheme 3.5.3 With National Horticulture Mission 3.5.4 With Manufacturing units/traders for marketing Mission Management 4.1 Project Management Consultant 4.2 Salary of the contractual staff, monitoring, travel and other administrative expenses Annexures Map of the State giving potential areas and location of existing and the proposed infrastructure under the Action Plan Details of nursery, cultivation cluster, units of post harvest 48


management and processing and value addition may be given in the tables as mentioned NURSERY Format for furnishing of information by States regarding establishment of Nurseries developed under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of "National Mission on Medicinal Plants" of NMPB
(i) Name of the State: (ii)Total number of Nurseries (Model/Small) Contact person for each Nursery Name & Address, Phone / Type of Nursery Fax / E-mail (Model / Small)

Year - ________ Name of species Location of Nursery Assistance Sought

CULTIVATION CLUSTER Format for furnishing of information by States regarding Clusters of cultivation developed under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of "National Mission on Medicinal Plants" of NMPB
(i) Name of the State: (ii) Total number of Clusters Contact person for each cluster Name & Address, Phone No. / Fax / E-mail farmers covered

Year - ________ of Name of Plant species and Area covered Species Area (Ha.) Assistance Sought

Units of Post Harvest Management and Processing and Value Additiont


Format for furnishing of information by States regarding PHM Units developed under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of "National Mission on Medicinal Plants" of NMPB (i) Name of the State: (ii)Total number of PHM / Processing Units Contact person for Year - ________ PHM / Processing Unit Name & Address, Details of PHM / No. Phone / Fax / E- Processing Units Units mail Drying sheds Storage godowns Processing Units Setting up testing laboratories Market promotion Market infrastructure Buy back intervention Marketing infrastructure Testing charges Organic / GAP certification Testing charges / reimbursement Organic / GAP certification Crop Insurance


Assistanc e Sought

Annexure - V


SN o. Name of the Name of Organizatio

Name of the P/I & State



Assam Agriculture University

Andhra Pradesh


Chhattisg arh




Dr. M.P. Borthakur, Directorate of Extension Education, Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat - pin code: 785 013 Tele: 094352 92778 (M), 0376-234002 (off), Fax: 0376-2340001(V-C Office), 0376-2340001 (c/o V-C), E-Mail: Acharya N.G. Dr. G. Sathyanarayana Reddy, Sr. Ranga Scientist (Hort.) Head & PI, Herbal Agricultural Garden Scheme, APHU, Rajendranagar, University Hyderabad - 500 030, Tel: 04024013331 (O), M: 09440939404 Rajendra Dr. Shailesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Department of Botany & Plant University Physiology, Faculty of Basic Sciences & Humanities, Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur)- 848125, Bihar. Tel: 06274-240272 (O), 240733 , E-mail: raupusa@Sanchar Indira Dr. Arvind Kumar Geda, Head, Gandhi Department of Medicinal & Aromatic Krishi Plants, CoA, IGKV, Raipur- 492006 Vishwa (C.G.), Tele: 0771-2443093, Vidyalaya 09424208647 (M) Fax: 91-771-2442131, e-mail: Agricultural Dr. H.L. Dhaduk, Professor & Head, University, Department of Agricultural Botany, Junagadh Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh. Pin code- 362 001, Gujarat, Tele: 0285-2672080 ext.- 369, (M) 09879570087 Anand Dr. S. Sriram Research Scientist (M&AP) Agricultural & Unit Officer, Unit 12, AINRP on University Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Anand Agricultural University, Anand- 388 110, Gujarat, Ph: 02692 - 290482, Fax: (02692) 261057, E-mailssrirammediplant, CCS Harayan Dr. I.S.Yadav, Sr. Scientist & Head, Agriculture Medicinal, Aromatic and Under-Utilized University, Plants Section, Department of Plant


Himachal Pradesh

Dr. YSP, UHF Nauni- Solan (HP)

Jammu & Indian Kashmeer Institute of Integrative Medicine, Jammu


Jharkhand Birsa Agricultural University


Karnataka Univesity of Agricultural Sciences



Kerala Agricultural University


Madhaya Pradesh

Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidhyalaya

Breeding, CCS HAU, Hisar- 125 004., Ph.- 01662-289283 (O), 09416439265 (M) Fax No. 01662-234952, 234613 Email:, isyadav@hau Dr. R.C. Rana, Deptt. Of Forest Products, Dr. YSP, UHF Nauni- Solan (HP), Pin code- 173 230, Ph: 01792-252495 (O), 94180-79012 (M), e. mail: Sh. Surinder Kithclu, Technical Officer 'E-I', Biodiversity & Applied Botany Division, Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Canal Road - Jammu 180001, J&K. ; E-mail: ; (M) 09419183619, 0191-2585361, (O) 0191-259000-10 Ext. 230 Dr. S.G. Abbas, HOD, Forest Product & Utilization, Birsa Agricultural University, P.O.- Kanke, Ranchi, pin code- 834 006, Jharkhand, Tel: 0651-2450500, Fax: 0651-2450850, 2450623 Dr. M. Vasundhara, Univesity of Agricultural Sciences, Division of Horticulture, GKVK, Bangalore- 560 065, Te;: 080-65315598, Extn:215, Fax:91080-3330277-3330684, E-mail : Dr. Baby P Skaria, Associate Professor & Head, Kerala Agricultural University, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali, Asamannoor P.O., Ernakulam District, Kerala, Pin- 683 549, Tel.- (0484) 2658221, (M) 9447873922, Fax: (0484) 2659881, Dr. S.D. Upadhyaya, Department of Crop & Herbal Physiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidhyalaya, Adhartal, Jabalpur, pin code- 482004, Madhya Pradesh., Email:, Tele:- 07612481858(O), 0761-2681217 , Fax: 0761-2481389 E-mail:


Maharash tra


Maharash tra




Meghalay a






Tamil Nadu

Mahatma Dr.C.B.Salunke, Officer In-charge, & Phule Krishi Associate Professor of Botany, Medicinal Vidyapeeth & Aromatic Plants Project, Department of Botany, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri. Dist. Ahmednagar 413 722, Ph: (O) 02426/243249, (M) 09850327873 T.Fax- 02426-243249, EDr. Dr. S.G. Bhave, Associate Dean, College Balasaheb of Forestry, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli - 415 Konkan 712, Dist. Ratnagiri, MS Tel: 02358Krishi 283655, 284013, Mob.: 09422371831, Vidyapeeth Fax No. 02358-283655, Email: Institute of Dr. Lokesh Deb, Scientist - B, Bioresources (Pharmacology), Medicinal Plants and and Horticultural Resources Divisiion, Sustainable Institute of Bioresources and Developmen Sustainable Development, Imphalt 95001, Manipur, Tel: 0385-2051277, Fax No. 0385-2446120 Indian Dr. Anupam Mishra, Principal Scientist & Council of Incharge, ATIC & Nodal Officer KVKs, Agricultural ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Research Umiam, Meghalaya - 793 103, Tel: 036425700298, M: 09436166505 Orissa Dr. Arun Kumar Das, Office-Associate University of Professor, Department of Hort. College Agriculture of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, & Dist- Khurda, Orissa. Pin Code- 751003, Technology Ph.-0674-2397818 Extn.- 142, e-mail:,; Mob. 09437278176 Punjab Dr. G.S. Cheema, Asstt. Plant Breeder, Agricultural Department of Agronomy, Punjab University Agricultural University (P.A.U.), (P.A.U.) Ludhiana. Pin Code- 141 004, Ph: 01612411427 (Direct), 0161- 2401960 extn308, Fax: 0161-2400945/2402483, Mob.: 09417669368 Tamil Nadu Dr. E. Vadivel, Director of Extension Agricultural Education, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University University, Coimbatore. Pin code- 641



Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Narendrapur


Uttrakhan d


West Bengal

003, Tamil Nadu, Tel: 0422-6611352, 6611233, Fax: 0422-6611433, Email:, Dr. O.P. Singh, Plant Breeder, Narendra Dev University of Agriculture & Technology, Narendra Nagar, Kumarganj, Faizabad - 224 229, Tel: 05270-262463, Fax: 05270-262024, Mob: 9415720215, Email:, Dr. D.P. Singh, Director, Experiment Station, Directorate of Research, G B Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, pin code-263 145, Ph. No.- 05944-233363 (O), 09412121119 (M), Fax: 05944-233473, E-mail: Mr. Jugeshwarananda, Assistant Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Narendrapur, Kolkata- 700 103, Ph. No.- 033 24772201/02/03, Extn. - 709, M- 9433353167, Fax.- (033)-2477 2070, Email

Annexure - VI

Guidelines for Project based support for Marketing under National Mission on Medicinal Plants

1. Market Promotion: There is already provision for 50% financial assistance. The Committee was of the view that sources of the balance 50% of the projects cost should be specified before approval of the projects. After discussions, it was decided that:54

1.1 Initially the project on Market promotion would be approved, inprinciple only. 1.2 50% of NMPB share (i.e. 50% of the project cost) as first installment to be released. 1.3 Balance 50% may be released on re-imbursement basis after the event is over. Note:- For advertisement, DAVP guidelines shall be followed and for advertisement in newspaper, only National daily shall be selected. 2. Market Intelligence: 100% assistance may be provided to The number of projects to be taken-up in with all India circulation

Implementing Agencies.

each state would, however depend on number of clusters of cultivation. After detailed discussions, following was decided by the Committee: 2.1. Number of projects to be taken up in each state will not exceed 10 numbers. 2.2. Financial assistance would be provided on 100% basis. 2.3. Financial assistance would be limited to Rs.10.0 lakhs per project including recurring expenditure restricted to Rs. 5.0 lakhs / year. 2.4. No regular staff would be taken up for market intelligence but implementing agency would implement the programme by hiring services of Marketing Consultancy organizations. 2.5 One project should cover minimum of 200 hectares cultivation. 3. Buy-back Intervention: In addition to growers / farmers and organizing buyer-seller meeting, there should be some incentive to industry so that their procurement of raw material 55 from growers/farmers remains economically beneficial. The percentage of financial assistance may be

linked with quantum of procurement but would not exceed 10% of the procurement cost which will be shared as 75% by growers / farmers and 25% by Purchasers / Industry. 4. Market Infrastructure: 4.1 Rural Mandi: The Rural Mandi may work on weekly basis and basic facilities like Auction Platforms, Storage godown; Drying shed with supporting services may be provided under rural mandies. Land would be provided by respective Public /SHG / Cooperatives and would not from part of the project cost. The guidelines in brief would be as under: Maximum assistance per rural mandi - Rs. 20.0 Lakhs. Rural Mandi may be basically collection centre in No. of Rural mandi may depend on number of clusters of These mandi to be linked with District Mandies/whole Basic infrastructure like Auction Platform, Drying shed, Land to be made available by respective SHG/

production areas. production. sale markets. Storage godown and supporting services to be provided. cooperative society

4.2 District Mandi / Whole sale market: Main features of District Mandies/Wholesale Market The District Mandies/Wholesale Market would operate on a Hub-andSpoke Format wherein the main Market (the hub) would be linked to a number of the spokes Rural Markets (Collection centers) The Rural Markets would be conveniently located at key production centers to allow easy farmers / collectors access and the catchments area of each spoke would be based on meeting the convenient needs 56

of farmers, operational efficiently and effective capital utilization of the investment. The District Mandies/Wholesale Market would establish backward linkages with farmers through the collection centers and forward linkages through wholesalers, distribution centers, processing units and exporters. Collection Centers in the villages would integrate producers, collectors and retailers, processing units and exporters into the market system. An electronic auction system would be established to ensure transparency in price fixation and competition. The scheme will attract and facilitate private sector investment in the agribusiness sector, by assisting the key stakeholders-entrepreneurs, producers, processing industry manufactures and exporters. Producers, farmers, collectors and their associations and other market functionaries from any part of the country may use the infrastructure and facilities of the wholesale Market directly or through the collection centers / Rural Mandi. The District Mandies/Wholesale Market would provide one-stop solution in terms of providing logistics support including transport services, warehouse facility etc.

Eligibility 100% assistance to Public / SHGs / Cooperative societies.

Quantum of Assistance: Rs. 200.0 Lakhs for District Mandi

Commodities The commodities to be marketed by the District Mandies / Wholesale Market will include medicinal plants, herbs etc. 57

Location The State Government will approve the number and indicative location of the District Mandies/Wholesale Market based on the demand, economic viability, commercial considerations etc. Core facilities and essential services to be provided at the District Mandies/ Wholesale Markets: 1.Electronic facility auction 8. Material handling 15. Basic lodging


(palletisations services

and plastic crates) 2. Storage facility 9. Movement and parking 16. facility for vehicles 3. Temperature 10. Futures trading facility Storage area of

plastic crates 17. Standards for the produce arriving at the market

controlled warehouse



grading, 11. Transport services

18. Bulk weighment etc

washing and packing lines 5. Labeling of 12. Banking services 19. desks fuelling 20. services, general Emergency policing/ security and Drinking water,




to toilets and information

transactions 6. displays/bulletin services Price 13. Vehicle


Fire fighting services 7. Quality testing 14. Waste and refuse


treatment and disposal

In addition to the above, the district mandies/ wholesale market will provide the following user facilities and services free of charge to the users. 1. Price information display screens both at the central and the collection centers (Rural Mandi) for medicinal plants 58


Advisory on inputs, prices, quality for AYUSH Industry.

Approval of the Proposal: The proposals would be submitted by respective Mission Director, duly approved by their SLSC for consideration of TSC and SFC of NMPB. Release of Funds The funds will be released based on the progress of works in three installments. The State authorities will have to monitor the implementation and furnish quarterly progress reports of utilization of central assistance.

National Mission on Medicinal Plants Nodal Officers and Controlling Officers of Implementing Agencies S. Name of No the . State 1 Andhra Pradesh Name of Nodal Officers Address/phone No./Fax No./ Mobile No. and E-mail Ids Dr K. P. Srivasuki, IFS Chief Executive Officer & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants AP Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Board, 6th Flr, APGLI Building, Tilak Road, ABIDS, Hyderabad - 500001 (Andhra Pradesh)

Name of Controlling Offices Address/ phone No./Fax No. Mobile No/Email Ids Shri J. Sathyanarayana, IAS Principal Secretary Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department Government of Andhra Pradesh III Floor, L-Block Secretariat, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Tele: 040-23455824

Tele: 040-66364094, 40047795 Fax: 040-66364094, 40047795 Mob ; 09440810648 E-mail :,

Fax: 040-23457817 Email :

Arunach al Pradesh

Sh. Jombo Ratan Director of Horticulture & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants, Government of Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar, Chimpu-791111 (Ar. Pradesh) Tel : 0360- 2203220, 2203253 Fax: 0360- 2203635, 2203253 Mob: 09436041740 Email- Shri Chandi Ram Hazarika Director of Horticulture & Mission Director State Mission on Medicinal Plants Dispur, Guwahati 22 (Assam) Tel: 0361-2335303 Fax: 0361-2335303 Mob: 09454595574 Dr. Amrinder Singh, I.F.S. Director of Horticulture & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants Government of Bihar, Barrack No. 13, Main Secretariat Complex, Patna 800 015 (Bihar) Telfax: 0612- 2215215 Fax: 0612- 2215215 Mob: 09431203770 / 09431818923, Shri N.C. Pant

Mr Tajom Taloh Commissioner Horticulture, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar 791111 (Ar. Prad.) Tele : 0360 -2212632, 2212980, 2217966 [Sh. T.Tatung, Dy. Director of Horticulture, (Nodal Officer), T: 0360-2203635 M: 094360-47007] Shri R. T. Jindal, IAS A.P.C. & Principal Secretary, Agriculture Department, Dispur Govt. of Assam, Guwahati (Assam) Tel: 0361 -2237250 Fax: 0361- 2237226 Mob: 09435550077 Shri K. C. Saha Agriculture Production Commissioner, Government of Bihar, Vikas Sadan, Patna (Bihar) Tel: 0612- 2223720 Fax: 0612- 2224365




Shri Surjues Minz,


Goa *



Chief Executive Officer & Mission Director State Mission on Medicinal Plants Chhatisgarh State Medicinal Plants Board Medical College Road, Raipur - 492001 (Chhattisgarh) Fax: 0771-2522056 Tel: 0771-2522057 Mob: 09425246356 Shri S.S.P. Tendulkar, Director of Agriculture & Mission Director, Government of Goa, IVth Floor, Vidyut Bhavan, Panji. Goa Tel: 0832-465443, 2465848 Fax: 0832-2224747/ 2422243, 2465441 Mob-09423061340 Dr. S.R. Chaudhari Director of Horticulture & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants Government of Gujarat, Cha Road, Krishi Bhawan, Sector10A, Gandhi Nagar382010 (Gujarat) Tel: 079 23256104 Fax: 079-23256113 Mob: 09978405028 Dr. Stayavir Singh, DG Hort. Director of Agriculture & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants Government of Haryana, Udhyan Bhawan, Sector 21, Panchkula, Haryana Tel: 0172 2582322 Fax: 0172-2582595 Mob-09779888000

Agriculture Production Commissioner & Principal Secretary (Agriculture), Government of Chhattisgarh, Deptt. of Agriculture, D.K.S. Bhavan, Mantralaya, Raipur 492 001, (Chhattisgarh) Tel: 0771-2221345 Mob: 09425009000 Sh. K. S. Singh Secretary (Agriculture) & Development Commissioner, Secretariat, Govt. of Goa, Porvorium 40352( Goa) Tel: 0832419418,24191418, Fax: 2419417, 2419663 Shri R K Tripathi, IAS Principal Secretary Deptt. of Agriculture & Coop. Government of Gujarat, New Sachivalaya Complex Gandhi Nagar 382 010 Tel: 079-23250803 Fax: 079-23252365

Shri Roshan Lal, Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary, Government of Haryana, Agriculture Department, R.No. 306, 3rd Floor, Mini Secretariat, Sect-17, Chandigarh160 017 (Haryana) Tel: 01722711658,2713485 Dr. B.S. Sharawat Joint Director of Horticulture, Haryana (Mob: 9216146908) Shri P.S. Draik Director (AYUSH) & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants Department of ISM& H, Ayurveda Bhawan,2, 6- SDA Complex, Kusanpati, Shimla 171002 (H.P) Tel: 0177-26122262 Fax: 0177-2842390/ 2622010 Mob: 09418340713 Shri Dr. G. H. Shah (Kashmir) Director of Horti. & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants, Government of Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar Region, Rajbagh,Srinagar Tel: 0194 2311484 Fax: 2311287 Mob: 09419187520 [Sh. J.L. Sharma (Jammu) Director of Horticulture D/o Horticulture Talab Tiloo, Golepully, Jammu-180002 (J&K) Tel: 0191-2505781/2501219 Mob: 094192-02385 ] (PA-Mukesh-09419209207) Dr. Prabhakar Singh Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants, Government of Jharkhand, Krishi Bhavan Complex, Kanke Road, Ranchi 834008 (Jharkhand)

Fax: 0172- 2704453/ 2724409 Mob: 09316121781 Mr. Deepak Sanan Principal Secretary, Ayurveda/ Health Government of Himachal Pradesh , Shimla.-171002 (H.P)

Himacha l Pradesh


Jammu & Kashmir

Md. Iqbal Khandey, IAS Principal Secretary, Agriculture Production Dept. Government of J& K Secretariat, Jammu / Srinagar Tel: 0194-2479419 T/F: 0194-2470357 Tel: 0191-2540531 Fax: 0191-2546883


Jharkhan d

Sh. Amrinder Singh Principal Secretary (Agriculture) Government of Jharkhand, Department of Agriculture, Nepal House, Doranda, Ranchi 2, Jharkhand




Tel: 0651 - 2230789, 2232746 Fax: 0651-2230793 Mob: 09470590880 Karnatak Dr. N. Jay Ram a Director of Horticulture & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants Government of Karnataka, Lalbagh, Bangalore560004 (Karnataka) 080 26571925,Fax 26578072 080-26570933 Mob: 09731503000 09448999200/ 09844085405 Kerala Dr. K. Prathapan, Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants Sunny Dale, Meads Lane, Palayam, Thiruvanathapuram - 695034 (Kerala) Tel: 0471 330856, 2330857; Fax: 0471-2330867 Mob: 09446540856 Madhya Smt. Rashmi Arun Shammi, (IASPradesh 1994) Director of Horticulture & Mission Dirt, State Mission on Medicinal Plants Government of Madhya Pradesh, Right Wing, 6th Floor, Vindhyachal Bhavan, Bhopal 462 004(Madhya Pradesh) Tel: 0755 2578491/ 2576960 Fax: 0755-2768159/ 2576958 Mob: 09425049190 Maharas htra J.Dir. Atul Mishra- 0755-2578491 Shri A. K. Haral Managing Director & Mission Director,

Tel: 0651-2490578 Fax: 0651-2490940 Mob: 9835150819 Shri S.G. Hegde, IAS Secretary (Horticulture), Govt. of Karnataka, Room No. 405, MS Building, Bangalore (Karnataka) Tel: 080-22353939 Fax: 080-22385687 Mob: 09448999206, 09880244222 (PS Suguna) Shri K. Jay Kumar, Addl. Chief Secretary & APC, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Tel: 0471-2327550 Fax: 0471-2327550 Mob: 09447027285 Sh. Anil Srivasthav, Secretary (Horticulture), Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Vallabh Bhavan, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Tel: 0755-2767915 Fax: 07552600384,4282283 Mob: 09425014155 Mr. Sewaram-09424400379


Shri N.B. Patil, Principal Secretary (Agri. & Horti.)




Meghala ya




Nagalan d

State Mission on Medicinal Plants Maharashtra State Horticulture& Medicinal Plants Board, Sakhar Sakul, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411 005 (Maharashtra) Tel: 020- 25534860/ 25513228, 25535441, Fax: 020-25511302 Mob: 09423034121 Sh. Ratan Kumar Singh Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plant Director of Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Sanjenthong, Imphal - 795001 (Manipur) Tel: 0385-2449765, 2422115 Fax: 0385-2451890/ 2451089 Mob: 09436032345 Sh. T. T. C. Marak CEO & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants, Sylvan House, Lower Lachumiere, Shillong- 793001 (Meghalaya) Tel: 0364-2227271 Fax: 0364-2504068 Mob: 094361 04513 Sh. Samuel Rosanglura Director Horticulture & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plant, Government of Mizoram, Aizwal (Mizoram) Tel: 0389 2314370 Fax: 0389 2329725; Mob: 09436140587 Sh. Moatoshi Longkumer Team Leader & Mission Director,

Govt. of Maharashtra, Mantralaya, Mumbai- 462004 Tel: 020-22025357, 22024976 Fax: 020-22813350 Mob: 09870109450 in Shri K. Moses Chalai (IAS) Commissioner Horticulture Government of Manipur, New Secretariat, Imphal - 795001 (Manipur) Tel: 0385- 2450025 (R): 2423399

Shri C. D. Kynjing, IAS Principal Secretary, Forest & Environment Government of Meghalaya, Shilong (Meghalaya) 0364-2226424

Sh. Lau Thya Tochhawng Commissioner and Secretary (Agri.), Government of Mizoram Aizwal, Mizoram Tel: 0389-2322763, 2322541, Fax: 2323224 Mob: 09436141059 Mr. Alemtemshi Jahir Addl. Chief Secy & Dev.





State Mission on Medicinal Plants, Nagaland Bio-Resource Mission Director of Land Resources Development, Office Bldg., Below New Secretariat Road, Kohima (Nagaland) Mob: 09436003639 Dr. K.C. Das Director of Horticulture & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants, Directorate of Horticulture Government of Orissa, Udyan Bhawan, Bhubaneswar - 751 015 (Orissa) Tel: 0674 2551831 Fax: 0674-2551978 Mob: 09437209526 Dr. Lajvinder Singh Brar, Director of Horticulture & Mission Director, Government of Punjab, SCO 842-43, Sector 22-A, Chandigarh (Punjab) Tel: 01722707806 Fax: 0172-2706534 Mob: 09915705899 Dr. Brahmjot Mob: 9815069963 Fax: 0172-5086064 Sh. Gyana Ram Director Horticulture & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants, Government of Rajasthan, Directorate of Horticulture, Pant Krishi Bhavan, Janpath, Jaipur 302005 (Rajasthan) Tel: 0141- 2227606, 2227976 Fax: 0141-2227977 Mob: 09414059954

Comm. & APC, Government of Nagaland, Kohima, (Nagaland) Tel: 0370- 2270085 Fax: 0370-2270877

Shri U.P. Singh, Commissioner cum Secretary (Agriculture), Government of Orissa, Orissa Secretariat, Rajeev Bhavan, Bhubaneswar 01 (Orissa) Tel: 0674-2391325 Fax: 0674- 2393948 Mob: 09437067120 email: Sh. Navneet Singh Kang Financial Commissioner (Development) Government of Punjab, Punjab Civil Secretariat, Room No. 214,Sector-9, Mini Sectt., Chandigarh 160009(Punjab) T/F: 0172 2741189/2747279 PABX: 0172-2742243 Mob: 09876139966 Dr. O.P. Saini (IAS) Principal Secretary (Hort) Government of Rajasthan 45, Secretariat, Jaipur 2700606 (Rajasthan) T/F: (O) 0141-2227717 (R) 0141-2574455 Mob: 09829225831 [Sh. Devender Chaudhary Dy. Director Horticulture, T/F: 0141-2227840


Rajastha n



Shri K.K. Singh Director of Horticulture & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants, Government of Sikkim, Krishi Bhavan, Tagong, Gangtok 737102 (Sikkim) Tel: 03592- 231960, Fax: 03592-231960 Mob: 09832066187 P.T. Bhutia, Mob: 09434755234 Dr. B. Chandra Mohan, IAS-1995 Director of Horticulture & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants, M/o Agri., Government of Tamil Nadu, Agriculture Complex, 3rd Floor, Chepauk, Chennai 600005, (T.N.) Tel: 044- 28524643, 28521645, 28413165 Fax: 044-28512300 Mob: 09444072746 (PA-Shiv Kr.) Mr. Perariyaswamy J.D. (Hort) Tel: 04428510870 Mob: 094430-92881 Sh. K. Prathapan, Asst. Dir. Horticult. Mob: 09282158334 Dr. C. R. Bandopadhyay, Director of Horticulture Government of Tripura, Paradise Choumuhani, Agaratala 799001 (Tripura) Tel: 0381 2324739 Dr. R. C. Sundriyal,

M: 9413387198] Shri Vishal Chauhan Secretary (Horticulture) Government of Sikkim, Krishi Bhavan, Tagong, Gangtok 737102 (Sikkim) Tel: 03592-222586 T/Fax: 03592- 231892 Mob. 09434008110 Sh. Korlo Bhatia, Add. Direct. Tel: 03592-232614 Mob: 09434410281 Shri K. Nanda Kishore, IAS APC and Secretary, Government of Tamil Nadu, Secretariat, Fort St. George, Chennai (Tamil Nadu) Tel: 044-25674482 Fax: 044- 25674857 Mob: 09841090790


Tamil Nadu


Tripura *



Dr. G.S.G. Ayyangar, Commissioner and Secretary (Horticulture), Government of Tripura, Civil Secretariat, Agartala (Tripura) Tel: 0381-2323357 Mob: 09436120622 Shri Napal Chayal,



Uttar Pradesh


West Bengal


Andama n Nicobar Islands *

Director, Herbal Research & Development Institute (HRDI) & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants Mandal-Gopeshwar, Distt-Chamoli Uttarakhand, 246401 Tel: 01372-252572, Fax: 01372-253855, Mob: 09410394846, Sh. Hari Shankar Pandey Director of Horticulture & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants Government of Uttar Pradesh, Department of Horticulture & Fruit Processing, Udyan Bhavan, 2, Saproo Marg, Lucknow 22600 (U.P) Tel: 0522-2623277,2239589, 4044414 Fax: 0522-2621382 Mob: 9415520162 (PARamesh) Dr. P.K. Pramanick, Director of Horticulture & Mission Director, State Mission on Medicinal Plants, Government of West Bengal, Directorate of Horticulture, 4th Floor, Mayuk Bhavan, Salt Lake, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700 09 (West Bengal) Tel: 033- 23593884 Fax: 033-23593882 Mob: 09831496662, 09433093261 Sh. M.S. Salam Director (Agriculture & Horticulture), UT of Andaman and Nicobar Islands,

Addl. Chief Secretary, Government of Uttarakhand, Uttarakhand Secretariat, Rajpur Road, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) Tel: 0135-2714113, 2712922, Fax: 0135-2712114 Addl. : 2712910

Shri Krishn, Principal Secretary (Horticulture), Government of Uttar Pradesh Ist Floor, Bapu Bhawan, UP Civil Secretariat, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) Tel: 0522- 2238669 Fax: 0522-2235881 Mob: 09839557078

Shri S K Nural Haqqe, IAS Principal Secretary (FPI & Hort.) Government of West Bengal, Mayuk Bhavan, Vidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700 09 (West Bengal) Tel: 033- 23374244 Fax: 033- 23372922 Sh. Janak Digal, Development Commissioner & Secretary, UT of A&N Islands Tel: 03192-233205,




Port Blair T/Fax : 03192- 233257 Fax : 03192- 232809/231890 M : 09434266633 Lakshad Shri P. Mullakoya, weep * Director (Agriculture), UT of Lakshadweep, Kavaratti-682555 Lakshadweep Tel: 04896 262483/262018/262246, 262952 Fax: 04896-262097 New Shri D.K. Thakur, Delhi * Joint Director (Agriculture), Office of the Joint Director (Agriculture) Government of NCT of Delhi, 11th Floor, MSO Building, I.P. State, New Delhi 110 002 Tel: 23713399 Mob: 9868578698 Pondiche Shri G.V. Kaliaperumal, rry * Director (Agriculture & Horticulture), UT of Pondicherry (Pondicherry) Tel: 0413 233712, 2336945, 2336543,2336218

Fax: 234005 Mob: 09434284199 Mr. Saied Mohmmad Koyu, Secretary (Agriculture), UT of Lakshadweep, Kavaratti 682555, (Lakshadweep) 04896-262256 ,2638180 Shri D.M. Spolia, Development Commissioner, Government of NCT of Delhi, 5/9 Under Hill Road, New Delhi T: 23941773 F: 23957289 Mr. D.C. Sahoo Secretary (Agriculture & Horticulture), UT of Pondicherry (Pondicherry) Tel: 0413 -2336115, Fax: 0413-2333271-274 Mob: 09894034085 Shri Vijay Kumar, Secretary (Agriculture), UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Moti Daman 396220 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 02639-254978


Dadra & Nagar Haveli *

Smt. Renu Sharma, Director of Agriculture, UT of Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Secretariat Building, Moti Daman 02639- 254856 (Dr. K.Y. Sultan-Direct.-Medicinal Health Service/ Fax:260-2230570))



No 1 .

State/UT A&N Island s

Name & Address

Telephone/Fax No. Tel.No 03192-233257 Telefax:- 03192233257

2 .

Andhra Pradesh

Dr. M.A Salam Director & Member Secretary, SMPB, Department of Agriculture, Secretariat, A & N Island, Port Blair-744102 (A&N) Dr. K. P. Srivasuki, IFS, Addl. PCCF, CEO & Mission Director, Andhra Pradesh Medicinal & Aromatic Plant Board Deptt. Of Health, Medical & F.W., 6th Floor, APGLI Building, Tilak Road, Abids , Hyderabad 500001.(Andhra Pradesh) Sh. T. Gapak, IFS DCF (Ind.) & Member Secretary, Arunachal Pradesh, State Medicinal Plants Board Department of Environment & Forests Office Complex, Chimpu, Vanvihar, Itanagar, (Aruanchal Pradesh) 791111. Sh Rajendra P. Agarwalla Member Secretary, State Medicinal Plants Board, Assam, O/o the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Assam, Rehabari, Guwahati-781001 (Assam) Dr. R.K Sharma, Nodal Officer, SMPB, Health & F.W. Deptt., Assam Secretariat (Civil), Dispur, Guwahati 781006(Assam) Sh. C.K. Mishra, Principal Secretary & Member Secretary, SMPB,

3 .

Arunach al Pradesh

4 .


Tel: -040-40047795 Telfax:- 040 -66364094/ Resi. - 23400569/ 23351805 Cell No. 09440810648 m apmaboard@gmail.c om TeleFax- 03602203566, 2291147 (SMPB) Tel. 2203964 Fax No. - 2203961 Mobile: 09436055035 gnsinhauk@yahoo.c Telfax: 03612450469, 2738445 Fax: 0361-2606767 Mobile: 09435049534 Telefax: 03612237265 Mobile: 09435046978 Telfax: 0612-2205133 Tel. No.- 09431668619

5 .


Department of Health & FW New Secretariat, Govt of Bihar, Patna - 800015( Bihar) Dr. Tabrez Akhtar Lari, Officer on Special Duty, OSD, Shop No. 2, Sapna Apartment, Naya Tola, Patna 800004 6 . Chandig arh

Mobile : 06122224608 m

7 .

Chhattis garh

8 . 9 .

Daman & Diu Dadra & Nagar Haveli

1 0 .


1 1 .


Telefax: 06122690252 Mob.: 09430510653, Res.: 0612-2918030 Shri Santosh Kumar Tel. No. 0172Chief Executive Officer, 782645,775951 State Medicinal Plants Board , Res.: 0172-545225 Old Architect Building, Sector 19B, Fax-0172-782645 Madhya Marg, Chandigarh - 160019. (UT) Sh. N.C.Pant Tel: 0771-2522056 Chief Executive Director, Fax: 0771-2522057, Chhattisgarh State Medicinal Plants 2886152 Board, Mob: 09425208876 Medical College Road, cgvanoushadhiboar Raipur 492001 (Chhattisgarh) Dr. Vaishya Tel. No. 0260Director, Deptt. Of Medical & Health 2230470, 2250793 Services, Secretariat, Fax - 0260-2230570, Moti - 396220. (UT of Daman) Mob.: 09825142600 Sh. A.D Nikam Tel No. 0260-264Deputy Conservator of Forests (T), 3594, 2640424, Forest Department, Fax No.: 0260Silvassa 396230 (Dadra & 2642734 Nagar Haveli) silvassaforests@red Dr. B.S. Banerjee Tel No. 23682962, Director (ISM&H) & CEO (SMPB) 23682963 Directorate of Indian System of Telefax.: 23392018 Medicine & Homeopathy, Mobile: 9868281006 Government of NCT of Delhi, A&U Tibbia College Campus, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005 Dr. Shashi Kumar, IFS (1980) Telefax : 0832Addl. Pr. Chief Conservator of 2224747 Forests & Member Secretary, Fax: 0832-2422240, State Medicinal Plant Board, 2224747

1 2 .


Gomantak Maratha Samaj Bldg, Dayanand Smrithi Road, Old Passport Office, Panaji-403001.(Goa) Sh. Suresh Chandra Pant, IFS Chief Executive Officer, State Medicinal Plants Board, Block 7th, 7th Floor, New Sachivalaya Gandhinagar 382010 (Gujarat)

Mobile: 09447015566 (PA Mrs Lobo) Tel.: 079-23238425 Fax: 079-23254517 Mobile: 09978406175 smpbgujarat@gmail .com in State Medicinal Plants Board, Block no.7, 8th Floor, New Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. (O):07923238425,(F) : 07923254517 e-mail: smpbgujarat@gmail.c om Telefax : 01722566623/ 2560706 Mob.: 09417970560 Res.: 0172-2573784 m

1 3 .


Sh. G.K. Ahuja IFS CCF(Prod.) & CEO, SMPB Govt. of Haryana, Plot No.C-18, Van Bhawan Sector-6, Panchkula-134109. (Haryana) (PA-Naveen) Sh. M.S. Malik, Regional, DFO, Eco-tourism Sh. P.S. Draik Director (Ayurveda) & Member Secretary, HPSMPB Directorate of Ayurveda Ayurveda Bhawan, SDA Complex, Block No. 26, Kasumpti Shimla-171009 (Himachal Pradesh) Dr. Rajiv Thakur Inch. Herbal Garden- Nodal Officer Himachal Pradesh State Medicinal

1 4 .

Himacha l Pradesh

Tel.: 0177- 2622262 Fax : 0177- 2622010 Telefax: 01772623978 Mob.: 094183-40713

PABX: 0177-2623066 (Extn. 40) Mobile: 094180-

Plants Board Ayurveda Bhawan, SDA Complex, Block No.26, Kasumpti Shimla-171009. (Himachal Pradesh)


1 5 .

Jammu & Dr. Abdul Kabir Dar Kashmir (April to October) Director ISM (CEO/Member Secretary) Govt. of J&K, ZamZam Building, Ram Bagh, Srinagar. (J&K) (PA Irshad/Ravi Sharma/Vinod) Dr. Abdul Kabir Dar (Novermber to March) Director ISM (CEO/Member Secretary) Govt. of J&K, Indira Chawk, Jammu.(J&K) Jharkhan Dr. D.K. Tiwari d Secretary (Health & F.W) & Member Secretary, SMPB Nepal House, Dovanda, Ranchi-834002.(Jharkhand) Karnata ka Dr. Ravi Ralph (IFS-1980) CEO, Karnataka Medicinal Plants Authority (KAMPA), 4th Floor, VanVikas, 18th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560003. (Karnataka)

Tel. No. 01942443096, 2440174 Fax. 2437727 Mobile.: 09419005257 m

Telefax: 01912543988

1 6 .

Tel No.: 06512491033 Fax No: 06512490314 Mobile: 09430002415

Telfax-080-23466431, 23464089 Neighbour fax.: 08023343167 Mob: 094485-75277

1 7 .

1 8 .


kampabangalore@y Shri H. Nagesh Prabhu, IFS Tel No.: 0487Chief Executive Officer 2323151/2459379 State Medicinal Plants Board, Kerala Fax No.: 0487Shornur Road, Post Thiruvambady, 2323151/2459378 Thrissur-680022. (Kerala) Mobile: 0944-7015566 (Factory 04872459377) trc_oushadhi@sabch smpbkerala@gmail.

1 9 .

Lakshad weep

Dr. S.Thirunaavukarasu, IFS, CF Conservator of Forest & Member Secretary, Lakshadweep Medicinal Plants Board, Kavaratti. (UT of Lakshadweep) Sh. Ravi Shrivastava Commissioner, & Addl. M. D. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, M.P.State MFP (Trade & Dev.) Cooperative Federation, Khel Parisar, Indira Nikunj, 74, Bunglow, Bhopal-462003. (Madhya Pradesh)

com Resi.: 0487-2387085 Tel. No.: 04896 262592 Fax: 04896-263365 Mobile No.:09447193592

2 0 .

Madhya Pradesh

Tel. No.: 0755 2674244, 2675258 (PABX) 2674349 Fax No.: 0755 2552628 Mobile: 09425-184574 mdmfpfed@sanchar Res.: 0755 2674321 Telefax (O) 02025534860 Fax no.: 02025513226/25511302 Mob: 09923051957 SMPB 02025534860/25535441 mshmpb_pune@redi Telefax.: 03852416037 Fax: 0385- 2450515Mktg. Offcr Mob. : 09856904729/094368 94604 smpb_imphal@yaho Tel: 0364-2226403 (O) Fax.: 0364-2504068

2 1 .

Maharas htra

Mr H.K. Haral Managing Director, Maharashtra State Horticulture and Medicinal Plants Board, 1st Floor, Sakhar Sankul, Shivaji Nagar, Pune-411005(Maharashtra)

2 2 .


Dr. A. Goneshwar Sharma Member Secretary & Nodal Officer State Medicinal Plants Board, Medical Directorate, Lamphelpat, Imphal (West) -795004. (Manipur)

2 3 .

Meghala ya

Sh. R. Shullai Chief Executive Officer, State Medicinal Plants Board,


Sylvan House, Lower Lachumiere, Shillong-793001. (Meghalaya) Mr. T.T.C. Marak, CEO & CCF (Territorial) Dr. James/ Dr. C. Lalthanmawia09436141470 Nodal Officer State Medicinal Plants Board, Directorate of Health Services, Dinthar Veng, Aizawl 796001 (Mizoram) Dr.N.Pallai, Director of Health Services Dr. V. Sekhose (Principal Director) Member Secretary, SMPB &Asstt. Director (ISM), Directorate of Health Services, Government of Nagaland, Kohima 797 001 (Nagaland) Sh. P.K. Mallick, IFS CCF & CEO-cum-Member Secretary - SMPB, Forest & Environment Department Mayur Bhawan, Sahidnagar, Bhubaneswar, Orissa-751007
Dr. Rakesh Sharma Member Secretary, SMPB & Director (Ayurveda) Directorate of Ayurveda, S.C.O. No.-823-824, Sector-22-A, Chandigarh 160022

2 4 .


Website: Tel: 0364-2227271, Mobile: 09436104513 Telefax: 03892315837,2316132, 2320169 Tel. 0389-2328061, 2323452 Mob: 098622887547, 09436141470 hbjames007@yahoo
Tel. No.: 03702242204(O) Res.: 0370-244296 Fax No.: 0370-2244622 Mob: 09436000463

2 5 .

Nagalan d

2 6 .


Tel. No.: 06742543911 Mob: 094370-75627 Fax: 0674-2544911 smpborissa@gmail. com

Telefax. 0172 2702708 Mob: 098147-79242

2 7 .


2 8 . 2 9 .

Puduche rry

Rajastha n

Dr. V. Sankar Reddy Director, ISM &H & CEO, SMPB 51, Ambour Salai, Upstair of Chest Clinic, UT of Pondicherry-1. Sh. Bharat Taimini, IFS, Chief Conservator of Forests & Member Secretary, Rajasthan State Medicinal Plants Board, 373A, Pant Krishi Bhawan, 3rd Flr, Jaipur -302005(Rajasthan)

Tel No: 04132249356, 2223532 Mobile: 09443413723 Tel. No.0141 2227942, 2227952 Fax No. 0141 2227977/7997/1340 Mobile: 09414157359 Res.: 0140 5172458

3 0 .


Shri C.S. Pradhan, Addl. Director, NTFP-cum-CEO SMPB Department of Forest, Environment & Wildlife, Govt. of Sikkim,Deorali-737102. Gangtok, (Sikkim) Mr. S.T. Lachungpa, PCCF & Member Secretary Mr. T Gyatso Bhutia,Nodal Officer(Mobile: 094341-96226) Sh. N. Chandrashekharan, Member Secretary, SMPB Tamil Nadu Commissioner, ISM & Homoeopathy, Arignar Anna Govt. Hospital Campus, Arumbakkam, Chennai- 600106. (P.S Mr. Silvarajan/P.A Mrs. Sheila)

Tel No.: 03592281935 Fax No.: 03592281778 Mobile: 09434153471 maapsikkim@yahoo .com Tel: 03592281261/877 Mobile: 09434755485 Tel. No.: 04426214718 26214929 (EPABX) 044-24794786 (R) Fax: 044-26206223, 28512300 Mobile: 09444069254 in Tel: 044-2852 46431645, 28413615 Mobile: 09444072746 Fax: 28512300 Tel: 044-28524643 Mob.: 09443028861 Tel. No.: 03812397325 Fax: 0381-2397324 Mob: 09436168611 deepadnair@gmail.c om Tel/F. No.: 01352712950 Mob:094120-87185 Email: m Telefax: 0522 2841013, 2841146, 0522-2841111,

3 1 .

Tamil Nadu

3 2 .


3 3 .

Uttarakh and

3 4 .

Uttar Pradesh

Sh. B. Debbarma Chief Executive Officer Medicinal Plants Board of Tripura, Van Gaveshana Sadan, Hatipara, Gandhigram, Agartala-799012. (Tripura) Sh. G.S. Pande Additional Secretary (Hort.) & CEO, SMPB 4, Subhash Road, Secretariat, Dehradun 248001 (Uttarakhand) Dr. Mukesh Gautam Director Deptt of Agriculture & Nodal Officer, State Medicinal

Plants Board, Govt. of U.P. Krishi Bhawan, Rehman Kheda, Lucknow-226001. (Uttar Pradesh) 3 5 . West Bengal Sh. Sukumar Ganai Member Secretary, SMPB & Joint Secretary ISM&H Block-GN, Swasthya Bhawan, Sector-5, 5th floor, Kolkata-700091. (West Bengal) (P.S.: A. Chaudhary) Dr. C. M. Ghosh Director, Nodal Officer 3rd floor, Central Blood Bank Building, Maniktala Junction, 205, Vivekanand Road, Kolkata-700006, (West Bengal)

2205860 Mob : 09450627706 (Dr. O.P. Singh Incharge) Mob: 092356-29363 Telefax: 03323575566, Ph.: 033-23330500 Fax.: dir_medbd@wbhealt Mob.: 094330-28701 Telefax: 03323504668 Mob: 09831852087, 09830368358


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